February 18 Morning Edition

— DHS weighed National Guard for immigration roundups – AP


— Expert: Possible Thompson Center Sale Is Small, Positive Sign – Nancy Harty


— Naperville’s links to presidents, from Buchanan to Bush – Suzanne Baker  (DIERSEN: Did you walk with Bush and Cheney in Naperville’s Labor Day parade in 2000?  I did.  Earlier that year, I asked Governor George Ryan and Senate President Pate Philip to invite Bush to walk in Wheaton’s 2000 Independence Day Parade.)
(PICTURE CAPTION: President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney walk in the Last Fling Labor Day Parade in Naperville in 2000, before they were elected to their White House posts. It was while in Naperville that Bush made his much-reported comment about a New York Times reporter being a “major league a——.” FROM THE ARTICLE: As a presidential candidate, then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush marched in the Last Fling’s Labor Day Parade in 2000 after holding a rally at Naperville North High School. It was on the rally stage before the speech when the candidate, who was oblivious the microphones were live, pointed out a veteran political reporter to his running mate Dick Cheney and said, “There’s Adam Clymer, major-league a—— from The New York Times.”)
— U.S. presidents have made a few stops in Elgin – Mike Danahey  (DIERSEN: What municipality do you live in?  What does the mayor of your municipality think of Republicans?  What if the mayor of your municipality at his/her annual state of the city address in front of 150 dignitaries publicly insulted your municipality’s top Republican promoter not only once, but three times?  What if the mayor of your municipality increasingly talked and acted like he/she a) wanted to ban Republicans from all parades in your municipality and b) drive all Republican individuals, Republican organizations, and Republican companies out of your municipality?  One could compare and contrast Wheaton and Bolingbrook in this regard.  Since 2000, I have taken the lead in encouraging Republican candidates and elected officials to walk in Wheaton’s Independence Day parades.  This year will be the 12th year in a row that I have raised money from Republicans to sponsor entries in the parade.  I 2007, I raised $2,000 from Republicans to sponsor an elephant to walk behind Congressman Roskam in the parade; outstandingly, Bolingbrook Mayor Roger Claar contributed $500.)
— Rauner’s pivot on Senate budget plan provides political breathing room – Rick Pearson, Monique Garcia and Kim Geiger
— Lake County homelessness count breaks record – Luke Hammill  (DIERSEN: How many homeless people have the Democrats sent to Illinois, to your county, to your township/ward, and to your municipality during the last week, month, year, and decade?)
— DuPage County board members ‘flabbergasted’ by schools ignoring free drug education – Gary Gibula


— Mendoza finds money for $32,000 used car for her office – Tina Sfondeles


— Wheaton woman wins $250,000 in lottery – Steve Zalusky


— Urbana business development – Tom Kacich
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “With the primary election near, (Urbana Mayor Laurel) Prussing has been repeating that ‘In the last four years alone, we have added 115 new or expanded businesses throughout the city.’ That comes to fewer than three per month. Even so, is there any way to sort this out? For instance, how many of these ‘new businesses’ are video-gambling parlors, payday-loan storefronts, beer-and-cigarette outlets or pin-money enterprises operating from sewing rooms or garages in private homes? Also, is there a tally of how many larger-scale businesses, in that same time period, have shut down or moved to Champaign?” Better late than never: Today, we got a list from the city of Urbana of 127 businesses that have opened or expanded since 2013. The list also contains seven businesses that are “coming soon,” seven others that have moved and 19 that have closed. The new or expanded businesses include everything from a ballet studio and guitar repair shop to new restaurants and coffee shops. There’s also a medical-marijuana dispensary.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: The anti-Trump CNN says “Trump goes back to what he loves: Campaign rallies  Trump to bask in admiration of supporters at rally.”
— Liberal group threatens to challenge Democrats with primary fights  New group demanding opposition to Trump agenda – GREGORY KRIEG


— Bustos, Delegation Demand Rauner Pay Domestic Violence Money – AP


— Corey Lewandowski: Trump Doesn’t Understand Global Impacts Of His Tweets  Former Trump campaign manager Lewandowki made the frank admission at an event closed to media and confronted by protestors. – Jonah Meadows  (DIERSEN: The more that you criticize Trump, the more that anti-Trumps love you.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: An anti-Trump says “It’s time to speak up, Republican Congressmen, or shame on you.”


— Miller embraces hiring of family in Algonquin Highway Commissioner race


— Illinois single-family home construction ten times lower than neighbors


— Mainstream Media Accountability Survey


— CPAC 2017 Tells Trump Supporters to Kiss Off – Loads Up Speaking List with #NeverTrumpers – Jim Hoft (DIERSEN: According to this article, “Face it Trump supporters – CPAC still hates you.”  Are you a Trump supporter?  I am. Who in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois hates you the most because you are a Trump supporter?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) will kick off next week at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in Washington DC. CPAC hid their speaker list for the past month and just started updating the list this past week. And just as we assumed — CPAC loaded the roster with committed #NeverTrumpers and ignored the grassroots supporters and websites that got Republican President Donald Trump Elected. It should really be no surprise. After all these “principled conservatives” planned a walk out protest last year for Donald Trump. Trump withdrew from the conference but the crowd did give big spender Paul Ryan a standing ovation. That’s CPAC! This year CPAC ignored many of the top Trump supporters who helped get him elected. These top election influencers will not be speaking at CPAC despite their work to get Trump elected. . .Instead the speaker list includes this committed #NeverTrumpers: . .Face it Trump supporters – CPAC still hates you.)


— Senator Ted Cruz Wants to Revoke Citizenship of Americans Who Turn to Terrorism — Why Aren’t We Already Doing This? – Warner Todd Huston


— Democrats, pundits mull ways to remove Trump
— McCain in Germany: ‘Consider whether the West will survive’ (DIERSEN: Those individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that do not want the West to survive are anti-Trump.)
— Wisconsin Students Demand Free Tuition for Blacks
— Sanctuary city pushes school district to support immigrant families  (DIERSEN: Democrats always promote dependency on government and dependency on charity.)
— Obama leads troops from ‘shadow White House’
— The Left’s All-Out War on Trump


— F-15s scramble to intercept unresponsive aircraft over restricted airspace over West Palm Beach
— McCain in Germany says Trump administration in ‘disarray’ (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, the anti-Trump McCain makes it clear that he sides with America’s enemies against Trump.)


— Libertarians And President Trump – Bruce Majors  (DIERSEN: There are tremendous conflicts between the Libertarian Party platform and the Republican Party platform.)


— Trump’s ‘sanctuaries’ crackdown imperils transportation projects  Millions of dollars could be at stake for improvements — all because ‘sanctuary cities’ refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials. – TANYA SNYDER (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps make it clear that they are anti-American.)


— Who Is Vetting The People At Mar-A-Lago? Democrats Want To Know.  Club members, guests and at least 64 foreign workers have unprecedented access to the president. – Paul Blumenthal
— Trump Vineyard Requests Visas For Still More Foreign Workers  America First doesn’t apply to Trump wines. – Mary Papenfuss  (DIERSEN: Have you held bad jobs that many, most, if not virtually all citizens of American refuse to take?  I have.  I a) did yard work and delivered newspapers 1962-1964, b) washed dishes and delivered newspapers 1964-1966, c) cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline in 1966, d) delivered mail 1966-1969, e) worked on an automobile assemble line and as a security guard in 1970, f) sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances 1970-1971, g) pumped gasoline 1971-1972, h) collected delinquent taxes 1971-1980, and i) audited federal agencies 1980-1997.)


— Trump calls media ‘enemy of the American people’
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump exchange with black journalist sparks outrage.”
— LGBT employees ask Education Secretary to keep protections  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, if you do not promote LGBTQ activity, Democrats and Democrat plants, Libertarians and Libertarian plants, Greens and Green plants, and RINOs get rid of you.)
— VERY SAD: Dog walkers will be more in demand than teachers in aging U.S.  Health-care expenditures are expected to surge as the number of Americans ages 70 to 84 spikes by 50 percent.


— DIERSEWN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Left-wing website under fire after saying Trump may have STD.”


— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: A Newsroom Risk In the Trump Era: Self-Censorship – Jim Rutenberg  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I should pander to those in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, in Illinois, in America, and in the world who have the most religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.)
— Sun, Sand and Influence: For Mar-a-Lago Members, Proximity Is Power – NICHOLAS CONFESSORE, MAGGIE HABERMAN and ERIC LIPTON  (DIERSEN: How close do you live to those run your municipality, your township/ward, your county, Illinois, and America? How much influence does your proximity give you?  When bad things happen to me politically, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes hint/imply/argue/shout not only that I must not have any influence with the following Republicans who live nearby, but that they must want to get rid of me: Roskam, Sanguinnetti, Ives, Zaruba, Jorgensen, Bucholz, Henry, Birkett, Brennan, Eckhoff, Grant, Elliott, Larsen, Whelan, Gresk, Fitch, Rutledge, Saline, Suess, Scalzo, Heidorn, Hinkle, Levan, Muehlfelt, Falbo, Natwani, Molitor, and Keller.)
— DIERSEN HEDALINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps a) glorify and praise refugees and b) demonize, denigrate, and condemn individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that do not glorify and praise refugees.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: An anti-Trump demonizes, denigrates, and condemns Trump.
— A Young Reporter Makes a Soft Query and Pleases an Upset President – MARC SANTORA (DIERSEN: I should write a book about the questions that I have asked Republican activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, in Illinois, and in America in my roles as a Republican Precinct Committeeman, the GOPUSA Illinois Editor, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member, and an American Association of Political Consults Midwest Chapter board member.  Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, and RINOs do not like my questions.)
— Trump’s Approval Ratings Are Down. How Much Does It Mean? – Nate Cohn  (DIERSEN: Who takes the lead in driving Trump’s approval ratings down in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, in Illinois, and in America?  I should write a book about the aforesaid.  They would love it.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: FRONTPAGE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump Aides Struggle to Reassure Worried Allies.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump News Conference Provokes Anxiety, Humor and Shrugs Around World.”
— Trump’s Inroads in Union Ranks Have Labor Leaders Scrambling – NOAM SCHEIBER, MAGGIE HABERMAN and GLENN THRUSH  (DIERSEN: I was a union member for almost 12 years.)
— Mexican Consulates Flooded With Fearful Immigrants – JENNIFER MEDINA (DIERSEN: How many citizens of Mexico live/work illegally in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, in Illinois, and in America?)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: QUESTION: Who demonizes, denigrates, and condemns patriotism and especially Independence Day Parades?  ANSWER: Those individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— The big mistake some anti-Trump protesters could be making – Robb Willer and Matthew Feinberg  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps paint themselves as being anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Time for an updated view on the number of government employees – L. Michael Kaas, Arlington  (DIERSEN: How many past and present federal, state, county, township/ward, municipal, etc, government employees live in America, Illinois, your county, your township/ward, your municipality, and your precinct?  I was a federal employee for almost 30 years.  I have been a federal retiree for more than 19 years.)


— It’s Racial Indoctrination Day at an Upscale Chicagoland School  As administrators foist ‘social justice’ on 4,000 suburban students, parents plead for balance. – PETER BERKOWITZ (FROM THE ARTICLE: Instead of teaching, the school’s aim seems to be hammering home to students that racism plagues America and will persist until white people admit their unjust privilege, renounce their unearned power, and make amends for the entrenched oppression from which they continue to profit handsomely.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: What passes for education at many American public schools is too often closer to indoctrination. Consider the seminar day that New Trier High School, in Winnetka, Ill., on Chicago’s affluent North Shore, is planning for Feb. 28. The title for the all-school seminar is “Understanding Today’s Struggle for Racial Civil Rights.” That very term, “racial civil rights,” is misleading, since civil rights protect Americans’ freedoms regardless of their race. Judging from the roster of scheduled events, the seminar might be more accurately titled “Inculcating a Progressive View of Social Justice.” Here are a few of the offerings scheduled for presentation to New Trier’s roughly 4,000 students: “SPENT: A Simulation to See How Long You Can Survive on Minimum Wage”—which touches on race at best tangentially. “Developing a Positive, Accountable White Activism for Racial Civil Rights”—which promotes a divisive view of race as a primordial fact, the essence of identity, a bright line between oppressed and oppressor. “One Person One Vote: Can the Voting Rights Act Be Saved?”—which absurdly suggests that the Voting Rights Act is at risk of being repealed. There are plenty of sessions on the connections that music, art and culture have with civil rights. Very little programming, however, is devoted to actually explaining to students what civil rights are and what their place is in this country’s political tradition. Yet the continuing quest to fulfill America’s founding promise is unintelligible without a grasp of how civil rights are grounded in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Or without an understanding of the often-heroic struggle for civil rights over the course of American history—the abolition movement, the Civil War, the great Reconstruction constitutional amendments, the grievous setback of Jim Crow, the modern civil-rights movement, the landmark Supreme Court cases like Brown v. Board of Education. Instead of teaching, the school’s aim seems to be hammering home to students that racism plagues America and will persist until white people admit their unjust privilege, renounce their unearned power, and make amends for the entrenched oppression from which they continue to profit handsomely. This despite the school board’s written policy to provide a “balanced view” on “controversial issues,” and the seminar’s stated purpose “not to promote the philosophy of one political party or another.” On Monday a group of concerned New Trier parents will make a final attempt to persuade the school board to alter the seminar’s programming to include a diversity of views about race and rights in America. The parents have proposed, for example, inviting black conservative intellectuals—such as my Hoover Institution colleague Shelby Steele and this newspaper’s Jason Riley—or people like Pastor Corey Brooks, the director of Project Hood, which seeks to end violence and build communities on Chicago’s South Side. So far, these efforts have been met with stonewalling and vitriol. On Feb. 6, a group of recent New Trier graduates—some of whom helped plan the seminar day—published an open letter to explain why the parents’ proposals are unreasonable and immoral. The letter opens with a long quotation from Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1963 masterpiece, “Letter From a Birmingham Jail.” The implicit message is that the New Trier parents are comparable to the “white moderate” King reproaches for preferring order to justice. King’s admonition to the comfortable—to imagine themselves in the place of the persecuted and downtrodden—is a timeless message, but inapt for the situation. New Trier failed to teach the letter writers the distinction between political activism and education. The seminar day presupposes that the pervasiveness and potency of racism in America are facts beyond dispute, rather than hypotheses to be critically examined. That’s why the letter writers dismiss the parents’ desire for a multiplicity of views as an effort “to distract the conversation.” Let’s hope that the concerned New Trier parents succeed Monday in teaching the New Trier school board about education’s proper purpose. If not, maybe the best thing might be for more families to follow the parent group’s advice: “Excuse your child for the day, and encourage him or her to volunteer”—perhaps with Corey Brooks and Project Hood.)
— The Death of the All-American Town  Brian Alexander’s “Glass House: The 1% Economy and the Shattering of the All-American Town” documents a single town in our fractured country. It is a devastating portrait. – ROGER LOWENSTEIN
— When America Opened Its Doors  For the founders, refugees were ideal citizens: They’d fled tyranny and would be a bulwark against it. Kathleen DuVal reviews “American Sanctuary: Mutiny, Martyrdom, and National Identity in the Age of Revolution” by A. Roger Ekirch. – KATHLEEN DUVAL (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats do everything that they can to make immigrants anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Workplace immigration enforcement could come roaring back under Trump – Kate Morrissey  (DIERSEN: If you are employed, is your employer anti-Trump?  If it is, how strongly does your employer favor citizens of foreign countries over citizens of America?  That is, how anti-American is your employer?)


— Trump softens stance, suggests he may not deport so-called Dreamers – TAMARA VAIFANUA  (DIERSEN: Reports like this encourage people to come to America illegally, to stay in America illegally, and to bring others to America illegally.)


— Fearing Possible Walkout, Sen. Rand Paul No-Shows Students For Liberty Conference – Shane Trejo  (DIERSEN: There are tremendous conflicts between the Libertarian Party platform and the Republican Party platform.)


— Here is how much you need to save for retirement  You should have 10 times your salary saved by the age of 67 – Anora Mahmudova


— Sales of Ivanka Trump’s perfume surge reaching top spot in Amazon Best Sellers  The sales increase comes despite a campaign to encourage shoppers to boycott products linked to the US President and his family – Shehab Khan
— Secret service investigate after Donald Trump’s motorcade ‘hit by rock’  The US leader was traveling to his Mar a Lago resort in Florida – Chloe Farand


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Look, I can’t be all bad! Grandpa Trump parades Ivanka’s children on the South Lawn as he leaves the White House after a tumultuous week.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “God bless Boeing! Trump gives plane firm massive free commercial at roll-out of its new Dreamliner – and points at Air Force one and says: ‘What can look so beautiful at 30? An airplane'”


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, the anti-Trump BBC makes it clear that it sides with America’s enemies against Trump.


— McCain attacks Trump administration and inability to ‘separate truth from lies’  Republican senator uses Munich speech to reflect on ‘disarray’ in Trump White House, saying president contradicts himself (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, the anti-Trump McCain makes it clear that he sides with America’s enemies against Trump.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: The anti-Trump IBT says “Donald Trump Media Bias: President Uses Twitter, ‘Mainstream Media Accountability Survey’ To Slam The Press, And It Could Backfire.”


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Fake news isn’t a Trump neologism — Hitler called it Lügenpresse.”

Author: David Diersen

The opinions that I express in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are based on experience that I have gained doing many things since 1948. I base my opinions on what I learned a) working for the federal government for almost 30 years -- Post Office 1966-1969, IRS 1971-1980, and GAO 1980-1997, serving on the Executive Committee of the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter 1983-1996, and being a union member while I worked for the Post Office and IRS; b) earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976, a masters degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, and a masters degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997; c) passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979 and passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981; c) serving as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999, the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois Chairman 2005-2012, a member of the 2008 Illinois Republican Party (IRP) Platform and Resolutions Committee, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004; d) attending the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 IRP State Conventions as a delegate; e) being the subject of a nasty 4-page article in the February 1978 issue of Money Magazine; f) pursing litigation including Diersen v. GAO and Diersen v. Chicago Car Exchange; g) being married since 1978; h) living in Crete 1948-1972, in University Park 1972-1976, in Chicago 1976-1978, and in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton since 1978; and i) being baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran.