
Work Experience

Since 1998

Arbitrator for the Better Business Bureau since 2001

Trustee for the Milton Township Cemetery Commission 2001 – 2003

Webmaster for the Milton Township Republican Central Committee between 2000 – 2004

Legislative Liaison for the American Institute of CPAs and the Illinois CPA Society since 1999

Legal Assistant for Attorney Walter T. Charlton in Annapolis, Maryland since 1998

Arbitrator for NASD since 1998

Investment Portfolio Analyst since 1998

Consultant since 1998

Prior to 1998

Senior Analyst for the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) 1986-1997 and Analyst 1980-1986 — retired on September 30, 1997 with an ending salary of $72,460

9 years experience with GAO auditing federal financial institution regulators, 3 years experience auditing IRS’s Criminal Investigation Division, and 6 years experience auditing other federal agencies

Special Procedures Staff Advisor for IRS‘s Collection Division 1976-1980

Senior Revenue Officer for IRS 1974-1976

Revenue Officer for IRS 1971-1974

Retail Sales Manager for Firestone Stores 1970-1971

For additional information concerning my GAO and IRS work experience, please visit my curriculum vitae.