April 27 Morning Edition

— Quinn Spent $28 Per Vote to Defeat Krupa

— Former Legislative Inspector General Discusses Report Blocked by Lawmakers Porter — who took the job temporarily — is no longer the legislative inspector general. A new one has been hired. – Mary Ann Ahern

— There’s a lot on the agenda when lawmakers return to Springfield. Here’s a rundown – Dan Petrella
— Pressure on Pritzker, legislature over budget, marijuana, sports betting and new income tax structure, but pork may hold things together – Rick Pearson and Dan Petrella
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH BIG COLOR PICTURE: The United Methodist Church has reached a breaking point. Will Friday’s ruling on LGBTQ issues split the church? – Elyssa Cherney (DIERSEN: Has a church split impacted you? The Trinity Lutheran split in Crete in 1961 when I was 13 years old impacted me big time. I should write a book about the Wisconsin Synod Lutheran’s (WSL) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wisconsin_Evangelical_Lutheran_Synod) success in defeating the Missouri Synod Lutherans (MSL) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lutheran_Church%E2%80%93Missouri_Synod) in the Trinity Lutheran Church and Grade School in Crete(https://www.trinitycrete.org/trinitycrete/_) in 1961. That had a tremendous impact on me, on my brother, and on my parents. The defeated MSLs, including me, my brother, and my parents, went to the MSL Hope Lutheran Church and Grade School in Park Forest (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hope-Lutheran-Church/142202365812738). My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes viciously demonize, denigrate, and condemn MSLs as being too conservative, but WSLs are more conservative than MSLs) 
— Kim Foxx subpoenaed to appear at hearing on appointment of special prosecutor in Jussie Smollett case – Megan Crepeau

— Kim Foxx subpoenaed to appear at hearing on Smollett special prosecutor request – Nader Issa

— Imagine the news without adjectives – Stan Zegel, Winfield
— 2020 candidates to pitch working-class credentials to union – AP (DIERSEN: Overwhelmingly, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes are anti-union and stress that I was a union member for almost 12 years – almost 3 years while I worked for the Post Office 1966-1969 and almost 9 years while I worked for IRS 1971-1980.) 

— Chicago feels the brunt of demographic crisis, Wirepoints reports, like a collapsing Ponzi scheme – Glenn Minnis
— As Ald. Burke feels the heat, Chicago GOP leader Cleveland recommends ethics rules to curb abuses – Robert Hadley 

— Oberweis cautions voters not to make too much of Dems’ sudden desire to ‘let the people decide’ – Glenn Minnis (DIERSEN: What percent of those who move into your precinct, your municipality, your township/ward, and your county are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time?)

SAVE YOUR HOME NOW (DIERSEN: How much money do you estimate that you will lose when you sell your home?)
— Owner of Naperville golf course home loses over $194,000 on the sale
— Oremus family trust loses over $319,000 on sale of Burr Ridge home
— Mark & Kathleen Dombkoski lose over $55,000 on sale of Naperville home

— The Nuclear Option: Shameless Joe Biden Politicizes Tragedy to Launch Campaign – CHARLES HURT

— Biden Launches His Campaign on a Toxic Slander – Karin McQuillan

— Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People’ In Charlottesville Joe Biden has launched his campaign on a lie. – MICHAEL J. KNOWLES

— Challenges From Legal and Illegal Immigration – David T. Jones (DIERSEN: Have you held “dirty” jobs? My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have made it very clear that they would never have stooped to take the jobs that I did. I did yard work and delivered newspapers 1962-1964; washed dishes 1964-1966; cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline in 1966; delivered mail 1966-1969; worked on an automobile assembly line and as a security guard in 1970; sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances 1970-1971; pumped gasoline 1971-1972; collected delinquent taxes 1971-1980; and audited federal agencies 1980-1997.) 
(FROM THE ARTICLE: More than a generation of desultory control over illegal immigration is the consequence of wink-and-nod implicit agreement between Republicans and Democrats. Republican entrepreneurs/citizens have benefitted from cheap crop-pickers and service workers. Democrats have viewed them as a prospective reservoir of votes, once maneuvered into citizenship. There is a simple albeit draconian answer: specific visas for specific periods (harvest seasons) and specific jobs with no qualified U.S. applicants rigorously enforced by mandatory ID/E-Verify registration. And instant deportation for all not meeting these requirements. The rationale that our current low unemployment rate justifies these illegals is risible: if you want workers for “dirty” jobs—pay them more and they will emerge.)

— Joe Biden launches his campaign, aims first lies at President Trump – Bob Siegel 

— ‘Sleepy’ or ‘Hyper’? Biden, Trump spar over age and energy A day after he entered the White House race, it appears the former vice president is getting under Trump’s skin. – NOLAN D. MCCASKILL (DIERSEN: Who tries to get under your skin and why? I should write a book about those who since 2000 try/tried to get under my skin to stop me from putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out.) 

— Trump heads to Wisconsin for counter-rally to White House Correspondents’ Dinner – JOHN VERHOVEK

— Are You a New York City Voter? Your Personal Information Just Became Far More Public The city’s Board of Elections posted its voting rolls to its website, allowing anyone to access people’s home addresses and party affiliation. – Vivian Wang (DIERSEN: I should write a book about past and present voters in my precinct who hated/hate Republicans, but who cast Republican primary ballots to do whatever damage they could to the Republican Party.) 
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH COLOR PHOTO: HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: With Help in Texas, O’Rourke Shed Punk Past – Stephanie Saul and Matt Flegenheimer (DIERSEN: Your past predicts your future.)
— Elizabeth Warren Wants to Cancel Student Loans. Critics Wonder if That’s the Right Solution. – Anemona Hartocollis (DIERSEN: If I had wanted to get a student loan to pay for my expenses at UIC and NIU 1966-1970, I doubt very much that I could have gotten one. Nether of my outstanding parents attended college. My father was the first of his ancestors to earn a high school diploma. My mother never attended high school. I just barely got into the upper 20% of my high school class. My ACT was only 24. I had not demonstrated any leadership abilities – I washed dishes for the minimum wage 1964-1966. I was draft bait, that is, I was classified 1-A for the draft notwithstanding the fact that my eyesight could not be corrected to 20/20, I had partial red/green color blindness, and I had Osgood-Schlatter disease (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osgood%E2%80%93Schlatter_disease.
— A Mystery Solved in the College Admissions Scandal: The Family Who Paid $1.2 Million – Kate Taylor and Jennifer Medina (DIERSEN: We can always wonder which Ivy League college would have accepted us if our parents had more money.) 
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: In N.R.A. Power Struggle, Insurgents Seek to Oust Wayne LaPierre – Danny Hakim

— As College Debt Rises, So Does Interest in Teaching Financial Literacy – Ann Carrns

— Hardline views made Lou Dobbs a Fox powerhouse. Now he’s shaping Trump’s border policy. – Manuel Roig-Franzia and Robert Costa

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A Trump-hater says “Trump takes Biden’s bait, defends his Charlottesville ‘both sides’ response.”

— FRONT PAGE: NRA’s Wayne LaPierre Says He Is Being Extorted, Pressured to Resign Group’s longtime leader says Oliver North, president of the NRA, wants him out – Mark Maremont
— Even George Washington May Be Erased From Our Past A mural in San Francisco, which dates from 1936, is assailed because it ‘traumatizes students.’ – Fergus M. Bordewich

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Trump-haters side with Trump-hating “Britain’s Potential Next Prime Minister.”

— Social Security’s COLA Is Designed to Fail Seniors No matter the cost-of-living-adjustment, it’s usually a no-win situation for retired workers. – Sean Williams (DIERSEN: Every year, the purchasing power of my Civil Service Retirement System pension, my Social Security, and my retirement savings diminishes.)

— Making A Slam Dunk In Hiring And Promotion Decisions – Marilyn G. Moran (DIERSEN: My Democrat superiors in the federal government focused on hiring, retaining, and promoting young Democrat minorities and young Democrat females.)

— Employees Don’t Trust Anti-Retaliation Statutes – Anna Verasai (DIERSEN: My Democrat superiors in the federal government retaliated against me a) because in 1988, when I was 40 years old, I became an active member in a class action lawsuit that charged them with reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation, b) because I refused to help them get rid of their employees because they were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran, c) because I complained about political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation, and d) because I refused to become a Democrat.) 

— Campbell County Republican Party Seeks Power To Disqualify – Charity Stewart (DIERSEN: Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform. Republican state, county, and township/ward organizations should have the power to disqualify Democrat plant, Libertarian plant, Green plant, and RINO candidates from running as Republicans.) 

Author: David Diersen

The opinions that I express in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are based on experience that I have gained doing many things since 1948. I base my opinions on what I learned a) working for the federal government for almost 30 years -- Post Office 1966-1969, IRS 1971-1980, and GAO 1980-1997, serving on the Executive Committee of the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter 1983-1996, and being a union member while I worked for the Post Office and IRS; b) earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976, a masters degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, and a masters degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997; c) passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979 and passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981; c) serving as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999, the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois Chairman 2005-2012, a member of the 2008 Illinois Republican Party (IRP) Platform and Resolutions Committee, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004; d) attending the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 IRP State Conventions as a delegate; e) being the subject of a nasty 4-page article in the February 1978 issue of Money Magazine; f) pursing litigation including Diersen v. GAO and Diersen v. Chicago Car Exchange; g) being married since 1978; h) living in Crete 1948-1972, in University Park 1972-1976, in Chicago 1976-1978, and in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton since 1978; and i) being baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran.