— Puppy Fatally Attacked by Pit Bull in Wheaton, Family Says Aaron Rontal recalled one his daughters telling him the pit bull was “was shaking (Theo) around like he was a chew toy.” – Dick Johnson
— Girl Scouts to parents: Don’t force kids to hug family during the holidays
— Illinois to stay in controversial voter database for now
— A middle-class tax cut? Oh, puhleeze! – Doyle McManus (DIERSEN: To support the GOP tax bill is to say that a) you want those who take the standard deduction to pay less federal income tax and b) you want those who itemize their deductions to pay more federal income tax. Overwhelmingly, a) those who take the standard deduction are renters and younger and are more likely to vote for Democrats and b) those who itemize their deductions are homeowners and older and are more likely to vote for Republicans.)
— Al Franken’s ‘Saturday Night Live’ era was full of jokes disparaging women – Allison Yarrow
— Rep. John Conyers settled complaint over sexual conduct – AP
— House GOP tax plan would fall $1.3 trillion short of paying for itself, study finds – Damian Paletta
— Typical homeowner will pay $174 more to City Hall, CPS in 2018 – Hal Dardick
— Corporate tax cut plans put local home buyers, sellers, builders in a bind – Robert Reed
— Why Democrats should tell Al Franken to resign – Paul Waldman
— Trump promises Americans ‘huge tax cut’ for Christmas – AP (DIERSEN: To support the GOP tax bill is to say that a) you want those who take the standard deduction to pay less federal income tax and b) you want those who itemize their deductions to pay more federal income tax. Overwhelmingly, a) those who take the standard deduction are renters and younger and are more likely to vote for Democrats and b) those who itemize their deductions are homeowners and older and are more likely to vote for Republicans.)
— Elite are keeping the state divided – Alexander Paterakis (DIERSEN: What do the elite in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois think of you? On who/what do they base their opinion of you? Based on the words and the actions of their spokespersons yesterday evening, Vince Kolber, Ed Bachrach, Virginia McCaskey, and/or Gary Rabine have an extremely low opinion of me and an extremely low opinion of what I have done for you as your GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000. On who/what do Vince Kolber, Ed Bachrach, Virginia McCaskey, and/or Gary Rabine base their opinion of me?)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH BIG COLOR PICTURE: VERY SAD: McDonald’s plans to tear down Des Plaines replica restaurant – Christopher Placek
— Study shows it pays to be a St. Charles employee – James Fuller (DIERSEN: Virtually everyone hints/implies/argues/shouts that federal employees are overpaid. But many millions have not and will not seek a job with the federal government a) because the pay and benefits are terrible, b) because the advancement opportunities are terrible, c) because they lack required education, work experience, professional certifications, and/or professional licenses, d) because they cannot pass an employment examination, e) because they cannot pass a background investigation, f) because they cannot pass a physical examination, g) because they cannot take the demonization, denigration, and condemnation that comes with being a federal employee or federal retiree, and/or h) because they are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran and they know that the federal government discriminates against the aforesaid.)
— U-46 leaders discuss rolling out dual language in high schools – Madhu Krishnamurthy
(FROM THE ARTICLE: School board member Jeanette Ward said she is concerned the dual language program targets Spanish speaking students and that it prolongs dependence on Spanish.)
— Pritzker: ‘There really is no Illinois Democratic Party’ – GREG HINZ
— Which charities are the big winners in the city budget? – LISA BERTAGNOLI (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, charities promote the Democrat Party platform.)
— Filing period for March 2018 primary starts Monday
— This tax cut is not for you – Steve Hochstadt
— Deficit Spending Finger Pointing – Greg Bishop
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Pot promoters promote pot big time. If you promote pot, you promote destruction.
— Unions back candidate Lance Yednock against Jerry Long – David Giuliani (DIERSEN: What do unions and union members think of you? I was a union member for almost 12 years. What do those who are anti-union think of you? I was a union member for almost 12 years.)
— At the holidays, HUD’s confusing letter telling Cairo residents to move ‘immediately’ met with frustration – MOLLY PARKER
— Businesses should be required to use E-Verify – Russell Dorsey, Altoona
— Rand Paul to ‘likely support’ GOP tax bill, aide says – LAUREN FOX (DIERSEN: To support the GOP tax bill is to say that a) you want those who take the standard deduction to pay less federal income tax and b) you want those who itemize their deductions to pay more federal income tax. Overwhelmingly, a) those who take the standard deduction are renters and younger and are more likely to vote for Democrats and b) those who itemize their deductions are homeowners and older and are more likely to vote for Republicans.)
— Illinois Lt. Governor looks to expand online classrooms in rural schools The Lt. Governor wants more options available in rural school districts. – Lindsey Harrison
— How computer revolution is deepening US partisan divide Study shows stark economic pattern – RONALD BROWNSTEIN
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Clinton won preponderant majorities in the communities where the highest share of workers perform jobs that require intensive use of computerized technology — most of them larger cities, many along the two coasts. Trump overwhelmed her in the mostly smaller interior places that haven’t attracted nearly as many well-paying, information-savvy jobs, according to figures provided by the Brookings Institution’s Metropolitan Policy Program. Based on Brookings’ data, CNN has analyzed the election results for all 536 federal statistical areas, including the 382 metropolitan areas, and the 154 non-metropolitan areas, which comprise all of the remaining counties not encompassed in any of the metros. Clinton won 18 of the 20 metropolitan areas where the largest share of employees work in jobs that require high levels of digital skill, and 36 of the top 50. But Trump won a steadily increasing share of communities that ranked lower in the share of high-digital employment. He carried five times as many communities as Clinton did among the areas that ranked outside the top 200 for high-digital jobs.)
— Pit Bull Attacks, Kills Puppy In Wheaton As Children Watch A Wheaton family says they were walking their new puppy home from the park when a pit bull fatally attacked it. – Lisa Marie Farver
— Tax Reform Firestorm The Republican tax reform effort threatens higher education as we know it. – Editorial
— New Pritzker promise on tax returns draws skepticism from state GOP – Brent Zell (DIERSEN: What would your 2016 federal income tax return show? My and my wife’s 2016 federal income tax return shows that we had $30,890 in itemized deductions. We paid $21,433 in medical and dental expenses and we were able to deduct $13,859 of that, we paid $12,835 in real estate taxes, we paid $1,468 in state income taxes, and we made $2,728 in 501(c)(3) contributions.)
— FROM THE ARTICLE: U.S. Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Ill.: “I don’t believe in the elimination of these deductions that help a lot of middle class families … such as the repeal of the deduction of state income taxes and the repeal of property taxes (capped at $10,000 in House bill, Senate bill no allowance) we calculated that the results of this is a $1,100 tax increase on the average family in my district, which is unacceptable.” – Natasha Korecki
— State GOP again demands that Durbin and Duckworth give away their Franken money
— A New Transparency in Illinois? State agencies will soon be required to open their books to taxpayers — though much debt will still not be reported. – JOHNNY KAMPIS
— Showdown Over DACA Sparking Fears of Government Shutdown – Jeffrey Rodack
— End the Root Cause of Illegal Immigration – Ken Blackwell
— Roy Moore campaign releases 3 witness statements to refute embarrassing mall story – Carlos Garcia
— Kathy Griffin says she’s been ‘blacklisted’ from work since insulting Trump – Carlos Garcia (DIERSEN: If you were me, how would you treat activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. who blacklist me because I refuse to carry out their blacklist orders? Needless-to-say, no Republican who considers me to be a member of the news media would never a) demand that I blacklist anyone or anything, let alone b) blacklist me because I refuse to carry out their blacklist oders.)
— Fox News stands behind Hannity in defiance of Media Matters-orchestrated boycott – Sara Gonzales (DIERSEN: Who stands behind you? Who boycotts you? Every time that I get barred from or evicted from a political event, I learn more about who stands behind me and who boycotts me. I should write a book about all the times since 2000 that those who boycott me use the “I am a member of the news media” excuse to bar me from or to evict from political events. Behind my back, these same people hint/imply/argue/shout that I am NOT a member of the news media.)
— Kathy Griffin complains she’s unemployable after being ‘blacklisted’ from Hollywood for Trump photo scandal (DIERSEN: If you were me, how would you treat activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. who blacklist me because I refuse to carry out their blacklist orders? Needless-to-say, no Republican who considers me to be a member of the news media would never a) demand that I blacklist anyone or anything, let alone b) blacklist me because I refuse to carry out their blacklist oders.)
— Top Democrat Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accuser With $27K In Taxpayer Money – Peter Hasso
— Congress barreling toward explosive immigration fight – MIKE LILLIS (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes reject the immigration planks in the Republican Party platform and in the Illinois Republican party platform.)
— Congress speeds toward shutdown over Dreamers Party leaders on both sides of the aisle fear they’ll be blamed for budget brinkmanship — but they’re equally afraid of enraging their grassroots. – RACHAEL BADE and HEATHER CAYGLE (DIERSEN: Democrat grassroots are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors and Republican grassroots are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— After House Vote on Taxes, Spotlight Shifts to Undecided Senators – Thomas Kaplan (DIERSEN: To support the GOP tax bill is to say that a) you want those who take the standard deduction to pay less federal income tax and b) you want those who itemize their deductions to pay more federal income tax. Overwhelmingly, a) those who take the standard deduction are renters and younger and are more likely to vote for Democrats and b) those who itemize their deductions are homeowners and older and are more likely to vote for Republicans.)
— C.E.O. Deficit Fears Dissolve With the Prospect of Corporate Tax Cuts – Andrew Ross Sorkin
— Fox News Host Jeanine Pirro Gets Ticket for Speeding at 119 M.P.H. – Sarah Maslin Nir
— If 2018 Is Like 2017, the House Will Be a Tossup It’s not obvious that the building Democratic wave will be enough to flip control of the chamber. – Nate Cohn
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH COLOR PICTURE: Sexual harassment troubles mount in statehouses around the country – Joel Ebert
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In Illinois and California, hundreds of people — including legislators, lobbyists and legislative staffers — signed letters alleging widespread sexual harassment in state politics. Some efforts already are underway to address the problem. Illinois lawmakers appointed a former federal prosecutor to serve as a watchdog regarding sexual harassment at the Capitol.)
— Harvard Faces DOJ Probe Over Affirmative-Action Policies Justice Department accuses university of failing to cooperate in investigation of whether its admission policies discriminate against Asian-Americans – Melissa Korn and Nicole Hong
— Lois Lerner Doesn’t Trust You “You can’t handle the truth,” the former IRS official tells the American people. – William McGurn
— Review: The Leap of Faith You Take in Deciding ‘Who Can You Trust?’ Smartphones, social networks and all our digital gossip and griping are altering the way we learn to trust others and assess risky behavior. Philip Delves Broughton reviews ‘Who Can You Trust?’ – Rachel Botsman (DIERSEN HEADLINE: Of course, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always shouted at everyone that no one should trust me about anything. They shout at hosts of political fundraisers that they should not trust me to publish a fair or accurate report of their events.)
— Illinois Bucks The Trend On Salary History – Emily M. Wajert (DIERSEN: For government employees, salary history is public record. Since the beginning of time, government employees have been viciously demonized, viciously denigrated, and vicious condemned as being overpaid. Many do not seek jobs with the federal government a) because the pay and benefits are terrible, b) because the advancement opportunities are terrible, c) because they lack required education, work experience, professional certifications, and/or professional licenses, d) because they cannot pass an employment examination, e) because they cannot pass a background investigation, f) because they cannot pass a physical examination, and/or g) because they cannot take the demonization, denigration, and condemnation that comes with being a government employee or a government retiree.)