June 20, 2024

I have been the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000.  I am a conservative independent not-for-profit aggregator of government and political news and commentary who promotes the Republican Party platform. Since 2000, I have reported on all the changes in leadership of the Illinois Republican Party (IRP).  I attended the meetings in which candidates made their presentations in 2005 and 2013. Whoever shared Tracy’s resignation letter with the Democrat news media did not share it with me. What does that say about that person?  It says that person does not want me to send out GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters and does not want anyone to read them. Those who do that a) reject planks in the IRP platform and/or b) destroy those like me who they cannot manipulate or dominate, who refuse to glorify and praised them, who refuse to pander to them, who refuse to serve as one of their operatives or dupes, who refuse to cover up their wrong doing, and/or who refuse to give them money. Those who do that blame me and blame my newsletters for their problems, for your problems, for my problems, and/or for everyone’s problems. Those who do that are anti-conservative if not conservative-hating RINOs if not Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, or Independent plants who use the Democrat news media to advance themselves and/or to destroy the IRP.

Those who not want me to send out GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters and do not want anyone to read them a) removed me from the IRP State Convention Platform and Resolutions Committee in 2024, b) ended my service as the Republican fundraiser for Wheaton Independence Day parades and fireworks in 2021, c) ended my bid to be selected to fill a Wheaton City Council West District vacancy in 2019, d) gerrymandered my precinct in 2015, e) ended my chairmanship of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois in 2012, f) ended my membership on the Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee in 2011, g) ended my service as Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO) webmaster in 2010 and 2004, h) ended my membership on the Illinois Center Right Coalition (ICRC) Steering Committee in 2007, i) almost got ICRC to censure me for my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters in 2006, j) ended my bid to serve as MTRO Treasurer in 2004, and k) ended my membership on the American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board of directors in 2004.

I am a conservative independent not-for-profit aggregator of government and political news and commentary who promotes the Republican Party platform. QUESTION: What differentiates me from those reporters and journalists who demonize me, who denigrate me, and who condemn me? ANSWER: I state that I am a conservative Republican and I am a conservative Republican. I should write a book about those reporters and journalists who demonize me, denigrate me, and condemn me the most. I would focus on those who deny that they function as operatives or as dupes for the Democrat, Libertarian, and/or Green parties, but do so.

Richard Williamson was the IRP chairman 1999–2001, Lee Daniels 2001–2002, Dallas Ingemunson 2002 (interim), Gary MacDougal, 2002–2002, Judy Baar Topinka 2002–2005, Andrew McKenna 2005–2009, Pat Brady 2009–2013, Jack Dorgan 2013–2014, Tim Schneider 2014–2021; Mark Shaw, Co-Chairman 2018–2024, and Don Tracy 2021–present. I attended the meetings in which candidates made their presentations in 2005 and 2013. I should write a book about the aforesaid and how they and their Executive Directors treated me and treated my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters.

— GOP Chair Don Tracy calls it quits – SHIA KAPOS (COMMENT: How many people do you know who are/were chairmen of political organizations? My perspective on all this is impacted by my having served as the chairman of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois 2005-2012. Being the chairman of a political organization is a thankless job.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Don Tracy, the chair of the Illinois Republican Party, sent out a resignation letter Wednesday criticizing how party leaders handled a complaint that resulted in a veteran party leader being ousted by the State Central Committee. His full letter is here. Split priorities: “We have Republicans who would rather fight other Republicans than engage in the harder work of defeating incumbent Democrats,” Tracy wrote, referring to last week’s State Central Committee meeting that led to Mark Shaw’s ouster. The Tribune followed up with a scathing story of unnamed sources saying efforts to replace Tracy were brewing. A year ago, for example, Tracy survived a “no confidence vote” among party officials. The bigger issue: The Illinois GOP is shifting. The base supporting Donald Trump is no longer a wing of the party. It is the party. During his three years leading the state GOP, Tracy tried to hold both establishment and right-leaning segments together but faced headwinds at every turn. The other challenge: The party is struggling for relevance in a state where the state-wide holders are all Democrats. What’s next: Tracy says he’d like his successor named “no later than” July 19, right after the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Names in the hopper: State Sen. Jason Plummer, who represents the Edwardsville area near St. Louis, and Aaron Del Mar, a former Cook County GOP chair. Del Mar told us he’s “very interested.” Democrats are gleeful: In a statement after Tracy’s announcement, the Illinois Democratic Party said “best of luck to the inevitable MAGA extremist who will succeed Don Tracy as chair.”)

— Embattled Tracy will resign as ILGOP chair “preferably no later” than the day after Republican National Convention – Rich Miller (COMMENT: If the ILGOP sent out a press release, I did not receive it. One could say that Tracy’s resignation letter certainly gave lots of ammunition to Democrat and RINO leaders to further harm/destroy the ILGOP.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Wednesday resignation press release from Don Tracy…As I told subscribers, Tracy sent out word of his resignation before the Tribune story was published. The Republican National Convention ends July 18. Democratic Party of Illinois react…Following the latest reports of Illinois GOP dysfunction and Chair Don Tracy’s sudden resignation, the Democratic Party of Illinois released the following statement: “While the IL GOP finds itself in chaos, the Democratic Party of Illinois enters the 2024 general election as a united party standing for freedom and opportunity for all of Illinois’ working families. As a reminder, last cycle, Illinois Democrats defeated the IL GOP’s MAGA candidate for Governor, re-elected Senator Tammy Duckworth, protected supermajorities in the IL General Assembly, and expanded our representation in Congress. In contrast, the IL GOP has been defined by a litany of electoral disasters, constant infighting, meager fundraising, and a strict adherence to a losing set of anti-choice, anti-worker, pro-Trump policies. While we don’t expect new leadership to change any of that, we do wish the best of luck to the inevitable MAGA extremist who will succeed Don Tracy as Chair.”)
— Morning briefing


— One could argue that Republicans should promote Juneteenth, not Democrats, because Republicans ended slavery. Democrats fought the Civil War to preserve slavery. Republicans fought the Civil War to end slavery. My great great grandparents, great grandparents, grandparents, and parents were all Republicans because Republicans ended slavery.

— Reparations how? Mayor Johnson’s task force is beside the point on what’s needed to fix Chicago. A first-term mayor, whose administration has plenty of bread-and-butter issues on its plate, ought to focus on fixing public transit, public schools, crime and other problems that impact Black Chicagoans. – Editorial

— MAY 19, 2021 FLASHBACK: Mayor Lightfoot only granting interviews to reporters of color ahead of 2nd anniversary. Lightfoot blasts ‘overwhelming whiteness and maleness’ of Chicago media outlets. – Craig Wall  (COMMENT: I should write a book about the following who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me since 2000 to curry favor with the Democrat news media: past and present a) leaders of the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization, b) Republican leaders of Illinois, DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton, c) Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct, d) conservative leaders and activists, and e) religious leaders and activists.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In a statement, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists said while it is important to address newsroom inequalities, “NAHJ does not condone restricting press access based on a journalist’s race/ethnicity. Any action that threatens the cornerstone of our democracy and First Amendment rights is unacceptable.” There are also some who see this as an attempt by the mayor to curry favor with the Black and Brown communities, where her support may be soft.)

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

— Illinois GOP chairman resigns: ‘Not comfortable’ with direction of party – Paris Schutz
— Chicago is one of the worst-run cities in US, study finds – Nic Flosi

— 72% of White Families Own Homes Compared to 34% of Black Families – Sean Keenehan (COMMENT: When you first bought real estate, what year was it, how old were you, what did you buy, how much were you earning in today’s dollars, and where did the money come from for the down payment? In 1972, when I was 24, I bought a new town home in University Park. I was earning $66,942/year in today’s dollars and the money for the down payment came from what I had earned a) working for IRS for 15 months, b) working part-time for the Firestone Store in Chicago Heights for 18 months, and c) working full-time for that store for 7 months before that.)

— Illinois Republican Chair Don Tracy resigns just weeks before RNC in Milwaukee

— Illinois Republican Party chair resigns, cites party infighting – Melanie Antonitis

— Ben Carson touts contributions of ‘every group’ on Juneteenth: ‘Adds spice to life’ – JACKSON WALKER (COMMENT: I should write a book about my critics/opponents who have been the most critical of those who are Protestant and/or German American.)
— National debt will now surpass $56 trillion by 2034, report says. What’s the problem? – KAYLA GASKINS

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.


— Illinois lawmakers’ decision to kill school choice looks increasingly absurd – Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner

— Roger Stone Energizes Grassroots in Oakbrook, Says Saving America and Electing Trump a “Spiritual Battle”


— Top Illinois Republican fed up with party infighting resigns weeks before RNC – Annabella Rosciglione

— Joe Biden’s cynical border politics are putting the US in peril – Miranda Devine

— Backdoor To Illegal Voting? – Robert B. Charles
— Ban Sanctuary Laws

— Mitt Romney stubbornly refuses to support Trump, invokes rape hoax – Frieda Powers (COMMENT: I should write a book about those Romney promoters who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.)

— Biden’s D-3 Amnesty Pulls 100,000+ Illegal Migrants into College Jobs – NEIL MUNRO

— Yes, Parents Should Know If Their Child Is Gay – CHAD FELIX GREENE

— Border expert explains how illegals get work

— Biden’s latest border order may embolden migrants to flout immigration laws, commit marriage fraud. The ‘parole-in-place’ plan would give 500,000 or more immigrant spouses amnesty. – Charles Creitz
— ‘Life and death’: House GOP faces mounting pressure to target DEI in medical schools. 52 conservative groups sign letter to Speaker Johnson backing bill to mandate medical schools ‘uphold colorblind admissions processes’ – Elizabeth Elkind

— Biden Signs Amnesty Edict – Paul Dragu

— Los Angeles Opens Homeless Shelter That’s Nicer Than Some Houses – GRAYSON BAKICH

— The Most Detestable Action of Any President in My Lifetime – Ed Brodow


— Biden’s new ‘amnesty’ proposal a ‘slap in the face’ to taxpayers, GOP senator says – Jamie Joseph
— Millennials who can’t afford to buy homes are helping make suburban Chicago and Miami the most competitive rental markets in the US. (COMMENT: When you first bought real estate, what year was it, how old were you, what did you buy, how much were you earning in today’s dollars, and where did the money come from for the down payment? In 1972, when I was 24, I bought a new town home in University Park. I was earning $66,942/year in today’s dollars and the money for the down payment came from what I had earned a) working for IRS for 15 months, b) working part-time for the Firestone Store in Chicago Heights for 18 months, and c) working full-time for that store for 7 months before that.)
— Democrats ever-increasingly shout at minorities that Republicans cause all the problems that minorities have.
— How non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across the US — and how Republicans are trying to stop it. – Josh Christenson

— Is It Possible to Desegregate the Nation’s Biggest School System? – Troy Closson (COMMENT: Members of all races want to live where members of their race are the majority. Democrats and RINOs ever-increasingly demonize, denigrate, and condemn as being racist those counties, townships, municipalities, and school districts that are majority White. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always demonized, denigrated, and condemned what my home town of Crete was prior to the 1970s. They stress that the majority of Crete’s residents were White Protestant German Americans.)

— Companies Are Watering Down Their Diversity Recruiting Programs. Minority students worry about the impact on their job searches. – Kailyn Rhone (COMMENT: 53 years ago, in 1971, when I was 22 years old, Oldsmobile withdrew a job offer that I had accepted saying that it had just agreed to stop hiring Whites to settle an EEOC complaint.)

— Biden Rolling Out ‘Welcome Mat’ for Illegals?

Author: David Diersen

The opinions that I express in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are based on experience that I have gained doing many things since 1948. I base my opinions on what I learned a) working for the federal government for almost 30 years -- Post Office 1966-1969, IRS 1971-1980, and GAO 1980-1997, serving on the Executive Committee of the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter 1983-1996, and being a union member while I worked for the Post Office and IRS; b) earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976, a masters degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, and a masters degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997; c) passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979 and passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981; c) serving as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999, the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois Chairman 2005-2012, a member of the 2008 Illinois Republican Party (IRP) Platform and Resolutions Committee, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004; d) attending the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 IRP State Conventions as a delegate; e) being the subject of a nasty 4-page article in the February 1978 issue of Money Magazine; f) pursing litigation including Diersen v. GAO and Diersen v. Chicago Car Exchange; g) being married since 1978; h) living in Crete 1948-1972, in University Park 1972-1976, in Chicago 1976-1978, and in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton since 1978; and i) being baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran.