June 30, 2024


— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.
— Shootings near Chicago’s lakefront reignite beach safety concerns
— Chicago’s minimum wage to increase Monday. Here’s a breakdown of the changes. Since increasing to $15 in 2021, the hourly minimum wage increases annually according to changes in the Consumer Price Index or at a rate of 2.5%, whichever is lower, according to Mayor Johnson’s office. (COMMENT: Have you ever worked for the minimum wage? I earned the minimum wage 1964-1966 washing dishes after school, Saturdays, and full-time during the summer of 1965. In today’s dollars, I earned $12.08/hour. With the money that I earned, I bought a new 1966 Pontiac Tempest Sprint in May of 1966. I used that car to commute to/from classes at UIC and my parents’ home in Crete. If I had earned $15/hour in today’s dollars back then, I might have worked fewer hours, studied more, gotten better grades, gotten a better ACT score, and graduated with a higher class ranking. Then again, I might have bought a loaded 1966 GTO that I might still own today.)

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.
— Neighbors remain on edge after overnight protest outside Rep. Brad Schneider’s home in Highland Park – Sara Machi, Jeramie Bizzle, Adam Harrington
— Family of Highland Park parade shooting victim file wrongful death lawsuit against Smith & Wesson – Jeramie Bizzle (COMMENT: Democrats ever-increasingly blame guns for gun violence instead of blaming those who use guns illegally.)

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.
— What was your most memorable summer job? – Nyarai Khepra (COMMENT: I did yard work during the summers of 1962, 1963, and 1964. I delivered newspapers during the summers of 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, and1966. I washed dishes during the summer of 1965. I cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline during the summer of 1966. I delivered mail during the summers of 1967, 1968, and 1969.)

— The sad reality? Biden needs to make way for another Democratic nominee. – Clarence Page
— Democrat and RINO leaders ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.
— Faith leaders: Where’s the money going for reducing Chicago’s gun violence? – MICHAEL PFLEGER, OTIS MOSS III, SETH LIMMER and CIERA BATES-CHAMBERLAIN
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH BIG PICTURE: Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

— IRS: Illinois loses $10 billion in income from 87,000 people moving out. – Greg Bishop


— Biden Debate Disaster and the Root of Democrat Panic

— What are the political entries in Wheaton’s 2024 Independence Day parade? Starting 2005, I served as the Republican fundraiser for Wheaton Independence Day parades and fireworks. But my anti-conservative anti-Republican critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes in Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois ended that in 2021. I should write a book about them. I would focus on past and present leaders of the Milton Township Republican Organization, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Illinois Republican Party. I would focus on past and present leaders of Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois. – Dave Diersen

— According to reports, the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) State Central Committee will meet on July 12 to elect a new IRP chairman. – Dave Diersen

Based on what the IRP did in 2005 and 2013, the IRP should have by now posted on its website:
a) the names of the two other members of the IRP chairman search committee,
b) the selection process that the committee will use,
c) the qualifications that applicants must have,
d) the requirements that applicants must meet, and
e) the application filing deadline.

Based on what the IRP did in 2005 and 2013, the IRP should then post on its website:
a) the names of all the applicants who met the filing deadline,
b) the names of all those applicants the committee deemed qualified,
c) lots of information on those applicants,
d) how Illinois Republicans can provide input on those applicants to IRP State Central Committee (SCC) members,
e) the date, time, and location of the meeting in which the applicants will give their presentations to the IRP SCC,
f) how Illinois Republicans can attend that meeting,
g) a Zoom link that Illinois Republicans can use to watch the applicant’s presentations at that meeting,
h) the weighted vote that each IRP SCC member has,
i) the weighted vote that each applicant got and from each of the IRP SCC members, and
j) the name of the winning applicant.

I am very interested in learning what each the applicants has done and has promised to do to defend and advance the personal responsibility, traditional marriage and family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in the Republican Party platform. I am very interested in learning what position each of the applicants has on direct election of IRP SCC members. It seems to me that the committee will reject applicants who want direct election.

— What distinguishes Democrat and RINO leaders? – Dave Diersen

Democrat leaders ever-increasingly promote the Democrat Party platform; RINO leaders ever-increasingly paint themselves as being Democrat Lite and fail/refuse to promote the Republican Party platform.
Democrat leaders promote dependency on government and charity; RINO leaders fail/refuse to promote personal responsibility.
Democrat leaders promote LGBTQ; RINO leaders fail/refuse to promote traditional marriage and family.
Democrat leaders promote abortion; RINO leaders fail/refuse to promote right to life.
Democrat leaders promote mass/illegal immigration; RINO leaders fail/refuse to promote enforcement of immigration laws.
Democrat leaders promote booze, gambling, pot, and other vices; RINO leaders fail/refuse to promote conservative principles.
Democrat leaders promote diminishment of Second Amendment rights; RINO leaders fail/refuse to defend Second Amendment rights.
Democrat leaders promote Affirmative Action, DEI, and CRT, that is, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, religious discrimination, and national origin discrimination; RINO leaders fail/refuse to promote equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving).


— How the DEI is coming for lawyers. W. Dyer Halpern

— Not whether to get rid of Joe, but how – Mark Landsbaum

— Biden’s Border Chief Claims Power to Admit More Illegals – NEIL MUNRO

— Possible VP Candidates For Trump Respond To Debate – Hank Berrien

— CNN Trump-Biden Debate Brings in 51 Million TV Viewers Across Networks, 30 Million More Online. – Jackson Richman, Nathan Worcester and Jacob Burg

— Biden Administration Suddenly Opposes ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgeries on Minors – WESLEY J. SMITH

— Democrat leaders nationally and locally have been openly pushing to get illegal migrants to vote in elections, debunking liberal media denials that it was merely a “conspiracy theory,” according to House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La. – Eric Mack

— Some Illegal Aliens Are Getting More Gun Rights than Americans – Luis Valdes
— Resurfaced 2012 Debate Clip of Joe Biden Proves Just How Much the President Has Deteriorated – Sarah Arnold


— Trump campaign memo signals plans to reduce the national GOP platform. The memo said the new platform would reflect Trump’s political stances.. – Isabella Murray (COMMENT: My critics/opponents in the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization have always ever-increasingly wanted the Republican Party to officially dump the personal responsibility, traditional marriage and family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and/or equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in its platform. That is, they have always ever-increasingly wanted to dump conservatives. That is, they have always ever-increasingly wanted to destroy the Republican Party.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Donald Trump’s top advisers are planning to overhaul and shorten the Republican Party’s platform so that it will be “in line” with the former president’s “vision for America’s future,” according to a memo sent to the party’s platform committee that was obtained by ABC News. The memo comes as some more socially conservative RNC members — along with some anti-abortion groups — have expressed concern that the platform this cycle might adopt Trump’s stance on reproductive rights, which would lift the call for a 20-week federal abortion ban that is part of the current platform’s language. Trump has been clear about his opposition to a federal ban and his preference for this issue to be left up to the states. This memo did not specifically mention abortion or reproductive rights but doubled down on the notion that the new platform will reflect Trump’s political stances. “For decades, Republicans have published textbook-long platforms that are scrutinized and intentionally misrepresented by our political opponents. The mainstream media uses their bully pulpit to perpetuate lies and misrepresentations, and the voters are often left believing we stand for something different than we actually do,” the memo, sent by Trump campaign managers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, says. The RNC’s 2016 platform, which was approved again in 2020 – both times with Trump at the helm of the party – is over 60 pages long. “Publishing an unnecessarily verbose treatise will provide more fuel for our opponent’s fire of misinformation and misrepresentation to voters. It is with that recognition that we will present a streamlined platform in line with President Trump’s principled and popular vision for America’s future,” the memo states. The memo was sent to Platform Committee members on Thursday. The committee begins convening in Milwaukee on the evening of July 7, and has meetings scheduled on July 8 and 9, ahead of the RNC’s convention. Draft language for a new platform has not yet been circulated to most Platform Committee members or general RNC members yet, according to several people with the process, though a number of conversations and lobbying on the issues with Trump allies have been ongoing among leaders of key advocacy groups and with some individuals. “The talk of changing the Republican party’s pro-life platform is deeply concerning for pro-life Americans across the country. There has only been one party that is the defender of life, and if Republicans back away from this fight, there will be no one to carry on this battle,” said Tim Chapman, the incoming president of former Vice President Mike Pence’s nonprofit political advocacy group. “Our expectation is that the GOP platform will continue to unequivocally call for national protections for unborn children, rooted in the 14th Amendment. Watering down the GOP platform’s stance on life would entail an abandonment of its defense of the human dignity of all people,” Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, said in a statement to ABC News.)
— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote Harris.
— Memo Reveals Trump’s Plan to Slash the Size of the G.O.P. Platform. In another sign of Donald J. Trump’s grip on the Republican Party, his team wants the party’s platform to be a succinct pro-Trump document, not an “unnecessarily verbose treatise.” – Shane Goldmacher (COMMENT: My critics/opponents in the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization have always ever-increasingly wanted the Republican Party to officially dump the personal responsibility, traditional marriage and family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and/or equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in its platform. That is, they have always ever-increasingly wanted to dump conservatives. That is, they have always ever-increasingly wanted to destroy the Republican Party.)
— Want to Be Trump’s Running Mate? Make Sure He Knows About Your Donors. Vice-presidential hopefuls are posturing as part of a bid to highlight their ties to the rich. – Michael C. Bender and Theodore Schleifer (COMMENT: I have no donors. I have never sought any.)
— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

— Trump advisers seek to simplify Republican Party platform. A memo calls for doing away with an “unnecessarily verbose treatise,” as the current platform, last adopted in 2016, runs 60-plus pages. – Hannah Knowles and Maegan Vazquez (COMMENT: My critics/opponents in the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization have always ever-increasingly wanted the Republican Party to officially dump the personal responsibility, traditional marriage and family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and/or equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in its platform. That is, they have always ever-increasingly wanted to dump conservatives. That is, they have always ever-increasingly wanted to destroy the Republican Party.)
— What we buy can be used to predict our politics, race or education — sometimes with more than 90 percent accuracy. Andrew Van Dam (COMMENT: Since 1964, I have spent  a) more than my peers on cars (American-nameplate only), real estate, and tuition and b) less than my peers on immediate pleasures.)

— Influential donors want to pressure Biden to drop out – Swapna Venugopal Ramaswamy and Phillip M. Bailey
— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

— Top journalism school teaches students to avoid harmful ‘microaggressions’ that display ‘myth of meritocracy’ – Kristine Parks (COMMENT: According to my critics/opponents, a) I achieved none of my accomplishments in life because of merit and b) I achieved all of my accomplishments in life because I benefitted tremendously from discrimination against those who do not share my demographics, that is, those who are minority, female, younger, LGHTQ, veteran, non-Protestant, non-German American, and/or those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time. I should write a book about my critics/opponents. I would focus on those whose parents have/had lots of money.)

— Trump campaign pushes for pared-down GOP platform as allies fret over abortion stance – Steve Contorno (COMMENT: My critics/opponents in the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization have always ever-increasingly wanted the Republican Party to officially dump the personal responsibility, traditional marriage and family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and/or equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in its platform. That is, they have always ever-increasingly wanted to dump conservatives. That is, they have always ever-increasingly wanted to destroy the Republican Party.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Top advisers to Donald Trump are plotting an overhaul of the Republican Party platform that will dramatically slash its size and refocus the GOP around the former president’s agenda for a second term. A memo from Trump campaign managers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles dated Thursday criticized past platforms as too long and too heavily influenced by special interests and outside groups. A “clear, concise and easily digestible” platform will be easier for voters to understand and harder for political opponents to attack, they wrote. “Publishing an unnecessarily verbose treatise will provide more fuel for our opponent’s fire of misinformation and misrepresentation to voters,” the memo said. “It is with that recognition that we will present a streamlined platform in line with President Trump’s principled and popular vision for America’s future.” The memo, obtained Saturday by CNN, was first reported by The New York Times. The party’s most recent platform, crafted in 2016 and reapproved in 2020, spans 66 pages. A person familiar with the planning said the goal for the upcoming platform is a concise document that is “a couple dozen pages,” written in clearer language and likely reflecting Trump’s top priorities. That person went on to say that when platform committees convened ahead of previous conventions, their meetings were attended by lobbyists and special interest groups trying to insert specific line items for their clients into the party platform. LaCivita and Wiles wrote they want a platform that will “free our Party from the constraints of Washington jargon and the shackles of lobbyist influence.” The memo comes amid intensifying anxiety from conservative groups over the direction of the platform ahead of next month’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. There is especially concern among anti-abortion groups that Thursday’s memo is signaling Trump intends to remove the platform’s long-standing commitment to a federal abortion ban and an amendment to the US Constitution giving the unborn the same rights as people. “The party is fully united, and taking out the pro-life language risks dividing the party,” said one Trump ally who is deeply involved in the anti-abortion movement and is aware of the memo from LaCivita and Wiles. The existing platform also lays out the party’s opposition to same-sex marriage and new gun restrictions. It embraces changes to Medicare and Social Security for people under 55 — some of which has become fodder for Democratic messaging in recent election cycles. Trump’s campaign is especially aware of how Democrats have weaponized the GOP platform in the past and is seeking to avoid a lengthy document full of potential landmines for the former president to navigate. “The platform is an opportunity to make our vision clear, and to lay out a framework for policy making, while rejecting any special interest influence that seeks to make public policy stray from our clear and straightforward objectives,” LaCivita and Wiles wrote. But by laying down markers in advance of next month’s convention, Trump’s campaign is further asserting his dominance over a party more fully in his control. Already, Trump this year has ousted the party’s previous chair, Ronna McDaniel, and installed close allies atop the GOP — his daughter-in-law Lara Trump and North Carolina GOP leader Michael Whatley. The platform committee, meanwhile, will be led by three close allies: Randy Evans, Trump’s former ambassador to Luxembourg; Russell Vought, a top official in the Trump administration; and Ed Martin, president of the right-wing interest group the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles and author of the 2016 book “The Conservative Case for Trump.” That committee will meet behind closed doors ahead of the convention, which begins July 15. Unlike in previous years, its deliberations will not be broadcast by C-SPAN, a source confirmed.)
— The 14th Amendment has been used to dismantle race-based programs. Historians say there are clashing interpretations. – Nicquel Terry Ellis (COMMENT: My critics/opponents reject the 14th Amendment. They ever-increasingly want more and more and more race and gender based preference giving.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The Supreme Court’s decision to gut affirmative action in college admissions one year ago has opened the door for numerous legal challenges against race-based grant programs, internships and scholarships across the country. Many of those lawsuits are being filed by conservative groups who insist that it’s unconstitutional to design and operate a program exclusively for a certain racial group. They argue that the programs particularly disadvantage White and Asian Americans, by preventing them from obtaining the jobs, funding or opportunities that these programs offer to other racial groups. Some lawsuits invoke the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment which was ratified after slavery was abolished and says no state may “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” The amendment was notably cited in Justice Clarence Thomas’ concurring opinion in the landmark affirmative action ruling, who described it as a “crowning accomplishment” of Congress. Thomas argued that the 14th Amendment “ensures racial equality with no textual reference to race whatsoever.”)

— Biden’s Debate Performance Puts Succession Plans In New Spotlight – Edward Sega
— Black People’s Responses To Trump’s Notion Of ‘Black Jobs’ – Shaun Harper (COMMENT: My critics/opponents have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I took jobs that should have been given to Blacks. I did yard work 1962-1964, delivered newspapers 1962-1966, washed dishes 1964-1966, cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline in 1966, delivered mail 1966-1969, worked on an automobile assembly line in 1970, sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances 1970-1971, pumped gasoline 1971-1972, collected delinquent taxes 1971-1980, and audited federal agencies 1980-1997. In 1997, they forced me to retire early and gave my job and my preferred corner office to my Black subordinate. My critics/opponents who have never held jobs like the ones I did make it very clear that they would never stoop to take those jobs.)

— Keeping Up With the Joneses – Nancy Colier (COMMENT: My father often decried his not having a college degree, and therefore, his not being able to keep up with the Jones. Not surprisingly, that motivated me to earn college degrees. Many, if not most, if not virtually all of my father’s peers made more money than he did. In his defense, he fought brittle type 1 diabetes from childhood. He was only the first of my ancestors to earn a high school. His doctors discouraged him from going to college because of the stress that causes. He almost always worked second jobs to pay the family’s bills. He died suddenly of heart failure in 1969 when he was 47 and I was 21.)

— Who could replace Joe Biden? Here are six possibilities. With Biden not yet officially endorsed as Democratic presidential nominee, it is in theory open to the party to choose another candidate. – Martin Belam

Author: David Diersen

The opinions that I express in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are based on experience that I have gained doing many things since 1948. I base my opinions on what I learned a) working for the federal government for almost 30 years -- Post Office 1966-1969, IRS 1971-1980, and GAO 1980-1997, serving on the Executive Committee of the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter 1983-1996, and being a union member while I worked for the Post Office and IRS; b) earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976, a masters degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, and a masters degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997; c) passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979 and passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981; c) serving as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999, the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois Chairman 2005-2012, a member of the 2008 Illinois Republican Party (IRP) Platform and Resolutions Committee, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004; d) attending the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 IRP State Conventions as a delegate; e) being the subject of a nasty 4-page article in the February 1978 issue of Money Magazine; f) pursing litigation including Diersen v. GAO and Diersen v. Chicago Car Exchange; g) being married since 1978; h) living in Crete 1948-1972, in University Park 1972-1976, in Chicago 1976-1978, and in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton since 1978; and i) being baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran.