June 18, 2024

— Illinois Republican Party State Central Committee (SCC) has voted to remove Mark Shaw as Vice Chairman of the party. They will be voting next to remove him from the SCC. (COMMENT: Illinois Republicans anxiously await a press release on this from the Illinois Republican Party (IRP). Shaw is charged with acquired multiple delegate badges and voting as a delegate when was not appointed as one. The leaders of the Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO) refused to appoint me as a delegate to the 2004 IRP State Convention in Collinsville. I appealed to Kirk Dillard, the DuPage County Republican Central Committee Chairman at the time, who immediately appointed me as a delegate. Further, the IRP Executive Director refused my $250 for a GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletter ad in the convention’s directory and cancelled my and my wife’s hotel room reservation.  In 2004, MTRO leaders blamed me and blamed my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters a) for George Ryan’s problems, b) for George Ryan’s chief aide Scott Fawell’s problems, c) for Milton Township Assessor Jim Gumm’s problems, d) for Jim Ryan’s loss to Blagojevich in the 2002 gubernatorial election, e) for Durkin’s loss to Durbin for U.S. Senate in 2002,  f) for Andrew McKenna’s loss to Jack Ryan in the 2004 U.S. Senate Republican primary, and g) for etc. In 2004, in addition to having been the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, I was an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois Vice Chairman, and an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board of directors member. At the 2024 IRP State Convention, there were only 12 delegates from DuPage County. I was the only one at the convention with three badges – delegate, press, and vendor.)


— Attempted car break-in caught on video as Northbrook police investigate string of burglaries, thefts (COMMENT: Northbrook today, your municipality tomorrow.)
— Teen seriously injured, 5 hurt in gas station chaos in West Humboldt Park shooting, video shows. On Monday alone, 24 people were shot from midnight to 5 a.m. across the city. – Stephanie Wade (COMMENT: Humboldt Park today, your neighborhood tomorrow.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A social gathering turned violent on the city’s Northwest Side overnight into Monday. It began on Sunday night, when young people gathered on the street near Pulaski and Iowa in Humboldt Park. Video shows hundreds of people swarm a Shell gas station nearby. Employees said they locked the doors because of the sheer masses. As the crowd continued to grow, gunfire broke out around 12:46 a.m., according to police. Surveillance video shows people ducking behind cars to avoid the gunfire. At least one other person at the gathering did have a gun. The youngest victim was a 15-year-old girl who was shot in the neck and taken to an area hospital in serious condition, police said.)

— Chicago alderman sleeping in tent outside to bring attention to area violence. The alderman said his goal is to shut down the open-air drug market that is keeping community members from being able to come outside their homes. – Rose Schmidt  (COMMENT: Chicago today, your municipality tomorrow.)
— Democrat leaders ever-increasingly promote Juneteenth. Republicans should sponsor Juneteenth events, not Democrats. Democrats ever-increasingly use Juneteenth to promote more hatred against Republicans. Democrats fought the Civil War to preserve slavery. My great great grandparents, great grandparents, grandparents, and parents were all Republicans because Republicans ended slavery. Now, Democrats ever-increasingly hint/imply/argue/shout that it was Democrats who ended slavery and/or that today’s Republicans are yesterday’s Democrats. Democrats have declared a Second Civil War against Republicans, Democrats want Blacks to be their soldiers in their army. Democrats ever-increasingly blame Republicans for the problems that Blacks have. Democrats ever-increasing keep Blacks on their plantations.
— Democrat leaders ever-increasingly encourage Blacks to be LGBTQers.

— Chicago alderman camps out on violent Englewood block
— U.S. Secret Service member robbed at gunpoint in California during Biden trip – Nicole Sganga, Aaron Navarro
— City of Chicago launches reparations task force (COMMENT: Affirmative Action (AA) and DEI are reparations. Democrats and RINOs use AA and DEI to get rid of Republicans.)
— The IRS is cracking down on a tax loophole for the rich. The effort could raise $50 billion. (COMMENT: A loophole is a deduction that you take but your critics/opponents do not. As an IRS Revenue Officer 1971-1980, I took and deducted graduate evening a) business courses at Loyola 1972-1976 and b) accounting courses at DePaul 1976-1980 because my IRS employee manual encouraged me to take such courses. But extremely few of my Democrat IRS coworkers did that. In 1978, to get rid of me, my Democrat IRS superiors outrageously disallowed all the courses that I had deducted. To do that, they ignored the reasons that I gave for taking the courses in my college applications and falsely argued that the courses did not relate to my job duties, did not help maintain or improve my job skills, were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, and qualified me for a new trade or business. They would not have done that if I had been a Democrat, minority, female, or veteran. They would not have done that if I had not complained about political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination. They used “up-or-out” to write me off because they had not promoted me to GS-13 (currently $115,439/year) by the time I was 25 year old in 1974.)
— 2 Chicago parties spiraled into mass shootings overnight, neighbors say

— Chicago issues formal apology to Black citizens, creates task force on reparations – BJ Lutz (COMMENT: Affirmative Action (AA) and DEI are reparations. Democrats and RINOs use AA and DEI to get rid of Republicans.)

— Chicago mayor launches reparations task force (COMMENT: Affirmative Action (AA) and DEI are reparations. Democrats and RINOs use AA and DEI to get rid of Republicans.)

— Mayor Brandon Johnson Taps Law Department Veteran Carla Kupe as City’s New Chief Equity Officer – Patty Wetli (COMMENT: Democrats ever-increasingly hint/imply/argue/shout at those who liberal/moderate, minority, female, younger, LGBTQ, unmarried, veteran, non-Protestant, non-German American, have ancestors who have not been in America for a long time, and/or have less money than others that their problems are caused by those who are not the aforesaid, that is, that their problems are caused by those who are conservative, White, male, older, heterosexual, married, non-veteran, Protestant, German American, have ancestors who have been in America for a long time, and/or have more money than others.)

— Mayor Brandon Johnson launches task force on reparations for Black Chicagoans – ALICE YIN  (COMMENT: Affirmative Action (AA) and DEI are reparations. Democrats and RINOs use AA and DEI to get rid of Republicans.)
— Mayor Johnson must end migrant shelter evictions, Latino aldermen say – JAKE SHERIDAN (COMMENT: To give preference to one group is to discriminate against another group. To give preference to Hispanics is to discriminate against Blacks.)
— Biden’s Title IX law expanding protections for LGBTQ+ students is dealt another setback – BRUCE SCHREINER (COMMENT: Democrat leaders ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.)
— Biden’s campaign announces a $50 million advertising blitz highlighting Trump’s conviction – WILL WEISSERT (COMMENT: Anticipate/expect that your critics/opponents will use against you the adverse actions that they took against you.)
— Democrats reject criticism of the poverty and crime that their policies bring forth.
— Alderman resumes campout near open-air drug market after weekend shooting halted his publicity campaign. – CAROLINE KUBZANSKY

— Violent Father’s Day weekend in Chicago ends with at least 25 people shot in five hours early Monday. In all, at least 72 people were hit by gunfire from Friday evening through the predawn hours of Monday, according to data collected by the Sun-Times. Eight of them died. – Sophie Sherry
— Efforts to root out Chicago police extremism have ‘fallen short’ of Mayor Johnson’s promises, watchdog says. The inspector general’s office urged Johnson to create a task force aimed at “preventing, identifying, and eliminating extremist and anti-government activities and associations within CPD.” – Tom Schuba and Dan Mihalopoulos (COMMENT: According to anti-conservatives, the more planks in the Republican Party platform that you support, the more of an extremist that you are.)
— Affirmative Action (AA) and DEI are reparations. Democrats and RINOs use AA and DEI to get rid of Republicans.

— Wheaton College’s troubling ‘awokening’ – Ron Friedman, Gurnee (COMMENT: Wheaton College’s conservatism was a big reason why my wife and I bought a home in Wheaton in 1978 and had a home built in Wheaton in 1984.)
(FROM THE LETTER: Step into a class or chapel service (students wishing to be anonymous have relayed) and you’ll hear unscriptural positions that include white guilt, the legitimacy of gender transitioning, that God might be a she, the abandonment of Zionism and doubting the authenticity of Scripture, especially in Genesis studies.)
— DuPage County launches construction equity program – Alicia Fabbre (COMMENT: To give preference to one group is to discriminate against another group.)

— Chicago downplays the threat of losing its biggest water customer — DuPage – Justin Laurence

— Mayor Johnson Signs Executive Order To Launch Black Reparations Task Force (COMMENT: Affirmative Action (AA) and DEI are reparations. Democrats and RINOs use AA and DEI to get rid of Republicans.)

— Indiana GOP chair to step down following tumultuous party convention

— Trump, Pritzker trade swipes as conventions loom – Patrick M. Keck

— Biden campaign launches $50M pre-debate ad blitz focusing on Trump’s conviction. – Will McDuffie (COMMENT: Anticipate/expect that your critics/opponents will use against you the adverse actions that they took against you. My Democrat GAO superiors stressed that they delayed my promotions and never promoted me beyond GS-13, that they always ranked me in the bottom half of my coworkers for pay-for-performance, that that they kept me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for them, and that they forced me to take a $22,996/year (21%) pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980. My Democrat IRS superiors stressed that they never promoted me beyond GS-12, that they disallowed my education deductions in 1978, and that they disallowed my travel vouchers in 1974. My Democrat Post Office superiors stressed that disallowed my sick leave requests in 1969 and 1968. Leaders of the Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO), DuPage County Republican Central Committee (DCRCC) , and Illinois Republican Party (IRP) stress that they removed me from the IRP State Convention Platform and Resolutions Committee in 2024, that they ended my service as the Republican fundraiser for Wheaton Independence Day parades and fireworks in 2021, that they ended my bid to be selected to fill a Wheaton City Council West District vacancy in 2019, that they gerrymandered my precinct in 2015, that they ended my chairmanship of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois in 2012, that they ended my membership on the Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee in 2011, that they ended my service as MTRO webmaster in 2010 and 2004, that they ended my membership on the Illinois Center Right Coalition (ICRC) Steering Committee in 2007, that they almost got ICRC to censure me for my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters in 2006, that they ended my bid to serve as MTRO Treasurer in 2004, and that they ended my membership on the American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board of directors in 2004. My MTRO, DCRCC, and IRP critics/opponents have worked harder against me than against any Democrat. I should write a book about the aforesaid.)

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGHTQ.

— Illinois Head Start programs getting more than $14 million in federal funding. – Danny Connolly (COMMENT: Did you get a head start? My father made enough money in 1953 that he could send me to kindergarten at Trinity Lutheran Grade School in Crete. Since then, my critics/opponents have used that demonize him, denigrate him, and condemn him as having been filthy rich. But neither of my parents attended college. My father was the first of my ancestors to earn a high school diploma. He almost always worked second jobs to pay the family’s bills. He died suddenly in 1969 and never made more than $50,000/year in today’s dollars. My mother never attended high school.)

— Biden, Trump try to navigate voter concerns about their advanced age – AUSTIN DENEAN (COMMENT: I have ever-increasingly fought age discrimination since I was 25 years old in 1974 when my Democrat IRS superiors used up-or-out to write me off as being too old to be promoted to GS-13. Because of age discrimination, they ignored/dismissed/belittled my earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976 and my passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979. Because of age discrimination, my Democrat GAO superiors forced me to take a $22,996/year (21%) pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980, delayed my promotions and never promoted me beyond GS-13, kept me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for them, always ranked me in the bottom half of my coworkers for pay-for-performance, and forced me to take their early retirement “offer” in when I was 49 years old in 1997.)

— Mayor’s migrant plan dissed – SHIA KAPOS
(FROM THE NEWSLETTER: Mark Shaw was voted out as vice chair of the Illinois Republican State Central Committee on Monday. The group made the decision during an evening meeting after Shaw was accused of improperly voting as a delegate during last month’s state GOP convention and of challenging someone to a fight.)

— Morning briefing
— Afternoon roundup
— Median Black Chicago metro area household has zero net worth  (COMMENT: Ever-since the Civil War, Democrats have ever-increasingly blamed Republicans for all the problems that Blacks have. My Democrat Chicago office GAO superiors assigned me to supervise all the Black Analysts who they hired after 1980 and of course, they blamed me for all the problems that those Black Analysts had. They forced me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 and gave my job and my preferred office to my Black subordinate. Ever-increasingly, RINOs blame Republicans for the problems that Blacks have.)


— The more reparations that Blacks get, the more reparations that those who are the following will demand: liberal/moderate, Hispanic, Asian, Native American,  female, younger, LGBTQ, unmarried, veteran, disabled, non-Protestant, non-German American, have ancestors who have not been in America for a long time, have less money than others, boozers, gamblers, stoners, criminals, etc. – Dave Diersen
http:// www.gopillinois.com

— Something’s off: 97% of teachers are highly rated yet only 35% of Illinois students can read at grade level. (COMMENT: I was under my Democrat GAO superiors’ pay-for-performance system 1989-1997. They always ranked me in the bottom half of my coworkers. My coworkers were Democrats who had less work experience than I had, had less education than I had, had no professional certifications or fewer than I had, and/or had no professional license like the one I had. They all were minority, female, younger than me, veteran, non-Protestant, non-German American, and/or had ancestors who had not been in America for a long time.)

— Mendoza calls for passage of bill to protect letter carriers – Kevin Bessle (COMMENT: I was a part-time letter carrier in Park Forest 1966-1969.)

— Why Do Most Women Support Joe Biden? – Thomas Hampson (COMMENT: To get votes from those who are the following, Democrat candidates and elected officials promise to give them preference: minority, female, younger, LGBTQ, veteran, union member, those who have less money than others, non-Protestant, non-German American, those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time, illegals, boozers, gamblers, stoners, criminals, etc. To give preference to members of one group is to discriminate against members of another group.)

— Epic Meltdown: IL GOP Vice Chair Mark Shaw Pens Unhinged Rant, Calls Grassroots “Uninformed Lemmings” as Dele-Gate Scandal Intensifies
(FROM THE ARTICLE: On Saturday, embattled Illinois Republican Party Vice Chairman, former Trump Campaign Advisor and State Central Committee member Mark Shaw penned an angry, 10-page manifesto where he appeared unhinged as the IL GOP leader attempted to defend himself after it was revealed that he broke party rules and purposefully misrepresented himself as a delegate during the state convention last month. In his 10-page meltdown, Shaw was in attack mode, angrily attacking fellow SSC members, county GOP leaders, the grassroots – which he referred to as “uniformed lemmings,” and he even borrowed a line from Democrat Gov. JB Pritzker – calling former GOP attorney general nominee Tom DeVore a “grifter.” In October 2021, Gov. Pritzker called DeVore a “grifter” for filing lawsuits against the governor’s mask mandate in schools during the pandemic. As it has been previously reported, Shaw made a fool of himself during the GOP State Convention in Collinsville last month when he refused to withdraw from his national committeeman race after losing in a series of votes – intent on not backing down despite an overwhelming majority of delegates rejecting his candidacy. And when Aaron Del Mar, a fellow SSC member suggested he withdraw from the race and back his opponent, Shaw threatened Del Mar – a former MMA fighter, and said that he was going to take him outside and beat him up. But that wasn’t all. Just shortly after the convention, it was discovered that Shaw purposefully misrepresented himself as a delegate to the convention as photos emerged of the IL GOP vice chairman wearing an official delegate badge when he was in fact, not a delegate – a direct violation of state party rules. Shaw – in his letter, asserts that he was a delegate, but text messages reveal just the opposite. In one text message exchange, Shaw asks Lake County GOP Central Committee Chairman Keith Brin – who was maintaining the delegate list as the local party leader, if he could be a delegate, writing, “Keith: I would like to be a Delegate to the ILGOP State Convention from Lake County. What is the procedure for being placed on Lake County’s list of Delegates?”. . .But Brin never added Shaw to the delegate list – and Shaw never received an official notification from his county GOP leader stating that he was a delegate. If such a notification existed, Shaw would have included it in his 10-page manifesto – but he did not. And while Shaw was listed on an attendee list to attend the state convention, he was not included on Brin’s list as a delegate. But that didn’t stop Shaw – and photos and eyewitness accounts show Shaw at the convention wearing a “Delegate” badge – a direct violation of state party rules. . .The embattled state party leader, who’s actions continue to embarrass Republicans statewide, also took personal shots at Brin and fellow SSC members Sean Morrison and Aaron Del Mar – turning a letter that was supposed to be a defense of his actions into a script for the Jerry Springer Show. The petty and epic 10-page meltdown sounded more like a childish rant – and not something you’d expect from a senior member of the Illinois Republican Party. The unhinged letter also exposed a lack of leadership within the party and proved yet again why Illinois Republicans remain in the super minority – voiceless and irrelevant on local and state matters. The letter also showed how much disdain Shaw has for the powerful and influential grassroots base of the party – calling the grassroots “uninformed lemmings”, “keyboard warriors” and “political hacks.” Ironic – because in 2018 as co-chairman of the IL GOP, Shaw was put in charge to “protect the interests of the grassroots.” The IL GOP Vice Chair also suggested censoring this publication and it’s owners, writing, “What censure exists for those who seek to advance their own ‘careers’ at the expense of party unity…” Such censorship is common among Democrats and countries like Brazil, China and Russia, where opposing political voices and reporters are silenced. But this isn’t the first time this has been proposed. Last year, SSC member Jeanne Ives suggested censoring this publication after appearing agitated by stories covering the IL GOP and some of its leadership including IL GOP Chairman Don Tracy. During the 2022 Republican primary, Shaw was the Lake County GOP chair when Nimish Jani bussed Indian-American senior citizens to the Lake County Republican straw poll to rig the poll in favor of his candidate Richard Irvin. The senior citizens, escorted by staff wearing Irvin-Bourne tee shirts, arrived at the meeting with pre-filled ballots. Irvin would win the straw poll with 144 votes and his campaign used the poll to prove that his message was resonating with Republican voters. Shaw continues to take the position that the straw poll election, conducted under his watch, was fair. Irvin would go on to lose the primary election to the grassroots-backed candidate by 43 points despite receiving more than $50 million in funding. In February, Shaw, who is an Illinois advisor to the Trump campaign and a Trump delegate, was listed as a co-host for the IL GOP’s Bank Your Vote Gala in Rosemont that featured U.S. Senator John Kennedy (R-La). The co-chair of the gala was Greg Hart – a pro-choice, “Never-Trumper” who continues to bash the wildly popular former president and presumptive Republican nominee for President of the United States on his social media accounts, repeatedly writing that Trump is “not fit to be leader of the free world.” And during the gala, none of the speakers mentioned Trump’s name on stage – deliberately avoiding him altogether. A point that surprised many in attendance. The gala also did not include any Trump signs or materials, which Shaw controlled. And despite serving as a senior advisor to the Trump Campaign in Illinois, Shaw remained silent on the appointment of Hart as the gala’s co-chair. Several county GOP leaders have called for Shaw to resign or be removed from his leadership positions. And sources have shared with this publication that Shaw has lost the support from a majority of the SSC. And the pressure is mounting for the IL GOP to take swift action as this scandal has the potential to cause permanent damage for the party ahead of the November elections.)


— Biden team’s excuses for ‘wandering’ president don’t assuage voters – Susan Ferrechio
— Republicans begin early-vote push to make election victory ‘too big to rig’ –  Jennifer Harper

— DNC trolls Trump with billboard near Wisconsin rally – Naomi Lim
— Illinois Democrats defend state budget amid Republican criticism – Ailin Vilches Arguello

— President Trump Electrifies Crowd At AMAC-Sponsored “The People’s Convention”

— Wake Up, Church! – JOY LUCIUS  (COMMENT: How much success have Democrats had infiltrating, infesting, corrupting, conquering, and destroying churches in your county, township, municipality, and school district?)

— Biden’s Lawfare Isn’t Working Out as Planned. It’s Working Out Better.

— ICE is apparently losing almost all of the millions of illegal aliens Mayorkas let in – Andrea Widburg  (COMMENT: Anticipate/expect that they will use their false identifications to register to vote and to vote for Biden.)

— How JD Vance will put an end to ‘racist’ government DEI programs

— Joe Biden’s Parole Amnesties to Aid Roughly One Million Illegals – NEIL MUNRO (COMMENT: Of course, all of them will vote for Biden.)
— 12 Years of DACA: 68K Illegal Aliens Awarded DACA Despite Prior Arrests – JOHN BINDER  (COMMENT: Democrat and RINO leaders ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.)

— No Longer Crying Wolf: Foreign-Born Workers Are Taking Americans’ Jobs – J.D. FOSTER:

— Illegal Alien ‘Gotaways’ Near 2 Million Under Biden Admin – Jason Hopkins (COMMENT: Sooner or later, all of them will use their false identifications to register to vote and to vote for Democrats. Democrats have declared a Second Civil War on Republicans. Illegals are soldiers in the Democrat Army.)

— Biden Announces Protection Against Deportation for Some Illegal Immigrants. About 550,000 illegal immigrants are affected by the move, according to the White House. – Zachary Stieber

— Biden’s ‘Parole in Place’ scheme is code for amnesty. Biden’s new immigration policy will likely backfire with Hispanic voters, Stuart Varney argues.

— Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson announces reparations task force, blasts ‘systemic racism’ in Juneteenth speech. The task force will develop a framework for reparations, seeking improved housing, education, jobs, and criminal justice. – Louis Casiano (COMMENT: Affirmative Action (AA) and DEI are reparations. Democrats and RINOs use AA and DEI to get rid of Republicans.)
— Americans see what’s being inflicted on their communities. More migrants equal more Democrats, Laura Ingraham says. (COMMENT: How many illegals have Democrat and RINO leaders dumped so far in your county, in your township, in your municipality, and in your school district?)
— Chicago Teachers Union president raises eyebrows with claims about conservatives. Stacy Davis Gates claimed conservatives don’t want Black children to be able to read. – Greg Wehner (COMMENT: Anticipate/expect that Democrats will ever-increasingly promote more hatred against conservatives.)
— Migrants from 177 countries accept Biden’s ‘open invite’ to US border, complicating law enforcement. 1.39 million immigrants from 177 countries entered U.S. through Mexico from January to May, Mexican officials said. – Chris Eberhart By Chris Eberhart
— Military drives recruits away with ‘woke garbage’ – Josh Hawley

— Biden Amnesty Plan 5.0

— Obama Steps In After Biden Goes Catatonic During Fundraiser Event – BRITTANY M. HUGHES

— Republicans Should Get Behind Vance’s Anti-DEI Bill – Editorial
— Biden Administration Announces Mass-Amnesty Plan for Illegal Immigrants Married to U.S. Citizens – JAMES LYNCH

— 53% of Hispanics Say Deport Illegals
—  Biden Lacks Authority for Immigrant Amnesty – Judge Napolitano

— Homelessness in Chicago Surges Amid Influx of Migrants into Shelters – Stephen Davis (COMMENT: Chicago today, your municipality tomorrow.)


— Chicago mayor establishes ‘Reparations Task Force’ – MIRANDA NAZZARO

— Chicago Mayor Orders Task Force on Reparations for Black Residents. Once the panel is established, it will have about a year to determine what reparations should look like in the city. – Jesus Jiménez (COMMENT: Affirmative Action (AA) and DEI are reparations. Democrats and RINOs use AA and DEI to get rid of Republicans.)
— Biden to Give Legal Protections to Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens. Undocumented spouses of American citizens will be shielded from deportation, provided work permits and given a pathway to citizenship, according to officials briefed on the plan. – Zolan Kanno-Youngs (COMMENT: Democrat leaders want illegals because illegals vote for Democrats.)

— Affirmative Action (AA) and DEI are reparations. Democrats and RINOs use AA and DEI to get rid of Republicans.

— Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson signs executive order for reparations task force. Study and analysis will look at policies from slavery to the present day.  – Kiara Alfonseca (COMMENT: Affirmative Action (AA) and DEI are reparations. Democrats and RINOs use AA and DEI to get rid of Republicans.)
— IRS wants to end another major tax loophole for the wealthy – AP (COMMENT: A loophole is a deduction that you take but your critics/opponents do not. As an IRS Revenue Officer 1971-1980, I took and deducted graduate evening a) business courses at Loyola 1972-1976 and b) accounting courses at DePaul 1976-1980 because my IRS employee manual encouraged me to take such courses. But extremely few of my Democrat IRS coworkers did that. In 1978, to get rid of me, my Democrat IRS superiors outrageously disallowed the courses that I had deducted. To do that, they ignored the reasons that I gave for taking the courses in my college applications and falsely argued that the courses did not relate to my job duties, did not help maintain or improve my job skills, were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, and qualified me for a new trade or business. They would not have done that if I had been a Democrat, minority, female, or veteran. They would not have done that if I had not complained about political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination. They used “up-or-out” to write me off because they had not promoted me to GS-13 (currently $115,439/year) by the time I was 25 year old.)

— Black nationalism now more widespread – Andrew Bell  (COMMENT: Democrats used to promote integration, but now they promote segregation.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Black nationalism is a belief system that promotes the best ways to achieve racial equality. Black nationalists believe that working with whites, integrating racially and participating in mainstream politics won’t achieve true racial equality. Instead, they advocate for the creation and support of separate cultural, economic, political and social institutions for Black communities, focusing on autonomy and self-reliance as essential strategies for survival and empowerment.)

— Aging doesn’t always equal cognitive decline. Ageism may be the last accepted form of discrimination in our country, and it is taking center stage this year in our presidential election. (COMMENT: How old are you? What do you stress in defense of your cognitive abilities? I stress the GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters that I put together and send out every morning. My Democrat IRS superiors used “up-or-out” to get rid of me because they had not promoted me to GS-13 (currently $115,439/year) by the time I was 25 years old.)


Author: David Diersen

The opinions that I express in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are based on experience that I have gained doing many things since 1948. I base my opinions on what I learned a) working for the federal government for almost 30 years -- Post Office 1966-1969, IRS 1971-1980, and GAO 1980-1997, serving on the Executive Committee of the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter 1983-1996, and being a union member while I worked for the Post Office and IRS; b) earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976, a masters degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, and a masters degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997; c) passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979 and passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981; c) serving as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999, the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois Chairman 2005-2012, a member of the 2008 Illinois Republican Party (IRP) Platform and Resolutions Committee, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004; d) attending the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 IRP State Conventions as a delegate; e) being the subject of a nasty 4-page article in the February 1978 issue of Money Magazine; f) pursing litigation including Diersen v. GAO and Diersen v. Chicago Car Exchange; g) being married since 1978; h) living in Crete 1948-1972, in University Park 1972-1976, in Chicago 1976-1978, and in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton since 1978; and i) being baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran.