July 3, 2024

Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform. The Republican Party platform is conservative. Trump would not have won the primary in 2016 if he had not promised to defend and advance the Republican Party platform. My critics/opponents in the Illinois Republican Party (IRP), DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Milton Township Republican Organization, etc. are anti-conservative if not anti-Republican and they have always a) rejected many planks in the Republican Party platform and/or b) rejected direct election of IRP State Central Committee members.  Recently, they had me thrown off the IRP State Convention Platform and Resolutions Committee.

— Trump campaign blocks pair of anti-abortion activists from RNC platform committee. The shakeup, which has not been previously reported, comes as anti-abortion groups petition Trump, his campaign advisers and members of the RNC not to make significant changes to the party’s platform on abortion. –  NATALIE ALLISON and MEGAN MESSERLY (COMMENT: What do the following have to say about this: a) Illinois Republican Party’s (IRP) members on the RNC platform committee, b) the IRP State Central Committee members, c) the IRP chairman, d) the applicants for that position, e) the current and incoming IRP National Committeeman and Committee woman, f) the Illinois Republican county party chairmen, g) etc.?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Two hardline anti-abortion delegates to next week’s GOP platform committee have been stripped of their positions, according to several members of the Republican National Committee, underscoring a broader fear among evangelicals and other social conservatives that the party is poised to moderate its stance on abortion at the direction of former President Donald Trump. The Trump campaign’s efforts to block the two South Carolina delegates from the platform committee and replace them with loyalists is described in several affidavits as “interference from paid RNC staff … to circumvent the will of the delegation.” The shakeup, which has not been previously reported, comes as anti-abortion groups petition Trump, his campaign advisers and members of the RNC not to make significant changes to the party’s platform on abortion. While running for the platform committee, the two South Carolina delegates, longtime party activist LaDonna Ryggs and former state party chair Chad Connelly, made clear they would not vote to “water down” the party’s positions on abortion, marriage or Israel, according to a person with knowledge of the comments and granted anonymity to speak freely. A Trump campaign official disputed that Connelly and Ryggs were ever on the platform committee and maintained that two other people were the ones properly elected to the body by South Carolina’s convention delegates, suggesting that the “state party” had tried to circumvent the RNC. And Danielle Alvarez, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign and RNC, said in a statement that the platform committee “has yet to convene to discuss what language should be in the final document.” Trump officials have privately maintained, meanwhile, that no specific language on abortion has been determined ahead of the scheduled platform meetings next week in Milwaukee. The party platform has long condemned the procedure and supported both state and federal restrictions on abortion, including a 20-week national ban. Anti-abortion groups fear the RNC’s platform committee is about to make Trump’s leave-abortion-to-the-states position — which they have reluctantly accepted — the official position of the Republican Party. Doing so, they say, would undo decades of progress by their movement to restrict access to the procedure at all levels of government, and they warn that it could cost Trump the election in the process. “I would strongly urge the leadership of the Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign to proceed with great caution on the platform and avoid doing anything that would discourage or in any way deflate the enthusiasm of pro-life and evangelical voters,” said Ralph Reed, founder and chair of the Faith & Freedom Coalition. “Right now, sitting here today, they are prepared to crawl across broken glass, to do everything in their power to see President Trump re-elected. I don’t want to see anything happen that would change that current dynamic.” Delegates in four other states told POLITICO they, too, had been blocked by operatives with the Trump campaign from securing seats on the platform committee. According to the affidavits prepared for the RNC’s committee on contests, obtained by POLITICO, the Trump campaign and RNC staffers held a separate vote to elect a different slate of platform committee delegates. The documents allege that at least two GOP staffers who were formerly employed by the Trump campaign “[pressured] them to vote against” Ryggs and Connelly and tried to “circumvent” the official vote. Two slates of convention committee members were ultimately elected — one slate from the meeting organized by the Trump staffers, and another, including Connelly and Ryggs, at the party’s official meeting that was presided over by South Carolina GOP Chair Drew McKissick. Ryggs and Connelly have appealed the RNC’s decision to accept the other slate of convention committee members, though no hearing has been set. Ryggs — who said in her affidavit that she has been such a loyal supporter of Trump that she and her husband had a gun pulled on them while knocking on doors for the campaign in 2020 — served on the RNC’s platform committee three times previously, including in 2016 when she celebrated the party moving its positions on social issues to the right. Connelly, who runs a faith-based conservative group, was the RNC’s national director of faith engagement under previous chair Reince Priebus. While many prominent anti-abortion leaders have weighed in with proposed language and called for the RNC to open platform meetings to activists and press, some in the movement have publicly and privately said their suggestions seem to be falling flat with Trump and at RNC headquarters. Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council and a member of the platform committee, accused RNC Chair Michael Whatley of “stalling tactics” in a letter on Monday about efforts to ensure the meetings are open. Closing the meetings, Perkins wrote in the letter obtained by POLITICO, “heightens speculation that the GOP platform will be watered down to a few pages of meaningless, poll-tested talking points.” A Trump campaign official said the meeting would be closed to members of the press, though guest passes would be available. Members of the platform committee, largely elected by convention delegates in their states, are set to gather in Milwaukee starting Sunday to iron out the party’s updated platform after foregoing changes in 2020. “I’m going to be fighting hard for the president’s agenda and making the platform America First and consistent with the president’s campaign agenda and what his promises are,” said conservative radio host John Fredericks, a delegate from Pennsylvania and member of the platform committee. Fredericks said he is serving as a whip for the Trump campaign, and it’s his opinion that the new party platform will reflect Trump’s own 2024 campaign positions — including that states should determine abortion law, a position the former president repeated during Thursday’s debate. Trump has also said he supports exceptions to abortion bans in cases of rape, incest and threats to the mother’s life. Jesse Law, chair of the Clark County Republican Party and a platform committee delegate from Nevada, added that he sees delegates “all getting into line.” “Best I can say is that this is going to be President Trump’s platform,” Law said. “That’s how I see it.” Oscar Brock, an RNC member from Tennessee who is not on the platform committee, said that based on Trump’s own positions, he expects the updated platform to become “more socially moderate,” not just on abortion, but on marriage equality, too. Polling shows Trump has the support of an overwhelming support of evangelical Christians, and there’s no evidence that droves of social conservatives would stay home if Republicans endorse a more moderate platform on abortion. Still, a rebuff from the Trump campaign threatens to divide a party that has largely managed to remain united behind the former president as Democrats grapple over internal divisions over whether Biden is even fit to run. “The problem isn’t just dampening enthusiasm. It’s also the fact that there’ll be a fight over it. There will be a platform fight, and it’ll be the week before the convention when you don’t want a fight, you want unity. And it’ll be for everyone to see in Milwaukee,” said a Republican strategist who consults with anti-abortion groups, who was granted anonymity to speak candidly. “If I were on the inside of a campaign I would be saying, ‘I don’t want to give everybody this story.’” In recent days, prominent evangelical and anti-abortion leaders have launched campaigns, hosted webinars and talked about the issue on podcasts in an effort to rally their supporters to pressure the Trump campaign and members of the platform committee. Perkins, at the Family Research Council, has been talking about the issue nearly daily on his podcast, while Students for Life President Kristan Hawkins hosted an “emergency webcast” Monday night on the topic to rally young anti-abortion activists around the cause. Others are lobbying members of the platform committee directly and voicing their concerns. Broadly, anti-abortion leaders would like to see the party platform on abortion — which includes specific details like affirming that “the unborn child has a fundamental right to life” and opposing the use of public funds to perform or promote abortion — to remain as strong as it is. Some are making the case to Trump and his campaign that even if they want to simplify the platform, it need not reflect the president’s views exactly. “The platform doesn’t necessarily ever reflect 100 percent the view of the party. That’s the case we’ve been making to the Trump campaign and as we’ve been speaking with those who’ve been discussing this,” Hawkins said in an interview. “We’ve been in conversations with the campaign for more than a month now about the platform and how it should reflect the views of the entire movement.” Lori Hinz, an RNC member from North Dakota who is serving on this year’s platform committee, said she is concerned about the plan to overhaul the platform altogether, and would prefer the RNC and Trump campaign create a separate, shorter, “Contract With America”-style document to go alongside the platform. “My view, honestly, is that we did a pretty fantastic platform in 2016, and I hope to preserve that,” Hinz said. Arizona state Rep. Alex Kolodin, another platform committee delegate, said the balance between state and federal restrictions on abortion is “complicated.” In April, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that the state’s near-total abortion ban was enforceable, a law Democrats in the legislature, with help from a handful of Republicans, quickly moved to repeal; voters will weigh in on a constitutional amendment protecting the right to abortion until fetal viability in November. “The conservative grassroots and the pro-life movement very much want to ensure that we keep or even fortify our very robust language in defense of life,” Kolodin said. “The Republican Party platform, since the party was founded, has always strongly emphasized the equal dignity of every human person and the need to defend them from having their life taken away without due process of law. That’s integral to who we are as a party.” Some members of Congress are also using their political capital to help anti-abortion groups make their pitch to the platform committee. Rep. Josh Brecheen (R-Okla.) said recently that he had contacted one of his state’s platform committee members to share his concerns about the platform, while Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) joined Hawkins on the webcast, which was centered around criticism of a state-only approach to abortion policy. “The federal government has activated to increase the numbers of abortion in America, and so when I hear anyone say this is not a federal issue, it certainly is a federal issue because this administration has found ways to be able to advance abortion,” Lankford said during the webcast. “I’m keenly aware we don’t have the 60 votes in the Senate, but the worst thing we can do is not talk about it at all and somehow make people presume this is no longer a value … The way you win the argument is to keep talking about it, not to talk about it less.” Anti-abortion groups and their allies in Congress and statehouses say that maintaining a federal role for abortion in the party’s platform is not only the right policy, but also electorally crucial. Reed, a longtime Trump ally whose organization plans to spend $62 million registering and turning out evangelical voters, said that any “equivocation or retreat” by the Republican Party on the issue of abortion will “deflate voters of faith.” “Self-identified evangelical voters are roughly half of the entire Republican vote. And in some states, like Georgia, they’re about 60 percent of the entire Republican vote,” Reed said. “When you’re talking about a presidential election that could well be decided by thousands of votes spread out over three or four states, anything that discourages the enthusiasm or turnout of base or faith-based voters will not be helpful.”)

— The following email was sent out by the Illinois Republican Party Executive Director Matt Janes on July 1, 2024. I urge the IRP to immediately post it on its website.  I am very interested in learning what each the applicants have done and have promised to do to defend and advance the personal responsibility, traditional marriage and family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in the Republican Party platform. I am very interested in learning what position each of the applicants has on direct election of IRP SCC members. It seems to me that the committee will reject applicants who want direct election. – Dave Diersen
(FROIM THE EMAIL: As you may know, the Illinois Republican State Central Committee will be meeting on Friday, July 12, 2024 at 12:00 Noon to elect a new Chairman on an interim or permanent basis. If you, or anyone you know, is interested in being considered for the position, please submit the following information to Matt Janes, Executive Director of the Illinois Republican Party, at Matt@illinois.gop by Wednesday, July 10th at 5:00 PM.  This is a hard deadline, and is necessary to provide the Committee sufficient time to review all applicant material.  Applicants may be asked to address the Committee on July 12th.

An applicant must provide:
– A current copy of the applicant’s professional and political resume
– A brief letter/document outlining the applicant’s vision for the Illinois Republican Party
– A Letter of Recommendation from an Illinois elected Republican Party Official or an Illinois elected Republican Government Official (no limit on number that may be submitted)
– A certified copy of the applicant’s voting record
– The applicant must fill out and submit the attached Ethics Statement
– In addition, to be considered by this position, an applicant must agree to a background check.)

— Biden Told Ally That He Is Weighing Whether to Continue in the Race. The president’s conversation is the first indication that he is seriously considering whether he can recover after a devastating performance on the debate stage in Atlanta on Thursday. – Katie Rogers

— Michelle Obama only Democrat to beat Trump in new poll – Lauren Sforza


— Pritzker says he still supports Biden after poor debate performance; some Democrats express concern. Illinois Congressman Mike Quigley concerned over down-ballot election impact if Biden stays in race. – Craig Wall and Ravi Baichwal
— Democrats pressure Biden to answer questions after faltering in 1st debate. Doggett is the first sitting Democrat in Congress, House, or Senate to publicly call on Biden to withdraw as the Democratic candidate for president. – ABC News
— US Supreme Court won’t hear challenge to Illinois’ assault weapons ban, for now. – Peter Hancock
— 14, including 5 teens, face felony charges in mass arrests hours after Chicago Pride parade 2024. 53 arrested, including 9 juveniles, in all early Monday morning
— 80 pro-Palestinian protesters have charges dropped after Art Institute encampment arrests. Local leaders worry dropping charges sends wrong message, with DNC 1 month away. – Jasmine Minor

— Pritzker comments on President Biden’s candidacy amid debate fallout in CNN interview. Pritzker confirmed Biden is set to meet with Democratic governors on Wednesday while reiterating his support for the incumbent in a CNN interview.
— Supreme Court declines to hear challenge to Illinois’ assault weapons ban. Opponents of the measure believe the court will take up another challenge later this year.
— Democrat leaders ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.
— Chicago closes Daley College migrant shelter as city’s asylum seeker population continues to drop. – Todd Feurer (COMMENT: Anticipate/expect Democrat leaders to ramp up their efforts to promote more illegal immigration.)
— Rep. Lloyd Doggett becomes first Democrat in Congress to call for Biden’s withdrawal from 2024 race. Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas said in a statement Tuesday that Biden should “make the painful and difficult decision to withdraw.” – AP

— Chicago closes Daley College migrant shelter as city’s asylum seeker population continues to drop. – Todd Feure (COMMENT: Anticipate/expect Democrat leaders to ramp up their efforts to promote more illegal immigration.)
— After confrontation at Dolton, Illinois board meeting, activist faces misdemeanor. A Chicago activist was taken away in handcuffs after attempting to confront a village trustee at a board meeting in Dolton on Monday night.

— Supreme Court declines to hear challenge to Illinois assault weapons ban. – Lindsay Whitehurst
— Evanston residents calling ‘dibs’ as they stake out spots for July 4th parade. – Nate Rodgers  (COMMENT: Which Republican candidates will have entries in Wheaton’s Independence Day parade?)

— Pritzker Signs Bill to Increase Party Power in Primary Elections – Andrew Adams

— Lawsuit challenges affirmative action in hiring at Northwestern law school  (COMMENT: The Democrats who ran GAO in 1980, IRS in 1971, and the Post Office in 1966 hired me because they could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.)
— Today in History: Civil Rights Act signed into law. AP (COMMENT: The Democrats who ran GAO in 1980, IRS in 1971, and the Post Office in 1966 hired me because they could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.)
— Democrats ever-increasingly blame Republicans for bad weather.

— Command performance — Pritzker, other Democratic governors to meet with Biden after dismal debate showing. Democratic governors spoke amongst themselves Monday and wondered why they hadn’t heard from the president since last week’s debate. A White House meeting with Biden is now scheduled for Wednesday evening. – Tina Sfondeles
— Battle over Illinois’ assault weapon ban will continue after Supreme Court declines to get involved. Groups challenging the law made their bid to the U.S. Supreme Court after last fall’s ruling from the federal appeals court in Chicago, which found that weapons covered by Illinois’ assault-weapons ban don’t have Second Amendment protection. – Jon Seidel

— Survivors of Tulsa Race Massacre call on President Biden to open investigation into 1921 attack – ABC  (COMMENT: What did your ancestors do in 1921? On my father’s side, they operated Crete’s only hardware store. On my mother’s side, they operated a farm in Grant Park along the Indiana border.  Ever-increasingly, the longer that your ancestors have been in America and if you are a Republican, the more that Democrats hint/imply/argue/shout that you have benefitted from slavery, racism, and discrimination against Blacks and you owe more reparations.)

— Democrat leaders ever-increasingly encourage/force children to be sexually active LGBTQers.

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

— Road Closures To Take Effect For Independence Day Events In Wheaton – Lisa Marie Farver (COMMENT: Which Republican candidates will have entries in Wheaton’s Independence Day parade?)

— Pressed on whether he’d pick up the mantle if Biden were to bow out, Pritzker was careful in his words: “Right now, Joe Biden is our nominee, and I’m 100 percent on board with supporting him as our nominee unless he makes some other decision. And then I think we’re all going to be discussing what’s the best way forward.” – SHIA KAPOS


— QUESTION: What indicates that a website is having more and more and more big problems and that it is soon to go down? ANSWER: More and more and more a) days with nothing new posted, b) self-promotion, c) pay walling, d) advertising, e) cookie permission requests/demands, f) donation requests, and g) promotion of vices and sex. – Dave Diersen

— A 50/50 chance for a police response to a 911 call in Chicago shows total dysfunction
— Chicago’s worst-in-nation pension crisis strikes again. – Nick Binotti and Ted Dabrowski
— UHaul, United Van Lines, the Census, the IRS…all show that Illinois is losing people
— South and southwest Chicago suburbs to be hammered by massive property tax increases. – Mark Glennon

— Pritzker on Axios ‘shortlist’ to replace Biden



— ‘There’s a price for being Russia’s enemy’: Putin, Kim aim to intimidate U.S. – Ben Wolfgang  (COMMENT: When Russia, China, North Korea, etc. officially declare war on America, which countries will side with them and which countries will side with America?)
— Shifting claims: Biden blames bad debate performance on international travel. Biden had been in U.S. for two weeks, also does not mention the cold his allies have been citing. – Jeff Mordock
— Illegal aliens are still voting in our elections. Inaction is not an option. – Matthew Tragesser

— Justice Thomas: Of course, the AR-15 is legal under Second Amendment – Paul Bedard
— Conservatives are starting to win against DEI – Ben Rothove (COMMENT: My critics/opponents reject the equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) plank in the Republican Party platform. They have always used Affirmative Action and DEI to get rid of Republicans.)

— There’s no way to restore the illusion that Biden is fit for the presidency. – Editorial

— ‘Biden Replacement Theory’ Gains Steam with First Elected Democrat’s Defection. Texas Rep. Lloyd Doggett became the first elected Democrat to publicly call for President Joe Biden to step down as the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee for president. He may not be the last. – Bradley Devlin

— Hunter Biden, 54, the president’s son, who was recently convicted of three gun-related felonies, is reportedly sitting in on meetings with his father in the West Wing, as the Biden family tries to manage the fallout of last week’s debate. – JOEL B. POLLAK
— Joe Biden Took Naps During Each Day of Debate Prep. – WENDELL HUSEBØ

— Biden Admin Caught Taking Fake Victory Lap On Border. It’s Much Worse Than We Imagine. – MARY ROOKE

— Affirmative Action Suit Details How Northwestern Law School Blackballed Accomplished White Men, Opted For Unqualified Black Women. Only 14% of law professor job offers went to white men due to affirmative action that blocked elite scholars in favor of incompetents, lawsuit says. – Luke Rosiak (COMMENT: The Democrats who ran GAO in 1980, IRS in 1971, and the Post Office in 1966 hired me because they could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.)

— Nonprofit Sues Northwestern University Over Discriminatory Affirmative-Action Hiring Practices. – MONROE HARLESS (COMMENT: The Democrats who ran GAO in 1980, IRS in 1971, and the Post Office in 1966 hired me because they could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.)
— Counting The Most Horrific Crimes Allegedly Committed By Illegals Who Crossed The Border Under Biden’s Watch. – JORDAN BOYD

— When it Comes to Executive Action, the Administration Tells the American People One Thing and Migrants Another. – Ira Mehlman

— Chicago’s mayor plans reparations task force. I’m on the South Side and I’ve got loads of questions. The last thing we need is more liberal gaslighting from Mayor Johnson that will only extend the misery of Black people. – Corey Brooks
— Supreme Court staying away from Illinois gun ban cases as Thomas seeks ‘more guidance’ on protected weapons. Illinois gun control law went into effect following 2022 Highland Park Fourth of July parade mass shooting. – Greg Norman
— Overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants aren’t under federal supervision. The non-detained docket has exploded to more than 7.4 million cases. – Adam Shaw

— What country are we in? 43 illegal immigrants who stormed the border during riot near El Paso RELEASED into U.S. – Matthew Holloway

— Biden’s Cognitive Problems Were Raised in 2020, Including By Fellow Democrats. The media coverup of Biden’s cognitive problems in many ways was worse than the fake Russian collusion because with Biden the media had to cover up what was in plain sight. – William A. Jacobson

— Faculty, Alumni, & Students Opposed to Racial Preferences (FASORP) Sues Northwestern University Over Race and Sex Discrimination. – ED WHELAN (COMMENT: The Democrats who ran GAO in 1980, IRS in 1971, and the Post Office in 1966 hired me because they could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.)

— PRIDE: Full Frontal Nudity for Kids, Urinating on Grandpa & Woke Military – Tierin-Rose Mandelburg

— ‘Vast DEI Bureaucracy’ in DOD Harms Military. – Brian Freeman

— There Is Some Serious Blood in the Water Regarding Kicking Biden Off the Ticket – Matt Vespa
— ‘It’s 3am’: Chip Roy Releases Chilling Ad on the Need to Use the 25th Amendment – Rebecca Downs


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome. People who have spent time with President Biden over the last few months or so said the lapses appear to have grown more frequent, more pronounced and, after Thursday’s debate, more worrisome. – Peter Baker, David E. Sanger, Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Katie Rogers

— Lawsuit: Northwestern’s law school is biased against White men in hiring. The complaint alleges that the private university’s law school gives hiring preference to “mediocre” women and applicants of color. – Laura Meckler and Susan Svrluga (COMMENT: The Democrats who ran GAO in 1980, IRS in 1971, and the Post Office in 1966 hired me because they could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.)
— Democrat leaders ever-increasingly promote reparations, first for Blacks, but then for Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, females, younger people, those who are not married, LGBTQers, non-Protestants, non-Italian American, non-German Americans, those whose ancestor have not been in America for a long time, those who have less money than others, boozers, gamblers, stoners, criminals, etc.

— How felon voting laws vary by state and what it means for Donald Trump – Rachel Barber

— Democrat and RINO leaders ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.

— Rudy Giuliani Disbarred – Sean O’Driscoll

— Biden’s Worst Liability Isn’t His Infirmity. It’s his judgment. He has a special talent for making the worst possible choice out of all available options. – Barton Swaim
— The ‘MAGA Supreme Court’ Doesn’t Exist. Democrats are fuming, but look at the record of the cases this term. – Editorial
— Was There a ‘Biden’ Presidency?  ‘Scranton Joe’ was a fig leaf for a White House bent on woke appeasement. – Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.

— Pritzker Urges Biden to Address Americans After Poor Debate – Isis Almeida

— Pritzker, a possible replacement for Biden? – Damita Menezes

— This Wouldn’t Be the First Time an Incumbent Stepped Aside. Here’s What Happened Last Time. Any move to replace Biden just four months before the election carries considerable risk. – JOSHUA ZEITZ (COMMENT: On March 31, 1968, I was watching TV when Lyndon B. Johnson stunned the nation when he announced he was pulling out of that year’s presidential election.)

— Asylum-seekers in Chicago receive pro bono legal aid from ABA staff. – MIKE RAMSEY  (COMMENT: Democrat and RINO leaders ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.)

— Democrat and RINO leaders have always used Affirmative Action and DEI to get rid of Republicans.

Author: David Diersen

The opinions that I express in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are based on experience that I have gained doing many things since 1948. I base my opinions on what I learned a) working for the federal government for almost 30 years -- Post Office 1966-1969, IRS 1971-1980, and GAO 1980-1997, serving on the Executive Committee of the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter 1983-1996, and being a union member while I worked for the Post Office and IRS; b) earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976, a masters degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, and a masters degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997; c) passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979 and passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981; c) serving as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999, the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois Chairman 2005-2012, a member of the 2008 Illinois Republican Party (IRP) Platform and Resolutions Committee, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004; d) attending the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 IRP State Conventions as a delegate; e) being the subject of a nasty 4-page article in the February 1978 issue of Money Magazine; f) pursing litigation including Diersen v. GAO and Diersen v. Chicago Car Exchange; g) being married since 1978; h) living in Crete 1948-1972, in University Park 1972-1976, in Chicago 1976-1978, and in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton since 1978; and i) being baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran.