October 1, 2023


— Democrats will stop bringing in illegals only when they are sure that they have enough of them voting so that no Republican will ever be elected again. RINOs will stop bringing in illegals only when they are sure that they have all the cheap labor that they can ever use. Illegals have demographics that vote for Democrats and they drive wages down. Illegals want/need/demand massive government assistance, lack education, lack job skills, disrespect the rule of law, disrespect America, and/or want socialism/communism/dictatorship. Illegals have the following demographics: liberal/moderate, minority, female, younger, LGBTQ, non-Christian, and/or non-Protestant. To attract more illegals, Democrats and RINOs ever-increasingly give those who have the aforesaid demographics more preference. Because of the aforesaid, the more of the following that you are, the bleaker that your future is: American, conservative, Republican, White, male, older, heterosexual, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time. – Dave Diersen



— Democrats acknowledge that “Chicago aldermen question costs incurred by city over migrant shelter staffing.” Democrats ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.

— Democrats crow that “15 buses carrying migrants, asylum seekers expected to arrive in Chicago over the weekend.” Democrats ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.

— Democrats say “Rethinking Chicago’s Mexican Independence Day Celebrations.” Democrats ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.

— Democrats ever-increasingly a) promote more hatred against Trump and b) use democracy to get rid of those who do not hate Trump.

— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH BIG PICTURE: Democrats acknowledge that “Armed robbery crews sweep city as Chicago police task forces struggle with brazen crimes.” The Democrat Party platform promotes poverty and crime. It promotes a) dependency on government and charity, b) LGBTQ, that is, the destruction of traditional marriage and family, c) abortion, d) mass/illegal immigration, e) booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, f) patronage, g) political affiliation discrimination, h) reverse discrimination, and i) age discrimination.

— Do-over or do nothing? Townships face question over mental health board referendums. – Steve Zalusky

— Question: In Central Illinois, are there more boys or girls? Answer: Depends what age you are talking about — there are 105 boys born for every 100 girls here. By age 70, however, women outnumber men here 3 to 1.

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.

— New report gives Illinois ‘F’ grade for educational choices – Kevin Bessler (COMMENT: My parents sent me to Trinity Lutheran Grade School in Crete 1953-1961 and then to Hope Lutheran Grade School in Park Forest 1961-1962 to stay with the Missouri Synod. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always used that to demonize, denigrate, and condemn me and my parents as being undeservedly filthy rich. But my father never earned more than $50,000/year in today’s dollars and almost always worked second jobs to pay the family’s bills. My mother never worked outside of our home until after he died suddenly in 1969 when he was 47 and I was 21. Because of the aforesaid, to have money to buy cars and to pay for college expenses, a) I did yard work 1962-1964, b) I delivered newspapers 1962-1966, c) I washed dishes 1964-1966, d) I cleaned golf shoes, chipping slag, and pumping gasoline in 1966, and e) I delivered mail 1966-1969.)

— Protect Illinois Communities Act Endorsement Affidavit required to possess assault weapons is now available from State Police – Bruce Kropp


— Trump Republicans must take the reins of the Illinois GOP
(FROM THE ARTICLE: As President-elect, and even after his inauguration, Lincoln faced enormous pressure from many fellow members of the fledgling Republican Party who urged compromise with horribly racist Southern Democrats who not only wanted to preserve slavery — they also wanted to extend it to the Pacific Ocean, and even south into Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central & South America. Many Republicans were telling Lincoln such a compromise was the only way to satisfy the South and avoid Civil War. But Lincoln would have none of it. Although in 1861 he was not yet publicly onboard with the total abolition of slavery in the states where it already existed, he reminded wavering Republicans that he had just won the election on the proposition that slavery should not be expanded to new territories. Lincoln basically let everyone know there was no way in hell the Republican Party should be negotiating against itself by making immoral concessions to the racist losers. Ten of the eleven states that would soon constitute the Confederacy didn’t even print Lincoln’s name on their general election ballots in 1860! How’s that for Democrat election interference? Lincoln’s resolve and steady hand stiffened the spines of the Republican milquetoasts, and the rest as they say, is history. Today in Illinois we wrap ourselves in Lincoln in a variety of ways, and we tell ourselves we have something in common with the man. LAND OF LINCOLN of course adorns every vehicle license plate, Lincoln’s Birthday is its own state holiday, and most county Republican organizations host an annual Lincoln Day Dinner. That’s all of course well and good. But what would Abraham Lincoln think about the Illinois Republican Party of today, that organization he dearly loved and helped found? Well, we know Lincoln was an intelligent man, as well as a very honest man. So my strong hunch is he would give it to us straight. He would sadly observe the obvious: the Illinois Republican Party has become that “mere sucked egg, all shell and no principle in it” that he cautioned against 162 years ago. The Illinois Republican Party must innovate, in a major way, and quickly, or I can tell you exactly what’s going to happen next year. First the good news from my perspective. Donald Trump is going to be our presidential nominee. Any serious person has to acknowledge that’s pretty much certain at this point. And if the Democrats’ election rigging in the battleground states can be contained this time, he’ll also be POTUS again. But that big piece of good news will only come thanks to Trump voters in other states. Absent serious innovation and a real change in the organizational culture of the Illinois Republican Party, next year is going to be yet another repeat of so many other Illinois election cycles over the past couple of decades—i.e., we’ll witness an excellent year for the GOP nationally while Republicans lose still more ground in Illinois (to the extent there’s even any ground left for the Illinois GOP to lose). And to add insult to injury, the party officials in Illinois responsible for yet another disaster will blame Donald Trump for it all. That’s hardly speculation, it’s already being set up that way. Don’t forget, so-called GOP leaders in Illinois blamed last year’s miserable election in the state on Trump, and the man wasn’t even on the ballot. And at Republican Day at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield in August, the name of the former president and presumptive 2024 nominee wasn’t even mentioned by any of the speakers on-stage. But what’s truly unforgiveable, there was also no mention of the Democrats’ disgraceful abuse of our justice system for the sole corrupt purpose of “getting” Trump. That gutlessness sends a clear and unmistakable message to every voter in Illinois: A party that won’t even stand up for its own former president, the best president in generations, certainly isn’t going to stand up for me. I could list dozens of other examples where our State GOP refuses to fight the battles that actually matter and the battles that most people care about. But the average Republican voter in Illinois today has essentially no recourse. People used to talk about a GOP divide, conservatives vs. moderates. But that stale paradigm is long dead. In the age of Trump, the new GOP divide is doers vs. do-nothings. It’s all about striving to make America and the lives of working people in this country better. It’s about actually getting positive things done instead of just sitting around on titles and feeling important. The question then becomes how do we innovate an Illinois Republican Party that’s out of touch and always losing? How do we change the organizational culture so that officials are motivated to serve Republican voters instead of themselves? How do we cultivate a culture where voters feel welcome instead of disrespected? I’ll tell you how we do all of those things. We start by giving Republicans back their vote in the Illinois Republican Party. You’ll hear people repeating the mantra that the 17-member state central committee of the Illinois Republican Party (one member from each U.S. congressional district) is like a corporation’s board of directors. But that’s actually not true. It’s supposed to be true, but it’s definitely untrue where the Illinois Republican Party is concerned. Every corporation gives every shareholder, large or small, a direct vote for members of their board. The Illinois Republican Party used to do the same thing. Every Republican used to have a direct vote for their state party leadership. But in 1985 new legislation was rammed through the state legislature by some selfish GOP bosses for the sole purpose of consolidating their personal power in the Illinois Republican Party. Illinois was a dark Red State back then and the instigators just arrogantly assumed that disenfranchising 99.99% of Illinois Republicans in their own party wouldn’t be a big deal. Boy were they wrong. Illinois Democrats kept direct elections for their state central committee, and they’ve been running circles around the hapless Illinois Republican Party ever since. You can read more about the history of the Illinois Republican Party and how our vote was outrageously taken away HERE. ( https://ibendahlonpolitics.com/2022/12/08/do-this-illinois-gop-or-just-shut-it-down/ ) The insular, easily rigged, cockamamie system our state GOP now uses to choose its state central committee is rife with negative incentives and provides zero accountability. For now, I’ll just highlight one example. Consider that last year during the GOP primary, around a quarter of the state central committee’s 17 members publicly endorsed an ethically challenged, career leftwing Democrat for governor—on the Republican ballot line. You’ll recall that candidate was Richard Irvin. Plus, from the evidence I’ve seen, it also appears that state party resources were misused for the benefit of that career Democrat’s campaign, at the expense of the true Republicans in that same race. But despite all of that special and inappropriate help, plus a record amount of spending ($50 million from Ken Griffin), Irvin was trounced in the primary, actually finishing a very distant third. So the career Democrat was eventually resoundingly rejected by Republican voters—once they actually had a vote and a voice. That’s great. But the whole scheme was horribly embarrassing and divisive. The whole thing never should have gotten that far in the first place. I absolutely do believe that if we still had a directly elected state central committee, Ken Griffin’s arrogant and tone-deaf scheme (directly aided by multiple top state party officials) to force feed Republicans a career Democrat for the top state job, never would have gotten off the ground. (Ken Griffin was of course the wealthiest person in Illinois, by far, until Republican voters said no to his Richard Irvin scheme last year, then he took all his marbles and moved to Florida.) A directly elected state central committee, one that was actually connected to and listening to Republican voters, would have nipped that embarrassing fiasco in the bud. But the reality is we don’t have a state central committee that is connected to and listening to Republican voters. That’s why when a couple of hundred rank-and-file Republicans showed up to the state central committee’s quarterly meeting in December last year calling for resignations in the wake of yet another disastrous election the month before, those Republicans were mostly treated with disrespect by the powers-that-be. Illinois Review provided some excellent coverage of that meeting. And that’s the way it’s going to stay in Illinois until we give Republicans back their vote. The Illinois GOP is just going to keep spinning its wheels in the same fashion they’ve been spinning for years. If an organization doesn’t provide a meaningful voice to its constituents, OF COURSE it’s going to become arrogant and out of touch. That’s exactly the situation we have now, and as I said earlier, it was all self-inflicted by a handful of selfish GOP bosses decades ago. Nearly all of those old bosses are gone now, but their legacy remains alive in replacement bosses who looked at our easily rigged system and decided they like it, despite the fact it’s been a disaster for our party. I will actually go as far as to say NO Republican is ever going to win a statewide election again in Illinois until we give Republicans back their vote in the Illinois Republican Party. If any of the statewide candidates had asked me last year, I would have told them they were just wasting their time. Of course they all eventually found out on their own as they all lost miserably. That’s truly how destructive disenfranchising Republican voters has been to our party. It shouldn’t come as some major surprise. The reactionaries who still oppose giving Republicans a vote again in the Illinois Republican Party need to explain how they expect those suburbanites they always talk about to leave the Democratic Party once they find out our state party gives them inferior voting rights. It’s the same with recruiting volunteers. Come and volunteer for us so our officials can take credit and look good, but oh, by the way, we don’t respect you enough to give you a vote like the Democrats do. That’s simply not how a party that’s serious about winning operates. And honestly, if someone is really that hostile to the idea of Republicans voting in their own Republican Party, then what are they even doing dicking around in Republican politics in the first place? The good news is we can do something about it. We don’t have to just sit around waiting to see what new embarrassing disaster the party pooh-bahs who gave us the Richard Irvin disaster have cooked up for us this time around. We can get our vote back. We can restore democracy to the Illinois Republican Party. That would be historic. For more details on this past due reform and the mechanics of getting it done, please go HERE. ( https://ibendahlonpolitics.com/2022/12/08/do-this-illinois-gop-or-just-shut-it-down/ ) I’ll have more on this subject in the near future, but for now I invite you to add your name to our list of direct election supporters which we’ll be making public soon. (We’re also going to publicize the list of opponents.) If you have a political or grassroots organization title you would like to include with your name, please feel free to provide that too. But we highly encourage any and all Republicans to sign-on. Just email me at Doug.Ibendahl@mail.com. Trust me, you’ll be in great company, because let’s face it, except for a few who might see the current failed system as an easier way to get a title or to have a little fiefdom to lord over, what true Republican wouldn’t want their right to vote restored? What true Republican is okay with being denied the same right to vote every Illinois Democrat already enjoys in their party? I also have this crazy idea that if we’re going to keep calling ourselves the Party of Lincoln and have all of these Lincoln Day Dinners, we should probably ask ourselves what would Lincoln do on a party matter like this? It’s definitely safe to say Lincoln was a big fan of direct elections. In fact, Lincoln would have beaten the obscenely racist Democrat Stephen Douglas in their famous U.S. Senate race if there had been direct elections for U.S. Senators at the time. Lincoln easily won the popular vote. But at that time U.S. Senators were still chosen by state legislatures, per the U.S. Constitution as originally drafted. Douglas won that race only because Democrats had the majority in the Illinois state legislature. As an aside, the 17th Amendment (ratified, 1913) which gave us direct elections for U.S. Senators grew out of corruption and abuse scandals involving the state legislatures and their U.S. Senate picks (sound familiar?). Therefore, in the spirit of Illinoisans wrapping themselves in all things Lincoln, you’re damn right I’m putting Abraham Lincoln on the side of giving Republicans back their vote and restoring meaningful democracy to the Illinois Republican Party. Illinois looks forward to hearing where YOU stand.)


— Democrats’ lawless game to remove Trump from 2024 ballot – Mike Davis
— Why 2024 presidential election outcome could lead to violence – Michael McKenna (COMMENT: Anticipate/expect that ever-increasingly, more and more and more millions of illegals will use their false identifications to vote for Democrat candidates.)

— How Texas has shifted into a ‘battleground’ going into 2024 – Jack Birle (COMMENT: Anticipate/expect that ever-increasingly, more and more and more millions of illegals will use their false identifications to vote for Democrat candidates.)
— Dianne Feinstein’s death exposes our gerontocracy problem – Brad Polumbo (COMMENT: How old are you? Who has used your age against you? My Democrats IRS superiors started using my age against me big time in 1973 when I was 25 years old because they had not promoted me to GS-13, currently $109,732/year. They would not have done that if I had been a Democrat, minority, female, or veteran. Nevertheless, I did make GS-13 in 1986, but only after I had a) earned an MBA from Loyola in 1976, b) passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, c) transferred to GAO and earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, and d) passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt and became a licensed CPA in 1981. All my coworkers who were promoted over me were Democrat, minority, female, and/or veteran and had a) less work experience, b) less education, c) fewer or no professional certifications, and/or d) no professional license. In 1997, when I was 49, my Democrat GAO superiors forced me to take their early retirement “offer” because they had not promoted me to Senior Executive Service (currently $183,500/year) by the time I was 40. It is called up-or-out, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination.)

— Mayor Adams and Gov. Hochul are putting the priorities of the Democratic party over New York – Michael Goodwin

— The Democrat Party Hates America

— They think the border is secure… – Silvio Canto, Jr.

— Mexico’s President blasts US for giving OUR MONEY to Ukraine, not ponying up OUR MONEY for Latin America – Kevin Haggerty
— Megyn Kelly slams choice of leftist Univision host for GOP debate: ‘It was like having Hillary out there’ – Chris Donaldson

— Milley Lashes Out at Trump at Retirement Ceremony in Final Act of Politics While in Uniform: ‘Wannabe Dictator’ – KRISTINA WONG

— September Reportedly Saw Highest Border Encounters Ever — More Than 260,000 – Tim Meads
— Libs To Illegals: You Don’t Have To Go Home, But You Can’t Stay Here – Tim Meads (COMMENT: Anticipate/expect a) that Democrats will ever-increasingly send illegals to swing states and b) that RINOs will ever-increasingly send illegals to areas where cheap labor is needed.)
— DeSantis’ Plan To Deport All Illegals Who Entered Under Biden, ‘Unleash The States’ Is Sharp Policy – Tim Meads
— Bloomberg Flubs Data For Bombshell Report That Only 6% Of New Corporate Hires Are White. Bloomberg study finds that 94% of new corporate hires are ‘people of color.’ That’s absurd. – Luke Rosiak (COMMENT: What percent of hires were Democrats?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: If true, such a statistic could launch a legion of victorious racial discrimination lawsuits — blacks, Asians, and Hispanics make up roughly 40% of the population, and there is no way they could obtain 94% of new jobs without some level of discrimination.)

— Congress Squanders Opportunity to End Disaster at the Border, Supports Status Quo Instead

— Chicago leaders ‘refuse to do their job’: Gianno Caldwell
— GOP presidential candidates identify top issues facing Americans, from the economy to the border crisis. The Republican presidential hopefuls pointed to economic hardships and restoring America’s identity as they identified the nation’s most pressing issues. – Kyle Morris (COMMENT: In Illinois, according to far too many Republican candidates, elected officials, party leaders, and major donors, the following are NOT top priorities: stopping Democrat promotion of a) dependency on government and charity, b) LGBTQ, c) abortion, d) mass/illegal immigration, e) booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, f) patronage, g) political affiliation discrimination, h) reverse discrimination, and i) age discrimination.)

— Black-Women-Only Grant Program Halted, 11th Circuit Issues Injunction Pending Appeal in Fearless Fund Case. “the plaintiff has established that the defendants’ racially exclusionary program-the “Fearless Strivers Grant Contest”-is substantially likely to violate 42 U.S.C. § 1981. – William A. Jacobson
— Influence Peddling With the Bidens Week at Legal Insurrection. All the news you may have missed. – Mike LaChance

— Univision Cheers Licenses For Illegals In Minnesota (COMMENT: Anticipate/expect a) that Democrats will ever-increasingly send illegals to swing states and b) that RINOs will ever-increasingly send illegals to areas where cheap labor is needed.)
— Univision Cheers Licenses For Illegals In Minnesota (COMMENT: Anticipate/expect that ever-increasingly, to give more illegals driver licenses, Democrats and RINOs will ever-increasingly lower requirements for driver licenses.)

— ‘Explosively High’ Numbers: Musk, Others Call Out Biden Border Crisis – CATHERINE SALGADO

— “Cheap Labor” Is the Most Expensive Labor of All – John Tamny (COMMENT: My critics/opponents a) want cheap labor and b) demonize me, denigrate me, and condemn me as having been grossly overpaid. In my defense, a) earned a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21, b) I earned job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, c) I earned job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 44, 46, and 48, and d) I earned a job-related a professional license when I was 32.)


— Democrats acknowledge that “Chicago is keeping hundreds of migrants at airports while waiting on shelters and tents.”

— Democrats crow that “Number of migrants crossing Panama’s Darien Gap surpasses 400,000 to record high.” Democrats ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.

— Democrats crow that “More refugees to come from Latin America, Caribbean under Biden’s new 125,000 refugee cap.” Democrats ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.

— GOP candidates Nikki Haley, Tim Scott argue about experience at debate – David Jackson (COMMENT: My critics/opponents ignore, dismiss, belittle, badmouth, demonize, denigrate, and/or condemn my experience. I worked for GAO for almost 18 years, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 Levels, currently $109,732-$142,650/year. I worked for IRS for almost 9 years, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 Levels, currently $92,279-$104,583/year. Further, I earned six job-related professional certifications and a professional license, Further, I earned three job-related master’s degrees. I should write a book about my critics/opponents. I would focus on the job-related work experience, education, and professional certifications and licenses that they have or do not have.)

— Democrats will stop bringing in illegals only when they are sure that they have enough of them voting so that no Republican will ever be elected again. RINOs will stop bringing in illegals only when they are sure that they have all the cheap labor that they can ever use. Illegals have demographics that vote for Democrats and they drive wages down. Illegals want/need/demand massive government assistance, lack education, lack job skills, disrespect the rule of law, disrespect America, and/or want socialism/communism/dictatorship. Illegals have the following demographics: liberal/moderate, minority, female, younger, LGBTQ, non-Christian, and/or non-Protestant. To attract more illegals, Democrats and RINOs ever-increasingly give those who have the aforesaid demographics more preference. Because of the aforesaid, the more of the following that you are, the bleaker that your future is: conservative, Republican, White, male, older, heterosexual, Christi can, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time.

— Democrats say “Trump panic is real since the GOP has no alternative.”
— Democrats say “How the diploma divide came to dominate American politics.” The Democrat Party platform ever-increasingly promotes reverse discrimination and more age discrimination. Because of that, if you are White and/or male, the less education that you have, the more that the Democrat Party platform harms you. While I worked for the Democrats who ran the federal government, I earned a job-related bachelor’s degree, three job-related master’s degrees, six job-related professional certifications, and a job-related professional license. If I had been a minority of a female, my Democrat superiors would have promoted me into their Senior Executive Service, currently $183,500/year, long before I was 40 years old. But instead, they never promoted me beyond GS-13 Step 10, currently $142,650/year and forced me to take their early retirement “offer” when I was 49 years old because I was conservative, Republican, White, male, non-veteran, Protestant, German American, and my ancestors had been in America since 1844.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The most important U.S. political trend of this century is the march of college-educated White voters toward the Democratic Party — and of non-college-educated White voters toward the GOP. This trend hasn’t just changed election arithmetic; it has changed the way the right and left argue, pushing the Democrats to embrace experts, business and the status quo as Republicans grow increasingly at odds with established institutions. Most attempts to explain the educational realignment focus on the White working class. Why did it sour on the Democratic Party? White voters without a college degree must have grown more authoritarian or racially resentful, the conventional thinking goes. George H.W. Bush won just 45 percent of Whites without a college degree who voted for one of the two major parties in 1992; Donald Trump won 65 percent in 2020. But Bush won college-educated Whites by four points while Trump lost them by 15 in the two-party vote share.)

— Democrats crow that “High number of migrants crossing border not likely to slow. Democrats ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.

— Liberal (New York) Governor Deploys National Guard to Help Illegals Fill Out Paperwork for Housing, Jobs: ‘Give Them What They Want’ – Jack Davis (COMMENT: Democrats ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.)

— Affirmative Action, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are reparations. Since the 1960s minorities and females have gotten many trillions of dollars in reparations. I should write a book about that.

— Employers ever-increasingly crow about their success in discriminating against those who are White, male, older, heterosexual, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time, citizens of America, etc.

— Half of Americans age 40-59 feel like they’re just getting by financially – Chris Neiger (COMMENT: I began earning credits toward my Civil Service Retirement System pension (currently $63,144/year) in 1966 when I was 18 years old. It would be much higher a) if my Democrat Post Office superiors had not forced me to resign in 1969, b) if my Democrat IRS superiors had not refused to promote me beyond GS-12 Step 5 (currently $104,583/year), c) if my Democrat GAO superiors had not forced me to take a $21,863/year pay cut in today’s dollars, a downgrade from GS-12 Step 5 to GS-9 Step 10, to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980, d) If my Democrat GAO superiors had not delayed my promotions and refused to promote me beyond GS-13 Step 10 (currently $142,650/year), e) if my Democrat GAO superiors had not always ranked me in the bottom half of my coworkers for pay-for-performance purposes, and f) if my Democrat GAO superiors had not forced me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)

— 7 Reasons Car Insurance Is Soaring – Laura Beck (COMMENT: I own seven cars (72 Corvette, 96 Thunderbird LX, 05 Corvette, 13 Charger R/T Max, 18 Cruze LT, 21 Malibu Premier, and 23 Mustang GT Premium) and an SUV (19 Escape Titanium). To save on insurance costs, I ever-increasingly a) drive them less and b) keep six of them in storage longer. Further, I am taking full advantage of State Farm Insurance’s “Drive Save & Save” discounts. SEE: https://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto/discounts/drive-safe-save )

— Democrats say “The Washington Gerontocracy.” How old are you? Who has used your age against you? My Democrats IRS superiors started using my age against me big time in 1973 when I was 25 years old because they had not promoted me to GS-13, currently $109,732/year. They would not have done that if I had been a Democrat, minority, female, or veteran. Nevertheless, I did make GS-13 in 1986, but only after I had a) earned an MBA from Loyola in 1976, b) passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, c) transferred to GAO and earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, and d) passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt and became a licensed CPA in 1981. All my coworkers who were promoted over me were Democrat, minority, female, and/or veteran and had a) less work experience, b) less education, c) fewer or no professional certifications, and/or d) no professional license. In 1997, when I was 49, my Democrat GAO superiors forced me to take their early retirement “offer” because they had not promoted me to Senior Executive Service (currently $183,500/year) by the time I was 40. It is called up-or-out, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination.