August 10, 2024


— ‘Choose Chicago’ hosts pep rally for city ahead of 2024 DNC. Chicago has hosted more political conventions than any other city. – Courtney Sisk
— Amid fallout from Sonya Massey shooting, sheriff Jack Campbell announces he’ll retire by end of month. – Bennett Haeberle
— Illinois sheriff Jack Campbell retiring after deputy he hired was charged with murder for shooting Sonya Massey – AP

— Illinois sheriff Jack Campbell criticized for handling of police shooting death of Sonya Massey to retire. – Todd Feurer, Alex Ortiz
— Chicago DNC organizers hold pep rally with 10 days left before the convention – Asal Rezaei

— Demonstrators gather in Chicago after getting permit to march during DNC: ‘It shouldn’t have come to this’
— Sonya Massey murder: Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell retiring following fatal shooting. Sheriff Jack Campbell of Sangamon County announced his retirement Friday, just days after Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker called for his resignation following the fatal shooting of Sonya Massey by one of his deputies last month.

— Democrat leaders ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.

— Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell retiring after deputy he hired killed Sonya Massey. Campbell announced his retirement Friday. Massey’s father had repeatedly called for Campbell to resign for hiring Sean Grayson. – AP

— Downstate sheriff Jack Campbell announces retirement in latest Sonya Massey shooting fallout. – Jeremy Gorner
— Sonya Massey tragedy shows it’s better for municipalities to be minus police officers than to hire the wrong ones. – Editorial (COMMENT: Why were you offered jobs? The Democrats who ran GAO in 1980, IRS in 1971, and the Post Office in 1966 hired me because they could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job. They gambled that I would become a Democrat, but they lost their gamble. Consequently, they did everything that they could to waste my career and get rid of me. It is called political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination.)
(FROM THE EDITORIAL: The Sangamon County sheriff’s office is far from the only department struggling to recruit officers and thus prone to making poor hires. With policing under more public pressure and scrutiny than any time we can remember, particularly in diverse, Democratic Party-controlled states like ours, the profession clearly isn’t nearly as enticing as it used to be, even with early retirement, good salaries and generous pensions on offer. The Chicago Police Department, for one, is short about 2,000 officers. The temptation for these departments, then, is to skimp on the background checks and vetting that are necessary to weed out the unsuitable but can hamper recruiting. There were plenty of red flags available on Grayson, including a 2015 citation for driving under the influence and a record of working for five different police forces in the three years before Sangamon hired him in May 2023. At a bare minimum, an applicant bouncing around that many departments in such a short period of time ought to compel a police chief interested in hiring him to call the chiefs of those other departments for an honest assessment rather than relying on applicant-provided references. The public has an interest in fully staffed police departments. But there’s an even greater public interest in taking every step possible to ensure those on the force are truly qualified and well trained. Better to be undermanned than to run the risk of employing officers prone to losing their cool in tense moments, flaws that carry with them potentially fatal consequences. Sonya Massey’s tragic death is a cautionary tale for police chiefs everywhere. That brings us to the matter of the police chief in this case, Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell. Campbell has defended the process he undertook when hiring Grayson, saying he followed normal procedures, but has allowed there are changes he’ll make going forward. “My standard is now that ‘I want you to figure out a way not to hire this person,’” Campbell told Illinois Public Media News. By that, we took him to mean that every applicant will be scrutinized as thoroughly as possible. If that’s what he meant, we agree. . .It’s relatively easy, of course, for the Democratic governor to castigate a Republican sheriff in a case that has garnered national headlines and reflects poorly on the state. It wasn’t hard to detect the whiff of politics in the harsh criticism of a GOP officeholder by a governor with national aspirations (and demonstrated prospects) who needs to appear as tough as possible responding to a horrific police shooting within the state’s capital city. We’d be a bit less cynical had Pritzker, for example, been as critical when his appointees to the Illinois Prisoner Review Board failed so starkly earlier this year to keep convicted domestic abuser Crosetti Brand behind bars, freeing him (despite numerous red flags) to allegedly kill the 11-year-old son of an ex-girlfriend as she was attacked as well and badly injured. Pritzker asked two of those appointees, including the board chair, to resign. But when it came to his own appointees, who failed every bit as badly as Campbell did with similarly fatal consequences, the governor publicly expressed nothing like the outrage he leveled at the sheriff. Sangamon County is dominated by Republicans at the local level. To date, as far as we’ve seen, no local GOPers have called on Campbell to leave. If Campbell resigned over this tragic lapse, that would be an appropriate acceptance of responsibility. But he’s an elected official answerable to the voters of the county, not Gov. Pritzker. If he chooses to stick to the path of attempting to improve the office’s personnel management and regaining the public trust as he runs again, the voters of that county will be able to decide two years from now on his ongoing suitability.)
— Cook County judge who was reassigned amid investigation into alleged racist comments retires.
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Democrats ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.

— Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell retiring after deputy he hired was charged with murder for shooting Sonya Massey. Campbell announced his retirement Friday. Massey’s father had repeatedly called for Campbell to resign for hiring Sean Grayson as a deputy in the central Illinois county. – AP
— Chicago applications now open for voting by mail. Officials expect to start mailing out ballots Sept. 26. People can apply to receive one through Oct. 31. – Mitchell Armentrout

— Illinois sued by Illinois Family Institute over new pro-union law. – Brandon Dupré (COMMENT: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes despise/hate unions. They have never forgiven me and they never will forgive me for having been a union member 1966-1969 while I worked for the Post Office and 1971-1980 while I worked for IRS. They have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that because I was a union member, I was grossly overpaid and that my benefits were far too generous. In today’s dollars, my salary increased from $18.99/hour in 1966 to $110,020/year in 1980. In my defense, I earned a bachelor’s degree in management from NIU in 1970, I earned an MBA from Loyola in 1976, I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, and I earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980.)

— Embattled Springfield-area sheriff Jack Campbell will retire following Sonya Massey shooting. – Steven Spearie

— Democrat and RINO leaders ever-increasingly crow about their success in flooding America with their illegals.
— Under the Democrats and under the RINOs, the future is ever-increasingly bleak for those of any age who are conservative, Republican, White, male, heterosexual, non-veteran, Protestant, German American, and/or have ancestors who have been in America for a long time. I am all of the aforesaid. I was born in 1948. Even though I only just barely made it into the upper 20% of my high school class, my ACT score was only 24, and I had to work my way through college, that is, I did not get any scholarships, I was nevertheless able to a) earn a bachelor’s degree when I was 21, b) earn master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, c) earn professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and d) earn a professional license when I was 32.  But I would not be able to do the aforesaid today because of my bad demographics, that is, because Affirmative Action and DEI requires educators, employers, and everyone else to give ever-increasing preference to those who do not share my demographics.)

— Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell to retire. – Max Cotton

— Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell announces retirement. – Danny Connolly

— Democrat leaders ever-increasingly promote more illegal immigration.

— New Illinois law requires cultural hair care plans for DCFS youth in care. – Mike Miletich

— Illinois officials invests $6 million toward teacher shortage (COMMENT: Why were you offered jobs? The Democrats who ran GAO in 1980, IRS in 1971, and the Post Office in 1966 hired me because they could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.)
— Soon, if not already, everyone in healthcare in America will be Democrats who are minority, female, younger, LGBTQ, non-Protestant, non-German American, have ancestors who have not been in America for a long time, and/or are citizens of foreign countries.

— Sangamon County sheriff Jack Campbell says he’ll retire by end of month in wake of Massey shooting. – BETH HUNDSDORFER

— Illinois sheriff Jack Campbell retiring after deputy he hired charged with murder in Sonya Massey case

— Democrat and RINO leaders are overjoyed that illegals come from China.
— Democrats say “Trump attacked Walz, Harris and reporters in the room at press conference.” According to Democrats, Republicans attack Democrats but Democrats never attack Republicans.

— Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell announces he will resign following Sonya Massey shooting. – Sean Crawford

— Sheriff Jack Campbell to retire. Death threats, community divisions associated with death of Sonya Massey cited in resignation statement. – Dean Olsen
(FROM THE STATEMENT: “The tragic death of Sonya Massey has been a heartbreaking event for our community.  My deepest condolences go out to her family and friends. Since the incident, I have been proactive and transparent, working tirelessly to present all of the facts to the public. I have committed to making changes to our standards and collaborating with other units of government on ways to prevent incidents like this in the future. The one person truly responsible for this act is in jail, and I believe justice will be served through the legal process. Despite these efforts, some in our community want me to pay the price for that person’s actions, even threatening that I pay that price with my life, my family’s lives, or the lives of my deputies.”)

— Wheaton to hold public hearing for Roosevelt Road plans

— Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell announces his retirement
— Afternoon roundup


— Sheriff Jack Campbell has been forced to retire. I should write a book about the stigma of being forced to retire. Being forced to retire makes it impossible to get a job appropriate for your work experience, education, professional certifications, and/or profession licenses. But far worse than that, especially if you are conservative, White, male, non-veteran, Protestant, German American, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time, your critics/opponents use your having been forced to retire to hint/imply/argue/shout that real reason was that you are a very bad person if not a White supremacist, Nazi, KKK member, hater, racist, sexist, bigot, and even worse things. In my book, I would focus on my critics/opponents who have used my having been forced to retire when I was 49 in 1997 against me the most. I would focus on past and present a) leaders of the Milton Township Republican Organization, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Illinois Republican Party, b) Republican leaders of Wheaton, Wheaton Park District, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois, c) Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct, d) conservative leaders and activists, e) religious leaders and activists, and f) those who I have sued and their lawyers. They hint/imply/argue/shout that I must be an especially bad person and even worse things because I had earned a) job-related master’s degrees in 1997, 1980, and 1976, b) job-related professional certifications in 1997, 1996, 1994, 1990, 1981, and 1979, and c) a job related professional license in 1981. Needless to say, my Democrat GAO superiors having forced me to retire was one of the biggest negatives in my life. I will never recover from it. They forced me to retire to punish me because I had been an active member in a class action lawsuit since 1988 that charged them with reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation. Previously, they had a) always ranked me in the bottom half of my coworkers for pay for performance purposes, b) delayed my promotions and never promoted me beyond me GS-13, c) kept me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for them, and d) forced me to take a $22,996/year (21%) pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980. – Dave Diersen

— Illinois State Rep. Miller on illegal alien crime: ‘We need to repeal Illinois’ Sanctuary State status’

— Chicago population hits lowest point since 1920. – Bryce Hill


— Muslim Democrats buoyed by Shapiro snub encourage ‘mass demonstrations’ at DNC. – Valerie Richardson

— Harris running mate Walz marched with ‘Abolish ICE’ protesters in 2018. – Anna Giaritelli

— Democrats are responsible for migrant crime waves across the US – Editorial

— Fake, Fake, Fake vs. Fight, Fight, Fight – Dan Proft
— The ‘Burn-and-Bail’ Ticket: Walz Let them Burn his Cities while Kamala Bailed out the Burners.

— Gavin Newsom: I Will ‘Redirect Money’ from Communities Not Addressing Homelessness – ELIZABETH WEIBEL (COMMENT: Chicago Democrats are dumping fewer of their homeless on DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton because Democrats have succeeded in taking over DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton.)

— Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz: Proponent of Licenses for Illegal Aliens. The presumptive Democratic VP candidate should know the national security risks. – Andrew R. Arthur

— MSNBC Frets Gay Illegals Not Entering U.S. Quickly Enough. – BRAD WILMOUTH
— Greg Abbott Demands Biden Admin. Reimburses Texas For Illegal Immigration Medicare. – Beatriz Madan

— NPR Shocked That GOP Mocked Walz Putting Tampons in Boys’ Bathrooms – Clay Waters

— Far Left Liberalism and Troubling Incompetence Define Tim Walz. – Daniel Baldwin

— Thousands of Noncitizen Registered Voters Discovered – Mandy Taheri

— Delta Airlines Goes Woke – Sarah Arnold
— A Democrat Attorney General Targeted Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers. Here’s How They Responded. – Madeline Leesman
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In doing so, Ms. James flagrantly violates their constitutional rights by using lawfare to silence those who disagree with her,” Thomas More Society Executive Vice President & Head of Litigation Peter Breen, said. “Shamefully, Ms. James seeks to steal away a woman’s choice to save her preborn child, should that pregnant woman seek to stop her in-progress chemical abortion, after taking the first abortion pill. Abortion Pill Reversal gives women a second chance to choose life—a life-saving option that Ms. James seems to think pregnant women are not entitled to choose. With this federal lawsuit, we are once again going on the offense to put an end to Ms. James’ attacks on New York’s life-affirming ministries,” Breen added.)
— JD Vance’s Commanding Officer Goes on CNN and Shuts Down Host Who Attacked His Record. – Matt Vespa


— Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell stepping down in wake of Sonya Massey shooting. – Joe Sutton, Emma Tucker and Jennifer Feldman

— From New York to Denver, US Cities Are Seeking Migrants for Jobs. – Ella Ceron (COMMENT: The jobs that I had were so bad that migrants would not take them. I did yard work 1962-1964, delivered newspapers 1962-1966, washed dishes 1964-1966, cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline in 1966, delivered mail 1966-1969, worked on an automobile assembly line in 1970, sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances 1970-1971, pumped gasoline 1971-1972, collected delinquent taxes 1971-1980, and audited federal agencies 1980-1997. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes never had to take bad jobs.)

— A Growing Number of Homeless Migrants Are Sleeping on N.Y.C. Streets. As New York City officials struggle to provide shelter for nearly 65,000 asylum seekers, some have said they feel safer sleeping in parks, on the subway and on streets. – Luis Ferré-Sadurní and Olivia Bensimon (COMMENT: NYC today, your municipality tomorrow. My critics/opponents would love to see migrants sleeping in my Prairie Path Park in my precinct.)
— Illinois Sheriff Jack Campbell Will Resign Amid Backlash Over Fatal Shooting by Deputy. Campbell, the sheriff of Sangamon County, was criticized for hiring the deputy, who has now been charged with murdering Sonya Massey in her home last month. – Orlando Mayorquín
— Democrats ever-increasingly promote Harris/Walz.
— Democrats say “Harris Leads Trump in Three Key States.”

— Sheriff Jack Campbell steps down after deputy charged with murdering Sonya Massey. Pritzker had called on Campbell to resign, saying he had “failed.”
— Democrats and RINOs want Affirmative Action and DEI, that is, they want more preference for those who are Democrat, RINO, minority, female, younger, LGBTQ, non-Protestant, non-German American, and/or have ancestors who have not been in America for a long time, that is, they want more patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, religious discrimination, and national origin discrimination.
— Democrats acknowledge that “Walz moved Minn. schools to the left, opposing vouchers while increasing funding” and “Opponents say he catered to the teachers’ union and focused on the wrong issues as test scores fell.”

— Democrats and RINOs ever-increasingly shout that when minorities and women succeed, it is because they overcame discrimination by Whites and men.
— Democrats ever-increasingly promote Harris/Walz.

— On Wednesday, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin signed an executive order cementing election security protocols in the state, noting that since he took office Virginia has discovered and removed more than 6,000 noncitizen registered voters from voting rolls. – Mandy Taheri (COMMENT: How many noncitizens are registered to vote, or will be registered to vote, in Illinois, in your county, in your township, in your municipality, and in your school district?)
— How the GOP Platform Went From 35 Mentions of Abortion to One. – Jesus Mesa (COMMENT: I was removed from the 2024 Illinois Republican Party (IRP) State Convention Platform and Resolutions Committee not only because I advocate for direct election of IRP State Central Committee members, but because I am “too conservative.”)

— Sheriff Jack Campbell who hired ex-deputy charged in Sonya Massey killing to retire. – Sabina Ghebremedhin, Tesfaye Negussie, and Meredith Deliso

— Illinois sheriff Jack Campbell retires in wake of Sonya Massey shooting

— Illinois Sheriff Jack Campbell, Whose Deputy Was Charged in Sonya Massey Shooting, to Quit – Reuters

— Embattled Illinois sheriff Jack Campbell will retire amid criticism over the killing of Sonya Massey. – Steven Spearie

— The Republican Party has become a bunch of RINOs. – Randall Limbach, Sierra Vista
(FROM THE LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The Republican party has morphed into a party of Republicans-In-Name-Only (RINOs). The RINO concept has shifted over the decades, sometimes used disparagingly and other times approvingly. Traditionally, RINO describes a Republican deviating from conservative values. In my observation, today’s RINO is any Republican: Who’s actions are contrary to his conservative platform; Who not only doesn’t enforce the United States Constitution but promotes its decay (state sovereignty; representation; personal welfare; and state, individual, land, and water rights); Allows and even promotes tyranny (Covid mandates); Surrenders to Democrats on common-sense conservative principles (voter integrity, term limits, individual/land/water rights, taxation, border control, and federal overreach). The cowardly RINO tackles tough issues only after the door of opportunity has closed with a Republican administrative majority, after which he feigns a sense of urgent engagement on those same issues. Like conventional Democrats, establishment Uni-party RINOs possess globalist, centrist, and intellectually dishonest views, shunning those constituents who dare demand the restoration of our Constitution. The RINO enjoys the benefits of Uni-party ‘membership’ via support from the Grand-Old-Party and Democrat institutions, mainstream media, military industrial complex, giant conglomerations, and Big Tech and entertainment industries. RINOs demand “unity” throughout the party yet refuse to reverse course following generations of continued deceit and anti-America legislation. Today’s RINO would have supported the King of England in his efforts to defeat the original American revolutionaries. Ultimately, as what occurred in 1776, God will shield and promote today’s American revolutionary, regardless of political persuasion, and will rightfully hold these counterfeit Americans accountable.)

— Vance and Walz in a race to define themselves as champions of working-class voters. – Steve Bohnel and Mike Wereschagin  (COMMENT: What do your critics/opponents want to define you as being? Most of mine want to define me as being “too conservative.” They stress that I have been the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, that I have been a Wheaton resident since 1978, and that I attended the Illinois Republican Party State Convention as delegate, reporter, and vendor this year while DuPage County and Milton Township RINO leaders boycotted it. They stress that I am White, male, older (born in 1948), baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran, and 100% German American. They stress that my ancestors have been in America since 1844 and that I was a Crete resident 1948-1972. They stress that I was the fundraiser for Wheaton Independence Day parades and fireworks 2005-2019, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman 2005-2012, and an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007.)

— Top companies for high school graduates to begin and advance their career. – Matthew Euzarraga  (COMMENT: In 1966, my ACT score was 24, I graduated in the top 20% of my Crete-Monee High School class, I was a full-time UIC student, and I lived with my parents in Crete. The Democrats who ran the Park Forest Post Office hired me in 1966 as a part-time employee because they could not find a Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job. They disapproved of, if not despised, a) the fact that I was avoiding the Vietnam War draft with student deferments, b) the fact that I was conservative, Republican, Protestant, German American, my ancestors had been in America since 1844, and a Crete resident since 1948, and c) that I owned a 1966 Pontiac Tempest Sprint. In my defense, I stressed to them that I had bought that Pontiac with money that I earned washing dishes for the minimum wage in the basement of the S.S. Kresge in Chicago Heights 1964-1966. They certainly did not want me to become a full-time employee. To get rid of me, they disallowed my sick leave requests in 1968 and1969 even though I had taken far fewer sick days than any of my coworkers. They succeeded in forcing me to resign in 1969 by falsely saying that I was not available to work enough part-time hours. I was available to work all Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and every day that NIU was not in session.)

— Illinois Sheriff Jack Campbell Abruptly Retires Following Shooting Death Of Sonya Massey. Massey’s family called for Campbell’s resignation after former deputy Sean Grayson killed the 36-year-old Black woman. – Phillip Jackson

— Democrats ever-increasingly promote Harris/Walz.

Author: David Diersen

The opinions that I express in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are based on experience that I have gained doing many things since 1948. I base my opinions on what I learned a) working for the federal government for almost 30 years -- Post Office 1966-1969, IRS 1971-1980, and GAO 1980-1997, serving on the Executive Committee of the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter 1983-1996, and being a union member while I worked for the Post Office and IRS; b) earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976, a masters degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, and a masters degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997; c) passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979 and passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981; c) serving as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999, the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois Chairman 2005-2012, a member of the 2008 Illinois Republican Party (IRP) Platform and Resolutions Committee, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004; d) attending the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 IRP State Conventions as a delegate; e) being the subject of a nasty 4-page article in the February 1978 issue of Money Magazine; f) pursing litigation including Diersen v. GAO and Diersen v. Chicago Car Exchange; g) being married since 1978; h) living in Crete 1948-1972, in University Park 1972-1976, in Chicago 1976-1978, and in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton since 1978; and i) being baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran.