May 19, 2024

— Wisconsin GOP convention spotlights abortion, higher education, immigration and national security – Steve Schuster (COMMENT: What actions will the Illinois Republican Party take at its State Convention in Collinsville May 24-25?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: There may have been a few empty seats, but there was certainly no lack of heat as the 2024 Republican Party of Wisconsin State Convention kicked off in Appleton Saturday. Elected officials from Washington, D.C. to Madison spoke about issues impacting Wisconsinites, ranging from abortion and immigration to the University of Wisconsin’s failure to enforce the law and condemn antisemitic behavior on the Milwaukee and Madison campuses. Opening remarks were given by Brian Schimming, Chairman Republican Party of Wisconsin. “Are we going to do what it takes to save America?” Schimming asked the audience. Foreign policy Speaking on the Federal legislative panel, Senator Ron Johnson, Rep. Van Orden, Rep. Bryan Steil tore apart the Democrats responses and failure to condemn antisemitism and enforce state law during recent protests. “We must stand with Israel. I stand with Israel,” said Van Orden, and the room applauded. . .Abortion Johnson urged the party to remain united to protect the right to life (pro-life). “Within the Republican Party, we have a broad spectrum … I think we all agree that life begins at conception, want to protect life,” Johnson said. “I completely respect that. But that’s not where probably most Americans, most Wisconsinites, and probably even most Republicans land,” Johnson added. . .The conservative media also was critical of the recent mainstream coverage of the UWM Pro-Palestinian protesters. A panelist said the mainstream media described the protests as “peaceful … or they (pro-Palestinian protesters) were just delivering food, or praying” when in reality they were chanting antisemitic slogans, graffitied sidewalks and walls, and erected illegal tents. “The things I described did not make most, if not all media reports,” the panelist said, noting “the media is censoring things.”)

— Ron Johnson calls on GOP to set aside ‘squabbles’ on abortion in order to win elections. Johnson says most Americans, Wisconsinites, ‘even most Republicans’ don’t support total abortion bans. – RICH KREMER

— Wisconsin Republicans preach unity at state convention ahead of November. Republicans gathered in Appleton this weekend for their party’s annual convention. – Matt Smith

— Party activists at the state GOP convention today elected Waukesha County GOP Chair Terry Dittrich and Pam Travis, one of the Republicans who submitted a false slate of electors for Trump in 2020, to fill two of Wisconsin’s three slots on the Republican National Committee.

— Top Wisconsin Republicans Attend State Convention in Appleton

— Questions concerning the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) State Convention in Collinsville May 24-25 – Dave Diersen
— Who will the speakers at the convention be?
— How many delegates will attend and how many from each of the 102 counties?
— Who represents each of the 17 congressional districts on the IRP Platform and Resolutions Committee and what is their contact information?
— Who has replaced me as the member who represents the 3rd Congressional District on that committee and what reasons have been given for my removal?
— When will the committee post on the IRP website its most recent draft platform and list of resolutions?
— At the convention on May 24, which committee members are going to vote for or against the resolution that calls for direct election of IRP State Central Committee members?
— At the convention on May 24, which committee members are going to vote for or against strengthening or weakening the following in the platform: personal responsibility, traditional marriage and family, right to life, enforcement of immigration laws including adding E-Verity, discouragement of booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, protection of Second Amendment rights, and equal opportunity (no race of gender based preference giving)?
— Who are all the candidates for IRP National Committeeman and Committeewoman? What are their qualifications? At this point, how many votes do each of them have?

— Who leads conservatives in Illinois today? Hopefully, by now, those leaders know which of the 17 members on the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) State Convention Platform and Resolution Committee are going to vote to strengthen the IRP platform and which ones are going to vote to weaken it. Because IRP leaders ever-increasingly say and do less to defend and advance the following planks in the Republican Party platform, I fear that efforts are underway to weaken those planks: personal responsibility, traditional marriage and family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving). IRP leaders ever-increasingly talk and/or act like they believe that to win elections in Illinois, the IRP has to be Democrat-Lite if not officially dump the aforesaid planks. If anti-conservative IRP State Convention Platform and Resolution Committee members win by small margins on May 24 in Collinsville, conservative leaders should be ready to immediately file timely minority reports like the one that they filed at the 2016 convention so that delegates can vote for them on May 25. – Dave Diersen

— Those who want to drive conservatives like me out of the Illinois Republican Party (IRP), DuPage County Republican Central Committee (DCRCC), and Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO) and destroy the IRP, DCRCC, and MTRO use the current system to elect IRP State Central Committee (SCC) members. So of course, they vehemently oppose direct election of IRP SCC members. They take all the adverse actions that they can to get rid of Republican Precinct Committeemen like me who support direct election. So far, they have a) ended my membership on the IRP State Convention Platform and Resolutions Committee this year, b) ended my role as the Republican fundraiser for Wheaton Independence Day parades and fireworks in 2021, c) ended my bid to be appointed to fill a Wheaton City Council vacancy in 2019, d) gerrymandered my precinct in 2015, e) ended my chairmanship of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois in 2012, f) ended my membership on the Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee in 2011, g) ended my service as the MTRO webmaster in 2010 and 2004, h) ended my membership on the Illinois Center Right Coalition (ICRC) Steering Committee in 2007, i) almost got ICRC to censure me in 2006, j) ended my bid to serve as MTRO Treasurer in 2004, and k) ended my membership on the American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board of directors in 2004. – Dave Diersen

— Questions for all direct election opponents. The opponents owe all of us an answer to every one of these reasonable questions. (COMMENT: Doug lists 30 questions. I could list the 30 biggest adverse actions that direct election opponents have taken against me since 2000 because I promote direct election. I would focus on the pretexts that they used. I would focus on those who publicly say they favor direct election, but privately opposed it. I would focus on past and present a) leaders of the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization, b) Republican leaders of Illinois, DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton, c) Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct and their political consultants, major donors, fundraisers, campaign managers, campaign staff members, and campaign volunteers, d) conservative leaders and activists, and e) religious leaders and activists.)


— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

— Missouri candidate with ties to the KKK can stay on the Republican ballot, judge rules. The candidate describes himself as “pro-white” but denies being racist or antisemitic. – AP (COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, the more of the following that you are, the more that the leaders of the Illinois Republican Party (IRP), DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO) do not want you to seek any kind of office: conservative, White, male, older, non-veteran, Protestant, German American, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time. I am all of the aforesaid. MTRO leaders are overjoyed that I was removed from the 2024 IRP State Convention Platform and Resolutions Committee. They vehemently opposed my seeking to be appointed to fill a Wheaton City Council vacancy in 2019. They vehemently opposed my seeking to be the MTRO Treasurer in 2004. They refused to appoint me as a delegate to the 2004 IRP State Convention.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A longshot Missouri gubernatorial candidate with ties to the Ku Klux Klan will stay on the Republican ticket, a judge ruled Friday. Cole County Circuit Court Judge Cotton Walker denied a request by the Missouri GOP to kick Darrell McClanahan out of the August Republican primary. McClanahan is running against Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe, state Sen. Bill Eigel and others for the GOP nomination to replace Gov. Mike Parson, who is barred by term limits from seeking reelection. McClanahan’s lawyer, Dave Roland, said the ruling ensures that party leaders do not have “almost unlimited discretion to choose who’s going to be allowed on a primary ballot.” . . . The Missouri GOP accepted his party dues but denounced him after a former state lawmaker posted photos on social media that appear to show McClanahan making the Nazi salute. McClanahan confirmed the accuracy of the photos to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. In his decision, Walker wrote that the Republican Party “has made clear that it does not endorse his candidacy, and it remains free to publicly disavow McClanahan and any opinions the plaintiff believes to be antithetical to its values.” “I’m not sure they ever actually intended to win this case,” said McClanahan’s lawyer, Roland. “I think the case got filed because the Republican Party wanted to make a very big public show that they don’t want to be associated with racism or anti-Semitism. And the best way that they could do that was filing a case that they knew was almost certain to lose.” The Associated Press’ emailed requests for comment to the Missouri GOP executive director and its lawyer were not immediately returned Friday. But Missouri GOP lawyers have said party leaders did not realize who McClanahan was when he signed up as a candidate back in February. McClanahan has argued that the Missouri GOP was aware of the beliefs. He previously ran as a Republican for U.S. Senate in 2022. In a separate lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League last year, McClanahan claimed the organization defamed him by calling him a white supremacist in an online post. In his lawsuit against the ADL, McClanahan described himself as a “Pro-White man.” McClanahan wrote that he is not a member of the Ku Klux Klan; he said received an honorary one-year membership. And he said he attended a “private religious Christian Identity Cross lighting ceremony falsely described as a cross burning.”)

— Chicago increases police patrols along lakefront amid beach safety concerns – Sara Machi

— After estimates say city lost population, Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin says he is ‘thoroughly disgusted’ with U.S. Census Bureau. – STEVE LORD

— DuPage County Auditor at least takes responsibility for delayed reports – Editorial (COMMENT: I should write a book about my critics/opponents who have falsely hinted/implied/argued/shouted the most that I wanted to run for DuPage County Auditor. I would focus on those who have ignored/dismissed/belittled the most what I did to help elect Bob Grogan in 2020, 2016, 2012, and 2008 and Jim Rasins in 2004 and 2000. I would focus on those who have ignored/dismissed/belittled the most my qualifications for the job: a) worked for GAO for almost 18 years, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 Levels, currently $115,439-$150,075/year, b) worked for IRS for almost 9 years, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 Levels, currently $97,079-$110,020/year, c) became a licensed CPA, d) passed the Certified Internal Auditor and CPA examinations on my first attempt, e) became a Certified Forensic Accountant, Financial Services Auditor, Government Financial Manager, and Fraud Examiner, and f) earned master’s degrees in finance, accounting, and business.)

— Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-haters ever-increasingly demonize, denigrate, and condemn Protestants like me who do not hate Trump. My critics/opponents, their operative, and their dupes have always used against me my having been baptized in 1948, raised, and confirmed in 1962 as a Missouri Synod Lutheran. I should write about those who continue to do that the most since 2015. They stress that I am not a member of any church, that I do not attend church services, and that I do not give money to a church.

— The Republican Party of Wisconsin officially endorsed Eric Hovde as its U.S. Senate candidate during the state party convention in Appleton. (COMMENT: What actions will the Illinois Republican Party take at its State Convention in Collinsville May 24-25?)

— Anticipate/expect that Democrats will promote illegal voting the most in the battleground/wing states.
— Why Illinois professional licenses could be delayed – Brian Weckerly (COMMENT: Illinois approved my CPA license application promptly in 1981 when I was 32 years old. But my Democrat GAO superiors, none of whom were licensed CPAs, ignored/dismissed/belittled my getting that license. They stressed that Charles Bowsher, the head of GAO, had not taken the CPA examination, let alone passed the examination, let alone became a licensed CPA.)

— Democrats used to promote integration, but now they promote segregation.
— Trump addresses an embattled NRA as he campaigns against Biden’s gun policies – CNN (COMMENT: Democrat and RINO leaders ever-increasingly blame Republicans for gun violence and make it clear that they want to abolish the Second Amendment.)

— Safely Find Out If Your Illinois Neighbor is a Vile Sex Offender (COMMENT: How many sex offenders live in your county, in your township, in your municipality, in your school district, and in your precinct? How close do they live to the schools in the aforesaid?)


— Judge denies TRO sought by GOP candidates to block law that changed election rules to keep GOPers off ballot – Jonathan Bilyk


— Biden 2.0 promises tax hikes, illegal immigration – Paul Bedard
— ‘Republicans’ who endorse Biden aren’t Republicans at all – Zachary Faria (COMMENT: If you are not helping elect Trump, you are helping elect Biden. I should write about past and present ‘Republican’ candidates, elected officials, party leaders, etc. in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton who have demonstrated their hatred against Trump the most. I would focus on those who taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me since 2015.)

— Blame, Resent, Repeat – Dion Pierre (COMMENT: To elect Biden, anticipate/expect that Democrats will not only ever-increasingly demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trump as being a racist and even worse things, they will ever-increasingly demonize, denigrate, and condemn voters like me who share Trump’s demographics: heterosexual, conservative, Republican, White, male, older, married, non-veteran, non-poor, gun-owner, Protestant, German American, and/or have ancestors who have been in America for a long time.)

— Texas Gov. Greg Abbott pledges to keep bussing migrants to NYC, takes shot at Mayor Eric Adams in NRA speech. – Patrick Reilly
— Why young people become woker and woker – Eric Kaufmann
— This is the new top spot for migrants to slip across US border. – Katherine Donlevy
— Illinois high school senior killed weeks before graduation by alleged drunk driver going over 120 mph – Nicholas McEntyre COMMENT: Democrats ever-increasingly promote vices including booze and pot.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A high school senior was killed just weeks before graduation when a suspected drunk driver, speeding at over 120 mph, split his car into two during a crash in a Chicago suburb. Marko Niketic, 17, was driving with his 16-year-old girlfriend in Glenview, IL when a sports car struck their vehicle at an intersection just after 11 p.m. on May 12. The driver, Taeyoung Kim, 21, had been driving his 2021 Ford Mustang with a passenger from his home in Northbrook to downtown Chicago and back earlier in the day, according to court records obtained by NBC Chicago. “The investigation revealed at 2308 hours (11:08 p.m.) on May 12, Kim drove his vehicle westbound on East Lake Ave, at a high rate of speed in a reckless manner,” the Glenview Police Department said. Kim’s car crashed into Niketic as the teen was making a left turn through the intersection of East Lake Ave and Meadow Lane, approximately 20 miles northwest of Chicago. Kim had been racing past other cars going westbound on Lake Ave, with one driver noting Kim increasing speeds and turning his headlights off. “As Niketic began turning, Kim’s vehicle approached the intersection at an immense rate of speed, still with the headlights off,” the court documents allege. “Just as Kim was entering the intersection, the headlights turned back on as Kim’s vehicle crashed into Niketic’s vehicle.” The front of Kim’s car struck the driver’s side of Niketic’s vehicle, splitting it into two. The front half of Niketic’s sedan remained in the road, with the back half being sent flying through a nearby fence and landing in a backyard. Kim’s car, which had a dashcam recording his joyride, came to a halt near a tree on the side of the road. Witnesses inside the homes near the scene of the crash immediately called 911 before rushing to the scene and observed Niketic inside his vehicle, appearing to be deceased, Kim’s bond court proffer read. Other witnesses observed Kim sitting inside his car and admitted he had been drinking, while his passenger was lying on the ground bleeding heavily, WMAQ reported. The teen was pronounced dead at the scene. His girlfriend and Kim’s passenger were both rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Niketic’s girlfriend, who remains unidentified, suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage, hematoma of the brain, a fracture of the pelvis vertebrae and hyper-density of the left frontal lobe of the brain with loss of consciousness and seizure. She was released from the hospital on Friday. Kim’s passenger sustained a fracture to his back and a severed artery in the crash. Kim suffered a broken femur, and a blood-drawn test concluded he had a blood alcohol level of .088, the test also revealed he had cannabis in his system. During their investigation, police found a bong, rolling papers, a one-hitter cannabis pipe with residue and two plastic containers with cannabis residue inside Kim’s vehicle. Kim was arrested on Friday and charged with two counts of aggravated DUI causing death, reckless homicide, aggravated DUI causing great bodily harm, DUI of alcohol, DUI of drugs, and several traffic violations including speeding 35 mph over the limit. He appeared in court on Saturday. Kim is being held without bond, and his next court date is scheduled for May 24, according to jail records viewed by The Post. Niketic’s funeral was held on Thursday, two days before his high school, Glenbrook South, held its prom. Niketic was set to graduate on June 2. “He’s one of those people, you meet him, and he’s glowing. The most genuine human ever,” friend Preston Shute told NBC Chicago. “He had a lot of stuff ahead of him. I can’t really process it.”)

— The new anti-Americanism. Although written in the abstract language of the graduate seminar, Empire has an ominously pragmatic aim: to undermine faith in the liberal institutions that inform American democracy. – Roger Kimball

— The Unbearable Lightness of Whiteness – Pete McArdle

— Days of Rage in Chicago: A Brief History of the 1968 Democratic National Convention – Jarrett Stepman

— Behind Rosy Economic Data, Americans Struggle to Make Ends Meet. Eating out less often, taking from 401(k)s, buying medication overseas, choosing cheaper products—Americans say they are feeling the pain of inflation. – Emel Akan

— Democratic town furious over migrant shelter opening in neighborhood. ‘We don’t want it here … and it doesn’t make us bad people’ one Norfolk, Massachusetts, resident said. – Michael Dorgan
— Biden’s plan to admit Gazans to US could backfire: ‘Brainwashed by Hamas,’ expert warns. Gazans spoke about the Biden immigration plan, anti-Israel protests on campus. – Benjamin Weinthal

— Trump Says He May Wait To Announce VP At July GOP Convention
— China’s Growing Threat To U.S. National Security In The Crosshairs Of Congress
— GAO: Taxpayers Lose Billions To Government Overlap, Duplication (COMMENT: I worked for the Democrats who ran GAO for almost 18 years. None of them were licensed CPAs like me. They wasted my career, they took many adverse actions against me, and they forced me to retire 6 years before I was eligible for regular retirement. GAO audits IRS. They wasted the knowledge of IRS that I gained working for IRS for almost 9 years, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 Levels, currently $97,079-$110,020/year. They wasted what I learned earning master’s degrees in business, accounting, and finance. They wasted what I learned passing the CPA and Certified Internal Auditor examinations on my first attempt. They would not have done that if I had been a Democrat, minority, female, and/or veteran.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Overlap and duplication cost taxpayers billions, according to a new report from a Congressional watchdog. The U.S. Government Accountability Office’s annual report identified opportunities to save billions of dollars by reducing overlap, duplication and fragmentation across the federal government. The report outlines 112 measures that Congress and federal agencies could take to save money and improve government services. “This year’s report provides Congress and federal agencies with new opportunities to save federal dollars, increase revenue, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a wide range of federal programs,” said Gene Dodaro, comptroller general and head of the GAO. “By addressing this year’s pointed list, as well as open recommendations to both agencies and Congress from GAO’s past work, the federal government could potentially save tens of billions of dollars.”)

— How cops can stand up to the death-to-America crowd
— In just two days this month, more Chinese nationals illegally crossed into U.S. than the entire year of 2021 – Pat Droney

— Peter Breen to Newsmax: Pro-Life Activist Victim of Biden Weaponization – Sandy Fitzgerald
— RNC, Trump Campaign Launch ‘Gun Owners for Trump’ – Eric Mack

— Biden’s Plan to Resettle Thousands of Gaza Refugees Is Insane, Warns Expert – RICK MORAN


— Three Illinois cities will pay you thousands to move there. – JOEY SCHNEIDER (COMMENT: How much will Democrat leaders pay voters (both legal and illegal) to move to battleground/swing states to vote for Biden?)

— Democrat and RINO leaders ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.

— GOP tries to ‘correct the narrative’ on use of mailed ballots after years of conflicting messages (COMMENT: At the request of the Milton Township Republican Organization, as an elected Republican Precinct Committeeman, I am in the process of hand-delivering permanent mail-in ballot applications to 64 registered Republican voters in my precinct in 55 homes and one apartment who did not vote recently. Of course, my critics/opponents hint/imply/argue/shout that my doing that will cause Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct to get fewer votes.)

— Mexico to help US keep migrant flows under 4,000 a day – Julian Resendiz
— Chicago City Council Denies Fed Up Residents Chance to Vote on Ending Sanctuary City Status – Jack Davis
— Bhushan R Gavai: ‘I am a Supreme Court judge (in India) thanks to affirmative action’ – Dhananjay Mahapatra (COMMENT: My Democrat GAO, IRS, and Post Office superiors used Affirmative Action quotas, goals, and targets and DEI to waste my federal career and to get rid of me. My Democrat GAO superiors forced me to take their early retirement “offer” when I was 49 years old in 1997 and gave my job and my preferred corner office to my Black subordinate. All my GAO, IRS, and Post Office coworkers who they promoted over me were Democrats who were minority, female, younger than me, and/or veteran.)
— Student Loan Cancellation Could Be Banned in New Bill – Aliss Higham

— Trump Tells NRA Forum That ‘I Think We Should Call For Drug Tests On The Debate’ (COMMENT: The more that you promote pot, the more that you should be presumed to use pot.)

— Are Americans prepared for retirement? (COMMENT: I began earning credits toward a Civil Service Retirement System pension when I was 18 years old in 1966. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always been furious about that.)

— Trump Says He’ll Insist Biden Take a Drug Test – Taegan Goddard (COMMENT: The more that you promote pot, the more that you should be presumed to use pot.)
— Democrats used to promote integration. Now they promote segregation.

— Illegal Immigration: Biden Admin’s Secret To A ‘Permanent Majority’? – Kelli Ballard (COMMENT: Of course, anticipate/expect that illegals will forever vote for Democrats.)

— Trump receives endorsement from NRA as he pledges to ‘roll back’ Biden’s gun policies. – Nishtha Badgamia

Author: David Diersen

The opinions that I express in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are based on experience that I have gained doing many things since 1948. I base my opinions on what I learned a) working for the federal government for almost 30 years -- Post Office 1966-1969, IRS 1971-1980, and GAO 1980-1997, serving on the Executive Committee of the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter 1983-1996, and being a union member while I worked for the Post Office and IRS; b) earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976, a masters degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, and a masters degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997; c) passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979 and passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981; c) serving as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999, the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois Chairman 2005-2012, a member of the 2008 Illinois Republican Party (IRP) Platform and Resolutions Committee, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004; d) attending the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 IRP State Conventions as a delegate; e) being the subject of a nasty 4-page article in the February 1978 issue of Money Magazine; f) pursing litigation including Diersen v. GAO and Diersen v. Chicago Car Exchange; g) being married since 1978; h) living in Crete 1948-1972, in University Park 1972-1976, in Chicago 1976-1978, and in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton since 1978; and i) being baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran.