July 21, 2024


— Democrats say “Gunman in Trump rally attack flew drone over rally site in advance of event.”
— Democrats say “ComEd continues to restore power days after Chicago-area storms spawned at least 30 tornadoes.” How reliable has your electric service been? How many outages have you suffered and for how long? My Wheaton neighborhood used to suffer many long outages after storms, but not since I succeeded in getting ComEd to connect my neighborhood to its nearby distribution center at Roosevelt and Carlton.

— Democrats say “Activists call on Chicago Police Department to reopen investigation into officers with extremist ties.” Who hints/implies/argues/shouts that you an extremist? I should write a book about the following who have hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I am extremist: past and present a) leaders of the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization, b) Republican leaders of Illinois, DuPage County, Milton Township, Wheaton, Wheaton Park District, and Wheaton Chamber of Commerce, c) conservative leaders and activists, and d) religious leaders and activists. I would focus on the aforesaid who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me. Better yet, I should sue them.

— Democrats say “Americans are less able to afford healthcare than in 2022.”  The federal government pays 72% of healthcare insurance premiums for its employees and retirees. Ever since I became a federal employee when I was 18 years old in 1966, and especially since I became a federal retiree when I was 49 years old in 1997, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have been furious that I got that benefit and that I continue to get that benefit.

— Democrats say “Trump holds first campaign rally after assassination attempt with his new running mate, JD Vance, by his side.”
— Democrats say “Beyond Biden, Democrats are split over who would be next — Vice President Harris or launch a mini primary.”
— Democrats say “On the RNC floor in Milwaukee, Donald Trump is the protector and Appalachia is in ascendancy.”
— Democrats say “Activist groups seek new probe into Chicago cops’ ties to Oath Keepers.” I should write a book about my critics/opponents who have hinted/implied/argued/shouted the most that TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois and Illinois Center Right Coalition (ICRC) were extremist groups if not hate groups. I was the chairman of TAPROOT 2005-2012 and I was a member of the ICRC Steering Committee 2003-2007. I would focus on my critics/opponents who are past and present a) leaders of the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization, b) Republican leaders of Illinois, DuPage County, Milton Township, Wheaton, Wheaton Park District, and Wheaton Chamber of Commerce, c) conservative leaders and activists, and d) religious leaders and activists. I would focus on the aforesaid who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me. Better yet, I should sue them.

— Democrats say “Trump campaign releases letter on his injury, treatment after last week’s assassination attempt.”

— Democrat and RINO leaders ever-increasingly demonize, denigrate, and condemn the “far-right” as being racist and even worse things. My critics/opponents demonize, denigrate, and condemn me as being on the “far-right.”
— Democrats say “Some DNC delegates push to remove Biden from top of ticket, oppose virtual roll call.”

— Democrats ask “What is the Republican Party’s future in Illinois?” and say “Q&A with new state chair Kathy Salvi.” Serving as the chairman of a political organization is a thankless job. I served as the chairman of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois 2005-2012. I should write about my critics/opponents who blamed me the most for the defeats that Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct suffered during those almost 7 years. They also blamed what I have done as the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000 and what I did as a member of the Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee 2003-2007.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The bar for any party chair is winning elections. But more specifically, what are your benchmarks for judging your own success in this role?)
— Democrats say “JD Vance is red meat for Trump’s MAGA base, which risks losing more independents.” Democrats want Republicans to lose. Democrats do not want Republicans to defend or advance the Republican Party platform. Democrats want the Republican Party to dump its base.

— Illinois Democrat leaders ever-increasingly promote Pritzker. They want Pritzker to be America’s next president.

— Democrats say “Investigators believe Trump’s would-be assassin flew a drone over rally site on the day of the shooting.”


— I am an independent conservative Republican not-for-profit aggregator of political and government news and commentary of interest to Illinois Republicans. I should write about how my direct competitors treat me and treat my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters. I would focus on those who reject one or more of the following planks in past and present Republican Party platforms: personal responsibility, traditional marriage and family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and/or equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving). I would focus on the aforesaid who destroy those like me a) who they cannot manipulate or dominate, b) who refuse to glorify and praise them, c) who refuse to pander to them, d) who refuse to serve as one of their operatives or dupes, e) who refuse to cover up their wrong doing, and/or f) who refuse to give them money. I would focus on the aforesaid who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me. – Dave Diersen

— Chicago ranks as one of most stressed cities in country. – Glenn Minnis (COMMENT: Democrats run Chicago. What are your connections with Chicago? I lived in Chicago in 1971 and then 1974-1978. I worked in Chicago in 1971 and then 1973-1997. I took college classes in Chicago 1966-1968, 1971-1981, and 1992-1997.)

— Neighborhood Roll Call in the Prairie Path Park at 620 West Park Avenue on Tuesday, August 13, at 6:30 PM. (COMMENT: This is the park in my precinct where on July 5, 2003, I succeeded in getting all the announced Republican candidates for U.S. Senate to attend a picnic for the voters in my precinct, in Jeanne Ives’ precinct to the east and in Debra Olsen’s precinct to the west. Those candidates were John Cox, Chirinjeev Kathuria, Andrew McKenna, Jim Oberweis, and Jack Ryan.  More than 200 attended. Back then, I was the GOPUSA Illinois Editor, the Milton Township Republican Organization webmaster, and an officer of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, Illinois Center Right Coalition, and American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter.)


— Vance argues Biden should ‘resign now.’ – Alex Miller
— Trump fans flock to first post-shooting rally. –  Seth McLaughlin
— Speaker Johnson threatens to arrest lawmakers who disrupt Netanyahu’s speech. – Alex Miller
— In Trump they trust: Republicans renew their faith in leader. – W. James Antle III  (COMMENT: What are the anti-Trump leaders of the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization going to do? I should write about them and the adverse actions that they have taken against me since 2015.)

— Why did the Secret Service allow Trump on the stage minutes after identifying Crooks as a threat? – Elizabeth Stauffer
— Women’s sports protected, sex changes for minors banned. – Sarah Roderick-Fitch

— The ‘woke’ ways of President Biden and Kimberly Cheatle’s US Secret Service – Rich Calder (COMMENT: Hiring, retaining, and promoting young Democrat minorities and females and getting rid of their Republican employees was my Democrat superiors’ to priority. All my Democrat coworkers in the federal government who my Democrat superiors promoted over me a) had less work experience than I had, b) had less education than I had, c) had no professional certifications or fewer than I had, and/or d) had no professional license like the one I had.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Embattled Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has unabashedly embraced woke initiatives at the agency ever since she took over two years ago — including recruiting at Pride events, hosting seminars on pronoun use and even bringing in a popular YouTube female daredevil to attract a more diverse workforce. Cheatle, 53, unveiled her marching orders in the Secret Service’s 2023-2027 strategic plan, demanding agents to be “focused on achieving excellence through talent, technology and diversity,” documents reviewed by The Post show. “We must embrace diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) across the agency,” wrote Cheatle, a longtime friend of First Lady Jill Biden who was plucked in 2022 from her previous job as global security boss at PepsiCo by President Biden to be the second woman to lead the federal agency. “DEIA must be demonstrated by all employees — leading by example — through ‘every action every day.’”)
— Elon Musk takes several shots at CrowdStrike after global outage — including taking aim at company’s DEI policy. – Dana Kennedy
— Trump shooter Thomas Crooks was not a member of rifle team, wasn’t bullied despite previous reports, school claims. – Olivia Land

— When will Democrats be held responsible for their Trump-hating rhetoric? – Eric Utter
— The media’s hysterical anti-Trump propaganda manipulates lonely boys’ heroic dreams. – Molly Slag
— Illegal who urged squatting in Americans’ homes worked for Venezuela’s military intelligence. – Monica Showalter (COMMENT: How many vacant homes, apartments, and hotel/motel rooms are vacant in your county, township, municipality, and school district? Anticipate/expect that Democrats and RINOs will soon fill them with their illegals.)
— Donald Trump Versus American Socialists – Alexander G. Markovsky (COMMENT: My critics/opponents promote socialism, that is, they promote dependency on government and charity. Soon, if not already, everyone in America will be distributing welfare and/or receiving welfare. My critics/opponents crow about the ever-increasing amount of welfare that they distribute.)

— The big cheat is on. The attempt on Donald Trump’s life will not keep Democratic politicians from pulling out all stops, including illegal ones, to win the November election. – PAUL GOTTFRIED (COMMENT: Democrats are moral relativists. They believe that their end justifies their means. Anticipate/expect that Democrat voter fraud will be the greatest in battleground/swing states.)

— Microsoft’s Meltdown: A Wake-Up Call for Woke Tech Giants. – LUCAS NOLAN

— Vance Grilled Woke Biden Nominees Over LGBT Agenda For Months, Blocking Confirmations. – JENNIFER NUELLE  (COMMENT: Democrats ever-increasingly promote the Democrat Party platform, that is, they ever-increasingly promote a) dependency on government and charity, b) LGBTQ, c) abortion, d) mass/illegal immigration, e) booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, f) diminishment/abolishment of Second Amendment rights, and/or g) Affirmative Action and DEI, that is, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, religious discrimination, and national origin discrimination.)

— Former White House Doctor Reveals Details of Trump Injury in Assassination Attempt. – Tom Ozimek

— JD Vance mocks Washington Post scoop on his ‘anti-woke ideology’ – Gabriel Hays (COMMENT: My critics/opponents who claim to be religious, conservative, and/or Republican ever-increasingly paint themselves as being woke, that is, they ever-increasingly paint themselves as being anti-religious, anti-conservative, and/or anti-Republican. I should write about my critics/opponents.)

— Donald Trump’s Shooter — A Product of Government Schools’ Indoctrination? – Sheri Few (COMMENT: I should write about my critics/opponents in Wheaton who have demonized, denigrated, and condemned my attending Trinity Lutheran Grade School in Crete 1953-1961 and Hope Lutheran Grade School in Park Forest 1961-1962 the most.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: President Biden and others are urging Americans not to make assumptions about motive, but we are all eager to know — why — what would cause a young man to want to assassinate Donald Trump? I instantly think of his young age; not long out of high school having had his head recently pumped full of leftist indoctrination. With Critical Marxist theories intended to pit people against one another, and so-called “social justice” indoctrination happening in early grades and intensifying over time, children are taught to hate themselves, others and their country. So, someone who loves our country and is committed to making it great again is an obvious target for “social justice” at any cost. We saw violence, looting, burning and even murder following George Floyd’s death with young people rioting in the streets, destroying communities unfettered by law enforcement and media justifying their actions. With inaction, we told young people violence, lawlessness and in some cases, murder is justified in the name of “social justice.” We see it on college campuses with antisemitic protestors yelling “Death to America.” These young people are either foreign terrorists who should be deported or they are domestic terrorists that need to be on a watchlist and investigated for treason. Although Caucasian herself, some pages of the Nashville transgender shooter’s manifesto expressed her hatred for White people and she specifically claimed her victims had White privileges. This is the nonsense they teach in government schools.  Another thing I would wager these young, violent criminals have in common is having been medicated throughout their school experience and on into adulthood with stimulants and psychotropic medications linked to violence. A common thread among shooters is the use of medications prescribed to treat mental illness, especially among young assailants. The Nashville transgender shooter was under care for an emotional disorder and Trump’s would-be-assassin is reported to have been treated for depressive disorder. These young criminals are medicated most of their childhood with Adderall later combined with anti-depressants, and often hormones contrary to their biology, which is a cocktail for violence, hallucinations, suicide and homicide. School shootings have more than doubled in the last ten years following the full implementation of the Common Core standards. These national standards begin teaching children to advocate for change in society in pre-kindergarten grades and rachets up through high school burdening students with the responsibility of being social justice warriors. Since George Floyd’s death and the call to defund school police officers, school shootings have doubled with 35 incidents already in 2024. During this time many government schools embraced the Black Lives Matter movement and replaced school police officers with counselors and social workers leaving students vulnerable. Just before the assassination attempt, Trump’s Platform was released with real limitations on the far left’s transformative agenda pushing Marxism, LBGTQ+ ideology (with emphasis on the “T”), White privilege and anti-American propaganda. The following are three of 20 planks in Trump’s Platform, which he pledges to achieve very quickly after the election with the help of a Republican Congress: Cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content on our children. Keep men out of women’s sports. Deport pro-Hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again. The paradox is glaring in that these very policy positions, which may have influenced the shooter to attempt to murder the president, could be some of the solutions to ending the evil and hate that influences children in government schools. While we continue to seek answers as to why so many young people are prone to violence and particularly murder in today’s culture, I would pray we can find some good that evolves from evil. I believe the assassination attempt on Donald Trump has fostered unity in our country, much like after 9/11. As much as the media and government schools stoke the fires that divide our citizens, this ill-fated shooting caused Trump to get back up and call for Americans to keep fighting — to save our country! Trump is a uniter and many who have always voted Democrat are uniting behind Trump despite differences on some policies. His bravery and God’s willingness to spare his life are just the right medicine for a nation that is hemorrhaging from division. I pray God will continue to use Donald Trump to heal our land and end the indoctrination of children in government schools.)

— Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Plans to Remove George Washington Statue from City Hall. – STEPHEN DAVIS (COMMENT: Democrats ever-increasingly demonize, denigrate, and condemn all those who immigrated to America before slavery was abolished. All my ancestors immigrated during the 1840s and 1850s. In their defense, they always lived in northeast Illinois, they never were in a position to discriminate against anyone, and they never did discriminate against anyone.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: He also addressed speculation that the removal is connected to growing concerns over historical figures who owned slaves, a reason cited for the removal of many statues of founding fathers from public spaces in recent years. . .The decision has sparked outrage among some members of the community and even members of the Chicago City Council. Council member Nicholas Sposato, who chairs the Committee on Cultural Affairs and Special Events, compared this move to the controversial removal of Christopher Columbus statues from two parks in the city. “When does this stop — the redoing everything and eliminating everything? I just don’t get it,” Sposato said. “He’s George Washington. He risked everything. We are who we are because of this man. He could have just stood down and not get involved with the [Revolutionary] war and came here and lived a good life. But he fought for who we are. He should be honored all over the place. Next, are we going to change the name of the streets” Sposato continued, mentioning that there are streets named Washington, Jefferson and Monroe. “When does it stop?”)
— Microsoft Terminates its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Team – Stephen Davis (COMMENT: My Democrat superiors in the federal government used Affirmative Action, DEI, and up-or-out to waste my career and to get rid of me. If I had been a Democrat, minority, female, and/or veteran, they would have promoted me into their Senior Executive Service long before I was 40. I earned a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21. I earned job-related master’s degrees when I was 27 and 31. I earned job-related professional certifications when I was 30 and 32. I earned a job-related professional license when I was 32.)


— Democrats say “Republicans ready attacks on Harris in anticipation of Biden bowing out.”

— Democrats say “Why an election for 330 million-plus people may still come down to so few votes.” Democrat leaders ever-increasingly replace voters that have demographics that vote for Republicans with voters who have demographics that vote for Democrats.

— Democrats say “Trump campaign releases letter on his injury, treatment after last week’s assassination attempt.”

— Democrats and RINOs promote illegal immigration. Republicans oppose illegal immigration.

— Democrats say “If Kamala Harris Is a D.E.I. Candidate, So Is JD Vance.” My Democrat superiors in the federal government gave the same preference to their Democrat employees who were White and married to minorities that they gave to their Democrat employees who were minorities.
— Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hates promote more hatred against Musk.
— Democrats say “Dozens of Local Police Officers Were at Trump’s Rally. Very Few Were Watching a Critical Area.”
— Democrats say “Trump, Leaving Unity Behind, Insults Biden, Who Remains Sidelined With Covid.”
— Russia Punishes Journalists Who Seek the Truth – Editorial (COMMENT: My critics/opponents destroy those like me a) who they cannot manipulate or dominate, b) who refuse to glorify and praise them, c) who refuse to pander to them, d) who refuse to serve as one of their operatives or dupes, e) who refuse to cover up their wrong doing, and/or f) who refuse to give them money. I should write about my critics/opponents and the big adverse actions that they have taken against me.)

— Democrats say “GOP called for unity as it continued to feature far-right figures, ideas.” The more planks in the Republican Party platform that you defend/advance, the more that Democrats and RINOs call you conservative, far-right, extremist, White supremacist, Nazi, KKK member, hater, racist, sexist, bigot, and even worse things.
— Hate-filled American-hating America-haters promote hatred against Lou Dobbs.
— Democrats say “How a Harris presidential campaign would transform the race.”
— Democrats say “Democrats wrestle over whether Biden should top ticket.”

— Democrat and RINO leaders ever-increasingly destroy those who do not promote the anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American Democrat Party platform.

— If there has been any reduction in illegal immigration, it is solely because of fear that Trump will be elected. Citizens of foreign countries come to America illegally and stay in America illegally because Democrats give them massive government assistance, that is, Democrats give them massive welfare, that is, free housing, free food, free clothes, free medical care, free education, free cars, etc.

— Democrats say “Adam Kinzinger Declares Death of Republican Party.” The more hatred that you promote against the Republican Party, the more that the Democrat news media promotes you. I should write about my “Republican” critics/opponents who the Democrat news media promotes the most.

— Democrats say “Wall Street Takes a Back Seat With Trump’s Elevation of Vance.”

— Reciprocal Marketing (COMMENT: What do you say to websites that I promote but do not reciprocate by promoting www.gopillinois.com ?)

— Damning new Secret Service whistleblower claims about Trump shooting reveal staffing crisis, untrained agents – and the agency’s woke ‘nepo-hire’ director’s links to Jill Biden. – ISABELLE STANLEY (COMMENT: All my Democrat coworkers in the federal government who my Democrat superiors promoted over me a) had less work experience than I had, b) had less education than I had, c) had no professional certifications or fewer than I had, and/or d) had no professional license like the one I had.)

— Democrat leaders ever-increasingly replace voters that have demographics that vote for Republicans with voters who have demographics that vote for Democrats.

Author: David Diersen

The opinions that I express in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are based on experience that I have gained doing many things since 1948. I base my opinions on what I learned a) working for the federal government for almost 30 years -- Post Office 1966-1969, IRS 1971-1980, and GAO 1980-1997, serving on the Executive Committee of the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter 1983-1996, and being a union member while I worked for the Post Office and IRS; b) earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976, a masters degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, and a masters degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997; c) passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979 and passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981; c) serving as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999, the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois Chairman 2005-2012, a member of the 2008 Illinois Republican Party (IRP) Platform and Resolutions Committee, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004; d) attending the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 IRP State Conventions as a delegate; e) being the subject of a nasty 4-page article in the February 1978 issue of Money Magazine; f) pursing litigation including Diersen v. GAO and Diersen v. Chicago Car Exchange; g) being married since 1978; h) living in Crete 1948-1972, in University Park 1972-1976, in Chicago 1976-1978, and in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton since 1978; and i) being baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran.