July 13, 2024

Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform. The Republican Party platform is conservative. How do the following view Salvi: a) your representative on the Illinois Republican Party State Central Committee, b) the leaders of your Republican county party organization, c) the leaders of your Republican township/ward party organization, d) your Republican state senator and representative, e) Republican leaders of your county, township, and municipality, f) Republican candidates on the November 5, 2024 ballot in my precinct, g) conservative leaders and activists in your area, h) religious leaders and activists in your area, and i) your Republican Precinct Committeeman/Captain? Because Salvi is conservative, anticipate/expect that the aforesaid who are anti-conservative, that is, who are anti-platform Republican, that is, who are anti-Republican, do not view Salvi favorably, and especially the aforesaid who promote abortion.

Those who oppose Salvi promote the Democrat Party platform, that is, they promote a) dependency on government and charity, b) LGBTQ, c) abortion, d) mass/illegal immigration, e) booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, f) diminishment of Second Amendment rights, and g) Affirmative Action and DEI, that is, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, religious discrimination, and national origin discrimination.


— New chairman tries to unite fractured Illinois GOP heading into Milwaukee convention. – RICK PEARSON and JEREMY GORNER  (COMMENT: The Democrat Party exists to promote liberal principles. The Republican Party exists to promote conservative principles. Democrats want Republicans to lose. Democrats want Republicans to dump everything that is conservative and to dump everyone that is conservative.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Salvi won the chairmanship with about 60% of the weighted vote against state Rep. John Cabello of Machesney Park, a Rockford suburb, in an initial round of voting after Aaron Del Mar, the Palatine Republican Township committeeman, withdrew from the contest. In a final tally, 16 of the 17 members voted for Salvi, with one abstention, said GOP sources who were not authorized to speak publicly about the committee’s deliberations. Cabello’s candidacy to be “interim” chairman until after the Nov. 5 election was backed by forces aligned with the controversial Shaw, who still sits on the state central committee despite losing his party title and looked to exert some power within the party, the GOP sources said. Cabello said he wanted to serve as a caretaker to “keep the train on the tracks while they do their due diligence to find someone else” to serve as chairman. . .In an interview ahead of the chairman vote, Salvi said she has been “very active with the party, supporting candidates up and down the state of Illinois, attending events where invited and making my case to the people willing to listen how Illinois is really no different than the states that surround us.” Acknowledging Trump’s previous losses in Illinois and concerns by some Republicans that his presence on the ballot has dragged down Republicans in down ballot contests, Salvi said she believes the 2024 election will be different because of voters’ dissatisfaction with Biden and his policies. Biden “basically pulled a bait and switch,” she said. “People are hurting. Families are hurting. And they look at their lives under the four years of President Trump and they look at their lives of the last 3 1/2 years and people are hurting.” “We’re going to have an angry vote out there. Not just Republicans. People who have never voted before. They’re coming out in droves to support something different because they feel as though the promises made were not kept,” Salvi said. “The policies of the Biden administration have hurt families, have hurt Illinois families and voters. And people are recognizing that, which is why I think that the middle, center-left is coming on board.” Tracy will retain the chairmanship through the end of the national convention in Milwaukee, while Salvi, as incoming chair, is expected to join U.S. Rep. Mary Miller, the chair of the Illinois delegation, at convention-related party organizational events. Miller is a member of the far right House Freedom Caucus, an ally of U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and actively sought and won Trump’s endorsement for her reelection efforts. . .Republican convention delegates in Milwaukee will be asked to approve a slimmed down national party platform that in some respects is less conservative than the Illinois Republican platform. The national party platform proclaims that it was “because of us” that the U.S. Supreme Court’ overturned Roe v. Wade, returning the issue of legality of abortion to the states, in recognition of the conservative justices appointed by Trump. But it does not call for a national abortion ban, as many abortion opponents had sought. The Illinois GOP’s state platform approved in May continued its long-standing expression of support for “a human life amendment to the federal and Illinois constitutions affirming the right to life of unborn children.” The state GOP also approved a resolution attacking Illinois Democrats for their “extremist pro-abortion agenda.” Democrats successfully used the high court’s decision to overturn Roe as a rallying cry in the 2022 midterm elections and are heavily promoting reproductive rights in the 2024 campaign. The Illinois GOP state platform also continues to oppose same-sex marriage, stating that “the ideal environment for children is within a two-parent family based on the principle of marriage between one man and one woman” and backing a constitutional amendment to that effect. . .Salvi, the new Illinois GOP chair, is an attorney who mounted an unsuccessful challenge to Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Hoffman Estates in the 2022 general election, losing by more than 15 percentage points. Her platform on the campaign trail was typical of many Republicans today: She opposed abortion rights, though when asked about the prospect of a federal abortion ban that would outlaw the procedure in all states, she said she thinks laws regulating abortion are “best made by individual states” — in line with Trump’s latest position. She also expressed support for constructing a wall along the southern border with Mexico to halt illegal immigration, one of Trump’s central goals during his single presidential term. During a Daily Herald candidate forum for the 2022 GOP primary, Salvi also resisted saying whether the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Trump. “Joe Biden is our president,” Salvi said. “I wish we had a different president to meet this moment, but we don’t.” Salvi also ran for the U.S. House in 2006 but lost in the Republican primary. Her husband, Al, was elected as a state representative in 1992 and served two terms before making unsuccessful bids for U.S. Senate in 1996 and for secretary of state in 1998.)

— Johnson ally blasts city move to shut tent city as plan to ‘hide Chicago’s homeless.’  Ald. Andre Vasquez (40th) called out what he sees as a double standard in clearing the site in time for the DNC: “I didn’t think we would go from ‘Bring Chicago Home’ to ‘Hide Chicago’s Homeless,’ but here we are.” – Lauren FitzPatrick and Elvia Malagón (COMMENT: The Democrat Party platform promotes poverty and crime.)
— Bill Daley: ‘Open convention’ could be good for Chicago, voters and Democrats — even VP Kamala Harris. “We have some very good potential candidates out there that … would excite, not only the Democratic Party, but independents who make the difference in these elections,” the former U.S. Commerce secretary said. – Fran Spielman

— Who’s not going to the RNC reflects Trump dynamics – Marni Pyke (COMMENT: Republicans who reject Trump reject conservatives, that is, they reject platform Republicans, that is, they reject the base of the Republican Party, that is, they reject the Republican Party.)
— Meet the suburban delegates to the Republican National Convention – Russell Lissau and Steve Zalusky (COMMENT: Republicans who support Trump are conservative, that is, they are platform Republicans, that is, they are the base of the Republican Party.)

— A real strategy to deal with city’s gun violence can’t come soon enough. – Editorial (COMMENT: The Democrat Party platform promotes poverty and crime. It promotes a) dependency on government and charity, b) LGBTQ, c) abortion, d) mass/illegal immigration, e) booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, f) diminishment of Second Amendment rights, and g) Affirmative Action and DEI, that is, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, religious discrimination, and national origin discrimination.)

— ‘Take Back the Block’ anti-violence initiative receives skeptical response from West Side community. – Evelyn Holmes

— RNC 2024: Republican National Convention is in Milwaukee next week. Here’s what to expect. The GOP expects a triumphant moment.
— How to watch the 2024 RNC in Milwaukee: Time, streaming, channel and more. With Donald Trump’s vice president pick expected to be introduced, celebrity guest appearances made and a number of major issues on the line, there will be no shortage of headline-making news.
— Republicans signal abortion won’t be a big talking point during RNC in Milwaukee. The Republican National Committee adopted a party platform that omitted support for a national abortion ban. – Rose Schmidt
— Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-haters blast Project 2025. Virtually every federal employee is a Democrat who is anti-Trump, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-heterosexual, anti-married people, anti-non-poor people, anti-Protestant, anti-German American, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.  As one of the few Republican federal employees, I worked for, worked with, and supervised the aforesaid for almost 30 years.

— Demonstrators battle with Chicago over Democratic National Convention protest route. – Charlie De Mar

— West Chicago Mexican Independence Day celebration canceled. – Gabriel Castillo

— Democrats ever-increasingly push minorities to be pot pushers.

— Biden punches at Trump and the press as he tries to revive his campaign. – Lexie Schapitl (COMMENT: What do you say to the following who have taken punches at me: a) leaders of the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization, b) Republican leaders of Illinois, DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton, c) Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct, d) conservative leaders and activists, and e) religious leaders and activists? I should write a book about the aforesaid. I would focus on those who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me and the pretexts that they used to justify their actions.)

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote reparations. Affirmative Action and DEI are reparations.


— Pritzker’s ‘Think Big America’ ads on abortion and IVF: More dishonesty.



— Republican platform makes education bigger issue than in previous years. – Breccan F. Thies
— Biden border ‘bloodbath’ prompts Republicans to change immigration platform. – Anna Giaritelli

— Joe Biden’s Senior Moment of the Week (Vol. 102)

— DoD schools using taxpayer funds to teach DEI while working to avoid detection. – Parrish Alford, Chad Groening, Chris Woodward

— Biden Falsely Claims Border Encounters are Lower Than Beginning of Term. – Eric Lendrum

— Lawsuit claims Northwestern Law has discriminated against qualified white men in hiring for years. A recent lawsuit alleges that Northwestern University’s Pritzker School of Law has discriminated against white men in faculty hiring by giving preference to non-white individuals with lower qualifications. – Patrick McDonald
— House Republican announces caucus to combat DEI in education: ‘Stop the Left’s war on meritocracy’  ​A House Republican launched the “Merit Caucus” to combat Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion from overtaking education. –

— Pentagon Funding DEI Content in Classrooms. – S.A. McCarthy

— Biden’s Meeting With Congressional Hispanic Caucus Turns Into Debacle. – Ryan Saavedra

— Virginia School District Ignore Parents Opposition, Implements ‘Gender Identity’ Lessons (COMMENT: How much success have Democrat teachers in your school district had turning their students into sexually active LGBTQers?)

— Johnson touts GOP unity over record-breaking fundraising numbers ahead of RNC. House Speaker Mike Johnson tells Fox News Digital GOP is ‘united, energized and equipped’ for November election. – Elizabeth Elkind

— Biden Admin App Lets Migrants Forgo In-Person ICE Check-Ins. – James Morley III
— Coddling, Perks for Illegal Immigrants Signals Lawbreaking OK. –  Rob Astorino

— John Deere promotes DEI, CRT, radical trans agenda including ‘Pride’ events for toddlers. – Katie Daviscourt

— Border Crisis is a National Security Issue. – Francis P. Sempa


— Chicago removing homeless encampment ahead of Democratic National Convention. – SCOTT BAUER
— Former GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger endorses Biden, whose campaign wants to flip anti-Trump Republicans – STEVE PEOPLES (COMMENT: I should write about the biggest anti-Trump leaders of Republican organizations in Illinois. I would focus on those who boycotted the Illinois Republican Party State Convention this year.)

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.

–FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Democrats Fear States Once Safe Are Now in Play –  Nicholas Nehamas and Kellen Browning
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Biden’s Future Relies on Polls Being ‘Wrong’ – Nate Cohn
— Democrats ever-increasingly promote more LGBTQ.
— FRONT PAGE: Martyr Inc.: How Trump Monetized a Persecution Narrative. – Russ Buettner (COMMENT: According to my critics/opponents, I bring on all my own problems, that is, I cause all my own problems. I should write a book about my critics/opponents, the adverse actions that they have taken against me, and the pretexts that they used to justify those actions.)

— Democrat and RINO leaders ever-increasingly use same-sex marriage to destroy traditional marriage and family.

— Trump and Biden, Two Old Men Facing Armageddon. They are locked in a death struggle for leadership of a country of which each of them is a symptom of decline. – Lance Morrow (COMMENT: The issue should be health, not age.)
— It Used to Be Progressive to Hide an Applicant’s Name and Photo – Nicholas Bednarski, Camarillo, Calif. (COMMENT: Under the Democrats and under the RINOs, anticipate/expect that ever-increasingly, the more of the following that you are, the faster that you will be gotten rid of: Trump supporter, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, heterosexual, married, non-poor, Protestant, German American, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— America’s HR Lobby Scraps the ‘E’ From DEI. Move toward inclusion over equity draws a backlash; ‘Everyone has a right to feel like they belong.’ – Ray A. Smith and Lynn Cook (COMMENT: According to Democrats and to RINOs, equity means equal outcome. For example, if 20% of White men pass the CPA examination on their first attempt, then 20% of minority women should pass the examination on their first attempt. My Democrat IRS superiors were furious when I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt when I was 30 years old in 1979. My Democrat coworkers who minority and/or female who they had promoted over me or were going to promote over me either had not taken the examination or had failed to pass it.)
— My father made enough money that my mother could stay home and raise me and my brother. My critics/opponents have always used that to demonize, denigrate, and condemn me as having filthy rich parents. But my father never earned more than $50,000/year in today’s dollars. He almost always worked second jobs to pay the family’s bills. My mother never attended high school.

— Do Politicians Represent Voters (COMMENT: In my role an elected Republican Precinct Committeeman, I represent the registered Republican voters in my precinct. I represented the registered Republican voters in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton at the Illinois Republican Party State Convention this year. I represent those who read my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters who read them to get information to help elect Republican candidates who can and will defend and advance the Republican Party platform.)

Author: David Diersen

The opinions that I express in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are based on experience that I have gained doing many things since 1948. I base my opinions on what I learned a) working for the federal government for almost 30 years -- Post Office 1966-1969, IRS 1971-1980, and GAO 1980-1997, serving on the Executive Committee of the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter 1983-1996, and being a union member while I worked for the Post Office and IRS; b) earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976, a masters degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, and a masters degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997; c) passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979 and passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981; c) serving as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999, the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois Chairman 2005-2012, a member of the 2008 Illinois Republican Party (IRP) Platform and Resolutions Committee, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004; d) attending the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 IRP State Conventions as a delegate; e) being the subject of a nasty 4-page article in the February 1978 issue of Money Magazine; f) pursing litigation including Diersen v. GAO and Diersen v. Chicago Car Exchange; g) being married since 1978; h) living in Crete 1948-1972, in University Park 1972-1976, in Chicago 1976-1978, and in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton since 1978; and i) being baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran.