November 23 Evening Edition

— Chicago area celebrates Thanksgiving with parade, shopping and serving meals – Evelyn Holmes and Megan Hickey, Kristin Byrne, Cate Cauguiran
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Gov. Bruce Rauner and his wife Diana served food to the homeless in Chicago at A Safe Haven on West Roosevelt. He singled out veterans in the group, calling them heroes.)


— Wheaton Metra Station Damaged by Accidental Fire, Closed Indefinitely


— Lake County Board, statehouse candidates to begin filing for March primary starting Monday – Emily K. Coleman
— Republicans push hard on GOP tax plan, but voters just aren’t that into it – Lisa Mascaro
— With enrollment plunging, SIU Carbondale chancellor pushes a radical overhaul – Dawn Rhodes
— Emanuel boasts of latest anti-Trump ruling in sanctuary city case – Hal Dardick


— Sessions orders review of background check system for guns – AP
— Working on Thanksgiving ‘They better save me some leftovers’ – Ashlee Rezin (DIERSEN: While worked part-time for the Park Forest Post Office 1966-1969, I worked virtually every Saturday, Sunday, and holiday.)
— Holiday homework: Learn your family’s history – Lauren FitzPatrick (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, members of the following groups hint/imply/argue/shout that if you are a White male, the longer that your ancestors have been in America, the more that you have benefited from their discrimination against minorities and against women, and the more that you should pay the price of Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion: anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Volo Auto Museum wants to save McDonald’s site from wrecking ball Auto museum wants to save historic Des Plaines McDonald’s by moving it – Christopher Placek


— Illinois governor grants 5 petitions for clemency, denies 97 – AP (DIERSEN: Would your accusers grant you clemency? My accusers would not grant me clemency. They continue to blame me a) for their problems, b) for your problems, c) for my problems, d) for everyone’s problems, and e) for all the losses the Republicans have suffered in Illinois since 2000.)


— Explicit Barton image raises possibility of ‘revenge porn’ Texas outlawed ‘revenge porn’ in 2015 – MJ LEE


— UC Berkeley conservative student sues Antifa member over threats, harassment


— Media offended by request to share thankfulness (DIERSEN: If I had been there, but of course, I could not have been there because my critics/opponents say that I am not a member of the news media, except when they say that I am a member of the news media to serve their purposes, I should have said that I was thankful a) that my critics/opponents have not yet stopped me from putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out, b) that they have not yet stopped everyone from reading those emails, c) that they have not yet ended my service as a Republican Precinct Committeeman, and d) that they let me serve as a TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman 2005-2012, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004, GAO employee 1980-1997, IRS employee 1971-1980, Post Office employee 1966-1969, etc.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: When White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders asked the press corps Monday to preface their daily briefing questions with a statement of thankfulness, reporters obliged. Or, should we say, obeyed. For this, no doubt, Sanders was grateful. Yet again, she controlled the crowd, though this time by candy-coating her usual condescension with faux fellowship. I’m thankful I wasn’t in the room.)
— NFL stadiums cost taxpayers billions of dollars


— Revenge porn: And Justice For All — Except Republicans
— ESPN Crumbling After Losing $1 Billion, Facing More Layoffs After Thanksgiving – Benny Johnson


— Trump mentions God 8 times in Thanksgiving address. Obama refused to mention God once – Pete Baklinski


— Wall Street’s watchdog is pursuing fewer cases since Trump took office – Renae Merle


— The GOP tax plan could negatively affect your Social Security benefits – Sean Williams
— Would your draft number have been called? (DIERSEN: I was a NIU student on December 1, 1969 when I got my draft number 151. That number was called in 1970. I had student draft deferments since 1966. When I graduated from NIU in August of 1970 I applied for a financial hardship draft deferment to help support my mother and brother because our father had died suddenly in October of 1969. My application was granted and then Nixon announced that if your draft number was over 100 and you had not yet reported for duty, you were no longer subject to the draft. Back then, employers were extremely reluctant to hire men who were subject to the draft, and especially those like me who were not 4-F and who had their draft number called. Employers did not believe that my application for a financial hardship draft deferment would be granted.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: On Dec. 1, 1969, the United States held its first draft lottery, which gave young men a random number corresponding to their birthdays. Men with lower numbers were called first and told to report to induction centers where they could be ordered into active duty and possibly sent to the Vietnam War.)



November 22 Morning Edition

— DISGUSTING, TRAGIC, ILLEGAL: Cannabis-Infused Dining Coming To Chicago (DIERSEN: If you promote pot, you promote destruction.)


— Activists planning return to Mag Mile for ‘Day of Defiance’ – Andy Grimm


— How Trump is building a bureaucratic wall to keep out immigrants – Maria Sacchetti and Nick Miroff
— Republicans warn of higher taxes with Pritzker – Rick Pearson
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Speaking of the graduated income tax, the Gov. Rauner-backed state Republican Party is warning that taxes would go up on more people than just those with large incomes if Democratic governor candidate J.B. Pritzker is elected. But Pritzker aides said he’s focused on getting a graduated income tax to replace the state’s current flat rate and also will look for other revenue-raising concepts that wouldn’t hike taxes on the middle class. The back and forth was the result of Pritzker’s appearance earlier in the week before the Crain’s Chicago Business Editorial Board. The billionaire entrepreneur and investor said he was unsure if new revenue from a graduated income tax that couldn’t be implemented until 2020 at the earliest would be sufficient for the state’s budget needs, including for education. The state GOP said: “Pritzker continues to mirror his patron (Democratic House Speaker) Mike Madigan when it comes to taxes, promoting even higher taxes despite Madigan’s 32 percent tax hike on Illinois families earlier this year.” But Pritzker’s camp said, “J.B. does not believe we should raise taxes on middle-class families, period.” Along with a graduated income tax, the campaign said Pritzker was “committed to finding budget solutions, like legalizing and taxing marijuana.”)


— Experience solving problems and thinking big – J.B. Pritzker
— Nearly half of US cancer deaths blamed on unhealthy behavior A new look at cancer in the U.S. finds that nearly half of cancer deaths are caused by smoking, poor diet and other unhealthy behaviors. – AP (DIERSEN: All my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes either a) do little or nothing to discourage/oppose the promotion of unhealthy behaviors or b) promote unhealthy behaviors.)


— It’s not just car insurance—State Farm hiking homeowners’ rates – STEVE DANIELS (DIERSEN: What percent of homeowners are Republican or Democrat? I would expect that a significantly higher percentage of homeowners are Republicans. What percent of homeowners are older v. younger? I would expect that a significantly higher percentage of homeowners are older. What percent of homeowners are retired? I would expect that percentage is high and getting higher. Federal COLAs have always been less than real inflation.)


— Make America Great Again rally comes to Rockford, drawing hundreds – Adam Poulisse


— Americans have much for which to give thanks – Editorial (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those nasty churchgoers in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who viciously demonize me, who viciously denigrate me, and who viciously condemn me as being someone who is not thankful enough. They hint/imply/argue/shout that I am undeservedly filthy rich and that I should be extremely thankful a) that they have not yet stopped me from putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out, b) that they have not yet stopped everyone from reading those emails, c) that they have not yet ending my service as a Republican Precinct Committeeman, and d) that they let me serve as a TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman 2005-2012, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004, GAO employee 1980-1997, IRS employee 1971-1980, Post Office employee 1966-1969, etc.)


— Local 150 and Dan Proft: The enemy of my enemy is my friend – Rich Miller (DIERSEN: Who wants you to be their enemy? I should write a book about those who want me to be their enemy. They do not want me to a) know about their events and other activities, b) promote their events and other activities, c) attend their events, or d) report on their events and other activities. To serve their purposes, they alternate between treating me like a) I am a member of the news media and b) I am not a member of the news media.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Operating Engineers Union Local 150 is making good on its threat to back a Republican primary opponent against House Republican Leader Jim Durkin. The union local’s president, Jim Sweeney, told me he had about a dozen members in Durkin’s district passing nominating petitions for Burr Ridge Mayor Mickey Straub a couple of weekends ago. Straub is running against Durkin as a Republican. Sweeney said he expected to double that number the following weekend. Challenging a legislative leader in a primary is just not done. But these are not normal times. Local 150 led the fight against Bruce Rauner in the 2014 Republican primary and then backed a Libertarian Party candidate against him that fall. The union’s leadership has fumed as Rauner has pushed his anti-union agenda, and now wants some payback on Durkin for helping to kill their bill to ban the creation of “right to work” zones by local governments. The governor vetoed the bill and the union tried twice to override Rauner without success, mainly because Durkin was able to keep his caucus together. Since the union blames Durkin they’ll ally themselves with anybody, including Republican activist Dan Proft, if they have to. Proft is backing Straub against Durkin, who he claims isn’t fit to be Leader. But Proft is not exactly known for being a big union supporter. In fact, according to the Daily Law Bulletin, Proft co-founded the Liberty Justice Center, which, irony of ironies, is representing Lincolnshire against a lawsuit backed by Local 150 over the village’s creation of a local right to work zone — the very event that Local 150’s vetoed bill tried to outlaw. Don’t even try to wrap your mind around all that. You’ll go nuts. This fight is beyond ideology. Sweeney and Proft have a common cause — messing with Durkin — and they’re sticking with that.)


— College students fleeing Illinois for cheaper tuition. Legislature seeks to change that. – JOSEPH BUSTOS (DIERSEN: How much tuition have you paid, to which universities, and when? I paid lots of tuition to IIT 1992-1997, Roosevelt 1980-1981, DePaul 1976-1980, Loyola 1972-1976, NIU 1969-1970, and UIC 1966-1968, 1971, and 1981-1983.)


— Illinois GOP continues wait for Pritzker’s tax returns – Deb Rogers


— Liberty Principles PAC airs ad slamming Durkin – Robert Hadley


— Diversity Obsession – Walter E. Williams (DIERSEN: Democrats run the federal government. Those Democrats use Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion to not hire, to waste the careers of, and to get rid of Republicans, and especially Republicans who are White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.


— DOJ moves to strip citizenship for immigrant child sex abusers – Alex Pappas


— ‘Mexico First’: Roy Moore Slams Doug Jones on Amnesty, Border – IAN MASON


— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON AMERICA TIGHTENS: Poll: 60 percent of American women say they have experienced sexual harassment – Kate Scanlon


— WHY APPLE’S DIVERSITY CHIEF IS OUT – Kent Kellar (DIERSEN: Democrats run the federal government. Those Democrats use Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion to not hire, to waste the careers of, and to get rid of Republicans, and especially Republicans who are White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— Political media engulfed by sexual harassment crisis – JONATHAN EASLEY
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: The more that you insult Trump, the more that anti-Trumps glorify and praise you.


— DISGUSTING, TRAGIC: Nevada’s recreational pot sales top September projection


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: F.C.C. Releases Plan to Repeal Net Neutrality Clash Over Free Speech A Win For Telecom Giants Could Be a Blow to Consumers – Cecilia Kang (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents want Internet providers a) to stop everyone from visiting and b) to stop everyone from receiving GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)
— Victims of Canada’s ‘Gay Purge’ to Get Apology from Trudeau – Ian Austen (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who purges who in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois? ANSWER: Individuals, organizations, companies, and governments that are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors PURGE THOSE THAT ARE Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. I should write a book about the leading purgers in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in DuPage County, and in Illinois.)


— How Trump is building a border wall that no one can see – Maria Sacchetti and Nick Miroff


— The chained CPI: Another secret tax hike for the middle class slipped into the GOP tax bills – Michael Hiltzik (DIERSEN: Federal COLAs have always been far less than real inflation.)


— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Teaching Teens Time Management How to help teenagers learn to juggle their own competing classes and extracurricular activities – Sue Shellenbarger (DIERSEN: What did you do with your evenings, Saturdays, and summers when you were in high school? During my junior and senior years and the summer in between 1964-1966, I washed dishes for the minimum wage in the basement of the S.S. Kresges in Chicago Heights. That enabled me to earn/save enough money to buy a new 1966 Pontiac Tempest Sprint in May of 1966.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, if you itemize your deductions, you are viciously demonized, viciously denigrated, and viciously condemned as being undeservedly filthy rich by members of the following groups: anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors. My and my wife’s 2016 federal income tax return shows that we had $30,890 in itemized deductions. We paid $21,433 in medical and dental expenses and we were able to deduct $13,859 of that, we paid $12,835 in real estate taxes, we paid $1,468 in state income taxes, and we made $2,728 in 501(c)(3) contributions. To support the GOP tax bill is to say that a) you want those who take the standard deduction to pay less federal income tax and b) you want those who itemize their deductions to pay more federal income tax. Overwhelmingly, a) those who take the standard deduction are renters and younger and are more likely to vote for Democrats and b) those who itemize their deductions are homeowners and older and are more likely to vote for Republicans. From what I see, Republican leaders want those who itemize their deductions to take the biggest tax hit. I itemized 1972-1977 and my wife and I have itemized since 1978. Government should encourage homeownership and taking job-related graduate courses. The deductibility of mortgage interest, real estate taxes, and job-related education a) encouraged me to take job-related graduate courses 1972-1983 and 1992-1997, b) encouraged me to buy a new town home in 1972, a studio condo in 1974, and a one bedroom condo in 1976, and c) encouraged my wife and I to buy a home in 1978 and to have one built in 1984.)


— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Want to retire early? Better have a lot of cash. – Robert Powell (DIERSEN: I should write a book about how being forced to take early retirement dramatically lowers your standard of living. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes would love it. They have always been overjoyed a) that my Democrat GAO superiors forced me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old, always ranked me in the bottom half of my coworkers for pay-for-performance purposes, did not promote me beyond GS-13, kept me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for GAO, and forced me to take an $18,847 pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980; b) that my Democrat IRS superiors did not promote me beyond GS-12, disallowed my education deductions in 1978, and disallowed my partial day per diem claims in 1974; and c) that my Democrat Post Office superiors forced me resign in 1969 and disallowed my sick leave requests in 1969 and 1968.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “Unless you have accumulated several million dollars for retirement, probably at least $3 million per spouse and hopefully much more, you are going to have some exposure to the risks of losing your standard of living or returning to work.”)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: The more that you insult Trump, the more that anti-Trumps glorify and praise you.

November 21 Evening Edition

— Increased taxes, fees on phones, ride-hailing and concert tickets approved in 2018 Chicago budget – Sarah Schulte
— Cook County approves budget with 321 layoffs – Craig Wall


— Why Alabama Young Republicans Are Deserting Roy Moore “At some point, decency comes before politics”


— Trump discounts accusations against Senate candidate Moore – AP


— Rich candidates for gov might want throw that money at schools – Phil kadner
— We are witnessing a backlash against bullying of all kinds – Robert Reich


— (ILLEGAL) Immigrant Francisca Lino who sought sanctuary at Chicago church files civil rights lawsuit – Nereida Moreno
— 9 reasons not to be thankful for the GOP’s tax plans – Eric Zorn
(FROM THE ARTICLE: 9. They’re anti-education. . .8. They preserve much of the carried interest loophole. . .7. They eliminate the alternative-minimum tax. . .6. They weaken or eliminate the tax on high amounts of inherited wealth. . .5. They’re anti-health. . .4. They favor businesses over individuals. . .3. They favor the rich over the poor. . .2. They’re being rushed through. . .1. They’re being rammed down the throats of the American people.)
— Emanuel’s 2018 budget approved; cost of phone fees and ride-share trips to rise – John Byrne and Bill Ruthhart
— This is a new day for feminists, I reckon As a wave of sexual harassment scandals rock the world of men, brace yourselves for a backlash. – Clarence Page
— ‘We will not be silenced:’ Palos Township meeting unravels after activists confront controversial trustee – Zak Koeske
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: An anti-Trump says “Trump’s sickening decision to stand by Roy Moore.”
— FCC plan would give Internet providers power to choose the sites customers see and use – Brian Fung (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents want Internet providers a) to stop everyone from visiting and b) to stop everyone from receiving GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)
— It’s always been our duty to report the truth. So why’d it take so long? – Dan K. Thomasson (DIERSEN: Democrats run the news media. If news cannot be spun to promote the Democrat Party platform, they delay it, they downplay it, they bury it, or they never report it.)


— DuPage County board, Zaruba clash over proposed cuts to sheriff’s office – Robert Sanchez (DIERSEN: Charles Bowsher ran GAO 1981-1996. Bowsher did not clash with Congress over budget cuts. Instead, Bowsher got rid of the agency’s employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
— FCC chairman sets out to scrap open internet access rules – AP (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents want internet providers a) to stop everyone from visiting and b) to stop everyone from receiving GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)
— A man accused of pulling his estranged wife from her car and attacking her in a St. Charles industrial park earlier this year has pleaded guilty and must serve two years of probation. Mohammad B. Sultan, 43, of the 1300 block of North Main Street, Wheaton, recently pleaded guilty to one count of felony aggravated domestic battery and violating an order of protection, according to Kane County court records. – Harry Hitzeman


— House tax bill is littered with loopholes for Wall Street’s wealthiest – Bloomberg


— Roskam on GOP Tax Bill: ‘Best Way to Grow Economy’ (DIERSEN: The bill cuts taxes for those who take the standard deduction and increases taxes for those who itemize their deductions. Overwhelmingly, a) those who take the standard deduction are renters and younger and are more likely to vote for Democrats and b) those who itemize their deductions are homeowners and older and are more likely to vote for Republicans.)


— In Cairo on Tuesday, Comptroller Mendoza calls Gov. Rauner ‘All Carhartt and no heart’ – MOLLY PARKER


— U.S. Rep. Shimkus Says President Trump is Following Through on Promise to Disrupt Government (DIERSEN: Have you followed through on your promises? I have. As the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, I followed through on my promise to assure that TAPROOT would a) hold a breakfast meeting the third Saturday morning of every month except August and December, b) hold a picnic each August, and c) hold a Christmas party each December. But that was not good enough for my critics/opponents.)


— Property taxes remain flat in COD levy
— Wheaton city manager updates chamber on streetscape plan as construction wraps up – ERIC SCHELKOPF


— The Rauner Agenda at Western Illinois University – Merrill Cole is Professor of English at WIU. He is the Advisor for the WIU Queer Studies minor, a member of UCOSOGIE, and a member of the WIU Diversity Council. He lives in Macomb with his husband, Rick Ponce.


— Rising property taxes and stagnant incomes: A lethal combination for Illinoisans – Ted Dabrowski


— Cicero assessor calls township opposition to property tax freeze the ‘right thing to do’


— Lisle Township supervisor defends opposition to proposed property tax freeze legislation – Glenn Minnis
— Put taxpayer first when considering property tax freeze, Wheatland Township trustee says – Glenn Minnis


— New Proft TV ad claims Durkin and Madigan “like Illinois state government just as it is”
— Rauner: “Illinois is at the edge of disaster”
— Shimkus won’t endorse in gubernatorial primary
— Biss wants more tax return details (DIERSEN: What would your 2016 federal income tax return show? My and my wife’s 2016 federal income tax return shows that we had $30,890 in itemized deductions. We paid $21,433 in medical and dental expenses and we were able to deduct $13,859 of that, we paid $12,835 in real estate taxes, we paid $1,468 in state income taxes, and we made $2,728 in 501(c)(3) contributions.)
— Pritzker is taking a page from Rauner’s 2014 campaign (in a good way)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Pritzker is doing what Bruce Rauner did in 2013 and 2014. The ILGOP basically existed only on paper back then. Rauner opened a ton of field offices during the primary (Pritzker just opened his 15th field office) and hired a ton of field staff. Rauner’s press releases back then were also similar to Pritzker’s today. Pritzker doesn’t just do specific candidate-based releases, he sends out lots of releases that you’d normally see from state parties in other states. The difference is that Rauner completely took over the ILGOP after the primary, injecting tens of millions of dollars in the process. Pritzker won’t be able to do that unless Speaker Madigan steps aside, and that doesn’t seem likely.)
— Illinois Policy Institute’s lobbying arm got $2.5 million last year from group that bankrolled Merrick Garland fight


— University instructor arrested, allegedly assaulted students


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Pot promoters promote pot big time. If you promote pot, you promote destruction.


— Wealthy Illinois candidates face tax disclosure minefield – Matt Dietrich


— Nearly half of DHS uniforms bought south of the border Mexico makes 70 percent of TSA uniforms – Stephen Dinan (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps have no problem with America depending on a country a) that sends many millions of its citizens into America illegally, b) that keeps many millions of its citizens in America illegally, and c) that sends mountains of illegal drugs into America illegally.)


— Bloated Federal Agencies Have Become the Norm. Here’s the Key to Sizing Them Down. – John York (DIERSEN: Democrats run federal agencies. When they get rid of bloat, they get rid of their employees who are Republican, and especially Republicans who are White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— Time to Give Thanks to White Males – Noel S. Williams


— Promising Republican Candidates Are Being Torpedoed By Antiquated Notions Of Sexual Morality – Jim Jamitis (DIERSEN: If you have ever done anything that subjects you to blackmail, you should not seek or hold any kind of government or political office.)


— University of Illinois instructor arrested after confronting conservative students – Jessica Chasmar


— Establishment GOP conflicted over potential Moore win – ALEXANDER BOLTON (DIERSEN: When push comes to shove, establishment Republicans would rather see a Democrat elected than a conservative.)


— Conyers scandal rocks House Democrats – JOHN BRESNAHAN and HEATHER CAYGLE


— Trump Defends Roy Moore, Citing Candidate’s Denial of Allegations – Michael D. Shear


— Federal regulators unveiled a plan Tuesday that would give Internet providers broad powers to determine what websites and online services their customers can see and use. – Brian Fung (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents want Internet providers a) to stop everyone from visiting and b) to stop everyone from receiving GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)
— Federal judge says Trump administration can’t stop funding sex-reassignment surgery for military members – Ann E. Marimow


— Former Israeli Actress Alleged to Be Operative for Corporate-Investigation Firm – Mark Maremont, Jacquie McNish and Rob Copeland (DIERSEN: Do you serve as an operative or as a dupe for someone? I do not. I should write a book about those in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who serve as operates or dupes for those who have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Americans agree with GAO and CATO.


— Chicago Renews Legal Fund for Immigrants Facing Deportation (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, the Democrats who run Chicago encourage people to come to America illegally, to stay in America illegally, and to bring others to America illegally.)


— Former ‘Saturday Night Live’ Female Stars, Staff Support Al Franken in Signed Statement – Jackie Strause (DIERSEN: Who supports you? My critics/opponents have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois. They have made it very clear that they will have their operatives and their dupes destroy any individual, any organization, any company, and any government that might support me. They crow about their success in a) baring me from political events, b) evicting me from political events, c) ending my TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairmanship, d) ending my Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee membership, e) ending my service as a Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster not only once, but twice, f) ending my Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee membership, g) ending my American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board membership, h) ending my GAO employment, i) etc.)

November 20 Morning Edition

— Transit leader Kirk Dillard says CTA fare hike justified; McCarter backing Ives; Harold says as AG she wouldn’t support or oppose Trump; Mazeski gets leg up in Roskam race – Rick Pearson
— Who benefits from House tax plan? – Jill Schlesinger (DIERSEN: I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)
— You can get a good job without a bachelor’s degree – Chauncy Lennon and Anthony P. Carnevale (DIERSEN: What did you do to qualify yourself for better paying jobs? I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32.)


— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Black aldermen realizing strength in numbers – Laura Washington (DIERSEN: As they gain in numbers, members of the following groups realize their strength: anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors. Ever-increasingly, they realize that soon, if not already, they will have the strength to get rid of individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Most employers don’t think bans on asking about salary history will work – Jena McGregor (DIERSEN: For government employees, salary history is public record. Since the beginning of time, government employees have been viciously demonized, viciously denigrated, and vicious condemned as being overpaid. Many do not seek jobs with the federal government a) because the pay and benefits are terrible, b) because the advancement opportunities are terrible, c) because they lack required education, work experience, professional certifications, and/or professional licenses, d) because they cannot pass an employment examination, e) because they cannot pass a background investigation, f) because they cannot pass a physical examination, and/or g) because they cannot take the demonization, denigration, and condemnation that comes with being a government employee or a government retiree.)
— Tax plan more backward than forward – Dennis Dedmond, Glen Ellyn
— #MeToo movement is heartening – Jane Cox, Wheaton


— House task force to review sexual harassment – Doug Finke (DIERSEN: Have you ever been a member of an organization that has been charged with sexual harassment? I have not. Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps hint/imply/argue/shout that the more of the following that you are, the more of a sexual harasser that you are: Trump supporter, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owner, German American, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Where’s pay equity in government? – ADAM ANDRZEJEWSKI (DIERSEN: Andrzejewski should look at GAO. During the 1980s and 1990s, to hire, to retain, and to promote young Democrat women and young Democrat minorities, GAO wasted the careers of and got rid of its employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran. GAO uses Affirmative Action, Diversity, Inclusion, and its “up-or-out” policy to waste the careers of and to get rid of its employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who GAO does not promote to GS-13 (currently $94,610) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $111,801) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $131,508) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $161,900) by age 40. IRS did the same thing while I worked for it 1971-1980 and the Post Office did the same thing while I worked for it 1966-1969.)


— Trump calls on NFL to suspend Raiders’ Marshawn Lynch RB stands for Mexican anthem, sits for US anthem – MAEGAN VAZQUEZ (DIERSEN: What do you say to the many millions of citizens of Mexico who are in America? You can only be loyal to one country at a time.)


— Ives Campaign Promotes Fake Steve Bannon Page Endorsement


— State employee health insurance accounts for vast majority of Illinois’ 2017 deficit spending – Greg Bishop (DIERSEN: Needless-to-say, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have been beyond furious that the federal government a) paid 75% of my health insurance 1971-1997 and b) has paid 75% of my and my wife’s health, dental, and vision insurance since 1997. Currently, we pay $5,763/year and the federal government pays $17,288/year.)


— Local 150 and Dan Proft: The enemy of my enemy is my friend
— Southern publishes scathing editorial on “bizarre” Rauner press conference


— Jeff Flake predicts what will happen if the GOP becomes defined by Donald Trump & Roy Moore – Chris Enloe (DIERSEN: One could say that the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) is defined by Rauner and a) NOT by the IRP platform, b) NOT by the IRP State Central Committee members, c) NOT by the IRP county party chairmen, d) NOT by the IRP township/ward party chairmen, and e) certainly NOT by the IRP precinct committeemen.)


— Sasse: Republican Party ‘unpersuasive’ and vulnerable – BRETT SAMUELS (DIERSEN: The Republican Party, Illinois Republican Party (IRP), DuPage County Republican Central Committee (DCRCC), and Milton Township Republican Central Committee (MTRCC) are headed for oblivion if they do not stop letting people hold leadership positions who reject planks in Republican Party platform and the IRP platform. Most commonly, they reject the traditional family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, and/or equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks. These “the platform is the problem” leaders are Democrat Party plants, Libertarian Party plants, or Green Party plants who a) focus on getting rid of those like me who support the aforesaid planks and b) focus on destroying the Republican Party, DCRCC, and MTRCC. Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform.)
— On Capitol Hill, few name names on sexual harassment – CRISTINA MARCOS


— Alabama newspaper chain calls for voters to reject Moore in front-page editorial (DIERSEN: Who calls for others to reject you? I should write a book about activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, etc. in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who call for everyone to reject me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails. They crow that I am no longer the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member, the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member, an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member, a GAO employee, etc.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: What do you say to men who demonize, denigrate, and condemn other men to curry favor with those who are anti-men, anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors?
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: A One-Mab Legal Factory Fights Harvard Over Affirmative Action – Anemona Hartocollis (DIERSEN: What if during the 1980s and 1990s, Blum had represented GAO’s White male employees who GAO had not promoted to GS-13 (currently $94,610) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $111,801) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $131,508) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $161,900) by age 40?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A former mayor of Poway, a small city in Southern California, wrote a column in August in his local newspaper with this headline: “A gun to my head.” He was upset about how a state law had forced Poway to redo its voting districts so Latinos would have a better chance of winning elections. Reading the piece on his computer 3,000 miles away, Edward Blum knew he had found his newest case. Seeing one of his bêtes noires — racial gerrymandering — at work, Mr. Blum recruited the former mayor, Don Higginson, as a plaintiff, and on Oct. 4 filed a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the California Voting Rights Act. Mr. Blum is not a lawyer. But he is a one-man legal factory with a growing record of finding plaintiffs who match his causes, winning big victories and trying above all to erase racial preferences from American life. Mr. Blum, 65, has orchestrated more than two dozen lawsuits challenging affirmative action practices and voting rights laws across the country. He is behind two of the biggest such cases to reach the Supreme Court: one attacking consideration of race in admissions at the University of Texas, which he lost; the other contesting parts of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, widely considered one of this country’s most important pieces of civil rights legislation, which he won. Now, in his most high-profile cause of the moment, he has asserted that Harvard University’s affirmative action policies amount to an illegal quota system that denies high-achieving Asian-American students admission in numbers commensurate with their qualifications. He has already forced Harvard to turn over, under court seal, years of highly sensitive data about demographics, test scores and even some personal essays, and he now has a powerful ally in the Justice Department, which is looking into a similar complaint. Mr. Blum said he was acting on a pure principle — that people should never be judged by the color of their skin.)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Subsidies Keep Many Insured, And Satisfied – Kate Zernike and Abby Goodnough (DIERSEN: Needless-to-say, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have been beyond furious that the federal government a) paid 75% of my health insurance 1971-1997 and b) has paid 75% of my and my wife’s health, dental, and vision insurance since 1997. Currently, we pay $5,763/year and the federal government pays $17,288/year.)


— Key GOP Senator Susan Collins Cites Concerns Over Senate Tax Bill Raising pressure on party leadership to make changes to secure passage – Harriet Torry and Gabriel T. Rubin (DIERSEN: I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)
— GOP Faces Pressure to Slow Tax Bill’s Progress in Senate
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, pot pushers push pot to “Alleviate the Opioid Crisis.” If you push pot, you push destruction.
— What Will Tax Reform Do for Puppies? The IRS shouldn’t favor Child Moms over Dog Moms. – Adam O’Neal (DIERSEN: If I sought a government office or political office or any kind of job, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes would a) shout that my wife and I have ever owned a dog and b) shout that we gave up trying to have children, we did not adopt, and we did not become foster parents.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: As tax reform snakes its way through the legislative process, it’s becoming clear that one critical group could come out behind: dog families. This inequity must be remedied. I suggest Republicans cancel their proposed Child Tax Credit expansion and instead offer a fully refundable Canine Tax Credit worth at least $500 a dog. Congress is preparing to maybe even double the Child Tax Credit. But what about couples who opted for dogs instead of children? Or those who are preparing for parenthood by taking on a cuddly critter for a couple of years? It’s as if the Child Tax Credit’s biggest boosters are stuck in 1997, when Congress first approved the handout. I hate millennials as much as any op-ed writer, but conservatives need their support to keep tax reform viable. And millennials love pets. Forty-four percent see Fluffy as practice for real offspring. Why privilege Child Moms over Dog Moms? No one is dumb enough to believe that small subsidies for having children encourage more births. Imagine telling your other half, “Sweetheart, I’m ready for another child. Let’s just wait until we can deduct an extra $600.” While some finance-conscious Wall Street Journal readers might not find that absurd, America’s declining birth rate suggests few outside our rarefied readership agree. The Child Tax Credit instead exists to transfer wealth to a preferred group (human families) from an undesirable one (childless superconsumers). No doubt a child’s life is infinitely more precious than a dog’s, but a puppy’s owner deserves economic security as much as a human parent. Maybe subsidizing only families with small humans made sense 20 years ago, but preferences change. Republicans must ask themselves: What do we really have to offer a farmer in Fargo with four French Spaniels? Expanding the Child Tax Credit might excite a few Senate staffers or think-tank fundraisers. But today there are about 90 million dogs in the U.S., spread over some 60 million households, according to the American Pet Products Association. Millions more languish in shelters, as economically insecure Americans hesitate to adopt. Two-thirds of pet owners consider their animals “part of the family,” data from Mintel shows. That’s probably why Americans, who spent nearly $67 billion on their pets in 2016, want relief. The Canine Tax Credit would do more than pad the bank accounts of dog owners. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says having a pet can help decrease blood pressure, cholesterol and feelings of loneliness. Perhaps the Congressional Budget Office could work lowered medical costs into its score? If the Canine Tax Credit passes, loyal voters could finally point to a material benefit provided by the GOP. There’s only one problem: Democrats, always eager to one-up Republican giveaways, could counter with a Feline Tax Credit. Maybe they’d include ferrets too, Rudy Giuliani be damned. Democrats could even target the millions of families with turtles, rabbits, horses, lizards and tarantulas. It’s almost as if it’d be easier just to eliminate all the exemptions and credits and cut tax rates accordingly.)


— Vacations for retirees on a budget – Larry Bleiberg (DIERSEN: Vacations are expensive. Your GOPUSA Illinois Editor and his wife are not planning any kind of vacation. My $50,856/year pension is only 41% of the $122,991/year salary that I earned in 1997 in today’s dollars. Because my Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old, we have at least $72,135 less each year or $6,011 less each month or $1,387 less each week or $198 less each day to spend on vacations. I went on vacations in 1969, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, and 1977. My wife and I went on many vacations, typically four each year, 1978-1992 in connection with her business trips to luxury resorts all across America. Of course, my Democrat IRS and GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates were beyond furious about that.)
— Senators make bipartisan breakthrough on background check bill – Nicole Gaudiano (DIERSEN: Many millions have not and will not seek a job with the federal government a) because they cannot pass a background check, b) because the pay and benefits are terrible, c) because the advancement opportunities are terrible, d) because they lack required education, work experience, professional certifications, and/or professional licenses, e) because they cannot pass an employment examination, f) because they cannot pass a physical examination, g) because they cannot take the demonization, denigration, and condemnation that comes with being a federal employee or federal retiree, and/or h) because they are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran and they know that the federal government discriminates against the aforesaid.)


— Yes, You Have Implicit Biases, Too – David Gooblar (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps promote hatred of individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Illinois Government’s Gender Hypocrisy Gap – Adam Andrzejewski (DIERSEN: What would Andrzejewski say to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who hint/imply/argue/shout a) that GAO’s Chicago office hired me in 1980, promoted me in 1986, and let me work there until 1997 BECAUSE IT DISCRIMINATES AGAINST WOMEN, b) that IRS’s Chicago office hired me in 1971, promoted me in 1972, 1973, and 1974, and let me work there until 1980 BECAUSE IT DISCRIMINATES AGAINST WOMEN, and c) that the Park Forest Post Office hired me in 1966 and let me work there until 1969 BECAUSE IT DISCRIMINATES AGAINST WOMEN?)
— Why Indian Americans Were Among The Biggest Winners In The U.S. State & Local Elections – Ronak D. Desai


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, CATO makes it clear that it is anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)

November 18 Evening Edition

— Winners and losers under the Senate tax overhaul proposal – AP (DIERSEN: Are you a tax overhaul loser? My wife and I and my aunt are. I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)
— What will Schumer do? Franken’s troubles test his bond with the Senate minority leader – Paul Kane
— Trump often condemns Democrats, defends Republicans on harassment allegations – Jenna Johnson
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Those who want to destroy Orland Park push video gambling in Orland Park.


— Tax filers in most states claim state and local tax deduction targeted by GOP – AP (DIERSEN: I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Yet estimates by the Tax Policy Center and a nonpartisan congressional analysis say some taxpayers eventually will end up owing more in federal taxes under the GOP plans. The left-leaning Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy said changes to the state and local tax deduction under the House bill would contribute to one of every five taxpayers in the hardest hit states getting a higher tax bill. While most of those states are led by Democrats, Republican-led Georgia and Utah, and the swing state of Virginia were among them. Democratic lawmakers said that any initial tax relief felt by the middle class or working-class families will eventually disappear. In Georgia, for example, an estimated 9 percent of filers would pay higher taxes in 2018, rising to 22 percent by 2027, according to an analysis by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. The state and local tax deduction is just one of many provisions targeted for change under legislation that passed the House earlier in the week and is pending in the Senate. The House version would repeal the deduction for income and sales taxes while capping the property tax deduction at $10,000. The Senate bill would end deductions for all state and local taxes. Most tax filers currently take the standard federal deduction of $6,300 per individual or $12,600 for married couples. But some reap larger tax breaks by itemizing deductions for state and local taxes, medical expenses, charitable contributions and interest paid on home mortgages. The state and local tax break is the largest of those. About 44 million taxpayers claimed deductions totaling around $550 billion for state and local taxes paid in 2015, according to the most recent IRS data. The top 10 states with the highest average state and local tax deductions all voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in last year’s election. New York led the way with an average state and local tax deduction of more than $22,000, followed by Connecticut, California, New Jersey and Massachusetts. But when analyzed by the percentage of taxpayers claiming the deduction, several states won by Trump rank in the top third nationally. In reliably Republican Utah, 35 percent of taxpayers claimed the deduction for state and local taxes. That figure was 33 percent in Georgia and 31 percent in Wisconsin. Thirty-five states had at least one-quarter of their taxpayers claim the deduction. Because of its widespread effect, debate over curtailing the deduction already is creeping into competitive 2018 elections.)
— Facts Matter: An editorial poster against fake news (DIERSEN: According to my critics/opponents, all the news and commentary in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails is fake except the news and commentary that they put out.)


— What do voters do when we’re stymied? – Jim Nowlan


— After three years of silence, action on sexual harassment in Springfield – Chuck Sweeny


— Newspaper investigation finds Illinois raffle irregularities – AP
— State union workers protect the vulnerable – Roberta Lynch, Executive Director, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 31


— Franken, Moore assault allegations dredge up accusations against Trump At least 13 women have accused president – DAN MERICA (DIERSEN: If you have ever done anything that subjects you to blackmail, you should not seek or hold any kind of government or political office. If you are a male, the more religious, government, political, and/or financial clout that you have, the more that you should anticipate that women will charge you with sexual harassment and even worse things.)


    — Tax deductions: Grab them before they disappear – Gail MarksJarvis (DIERSEN: I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)
    (FROM THE ARTICLE: Max your state and local taxes One of the hotly debated issues between the House and Senate is whether to cut taxpayers off completely from deducting state and local taxes — everything from property taxes on their homes to state income taxes and sales taxes. Depending on the final arrangement, you may no longer get to deduct these after 2017, although the House preserves the property tax deduction up to $10,000. State and local taxes can be substantial, so grab as much as you can now. If you have taxes due in January, consider paying in December to maximize your 2017 deduction, Luscombe said. Just avoid tinkering too much to maximize deductions in 2017. That might bring about the alternative minimum tax, an additional tax for some people that could be lifted by Congress in 2018, but still applies in 2017. Push 2018 tax items into 2017 After this year, many people may be better off taking the proposed higher standard deduction of $24,400 for couples or $12,000 for individuals. As a result, Luscombe suggested maximizing itemized deductions in 2017. While the charitable deduction may not go away, in the future you may find no value in using it if you no longer itemize. So you should consider giving large donations before the end of 2017. The same goes for the mortgage interest deduction, which may remain on loan amounts up to $500,000 for new home purchases. Taxpayers who think they will not itemize in the future should think about pre-paying January expenses in 2017. The deductions and credits aimed at helping families pay for college are also up for an overhaul and people could lose the right to deduct up to $2,500 of student loan interest a year. So make those payments count as much as possible this year; perhaps pay what you otherwise would let go until after the New Year. Go to the doctor Under a House measure, people with large medical bills would no longer get to deduct some of the expenses on their taxes, although this is not included in the Senate version. Chris Hesse, a Minneapolis certified public accountant with CliftonLarsonAllen, urged people to consider clustering medical costs in 2017 to meet a threshold for deducting expenses once they surpass 10 percent of adjusted gross income. Think: dentists, hearing aids, glasses, nonemergency planned surgery.)


— Rep. Kelly explains her ‘no’ vote on proposed tax reform plan (DIERSEN: I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Hurting Already Heavily-Taxed Illinoisans Nearly 2 million Illinoisans use the state and local tax (SALT) deduction and deduct more than $25.5 million. Under the GOP’s new tax plan, Illinoisans’ ability to deduct their state and local taxes will be capped at $10,000, well below the amount traditionally deducted by the majority of Illinoisans. In fact, just one-third of the state’s Congressional districts have SALT deduction averages below $10,000, meaning Illinoisans will face double tax thanks to Illinois’ Congressional Republicans. Hurting Illinois Homeowners More than 1.4 million Illinois homeowners use the mortgage interest deduction, keeping more than $11 million in the homeowners’ bank accounts. However, under GOP ‘tax reform,’ this deduction is eliminated. Thanks to the votes of Illinois’ Republican congressmen, more than 1.4 million Illinoisan homeowners will see a tax hike. National media has cited the devastating impact that eliminating this deduction will have on some Illinois communities.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: An anti-Moore demonizes, denigrates, and condemns Moore.


— David Reis challenger Darren Bailey wants to fight ‘unchecked power’ that ignores increasing taxpayer burden – Glenn Minnis


— Deb Conroy opponent Jay Kinzler questions competency of Democrats after sexual harassment allegations – Chandra Lye


— Dem Rep DelBene: GOP Tax Bill ‘A Bill of Callous Decisions and Missed Opportunities’ – Will Hurt Families – IAN HANCHETT18


— Apple diversity chief thrown overboard for advocating diversity – Matthew Vadum (DIERSEN: Apple should consider hiring Charles Bowsher. During the 1980s and 1990s, he had great success in wasting the careers of and getting rid of GAO’s employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— Who benefits? Mixed messages on the GOP tax plan – BENJY SARLIN (DIERSEN: Those who benefit take the standard deduction, that is, those who benefit do not pay lots of money on mortgage interest, real estate taxes, state income taxes, medical and dental expenses, and/or job-related education.)


— The G.O.P. Is Fooling Itself on Taxes – DAVID LEONHARDT
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The Republican Party seems to have backed itself into a corner on tax policy. After the failure of their health care plan, President Trump and congressional leaders have understandably decided that they need a win. If they somehow fail to pass a tax cut, they will anger their base and their donors and look incompetent to swing voters. But the actual bill that the House passed last week — and the modestly different plan the Senate is considering — is a dreadful piece of policy. It would cause the deficit to soar and, as a result, probably reduce economic growth. It would also raise taxes for millions of middle-class families. And most Americans realize that the tax plan is dreadful. Only 16 percent of adults said they thought the plan would reduce their own taxes, according to a Quinnipiac poll released last week. On the same day the poll came out, several Republican senators criticized the plan, which suggests it may be in jeopardy.)


— The House tax bill unleashes a dangerous avalanche of campaign cash – Editorial


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.


— Make sure to read the fine print on the GOP’s dubious tax reform plans – Editorial


— The graying of America is stretching local tax dollars – Antonio Olivo


— No enthusiasm for cuts among those not taxed – Cecil Bohanon and Nick Curott (DIERSEN: How many in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, in Illinois , and in America pay little or no federal income tax? Why is that?)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say that the Trump administration’s extreme vetting plan is a ‘digital Muslim ban.’ What percent of those who want to take over America are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors?)
— Tax filers in most states claim deduction (state and local taxes) targeted by GOP – AP


— Middle class, poor harmed by GOP tax plan


— House tax reform bill will discourage home buying, local officials say – John Martin (DIERSEN: Mortgage interest and real estate taxes being deductible a) encouraged me to buy a new town home in 1972 when I was 24 years old, a studio condo in 1974, and a one bedroom condo in 1976 and b) encouraged my wife and I to buy a home in 1978 and to have one built in 1984.)

November 17 Evening Edition

— Illinois’ 6th Congressional District No Longer Leans Solely Republican: Report – Mary Ann Ahern (DIERSEN: Ahern should interview members of the following groups about why they moved into Illinois’ 6th Congressional District: anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors. A major reason why my wife and I moved into Illinois’ 6th Congressional District in 1978 was that it was solid Republican.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The rating for the 6th Congressional District moves from leaning Republican to Toss Up by the non-partisan Cook Political Report. The 2018 6th District election is considered one to watch as Democrats nationally focus on what they see as flippable districts. The Cook Political Report notes “Roskam has been a party loyalist since 2006, narrowly losing a bid for GOP whip in 2014.” For the Democrats, the leading candidate in terms of campaign cash is Democrat Kelly Mazeski with $343,000. Roskam however has $1.35 million in the bank. Today Mazeski received the endorsement of two Democratic Illinois Congresswomen: Cheri Bustos and Jan Schakowsky. There are eight Democrats who are gathering petitions to run in the primary to face Roskam.)


— Newly Appointed Special Legislative Inspector General Discusses Investigation Process – Craig Dellimore


— Ken Griffin’s Palm Beach tax bill trumps Trump’s – Kim Janssen (DIERSEN: What if the Republicans would allow real estate taxes to be deducted up to $15,000, $20,000 or $25,000? At 2% or market value, that would be a $300,000, $400,000, or $500,000 home.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE:  Griffin hasn’t even completed construction on his longer-than-a-football-field oceanfront home on the island’s Billionaires Row, according to the Palm Beach Daily News, which says the 49-year-old was socked with a $2.74 million tax bill on his $195 million pile. That’s $900,000 more than the tax bill received by Griffin rival Peltz, who will have to choke for the fifth straight year on the ignominy of being only the second-highest-taxed part-time resident of Palm Beach.)
— After Trump’s election, more students consider law school, hoping to make a difference – Corilyn Shropshire (DIERSEN: I started working for IRS in 1971 when I was 22 years old as a GS-7 (currently $44,853/year) Revenue Officer. IRS gives its newly-hired Revenue Officers 6 months of classroom and on-the-job training. IRS encourages its Revenue Officers to take graduate law, business, and accounting courses. One reason why I started out taking graduate business courses in 1972 at Loyola was that tuition and books were deductible for business and accounting courses, but not for law courses.)
— Don’t resign, Sen. Franken — at least not yet – Eric Zorn
— A national moment of reckoning for abusers and creeps – Editorial
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Allegations dividing GOP women as Roy Moore refuses to quit Alabama Senate race.”
— FOIA fight will cost College of DuPage, foundation $500,000 – Stacy St. Clair

— A big Illinois union looking for payback jumps into GOP primary – Rich Miller
— Truly patriotic billionaires would share America’s burden – Robert Reich
— Flatter Trump a little and he rolls over like a lost puppy – Gene Lyons


— DuPage County Board could limit number of sheriff’s deputies – Robert Sanchez (DIERSEN: When GAO’s budget came under pressure from Republicans during the 1980s and 1990s, the Democrats who ran GAO back then saw it as an opportunity to get rid of their employees who they had not promoted to GS-13 (currently $94,610) by age 25, to GS-14 (currently $111,801) by age 30, to GS-15 (currently $131,508) by age 35, and to Senior Executive Service (currently $161,900) by age 40 and especially those employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The idea of limiting the number of sworn deputies doesn’t have universal support. Some county board members oppose it. “My concern is that we’re kind of handcuffing an elected countywide officeholder,” board member Pete DiCianni said. But board member Robert Larsen said the sheriff’s office is an enormous part of the county’s operating budget. He said Zaruba should explain why he needs a certain number of deputies assigned to patrol, jail and courthouse duty.)
— Suburbanites gather to talk about racial divide in U.S. – Russell Lissau (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps want minorities to be anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— College of DuPage Board Approves $81.7 million 2017 Tax Levy Request

— Wise up: Government budgets in Illinois are not balanced – MARK GLENNON
— Illinois politics is like Thanksgiving without turkey this year – GREG HINZ
— What to ask when decades-old harassment surfaces – MEGAN McARDLE
— Why do people give? Not for the tax break. – LISA BERTAGNOLI (DIERSEN: A major reason why my wife and I contribute more money to 501(c)(3) organizations is that the contributions are deductible. The contributions are deductible because we have large medical and dental, real estate, and state income tax deductions.)


— Roskam on GOP Tax Bill: ‘Best Way to Grow Economy’ – Paris Schutz (DIERSEN: I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)


— Fact check: Are Gov. Rauner’s grandparents immigrants? – Bob Secter and Matt Dietrich (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, the longer that your ancestors have been in America, the more that anti-Trumps hint/imply/argue/shout that you have benefited from their discrimination against minorities and against women and the more that you should pay the price of Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion.)


— Politics shouldn’t override decency in cases of Roy Moore, Bill Clinton – John Kass


— More than 100 protestors turn out for Roskam appearance at GOP fundraiser in Downers Grove


— Rauner-linked firm gets $12M in new deal, months after being cut out of $12M deal


— Ives Calls For ‘Austerity Budget’ During Springfield Meet & Greet


— Reps. Davis, LaHood praise passage of GOP tax plan – Eric Stock (DIERSEN: I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)


— Congressman John Shimkus Likes Tax Cuts and Jobs Act That Passed House on Thursday It now moves to the U.S. Senate for debate starting after the Thanksgiving break. (DIERSEN: I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Germany supplants US as the country with the best global reputation” and “America falls to No. 6 under Trump.”


— Data, not politics, to be focal point of Illinois voter crosscheck hearing – Benjamin Yount




— Experts: Not many options to fix Illinois’ worst in the nation pension problem – Greg Bishop


— Do you know the story behind your rising property taxes?


— Hot Air: Sad GOP attempt to repeal Rauner’s sanctuary state bill stalls


— Brady makes some unusual appointments to discrimination and harassment task force (DIERSEN: The Republican GOPUSA ILLINOIS did not receive this press release, but the Democrat Capitol Fax did. Ever-increasingly, the more of the following that you are, the less likely that you will be appointed to anything: Trump supporter, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owner, German American, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Rauner refuses to weigh in on federal tax legislation (DIERSEN: I certainly hope that Rauner asks Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus to work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)


— Hispanic Caucus Builds Wall Against GOP Latino Representative – NEIL MUNRO


— Democrats’ Move to Impeach Trump Seen as Political Theater – Fred Lucas


— Should a jury know a person’s immigration status? Washington’s high court says no. (DIERSEN: What about a person’s political affiliation and “race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information?”)
— Mattel makes Barbie doll of hijab-wearing Olympian Ibtihaj Muhammad


— Congress Spent $17 Million Paying For Its Sexual Harassment Settlements – Henry Rodgers


— Class warfare fight erupts over tax bills – NAOMI JAGODA (DIERSEN: From what I see, the tax bills benefit the lower class and the upper class at the expense of the middle class.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Tensions over class warfare and whether GOP tax plans help the rich over the middle class and poor are building in Congress as Republicans march forward with their legislation. Democrats have been forcefully and repeatedly arguing that the GOP wants to cut taxes for wealthy individuals and corporations at the expense of everyone else. Republicans, annoyed with the attacks, have pushed back, saying their focus is on the middle class. . .Republicans have long accused Democrats of engaging in class warfare for their attacks on the rich. But Democrats have also accused Republicans of attacking the middle class. Brown, who has focused on the working class in his time in the Senate and is up for reelection next year in a state President Trump carried, said on MSNBC in 2011 that when Republicans accuse Democrats of class warfare, Democrats “point out the class warfare [Republicans have] wagged against the middle class.” GOP lawmakers have highlighted elements of their bills that they say benefit the middle class, including the increases in the standard deduction and child tax credit. The Senate’s bill zeros out ObamaCare’s individual mandate penalty for those who don’t have health insurance, and Republicans have also highlighted that most people who pay the penalty make under $50,000. . .But Democrats have argued that the corporate tax cuts are more likely to benefit wealthy shareholders than workers. They have highlighted parts of the bills that seem to be geared to helping the rich, such as their scaling back of the estate tax and the repeal of the alternative minimum tax. They have also put a spotlight on tax breaks benefitting the middle class that would be eliminated. . .Republicans have pointed to data that shows people across the spectrum would win tax cuts from the plan, particularly in the short term, while Democrats have highlighted that millions of low- and middle-income families would see their taxes go up, especially in later years.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump job approval hits new low.”


— Former DOJ Official Accuses Trump Judicial Pick Of Misleading Senate About Past Work – Sam Levine (DIERSEN: Would you mislead anyone about your past work? I certainly would not. I would stress a) that my Democrat GAO superiors forced me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old, always ranked me in the bottom half of my coworkers for pay-for-performance purposes, did not promote me beyond GS-13, kept me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for GAO, and forced me to take an $18,847 pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980; b) that my Democrat IRS superiors did not promote me beyond GS-12, disallowed my education deductions in 1978, and disallowed my partial day per diem claims in 1974; and c) that my Democrat Post Office superiors forced me resign in 1969 and disallowed my sick leave requests in 1969 and 1968.)


— A Great Migration From Puerto Rico Is Set to Transform Orlando – Lizette Alvarez


— Illinois Governor: 2018’s most important, expensive and strange election – George Will
— ‘Biggest tax cut in American history’ isn’t popular with many Americans – Tory Newmyer
— Roy Moore’s approval rating with women has dropped. But so did candidate Trump’s. – Eugene Scott
— The media is giving up its place in our democracy – Chris Wallace (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, “the media” serves as operative or as dupes for the Democrat Party.)
— In towns and cities nationwide, fears of trickle-down effects of federal tax legislation – Renae Merle and Peter Jamison Nov
(FROM THE ARTICLE: It took the city of Pataskala, Ohio, nine ballot measures before its 15,000 residents agreed to a new 1 percent tax to pay for repairs to its crumbling roads and to buy new police cruisers. The mostly rural community was finally won over by a century-old hallmark of the tax code: The $5 million local levy could be deducted from their federal taxes. “There is a severe sensitivity to more taxes here,” said James M. Nicholson, the city’s finance director. “At the end of the day, you get a tax break was the thing that convinced people.” But now, in small towns and thriving cities, in Republican- and Democratic-leaning states, local leaders are warning that the $1.5 trillion tax legislation moving through Congress threatens to undermine their ability to raise money for government services, including police and schools. The Republican measures would eliminate or severely curtail taxpayers’ ability to lower their federal tax bill by deducting the cost of their state and local taxes. Without that offset, local leaders say, taxpayers will begin to seek relief closer to home, potentially making it more difficult to provide basic services.)


— As Bannon Readies for ‘War’ on GOP, Finding Donors May Be the First Battle Two big GOP backers of past disruptive campaigns have distanced themselves from the former White House official – Julie Bykowicz and Gregory Zuckerman (DIERSEN: Which individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries have never been close to you or have distanced themselves from you? For me, it is those that are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors and those that a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and/or the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, c) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, d) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, and/or e) are operatives or dupes for the aforesaid.)




— Taco Bell Employees Are Eligible for Discounts on Corvettes and Cadillacs – CHRIS TSUIN (DIERSEN: While I have never bought a Cadillac, I bought a new 1972 Corvette in 1971 when I was 23 years old and a new IRS employee earning $44,853/year in today’s dollars and working part-time for Firestone Stores.)


— Working at Taco Bell gets you a $4,385 discount on a Chevy Corvette – Sean Szymkowski


— Major Brands Blacklisting Media is Detrimental to Publishers- Rusty Coats (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Which individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries blacklist GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails? ANSWER: Those that are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)

November 17 Morning Edition

— Needless-to-say, if Republicans eliminate or limit the real estate tax deduction, a) the Senior Citizens’ Homestead Exemption should be dramatically increased (SEE: and b) the maximum “total household income” requirement for the Senior Citizens’ Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption should be dramatically increased (SEE: – Dave Diersen

— Rauner challenger Ives reveals who’s bankrolling her bid – Rick Pearson (DIERSEN: How much money do you give activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, churches, etc.? My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes stress that I give little or no money to the aforesaid. In my defense, a) my $50,856/year Civil Service Retirement System pension is only 41% of what my $122,991/year GAO salary was in 1997 in today’s dollars; b) my Social Security is only $2,028/year; c) my and my wife’s medical and dental expenses last year were $21,433, our state and local taxes were $14,303, and our 501(c)(3) contributions were $2,728; and d) the GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails that I send out each and every morning and each and every evening to the aforesaid free of charge and without any advertising are worth at least $1,000/year. It looks like if Republicans get their “tax reform,” the Diersens will be paying much more federal income tax in the future and they will have even less money to give the aforesaid. I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: That information was revealed Thursday, when Ives showed 15 donations — with the top ones coming ahead of a high-dollar fundraiser scheduled for Monday at a Downers Grove restaurant. Vince Kolber, a Chicagoan who founded a transportation leasing business and twice unsuccessfully ran for Congress as a Republican, was the top donor to the Ives for Illinois fund with $100,000. Kolber is the chairman of Ives fundraising event and previously has given the three-term lawmaker from Wheaton $1,500 in November 2015, records show. Ives also reported $50,000 from William Dixon of Wheaton, the founder of a trade-show exhibition firm. Dixon and wife Barbara are listed as co-chairs of the fundraiser, a title that carries a $50,000 price tag. Previously, they had given Ives a total of $19,000 since March 2012. Ives also tapped into her legislative campaign fund for $25,000 and got similar-sized donations from Peter Huizenga and Elizabeth Weiss. A $25,000 contribution merits the title of “underwriter” of the fundraiser. Of Ives’ donors, Kolber gave $13,000 to Rauner for his 2014 race for governor post-primary, and another $1,000 on June 29 of this year. William Dixon gave Rauner $500 in September 2014, and Huizenga gave Rauner $20,000 in May 2014. Rauner had nearly $65.6 million in his campaign fund at the end of September and has since added $116,100.)
— FRONT PAGE: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasing, pot pushers use the problems with opioids to push pot.
— The House just passed its big tax bill. Here’s what is in it and what deductions vanish. – Heather Long (DIERSEN: I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)
— FBI needs to explain its war on ‘black identity extremists’ – Clarence Page (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps want Blacks to be anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Partisan divide grows in U.S., states, with mixed results – AP (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps want everyone to be anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)–state-legislatures-red-or-blue-20171112-story.html
— U. of I. president, UIC chancellor receive $175K in bonuses for second straight year – Dawn Rhodes (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government, the real reason why my superiors and supervisors got bonuses was their success in wasting the careers of and getting rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who did not make GS-13 (currently $94,610) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $111,801) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $131,508) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $161,900) by age 40.)
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Franken, like Moore, should vanish into the woods – John Kass (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, if you are charged with wrongdoing by a member of any of the following groups, you are presumed to be guilty, and you will be gotten rid of: anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD IN NAPERVILLE SUN: Naperville projected to be No. 1 in U.S. for holiday spending, finance report says – Erin Hegarty (DIERSEN: What is the main reason why you spend less money than you do? For me, it is my $50,856 Civil Service Retirement System pension being only 41% of what my $122,991 GAO salary was in 1997.)

— Confused by the Tax Bills? Be Glad You’re Not an Accountant – RON LIEBER (DIERSEN: Do you prepare and file your own income tax returns? I have since 1964. I worked for IRS 1971-1980 and for GAO on audits of IRS 1986-1988. I itemized 1972-1977 and my wife and I have itemized since 1978. I won a split decision in Tax Court when my Democrat IRS superiors and Money Magazine disallowed my education deductions in 1978. I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979. I earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980. I have used Quicken and Turbotax since they became available. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes viciously demonize, viciously denigrate, and viciously condemn my knowledge of IRS and federal taxes. What do you say to people who do not even know if they take the standard deduction or if they itemize who viciously demonize, viciously denigrate, and viciously condemn my knowledge of IRS and federal taxes.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: If only that were easy to figure out. We know that nearly a quarter of households with incomes between $100,000 and $500,000 would see their tax bills go up next year under the Senate’s proposal. Compared with current law, the House bill, which was passed Thursday, would raise personal federal income taxes on California, New Jersey, New York and Maryland residents by $16.7 billion in 2027, according to an Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy analysis. Florida and Texas, however, would get $31.2 billion in cuts. Still at a loss? If you’re hoping that TurboTax will rerun your 2016 data or scan your 1040 and spit out constantly updating projections based on the House bill or the evolving Senate proposals, its owner, Intuit, will not do that for you. At first, TurboTax’s spokeswoman, Lisa Greene-Lewis, told me via email that it was “premature to speculate or second guess the decisions policymakers will make.” When I pressed further, wondering about the people who want to be well-informed citizens and decide whether to cheer or jeer their elected representatives while it might still make a difference, she got on the phone and simply told me that the company would be creating only tools based on current laws. And so, we turn to the accountants. Pity them, because for at least the next month, theirs will be a world of what-ifs and if-thens. Already, many are receiving multiple messages each day from clients.)
— Middle-Class Families Confront Soaring Health Insurance Costs – Robert Pear (DIERSEN: Last year, my and my wife’s medical and dental expenses last year were $21,433, our state and local taxes were $14,303, and our 501(c)(3) contributions were $2,728.)
— HARDCOPY EDITORIAL HEADLINE: A Cartoonishly Evil Tax-Cut Bill – Editorial
— Everybody Hates the Trump Tax Plan Ordinary families would be big losers, and even C.E.O.s aren’t showing much love. – Paul Krugman
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Poles side with anti-Poles.

— Gov. Rauner Silent On Tax-Cut Plan – Craig Dellimore (DIERSEN: Government should encourage homeownership and taking job-related graduate courses. The deductibility of mortgage interest, real estate taxes, and job-related education a) encouraged me to take job-related graduate courses 1972-1983 and 1992-1997, b) encouraged me to buy a new town home in 1972, a studio condo in 1974, and a one bedroom condo in 1976, and c) encouraged my wife and I to buy a home in 1978 and to have one built in 1984.)

— Illinois lawmaker Lisa Hernandez accepted campaign money from adult entertainment club – Dane Placko

— Impeachment filing is naive, harmful – Editorial
— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON AMERICA, ON ILLINOIS, ON COOK COUNTY, AND ON CHICAGO TIGHTENS: FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Suburbs, like rest of country, reporting more hate crimes – Charles Keeshan and Susan Sarkauskas

— More than 100 protestors turn out for Roskam appearance at GOP fundraiser in Downers Grove – BOB RAKOW (DIERSEN: Government should encourage homeownership and taking job-related graduate courses. The deductibility of mortgage interest, real estate taxes, and job-related education a) encouraged me to take job-related graduate courses 1972-1983 and 1992-1997, b) encouraged me to buy a new town home in 1972, a studio condo in 1974, and a one bedroom condo in 1976, and c) encouraged my wife and I to buy a home in 1978 and to have one built in 1984.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Reid McCollum, a leader of the Coalition for a Better Illinois 6th, said the proposed tax plan was the primary reason for the protest. “There’s not one thing in that bill for the middle class,” said McCollum, who specifically criticized the proposal to eliminate state and local tax deductions. The tax plan also would increase the federal deficit by as much as $1.7 trillion and lead to massive cuts to services and programs such as Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid, opponents said.)

— Tax reform is key to Illinois growth – Lynette Shaeffer (DIERSEN: Government should encourage homeownership and taking job-related graduate courses. The deductibility of mortgage interest, real estate taxes, and job-related education a) encouraged me to take job-related graduate courses 1972-1983 and 1992-1997, b) encouraged me to buy a new town home in 1972, a studio condo in 1974, and a one bedroom condo in 1976, and c) encouraged my wife and I to buy a home in 1978 and to have one built in 1984.)
— Londrigan accused of attacking Davis for ‘opposite’ of remarks – Bernard Schoenburg (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails to find anything that they can use against me. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes are moral relativists who believe that their end justifies their means. They are disciples of Saul Alinsky.)

— Davis, Shimkus laud their colleagues’ tax-reform bill – Tom Kacich (DIERSEN: I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)

— Officials, public discuss opioid abuse, possible solutions at community forum – Adam Poulisse

— In Illinois, a looming battle over the bankrupting ‘blue model’ – George Will

— Senators Durbin, Duckworth Press Rauner To Weigh In On GOP Tax Plans

— Graduate students rally against tax reform bill – Jacqueline Francis (DIERSEN: I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The act is focused on providing tax relief, but graduate students said for them it would have the opposite effect. U of I graduate student, Jason Rock, said the act would eliminate tax exemptions for teaching and research assistants’ tuition waivers. “A tuition waiver is essentially a coupon for making their tuition-free,” Rock said. A tuition waiver tax is something many graduate students said they can’t afford. “I’m out here because without my tuition waiver I won’t be able to stay in graduate school,” graduate student Andy Bowman said. “And that’s true for my friends here today.” Rock said if the tuition waiver tax becomes law, it could change the post-graduate educational opportunities for students now and in the future. “There will be a significant number of graduate students that have to drop out,” Rock said. “Ultimately graduate school would only be something wealthy people can do.” Protesters called on Congressman Rodney Davis, just hours after the House voted the bill forward. Congressman Davis voted in favor of the bill. “Today we lost Representative Davis,” graduate student Emily Rodriguez said. “13 other members of his caucus did not vote for this tax reform bill, but our Representative folded like a lawn chair,” Congressman Davis said he doesn’t support the tuition waiver tax, but he does support other parts of the bill. Especially the tax reforms that would benefit middle-class families and small businesses. The Congressman’s office responded to the rally in a statement by saying, “Congressman Davis has fought hard to protect these benefits and Chairman Brady has committed to working to fix them when we get to conference with the Senate.)

— State senators urge ISBE to accelerate teacher shortage study – JOHN REIDY (DIERSEN: Why were you hired? My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes hint/imply/argue/shout a) that GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job; b) that IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job; and c) that the Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.)

— Conservatives must hold the Rauner Swamp accountable

— Ives credits bipartisan effort for broader health care options, stronger property rights – Mark Heinz

— Ives cites culture surrounding ‘phony property tax freeze’ in her decision to run for governor – W.J. Kennedy

— “Progressives” Suddenly “Woke” to Sexual Harassment! – Laurie Higgins

— Shifting Trends in Christianity – Micah Clark (DIERSEN: What do you say to those who say that they are Christian, but who do lots of anti-Christian things like promoting dependency on government, promoting dependency on charity, promoting LGBTQ activity, promoting abortion, promoting illegal immigration, and promoting booze, gambling, pot, and other vices? I should write a book about the aforesaid in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois. The aforesaid have always worked very hard against me.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: I was given a booklet from Haggai International Ministries called “What in the World is Going On?” It presents the changing demographics of faith around the globe. Here are some interesting findings: 100 years ago the geographical picture of Christianity was pretty simple: most Christians lived in the U.S. and Europe. Everywhere else was unreached. In 1900, 83 percent of the world’s Christians were in “the west.” Today, in 2017 only 34 percent of the world’s Christians are in the west, (i.e. areas like Europe, North America and Australia). Now 66 percent of the world’s Christians are in Latin America, Africa and Asia. By 2050 those numbers are expected to be 24 percent in the west and 76 percent in Latin America, Africa and Asia. While Christianity is on the decline in the U.S., it is on the rise in the former USSR, China and large portions of Africa. Today 25 percent of the Christians in the world live in Africa and 25 percent live in Latin America. On any given Sunday there are more Christians worshiping in China than in the United States. Muslims are increasingly mobile. Where they go, Islam goes. As Christians have fled from areas of the Middle East, Islam has moved in. In Jesus’ birthplace of Bethlehem the current population is 80 percent Muslim. 75 percent of the world’s population lives in areas with religious restrictions. Approximately one in 12 Christians today experience persecution. Of the world’s 7.5 billion people, 2.4 billion (33 percent) profess to be Christians. However, one in four people in the world have never heard the Gospel message.)

— Republican Party wants Durbin, Duckworth to give away Franken’s cash

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Fox News, a company charged with sexual harassment, uses Adam Andrzejewski to say “Across the USA, governments have a gender hypocrisy gap.” Andrzejewski should look at GAO. During the 1980s and 1990s, to hire, to retain, and to promote young Democrat women and young Democrat minorities, GAO wasted the careers of and got rid of its employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran. GAO uses Affirmative Action, Diversity, Inclusion, and its “up-or-out” policy to waste the careers of its employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who GAO does not promote to GS-13 (currently $94,610) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $111,801) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $131,508) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $161,900) by age 40.

— Limbaugh: Al Franken’s groping scandal ‘screwing up’ Dems’ plans for Trump
— 77% of ‘educated’ Democrats believe your gender can be different than that ‘assigned at birth’

— When a Miss America runs for office – David Keene

— Starbucks celebrated for the ‘gay agenda’ campaign on their holiday cups – Carlos Garcia

— Illinois Senate Fails to Override Governor’s Veto of Salary History Ban (DIERSEN: If you work for government, your salary is public record.)

— The GOP tax bill will be a health care financial burden on American families – JANNI LEHRER-STEIN  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes stress that I give them little or no money. In my defense, a) my $50,856/year Civil Service Retirement System pension is only 41% of what my $122,991/year GAO salary was in 1997 in today’s dollars; b) my Social Security is only $2,028/year; c) my and my wife’s medical and dental expenses last year were $21,433, our state and local taxes were $14,303, and our 501(c)(3) contributions were $2,728; and d) the GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails that I send out each and every morning and each and every evening to the aforesaid free of charge and without any advertising are worth at least $1,000/year. It looks like if Republicans get their “tax reform,” the Diersens will be paying much more federal income tax in the future and they will have even less money to give the aforesaid. I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)
— Franken releases new statement, calls for ethics investigation of himself – AVERY ANAPOL

— Congressional Hispanic Caucus Rejects Carlos Curbelo’s Membership Bid Florida Republican calls decision “shameful” (DIERSEN: Which groups do NOT want you to be a member? The following groups do NOT want me to be a member: a) those that are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors. Further, those who dominate the Milton Township Republican Central Committee, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Illinois Republican Party, TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Center Right Coalition, American Association of Political Consultants, GAO, etc. do NOT want me to be a member. The aforesaid a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and/or the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, c) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, d) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, and/or e) are operatives or dupes for the aforesaid.)

— Those bans on asking about salary history? Most employers don’t think they’ll work. – Jena McGregor (DIERSEN: If you work for government, your salary is public record.)

— Tax Proposals Most Likely to Pass in Washington While the differences between the two versions stand out, the similarities are an indicator of items that could actually pass – Laura Saunders (DIERSEN: I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)
— No Republicans Need Apply Congressional Hispanic Caucus rejects Cuban-American legislator. – Editorial (DIERSEN: By way of contrast, “Republicans” a) let Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, and RINOs hold leadership positions in the Republican Party and b) elect and reelect Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, and RINOs.)
— The Politics of Apps Has Silicon Valley programmed its products to disadvantage women, minorities and the poor? An indictment of bias in the tech industry. Meghan C. Kruger reviews ‘Technically Wrong’ by Sara Wachter-Boettcher.
— FRONT PAGE: Google Has Picked an Answer for You—Too Bad It’s Often Wrong Going beyond search, the internet giant is promoting a single result over all others, and many are contentious, improbable or laughably incorrect – Jack Nicas

— Protect net neutrality and Internet freedom: World Wide Web inventor – Tim Berners-Lee (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents want to limit the information that you get to the information that they give you.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Now that vision is threatened. That choice you have to use the Web for whatever you want could be taken away. Today, one of the greatest threats to the Web in America is the plan by the Federal Communications Commission to roll back America’s open Internet safeguards. Net neutrality is the fundamental principle that all content should be treated equally online. It’s what ensures those millions of local businesses can compete on an equal footing with corporate giants. It’s what stops Internet and cable providers from slowing down services for those who don’t pay a premium, or blocking content that doesn’t boost their own bottom lines. Why should this matter to you? Most Americans — 87% — use the Internet for everything from accessing information to earning money to watching their favorite shows and movies.) 

— Killing medical tax break will hammer U.S. middle-class seniors – Reuters (DIERSEN: I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: U.S. Republican lawmakers want to cut taxes for corporations and wealthy people by $1.3 trillion – and they seem to want seniors to foot a good chunk of the bill. Their 2018 budget plan would chop $473 billion out of Medicare and $1.3 trillion from Medicaid. ( But the House tax plan also calls for elimination of the itemized deduction for high medical expenses. The deduction allows taxpayers who itemize to deduct medical expenses exceeding 10 percent of adjusted gross income. This is helpful to anyone dealing with disabilities, acute or chronic conditions or long-term care and assisted living costs. But the medical expense deduction is especially useful for older people, for the simple reason that they are more likely to struggle with acute and chronic health problems. And it is used mainly by middle-class households. Nearly half (49 percent) of taxpayers who deducted medical expenses in 2015 had income below $50,000 according to analysis of IRS records by the AARP Public Policy Institute; 69 percent had income less than $75,000. The importance of the deduction is growing, because the number of underinsured Americans is rising. At the end of 2016, 28 percent of adults who had health insurance were underinsured, according to the Commonwealth Fund ( – a percentage that translates to 41 million people. Commonwealth defines “underinsured” as people whose out-of-pocket health expenses are 10 percent or more of household income, and the number has more than doubled since 2003. In Medicare, total out-of-pocket spending by beneficiaries in 2013 averaged $6,150, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF). Nearly half of that (47 percent) was for insurance premiums, followed by three categories of health care services – long-term care facilities (18 percent), prescription drugs (12 percent) and dental services (9 percent).)

— The New Tax Plan And The Death Of Homeownership – Mark Greene (DIERSEN: Government should encourage homeownership and taking job-related graduate courses. The deductibility of mortgage interest, real estate taxes, and job-related education a) encouraged me to take job-related graduate courses 1972-1983 and 1992-1997, b) encouraged me to buy a new town home in 1972, a studio condo in 1974, and a one bedroom condo in 1976, and c) encouraged my wife and I to buy a home in 1978 and to have one built in 1984.)

— Who really benefits from GOP’s tax overhaul is battle point as House passes its bill – Lisa Desjardins and Judy Woodruff (DIERSEN: I certainly hope that Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Roskam, and Shimkus will work hard in conference with the Senate to keep all the current itemized deductions and the personal exemption.)

— FOR SALE: 1013 James Court, Wheaton – $399,900

November 14 Evening Edition

— Bears ownership gets involved in Illinois governor’s race – Craig Wall
(FROM THE ARTICLE: As Gov. Rauner was on the second day of his “Our Home. Our Fight” statewide tour, there was word that his potential primary opponent, State Representative Jeanne Ives has secured the support of Chicago Bears family matriarch Virginia McCaskey. In a flyer advertising a fundraiser next Monday, Ives lists McCaskey as a $10,000 table host.)

— After Backlash, Roskam Reacts to Moore Allegations
— Race for Illinois Governor Continues to Heat Up – Mary Ann Ahern
(FROM THE ARTICLE: As for the Republican primary race, state Rep. Jeanne Ives has a fundraiser next week, and one of the hosts is Chicago Bears owner Virginia McCaskey. Meanwhile, incumbent first term GOP Gov. Bruce Rauner is on a downstate campaign swing, with reaching out to veterans at the top of his agenda. “This is a time we can show how much we love our veterans and our men and women in uniform, our active duty officers,” Rauner said Tuesday, adding, “This is a time to say thank you.”)

— Activists Demand Cicero Pass Welcoming Ordinance To Protect Immigrants (DIERSEN: For a city to say that it is welcoming is to say that it is anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)

— Gutierrez grills AG Jeff Sessions on prosecuting Hillary Clinton – Lynn Sweet
— Can ‘a normal person’ become governor? – Neil Steinberg
— House speaker joins GOP chorus calling for Moore to quit – AP
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Kadner condemns those who do not condemn Moore.

— GOP effort to oust Roy Moore from Senate race grows – Sean Sullivan, Michael Scherer and Paul Kane
— Politics shouldn’t override decency in cases of Roy Moore, Bill Clinton – John Kass
— Roskam on tax reform: ‘Either get this done’ or it ‘will be the lost opportunity of a lifetime’ – Katherine Skiba (DIERSEN: From what I see, the proposed “tax reform” is being done to let members of Group A pay less federal income tax and to make members of Group B pay more federal income tax. Members of Group A typically take the standard deduction and are renters, younger, do not have major medical or dental expenses, and are Democrats. Members of Group B  typically itemize their deductions and are  homeowners, older, have major medical and/or dental expenses, and are Republicans.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The center, a joint venture of the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution, said at least 7 percent of taxpayers would pay higher taxes under the proposal in 2018, and at least 24 percent of taxpayers would pay more in 2027.)
— Joe Biden is too old for the presidency, and he’s not alone – Steve Chapman (DIERSEN: What is your position on age discrimination? I have always opposed it. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupe have always promoted age discrimination. They stress that the federal government wastes the careers of and gets rid of its non-veteran White male employees who do not make GS-13 (currently $94,610) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $111,801) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $131,508) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $161,900) by age 40.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The next presidential election is not for three years, but it’s not too early to conclude that some people should not be in it. Former Vice President Joe Biden is one of them. Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren ought to excuse themselves. President Donald Trump should settle for one term, if he lasts that long. And while I’m at it, George H.W. Bush would be prudent not to seek that second term he was denied in 1992. What these people have in common is that they have passed their presidential sell date. Biden would be 78 on Inauguration Day in 2021. Sanders would be 79 and Warren 71. Trump, the oldest man ever elected president, would be 74. There are plenty of jobs that can be done well by people of advanced age. The presidency is not one of them.)
— Later start times, less homework: Here’s what elite schools are doing to help students cope with stress – Karen Ann Cullotta, Karen Berkowitz, Kimberly Fornek and Jennifer Johnson
— 175 years ago today, Chicago auctioned off a black man – Mark Jacob (DIERSEN: How long have your ancestors been in America? The longer that they have been in America, the more that anti-Whites and anti-men hint/imply/argue/shout a) that you benefited from their discrimination against minorities and against women and b) that you should pay the price of Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion. All my ancestors immigrated to northeast Illinois during the 1840s and 1850s.)

— College student Marko Sukovic from Lincolnshire announces run for state House 59th District seat

— Gov. Rauner takes aim at Speaker Madigan in Rockford campaign stop – Georgette Braun

— Who was behind Welcoming City resolution? – Rosanna Pulido, Springfield

— Tax watchdog Adam Andrzejewski continues digging on spending questions – Jim Dey

— DEA says deadly fentanyl is showing up in marijuana

— Flashback: Kelly: Why I’m Not Drinking the Rauner Kool-Aid

— Ives, Breen argue against higher education aid for illegal immigrants – Angela Underwood

— Righter debates bills aimed at wage equality, postpartum depression sentencing – Angela Underwood

— College of DuPage – Accreditation restored. – KIRK ALLEN

— Rauner believes Moore should step down *** In attempt to avoid making headlines, Roskam makes headlines

— Judge Moore’s Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers – Jim Hoft

— Sessions and Ryan pile on with Moore’s accusers – AP
— Jeff Flake on Roy Moore: I would run to the polling place to vote for the Democrat
— Keurig CEO sorry for pulling Hannity ads over Moore

— Pro-life bishop beats ultra-liberal Cdl. Cupich to head US bishops’ pro-life office – Claire Chretien

— Volvo drops advertisements on Sean Hannity show – Carlos Garcia

— Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez Trolls AG Sessions Over Trump’s Unfulfilled Campaign Promise to Jail Hillary – GARY LEGUM

— Ryan: House to mandate anti-sexual harassment training – CRISTINA MARCOS (DIERSEN: According to anti-Trumps, the more of the following that you are, the more of a sexual harasser and even worse things that you are: Trump supporter, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owner, German American, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time.)

— RNC cuts off Moore The national party pulls out of a fundraising pact with the Alabama candidate, further isolating him. – ALEX ISENSTADT (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes could hint/imply/argue/shout that the following have cut me off: Milton Township Republican Central Committee, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Illinois Republican Party, TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Center Right Coalition, American Association of Political Consultants, GAO, IRS, Post Office, etc.)

— Sessions says he has ‘no reason to doubt’ women who have accused Roy Moore of sexual misconduct – Sean Sullivan

— Illinois Educators Report Shortage of Teachers, Applicants School officials statewide are reporting that districts are having a hard time filling teaching positions. – AP

— Is Your Favorite $8,262 Tax Break Really Going Away? Lawmakers are proposing big tax changes. Find out what you could lose. – Dan Caplinger

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: SPLC wants you and your group to hate Moore.

– The National Treasury Employees Union launched a campaign Monday debunking myths about federal employees and raising awareness about the important work they do for the American public. (DIERSEN: I was a NTEU member 1971-1980 while I worked for IRS.)

November 14 Morning Edition

– Illinois governor’s race: Biss likens Pritzker to Trump on release of tax returns – Craig Wall
(FROM THE ARTICLE: On the Republican side, State Representative Jeanne Ives, who is mounting a primary challenge to Governor Bruce Rauner, is set to have her first big fundraiser with a Chicago Bears connection. Virginia McCaskey, the matriarch of the ownership family, is listed as a $10,000 table host for an Ives fundraiser next Monday.)

— Chicago Bears owner Virginia McCaskey to help Rauner primary opponent Jeanne Ives raise money – Rick Pearson
— Family finances: Trim your taxes – Sandra Block (DIERSEN: From what I see, outrageously, the more that your itemized deductions have been, the more federal income tax that you will pay under the GOP tax plans. The GOP tax plans discourage homeownership, discourage charitable contributions, discourage taking job-related graduate courses, and punish those who have high medical and dental expenses.)–tms–kplngmpctnkm-a20171114-20171114-story.html
(FROM THE ARTICLE: One final incentive for beefing up your 2017 itemized deductions: If the proposal to double the standard deduction comes to fruition, this could be the last year that you and millions of other taxpayers benefit from itemizing.)
— Digging into Rand Paul’s ‘trivial’ dispute – Virginia Postrel
— Are political polls flawed — or do we just misread them? – Margaret Sullivan

— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Analysis says Senate bill would hike taxes for 13.8 million – AP (DIERSEN: From what I see, outrageously, the more that your itemized deductions have been, the more federal income tax that you will pay under the GOP tax plans. The GOP tax plans discourage homeownership, discourage charitable contributions, discourage taking job-related graduate courses, and punish those who have high medical and dental expenses.)
— We have to keep fighting for our home – Bruce Rauner (DIERSEN: What do you fight for? I fight to defend and to advance the Republican Party platform, the Illinois Republican Party platform, and the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling. Consequently, those who reject the aforesaid fight against me.)
— Property tax freeze is politics, not a solution – Steven Strack, Hainesville, President of the Community Consolidated School District 46 Board of Education
— Tax bill cynical, dishonest and harmful – William S. Hicks, Carpentersville
(FROM THE LETTER: First, the elimination of deductions for state income tax will place an enormous political burden on state and local taxing bodies, especially with the recent state income tax increase. Illinois’ financial crisis may significantly worsen if there are efforts to roll back that increase. At a time when schools and municipalities are struggling to meet their budgets, the public will be clamoring for them to do with even less. Similarly, the cap on mortgage interest and property tax deductions will have a smothering effect on Illinois real estate, especially for those who own homes in areas that are heavily taxed, or where home values have dramatically increased. Retirees who have lived in the same home for decades may suddenly discover that their property is much less desirable to prospective buyers. There is also the sobering reality that this bill will add $1.5 trillion to the national debt over the next ten years, and in spite of the fuzzy math that supporters are using to sell this bill, it still flies in the face of the rhetoric Republican lawmakers have been spouting for the past decade. The bill is cynical, dishonest, and harmful to the citizens of Illinois. As President Trump is fond of saying, “Somebody oughta do something.”)
— Metra must do more to show it has hold on the future – Editorial

— Looking to sue a law firm for discrimination? Good luck. – CLAIRE BUSHEY (DIERSEN: One could also ask “Looking to sue the federal government for political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation?” and say “Good luck.”)
— Why more employers are saying a two-year degree will do – LISA BERTAGNOLI (DIERSEN: What did you do to qualify yourself for better paying jobs? I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32.)

— Kinzinger’s voting record shows true motives – BILL BECKER, Roscoe
(FROM THE LETTER: Most recently he has voiced ardent support for the House version of the Republican tax plan. This tax plan would eliminate many deductions that are used by thousands in the 16th Congressional District. One of these deductions, the state and local tax deduction, allows District 16 residents to deduct the cost of their state income taxes from the taxable income. This amounts to an average of $4,261 for District 16 residents. Another of these deductions is for the interest paid on student loans. This deduction makes college education more affordable for lower and middle income families throughout District 16. This deduction can save District 16 tax payers thousands of dollars every year. However, a deduction that was not cut is a deduction for wealthy individuals to deduct the cost of private schools for their children.)

— Illinoisans score pair of major wins in Springfield – Editorial

— Harassment, the Legislature, and accountability If the legislative Democratic majority can portray itself as having acted to halt sexual harassment under the Capitol dome, and is perceived by the public as having done so, its leaders likely believe they’ll ride out the storm. Women across Illinois will be the losers if ethics reform and accountability fail to become a reality. – Editorial

— Governor Rauner has yet to sign the sexual harassment bill

— Opioid task force visits Dixon

— Reporter Kerry Lester Says #MeToo & Recaps Sexual Harassment Developments At Statehouse – RACHEL OTWELL

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps worry that Trump might “rashly launch nuclear strike.”
— GQ names Kaepernick citizen of the year

— We need to fight the Rauner Swamp

(FROM THE ARTICLE: This story posted on one of the web sites run by conservative operative and radio host Dan Proft: “Lester, 35, worked as a reporter for the Daily Herald from 2006-2013 before joining the Associated Press as a Springfield correspondent … she rejoined the Daily Herald in July 2015 as a ‘columnist and senior writer.’ Sources tell North Cook News that Lester has been dating Chicago lawyer Michael Kasper, former top aide and longtime lawyer to House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) … In an NPR Illinois story, Lester complained of ‘come on requests by campaign managers’ to interviewer Rachel Otwell and claimed she has been harassed herself. In the NPR interview, Lester cited legislation introduced by Madigan that she said would address Springfield’s sexual harassment problem. She also noted that, for nearly three years, there has been no legislative inspector general in place to investigate sexual harassment complaints. She neglected to mention that it was Madigan had chosen not to fill the position.” More here While that story seems to ominously cite “sources” about the Kasper relationship, it was something Lester was open about, including on social media, posting photos of the two in Italy and referring to him at one point on Facebook as “my lover and friend.” Not exactly a secret. However, that did then raise some behind-the-scenes buzz when Lester began reporting on Cook County soda tax stories at the same time that Kasper served in a role for the opposition movement. (We reached out to Lester late last night but did not hear back). Lester’s statement on Facebook: “Facebook friends, before the rumor mill gets ahead of me, I wanted to let you know I’ve decided to leave my post at the Daily Herald to pursue some other opportunities in and outside the news business. The paper’s a place where I cut my teeth, and as a suburban native, something that will always have a piece of my heart. Thanks so much for reading, and for all of your tips and insights. I hope you’ll stay tuned.”)

— Politics columnist Kerry Lester resigning from Daily Herald
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Sources tell North Cook News that Lester has been dating Chicago lawyer Michael Kasper, former top aide and longtime lawyer to House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago). The Chicago Tribune described Kasper, 53, as a “henchman” who is “doing Michael Madigan’s dirty work” in a 2014 editorial that chronicled his lawsuit to stop a statewide ballot initiative. It would have taken the job of drawing legislative district maps out of Madigan’s control. According to the Illinois State Board of Elections, Lester recently changed her voter registration from a home in Arlington Heights to one in Chicago’s Old Irving Park neighborhood. She voted in Arlington Heights in the 2016 Democrat primary. Lester recently joined about 150 others in signing a letter alleging “rampant sexual harassment within the system of state politics.” In an NPR Illinois story, Lester complained of “come on requests by campaign managers” to interviewer Rachel Otwell and claimed she has been harassed herself. In the NPR interview, Lester cited legislation introduced by Madigan that she said would address Springfield’s sexual harassment problem. She also noted that, for nearly three years, there has been no legislative inspector general in place to investigate sexual harassment complaints. She neglected to mention that it was Madigan had chosen not to fill the position.)

— Roskam still awaiting justice over IRS debacle, not sure if he will support Rauner re-election bid – Giovanni Whaley (DIERSEN: How has Congress “manipulated” you? Congress uses IRS to “manipulate” people. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes would hint/imply/argue/shout that Congress successfully used tax deductions a) to “manipulate” me into taking job-related graduate courses 1972-1983 and 1992-1997, b) to “manipulate” me into owning a town home in University Park 1972-1984, c) to “manipulate” me owning condos in downtown Chicago 1974-1978, and d) to “manipulate” my wife and I into owning 1017 East Harrison in Wheaton 1978-1984 and owning 915 Cove Court since 1984.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Roskam said one of the reasons the IRS is so powerful is because they’ve got 70,000 pages of the internal revenue code that they are able to manipulate against people. “If the code were clearer, if it were easier, if it were simpler, they would have fewer tools with which to manipulate and that’s why we’ve got to reform the tax code,” Roskam said. He said he believes a tax reform bill will be on President Donald Trump’s desk by the end of the year. Turning to Illinois politics, Roskam wouldn’t say whether or not he plans to support Gov.r Bruce Rauner’s re-election bid. “The governor was too cavalier in my view and very dismissive of a lot of concerns of a lot of people, so it’s not surprising to me that he finds himself in some level of isolation right now,” Roskam said. “I’m interested in seeing who’s on the ballot. There’s a long way to go before the 2018 election.”)
— Long-vacant legislative inspector general post may contribute to state liability in lawmaker sexual harassment cases – Karen Kidd (DIERSEN: Obviously, muti-million, multi-billion, and multi-trillion dollar sexual harassment settlements and jury awards may very well cause Illinois to file for bankruptcy.)

— Fact check: Governor Rauner exaggerates job growth Fact checking the governor’s jobs numbers – Mark Maxwell


— Whackapedia? – Robert Knight

— Senate Bill Would Hike Taxes for 13.8 Million Middle-Class Americans (DIERSEN: From what I see, outrageously, the more that your itemized deductions have been, the more federal income tax that you will pay under the GOP tax plans. The GOP tax plans discourage homeownership, discourage charitable contributions, discourage taking job-related graduate courses, and punish those who have high medical and dental expenses.)

— How Tax Reform Would Simplify Taxes for Tens of Millions – Rachel Greszler (DIERSEN: “Simplify taxes” is code for making those who itemize their deductions pay more federal income tax.)

— Attacking Judge Moore’s Morality Is a Dirty Leftist Trick – Lloyd Marcus
— The triumph of Bill Ayers – Monica Showalter

— Keep SALT deductions – Editorial

— Hannity Loses Two More Advertisers Over Moore – JUSTIN CARUSO (DIERSEN: No company has pulled ads from GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails because I have never sought advertising revenue nor would I accept advertising revenue. He who pays the piper calls the tunes and I do not want any individual, organization, company, government, or country to call my tunes.)

— TAX OVERHAUL MOVES CLOSER TO THE FINISH LINE Failure is not an option for the GOP. – Joseph Klein (DIERSEN: If a political party wants to dump a demographic, that party makes that demographic pay more federal income tax. Obviously, the Republican Party wants to dump the demographic that itemizes their deductions. Overwhelmingly members of that demographic are homeowners and older.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Both bills will hit those taxpayers especially hard who itemize their deductions and are from states with high income and property taxes. They are accustomed to deducting such state and local taxes on their federal tax returns. That will no longer be the case for state and local income taxes under either bill as presently written. The House bill would allow a property tax deduction up to $10,000, as a compromise to secure the votes of at least some Republican House members from high tax states such as New York and California. The Senate bill would not even do that, based on the political calculation that such high tax states all have Democrat senators who would not vote for the Republican-written tax bill in any case.)

— Who Will Vote for Republicans Next Year? – A.B. Stoddard (DIERSEN: The answer should be those who are: Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. But anti-Trumps want the Republican Party to dump the aforesaid and to pander to those who are: anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)

— How Cook County’s Democratic machine works The symbiotic relationship between property-tax lawyers and elected politicians 

— Profs publish book on pushing ‘social justice’ in class – Toni Airaksinen

— America has seen enough tragedies result from its open borders – BRIAN LONERGAN

— Federal law enforcement has a woman problem Police agencies are the most male-dominated part of the federal government — and that undermines their mission. – AMANDA RIPLEY (DIERSEN: Federal law enforcement agencies should look at what Charles Bowsher accomplished at GAO during the 1980s and 1990s. He was extremely successful in replacing the agency’s employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or older with employees who were Democrat, minority, female, and/or younger. It is called Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion, that is, it is called political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination.)

— Robbing Blue States to Pay Red – Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson (DIERSEN: What is Roskam’s position on this?)
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Taking a Knee for Diversity ‘Trying is not the same as doing,’ said one corporate leader, invoking Colin Kaepernick in a call to action. – Alina Tugend (DIERSEN: Employers should look at what Charles Bowsher accomplished at GAO during the 1980s and 1990s. He was extremely successful in replacing the agency’s employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or older with employees who were Democrat, minority, female, and/or younger. It is called Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion, that is, it is called political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination.)
— Trump Is Making China Great Again – Susan Rice
— House and Senate Are ‘Among the Worst’ for Harassment, Representative Says – Yamiche Alcindor and Katie Rogers (DIERSEN: Obviously, muti-million, multi-billion, and multi-trillion dollar sexual harassment settlements and jury awards may very well cause the United States to file for bankruptcy.)

— Why are Republicans rushing tax reform through? So voters don’t find out who loses. – Helaine Olen (DIERSEN: From what I see, outrageously, the more that your itemized deductions have been, the more federal income tax that you will pay under the GOP tax plans. The GOP tax plans discourage homeownership, discourage charitable contributions, discourage taking job-related graduate courses, and punish those who have high medical and dental expenses.)
— Trump to visit House GOP for in-person tax push – Damian Paletta and Mike DeBonis (DIERSEN: I hope that Trump calls for keeping all itemized deductions and condemns the tax increases that cutting itemized deductions would cause.)
— “Defending sexual assault is never worth it. Really” – Alyssa Rosenberg (DIERSEN: If you have ever done anything that subjects you to blackmail, you should not seek or hold any kind of government or political office.)

— The Great Progressive Tax Escape IRS data show an accelerating flight from high-tax states. – Editorial
(FROM THE EDITORIAL: Between 2012 and 2015 (the most recent data), a net $8.5 billion in adjusted gross income left New Jersey while $6.2 billion poured out of Connecticut—4% of the latter state’s total income. Illinois lost $13.6 billion. During that period, Florida with no income tax gained $39.3 billion in AGI. (See the nearby table.) . . . The prospect of future tax hikes appears to have propelled an exodus of high earners from Illinois, which has a relatively low and flat 4.99% income tax. Democrats raised the rate from 3% in 2010, but the tax hike lapsed in 2015 after Bruce Rauner became Governor. House Speaker Michael Madigan finally this summer secured GOP legislative support to override the Governor’s veto and reinstate the higher rate. But the tax increase won’t raise enough money to finance the state’s $250 billion unfunded pension liability, and the long-time goal of unions has been to enact a graduated income tax. The affluent know they’ll get soaked eventually and are seeking shelter. Top earners made up 47% of Illinois’s income flight in 2015 compared to 33% four years earlier. Income taxes from the 306 Cook County denizens who decamped to Palm Beach in 2015 with $258 million of income could have paid 200 teacher salaries. Alas. This millionaires’ diaspora has harmed income and economic growth. Real GDP between 2011 and 2016 grew annually at a paltry 0.2% in Connecticut, 1% in Illinois and 1.2% in New Jersey, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. These states were the slowest growing in their respective geographic regions, though other high tax states in the Northeast didn’t fare much better. As a result, revenues have repeatedly fallen short of projections in New Jersey, Illinois and Connecticut while budget deficits have ballooned. Democratic lawmakers have cut public services and funds to local governments, which have responded by raising property taxes. The Tax Foundation says New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, New York and Illinois have the highest property taxes in the country. Over the last two years, the average Chicago homeowner’s property taxes have risen by roughly $1,000. Higher property taxes hit middle-class earners especially hard and are another incentive to leave a state.)
— Higher Education’s Deeper Sickness Political imbalance causes intellectual degradation. Riots against free speech are only a symptom. – John M. Ellis

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Forbes should stress that outrageously, the more that your itemized deductions have been, the more federal income tax that you will pay under the GOP tax plans. The GOP tax plans discourage homeownership, discourage charitable contributions, discourage taking job-related graduate courses, and punish those who have high medical and dental expenses.
— Here Is Why The Proposed Tax Reform Bill Perpetuates Systemic Bias Against Disadvantaged Groups – Paolo Gaudiano
(FROM THE ARTICLE: On the level of individuals, certain provisions seem favorable (such as increasing the standard deduction) while others are clearly unfavorable (such as removing deductions for medical expenses, interest on home equity loans, state and local income taxes, and – at least in the House version – interest on student loans). One could argue that these changes will have the greatest negative impact on those with lower income levels, especially people with disabilities and the elderly, whose medical bills are likely to exceed the current threshold (10% of Adjusted Gross Income for taxpayers under 65 and 7.5% for taxpayers over 65), as well as those who have to borrow for education.)

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-conservatives and anti-Republicans say “Roy Moore and the End of Republican Credibility” and ask “Can the conservative movement survive the election of a possible child molester?”

November 13 Morning Edition

— Tough decisions loom as congressional GOP moves closer to tax-cut plan – Damian Paletta and John Wagner (DIERSEN: Will the Republicans dump taxpayers who itemize their deductions to curry favor with taxpayers who take the standard deduction? From what I see, overwhelmingly, taxpayers who itemize are homeowners, older, middle-income, and Republican and taxpayers who take the standard deduction are renters, younger, low-income, and Democrat.  Lowering taxes for Democrats who take the standard deduction will not inspire them to vote for Republicans.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump’s agenda at stake as misconduct allegations against Roy Moore turn Alabama race into toss-up.”
— More than 400 millionaires tell Congress: Don’t cut our taxes – Heather Long (DIERSEN: Who wants you to pay more federal income tax? Especially since 1971 when I 22 years old and I became an IRS employee, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always wanted me to pay more federal income tax. They have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted a) that I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, b) that I have always been privileged, c) that the federal government overpaid me, and d) that my Civil Service Retirement System pension and federal health, dental, and vision insurance subsidies are too generous. They have always stressed a) that I avoided the draft, b) that I itemized my deductions 1972-1977 c) that my wife and I have itemized our deductions since 1978, d) that I deducted the money that I paid for tuition and books to take graduate business courses 1972-1976, graduate accounting courses 1976-1980, graduate internal auditing courses 1980-1981, and graduate finance courses 1992-1997, c) that my wife and I gave up trying to have children, we did not adopt, and we did not become foster parents, and d) that I do not give lots of money to churches like they do.)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: International student enrollment at Illinois universities growing, but more slowly – Dawn Rhodes and William Lee (DIERSEN: Every citizen of a foreign country that a university accepts, a citizen of America is not accepted. UIC, NIU, Loyola, DePaul, Roosevelt, and IIT accepted me in 1966, 1969, 1972, 1976, 1980, and 1992 respectively, but I doubt that they would accept me today. Ever-increasingly, employers want to hire citizens of foreign countries rather than citizens of America.)
— Moore dismisses allegations in story, says lawsuit to come – Hope Yen and Kevin Freking (DIERSEN: Have you filed lawsuits? I have, but not since 1998. If you file a lawsuit, you should expect that the defendant(s) will spend the rest of their lives trying to destroy you. I should write a book about the lawsuits that I filed, the defendants, and their ongoing efforts to destroy me.)
— Trump’s chief of staff: ‘I do not follow the tweets’ – Noah Bierman (DIERSEN: What do you say to activists, to candidates, to elected officials, to party leaders, to major donors, to political consultants, to etc. in Illinois who state that they are conservative and/or Republican but who crow that they do not read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails and that they do not have their staff/volunteers monitor the emails? Who do they rely on – the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) chairman, their IRP State Central Committee member, their Republican county/township/ward party organization chairmen, Pat Brady, Natasha Korecki, Rich Miller, Dan Proft, Dennis LaComb, Fran Eaton?)
— ‘SNL’s’ Roy Moore sketch is one big joke about Alabama being backward – Aaron Blake (DIERSEN: Democrats are disciples of Saul Alinsky. Alinsky promotes ridicule. If the Democrats ridiculed you, what would they ridicule you as being?)
— LaHood questions likelihood of GOP tax bill – Rick Pearson
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “If Trump continues with some of his tirades against people and the way that he treats people and the way that he talks, that will energize people a year from now,” LaHood said. “I think now Republican leaders and Republicans generally are worried that this could carry over.” He said Republicans are concerned that “there’s going to be some payback here from people who just think the president has kind of gone off the charts in terms of what he says, how he says it, how he treats people and, truthfully, the fact that his administration has really only one significant win this year after being in office, and that’s the nomination and approval of Supreme Court Justice (Neil) Gorsuch.”)
— GOP can’t afford to chase away its own – Jonah Goldberg (DIERSEN: I should write a book about Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, and RINOs who dominate the Milton Township Republican Central Committee (MTRCC), DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Illinois Republican Party, etc. who focus on chasing away Republicans like me who support the Republican Party platform, the Illinois Republican Party platform, and the MTRCC resolution against video gambling. They crow that I am no longer a TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member, MTRCC webmaster, Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee, American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member, GAO employee, etc.)–tms–jgoldbrgctnjg-a20171110-20171110-column.html

— Moore threatens lawsuit over story that threatens campaign – AP (DIERSEN: Have you filed lawsuits? I have, but not since 1998. If you file a lawsuit, you should expect that the defendant(s) will spend the rest of their lives trying to destroy you. I should write a book about the lawsuits that I filed, the defendants, and their ongoing efforts to destroy me.)

— #BoycottKeurig trending after company pulls ads from Sean Hannity Show (DIERSEN: No company has pulled ads from GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails because I have never sought advertising revenue nor would I accept advertising revenue. He who pays the piper calls the tunes and I do not want any individual, organization, company, government, or country to call my tunes.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: #BoycottKeurig is trending on social media, after the company pulled its advertising from Fox News’s Sean Hannity Show. They are one of at least five companies that are no longer advertising their products during the show, including Nature’s Bounty and Keurig announced their decision on Twitter in response to a tweet from the President of Media Matters for America. Angelo Carusone asked Keurig to reconsider their ads, saying that Sean Hannity defends Roy Moore, the Alabama senate candidate that has been accused of sexual assault. Their decision elicited outrage on social media, with fans of Hannity using the hashtag “Boycott Keurig”.)

— Repeal and replace the tax code – George F. Will (DIERSEN: Please contact Congressman Roskam ASAP and urge him to oppose cutting any itemized deductions. From what I see, the more that you have benefited from itemizing your deductions, the more federal income tax that the GOP “Tax Reform Bill” will make you pay. Those who take the standard deduction have always wanted those who itemize to pay more taxes. Typically, those who take the standard deduction are renters and those who itemize are homeowners. I have been a homeowner since 1972 and my wife and I have been homeowners since 1978. Since 1972, my critics/opponents have always been beyond furious a) that I paid less federal income tax 1972-1977 because I itemized and b) that my wife and I have paid less federal income tax since 1978 because we have itemized. Being able to pay less federal income tax by deducting educational expenses encouraged me to take job-related graduate a) business courses at Loyola 1972-1976, b) accounting courses at DePaul 1976-1980, c) internal auditing courses at Roosevelt 1980-1981, and d) finance courses at IIT 1992-1997. Being able to pay less federal income tax by deducting mortgage interest and real estate tax encouraged me to buy a) a new town home in University Park in 1972, b) a studio condo in the Outer Drive East building in 1974, and c) a one bedroom condo in that building in 1976. Being able to pay less federal income tax by deducting mortgage interest and real estate tax encouraged my wife and I to a) buy 1017 East Harrison in Wheaton in 1978 and b) have 915 Cove Court built in Wheaton in 1984.)

— Indivisible NWIL hosts congressional candidates forum

— OUTSTANDING: Opioid commission makes an anti-marijuana argument – WAYNE DRASH (DIERSEN: Overwhelmingly, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes talk and/or act like they a) use pot, b) want to use pot legally, c) want government to take in lots of money by legalizing and heavily taxing pot, d) want to make lots of money selling pot, and/or, e) want to use pot to destroy individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and/or countries.)

— 5 money moves retirees should make before the end of the year – Dan Caplinger
(FROM THE ARTICLE: 3. Get your deductible expenses paid Retirees can use a variety of tax deductions to reduce their tax bills, but most of them require taking action by the end of December. Charitable contributions, real estate tax payments, medical bill payments, and many other items can be eligible for itemized deductions under certain circumstances, and taking the time to itemize can be worth it for those who have sufficiently large eligible expenses. To ensure that you won’t run into trouble, make sure you pay, and can document, your payments well before Dec. 31 rolls around. Getting a receipt, keeping canceled checks or credit card statements, and asking for confirmation from charities is the best way to prove that you made your payments in a timely manner and are therefore eligible for the appropriate deduction. 4. Consider doubling up on key deductions before they disappear For 2017 in particular, there’s reason to consider taking special action with your annual deductions. The current tax reform plan proposes major changes to taxes, including the elimination of deductions for major expenses like medical bills and state and local income taxes. Moreover, a higher standard deduction could make it less valuable to itemize in the future. Consider whether you’re likely to itemize under the new tax laws if they take effect. If not, then it could be worthwhile to pay some extra deductible expenses before 2017 ends, essentially doubling up on certain deductions. Possibilities include making 2018 charitable contributions early, prepaying taxes that are due in 2018, and having medical work done now, rather than later.)

— Interfaith rally calls for solidarity 1 year after presidential election – Alane Lim (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, “religious leaders” serve as operatives or as dupes for the anti-religious Democrat Party. Ever-increasingly, “religious leaders” promote hatred against members of the following groups: Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German Americans, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)

— VIDEO: Open The Books CEO Adam Andrzejewski at Harvard Law October 24, 2017

— Here’s How I Survived My First Week As An Unemployed Reporter (DIERSEN: Ever since I became the GOPUSA Illinois Editor in 2000, to discredit me, nasty Democrats and nasty Democrat plants, nasty Libertarians and nasty Libertarian plants, nasty Greens and nasty Green plants, and nasty RINOs have hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I aggressively ask inappropriate questions that harm Republican activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. Since 2005, they have viciously used against me what happened with GOPUSA, Talon News, and Jeff Gannon. SEE: They paint me as being a clone of Jeff Gannon. Ever since I became a GOPUSA reporter in 2000, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have hinted/implied/argued/shouted that because I ask bad questions, activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. should a) stop me from learning about their events and other activities, b) stop me from promoting their events and other activities, c) stop me from attending their events, and c) stop me from reporting on their events and other activities.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Then today I covered the opening of a new South Side clinic. I stumbled at first when people asked who I was with. I hadn’t quite figured out what I wanted to say, but as I stood around and mingled afterwards, it became easier and easier to answer. I realized that for too long I’ve been attaching my name to different companies, most recently DNAinfo, for validation and respect. But no more. I’m sure I’ll end up reporting for another news organization again, but that name isn’t what makes me. People respect me because of who I am and the great work I produce. And if someone sticks their nose up at me because I say I’m currently an independent journalist and I’m not affiliated with a prestigious news outlet, oh well. I’m doing this for me. I’m doing this for the South Side. You don’t expect a dog to stop barking or a cat to stop licking itself so don’t expect a reporter to stop writing. I’ve been doing this since high school. I did this through college. Before I became a freelancer, I contributed just to get my name out there. I got into this news game working for free because I had drive and passion. That didn’t die with DNAinfo. I don’t know how to stop finding stories. Honestly, they find me. And when they do, I can’t turn my back on them. I can’t turn my back on the people who have gotten used to checking their timelines or morning e-newsletter for my stories about their neighborhoods. Reporting is in my blood. I can’t just stop. Sorry.)

— THE MOST IMPORTANT TAX REFORM BILL IN MODERN HISTORY (DIERSEN: Please contact Congressman Roskam ASAP and urge him to oppose cutting any itemized deductions. From what I see, the more that you have benefited from itemizing your deductions, the more federal income tax that the GOP “Tax Reform Bill” will make you pay. Those who take the standard deduction have always wanted those who itemize to pay more taxes. Typically, those who take the standard deduction are renters and those who itemize are homeowners. I have been a homeowner since 1972 and my wife and I have been homeowners since 1978. Since 1972, my critics/opponents have always been beyond furious a) that I paid less federal income tax 1972-1977 because I itemized and b) that my wife and I have paid less federal income tax since 1978 because we have itemized. Being able to pay less federal income tax by deducting educational expenses encouraged me to take job-related graduate a) business courses at Loyola 1972-1976, b) accounting courses at DePaul 1976-1980, c) internal auditing courses at Roosevelt 1980-1981, and d) finance courses at IIT 1992-1997. Being able to pay less federal income tax by deducting mortgage interest and real estate tax encouraged me to buy a) a new town home in University Park in 1972, b) a studio condo in the Outer Drive East building in 1974, and c) a one bedroom condo in that building in 1976. Being able to pay less federal income tax by deducting mortgage interest and real estate tax encouraged my wife and I to a) buy 1017 East Harrison in Wheaton in 1978 and b) have 915 Cove Court built in Wheaton in 1984.)

— Vets tackle NFL for disrespecting anthem
— The Sad Anniversary of Big Commercial Pot in Colorado (DIERSEN: Overwhelmingly, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes talk and/or act like they a) use pot, b) want to use pot legally, c) want government to take in lots of money by legalizing and heavily taxing pot, d) want to make lots of money selling pot, and/or, e) want to use pot to destroy individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and/or countries.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: This week marks the fifth anniversary of Colorado’s decision to sanction the world’s first anything-goes commercial pot trade. Five years later, we remain an embarrassing cautionary tale. Visitors to Colorado remark about a new agricultural smell, the wafting odor of pot as they drive near warehouse grow operations along Denver freeways. Residential neighborhoods throughout Colorado Springs reek of marijuana, as producers fill rental homes with plants. Five years of retail pot coincide with five years of a homelessness growth rate that ranks among the highest rates in the country. Directors of homeless shelters, and people who live on the streets, tell us homeless substance abusers migrate here for easy access to pot. Five years of Big Marijuana ushered in a doubling in the number of drivers involved in fatal crashes who tested positive for marijuana, based on research by the pro-legalization Denver Post. Five years of commercial pot have been five years of more marijuana in schools than teachers and administrators ever feared. “An investigation by Education News Colorado, Solutions and the I-News Network shows drug violations reported by Colorado’s K-12 schools have increased 45 percent in the past four years, even as the combined number of all other violations has fallen,” explains an expose on escalating pot use in schools by Rocky Mountain PBS in late 2016. The investigation found an increase in high school drug violations of 71 percent since legalization. School suspensions for drugs increased 45 percent. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health found Colorado ranks first in the country for marijuana use among teens, scoring well above the national average. The only good news to celebrate on this anniversary is the dawn of another organization to push back against Big Marijuana’s threat to kids, teens and young adults. The Marijuana Accountability Coalition formed Monday in Denver and will establish satellites throughout the state. It resulted from discussions among recovery professionals, parents, physicians and others concerned with the long-term effects of a commercial industry profiteering off of substance abuse. “It’s one thing to decriminalize marijuana, it’s an entirely different thing to legalize an industry that has commercialized a drug that is devastating our kids and devastating whole communities,” said coalition founder Justin Luke Riley. “Coloradans need to know, other states need to know, that Colorado is suffering from massive normalization and commercialization of this drug which has resulted in Colorado being the number one state for youth drug use in the country. Kids are being expelled at higher rates, and more road deaths tied to pot have resulted since legalization.” Commercial pot’s five-year anniversary is an odious occasion for those who want safer streets, healthier kids and less suffering associated with substance abuse. Experts say the worst effects of widespread pot use will culminate over decades. If so, we can only imagine the somber nature of Big Marijuana’s 25th birthday.)

— Top House tax-writer won’t accept plank of Senate tax-cut plan Rep. Kevin Brady says ‘SALT’ deal on property tax is critical – Tom Howell Jr.

— Media Matters Using Roy Moore Allegations To Go After Hannity’s Advertisers – Peter Hasson

— Roskam at the Center of Political Fight Over Taxes – James Arkin (DIERSEN: Please contact Congressman Roskam ASAP and urge him to oppose cutting any itemized deductions. From what I see, the more that you have benefited from itemizing your deductions, the more federal income tax that the “GOP tax plan” will make you pay. Those who take the standard deduction have always wanted those who itemize to pay more taxes. Typically, those who take the standard deduction are renters and those who itemize are homeowners. I have been a homeowner since 1972 and my wife and I have been homeowners since 1978. Since 1972, my critics/opponents have always been beyond furious a) that I paid less federal income tax 1972-1977 because I itemized and b) that my wife and I have paid less federal income tax since 1978 because we have itemized. Being able to pay less federal income tax by deducting educational expenses encouraged me to take job-related graduate a) business courses at Loyola 1972-1976, b) accounting courses at DePaul 1976-1980, c) internal auditing courses at Roosevelt 1980-1981, and d) finance courses at IIT 1992-1997. Being able to pay less federal income tax by deducting mortgage interest and real estate tax encouraged me to buy a) a new town home in University Park in 1972, b) a studio condo in the Outer Drive East building in 1974, and c) a one bedroom condo in that building in 1976. Being able to pay less federal income tax by deducting mortgage interest and real estate tax encouraged my wife and I to a) buy 1017 East Harrison in Wheaton in 1978 and b) have 915 Cove Court built in Wheaton in 1984.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Republicans for weeks have said passing an overhaul of the tax code, thereby securing a major legislative victory, is imperative to their 2018 election efforts. Illinois Rep. Peter Roskam stands squarely at the center of that effort — and could be imperiled by it. As chairman of the tax policy subcommittee in the House, he’s playing a critical role in crafting the GOP tax legislation and shepherding it through the chamber – it passed the Ways and Means Committee on Thursday along party lines and is expected to be voted on by the full House this week. Roskam is also at the center of the political debate over taxes as Democrats vilify the plan and Republicans search for a legislative victory to run on next year. Illinois’ 6th Congressional District sprawls across suburbs to the west and northwest of Chicago and represents the precise type of district Democrats view as key to taking back the House: It’s highly educated, with more than 50 percent of residents holding college degrees, and has a median household income of nearly $100,000 — 40 percent higher than the national average. Last year, Hillary Clinton carried the 6th over Donald Trump by seven percentage points and Roskam is one of 23 Republicans in districts she won. If Republicans pass their plan, Roskam’s home base will be a critical test for Democrats: Defeating an architect of the GOP plan in a district won by Clinton would likely mean Democrats can find success in similar districts across the country. Republicans roundly dismiss Democratic hopes in the area. Roskam, who has represented IL-6 since 2007, won re-election last year with nearly 60 percent of the vote, and has won every re-election by double-digit margins. He’s a successful fundraiser and, unlike some other members in targeted districts, there is no wavering from Roskam on the tax bill. “I’m going to run on this plan, undoubtedly,” he said in an interview following the committee passage of the bill. “I think that when it’s all evaluated in its totality, this is a winner for my district.” American Action Network, an outside group aligned with Speaker Paul Ryan, has spent $18 million on the tax issue, and its ads have run in Roskam’s district. Business Roundtable, a pro-tax-reform group, ran an ad last week featuring a company just outside the district (the person in the ad is a constituent, Roskam said). But Democrats there are energized and expect to rally support against the measure. A variety of grassroots organizations have popped up to protest Roskam and lay the groundwork for a campaign against him, many falling under the umbrella group Coalition for a Better Illinois 6th. On Friday, protesters gathered outside the congressman’s district office, handing out postcards to deliver to him listing reasons to oppose the bill — a play on the GOP’s promise to simplify the tax code so anyone can file their return on a postcard-size form. This Thursday, protesters will rally outside a local Republican organization where Roskam is headlining its annual Reagan Day Dinner. “I think it’s the strongest argument against Peter Roskam that we’re going to have,” said Reid McCollum, one of the coalition leaders. “There’s no getting around the fact that that’s going to be a major issue in the campaign.” Bob Grogan, leader of the local group hosting Roskam at the dinner, said Democrats are wasting their time attacking him on taxes. “There’s always winners and losers, but on balance, if it’s a success and it gets passed, I think it’s a feather in Peter’s cap,” Grogan said. For Roskam and other Republicans to be able to run on the plan, however, they will first have to successfully guide the bill to passage. Some House Republicans have already balked, mainly because of a provision rolling back the deduction for state and local taxes. There are also significant differences between the House bill and the version the Senate released Thursday, including one in the Senate that would entirely eliminate the state and local deduction, while the House kept it for property taxes up to $10,000. . .In Roskam’s district, the Ways and Means Committee predicted that a family of four making $135,435 — the median income there — would see a $5,053 tax cut. Democrats, however, dispute that the district would be a winner. Sen. Dick Durbin held an event there last week and issued a press release saying 51 percent of taxpayers in the district would see an increase because of the changes to state and local deductions. That issue is a unique factor in Illinois because voters recently saw massive state income tax increases across the board. To break a budget standoff, this summer 10 Republicans in the state legislature joined Democrats to override a veto from Gov. Bruce Rauner to pass a budget that increased the income tax from 3.75 percent to 4.95 percent. Steve Andersson, a state representative whose district overlaps significantly with Roskam’s, was one of the Republicans who voted to override the veto, which cost him his position as the party’s floor leader. He ultimately decided not to seek re-election next year. But Andersson said his constituents — and Roskam’s — could be hurt by the House GOP plan. “Our voters are not necessarily going to benefit from this,” he told RCP. “With every vote you take, vote the district. I think it’s going to be an interesting conundrum for Peter.” Roskam has vigorously criticized the state income tax increase, voicing his displeasure with it, and with Illinois critics of his plan, during the committee markup this week. He told RCP his critics should “spare me the crocodile tears.” Roskam said he initially had a jarring reaction to the idea of eliminating state and local deductions — 38 percent of tax units in his district took the deduction in 2015, with an average deduction of $14,830. But he maintained that the plan should be evaluated in totality. “Most people in my district say I’m interested in tax relief,” Roskam said. “They’re less interested in equations than they are in the bottom line.” His Democratic opponents have highlighted health care as the biggest issue in the race next year, but they are also ready to run against the tax plan. Amanda Howland, who lost to Roskam last year but is running again, said he “threw us under the bus” in drafting the bill. Sean Casten, another Democratic candidate, said: “The only thing I can conclude is he’s doing what his donors want him to do and not what his constituents want him to do.” “This is a whammy for them,” a third candidate, Kelly Mazeski, said of Roskam’s voters. “This is truly going to kick them in the pocketbooks.” Ten Democrats in all have lined up to run in the primary next March, and no frontrunner has yet emerged. Rowland likely benefits from the name ID of having run last year, while Mazeski leads the pack with $343,000 in the bank, including a $195,000 loan; Casten follows with $169,000 (Roskam has $1.35 million).)

— Some Tax Deductions Are More Equal than Others – William Sullivan

— POLITICO is accepting applications for its fifth session of the POLITICO Journalism Institute, an educational initiative focused on newsroom diversity – Natasha Korecki (DIERSEN: If you were me, how would you deal with activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Illinois who hint/imply/argue/shout that I am not a journalist and neither I nor my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are legitimate news sources. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes a) blacklist me, b) give news scoops to, c) glorify and praise, d) pander to, e) serve as operatives for or as dupes for, and/or f) give money to Rich Miller, Dan Proft, Dennis LaComb, Fran Eaton, and my other competitors. Of course, I refuse to blacklist my competitors, in fact, I promote my competitors. Should I stress even more strongly a) that I have been putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out since 2000, b) that since 2004, those emails have gone out each and every morning, and that since 2015, they have gone out each and every evening too, c) that since 2004, those emails have included links to more than 286,700 articles and information on many upcoming events, d) that virtually every important Republican activist, candidate, elected official, party leader, major donor, political consultant, etc. in Illinois either reads GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails or relies on their staff and/or volunteers to monitor the emails, e) that while I do not have a journalism degree, while no one pays me to put the emails together and send them out, and while the emails do not contain any advertising, I worked for GAO for almost 18 years as an Analyst, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $94,610-$122,991, and f) that much of GAO Analysts do is very similar to what journalists do.)
(FROM THE ANNOUNCEMENT: The intensive program, which is designed for college students, will be held May 29 to June 9, 2018. It features hands-on training for up to 12 recent grads and university students interested in covering government and politics. Students also will have an opportunity to have their work published by POLITICO. All expenses are paid for the program, reflecting POLITICO’s ongoing support of journalism education, newsroom diversity and recruitment of top-notch talent. Admissions are made on a rolling basis, so APPLY TODAY but no later than Jan. 15, 2018.

— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Despite Recent Wins for Democrats, Gerrymanders Dim Hopes for 2018.”

— In high-tax California, a vote to scrap deductions could be the kiss of death for endangered House Republicans – George Skelton (DIERSEN: To scrap deductions is to raise taxes for those who itemize. In high-tax Illinois, in high-tax DuPage County, in high-tax Milton Township, in high-tax Glen Ellyn, and in high-tax Wheaton will a vote to scrap deductions be the kiss of death for Republicans?

— The Best Way for Retirees to Find Meaningful Volunteer Work – Glenn Ruffenach (DIERSEN: What “meaningful volunteer work” do you do? I spend 10+ hours each and every day putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out free of charge and without any advertising. Those emails help fill a tremendous government and political news and commentary void in Illinois, in DuPage County, in Milton Township, and in Wheaton.)

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: “Tax simplification” is code for making those who are homeowners, older, are middle income, and/or have high medical expenses pay more federal income tax. “Tax simplification” is code for letting those who are renters, lower income, and/or younger pay less federal income tax.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Republicans want to repeal the personal exemption, which would let taxpayers in 2018 subtract $4,150 from taxable income for themselves, their spouses and each of their dependents. They would replace it with a nearly doubled standard deduction of at least $24,000 while limiting or repealing deductions. The House and Senate would repeal the deduction for state and local income and sales taxes; the House would retain a partial property-tax deduction. Despite the larger standard deduction, the repeal of the personal exemptions means the amount of income that is tax free wouldn’t be close to doubled. Instead, fewer people would itemize deductions because fewer would exceed the standard deduction. That is a backdoor way of limiting tax breaks for mortgage interest and charitable contributions, and it’s why many home builders, real-estate agents and charities oppose the GOP plans. . .A married couple with $30,000 in deductible medical expenses for nursing-home care generally fares worse under the House bill than today. The House plan would repeal the medical expense deduction, pushing that family to the $24,400 standard deduction and taxing more of their income. The same is true for households taking the student loan interest deduction, now available to households that use the standard deduction; it would disappear in the House plan. “Many of the people that I represent would rather have their loan interest deduction, if they have substantial student debt, than being able to file on a postcard,” said Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D., Texas).)

— Keurig, others pull ads from Fox News’ ‘Hannity’ show over Roy Moore coverage – Sarah Whitten (DIERSEN: Do you have enough time and money to do what you want to do without having to ask others to give you money? I have enough time and money to do what I do without having to ask for money from advertisers or from anyone else. I spend 10+ hours each and every day putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out free of charge and without any advertising. He who pays the piper calls the tunes.)

— DHS announces intent to hire hundreds of veterans after August job fair – Jessie Bur (DIERSEN: GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job. IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job. The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.)