December 10 Morning Edition

— Democratic candidates for governor gather for women’s forum – Rachel Hinton (DIERSEN: If I was still the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, the organization would be hosting candidate forums for a) Rauner and Ives, b) Sanguinetti and Morthland, c) Harold and Grasso, d) Diganvker and Jhingan, e) Stella and Vlakancic, f) Minor, Grant, Byrne, and Augustynowicz, g) Kinzler and Orozco, h) Mazzochi and Arendt, i) Zito and Khouri, j) Mendrick and Bibbiano, k) Tornatore, DeMichele, Fichtner, and Gavanes, l) Hart, Abbott, Tully, and Broline, m) McGowen, Almiron, Eckhoff, Zaruba, Tatro, and Chinchilla, n) Wiley, Zay, and McQuade, o) Russo and MacKay, p) Illinois Republican Party State Central Committee candidates, q) etc.)


— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: There’s no escaping politics – Ted Slowik (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes will tell you that you can escape politics and live happily ever after if you do not read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails. What do you say to those who a) crow that they do not read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails and b) discourage everyone from reading GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails?)
— Economy is creating millionaires at an astonishing pace. But what’s it doing for everyone else? – Christopher Ingraham (DIERSEN: How much money have you saved for your retirement? If you have not saved at least $1 million dollars, or are on track to have at least $1 million saved by the time you retire, you are in big financial trouble.)
— ‘Crisis mode’: As boomers age, a shortage of caregivers – Robert Channick (DIERSEN: How much have you saved for your retirement? My 87-year-old aunt is paying $230 a day, or $1,610 a week, or $6,900 a month, or $83,950 a year, or $839,500 a decade out of her life savings to live in an assisted living facility.)
— GOP tax plan diverges wildly from Trump’s promises to the middle class – Damian Paletta (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who wants to make those who itemize their deductions to pay more federal income tax? ANSWER: Those who rent rather than own. Those who pay little or no state income tax. Those who do not have major medical and/or dental expenses. Those who do not pay for job-related graduate courses. Those who give little or nothing to 501(c)(3) organizations. Overwhelmingly, the aforesaid are Democrats and/or people with major financial problems who will never vote for a Republican.)
— ‘SNL’ cold open: Kids wonder if Al Franken, Roy Moore and Trump are on Santa’s naughty list – Amy B Wang


— There’s a lot that’s right about Illinois – Editorial (DIERSEN: Members of Group B can celebrate that members of Group A have not yet succeeded in driving them out of Illinois. Members of Group A are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors and members of Group B are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German Americans, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— NOVEMBER 17, 2017 FLASHBACK: Haymarket could open residential drug treatment center in Wheaton – Katlyn Smith


— Chicago police finalizing expansion of body camera program to every patrol officer (DIERSEN: As things get worse, soon, if not already, members of Group B should wear body cameras to better document threats of violence and/or violence against them by members of Group A. Members of Group A are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors and members of Group B are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German Americans, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— ‘Cards Against Humanity’ Cuts Checks as Part of Latest Promotion – James Neveau (DIERSEN: The more of the following that you are, the more that Cards Against Humanity wants to get rid of you: Trump supporter, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owner, German American, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Save the date for governor’s race primary debates – Angie Muhs (DIERSEN: If I was still the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, the organization would be hosting debates between a) Rauner and Ives, b) Sanguinetti and Morthland, c) Harold and Grasso, d) Diganvker and Jhingan, e) Stella and Vlakancic, f) Minor, Grant, Byrne, and Augustynowicz, g) Kinzler and Orozco, h) Mazzochi and Arendt, i) Zito and Khouri, j) Mendrick and Bibbiano, k) Tornatore, DeMichele, Fichtner, and Gavanes, l) Hart, Abbott, Tully, and Broline, m) McGowen, Almiron, Eckhoff, Zaruba, Tatro, and Chinchilla, n) Wiley, Zay, and McQuade, o) Russo and MacKay, p) Illinois Republican Party State Central Committee candidates, q) etc.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Our three organizations also have invited the two Republican candidates — incumbent Gov. Bruce Rauner and state Rep. Jeanne Ives — to debate the night before, on Feb. 20, also at UIS. Ives has accepted our invitation, and we certainly hope that the governor will do the same.)
— Governor, focus on what you can do – Editorial
— Houlihan tells Biss to not give GOP ammunition – Bernard Schoenburg


— Division of power No single person has been, is now or ever will be in charge of the state of Illinois, and it’s a darn good thing. – Editorial (DIERSEN: One could argue that Rauner is in charge of the Illinois Republican Party (IRP), and therefore, he is in charge of a) the IRP National Committeeman and National Committeewoman, b) the IRP officers and staff, c) the IRP State Central Committee members, d) the IRP County Chairman’s Association, e) the IRP county party officers, f) the IRP township/ward party officers, and g) your Republican Precinct Committeeman/Captain. How strongly do the aforesaid talk and act like Rauner is in charge of them, that is, that Rauner tells them what to think, do, say, etc.?)
— Jim Durkin hires top pro Mike Zolnierowicz to fend off opponent Mickey Straub- RICH MILLER


— Time for candidates, voters to refocus the debate – Editorial (DIERSEN: QUESTIONS FOR REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES: Do you support the following planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and the Republican Party platform, and if so, what would you do if elected to defend and advance those planks: traditional family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving)? Do you oppose promotion of the following, and if so, what would you do to stop promotion of the following: LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, booze, gambling, pot and other vices, abolition of the Second Amendment, race and gender based preference giving, age discrimination, patronage, and political affiliation discrimination?)


— Durkin Stepping Up His Primary Race – Rich Miller


— FBI Increasingly Politicized Under Comey and Mueller – Bill Gertz (DIERSEN: The federal government has always been politicized and it getting worse. While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, it hired, retained, and promoted fewer and fewer and fewer Republicans. Ever-increasingly, I was one of an extremely few Republicans, if not the only Republican, in the office that I worked in and the group that I was assigned to.)
— Acosta: ‘When Journalists Are Attacked, Journalists Have to Resist’ – Charles Russell (DIERSEN: Who attacks you and why? I should write a book about activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who state that they are conservative and/or Republican and who attack me. If you attack me, you shout that you are not conservative or Republican.)


— Democratic Rep. Don Beyer (Va.): Trump’s reported habits would ‘get most Americans fired from their jobs’ – JOSH DELK (DIERSEN: What do you do with your time? I spend 10+ hours each and every day putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “According to his own aides Trump watches 4-8 hours of TV every day, regularly fails to show up for work by 9-930 even after urging from both of his Chiefs of Staff, and spends many days golfing,” Beyer tweeted, citing a new report from The New York Times. . .Trump regularly watches cable news and often references things being discussed on the programs when hitting back at political opponents on Twitter. Trump also regularly records his favorite cable news shows, including Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” on a recording device installed for him in the White House, the Times reported. Trump has previously denied reports of his TV habits, saying that he is often too busy “reading documents.” White House chief of staff John Kelly has also worked to strengthen Trump’s work habits, reducing the president’s free time and pushing Trump to arrive at work earlier, by 9 a.m. or 9:30 a.m., an effort previously undertaken by former chief of staff Reince Priebus, according to the Times. Beyer has ripped Trump in the past for golfing at one of his resorts during the Hurricane Maria recovery efforts in Puerto Rico as many U.S. citizens faced dire conditions including no electricity or clean water.)


— Trump attends civil rights museum opening; black leaders stay away – Jeff Mason (DIERSEN: It is always very interesting a) who organizes events, b) who attends those events, and c) how many attend those events. What do you say to “conservative” and “Republican” event organizers a) who do not want me to know about their events, b) who not want me to promote their events, c) who do not want me to attend their events, d) who bar me or evict me from their events, and e) who do not want me to report on their events? Most commonly, they a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and/or the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, c) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, d) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, and/or e) are operatives or dupes for the aforesaid.)


— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Solid Sources to Help Sort Fact From Fiction – Justin Wolfers (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents viciously demonize, viciously denigrate, and viciously condemn any source that they cannot manipulate/dominate.)
— Trump, Rejecting Calls to Stay Away, Speaks at Civil Rights Museum – Michael D. Shear and Ellen Ann Fentress


— How the Kremlin Tried to Pose as American News Sites on Twitter  Twitter has suspended dozens of accounts masquerading as U.S. news sources that had more than 500,000 followers. – Selina Wang (DIERSEN: I should write a book about Libertarian news websites that unethically pose/masquerade as being conservative and/or Republican. I should write a book about Democrat news websites that unethically pose/masquerade as being non-partisan.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “He does not deserve to be in Jackson.” Who does not want you to know about, to promote, to attend, and/or to report on their events? For me, it is those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and/or the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, c) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, d) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, and/or e) are operatives or dupes for the aforesaid and/or are those who are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.
— 5 ways to cut the cost of your commute – William Cummings (DIERSEN: What did you do to cut the cost of your commute? When I got promoted to a job in the Loop in 1974, I bought a studio condo and then a one bedroom condo in 1976 in the Outer Drive East Building and walked to work and to job-related graduate business courses at Loyola 1974-1976 and job-related graduate accounting courses at DePaul 1976-1978. When my wife and I got married in 1978, we bought a home in walking distance of the College Avenue train station in Wheaton and we had a home build in walking distance of the Wheaton train station in 1984.)


— With reform pending in Congress, now is the time to look at your taxes – Russ Wiles (DIERSEN: According to this article, “Only about 30 percent of individual taxpayers itemize deductions.” My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that if you itemize your deductions, you are a tax dodger and you are undeservedly filthy rich. I itemized my deductions 1972-1977 and my wife and I since 1978. We would NOT have itemized our deductions a) if we had rented instead of owned, b) if I had not taken job-related graduate courses, c) if we had given less money to 501(c)(3) organizations, and d) if we had not had major medical and dental expenses.)

(FROM THE ARTICLE: Taxpayers who wait until the ink is dry on the sweeping Republican tax-reform plan could leave some money on the table. While the vast majority of changes won’t take effect until January — assuming the legislation is signed into law — several tax-shaving actions still can be taken before then. The waning weeks of 2017 thus are shaping up as particularly important for year-end planning, as many people may not be able to take advantage of several key deductions come Jan. 1. Only about 30 percent of individual taxpayers itemize deductions, and that could drop to around 10 percent with the proposed changes. Even for people who continue to itemize, plenty of familiar deductions might no longer be available. As a rule, taxpayers often find it worthwhile to defer income into the next year, if they can, and to take as many deductions and credits as possible in the current year. “With tax reform, that strategy makes even more sense,” said Mark Luscombe, principal federal tax analyst at Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting. Most people can’t do much to delay salary income. But for those who can ask their employer to defer year-end bonuses or delay their own invoices for a personal business, that income likely will be taxed at somewhat reduced rates next year. “Most people in most brackets will get at least some benefits (from the proposed lower rates),” said Luscombe, referring to House and Senate bills that had been passed as of early December. Try moving deductions into 2017 On the deduction side, there are several year-end planning opportunities. People who itemize might want to focus on deductions that, as of early December, were slated to get cut entirely or scaled back. These include the proposed elimination of the federal deduction for state/local income taxes and a possible new $10,000 annual deduction cap on real estate taxes. Other itemized deductions likely will continue to be available, but only for people who itemize, such as the deduction for charity donations and that for mortgage interest, which could be scaled back a bit. Year-end planning opportunities thus might include prepaying a property-tax installment due early in 2018, making a premature estimated state-tax payment or writing an early mortgage check prior to Jan. 1. Also, the remaining weeks of 2017 could be a time to double-up on charity donations that might not deliver any tax benefits next year, depending on your circumstances. Donations can be made by credit card prior to Jan. 1 and applied for 2017, even if the bill isn’t paid for weeks or months later. For certain deductions that have thresholds to meet, it can be beneficial to bunch expenses and utilize them in alternate years. This is true of medical expenses, which are currently deductible only to the extent they exceed 10 percent of a person’s adjusted gross income. As of early December, the House bill would repeal this deduction, though the Senate version would retain it, allowing deductions above 7.5 percent of AGI temporarily before reverting to 10 percent in 2019. This creates an opportunity to utilize the medical-expense deduction, possibly by prepaying certain items during 2017, if you are near this year’s threshold. . .The Government Accountability Office, in a new report, estimates Americans pay 81.7 percent of the taxes owed on a voluntary and timely basis. The report looked at individual, corporate, estate, excise and employment taxes from 2008 to 2010. According to the report, which relies on Internal Revenue Service estimates, taxpayers collectively owed $2.5 trillion in taxes annually, of which $2.04 trillion was paid in a timely and voluntary manner. Another $52 billion was collected in late payments and enforcement actions, with the IRS estimating $406 billion never will be paid.)

December 9 Morning Edition

— FRONT PAGE WITH BIG COLOR PICTURE: Angry worshipers lash out against Trump across Muslim world – AP (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps want America to dump Israel and to dump Jewish people.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Large crowds of worshippers across the Muslim world staged anti-U.S. marches Friday, some stomping on posters of Donald Trump or burning American flags in the largest outpouring of anger yet at the U.S. president’s recognition of bitterly contested Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. In the holy city itself, prayers at Islam’s third-holiest site dispersed largely without incident, but Palestinians clashed with Israeli troops in several dozen West Bank hotspots and on the border with the Gaza Strip.)
— How the GOP tax cut could take money away from most Americans – Heather Long
— Wages remain mostly stagnant despite unemployment hitting new lows – Danielle Paquette
— Supreme Court will review case alleging partisan gerrymanding from Maryland – Robert Barnes
— DISGUSTING: Veterinarians seek permission to research pot meds for pets – AP–marijuana-pet-medicine-20171207-story.html
— Rep. John Lewis: Trump is an ‘insult’ to civil rights event – AP (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps encourage minorities to hate Whites.)–trump-mississippi-20171207-story.html
— Analysts miffed by lack of pay hikes for workers as unemployment rate continues to dip – Danielle Paquette (DIERSEN: What pay hikes have you gotten? Since 1966, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have been beyond furious that my pay increased every year that I worked for the federal government 1966-1969 and 1971-1997 because of step increases, COLAs, and/or promotions except 1980 when I took an $18,847 (21%) pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always accused me of being overpaid. In my defense, I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32.)


— Trump says country ‘cannot afford’ Roy Moore loss in Alabama – AP


— Kane County Republicans pick Ken Shepro as new leader – James Fuller


— Call to clean up ‘hellish viaducts’ disrupts homeless community – Ravi Baichwal


— We must break stigmas about careers in skilled trades – Nick Stafford (DIERSEN: What about breaking the stigma of being a lawn mower, newspaper boy, dish washer, golf shoe cleaner, slag chipper, gasoline pumper, mailman, automobile assembly line worker, security guard, tire, automotive services, and major appliance salesman, tax collector, and auditor? I did yard work and delivered newspapers 1962-1964; washed dishes 1964-1966; cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline in 1966; delivered mail 1966-1969; worked on an automobile assembly line and as a security guard in 1970; sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances 1970-1971; pumped gasoline 1971-1972; collected delinquent taxes 1971-1980; and audited federal agencies 1980-1997. Because the aforesaid jobs are so strongly stigmatized, it was extremely difficult for my superiors to get younger people, minorities, females, and veterans to take them.)


— UI releases statement pledging free speech for all – Julie Wurth (DIERSEN: Yes, but if you say anything positive about members of Group B, members of Group A will kill you figuratively if not literally. Members of Group A are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors and members of Group B are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German Americans, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Iowa 4th District Republican Rep. Steve King: ‘Mixing cultures’ leads to lower quality life – Bret Hayworth (DIERSEN: Those who promote Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion have always worked very hard against me a) because I have always supported the equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) plank in the Republican Party platform and b) because I have always opposed age discrimination.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Iowa 4th District Rep. Steve King on Friday twice declared that diversity is not an American strength and endorsed a European leader’s view that “mixing cultures” leads to a lower quality of life. In a tweet, King linked to a Voice of Europe story that quoted Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban as saying, ‘Mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one.'” King, a conservative Republican and leading critic of U.S. immigration policies, followed with a second tweet, “Assimilation has become a dirty word to the multiculturalist Left. Assimilation, not diversity, is our American strength.” The social media posts were King’s latest take on the cultural shifts happening in Europe and how they intersect with U.S. culture. The Kiron Republican has long contended that immigrant groups are best served by blending in strongly, or assimilating, into American culture. It was a topic he raised again in March, during the time after he tweeted about culture again.)


— Spread the swamp? Trump administration wants to move government offices out of Washington – Evan Halper (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, people hate past, present, and future federal employees. How strongly do you hate past, present, and future federal employees?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Amid the talk of draining swamps, restoring political might to blue-collar America and turning off the spigot of taxpayer cash that showers Washington, a familiar battle cry is ricocheting through this city: Move the bureaucrats out. It has the ring of a Trumpian fantasy. Dislodge arms of the federal government from Washington and reattach them in faraway places, spreading the wealth generated by these well-paid agency workforces and forcing senior bureaucrats to face the people they affect. But the idea has established populist roots that spread across party lines, and they are reemerging at this unique political moment.)


— How politicians use religion to promote goals – Scott Reeder (DIERSEN: What do you say to politicians who hint/imply/argue/shout that Jesus is a liberal Democrat/Libertarian/Green who promotes dependency on government, dependency on charity, LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, race and gender based preference giving, age discrimination, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, abolition of the First and Second Amendments, and even worse things?)


— White House lacks ‘top political operative’ ahead of 2018 elections – ABC Radio (DIERSEN: Who are the top political operatives in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois? Who do they promote? Who do they destroy?)


— Starlets Smile for Amnesty in Elite’s Stealth Campaign for Cheap Labor – NEIL MUNRO (DIERSEN: All my critics/opponents, all their operatives, and all their dupes want cheap labor.)


— NFL Tickets Fall to an Incredible $4 Apiece – CALEB HULL


— The Scoundrel Theory of American Politics The idea that a candidate’s character doesn’t matter is pervasive and pernicious. – Greg Weiner (DIERSEN: How much do you know about the character of the Republicans who represent you and/or who want to represent you in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois? I know a tremendous amount about the character of Republicans who represent me and/or who want to represent me in Wheaton, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois. I should write a book about them. How they, their operatives, and their dupes treat me is extremely revealing.)
— Under New Tax Plan, the Cost of Aging Could Rise – Ron Lieber (DIERSEN: Last year, my aunt had $78,213 in medical and dental expenses, and $74,050 of that was deductible. Last year, my wife and I had $21,433 in medical and dental expenses, and $13,859 of that was deductible.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In the coming days, a small group of Republicans will meet in Washington to try to settle a simple question: Should their revised tax bill eliminate a deduction for medical expenses and take away thousands of dollars each year from many people who are sick and, often, old? The two competing tax bills that will form the basis of an attempt at compromise over the coming weeks, one from the House of Representatives and one from the Senate, answer the question differently. The Senate bill would keep a deduction for medical expenses intact. The House bill would kill it off entirely. The more money that people had to spend this year, the more they would lose next year if the House prevails and the deduction disappears.)
— Tax Changes Are Coming Next Year, but You Can Plan for Them Now – Paul Sullivan
— Liberal Activists to Democrats: Protect Young Immigrants or Shut Down Government – Yamiche Alcindor and Thomas Kaplan (DIERSEN: All my critics/opponents, all their operatives, and all their dupes want cheap labor.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Liberals promote liberalism.
— How Some States Are Helping First-Time Home Buyers – Ann Carrns (DIERSEN: What helped you buy your first home? The following helped me buy my first home, a new town home in University Park in September of 1972 when I was 24 years old: a) my working for IRS since June of 1971 and earning $54,864/year in today’s dollars, b) my having 49 months of federal seniority (15 IRS and 34 Post Office), c) my working part-time for the Firestone Store in Chicago Heights, d) my not having any debts, e) my owning a 1972 Corvette and a 1962 Chevy BelAir, f) my having earned a bachelor’s degree in management from NIU in August of 1970, g) my taking graduate business courses at Loyola, and h) my not being draft bait.)
— For Female Lobbyists, Harassment Often Accompanies Access – Trip Gabriel and Julie Bosman
— Lost in Translation? Pope Ponders an Update to Lord’s Prayer – Elisabetta Povoledo, Laurie Goodstein and Alan Cowell (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes focus on leading people into temptation. They promote dependency on government, dependency on charity, LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, race and gender based preference giving, age discrimination, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, abolition of the First and Second Amendment, and even worse things. They crow that I am no longer a TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member, Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster, Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member, American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member, GAO employee, etc.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: It has been a question of theological debate and liturgical interpretation for years, and now Pope Francis has joined the discussion: Does the Lord’s Prayer, Christendom’s resonant petition to the Almighty, need an update? In a new television interview, Pope Francis said the common rendering of one line in the prayer — “lead us not into temptation” — was “not a good translation” from ancient texts. “Do not let us fall into temptation,” he suggested, might be better because God does not lead people into temptation; Satan does. “A father doesn’t do that,” the pope said. “He helps you get up right away. What induces into temptation is Satan.” In essence, the pope said, the prayer, from the Book of Matthew, is asking God, “When Satan leads us into temptation, You please, give me a hand.”)


— 2018 Ford Mustang: Best sports car buy in town? – Charles Fleming


— Ready to Retire? Here’s a Pre-Flight Checklist Three questions to help you determine if you’re on the right track – Anne Tergesen (DIERSEN: Have you saved enough to retire? Using this formula, I need at least $1,137,725 to retire. 80% of my $122,991 ending salary in today’s dollars is $98,393. Subtract my $50,856 pension and my $2,028 Social Security and you get $45,509. Dividing $45,509 by 4% is $1,137,725 and by 3% is $1,516,967.)

(FROM THE ARTICLE: 1. Have I saved enough? With some simple math, it’s possible to assess retirement readiness without resorting to online calculators that produce “dramatically different results,” says Wade Pfau, a professor of retirement income at the American College of Financial Services in Bryn Mawr, Pa. The first step is to go to the Social Security website to get an estimate of how much income you will receive. This tells you what your monthly payout is likely to be if you claim benefits at 62, 70 and full retirement age, which is 66 for those born between 1943 and 1954. (The benefit will be lower if you claim before full retirement age and higher if you claim after.) Also, ask current and past employers for an estimate of any pension you are eligible to receive. If you suspect you may have left a pension behind at a previous employer that’s defunct or changed its name, free help is available from sources including the Labor Department and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. Then figure out your retirement spending needs, including taxes and premiums for Medicare Parts B and D, which cover doctor visits and prescription drugs, respectively. If you aren’t sure what you might spend, use the 80% rule. It assumes that retirees can get by on about 80% of what they earned while working because they no longer need to commute or save for retirement and frequently wind up in a lower tax bracket. Using the rule, a couple with a $100,000 annual income would need a retirement income of $80,000. The next step is to deduct from that $80,000 your expected Social Security and pension benefits, plus guaranteed income from any annuities you have. If you are entitled to $35,000 a year in Social Security but nothing from a pension or annuity, for example, you would need savings to supply the remaining $45,000. Mr. Pfau suggests dividing that $45,000 by 4%, which represents the 4% “safe” inflation-adjusted withdrawal rate that historically has ensured U.S. retirees a high probability of never running out of money. The result, $1.125 million, is the amount you will need. (With stocks at records and bond yields low, Mr. Pfau says it may be safer to use a 3% withdrawal rate.)

December 7 Morning Edition

— Illinois Rep. Jeanne Ives calls for repeal of sanctuary state law – Craig Wall


— Rauner primary challenger Ives to make immigration law an issue (DIERSEN: I have not received any notification that “Ives is scheduled to hold a Thursday news conference.” What do you say to Ives “supporters” who tell her to not include on her press advisory and press release lists? They want Ives to “punish” me for including links in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails to articles written by those who they blacklist. What do you say to politicians a) who glorify, praise, pander to, and give scoops to reporters who they manipulate/dominate or who they are manipulated/dominated by and b) punish reporters like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Republican governor challenger Jeanne Ives is scheduled to hold a Thursday news conference to unveil legislation that would repeal an immigration law Gov. Bruce Rauner signed. The Trust Act was approved by lawmakers and the governor just months ago, so a bid to repeal it is all but dead on arrival. The law protects immigrants who are in the country illegally from being detained solely because of their immigration status. For Ives, Thursday’s event outside the Cook County Jail will be a chance to highlight another difference she has with Rauner in their race for the Republican governor nomination. His signature on the Trust Act in August angered conservatives, but has been overshadowed by their disdain for his signature on an abortion law the following month. Immigration was a key issue for President Donald Trump in last year’s election, and he won some Downstate counties by wide margins. So the issue could be one that comes up as Rauner tries to fend off Ives’ challenge. When the governor signed the bill into law, he said he sought the guidance of law enforcement officials. “I asked them, should I sign this bill, should I not sign this bill?” Rauner said at the time. “They all said to me, governor, this is a reasonable compromise, it will help us do our jobs better, it will help us keep our communities safer.” Ives is set to appear with Brian McCann, whose brother Dennis was hit by a car and killed while crossing the street in Logan Square by driver Saul Chavez. Police said Chavez had a blood-alcohol content of 0.29 percent. Chavez was released on bond and never prosecuted, and the family says Cook County’s so-called sanctuary laws allowed Chavez to flee the country.)
— Chicago businesses keeping a wary eye on immigration deal deadline – Robert Reed (DIERSEN: From what I see, ever-increasingly, “Chicago businesses” want to replace their employees who are members of Group B with those who are members of Group A. Members of Group A are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors and members of Group B are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Indiana GOP Senate candidate Braun voted in Democratic primary until 2012 – AP (DIERSEN: What percent of those in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois a) vote in Republican primaries to do whatever damage that they can and b) vote for Democrats in general elections?)
— Trump can be impeached even if he didn’t commit a crime – Jennifer Rubin (DIERSEN: Who wants you to be impeached and why? I should write a book about those who unsuccessfully tried to get the Illinois Center Right Coalition (ICRC) to censure me at the start of its 2006 Annual Convention in the Wheaton Bowl because of articles that I had included links to in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails and those who succeeded ended my TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairmanship in 2012, my Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee membership in 2011, Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster service in 2010 and 2004, my ICRC Steering Committee membership in 2007, my American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board membership in 2004, my GAO employment in 1997, etc.)
— Debate schedule (DIERSEN: When will Ives and Rauner debate? If I was still the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, the organization would be hosting debates between a) Rauner and Ives, b) Sanguinetti and Morthland, c) Harold and Grasso, d) Diganvker and Jhingan, e) Stella and Vlakancic, f) Minor, Grant, Byrne, and Augustynowicz, g) Kinzler and Orozco, h) Mazzochi and Arendt, i) Zito and Khouri, j) Mendrick and Bibbiano, k) Tornatore, DeMichele, Fichtner, and Gavanes, l) Hart, Abbott, Tully, and Broline, m) McGowen, Almiron, Eckhoff, Zaruba, Tatro, and Chinchilla, n) Wiley, Zay, and McQuade, o) Russo and MacKay, p) Illinois Republican Party State Central Committee candidates, q) etc.)
— BEYOND OUTRAGEOUSLY, AGAINST THE ILLINOIS REPUBLICAN PARTY PLATFORM: U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam, a Wheaton Republican, broke with his party and joined all 11 Illinois House Democrats in opposing a measure to let people with permits to carry a concealed firearm in their own state take the weapon into other states that allow concealed carry. The measure also enhanced the background check system for gun purchases and passed 231-198, with Roskam one of 14 Republicans opposed. All other Illinois Republicans voted for it. – Katherine Skiba
— Under Joseph Berrios, assessments of commercial and industrial properties defy logic, punish taxpayers and enrich lawyers – Jason Grotto and Sandhya Kambhampati
— Amazon urged to hire more women execs – Jena McGregor (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, my superiors were always under tremendous pressure from Democrat politicians a) to hire, retain, and promote young Democrat women and young Democrat minorities and to make way for them be getting rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— Pritzker fires back: Rauner got rich ‘cutting jobs,’ ‘firing people’ – Mitchell Armentrout (DIERSEN: What would your critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes say that you did to get rich? Mine would say a) that I avoided the draft, b) that the federal government grossly overpaid me, c) that I itemized my deductions, d) that my wife and I gave up trying to have children, we did not adopt, and we did not become foster parents, e) that my retirement benefits are far too generous, and f) I do not give money to any church.)


— Duckworth, Durbin join call for fellow Democrat Franken to resign – Bloomberg–
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Veteran numbers down, taxes up: Suburban facts from new census data – Jamie Sotonoff
— Vernon Township supervisor alleges harassment in assessor’s office


— Hearing in abortion funding case set for Dec. 28 – Doug Finke
— Benevolence program gifts vehicles to single mothers – Tamara Browning (DIERSEN: What is your daily driver? Mine is a 2003 Chevy Cavalier LS that I bought from my aunt in 2010. Other cars that I own are: 1972 Chevy Corvette, 1996 Ford Thunderbird LX, 2005 Chevy Corvette, 2013 Dodge Charger R/T Max, and 2016 Ford Mustang. Previously, I bought a 1958 Chevy BelAir, 1962 Chevy BelAir, 1962 Chevy Impala SS, 1966 Pontiac Tempest Sprint, 1968 Oldsmobile 442, 1968 Dodge Charger R/T, 1969 Dodge Charger SE, 1974 Dodge Dart, 1978 Chevy Chevette, 1978 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royale, 1990 Ford Thunderbird LX, 1993 Ford Thunderbird, and 1997 Chevy Cavalier.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Single mothers Jamie Smith and Alana Yates each drove away Wednesday with free vehicles that will improve their lives thanks to a benevolence program sponsored by Zara’s Collision Center. Smith, the mother of two children, received a 2009 Chevrolet Equinox, and Yates, mother of three children, received a 2007 Hyundai Entourage during a presentation Wednesday at Zara’s, 3117 Wide Track Drive.)

— Bustos, Gillibrand propose ending arbitration agreements in sexual harassment disputes – Ed Tibbetts (DIERSEN: I am an arbitrator for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. But there are many reasons to not sign arbitration agreements. SEE:


— What do Pritzker and Kennedy have in common with Rauner and Trump? – Editorial


— COD board chairwoman among candidates running for 47th Illinois House District seat – ERIC SCHELKOPF




— Ives To Throw Campaign Kickoff Party At Wheaton Bowl State Rep. Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) will kick off her campaign for governor at Wheaton Bowl on Dec. 10. – Lisa Marie Farver (DIERSEN: Is this event open or closed to members of the news media like me? What do you say to those who advise the Ives campaign to punish me for including links in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails a) to articles that they do not like and b) to articles written by those who they blacklist?)


— Pension update: Illinois pension debt stuck at $129 billion despite market gains – Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner


— GOP tax reform’s effects on home values questioned – Cole Lauterbach
— ‘Gravy train’ conference is abuse of taxpayers – Dan McCaleb


— Is DEM GOVERNOR’s primary greased for PRITZKER? — BUSTOS, MANAR say only JB can defeat RAUNER – Natasha Korecki (DIERSEN: What about Republican primary races in Illinois? Rauner dominates Republican politics in Illinois. Who does Rauner want to win in the following primaries: a) Rauner/Sanguinetti v. Ives/Morthland, b) Harold v. Grasso, c) Diganvker v. Jhingan, d) Stella v. Vlakancic, e) Minor v. Grant v. Byrne v. Augustynowicz, f) Kinzler v. Orozco, g) Mazzochi v. Arendt, h) Zito v. Khouri, i) Mendrick v. Bibbiano, j) Tornatore v. DeMichele v. Fichtner v. Gavanes, k) Hart v. Abbott v. Tully v. Broline, l) McGowen v. Almiron v. Eckhoff v. Zaruba v. Tatro v. Chinchilla, m) Wiley v. Zay v. McQuade, n) Russo v. MacKay, o) Illinois Republican Party State Central Committee races, p) etc.?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Today we explore the Democratic governor’s primary race and whether the party is repeating mistakes it made on a national level in the 2016 presidential election. What makes it a particularly compelling question is the fact that J.B. Pritzker’s campaign manager, Anne Caprara, headed the Hillary Clinton SuperPac in 2016. An inevitable candidate. Accusations of a rigged primary.)


— Rauner claims female Chief Procurement Officer was influenced by Madigan
— Over half of all House Democratic primary candidates are women


— NAACP objects to Trump attending opening of civil rights museum


— CNN Glorifies ‘White Allies’ Who Want To Police Your ‘Insensitive’ Facebook Comments – Scott Greer (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents want to take away my First Amendment rights; they want to stop me from including my comments on articles linked to in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails. Failing that, they “punish” me.)


— Bloomberg Forced to Correct False Trump-Deutsche Bank Subpoena Story – Tom Blumer (DIERSEN: I served many subpoenas while I worked for IRS’s Collection Division for almost 9 years 1971-1980, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $79,563-$90,173.)


— Are they anti-Trump or anti-America? – Peter Lemiska (DIERSEN: Overwhelmingly, those who are anti-Trump are also anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— RNC Gives $170,000 to Support Moore’s Senate Bid
— Gay Men Earn 10 Percent More Than Straight Men – Solange Reyner (DIERSEN: Ever-increasing, Democrats a) glorify and praise gay men as being creative, energetic, and many other positive things and b) demonize, denigrate, and condemn straight White men as being White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.)


— Any immigration compromise must shut down magnets for future lawbreakers – DAVE RAY


— Illinois governor’s race haunted by 2016 presidential primary Is the Democratic Party putting its thumb on the scale for a billionaire candidate? – NATASHA KORECKI
— Trump administration opposes unions in key Supreme Court case – IAN KULLGREN (DIERSEN: Overwhelmingly, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes hate unions, hate union members, and hate former union members. I was a union member for almost 12 years. If GAO had been unionized in 1997, I might still be a GAO employee.)


— Democrats turn on Franken to get to Moore – JONATHAN ALLEN and LEIGH ANN CALDWELL


— Futures in Jeopardy, ‘Dreamers’ Get Backing of Big Names and Businesses – Miriam Jordan (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, “big names and businesses” are dumping those who are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Republicans Move to Resolve Tax Bill Differences as Cost Concerns Loom – Alan Rappeport
— A Reckoning on Sexual Misconduct? Absolutely. But How Harsh, Women Ask. – Nellie Bowles


— How to Help the High-Tax States The solution is to offset the lost deduction with a lower tax rate. – Editorial


— How big will Conyers’ pension be? – Melissa Nann Burke


— Republican Gubernatorial Hopefuls Offer Solutions To State’s Fiscal Woes – Russell Blair
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “The first thing we need to do is we need to keep businesses and high-income individuals from moving out of the state,” said David Walker of Bridgeport, who served as head of the federal Government Accountability Office under Republican and Democratic presidents. “We have to eliminate the estate tax and the gift tax,” as well as a 20 percent surcharge on corporations, he said.)


— Leadership determines best agencies to work in, research finds – Jessie Bur (DIERSEN: According to the Democrats who ran GAO’s Chicago office during the 1980s and 1990s, GAO employees who were Democrat, minority, female, younger, and/or veteran said they would be much happier if the agency got rid of its employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who failed to make GS-13 (currently $94,610) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $111,801) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $131,508) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $161,900) by age 40.)

December 5 Morning Edition

— Senate’s tax plan approval is news to Rauner – Kim Geiger (DIERSEN: Obviously, beyond tragically, Rauner does not read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails. Beyond obviously, if he has asked his wife, his staff, his volunteers, or anyone else to monitor GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails for him, he should immediately fire them.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The governor, however, was a few days behind on his news. Over a packed weekend welcoming Illinois National Guard troops home from Puerto Rico, riding his Harley in a Toys for Tots motorcycle run and attending the Illinois Bicentennial bash at Navy Pier, Rauner might have missed that Republican senators had voted for a sweeping tax bill early Saturday morning. “First of all, the Senate hasn’t passed anything,” Rauner said on Monday when asked to explain what he thought Congress needed to do to get the tax code right. “And what the Senate is talking about is very different than what the House is working on. They have a long, long way to go.” Indeed, distance remains between the House and Senate tax bills. But Senate Republicans’ approval of their own version was a big step forward and a sign they are willing to approve a tax overhaul even if it adds to the deficit. Rauner often has avoided talking about national issues, dismissing questions about activity in Congress as not relevant to his role as governor. And Monday wasn’t the first time that Rauner appeared out of the loop on the news.)
— History foretells a tough road: State Rep. Jeanne Ives’ decision to take on an incumbent governor in the March primary is unusual but not uncommon. In 2014, then-Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn bested anti-violence activist Tio Hardiman, 72 percent to 28 percent. In 2006, then-Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich defeated former Ald. Edwin Eisendrath 71 percent to 29 percent. And in 1994, then-Republican Gov. Jim Edgar won over the late-conservative businessman Jack Roeser, 75 percent to 25 percent. – Rick Pearson
— Roskam on sidelines in governor race: Republican U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam hasn’t taken sides in the GOP primary for governor. Asked by Chicago Tribune’s Editorial Board Monday if he eventually would, the Wheaton Republican said: “We’ll see.” Roskam lives in state Rep. Ives’ district and had signed a letter from Illinois’ Republican congressmen slamming Rauner for signing legislation expanding taxpayer-subsidized abortions for women covered by Medicaid or state employee health insurance. Roskam said there’s a parallel between the governor and Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Donald Trump. The two presidents came to Washington with “massive personalities” they thought were enough to get their agendas through, Roskam said. Likewise, Rauner, based on “incredible success in the private sector,” has run into roadblocks with the Illinois legislature, he said. “It’s a hard lesson for anybody to learn, particularly people who have been very successful in other walks of life,” he said. – Katherine Skiba
— Silverstein accuser gets into House race: The only person to publicly accuse a sitting state lawmaker of sexual harassment amid the ongoing scandal in Springfield filed to run for Illinois House on Monday. Denise Rotheimer filed as a Republican to run for a central Lake County seat now held by Democratic state Rep. Sam Yingling of Grayslake. Rotheimer accused Democratic state Sen. Ira Silverstein of sexual harassment at a public hearing. He has disputed the allegations and said he apologized “if I made her uncomfortable.” He has since resigned his leadership post and filed to seek re-election.
— Foster criticizes Trump administration on health care – Linda Girardi


— Roskam, Shimkus tapped by Speaker Ryan to negotiate tax overhaul bill – Lynn Sweet (DIERSEN: Hopefully, they will argue to keep all the itemized deductions, to keep the personal exemption, and to eliminate the marriage penalty.)
— ‘Unborn children’ in tax bill an anti-abortion ploy – Lynn Sweet
— Trump science job nominees missing advanced science degrees – AP (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years 1966-1969 and 1971-1997, extremely few of my superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates took job-related college courses, earned job-related professional certifications, or earned job-related professional licenses. I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32.)


— Be an educated voter and build a better government – Editorial (DIERSEN: What do you say to my critics/opponents, to their operatives, and to their dupes who do everything that they can to stop everyone from reading GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails?)


— Illinois: Land of Laggards – ORPHE PIERRE DIVOUNGUY


— Wisconsin food stamp users to be drug tested – AP
— Legal sports gambling in Illinois, Indiana hinges on Supreme Court decision – Chuck Goudie and Christine Tressel (DIERSEN: As everyone has always known, I do not follow sports. Virtually all my Democrat male GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates followed sports big time and they painted themselves as being sports experts. They were outraged when I beat all of them and won (by pure chance) the first and only time that they asked me to place a sports bet in their office pool.)


— Gov. Rauner Seeking Re-election: ‘I Am Not in Charge’ – Amanda Vinicky


— How The Republican Tax Overhaul Would Affect You – Danielle Kurtzleben, Scott Horsley


— Wounded Rauner on run vs. angry Dems, alienated GOP – Jim Dey
— Two surprises in last day of candidate filings for March primary – Tom Kacich


— Ives joins governor’s race, says Rauner has ‘betrayed our party’ – Bernard Schoenburg


— City, video gambling owners at odds – Lee Provost


— Normal approves property tax levy hike – Derek Beigh


— Senator McCann won’t seek re-election, cites party views – Samantha McDaniel-Ogletree (DIERSEN: Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can/will defend/advance their platform. The Illinois Republican Party (IRP) should remove “Republican” candidates, elected officials, and party leaders who fail/refuse to defend/advance the IRP platform.)


— People protest Republican tax plan outside Congressman Lahood’s office


— Car dealers get a big, last-minute tax break in Senate reform bill New interest deduction cap won’t apply – CHRIS ISIDORE


— Morrison calls student access bill ‘bad policy’ – Glenn Minnis


— Burr Ridge mayor Mickey Straub says state is ‘on the wrong path’ – Glenn Minnis


— Tax hike fail: Illinois politicians to overspend again in 2019 – Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner


— National Review slams Rauner, praises Ives as alternative – Robert Hadley
— Gov. Rauner found sexual harassment bill flawed but signed it anyway – Angela Underwood


— WVON’s Charles Thomas w/Berkowitz on Speaker Madigan’s plantation & JB Pritzker’s endorsement by racists


— IRS DATA: ILLINOIS LOST PEOPLE AND INCOME TO EVERY NEIGHBORING STATE ON NET New data from the IRS show Illinois lost $720 million and 21,800 people on net to neighboring states from 2015-2016. – Austin Berg


— Pro-Choicers Choose Live Dismemberment – Laurie Higgins


— Ives says she’s “ready to lead the charge”


— Men wonder if hugging women still OK (DIERSEN: Government is nasty. Politics is nasty. Because my demographics are so terrible, if my critics/opponents, their operatives, or their dupes ever got a picture of me hugging anyone other than my wife, they would immediately charge me with being a sexual harasser and even worse things.)
— The NFL signs on with George Soros


— Poll: Republicans see a dip in party affiliation – Kate Scanlon (DIERSEN: Should I write a book Democrat plant, Libertarian plant, Green plant, and RINO activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who have done the most to drive Republicans out of the Republican Party since 2000?)
— Illegal immigration is extremely costly — see how much your state is paying for it this year (Illinois will spend $3,220,767,517) – Chris Enloe (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes reject the immigration planks in Republican Party platform and in the Illinois Republican Party platform.)


— Group At University Of Chicago Demands School Pay Reparations For Slavery “National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America” held a rally demanding to be repaid for the school’s ties to the founder’s plantation. – EMILY ZANOTTI (DIERSEN: Who should pay reparations, that is, who should pay the price of Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion?)


— Apple CEO Tim Cook Brushes Off Senators, Taunts Activists On Chinese Censorship – Peter Flaherty


— Women Rule Summit (DIERSEN: Individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that reject the equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) plank in the Republican Party platform and those who promote age discrimination have always worked extremely hard against me. They have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted a) that instead of me, the Post Office should have hired a woman in 1966, b) that the Post Office should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a woman could have my job, c) that instead of me, IRS should have hired a woman in 1971, d) that instead of me, IRS should have promoted women in 1972, 1973, and 1974, e) that instead of me, GAO should have hired a woman in 1980, f) that instead of me, GAO should have promoted a woman in 1986, and g) that GAO should have gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a woman could have my job and my preferred corner office.)
— Trump’s Threat to Take Down the GOP Still Stands Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie don’t know if Donald Trump will remain a Republican, but they believe Republicans owe him their loyalty. – EDWARD-ISAAC DOVERE


— HOUSE REPUBLICANS WANT TO END STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS FOR PUBLIC INTEREST JOBS – Zaid Jilani (DIERSEN: I held public interest jobs for almost 30 years – almost 3 years working for the Post Office, almost 9 years working for IRS, and almost 18 years working for GAO.)


— Cocktails Rise and Shine While Beer and Wine Sales Slip – Saabira Chaudhuri and Jennifer Maloney (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always talked and/or acted like they a) drink lots of booze, b) want to drink lots of booze, and/or c) want to make lots of money selling booze.)


— Trump and GOP promised America an anti-Washington party. Where is it? – Andrew Cline


— How D.C. political assassins use media to oust Rex Tillerson – ANDREW MALCOLM (DIERSEN: I should write a book about past and present political assassins in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “On Second Thought, the RNC Would Like to Elect Alleged Sex Predator Roy Moore.”


— GAO: More can be done to increase minority representation in tech – Jessie Bur (DIERSEN: The tech sector should consider hiring Charles Bowsher. During the 1980s and 1990s, Bowsher had great success in getting rid of GAO’s employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who did not make GS-13 (currently $94,610) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $111,801) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $131,508) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $161,900) by age 40.)


— Rauner repeatedly lashes out at reporters over Madigan: “You’re playing games and you’re not reporting the truth to the people of Illinois” (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those who have “lashed out” at me since 2000 because of articles that I have included links to in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails. According to them, the only “true” articles are the articles that they put out.)


— Top reasons why “Republican” activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Illinois, in DuPage County, in Milton Township, and in Wheaton refuse to keep on their press advisory and press release lists and do not want Diersen to a) know about their events and other activities, b) promote their events and other activities, c) attend their events, or d) report on their events and other activities.

– they are Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, or RINOs
– they are anti-Trump
– they reject the traditional family plank
– they reject the right to life plank
– they reject the immigration plank
– they reject the Second Amendment plank
– they reject the equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) plank
– they promote age discrimination
– they promote patronage and political affiliation discrimination
– they promote booze, gambling, pot, and other vices
– they want to curry favor with Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, and/or RINOs
– they want to curry favor with Rich Miller and the rest of the Democrat news media in Illinois
– they want to curry favor with certain major donors
– they focus on destroying those who they cannot manipulate or dominate
– they know that they cannot manipulate or dominate me
– they want someone who they can manipulate or dominate to be the GOPUSA Illinois Editor
– they disapprove of one or more of my demographics

November 25 Evening Edition

— Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be ‘off limits’ to media – AP


— Impeach Trump? Why top Democrats say it’s too soon – Clarence Page


— Brady, Barickman seek re-election to state senate – Derek Beigh
— Higher ed has concerns with tax reform package – Lenore Sobota


— Filmmaker builds a case to save Thompson Center in Chicago – Bernard Schoenburg


— State Rep. John Cabello may soon return to Rockford Police Department


— Trump could be on track to triple Obama’s time on the golf course President on track to beat Bush’s golf stats, too – DAN MERICA AND JEFF ZELENY


— William J. Kelly announces Dundee Republican endorsement


— Democrats’ ‘DREAMer’ demands threaten spending bill, gov shutdown in coming weeks – Chad Pergram


— Celebrity Starlets Sophia Bush, Cara Delevingne, and More Urge Ivanka Trump to Push DACA Amnesty – JOHN BINDER


— 15 Things Far Too Many Americans Are Foolishly Taking For Granted – John Hawkins


— GOP tax bill draws fire from AARP, universities – NAOMI JAGODA
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The AARP has raised concerns about provisions in both the House and Senate bills, warning they would be harmful to older Americans. Both bills would increase the deficit and could trigger cuts to Medicare if Congress doesn’t waive sequestration rules for federal spending. The AARP is also concerned that many seniors would see their taxes go up under the bills. There are also provisions unique to the House and Senate bills that the group opposes. The AARP opposes the House’s push to repeal the deduction for medical expenses and the Senate’s push to repeal the ObamaCare individual mandate. Housing industry Key groups in the housing industry took issue with the tax bills even before they were released, warning that they reduce incentives for homeownership. Both bills would substantially increase the size of the standard deduction taxpayers can take. This would reduce the number of people who take the mortgage interest deduction and concentrate those who do claim the preference at the upper end of the income scale. The House bill would cap the mortgage interest deduction for new mortgages at the first $500,000, down from $1 million under current law, and would eliminate the deduction for second homes. It also would eliminate the deduction for state and local income and sales taxes and would cap the deduction for state and local property taxes at $10,000. The Senate bill does not curb the mortgage deduction, but it would completely eliminate the property-tax deduction. . .Charities Nonprofits have several concerns with the GOP’s legislation. The increase in the standard deduction in the House and Senate bills would reduce the number of people who would claim the itemized deduction for charitable contributions. Charities are concerned that this change could lead to a decline in charitable giving. Additionally, the House bill would scale back the “Johnson amendment” that prevents churches and other organizations with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from endorsing or opposing political candidates. Under the House bill, nonprofits would be allowed to engage in political speech from 2019 to 2023 as long as the speech is in the ordinary course of business and expenses related to the speech is minimal. Nonprofits generally oppose curbing the Johnson amendment because they think doing so would inject partisan politics into charities.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps glorify and praise those who come to America illegally, those who stay in America illegally, and those who bring others to America illegally.


— Elitists, crybabies and junky degrees A Trump supporter explains rising conservative anger at American universities. (DIERSEN: Democrats run education in America. Ever-increasingly, their focus is to crank out “good little Democrats.”)


— THE REAL RINO’s AREN’T CONSERVATIVES AT ALL, NEITHER ARE THEIR VOTERS, THEY JUST USE THE BRAND. (DIERSEN: Most commonly, RINOs reject the traditional family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, and/or equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in the Republican Party platform. Most commonly, RINOs promote LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, race and gender based preference giving, age discrimination, political affiliation discrimination, patronage, and even worse things.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, members of Group A hint/imply/argue/shout that members of Group B are White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things. Members of Group A are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors and members of Group B are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German Americans, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.

November 20 Evening Edition

— OCTOBER 5, 2017 FLASHBACK: Mike Connelly and Pat Hughes spoke very highly of Jeanne Ives at her outstanding fundraiser Thursday evening, October 5, 2017, at Arrowhead Golf Club in Wheaton. Hughes presented Ives with a $10,000 check from Illinois Liberty Pac. The 50+ attendees included Ron Almiron, Janice Anderson, Mike Barbier, Bob Biggins, Liam Brennan, Denise Cattoni, Lori Carlson, John Curran, Sal Falbo, Jay Fisher, Suzanne Fitch, Bob Grogan, Heidi Holan, Tonia Khouri, Chris LeVan, John Millner, Burt Miner, Nicole Prater, Mike Prueter, Richard Russo, Jan Shaw, Phil Suess, Dave Tornga, Karen Wilson, Jim Zay, and Stan Zegel. – Dave Diersen
— Ives heads to Downers Grove for a powerhouse fundraiser – Hoang Tran (DIERSEN: Sadly, there will be no GOPUSA ILLINOIS report on this event like there was for Ive’s October 5, 2017 event (see above). Since 2000, I have attended many such events in my roles as the GOPUSA Illinois Editor and as a DuPage County Milton Township Republican Precinct Committeeman, and previously, as a TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman (2005-2012) and as an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member (2003-2007). Spokespersons for the event hosts talked and acted like had never heard of me or of my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails. I had left a message with Ive’s House campaign that I wanted to attend the event and to let me know if there was any problem, but I learned after the event that the message did not get through. They stressed that the event was “closed to the media” and that the event hosts did not want any members of the news media at the event. Notwithstanding my appeals, spokespersons for the event hosts would not allow me to speak with any of the event hosts and succeeded in evicting me from the event. When I arrived early at the event, I learned that I had not been invited to attend a press conference that was in progress. I was offered the opportunity to attend the press conference and to ask Ives questions, but that was not why I was there. I was there to get information to post a report on the event similar to what I did for her October 5, 2017 event (see above). I stressed that my “attendees included” lists in such reports has always been limited to Republican elected officials, candidates, and party leaders, but that did not change their minds. At least my trip to the event was not a complete waste of my time. I got to meet Rich Morthland and I brought in a notarized petition for Ives. Previously, I had provided Ives with three notarized petitions for her House race. I might have been allowed to attend the event if had if I had contributed $1,000 to her campaign or if I had brought in petitions containing 200 signatures, but probably not because I am a member of the news media. GOPUSA ILLINOIS email subscriptions are worth at least $1,000/year and I hope that the Ives campaign reads the emails. Needless-to-say my nasty critics/opponents, their nasty operatives, and their nasty dupes are “rolling in the isles” with laughter because since 2000, they have shouted that I am NOT a member of the news media and that my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are worthless.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Continuing her tour of Illinois, Rep. Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) is stopping in Downers Grove on Monday night to attend a private campaign fundraiser being hosted by several influential powerhouses. Ives has been campaigning rigorously for a run at the 2018 gubernatorial election, petitioning to challenge incumbent Gov. Bruce Rauner, whom she believed has failed as a Republican leader after he went against the party on important measures such as taxpayer funded abortions and property tax reform. “He has basically discredited himself as a Republican,” Ives said in an interview on “Chicago Tonight” on WTTW. “He’s signed into law very extreme measures. The man who said he had no social agenda ended up having only a social agenda.” The hosts of the Downers Grove fundraiser include Vince Kolber, Ed Bachrach, Virginia McCaskey and Gary Rabine. Kolber is an entrepreneur and civic leader and was a candidate for the 5th Congressional District in 2016. Bachrach is the former chairman and CEO of Bachrach Clothing Inc., a national retail chain of men’s clothing stores. McCaskey is the matriarch of the Chicago Bears NFL team. Rabine is the CEO and founder of the Rabine Group, which is involved in asphalt and parking lot development. The people of Illinois deserves another option for governor, Ives contended. “We’re traveling the state to let people know that they have a real option in the governor’s race,” Ives told Rock Island Today. “They feel betrayed by both Gov. Rauner and the longtime political ruling class in Springfield. Places like Rock Island and like Decatur have become the forgotten places in Illinois by the Chicago Democrats who have run this state into the ground. This campaign is committed to helping every Illinoisan and their family succeed.” The campaign has previously visited Decatur, Rock Island County, the Quad Cities area, Troy, Glen Carbon and Springfield.)
— Wheatland Township GOP sees Ives as state’s future – Glenn Minnis
— Trump puts North Korea back on blacklist (DIERSEN: What do you say to those who blacklist me because I refuse to carry out their blacklist orders? Should I publish a list of those who blacklist me because I refuse to carry out their blacklist orders?)
— Judge permanently blocks Trump sanctuary cities order – AP
— Hastert Scores Victory in One of Two Abuse-Related Lawsuits – Phil Rogers
— Divided vote keeps Illinois in Crosscheck voter database – Rick Pearson
— Kendall County judge dismisses sex abuse suit against Dennis Hastert – Mitch Dudek
— 3 tame referendums to crowd more controversial questions off ballot – Fran Spielman
— College of DuPage holds line on property taxes – Robert Sanchez

— McHenry County reduces levy 11.2%, asks other taxing bodies to follow – Lauren Rohr
— Will your taxes go up or down? The five biggest questions on the GOP plan – Heather Long (DIERSEN: From what I see, Republican leaders want those who itemize their deductions to take the biggest tax hit. I itemized 1972-1977 and my wife and I have itemized since 1978. Government should encourage homeownership and taking job-related graduate courses. The deductibility of mortgage interest, real estate taxes, and job-related education a) encouraged me to take job-related graduate courses 1972-1983 and 1992-1997, b) encouraged me to buy a new town home in 1972, a studio condo in 1974, and a one bedroom condo in 1976, and c) encouraged my wife and I to buy a home in 1978 and to have one built in 1984.)
— UIC may absorb John Marshall Law School – LYNNE MAREK
— Why Crain’s is no longer allowing comments (DIERSEN: Many, if not most, if not virtually all of the operatives and dupes who work for my critics/opponent operate anonymously. They know that I am litigious.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The editors of Crain’s Chicago Business are pulling the plug on our website’s comments section. Since we launched more than 20 years ago, we have employed a variety of tools-most recently a discussion platform called Disqus-to facilitate reader commentary. Inevitably, however, the trolls leave their trails of slime before we know it. Simply put, we do not have the personnel to manage this commentary, to keep it civil and fair and to halt the back and forth before it devolves into invective, name-calling and, in too many cases, outright hate speech. We’d rather not play host to these often anonymous commenters. They drive out more civil readers and potential commenters. They sully our content, our brand and our sponsors. So, to borrow a phrase, we’re draining the swamp.)
— Should the upper middle class take the biggest tax hit? – Bloomberg (DIERSEN: From what I see, Republican leaders want those who itemize their deductions to take the biggest tax hit. I itemized 1972-1977 and my wife and I have itemized since 1978. Government should encourage homeownership and taking job-related graduate courses. The deductibility of mortgage interest, real estate taxes, and job-related education a) encouraged me to take job-related graduate courses 1972-1983 and 1992-1997, b) encouraged me to buy a new town home in 1972, a studio condo in 1974, and a one bedroom condo in 1976, and c) encouraged my wife and I to buy a home in 1978 and to have one built in 1984.)
— Illinois to stay in controversial voter database for now – AP
— What’s the blueprint to political success? – Editorial (DIERSEN: According to my critics/opponents, the “blueprint to political success” is to determine who has the most religious, government, political, and financial clout and then glorify and praise them, pander to them, serve as one of their operatives or dupes, and give them money.)
— Gov. Rauner Primary Opponent Jeannie Ives to Appear at Rockford Pro-Trump Event Tuesday Event will feature candidates, authors and talk show hosts among others
— House Republicans target medical expense deductions for elderly, disabled – Editorial (DIERSEN: Last year, my and my wife’s medical and dental expenses were $21,433, of which $13,859 was deductible. Last year, my aunt’s medical and dental expenses were $78,213, of which $74,050 was deductible. From what I see, Republican leaders want those who itemize their deductions to take the biggest tax hit. I itemized 1972-1977 and my wife and I have itemized since 1978. Government should encourage homeownership and taking job-related graduate courses. The deductibility of mortgage interest, real estate taxes, and job-related education a) encouraged me to take job-related graduate courses 1972-1983 and 1992-1997, b) encouraged me to buy a new town home in 1972, a studio condo in 1974, and a one bedroom condo in 1976, and c) encouraged my wife and I to buy a home in 1978 and to have one built in 1984.)
— Why Don’t More People Wait Until They’re 70 to Claim Social Security? – Brian Stoffel (DIERSEN: My $2,028/year Social Security is dramatically less because I get a $50,856/year Civil Service Retirement Srstem pension. I earned Social Security credits during the 1960s and 1970s when I did yard work, washed dishes, cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, pumped gasoline, delivered mail, worked on an automobile assembly line and as a security guard, and sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances.)
— Ives campaign doing damage control on fake Bannon story (DIERSEN: I oppose blacklisting because my critics/opponents blacklist me. Those who want me to blacklist William J. Kelly and/or others should go public with their requests.)
— Pending Federal Tax Changes Would Lower Illinois Home Values And Deepen Property Tax Rage – Mark Glennon (DIERSEN: Mortgage interest and real estate taxes being deductible a) encouraged me to buy a new town home in 1972 when I was 24 years old, a studio condo in 1974, and a one bedroom condo in 1976 and b) encouraged my wife and I to buy a home in 1978 and to have one built in 1984.)
— State employee health insurance accounts for vast majority of Illinois’ 2017 deficit spending – Greg Bishop
— Congressman Randy Hultgren Introduces Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution – John Biver
— After claiming Madigan was on a “descent into madness,” Ives now pledges different approach
— Rauner’s Madigan schtick wearing thin with the… Kankakee Daily Journal?
— New sexual harassment laws derided as toothless
— Calif. officials crack down on ‘churches’ selling marijuana
— Latino Congressman Denied Membership in Hispanic Caucus – The Reason Why Is Surprising – Jason Hopkins (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Which individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries treat me like I am not a member if the news media? ANSWER: Those that are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors and those that a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and/or the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, c) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, d) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, and/or e) are operatives or dupes for the aforesaid.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The congressman made his case for membership in the CHC last week. However, there was one major problem plaguing his chances. Curbelo is a Republican.)
— University of Illinois instructor assaults conservative students – DANIEL PAYNE
— Illinois to stay in controversial voter database for now
— Extending Federal Employee Probation to Two Years? – Ralph R. Smith (DIERSEN: My Democrat GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates were furious that when I transferred from IRS to GAO in 1980 when I was 31 years old, because I had been under a probationary period at IRS, I was not under a probationary period at GAO. Nevertheless, they did everything that they could to get rid of me. GAO audits IRS. They kept me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for GAO. They gave me unfair performance expectations and unfair performance appraisals. They assigned me to work for, to work with, and to supervise the office’s most problematic employees. And even worse things. In my defense, I completed the requirements for a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, became a licensed CPA in 1981, a Certified Fraud Examiner in 1990, a Certified Government Financial Manager in 1994, a Certified Financial Services Auditor in 1996, and a Forensic Accountant in 1997. In addition, I completed the requirements for a master’s degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997.)

November 13 Evening Edition

— Rauner Launches Re-Election Tour, Sets Sights On Madigan Again
— Durbin: Illinois Republicans Must ‘Stand Up And Say No’ To GOP Tax Plans (DIERSEN: From what I see, outrageously, the more that your itemized deductions have been, the more federal income tax that you will pay under the GOP tax plans.)

— Back on the trail, Rauner recycles campaign themes with Madigan attacks – Monique Garcia
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Kinzinger and Roskam call on Moore to end his campaign.
— Trump’s trade phobia hurts the Midwest – Editorial
— New accuser says Roy Moore sexually assaulted her in car when she was a teen – AP
— Moore allegations prompt reflections on fundamentalist culture in which some Christian men date teens – Julie Zauzmer
— The fastest-growing jobs in America pay about $22,000 a year – Danielle Paquette (DIERSEN: What did you do to qualify yourself for better paying jobs? I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32.)
— ‘No worse fate than failure’: How pressure to keep up is overwhelming students in elite districts – Karen Ann Cullotta, Karen Berkowitz, Kimberly Fornek and Suzanne Baker (DIERSEN: How much pressure were you under when you were in high school? Were you “college material?” While I attended Crete-Monee High School 1962-1966, I took college preparatory courses notwithstanding the fact that many, if not most, if not virtually everyone at the time viewed me as NOT being “college material.” Neither of my parents had attended college. My father was the first of his ancestors to earn a high school diploma. My mother never attended high school. I spent my junior and senior years and the summer in between washing dishes for the minimum wage in the basement of the S.S. Kresges in Chicago Heights. I just barely made into the top 20% of my class, my ACT score was only 24, I was draft bait, my eyesight could not be corrected to 20/20, I had partial red/green color blindness, and I had Osgood-Schlatter disease (

— Trump barges into tax debate, seeks deeper cut for wealthy – AP
— New accuser claims sexual assault by Moore in 1970s when she was 16 – AP
— Lawmakers have just begun to address sexual harassment – Madeleine Doubek
— Trump’s assault on Barack Obama’s legacy will fail – Jesse Jackson (DIERSEN: Obama’s legacy is anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)

— Why DuPage County might not get body cameras for deputies – Robert Sanchez
— Why Reformation anniversary ignored? – Pastor Ronald W. Weidler (retired), Batavia
— Trump choosing white men as judges, highest rate in decades – AP (DIERSEN: How bad are your demographics? My demographics are terrible, just ask my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes. I am a Trump supporter, baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, old (69), non-poor, gun owner, 100% German American, my ancestors have been in America since 1844, non-veteran, federal retiree, former union member, American-nameplate car owner, childless, pet-less, Crete resident for 24 years, etc.)
— Schaumburg Republican Jitendra “JD” Diganvker announces 8th Dist. bid – Eric Peterson

— Roskam wants Roy Moore to step down after all – GREG HINZ
— Roskam defends GOP tax bill—but concedes it’s ‘not perfect’ – GREG HINZ (DIERSEN: From what I see, outrageously, the more that your itemized deductions have been, the more federal income tax that you will pay under the GOP tax bill.)

— Rep. Davis leads new caucus, pleased with White House access – Bernard Schoenburg

— How soon could recreational marijuana be legal in Illinois? – Roni LeForge (DIERSEN: If you promote pot, you promote destruction.)

— Moore threatens to sue Washington Post over report Senate candidate calls story ‘fake news’ – SUSANNAH CULLINANE

— Rauner Speaks on Legislative Redistricting – JIM MEADOWS

— Formal Criminal Complaint Filed with McHenry County Sheriff Concerning Bob Miller’s Road District Expenditures

— Former lieutenant governor candidate Jason Plummer to take run at District 54 Senate seat – Chandra Lye

— Lawmakers are done for 2017. Will they get anything done in 2018? – Greg Bishop
— Despite outflow of high earners, Dem gov. candidates push progressive tax – Cole Lauterbach

— Ives holding high-dollar fundraiser November 20; Facebook, Inc. recently contributed $1,000 to her campaign fund. (19 comments as of 4:42 P.M.)
— Rauner campaign identifies accomplishments, plans
— “I didn’t do it. Mike Madigan did it.”
— Gov. Rauner denies that tax hike revenues are needed now, but won’t back immediate repeal
— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON ILLINOIS TIGHTENS: Almost 18 percent of Illinois workers are immigrants
— Cullerton, Brady appoint members to new task force (DIERSEN: GOPUSA ILLINOIS at did not receive the Bill Brady press release.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Press release…Senate Republican Leader Bill Brady (R-Bloomington) announced on Monday the appointment of five Senate Republicans who will serve on the newly created Senate Task Force on Sexual Discrimination and Harassment Awareness and Prevention. “This is an important first step in changing the culture in the Capitol,” said Brady. “I applaud each of these Senators who are willing to serve on this important Task Force.” The goal of the new task force will be to conduct a comprehensive review of legal and social consequences of sexual discrimination and harassment in both the public and private sectors. The Task Force will study and make recommendations on combating sexual discrimination and harassment in workplaces, educational institutions, and in State and local government. Appointed to the Task Force are Senators: Pam Althoff (R-32nd District) Karen McConnaughay (R-33rd District) John Curran (R-41st District) Jil Tracy (R-47th District) Dale Righter (R-55th District) Members of the Task Force will not receive compensation for their service.)

— “Why I would vote for Judge Roy Moore”

— Keurig Apologizes For ‘Taking Sides’ In Hannity Boycott – Amber Athey

— Roy Moore: McConnell’s the One Who Should Step Down – Reuters

— New Accuser: Roy Moore Sexually Assaulted Me in a Parking Lot When I Was 16. Also, I’m a Trump Voter and Will Testify Under Oath. – Guy Benson

— Sixth Accuser: Woman Claims George H.W. Bush Groped Her When ‘I Was a Child’ – JOHN NOLTE
— DACA Migrants Have One-Quarter College-Graduation Rate of Americans – NEIL MUNRO

— ‘Way Too Little, Way Too Late:’ Facebook’s Factcheckers Say Effort is Failing – Sam Levin

— U.S. Senate Republicans ask Moore to withdraw as new accuser steps forward – John Whitesides

— McConnell Calls for Roy Moore to Drop Out of Senate Race – Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Jonathan Martin
— A Fifth Woman Accuses Senate Candidate Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct – Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Jonathan Martin
— Veterans Claiming Disability Pay Face Wall of Denials and Delays – Dave Philipps

— More Republicans Say Roy Moore Should Leave Senate Race Sen. Gardner says Alabama candidate doesn’t meet ‘moral requirements,’ should be expelled if he wins – Janet Hook

— Reasons why my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes hint/imply/argue/shout that GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are “too long:”
— They reject my comments
— They reject my values, beliefs, intelligence, judgment, motives, etc.
— They reject my demographics, biography, etc.
— They are only interested in things that impact them personally
— They do not want to see links to articles written by those who they blacklist
— They do not want to see links to articles that promote the traditional family plank
— They do not want to see links to articles that promote the right to life plank
— They do not want to see links to articles that promote the immigration plank
— They do not want to see links to articles that promote the illegal drugs plank
— They do not want to see links to articles that promote the equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) plank
— They do not want to see links to articles that promote the Second Amendment plank
— They do not want to see links to articles that promote the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling
— They do not want to see links to articles that discourage age discrimination
— They do not want to see links to articles that discourage patronage and political affiliation discrimination
— They have trouble reading
— They were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed
— They focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate
— They are scapegoaters

— They are anti-union
— They are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors

November 7 Evening Edition

— DISGUSTING, TRAGIC: Legal pot referendum could end up on March ballot
— IL lawmakers tackle sexual harassment bills during veto session – Craig Wall
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump repeats falsehoods about Chicago gun laws, calls city a disaster.”

— Journalist Danielle Young Accuses Rev. Jesse Jackson of Sexual Harassment
— Illinois Lawmakers Focus on Sex Harassment in Veto Session – Mary Ann Ahern

— Illinois Senate Acts On Sexual Harassment: Too Little, Too Late? – Derrick Blakley
— Trump: ‘Hundreds More’ Would Have Died In Texas Church With Gun Laws Like Chicago’s President Claims Chicago ‘A Total Disaster’ Despite ‘Strongest Gun Laws In Our Nation’
— DISGUSTING, TRAGIC: Cook County Commissioners Want Voters To Have A Say On Legalizing Marijuana – Craig Dellimore

— Trump blasts gun control during Asia trip: ‘Chicago is a disaster’

— Trump, pressed on gun control, says Chicago a ‘total disaster’ despite tough laws
— Illinois lawmakers start passing bills to deal with sexual harassment scandal – Kim Geiger and Monique Garcia
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A nasty anti-Trump says “On gun control, Mr. President, keep our city’s name out of your mouth.”
— Conservatives seek changes to tax bill – Mike Debonis and Ed O’Keefe
— How a former U. of I. athletic director earns nearly $500,000 in annual taxpayer-funded pension – Joe Mahr
— DISGUSTING, TRAGIC: Preckwinkle backs putting marijuana legalization question to voters – Hal Dardick
— Was it ‘harassment’? Messages between Silverstein and Rotheimer read more like adolescent flirtation – Eric Zorn
— Beware the long reach of #MeToo – Editorial
— DISGUSTING, TRAGIC: Orland Park officials seeking public input on gambling issue – Mike Nolan

— DISGUSTING, TRAGIC: Fritchey plans legal pot referendum on March ballot – Rachel Hinton
— Three Dem gov hopefuls tell accused Sen. Silverstein it’s time to go – Tina Sfondeles
— Mayor Emanuel happy to unload on Trump but won’t blast Ald. Burke – Fran Spielman
— Trump again points to Chicago in arguing against tougher gun laws – AP
— House can’t work up override of Rauner’s veto of ‘right-to-work’ bill – Tina Sfondeles

— DISGUSTING, TRAGIC: Cook County commissioner wants legal pot referendum on March ballot
— Breuder, Hamilton come face to face in court over COD contract – Kerry Lester and Robert Sanchez
— Repeal of medical deduction prompts tax bill pushback – AP
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The medical expense deduction targeted for repeal by GOP tax writers has helped to offset costs including nursing home care and fertility treatments, laser eye surgery and travel out-of-state for a second opinion on a rare cancer. Several million people unlucky enough to face big medical bills not covered by their insurance would lose a valuable deduction under the House GOP bill. Groups representing older people and patients are trying to save it. “Anybody who is paying for the cost of nursing home care is paying a great deal of money, and they are going to lose that deduction, and their taxes are going to go up,” said Thomas DeCoursey, a retired lawyer from Kansas, in his 70s. He relies on the deduction to help offset costs associated with nursing home care for his wife, who has Alzheimer’s. Some of his own medical expenses also factor in. DeCoursey estimates that in a couple of years their annual costs will pass $100,000. “There are a lot of people in my shoes,” said DeCoursey, who lives in Leawood, a well-to-do Kansas City suburb that voted for President Donald Trump last year. About 9 million households – 6 percent of tax filers – claim the medical expense deduction, said Gordon Mermin, a senior researcher at the nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. The annual cost to the U.S. Treasury is about $10 billion, which ranks it as a modest tax break. Those who benefit tend to be middle-income and upper-middle-income people. “For the people who claim it, it is not a trivial benefit,” said Mermin. The medical expense deduction is also versatile. In addition to nursing home care, not generally covered by medical insurance plans, it can be used for: -Transportation expenses to a top hospital, like a comprehensive cancer center. -Some long-term care insurance premiums. -Installing specialized medical equipment in a patient’s home or vehicle. -Dental procedures. -Bills from out-of-network doctors. “When you are faced with large medical costs and don’t have a lot of options, this is one that helps people,” said Barbara Collura, president of RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association. Most insurance plans do not cover fertility treatments, which can cost from $15,000 to $30,000. The deduction can offset some of that cost. Advocacy groups pushing back against repeal may get help from the Senate.)
— Glenbard students gain career insights through Mentor Day – Peg Mannion (DIERSEN: What happened to your mentors? My Democrat IRS superiors got rid of the IRS manager who promoted me in 1972, 1973, and 1974. My Democrat GAO superiors got rid of the GAO manager who hired me in 1980, who got me assigned to audits of IRS in 1986, and who promoted me in 1986.)

— Cook County Commissioner John Fritchey pushes for vote on legal pot here – GREG HINZ (DIERSEN: If you push pot, you push destruction.)

— Why the demise of DNAinfo and Gothamist did not surprise this reporter – Lewis Lazare

— House fails again to override veto of bill prohibiting right-to-work zones – Doug Finke

— Illinois lawmakers engulfed by fixing sex-harassment mess – AP

— Illinois judge accused of offering to cut legal fees for sex

— Democrat launches campaign to unseat Olsen in 81st District – BOB RAKOW

— Proposed Legislation Targets Illinois Gun Retailers – Paris Schutz
— New Watchdog to Investigate Ethics Complaints in Springfield – Evan Garcia

— Chicago’s New FBI Chief: ‘Honest Government Is Not Optional – Mariah Woelfel

— GOP tax bill would end stadium subsidies
— Poll: Views of Democratic Party hit lowest mark in 25 years GOP isn’t doing any better – RYAN STRUYK (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats shout at everyone that Republicans are White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.)

— Don’t Re-Elect Rauner and his Swamp

— Illinois ranks 49th in fiscal health in new study – Scot Bertram
— Over-regulation blamed for teacher shortage in Illinois – Cole Lauterbach

— Proft papers asking Republican candidates about Ives vs. Rauner primary
— Silverstein refuses to talk to reporters
— Local right to work zone ban override motion comes up short for second time
— Rotheimer: “Of course it wasn’t mutual”
— Kennedy, Pritzker, Biss say Sen. Silverstein should resign

— Texas shooting: Gun laws aren’t the problem, government incompetence is – Stephen L. Miller

— Democrat Congressman walks out of moment of silence for Texas victims

— Rauner Will Face a Second Republican Challenger in the 2018 Primary – Philip DeVoe

— New Bill Would Make It Easier to Fire Federal Employees – Rachel Greszler (DIERSEN: This article outrageously ignores the fact that Democrats run the federal government and that they use Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion to get of federal employees who are Republican and especially those who are White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: This is good news for taxpayers and federal employees alike. For taxpayers, it will mean a more productive federal workforce that will translate into lower federal personnel costs. And for federal employees, it will help weed out the bad actors that have given federal employees as a whole a bad rap. Federal employees are unfortunately often characterized as lazy, unproductive, or even defiant—but that’s not true of the overwhelming majority of federal workers. By reducing this negative stigma, the federal government would become more competitive with the private sector and could attract more skilled and productive employees. Federal personnel and compensation policies are uncompetitive, and in many ways, counterproductive. The Heritage Foundation has proposed a comprehensive set of reforms to bring federal compensation and employment more in line with the private sector. Increasing the probationary period for new federal hires is one step in the right direction toward a more competitive and productive federal workforce.) 

— ‘It’s okay to be white’ signs spark outrage on campuses – MICHAEL JONES

— Think Mass Shootings Are Terrorism? Careful What You Wish For. Those arguing America needs a new domestic terrorism law haven’t thought things through. – BRIAN MICHAEL JENKINS and RICHARD C. DADDARIO (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always promoted patronage. Democrats consider the Republican Party to be a “subversive organization.” Because I have always been a Republican, were it not for federal civil service protections, a) the Post Office would NOT have hired me in 1966 or let me work there for almost 3 years, b) IRS would NOT have hired me in 1971 or let me work there for almost 9 years, c) IRS would NOT have promoted me in 1972, 1973, or 1974, d) GAO would NOT have hired me in 1980 or let me work there for almost 18 years, and e) GAO would NOT have promoted me in 1986.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: When applied to a nation’s own people, a list of banned domestic terrorists strongly tends to becomes a tool of state control. It works to suppress speech, association, and political action because any idea advanced by a proscribed group becomes anathematized. In the middle of the 20th century the federal government published a list of subversive organizations as part of a Federal Employee Loyalty Program, ostensibly to keep communists out of government and socialist ideology by denying or terminating their employment. The desired effect was not only to protect the infiltration of government by soviet agents and Marxist revolutionaries, but to suppress throughout American society lawful and non-violent political speech and action in support of political goals influenced by communist and socialist ideas. The Federal Employee Loyalty Program did not reach as far as material support regimes do. The federal government did not attempt to make it a crime to support the proscribed organizations. It deprived those who did of employment in government or of security clearances requisite to work in certain government jobs. It also led to “blacklists” that deprived people of working in certain industries.)

— Only one-third of marijuana extracts accurately labeled, researchers say – Ben Tinker (DIERSEN: If you want to destroy an individual, an organization, a company, a government, and/or a country, you push pot on that individual, organization, company, government, and/or a country.)

— Trump Says Chicago Is Proof Stronger Gun Laws Don’t Work. Researchers Disagree. – ERIK ORTIZ

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump, diminished at home, is feted abroad, as Asian leaders employ flattery to stay on America’s good side.”

— Businesses fear Amazon way more than they fear Trump – Emma Court (DIERSEN: Who do businesses fear the most in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois? My critics/opponents a) have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout and b) hint/imply/argue/shout that they can destroy any individual, any organization, any company, and any government that they want to in Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois.)

— Trump has tweeted 2,461 times since the election. Here’s a breakdown of his Twitter use – Jessica Estepa


November 4 Evening Edition

— Burt Minor is running for the 42nd Illinois House seat currently held by Jeanne Ives – Dave Diersen
(THE ARTICLE: Winfield Township Republican Party Chairman Burt Minor is running for the 42nd Illinois House seat currently held by Jeanne Ives. His Facebook page is at, – we have 130 mutual friends. He is a former United States Air Force Lt. Col. He has served as a Warrenville Alderman for 4 years. He has more than 50 endorsements already including Janice Anderson, Joseph Cantore, Jay Fisher, Bob Grogan, Martin Keller, Tonia Khouri, Brian Krajewski, Robert Larsen, Chris LeVan, Al Murphy, Randy Ramey, Carl Schultz, Kevin Wiley, and Jim Zay. He said a) that if Ives ultimately does not file for Governor and asks him to withdraw, that he would withdraw, b) that if Ives files for Governor but withdraws before the March 20, 2018 primary election and asks him to withdraw, that he would consider withdrawing, and c) that if Ives loses the March 20, 2018 primary and asks him to withdraw, that he would not withdraw.)

— As soon as the Kathryn Creswell vacancy is certified; Judge James Orel will run for the vacancy. – Dave Diersen
(ACCORDING TO A DECEMBER 10, 2010 DAILY HERALD ARTICLE: “Wheaton attorney James Orel has been named to replace retiring DuPage Associate Judge Joseph Bongiorno, officials of the 18th Judicial Circuit in DuPage County said Friday. Orel is a 1983 graduate of the John Marshall School of Law in Chicago. He most recently worked at the law firm of Garretson, Santora, Urgo and Nugent in Wheaton. Before that, Orel was a partner at Loss, Pavone and Orel in Lombard and also has served as assistant corporation counsel for the city of Chicago.”)

— Sen. Rand Paul assaulted in his Bowling Green, Ky., home, police say – CNN
— Illinois sending 150 national guardsmen to Puerto Rico – AP

— Under Pressure, Illinois Lawmakers to Select New Legislative Inspector General – Mary Ann Ahern

— Rep. Ives’ Bid To Unseat Gov. Rauner – Craig Dellimore

— George H.W. Bush calls Trump a ‘blowhard’ in new book: ‘I don’t like him’ (DIERSEN: The Bushes have always rejected many planks in the Republican Party platform. One could argue that Clinton and Obama were elected and reelected because of that.)

— GOP’s proposed tax plan could hit Chicagoans in areas with high property taxes
— Both Bush presidents openly condemned Trump, book claims. One even voted for Clinton. – Avi Selk (DIERSEN: The Bushes have always rejected many planks in the Republican Party platform. One could argue that Clinton and Obama were elected and reelected because of that.)
— They prepared to live with Alzheimer’s disease. The GOP tax bill may upend those plans. – Carolyn Y. Johnson
— Both high-crime and trendy Chicago neighborhoods see surge in carjackings – Jeremy Gorner
— More companies are buying insurance to cover executives who sexually harass employees – Danielle Paquette
— Is that service dog a fake? Under federal law, you can’t even ask – Mark Davis

— Aldermen want sex harassment rules to apply to pols – Michael Sneed

— Illinois legislators need sexual harassment training – Editorial (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-males demonize, denigrate, and condemn males as being White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, bigots, and/or even worse things. They especially demonize, denigrate, and condemn males who are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, older, rich, gun owners, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Positive stories about the GOP are ignored – Lawrence Falbe, President, Lake County Republican Federation (DIERSEN: It would be great if those who organize conservative and Republican events in Illinois would for each event a) email me at the event’s host, speakers, date, time, and location ASAP, b) after the event, post an event report ASAP on your website, and c) email me at the hyperlink to that event report. Please include in your event report the event’s host, speakers, date, time, location, approximate number of attendees, and the names of candidates, elected officials, and party leaders who attended.)
— Bicyclist, pedestrian fatalities on the rise in suburbs – Marni Pyke
— In Illinois, cyclists have same rights as drivers – Marni Pyke

— State says 116 jobs have been moved to Springfield – Doug Finke
— More Democrats jump in state, county races – Bernard Schoenburg
— How to go from good to bad, General Assembly-style – Doug Finke

— Rep. Jeanne Ives will take on Rauner in GOP primary – Chuck Sweeny

— Local voting districts seen as crucial to election security – AP

— “Technicality” Results in Backlog of Ethical Complaints at Capitol – JACLYN DRISCOLL
— DeVos Comments On LGBT Rules; Her Husband’s Political Contributions Questioned – ANYA KAMENETZ

— Protesting American Flag is misguided – James Kirk Wall

— Mount Prospect nurse Katie Miller has announced her candidacy for state representative in the 53rd Illinois House District

— Edwardsville mayor stays course with Rauner – Chandra Lye

— Skillicorn warns of ‘decimated’ GOP if Rauner stays on ticket – Justin Stoltzfus

— Breen withholds gubernatorial endorsement for now – Caitlin Nordahl

— HOUSE CONSIDERS LEGISLATION TO REMOVE CRIMINAL PENALTY FROM SB 1905 An amendment has been filed in the Illinois House of Representatives that would remove language making local government officials criminals simply for enacting Right-to-Work laws. But significant problems remain. – Mailee Smith

— Fiscal Conservative and Pro-Family Candidate for Governor Jeanne Ives Needs Your Help Gathering Signatures – John Biver

— Police reveal what could be a possible motive in the Las Vegas shooting – Sarah Taylor (DIERSEN: Gambling is extremely destructive.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: According to Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, Stephen Paddock — the man responsible for the deadliest mass shooting in the U.S. — was a “status-driven,” high-rolling gambler who had been steadily losing money for two years. In a wide-ranging interview with KLAS-TV in Las Vegas on Wednesday, Lombardo revealed that Paddock may have seen his image declining. What does this have to do with a motive? “He was going through some bouts of depression. But he was status-driven,” Lombardo told KLAS in the interview, which was given in an attempt to clarify the murkiness surrounding the October shooting. “Since September 2015, he’s lost a significant amount of wealth, and I think that might have been a determining factor on what he was determined to do,” Lombardo added.)

— George W. Bush: ‘I’m worried that I will be the last Republican president’ – ALICIA COHN (DIERSEN: The Bushes have always rejected many planks in the Republican Party platform. One could argue that Clinton and Obama were elected and reelected because of that.)
— White House strikes back at Bushes over weak legacy – BRANDON CARTER
— Rand Paul assaulted at Kentucky home: police – MAX GREENWOOD

— Man charged with assault after altercation with Rand Paul – BRENT D. GRIFFITHS

— Trump breaches boundaries by saying DOJ should be ‘going after’ Democrats – Philip Rucker and Matt Zapotosky

— TRUMP IS A ‘BLOWHARD,’ ‘I DON’T LIKE HIM’ AND I VOTED FOR HILLARY, GEORGE BUSH SAYS IN NEW BOOK – GREG PRICE (DIERSEN: The Bushes have always rejected many planks in the Republican Party platform. One could argue that Clinton and Obama were elected and reelected because of that.)

— Have Republicans Abandoned the Ownership Society? Encouraging people to buy a home was a hallmark of President George W. Bush’s economic policy. The new GOP tax bill marks a retreat from that philosophy. – RUSSELL BERMAN (DIERSEN: Government should encourage home ownership.)

November 2 Morning Edition

— Amid harassment allegation, Illinois senator loses leadership spot and a scramble to fill investigator’s job – Monique Garcia and Kim Geiger (DIERSEN: I hope that the next Legislative Inspector General has far more qualifications than I have: almost 18 years working for GAO 1980-1997, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $94,610-$122,991; almost 9 years working for IRS 1971-1980, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $79,563-$90,173; CPA (1979); Certified Internal Auditor (1981); Licensed CPA (1981); Certified Fraud Examiner (1990); Certified Government Financial Manager (1994); Certified Financial Services Auditor (1996); Forensic Accountant (1997); B.S. in management from NIU (1970); MBA from Loyola (1976); M.S. in accounting from DePaul (1980); and M.S. in financial markets and trading from IIT (1997).)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Cullerton also said he “anticipates” an interim legislative inspector general will be named as soon as next week.)
— Trump calling harassment accusers liars was just a political opinion, his lawyers say – Chris Dolmetsch
— Suddenly, Springfield is aghast about sexual harassment – Editorial
— The language of Islamic terror in America – John Kass
— Russian Facebook ads, now publicly released, show sophistication of influence campaign – Craig Timberg, Elizabeth Dwoskin, Adam Entous and Karoun Demirjian

— Mystery shrouding harassment cases called ‘absolutely outrageous’ – Tina Sfondeles
— Obamacare enrollment opens, launches local ad campaigns – Taylor Hartz and Lynn Sweet
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Bradley Tusk promotes pot. If you promote pot, you promote destruction.

— State senator Karen McConnaughay from St. Charles tells of 27 mystery harassment complaints
— Without respect, there’s no ‘more perfect union’ – Jim Slusher (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, members of Group A disrespect members of Group B. Members of Group A are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors and members of Group B are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German Americans, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Newly disclosed Facebook ads show Russia’s cyber intrusion – AP (DIERSEN: From what I see, beyond tragically, more and more and more activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. who state that they are conservative and/or Republican a) submit themselves to Facebook’s domination, b) dump their websites, and c) stop using email.)

— Illinois Tollway Delivers New Illinois Route 390 Tollway

— Michelle Obama speaks, Chance the Rapper performs on last day of Obama Foundation Summi – Leah Hope and Eric Horng (DIERSEN: During his 8 years in office as President, Obama promoted individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors. That is why Trump was elected.)

— Officials want 7-day cap on opioids – GREG HINZ

— Ives-Morthland ticket would give GOP voters choice – Editorial

— Rauner invests in candidacy – Michael Urbanec

— The party’s over; what will replace it? – Jim Nowlan (DIERSEN: What do your critics/opponents do? My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes a) promote patronage and b) reject some, most, or all of the Illinois Republican Party platform.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Parties were held together by union or business philosophies, respectively, plus the glue of patronage jobs (jobs awarded by a political patron, such as an urban boss or governor) for precinct workers who linked themselves directly to voters. For my master’s thesis on the Illinois Republican Party of the 1950s and 1960s, I found that at one time 82 of the state’s 102 GOP county chairmen held state jobs courtesy of a Republican governor. The push by reformers for selection of state government employees on merit and court decisions that prohibited job largesse based on party affiliation have largely eliminated patronage jobs. The resource that patronage provided parties has now been replaced, ever more expansively, by the money of mega-millionaires. So today, party organizations are shells of their past importance, and big-money candidates use parties almost solely as labels by which to get onto the ballot. This coming year in Illinois, for example, two billionaires are spending hundreds of millions—at current spending rates—to win the governorship a year from now. Incumbent governor Bruce Rauner also is funding the campaigns of favored legislators, a job traditionally left to the candidates themselves (in my era) and more recently by legislative leaders who raised money for their troops. In the past, when party organizations helped win elections, a wannabe candidate was asked: How much work have you done for the party, and how loyal have you been? Now the question is: How much money do you have or can you raise?)

— Farmers Ask for Harvest Emergency – Benjamin Yount

— Republicans prepare to lay out their vision on taxes GOP delayed announcement one day – LAUREN FOX (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican? Have you been asked what specific changes in the tax law that you want? Have you been asked to comment on specific proposed tax law changes?)

— Sanguinetti: Opioid crisis ‘doesn’t discriminate’ – Greg Halbleib

— Kelly: Sen. Silverstein should be run out of Springfield on a rail

— Wehrli asks who’s watching Mautino if state audit is approved – Angela Underwood

— Seventh Circuit strikes down IL ‘full slate’ 3rd party election rule, says state blocked election participation – Elizabeth Alt

— Ives seen as offering ray of hope in dark clouds over Illinois GOP
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Leef, who recently launched his campaign against U.S. Rep. Danny Davis (D-Illinois) in the Seventh Congressional District, said he has felt betrayed by Rauner ever since supporting him his gubernatorial campaign in 2014. “In the last election for governor, I voted for Bruce Rauner,” he said. “I felt that despite his undisputed liberal ideology on several important issues, I believed him when he assured the voters that he would govern as a fiscally principled conservative and keep his and his wife’s role as social warriors in check. As it turns out, Bruce Rauner has done the exact opposite.” Leef said GOP politicians like Rauner, who have ascended to public office only to forget their principles along the way, have left the state’s Republican party in tatters. “A Republican Party barely exists in Illinois,” he said. “This has been a result of decades of neglect by national party leaders, as well as a seeming total lack of vision or consistency of direction and narrative. Combine this with a complete lack of ability by the GOP to govern, and you have the disaster we see today in Illinois.”)

— The Equal Rights Amendment and Abortion – Kathy Valente

— Rauner candidates face backlash after sanctuary state, abortion bills

— Why isn’t there an IG? & Who should be the IG? – Natasha Korecki (DIERSEN: I hope that the next Legislative Inspector General has far more qualifications than I have: almost 18 years working for GAO 1980-1997, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $94,610-$122,991; almost 9 years working for IRS 1971-1980, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $79,563-$90,173; CPA (1979); Certified Internal Auditor (1981); Licensed CPA (1981); Certified Fraud Examiner (1990); Certified Government Financial Manager (1994); Certified Financial Services Auditor (1996); Forensic Accountant (1997); B.S. in management from NIU (1970); MBA from Loyola (1976); M.S. in accounting from DePaul (1980); and M.S. in financial markets and trading from IIT (1997).)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “We’ve talked to a couple of people who for various reasons didn’t want to do it. This is a job that is a part-time job,” state Sen. Terry Link, the commission chairman, told POLITICO. “We’ve been previously trying to get an inspector general but we haven’t been able to, we keep on trying.” It’s up to the four legislative leaders to choose a person who the commission then approves. Not that everything is about gender but we’ll point out the eight member board is made up of six men and two women (each leader appoints two people). The four legislative leaders are all male. Senate President John Cullerton on Wednesday said an interim IG could be appointed next week. . .In McConnaughay’s opinion, the job should go to a former federal prosecutor. “I think the only way to go is we hire or find a former U.S. attorney. I’m guessing one of them will take the job and they are the only ones who are beyond approach,” she said. “Clearly, the General Assembly is incapable of policing itself.”)

— Ives calls sexual harassment bill “virtue-signaling legislation,” while Reick walks it back
(FROM THE IVES PRESS RELEASE: The role of Illinois Legislative Inspector General, an agency responsible for uncovering wrongdoing at the highest levels of Illinois government, has been vacant since December 2014. Yesterday it was reported that legislative staff in Springfield is holding up to 27 separate sexual harassment complaints against members of the Illinois General Assembly. A complaint must be filed with the Legislative Inspector General to be considered a “case.” Through that loophole, the political establishment in Springfield has been able to claim that there are no pending cases of sexual harassment. State Representative Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) issued the following statement calling on Governor Bruce Rauner and House Speaker Mike Madigan (D-Chicago) to fill the position immediately: “Illinois has a reputation for political corruption. Government transparency and accountability should be top priorities for any leader who is serious about reform,” said Ives. “The charges of sexual harassment recently brought to light by Denise Rotheimer went unheard for a year. She was forced to suffer Senator Silverstein’s unwanted advances for a year. It was only out of political necessity that she was given a hearing at all. Twenty-seven other complaints of sexual harassment are being held by staff members and do not count as cases. Through its inaction, the ILGA has reaffirmed to women across the state that speaking up about the harassment of someone who is politically powerful will get you a one-way ticket to nowhere. They have reminded women and girls that they will just have to deal with it, because that’s the way it is. It is an inexcusable injustice.” “Sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination have a detrimental impact on institutions. This is a very serious charge. While the problem is rampant in Springfield, it has not been taken seriously by this state’s political leadership over the past two years. I understand the importance of protecting the women working in state government. And I take it seriously regardless of who is implicated. In order to properly prosecute offenders, legislative leaders must appoint a Legislative Inspector General.” “The fact that we have gone three years without a Legislative IG in place is a failure of both parties. starting with those in the majority party in both chambers. We should know if other members were being protected as Cullerton protected the complaint against Sen. Silverstein from a proper and timely investigation.” “We should have an expeditious appointment of a Legislative IG to exercise oversight and provide a channel for any persons who believed they were wronged to lodge a complaint. This is more important than the virtue-signaling legislation being advanced at present by people who were unserious about predatory behavior for too long to now pretend they are serious.” “Illinoisans have seen too many instances in which those in power look the other way to protect those who keep them in power. I am running for Governor to restore accountability and respectability to state government.”)
— McConnaughay walks back part of allegation, but she isn’t wrong that it’s a mess
— Rauner wants Illinois to be host state for Puerto Rico hurricane victims (DIERSEN: Which states want to be host states for Illinois victims?)

— Time to suspend Islamic immigration?
— Kasich 2020: Pro-immigration, pro-environment, anti-nationalism

— David Perdue: ‘National Debt Surpassed $20 Trillion and No One in Washington Blinked’ – Conor Beck

— Poll: NFL More Polarizing Than ABC, CBS, Huff Po, and Breitbart News – WARNER TODD HUSTON
— Lindsey Graham Sees DACA Replacement as ‘Down Payment’ for Further Amnesty – JOHN BINDER

— Terrorism Only Warrants A Solution When It’s Non-Islamic – Scott Greer

— First details emerge of GOP’s sweeping tax bill – NAOMI JAGODA AND SCOTT WONG
— Thousands attended Trump protest organized by Russians on Facebook – ALI BRELAND

— House GOP releases sweeping plan to cut taxes The tax overhaul is Republicans’ top priority ahead of next year’s elections, and lawmakers are desperate for a victory after the Obamacare repeal failed. – BRIAN FALER

— Leading Western Publisher Bows to Chinese Censorship – Javier C. Hernández (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those who state that they are conservative and/or Republican, but who bow to my critics/opponents. My critics/opponents have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois. They can destroy just about any individual, any organization, any company, or any government that they want to.)
— Just Say No to Opioids? Ads Could Actually Make Things Worse – Austin Frakt and Keith Humphreys
— Republicans Release Tax Plan, Cutting Corporate and Middle-Class Taxes – JIM TANKERSLEY and THOMAS KAPLANNO

— ISIS is over here now: We don’t fight them overseas or at home; it’s both – S. E. Cupp

— Republican tax plan to lower cap on mortgage interest deduction to $500,000 loans – Damian Paletta and Mike DeBonis 

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump’s Immigration Scapegoat The diversity visa program is far from the main terror threat.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Those who push legal pot oppose taxes on legal pot.
— Republicans Stick With Big Corporate Tax Cuts in House Bill The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act seeks the biggest transformation of tax code in more than 30 years; leaves top individual tax rate at 39.6% – Richard Rubin

— Russian meddling a wake-up call for Facebook users – Jessica Guynn (DIERSEN: From what I see, beyond tragically, more and more and more activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. who state that they are conservative and/or Republican a) submit themselves to Facebook’s domination, b) dump their websites, and c) stop using email.)

— Union uses Amazon argument to push for universal child care (DIERSEN: Would universal child care helped your parents? Because my outstanding mother never attended high school, her earning power was severely limited.)

— Establishment Republicans Will Lose Their Civil War With the Insurgents – Nancy LeTourneau (DIERSEN: In your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois, who are a) the establishment Republicans and b) the insurgent Republicans? In Illinois, establishment Republicans support Rauner and the insurgent Republicans support the Illinois Republican Party platform.)

— Longer probationary periods will get another look in Congress this week – Nicole Ogrysko (DIERSEN: My Democrat GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates were furious that when I transferred from IRS to GAO in 1980 when I was 31 years old, because I had been under a probationary period at IRS, I was not under a probationary period at GAO. Nevertheless, they did everything that they could to get rid of me. In my defense, I completed the requirements for a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, became a licensed CPA in 1981, a Certified Fraud Examiner in 1990, a Certified Government Financial Manager in 1994, a Certified Financial Services Auditor in 1996, and a Forensic Accountant in 1997. In addition, completed the requirements for a master’s degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997.)

— Iraqi Parliament Criminalizes Display of ‘Zionist’ Symbols Across the Country (DIERSEN: Anti-Americans in America want to a) criminalize the display of American symbols and b) abolish Independence Day.)