August 7, 2023


— FRONT PAGE WITH PICTURES: Democrats say “Once Trump supporters, billionaire Uihleins now spending millions to help DeSantis.”
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH BIG PICTURE: People are keeping vehicles longer than ever – Marni Pyke (COMMENT: I have owned my 1972 Chevrolet Corvette since 1971. I have owned my 1996 Ford Thunderbird LX since 1995. I have owned my 2005 Chevrolet Corvette since 2005.)

— Democrats acknowledge that “Girl, 8, killed in Portage Park shooting.”
— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.
— Democrats ever-increasingly push more pot.

— Loyola University Chicago’s Quinlan School of Business (COMMENT: I started taking and deducting graduate evening business courses at Loyola in 1972 when I was a 23-year-old IRS employee and I earned an MBA from Loyola in 1976. My Democrat IRS superiors ignored, dismissed, belittled, badmouthed, demonized, denigrated, and condemned my taking those courses. In 1974, they disallowed my travel vouchers. In 1975, they forced the IRS manager who had promoted me in 1972, 1973, and 1974 to transfer to Texas. In 1978, they disallowed my education deductions arguing a) that the courses did not relate to my job duties, b) that the courses did not maintain or improve my job skills, c) that I took the courses to qualify myself for a new trade or business and/or to get a job in the private sector, and d) that the courses were a distraction. To make the aforesaid false and disgusting arguments, they had to a) ignore the GS-7, GS-9, GS-11, and GS-12 position descriptions that they had given me, b) ignore the fact that the employee manual that they had given me in 1971 encouraged me to take the courses, and c) ignore the reasons why I took the courses that I stated in my Loyola admission application. They would not have taken the aforesaid adverse actions against me if I had been a Democrat, minority, female, and/or veteran. They would not have taken the aforesaid adverse actions against me if I had not been a National Treasury Employees Union member. In 1979, the tax court sided with me and allowed all the courses.)

— Democrats acknowledge that “Chicago shootings: At least 25 shot, 6 fatally, in weekend violence across city, police say.”

— Democrats acknowledge that “8-year-old girl shot to death in Portage Park.”

— Democrats acknowledge that “Chicago weekend shootings: 6 dead, 21 hurt.”
— Democrats knowledge that “8-year-old girl shot and killed in Portage Park.”

— Democrats acknowledge that “Teenage girl shot in the back in Chicago’s South Shore.”

— Democrats say “Illinois to ban advertising for guns allegedly marketed to kids and militants.”

— Democrats ever-increasingly a) run America and b) promote more hatred against Republicans.

— Democrats, otherwise known as “useful idiots” for countries that want to conquer America, ever-increasingly push more pot.

— Democrats crow that “Evanston has paid half a million in cash reparations so far.”

— Democrats crow that “Republican party organizations in some states are grappling with deep divisions.” Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform. The Republican Party platform is conservative. Disgustingly, tragically, and unacceptably, ever-increasingly, since at least the 1970s, the Illinois Republican Party (IRP), DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization have been ever-increasingly dominated by anti-conservatives if not conservative-haters. Most commonly, they reject the individual responsibility, traditional marriage and family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and/or equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in the Republican Party platform. I should write a book about the aforesaid. Anticipate/expect that the aforesaid anti-conservatives and conservative-haters will do everything that they can to officially strike the aforesaid planks from the IRP platform at the IRP State Convention next year.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Some state Republican parties are struggling. In Colorado, Michigan and Minnesota, to name a few, the parties’ organizations have suffered heavy election losses and are experiencing deep disagreements about the future of the GOP.)

— Democrats say “Trump targets judge in Jan. 6 case, says legal team will ask for recusal.” All the judges and justices in Diersen v. GAO promoted Affirmative Action, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, that is, they promoted political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination.

— Democrats say “Vivek Ramaswamy’s Hindu faith is front and center in his GOP presidential campaign.” I have never hidden the fact a) that my parents had me baptized as a Missouri Synod Lutheran (MSL), raised me as a MSL, and had me confirmed as a MSL and b) that I am 100% German American. I should write a book about those who have used those facts against me the most.

— Democrats say “Pritzker signs bills honoring ancestry of Native Americans in Illinois.” Because one of my coworkers was a Native American, the Democrats who ran GAO’s Chicago office 1980-1997 treated him far better than they treated me even though he shared many of my bad demographics: male, non-veteran, conservative, Republican, CPA, in a traditional marriage, homeowner, non-poor, Protestant, DuPage County resident, and someone whose ancestors had been in America for a long time. He differed from me in that he was younger than I was, he had started his career with GAO, he and his wife had children and she had little or no income, he never avoided the draft like I did, he was never a union member, he was to the left of me, he never complained about political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, or age discrimination, he had only one job-related master’s degree while I had two, he had not taken let alone passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination like I had done, and he had not become a Certified Fraud Examiner, Government Financial Manager, Financial Services Auditor, or Forensic Accountant like I had become.

— Democrats say “McCarthy heading to Illinois for Bost.”
— Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform, The Republican Party platform is conservative. Why do political jurisdictions trend Democratic? I should write a book about that. I would focus Illinois, DuPage County, DuPage County’s 4th District, Milton Township, Wheaton, Wheaton’s West District, and my precinct. I would focus on Republican Party leaders and elected officials who ever-increasingly since at least the 1970s a) fail/refuse to defend and advance the Republican Party platform, b) hint/imply/argue/shout that they are anti-conservative if not conservative-haters, and c) get rid of conservative Republican candidates, elected officials, party leaders, precinct committeemen, etc.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Butler’s victory is otherwise an anomaly in Will County, which is trending Democratic. “I see nothing happening that’s going to stop that,” said Roger Claar, the former longtime mayor of Bolingbrook, who previously sat on the Illinois Republican State Central Committee. Jim Durkin agrees: “There’s some pretty high-spirited Republicans in Will County that trend extremely conservative, but it doesn’t match up and it doesn’t play in a general election,” the former Illinois House GOP leader said.)

— Democrats say “morning briefing.”


— Record Illinois spending, nearly double since 2018, is unsustainable, senator says – Greg Bishop

— Gov. JB Pritzker’s new assault on free speech – Mark Glennon

— Major Tribune Article Following Family from Venezuela to Chicago Has Half-Truth Paragraph
— More Slicing and Dicing of Illinois Residents
— Omnibus Election Law Bill Signed
— Bill Foster Declines to Agree (Yet) to Debate Democratic Party Primary Opponent(s)
— Doxing Remedy Bill Signed
— DeSantis Not Exciting People in Iowa


— Trump-inspired visits to America’s chaotic, deadly border are new norm for GOP presidential hopefuls – Seth McLaughlin

— The DEI threat to our military academies – Editorial
— Chicago White Sox and Cleveland Guardians players break out in brawl – Jenny Goldsberry
— How debates can be make or break for candidates – Jack Birle
— Delegate rules changes give Donald Trump a leg up in 2024 primaries – Rachel Schilke

— The billionaires powering the 2024 Republican presidential candidates – Ryan King (COMMENT: I should write a book about major donors in Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois who have given the most money to Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct since 2000. I would focus on those major donors who reject the most planks in the Republican Party platform, most commonly, the individual responsibility, traditional marriage and family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and/or equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks. I would focus on those major donors and their candidates who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.)
— NY leaders must have their own march on Washington to demand Biden take action on the migrant crisis – Douglas Schoen and Andrew Stein

— RINO-bought Ron DeSantis teeters on the verge of losing his biggest bankroller – Olivia Murray

— Mandatory E-Verify Raises Wages for Florida Workers – JOHN BINDER (COMMENT: If there had been as many illegals when I was young as there are now, wages would have been much lower and I never would have been able to earn enough a) to buy a 1958 Chevrolet in 1964 when I was 16 years old, b) to buy a new 1966 Pontiac Tempest Sprint in 1966, c) to pay for my UIC expenses 1966-1968, d) to buy a new 1968 Oldsmobile 442 in 1967, e) to buy a new 1969 Dodge Charger SE in 1968, f) to pay for my NIU expenses 1969-1970, and g) to graduate debt-free from NIU in 1970 owning that Charger.)
— New York City’s Most Elite, Liberal Neighborhoods May Host Migrant Camps After Voting Up to 100% for Biden – JOHN BINDER (COMMENT: Where are the leaders of your municipality, your township, and your county going to put migrant camps? I anticipate/expect that Democrat and RINO leaders of Wheaton, Milton Township, and DuPage County will put one in the Prairie Path Park in my precinct.)
— ‘Go Woke, Go Home’: Fans Rejoice After U.S. Women’s Team Defeat at World Cup – DYLAN GWINN

— ‘Is God Queer?’– University of Chicago Religious Studies course examines God as ‘an ally in queer worldmaking’ The new Religious Studies course will feature ‘foundational concepts in queer and trans studies by focusing on queer Jewish, Christian, and Islamic theologies.’ Recent PhD recipient Olivia Bustion is set to teach the class this fall, and previously authored a dissertation, ‘Queering the City of God: W. H. Auden’s Later Poetry and the Ethics of Friendship.’ – Brandi Cunha (COMMENT: I should write a book about University of Chicago graduates a) who look down on me, b) who blame me and who blame my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters for their problems, and/or c) who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.)

— LGBTQ+ college students unhappy with less-than-‘perfect’ gender-inclusive housing

— LGBTQ Activist Org Awards Thousands To Schools Across The Country To Promote Gender Ideology – REAGAN REESE (COMMENT: How successful have Democrats been in promoting sexual activity and LGBTQ in the schools in your school district?)
— Here Are Some Of The Unexpected Gripes With Greg Abbott’s Buoy Border Barrier – JENNIE TAER
— DeSantis Says ‘Of Course’ Trump Lost The 2020 Election – MARY LOU MASTERS (COMMENT: In 2020, how many millions of illegals used their false identifications to vote for Biden and to vote for the rest of the Democrats?)

— NASCAR Suspends Driver For ‘Liking’ George Floyd Meme: ‘NASCAR Is Officially WOKE’ – Ryan Saavedra (COMMENT: My critics/opponents hate me with a passion. They have taken many big adverse actions against me. Needless-to-say, if you acknowledge that you read my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters, my critics/opponents will destroy you. I should write a book about my critics/opponents. Better yet, I should sue them.)

— What would happen if Democrat diversity mandates rocked the sports world? If Democrats ran an NFL team, their diversity guidelines would mean their players would never win. – Clay Travis

— Biden vacations as illegal aliens are CAGED in sweltering Arizona heat – KAREN TOWNSEND (COMMENT: My wife and I have not taken any real vacations since 1992 when my wife lost her U.S. League of Savings Institutions job.)

— Group Behind Harvard Affirmative Action Victory Now Targeting Military Service Academies. Students for Fair Admissions is actively looking for suitable plaintiffs with which to initiate suit against the service academies so as to eradicate affirmative action there as well; this is critical because a “selfless-servant, ‘colorblind’ culture is a national security imperative that is seriously weakened by racial preferences” – James Nault (COMMENT: On September 29, 1988, when I was a 40 year old GS-13 Step 3 (currently $117,047/year) GAO Analyst, I was successfully recruited to be a plaintiff in a class action lawsuit that charged GAO with reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation. My Democrat GAO superiors had a) recently thrown me off audits of IRS, b) forced the GAO manager to retire in 1987 who had arranged for my transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980, gotten me assigned to audits of IRS in 1986, and promoted me to GS-13 in 1986, c) kept me off audits of IRS 1980-1986, d) delayed my promotions to GS-11, GS-12, and GS-13, e) given me bad job assignments and unfair performance expectations and appraisals, f) assigned me to supervise all their employees who had performance problems, and g) forced me to suffer a $21,863/year (21%) pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980, a downgrade from GS-12 Step 5 to GS-9 Step 10. All my GAO coworkers who my Democrat GAO superiors had promoted over me were Democrats who were minority, female, younger than me, had less job-related work experience than I had, had less job-related education than I had, had fewer or no job-related professional certifications or licenses, were non-Protestant, were non-German American, and/or had ancestors who had not been in America for a long time. I had worked for IRS for almost 9 years, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels. I had earned an MBA from Loyola in 1976 and a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980. I had passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979 and the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981. I had become a licensed CPA in 1981.)
— McHenry County College in Illinois Offers ‘Talking Dirty’ Course. “covers various topics, including foreplay, BDSM and the morality of abortion” – Mike LaChance

— ‘My Ancestors Would Have Rolled Over in Their Graves’: Bud Light Heir Denounces Transgender-Influencer Partnership – ARI BLAFF

— Get Woke, Go Home: U.S. Women Out in Earliest Elimination in World Cup History – RICK MORAN

— Why Is There ANY Backlash to an Exposé of Child Trafficking? – Jeff Davidson

— ‘Diversity in Higher Ed is Under Attack’- Biden Admin Awards Minority Colleges $100 Million in Wake of SCOTUS’ Affirmative Action Ban – Jack Davis (COMMENT: To promote diversity is to promote hatred against Republicans who are heterosexual, conservative, White, male, older, non-poor, non-veteran, married, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or who have ancestors who have been in America for a long time.)


— Democrats crow that “Biden to host George Floyd’s family at White House.” How soon will BLM Democrats riot again in Illinois, in your county, in your township, and in your municipality? I should write a book about BLM Democrat riots in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton. I would focus on those who organized and financed those riots and those who participated in those riots.

— Democrats say “DeSantis Abolishes All Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives Within Disney World District Fanning Flames of Wokeness War.” Democrats and RINOs ever-increasingly use Affirmative Action, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to get rid of Republicans.
— Democrats and RINOs ever-increasingly make it clear that they reject the Supreme Court Affirmative Action (AA) decision. From the beginning, Democrats and RINOs have used AA and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to get rid of Republicans.

— Democrats acknowledge that “Residents protest asylum seeker shelter at Sunset Park Recreation Center.”

— Are classrooms exchanging MLK’s dream for identity politics? Some are dividing our world into two categories: persecutors and the persecuted. Reality is much more complex. – Robert P. George (COMMENT: According to Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and RINOs, Republicans persecute Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and RINOs who are LGBTQ, liberal, moderate, minority, female, younger, veteran, non-rich, non-married, non-Christian, non-Protestant, non-Italian American, non-German American, and/or those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time.

— Democrats say that “Elon Musk vows to fund legal bill of X users who face employer discrimination due to posting or liking something on this platform.” No individuals, no organizations, and no companies helped fund my lawsuit against GAO. Of course, individuals, organizations, and companies that reject the equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) plank in the Republican Party platform would not have helped fund my lawsuit, that is, of course, individuals, organizations, and companies that promote patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and/or age discrimination would not have helped fund my lawsuit.

— Democrats say “Musk Promises to Fund Legal Fights of Discriminated X Users.” No individuals, no organizations, and no companies helped fund my lawsuit against GAO. Of course, individuals, organizations, and companies that reject the equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) plank in the Republican Party platform would not have helped fund my lawsuit, that is, of course, individuals, organizations, and companies that promote patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and/or age discrimination would not have helped fund my lawsuit.

— Illegal immigrants in colleges soar to nearly 2% of population
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Vast majority of 408,000 illegal alien college students arrived in the U.S. during their formative years, either as children or teenagers and most often through former President Barack Obama’s DACA program. At least 408,000 students without legal documentation to be in the country enrolled in U.S. colleges and universities, yet another system impacted by the surge in illegal immigration, according to a new study. The new report by the American Immigration Council and the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education, found that undocumented migrants now account for nearly 2 percent of the higher education population. The vast majority, the authors noted, arrived in the U.S. in their formative years, either as children or teenagers and most often through former President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program that blocked deportation of certain foreign youth. These students, often referred to as “Dreamers,” have grown up in “American neighborhoods and attended American schools,” and now they are attending U.S. colleges, often on the American taxpayers’ dime. Recent data shows that taxpayers pay $182 billion each year to provide services and benefits to illegals and their dependents. The current total of illegal alien college students actually represents a slight decrease from 2019, when 427,000 undocumented students were enrolled in U.S. colleges and universities. “The drop,” according to the report, “likely reflects overall enrollment decline due to the pandemic and economic pressures, as well as factors that specifically impact undocumented individuals, such as the continued legal challenges to DACA.” The authors noted the number of young people with DACA protection or who are DACA-eligible is on the decline, “from 182,000 in 2019 to 141,000 in 2021.” One of the primary reasons for this involves “the program’s lack of updates to include individuals who arrived in the U.S. after 2007, which is the specified eligibility date.” For example, if someone arrived in the U.S. at the age of 3 in 2008, they would now be of prime college age yet ineligible for DACA. Undocumented students “represent a heterogeneous population in higher education, reflecting the broad range and overall diversity of first-generation immigrants in the United States.” For example, nearly half (46 percent) of undocumented students are Hispanic; more than 1 in 4 (27 percent) are AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander); and close to 14 percent are black. Meanwhile, 10 percent of undocumented students are white. The report noted that “undocumented students in higher education are concentrated in a small number of states.” In fact, 75 percent of undocumented students reside in 12 states. The vast majority of this 75 percent hail from just four states: California, Texas, Florida and New York. The study also gives significant detail on which colleges and universities are the biggest draw for illegal aliens: more than 77 percent are enrolled in “public two- and four-year colleges and universities, with a significant proportion of these students attending community colleges,” it said. Less than one in four (23 percent) of these students are attending private colleges and universities. As for DACA-eligible students, more than 4 in 5 (80.8 percent) attend public institutions, while close to 1 in 5 (19.2 percent) of them are attending private institutions. Although the percentage of both undocumented and DACA-eligible students attending public institutions slightly decreased between 2019 and 2021, the number of those attending private institutions actually increased. Finally, although most undocumented students are actively pursuing undergraduate degrees, the report shows that “a significant portion” are completing Masters and Ph.D. programs. To be specific, “14.2 percent of all undocumented students were pursuing graduate or professional degrees in 2021, a 3.9 percentage point increase from 2019, when 10.3 percent were.” Moreover, close to 1 in 5 (19.3 percent) of “DACA-eligible students were pursuing graduate or professional degrees, a 6.5 percentage point increase since 2019.” Through his foundation, Obama recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of DACA with a roundtable of students who benefitted and urged the current administration to give such aliens – many now adults – permanent lawful status. “I hope all of you continue to be advocates in whatever your professional lives are,” Obama said last month. “I think that it is going to be a long road for us – and so the more voices like yours are out there, the better chance we have of changing people’s attitudes. Part of the reason why we feel like it’s important on this 10th anniversary to highlight it, is because it’s not done.” “Having seen the remarkable things that this group of DACA kids have done with their lives, what an asset they are to this country, I hope it inspires us to redouble our efforts to permanently resolve their status,” he said. Some Republicans, however, are pressing in a different direction. Florida Gov, Ron DeSantis, a 2024 presidential candidate, earlier this year proposed eliminating in-state college tuition for undocumented students and beneficiaries of DACA, saying it isn’t fair for taxpayers to subsidize college degrees for those illegally in the country. But the Florida legislature did not act on the proposal during the 2023 session, delaying it for at least a year. Arizona voters last November approved in-state tuition for Dreamers.)

— Democrats ever-increasingly make it clear that they reject the Supreme Court Affirmative Action ruling.

— Democrats say “Conservative Groups Sue to Block Biden Plan Canceling $39 Billion in Student Loans.” I did not seek a student loan and I would not have gotten one if I had sought one. No one viewed me as being college material. Nevertheless, I took college preparatory courses, I got an ACT score of 24, I graduated in the upper 20% of my class, and I worked my way through college.)

— Socialists ever-increasingly encourage more illegal immigration.

Author: David Diersen

The opinions that I express in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are based on experience that I have gained doing many things since 1948. I base my opinions on what I learned a) working for the federal government for almost 30 years -- Post Office 1966-1969, IRS 1971-1980, and GAO 1980-1997, serving on the Executive Committee of the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter 1983-1996, and being a union member while I worked for the Post Office and IRS; b) earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976, a masters degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, and a masters degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997; c) passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979 and passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981; c) serving as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999, the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois Chairman 2005-2012, a member of the 2008 Illinois Republican Party (IRP) Platform and Resolutions Committee, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004; d) attending the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 IRP State Conventions as a delegate; e) being the subject of a nasty 4-page article in the February 1978 issue of Money Magazine; f) pursing litigation including Diersen v. GAO and Diersen v. Chicago Car Exchange; g) being married since 1978; h) living in Crete 1948-1972, in University Park 1972-1976, in Chicago 1976-1978, and in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton since 1978; and i) being baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran.