May 30 Evening Edition

— Lawmakers set to pass budget Republicans — with Rauner’s OK — call ‘balanced’ – Tina Sfondeles
— Appellate court in Chicago won’t throw out ex-Rep. Aaron Schock’s indictment – Jon Seidel
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats shout at young people and at everyone else that Republicans are White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.
— Illinois House sends governor bill raising teacher salaries – AP
— Lawmakers OK graduate research assistant unions – AP


— Appeals court refuses to toss Aaron Schock charges – AP
— Roseanne Barr blames Ambien for tweet, drug maker says ‘racism is not a known side effect’ – AP
— ‘Two Evanstons’: As Starbucks workers get sensitivity training, city looks at local racial divide – Brian L. Cox
— Trump Tower sign invisible in marketing brochure — and the web takes notice – Tessa Weinberg
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: An anti-Trump uses Barr to demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trump supporters.
— Tom Cullerton passes measure to increase budget transparency


— Festivals: Taste of Wheaton, Rose Festival, cruise nights, beer fests & more (DIERSEN: Please visit the Milton Township Republican Central Committee booth at the Taste of Wheaton Saturday, June 2.)–more


— Illinois budget deal seems set—but votes await – GREG HINZ
— Wall Street watching as state staggers toward budget – GREG HINZ
— Chicago attracting more young, well-off residents – GREG HINZ (DIERSEN: When did you start earning $100,000-a-year in to today’s dollars? I did in 1988 when I was 40 years old. By then, I had worked for GAO for almost 9 years, I had worked for IRS for almost 9 years, I had become a licensed CPA in 1981, I had passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, I had earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, I had passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, and I had earned an MBA from Loyola in 1976.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: If you think you’ve been seeing a lot more bright young people living in Chicago lately, you have. Between 2010 and 2016, the city of Chicago gained more households in a key category—total income of more than $100,000 with the head of household under age 45—than any city in the country except for far larger New York, according to newly analyzed U.S. Census Bureau data. Specifically, the number of such households here grew from just under 105,000 to an estimated 131,000, according to the American Community Survey data. That increase of 26,000 led Houston (24,000), San Francisco (23,000), Washington, D.C. (19,000) and Los Angeles (16,000). And while on a percentage basis that demographic grew faster in San Francisco than in Chicago (57 percent versus 27 percent), the Windy City outpaced cities such as Houston and L.A. and tied red-hot Denver.)


— Illinois Senate OKs temporarily taking guns from dangerous people – AP


— State Lawmakers Approve Gun Restraining Orders – SAM DUNKLAU


— Teacher salary bill passes House, moves to governor (DIERSEN: What if schools were like the federal government? What if schools got rid of their non-veteran White male teachers who did not make GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40?)


— Why DuPage County Jail Is Giving Tablets To Inmates The sheriff hopes the project will help inmates pass time and learn new things while incarcerated. – Lisa Marie Farver


— BEYOND OUTRAGEOUS: Five DuPage House Republicans (Durkin, Breen, Olsen, Winger, and Bellock) join Democrats to back local gun store ban


— 72-Hour Waiting Period Bill Passed – Roll Calls
— McConnaughay Bill Allows Police Nationwide Ongoing, Real-Time Notifications about Perp’s Run-ins with Police
— Lakewood President Paul Serwatka Accomplished What He Promised
— Ex-Algonquin Township Road Commissioner Bob Miller’s Wife Anna May Miller’s Time Card
— View of Budget from Illinois Environmental Council




— Ives to attend tomorrow’s press conference about “leading lawmaker” who is “longtime abuser”
— Rep. Allen Skillicorn, R-West Dundee, cites “Red Dawn” as reason to oppose gun dealer licensing bill
— Rauner considers budget deal “balanced”

— ‘Ingraham Angle’ Highlights Passages From Starbucks’ Racial Bias Handbook
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Laura Ingraham highlighted some of the passages in the racial bias handbook handed out to employees in the training sessions. She said a Starbucks employee she spoke to on Tuesday pointed out that several black and Hispanic workers were “laughing through the book.” The book lays out so-called “Ground Rules,” including “honor[ing] other people’s truth.” Another section of the manual asked employees to recall when they first noticed their racial identity. Another asked employees about going “to work with your natural hair.” Fox News contributor Gianno Caldwell said the training sessions are all about protecting Starbucks’ bottom line, since some African-Americans vowed to boycott Starbucks after the April arrests. Democratic strategist Michael Starr Hopkins said he appreciates what the company did, arguing “far too often in this country we’re afraid to talk about race.”)
— Weak parties = More partisanship – Chris Stirewalt |


— Kevin McCarthy: GOP ‘Very Close’ to Immigration Deal – Neil Munro
— Michaela Angela Davis: All Trump Voters Are Racist – Pam Key


— DISGUSTING, TRAGIC: Marijuana: Big Tobacco 2.0 – J. J. MCCULLOUGH


— Trump accuses ABC of double standard on ‘Roseanne’ cancellation – JORDAN FABIAN


— Silicon Valley is stumped: Even A.I. cannot always remove bias from hiring AI software to eliminate the prejudice of human hiring managers has produced encouraging early results at corporations. But tech executives with experience at Google, Microsoft and Facebook say the algorithmic revolution in hiring is moving too fast. Algorithm auditing firms want to see the code; public policy experts want to press governments to force the algorithms into the open before it’s too late, they say. – Eric Rosenbaum (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, employers talk and/or act like they only want to hire, retain, and promote those who are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Federal Reserve votes to ease rule aimed at preventing big banks from making risky financial bets – Renae Merle
— Walmart to offer employees a college education for $1 a day – Abha Bhattarai (DIERSEN: My Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that the undergraduate and graduate courses that I took a) were not job-related, b) did not help me carry out my job duties, c) were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, and d) were a distraction. To keep their jobs and to get promoted, my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates focused on getting rid of federal employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Walmart, the country’s largest private employer, announced Wednesday that it will pay for its workers to go back to school — as long as they get degrees in business or supply-chain management. The retailer is partnering with three universities to offer associate’s and bachelor’s degrees to 1.4 million part-time, full-time and salaried Walmart and Sam’s Club employees — a pitch to improve employee retention rates and engagement at work, while also drawing new workers. Walmart will cover the costs of tuition, books and fees, while employees will be required to pay $1 a day for the duration of their studies. “We know there [are] a lot of benefits from a business perspective,” Drew Holler, vice president of people innovation for Walmart U.S., said on a call with reporters. “We know we’re going to see an influx of applications.” Degrees will be offered by the University of Florida in Gainesville, Brandman University in Irvine, Calif., and Bellevue University in Bellevue, Neb., all nonprofit institutions with online programs for working adults. Rachel Carlson, chief executive of Guild Education, a Denver-based company that will oversee the program, pointed out that the program allows employees to earn a degree without amassing college debt.)


— Is Trump Saving the Blue States? Tax reform #andGorsuch could rescue even Illinois and New Jersey. – James Freeman


— Trump Moves to Curb Federal Employee Labor Protections – KALENA THOMHAVE (DIERSEN: Because I have always been a Republican, were it not for federal civil service protections, a) the Post Office would NOT have hired me in 1966 or let me work there for almost 3 years, b) IRS would NOT have hired me in 1971 or let me work there for almost 9 years, c) IRS would NOT have promoted me in 1972, 1973, or 1974, d) GAO would NOT have hired me in 1980 or let me work there for almost 18 years, and e) GAO would NOT have promoted me in 1986.)


— The Illinois House has approved a 72-hour waiting period for delivery of all guns after purchase.
— What Happens if We All Run Out of Money for Retirement? Start saving now to stay prepared for a looming retirement crisis. – Geoff Williams (DIERSEN: What do you say to those who rather than saving for their retirement, purposely plan on going on welfare when they get old?)


— The White House Is Not Complying With Inquiries From Government’s Top Watchdog GAO – Eric Katz (DIERSEN: I worked for GAO 1980-1997.)

May 25 Morning Edition

— He who pays the piper calls the tunes. Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform. What percent of money given to Republican activists, to Republican candidates, to Republican elected officials, and to Republican party leaders is given to get the aforesaid to:


– Dump the traditional family plank in the Republican Party platform,
– Dump the right to life plank in the platform,
– Dump the immigration plank in the platform,
– Dump the illegal drugs plank in the platform,
– Dump the Second Amendment plank in the platform,
– Dump the equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) plank in the platform,
– Dump other planks in the platform,
– Dump those individuals, organizations, companies, governments, etc. that support the aforesaid planks,
– Promote dependency on government,
– Promote dependency on charity,
– Promote LGBTQ activity,
– Promote abortion,
– Promote mass/illegal immigration,
– Promote booze, gambling, pot, and other vices,
– Promote abolition of the First and Second Amendments,
– Promote patronage,
– Promote political affiliation discrimination,
– Promote reverse discrimination,
– Promote age discrimination,
– Promote legislation that promotes their personal financial and other interests, and
– Dump those individuals, organizations, companies, governments, etc. that fail/refuse to promote the aforesaid?


Needless-to-say, Republican activists, Republican candidates, Republican elected officials, and Republican party leaders should not seek or accept money from individuals, organizations, companies, etc. that want to dump planks in the Republican Party platform or to promote anything that is anti-Republican. – Dave Diersen


— VERY SAD: Trump donor to cut off GOP contributions over DACA – NATASHA KORECKI (DIERSEN: Overwhelmingly, those who support DACA are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A Chicago-area businessman who has donated more than $1 million to President Donald Trump is threatening to deny contributions to Republican candidates unless they act on an immigration bill before Congress. David MacNeil, who employs 1,600 people through his Bolingbrook-based WeatherTech automotive company, told POLITICO in an interview that the issue has grown deeply personal, given that a top employee in his company could face deportation if a deal isn’t reached for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. MacNeil is the second prominent Chicago-area businessman and GOP donor in a week to cut off or threaten to withhold campaign contributions over the immigration debate. On Wednesday, former Exelon CEO John Rowe told POLITICO he would cut off resources to Republicans who refuse to sign onto a discharge petition that would force a vote on legislation related to so-called “Dreamers,” while rewarding those who did with contributions and fundraising events. Both Rowe and MacNeil belong to the Illinois Business Immigration Coalition, which is calling on GOP lawmakers to sign the DACA discharge petition. “I’m saying this as a political donor who’s donated seven figures in the last couple of years: I will not donate any more money to anyone who doesn’t support DACA, period,” MacNeil said in a phone call while traveling in Italy. “I’m putting my money where my mouth is.” MacNeil is among the CEOs who backed Trump before the 2016 election, inspired by the campaign’s “Make America Great Again,” mantra. A Canadian emigrant who is now a U.S. citizen, MacNeil has long touted that his own products are made in America. He underwrote a Trump fundraiser in Bolingbrook just before the 2016 election, then gave $1 million to Trump’s inaugural committee. MacNeil said that a top-performing employee who has been with him for more than 10 years will represent the WeatherTech at the Governor’s Export Awards reception Thursday night, in which the company is a finalist. The employee was brought to the country as a toddler.)


— VERY SAD: Trump donor to cut off GOP contributions over DACA – Natasha Korecki (DIERSEN: Overwhelmingly, those who support DACA are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “A Chicago-area businessman who has donated more than $1 million to President Donald Trump is threatening to deny contributions to Republican candidates unless they act on an immigration bill before Congress. David MacNeil, who employs more than 1,600 people through his Bolingbrook-based WeatherTech automotive company, told POLITICO in an interview that the issue has grown deeply personal, given that a top employee in his company could face deportation if a deal isn’t reached for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program … “I’m saying this as a political donor who’s donated seven figures in the last couple of years: I will not donate any more money to anyone who doesn’t support DACA, period,” MacNeil said in a phone call while traveling in Italy. “I’m putting my money where my mouth is.” MacNeil said Dreamers represent both “a national treasure” and “a national asset,” adding: “Think of the value of 800,000 U.S. educated people with all the skills and knowledge they have and then deporting them.”)


— VERY SAD: WeatherTech’s CEO May Stop Donating To GOP David MacNeil, who employs more than 1,100 people through Bolingbrook-based WeatherTech, spoke with POLITICO this week. – John Ferak (DIERSEN: Overwhelmingly, those who support DACA are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A story published on Thursday in POLITICO is reporting that David MacNeil, CEO of Bolingbrook’s WeatherTech company, may stop donating to GOP candidates. The news article reminds readers that MacNeil was a huge financial backer of President Donald Trump and that MacNeil’s current frustration involves the issue of immigration, mainly the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. “I’m saying this as a political donor who’s donated seven figures in the last couple of years: I will not donate any more money to anyone who doesn’t support DACA, period,” MacNeil told POLITICO, according to the article. “I’m putting my money where my mouth is.”)


— Ives backer Uihlein tells magazine he’ll vote for Rauner over Pritzker – Rick Pearson (DIERSEN: Obviously, Rauner’s political consultants tell him a) that Republicans will vote for him no matter what because Pritzker rejects more planks in the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) platform than he does, b) that Rauner should focus on getting votes from those who reject planks in the IRP platform, and c) that means dumping voters, dumping organizations, dumping companies, dumping etc. that support the traditional family, right to life, immigration, Second Amendment, and other planks in IRP platform. Further, obviously, Rauner’s political consultants tell him that more anti-Trumps than pro-Trumps will vote in the November 6, 2018 election, so he should dump voters, dump organizations, dump companies, dump etc. that support Trump. Needless-to-say, no political consultant who is a Republican would give Rauner the aforesaid advice.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: But Uihlein broke from Rauner after his signature on legislation expanding taxpayer-subsidized abortions and backed Ives, the three-term Wheaton Republican who narrowly lost to Rauner in March. Uihlein gave her $2.5 million. “Jeanne proved that people are hungry for change,” Uihlein says in the article. Author John J. Miller writes that Uihlein is “now skeptical about Rauner’s ability to deliver (change) but says that the Democratic gubernatorial candidate, J.B. Pritzker, would be a disaster for Illinois: ‘I will vote for Rauner over Pritzker.’ ” State Sen. Sam McCann, a Republican from Downstate Plainview, is also mounting a third-party bid. The article also recounts how Uihlein met John Tillman, chairman and CEO of the Illinois Policy Institute. Last decade, Tillman was looking for work after selling his used sporting goods store. “I’d been getting the Uline catalog for a while,” Tillman said. “So I wrote a letter to the owner.” The article says Tillman and Uihlein met, but their conversation turned to what was described as “Tillman’s real passion: creating a network of freedom-minded organizations in Illinois.” “Dick became my anchor donor,” Tillman says in the article, adding that Uihlein gave him $50,000 in seed money to start the institute. Millions more from Uihlein have flowed since. In February, Rauner said he wouldn’t give the institute “another nickel.”)
— Other donations – Rick Pearson
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Not mentioned in the article is Uihlein’s relationship with conservative talk show host and political operative Dan Proft, who played a leading role in Ives’ campaign for governor. Uihlein gave $95,000 to Proft’s failed bid for the GOP governor nomination in 2010, then gave him an additional $500,000 later to help seed Proft’s political operation. Since then, Uihlein has given Proft’s Liberty Principles political action committee $12.1 million, including $3 million in January. And Uihlein has become a prolific donor to federal candidates, including giving $100,000 to a super PAC backing Republican Roy Moore in a special Senate election in Alabama. Moore was accused of sexually molesting or assaulting teens ages 14 and 16 while he was in his 30s. Moore denied the allegations but lost the election to Democrat Doug Jones.)
— Confronting Madigan’s culture of intimidation – Editorial (DIERSEN: Who are the lead intimidators in your municipality, in your township, in your county, and in Illinois. I should write a book about the lead intimidators in Wheaton, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois.)
— EPA deal marks dramatic shift away from dirty coal power in Chicago area – Michael Hawthorne
— GOP immigration rebels push ahead to force vote despite Trump veto pledge – Mike DeBonis
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Americans use children as cannon fodder.
— Trump’s spiral into ‘criminal deep state’ madness continues – Rex Huppke (DIERSEN: My Democrat superiors in the federal government hinted/implied/argued/shouted that their employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who did not make GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40 frustrated their efforts to hire, retain, and promote young Democrat minorities and young Democrat females. I should write a book about Democrat plant, Libertarian plant, Green plant, and RINO Republican party leaders who hint/imply/argue/shout that Republican Precinct Committeemen/Captains who are White, male, older, and/or non-veteran frustrate their effort to promote young minorities and young females.)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH BIG COLOR PICTURE IN NAPERVILLE SUN: First-time AP students tell D204 school board they relished the challenge – Suzanne Baker (DIERSEN: When you were in high school, were you considered to be “college material?” While I attended Crete-Monee High School 1962-1966, I took college preparatory courses notwithstanding the fact that many, if not most, if not virtually everyone at the time viewed me as NOT being “college material.” Neither of my parents had attended college. My father was the first of his ancestors to earn a high school diploma. My mother never attended high school. I spent my junior and senior years and the summer in between washing dishes for the minimum wage in the basement of the S.S. Kresges in Chicago Heights. I just barely made into the upper 20% of my class, my ACT score was only 24, I was draft bait, my eyesight could not be corrected to 20/20, I had partial red/green color blindness, and I had Osgood-Schlatter disease (


— Gov. Rauner says Texas is more union job friendly than Illinois – BGA
— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON CHICAGO TIGHTENS: Emanuel’s private emails filled with complaints about crime – Fran Spielman


— How new state funding helps pay District 204 teachers – Marie Wilson
— 4 years of raises coming for Dist. 204 teachers – Marie Wilson


— McHenry Township trustee Bob Anderson seeking money for consolidation campaign Supporters want to educate voters – ED KOMENDA
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “We cannot underestimate the desperation of the opposition,” he wrote. “We can no longer trust them to police themselves. They have demonstrated their willingness to treat our tax dollars like they are in their own personal piggy banks.” Anderson pointed to “shameful spending” in Algonquin Township, McHenry County’s most populous township and the center of budget-busting legal fees, corruption allegations and political infighting. He noted that the names of contributors will appear on reports to the state of Illinois if they donate $150 or more. “If you strongly support us but do not want to be identified by the entrenched politicians who want to perpetuate the current system, send us $149.00 and encourage your spouse, kids or a friend to make a contribution,” Anderson wrote. “It has been said that evil thrives when good people do nothing. Please do something.”)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Pot pushers use problems with opioids to push pot.


— Public Pensions: People Must Be Voice Of Change – Maureen Pekosh


— Roman Catholics And Evangelicals Move Apart In Their Political Priorities – TOM GJELTEN (DIERSEN: According to this article, “For the Catholic church, the welfare of immigrants has risen as a concern.” Tragically, overwhelmingly, immigrants promote Democrats. Tragically, overwhelmingly, Democrats are vehemently anti-Catholic. The more immigrants that are in America, the more power that Democrats have to get rid of Catholics.)
— Despite IRS Warning, Illinois Senate Approves Federal Tax Workaround – BRIAN MACKEY (DIERSEN: Roskam should increase the $10,000 SALT cap to $20,000 for married filing jointly.)


— New food service provider says it won’t use federal E-Verify program – Alan Perez (DIERSEN: To not use E-Verify is to not only shout that you hire, retain, and promote illegals, it is to shout that you prefer illegals over citizens of America.)


— ‘Just Blow It Up’: Will That $7.2 Billion School Funding Lawsuit Do It To Illinois? The lawsuit appears viable, thanks to the state’s own admissions, but there’s no way to pay it. – Mark Glennon (DIERSEN: What do you admit to being? My critics/opponents stress that I admit to being a Trump supporter, Protestant (baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran), conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, old (born in 1948), non-poor, gun owner, 100% German American, draft avoider, my ancestors have been in America since 1844, union member for almost 12 years, federal employee for almost 30 years, forced to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old, federal retiree for more than 20 years, childless, pet-less, American nameplate car owner, GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000, Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999, etc.)
— IRS puts states, taxpayers on notice over SALT workaround plans – IL Watchdog (DIERSEN: Roskam should increase the $10,000 SALT cap to $20,000 for married filing jointly.)


— Once in Lifetime Opportunity to See Magnificence of the Vietnam Memorial in Johnsburg
— Commenter Lays Out What Township Abolition Bill Should Include
— Hultgren & Roskam Join Congressional Climate Solutions Caucus
— A Look at Bob MIller’s Wife’s Pay After Her Husband Lost the GOP Primary
— Anna May Miller’s Vacation Pay in the Spotlight
— Nunda Township Reports No Written Work Product as a Consultant from Bob Miller, Paid Over $11,000 (DIERSEN: What is your written work product? My written work products are printouts of GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails. Since 2004 those emails have included links to almost 302,600 articles and information on many upcoming events.)


— Rep. Olsen abstains from voting on anti-Trump legislation, allowing it to pass


— Despite IRS warning, Illinois lawmakers vote for tax deduction workaround – Cole Lauterbach (DIERSEN: Roskam should increase the $10,000 SALT cap to $20,000 for married filing jointly.)




— A couple more weird Republican candidates slip through the screens (DIERSEN: Did the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) encourage anyone to run against Fawell? Did anyone run against Fawell in the primary? If so, did the IRP back that candidate?)


— Republicans in Congress face death threats from anti-Trump #Resistance
— Democrats recruiting Parkland interns to work on gun control legislation (DIERSEN: When I transferred from IRS to GAO in 1980 when I was 31 years old, my Democrat GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates wanted me to transfer in as a GS-4 (currently $32,978) intern instead of as a GS-9 Step 10 (currently $72,677), that is, to suffer a $58,902 (64%) pay cut instead of a $19,203 (26%) pay cut in today’s dollars.)


— Chicago Is Holding American Law Enforcement Hostage – Jeff Landry
— Pit Bull Turns On Owner’s Family, Sends 3 To The Hospital – Scott Greer


— Grassley Reminds FBI Agents Wanting to Blow the Whistle: You Are Legally Protected to Do So – Katie Pavlich Katie Pavlich (DIERSEN: I blew the whistle on political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination in the federal government. Officially, whistleblowers like me are protected, but in reality, they are not.)


— GOP House candidate Bill Fawell in Illinois is a 9/11 truther, said Beyonce had ties to the Illuminati – Nathan McDermott and Andrew Kaczynski (DIERSEN: Did the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) encourage anyone to run against Fawell? Did anyone run against Fawell in the primary? If so, did the IRP back that candidate?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The Illinois Republican Party did not respond to a request for comment. Another Illinois Republican nominee for a House seat, neo-Nazi Arthur Jones, has been rejected by national Republicans and the state party for denying the Holocaust. In a 2014 post, Fawell speculated that New York City was going to be destroyed in a false flag attack by the deep state in either the year 2016 or 2017. New York City is going to be destroyed in the biggest, baddest false flag attack ever made by any organization upon the American People in a Pearl Harbor redux,” Fawell wrote. (False flag attacks are acts designed by perpetrators to look like they were carried out by other individuals or groups.) He said that the attack would be made in an attempt to drag America into war, and that financial institutions were already withdrawing money from New York in preparation for the supposed attack. In another post in 2014, he wrote that then-President Barack Obama created false flag attacks to shore up support for his foreign policy intervention against ISIS. In addition to alleging conspiracies, Fawell used sexist and racist slurs against politicians.)


— Concerned by Trump, Some Republicans Quietly Align With Democrats – Kenneth P. Vogel (DIERSEN: Trump has promised to defend and advance the Republican Party platform.)
— ‘Mustang Means Freedom’: Why Ford Is Saving an American Icon Ford is phasing out its passenger cars, except one: the Mustang. The car
may be only modestly profitable for Ford, but it has deep emotional power. – JAMES B. STEWART (DIERSEN: I own a 2016 Mustang.)
— The Supreme Court Sticks It to Workers, Again – Editorial (DIERSEN: Overwhelmingly, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes side with employers and side against employees. I was a lowly employee 1964-1997. I washed dishes 1964-1966; cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline in 1966; delivered mail 1966-1969; worked on an automobile assembly line and as a security guard in 1970; sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances 1970-1971; pumped gasoline 1971-1972; collected delinquent taxes 1971-1980; and audited federal agencies 1980-1997.)
— Ready and Willing, for $13 an Hour or Whatever – Jim Dwyer
— Trump’s Crackdown on Students Who Overstay Visas Rattles Higher Education – Erica L. Green (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, colleges side with foreign countries and with their citizens against America and against its citizens.)


— Hillary Clinton warns of ‘a full-fledged crisis in our democracy’ at Yale – James Hohmann
— Democrats’ newest midterm pitch: A crackdown on corruption – Mike DeBonis


— Border Patrol union calls Trump’s National Guard deployment ‘colossal waste’


— Discharged and jobless: Veterans seek change in hiring rules – AP (DIERSEN: Have you been discharged? My Democrat GAO superiors discharged me in 1997 when I was 49 years old. Further, as documents filed in Diersen v. GAO show, my Democrat GAO superiors want me to be jobless. They want to send a message to current and potential future GAO employees that a) GAO gives preference to its employees who are Democrat, minority, female, and/or younger and b) gets rid of its employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who do not make do not make GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Military veterans who were discharged for relatively minor offenses say they often can’t get jobs, and they hope a recent warning to employers by the state of Connecticut will change that. The state’s human rights commission told employers last month they could be breaking the law if they discriminate against veterans with some types of less-than-honorable discharges. Blanket policies against hiring such veterans could be discriminatory, the commission said, because the military has issued them disproportionately to black, Latino, gay and disabled veterans. At least one other state, Illinois, already prohibits hiring discrimination based on a veteran’s discharge status, advocates say, but Connecticut appears to be the first to base its decision on what it deems discrimination by the military. Regardless of the state’s reasons, veterans say, the attention there could at least educate employers.)


— Best-Paying Industry? It’s Not Banking Biotech and energy firms stand out among more than 100 companies in the S&P 500 that had a median pay of $100,000 or more in 2017 – Kelsey Gee and Theo Francis (DIERSEN: When did you start earning $100,000-a-year in to today’s dollars? I did in 1988 when I was 40 years old. By then, I had worked for GAO for almost 9 years, I had worked for IRS for almost 9 years, I had become a licensed CPA in 1981, I had passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, I had earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, I had passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, and I had earned an MBA from Loyola in 1976.)


— These 10 American colleges have minted more than 500 billionaires, including Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, and the founders of Google – Tanza Loudenback


— Sen. Jeff Flake Tells Harvard Grads: Our Presidency Has Been Debased – LEO VIDAL

May 20 Morning Edition

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Trump haters promote hatred of Trump.


— Many Americans have less than $5k set aside for retirement (DIERSEN: Are you on track to have “80 percent of your former earnings” when you retire? In today’s dollars, my “former earnings” was $125,325. 80% of that is $100,260, but my Civil Service Retirement System pension is only $51,864, or only 41% of my “former earnings.”)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: We’re told of the importance of saving for retirement, especially given the way healthcare and other senior living costs continue to rise. But apparently, a large number of workers aren’t listening. In fact, one-third of Americans have less than $5,000 set aside for the future, according to new data from Northwestern Mutual. Incidentally, 21 percent of Americans have no retirement savings at all. It’s one thing to have less than $5,000 in your nest egg when you’re only in your 20s or even 30s. But if you’ve been in the workforce for quite some time, that $5,000 doesn’t paint a great picture. And if you don’t take steps to ramp up, you’ll be sorry for it later on. Social Security just won’t cut it Many workers don’t save for the future because they assume they can live on Social Security. But that’s a dangerous, misguided assumption. In a best-case scenario, Social Security will replace about 40 percent of the average earner’s pre-retirement income. Most seniors, however, need double that amount to live comfortably. Even if you’re willing to cut corners in retirement, you can only slash so many basics. You’ll still need a roof over your head, a way of getting around town, and food on the table. Therefore, a frugal lifestyle might allow you to get away with spending a bit less than 80 percent of your former earnings, but not much. That means that while your Social Security income will help cover the bills when you’re older, you still will need a nice amount of savings to avoid falling short.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats crow about their success in getting students to act as their operatives and as their dupes.
— Facts matter in a democracy where people rule – Editorial (DIERSEN: What are your fact checking qualifications? While I worked for GAO 1980-1997, the last 11 years of which at GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $96,403-$125,325, I increasingly worked as a referencer, that is, as a fact checker. That work required assuring the accuracy and support for each and every word, number, table, graph, chart, conclusion, opinion, and recommendation in GAO reports. I worked for IRS 1971-1980, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $81,071-$91,880. My other fact checking qualifications include my becoming a Forensic Accountant in 1997, a Certified Fraud Examiner in 1990, a licensed CPA in 1981, a Certified Internal Auditor in 1981, and a CPA in 1979.)
— World War II caused dramatic changes to way of life, economy – Andy Kravetz (DIERSEN: What did your parents and grandparents do during WWII? My father, who was 4-F, worked in the office of chemical plant in Chicago Heights. My mother helped her parents operate a farm in Grant Park. On my father’s side, my grandfather operated a hardware store in Crete and my grandmother helped her parents operate a farm in Crete. On my mother’s side, my grandfather and my grandmother helped their parents operate farms in Grant Park. My two uncles on my mother’s side fought the Germans in WWII.)


— Politics with Rick Pearson Full Show 5/20/18 (DIERSEN: Sue Rezin, Bob Rita, and Lori Lightfoot.)


— Everything’s going Pritzker’s way – Editorial (DIERSEN: According to Illinois Democrats, Illinois RINOs, and other Illinois anti-Republicans, if Rauner loses to Pritzker, it is because of conservatives, that is, because of those who support the traditional family, right to life, immigration, Second Amendment, and the rest of the planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform.)
— Pointing fingers – Jim Dey


— Another disappointing lack of transparency in Illinois government – Editorial


— Staying true to watchdog role – David Giuliani


— Illinois should worry about its own problems – Editorial


— Rauner’s New Campaign Issue May Be a Whole Loaf, a Couple of Slices, or Just an Empty Plate – Rich Miller


— Stop ERA in Illinois


— The News Isn’t Fake. But It’s Flawed. – Frank Bruni (DIERSEN: According to my critics/opponents, all news is fake except for the news that they put out or bless.)
— FRONT PAGE: New Reality for High School Students: Calculating the Risk of Getting Shot – Audra D. S. Burch, Amy Harmon and Trip Gabriel
— Why the Wealth Gap Hits Families the Hardest – Christina Gibson-Davis and Christine Percheski (DIERSEN: What do you say to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who falsely hint/imply/argue/shout that my parents were undeservedly filthy rich because they sent me to Trinity Lutheran Grade School in Crete 1953-1961 and then to Hope Lutheran Grade School in Park Forest 1961-1962 to stay with the Missouri Synod?)


— Texas school had a shooting plan, armed officers and practice. And still 10 people died. – Todd C. Frankel, Brittney Martin, Tim Craig and Christian Davenport


— California’s illegal immigration fight is back, and so are the political pitfalls for Republicans – John Myers


— The 9.9 Percent Is the New American Aristocracy The class divide is already toxic, and is fast becoming unbridgeable. – MATTHEW STEWART (DIERSEN: What do you say to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who falsely hint/imply/argue/shout that my parents were undeservedly filthy rich because they sent me to Trinity Lutheran Grade School in Crete 1953-1961 and then to Hope Lutheran Grade School in Park Forest 1961-1962 to stay with the Missouri Synod?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The meritocratic class has mastered the old trick of consolidating wealth and passing privilege along at the expense of other people’s children.)


— Canadians Concerned About Maintaining Standard of Living in Retirement (DIERSEN: Are you on track to have 80 percent of your former earnings” when you retire? In today’s dollars, my former earnings was $125,325. 80% of that is $100,260, but my Civil Service Retirement System is only $51,864, or only 41% of my former earnings.)

May 15 Morning Edition

— Factors that discourage Illinois residents who are religious, conservative, and/or Republican from planning on attending the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) State Central Committee meeting in Springfield this Saturday, May 19:
– Those who want Tim Schneider reelected as IRP chairman have not asked you to attend,  

– The meeting agenda might not include a public comment period,
– The meeting room might be filled to capacity before you get there,
– It appears that the Winchester v. IRP lawsuit has not been filed and that it will not be filed,
– Ives and other IRP chairman candidate Mark Shaw supporters might not be allowed to speak,
– Possibly, the meeting will be broadcast live over the internet, and
– It appears that Tim Schneider will be reelected IRP chairman no matter what.  – Dave Diersen


— Rauner’s opponent, William J. Kelly gears up for fight for the Illinois GOP
(FROM THE ANNOUNCEMENT: WHAT: William J. Kelly, independent candidate for Illinois Governor, will have a press conference on Friday to discuss the future of the post-Rauner Illinois GOP. Kelly also plans to speak at the Illinois GOP State Central Committee meeting on Saturday morning and will be broadcasting live from the State Central Committee meeting. Kelly has released the following statement: “The last four years have been difficult ones for those of us who sounded the warning bell on Bruce Rauner and that bell has finally been heard at a terrible cost: Illinois is now a sanctuary state and expanded taxpayer-funded abortion on demand is the law of the land. The blame is not Governor Rauner’s alone; he had help. I blame Rauner’s payroll conservatives at Illinois Policy Institute, Illinois Opportunity Project, and Liberty Principles PAC. In 2013, when Rauner announced for Governor, his history as a liberal pro-abortion, pro-amnesty Democrat donor was already well-known. Ignoring this, a number of conservative leaders and donors heralded Rauner’s coming. Illinois Policy Institute’s John Tillman and Liberty Principles PAC’s Dan Proft were well-paid to induce conservative voters to support Rauner despite his left-wing history. A number of Illinois Tea Party leaders forced Rauner on us too, attacking anyone who opposed him. For the last four years I, too, have endured the public attacks of Rauner’s payroll conservatives. However, since Rauner’s betrayal on illegal immigration and abortion, many former Raunerites have apologized to me. We need to recruit new conservative and tea party leaders to take the place of those that let us down. I am running for Illinois Governor to reform, rebuild, and redeem the Illinois Republican Party now and for the future. Please join me.”
WHEN: Friday, May 18, 2018, 11:00 AM
WHERE: Blue Room (room 010), Illinois state capitol building, 401 S. 2nd Street, Springfield, IL 62706
CONTACT: Amy Olson 312-768-8683 or by email at


— State election board director says hacking a ‘declaration of war’ – Rick Pearson (DIERSEN: If Russians hacked Illinois election data to help elect Trump, they certainly failed. Trump got only 127 votes in my precinct and Clinton got 211.),amp.html
— Efforts to battle opioid crisis are ‘starting to pay off’ in Will County, officials say – Susan DeMar Lafferty
— Dozens of Crete homes made from Sears kits – Jerry Shnay (DIERSEN: During the 1950s and early 1960s, I frequently visited my aunt and uncle who lived in a Sears home just four doors north of my parents’ 1926 home on Wood Street in Crete. They had introduced my father and mother to each other and they sparked my interest in cars. The homes two and three doors north of my parent’s home are also Sears homes.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Here are some facts about Crete. The first settlers came to the area in 1836. The Will County town was incorporated in 1880 and the 2010 census listed its population as 8,227. In 2012, the Crete-Monee High School football team won a state championship. Crete also is home to more than 40 houses sold by Sears, making it the largest repository for these dwellings in the south suburbs, according to Phyllis Monks, president of the Crete Area Historical Society. Monks said residents were able to build “kit” homes because trains made frequent stops at the local depot, leaving all that was needed to build one in two boxcars.)
— In Rauner’s gun proposal, politics comes ahead of policy – Dahleen Glanton
— Report offers solutions for Chicago region’s segregation woes – Patrick M. O’Connell (DIERSEN: What have you done to cut down your work commute time? Since my wife and I got married in 1978, we have always lived in walking distance of a commuter train station in Wheaton. I bought a one bedroom condo in 1976 and a studio condo in 1974 in downtown Chicago so that I could walk to work and to night classes. I bought a new town home in 1972 when I worked in Harvey. I asked Firestone Stores to assign me to its Chicago Heights Store in 1970 when I was living with my mother and brother in Crete.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Moore wanted to move closer to work but said he could not afford the rent at apartments on the Northwest Side or nearby suburbs that would have made his commute more manageable. And even if he could, Moore said he often felt out of place in the predominantly white neighborhoods. “It’s almost like being an alien, you know,” Moore said. “It’s like, do I belong here?” Moore, who lives in North Lawndale, eventually found work as a community organizer in a job that reduced his travel time by more than half. Moore’s hunt for affordable housing, a shorter commute and a different neighborhood are among the elements highlighted in the Metropolitan Planning Council’s new report on the Chicago region’s segregation, which offers a buffet of initiatives that take aim at entrenched racism and inequities holding back the region.)
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Will liberals see backlash? Few heeding old warning. – Heidi Stevens (DIERSEN: Members of Group A should expect that at some point, members of Group B will start defending themselves and fight back. Members of Group A are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time and members of Group B are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older people, rich people, gun owners, German Americans, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. Members of Group B have purchased a tremendous amount of firearms and ammunition for their self-defense.)
— A full day of Rauner boasts at forum – Rick Pearson,amp.html
— How the death penalty was abolished in Illinois


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats want immigrants because immigrants overwhelmingly vote for Democrats. RINOs want immigrants because RINOs want cheap labor.


— Chicago Fed team proposes perhaps the dumbest ‘solution’ yet to the state’s pension crisis – MARK GLENNON
— Odds leap for legal Illinois sports betting – GREG HINZ (DIERSEN: If you promote gambling, you are a) Democrat, Libertarian, and/or RINO and/or b) anti-religious, anti-conservative, and/or anti-Republican.)


— Rauner’s top priorities sidelined in final budget talks of his first term – KIM GEIGER (DIERSEN: Rauner says that he has no social agenda, but he has signed legislation that promotes LGBTQ activity, abortion, and illegal immigration.)


— Rauner’s amendatory veto revives death-penalty debate – Ben Zigterman (DIERSEN: I should write a book about George Ryan promoters who blame me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails a) for all of George Ryan’s problems, b) for all of their problems, c) for all of your problems, d) for all of my problems, and e) for all of everyone’s problems. They all but shout that were in not for me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails, George Ryan would still be the Governor of Illinois.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In 2000, Gov. George Ryan placed a moratorium on the death penalty because of the number of wrongful convictions.)
— Rauner taps Chicago corporate attorney Sanford “Sandy” Perl for last UI trustees vacancy – Julie Wurth


— Senate unanimously confirms Belleville native Amy St. Eve to serve as federal circuit judge – KARA BERG (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes, and especially those who promote patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation are overjoyed about this and will use this against me. St. Eve denied me my 7th Amendment rights in Diersen v. GAO, that is, she denied me a jury trial. SEE:


— Leaders Weigh in on Governor Rauner’s Controversial Death Penalty – Jerrica Valtierra


    — DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, politicians who are anti-men hint/imply/argue/shout that most if not virtually all men abuse women and that therefore, men should be gotten rid of.


— Leaks plague White House despite crackdown (DIERSEN: Of course, ever since I became the GOPUSA Illinois Editor in 2000, I have been demonized, denigrated, and condemned as being a leaker by Democrats and Democrat plants, by Libertarians and Libertarian plants, by Greens and Green plants, and by RINOs. Should I sue the aforesaid? I have never been a leaker.)


— Joe Topinka Remembers his Mother, Judy Baar Topinka with a new book, “Just Judy” (DIERSEN: According to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes, starting in 2000, me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails caused all the problems that Topinka had.)


— New Route for Memorial Day Parade (DIERSEN: Please consider watching the parade a) in Ives’ precinct along Main Street between Roosevelt Road and Elm Street and along Elm Street between Main Street and Wheaton Avenue or b) in my precinct along Elm Street between Wheaton Avenue and Warrenville Road and along Warrenville Road between Elm Street and the Wheaton Cemetery at 1209 South Warrenville Road. Please consider watching the ceremony. It starts at 11:00 AM at the Wheaton Cemetery in my precinct.)


— A note to readers: We’re getting our research spread and our viewpoint heard – Mark Glennon (DIERSEN: GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails drive lots of internet traffic to Wirepoints articles.)


— ‘It’s like being foreclosed on;’ Read Oak Park homeowners’ stunning comments on their property tax bills


— Ives roiled by lack of a permanent legislative inspector general in Springfield – Glenn Minnis (DIERSEN: What qualifications do want an Illinois Legislative Inspector General to have? I worked for GAO 1980-1997, the last 11 years of which at GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $96,403-$125,325. I worked for IRS 1971-1980, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $81,071-$91,880. I became a Forensic Accountant in 1997, a Certified Fraud Examiner in 1990, a licensed CPA in 1981, a Certified Internal Auditor in 1981, and a CPA in 1979.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Noting that during the time the inspector general’s post went vacant at last 27 complaints of harassment in Springfield went unscrutinized, Ives added, “We only have three weeks before regular session adjourns and there has been no resolution prepared to designate a permanent legislative inspector general. Legislative leaders of both parties and members of the Legislative Ethics Commission should make this a priority.”)


— Skillicorn embraces Trump volunteer Shane Bouvet who wants to ‘drain the swamp’ in Illinois – Marian Johns (DIERSEN: What have you done that might prompt elected officials to embrace you? I led a major effort that succeeded in getting Comcast to start carrying Fox News Channel in Wheaton and in other west suburban municipalities in 2002. I organized a picnic in my precinct that drew all five announced Republican candidates for U.S. Senate, Randy Hultgren, and other elected officials in 2003. I organized Wheaton’s 9/11 ceremonies in 2004 and 2005.)


— Pritzker dares Rauner to sign pro-choice pledge – Mark Maxwell (DIERSEN: When will Rauner sign a pledge that he will not take any action against any of the planks in the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) platform, including its traditional family, right to life, and immigration planks? When will Rauner sign a pledge that he will defend and advance all the planks in the IRP platform, including its traditional family, right to life, and immigration planks?)


— Southern Illinois mayor says cities across the state face insolvency from pension debt – Cole Lauterbach


— Opposition emerges to Rauner AV
— Gov. Rauner warns against name-calling, and then does just that
— Elections director says Russia declared war on Illinois


— Senate confirms two more of Trump’s judicial picks (Michael Scudder and Amy St. Eve) to the 7th Circuit – Alex Swoyer (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes, and especially those who promote patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation are overjoyed about this and will use this against me. St. Eve denied me my 7th Amendment rights in Diersen v. GAO, that is, she denied me a jury trial. SEE:
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In a 90-0 vote, Michael Scudder, a Chicago-based lawyer, was cleared and Amy St. Eve, a judge for the Northern District of Illinois, was confirmed by a 91-0 vote.)


— It’s Time For Common Sense Pit Bull Regulation – SCOTT GREER


— Northeastern Illinois University philosophy professor says ‘wealth redistribution’ key to ‘sexual fulfillment’ – Celine Ryan


— Pompeo lifts hiring freeze at State Department – MAX GREENWOOD (DIERSEN: While I worked for GAO 1980-1997, the agency was almost always under hiring and/or promotion freezes. Overwhelmingly, my GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates were Democrats who a) blamed the hiring and/or promotion freezes on Republicans and b) took their anger against Republicans out on GAO’s few Republican employees including me.)


— Trump says leaks are exaggerated but vows to track down ‘traitors’ – REBECCA MORIN (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes are moral relativists who believe that their end justifies their means. I have never leaked anything. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have falsely hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I am a leaker. I should sue my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes.)


— Workplace Inspections Increase in Pursuit of Illegal Hirings There were 3,510 site investigations between Oct. 1 and May 4, more than all of fiscal year 2017 – Laura Meckler (DIERSEN: Ever-increasing, employers in America talk and act like they want to replace all their employees who are citizens of America with citizens of foreign countries.)
— CEO Pay and Performance Often Don’t Match Up The S&P 500 CEOs who received the biggest pay increases scored middling shareholder returns – Vanessa Fuhrmans (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, to make GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40, you had to a) excel at hiring, retaining, and promoting young Democrat minorities and young Democrat females and b) excel at getting rid of federal employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who did not make the aforesaid promotions. Democrats use Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion to get rid of Republicans, and especially to get rid of Republicans who are White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
— The Issue Is Liberty, Not Gambling The Supreme Court says Congress can’t command state legislatures. (DIERSEN: If you promote gambling, you are a) Democrat, Libertarian, and/or RINO and/or b) anti-religious, anti-conservative, and/or anti-Republican.)


— Sports-betting ruling feeds states’ gambling addiction – Editorial


— Trump talks to Hannity on the phone nearly every night to ‘decompress’: report – JESSICA CHIA


— How free is the free press in Trump’s America? – BARBARA RUSSUM (DIERSEN: If my critics/opponents could stop my Civil Service Retirement System pension, my federal health, dental, and vision insurance subsidy, my Medicare, and/or my Social Security to stop me from putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out, they certainly would have done that by now. So far, they, their operatives, and their dupes have ended my TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairmanship, my Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee membership, my Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster service, my Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee membership, and my American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board membership.)

(FROM THE ARTICLE: There is an old saying, “He who pays the piper calls the tune,” meaning that someone who provides the money has the right to determine what it is spent on. In journalism these days it has taken on a sinister connotation for everything from censoring school newspapers to the firing and even murder of outspoken journalists. Here in the U.S. we like to reflect on the concept of a free press as written into the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. But President Donald Trump describes journalists who offer anything but fawning coverage of him and his administration as “enemies of the people.” Another president, Richard Nixon, also once declared, “The press is the enemy.” Carl Bernstein, one of the Washington Post reporters who exposed Nixon’s Watergate scandal in the 1970s, says Trump’s rhetoric is similar to Nixon’s in that he is “trying to divide the country, and make the conduct of the press the issue, instead of the conduct of the president.” The Trump administration is trying to get the public to buy the idea that when a newspaper or television network reports anything that is at all unflattering to the president that newspaper or network is automatically displaying its bias. “In Donald Trump’s America,” said the Los Angeles Times in an editorial, “the mere act of reporting news unflattering to the president is held up as evidence of bias. Journalists are slandered. Facts that contradict Trump’s version of reality are dismissed as ‘fake news.’ Reporters and their news organizations are ‘pathetic,’ ‘very dishonest,’ ‘failing,’ and even, in one memorable turn of phrase, ‘a pile of garbage.’” While Trump aims his fire at even objective reporting that shines light on negative features of his administration, not all newspapers, television networks and other media outlets are placed on his enemies list. Some, like Fox News, shower praise on the president almost round the clock and he rewards them with frequent exclusive interviews. It is impossible to avoid the conclusion that a big difference between the networks and outlooks he likes and the ones he opposes correlates to who owns those various networks and outlets. It goes without saying that the high costs of putting out the news favors billionaires to become owners of huge chunks of print and broadcasting media and it is not always easy to keep track of who owns what. Recent headlines provide an example of how it can get confusing: “Comcast prepares all-cash bid to gate-crash Disney-Fox deal,” or “Disney Could Give Up Sky to Get Fox Assets.” Another fact is that big money doesn’t just limit itself to controlling editorial policy. At times it goes after the ability of newspapers to even continue to exist. Clarity about the nature of what goes on in a world where big money influences journalism was the aim of a May 8 Democracy Now show with Amy Goodman and Juan González. They talked about how rank and file journalists are rising up against a Wall Street hedge fund that is chewing up and spitting out newsrooms across the country. Alden Global Capital, a hedge fund, owns Digital First media, the nation’s second largest newspaper chain.)

May 13 Morning Edition

— Gurnee removed from Southern Poverty Law Center hate map: ‘There was no evidence’ – Jim Newton (DIERSEN: Sooner or later, if not already, if your group does not promote LGBTQ activity, the Southern Poverty Law Center will call it a hate group.)
— Split over plan to expand food stamp work requirements: ‘A good thing’ or ‘a recipe for disaster’ – Greg Trotter and Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz (DIERSEN: What about requiring food stamp recipients to take “bad” jobs? To justify their calling me a “bad” person, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always called all the jobs that I have had “bad” jobs. I did yard work and delivered newspapers 1962-1964; washed dishes 1964-1966; cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline in 1966; delivered mail 1966-1969; worked on an automobile assembly line and as a security guard in 1970; sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances 1970-1971; pumped gasoline 1971-1972; collected delinquent taxes 1971-1980; and audited federal agencies 1980-1997.)
— The growing gender gap that gets little notice: Homebuying – Kenneth R. Harney (DIERSEN: I bought a new town home in University Park in September of 1972 when I was 24 years old. The down payment came from money that I had saved a) working for IRS for the previous 15 months, b) working part-time for the Firestone Store in Chicago Heights for the previous 18 months, and c) working for Firestone full-time for 7 months before that.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: It’s the gender gap you don’t hear so much about: Single women are buying homes and condos at what may be more than twice the rate of single males, and the trend appears to be accelerating. Consider: Single women accounted for 18 percent of all home purchases last year compared with just 7 percent by single males, according to survey data from the National Association of Realtors. This makes single women the second largest segment in the entire home-purchase marketplace, behind married couples.)
— Unemployment rate for Chicago’s black youth improves – Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted a) that instead of me, the Post Office should have hired a Black in 1966, b) that the Post Office should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a Black could have my job, c) that instead of me, IRS should have hired a Black in 1971, d) that instead of me, IRS should have promoted Blacks in 1972, 1973, and 1974, e) that instead of me, GAO should have hired a Black in 1980, f) that instead of me, GAO should have promoted a Black in 1986, and g) that GAO should have gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a Black could have my job and my preferred corner office.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps encourage citizens of foreign countries to seek asylum in America.
— Madigan the meddler should allow an independent #MeToo investigation – Editorial


— More financial loss as mail delivery slumps – Hope Yen


— More Americans expect to work until 70; there are benefits – AP (DIERSEN: The federal government forces its employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who do not make Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200/year) to retire as soon as they are eligible. For me, that would have been when I was 55 years old in 2003. But my Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The RMD is the minimum amount that the IRS says you must draw from retirement accounts each year once you reach age 70 ½. This approach, dubbed the “Spend Safely in Retirement Strategy,” in effect “pensionizes” common retirement accounts like a 401(k) or IRA. It will not compensate for inadequate savings but it will help squeeze as much income as possible from existing sources. To make it work, some retirees may have to significantly lower their living expenses. Vernon said it’s a straightforward way for middle-income workers with between $100,000 and $1 million in savings to generate a stream of lifetime income. He estimates this group represents as many as half of all workers age 55 and older. And workers need some help as most will not consult a financial planner and few calculate how much they’ll need. “You can’t just tumble into retirement, you have to be thoughtful about it,” he said. Americans typically retire at age 63 and start collecting Social Security between age 62 to 64, according to research from The New School. But waiting pays off.)


— McHenry Township trustees vote to slash elected officials’ pay Health benefits, pensions set to remain the same – ED KOMENDA (DIERSEN: When did you start earning $100,000-a-year in to today’s dollars? I did in 1988 when I was 40 years old. By then, I had worked for GAO for almost 9 years, I had worked for IRS for almost 9 years, I had become a licensed CPA in 1981, I had passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, I had earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, I had passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, and I had earned an MBA from Loyola in 1976.)


— Retired military leaders call for more child care, education funding – Brenden Moore (DIERSEN: I became a member of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association ( long before my Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old. NARFE’s mission is “To support legislation beneficial to current and potential federal annuitants and to oppose legislation contrary to their interests. To promote the general welfare of current and potential federal annuitants by advising them with respect to their rights under retirement laws and regulations. To cooperate with other organizations and associations in furtherance of these objectives.” Needless-to-say, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes are anti-NARFE.)


— Bicentennial: Walgreens, America’s pharmacist, got its start in Illinois – Christopher Placek
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In 1919, Walgreen had 20 stores, which a decade later grew to 525. Company historians have attributed Walgreens tremendous growth in the 1920s to the popularity of the malted milkshake, invented by soda jerk Ivar “Pop” Coulson in 1922. Coulson added vanilla ice cream to the common malted milk drink, which consisted of milk, chocolate syrup and malt powder. Daniel Okrent, in his book “Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition,” suggests the store also benefited from alcohol sales during that time because pharmacies were allowed to sell booze for medicinal purposes.)


— Look out: Solving pension woes will flatten taxpayers – Jim Dey (DIERSEN: The future looks bleaker and bleaker and bleaker for those who are in line to get a government pension or are getting a government pension. The bigger the government pension that you are in line to get or are getting, the more that you will be viciously demonized, viciously denigrated, and viciously condemned by those who hate government employees and by those who hate government retirees.)


— Illinois lawmakers need to back their education ideas with cash – Editorial
— Halpin, Anderson want to keep border businesses in Illinois – SARAH HAYDEN


— Gov. Bruce Rauner chats with diners at Downers Grove Omega


    — More Americans expect to work until 70; there are benefits – AP (DIERSEN: The federal government forces its employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who do not make Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200/year) to retire as soon as they are eligible. For me, that would have been when I was 55 years old in 2003. But my Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)


— Paul Ryan warns ‘blue wave’ could wipe out Trump accomplishments – AP


— A Little Rebellion Is a Good Thing? – Paul Jacob


— GOP pollster: Republican brand ‘is not doing well right now’ – MAX GREENWOOD


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats want felons to vote. What percent of criminals vote for Democrats – 98%, 99%, 100%?)
— How the Online Left Fuels the Right – Michelle Goldberg
— Liberals, You’re Not as Smart as You Think You Are – Gerard Alexander


— How John Kelly’s family history compares with the immigrants he wants to keep from entering – Philip Bump (DIERSEN: If there had been as many immigrants in the 1960s as there are today, they would have gotten the jobs that I had. I did yard work and delivered newspapers 1962-1964; washed dishes 1964-1966; cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline in 1966; and delivered mail 1966-1969. If there had been as many immigrants in the 1970s as there are today, they would have gotten the jobs that I had. I worked on an automobile assembly line and as a security guard in 1970; sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances 1970-1971; pumped gasoline 1971-1972; and collected delinquent taxes 1971-1980. If had been as many immigrants in the 1980s and 1990s as there are today, they would have gotten the jobs that I had. I audited federal agencies 1980-1997.)


— Here’s why it’s better to own a home than to rent – Maurie Backman (DIERSEN: Government should encourage marriage and home ownership. Roskam should increase the $10,000 SALT cap to $20,000 for married filing jointly.)
— How does the average American spend their paycheck? See how you compare – Matthew Frankel (DIERSEN: The Diersens have always spent far less on “immediate pleasures” than others who share their demographics do.)


— Term limits: The rebirth of a bad idea – J. DAVID WOODARD
— The thrills and worries of first-time home buyers in the Charleston area – Jim Parker (DIERSEN: I bought a new town home in University Park in September of 1972 when I was 24 years old. The down payment came from money that I had saved a) working for IRS for the previous 15 months, b) working part-time for the Firestone Store in Chicago Heights for the previous 18 months, and c) working for Firestone full-time for 7 months before that.)—-people-purchasing-homes/article_0759ae70-5460-11e8-bdcb-5f13bcf0ebc4.html


— Sharing tax returns a private decision – Editorial


— How not to run out of money in retirement – Liz Weston (DIERSEN: The federal government forces its employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who do not make Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200/year) to retire as soon as they are eligible. For me, that would have been when I was 55 years old in 2003. But my Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)


— Libertarian Party targets legal pot – Tris DeRoma (DIERSEN: If you promote pot, you shout that you really are a Libertarian.)


— What Does A Pensionless Future Mean For Age Discrimination? – Elizabeth Bauer (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always promoted age discrimination.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Not long ago, Pro Publica reported on the extensive age discrimination that seemed to be (that is, without legal determination of such) taking place at IBM in the course of their Reduction in Force exercise. ProPublica estimates that in the past five years alone, IBM has eliminated more than 20,000 American employees ages 40 and over, about 60 percent of its estimated total U.S. job cuts during those years. In making these cuts, IBM has flouted or outflanked U.S. laws and regulations intended to protect later-career workers from age discrimination, according to a ProPublica review of internal company documents, legal filings and public records, as well as information provided via interviews and questionnaires filled out by more than 1,000 former IBM employees. The entire report is distressing and makes for very sobering reading. Documents the ProPublica reporters obtained describe internal decisions to replace older Boomer-aged workers with younger ones viewed as better able to meet the company’s agenda, all while using gambits to reduce their risk of age-discrimination lawsuits. At the same time, readers who have watched the history of retirement plans will recall that IBM was a pioneer in the move away from traditional pension plans. In 1999, the company froze accruals in its traditional pension plan and moved to a cash balance pension plan for new accruals (that is, a hybrid plan which functions like a 401(k) plan with semi-guaranteed returns), in 2005, it switched to a 401(k) plan for new employees, and in 2008 it froze its cash balance and moved all employees to a 401(k) plan for all future accruals.)


— Why “Managing Up” is a Win-Win for Everyone – Melissa Lamson (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, my superiors were always under tremendous pressure from Democrat politicians a) to hire, retain, and promote young Democrat minorities and young Democrat females and b) make way for them by getting rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who had not made GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40. I refused to become a Democrat. My Democrat superiors would say that I refused to help them meet their Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion quotas, goals, and targets, that is, that I refused to help them get rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Managing up is a term that refers to the tactics you use to build a strong relationship with your boss, make their job easier, and even develop relationships with the people they may report to. “Managing up, or building smooth, productive relationships with higher-ups, requires understanding and adapting to your boss’s communication and decision-making style,” writes Sue Shellenbarger, in a Wall Street Journal article. “Many people are promoted because of the quality of their work. But as newly minted managers aim to rise in the ranks, assuming their work will speak for itself becomes increasingly hazardous to their careers.” Managing up means getting to know your direct manager as a person and understanding their goals and communication styles and preferences. Remember, the boss-employee relationship is a two-way street. Take the time to figure how you can proactively build a productive relationship with the person you report to.)
— Amazon Is Paying Its Employees $12,000 to Train for a Job at Another Company. And It’s Brilliant The forward-thinking company helps employees forward their dream careers–even if it means it’s not at Amazon. – Scott Mautz (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, extremely few of my superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates took job related courses. They hinted/implied/argued/shouted that the undergraduate and graduate courses that I took a) were not job-related, b) did not help me carry out my job duties, c) were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, and d) were a distraction. To keep their jobs and to get promoted, my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government focused on getting rid of federal employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— People don’t save enough for retirement because they live longer than they think they will, research finds Those in their 50s and 60s underestimate chances of survival to age 75 by around 20 percentage points and to 85 by five to 10 percentage points, study finds – Ben Chapman (DIERSEN: What is your life expectancy? According to the Social Security Administration (, I have 15.7 years left to live. What do you plan on doing with the rest of your life? I plan on spending 10+ hours each and every day for the rest of my life putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out each and every day. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes plan on spending the rest of their lives a) trying to stop me from sending the emails out and b) trying to stop everyone from reading them.)

May 12 Evening Edition

— Contested race for state GOP chair continues party strife – Bernard Schoenburg (DIERSEN: This article includes quotes from Chris Mooney, Greg Baise, David McSweeney, Bruce Rauner, Mark Shaw, Jeanne Ives, Bob Winchester, Mike Bigger, Fred Floreth, Rosemarie Long, and Sam McCann.)
— Precariously balanced is better than unbalanced – Doug Finke
— Gush of news from White House in age of Trump – Bernard Schoenburg
— Critics: Illinois Governor’s race shows need for campaign finance reform – AP
— The power of civics education – Sheila Smith (DIERSEN: From what I see, ever-increasingly, students that come out of Democrat-run schools are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Rauner’s budget questioned by leaders – BGA


— Trump Announces Plan To Lower Drug Prices: ‘This Is A Total Rip Off, And We Are Ending It’

— Immigration Detention Centers in Midwest Proposed – AP


— Delaware becomes first state to fully ban child marriage – AP


— Campaign-finance reform bill stalls during big-money Illinois governor’s race – AP
— New immigration detention centers proposed for Illinois, other Midwest states – AP
— Lori Lightfoot plans to tap LGBT voting bloc to make history and reach City Hall – Laura Washington


— Number of moms in U.S. prisons on the rise, but each time that happens ‘you incarcerate the whole family,’ Chicago woman says of experience – Morgan Greene


— St. Charles Democrats to host ‘Concert for Our Candidates’ May 15
— Runners raise money in Geneva to help Haitians


— Illinois Senate tries to define synthetic pot after multiple deaths


— Whiting woman sentenced to 27 months in prison after gambling away $491K stolen from credit union – Carmen McCollum


— Smolenski doesn’t rule out bankruptcy for ailing municipalities – Hoang Tran


— Windhorst willing to make tough decisions to save Illinois – Glenn Minnis


— East Central Illinois cities reap $991,000 for housing projects (DIERSEN: In your precinct, how many homes need to be rehabilitated or torn down? Should I seek government funds to rehabilitate or tear down homes in my precinct?)


— City of Cuba reaps nearly $370,000 for housing projects (DIERSEN: In your precinct, how many homes need to be rehabilitated or torn down? Should I seek government funds to rehabilitate or tear down homes in my precinct?)


— Julie Morrison complicit in denying voters chance at fair maps in November, Republican challenger says – Karen Kidd


— McMillan critical of Manar’s stance on immigration – Glenn Minnis


— Khouri: Time to give people what they want — and it isn’t more taxes – Glenn Minnis (DIERSEN: According to Democrats and Democrat plants, Libertarians and Libertarian plants, Greens and Green plants, and RINOs, a) people want dependency on government, dependency on charity, LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, abolition of the First and Second Amendments, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and even worse things and b) people want government to get rid of individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Analysis: Lisle Police Pension Fund would go broke in 20 years without taxpayer subsidy


— Illinois Senator Dick Durbin leaves door open to work requirement for food stamps – Cole Lauterbach


— The Consequences of Historical Ignorance – Jarrett Stepman
— How a ‘Far-Left Propaganda Machine’ Got a Respected Legal Group (Alliance Defending Freedom) Expelled by Amazon – Greg Scott


— Democrats worry Trump will win over economy – AMIE PARNES (DIERSEN: Overwhelmingly, those who have financial problems vote for Democrats. Democrats shout at them that Republicans caused all their past, present, and future financial problems. Who has financial problems? Overwhelmingly, they are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Critics: Illinois Gov’s race shows need for campaign finance reform – Sarah Zimmerman


— John Kelly: Most undocumented immigrants can’t assimilate easily (DIERSEN: Democrats talk and act like they do not want immigrants to assimilate.)


— JANUARY 26, 2016 FLASHBACK: 600 ‘requests’ from Benghazi for better security: What this statistic really means – Glenn Kessler (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents hint/imply/argue/shout that there is no need for Illinois Republican Party (IRP) State Central Committee (SCC) members to communicate with Republican Precinct Committeemen/Captains directly because they communicate with a) Randy Pollard, the President of the Illinois Republican County Chairman’s Association, b) the chairmen of the Republican county/township/ward party organizations in their district, and c) the Republican elected officials in their district. However, far too often, far too many of the aforesaid fail/refuse to communicate with Republican Precinct Committeemen/Captains. I should write a book about it. Far too often, far too many of them communicate only with those Republican Precinct Committeemen who a) glorify and praise them, b) pander to them, c) serve as their operative or dupe, and/or d) give them money.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A key point that Republicans on the committee have tried to make was that Ambassador Chris Stevens — who perished in the 2012 attacks on U.S. facilities that left three others dead — did not directly communicate with Clinton on her private email system. (Generally, ambassadors would send messages through the chain of command.) So none of these came directly from Stevens to Clinton, “asking for help,” as Trump put it.)
— Trump’s welfare reform plan misses a key piece: transportation – Martine Powers (DIERSEN: What cars did you use to get to/from work? I used a:
– 1958 Chevy BelAir 1964-1966,
– 1966 Pontiac Tempest Sprint 1966-1967,
– 1968 Oldsmobile 442 1967-1968,
– 1969 Dodge Charger SE 1968-1971,
– 1962 Chevy BelAir 1971-1974, and
– 1974 Dodge Dart 1973-1974.
I walked to work 1974-1978.
I took public transportation to work in 1971 and 1978-1997.


— Amazon shareholders are getting opposite advice on whether diversity should be mandated for the company’s board – Jason Del Rey (DIERSEN: How successful would Amazon be today if it had operated like the federal government? The federal government gives tremendous preference to its employees who are Democrat, and especially to those who are minority and/or female and b) wastes the careers of and gets rid of its employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran if they do not make GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40.)


— Green funerals are a must – Noah Wingard (DIERSEN: What are you funeral plans? Our not having children is a major reason why my wife and I will be cremated. What are your major life accomplishments? Mine include:
– Buying 774-5 Sunset Court in University Park in 1972 when I was 24 years old
– Buying condos in the Outer Drive East building in downtown Chicago 1974 and 1976
– Buying 1017 East Harrison in Wheaton in 1978
– Having 915 Cove Court in Wheaton built in 1984
– Earning a bachelor’s degree in management from Northern Illinois University in 1970
– Earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976
– Earning a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980
– Passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979
– Passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981
– Earning a master’s degree in finance from IIT in 1997
– Working for S.S. Kresges in Chicago Heights 1964-1966
– Working for the Park Forest Post Office 1966-1969
– Working for Firestone Stores in Chicago Heights 1970-1972
– Working for IRS in Harvey, Joliet, and Chicago 1971-1980
– Getting promoted by IRS in 1972, 1973, and 1974
– Working for GAO in Chicago 1980-1997
– Getting promoted by GAO in 1986
– Owning my 1972 Corvette since I bought it new in 1971
– Dealing with the many negatives in a nasty 1978 Money Magazine article on me
– Marrying Karen in 1978 and being married to her ever since
– Taking many vacations with Karen in connection with her many business trips to many luxury resorts across America 1978-1992
– Serving on the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter Executive Committee 1983-1996
– Pursuing lawsuits in state and federal courts during the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s
– Serving as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999
– Serving as the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000
– Serving as the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2000-2004 and 2008-2010
– Serving on the Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee 2003-2007
– Serving as the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman 2005-2012
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Nothing says classy quite like death. That is, dying in a way that gives back to others, whether that’s giving your possessions to charity or making your life’s accomplishments an example of what hard work and determination can earn. However, there’s one way we can all give back in death: ourselves. No, not in a metaphorical sense. Our bodies are rich in carbon, bacteria and other stuff that naturally decomposes into the environment with relative ease. That being said, it seems odd that to this day burial seems to be the preferred route of putting a loved one to eternal rest. Burial of an entire body in a metal and plastic coffin seems so off-putting and gaudy, not to mention contrary to the natural process of decomposition. While there are certain religious justifications, nonethe­less the modern practice of burial is environmen­tally unfriendly and creates a future environmen­tal crisis. Graveyards alone contain hundreds if not thousands of bodies, both subterranean and in mausoleums. With a large elderly and baby boom­er population beginning to die off, many of these locations will be hard pressed to make room for more. The process, money and storage it takes to put the deceased in their own plot of land or on a marble shelf makes no sense. Furthermore, the resources that go into buri­als aren’t necessarily friendly to the earth. Since most coffins are made of plastic and varying metal alloys, they aren’t really known for their ability to break down. While the idea of being able to visit a loved one’s final resting place can be therapeutic or provide emotional closure, this practice is as wasteful as it is impractical.)


— Where Are You on the ‘Happiness Curve’? – Nick Gillespie (DIERSEN: What were the major stages of your life? For me, they include:
– Living at Main & Exchange in Crete 1948-1954
– Living at 1286 Wood Street in Crete 1954-1972
– Living at 774-5 Sunset Court in University Park 1972-1976
– Living in the Outer Drive East building in downtown Chicago 1976-1978
– Living at 1017 East Harrison in Wheaton 1978-1984
– Living at 915 Cove Court in Wheaton since 1984
– Attending Trinity Lutheran Grade School in Crete 1953-1961
– Attending Hope Lutheran Grade School in Park Forest 1961-1962
– Attending Crete-Monee High School 1962-1966
– Attending University of Illinois in Chicago 1966-1968
– Attending Northern Illinois University in DeKalb 1969-1970
– Taking graduate business classes at Loyola in Chicago 1972-1976
– Taking graduate accounting courses at DePaul in Chicago 1976-1980
– Taking CPA review courses 1978-1979
– Taking Certified Internal Auditor review courses 1980-1981
– Taking graduate finance courses at IIT in Chicago 1992-1997
– Working for S.S. Kresges in Chicago Heights 1964-1966
– Working for the Park Forest Post Office 1966-1969
– Working for Firestone Stores in Chicago Heights 1970-1972
– Working for IRS in Harvey, Joliet, and Chicago 1971-1980
– Working for GAO in Chicago 1980-1997
– Dealing with being forced to retire in 1997 since 1997
– Owning my 1972 Corvette since I bought it new in 1971
– Dealing with the many negatives in a nasty 1978 Money Magazine article on me since 1978
– Being married to Karen since 1978
– Taking many vacations with Karen in connection with her many business trips to many luxury resorts across America 1978-1992
– Serving on the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter Executive Committee 1983-1996
– Pursuing lawsuits in state and federal courts during the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s
– Serving as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999
– Serving as the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000
– Serving as the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2000-2004 and 2008-2010
– Serving on the Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee 2003-2007
– Serving as the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman 2005-2012

(FROM THE ARTICLE: In a country that fetishizes youth, writing a book subtitled Why Life Gets Better After 50 is practically an act of revolution. But that’s exactly what the Jonathan Rauch has done. The Happiness Curve: Why Life Gets Better After 50 is a mind-blowing synthesis of social science and deeply moving personal accounts that will change the way you think about every stage of your life. Whether you’re in your early twenties, the thick of middle age, or your golden years, The Happiness Curve will help to explain not just what’s going on in your life now, but what to expect down the road. If knowledge is power, this book is pure dynamite. In a wide-ranging conversation with Nick Gillespie, Rauch explains why being aware of the aging process can help individuals be more productive and more fulfilled at every stage of life.)

May 11 Evening Edition

— Kendall County Democrats led by all-female board for first time – Jesse Kirsch (DIERSEN: Democrats shout at women that Republicans have caused, are causing, and will forever cause all the problems that women have had, are having, and will have.)
— White House aide Kelly Sadler dismissed John McCain view, says ‘he’s dying anyway’ – AP (DIERSEN: What is Sadler’s position on age discrimination? I expect that she supports the federal government’s policy of wasting the careers of and getting rid of its employees who are Republican, White, male, or non-veteran who do not make GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40.)
— Wheaton family sues hospital over grandmother’s opioid overdose death – Sarah J. Schulte


— Meghan McCain Asks How White House Staffer Who Joked About Her Father’s Brain Cancer Still Has A Job


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Pot pushers push pot.
— Trump tells CEOs he wants more cars built in U.S. – AP (DIERSEN: Overwhelmingly, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes are a) anti-General Motors, b) anti-Ford, c) anti-Chrysler, d) anti-those who own vehicles built by the aforesaid, and e) anti-union.)


— In Chicago, Paul Ryan says polarization is fueled by the internet, not ‘one particular person or personality’ – Rick Pearson (DIERSEN: According to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes, my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails have caused all the defeats that Republicans have suffered in Illinois since 2000. What do you say about that to my critics/opponents, to their operatives, and to their dupes?)
— Starbucks changes bathroom policy following racial firestorm – AP


— Three GOP leaders (IRS SCC members Mark Shaw, Char Foss-Eggemann, and Ryan Higgins) speak to Wheeling Township Republicans Saturday
(DIERSEN: Questions for your Illinois Republican Party (IRP) State Central Committee (SCC) member:
– Does the agenda for the May 19 IRS SCC meeting include a public comment period, and if so, how long and how many minutes will each speaker be limited to?
– What is the status of potential Winchester litigation against the IRP?
– If the 15th Congressional District (CD) IRP SCC position is still in dispute on May 19, will the vote for IRP chairman be postponed or will the vote be taken without the 12.1% 15th CD weighted vote?
– Do you agree with those who believe that if Rose casts the 15th CD weighted vote, Schneider will be reelected and if the vote is taken without the 15th CD weighted vote, or if Winchester casts it, Shaw will be elected?
– In the past, especially in 2005 and 2013, many have sought the IRP chairman position. Why are only two seeking the position now?
– Will the IRP allow Ives to speak in favor of Shaw at the May 19 IRP SCC meeting?
– Who does Schneider want the IRP Executive Director to be? Who does Shaw want the IRP Executive Director to be?
– Would it be correct to say that you will only vote for an IRP chairman candidate who can and will defend and advance all the planks in the Republican Party platform and the IRP platform, including their traditional family, right to life, and immigration planks?
– What is your weighted vote and which IRP chairman candidate are you going to vote for and why?
– How many chairs will the IRP set up for observers at the IRP SCC meeting: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500+?
– Who has asked you to nominate them to serve as your deputy?
– Who has asked you to appoint them to the 2020 IRP State Convention Platform and Resolutions Committee?)
— Facebook shares bounce back to pre-scandal level – AP (DIERSEN: Facebook is a Democrat website. is a Republican website.)
— Naperville garden for charity joins network named for Obama – Marie Wilson (DIERSEN: Democrats promote dependency on government and charity.)
— Higher pay discussed for mayor, trustees in Libertyville – Mick Zawislak


— Here are the local CEOs who were paid $20 million-plus – JOE CAHILL (DIERSEN: Who demonizes, denigrates, and condemns you as being overpaid? I should write a book about those who since 1966 have demonized, denigrated, and condemned me as being overpaid. In my defense, I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32.)
— Mandated scheduling is a lose-lose for employers and employees (DIERSEN: In 1969, to justify forcing me to resign my part-time Park Forest Post Office job that I had held since 1966, my Democrat superiors said that my being available to work Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, holidays, and all days that NIU was not in session was NOT ENOUGH. They would not have done that if I had been a Democrat, a minority, a female, or a veteran.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: An anti-Trump says “Loyalty and unease in Trump’s Midwest.”


— Pro-Choice Advocates Want Written Pledge From Gubernatorial Candidates – DAISY CONTRERAS (DIERSEN: Illinois Republicans want a written pledge from Rauner that he will defend and advance all the planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform.)




— Man pleads not guilty to burglarizing video gambling parlor


— OUTSTANDING: Plummer Endorses Steps to Protect 2nd Amendment Rights – Greg Sapp
— May is Older Americans Month in Illinois (DIERSEN: What do you say to those who discriminate against older people? I should write books about those in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who discriminate against older people.)


— VIDEO: Fight for chair


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: What do you say to those who discourage everyone from speaking, reading, and writing English?


— IL Department on Aging celebrates Older Americans Month (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes promote age discrimination. They promote the federal government’s policy of wasting the careers of and getting rid of its employees who are Republican, White, male, or non-veteran who do not make GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40.)


— George P. Bush to be keynote speaker at DuPage GOP Lincoln Day Dinner – Glenn Minnis


— Illinois Senate looks to ‘send message’ with anti-registry legislation – Benjamin Yount (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, those who run Illinois send messages to everyone that they want individuals, organizations, and companies that are members of the following groups to leave Illinois: Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Lawmakers look to crackdown on synthetic drugs – Raquel Martin




— Rauner dodges question on “sanctuary counties” for gun owners
— Shaw loses again in fight to control state party
— “If you do your job, it’s going to be a lot easier to get re-elected”
— Dems look to put Rauner in another trick bag
— Rauner introduces penalty enhancement bill for politicians (DIERSEN: What about politicians who use the powers of their office to destroy individuals, organizations, companies, and governments that refuse to a) glorify and praise them, b) pander to them, c) serve as their operatives or dupes, and/or b) give them lots of money? What about politicians who use the powers of their office to destroy individuals who have demographics that they disapprove of, for example, Trump supporter, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owner, German American, draft avoider, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time? What about politicians who use the powers of their office to destroy individuals who have sued them?)


— BEYOND OUTRAGEOUS: Half of all Americans now live in ‘sanctuaries’ protecting illegal aliens
— Feminism falls to a new low in its porn phase


— Poll: Optimism in Direction of Country Hits 11-Year High Under Trump – JOHN NOLTE
— Syrian Granted Asylum Despite Being Convicted of Selling Drugs to Children (DIERSEN: Anti-Americans side with those who seek asylum.)
— Rep. William Lacy Clay on 2020 Census Citizenship Question: ‘American Version of Ethnic Cleansing’ – PENNY STARR (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs encourage people a) to come to America illegally, b) to stay in America illegally, and c) to bring others to America illegally.)


— John Kelly: White House Press Corps Is ‘Vicious’ – Saagar Enjeti


— NRA sues New York governor, regulator for ‘blacklisting campaign’ – Reuters (DIERSEN: Who are the leading blacklisters in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois? By definition, blacklisters have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The National Rifle Association on Friday sued New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and the state’s financial regulator for engaging in what it said was a “blacklisting campaign” aimed at swaying banks and insurers to stop doing business with the gun advocacy group, according to a complaint. Cuomo and the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) aimed to deprive the NRA of its right to “speak freely about gun-related issues and defend the Second Amendment,” the group said in the suit, referring to part of the U.S. Constitution that protects the right of Americans to bear arms.)


— Study: Workers are now focusing on retirement benefits over health-care plans – Gene Marks


— Director of drug abuse institute offers words of caution on marijuana – Felice J. Freyer


— OPM Director Wants Federal Workers to Join Retirement Race to the Bottom Few civil servants work for the federal government to get rich, but at least they can count on a decent pension. The Trump administration wants to change all that. – MANUEL MADRID (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes are beyond furious that since 1997 when I was 49 years old, I have gotten a) a Civil Service Retirement System pension and b) a federal health, dental, and vision insurance subsidy. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who share my demographics never could/would have done what I did to earn the aforesaid. To get my Post Office job, I passed the Post Office’s employment test in 1966, earned a high school diploma in 1966, and met the job’s many other requirements. To get my IRS job, I passed the Federal Service Entrance Examination in 1970, earned a job-related bachelor’s degree in 1970, and met the job’s many other requirements. I get my GAO job, I earned a job-related master’s degree in 1976, passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, suffered a $19,203/year (26%) pay cut in today’s dollars, and met the job’s many other requirements. I overcame tremendous efforts by my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates to waste my career and to get rid of me. Because I have always been a Republican, were it not for federal civil service protections, a) the Post Office would NOT have hired me in 1966 or let me work there for almost 3 years, b) IRS would NOT have hired me in 1971 or let me work there for almost 9 years, c) IRS would NOT have promoted me in 1972, 1973, or 1974, d) GAO would NOT have hired me in 1980 or let me work there for almost 18 years, and e) GAO would NOT have promoted me in 1986.)


— Federal worker unions and retiree groups blast Trump pension cuts – MARK GRUENBERG (DIERSEN: Who demonizes, denigrates, and condemns you as being overpaid? I should write a book about those who since 1966 have demonized, denigrated, and condemned me as being overpaid. In my defense, I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32.)


— Why You Need to Join a Nonprofit Board The networking opportunities alone are reason enough to use your talents for nonprofit board service — but there’s more. – Renee Beckman (DIERSEN: I served on the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter Executive Committee 1983-1996. I served on the American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board of directors 2001-2004. I served on the Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee 2003-2007. I served as the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman 2005-2012.)

May 11 Morning Edition

— A Call to Attend the May 19th meeting of the IL GOP State Central Committee – John Biver (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, those who dominate the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) make the IRP more anti-conservative, that is, more anti-Republican. Anti-conservatives, that is, anti-Republicans, reject the traditional family, right to life, and/or immigration planks. Ever-increasingly, Rauner runs as an anti-conservative, that is, as an anti-Republican.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Three Illinois conservatives who have a keen understanding of politics were asked by Illinois Family Action to comment on the upcoming meeting of the Illinois Republican Party’s State Central Committee on May 19th. A lot is at stake — here are just two related items. First, there’s the question of the establishment’s tampering with the county party State Central Committee elections last month. The outcome of one of the races is being contested. Second, that outcome will probably decide who gets chosen for the party chairmanship. The Bruce Rauner-backed incumbent, Tim Schneider, is seeking reelection, and conservatives who are seeking better leadership have put forward an alternative candidate, Mark Shaw. There needs to be a strong conservative turnout at that meeting! Here are the comments of three conservative leaders in Illinois (Carol Davis, Pam Johnson, and Doug Ibendahl):)


— Fight to decide state GOP chair could go to court – Rick Pearson (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, those who dominate the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) make the IRP more anti-conservative, that is, more anti-Republican. Anti-conservatives, that is, anti-Republicans, reject the traditional family, right to life, and/or immigration planks. Ever-increasingly, Rauner runs as an anti-conservative, that is, as an anti-Republican.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: An attorney for an unsuccessful candidate for the Republican State Central Committee says his client may go to court to try to reverse a decision by the Illinois State Board of Elections — a move that could affect who becomes the next state GOP chairman. State Board officials said they had no choice under law Thursday but to certify the results of county conventions held previously across the state that elected a member of the state central committee from each of the state’s 18 congressional districts. Those 18 will decide — by a weighted vote of GOP ballots cast in the March primary — whether to keep Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner’s handpicked chairman, Cook County Commissioner Tim Schneider, or opt for challenger Lake County GOP Chairman Mark Shaw. The battle represents a continued outgrowth of dissatisfaction among the party’s social conservatives that played out in Rauner’s narrow win in the March GOP gubernatorial primary over state Rep. Jeanne Ives of Wheaton. Ives is backing Shaw, as are many of Rauner’s conservative critics. Rauner has pointed out he picked Schneider, and the wealthy governor has largely been the state GOP’s sole funding source. At issue are the results of the Downstate GOP state committeeman’s race in the 15th Congressional District, one of the most Republican in the state, which could decide the outcome of the party chairman’s contest. Rauner supporter and state Rep. Chapin Rose of Mahomet was declared the narrow winner over former state Rep. Bob Winchester of Rosiclare who is backing Shaw. Stephen Boulton, an attorney representing Winchester, said no decision had been made about going to court, alleging irregularities in counting by a GOP staff working under Schneider’s direction. Such a decision will have to come quickly, with the Republican State Central Committee scheduled to meet May 19 in Springfield. “It’s difficult, expensive and a few other things, so I think a lot of people who aren’t me have to decide what they want to do,” Boulton said after the state board’s 7-0 vote. John Fogarty, the legal counsel for the state GOP, dismissed Boulton’s criticism that vote tallying at the county conventions lacked safeguards. “These are political elections. They are not any type of election that the state can come in and force, order with election judges and the like. These are county conventions and the counties are perfectly able to conduct these elections in the manner that they see fit,” Fogarty said.)
— Work scheduling study – Gregory Pratt (DIERSEN: In 1969, to justify forcing me to resign my part-time Park Forest Post Office job that I had held since 1966, my Democrat superiors said that my being available to work Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, holidays, and all days that NIU was not in session was NOT ENOUGH. They would not have done that if I had been a Democrat, a minority, a female, or a veteran.)
— In closed-door meeting, Roskam brings pro-gun rights teens to talk gun violence prevention with students – Erin Hegarty
— More Americans expect to work until 70; there are benefits – AP (DIERSEN: For federal employees who are not Democrat, minority, female, or veteran, “age discrimination becomes a very real thing” if they do not make GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40.)–retirement-age-70-20180508-story.html
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Those who want to work into their later years sometimes have difficulty finding work. AARP senior vice president of programs Jean Setzfand said that age discrimination becomes a very real thing as early as 45.)


— GOP Chairman showdown heats up – Mike Miletich (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, those who dominate the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) make the IRP more anti-conservative, that is, more anti-Republican. Anti-conservatives, that is, anti-Republicans, reject the traditional family, right to life, and/or immigration planks. Ever-increasingly, Rauner runs as an anti-conservative, that is, as an anti-Republican.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The fight for control of the Illinois Republican Party is heating up with little more than a week left before they pick a party chair. Thursday afternoon, the Illinois State Board of Elections confirmed results from the State Central Committee’s contest. But, there is still a dispute over the winner in the 15th Congressional District. The results showed State Senator Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) won. He could be the deciding vote, but critics say the process was rigged. According to Matt Dietrich, a spokesman for the State Board of Elections, ISBE has no legal authority over the party rules. “All we are able to do under state statute is accept the results when the party gives them to us from their county conventions and certify those results, which are then used to elect the state chairman,” Dietrich said. Local party operative Mark Shaw said Thursday’s announcement shouldn’t significantly change the outcome of his race against current GOP Chairman Tim Schneider. Shaw is threatening legal action because of the dispute. Governor Bruce Rauner’s office released a statement after the results were announced. “Sen. Rose and the 17 other members of the State Central Committee will be seated at the upcoming meeting and will cast their votes for party chairman,” Rauner spokesman Aaron DeGroot stated. “We look forward to completing this important party business and focusing our efforts to defeat JB Pritzker and Mike Madigan in the upcoming November election.” The committee is scheduled to appoint the party chair on May 19th.)
— Democrats drag Rauner back into abortion debate – Raquel Martin (DIERSEN: In Illinois, if you run as a Republican, you obligate yourself to defend and advance the right to life plank in the Illinois Republican Party platform.)


— Hoosiers welcome President Trump: ‘He wants our freedom to go forward’ – Tina Sfondeles


— We must also focus on demand for opioids – Robert Berlin, DuPage County State’s Attorney; Joseph McMahon, Kane County State’s Attorney; Michael Nerheim, Lake County State’s Attorney
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Chicago Tribune disables reader comments on website – Robert Feder


— McHenry County Board members concerned McSweeney’s consolidation bill is ‘flawed’ – ED KOMENDA


— Former Gov. Edgar says budget more ‘doable’ this year – Brenden Moore


— Illinois House ERA vote could come next week – MAXIMILIAN KWIATKOWSKI (DIERSEN: To ask/demand equal rights for a group is to charge another group with discrimination. Ever-increasingly, members of Group A charge members of Group B with discrimination. Members of Group A are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time and members of Group B are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older people, rich people, gun owners, German Americans, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Lawmakers Still Waiting to See Budget Savings – Greg Bishop


— Illinois Senate votes to protect residents from registering their faith – Rachel Droze and Emily Manley (DIERSEN: What do you say to those who disapprove of, if not despise, Protestants and especially Missouri Synod Lutherans?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The Illinois Senate is sending a message to Washington D.C. They took action on a bill on Thursday that would ensure all people in Illinois wouldn’t have to register their faith in a database. The Senate unanimously approved Senate Bill 3488, which would bar Illinois from participating in any sort of religious registry. Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, is the sponsor of the bill. He said the bill comes after President Donald Trump suggested creating a Muslim-registry. President Trump floated the idea during his campaign. Cullerton said forcing people to register their religion is ‘un-American.’ He said he doesn’t want Illinois to be part of such narrow-minded politics. “The bill was initially in response, quite frankly, to the last presidential election where it was indicated by the president that he wanted to create a federal registry of Muslims,” Cullerton said. A Senate Republican spokesman said Republicans who voted for this bill aren’t necessarily taking a stance against the president. He said they’re trying to protect religious freedoms. The bill is now heading to the House for consideration.)


— Republican Leaders and County Board Put Pressure on Rauner to Veto McSweeney Township Abolish by Referendum Bill, If Passed – Cal Skinner


— “Two hundred cities in Illinois could face garnishment” Wirepoints Press Conference, May 8, 2018 – Video


— Lawmakers to homeowners: ‘You’ll get nothing and like it’ – Austin Berg (DIERSEN: Government should encourage marriage and homeownership. Roskam should increase the $10,000 SALT cap to $20,000 for married filing jointly.)




— CONGRESS MUST CONSTRAIN FACEBOOK’S ‘RIGHT TO CENSOR’ Alan Keyes hits elites using private companies to limit speech (DIERSEN: Facebook is a Democrat website. Who wants to censure you? Those who want to censure me are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— GOP has few takers for 2020 convention – REID WILSON (DIERSEN: In what city will the 2020 Illinois Republican Party State Convention be held?)
— Good economic vibes fail to make GOP tax law popular – NAOMI JAGODA (DIERSEN: Government should encourage marriage and homeownership. Roskam should increase the $10,000 SALT cap to $20,000 for married filing jointly.)


— Showtime series captures New York Times grappling with press-bashing and erratic presidency – MICHAEL CALDERONE


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats crow about their success in making women anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Classic Car Museums Are Losing Much of Their Luster – Steve Friess (DIERSEN: Overwhelmingly, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have been a) anti-car, and especially anti-General Motors, anti-Ford, and anti-Chrysler and b) anti-union.)


— Loyalty, unease in Trump’s Midwest Voters gave Trump a chance. Some remain all in. Others have grown weary of the chaos. – Dan Balz


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, members of Group A demonize, denigrate, and condemn members of Group B as being White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things. Members of Group A are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time and members of Group B are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older people, rich people, gun owners, German Americans, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.


— ‘We are rocking’: President Trump energizes GOP base at Elkhart rally – Jeff Parrott, Margaret Fosmoe and Michael Wanbaugh


— Asian Americans turn angst for Trump into political activism – AP (DIERSEN: Democrats want Asian Americans to be anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Duckworth joined with 28 other veterans Wednesday in calling for Wisconsin Republican Senate candidate Kevin Nicholson to apologize for questioning the “cognitive thought process” of veterans who are Democrats. (DIERSEN: My Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government always questioned the “cognitive thought process” of federal employees like me who were Republicans. Democrats, Democrat plants, Libertarians, Libertarian plants, Greens, Green plants, and RINOs have always questioned the “cognitive thought process” of conservatives like me who are Republicans.)


— Stage Is Set for Battle Over Data Privacy in Europe Saying ‘No, thanks’ to online data collection won’t be so simple, even after new data-privacy law takes effect later this month – Sam Schechner (DIERSEN: Government is nasty. Politics is nasty. Individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are members of Group A use all the information that they can get to destroy members of Group B. Members of Group A are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time and members of Group B are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older people, rich people, gun owners, German Americans, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Cyberwar, How Nations Attack Without Bullets Or Bombs – Jordan Robertson and Laurence Arnold (DIERSEN: For many decades, Mexico and other countries have been attacking America a) by illegally sending many millions of their citizens into America illegally, b) by illegally keeping many millions of their citizens in America illegally, and c) by illegally sending mountains of illegal drugs into America illegally.)


— Firm culture may conflict with the profession’s long-term goals – Daniel Hood (DIERSEN: Some of my Democrat GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates who had no job-related professional certifications or licenses hinted/implied/argued/shouted that complying with professional codes of conduct conflicted with being a “good” and/or a “loyal” GAO employee. I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, I passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, and I became a licensed CPA in 1981, Certified Fraud Examiner in 1990, Certified Government Financial Manager in 1990, Certified Financial Services Auditor in 1996, and a Forensic Accountant in 1997.)

May 6 Morning Edition

— Roskam meets in closed-door session with students on gun issues – Scott C. Morgan (DIERSEN: If you were one of Roskam’s constituents and you had a closed-door session with him, what would you urge him to do? I would urge him to introduce, advance, and pass legislation that would promote:


– individual responsibility,
– traditional marriage and traditional family,
– homeownership,
– right to life,
– compliance with America’s immigration laws,

– public safety,
– First and Second Amendment rights,
– equal opportunity (no race, gender, or age based preference giving),
– avoidance of booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, and

– all the planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Among the issues discussed were universal background checks, whether teachers should be armed in classrooms and mental health issues. Since media were not invited, some of the six students who originally requested the meeting with Roskam held a media conference call afterward. “What we were looking for from Mr. Roskam was to basically get an insight of whether he had taken any action on school safety and common sense gun reform,” said Jeromel Lara, a junior at Glenbard North. “It wasn’t very politically divisive,” said Caleb Laschinski, a Carol Stream senior at Wheaton Academy who found out about the Saturday meeting from a friend who was a former Roskam intern. “We all saw that there definitely should be reform and laws passed and we need to see some action on the part of lawmakers — whatever those actions should be is where we differed.” Contacted by phone after the meeting, Laschinski said he was surprised by Roskam’s reluctance to support arming teachers — though Roskam did clarify that he wanted individual school districts to make the call on that issue. “I hope the students left the meeting knowing that we found common ground and feeling like the meeting was as productive as I believe it was,” Roskam said in a prepared statement. “I encourage these students to stay engaged and informed on issues that they are passionate about like gun safety and am pleased that we were able to connect on such an important subject.” While many of the students were glad that Roskam agreed to the Saturday meeting, they still wished he would have done so in a more public forum. “It’s an issue that affects the whole community,” Lara said. “Not just students going to school, but all of us.”)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: HARD COPY ARTICLE TITLE: Trump at play in 4 states Tuesday primaries focus on forces for and against – AP (DIERSEN: To help them win the November 6, 2018 election, will Republicans Rauner, Sanguinetti, Helland, Harold, Senger, Dodge, Shimkus, Roskam, Hultgren, Kinzinger, Davis, Bost, LaHood, Brady, Durkin, etc. ask Republican Trump to campaign for them?)
— TRAGIC: Mormon support for gay marriage gradually grows – AP


— The hunt for Pancho Villa in Mexico — and the massive deployment of National Guard troops – Ron Grossman (DIERSEN: What do today’s citizens of Mexico, many millions of whom are in America legally or illegally, say about Pancho Villa and America’s response to Pancho Villa?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: But each of those actions was small potatoes compared with what happened in 1916, when President Woodrow Wilson mobilized more than 100,000 National Guard members for duty on the U.S. side of the Rio Grande — plus 14,000 more regular U.S. Army troops ready to serve as a mobile strike force in Mexico. The Mexican Revolution, which had begun in 1910, had lapped over to U.S. soil, and on March 9, 1916, Gen. Francisco “Pancho” Villa attacked Columbus, N.M., burning the town and killing 19 Americans. The Tribune reported that, after the battle, a copy of a letter was found that Villa had sent to a rival revolutionary leader. “I shall not expend another shell on brother Mexicans,” Villa wrote in the letter, “but will prepare and organize to attack Americans on their own soil and let them know that Mexico is a land of the free and the tomb of thorn less crowns and traitors.” The incident and the letter put enormous pressure on Wilson. The president had been tiptoeing through the tangled web of Mexican politics, but the press demanded action. The New York Times thundered: “We cannot afford to make this latest Mexican outrage a matter for extended parley and negotiation.” The St. Louis Post-Dispatch seconded the motion: “Hesitation in this crisis would be fatal.” The Philadelphia Inquirer crowed: “President Wilson’s pet bandit is not at all grateful.” In fact, Wilson had momentarily backed Villa during the incessant power struggles of the Mexican revolutionary leaders. “Why has never been explained adequately,” the Tribune noted, adding its own theory. Wilson’s secretary of state, William Jennings Bryan, being an evangelical Christian, favored Villa “after being informed, though incorrectly, that the bandit neither smoked or drank.” In the face of the public outcry, Wilson authorized “a punitive expedition” to pursue Villa, who had crossed back into Mexico. In the deployment that followed, the Illinois National Guard was the first to reach the border. Its mobilization mirrored the social order of the day. A North Shore artillery unit was known as “the millionaire battery,” having been formed by members of the swank University Club. Noting its initial encampment en route to the border, a Tribune headline read: “University Men Members of National Guard Will Take Cannon Through Evanston To Golf Club.” Robert McCormick, the Tribune’s publisher, was a major in a National Guard cavalry unit and wrote to a U.S. senator from Illinois pleading for better pay for the soldiers, many of whom he said were “working for the government for criminally small compensation.” “Isn’t it about time to bring up in congress the question of adequately paying our soldiers?” he wrote. Rich or poor, Illinois citizen-soldiers arrived in Texas inadequately equipped, as one guardsman wrote in a letter passed on to the Tribune. “The tentage was not complete,” he noted. “Some tents were unserviceable. The poles did not fit.”)
— HARD COPY ARTICLE TITLE: Pesky fact-checkers are ruining Trump’s greatest talent: Lying – Rex Huppke (DIERSEN: What are your fact checking qualifications? While I worked for GAO 1980-1997, the last 11 years of which at GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $96,403-$125,325, I increasingly worked as a referencer, that is, as a fact checker. That work required assuring the accuracy and support for each and every word, number, table, graph, chart, conclusion, opinion, and recommendation in GAO reports. I worked for IRS 1971-1980, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $81,071-$91,880. My other fact checking qualifications include my becoming a Forensic Accountant in 1997, a Certified Fraud Examiner in 1990, a licensed CPA in 1981, a Certified Internal Auditor in 1981, and a CPA in 1979.)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Chicago falling short in attracting black officers Push for 1,000 new cops draws applicants, but many don’t take the test – Dan Hinkel and Jennifer Smith Richards (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted a) that instead of me, the Post Office should have hired a Black in 1966, b) that the Post Office should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a Black could have my job, c) that instead of me, IRS should have hired a Black in 1971, d) that instead of me, IRS should have promoted Blacks in 1972, 1973, and 1974, e) that instead of me, GAO should have hired a Black in 1980, f) that instead of me, GAO should have promoted a Black in 1986, and g) that GAO should have gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a Black could have my job and my preferred corner office. I should write a book about my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who make it clear that they believe a) that all government employees are lazy, stupid, and even worse things, b) that minorities and females are inferior and therefore need preferential treatment, c) that government is the “employer of last resort,” and therefore, d) that all government employees should be minorities and/or females.)
— As a grad student and a mom, I can’t find affordable child care – Lakrista Cummings, student, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (DIERSEN: Raising children is tremendously time-consuming and expensive. According to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes, I have had a tremendous unfair advantage in life because my wife and I gave up trying to have children, we did not adopt, and we did not become foster parents. According to them, if my wife and I had gotten married sooner than we did and if we had children, I never would have been able to earn a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32. We never would have been able to buy new cars, buy real estate, go on vacations, buy collector cars, save for retirement, etc.)


— Revelers Pack Columbus Drive For Polish Constitution Day; Rauner Teases Business Potential In Poland


— State senator Sam McCann’s lawsuit alleges facts that are in serious dispute – Jim Dey (DIERSEN: Undisputed facts in Diersen v. GAO included a) I charged that my Democrat GAO superiors threatened to take serious adverse action against me if did not take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old, b) I charged that my Democrat GAO superiors gave me unfair performance expectations and appraisals, c) they always ranked me in the bottom half of my coworkers for pay-for-performance purposes, d) they did not promote me beyond GS-13, e) they got rid of my mentor in 1987, d) they kept me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for GAO, and e) they forced me to take an $19,203 pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: For instance, Statehouse officials say that McCann only forfeited services available to GOP caucus members, like assistance with communications and photography and staff analysis of pending legislation. They say he retains office funding and other legislator rights, including voting, representing constituents and seeking assistance from offices that write bills and perform research. That led to the following exchange this week between McCann and a TV reporter. Reporter: “You still have the right to vote. You still have the right to debate on the (Senate) floor. You still have the Legislative Reference Bureau. How is your power as a legislator in any way void from what it was two weeks ago?” McCann: “I think the way you phrased that question shows me you are not an honest arbiter in this process. Obviously, you’re with the other folks in this process.”)
— Davis must be willing to listen – JOHN MURPHY (DIERSEN: “Listening to” is code for “surrendering to.”)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Your past predicts your future. I you came to America illegally, if you stay in America illegally, and/or if you have brought others to America illegally, you have demonstrated gross disrespect for America, for its citizens, and for the rule of law.


— Sen. Anderson says pay raises are immoral for lawmakers – SARAH HAYDEN (DIERSEN: Have you gotten pay raises? While I worked for the federal government 1966-1969 and 1971-1997, because of COLAs, step increases, and promotions, my pay increased every year except 1980 when I took a $19,203 (26%) pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO. In my defense, I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32.)


— Republican Gubernatorial Showdown Reveals Popularity of Opposing CA Sanctuary State Laws – MICHELLE MOONS
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Republican candidates battling it out in the race to become California’s next governor may have provided insight at their spring convention into the enthusiasm among California Republicans for opposing “sanctuary” laws. Opposition to California laws that protect illegal aliens. “Sanctuary” laws, brought out vibrant energy from the crowds as Republican gubernatorial candidates John Cox and Travis Allen both espoused support for ending the new law. Cox went so far as to say it was the issue he would make a priority on his first day in office.)


— Why Are Attempted Border Crossings Spiking Again? – JAZZ SHAW


— McCain doesn’t want Trump at funeral, friends tell White House McCain, who has been battling brain cancer, and Trump have had a turbulent relationship. The senator wants Vice President Mike Pence to attend instead. – Rebecca Shabad


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Republicans promote promiscuity, abortion, and LGBTQ activity.
— The Upside of Envy – Gordon Marino (DIERSEN: My Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government promoted envy big time. They stressed to my superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates a) who were veterans that I had avoided the draft; b) who had not been promoted to GS-9, GS-11, GS-12, or GS-13 that I had been promoted to GS-9 in 1972 when I was 23 years old, to GS-11 in 1973, to GS-12 in 1974, and to GS-13 in 1986; c) who had less Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) credit than I had that I already had almost 3 years of CSRS credit in 1969 and that I had almost 30 years of CSRS credit in 1997; d) who had not bought new cars that I had bought new cars in 1966, 1967, 1968, 1971, etc.; e) who had not bought real estate that I had bought real estate in 1972, 1974, 1976, 1978, and 1984; f) who were not married that I got married in 1978; g) who had spouses who did not have income that my wife did; h) who did not have good health that I did; i) who were saving little or nothing for their retirement that my wife and I were saving a lot for our retirement; j) who had children who were causing them problems that my wife and I did not have children; k) who stated that they could not afford to buy computers that I had bought many computers; l) who did not have the option to retire until they were 55, if not 62, that I had the option to take early retirement in 1993 when I was 45; m) who did not have the option to take many vacations with their spouse in conjunction with their business trips to luxury resorts that I did 1978-1992; n) who did not have job-related master’s degrees that I had earned job-related master’s degrees in 1976, 1980, and 1997; o) who did not have any job-related professional certifications that I had earned job-related professional certifications in 1979, 1981, 1990, 1994, 1996, and 1997; p) who did not have any job-related professional licenses that I had earned one in 1981; q) etc.)
— FRONT PAGE WITH PICTURE OF MCCAIN & BIDEN: At His Ranch, John McCain Shares Memories and Regrets With Friends – Jonathan Martin  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about all things that my critics/opponents want me to regret.)


— ‘Dreamer’ sues Bank of America after he was denied a wealth advisory job – KARTIKAY MEHROTRA (DIERSEN: What factors have discouraged employers from hiring, retaining, and/or promoting you? For me they include a) my being draft bait until I was 22 1/2 years old in 1971; b) my not being a Democrat or a RINO; c) my not being a minority; d) my not being a female; e) my not being a veteran; f) my not painting myself as being a yes-man; g) my complaining about political affiliation discrimination; h) my complaining about reverse discrimination; i) my complaining about age discrimination; j) my becoming an active member in a class action lawsuit that charged my employer with reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation in 1988 when I was 40 years old; k) my Democrat GAO superiors forced me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old, gave me unfair performance expectations and appraisals, always ranked me in the bottom half of my coworkers for pay-for-performance purposes, did not promote me beyond GS-13, got rid of my mentor in 1987, kept me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for GAO, and forced me to take an $19,203 pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980; l) my Democrat IRS superiors did not promote me beyond GS-12, disallowed my education deductions in 1978, got rid of my mentor in 1975, and disallowed my partial day per diem claims in 1974; and m) my Democrat Post Office superiors forced me resign in 1969 and disallowed my sick leave requests in 1969 and 1968.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Daniel Marques had hoped to parlay his “Dreamer” work permit into a job with Bank of America Corp. Instead, he’s suing the firm for discrimination. Marques, who is from Brazil, claims his application to work in the bank’s wealth management department in New Jersey was denied after he told a vice president who interviewed him in 2016 that he’d be required to renew his work authorization under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Bill Halldin, a spokesman for Bank of America, said the company would be reviewing Marques’ claims as the bank “does not have any prohibition on hiring individuals with DACA status.” The complaint was filed Thursday as a class action by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), which said it seeks to represent other immigrants nationwide with renewable work permits rejected for jobs with the second-largest U.S. bank. Marques has a similar complaint against Allied Wealth Partners, which also declined to hire him while he was hunting for a job in the spring of 2016. MALDEF separately sued Procter & Gamble Co. on behalf of another so-called Dreamer. A company’s refusal to hire a candidate because their work authorization papers will ultimately expire “may constitute illegal discrimination,” according to the Department of Homeland Security.)


— Consultant: Look for dual-income, college-educated homeowners as a fast-growing group – Jim Parker
(FROM THE ARTICLE: According to the six-year-old NAR survey, 65 percent of all buyers are married couples. That was up from 58 percent for married buyers. Meanwhile, Brookings last year noted income and graduation rates in an article on the “new face of American homeownership.” The writer Jenny Schuetz says new homeowners outstripped renters in educational attainment and income. New homeowners’ $69,000 median income was close to double that of renters and slightly higher than established owners. Also, nearly 40 percent of owners have a college degree, compared with 26 percent for tenants. “These differences are not surprising, given that households with higher, more stable incomes and more assets can more easily accumulate down payments and qualify for mortgages,” she says.)


— Are you worried about DNA privacy? – Erika D. Smith (DIERSEN: What is your national origin? During the 1840s and 1850s, all my ancestors immigrated to northeast Illinois from what is now Germany. Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always used that against me. In my defense, I stress that my grandfather on my father’s side fought the Germans during WWI, that my uncles on my mother’s side fought the Germans during WWII, and that my father would have fought the Germans during WWII if he had not been 4-F. Further, according to, my ancestry is 33% Europe West, 28% Scandinavia, 24% Great Britain, 11% Ireland, 2% Europe East, 1% Finland/Northwest Russia, and 1% Italy/Greece.)


— Does it make financial sense to get married? – Preeti Varathan (DIERSEN: Government should encourage marriage and homeownership. Roskam should increase the $10,000 SALT cap to $20,000 for married filing jointly.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Should you marry when you’re young or old? Keep your marriage open or closed? Change your name, or not? Should you marry at all? (Oprah doesn’t think so.) These are questions many couples grapple with, but marriage also comes with financial consequences. It can significantly alter your taxes, student loans, and chances of getting a mortgage, among other things. So don’t wait to think about “for richer, for poorer” until it’s time to take the vows. Here are three key financial factors to consider when you’re deciding whether to tie the knot. Taxes There’s a widely held belief that marriage comes with tax perks: namely, that a married couple’s combined tax bill will fall. But it’s also possible that you and your partner could face a marriage penalty, paying more in taxes on your combined income than if you both stayed single.)


— The Vast Differences Between Donald Trump and Barack Obama’s Marriage Reveals More Than You Think – Meg Dowell


— Too many men: Examining the gender imbalances of India and China Decades of selective births have left the two countries with a delicate issue: What to do with 70 million lonely men? – SIMON DENYER and ANNIE GOWEN

(FROM THE ARTICLE: Stagnant lives: Village life and mental health. Among men, loneliness and depression are widespread. Villages are emptying out. Men are learning to cook and perform other chores long relegated to women. The desperate effort to land a bride: Housing prices and savings rates. Bachelors are furiously building houses in China to attract wives, and prices are soaring. But otherwise they are not spending, and that in turn fuels China’s huge trade surplus. In India, there is the opposite effect: Because brides are scarce, families are under less pressure to save for expensive dowries. Importing a bride: Human trafficking. Trafficking of brides is on the rise. Foreign women are being recruited and lured to China, effectively creating similar imbalances in China’s neighbors. Taking a stand over harassment: Public safety. With the increase in men has come a surge in sexual crime in India and concerns about a rise in other crimes in both countries. Harassment of schoolgirls in India has in some towns sparked an effort to push back — but at a cost of restricting them to more protected lives.)

May 5 Evening Edition

— $100k-a-year Chicago tree trimmers – BGA (DIERSEN: When did you start earning $100,000-a-year in to today’s dollars? I did in 1988 when I was 40 years old. By then, I had worked for GAO for almost 9 years, I had worked for IRS for almost 9 years, I had become a licensed CPA in 1981, I had passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, I had earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, I had passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, and I had earned an MBA from Loyola in 1976.)$100k-a-year-chicago-tree-trimmers/3429335/


— Illinois Nightclub Institutes Criminal Background Checks at Door


— Trump promotes ‘America First’ in Ohio ahead of primaries – AP


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Those who encourage people to come to America illegally, to stay in America illegally, and to bring others to America illegally rally in Aurora.


— Illinois legislators snub voters on fair maps again – Editorial
— Trump suggests US ‘close up’ to stop immigrants – AP


— Illinois’ dilemma: Billions in capital needs, but prospects dim for funding plan – Doug Finke
— Legionnaires’ outbreaks prompt bills to mandate faster notifications – Maximilian Kwiatkowski


— Sorry, no amendments this year – Doug Finke


— Neighboring towns subsidize Bradley – David Giuliani


— Iowa Bans Most Abortions As Governor Signs ‘Heartbeat’ Bill – SASHA INGBER


— Immigrant workers protest on May Day, insist policy change – Savannah Eadens


— Flashback: Kelly exposes Rauner’s sanctuary state bill


— JANUARY 2005 FLASHBACK: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Report on the January 15, 2005 Illinois Republican Party chairman election. (DIERSEN: I attended this event and I organized a candidate forum in the hotel the evening before the election.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: During Chicago Left in Review’s episode a week before the Republican State Central Committee (“SCC”) election of a new Republican State GOP Chairman in Springfield on January 15, 2005 and during its shows that followed over the last two weeks after the election—the host and his panel chose to ignore the event. Not a mention– nothing, nada, zero, zip. The event attracted about 500 Republican activists, operatives, party functionaries, office holders and wannabees– including more than 150 County, Ward and Township Committeemen; State GOP Chairman candidates Andy McKenna, Jr., Steve McGlynn, Jim Oberweis, John Cox and Jim Nalepa. Andy McKenna, Jr., who is known for his father’s and perhaps his own fundraising prowess and business contacts and who ran in the Republican U. S. Senate Primary in 2004, garnering 14% and a 4th out of 7 candidates finish, won the State GOP chairmanship vote, primarily because of the backing of the Illinois Republican Party Finance Committee, i.e., in large part the Chicago Metropolitan Republican Business Interests and Donors. McGlynn, who had campaigned vigorously for the position, withdrew prior to the vote when he saw he could not get a majority of the SCC weighted vote. Nalepa, who drew acclaim and cheers from the assembled for his stirring speech, came in a very distant second to McKenna– who, in addition to the aforementioned money interests, had the New Republican Establishment behind him– Lahood-Kirk, for sure, and most likely Cross. Of course, the New Republican Establishment and money interests go together like ham and cheese.)


— Local Illinois Pension Funding Woes Raise Credit Concerns


— 39% of colleges have 0 Republican professors – Michael F. Haverluck


— JANUARY 2005 FLASHBACK: DIERSEN HEADLINE: John Gizzi report on the January 15, 2005 Illinois Republican Party chairman election. (DIERSEN: I attended this event and I organized a candidate forum in the hotel the evening before the election.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: McKenna Takes ‘The Titanic’ There really was no surprise when the State Central Committee of the Illinois Republican Party met in Springfield January (15) to elect a new party chairman. Although more than 500 county party leaders, GOP activists, and reporters jammed the Renaissance Hotel, the chairmanship was being decided by just the 19 SCC members–all of whom had weighted votes–in executive session. Thus, while Chicago businessman and onetime GOP U.S. House hopeful Jim Nalepa held the crowd spellbound with his presentation and his call for beginning the meeting with the under-attack Pledge of Allegiance, the SCC gave 86% of its votes to rival Andy McKenna, Jr. and made him chairman. (Two other contenders, state Vice Chairman Steve McGlynn and Cook County GOP Chairman Gary Skoien, withdrew before the vote). The chief executive officer of the Schwarz Paper Co. and third-place finisher in the Republican Senate primary last year, McKenna is considered a strong conservative who makes no bones about his pro-life stance. His position is in sharp contrast to that of the outgoing chairman (and lone GOPer in statewide office), Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, long criticized by party conservatives. A successful businessman and proven fund-raiser (he raised more than $2 million for his Senate bid), McKenna is also light years removed from the old statehouse gang of Republicans who are presently targets of corruption probes. Asked by reporters about how the Illinois GOP–which lost both a Senate and U.S. House seat last fall as well as the state’s electoral votes–could withstand the racketeering trial of former Republican Gov. (1998-2002) George Ryan, the chairman-elect replied: “The people in the Ryan trial are not part of this party.” Although many conservatives praised McKenna as a fresh leader, others were critical of his failure so far to denounce the Democratic machine of Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley or to hint that he would fire any of the Topinka staff at state party headquarters. Many conservatives do not like the selective, back-room mechanism for choosing a chairman, convinced that had a new state convention been called with delegates more representative of the party grass-roots, Nalepa and his magnetic speaking style would have carried the day. Jack Roeser, head of the conservative Renew Illinois group, led a delegation to Springfield to demand that the SCC refuse to elect a chairman and that a new convention be called for this task. Prior to the vote, Roeser hinted to me that he and his allies on the right might well pursue a change of the party rules to permit such a convention and a vote on party officers–especially on Roeser’s longtime arch-enemy, Republican National Committeeman Robert Kjellander. As for Nalepa, Chicago political strategist Bill Pascoe told me that Nalepa’s remarks “wowed the crowd” and that his “moving around the room with a microphone, Elizabeth Dole-style, was visually riveting.” Pascoe noted that the former U.S. Army ranger was unrecognized by most Republicans two months ago. “But after this campaign for chairman,” he added, “there are a number of leading Republicans trying to figure out how to put Jim Nalepa to good use for a party in desperate need of new leadership.” Hinting strongly that the runner-up would yet have his day in the sun, Illinois political blogger par excellence Jeff Berkowitz concluded: “Andy McKenna, Jr., was elected this afternoon. … Jim Nalepa, who won the hearts and minds of many in the one hour or so public portion of the Republican State Central Committee meeting, came in second. …”)


— Younger lawmakers ignite new push for term limits – MELANIE ZANONA (DIERSEN: Term limits are similar to “up-or-out.” Were you faced with “up-or-out?” Non-veteran White male federal employees are “out” if they do not make GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40.)


— Trump Turns to Outsiders, Not White House Staff, for Key Advice – Michael C. Bender and Peter Nicholas


— Sure, Unemployment Went Down – Because More People Left The Workforce, Erik Sherman