June 22, 2024

Who are the conservative leaders in Illinois? Conservative leaders a) should write articles monthly/weekly/daily that promote planks in the Republican Party platform including its personal responsibility, traditional marriage and family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and/or equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks, b) should post those articles on their websites, and c) should include diersen@aol.com on their email lists. Conservative leaders should help elect Republican candidates who can and will defend and advance the Republican Party platform. In addition to being good writers, conservative leaders should be good public speakers, should have demonstrated leadership skills, should have relevant education, work experience, and other accomplishments, should have the necessary time and money, and should have no skeletons in their closets.

— Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-haters glorify and praise Tracy and use his resignation to demonize, denigrate, and condemn conservatives, that is, platform Republicans, that is, Republicans. I was not a member of any team organized to oust Tracy, Kolber, or Shaw. I did use my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters to advocate for the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) platform and for direct election of IRP State Central Committee members. I agree with my critics/opponents who blast me as not being a team player, that is, as being someone who they cannot manipulate or dominate. I am not an operative or dupe for anyone. No one can tell me what to do. Republican Precinct Committeemen should promote the Republican Party platform and those who promote that platform rather than serving as operatives or dupes for leaders or would be leaders of Republican organizations.

— Illinois GOP ousts moderate leadership. Far-right activists force several out of top positions. – Rich Miller (COMMENT: Who are these “far-right activists” and what do they think of me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters? They certainly do not keep me on their press release lists.)

— (6/20/24) Don Tracy Ally Jeanne Ives Attacks Grassroots, IR, Trump Jr. Event, and now Setting Sights on IL GOP Chairmanship (COMMENT: What does Ives think of you? How has she treated you? I should write a book about how Ives has treated me since 2002.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Ever since news broke that embattled Illinois Republican Party Chairman Don Tracy was resigning effective July 19th, Illinois GOP state central committee member Jeanne Ives has been working the phones trying to gauge support as she considers a potential run for the party’s top spot – despite spending the last two years angering the very base that made her, and was instrumental in Tracy’s decision to resign. In December of 2022, Ives stunned a room full of over 200 grassroots activists during a SSC meeting when she defended then IL GOP Finance Chairman Vince Kolber, who had just insulted the grassroots for not donating money to the state party – yelling – in an almost out of body experience that, “Vince is not your problem! This man gave me $750,000 when I ran against Gov. Bruce Rauner!” Just months before challenging Gov. Rauner in the GOP primary, Ives was seen smiling for a photo with her soon-to-be Republican political opponent. Rauner – bruised and damaged during a vicious primary against Ives, would lose his re-election to political newcomer JB Pritzker by 16 points – just two years before the pandemic and Gov. Pritzker’s shutdown orders and mask mandates. Last September, Ives endorsed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for president during the 2024 presidential primary, despite the wildly popular former president Donald Trump leading in the polls among Republicans over his political opponents, including DeSantis by over 30 points. And when Ives learned that the president’s son – Donald Trump Jr. was coming to Illinois to promote Letters to Trump last October, her team made requests to interview Trump Jr. on her radio show, and to speak on stage during the event. When the requests were turned down, and this publication accurately reported about it, she became angry – and went on Facebook attacking the event featuring Trump Jr. and falsely alleged that the hosts couldn’t sell tickets. And since that time, her popularity has been in decline, and her radio show, which is streamed live on Facebook, receives very little engagement. On May 26th, her 2-hour show received only five likes and two shares. But that has since changed because after this publication reported on it, Ives is now paying to boost her posts to make it appear as if her Facebook posts are more popular than they really are. In other words, she’s now paying for likes and comments. And over the last two years, Ives continues to trash this publication – the leading conservative news publication in the state. In an interview with Crain’s Chicago Business in April of 2023, Ives offered a stunning on-the-record quote when asked to comment about IR, stating, “I don’t read their garbage.” Sources also confirm to IR that during that same time frame last Spring, Ives proposed in a private meeting that the SSC ban this publication, including then publisher Scott Kaspar and editor-in-chief Mark Vargas from attending all future IL GOP meetings. The proposal was immediately shot down and the discussion shifted to another topic. Censoring media outlets is typical in third world countries ruled by dictators – and for Ives to suggest that the state party censor the leading conservative news publication in Illinois because she is bothered by the facts is alarming. In Russia, President Vladamir Putin signed into law legislation that criminalizes news publications from reporting on anything that contradicts, or is critical of his administration. In China, a country that leads the world in jailing reporters, there are an estimated 274 journalists currently in prison for reporting on stories that angered the ruling Communist political party – and citizen journalist Zhang Zahn sits in a Chinese prison for her reporting the facts during the pandemic. And in Iran, there are 41 journalists in prison for writing stories that exposed the corruption of Iranian authorities. Ever since her election to the Republican State Central Committee in 2022, Ives has abandoned her grassroots base for the IL GOP elites – becoming part of the establishment instead of opposing it. And never one to shy away from controversy, the former grassroots activist has never called on Don Tracy to resign – despite her base advocating for it. She never called on Kolber – who votes in Wisconsin and Illinois as a full time resident of both states simultaneously – to apologize for saying such offensive remarks to the grassroots during the SSC meeting in December of 2022. She never called on former Chicago GOP Chairman Steve Boulton to walk back his recently discovered Facebook comment in 2015 when he compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. And she never called out former SSC member Mark Shaw, who faked a delegate badge and threatened to beat up a fellow state central committee member during the IL GOP state convention last month – and demanded that he resign. In fact, during the state convention, Ives cut a deal and backed Shaw for national committeeman over the grassroots-backed candidate Dean White. And in early June, when the grassroots sent her emails about investigating Shaw’s behavior, Ives angrily posted a comment on her Facebook page, writing, “canned emails get a canned response.” The comment drew an immediate backlash as Republicans fired back calling Ives’ comment “ignorant” and “belittling” to the constituents she’s supposed to represent. While Ives is busy making phone calls trying to gauge support for a potential run at party chairwoman, sources have shared with this publication that she has very little support from SSC members – and that her elevation to state party chair is more than a long shot – it’s an impossibility. An IL GOP Search Committee will work to identify the new chair or co-chair following Tracy’s shock resignation late on Wednesday.)


— In bid for young voters, Democrats offer social media influencers access to August convention. It’s part of a critical voter outreach plan in place since President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign and extended into the halls of the White House — as Biden combats Donald Trump and his army of online supporters. – Tina Sfondeles (COMMENT: Are there “online supporters” of Trump in your county, township, municipality, and school district?)
— Democrats ever-increasingly use books to promote more hatred against Republicans.

— OUTRAGEOUS, DISGUSTING: Despite city ban, video gambling parlor plans to open in unincorporated site inside Naperville boundaries. –  TESS KENNY

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

— RNC 2024 security zone revealed, Chicago Secret Service handling security for both conventions – Craig Wall
— What the Supreme Court domestic violence gun ruling means for survivors, advocates – Jasmine Minor
— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

— City of Milwaukee to run tight ship for security during Republican National Convention – Sabrina Franza

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

— Democrats ever-increasingly crow about their success in promoting more abortion.

— Democrats use Reggie Jackson to promote hatred against Republicans.
— Trump proposes giving green cards to all noncitizen college graduates. His campaign says only after they are vetted. – Lalee Ibssa and Soo Rin Kim (COMMENT: Democrat and RINO employers prefer citizens of foreign countries over citizens of America.)
— RNC laser-focused on vote monitoring, committed to enlisting 100,000 poll volunteers – Brittany Shepherd and Lalee Ibssa,

— Biden and allied Republicans are trying to rally GOP women in swing-state suburbs away from Trump. – AP  (COMMENT: My critics/opponents in the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization would rather see Biden elected than Trump. My critics/opponents have demographics that Biden has promised to give preference to.)

— Teamsters for Trump? Union president will speak at the Republican National Convention – AP

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

— Trump dwarfs Biden in latest fundraising numbers in show of political force after felony conviction. – AP  (COMMENT: Who has taken adverse actions against you? What have those adverse actions motivated you to do? My Democrat superiors took many big adverse actions against me. That motivated me a) to earn a job-related bachelor’s degree in 1970, b) to earn job-related master’s degrees in 1976, 1980, and 1997, c) to earn job-related professional certifications in 1979, 1981, 1990, 1994, 1996, and 1977, and d) to earn a job-related professional license in 1981. The aforesaid enabled me a) to get promoted by IRS in 1972, 1973, and 1974, b) to get promoted by GAO in 1986, and c) to survive as a GAO employee until 1997. In today’s dollars, my ending GAO salary was $150,075/year. Since 2000, anti-conservative leaders of the Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO), DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Illinois Republican Party have taken many big adverse actions against me. Those adverse actions continue to motivate me to send out GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters and to serve as a Republican Precinct Committeeman. Those adverse actions motivated me to survive as a) the Republican fundraiser for Wheaton Independence Day parades and fireworks 2005-2021, b) the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman 2005-2012, c) a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, d) the MTRO webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, e) an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and f) an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board of directors member 2001-2004.)

— Bloomington Gold returns in style for Corvette lovers – Sam Matheny (COMMENT: Sadly, my focus on Republican politics in Illinois, DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton since 2000 has drawn lots of my attention away from Corvettes. I have owned my 1972 Corvette since 1971 and my 2005 Corvette since 2005.)

— Homelessness Advocates Blast City For Closing Cooling Centers, Libraries During Juneteenth Heat Wave. An expert and volunteers want the city to change how it measures heat and implements emergency cooling resources to keep neighbors safe. – Ariel Parrella-Aureli

— Democrats ever-increasingly encourage children to be sexually active LGBTQers.

— Afternoon roundup


— The details of one deadly weekend in Chicago: 71 shot, 9 dead. – Ted Dabrowski


— No fighting allowed: Police, Secret Service says protesters at GOP convention must use voices only. – Tom Howell Jr.

— Trump gushes over new Louisiana Ten Commandments law – Elaine Mallon
— Harvard study suggests federal government is in perfect position to pay reparations – Jack Birle  (COMMENT: Affirmative Action (AA) and DEI are reparations. Since the 1960s, the Democrats who run the federal government have used AA and DEI to pay many trillions of dollars in reparations to Democrats, minorities, females, younger people, veterans, non-Protestants, non-German Americans, and those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time.)
— Democrat and RINO employers prefer citizens of foreign countries over citizens of America.

— Conservative border hawks slam Trump’s college green card vow for foreign students. – Josh Christenson and Steven Nelson  (COMMENT: Democrat and RINO employers prefer citizens of foreign countries over citizens of America.)
— How rising anti-American axis sees US weakness, and is ready to pounce. – Niall Ferguson (COMMENT: Rising anti-American axis countries are ever-increasingly illegally sending more and more and more of their soldiers illegally into America illegally. Americans should be buying more and more and more firearms and ammunition for their self-defense.)

— Pride Month Goeth Before the Fall – Dan Proft
— Nearly 80,000 DACA Recipients Had Criminal Records – Eric Lendrum

— Supreme Court Upholds Ban On Firearms For Domestic Violence Offenders – KATELYNN RICHARDSON
— It’s Time To Give The Law-Abiding Public Sanctuary And Safety — Not Migrant Criminals – BETSY McCAUGHEY:

— Democrat Pramila Jayapal Chuckles While Discussing News Headline About Illegal Alien Raping Young Girl In NYC

— If They Want To Vote, Women Should Be Subject To The Draft – JOY PULLMANN

— 99% of Biden Admin illegal immigrant parolees still at large – Matthew Holloway

— Biden Quietly Ferried More Than 1 MILLION Illegals Into the U.S. Via Parole, App Programs – BRITTANY M. HUGHES
— CNN Targets Trump-Allied Christian School in Attack on School Choice – Mary Clare Waldron

— Goal of Biden “Migrant” Invasion: Demographic Replacement – R. Cort Kirkwood


— Trump campaign seeks to head off convention revolt from its right flank. Aides scrambled to foil a plot to throw the nominating process into chaos as suspicions abound about potentially disloyal delegates. – Yvonne Wingett Sanchez and Isaac Arnsdorf

— Trump says that illegal immigrants would likely vote for him in presidential election – Yelena Man
— American Citizens Being Turned Away So NYC Hospital Can Give Health Care to Illegals – Warner Todd Huston
— Thousands of migrants sneaking into US daily – Adam Shaw
— Democrats and RINOs ever-increasingly use DEI to get rid of Republicans.
— Trump lashes out at ‘fat and pathetic’ Pritzker after he branded him a ‘felon.’ – James Liddell (COMMENT: My critics/opponents band me as being not only a conservative, but as being too conservative, an extremist, and even worse things.)

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote race based politics. But to give preference to one race is to discriminates against another race.

— The Biggest Donor of the 2024 Election Gives Trump a Big Boost. Tim Mellon’s $50 million donation brings Trump’s super PAC in line with Biden’s, and he’s likely to make more political contributions. – Tarini Parti
— In Praise of Bragging – David Robson (COMMENT: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes treat me like I never accomplished anything, like I never earned three masters degrees, like I never earned six professional certifications, like I never earned a professional license, and like I never earned $150,075/year in today’s dollars in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)
— The Purpose of Journalism Is to Get the Story. People love and need real reporting, but reporters have decided their job is something else entirely. – Peggy Noonan (COMMENT: The mainstream news media ever-increasingly exists to advance the Democrat Party platform and to elect Democrat candidates. It ever-increasingly makes editorials look like news articles.)

LAW 360
— 4 EEOC Cases Attorneys Should Watch In 2024’s 2nd Half – Anne Cullen (COMMENT: How has EEOC impacted you? In 1971, when I was 22 years old, Oldsmobile withdrew a job offer that I had accepted saying it had just agreed to stop hiring Whites to settle an EEOC complaint. That had a dramatic impact on the rest of my life.)

— The Income You Need to Live Comfortably in All 50 States – Aaron Webber (COMMENT: That income is $95,098/year in Illinois. Because my Democrat superiors wasted my career and forced me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old, my Civil Service Retirement System pension is only $65,165/year and my Social Security is only $2,935/year.)

Author: David Diersen

The opinions that I express in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are based on experience that I have gained doing many things since 1948. I base my opinions on what I learned a) working for the federal government for almost 30 years -- Post Office 1966-1969, IRS 1971-1980, and GAO 1980-1997, serving on the Executive Committee of the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter 1983-1996, and being a union member while I worked for the Post Office and IRS; b) earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976, a masters degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, and a masters degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997; c) passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979 and passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981; c) serving as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999, the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois Chairman 2005-2012, a member of the 2008 Illinois Republican Party (IRP) Platform and Resolutions Committee, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004; d) attending the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 IRP State Conventions as a delegate; e) being the subject of a nasty 4-page article in the February 1978 issue of Money Magazine; f) pursing litigation including Diersen v. GAO and Diersen v. Chicago Car Exchange; g) being married since 1978; h) living in Crete 1948-1972, in University Park 1972-1976, in Chicago 1976-1978, and in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton since 1978; and i) being baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran.