February 22, 2023

— COMMENT: Democrats acknowledge: “Growing number of Chicago Police officers are taking up Florida on invitation to move.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Naperville assault weapons ban: Judge says ban on sales can now be enforced.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Lightfoot’s campaign sent 9,900 emails seeking support from CPS and City Colleges staff.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Chicago Way w/John Kass: Ald. Reilly on the ‘failed experiment’ of Lightfoot, Evans, and Foxx.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Lightfoot campaign sent 9,900 emails seeking support from CPS, City Colleges staff.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Section 230: the rule before the Supreme Court that made the modern internet, explained.” I should write a book about those who have blamed me and have blamed my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters the most since 2000 for their problems, for your problems, for my problems, and for everyone’s problems.

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, the mainstream news media exists a) to promote the Democrat, Libertarian, and Green party platforms, b) to demonize, denigrate, and condemn the Republican Party platform, c) to elect and to reelect Democrat candidates, and d) to defeat Republican candidates.
— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote crime.

— COMMENT: Democrats say Naperville police chief “talks about enforcing ban on gun sales” and says “‘We have to figure out what that looks like.”
— COMMENT: Illinois Democrats crow that “New law allows gender change on birth certificate without doctor’s affirmation. Governor signs legislation sponsored by Glenview Democrats.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “The Schaumburg Township Republican Organization will host a nonpartisan public forum Saturday for candidates in the April 4 election for the Schaumburg Park District and Schaumburg Township District Library boards.” If I was still the chairman of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois and a member of the Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee, those organizations would still be hosting candidate forums.

— COMMENT: Democrats crow that “New law makes it easier to change gender on birth certificates.” Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote LGBTQ.

— Report Shows Illinois Students Are Failing to Meet Standards – Andrew Hensel (COMMENT: Who helped you meet standards when you were in school? For me, they include my parents and my Trinity Lutheran Grade School, Hope Lutheran Grade School, and Crete-Monee High School teachers.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “New Illinois budget includes $20.5M for more electric vehicle rebates.”

— COMMENT: Hate-filled Republican-hating Democrats, Libertarians, Independents, and RINOs in Downers Grove form group to promote hatred against Republicans.

— Over 60% of American adults against using race in college admissions. (COMMENT: What if Affirmative Action had always been only for those whose parents did not have college degrees? Neither of my outstanding parents attended college. My father was the first of my ancestors to earn a high school diploma. My mother never attended high school.)

— Illinois tries to ‘cancel’ DeSantis as Pritzker, Chicago mayoral contenders play the de-platforming game – Matt Rosenberg and Ted Dabrowski (COMMENT: I should write a book about those who did the most to cancel me at the February 20, 2023 DeSantis Elmhurst event.)

— Never mind last year’s 41% crime spike in Chicago. It’s up again another 55% this year. – Matt Rosenberg
— Students don’t need the bar lowered through “equity.” Right now Illinois is setting its kids up for failure

— Township Officials Seek Update of General Assistance
— Resolution Opposing Democrats’ Gun Control Law Passes
— New PAC Offers Opportunity to Meet Huntley School District Candidates Scheduled

— Dist. 92 Superintendent Tim Arnold Harasses and Intimidates Mother, Physically Blocks Her From Recording Public Meeting, as Student Test Scores Continue to Drop

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Morning briefing.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Afternoon roundup.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Morning briefing.”

— DeSantis drives Democrats crazy on school libraries – Editorial (COMMENT: How many books that promote sexual activity and LGBTQ are in the school libraries in your school district?)

— Trump’s former ambassador Donald Tapia endorses Ron DeSantis for president – Victor Nava
— Trump ally Vito Fossella skips Staten Island Ron DeSantis event as 2024 race looms. – Carl Campanile (COMMENT: Will Trump-supporters and Trump- opponents publish the names of big-time high-profile Republican Trump-supporters and Trump-opponents who did and who did not attend the February 20, 2023 DeSantis Elmhurst?)

— The Worst January Ever: Border Crisis Continues in New Year

— It Is Not ‘Authoritarian’ to Govern Government Schools. State of the Union: Public schools are run by governments, funded by taxpayers, and subject to the political process. – John Hirschauer (COMMENT: I am forever grateful that my outstanding parents sent me to Trinity Lutheran Grade School in Crete 1953-1961 and then to Hope Lutheran Grade School in Park Forest to stay with the Missouri Synod.)

— The Right Cannot Afford to Abandon Public Education. Our schools and universities are ours. We built them, we paid for them, and we want them back. – Kevin Portteus

— The Dead End of Reparations – Christopher Chantrill

— Indiana House education committee approves bill giving districts the option of holding partisan school board elections. – Samuel Wonacott (COMMENT: As always, Democrat political organizations have always done lots to elect Democrat school board members. What is the Illinois Republican Party, your Republican county party organization, and your Republican township/ward party organization doing to elect Republican school board members in your school district? The Wheaton Warrenville School District 200 Administration Headquarters, a grade school, and a middle school are in my precinct.)

— Far-Left ACLU: Encouraging Illegal Aliens to Stay in U.S. ‘Plainly Protected’ by First Amendment – JOHN BINDER (COMMENT: Encouraging illegal immigration is treasonous. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who falsely claim to be religious, conservative, and/or Republican encourage illegal immigration. I should write a book about them.)
— NYC Mayor Adams, Illinois Gov. Pritzker Triggered over Ron DeSantis’s Visit to Their States. – HANNAH BLEAU
— Sanctuary State California: Illegal Aliens in DHS Custody on Hunger Strike – JOHN BINDER

— Illinois rep introduces Campus Free Speech Act (COMMENT: If I had been active in Republican politics while I was in high school, the Democrats who ran the Post Office would not have hired me in 1966. If I had been active in Republican politics while I attended UIC and NIU, the Democrats who ran IRS would not have hired me in 1971. If I had been active in Republican politics while I attended Loyola and DePaul, the Democrats who ran GAO would not have hired me in 1980.)

— Biden’s ‘Migrants First, Americans Last’ Policy – Betsy McCaughey

— Trump Rages Against ‘RINO Network’ Fox News For Covering DeSantis’ Law Enforcement Speech – NICOLE SILVERIO (COMMENT: How do Trump-supporters and Trump-haters view not only my reporting on who attended the February 20, 2023 DeSantis Elmhurst event, but my including or not including links in GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters to articles that concern Trump and/or DeSantis?)

— Trump Blasts Fox News Over Covering DeSantis Meeting – Jackson Richman

— DeSantis praises Trump, talks ‘good relationship’ in new book ahead of potential GOP primary clash. ‘I had developed a good relationship with the president,’ Florida Gov Ron DeSantis wrote of former President Trump in his new book. – Aubrie Spady
— Wokeness is on the ropes – Gutfeld (COMMENT: Wokeness is not only not on the ropes in the following, wokeness is growing stronger every day: Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Milton Township Republican Organization, Illinois, DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton. Ever-increasingly, the more of the following that you are, the more that the aforesaid get rid of you: conservative, Republican, White, male, older, non-veteran, heterosexual, married, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time. I should write a book about the aforesaid.)
— Don Lemon has been sentenced by the High Court of Wokeness. Don Lemon’s television career is over. – Tucker Carlson (COMMENT: When did you become past your prime? According to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes, because I am a conservative Republican non-veteran White male federal employee, I became past my prime when I was 25 years old in 1974 and failed to make GS-13, currently $109,732/year. Things only got worse for me when I failed to make a) GS-14, currently $129,671/year by 1979, b) GS-15, currently $152,527/year, by 1984, and c) Senior Executive Service, currently $183,500/year by 1988. Because of the aforesaid, my having done the following became worthless: a) my earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976, b) my passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, c) my earning a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, d) my passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination in 1981, and e) my becoming a licensed CPA in 1988. The aforesaid is called “up-or-out,” that is, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination.)
— Paper ripped for reporting on Republicans’ ‘struggle’ to define woke: ‘This is supposed to be a news article?’ The Washington Post reported the word woke has been ‘weaponized’ – Lindsay Kornick
— Nikki Haley tells liberal critics to ‘bring it’ in fiery response to MSNBC guest’s ‘White supremacy’ claim. (COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, to get votes from hate-filled White-hating White-haters, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and RINOs hint/imply/argue/shout that Republicans are White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse thing who should be gotten rid of once and for all. How successful have Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and RINOs been in promoting such hatred in your county, in your township, in your municipality, and your precinct? I should write a book about their success in DuPage County, Milton Township, Wheaton, and my precinct.)

— Uh Oh: Lightfoot Steps In It Again
— Sarah Palin Warns Gov. Ron DeSantis Not To Challenge Trump For 2024 GOP Presidential Nod

— Border Patrol seeks agents to redeploy to the northern border
— Trump is losing his mind over DeSantis (COMMENT: What do you say to critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who demonize me, who denigrate me, and who condemn me as being a) pro-Trump and/or b) anti-Trump?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The truth is Trump loved DeSantis until he became a threat to his reelection. Now, in his super petty way, he’s calling DeSantis a RINO and suggesting he’s done nothing to make the state the beacon of freedom that it is today. Trump is losing his mind over DeSantis, to the point that he has to smear him and lie about him to attack him.)

— Trump Calls Fox News RINO Network for DeSantis Coverage – Michael Katz (COMMENT: How do Trump-supporters and Trump-haters view not only my reporting on who attended the February 20, 2023 DeSantis Elmhurst event, but my including or not including links in GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters to articles that concern Trump and/or DeSantis?)

— DeSantis Gets 7-Figure Donations – Taegan Goddard

— COMMENT: Democrats say “DeSantis takes his show on the road.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump labels Fox News ‘RINO’ network over DeSantis coverage.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Republicans Are ‘Moving On’ From Donald Trump, GOP Governor Says.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley campaign whitewashes America’s racist history. The Republican presidential candidate kicked off her campaign with a nonsensical message about America’s racist roots to appeal to right-wing voters.”

— COMMENT: Democrats report that “California school district excludes white employees from social gathering.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “DeSantis Tramples Over Trump Turf.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Supreme Court Seems Wary of Limiting Protections for Social Media Platforms. The case, concerning a law that gives websites immunity for suits based on their users’ posts, has the potential to alter the very structure of the internet.” My critics/opponents are beyond furious that Section 230 limits their ability to sue me. Since 2000, my critics/opponents have blamed me and blamed my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters for all of their problems, for all of your problems, for all of my problems, and for all of everyone’s problems. Previously, they blamed me for what I did as a) Republican fundraiser for Wheaton Independence Day parades and fireworks 2005-2019, b) chairman of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois 2005-2012, c) Milton Township Republican Organization webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, and d) Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The federal law at issue in the case, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, shields online platforms from lawsuits over what their users post and the platforms’ decisions to take content down. Limiting the sweep of the law could expose the platforms to lawsuits claiming they had steered people to posts and videos that promote extremism, advocate violence, harm reputations and cause emotional distress.)
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Democratic Report Explores Blue-Collar Struggles: Our Brand Is Pretty Damaged.” I should write a book about my critics/opponents who look down on, if not despise, if not hate a) wage earners like I was 1964-1997 and b) union members like I was 1966-1969 and 1971-1980.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “The Fox Newsification of Nikki Haley.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Asylum seekers who cross U.S. border illegally face new Biden rule.”
— COMMENT: To be woke is to be anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-heterosexual, anti-traditional marriage, anti-financial success, anti-homeownership, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-Christian, anti-Protestant, anti-Italian American, anti-German American, anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time, anti-etc. To be woke is blame Republicans for all the problems that non-Republicans have.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Haley’s 2024 Republican Primary Support Doubles Following Campaign Launch. 6% of potential GOP primary voters would back Haley if the election were held today, up from 3% before she announced her campaign.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump Calls Fox News ‘The RINO Network’ Over DeSantis Coverage And 2020 Election Revelations.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Donald Trump Refutes Claim He Calls DeSantis Meatball Ron.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “High-Profile Bucks County Republicans Attend Gov. DeSantis Event In Region.”
(FROM THE ARTICLE: DeSantis, a veteran and Ivy League graduate, has been a popular figure on the right and has drawn criticism for his style by some on the left. The governor has been seen by some Republicans as a new path forward for the party after President Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Biden’s standing improves, while Trump slumps with Republican voters.”

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats blame Republicans for antisemitism. I should write a book about the success that my Democrat superiors in the federal government had doing that.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Fox News contributor says wokeness is racism in and of itself” and “The word racism is almost extinct now because we can’t discern true racism from wokeness.”
Johnny Joey Jones: “The word racism is almost extinct now because we can’t discern true racism from wokeness”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “GOP Mega-Donor and Ex-Trump Ambassador Don Tapia Endorses DeSantis: Don’t Like the Name-Calling.” How do Trump-supporters and Trump-haters view not only my reporting on who attended the February 20, 2023 DeSantis Elmhurst event, but my including or not including links in GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters to articles that concern Trump and/or DeSantis?
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Politico’s Alex Isenstadt wrote on Tuesday that DeSantis’s event will “be scrutinized for which donors attend — including how many of them were once Trump backers who may be looking to defect from the former president to the Florida governor.” Isenstadt noted that DeSantis is currently making all the standard moves a candidate makes before jumping into a presidential race. The governor is about to release a book and is traveling the country to raise his national profile. Additionally, DeSantis has already won over many former Trump donors.)
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump Blasts RINO Network Fox News for Covering Small and Unenthusiastic DeSantis Event Over His”

— Invitation (COMMENT: One could argue that because the February 20, 2023 DeSantis Elmhurst event was an “invitation-only” event, the following should be fully disclosed: a) who determined who was invited to attend and who was not invited to attend and why, b) which past and present Republican elected officials, party leaders, major donors, etc. who were invited did not attend and why, and c) who determined which reporters were invited to report on the event and who were not invited to report on the event and why. Since 2000, as your GOPUSA Illinois Editor, I have reported on who attended many such events in Illinois, in DuPage County, in Milton Township, and in Wheaton. I should write a book about my critics/opponents who have hinted/implied/argued/shouted the most since 2000 that no one should want to be listed in a GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletter as having attended an event. They hint/imply/argue/shout that if you are listed, that information will be viciously used against you. Immediately after my critics/opponents ended my TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairmanship, my Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO) webmaster service, and my Illinois Center Right Coalition (ICRC) Steering Committee membership, they deleted all my reports on who had attended TAPROOT, MTRO, and ICRC events. Do not be surprised if/when my critics/opponents hint/imply/argue/shout a) that I am an operative/dupe for Trump and b) that Trump will destroy not only DeSantis, LaHood, and Hires, but that Trump will destroy each and every person that I listed as having attended the February 20, 2023 DeSantis Elmhurst event. Further, do not be surprised if/when my critics/opponents hint/imply/argue/shout that if you attended the event, you are not only not afraid of Trump, but that you are a Trump-hater.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “DeSantis gives Donald Trump kid-glove treatment in new book.”

— Damning report reveals there are NO students proficient in either math or reading at 60 different public schools in Illinois: Lawmaker slams pandemic policies for ‘serious’ academic decline – KEITH GRIFFITH

February 20, 2023


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH PHOTOS OF DESANTIS AND PRITZKER: COMMENT: Democrats say “Pritzker-DeSantis rivalry comes to the suburbs, as Florida governor visits Elmhurst Monday.” Who will come to Elmhurst this afternoon to show their support for DeSantis? Do the following support DeSantis: a) the leaders of the Illinois Republican Party and your Republican county/township/ward party organizations, b) the Republican candidates on the April 4 ballot in your precinct, c) major Republican donors in your area, d) Republican elected officials in your area, e) your conservative leaders, d) your religious leaders, e) your Republican Precinct Committeeman/Captain, f) etc.? Congressman Darin LaHood is scheduled to be there.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Now the speech is spiraling into a major culture clash with counter protests planned and Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker throwing pointed barbs at the likely Republican presidential candidate. . .LGBTQ advocates like Equality Illinois are planning a protest at DeSantis’ appearance Monday. Lodge 7 has kept the location of DeSantis’ visit under wraps and originally stated that only law enforcement was allowed. However, the event is expected to take place at the Knights of Columbus hall in Elmhurst and families of police are now reportedly welcome.)

— Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to Speak at Police Event Monday in Chicago Suburbs. DeSantis will speak at an event entitled “Law and Order Illinois” in Elmhurst, which is being promoted by – but not hosted by – Chicago Lodge 7 of the Fraternal Order of Police.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is in danger of an early re-election knockout.” Which candidate does Pritzker want to win?
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Lightfoot, the first Black woman and the first openly gay person to be mayor of Chicago, has had a tenure marked by tumult. She has clashed with the Chicago Teachers Union, which went on strike under her watch, and engaged in testy exchanges with Gov. J.B. Pritzker and City Council members.)

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats use DeSantis to promote hatred against Republicans.

— Gun sales already impacted by new gun law – Greg Bishop
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Gov. J.B. Pritzker enacted a ban on more than 170 semi-automatic firearms and magazines of more than 10 rounds for rifles and more than 15 rounds for handguns. The measure also bans various parts for firearms and requires grandfathered guns to be registered with Illinois State Police starting Oct. 1, 2023.)

— Pritzker vows to defend abortion rights: ‘We’re an oasis’
— Residents protest mandatory electric vehicle charging stations: ‘There are more pressing matters to address than forcing us to have something we don’t want or need’ (COMMENT: Expect that ever-increasingly, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and RINOs will viciously demonize, denigrate, and condemn those who do not replace their gasoline-powered vehicles with electric vehicles. I own eight gasoline-powered vehicles: 1972 Chevrolet Corvette, 1996 Ford Thunderbird LX, 2005 Chevrolet Corvette, 2013 Dodge Charger R/T Max, 2016 Ford Mustang, 2018 Chevrolet Cruze LT, 2019 Ford Escape Titanium, and 2021 Chevrolet Malibu Premier.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Gov. J.B. Pritzker on 2021 Reimagining Electric Vehicles in Illinois Act which grants heavy subsidies to consumers who purchase electric vehicles.)

— Veteran Democratic political consultant James Carville says his million dollar advice is for Pritzker to give Biden a gold watch.

— Support for DeSantis cools in latest GOP primary poll – Matt Delaney
— Rules of Disengagement: emerging GOP field for 2024 treads carefully around Trump – Susan Ferrechio

— Nikki Haley’s presidential race so far is a lesson in triteness – Quin Hillyer
— Where even the Walmarts are closing – Editorial

— White House buzz ramps up as DeSantis embarks on pro-police tour in several blue states – Tom Tillison
— Trump denies calling DeSantis ‘Meatball Ron’ in another blazing attack on his biggest GOP rival – Chris Donaldson
— COMMENT: Saying that “the root of the problem is white supremacy,” Cook County uses a CRT-based organization to revamp criminal justice system.”

— Nikki Haley on E-Verify: ‘Americans Need to Get These Jobs’ – MATTHEW BOYLE (COMMENT: If there had been as many illegals when I was young, they would have gotten the jobs that I got.)
— Elon Musk Rips Pentagon for DEI Tweet: ‘Your Strategic Imperative Is Defending the United States’ – KRISTINA WONG

— DeSantis Takes Aim At D.C.’s ‘Accumulation Of Power’ – Daniel Chaitin

— MSNBC, Kamala Harris Tag Team to Lie About Ron DeSantis’ Stance on Teaching Black History – Stacey Matthews

— DeSantis Talks About Moving Feds Out of DC Beltway – Eric Mack
— Nikki Haley: My Focus Is on Joe Biden, Not Donald Trump – Sandy Fitzgerald

— DeSantis Trails Trump by 13 Points Among GOP Voters

— Nikki Haley Refuses to Say How Her Campaign Will Be Different From Trump’s – Sarah Arnold
— Trump Doesn’t Get It — DeSantis Does – Arthur Schaper

— Illinois Tries To “Cancel” DeSantis As Pritzker, Chicago Mayoral Contenders Play The De-Platforming Game – TYLER DURDEN

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Pritzker embraces role as DeSantis foil on Illinois schools.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Sen. Sanders says Haley’s call for competency test absurd.”
–COMMENT: Democrats ask “Will Haley’s 2024 launch put pressure on other GOP hopefuls?” Ever-increasingly, a) Democrats and RINOs run Illinois, run DuPage County, run Milton Township, and run Wheaton and b) determine which candidates a) win primary elections, b) win nonpartisan elections, and c) win general elections. Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs have candidates win nonpartisan elections and general elections who reject the individual responsibility, traditional marriage/family, right to life, immigrations, Second Amendment, illegal drugs, and/or equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in the Republican Party platform. I should write a book about that.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump lashes out at Ron DeSantis on social media.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “DeSantis’ use of government power to implement agenda worries some conservatives.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Primary voters aren’t excited about Biden or Trump: What does that mean for 2024?”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Sen. Bernie Sanders blasts 2024 presidential candidate Nikki Haley’s call for ‘mandatory mental competency tests’ for politicians over 75 as absurd.”
— COMMENT: Democrats ask “Is Trump Too Old For Republican Voters In 2024?” and say “New Poll Finds 70% Say Yes.” I should write a book about those in Wheaton, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who discriminate against older people the most. I would focus on those who have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump absent as Iowa 2024 GOP caucus train begins to roll. After a slow start, Republican presidential prospects are streaming into Iowa, the leadoff presidential caucus state.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Illinois poised to mandate paid leave for nearly all workers.” Politics is nasty/vicious. I have benefitted from the federal government’s leave policies since I was 18 years old in 1966. I should write a book about my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who have used that against me the most. My Civil Service Retirement System pension is greater because the federal government’s retirement and sick leave policies.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump Touts ‘Big’ Win Over DeSantis in Florida.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump Top Pick Among GOP for 2024, Holds Wide Lead Over DeSantis.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “The top 10 Democratic presidential candidates for 2024.”
(FROM THE ARTICLE: J.B. Pritzker Few on this list would seem to be telegraphing their presidential desires — at least in a race without Biden — as strongly as the Illinois governor. His recent state of the state address had a decidedly nationalized feel, and he has focused intently on going after the likes of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R). “It’s an ideological battle by the right wing, hiding behind a claim that they would protect our children — but whose real intention is to marginalize people and ideas they don’t like,” Pritzker said in the speech this week. “This has been done in the past, and it doesn’t stop with just snuffing out ideas.”)
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Inside the collapse of the Trump-DeSantis alliance of convenience. Behind an apparent close alliance, the two Republicans have racked up years of mutual suspicions fueling a 2024 grudge match.”
— COMMENT: Democrats ask “DID POLITICS SCRUB ‘SYSTEMIC’ FROM AP AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES PLAN?” and say “Writing and editing the Advanced Placement course framework was a tense exercise in a polarized America.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Florida Republicans elect Christian Ziegler as State Chair.” Who do the following want to win the 2024 Republican Presidential Primary: a) the leaders of the Illinois Republican Party (IRP), b) your representative on the IRP State Central Committee, and c) the leaders of your Republican county/township/ward party organizations. Who does Pritzker want to win?
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Christian Ziegler will lead the Republican Party of Florida into the 2024 elections. The Sarasota County State Committeeman won election to the post Saturday. He faced Leon County GOP Chair Evan Power, prevailing in a vote of 126-100 at the annual meeting held in Orlando. “Florida is the winning model. Let’s show the nation how it’s done!,” asserted the RPOF in a congratulatory tweet. A second RPOF Tweet congratulated Power for being elevated to Vice Chair, suggesting that the party is unified after a close election that was seen by some as a proxy battle between forces loyal to Gov. Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “DeSantis kicks off pro-police tour in Democrat-run cities as White House rumors swirl.”
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is set to kick off a pro-police tour starting in New York City to speak with law enforcement officers in blue-led cities who feel unsupported. DeSantis will begin the tour Monday morning by speaking with police officers and law enforcement union officials at a diner in red-leaning borough of Staten Island. The governor will then head to Fort Washington, a Philadelphia suburb, and Elmhurst, Illinois, near Chicago, where he will meet with sheriffs, chiefs of police and other local law enforcement officials, his political team told Fox News Digital.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Tim Scott’s massive war chest could give him head start in 2024 presidential campaign.”
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Scott will also attend a South Carolina presidential forum next month alongside former Palmetto State governor and recently announced 2024 candidate Nikki Haley. If Scott, the sole Black Republican in Congress’s upper chamber, chooses to throw his hat into the ring, his large war chest could provide him with a boost out of the gates. Since Haley appointed him to the Senate in 2013, he has grown into a fundraising powerhouse. Scott faced a special election in 2014 and garnered just under $7 million in contributions that cycle. But during his 2022 election, that number skyrocketed to just over $43 million in donations, according to Federal Election Commission records. Scott’s campaign finished the last cycle with nearly $22 million in the bank, which has likely only grown since late December. His campaign could transfer that money into a presidential committee if he chooses to run. Scott’s campaign cash is also more than the $3 million Donald Trump’s committee had in its coffers at the end of the year, which has struggled to raise money since he announced his 2024 candidacy, while his joint fundraising committee reported just under $4 million cash on hand. Trump, however, kicked off his run around the midterm elections, where donor fatigue had likely set in. Some big-money donors have announced they’ll distance themselves from Trump after fueling super PACs backing him. But other deep-pocketed contributors will most likely boost those entities, while his base will help turn around his campaign’s fortunes. However, it’s unlikely he’ll raise the eye-popping figures he once did if others like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis enter the contest.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump tried to seem unbothered by Ron DeSantis, but he can’t stop writing angry Truth Social posts about him.”

— COMMENT: Democrats ask “Why Is Nikki Haley Running for President?”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump Trashes New York Post, Fox News, WSJ, Karl Rove, Salena Zito In Burst of DeSantis Rage.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley and Tim Scott on collision course in 2024 GOP primary.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Generational warfare threatens to rock 2024 presidential race.” Too what extent to voters vote for candidates because they share their demographics: a) generation, b) race, c) gender, d) sexual orientation, e) religion, f) national origin, g) length of time their ancestors have been in America, h)marital status, i) parental status, j) education level, k) college major, l) profession, m) income range, n) net worth range, o) veteran status, p) liberal/moderate/conservative status, q) etc.? To what extent do voters vote for those candidates who promise to use government to give the most preference to those who share their demographics?

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Jealous Trump fumes after NY Post publishes ‘puff piece’ on Ron DeSantis.”


— War of Education/Local Elections

— OUTRAGEOUS, DISGUSTING, UNACCEPTABLE: Measure would allow noncitizens to vote in Illinois school board elections – Greg Bishop

— Chicago shootings: 11 shot, 3 fatally, in weekend gun violence across city

— Pro-union ordinance diverts funding from essential lifesaving services in Chicago – Dan Kotowski
— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Illinois Democrats promote abortion.

— LOCAL GROUPS HOSTING UPCOMING FORUMS FOR COUNCIL AND SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATES – Cameron Line (COMMENT: If I was still the chairman of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, the organization would still be hosting candidate forums. For the April 4 election in DuPage County, TAPROOT would host forums for College of DuPage (COD) Trustee, Wheaton Warrenville School District 200 School Board, and Wheaton City Council. Questions that I would ask COD and school board candidates would include: If elected, would you promote or would you oppose teacher promotion of the following and why: a) sexualization of students, b) LGBTQ, c) abortion, d) CRT, e) 1619, f) wokeism/wokeness, g) reparations, h) BLM, i) affirmative action, j) diversity, k) equity, and l) inclusion?)

— Chicago’s mayoral election is a warning to big cities everywhere – Matt Paprocki
— COMMENT: A Democrat asks “Can I pay my workers off the books and still be legal?”

— The U.S. Navy lowers its standards yet again – Andrea Widburg (COMMENT: I should write a book about how the Democrats who ran the federal government in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s lowered hiring, retention, and promotion standards to hire, retain, and promote Democrats who were minority and/or female. Because I have always been a conservative Republican, because I am neither a minority nor a female, because I complained about political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination, and because in 1988 I became an active member in a class action lawsuit that charged them with reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation, they wasted my career and forced me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old. They rendered the following worthless: my CPA license (1981), my six professional certifications (CPA-1979, Internal Auditor-1981, Fraud Examiner-1990, Government Financial Manager-1994, Financial Services Auditor-1996, and Forensic Accountant-1997), my three master’s degrees (business-1976, accounting-1980, and finance-1997), my almost 18 years of experience working for GAO 1980-1997, and my almost 9 years of experience working for IRS 1971-1980.)

— What The 1619 Project Is Really About – MIKE GONZALEZ
— ‘Lucrative Business’: The Child Sex Change Industry Is Exploding In The US – LAUREL DUGGAN

— 53 Illinois high schools fail to achieve grade level proficiency in math. Reading is just as bad: ‘Spry is one of 30 schools in Illinois where not a single student can read at grade level’ – Alexander Hall (COMMENT: The education that my Trinity Lutheran Grade School, Hope Lutheran Grade School, and Crete-Monee High School teachers gave me enabled me to a) earn a bachelor’s degree in management from NIU in 1970, MBA from Loyola in 1976, master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, and master’s degree in finance from IIT in 1997, b) pass the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, c) pass the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, d) become a licensed CPA in 1981, and e) earn professional certifications in 1990, 1994, 1996, and 1997.)

— Our Ruling-Class Monoculture – GEORGE LEEF (COMMENT: How have the ruling class members in your municipality, in your township, in your county, and in Illinois treated you? I should write a book about how the ruling class members in Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois have treated me since 1978. I would focus on those who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me. They would love it.)

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote hatred against Christians.

— Sen. John Fetterman Set for Lengthy Hospital Stay. Pennsylvania Democrat is undergoing treatment for depression. – Siobhan Hughes

— COMMENT: Democrats say “I’ll Drink to That: Inside America’s Drunkest States.” I have never been a drinker. I should write a book about my past/present critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who were/are the biggest drinkers. I would focus on those who had/have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois. I would focus on my Democrat GAO, IRS, and Post Office superiors and supervisors. I would focus on those who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.

— COMMENT: I should write a book about the success that Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and RINOs have had infiltrating, infesting, and destroying the following since 2000; Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Milton Township Republican Organization, Illinois, DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton. I would focus those infiltrators, infesters, and destroyers who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.

February 19, 2023

— COMMENT: Democrats say “DeSantis to speak to police officers in Elmhurst.” If/when the location of this event is publicly announced, will hundreds/thousands of DeSantis supporters and opponents come?

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Aurora looks to increase marijuana tax.” The higher the tax on legal pot, the more illegal pot that will be sold.

— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH SIX PHOTOS: COMMENT: Democrats say “Where suburban GOP megadonors Richard and Elizabeth Uihlein’s $36 million went last fall. Suburban GOP megadonors supported local, national races.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Republicans are warning against counting Nikki Haley out in the 2024 presidential race after a better-than-expected campaign rollout this week that offered an early lens into how she plans to take on former President Donald Trump.” The harder that you work against Trump, the more that hate-filled Trump-hating Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and RINOs glorify and praise you.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump slams DeSantis but says no to ‘Meatball Ron’ nickname.”

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Illinois Democrats treasonously promote illegal immigration. To give illegals the right to vote is to treasonously promote illegal immigration. Ever-increasingly, Democrats treasonously show that they not only despise America, that they not only hate America, but that they want to destroy America.

— Heritage Action Strategy Call Held in Chicago; How Kim Foxx became Cook County State’s Attorney; National movement to decriminalize certain offenses – Nancy Thorner

— Diversity, equity, and inclusion jobs on the chopping block in recent corporate layoffs – Brad Matthews
— In Biden’s America, common ground does not exist – Don Feder

— Article from education outlet has teachers confirming ways they get around Texas CRT laws – Tim Worstall (COMMENT: How do Democrat teachers in your school district push CRT?)
— Texas educators admit they defy Abbott’s Critical Race Theory ban with ease (COMMENT: How do Democrat teachers in your school district push CRT?)

— Trump Is The Clear Favorite In GOP Primary: POLL – MARY LOU MASTERS
— Northern Border Agents Were Asked To Deploy To Florida Due To Massive Illegal Migrant Surge

— Now Woke Scientists Are Gunning For Words And Phrases They Think Should Be Banned – Joseph Curl

— California Exodus Continues: 700,000 More Left Than Moved in Over 2 Years – Jamie Joseph (COMMENT: The Democrat Party platform creates poverty and crime. What percent of those who have moved from California are Democrats who will destroy the states that they move to by continuing to vote for Democrats? What do you say to Democrats who move from Democrat areas to your county, to your township, and/or to your municipality to escape the poverty and crime in Democrat areas, but then continue to vote for Democrats? I should write a book about that in DuPage County, Milton Township, Wheaton, and my precinct.)

— Cook county injects ‘racial equity’ into criminal justice system with organization steeped in CRT: ‘Unprecedented’ Chicago ROAR offers to put clients through a 9-12 month audit process to determine an ‘intersectional analysis of systemic oppression’ – Hannah Grossman (COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats blame Republicans for crimes that minorities commit.)
— Former White House doctor for Trump, Obama blasts ‘alarming’ Biden health report: ‘The cover-up needs to end’ Rep. Ronny Jackson says Americans can see that ‘Biden’s mental health is in total decline’ – Kyle Morris, Brandon Gillespie (COMMENT: I remember when IRS required me to take a physical examination immediately after I got promoted to GS-12 in 1974 when I was 25 years old. Typically, IRS employees did not make GS-12 until they were older.)

— Shocking Cost of the Illegal Immigration Crisis to Americans – Erin Dwinell (COMMENT: So far, how much money have your county, your township, your municipality, and your school district paid for illegals?)

— RNC Looks to Require Loyalty Pledge to Participate in 2024 Presidential Debates – BRITTANY BERNSTEIN (COMMENT: I have always fully supported elected Republicans, including those who have taken and/or who continue to take adverse actions against me. I should write a book about those who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me. I would focus on those on ballots in my precinct and leaders of the Milton Township Republican Organization, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Illinois Republican Party.)
— The Law Requires Detaining Illegal Aliens, with Two Narrow Exceptions – ANDREW C. MCCARTHY

— Pat Buchanan’s Retirement – Steve Byas

— Gnashing Teeth Over Nikki Haley Saying America’s Not Racist – Tim Graham (COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, everyone in America has to and does give more and more and more preference to minorities, to females, to younger people, and to LGBTQers, that is, ever-increasingly, everyone in America has to and does discriminate more and more and more against Whites, against men, against older people, and against heterosexuals. That does not justify January 6, but that helps explain it.

— There Is No ‘Trumpism’ Without Trump – Gavin Wax (COMMENT: While Trump was President, he focused on defending and advancing the Republican Party platform. That encouraged Republicans to support him. That encouraged Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and RINOs to oppose him.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Haley Walks Treacherous Road for G.O.P. Women. Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign is a major test of her party’s views on sexism and female leaders. Just don’t call it identity politics.” I should write a book about Republicans who reject the equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) plank in the Republican Party platform. I would focus on those who have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and/or Illinois. I would focus on those who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.
— COMMENT: Democrats ask “Do Law Schools Need the LSAT?” Ever-increasingly, because Democrat minorities and Democrat females do poorly on tests, testing requirements have been eased if not dropped. GAO, IRS, and the Post Office hired me in 1980, 1971, and 1966 respectively because they could not find qualified Democrat minorities or females who would take the jobs. I qualified myself for my GAO job a) by passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, b) by earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976, and c) by working for IRS for almost 9 years. I qualified myself for my IRS job a) by passing the Federal Service Entrance Examination, b) by earning a bachelor’s degree in management from NIU in 1970, and c) by working for Firestone Stores for 10 months. I qualified myself for my Post Office job a) by passing the Post Office employment examination, b) by earning a high school diploma, and c) by having a clean driving record for 2 years.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley removed the Confederate flag. She sounds different as a candidate. The former South Carolina governor is using claims that the United States is a racist nation as a foil in her campaign messages.” I should write a book about candidates on ballots in my precinct since 2000 who have said things to get elected and then done opposite things after they got elected. I would focus on those who after they got elected promoted a) dependency on government and charity, b) LGBTQ, c) abortion, d) mass/illegal immigration, e) diminishment of Second Amendment rights, f) booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, g) patronage, h) political affiliation discrimination, i) reverse discrimination, and/or j) age discrimination. I would focus on those who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “GOP targets drag shows with new bills in at least 14 states.”

— COMMENT: Democrats ask if George Washington was woke. To be woke is to be anti-American, anti-heterosexual, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-married people, anti-people who have more money than other people, anti-Christian, anti-Protestant, anti-Italian American, anti-German American, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. I should write a book about the following who are the most woke: a) leaders of the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization, b) Republican elected officials in Illinois, DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton, c) conservative leaders in the aforesaid, d) religious leaders in the aforesaid, and e) those who I have sued. I would focus on the aforesaid who have taken and/or are taking the most/biggest adverse actions against me.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Kristina Karamo, ultra-conservative election denier, is new Michigan GOP chair.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Karamo to lead Michigan Republican Party, beating Trump-endorsed DePerno.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Kristina Karamo elected as new Michigan Republican Party chair.”

— COMMENT: A former ambassador of India to America asks “Is Nikki Haley the generational change Republicans are looking for?”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Ahead of potential presidential bid, DeSantis heads to New York for law enforcement event.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “‘Florida win for Trump’: New Florida GOP chair concerns some DeSantis backers. Christian Ziegler has worked closely with former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.”

— COMMENT: Democrats acknowledge that “Many voters think Biden is too old for a second term” but say “The White House isn’t worried.” Who has deemed you to be too old to do what? My Democrat superiors in the federal government deemed their employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran to be too old to be promoted again, and therefore, to be “failed,” if they did not make GS-13 (currently $109,732/year) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $129,671/year) by age 30, GS-15 ($152,527) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service ($183,500) by age 40. It is called up-or-out, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination. Extremely few federal employees make the aforesaid promotion deadlines. I should write a book about my critics/opponents. In that book, I would report what they were earning per year in today’s dollars when they were 25, 30, 35, and 40. I earned a) $92,279/year (GS-12 Step 1) in today’s dollars when I was 25, b) $104,583/year (GS-12 Step 5) when I was 30 and 35, and c) $117,047/year (GS-13 Step 3) when I was 40. I would report their education: college graduated from, year graduated, degree earned, and major. I would report any professional certifications and/or licenses that they earned. I would focus on my critics/opponents who have demonized me, denigrated me, and condemned me the most as being “failed” and/or who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.

— COMMENT: Democrats crow that “Biden Directs Federal Agencies to Advance Racial Equity.” Soon, if not already, 100% of federal employees will be Democrats who are liberal, minority, female, younger, LGBTQ, non-married, non-Christian, non-Protestant, non-Italian American, non-German American, have ancestors who have not been in America for a long time, etc.

— Promoted Too Fast (COMMEMT: While I was taking graduate business evening courses at Loyola, IRS promoted me a) to GS-9 (currently $63,633/year) in 1972 when I was 23, b) to GS-11 (currently $76,990/year) in 1973, and c) to GS-12 (currently $92,279/year) in 1974.  I should write a book about those who have demonized me, denigrated me, and condemned me the most as having been promoted too fast. I would report what they were earning per year in today’s dollars when they were 25, 30, 35, and 40. I earned a) $92,279/year (GS-12 Step 1) in today’s dollars when I was 25, b) $104,583/year (GS-12 Step 5) when I was 30 and 35, and c) $117,047/year (GS-13 Step 3) when I was 40. I would report their education: college graduated from, year graduated, degree earned, and major. I earned an MBA from Loyola in 1976 and a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980. I would report any professional certifications and/or licenses that they earned. I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, I passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, and I became a licensed CPA in 1981. I would focus on those who have demonized me, denigrated me, and condemned me the most as being “failed” and/or who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.

— Why Do People Move? (COMMENT: The Democrat Party platform creates poverty and crime. What percent of those who move are Democrats who will destroy the areas that they move to by continuing to vote for Democrats? What do you say to Democrats who move from Democrat areas to your county, to your township, and/or to your municipality to escape the poverty and crime in Democrat areas, but then continue to vote for Democrats? I should write a book about that in DuPage County, Milton Township, Wheaton, and my precinct.)

— COMMENT: Communists promote Affirmative Action, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, CRT, 1619, BLM, reparations, and wokeness/wokeism big time, that is, communists promote political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination big time.

February 18, 2023


— COMMENT: Democrats say “Ron DeSantis injects chaos into the Chicago mayoral race. The Florida governor’s scheduled trip to speak to a Chicago police union next week has prompted a cascade of condemnations, accusations and infighting.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to Address Police Officers in Illinois Monday.”

— Illinois tries to “cancel” DeSantis as Pritzker, Chicago mayoral contenders play the de-platforming game – Matt Rosenberg and Ted Dabrowski

— COMMENT: Democrats say “DeSantis now a factor in Chicago’s mayoral race. The GOP governor will be headlining an event for police in Elmhurst on Monday. Mayoral candidate Paul Vallas distanced himself from the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police, which endorsed him, after it promoted the event.” I should write a book about closet Democrats in Illinois, in DuPage County, in Milton Township, and in Wheaton. I would focus on those who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A casual reading of the DeSantis invite on the FOP site could leave an impression that somehow the FOP was a host or organizer, but that is not so. A GOP source told the Sun-Times the DeSantis political team was organizing the law enforcement event in the western suburb – not anyone in Illinois. FOP Lodge 7 President John Catanzara Jr. – an ardent supporter of former President Donald Trump and up for re-election next month – told the Sun-Times he was contacted by “some people” with DeSantis, who he declined to name, to help promote the visit. Catanzara said “obviously” there “are people in Illinois that are interested in him running for higher office,” and since DeSantis was “coming to town to do a police speech,” Catanzara was asked, “Could I pass that information on to my members?” Catanzara’s reply: “Absolutely.” In a video posted Friday on YouTube, Catanzara said the DeSantis event “is not being hosted by Lodge 7” and that “all we are simply doing is promoting a speech that he is coming to town to give in support of the men and women of law enforcement in this state and in this country.” That the FOP was publicizing the DeSantis visit was enough for Vallas’ chief rivals, Mayor Lori Lightfoot and U.S. Rep. Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, D-Ill., to jump all over Vallas and to try to make him wear the jacket for the DeSantis cultural warrior platform – a big minus to many Chicago voters. It also fueled Lightfoot’s campaign strategy to paint Vallas as a closet Republican in the overwhelmingly Democratic city.)
— COMMENT: Federal judge denies bid to block Illinois assault weapons ban, Naperville gun restriction. The decision appears to be the first from a federal judge considering whether the ban meets the standards set out last summer in a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling authored by Justice Clarence Thomas.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Opponents of SAFE-T Act file arguments with Illinois Supreme Court.”

— FRONT PAGE: COMMENT: Democrats say “Vallas denounces police union’s invite to ‘right-wing extremist’ Ron DeSantis.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Vallas denounces DeSantis visit to Chicago.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Pritzker blasts plans for DeSantis visit.”


— COMMENT: Democrats say “Pritzker calls DeSantis ‘homophobic’ with ‘racist tendencies’ ahead of Illinois visit.”


— Trump Leads DeSantis by 13 Points Among Republican Voters – JACOB BLISS
— Democrats Ask for Another $20M in Taxpayer Money to Provide Illegal Aliens with Social Services – JOHN BINDER

— Ron DeSantis compared to murderous warlord in scathing column: ‘Genghis Khan of social issues’ Khan’s many wars are estimated to have killed roughly 40 million people, according to Encyclopedia Britannica. – Jeffrey Clark

— Ron DeSantis takes The Post on tour of his Florida hometown – Salena Zito (COMMENT: I lived in Crete 1948-1972. My father lived there from 1922 until he died in 1969. My mother lived there 1945 until she died in 2016. My brother lived their 1953 until he died in 2022. My parents and I lived in an apartment above Crete’s only hardware store at the northeast corner of Main & Exchange. My father’s father and mother operated that hardware store. Starting in 1954, my parents, me, and my brother lived at 1286 Wood Street in Crete. My father’s father had that home built in 1926 on land that his father’s father bought in 1864.)

— Nikki Haley Says DeSantis’s ‘Parental Rights In Education’ Law ‘Doesn’t Go Far Enough’ – Sarah Arnold

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Biden needles DeSantis for floating elimination of AP classes.”
— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats demand more preference for those who have demographics that vote for Democrats, that is, those who are liberal, moderate, minority, female, younger, LGBTQ, unmarried, non-Christian, non-Protestant, non-Italian American, non-German American, those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time, union members, renters, those who have less money than others, those who lack education and/or job skills, those who have financial, health, and/or other problems, citizens of foreign countries, criminals, boozers, gamblers, stoners, etc.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Ranking the GOP’s top 10 presidential candidates.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Meet Ron DeSantis, Former AP ‘Student of the Year’.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Ron DeSantis compared to murderous warlord in scathing Vanity Fair column: Genghis Khan of social issues.”
— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats a) run America and b) blame Republicans for all problems that all Democrats have had, are having, and will have.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Donald Trump Says It Would Be ‘Inappropriate’ to Call DeSantis Meatball.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley’s ‘model minority’ trope isn’t surprising. But it’s still dangerous. Haley had arguably the best opportunity to truly confront the GOP’s full-throated embrace of white supremacy. She didn’t.”

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats run America, run the federal government, run the news media, run education, run law enforcement, run the military, run business, run manufacturing, run health care, run religion, run entertainment, run sports, and run everything else. Ever-increasingly, Democrats make it clear that they are going use the aforesaid power to get rid of Republicans once and for all. That does not justify January 6, but it explains January 6.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Inside the collapse of the Trump-DeSantis ‘alliance of convenience.’ Behind an apparent close alliance, the two Republicans have racked up years of mutual suspicions fueling a 2024 grudge match.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “More states scrutinizing AP Black studies after Florida complaints.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley on 2024 trail takes swipes at Republican rival Ron DeSantis and Democrat Joe Biden.”
— COMMENT: Democrat teachers teach African American history to promote hatred against Republicans. Ever-increasingly Democrats a) paint today’s Democrats as having been the Union Army in the Civil War and b) paint today’s Republicans as having been the Confederate Army in the Civil War.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “In face of DeSantis anti-woke rhetoric, Black leaders go back to ’60s.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “A ‘base camp’ has popped up on vacant land in the Florida Keys” and ask “What’s happening there?”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Ready for Ron Petition to Draft DeSantis Snags 200,000 Signatures.” Politics is nasty/vicious. Who has/will back DeSantis in Illinois, in your county, in your township, and in your municipality? I should write a book about backing Republican candidates in primaries and in nonpartisan elections. Ever since I backed Pat O’Malley in the 2002 Illinois Republican gubernatorial primary and Jim Oberweis in the 2006 Republican gubernatorial primary, Jim Ryan, Bill Brady, and Judy Barr Topinka supporters have a) viciously demonized me, b) viciously denigrated me, and c) viciously condemned me and have done everything that they could a) to stop me from sending out my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters and b) to stop everyone from reading those newsletters. I should write a book about the aforesaid. I would stress everything that I did to help elect a) Ryan in the 2002 general election and b) Topinka in the 2006 general election.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “DeSantis 2024 Bid Takes Shape as He Enlists Aides, Woos Donors. Governor setting up campaign infrastructure before launch
Trusted advisers from governor’s race expected to return.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Biden is old, but age isn’t what it used to be.” How old are you? I am 74. Ever-increasingly, expect that ever-increasingly, as you get older, your critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes will use your age against you. I should write a book about how my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have ever-increasingly used my age against me. I would focus on those who have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Haley wasn’t just playing politics. She was also engaging, consciously or unconsciously, in one of the most sinister and under-researched forms of prejudice: age discrimination. To confront it, the president needs to both call it out and not call too much attention to it. There are advantages to getting old, but he doesn’t necessarily want to campaign on them. . .But I have learned that aging isn’t what it used to be, and that I need to confront my own biases about it. “The frontier of longevity has shifted in a positive way,” says Adam Felts, a researcher with the AgeLab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Its research focuses on people who are living longer and better than ever before, especially people in better socioeconomic circumstances with access to newer medicines and technologies. One of his research groups is a panel of individuals who are all at least 85 years old. “When I see how sharp they are, it shapes my perspective around what is possible even for people in their mid to late 80s.” Looking at someone such as Biden, who has the best medical care available, “we may have to think about his age trajectory differently.” In fact, says Felts, we should be thinking differently about aging in general, for all Americans. Humans tend to overestimate how much people within a given category have in common with one another, says Jessica Nordell, author of The End of Bias. When someone states that Biden is “too old” without pointing to specifics, it reflects an antipathy toward older people that is culturally ingrained.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say that Trump says that he won’t call DeSantis Meatball Ron.
Trump announced his bid for a second term as president in November and has since launched multiple attacks on DeSantis.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump Addresses ‘Meatball Ron’ in 1 a.m. Post Ripping DeSantis.” Politics is nasty/vicious. So far, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have refrained from publicly slandering me. But they certainly would have publicly slandered me if they had not succeeded in taking their adverse actions against me that they did. Because of my demographics (heterosexual, conservative, patriotic, Republican, White, male, old (74), gun-owner, draft-avoider, non-poor, married, Protestant (baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran), 100% German American, my ancestors have been in America since 1844, Crete resident 1948-1972, and Wheaton resident since 1978), they would have publicly hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I am a White supremacist, Nazi, KKK member, hater, racist, sexist, bigot, and even worse things. One thing that has held them back from publicly slandering me is the fact that I have filed lawsuits against my superiors in the federal government and against people who have lots of political, government, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Milton Township, and/or in DuPage County.

— Former Illinois GOP candidate Ives sounds off over low student test scores: ‘Make no mistake the DEMOCRATS are responsible for this’ (COMMENT: Wheaton Warrenville School District 200 Headquarters, Whittier Grade School, and Edison Middle School are all in my precinct.)

— Chicago fed judge: IL, Naperville ‘assault weapons’ bans fit within SCOTUS Second Amendment framework – Jonathan Bilyk and Scott Holland

— Beto O’Rourke Is a UChicago Institute of Politics Fellow. Where Are the Conservative Voices? – Jack Pfefferkorn

— Militants, Not Educators. The Chicago Teachers Union pursues radical politics even as public school enrollment declines and student learning suffers.- Mailee Smith

— Judge denies state’s motion to delay response to challenge of Illinois gun ban – Greg Bishop

— Federal Court Denies TRO Regarding Naperville, IL Gun Ban – KIRK ALLEN & JOHN KRAFT

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Republicans to adopt loyalty pledge for debate participants.”‘
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Romney, outspoken about his own party, weighs reelection run.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Chicago Mayoral Election: Latest poll suggests Vallas has solid lead, Lightfoot is struggling.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Mayor Lightfoot vows to remove unhoused from Chicago O’Hare airport as more seek shelter there.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Federal judge denies TRO against Illinois assault weapons ban for Naperville gun store owner.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Illinois earns ‘F’ in study on tax friendliness.” If Illinois decides to tax retirement income, seniors will leave. SEE: https://chicago.suntimes.com/2023/2/8/23587905/illinois-tax-retirement-income-violence-chicago-garfield-park-letters

— COMMENT: Democrats say “How admittedly corrupt ex-Illinois lawmakers get to keep their pensions.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Republicans to adopt loyalty pledge for debate participants.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Local state lawmakers react to Gov. JB Pritzker’s budget address. Preschool proposal receives some praise, but lawmakers question increased spending.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Scholarships Available For Low-Income Students In DuPage County.” Were your parents low-income? My parents were not, but my father never earned more than $50,000/year in today’s dollars and my mother never worked outside of the home until he died suddenly in 1969 when he was 47 and I was 21. Therefore, to pay for my UIC and NIU college expenses and for new cars to get to/from jobs and college classes, a) I washed dishes in the basement of the S.S. Kresge in Chicago Heights during my junior and senior years at Crete-Monee High School 1964-1966 and the summer of 1965, b) I cleaned golf shoes in Flossmoor and chipped slag and pumped gasoline in South Chicago Heights the summer of 1966, and c) I delivered mail for the Park Forest Post Office 1966-1969. That enabled me to graduate from NIU debt-free in August of 1970 with a bachelor’s degree in management and owning a 1969 Dodge Charger SE.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Afternoon roundup.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Pritzker asked why he didn’t propose tax cuts.” What percent of Illinois taxpayers are Republicans and what percent of Illinois’ income tax revenue comes from them?

— Nikki Haley’s first week as a 2024 candidate shows she has her work cut out for her – W. James Antle III
— Yes, environmentalists want to take your car away — just slowly – Editorial (COMMENT: I have owned cars since I was 16 years old in 1964. While I lived in Crete 1964-1972 and in University Park 1972-1974, those cars enabled me a) to hold jobs in Chicago Heights, Flossmoor, South Chicago Heights, Park Forest, Harvey, Joliet, and Chicago and b) to attend classes at UIC, NIU, and Loyola.)

— The Left’s racist attacks against Nikki Haley highlight minority hypocrisy – Rich Lowry

— Illegals get phones, Ukrainians get tanks, & Ohioans are told to pound sand – Drew Allen

— Illinois Republican State Sen. Thomas Bennett recently introduced the Campus Free Speech Act to protect and monitor freedom of expression at Illinois’ colleges and universities. – Shelby Kearns

— ‘Center for Freedom of Expression’ in the works at University of Chicago – MARSHELLE PAULINO

CPAC March 1-4
— COMMENT: So far, announced speakers include Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Nikki Haley, Rick Scott, and Sandy Rios. I should write a book about the CPACs that I attended.

— Biden Signs Executive Order to Root Out Systemic Racism from Federal Government – ARI BLAFF (COMMENT: I worked for the Democrats who ran the federal government 1966-1969 and 1971-1997. I should write a book about what my Democrat superiors did a) to paint Republicans as being White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things and b) to waste the careers of and to get rid of federal employees who were Republican. It is called political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination.)

— NPR Uses Nikki Haley Announcement to Cry Republican Racism: ‘Disgusted’ With GOP – Clay Waters
— The 10 Most Absurd Claims From Hulu’s ‘1619 Project’ Series – Stephanie Hamill

— Department of Wokeness: Biden Appoints a ‘Counselor for Equity’ – LINCOLN BROWN

— Once again, the White House physician refused to level with the American people about the president’s debilitated mental state. – DOUGLAS ANDREWS
— EVs: An Expensive Way to Virtue Signal. They may be growing in popularity, but electric vehicles aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. – BRIAN MARK WEBER (COMMENT: What is your daily driver? Since late last year, mine has been a 2018 Chevrolet Curze LT. Before that, since 2010, it was a 2004 Chevrolet Cavalier LS.)
— Wokeness Is the Enemy of America. The woke dominate every facet of American culture while maintaining that they are the true revolutionaries fighting back against oppressive authoritarian rule. In fact, the exact opposite is true. – ANDREW KLAVAN (COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and RINOs use wokeness to promote hatred against Republicans.)

— Dems Exploit Mass Shooting to Push Gun Control, But Look at Arrest Record of Suspect – Peter Partoll

— Food-Stamp Work-Requirement Still Not Enforced In 25 States – TYLER DURDEN

— COMMENT: A Democrat argues that “Equality is not a threat to anyone.” Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs use “equity” to get rid of Republicans who are heterosexual, conservative, White, male, older, gun-owners, non-veterans, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time, etc.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “A ‘Badass Woman’ Puts Herself Forward for White House. In New Hampshire, though, Nikki Haley fails to offer a program.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “To Increase Equity, School Districts Eliminate Honors Classes. Supporters say uniform classes create rigor for all students but critics say cuts hurt faster learners.” What harmed your GPAs? For me, it was my working jobs instead of studying. While I was a junior and senior at Crete-Monee High School and the summer in between 1964-1966, I washed dishes in Chicago Heights. I only just barely made it into upper 20% of my class. My ACT score was only 24. While I was as student at UIC 1966-1968 and at NIU 1969-1970, I worked as many hours as I could delivering mail in Park Forest. While I took graduate business and accounting courses at Loyola and DePaul 1972-1980, worked for IRS and for GAO. While I took graduate finance courses at IIT 1992-1997, I worked for GAO.
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Facebook Parent Meta Gives Thousands of Workers Subpar Reviews – Salvador Rodriguez and Jeff Horwitz (COMMENT: I should write a book about how my Democrat superiors in the federal government used the subjectivity in their performance appraisal procedures a) to advance their Democrat employees who were minority, female, and/or younger and b) to get rid of their Republican employees who were White, male, and/or older.

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Illinois Democrats push pot.

— COMMENT: Democrat teachers teach African American history to promote hatred against Republicans. Ever-increasingly Democrats a) paint today’s Democrats as having been the Union Army in the Civil War and b) paint today’s Republicans as having been the Confederate Army in the Civil War.

LAW 360
— COMMENT: To promote legal pot is to promote illegal pot.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Christopher Rufo Claims a Degree from Harvard. Umm … Not Quite.” Government is nasty/vicious. Politics is nasty/vicious. If I sought a government office or a political office, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes a) would demonize, denigrate, and condemn the universities that I earned my degrees from: NIU (1970), Loyola (1976), DePaul (1980), and IIT (1997), b) would hint/imply/argue/shout that what I learned earning those degrees is long since stale, c) would stress that it took me 4 years to earn my NIU, Loyola, and DePaul degrees and 5 years to earn my IIT degree, and d) would stress that my GPAs were not that great. Further, they would stress that the scores that got passing the CPA and Certified Internal Auditor examinations in 1979 and 1981 respectively were not that great. They would stress that I only just barely made it into the upper 20% of my high school class and that my ACT score was only 24.

— Window of Opportunity and Up or Out (COMMENT: What are your demographics? When was your window of opportunity to get promoted? For federal employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran, their window of opportunity to get promoted increasingly closes if they do not make GS-13 ($109,732/year) by age 25, GS-14 ($129,671/year) by age 30, GS-15 ($152,527/year) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service ($183,500/year) by age 40. It is called “up-or-out.” Extremely few federal employees make the aforesaid promotion deadlines. I did not make GS-13 until I was 38 and I never made GS-14. The federal government wastes the careers of and gets rid of its employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran and who do not make the aforesaid promotion deadlines. So far, Nikki Haley has indicated that she supports up-or-out. I should write a book about the aforesaid. I would focus on my critics/opponents in Wheaton, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who have stressed the most that I did not make GS-13 until I was 38, that I never made GS-14, and that the federal government forced me to retire in 1997 when I was 49.)

— News aggregator (COMMENT: I am an independent not-for-profit conservative Republican political and government news aggregator. If you were me, how would you treat those who operate websites and who claim to be religious, conservative, and/or Republican, but who do not want me to drive traffic to their websites? I should write a book about the aforesaid. I would focus on those who destroy me a) because they cannot manipulate me or dominate me, b) because I refuse to glorify and praise them, c) because I refuse to pander to them, d) because I refuse to serve as one of their operatives or dupes, e) because I refuse to cover up their wrong doing, and/or f) because I refuse to give them money.)

February 17, 2023

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis coming to speak to Chicago FOP Monday in Elmhurst.” If/when the location of this event is publicly announced, will hundreds/thousands of DeSantis supporters and opponents come?
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, exploring a bid for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, is scheduled to speak at an invite-only event Monday in Elmhurst to members of Chicago’s Fraternal Order of Police and potentially deliver some rhetorical political payback to Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker. The Presidents Day visit to a so-far undisclosed location in the Chicago area would represent an escalation of the feud between DeSantis and Pritzker, who has been the focus of some speculation as a potential 2024 Democratic presidential candidate if President Joe Biden does not seek to be nominated for a second term. In July, Pritzker was keynote speaker for a gathering of Florida Democrats in Tampa where he took aim at the Florida governor. Pritzker assailed DeSantis as “just Donald Trump with a mask on” and, more recently, has attacked the Republican’s policies blocking some teachings of racial and gay curriculum. In delivering his combined State of the State and budget address on Wednesday, though not mentioning DeSantis by name, Pritzker referred to a “virulent strain of nationalism plaguing our nation, led by demagogues who are pushing censorship” and the right wing who are waging an “ideological battle” that serves to “marginalize people and ideas they don’t like.” In January, Pritzker wrote a letter to the College Board, asking it not to change the advanced placement African American Studies course “in order to fit Florida’s racist and homophobic laws.” The College Board earlier this month said it was revising the AP course to eliminate lessons on Black Lives Matter and the reparations movement. But after the DeSantis administration criticized the curriculum as left leaning and lacking “educational value,” the College Board said the criticism amounted to “slander.” That prompted DeSantis to suggest earlier this week that his state might drop AP classes from its schools. The DeSantis political operation did not respond to a request for comment on the reasons behind the Florida governor’s visit, which is open only to members of the law enforcement community. But a DeSantis speech to Chicago’s FOP Lodge 7, set for an undisclosed location in west suburban Elmhurst, would appear to be aimed at attacking Pritzker and Democrats over outbreaks of violent crime in the city as the mayoral election nears. An invitation to the event said the location would be disclosed to registrants “48 hours prior to the event.” John Catanzara, head of the Chicago police union, as well as the city and state FOP, endorsed Pritzker’s Republican opponent, Darren Bailey, in last year’s governor campaign. The Chicago FOP has endorsed challenger Paul Vallas for Chicago mayor as Lori Lightfoot seeks a second term. Catanzara was not available for comment. A law enforcement source said DeSantis was supposed to talk to the Chicago FOP within the last two months but that event was canceled.)
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley’s candidacy reveals balancing act for women in politics.”
— COMMENT: The purpose of college should be producing contributing members of society.

— Ron DeSantis’s dangerous and hateful agenda has no place in Illinois. Banning books, playing politics with people’s lives, and censoring history are antithetical to who we are. Every candidate hoping to hold public office in the land of Lincoln should condemn this event.

— DeSantis Coming To Elmhurst: Chicago FOP. Chicago police officers have been invited to a “Back the Blue” event. – David Giuliani
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is planning to come to Elmhurst on Monday, according to the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police. On Thursday, the organization invited members to see the Republican governor at a yet-to-be-disclosed site in Elmhurst. Doors are set to open at 3:30 p.m. According to the invitation, the location will be revealed 48 hours before the “Back the Blue” event. The invitation said DeSantis would speak about law enforcement. Patch obtained the invitation Thursday afternoon. Organizers apparently did not want to alert the media at this point. The Florida governor’s office referred questions to the Florida Republican Party. Patch left an emailed message for comment with a GOP spokeswoman. At the event, active and retired officers are allowed to attend, but not their spouses. In a message to Patch, Mayor Scott Levin said he had heard DeSantis was coming to town. “I have no confirmed location, but I assume and hope that before Monday, they will coordinate with the city, if there’s a large turnout expected,” the mayor said. DeSantis has called Florida the state “where woke goes to die.” He is widely considered to be running for president. He was once seen as an ally of former President Donald Trump. But Trump has criticized DeSantis over the last few months, most recently calling him “Meatball Ron.”)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “DeSantis joins wild ride to City Hall.” I should write a book about hate-filled Trump-hating Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, Independent plants, and RINOs in Wheaton, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who blacklist me because I refuse to blacklist Trump. The aforesaid blacklisters want the Republican candidates on the April 4, 2023 ballot in my precinct to blacklist me.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The nasty campaign ads are reaching a fever pitch in the Chicago mayor’s race, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and chameleon Congressman George Santos have emerged as foils to attack Paul Vallas. DeSantis is coming to suburban Elmhurst on Monday to talk to members of Chicago’s Fraternal Order of Police in a hush-hush meeting. And Congressman Jesus “Chuy” Garcia is using the visit to attack Paul Vallas, who’s been endorsed by the FOP. “Paul Vallas must condemn the FOP for inviting Ron DeSantis, a dangerous and xenophobic authoritarian to our state,” Garcia said in a statement.)

— Illinois Democrats, Pritzker, Coordinating to Legalize Illegal Immigration with Non Citizens Rights Act

— Why so much emphasis in Illinois on protecting criminals? – Ray Hanania

— New study ranks Illinois as one of the most sinful states in the country – Kevin Bessler
— Judge denies state’s motion to delay response to challenge of Illinois gun ban – Greg Bishop
— How Illinois Students Perform on the ACT Compared to the Nation – Samuel Stebbins

— Bailey: Low arrest rates mean Chicago leaders ‘give criminals more freedom than law-abiding citizens’ – Sam Jackson

— Parents’ rights advocacy group Awake Illinois is warning Illinois parents of efforts to mainstream sexualized curriculum in local schools.

— Steve Bannon: Bernie Marcus and Richard Uihlein are “Heavyweights” who ask nothing for themselves
— The Sad Reality of Illinois: Right Now, There’s No Hope for this Previously Great State

— There are 30 schools in Illinois where not a single student is reading proficient. If a student can’t read in the 3rd-grade, they’ll struggle for the rest of their life.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Chicago Mayoral Election: Wilson decries Lightfoot endorsement that warns of splitting Black vote.” What percent of voters are demographic voters, that is, what percent vote for those candidates who share their demographics?
— COMMENT: Democrats say “How artificial intelligence gun detection software could potentially save lives.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Lightfoot’s new policy aims to help formerly incarcerated residents to get hired by the city.”

— COMMENT: Democrats ask “Which Guns Are Covered by Illinois’ Assault Weapons Ban?”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Pentagon to allow up to 3 weeks of leave to service members for abortion travel.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “McCarthy tells Mayorkas to ‘stop lying’ about border.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “As numbers of unhoused grows at O’Hare, mayor vows to remove them, provide support. The numbers of people seeking shelter and care at O’Hare have risen in recent months. The city, police and private resources have stepped in to address the problem.”
— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, since the Civil War, Democrats blame Republicans for all the problems that Blacks have had, are having, and will have.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “It’s risky to curtail ‘disinformation’ when there’s no clear definition of it. According to my critics/opponents, all information is disinformation except for the information that they put out or bless.

— FRONT PAGE WITH FIVE PHOTOS: COMMENT: Democrats say “Mundelein candidate’s comment about Asian people blasted as racist.” (COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, under the Democrats and under the RINOs, everyone is requires to glorify and praise Democrats, RINOs, liberals, moderates, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, LGBTQers, females, younger people, unmarried people, disabled people, renters, union members, those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time, those who have less education, job skills, and/or money than others, those who are in America illegally, non-Christians, non-Protestants, non-Italian Americans, non-German Americans, criminals, boozers, gamblers, stoners, etc.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A Mundelein village board candidate’s claim that Asian people are smarter than others was criticized as racist and inappropriate during an online forum Thursday.)
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Wheaton history group leader Alberta Adamson argues $300K transferred to her was for back pay, rent, loan.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Walgreens, CVS caught in red-blue crossfire over abortion pill.”

— COMMENT: Democrats acknowledge “Pritzker blasts critics, but they won’t be silent or silenced.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Reporting on Trump responsibly.” What percent of those in the news media hate Trump?

— COMMENT: Democrats acknowledge “More Americans want less immigration.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Pentagon to allow up to 3 weeks of leave to service members for abortion travel.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump tops DeSantis by 6 points among Republicans in new survey.”

— COMMENT: Democrats acknowledge “Big salaries, big pensions, and low scores in the classroom.”
— Big salaries, big pensions, and low scores in the classroom – Mackenzie LaPorte

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Morning briefing.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Afternoon roundup.”

— Haley’s very first campaign decision – Tevi Troy
— Shocking cost of the illegal immigration crisis on Americans – Erin Dwinell
— Welcome to the truly permanent campaign – W. James Antle III
— Handwringing over Harris masks worries aging Biden isn’t up for second term – Katherine Doyle
— ‘I’m fighting Biden’: Why Ron DeSantis avoids brawls with other Republicans – Ryan King (COMMENT: I should write a book about those who claim to be Republican, but who have always worked harder against Republicans than against Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents. or RINOs.)

— Trump uses Nikki Haley to attack Nikki Haley – Anthony Gonzalez (COMMENT: Politics is nasty/vicious. Government is nasty/vicious. If you ran for a government office or for a political office, what would your critics/opponents use to attack you? Mine would stress their success in ending my service as a) the Wheaton Independence Day parades and fireworks Republican fundraiser 2005-2019, b) the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman 2005-2012, c) a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, d) the Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO) webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, e) an Illinois Center Right Coalition (ICRC) Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and f) an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004. Mine would stress their success in a) ending my bid to be appointed to fill the Wheaton City West District vacancy in 2019, b) gerrymandering my precinct in 2015, c) almost getting ICRC to censure me in 2006 for my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters, and d) ending my bid to serve as the MTRO Treasurer in 2004. I should write a book about my critics/opponents. I would focus on those who have/had lots of religious, government. political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and/or Illinois. I would focus those who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.)

— Illinois Officials Plan to House Nearly 700 Migrants in Closed Chicago Kmart – JOHN BINDER
— San Francisco Democrats Seek to Suspend Sanctuary City Law for Illegal Alien Fentanyl Dealers – JOHN BINDER
— Majority of Migrants in NYC Still in Shelters After Arriving on Buses – JOHN BINDER
— Sen. Marco Rubio proposes bill to restrict transgender troops – UPI

— Gov. Abbott’s Border Operation Nabs 348,000 Illegal Immigrants, 361 Million Fentanyl Doses – MICHAEL W. CHAPMAN

— South Carolina next in line to investigate DEI spending – Gabrielle M. Etzel (COMMENT: To promote DEI is to promote hatred against conservatives. How much money do the following spend on DEI: a) your Republican township/ward party organization, b) your Republican county party organization, c) the Illinois Republican Party, d) your school district, e) your municipality, f) your township, and g) your county?)

— San Francisco Reconsidering Sanctuary City Status Amid Staggering Fentanyl Overdoses – JENNIE TAER

— Lori Lightfoot slammed for gaslighting Chicagoans over declining police numbers: ‘Smoke and mirrors’ Retired Lieutenant John Garrido said the decline shows that Lightfoot and her superintendent ‘have no idea what they’re doing’ – Taylor Penley
— Lori Lightfoot condemned by Chicago Democrat for turning O’Hare Airport into ‘homeless shelter’ Raymond Lopez blasts Lori Lightfoot on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ – Bailee Hill
— Illinois governor Pritzker swipes at DeSantis with ‘demagogue’ claim. Pritzker said certain unnamed right-wing politicians are waging an ‘ideological battle’ to ‘marginalize people and ideas they don’t like’ – Chris Pandolfo
— Nikki Haley says the DeSantis ‘parental rights in education’ law in Florida doesn’t go ‘far enough’ – Paul Steinhauser
— George Soros predicts ‘Democratic landslide’ in 2024 if Trump and DeSantis ‘slug it out’ George Soros says he hopes Trump runs as a third-party candidate after losing Republican nomination. – Chris Pandolfo

— RINOs Are Helping Joe Biden Undermine Our Border – Noah Wall

— Why Isn’t Nikki Haley Indian-American Enough? – RICH LOWRY
— Nikki Haley Says Florida’s Parental-Rights Law Doesn’t Go ‘Far Enough’ – BRITTANY BERNSTEIN

— Let’s Keep All Elections Away from Illegal Immigrants – Mark Vargas (COMMENT: How many millions of illegals are using their false identifications to vote in America, in Illinois, in your county, in your township, in your municipality, and in your school district?

— Everybody Loves DeSantisLand – MATT MARGOLIS

— The Ignorant and Racially Charged Attacks on Nikki Haley. The left is willing only to accept the legitimacy of minorities who toe the party line. – Rich Lowry

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Haley doubles down on cognitive tests as White House, older lawmakers bristle.” Are you 75 or older? What would your critics/opponents stress to force you to take a mental competency test? My critics/opponents would stress the adverse actions that the following have taken against me: a) the leaders of the Milton Township Republican Organization, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Illinois Republican Party, TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Center Right Coalition, and American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter, b) the Republican leaders of Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois, c) Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct and their political consultants, fundraisers, pollsters, campaign managers, campaign staff members, and campaign volunteers, and d) those who I have sued.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: If elected president, Nikki Haley says she will seek mental competency tests for federal elected officials over 75 years of age. The former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations’ proposal is receiving pushback from older lawmakers, but not from all. Asked about Haley’s proposal Thursday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, despite his age, Biden has met the arduous demands of his job and delivered major legislative victories. The Trump campaign did not respond to an email Thursday seeking comment.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Amid 2024 speculation, Tim Scott speaks of racial and partisan splits.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Doctor says Biden’s ‘vigorous’ as he readies for 2024 run.” (COMMENT: How vigorous are you? What would you argue shows that you are vigorous? For me, I would argue my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley’s first days in GOP 2024 race preview the Trump balancing act awaiting other contenders.”
— COMMENT: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “Nikki Haley promises youth” but asks “will her policies reflect that?”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Biden remains ‘healthy’ and ‘vigorous,’ his physician says.” (COMMENT: How vigorous are you? What would you argue shows that you are vigorous? For me, I would argue my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley, Trump’s first major challenger, urges Republicans to turn the page. My critics/opponents “turned the page” when they ended my service as a) the Wheaton Independence Day parades and fireworks Republican fundraiser 2005-2019, b) the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman 2005-2012, c) a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, d) the Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO) webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, e) an Illinois Center Right Coalition (ICRC) Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and f) an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004. My critics/opponents “turned the page” when they a) ended my bid to be appointed to fill the Wheaton City West District vacancy in 2019, b) gerrymandered my precinct in 2015, c) almost got ICRC to censure me in 2006 for my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters, and d) ended my bid to serve as the MTRO Treasurer in 2004. I should write a book about my critics/opponents. I would focus on those who have/had lots of religious, government. political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and/or Illinois. I would focus those who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Biden, 80, is healthy, ‘fit for duty,’ doctor says after physical.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Ron DeSantis to address a powerful police union in (Elmhurst).”
— COMMENT: Democrats crow that Pritzker “swipes at DeSantis with ‘demagogue’ claim.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “ComEd Encourages Illinois Students to Apply for College Scholarships of Up to $10,000 Each.” White males need not apply.
— COMMENT: Democrats acknowledge “Risk of impaired Florida drivers causes concern amid possible legalization of recreational marijuana.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Marjorie Taylor Greene and George Santos are co-sponsoring a bill that could ban LGBTQ books in classrooms.” Ever-increasingly, to send your child to a public school is to make your child a sexually active LGBTQer.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Biden Is ‘Healthy, Vigorous, 80-Year-Old,’ Physician Declares After Exam.” (COMMENT: How vigorous are you? What would you argue shows that you are vigorous? For me, I would argue my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “CNN’s Don Lemon regrets saying Nikki Haley past her prime.” When are people “in their prime?” According to Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and RINOs, people are “in their prime” when they are their 20s, 30s, and 40s, and if they are not extremely successful by the time they are 40, they are failures. It is called age discrimination. I should write a book about that.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley proposes competency tests for politicians over 75. President Joe Biden has faced questions about whether his age could impact his decision to run for reelection.”
— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats run America and talk and act like they believe that Republicans who are the following are White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things who should be gotten rid of once and for all: heterosexual, conservative, patriotic, White, male, older, married, non-poor, gun-owners, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. That does not justify January 6, but it explains it.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “White House physician says Biden remains ‘fit for duty’ after routine medical exam.” With this, it certainly looks like the Democrats will run Biden for President again in 2024. The exam did not include cognitive testing. What does Haley have to say about that? Since 2000, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have strongly hinted/implied/argued/shout that I have cognitive disorders, and that is why I have to spend so much time putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters together and sending them out. They hint/imply/argue/shout that if they, or if anyone who they control, put the newsletters together and sent them out, they could and would do it in far far far less time than it takes me.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The exam did not include cognitive testing. In a neurological assessment, Biden did not show signs of any issues, the memo said. O’Connor said after Biden’s 2021 exam that an “extremely detailed neurologic exam” showed no disorders, such as the possibility of a stroke, multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease.)
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Ron DeSantis to address a powerful police union in (Elmhurst).”
The Florida governor has been in high demand for speaking events around the country as he weighs a presidential run.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Ann Coulter tells Nikki Haley to ‘go back to your own country’ in racist rant against new GOP presidential candidate. “What’s with the worshipping of the cows? They’re all starving over there,” Coulter also said.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “New poll shows GOP’s divide between Trump and DeSantis. Trump and DeSantis win the lion’s share of the vote in the primary field, but perform better among different groups of GOP voters.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaks on a digital bill of rights.” Since 2000, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have hinted/implied/argued/shouted that because I am a Republican Precinct Committeeman, the Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO), the DuPage County Republican Central Committee (DCRCC), and the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) should have the power and should use that power to stop me from sending out GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters. I should write a book about that. I would focus on the biggest adverse actions that the MTRO, the DCRCC, and the IRP have taken against me since 2000.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Biden’s Doctor Says He’s ‘Healthy’ and ‘Vigorous’ Ahead of Expected 2024 Bid.” (COMMENT: How vigorous are you? What would you argue shows that you are vigorous? For me, I would argue my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Dismiss Ron DeSantis at Your Peril.” Who dismisses you? I should write a book about those who have dismissed, belittled, badmouthed, demonized, denigrated, and condemned me the most. I would focus on those who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.
— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, since the Civil War, Democrats use Blacks to promote hatred against Republicans.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “The Right Don’t Need No Education.” I should write a book about my high-profile critics/opponents who have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and/or Illinois, but a) who have less education than I have, b) who have fewer or no professional certifications or licenses, and/or c) who have less work experience than I have. I would focus on those who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me. I have three master’s degrees (MBA-Loyola, MS in accounting-DePaul, and MS in financial markets and trading-IIT). I have six professional certifications (CPA, Certified Internal Auditor, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Government Financial Manager, Certified Financial Services Auditor, and Forensic Accountant). I have a professional license (CPA). I worked for GAO for almost 18 years, the last 11 of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 Levels, currently $109,732-$142,650/year. I worked for IRS for almost 9 years, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 Levels, currently $92,279-$104,583/year.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Biden’s Doctor Says He Is Healthy and Vigorous” (COMMENT: How vigorous are you? What would you argue shows that you are vigorous? For me, I would argue my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Haley sounds her dog whistles as she makes a play for the MAGA base.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Florida parents, students, blast DeSantis idea to nix Advanced Placement classes.” What courses did you take in high school? What was your GPA? If I sought a government office or a political office, my critics/opponents would stress that while I took college preparatory courses in high school, I only just barely made into top 20% of my graduating class and my ACT was only 24.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “For the first time, Trump has a record as he faces primary voters.” Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-haters who claim to be religious, conservative, and/or Republican ignore, dismiss, belittle, badmouth, demonize, denigrate, and/or condemn the many successes that Trump had in defending and advancing the Republican Party platform.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Biden remains ‘healthy, vigorous,’ doctor says after physical exam.” (COMMENT: How vigorous are you? What would you argue shows that you are vigorous? For me, I would argue my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters.)
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Proud Boys move to subpoena Trump in seditious conspiracy trial. Some of the Proud Boys have argued that the former president should be on trial, not them.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley calls herself the GOP’s ‘new generation’ leader, but it’s still Trump’s party.”
— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, to get votes from Christian-haters and from America-haters, Democrats promote hatred against Christians and against Americans.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley says DeSantis ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill didn’t go far enough.”
— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, hate-filled White men-hating White men-haters promote hatred against White men.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Illinois hobby club fears its balloon was shot down by the USAF; NORAD responds.”

— COMMENT: Democrats crow “Video of Medical Students ‘Chanting Critical Race Theory Mantra’ Goes Viral.”

— Sen. John Fetterman Is Hospitalized for Depression. Freshman Democrat has suffered series of health woes after stroke last year. – Natalie Andrews

— Lightfoot Asked Point Blank About Tucker Carlson Report On Homeless At O’Hare Airport
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump Lobs First Insult At Nikki Haley After She Enters 2024 Republican Presidential Primary.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “CNN’s Don Lemon Says Nikki Haley Is Past Her ‘Prime’ At 51—Here’s What Research Says.” When are people “in their prime?” According to Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and RINOs, people are “in their prime” when they are their 20s, 30s, and 40s, and if they are not extremely successful by the time they are 40, they are failures. It is called age discrimination. I should write a book about that.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: One research study published in Psychology of Women Quarterly found that the 50s is a woman’s prime of life, indicating that Haley is indeed in her prime. Better health, empty nests and higher income distinguished the 50s from the earlier and later periods of life for women. Women in their 50s also showed greater confidence, involvement and breadth of personality. Since the CNN discussion surrounded politics, a candidate’s prime may be defined by voter preferences. Again, Haley appears to be in her prime. One telling study found that male and female candidates in their 40s and 50s are preferred over candidates in their 30s, 60s and 70s. The researchers did not study candidates in their 80s. When it comes to cognitive and creative ability, yet another study suggests the 50s decade may be the prime time for some. The study examined 31 Nobel Prize winners in economics to determine when they made their most significant contributions. Those whose work was more conceptual peaked at age 25, but those whose work was more experimental peaked in their mid-50s. To be fair, some cognitive abilities peak at a younger age. Speed in processing information peaks at age 18 or 19, and short-term memory starts to drop off at around age 25. However, other abilities, like evaluating other people’s emotional states, peak in our 40s and 50s. In addition, wisdom, which refers to a deep understanding of different aspects of life, also peaks in midlife. Perhaps when Lemon referred to Haley not being in her prime, he was referring to her fertility or physical strength. In this case, he’d be correct. The peak for both men and women is much younger for these areas. Both men’s and women’s fertility starts to decline in their mid-30s, but women’s fertility declines much more rapidly than men’s. When it comes to muscle mass, physical strength and flexibility, men and women peak in their late 20s to early 30s. But none of these skills are required for a nation’s leader. Lemon’s comment is not just offensive because of Haley’s relatively young age but because women are devalued more than men as they age. When women’s bodies are no longer functioning at their peak and women are past their reproductive age, women are thought to be past their prime. This doesn’t happen to men in their fifties. Lemon cited Google as his source for women’s prime, suggesting the search engine would back up his assertions, “If you Google ‘when is a woman in her prime?’” Ironically, a Google search on that question now reveals news about Don Lemon’s comment. Whether or not you appreciate Nikki Haley’s politics, it’s tough to argue that she isn’t in her prime as a presidential candidate.)

— COMMENT: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-haters glorify and praise Soros.

— COMMENT: Democrats stress that Haley is “Indian American.” Of course, if I sought a government office or a political office, to defeat me, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes would stress that I am 100% German American. Also, to defeat me, they would stress that I am a Republican Precinct Committeeman, the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, heterosexual, conservative, patriotic, American, White, male, old (74), in a traditional marriage since 1978, childless, pet-less, gun-owner, American-nameplate car owner, Protestant (baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran), my ancestors have been in America since 1844, union member for almost 12 years, federal employee for almost 30 years, federal retiree for more than 25 years, Crete resident 1948-1972, Wheaton resident since 1978, etc.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Why Nikki Haley shouldn’t be counted out just yet.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley calls CNN’s Don Lemon a ‘sexist middle-aged’ anchor after comments about her not being in her prime.” When are people “in their prime?” According to Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and RINOs, people are “in their prime” when they are their 20s, 30s, and 40s, and if they are not extremely successful by the time they are 40, they are failures. It is called age discrimination. I should write a book about that.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Republican losers look to run again in ’24 — and the party’s at odds how to stop them.” In Illinois, in DuPage County, in Milton Township, and in Wheaton, it is ever-increasingly clear that the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization do not want conservative candidates to run, unless possibly, if they are Black, Hispanic, female, younger, non-Christian, non-Protestant, non-Italian American, non-German American, and/or they have ancestors who have not been in America for a long time.

— COMMENT: Democrats ask “Is a Woman Ever Going to Win the White House?” and say “Trump’s performative macho is scaring voters in both parties away from women candidates.”

— Majority Support State Laws Banning Transgender Treatment for Minors

— COMMENT: Communists say “Attacks on Black Studies reflect ruling class worries.” How does the ruling class in your municipality, in your township, and in your county treat you? I should write a book about how the ruling class in Wheaton, in Milton Township, and in DuPage County has treated me since 1978. I would focus on those ruling class members who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me. I would focus on those who forced me to file lawsuits against them.

February 16, 2023

— Mental Status Tests (COMMENT: Nikki Haley calls for “mental competency tests” for politicians over 75. I should write a book about age discrimination. Politics is nasty/vicious. How old are you? I am 74. If your critics/opponents succeeded in forcing you to take a mini–mental state examination (see below) and/or a mental status examination (see below), would you pass them? How good are your “appearance, orientation, attention span, memory, language skills, and judgment skills?” What do you stress that shows that you would pass the tests? For me, it is my putting together and sending out GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters every morning. But my critics/opponents would demonize, denigrate, and condemn my “judgment skills.” According to them, my judgment is deplorable a) because they cannot manipulate me or dominate me, b) because I refuse to glorify and praise them, c) because I refuse to pander to them, d) because I refuse to serve as one of their operatives or dupes, e) because I refuse to cover up their wrong doing, and/or f) because I refuse to give them money. They would stress the brain bleed ( https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/14480-brain-bleed-hemorrhage-intracranial-hemorrhage ) that I suffered January 10 last year. But I would stress that Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois has declared that I did not suffer a “traumatic brain injury.” I should write a book about my critics/opponents. I would focus on those who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: What Are Mental Status Tests? Mental status tests are done to test an individual’s cognitive function. The tests can be given by a number of different healthcare providers, including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and nurses. A psychologist is required to conduct more complex testing when there are questions about specific neurocognitive disorders. Mental status tests will examine your appearance, orientation, attention span, memory, language skills, and judgment skills. Mental status testing may also be referred to as mental status examination or neurocognitive testing. Reasons for Testing Mental status testing can be done to help diagnose mental illnesses or conditions affecting the brain. Mental status testing can help diagnose: Alzheimer’s disease, attention deficit disorder, bipolar disorder, dementia, head trauma, personality disorders, intellectual disability, neurocognitive impairment, schizophrenia, stroke, transient ischemia attack: sometimes referred to as a “mini-stroke” which lasts less than 24 hours. What Happens During the Test? The main type of mental status test used is the mini-mental state examination, also known as the Folstein Mini Mental State Exam. In this test, the examiner will observe your appearance, orientation, attention span, memory, language skills, and judgment skills.)

— Mini–mental state examination
(FROM THE POSTING: The Mini–mental state examination (MMSE) or Folstein test is a 30-point questionnaire that is used extensively in clinical and research settings to measure cognitive impairment. It is commonly used in medicine and allied health to screen for dementia. It is also used to estimate the severity and progression of cognitive impairment and to follow the course of cognitive changes in an individual over time; thus making it an effective way to document an individual’s response to treatment. The MMSE’s purpose has been not, on its own, to provide a diagnosis for any particular nosological entity. Administration of the test takes between 5 and 10 minutes and examines functions including registration (repeating named prompts), attention and calculation, recall, language, ability to follow simple commands and orientation. It was originally introduced by Folstein et al. in 1975, in order to differentiate organic from functional psychiatric patients but is very similar to, or even directly incorporates, tests which were in use previous to its publication. This test is not a mental status examination. The standard MMSE form which is currently published by Psychological Assessment Resources is based on its original 1975 conceptualization, with minor subsequent modifications by the authors.)
— Mental status examination
(FROM THE POSTING: The mental status examination (MSE) is an important part of the clinical assessment process in neurological and psychiatric practice. It is a structured way of observing and describing a patient’s psychological functioning at a given point in time, under the domains of appearance, attitude, behavior, mood and affect, speech, thought process, thought content, perception, cognition, insight, and judgment. There are some minor variations in the subdivision of the MSE and the sequence and names of MSE domains. The purpose of the MSE is to obtain a comprehensive cross-sectional description of the patient’s mental state, which, when combined with the biographical and historical information of the psychiatric history, allows the clinician to make an accurate diagnosis and formulation, which are required for coherent treatment planning. The data are collected through a combination of direct and indirect means: unstructured observation while obtaining the biographical and social information, focused questions about current symptoms, and formalized psychological tests. The MSE is not to be confused with the Mini–Mental State Examination (MMSE), which is a brief neuropsychological screening test for dementia.)

— Nikki Haley’s Educational Background (COMMENT: What was/were your major/majors in college? I forever regret not majoring in accounting at UIC 1966-1968 and at NIU 1969-1970. I erroneously thought that I could not pass the CPA examination. I started taking graduate accounting courses at DePaul in 1976. I took the Becker CPA Review ( https://www.becker.com/cpa-review/ ). I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979. But by then, because of my bad demographics (White male), it was far too late for me to have a successful career in accounting.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Nikki Haley graduated from the local Orangeburg Preparatory Schools in 1989. After that, Nikki enrolled at Clemson University to complete a B.S.in accounting. In 2015, the University of South Carolina granted Nikki Haley an honorary doctorate in public service.)

— COMMENT: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater promotes Nikki Haley.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Things to know about Nikki Haley, GOP presidential hopeful.” What was/were your major/majors in college? I forever regret not majoring in accounting at UIC 1966-1968 and at NIU 1969-1970. I erroneously thought that I could not pass the CPA examination. I started taking graduate accounting courses at DePaul in 1976. I took the Becker CPA Review ( https://www.becker.com/cpa-review/ ). I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979. But by then, because of my bad demographics (White male), it was far too late for me to have a successful career in accounting.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Before becoming South Carolina governor, Haley was an accountant and served in the state House of Representatives. In her first campaign in 2004, she defeated the state’s longest-serving House member. Three terms later, she made a longshot bid for governor and defeated a field of more veteran politicians to become the first woman and first Indian American to lead South Carolina. At 38, she also was the nation’s youngest governor. Haley is the first woman to be a major candidate for president in 2024, and just the fifth Republican woman this century.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Haley calls for ‘mental competency tests’ for politicians over 75.” I should write a book about age discrimination.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Haley calls for US to move on from faded names of the past.” I should write a book about age discrimination.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Haley criticizes US ‘self-loathing’: America is not a racist country.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Christie on potential DeSantis White House bid: ‘None of us really know who he is’ on national stage.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “How the politics of race will play a key role in Nikki Haley’s 2024 campaign.”
– COMMENT: Democrats say “After Pritzker’s budget address, lawmakers jockey for their own spending priorities.”

–COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley: We need term limits and competency tests for lawmakers over 75 years of age.” I should write a book about age discrimination.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley’s South Asian heritage is historic part of her presidential campaign. The Indian community — just 1% of America — helped shape two political stars.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “In jab at Trump and Biden, Nikki Haley calls for ‘mental competency tests’ for politicians over 75.” I should write a book about age discrimination.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley, Who Backed Trump in 2020, Says the President Shouldn’t Be Old.” I should write a book about age discrimination.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “New Right-Wing Rep. Anna Paulina Luna Responds to Recent Claims That She Fabricated Portions of Her Past.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “President Biden will undergo a routine checkup on Thursday.”
(FROM THE ARTICLE: There is no legal requirement to follow when it comes to the president’s checkups, and the amount of information released has always been up to the man himself. But President Biden’s exam on Thursday will get extra scrutiny because, at 80, he is America’s oldest president. “There probably is more pressure in this situation,” said Dr. Dan Blazer, professor emeritus at the Duke University School of Medicine. “That’s just our society.” Mr. Biden’s exam has been delayed for weeks because of what officials said were scheduling issues. Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, said the administration would follow the same routine as with Mr. Biden’s previous physical. “We want to be transparent,” Ms. Jean-Pierre said on Tuesday. “We want to make sure you have the information, and it will be coming from the physician. In 2021, after a checkup and a colonoscopy at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, the White House released a six-page letter from the president’s physician, Kevin O’Connor, declaring Mr. Biden “healthy, vigorous” and fit to carry out his duties. He noted at the time that the president had developed a “more pronounced” tendency to cough during speaking engagements and a stiffer gait caused by age-related changes in his spine. He also ruled out the possibility that the stiffness could be caused by a stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s or other neurological disorders. Dr. O’Connor did not say in his report whether Mr. Biden underwent cognitive testing. While many doctors recommend the testing for older adults, presidents have not regularly made public such examinations, said Matthew Dallek, a political historian. But because of Mr. Biden’s age, “the more positive information, the more Biden can give the public a clean bill of health, the probably more reassuring it is for people,” Mr. Dallek said. Mr. Biden has said he intends to run for a second term, but his age has become an uncomfortable issue for him and his party. It also has left him vulnerable to attacks by Republicans. Nikki Haley, who announced her presidential bid on Tuesday, called for “mandatory mental competency tests for politicians over 75 years old,” a threshold that would include both Mr. Biden and Donald J. Trump. And in her rebuttal against Mr. Biden’s State of the Union address last week, Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders of Arkansas called Mr. Biden “unfit.” Mr. Biden has dismissed those concerns, telling voters simply: “Watch me.” . . . In 2018, the Trump administration sent Dr. Ronny Jackson, the former White House physician, to declare to reporters that Mr. Trump enjoyed “excellent health” without initially releasing any basic information, such as weight, blood pressure or cholesterol levels. A memorandum on his health released in 2019 did not detail the physical examinations that Mr. Trump underwent, or their results, as the White House physician did for Mr. Obama. Some presidential candidates have gone to great lengths to answer questions about their age or health. In 2008, after Senator John McCain secured the Republican presidential nomination, his doctors invited about 20 reporters to a room in Arizona to examine Mr. McCain’s medical records.)
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Biden’s I.R.S. Nominee Is Grilled About $80 Billion Overhaul.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley digs at Trump’s age and calls for mental competency tests on pols over 75 in campaign kickoff.” I should write a book about age discrimination.” I should write a book about age discrimination.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley Enters 2024 Race With Speech Implying Trump and Biden Are Too Old to Run.” I should write a book about age discrimination.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Haley calls for US to move on from faded names of the past.” I should write a book about age discrimination.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Nikki Haley, a former South Carolina governor and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, called on Wednesday for the United States to move on from a rapidly aging generation of politicians, pitching her newly minted campaign for the White House as a chance for voters to install a younger and more diverse leader. “We’re ready — ready to move past the stale ideas and faded names of the past,” Haley said, speaking to a crowd of supporters in Charleston, S.C. “And we are more than ready for a new generation to lead us into the future.” . . . At another point, she demanded mandatory “mental competency tests” for office-holders over the age of 75, playing into a frequent conservative claim that President Biden isn’t mentally fit to serve in the White House. But that remark was also a tacit swipe at Trump, who would be 78 by the time of his second swearing-in.)

— Trump campaign rips Nikki Haley for prior Hillary Clinton praise, 2024 flip-flopping – Caitlin Doornbos (COMMENT: If you sought a government office or a political office, what would your critics/opponents use against you? Mine would stress that GAO forced me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old. They would stress the adverse actions that GAO took against me before that. GAO a) forced me to take a $21,863/year (21%) pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980, b) gave me bad job assignments, unfair performance appraisals, unfair performance appraisals, c) turned my superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates against me, d) assigned me to supervise their most problematic employees, e) kept me off audits of IRS except 1986-1988, f) delayed my promotions to GS-11, GS12, and GS-13 and never promoted me beyond GS-13, and g) always ranked me in the bottom half of my coworkers for pay-for-performance purposes.)
— Buffalo shooting hearing descends into chaos as man rushes gunman Payton Gendron before he’s slapped with life sentences – Olivia Land

— Don Tracy and the IL GOP Turn the Ari Fleischer Luncheon into a Richard Irvin Campaign Reunion, With Irvin Eying a US Senate Run (COMMENT: In my role as the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, I used to attend as many Republican events as I could, and especially those in northeast Illinois, and report on who spoke at those events and who the high-profile attendees included, but not anymore. In my roles as the TAPROOT Republican of Illinois chairman 2005-2012, Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO) webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, and Illinois Center Right Coalition (ICRC) Steering Committee member, I reported on who spoke at TAPROOT, MTRO, and ICRC events, but not anymore. Those who ended my TAPROOT, MTRO, and ICRC roles immediately deleted my reports from the TAPROOT, MTRO, and ICRC websites.)

— Pritzker calls out ‘carnival barkers’ as critics say his budget is ‘woke wishlist’ – Greg Bishop
— At $49.6 billion, Gov. Pritzker proposes largest spending plan in Illinois history – Kevin Bessler
— With federal lawsuits pending, gun stores frustrated with Illinois’ gun ban – Greg Bishop

— Dems Mobilize for County Board Meetings
— Woman Whose Investigator Algonquin Township Supervisor Randy Funk Interviewed First in His Probe of Former Algonquin Township Road Commissioner Andrew Gasser Admits Falsehoods
— New PAC Focusing First on Huntley School Board Races Has Professional Help Used by Catalina Lauf
— Crooked Republican Township Highway Commissioner Gets 3 1/2 Year Sentence

— Mendrick to enforce ‘all state and local laws’ after controversial comments about weapons ban

— Chicagoans are shooting back – and it’s not going to stop until leaders lead – Matt Rosenberg

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Naperville LWV holding candidate forums.” If I was still the chairman of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois and a member of the Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee, those organizations would still be holding candidate forums.
— COMMENT: Democrats push pot in Waukegan.
— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Pritzker promotes hatred against Republicans.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “There is a virulent strain of nationalism plaguing our nation, led by demagogues who are pushing censorship, with a particular attack right now on school board members and library trustees,” Pritzker said. . .As Pritzker embarks on a second term, he’s stirred speculation about potential White House ambitions by entering the fray on national issues and presenting himself as a progressive foil to other possible presidential aspirants such as Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, who’s courted conservative voters with his restrictive education policies. “It’s an ideological battle by the right wing, hiding behind a claim that they would protect our children, but whose real intention is to marginalize people and ideas they don’t like,” Pritzker said. “This has been done in the past, and it doesn’t stop with just snuffing out ideas.” . . . “In the age-old fight between happy warriors and misery’s carnival barkers, we’ve shown that if we resolve to do it, happy warriors win every time. And we are winning,” Pritzker said, employing a label he frequently slaps on Republicans. . .Members of the most conservative contingent of the GOP caucus bristled at Pritzker’s partisan jabs. “We’re still ‘carnival barkers,’” Republican Rep. Adam Niemerg of Dieterich said. “Well, he’s the governor, and he is running the so-called carnival, and he’s running it right off the leftist cliff.”)

— COMMENT: Democrats, run the news media in America, but nevertheless they acknowledge that “Half of Americans in a recent survey indicated they believe national news organizations intend to mislead, misinform or persuade the public to adopt a particular point of view through their reporting.” Unlike my critics/opponents on the left, I do not falsely claim to be nonpartisan. I am conservative. I am Republican.
— COMMENT: Democrats promote hatred against Republicans

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Pritzker calls for expanding pre-K access in State of the State address.” My outstanding mother never attended high school. She stayed home and raised me and my brother in Crete. When her husband/my father died suddenly in 1969 when he was 47 and I was 21, the best job that I could find for her was driving children to/from the Montessori School in Park Forest.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Highland Park Parade Shooting Suspect’s Father Indicted By Grand Jury. Prosecutors filed seven counts, one for each person killed at the Highland Park parade last year. A reckless conduct charge carries a maximum sentence of three years.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Buffalo Mass Shooter Sentenced to Life in Prison After Dramatic Hearing.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Pritzker’s budget to provide preschool for 5,000 children to cover all of those early childhood deserts.” My outstanding mother never attended high school. She stayed home and raised me and my brother in Crete. When her husband/my father died suddenly in 1969 when he was 47 and I was 21, the best job that I could find for her was driving children to/from the Montessori School in Park Forest.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Study on Arab Americans in Chicago calls on not using ‘white’ as racial category. ” Ever-increasingly, under the Democrats, Whites are demonized, denigrated, and condemned. If I had been a minority, the federal government would have promoted me into its Senior Executive Service long before I was 40 years old.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Candidates for Sterling council, school board invited to March 21 forum.” If I was still the chairman of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois and a member of the Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee, those organizations would still be holding candidate forums.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Gun Ban Ordinance previously passed by County Board draws opinions, big crowd.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Republicans criticize proposed spending in Pritzker’s 2023 budget address.”

— TRAGIC: Illinois sports gambling up 51% in 2022.

— COMMENT: Chicago Democrats push Chicago Blacks to be pot pushers.

— COMMENT: Democrats use Michigan State University shooting to diminish Second Amendment rights.

— COMMENT: April 4, 2023 sample ballots are now available. Also, in her February 14, 2023 memorandum to DuPage County Board Members, DuPage County Board Chair Deborah Conroy announced her “Precinct Re-Map Timeline.” Like my critics/opponents did in 2015, I fully expect that they will again draw me into the same precinct with Jeanne Ives.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Morning briefing.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Afternoon roundup.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “State of the State/Budget address react.”

— Pro-life groups zero in on drugstore chains that plan to fill abortion-pill prescriptions – Valerie Richardson
— Texas asks court to halt Joe Biden’s border ‘parole’ plan – Stephen Dinan
— Mitt Romney’s only criticisms are of Republicans – Cal Thomas
— McConnell: Dems prioritizing ‘identity politics, demographic box-checking’ with judicial nominees – Haris Alic
— Confusion reigns over who leads two major parties – Jennifer Harper

— New data reveal the extent of Biden’s betrayal at the border – William Davis

— Ron DeSantis Signs Bill Authorizing Flights of Illegal Aliens to Sanctuary Cities – HANNAH BLEAU

— The Employment Situation of Immigrants and the U.S.-Born in the Fourth Quarter of 2022. Immigrant workers up two million since 2019; U.S.-born workers down 1.9 million. – Steven A. Camarota and Karen Zeigler

— Rep. Mary Miller’s New Bill Will Target Sexually Explicit Surveys Pushed On Students – MICHAEL GINSBERG
— Americans Still Agree Race Should Not Be Factored Into College Admission – ALEXA SCHWERHA (COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, under the Democrats and under the RINOs, giving more and more and more preference to those who are the following is everyone’s top priority: minority, female, LGBTQ, younger, liberal, moderate, non-Christian, non-Protestant, non-Italian American, non-German American, those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time, citizens of foreign countries, those who have less money than others, etc.)

— Shocking Cost of the Illegal Immigration Crisis on Americans – Erin Dwinell

— O’Hare ‘Out of Control’: Chicago Airport Gets Flooded by Homeless People, Staff Feel Unsafe – Naveen Athrappully
— 20 States Rally in Suit Against Biden’s Immigrant ‘Parole’ Program – Savannah Pointer

— Do We Need Seven National Anthems?
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Since the Black National Anthem already exists, it can be No. 1. No. 2 could be a Latino National Anthem (there are of course many different nationalities and ethnicities covered by Latino but the Mexican, Cuban, El Salvadoran, and other nationalities would have to come together to pick one anthem). Three could be a Native American National Anthem (there are of course 574 legally recognized tribes included in the term Native American – but we can’t have 574 separate anthems, so they would have to be satisfied with one anthem which tribal councils would have to hammer out and endorse). The fourth could be an Asian American National Anthem (the numerous, dramatically different groups encompassed within Asian American include Afghans, Chinese, Filipinos, Indians, Indonesians – itself including a remarkable number of subgroups – Iranians, Japanese, Koreans, Pakistani, Tibetans, Thai, Vietnamese, some Russians, etc.). But, again, they would need to come together to agree on one anthem. No. 5 could be a White National Anthem for the various Caucasian European groups who came to America (recognizing that English, Germans, Greeks, Irish, Italians, Poles, some other Russians, Scots, Scandinavians, Welsh, and more represent a wide range of white European backgrounds). But why stop with ethnicity? Six could be an LGBTQ National Anthem for those Americans who believe their sexuality and gender are the most important aspects of their humanity. Finally, the Star-Spangled Banner could remain as the seventh. After all, if we are dividing America, we need a song for those who want to honor of the amazing cultural melting pot from which the Founding Fathers forged a new unified nation from a multitude of backgrounds. Before the recent emergence of the new woke racism, the Star-Spangled Banner had been the unifying song which historically brought Americans with shared pride of patriotism together. Besides, wokeism’s narrative requires an enemy to kick around. But enough nonsense. Efforts to subdivide Americans into ethnic blocs are impossible to sustain and ultimately will collapse of their own inherent contradictions.)

— Biden Administration Announces $231 Million For Red-Flag Regulations, Other Gun Violence Prevention Projects

— Georgia Democrats: Clarence Thomas Is an ‘Uncle Tom’ Not Deserving of the Same Honors as Jimmy Carter – DAN MCLAUGHLIN
— GOP Primary Voters Want Presidential Candidates to Embrace Culture War Issues, Poll Finds – ARI BLAFF

— Army Denies Wokeness Hurts Recruiting – DOUGLAS ANDREWS

— Chicago Alderman: People With White Guilt Are Defending Lightfoot’s Handling of O’Hare Airport’s Homeless Encampment – Ian Schwartz

— COMMENT: Democrats say “IRS nominee Werfel faces questioning on “thankless’ job.”

— COMMENT: Democrats use the Michigan State shooting to diminish Second Amendment rights.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Why Younger Employees Will Switch Jobs For An Employer Who Invests In Them.” Did your employers invest in you? My Democrat IRS and GAO superiors did not invest in me, but I invested in myself. While I worked for IRS 1971-1980, I took graduate business and accounting courses at Loyola and DePaul. I earned an MBA from Loyola in 1976 and I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979. While I worked for GAO 1980-1997, I completed the requirements for a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980. I passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt and became a licensed CPA in 1981. I became a Certified Fraud Examiner in 1990, Government Financial Manager in 1994, Financial Services Auditor in 1996, and Forensic Accountant in 1997. I completed the requirements for a master’s degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997.

— 2024: Biden Narrowly Leads Trump

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Pritzker promotes hatred against Republicans.

— Americans want LESS immigration than ever before with just 28% saying they’re satisfied with the influx of new residents – with most concerns about the number of record crossings at the US-Mexico border, new survey finds.

February 15, 2023

— Support Chicago police officers at the all-you-can-eat ‘Get Behind the Vest’ Pancake Breakfast on Feb. 19!

— McCombie: Illinois GOP ‘ready to be a part of the solution’ on state’s issues – Troy E. Taylor (COMMENT: What about stopping Illinois Democrat promotion of a) dependency on government and charity, b) LGBTQ, c) abortion, d) mass/illegal immigration, e) diminishment of Second Amendment Rights, f) booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, and g) patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination?)

— Some worry Illinois schools underperforming despite increased funding – Andrew Hensel

— Should School Board Races Be Partisan? (COMMENT: What percent of school board members are Democrats?)

— The inconvenient facts Gov. Pritzker will avoid in his FY 2024 Budget Address – Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner
— Chicago’s mayoral candidates should obsess about actual results. About making sure far more than 1 out of every 10 black CPS students can read at grade level.

— Myles Nelson Selected to Serve as State Central Committeeman for the 13th District

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats push Blacks to be pot pushers.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley announces 2024 presidential bid, mounting first GOP challenge to Trump.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Nikki Haley Announces Run for President, Challenging Donald Trump for Republican Nomination.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Ex-Bloomingdale highway boss Robert Czernek gets 3 1/2 years in federal prison in kickback scheme.” On August 27, 2020, Jim Zay, the Chairman of the DuPage County Republican Central Committee, relieved Bloomingdale Township Highway Commissioner Robert Czernek of all volunteer positions within the Republican Party.
— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats encourage students to be sexually active LGBTQers.
— COMMENT: Democrats use the Black National Anthem to promote hatred against Republicans.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Electric vehicle adoption faces a great middle-class challenge.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Illinois can continue as a leader on workplace rights. Let’s not miss our moment.” Are/were you a worker? I was a worker 1964-1997. I should write a book about my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who want cheap labor and who look down on workers, if not despise workers, if not hate workers. I would focus on my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who want cheap labor and reject the immigration plank in the Republican Party platform.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “With rise in sports betting apps, more young men are at risk of problem gambling.” Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote gambling and other vices.
— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats push Blacks to be pot pushers.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Ex-Bloomingdale Township highway commissioner Robert Czernek gets prison for kickback scheme.” On August 27, 2020, Jim Zay, the Chairman of the DuPage County Republican Central Committee, relieved Bloomingdale Township Highway Commissioner Robert Czernek of all volunteer positions within the Republican Party.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Pritzker signs 15 bills in Illinois law, including prison reforms, tourism districts.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Illinois House GOP unveils legislative priorities.” What about stopping Illinois Democrat promotion of a) dependency on government and charity, b) LGBTQ, c) abortion, d) mass/illegal immigration, e) diminishment of Second Amendment Rights, f) booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, and g) patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination?
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Federal judge orders Illinois to show ‘every banned item’ in gun ban lawsuit.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Illinois lawmaker John Cabello moves to bring back the death penalty.”

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats push pot.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Newly signed Illinois laws include creation of tourism districts, criminal justice reforms.”

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats demonize, denigrate, and condemn Christians.

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats encourage Native Americans to have abortions.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Morning briefing.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Afternoon roundup.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “New laws.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “That toddlin’ town roundup.”

— Public schools must be transparent and forthright about what they present to students – Matt Beienburg
— Republicans push bill to restart construction of Trump’s border wall – Mica Soellner
— Northern border shaping up as next challenge for Homeland Security Department – Stephen Dinan
— Republicans are flocking to like-minded locales – R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. (COMMENT: What percent of the voters in your precinct, in your municipal district, in your municipality, in your township, in your county district, and in your county are anti-individual responsibility, anti-patriotic, anti-heterosexual, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-traditional marriage, anti-non poor people, anti-gun owners, anti-Christian, anti-Protestant, anti-Italian American, anti-German American, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time?)
— Beefed-up IRS, aggressive civil penalties offer government powerful revenue stream, lawyer warns – Alex Swoyer (COMMENT: I should write a book about those who have used my working for IRS 1971-1980 against me the most.)

— Michigan State Shooter Had Prior Felony Gun Charge Dismissed By Progressive Prosecutor – Josh Christenson

— Bill Gates, elites want to use AI to censor political opponents – Jonathan Turley
— Science needs to stop using terms like male, female, mother and father, researchers say – David Propper (COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats destroy traditional marriage and destroy the traditional family.)

— Teachers’ union promotes Black Lives Matter propaganda – Spencer Irvine

— Trump plays the ‘loyalty’ card on DeSantis – Chris Woodward (COMMENT: I should write a book about my critics/opponents who demand blind loyalty and who destroy those like me a) who they cannot manipulate or dominate, b) who refuse to glorify and praise them, c) who refuse to pander to them, d) who refuse to serve as one of their operatives or dupes, e) who refuse to cover up their wrong doing, and/or f) who refuse to give them money. I would focus on past and present a) leaders of the Milton Township Republican Organization, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Illinois Republican Party, b) Republican leaders in Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois, and c) Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct, their major donors, their fundraisers, their pollsters, their campaign managers, their campaign staff members, and their campaign volunteers. I would focus on those who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.)

— Canadian Official Forbids Eric Adams from Busing Illegal Aliens Up North – Eric Lendrum

— What the 1619 Project overlooks about slavery and the Constitution – Stephen B. Young
— Fighting Wokeness – Jack Gleason
— Should self-respect be automatic or earned? – Allan J. Feifer (COMMENT: What have you done to earn self-respect? I earned a bachelor’s degree in management from NIU when I was 21 in 1970, an MBA from Loyola in 1976, and a master’s degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997. I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979. I passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981. I became a licensed CPA in 1981.)

— Kari Lake makes no apologies when photo during Super Bowl’s ‘Black National Anthem’ goes viral – Chris Donaldson

— Canadians Demand NYC ‘Immediately Stop’ Sending Illegal Aliens to Quebec – JOHN BINDER

— GAO wants to find out just how much taxpayer money is lost to fraud at the federal level. – Brett Rowland (COMMENT: I worked for the Democrats who ran GAO 1980-1997, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 Levels, currently $109,732-$142,650/year. Gene Dodaro ( https://www.gao.gov/about/comptroller-general/biography ) was one of them. Those Democrats wasted my career and forced me to take their early retirement offer in 1997 when I was 49 years old. They would not have done that if I had been a Democrat, minority, female, and/or veteran. While I worked for GAO, I became a Licensed CPA and a Certified Internal Auditor, Fraud Examiner, Government Financial Manager, Financial Services Auditor, and Forensic Accountant. Previously, while I worked for the Democrats who ran IRS 1971-1980, I became a CPA.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The U.S. Government Accountability Office is attempting, for the first time, to estimate the total amount of fraud in the entire federal government. Comptroller General of the United States Gene Dodaro said his agency could have an estimate later this year.)

— Biden Admin Sends Over $200 Million To States For Gun Crackdown – BRONSON WINSLOW

— Encounters of Chinese Nationals at Southern Border Outpace Past 2 Years Combined – Virginia Allen

— My Fight to Expose the Media’s Woke Narrative – Jack Posobiec

— Downers Grove Dad Terry Newsome Placed on Watchlist After Opposing Pornography in Schools – Joseph Lord
— Newsmax Versus DirecTV and America’s Censorship Regime – Benjamin Weingarten

— Biden Administration is using accounting schemes to hide illegal entries from the public.

— Black National Anthem At Super Bowl Stirs Controversy
— Tough-Talking GOP Urged To Play ‘Hard Ball’ Over Illegal Immigration
— US Intends To Sell 26 Million Barrels Of Oil From Strategic Petroleum Reserve, To Lowest Level In 40 Years

— Why Are People Fleeing Illinois? – EJ Antoni (COMMENT: I should write a book about those who have had the most success in driving conservatives out of Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois. I would focus on those whose have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois. I would focus on those who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me.)

— Ron DeSantis Proposes Limits on ESG (Environmental Social Governance) “By applying arbitrary ESG financial metrics that serve no one except the companies that created them, elites are circumventing the ballot box to implement a radical ideological agenda.” – Mike LaChance

— DeSantis Pledges Reevaluation of College Board: ‘We Do Education, Not Indoctrination’ – ARI BLAFF

— Blame Republicans for Bad Schools? – THOMAS GALLATIN

— CNN Anchor Left Out Key Detail for MSU Shooting Suspect While He Was at Large – Julio Rosas
— COMMENT: I should write a book about those who have demonized me, denigrated me, and condemned me the most for my having been a federal employee for almost 30 years and my being a federal retiree for more than 25 years. I would focus on those who could not have gotten a federal job if they had tried because they a) could not pass employment examinations, b) could not pass background investigations, and/or c) lacked education, work experience, professional certifications, and/or other job requirements.

— COMMENT: Democrats urge Blacks to hate Nikki Haley.

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats DISCOURAGE those who are the following from enlisting: patriotic, heterosexual, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. Ever-increasingly, Democrats ENCOURAGE those who are the following to enlist: unpatriotic, LGBTQ, liberal, moderate, Democrat, non-American, minority, female, non-Christian, non-Protestant, non-Italian American, non-German American, and/or those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time.

— FRONT PAGE: Democrats say “Combating Disinformation Wanes at Social Media Giants. As the companies have shed jobs recently, many teams assigned to combat false and misleading information have taken a hit.” According to my critics/opponents, all information is disinformation except for the information that they put out or bless. Ever-increasingly, my critics/opponents do everything that they can to stop me from sending out GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters and to stop everyone from reading them. I should write a book about my critics/opponents. Better yet, I should sue them.
— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs use Affirmative Action to get rid of Republicans.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Food Prices Weigh on Seniors’ Savings, Health and Even Social Ties. As costs rise, many older Americans have changed the way they shop and eat out. For some, it could affect their health or leave them feeling isolated.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “European Union to Ban Gas-Powered Cars by 2035. The law is part of the E.U.’s ambitious plans to make the 27-member bloc carbon neutral by 2050.”
— COMMENT: A “former Republican political consultant” says “Nikki Haley Threw It All Away.”

— COMMENT: Democrats demonize, denigrate, and condemn the U.S. Supreme Court when it does not promote the Democrat Party platform.
— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrat teachers make students “good little Democrats” that is, anti-individual responsibility, anti-patriotic, anti-heterosexual, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-traditional marriages, anti-non poor people, anti-gun owners, anti-Christian, anti-Protestant, anti-Italian American, anti-German American, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats call Republicans White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things. Ever-increasingly, Democrats make it clear that they are going to use government to get rid of Republicans once and for all starting with Republicans who are patriotic, heterosexual, conservative, White, male, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. That does not justify January 6, but it explains January 6.

— COMMENT: Democrats run public education in America and want school board elections to stay nonpartisan with no political party affiliations on ballots.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Extremists now lead the Maine Republican Party.” I should write a book about those who have hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I am an extremist. I would focus on past and present a) leaders of the Milton Township Republican Organization, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Illinois Republican Party, b) Republican leaders in Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois, and c) Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct, their major donors, their fundraisers, their pollsters, their campaign managers, their campaign staff members, and their campaign volunteers. I would focus on those who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me. Better yet, I should sue them.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Illinois sees staggering drop in paramedic force, driven by ‘burnout’ and violence against first responders.”

— Are Traditional Catholics Being Labeled as White Supremacists By The FBI? – Lars Larson

— COMMENT: Democrats ask “How conservative is too conservative?” I should ask the following in surveys if they believe that I am “too conservative,” and if so, why: a) the Republican voters in my precinct, b) the Republican candidates on the April 4, 2023 ballot in my precinct, c) the Milton Township Republican Organization leaders, d) the DuPage County Republican Central Committee leaders, e) the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) State Central Committee members, f) the IRP Chairman, National Committeeman, and National Committeewoman, g) GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletter readers, h) etc.)

— The GOP Does Want to Trim Social Security and Medicare. Biden pointed to Rick Scott’s unpopular proposal, but the RSC plan reveals more. – William A. Galston
— How Legalizing Pot in New York City Became a Farce. New York can’t abide illegal marijuana shops, but neither can it get its licensing up to speed. – Jason L. Riley
— EU Lawmakers Vote to Ban Sale of New Gasoline-Powered Cars From 2035. Law requires new cars and vans to have significantly lower carbon emissions by 2030. – Kim Mackrael and William Boston

— COMMENT: Democrats say “What employers can learn about disability inclusion from John Fetterman’s Senate accommodations.” Most of the employees who my Democrat GAO superiors assigned me to supervise 1980-1997 had physical and/or mental health problems.

— Filthy homeless encampment is set up INSIDE Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, with vagrants now living next to baggage belts in crime-ridden Windy City. – By ANEETA BHOLE

February 13, 2023

— Ives calls Tony Sanders ‘total disaster’ as Pritzker’s choice for education superintendent – Sam Jackson
— Wheaton: Ives calls for Edison Middle School principal Rachel Bednarto be fired over ‘sex tree’ for middle schoolers

— Breakthrough welcomes Laurie Higgins to our team!
(ARTICLES BY HIGGINS: “Biden’s State of the Union Speech, Optimism and Unity?” and “Intentional or Ignorant? Edison Middle School Sells T-Shirt That Quotes Communist.”)

— Institutional Grooming in Illinois – Thomas Hampson
— Critical Race Theory Hide and Seek – Laurie Higgins
— Illinois Buzzards Want Your Kids – Laurie Higgins
— Tyrannical Sex-Education Mandate for K-12th Grade – David E. Smith

— Baltimore: 23 Schools Have Zero Students Who Can Do Math at Grade Level – Mike LaChance (COMMENT: Thanks my teachers at Trinity Lutheran Grade School in Crete 1953-1961, Hope Lutheran Grade School in Park Forest 1961-1962, and Crete-Monee High School 1962-1966, I was able to a) pass the Post Office employment test in 1966, b) pass the Federal Service Entrance Examination in 1970, c) earn a bachelor’s degree in management from NIU in 1970, d) earn an MBA from Loyola in 1976, e) pass the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, f) earn a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, g) pass the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, and h) earn a master’s degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997.)

— No, Mayor Lightfoot hasn’t put more cops on the streets. Beat cops are down 19% since she took office. – Matt Rosenberg

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Batavia school board candidates discuss equity, student mental health.” If I was still the chairman of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois and a member of the Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee, those organizations would still be hosting candidate forums. QUESTION: What do hate-filled conservative-hating Republican leaders NOT want school board candidates to promise to do if elected? ANSWER: To slow down if not stop indoctrination, grooming, and the promotion of the Democrat, Libertarian, and Green party platforms, that is, to slow down if not stop the promotion of a) LGBTQ, sexual activity, and abortion, that is, the destruction of traditional marriage and the destruction of the traditional family; b) CRT, 1619, BLM, wokeness/wokeism, identity politics, victimhood, reparations, etc., that is, race and gender based preference giving, that is, Affirmative Action, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, that is, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination; c) mass/illegal immigration, that is, replacing those who have demographics that vote for Republicans with those who have demographics that vote for Democrats; d) abolition of the First and Second Amendments; e) unions and unionization; f) dependency on government and on charity, that is, the end of individual responsibility and liberty, that is, socialism, communism, and dictatorship; g) hatred against Republicans, and especially against Republicans who are heterosexual, conservative, White, male, older, non-poor, married, parents, gun-owners, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or those whose ancestor have been in America for a long time; h) booze, gambling, pot, and other vices; i) outlawing of gasoline-powered vehicles and lawn mowers, gas stoves, etc.; and j) the rest of the Democrat, Libertarian, and Green party platforms. Democrat, Libertarian, Green, Independent, and RINO teachers deny that they do any the aforesaid, but not always. See what a Crete-Monee High School teacher recently said at: https://fox17.com/news/nation-world/i-am-in-fact-indoctrinating-your-children-teachers-accused-of-politicizing-classrooms She said “All you right wing conspiracy theory nut jobs who seem to think the teachers are out here just indoctrinating children into some sort of woke agenda that you can’t actually define.” and “I’m just going to come clean. I am, in fact, indoctrinating your children.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Batavia school board, park district board candidates discuss issues at League of Women Voters forum.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say: “D186 school board candidates take on teacher shortages, school disparities in forum.”


— COMMENT: Democrats say “Lawmakers should leave decisions on school curriculum to the teachers.” What percent of teachers are anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-heterosexual, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-Christian, anti-Protestant, anti-Italian American, anti-German American, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time?
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Democrats say “Vallas looks to strike balance. He insists he’s a lifelong Democrat, but he’s built conservative support.” I should write a book about past and present Democrat plant, Libertarian plant, Green plant, Independent plant, and RINO candidates and party leaders in Illinois, in DuPage County, in Milton Township, and in Wheaton since 2000 who sought/seek Democrat support by ignoring, dismissing, belittling, badmouthing, demonizing, denigrating, condemning, and/or destroying conservatives, that is, platform Republicans, that is, the base of the Republican Party in Illinois, in DuPage County, in Milton Township, and in Wheaton.


— COMMENT: Democrats say “Victims, families and school leaders seek answers after increase in after-school shootings.” What did you do after-school? During my junior and senior years at Crete-Monee High School 1964-1966, I washed dishes for the minimum wage in the basement of the S.S. Kresge in Chicago Heights.
— COMMENT: Democrats say that Ross Secler says “Stop bad-mouthing township government. Townships provide an array of services, and are not a waste of taxpayer money. In a township setting, officials and the people they serve engage in-person, side by side.” Since 2000, I have done much to help elect and to help reelect Milton Township officials. I should write a book about those Milton Township officials and employees who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me since 2000.

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats blame guns for gun violence instead of blaming those who own/use guns illegally. What are the demographics of those who own/use guns illegally?

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump bashes Rihanna’s Super Bowl halftime performance.” Politics is nasty/vicious/slanderous. I should write a book about my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes and the nasty/vicious/slanderous things that they said about me to end my service as the Wheaton Independence Day parades and fireworks Republican fundraiser 2005-2019, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman 2005-2012, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, the Milton Township Republican Organization webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004, etc. Better yet, I should sue them.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Chicago shootings: 22 shot, 4 killed, in weekend gun violence across city.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “How DeSantis built a conservative following on education.”

— Trump to counter Democrats’ ‘ballot harvesting’ with his own – Jennifer Harper

— Additional 2,100 Illinoisans not subject to state’s gun ban after latest TRO – Greg Bishop
— Trump privately calling DeSantis ‘Meatball Ron’ as he zeroes in on potential rival – Conrad Hoyt

— Illegal weed is killing licensed California bud shops—NY may be headed for similar fate – Alex Halperin (COMMENT: To promote legal pot is to promote illegal pot.)

— Democrats will try everything except what works – Robert Arvay

— The Biden Admin Is Making It Easier For Illegal Immigrants To Roam The US Without Tracking Them – JENNIE TAER

— ‘Conservatives Need Not Apply’ Under Biden Administration’s Proposed Hiring Rules – Hans von Spakovsky (COMMENT: I have always been conservative. The Democrats who ran GAO, IRS, and the Post Office in 1980, 1971, and 1966 respectively, hired me because I was qualified for the jobs and because they could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, veteran, or younger person who would take the job. By January of 1980, I had a) passed the CPA examination on my first attempt, b) earned an MBA from Loyola, and c) worked for IRS for almost 9 years. By June of 1971, I had a) passed the Federal Service Entrance Examination, b) earned a bachelor’s degree in management from NIU, and c) worked for Firestone Stores for 10 months. By November of 1966, I had passed the Post Office employment examination, earned a high school diploma, and owned and safely driven a car for 2 years.)

— US Jets Shoot Down 4 Objects In 8 Days, Unprecedented In Peacetime
— Top Lawmaker Warns US Doesn’t Have An ‘Adequate Radar System’ After Flying Objects Shot Down

— Why 65 Percent of Fourth Graders Can’t Really Read – RICK MORAN

— COMMENT: Democrats say “How DeSantis built a conservative following on education.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Mandela Barnes launching PAC to help elect Democrats who struggle to attract establishment support.” Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform. The Republican Party platform is conservative. I should write a book about the Republican establishment in Illinois, in DuPage County, and in Milton Township. The more planks in the Republican Party platform that Republican candidates in Illinois, DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton support, the less support that they get from the Republican establishment in Illinois, in DuPage County, and in Milton Township. Ever-increasingly, the Republican establishment in Illinois, in DuPage County, and in Milton Township is anti-conservative.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Bill that would restrict drag shows passes Tennessee Senate. The Tennessee Senate has approved legislation designed to restrict where certain drag shows can take place, marking the latest bill state Republican leaders have advanced targeting LGBTQ people.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump’s Supreme Court Picks Are Not Quite What You Think.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “DeSantis’s Challenge: When, and How, to Counterattack Trump.” My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have viciously attacked me many times, but I have never counterattacked them. Should I write a book about my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes and their many vicious attacks against me? They would love it. I would focus on what they said and/or what they did to end my service as the Wheaton Independence Day parades and fireworks Republican fundraiser 2005-2019, the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman 2005-2012, a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, the Milton Township Republican Organization webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004, etc. Better yet, I should sue them.
— COMMENT: Democrats say “$500 a Month, No Strings: Chicago Experiments With a Guaranteed Income. For recipients, it’s a lifeline. For liberal supporters, it shows how expanding government can make a difference. For conservatives, it’s a return to wasteful welfare handouts.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say David French says “Men Need Purpose More Than ‘Respect.” My purposes include using GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters to defend and advance the Republican Party platform. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes vehemently object to that.

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats a) run America, b) viciously demonize, denigrate, and condemn conservatives, and c) get rid of conservatives.

— COMMENT: Democrats ask “Your tax dollars for their private school?” My parents saved Crete-Monee School District 201U ( https://www.cm201u.org/ ) lots of money a) by sending me to Trinity Lutheran Grade School 1953-1961 and my brother there 1958-1961 and b) by sending me to Hope Lutheran Grade School in Park Forest 1961-1962 and my brother there 1961-1967 to stay with the Missouri Synod.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump, Biden, turn up the volume on DeSantis as Florida governor’s 2024 stature rises.”

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats crow about their success in making children sexually active LGBTQers.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “South Carolina GOP seeks control of Greenville County Republican party reorganization.” In Illinois, ever-increasingly, anti-conservative RINOs control the Illinois Republican Party (IRP), DuPage County Republican Central Committee (DCRCC), and Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO). Ever-increasingly, they demonize, denigrate, and condemn conservatives, that is, platform Republicans, that is, Republicans, as being “too conservative” and force them out of the IRP, DCRCC, and MTRO. I should write a book about the aforesaid.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A year and a half after an insurgent “MAGA” movement took over the Greenville County Republican Party, the South Carolina GOP apparatus at odds with the group is planning to seize control of the county party’s upcoming local organizational efforts. The South Carolina Republican Party’s executive director, Hope Walker, said the move is rooted in concern that leadership of the county party has alienated mainline Republican voters that state leaders want to attract as they look to the 2024 election cycle. Jeff Davis, chairman of the Greenville County Republican Party, called the state’s intervention a “tyrannical” power grab using dirty tricks to find any justification to seize control. It’s the latest expansion of what has been an acrid rift along the fault line of perceived loyalty to former president Donald Trump and lingering grievances over the 2020 election. Next month, the party will conduct its precinct reorganization, a biennial effort that culminates in a county convention. It’s a vital fundraiser with pomp and circumstance, with the aim of recruiting and mobilization. “Everything will run through the state party,” Walker told The Post and Courier. “The convention is supposed to be a fun and inviting time. We want as many people as we can to get involved and not be turned off. We don’t want that to be a deterrent for someone to get involved.” The county party’s current leadership managed in summer 2021 to oust a state party-friendly governance that had been elected a few months before — an election that Davis said was proven to be rigged by “RINOs,” short for “Republicans In Name Only.” “I think they want the opportunity to cheat again,” Davis told The Post and Courier regarding the state party’s move to take over reorganization. “They did it just to try to throw a monkey wrench.” On Feb. 2, the state party’s Rules Committee voted to recommend that the State Executive Committee vote to take over Greenville County’s reorganization and convention, according to a Feb. 4 memo formalizing the recommendation and endorsed by 13 members from across the state. State party leaders accused the county party of, among other alleged violations, conducting chaotic and sometimes violent meetings without proper quorums that have created a steady member exodus. Added to that, they said, is the county party’s opposition to successful Republican candidates that back the former president. The result in part led to the creation of the Fourth District Republican Club, a group representing more-mainstream Republicans which has hosted the likes of former 4th District congressman Jim DeMint and former presidential candidate Ben Carson. In December 2021, the State Executive Committee had Davis escorted from its meeting and banned him from future attendance. However, Davis told The Post and Courier that the county party’s leadership was unaware of any rules violations and repeatedly sought clarification from the state party dating back to November, only to be stonewalled. “This was just a surprise,” Davis said. “They never told or sent any communication that we were breaking any rules.” In a Feb. 8 letter to Walker, the county party asked for specifics on how the state party would assist in the reorganization effort. It inquired about funding and providing 3,000 necessary reorganization forms that county leaders said have been distributed to other counties. Davis said he believes establishment Republicans want to enlist voices that align with like-minded GOP politicians, whereas he would attract a crowd of 3,000 with an “America first” slate. Davis pointed to the county party’s successful effort in electing its preferred members to the Greenville County School Board. “I think they’re real nervous about our convention,” Davis said, adding that the takeover also is rooted in concern that he will run for the state chairman position. Meanwhile, Walker said state leadership is forging ahead with planning Greenville County’s effort. “Right now, we are working on venue dates and locations for what the process will look like in Greenville,” Walker said. The divide began in the weeks following Trump’s November 2020 loss to President Joe Biden and unproven claims of widespread voter fraud. Powered by the conspiracy theory, more people began to attend county party meetings in greater numbers, facilitated by a group Davis and others started, MySCGOP. It happened just as the party conducted that year’s reorganization. In April 2021, a three-person slate of candidates backed by traditional party leaders was elected to lead the county apparatus, a vote conducted virtually because of the pandemic and before widespread distribution of vaccines. A faction billing itself as the “MAGA slate” objected and claimed a rigged process. That group met in a Greenville hotel ballroom that day and submitted paper ballots. The MAGA slate lost in a close race, but come summer the insurgent group applied enough pressure to prompt the leadership’s resignations. That’s when Davis came into power, along with state executive committeeman Pressley Stutts, who a month later died due to COVID-19. Throughout the course of the year, the county party led protests against vaccine mandates, acceptance of election results, detainment of some of those accused of participating in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol and a host of other far-right issues. The county party at one point changed the party logo to feature Trump’s signature swooping, orange combover. It isn’t the only intraparty conflagration in South Carolina. In September, five members of the Horry County Republican Party abruptly resigned. Billing themselves as “America First Patriots” — mostly aligning with the beliefs of the current Greenville County party leadership — the Horry County leaders cited harassment and “backhanded” political tactics by the state party to undermine them. The resignations came after a September State Executive Committee meeting, which voted to condemn and remove perks from the members of the committee who, using false allegations, attempted to stall the reconvening of the 2021 State Republican Convention.)

— The Climate Crusaders Are Coming for Electric Cars Too. A new report makes clear the ultimate goal: tiny, uncomfortable apartments and bicycles for all. – Allysia Finley (COMMENT: I have owned gasoline-powers cars since I was 16 in 1964. I should write a book about the ever-increasingly hatred that Democrats promote against non-elect vehicles and their owners, and especially against those who recently bought gasoline-powered vehicles. I recently bought a used 2018 Chevrolet Cruze LT daily driver, a new 2021 Chevrolet Malibu Premier in 2021, a new 2019 Ford Escape Titanium in 2019, a new 2016 Ford Mustang in 2016, a new 2013 Dodge Charger R/T in 2012, a used 2003 Chevrolet Cavalier LS in 2010, a new 2005 Chevrolet Corvette in 2005, a new 1996 Ford Thunderbird LX in 1995, and a new 1972 Corvette in 1971. I continue to own all of the aforesaid except the Cavalier which I traded-in for the Cruze. Ever-increasingly, a major factor that motivated me to buy the aforesaid vehicles is that more and more and more gasoline-powered makes and models are being discontinued.)
— Here Comes the 60-Year Career. As people live longer, healthier lives, the traditional 40-year career will become a thing of the past. But that’s going to require a new mind-set—and a lot more planning. – Carol Hymowitz (COMMENT: How long is/was your career? Government is nasty/vicious. Politics is nasty/vicious. My Democrat GAO superiors ended my almost 18-year career with GAO in 1997 when was I was 49 years old when they forced me to take their early retirement “offer.” Constructively, that rendered me unemployable and rendered my GAO work experience worthless, my six job-related professional certifications worthless, my job-related professional license worthless, and my three job-related master’s degrees worthless. But even worse than that, it gave my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes tremendous ammunition to use against me. For example, to get the Illinois Center Right Coalition to censure me for my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters at its annual convention in Wheaton in 2006, they hinted/implied/argued/shouted that GAO forced me to retire because I was an extremely bad person. They completely rejected that my Democrat GAO superiors forced me to retire because I was an active member in a class action lawsuit that charged them with reverse discrimination, age discriminations, and retaliation. SEE: https://gopillinois.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/DiersenGAOFifthAmendedComplaint.pdf I should write a book about the aforesaid and about my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes. Better yet, I should sue them.)

— What Parents Want for Their Children – J. Martin Maldonado-Duran & Felipe Lecannelier (COMMENT: What percent of parents are anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-heterosexual, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-successful people, anti-Christian, anti-Protestant, anti-Italian American, anti-German American, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time?)

— Democrat in Name Only (COMMENT: While there are no Democrats in name only (DINO) in Illinois, in DuPage County, in Milton Township, or in Wheaton, there are far too many Republicans in name only (RINO) in Illinois, in DuPage County, in Milton Township, and in Wheaton. Ever-increasingly, RINOs demonize, denigrate, and condemn Republicans like me as being “too conservative.” The more planks in the Republican Party platform that you support, the more that RINOs demonize, denigrate, and condemn you as being “too conservative.” I should start identifying RINOs of the year, RINOs of the month, and RINOs of the week in Illinois, in DuPage County, in Milton Township, and in Wheaton. I would focus on RINO elected officials and on RINO conservative leaders who have taken and/or who are taking the most/biggest adverse actions against me. I would focus on RINO elected officials and on RINO conservative leaders who have done and/or are doing the most to stop me from sending out GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters and to stop everyone from reading those newsletters.)

— How Disney is indoctrinating your kids in the ways of woke while they watch Saturday morning cartoons – STEPHEN M. LEPORE

— COMMENT: Democrats say “DeSantis’s corporate donors under fire for ‘hypocrisy’ over Black History Month.” He who pays the piper calls the tunes. Who are the biggest political donors in your municipality, in your township, and in your county? What tunes are they calling? I should write a book about the biggest political donors in Wheaton, in Milton Township, and in DuPage County and the tunes that they are calling.

February 12, 2023

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats run Chicago. What do Democrats say to mayoral candidates who analyze the Black exodus from Chicago and say “We didn’t leave. We got kicked out.?”
— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats run Chicago. Democrats say mayoral challenger Brandon Johnson says “Seniors, people with disabilities, CPS students should ride CTA free.” What about those who are minority, female, younger, LGBTQ, unmarried, liberal, moderate, non-Christian, non-Protestant, non-Italian American, non-German American, those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time, those who have less money than others, those who are in America illegally, criminals, boozers, gamblers, stoners, and others who Democrats paint as being “victims” of Republicans?

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Legalization continues elsewhere, but marijuana lobby isn’t banking on Indiana.”
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Democrats say “Illinois grapples with sports gambling addiction as bets hit $1 billion a month.” Ever-increasingly, Illinois Democrats promote gambling.

— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: COMMENT: Democrats say “Why Illinois is having a hard time filling state government jobs.” The Democrats who ran GAO, IRS, and the Post Office in 1980, 1971, and 1966 respectively, hired me because I was qualified for the jobs and they could not find qualified Democrats, minorities, females, veterans, or younger people who would take the jobs. By January of 1980, I had a) passed the CPA examination on my first attempt, b) earned an MBA from Loyola, and c) worked for IRS for almost 9 years. By June of 1971, I had a) passed the Federal Service Entrance Examination, b) earned a bachelor’s degree in management from NIU, and c) worked for Firestone Stores for 10 months. By November of 1966, I had passed the Post Office employment examination, earned a high school diploma, and owned and safely driven a car for 2 years.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Biden tests 2024 themes — and himself at 80 — in a swing state.” Ever-increasingly, to get elected and to get reelected, Democrats use government to give more and more and more preference to those who are the following: minority, female, younger, LGBTQ, unmarried, liberal, moderate, those who have less money than others, non-Christian, non-Protestant, non-Italian American, non-German American, those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time, those who are in America illegally, criminals, boozers, gamblers, stoners, etc.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “State Planning to Move 658 Migrants to Vacant Kmart on Chicago’s Southwest Side.” Into which buildings in your municipality are Democrats moving illegals?

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Republicans ramp up criticism over Chinese spy balloon.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump rips Rihanna ahead of Super Bowl performance.”

— COMMENT: Rich Miller says “Election consulting fees interesting.” I should write a book about how Republican political consultants, major donors, fundraisers, pollsters, etc. in Illinois have treated me and treated my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters since 2000. I have been a member of the American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC) since 2001. I served as an AAPC Midwest Chapter board member from 2001 until I was rudely dumped in 2004. I am one of the only seven AAPC members in Illinois and I am one of the only two members who work only for Republicans. GAO works for Congress. Much of what GAO does is consulting. I worked for GAO as an Analyst for almost 18 years 1980-1997, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 Levels, currently $109,732-$142,650/year. Much of what CPAs and Certified Internal Auditors do is consulting. I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979 and I passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981. I became a licensed CPA in 1981.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: State records show that Dan Proft’s People Who Play by the Rules PAC spent almost $36 million during the second half of 2022, mostly on advertising boosting Sen. Darren Bailey’s gubernatorial bid and opposing Gov. J.B. Pritzker. Of that, $2.4 million was spent on consulting. Former ABC7 political reporter Charles Thomas was paid $100,000 in two $50,000 installments. Thomas appeared in some of Proft’s ads praising Bailey. Tyrone Muhammed, the controversial founder of Ex-Cons for Community and Social Change, which bills itself as a violence interruption group, was paid $250,000 for consulting work. Proft’s Starfish Consulting was also a recipient of almost $535K. But the highest paid consultant for Proft’s PAC during the last six months of 2022 was a Chicago company called Salvo Page LLC, which got $800,000, plus another $111K for website services. Salvo Page is not registered as a company with the state of Illinois. The only campaign payments to the company disclosed to the state were made by Proft’s People Who Play by the Rules PAC. Google searches turn up nothing. Proft did not respond to repeated requests for comment over several days. A search of Salvo Page’s Chicago address on the State Board of Election’s website turned up a clue. Salvo Page shares a Chicago street address with Pipeline Media. The Columbia Journalism Review’s Tow Center has done extensive reporting on Pipeline and similar companies. According to that reporting, the company is run by Brian Timpone, a longtime Proft associate. I wasn’t able to reach Timpone. Richard Uihlein, who was the principal funder of Bailey’s campaign via Proft’s PAC as well as some direct contributions, controls a committee called Restoration PAC, which paid Pipeline and an affiliate company well over a million dollars last year for various services, CJR’s Tow Center reported last October. And that brings us to Republican Illinois attorney general candidate Tom DeVore. When DeVore busted the campaign contribution caps in his race last August with a $250,000 personal loan to his campaign committee, some thought he might be opening the door to large contributions, perhaps from the billionaire Richard Uihlein. Instead, all DeVore really did was allow Democratic incumbent Kwame Raoul to take a million-dollar contribution from Gov. Pritzker’s campaign fund – $940,100 more than Pritzker could’ve contributed had the contribution caps been in place. A few labor organizations also contributed sums slightly above the previous cap limit of $59,900, but it wasn’t much. DeVore received a $10,000 contribution from James Hoeg in late October, which was $4,000 more than he would’ve been able to receive had it not been for the caps being lifted (Hoeg, by the way, recently contributed $50,000 to Paul Vallas’ Chicago mayoral campaign). DeVore also received a $50,000 contribution in late September from the Anthony Marano Company (which sells produce to Chicago-area restaurants). The contribution was $38,000 above the by-then-negated limit. And that’s it. $42K is all DeVore appears to have netted from his cap-busting loan. There’s often an expectation when candidates loan money to their campaigns that they’ll spend most of it. Instead, DeVore reimbursed himself almost all of that cash, including a $200,000 payment on October 14, even though the campaign was entering its final few weeks, and then another $15,000 the day after election day. DeVore reported $226,072 in contributions starting the day after he loaned himself that money, which was just about $11,000 more than what DeVore reimbursed himself. Outside of the loan repayment, DeVore reported spending less than $142,000 in the fourth quarter, which ended December 31. By contrast, AG Raoul reported spending almost $1.9 million in the same quarter. DeVore spent just $8,642.98 on advertising during the fourth quarter. Raoul reported spending almost $1.7 million. In other words, DeVore did not run a campaign designed to win. But we pretty much knew that during the campaign itself. He got thumped by Raoul. DeVore did manage to elevate and give voice to some folks on the far right. Shannon Adcock was a significant DeVore contributor, kicking in $2,500 during September. Adcock is one of the founders of Awake Illinois, a far-right group that opposed pandemic mandates in schools that has since morphed into firing up moral panic over gays and trans people in schools, libraries and coffee shops. Vallas spoke at one of her events. DeVore is now busily lining up clients to fund a third lawsuit against the state’s assault weapons ban at $200 a person. He raised more than half a million dollars with that same flat fee to fund his first two suits.)

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote lynchings to promote hatred against Republicans, and especially to promote hatred against Republicans whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.

— Advocacy groups push for expansive paid family, medical leave in Illinois. 26-week leave policy would make Illinois the 12th state with paid leave laws. – Hannah Meisel (COMMENT: I should write a book about those who have promoted the most hatred against me since was 18 years old because I benefitted from the federal government’s leave policies 1966-1969 and 1971-1997. SEE: https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/leave-administration/fact-sheets/annual-leave/ and https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/leave-administration/fact-sheets/sick-leave-general-information/ )

— Disney’s Pitch for Reparations

— Second Effingham County Judge Enters Restraining Order Against Pritzker’s Assault Weapons Ban, Cites Appellate Court Ruling and Equal Protection Clause

— Decline of marriage advances the leftist revolution – Don Feder (COIMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote LGBTQ, that is, ever-increasingly, Democrats promote the decline of traditional marriage and family. Because I, my parents, my grandparents, my great grandparents, and the rest of my ancestors were products of traditional marriage and family, I was able to a) buy new cars when I was 17, 19, 20, 23, etc., b) earn college degrees when I was 21, 27, 31, and 48, c) buy a new town home when I was 24 and condos when I was 25 and 27, d) get married and buy a home in Wheaton with my wife when I was 29, e) pass the CPA examination on my first attempt when I was 30, f) pass the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt and become a licensed CPA when I was 32, g) have a home built in Wheaton with my wife when I was 35, h) etc.)
— U.S. fighters shoot down unidentified flying object over Canada – Ben Wolfgang and Joseph Clark
— Expected Trump-DeSantis showdown crowds out rivals in fledgling GOP presidential race – Seth McLaughlin
— Biden has overseen most catastrophic foreign policy failures in recent history – Robert Wilkie

— Conservatives must wake up to the threat of government-endorsed racial categorization – Mike Gonzalez (COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, under the Democrats and under the RINOs, the more White that you are, the more that you are viciously demonized, viciously denigrated, viciously condemned as being a White supremacist, Nazi, KKK member, hater, racist, sexist, bigot, and even worse things who should be gotten rid of immediately. Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs discriminate against Whites. Soon, the more White that you are, Democrats and RINOs will stop you from getting an education, getting and keeping jobs, owning vehicles and real estate, etc. They will start with Whites who are heterosexual, conservative, Republican, male, older, gun-owners, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. It is called political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, replacement theory, and even worse things. I should write a book about the aforesaid.

— Cost of Joe Biden’s open borders: $200 billion, paid by you – Mark Krikorian
— Radicalized sex-ed: A telling tale of how NYC educrats shut out parents. – Maud Maron

— The Racist Poetry of ChatGPT – Alexander Zubatov

— American Thinker blacklisted for ‘disinformation’ by groups funded by the Biden administration. – Rajan Laad (COMMENT: I should write a book about anti-conservative and conservative-hating Democrat plant, Libertarian plant, Green plant, Independent plant, and RINO leaders of the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Milton Township Republican Organization, Illinois, DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton who are blacklisting me and are blacklisting my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters. Ever-increasingly, Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct do not want me to help elect them.)
— House Republicans move to forbid illegal aliens voting in DC – Anthony Gonzalez
— The 2024 lines are being drawn now – Mark C. Ross
— Existentially, America is almost at the end of the line – Molly Slag

— No vacancy: Utah governor has message for ‘refugees’ fleeing liberal California – Melissa Fine (COMMENT: I should write a book about how anti-conservative and conservative-hating leaders of the DuPage County Republican Central Committee and the Milton Township Republican Organization have treated the many many many Democrats who have moved into DuPage County, DuPage County’s 4th District, Milton Township, Wheaton, Wheaton’s West District, and my precinct since 2000. I would focus on how they have treated those Democrats much much much better than they have treated conservatives.)
— ‘Feckless administration’: Republicans react after 3rd unidentified ‘object’ downed over Canada. – Vivek Saxena

— Florida Legislature Passes Bill Allowing State to Relocate Illegal Immigrants – MICHAEL FOSTER (COMMENT: Democrats want immigrants because immigrants vote for Democrats. Expect that ever-increasingly Democrats will send immigrants to swing states like Arizona, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.)

— The Fog Starts to Clear on Biden’s New Border Plans. Hollowing out the INA to funnel even more migrants into the United States. – Andrew R. Arthur (COMMENT: Democrats want immigrants because immigrants vote for Democrats. Expect that ever-increasingly Democrats will send immigrants to swing states like Arizona, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.)

— US Jet Shoots Down Second High-Altitude Object Over Canada – MICAELA BURROW

— DeSantis Granted More Power to Relocate Illegal Immigrants to Blue States – Tom Ozimek (COMMENT: Democrats want immigrants because immigrants vote for Democrats. Expect that ever-increasingly Democrats will send immigrants to swing states like Arizona, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.)
— Republican Senators Oppose New Environmental Regulation on Heavy-Duty Trucks – Efthymis Oraiopoulos (COMMENT: Expect that soon, Democrat will outlaw gasoline-powered vehicles starting with those that have more horsepower. My 2005 Chevrolet Corvette has 400 horsepower. My 2013 Dodge Charger R/T Max has 370 horsepower. In 2009, Obama condemned my 205 horsepower 1996 Ford Thunderbird LX as being a clunker.)
— Unidentified Cylindrical Object in Canadian Airspace Shot Down by NORAD Team: Trudeau – Melanie Sun
— DeSantis Wins Control of Disney’s Special Self-Governing District: ‘New Era of Accountability’ – Tom Ozimek
— Arrests of Illegal Immigrants at US-Mexico Border Drop From Late 2022 but Break Another Record – Zachary Stieber

— January Numbers Reveal that Biden’s Border Plan is One Big, Entirely Illegal Shell Game

— Rep. Jim Jordan criticized online after saying ‘only Americans should vote in American elections’ The Republican’s tweet concerned House Joint Resolution 24, which overturns a D.C. bill allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections. – Lawrence Richard

— Megyn Kelly Calls Disney’s ‘Proud Family’ CRT Push ‘Absolute Filth’ – Christian Toto

— It’s Not a Secret Why Americans Migrate to Red States From Blue States — Except to Blue State Commentators – RICK MORAN (COMMENT: Democrats want immigrants because immigrants vote for Democrats. Expect that ever-increasingly Democrats will send immigrants to swing states like Arizona, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.)

— Conservatives Need To Stop Embracing Leftists Who Say Something Right – Derek Hunter (COMMENT: I should write a book about anti-conservatives and conservative-haters who falsely claim to be conservative to give themselves standing to destroy conservatives like me. Of course, I would focus on the aforesaid who have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me. I would focus on past and present leaders of the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Milton Township Republican Organization, Illinois, DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Seven issues that will define the 2024 election.” From the article: Social Security and Medicare, Education, Abortion, Foreign Policy, Immigration, LGBTQ-related issues, and Crime)
— COMMENT: Democrats say “We can, and likely will, see another George Santos if nothing changes.” To run as a Republican in Illinois, in DuPage County, and in Milton Township, should candidates be required to be authorized by the Illinois Republican Party (IRP), DuPage County Republican Central Committee (DCRCC), and Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO)? What criteria should IRP, DCRCC, and MTRO use?
— COMMENT: Democrats say “MAGA Republicans have shown us their cards.” Expect that ever-increasingly, the more demographics that you share with Trump and the less that you do to promote hatred against Trump, the more that hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-haters will promote hatred against you.

— COMMENT: Democrats crow that “Migrant crossings at Canadian border skyrocket.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Army sees safety, not ‘wokeness,’ as top recruiting obstacle.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Charlie Kirk’s right-wing empire loses a key asset: Students for Trump.”
— COMMENT: A Democrat says “What’s Good for Biden Is Bad for the Country.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Lummis Censured By Wyoming Republican State Central Committee on Saturday.” I should write a book about the many major actions against the Republican Party platform that Republicans have taken who represented/represent me in Congress, in Illinois, in DuPage County, in Milton Township, and in Wheaton.

— COMMENT: Democrats ask “What Would 2024 Look Like for Democrats If Biden Retired?”
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The 2024 primary field could be even more crowded than it was four years earlier. There are several major Democratic officeholders thought to be waiting for the right moment to run for president. If Biden doesn’t run, that moment might arrive early for three governors: California’s Gavin Newsom, Illinois’s J.B. Pritzker, and Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer. The first two governors have vast resources at their disposal, while the third checks an awful lot of boxes for Democrats valuing electability above all else.)

— Chicago’s Push to House Migrants in a Closed School Upsets Neighbors. Some say the community on the city’s South Side has long been neglected. – Joe Barrett
— Women Encounter Abortion Delays as Clinics Draw Patients From Out of State. Some providers in areas where abortion is legal report surging demand. Clinics in states where abortion is still legal after the overturning of Roe v. Wade say they are facing strains. – Laura Kusisto (COMMENT: Why are there so many unwanted pregnancies?)

LAW 360
— Employer Tips As EEOC Urges Return To Low Retaliation Bar (COMMENT: I should write a book about how my Democrat superiors retaliated against me a) because I complaining about their political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, religious discrimination, and national origin discrimination and b) because I became an active member in a class action lawsuit in 1988 when I was 40 years old that charged them with reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation. SEE: https://gopillinois.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/DiersenGAOFifthAmendedComplaint.pdf )

— FROM THE ARTICLE: “Pick one thing to focus on for the rest of your life!” What did you focus on in the past and what are you focusing on now? When I was young, I focused on a) making myself a productive member of society and b) making the most of my potential. I earned college degrees (NIU, B.S., management, 1970; Loyola, MBA, 1976; DePaul, M.S., accounting; 1980; and IIT, M.S., financial markets and trading, 1997), professional certifications (CPA, 1979; Certified Internal Auditor, 1981; Certified Fraud Examiner, 1990; Certified Government Financial Manager, 1994; Certified Financial Services Auditor, 1996; and Forensic Accountant, 1997), and a professional license (CPA, 1981). But the aforesaid all came crashing down in 1997 when I was 49 years old and my Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in making me take their early retirement “offer.” Starting in 2000, I have focused on helping elect Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct. I have been a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999 and the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000. I served as the webmaster for the Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO) 2000-2004 and 2008-2010, a member of the Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee 2003-2007, the chairman of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois 2005-2012, and the Republican fundraiser for Wheaton Independence Day parades and fireworks 2005-2019. But ever-increasing, my efforts to help elect Republican on ballots in my precinct is crashing down. Ever-increasingly, Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and MTRO leaders and Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct treat me like they blame me and blame what I have done to help elect them for their defeats. Ever-increasing, Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct act like they do not want me to help elect them. Most commonly, they hint/imply/argue/shout that I am “too conservative.” Ever-increasingly, they hint/imply/argue/shout that I share too many demographics with Trump and that my demographics are bad: conservative, Republican, White, male, old (74), draft-avoider, gun-owner, heterosexual, married, childless, union member for almost 12 years, federal employee for almost 30 years, federal retiree for more than 27 years, someone who was forced into early retirement when they were 49 years old, someone who has filed lawsuits, Protestant, 100% German American, my ancestors have been in America since 1844, Crete resident 1948-1972, Wheaton resident since 1978, etc. If you were me, what would you do about the aforesaid?

— 10 Main Reasons Why Candidates Lose Elections – Brian Floyd (COMMENT: I should write a book about why Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct have lost elections since 2000. Of course, I would focus on those candidates who have blamed their losses a) on me since 2000, b) on my GOPUSA ILLINOIS newsletters since 2000, c) on my raising funds from them to help sponsor Wheaton Independence Day parades and fireworks 2005-2019, d) on what I did as the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman 2005-2012, e) on what I did as an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and f) on my supporting their opponents in primary and/or nonpartisan elections. I would focus on candidates who lost U.S. Senate, U.S. House, Illinois statewide, Illinois Senate, Illinois House, DuPage countywide, DuPage 4th District, Milton Township, Wheaton citywide, Wheaton West District, and judicial races. I would focus on their political consultants, major donors, fundraisers, pollsters, campaign managers, campaign staff members, and campaign volunteers. I would focus on those candidates who I did the most to help elect since 2000, but who then have taken the most/biggest adverse actions against me to punish me for their losses.)

February 8, 2023

— Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Delivers Republican Address to the Nation

— Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders rips Biden as more interested in ‘woke fantasies’ than reality. Youngest governor gives State of the Union response to oldest President. – Seth McLaughlin
— China trade hawks hit hard reality of trying to curb U.S. investment in Beijing – Haris Alic
— Border Patrol leaders say they need more border wall. Sector chiefs undercut Biden’s stance. – Stephen Dinan
— 10,000 cartel drones detected crossing U.S. border last year – Stephen Dinan
— U.S. companies should not continue to fuel China’s strength – Rosa DeLauro and Michael McCaul
— Border insurrection demands action – Tom Homan
— OUTRAGEOUS: Courts upend bans on drug users, domestic abusers from owning guns – Alex Swoyer
— Americans’ civil right to be free from crime. Democrats have halted U.S. commission’s work on violence spike. – J. Christian Adams
— ‘Do something’: Biden renews calls for Congress to ban assault weapons

— Full Text: Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ GOP Response to Biden’s State of the Union – JACOB BLISS
— Sarah Huckabee Sanders attacks ‘radical left’ in GOP State of the Union response – UPI
— University of Illinois Puts over $1 Million Towards Social Justice Projects – SPENCER LINDQUIST (COMMENT: Under Illinois Democrats, expect that ever-increasingly, the more of the following that applicants are, the less likely that the University of Illinois will accept them: heterosexual, conservative, Republican, White, male, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— SOTU: Biden Pushes ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban in Response to Pistol Attack – AWR HAWKINS

— GOP rebuttal: Sarah Sanders claims radical left forcing Americans to worship ‘false idols’ – Samuel Smith
— Biden tells Congress to restore abortion ‘right’ Supreme Court ‘took away’: ‘It’s our duty’ – Michael Gryboski

— Sarah Sanders Slams Biden’s ‘Left-Wing Culture War’ in State of the Union Response – Mary Margaret Olohan
— Breaking Down Biden’s State of the Union Speech: What He Got Right, Where He Missed Mark – Virginia Allen
— Biden’s Misguided Policies in State of the Union Address – Peter Parisi
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Border Patrol Agents Should Be Fired for Working With SPLC-Designated ‘Hate Groups’ – Tyler O’Neil

— Freedom vs. ‘More Government Control’: Gov. Sanders Delivers GOP Rebuttal to Biden’s State of the Union – John Haughey
— NumbersUSA Calls on McCarthy to Get Border Security Bill Onto House Floor – John Haughey
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Until we have a mandatory workforce verification system–like E-Verify–in place, immigrants will have an incentive to come into our country through illegal means. We want and need immigrants to come to our nation to contribute to our economic success, but we must also remain a sovereign nation governed by the rule of law.” Chmielenski said Calvert’s proposed Legal Workforce Act has “actually been endorsed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Restaurant Association, and National Home Builders Association. These are organizations that tend to oppose additional mandates on employers.” Right now, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, 22 states impose some form of “mandatory E-Verify rather than just requiring I-9,” he said, which puts the onus on employers to “become document experts. E-Verify is a touchy subject in the states but [mandatory E-Verify] would replace a patchwork of laws from state-to-state and go a long way” to addressing the nation’s immigration issues.)

— Sarah Huckabee Sanders Summed Up The State Of The Union Better In One Line Than Biden Did In An Hour And A Half – KYLEE GRISWOLD

— Sarah Huckabee Sanders Scorches Radical Left In GOP SOTU Rebuttal
— Heated Rhetoric At House Committee Hearing On Illegal Immigration
— Biden Touts Successes During State Of Union, Critics Point To Inflation, Deceptions
— Omar Not Just Antisemitic, But Also Anti-American

— As Buttigieg Edges Biden Out, Where Will Haley Land?
— Groveling: Mayor Adams Vows To Offer English Classes, Expedite Work Permits For Illegal Aliens At Brooklyn Shelter
— Chinese Spy Balloon Could Have Been Used For Prepping EMP Attack On US Nuclear Facilities: Expert

— New guide to corporate wokeness ranks 10 Illinois companies in the bottom – Mark Glennon
— The “equity” argument is so destructive in Chicago. It leads to more minorities getting killed and almost all students unable to read.

— Reporter William J. Kelly to Tucker Carlson: This is Lightfoot’s last chance

— No Members of Congress Representing McHenry County Received FTX Cripto Cash – Info for All in Congress Linked
— McLaughlin Introduces Bill To Require Witness Slips to Follow Legislative Content, Even If “Gut and Replace” Technique Used
— Pritzker Supporting School and Library Board Candidates

— Illinois state Rep. Randy Frese (R-Quincy) on gun ban lawsuit: ‘The TRO preventing the new gun ban from going into effect has been upheld’

— COMMENT: Democrats say “State of the Union: Biden recognizes Brandon Tsay, who disarmed Monterey Park shooter and says He saved lives. It’s time we do the same. Ban assault weapons now.” On their way to abolishing the Second Amendment, Democrats want to register all semiautomatic firearms, then ban all semiautomatic firearms, than register all firearms, then ban all firearms, then confiscate all firearms from non-Democrats starting with non-Democrats who are heterosexual, conservative, Republican, White, male, older, non-poor, homeowners, married, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “A look inside the new migrant shelter in Chicago’s Woodlawn neighborhood.”

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote vices in Wheeling.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Police Reform Seizes Spotlight at WTTW Forum as Lightfoot Once Again Clashes with Challengers.” I should write a book about those who hinted/implied/argued/shouted that TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois and Illinois Center Right Coalition were hate groups.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “Of course we should not hire, we should not support, we should not retain any officer that is associated with any hate group,” Lightfoot said, adding that the department conducted a “fulsome investigation.”)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Income tax ‘surcharge,’ other measures needed to pay down pensions, business group says.”
— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Illinois Democrats push Illinois minorities to be pot pushers.

— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH BIG PICTURES: Democrats say “Newlyweds pick Naperville as a base for their new dog and cat food delivery business.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Illinois’ ban on semiautomatic weapons spurs challenges to legislative shortcuts.”

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Conservative groups look beyond Trump for 2024 GOP nominee.”

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Illinois Democrats push Illinois minorities to be pot pushers.
— COMMENT: Illinois Democrats push pot in Belvidere.

— COMMENT: Democrat say “Student Government Association proposed petition criticizes NIU’s efforts at inclusion.” NIU let me transfer from UIC in 1969 when I was 20 years old, but because of my bad demographics, if I was 20 years old today, I doubt that NIU would let me do that today. I am White, male, heterosexual, conservative, Republican, non-poor, Protestant (baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran), 100% German national origin, and my ancestors have been in America since 1844. Factors that encouraged NIU to let me transfer included I was a federal employee (Park Forest Post Office), a union member, draft avoider, and I had not been active in Republican politics at Crete-Monee High School or at UIC.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Amid growing concerns of what it’s calling NIU’s inactivity toward racism and lack of diversity on campus, the Student Government Association has proposed a petition to shed light on student concerns. The proposed petition was co-authored by Historian Atlas Babcock and Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Olivia Newman and was developed in collaboration with feedback from Black student organizations on campus. The petition proposed highlights three issues with the university raised by students: “A lack of diversity and representation in campus staff and administration,” “performative activism” and “lack of long-term community support.” Among examples of student complaints are over-policing at Black events, a lack of Black representation among administration and staff, failure to provide upkeep to the BLM mural and more. Much of the discussion around the proposed petition centered on the university’s handling of inclusion in the past and what the SGA wants NIU to do going forward.)

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and RINOs attribute all the successes that White males have to their benefitting from discrimination against minorities and against females. While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, my superiors were always under tremendous pressure from Democrat politicians to give preference to their Democrat employees, and especially to those who were minority, female, and/or younger. If I had been a Democrat a minority and/or a female, my Democrat superiors would have promoted me into their Senior Executive Service, currently $183,500/year, long before I was 40 in 1988. I earned an MBA from Loyola when I was 27. I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt when I was 30. I earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul when I was 31. I passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in when I was 32. I became a licensed CPA when I was 32. Because I was not a Democrat, a minority, or a female, a) IRS did not promote me beyond GS-12, Step 5, currently $104,583/year, and b) GAO forced me to take a $21,863/year pay cut in today’s dollars, a downgrade from GS-12 Step 5 to GS-9 Step 10, currently $82,720/year, to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980, did not promote me beyond GS-13 Step 1, currently $109,732/year, until I was 38, and forced me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49. I should write a book about the aforesaid. I would cite my many Democrat coworkers who my Democrat superiors promoted over me who had a) less job-related work experience than I had, b) less job-related education than I had, c) fewer job-related professional certifications than I had, and/or d) had no job-related professional license.

— COMMENT: Ever-increasingly, Illinois Democrats push Illinois minorities to be pot pushers.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Morning briefing.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Afternoon roundup.”

— Trump attacks DeSantis in series of social media posts – Jack Birle
— COMMENT: Firearms are dangerous. Those who impair themselves should not Second Amendment rights.
— State of the Union 2023: Progressive response pushes immigration liberalization – Haisten Willis

— 1619 Project couldn’t get more cartoonish even as a Disney project — oh, wait – Rich Lowry

— DeSantis, Inc. Underestimates Donald Trump. Like so many commonplaces one finds on the lips of talking heads, “electability” may prove to be a confection of partisans blinded by their own preferences. – Matthew Boos

— Can Donald Trump Win in 2024 America? – Steve McCann

— DeSantis proposes $12M plan to fly more illegal immigrants out of Florida – Kevin Haggerty

— State of the Union attendees include Pro-life hero and target of Biden Justice Department Mark Houck – Joe Bukuras
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Mark Houck talks to reporters outside the U.S. District courthouse in Philadelphia with his lawyers, Peter Breen (left), Brian McMonagle (right), and Andrew Bath (background) following his acquittal on two charges of violating the FACE Act, Jan. 30, 2023.)

— ‘End The Destruction Of Our Country’: Trump Responds To Joe Biden’s State Of The Union – HENRY RODGERS

— Floridians Have The ‘Right To Bear Arms,’ Not A Duty To Ask For Permission – DAVID HARSANYI

— Biden Largely Ignores the Border Crisis He Created, While Calling for Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

— Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla.: Elected officials supporting open borders, defund ICE are complicit helping to aid and abet traffickers.
— State of the Union 2023: Biden touts infrastructure, American resolve despite attacks on democracy

— These 11 Examples of Defensive Gun Use Refute Notion of Second Amendment as “Suicide Pact” – Amy Swearer

— Refusing to Enforce Existing Gun Laws While Nullifying Gun Self Defense Rights

— Biden’s Fantasyland – Editorial

— Insult to Injury: Biden Regime Distributes Anti-Police ‘Black Resistance’ Flyers to Border Agents – ROBERT SPENCER

— Pro-Life Activist Mark Houck Plans To Sue Biden Admin For Harassment – Donny Ferguson
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “We took on Goliath—the full might of the United States government—and won,” Peter Breen, Thomas More Society executive vice president and head of litigation, said in a statement. “The jury saw through and rejected the prosecution’s discriminatory case, which was harassment from Day One. This is a win for Mark and the entire pro-life movement. The Biden Department of Justice’s intimidation against pro-life people and people of faith has been put in its place,” said Breen.)

— Our Union is Struggling Under Biden’s Far-Left Agenda

— COMMENT: Democrats say “In wake of Supreme Court Second Amendment decision, uncertainty plagues gun laws new and old.”

— COMMENT: Democrats crow that “Trump blasted the Club for Growth on Tuesday after his name was left off the guest list for the conservative anti-tax organization’s annual donor retreat.”

— COMMENT: RINOs crow about their success in using illegals to drive down wages. If there were as many illegals back when I was young as there are now, they would have gotten the jobs that I got.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Biden faced GOP jeers.”
(FROM THE ARTICLE: 3. A jeer-filled affair It’s been 14 years since a Republican member of Congress appeared to cross a threshold by yelling “You lie” at Barack Obama during a speech to a joint session of Congress. Tuesday’s speech marked the continued trend toward partisan raucousness during what was once a much more staid affair. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), perhaps predictably, repeated Rep. Joe Wilson’s (R-S.C.) outburst from 2009 when Biden brought up Medicare and Social Security. (It’s worth noting that Biden qualified his comments about Republican support for Scott’s plan by emphasizing: “I’m not saying it’s a majority,” but he was jeered anyway. McCarthy shook his head while seated behind Biden.) Biden responded to all this by suggesting it was an important moment, with Republicans so loudly taking issue with the idea that they would target entitlements: “I’m glad to see — you know, I enjoy conversion. When Biden brought up fentanyl deaths, he was met with a response of: “It’s your fault!” Republicans also took exception to his comments about other issues, including gun control and the border. The latter instance elicited a notable response from McCarthy: While he sat stone-faced for much of the speech, the GOP outcry drew a demonstrative blink from the House speaker, who shushed his conference. McCarthy earlier Tuesday had promised no “childish” games, specifically citing then-House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) having ripped up a copy of Trump’s speech after the 2020 State of the Union address. And as the speech wore on, we got a sense for why, perhaps, it got so contentious. In contrast to McCarthy’s shushing, Trump on Truth Social attacked “RINO” — Republican in Name Only — party members for “jumping up and down with applause for the wrong reasons!”)
— COMMENT: Democrats say “Illinois gun-ban incites challenges to legislative shortcuts.”
— COMMENT: Democrats say “The evolution of the backlash against affirmative action.” Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs use Affirmative Action to get rid of Republicans.

— Crime Is the Only Issue in Chicago Mayor’s Race. Lori Lightfoot says it’s going down, but all the other candidates said they wouldn’t rehire her police superintendent. – Joseph Epstein
— The Koch Network Dumps Trump. Americans for Prosperity won’t back him in 2024, ending an awkward marriage. – William A. Galston
— FRONT PAGE: COMMENT: RINOs crow about their success in using illegals to drive down wages. If there were as many illegals back when I was young as there are now, they would have gotten the jobs that I got.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Many small businesses say they are unable to hire enough native-born and naturalized workers and are paying a premium for migrant workers. . .A shortage of cooks and dishwashers prompted Luis Reyes, owner of Washington, D.C., restaurant Lauriol Plaza, to distribute fliers in subway stations and at bus stops in neighborhoods with large migrant communities.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say that “51% of women experience racism at work.” I should write a book about what my Democrat GAO superiors did 1980-1997 to turn my Democrat subordinates against me who were minority and/or female. They stressed that I was conservative, Republican, healthy, draft-avoider, non-poor, married. childless, Protestant, 100% German American, my ancestors had been in America since 1844, Crete resident 1948-1972, and/or Wheaton resident since 1978. All of my GAO subordinates were at least one of the following, and many were many, most, if not virtually all of the following: minority, female, younger, veteran, unmarried, liberal, Democrat, disabled, non-Protestant, non-German American, had parents who were recent immigrants, had significant financial, health, and/ or other problems, and/or were employees who my Democrat superiors wanted to get rid of.

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Trump’s wall settles into a strange, costly afterlife.”

— COMMENT: Those who are anti-conservative oppose Nikki Haley.

— Job-related education and training – Alan Eck (COMMENT: I worked for GAO 1980-1997, IRS 1971-1980, and Post Office 1966-1969. Extremely few of my coworkers took job-related courses like I did. I earned a master’s degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997, I passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, I earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, I earned an MBA from Loyola in 1976, and I earned a bachelor’s degree in management from NIU in 1970.)

— COMMENT: Democrats say “Illinois CPA Society Accepting Scholarship Applications.” If you did not get college scholarships, why was that? Because I worked as many hours as I could for the Park Forest Post Office while I attended UIC and NIU, a) my GPA was harmed, b) I was not in financial need, and c) I could not demonstrate any leadership qualities. Further, sports scholarships were out because while I could stand and walk, I could not run far at all because of a bone disease that I had.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: These scholarships provide essential financial assistance to qualifying accounting students across the state of Illinois and reward them for their hard work and academic success. Applicants must be junior, senior, or graduate-level accounting students enrolled at Illinois colleges or universities who demonstrate financial need, academic achievement, and leadership qualities.)