January 6 Morning Edition

— DC rally: Protesters backing Trump roll into Washington as Congress votes to affirm Biden’s 2020 election victory – AP
— Congress set to confirm Joe Biden’s electoral win over President Trump – AP
— Raphael Warnock calls his projected election win in Georgia a ‘historic moment’ – Quinn Scanlan

— Former Naperville City Council member David Wentz, a longtime community volunteer, dies at 57 – SUZANNE BAKER

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats have declared a Second Civil War against Republicans. Democrats see the following as being their soldiers in their army: those who are anti-law enforcement, anti-Trump, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-heterosexuals, anti-married people, anti-non-poor people, anti-gun owners, anti-Christian, anti-Protestant, anti-Italian American, anti-German American, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. The Democrats believe that the majority of the following will help them get rid of Republicans once and for all: criminals, Trump-haters, liberals, moderates, America-haters, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, RINOs, citizens of foreign countries, minorities, females, young people, LGBTQers, non-married people, those who have less money than others, those who have more money than others, non-gun owners, non-Christians, non-Protestants, non-Italian Americans, non-German Americans, and/or those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time.

— HARDCOPY EDITORIAL TITLE: Our precious democracy When Congress convenes to accept electoral votes, it has duty to embrace the will of the people.
(DIERSEN: According to Democrats, the “will of the people” is to get rid of individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are law enforcement, Trump supporters, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, heterosexual, married, non-poor, gun owners, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and RINOs have no problem with that.)

— Trump says he’ll ‘fight like hell’ to hold on to presidency –
AP (DIERSEN: I did not “fight like hell” to hold on to my TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairmanship, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee membership, Milton Township Republican Organization webmaster jobs, Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee membership, or American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board membership. I should write a book about why I concluded it was not worth the effort. Too many in the aforesaid organizations reject the traditional marriage/family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, immigration, and/or equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in the Republican Party platform. Too many in the aforesaid organizations despise/hate those who share my demographics.)

— Less Than One-Third Of COVID-19 Vaccines Shipped To Chicago Have Gone to City Residents – Becky Vevea

— DuPage County reports 344 COVID-19 cases Tuesday, no deaths, region’s positivity rate decreases to 10.1% – Joshua Welge

— ‘Save America March’ rally draws thousands on day two of demonstrations in DC

— Republican Darren Bailey, who will be sworn into the state Senate next week, lashed out at Congressman Adam Kinzinger for criticizing President Donald Trump. “We got a sitting Illinois congressman, a Republican, that just wants to constantly drop kick Trump. Stupid,” Bailey said during his latest Facebook video talking to constituents about elected officials that should be booted from office. “Adam Kinzinger up north, calls himself a Republican. No, he’s a Democrat. Get him out of office.” Bailey included the comment “Stand down!” Kinzinger’s spokeswoman, Maura Gillespie, responded: “As the Congressman has said, this is a moment in our history that requires action. It requires a moral compass and genuine leadership. Congressman Kinzinger has chosen to lead without fear of the consequences and without concern for his political career.” Gillespie continued: “Our democracy and our country’s moral fiber are more important than appeasing the conspiracy theorists in this country or feeding into the misinformation campaigns we’re seeing all day on social media. Congressman Kinzinger is going to lead by doing the right thing, no matter the cost.” Get used to this heated exchange, folks. Kinzinger and Bailey are both considering a run for governor in 2022. The GOP primary is 14 months away. The two Republicans’ views on the world are indicative of the deep divisions within the party in Illinois and Washington, especially as Trump and his loyalists mount a last-ditch plan today to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victory. Trump gave the Republican party new energy and momentum — and fresh issues to divide themselves over.- Shia Kapos

— Illinois House minority leader requests temporary parliamentarian during uncertain Speaker race – Greg Bishop
— Pritzker files new emergency rule to continue mask, social distancing mandates in Illinois – Greg Bishop

— The sweet smell of federal bailouts for Illinois, Chicago and other broke states and cities came quickly last night – Quicktake

— Gutfeld on CNN tearing into Trump supporters. It seems like CNN will believe anything and call it news. – Greg Gutfeld
(DIERSEN: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-haters a) want the Illinois Republican Party to get rid of the 2,446,891 in Illinois who voted for Trump, b) want the DuPage County Republican Central Committee to get rid of the 193,611 in DuPage County who voted for Trump, c) want the Milton Township Republican Organization to get rid of the 20,080 in Milton Township who voted for Trump, and d) want me to get rid of the 157 in my precinct who voted for Trump.)
— House Dem posts legislative wish list while awaiting Georgia Senate results. New Hampshire Rep. Pappas lists $2,000 stimulus and DREAM Act as possibilities. – Ronn Blitzer

— Will the Real Racists in America Raise Their Hands? – Star Parker

— Study finds Americans are leaving Democrat-run states in throngs and heading for Republican ones – Phil Shivers
(DIERSEN: I should write a book about all the many things that politicians have done to drive Republicans out of Illinois, out of DuPage County, out of DuPage County’s 4th District, out of Milton Township, out of Wheaton, out of Wheaton’s West District, and out of my precinct. Those politicians reject the traditional family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and/or equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in the Republican Party platform.)
— Trump supporters clash with police in DC protest ahead of Wednesday’s planned rally. Officers deployed pepper spray and protesters disavowed their support of law enforcement. – Breck Dumas

— Poll: Nearly One-Third of Voters Consider Trump Legitimate Winner – Brian Trusdell
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Of 1,200 people surveyed nationally via online or text message Jan. 2-3, 31% viewed Trump as the winner, 59% considered Joe Biden the winner and 10% were not sure, Justthenews reported. By party, 64% of Republicans saw Trump as the victor while 93% of Democrats saw Biden as the winner.)

— ‘A Big Stretch’: MLK Jr.’s Niece Blasts Kamala Harris For Plagiarizing Uncle, Says ‘She’s Nothing Like’ Him “Kamala believes that it’s okay to abort babies up to nine months.” – Jon Brown
— Leftists Call For Radical Legislation After Warnock Projected Win: End Filibuster, Pack The Courts – Ryan Saavedra

— Conservativism perceived as a danger – Bob Kellogg
(DIERSEN: I should write a book about the following who have worked the hardest to get rid of conservatives, that is, to destroy the Republican Party during the last 20 years: present/past leaders of the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Milton Township Republican Organization, etc.)

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters say “Trump era bows out with scorched-earth drama in divided GOP.”

— Here’s how Georgia’s changing demographics could affect runoffs
(DIERSEN: If potential homebuyers ask realtors about political trends in your precinct, in your municipal district, in your municipality, in your township, in your county district, in your county, and in Illinois, what would they say? What percent of those who bought homes in the aforesaid political jurisdictions during the last 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50+ years have been Democrats? When Democrats move in, poverty and crime increase.)

— D.C. Police make several arrests ahead of major pro-Trump election protest. Protesters remained out in the street well into the night, with videos on social media showing some clashing with police. – Allan Smith
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters say “Trump and Senate GOP’s Electoral College vote objections betray conservative legal thought.”

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “Trump Can’t Hurt You. But He Is Destroying Us. My fellow Republicans, there is power in standing up to the rank corruptions of a demagogue.” How strongly will Democrat plant, Libertarian plant, Green plant, Independent plant, and RINO leaders of Republican organizations use Trump’s problems to drive conservatives out of the Republican Party once and for all, that is, to destroy the Republican Party?
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters say “Justice Dept. Seeks to Pare Back Civil Rights Protections for Minorities.” How soon, if not already, will employers officially announce that they will employ only members of protected groups? How soon, if not already, will organizations officially announce that they will allow only members of protected groups to be members? How soon, if not already, will municipalities, townships, counties, states, and countries officially announce that they will allow only members of protected groups to reside there? Protected groups include those who are minority, female, younger, LGBTQ, disabled, veteran, citizens of foreign countries, Trump-haters, non-Christians, non-Protestants, non-Italian Americans, non-German Americans, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, Independent, RINO, moderate, liberal, low-income, those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time, drinkers, gamblers, stoners, criminals, and those who lack education, lack job skills, lack job experience, have financial problems, have health problems, and/or have other problems.)
— Vietnam Imprisons 3 Journalists Amid Broader Attack on Speech. The sentences are the latest crackdown on dissent in the one-party state, as the ruling Communist Party prepares for an important political conclave. – Mike Ives
(DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents want me to be imprisoned for including links in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails to articles that they do not like.)

— Georgia runoff live updates and results: Warnock wins, Ossoff leads Perdue with U.S. Senate control at stake – John Wagner and Brittany Shammas
— Going deeper with diversity and inclusion
(DIERSEN: Democrats use Affirmative Action (AA), Diversity, and Inclusion to get rid of Republicans. AA, Diversity, and Inclusion promote hatred against those who are law enforcement officers, Trump supporters, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, heterosexual, married, non-poor, gun owners, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters say “Trump administration seeks to undo decades-long rules on discrimination.” How soon, if not already, will employers officially announce that they will employ only members of protected groups? How soon, if not already, will organizations officially announce that they will allow only members of protected groups to be members? How soon, if not already, will municipalities, townships, counties, states, and countries officially announce that they will allow only members of protected groups to reside there? Protected groups include those who are minority, female, younger, LGBTQ, disabled, veteran, citizens of foreign countries, Trump-haters, non-Christians, non-Protestants, non-Italian Americans, non-German Americans, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, Independent, RINO, moderate, liberal, low-income, those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time, drinkers, gamblers, stoners, criminals, and those who lack education, lack job skills, lack job experience, have financial problems, have health problems, and/or have other problems.

— Ted Cruz and other Republican senators: We intend to reject electors from disputed states
— Trump’s judicial appointments will impact LGBTQ rights far beyond presidency, group says – Kristine Phillips

— Gender-Neutral Language Is More Than a Word Game. Democratic speech police demand not only tolerance but endorsement of the progressive agenda. – Jason L. Riley
— Hong Kong Police Arrest 53 Opposition Figures Over Alleged Subversion – Natasha Khan
(DIERSEN: How soon will Democrats arrest those who do not promote dependency on government, dependency on charity, LGBTQ, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, abolition of the First and Second Amendments, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination?)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters say “Trump Supporters Again Protest in D.C. to Dispute Election Defeat. Demonstrators—including conspiracy theorists and extremist groups—gather in U.S. capital for third time since November vote.”
— Trump Allies in Congress Challenge Biden’s Election Win. In a joint session, some GOP lawmakers make last-ditch attempt to throw out some states’ results to secure second term for Trump – Lindsay Wise
— Google Employees Form Union to Push for Changes. The move, rare for Silicon Valley, comes amid growing activism in the sector. – Sarah E. Needleman
(DIERSEN: GAO did not unionize until 2007. If GAO had been unionized in 1997 when my Democrat superiors succeeded in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer,” I might still be a GAO employee.)
— ‘The Tyranny of Merit’ Review: The Cream Also Rises. The meritocratic ideal makes elites arrogant and threatens communal solidarity. Identity-based policies make the problem worse. – Barton Swaim
(DIERSEN: According to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes, because of discrimination against minorities and because of discrimination against females, if I had been a minority or a female, a) UIC, NIU, Loyola, DePaul, and IIT would not have admitted me in 1966, 1969, 1972, 1976, and 1992 respectively, b) the Post Office, Firestone Stores, Oldsmobile, IRS, and GAO would not have offered me jobs in 1966, 1970, 1971, 1971, and 1980 respectively, c) I would not have passed the CPA and Certified Internal Auditor examinations on my first attempt in 1979 and 1981 respectively, d) IRS would not have promoted me in 1972, 1973, and 1974 and GAO would not have promoted me in 1986, and e) I would not have become a licensed CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Government Financial Manager, Certified Financial Services Auditor, or Forensic Accountant in 1981, 1990, 1994, 1996, and 1997 respectively.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: What do you say to those who blame all of Trump’s problems on Trump?

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters say “Final Act in Trump’s Defeat Pits Republicans Against Republicans.”

— Old Meets New: Google Employees Just Formed A Union. – Agnes Uhereczky
(DIERSEN: GAO did not unionize until 2007. If GAO had been unionized in 1997 when my Democrat superiors succeeded in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer,” I might still be a GAO employee.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “Trump Admin Reportedly Proposes Staggering Rollback Of Civil Rights Protections.” How soon, if not already, will employers officially announce that they will employ only members of protected groups? How soon, if not already, will organizations officially announce that they will allow only members of protected groups to be members? How soon, if not already, will municipalities, townships, counties, states, and countries officially announce that they will allow only members of protected groups to reside there? Protected groups include those who are minority, female, younger, LGBTQ, disabled, veteran, citizens of foreign countries, Trump-haters, non-Christians, non-Protestants, non-Italian Americans, non-German Americans, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, Independent, RINO, moderate, liberal, low-income, those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time, drinkers, gamblers, stoners, criminals, and those who lack education, lack job skills, lack job experience, have financial problems, have health problems, and/or have other problems.)

— Albany hosts sixth of seven police reform Zoom meetings
(DIERSEN: If I was still the chairman of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, the organizations would be continuing to hold monthly meetings via Zoom.)

— Remote access to meetings is not ideal – Olivia Herken
(DIERSEN: If I was still the chairman of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, the organizations would be continuing to hold monthly meetings via Zoom.)

— As phone, Zoom calls become the norm, having good etiquette is paramount – Lydia Ramsey
(DIERSEN: If I was still the chairman of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, the organizations would be continuing to hold monthly meetings via Zoom.)

— When to fire a bad hire? Here is a step-by-step guide – Meredith Schneider
(DIERSEN: GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job. IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job. The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job. I was a bad hire a) because I refused to become a Democrat and b) because I refused to help my Democrat superiors get rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who they had not promoted to GS-13 (currently $101,176) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $119,559) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $140,634) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $170,800) by age 40.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Nobody wants to be the person that is in charge of firing employees. And yet, someone has to do it and at some point, it might be you. Unfortunately, in the last several months especially, this economy has seen an uptick in firings and dismal because of financial circumstances beyond employees’ control. We’ve gotten used to uncomfortable conversations, unemployment, repetitive job searches, and remote opportunities and obstacles we never would have dreamt of before. When should you consider firing employees? But sometimes, firing isn’t about financial loss or having to lay off members of the staff for growth opportunities. Sometimes it’s about the employee’s performance, or finding out that they aren’t necessarily a good fit for your staff. So, what identifies a bad hire? Here are a few ways to pinpoint when an employee or new hire isn’t going to pan out.)

— Agencies Are Generally Complying With Trump Diversity Training Changes, Watchdogs Find – Courtney Bublé
(DIERSEN: Democrats use diversity training to get rid of Republicans. Diversity training promotes hatred against those who are law enforcement officers, Trump supporters, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, heterosexual, married, non-poor, gun owners, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)

— Antitrust Actions Against Facebook and Google May Help Level the Playing Field – Michael Shapiro
(DIERSEN: Who competes against you any why? I should write a book about those who compete against me and why they do that. They do not want me to promote the traditional family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, or equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in the Republican Party platform. They want me to glorify and praise them, to pander to them, to serve as one of their operatives or dupes, and/or to give them money. They blame me for their problems, for your problems, for my problems, and for everyone’s problems.)

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: LGBTQ activists force LGBTQ elected/appointed officials to promote LGBTQ, that is, to get rid of those who do not promote LGBTQ.

January 4 Evening Edition

— What happens when Congress meets Jan. 6? How Electoral College votes are counted on Capitol Hill – AP

— Worth Township trustee Richard J. Lewandowski charged with failing to file tax return

— Worth Township trustee Richard Lewandowski who has printed political material for top Dems, including Speaker Madigan, hit with federal tax charge – JASON MEISNER and RAY LONG
— ‘We’re afraid for our lives:’ Chicago teachers rejecting return to classrooms today say they worry about their jobs but ‘fear of this virus is greater’ – DIANA WALLACE and KATHERINE ROSENBERG-DOUGLAS
— Cook County Republican judicial candidate Frank DiFranco files lawsuits to overturn Nov. 3 election results – JENNIFER JOHNSON
— First Brady, now Manar resigning from Illinois General Assembly; Illinois’ Newman, Miller make up record number of women in Congress; U. of C. to honor Fauci – LISA DONOVAN
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters say “We recognize Trump’s malfeasance. We’re from Illinois.”

— After Rep. Lauren Underwood sworn into second term, rival Jim Oberweis seeks to overturn election. Claiming a victory after a partial recount, Oberweis said he filed a “Notice of Contest” with the Clerk of the House of Representatives on Monday. – Lynn Sweet
— House Republicans predict ‘sneak’ tax attack by Democrats — insisting Pritzker, Madigan ‘own this budget mess’ House Majority Leader Greg Harris said he has “not heard of any tax increase proposals,” adding that Republicans are following “their traditional path” of saying there should be budget cuts though they’re not proposing any cuts of their own. – Rachel Hinton
— Chicago teachers defy district, refuse to teach inside schools amid safety concerns. Preschool and special education cluster teachers and staff were expected to report to their schools Monday — so some set up laptops and taught outside instead. – Cindy Hernandez and Nader Issa
— Chicago campaign workers have Georgia on their minds — and their GPS. Chicago Democrats are engaged directly in the fight — and excited about what they’ve witnessed. From old-fashioned door-knocking to sophisticated texting efforts to standing on street corners with signs, campaign workers have blanketed Georgia for two months. “It’s just massive amounts of people,” Balanoff said of the Democratic push. – Mark Brown

— Is a tax increase on the agenda in Springfield? – PETER HANCOCK
— Illinois records 79 more COVID-19 deaths, another 5,059 infections – Jake Griffin
— Google workers form new labor union, a tech industry rarity – AP

— Where are those moving vans headed? Away from Illinois. New studies from two moving van companies show that about two-thirds of their interstate moves in Illinois are outbound. – DENNIS RODKIN

— Republicans Say They’re Still Waiting On Pritzker’s Budget Cut Ideas – HANNAH MEISEL & DEREK CANTÙ

— Standing with Trump Against Election Fraud! – David E. Smith


— 5,059 new confirmed and probable cases; 3,948 hospitalized; 816 in ICU; 8.6 percent case positivity rate; 9.8 percent test positivity rate

— D.C. National Guard to be deployed during pro-Trump rallies – Emily Zantow
— Trump still selling ice cream in a desert of electoral politics. Peddling ‘malaise’ doesn’t travel far in real America. – Charles Hurt
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Now we are told that the once-reliably Republican state of Georgia has gone wobbly. The “demographics,” all the experts tell us, have changed. The “demographics?” Seriously? Only in Washington is racial profiling not only accepted, but expected and enthusiastically encouraged. As with many things, this is why politicians in Washington spend so much time denouncing racial profiling in all the lower forms of American human existence. They don’t like the competition. Among the many wonderful things about Mr. Trump is that he does not see voters based on the color of their skin or their sex or any of the other categories of “demographics” that all the political experts are so deathlessly obsessed with around here. Mr. Trump understands we are all one demographic. We are Americans.)

— Majority Of House GOP Opposing Biden’s Electoral Votes Jan. 6
— Romney Defends Biden Election By Slandering Republicans Fighting Voter Fraud

— Chicago Tribune: Increasing Diversity of Georgia Suburbs Could Help Democrats Win Senate Runoff – Penny Starr

— ‘Amen And Awoman’: Minister Invokes Hindu God, Offers Gender Lesson During Opening Prayer For 117th Congress – Jon Brown

— Google Workers Launch Union, Escalating Tension With Management (DIERSEN: GAO unionized in 2007. If GAO had been unionized in 1997, I might still be a GAO employee.)

— Don’t Let Democrats Keep You Away From DC
— Congress Objecting to Presidential Electors Is a Civil Rights Imperative – Jake Hoffman

— National Guard Activated to Help Support Police During Pro-Trump Protests – ZACHARY STIEBER
— Pence: ‘We’ll Have Our Day in Congress’ During Jan. 6 Electoral Challenge – JACK PHILLIPS

— OUTRAGEOUS, DISGUSTING: Business leaders urge Congress to certify Biden win – Josh Dawsey

— ‘We’ve Had Enough’: Google Employees Form Union (DIERSEN: GAO unionized in 2007. If GAO had been unionized in 1997, I might still be a GAO employee.)

— CIA aims to hire more non-white non-Ivy League applicants with diverse new recruitment website – AP

January 4 Morning Edition

— Chicago holiday weekend gun violence leaves 30 shot, 5 killed across city

— At Least 29 People Shot, 5 Killed Over New Year’s Day Weekend In Chicago

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters say “Republican effort to challenge Electoral College vote in Congress draws bipartisan rebukes.”

— 33 aldermen ‘deeply concerned’ with CPS’ reopening plans as some teachers refuse to return. The Chicago Teachers Union said Sunday that many of its members who are expected back Monday are telling their principals they won’t return and will continue to work remotely. – Nader Issa and Madeline Kenney
— After Trump call, Republican Kinzinger says no member of Congress can object to election with a ‘clean conscience’ Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., calls for a Trump criminal probe after audio surfaces of the president muscling the Georgia secretary of state to overturn the election in that state.- Lynn Sweet

— Here Are 9 — Maybe 10 (Or 11) — Illinois Republicans Mulling A Run For Governor – Tony Arnold
(DIERSEN: What have these potential candidates said and done a) to defend and advance the traditional marriage/family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in the Republican Party platform and b) to discourage the promotion of dependency on government, dependency on charity, LGBTQ, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, booze, gambling, pot and other vices, diminishment of First and Second Amendment rights, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination? Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform.)

— DuPage County reports 458 COVID-19 cases Sunday, 2 deaths – Joshua Welge

— Tazewell County Clerk John Ackerman says he was approached on appointment of Ill. Senate seat left vacant by Brady – Drew Veskauf

— DuPage County Tops 63K Coronavirus Cases. The risk of coronavirus transmission in DuPage County is “substantial,” according to the health department. – Lisa Marie Farver

— ‘Last few months have exposed certain elected officials as unfit for office,’ Breen says – Glenn Minnis



— McCarthy rebukes Democrats before handing gavel to Pelosi – Susan Ferrechio
(DIERSEN: My critics/opponents want the leaders of the following to punish me for including links in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails to articles that they do not like and for my including my comments on those articles that they do not like: Milton Township Republican Organization, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Illinois Republican Party, Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, Illinois, Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct, their major donors, their political consultants, their campaign managers, their campaign staff members, and their campaign volunteers. I should write a book about a) the aforesaid, b) what they have punished me for, and c) how they have punished me.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy criticized the Democratic agenda and efforts to curtail the GOP in the coming Congress before handing over the gavel to newly-elected Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Democrats elected Pelosi to serve a fourth, nonconsecutive term as speaker, but before she addressed the House, McCarthy used the minority leader’s traditional remarks ahead of the speaker to chide Democrats over planned changes to the House rules that will limit the Republican minority and punish some social media activity. “Under these rules, all members are equal, but some are more equal than others,” McCarthy said. “As for our constituents, it means freedom of speech is silenced, good ideas are stifled, and dissent punished. Why would an American political party use this as their first action in a new Congress?” . . . Democrats will also adopt a rules change that will make it an ethics violation for any member to circulate certain social media messages that are considered “deep fakes.”)

— Democrats Claim Georgia Is the Next California Due to Mass Immigration – JOHN BINDER
(DIERSEN: Under the Democrats, the future for Whites in America looks bleaker and bleaker and bleaker.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Analysis by the Atlantic‘s Ronald Brownstein has previously revealed that congressional districts with a foreign-born population above the national average, a little more than 14 percent, have a 90 percent chance of being won by Democrats over Republicans. . . The drastic “demographics changes,” as described by multiple establishment media outlets, has made the electoral map increasingly easier for Democrats. The Washington Post, New York Times, the Atlantic, Axios, the Los Angeles Times, and the Wall Street Journal have all admitted that rapid demographic changes because of immigration are tilting the nation toward a permanent Democrat dominance. “The single biggest threat to Republicans’ long-term viability is demographics,” Axios acknowledged last year. “The numbers simply do not lie … there’s not a single demographic megatrend that favors Republicans.” At current legal immigration levels, the U.S. is on track to import about 15 million new foreign-born voters by 2040. Those 15 million new foreign-born voters include about eight million who will have arrived through the process known as “chain migration” where newly naturalized citizens can bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S.)
— Nancy Pelosi Promises to Advance Racial Justice, Environmental Justice in New Congressional Term – SEAN MORAN
(DIERSEN: To promote “justice” is to get rid of individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are law enforcement, Trump supporters, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, non-poor, homeowners, gun owners, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)

— More Are Moving To Georgia Than Ever — And Bringing Dem Politics With Them
(DIERSEN: If realtors were asked about political trends in your precinct, in your municipal district, in your municipality, in your township, in your county district, in your county, and in Illinois, what would they say? What percent of those who bought homes in the aforesaid during the last 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50+ years have been Democrats? When Democrats move in, poverty and crime increase.)

— Trump in ‘Good Position’ for Electoral Vote Showdown: Grennell – JACK PHILLIPS

— A creeping black vs. black schism is dividing America as some descendants of slaves demand a special status over immigrants – Chris Sweeney

— Election fight tears at GOP – ALEXANDER BOLTON

— Georgia’s changing population is helping the state become more progressive
(DIERSEN: If realtors were asked about political trends in your precinct, in your municipal district, in your municipality, in your township, in your county district, in your county, and in Illinois, what would they say? What percent of those who bought homes in the aforesaid during the last 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50+ years have been Democrats? When Democrats move in, poverty and crime increase.)

— OCTOBER 6, 2020 FLASHBACK: Facebook is a social network monopoly that buys, copies or kills competitors, antitrust committee finds – Salvador Rodriguez
(DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes promote the Democrat Facebook big time. They want everyone a) to spend all their time on Facebook, b) to stop reading emails including GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails, and c) to stop visiting websites including www.gopillinois.com .)

— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Georgia Is Getting More Blue. The Senate Races Will Tell How Much. A reliably red state for almost two decades, Georgia no longer resembles its Deep South neighbors. President Trump and Joe Biden head there Monday to help rally the bases. – Jonathan Martin and Astead W. Herndon
(DIERSEN: If realtors were asked about political trends in your precinct, in your municipal district, in your municipality, in your township, in your county district, in your county, and in Illinois, what would they say? What percent of those who bought homes in the aforesaid during the last 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50+ years have been Democrats? When Democrats move in, poverty and crime increase.)
— Hundreds of Google Employees Unionize, Culminating Years of Activism. The creation of the union, a rarity in Silicon Valley, follows years of increasing outspokenness by Google workers. Executives have struggled to handle the change. – Kate Conger
(DIERSEN: GAO unionized in 2007. If GAO had been unionized in 1997, I might still be a GAO employee.)

— DECEMBER 18, 2020 FLASHBACK: Facebook and Google cases are our last chance to save the economy from monopolization. The antitrust lawsuits are belated recognition that U.S. courts and regulators failed to prevent dangerous concentration in the economy’s fastest-growing sector over the past two decades  – Steven Pearlstein
(DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes promote the Democrat Facebook big time. They want everyone a) to spend all their time on Facebook, b) to stop reading emails including GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails, and c) to stop visiting websites including www.gopillinois.com . Ever-increasingly, the Democrat Google sends everyone to non-credible articles, written by non-credible authors, posted on non-credible websites that promote the Democrat, Libertarian, and Green party platforms.)


— Democrats are now paying the price for empowering Antifa – Jason Rantz
(DIERSEN: I should write a book about those who empower BLM, LGBTQ, dependency on government, dependency on charity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, booze, gambling, pot and other vices, abolition of the First and Second Amendments, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and/or hatred against those who are law enforcement officers, Trump supporters, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, heterosexual, married, non-poor, homeowners, gun owners, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, draft avoiders (except Joe Biden and Bill Clinton), and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. I would focus on those who have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton’s West District, Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County’s 4th District, DuPage County, and Illinois. The aforesaid do not want me to seek or hold any kind of government or political office in Wheaton’s West District, Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County’s 4th District, DuPage County, or Illinois.)

— Seizing the moment to confront troubled history – CHARLOTTE BACON AND BARBARA WILL
(DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats blame the past for the problems that minorities and women have today.)

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters say “The Election Rejectionists The GOP stunt over the Electoral College will hurt the country and the party.”
— Do You Need to Get an M.B.A.? Applications to business schools are on the rise, but the management degree isn’t a good fit for everybody
(DIERSEN: The employee manual that IRS gave me when I started in 1971 when I was 22 years old as a GS-7 (currently $47,965/year) Revenue Officer encouraged Revenue Officers to take graduate business, accounting, and law courses. I started taking graduate business courses at Loyola in 1972 and earned an MBA in 1976. I started taking graduate accounting courses at DePaul in 1976 and earned a master’s degree in accounting in 1980. Notwithstanding the aforesaid encouragement, my Democrat IRS superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates hinted/implied/argued/shouted that the aforesaid courses a) were not job-related, b) did not help me carry out my duties, c) prepared be for a “new trade or business,” d) were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, and e) were a distraction. In 1978, my Democrat IRS superiors and Money Magazine disallowed the aforesaid courses that I had deducted. I won a split decision in Tax Court. The judge allowed all the business courses but disallowed the accounting courses asserting a new law that accounting courses are not deductible until after you have taken enough accounting courses to qualify to take the CPA examination.)
— Mayorkas’s Experience With Homeland Security Issues Fuels Backers and Critics Alike – Michelle Hackman
(DIERSEN: Government is nasty. Politics is nasty. If you sought a government office or a political office, what experience would you stress? I would stress the experience that I gained a) working for GAO 1980-1997 as an Analyst, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $101,176-131,532/year; b) working for IRS 1971-1980 as a Revenue Officer, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $85,084-$96,431/year; c) becoming a licensed CPA in 1981; d) passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981; e) passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979; f) becoming a Forensic Accountant in 1997, Certified Financial Services Auditor in 1996, Certified Government Financial Manager in 1994, and Certified Fraud Examiner in 1990; g) serving on the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter Executive Committee 1983-1996; h) earning a master’s degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997, a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, an MBA from Loyola in 1976, and a bachelor’s degree in management from NIU in 1970; i) serving as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999; j) serving as the GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000; and k) serving as a TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman 2005-2012, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011, Milton Township Republican Organization webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004, Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007, and American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004.)
— FRONT PAGE: Covid-19 Pandemic Likely Improved Your Commute to Work – Scott Calvert
(DIERSEN: What did you do to reduce your commute to work time? My wife and I had a home built in Wheaton in 1984 and bought one in Wheaton in 1978 that were in walking distance to train stations. I bought condos in 1974 and 1976 in downtown Chicago that were in walking distance to where I worked and took graduate business and accounting courses.)

— New Jersey workers face age discrimination – Dino Flammia
(DIERSEN: Who promotes age discrimination a) in the organizations that you are a member of and b) in the municipality, township, and county where you live? I should write a book about those who promote age discrimination in the organizations that I am a member of, Wheaton, Milton Township, and DuPage County. I would focus on those who have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.)

— Broken Arrow residents call on city council to mandate masks in letter – Ashley Ellis
(DIERSEN: How soon, if not already, will the Democrats in your municipality officially call on your city council to officially banish those who are the following from you municipality once and for all: law enforcement officers, Trump supporters, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, non-poor, homeowners, gun owners, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time?)

— The Elephant in the Room for the New Education Secretary. The racial and wealth inequality built into our nation’s most viable system of opportunity — the education sector — should be at the forefront of any policy conversation, argues Stella M. Flores. – Stella M. Flores
(DIERSEN: How would Flores explain my being able to earn three master’s degrees, six professional certifications, and a professional license? Would she say it was because I was born a White male? Would she say it was because my parents were rich?)

January 3 Evening Edition

— Illinois COVID-19 Update: IL reports 4,469 cases, 81 coronavirus deaths. More than 95% of Chicago’s vaccines distributed, mayor says.
— Indiana COVID Update: IN reports 3,002 new coronavirus cases, 56 additional deaths. Illinois residents head to Indiana’s eateries to dine inside. – AP

— Trump to Attend D.C. Protests Against Congress Certifying Biden Victory. The president shared a video clip on Twitter encouraging supporters to protest the November election results and said he will be there. – Emma Newburger
— Pence Welcomes GOP Effort to Delay Certification of Biden Victory as Other Republicans Oppose It. – Tucker Higgins

— Volunteers In Harvey Halfway Toward Goal Of Boarding Up 400 Vacant Homes
— CTU Says Chicago Public Schools Teachers Won’t Be Returning Monday; Majority Of Aldermen Sign Onto Letter Expressing Safety Concerns

— At Issue: DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin -January 3, 2021

— Coronavirus in Illinois updates: 4,469 new confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 and 81 additional deaths reported Sunday
— Defying CPS, some Chicago Teachers Union members won’t return to schools Monday, say they will teach remotely ‘until buildings are safe’ – DIANA WALLACE
— Nancy Pelosi narrowly reelected speaker, faces difficult 2021 – AP
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “a growing number of Republicans join Trump’s effort to subvert the will of voters.” What is the will of the majority of the voters in your precinct, in your municipal district, in your municipality, in your township, in your county district, and in your county? How strongly do they want governments to get rid of those who are law enforcement officers, Trump supporters, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, heterosexual, married, non-poor, homeowners, gun owners, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time?

— Frustrated CPS special ed parents say schools fail to meet students’ needs.

— New COVID-19 cases dip, but positivity rates continue to climb

— Teachers union, aldermen push back on CPS reopening plans. A majority of aldermen join the CTU in questioning the district’s plan to bring teachers and students back into classrooms starting this month. – A.D. QUIG

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Trump-haters promote Trump-haters.

— New year means new opportunities to become politically involved – League of Women Voters Greater Rockford

— Aspirants to Replace Chuck Wheeler on the McHenry County Board – Sarah Hagen
— From the Desk of John Lopez: Analyzing the Jim Oberweis Loss in IL-14
— Another Reason Not to Visit Chicago
— CORRECTION: Gas Tax NOT Up Again
— Democrats Line Up to Replace Jesse White at Secretary of State

— Hate Speech Activism Means to Kill Christianity – Oliver Perry

— Illinois residents head to Indiana’s eateries to dine inside – AP

— Liz Cheney, Paul Ryan Attack Republicans Set to Challenge Electoral College Vote – JOHN BINDER

— Gun-toting congresswoman-elect may have just won shootout with Dems over carrying in Capitol – Jon Dougherty

— Meadows: Over 100 House Members Plan to Object to Electoral Votes – ZACHARY STIEBER
— ‘I Will Be There’: Trump Announces He’ll Join ‘Historic’ Rally on Jan. 6 – JACK PHILLIPS
— Pelosi Reelected as House Speaker in Tight Vote – IVAN PENTCHOUKOV AND MARK TAPSCOTT

— Ex-GOP Speaker Ryan denounces effort to challenge Electoral College results – ZACK BUDRYK
— Kinzinger: Republicans can’t with ‘clean conscience’ object after hearing Trump tape – ZACK BUDRYK

— Chicago ends 2020 with 769 homicides as gun violence surges

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “Republicans Begin New Congress Feuding Over Bid to Overturn Election. With President Trump ratcheting up his efforts to cling to power, the party has split over whether to back him, posing a major political test.”

— Trump calls U.S. coronavirus death toll ‘fake news’ as count surpasses 350,000 – Meryl Kornfield and Shayna Jacobs
— MARCH 25, 2015 FLASHBACK: Is Ted Cruz too conservative for Republican primary voters? – Robert N. Lupton and Christopher Hare (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those consider me to be too conservative, but because they claim to be religious, conservative, and/or Republican, they demonize, denigrate, and condemn me on pretextual grounds.)

— Avoiding Wrongful Termination Lawsuits, Fines and Damage to Your Business – Marisa Sanfilippo (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those consider me to be too conservative, but because they claim to be religious, conservative, and/or Republican, they demonize, denigrate, and condemn me on pretextual grounds.)

(FROM THE ARTICLE: After an employee makes an initial federal claim for employment discrimination, the burden is on the employer to “articulate,” not prove, a “legitimate nondiscriminatory reason” for the termination or other adverse action (such as a demotion, suspension or failure to promote), according to Elkins. “Then, the burden shifts to the employee to prove that the ‘legitimate reason’ offered by the employer is false and a cover-up for the real reason,” he said. “In court, it’s called proving that the stated reason is ‘pretext’ for discrimination.”)

January 2 Morning Edition

— Mitt Romney slams vaccine distribution roll out: ‘As incomprehensible as it is inexcusable’ – CNN

— In Georgia, Biden’s Presidency Meets Early Defining Moment. In his last visit, Biden called Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler “roadblocks” – Bill Barrow

— Name change for CPS’ Agassiz Elementary expected to be the first of many. The decision to rename the Lake View school for one of three Black women is expected to be followed by similar undertakings at dozens of CPS schools. – Nader Issa and Lauren FitzPatrick
— Wisconsin police monitor recreational marijuana in Illinois. A 2017 report on the effect legal recreational marijuana in Colorado and Washington had on neighboring states found “a sharp increase in marijuana possession arrests in border counties.” But checks with police along the Illinois-Wisconsin state line have shown no such rise, so far. – AP

— End of the Lipinski era: A 45-year political reign on Chicago’s Southwest Side comes to a close – BILL RUTHHART and RICK PEARSON
— Old railroad corridors near Chicago transformed into all-weather trails for hiking, cycling and cross-country skiing – JEANINE BARONE
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The 61-mile Illinois Prairie Path (aka IPP) is one of the nation’s oldest rail-trails, dating to 1967. Following the right of way of the former Chicago Aurora and Elgin Railroad, the IPP consists of three main branches, each making for a delightful day trip from Chicago. (Wheaton, the central trailhead for all three, is just 30 miles from the Windy City.) Along the more urban Main Branch, Villa Park is worth a stop. Its Historical Museum housed in a reclaimed train depot displays several old train signals outside. Other remnants of the route’s railroad past are found in Wheaton’s Volunteer Park, where a contemporary sculpture was created from spikes, bolts and part of the Roarin’ Elgin’s original third rail. The 13-mile Aurora Branch is especially leafy, owing to the necklace of forest preserves along the way, including the St. James Farm. This former equestrian estate displays many horse-related bronzes and reliefs that will enthrall art enthusiasts. It also makes for serene picnicking beside a parcel of prairie gardens and a cattail pond. Not far from Wheaton, the 14-mile-long Elgin Branch slips into the verdant Lincoln Marsh Natural Area, where a network of nature trails with observation points — including a floating boardwalk — offer birders the opportunity to spot great egrets, green herons and other species.)

— Look At Who’s Eyeing A Run To Replace Jesse White, The State’s Most Popular Democrat. Illinois’ long-serving secretary of state says he won’t be seeking reelection in 2022. – Tony Arnold

— Embattled Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan gets backing for reelection from majority of Latinx Caucus – Rick Pearson

— Breen fumes at governor’s latest mandates: ‘Small business has been left to die under Pritzker’ – Glenn Minnis
— Curran criticizes governor’s handling of COVID-19 crisis: ‘The way we’ve closed the state is really a tragedy’ – Glenn Minnis
— Dabrowski blasts governor’s COVID-19 response: ‘There is no data being presented that justifies it’ – Glenn Minnis

— Trump the clear Republican ‘front-runner’ in next White House race. Trump, Pence, other potential 2024 GOP contenders to attend major Republican Party meeting next week. – Paul Steinhauser

— We Don’t Need To Accept The ‘New Normal’ The Left Is Forcing On Us – Caren Besner
(DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, under hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-haters, the ‘New Normal’ is the demise of individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are law enforcement, Trump supporters, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, heterosexual, married, non-poor, homeowners, gun owners, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)

— McConnell Again Blocks Standalone $2,000 Stimulus Check Bill – HENRY RODGERS

— Proposed House Rules Seek to Erase Gendered Terms Such as ‘Father, Mother, Son, Daughter’ – MIMI NGUYEN LY
(DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote LGBTQ, that is, ever-increasingly, Democrats promote the destruction of traditional marriage and the destruction of the traditional family.)

— Congress overrides Trump veto for the first time – JORDAIN CARNEY
— Five GOP contenders — other than Trump — for 2024 – NIALL STANAGE

— Immigrant Neighborhoods Shifted Red as the Country Chose Blue – Weiyi Cai and Ford Fessenden
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Across the United States, many areas with large populations of Latinos and residents of Asian descent, including ones with the highest numbers of immigrants, had something in common this election: a surge in turnout and a shift to the right, often a sizable one. The pattern was evident in big cities like Chicago and New York, in California and Florida, and along the Texas border with Mexico, according to a New York Times analysis of voting in 28,000 precincts in more than 20 cities. Joseph R. Biden Jr. beat President Trump in almost all of these places en route to his record popular vote victory. But the red shifts, along with a wave of blue shifts in Republican and white areas, have scrambled the conventional wisdom of American politics and could presage a new electoral calculus for the parties.)
— Virginia Judge Won’t Try Black Man in Courtroom Lined With White Portraits. David Bernhard, a circuit court judge, wrote in his decision that the display of portraits of white judges “is based on a non-racial principle, yet yields a racial result.” – Derrick Bryson Taylor
(DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats hint/imply/argue/shout a) that if Whites achieve more than minorities, it is because of Republican racism and b) that if men achieve more than women, it is because of Republican sexism.)
— FAFSA’s Expected Family Contribution Is Going Away. Good Riddance. The dollar figure that the federal financial aid form spits out has long left families confused and despondent. And then there are those great expectations. – Ron Lieber
(DIERSEN: How much money did you expect your parents to pay for your bachelor’s degree? I did not expect my parents to pay anything. Neither of my outstanding parents attended college. My father was the first of his ancestors to earn a high school diploma. He fought type 1 diabetes from age 14, worked in the office of a nasty chemical plant in Chicago Heights, almost always worked second jobs to pay the family’s bills, did not buy a new car until he was 45 in 1967 and it was a bottom of the line 2-door Chevy, and died suddenly when he was 47 and I was 21. My mother never attended high school and she never worked outside the home until after he died. My outstanding parents provided me with room and board 1966-1968 while I took classes at UIC, weekends during my first semester at NIU in 1969, and the summer of 1969.)

— Trump rips ‘Pathetic!!!’ Senate GOP for blocking $2,000 checks – Steven Nelson

— What’s at Stake in Georgia. Here’s the difference between a Democratic and Republican Senate this year. – Editorial
— Never Think You’re Too Old to Become a Beginner – Tom Vanderbilt
(DIERSEN: My Democrat and IRS superiors, supervisors, coworkers and subordinates demonized me, denigrated me, and condemned me as being a failed late-coming beginner in accounting and in auditing. They stressed that I did not a) take and pass the CPA examination until I was 30 in 1979, b) earn a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul until I was 31, and c) take and pass the Certified Internal Auditor examination until I was 32. They would have done that if I had been a Democrat, minority, female, and/or veteran.)
— The Future Turns 50 This Year – Daniel Casse
(DIERSEN: What did you do in 1971? I started the year when I was 22 years old a) working for Firestone Stores as the Retail Sales Manager in its Chicago Heights store, b) taking a graduate business course at UIC, c) pursuing a financial hardship draft deferment, and d) driving a 1969 Dodge Charger SE. Then, I accepted a job offer from Oldsmobile, and that changed everything because Oldsmobile withdrew that job offer saying that it had just agreed to stop hiring Whites to settle an EEOC complaint after my Firestone Store manager had rudely fired me for accepting that offer. That directly resulted in my accepting a job offer from IRS to be a GS-7 (currently $47,965/year) Revenue Officer in Chicago. As an IRS employee, I was a member of the National Treasury Employees Union. I accepted my Firestone Store manager’s offer to come back and work part-time. I lived in Crete with my mother and brother. After my Charger was stolen in Chicago, I bought a new 1972 Corvette and a 1962 Chevy Bel Air. Late in the year, Loyola accepted me into its Graduate School of Business.)

— Kinzinger Fires Back at Fox News Host Mark Levin Who Called for His Defeat: ‘Outrage for Profit’ – CHRISTINA ZHAO

— Nasdaq Proposed Rule Would Require Board Diversity and Transparency
(DIERSEN: I should write a book about groups that are ever-increasingly in the minority in the Illinois Republican Party (IRP), DuPage County Republican Central Committee (DCRCC), and Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO). I would focus on groups that support the traditional marriage/family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in the Republican Party platform. I would focus on how little if at all that IRP, DCRCC, and MTRO leaders defend or promote the aforesaid planks.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In its proposal, Nasdaq emphasized that this year’s “social justice movement has brought heightened attention to the commitment of public companies to diversity and inclusion.” The proposal also cites several academic publications that studied the relationship between diverse boards and improved financial performance and corporate governance. As a result, the proposal seeks to encourage companies to have boards of directors that better reflect the country’s diverse population. The proposal would accomplish this goal by requiring a few things from companies. Under the proposed rule, Nasdaq-listed companies, subject to certain exemptions, would be required to: report on their annual proxy statements or websites statistical information regarding the gender, race, and LGBTQ+ makeup of their boards; and have at least two diverse directors: one who self-identifies as female and one who self-identifies as “an [u]nderrepresented minority” or “a member of the LGBTQ+ community.” Companies with corporate boards that do not satisfy the diversity requirements would be required to explain in their annual proxy statements or on their websites why they did not meet the requirements. The term “underrepresented minority” will be construed in accordance with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) definitions, which include: “Black or African American, Hispanic or Latinx, Asian, Native American or Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, or Two or More Races or Ethnicities.” Gender, underrepresented minority status, and LGBTQ+ status would be self-identified. According to the proposal, requiring an explanation from companies that do not satisfy the diversity requirements would provide investors with additional information so they can make more informed investment decisions. Nasdaq would phase the rule in over a period of several years. The proposed rule would require at least one diverse director no later than two years after the rule’s approval, and two diverse directors no later than four years after approval for companies listed on two of Nasdaq’s tiers, or five years for a third tier.)

— “Diversity” Nonsense Cost Tens of Thousands of Lives. Moderna Delayed its Vaccine Trials to Ensure it had “Enough” Minority Representation. – DAVID BERNSTEIN
(DIERSEN: How many protected groups are you a member of? Protected groups include those who are minority, female, younger, LGBTQ, disabled, veteran, citizens of foreign countries, non-Trump supporters, non-Christians, non-Protestants, non-Italian Americans, non-German Americans, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, Independent, RINO, moderate, liberal, low-income, those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time, drinkers, gamblers, stoners, and those who lack education, lack job skills, lack job experience, have financial problems, and/or have health problems.)

— The Past and Future of the Left in the Democratic Party. Centrist Democrats who blamed the left for election losses would do well to remember the people who have fought for and shaped the party’s history. – Michael Brenes and Michael Koncewicz
(DIERSEN: I should write a book about groups that are ever-increasingly in the minority in the Illinois Republican Party (IRP), DuPage County Republican Central Committee (DCRCC), and Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO). I would focus on those who support the traditional marriage/family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in the Republican Party platform. I would focus on how little if at all that IRP, DCRCC, and MTRO leaders defend or promote the aforesaid planks.)

January 1 Morning Edition

— Carjackings more than double in 2020

— Activists demand for Lightfoot’s resignation over botched raid as mayor, Young meet – Mike Lowe
— CTU board member facing criticism for vacationing in Caribbean while pushing remote learning – Ben Bradley

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters deride Hawley’s plan to object to Electoral College results as being a political stunt.

— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON CHICAGO TIGHTENS: Marchers urge city officials not to overlook ‘virus of violence.’ The Rev. Michael Pfleger and about 150 demonstrators marched along Michigan Avenue on Thursday. – Manny Ramos and Stefano Esposito
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater blames Trump for Trump’s problems.

— Governor’s cuts get frosty welcome from taxpayers – Editorial

— Illinois is facing a teacher shortage crisis due to the pandemic – Maggie Polsean
(DIERSEN: GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job. IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job. The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job. Qualification problems included a) lacking required education, work experience, and/or professional certifications, b) failing to pass an employment examination, c) failing background investigations, and d) failing physical examinations.)

— Objections to a presidential certification vote is not rare — Dems did the same to Trump. – CHRISTOPHER WHITE

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters deride Hawley’s plan to object to Electoral College results as being a political stunt.

— Chicago Teachers Union big shot says unsafe to teach live — from her pool side in Puerto Rico

— Janet Yellen made more than $7 million in speaking fees in 2019, 2020 – David Sherfinski
— Trump’s media coverage among most censored stories of 2020 – Jennifer Harper
(DIERSEN: I should write a book about the articles that my critics/opponents do not want anyone to see.)
— Trump demand to ax Section 230 could alter Americans’ online lives – Ryan Lovelace
(DIERSEN: I should write a book about those who have focused on destroying me for my including links in GOPUSA emails to articles they do not like. I would focus on a) those who have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton’s West District, Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County’s 4th District, DuPage County, and/or Illinois, b) those who have been Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct, their political consultants, their major donors, their campaign managers, their campaign staff members, and/or their campaign volunteers, c) those who are/were leaders of the Milton Township Republican Organization, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Illinois Republican Party, Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and/or Illinois, and d) those who are/were leaders of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Center Right Coalition, and/or American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter. The aforesaid have focused on destroying me, but they have not sued the authors of the articles that they do not like.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Mr. Trump and his supporters want the legal protection stripped from companies such as Twitter and Facebook so that they can swing back at social media platforms that they believe censor or diminish conservative speech online. But removing the protection contained in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act would give Twitter and Facebook greater latitude to enforce broader restrictions because failing to do so could result in heavy fines and expensive legal disputes. Eliminating the legal protection would make Twitter liable for all of the content in users’ tweets, make Facebook liable for all the content across its various platforms including Instagram, and make Wikipedia liable for whatever edits users make and the content they post. The biggest tech companies can afford to lawyer up against the ensuing onslaught of complaints in a manner that their smaller competitors cannot, and they would move quickly to change the boundaries of what is acceptable to publish online.)

— Top 15 MAGA Moments for President Donald Trump in 2020 – CHARLIE SPIERING

— Biden Team Disables Chat On Virtual Press Conferences After Reporters Ask Tough Questions – Emily Zanotti
(DIERSEN: Questions to ask candidates: If elected, would you encourage or discourage the following: reparations, BLM, LGBTQ, dependency on government, dependency on charity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, more gun controls, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and/or age discrimination?)

— My Wish List for 2021 – Michael Brown
(DIERSEN: What do your critics/opponents wish for? My critics/opponents wish a) for me to stop sending out GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails, but failing that, for everyone to stop reading those emails, b) for me to resign as a Republican Precinct Committeeman, and c) for those Republican Precinct Committeemen/Captains in Illinois who support the traditional marriage/family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and/or equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in the Republican Party platform to resign. Overwhelmingly, the aforesaid Republican Precinct Committeemen/Captains are Trump supporters, conservative, patriotic, White, male, older, heterosexual, married, non-poor, homeowners, gun owners, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or their ancestors have been in America for a long time.)

— Kinzinger criticizes Trump, colleagues for ‘trying to discredit’ the election – DOMINICK MASTRANGELO
(DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters use Kinzinger to destroy the Republican Party.)

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: According to this article, Trump purged of hundreds of VA staff members and that created a path to disaster. I should write a book about how Democrats used Republican-led budget cuts to destroy GAO. I worked for GAO 1980-1997, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $101,176-$131,532/year.)

— Gen Z Republicans see new era for party after Trump. We should be attempting to expand our reaches, even if it does cost us,” said one young Republican voter. – Nicole Via y Rada
(DIERSEN: Those who will never vote for Republicans want the Republican Party a) to dump its traditional marriage/family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) platform planks and b) to dump individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are law enforcement, Trump supporters, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, heterosexual, married, non-poor, non-veteran, gun owners, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)

— Chinese Citizen Journalist Sentenced to 4 Years for Covid Reporting – Vivian Wang
(DIERSEN: I should write a book about the articles that my critics/opponents do not want anyone to see.)
— Georgia Republicans Deliver Persistent Message: Fear the Democrats – Astead W. Herndon and Richard Fausset
(DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats make it clear that they want to use government to get rid of individuals, organizations, companies, and governments that are law enforcement, Trump supporters, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, heterosexual, married, non-poor, gun owners, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, draft avoiders (except Joe Biden and Bill Clinton), and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Jim Motavalli blasts collector car owners who put few miles on their cars. Motavalli would certainly blast me. In my defense, I spend 10+ hours each and every day putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out.

— Hawley’s plan to contest electoral college vote certification ensures drawn-out process – John Wagner and Rosalind S. Helderman
— Pence seeks rejection of lawsuit that aimed to expand his power to overturn the election – Rosalind S. Helderman and John Wagner
— A New Year’s goal for progressives: Stop advocating bailouts for rich people – Catherine Rampell
(DIERSEN: My critics/opponents are conflicted. They want to demonize, denigrate, and condemn me as being both a failure and rich. Their answer is to hint/imply/argue/shout that I am rich a) because I avoided the draft, b) because I was grossly overpaid by the federal government, c) because of my wife’s income, d) because we gave up trying to have children, we did not adopt, and we did not become foster parents, e) because my Civil Service Retirement System pension and my and my wife’s federal health, dental, and vision insurance subsidies are way too generous, and f) because I do not give money to a church like they do.)

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “A Republican in Joe Biden’s Cabinet? The president-elect should just say no. Naming a Republican is bad messaging and not necessary. And it wouldn’t signal strength or produce an envoy with persuasive powers over the opposition.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “How the Republican Party succumbed to Trump.”

— Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi to Draw on Their History in Bid to Unite Fractious Democrats. The president-elect and House speaker share trust, faith and long experience legislating together. – Natalie Andrews and Eliza Collins
(DIERSEN: What demographics do you share with Biden? I share the following: old, White, male, heterosexual, married, non-poor, gun owner, draft avoider, Christian, past federal employee, our ancestors have been in America for a long time, and we both are Corvette owners. Will the aforesaid help save me when Democrats ramp up their efforts to destroy Republicans?)
— Yellen Earned Millions in Speaking Fees After Leaving Fed, Disclosures Show. Former Fed chairwoman has spoken extensively on economic policy since leaving central bank in 2018. – Natalie Andrews and Nick Timiraos
— Pence, House Seek to Dismiss GOP Suit Aimed at Letting Him Overturn Election. Justice Department called Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert’s suit a ‘walking legal contradiction’ – Sadie Gurman and Jess Bravin
— States of Growth and Decline. The latest Census population statistics show a shift from blue to red. – Editorial
(FROM THE EDITORIAL: Sixteen mostly coastal and Rust Belt states lost population from July 2019 to July 2020, according to the Census Bureau’s annual population survey, and Illinois, West Virginia, New York, Connecticut, Mississippi and Vermont have shrunk since 2010. At the same time, many low-tax Sun Belt states have continued to attract newcomers.)

— Donald Trump’s New Year’s Resolution—Give Up Fox News? – DARRAGH ROCHE
— Kinzinger Posts Video Debunking Donald Trump’s Election Fraud Claims – JEFFERY MARTIN
(DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters use Kinzinger to destroy the Republican Party.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “Josh Hawley’s Biden Objection Divides Missouri GOP: I Guess He’s Running for President.”

— Trump Returns to White House Early, Offers Year-End Message. President Donald Trump has delivered a year-end video message after returning early from vacation, highlighting his administration’s work to rapidly develop a vaccine against COVID-19 and rebuild the economy. – AP

— 5 Tips For Focusing Your Energy In 2021 – Lisa Bodell
(DIERSEN: During 2021, I will continue to focus my energy on putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out.)

— Censorship is simply gasoline on the fire – Ian-Michael Griffin
(DIERSEN: I should write a book about those who censor me. Better yet, I should sue them.)

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “The Real Republican Radicals.”

— Kinzinger Slams Mark Levin Over Calling Him A ‘Reckless Politician’: ‘Godfather Of Outrage For Profit’ – Zachary Petrizzo
(DIERSEN: I should write a book about elected officials and party leaders who have turned on those like me who helped elect them. I would focus on Republican candidates who have been on ballots in my precinct since 2000. I would focus on those who have led the Milton Township Republican Organization, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Illinois Republican Party since 2000. I would focus on those who have led TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Center Right Coalition, and American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter since 2000.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “Adam Kinzinger is very devious and reckless politician. He was elected as a Tea Party candidate 10 years ago and quickly turned on them,” the Fox News host tweeted. “He is now an activist for the administrative state and against constitutionalists.” Levin proceeded to take additional swings at Kinzinger. “Unsurprisingly, he’s celebrated by the Dem-Party media. His attack on those earnestly trying to fix what the Dems broke during this election cycle & their efforts to prevent further usurpations of the Constitution (as they’ve announced their intentions), is unconscionable,” Levin added. “He should be defeated at the ballot box in the next Republican primary. Then he can join CNN or MSNBC as a full-time, conservative-trashing contributor,” Levin concluded. . .“I guess I hit a nerve. Don’t flatter yourself, Hollywood. And don’t worry about my finances. I pay your overpaid salary. Just do your damn job,” Levin tweeted.)

— Joe Biden to have new Secret Service team amid concern about Trump loyalty – Victoria Bekiempis
(DIERSEN: My critics/opponents destroy those who are not blindly loyal to them and to them only. I should write a book about my critics/opponents.)

— US, EU urge release of Wuhan citizen journalist
(DIERSEN: To deny me whatever protections that journalists have, my critics/opponents have hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I am not a journalist. They hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I am merely an operative or a dupe for those who they want to destroy. Most commonly, they want to destroy their opponents in Republican U.S. Senate, gubernatorial, and congressional primary elections.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The United States and European Union on Tuesday demanded that China release a citizen journalist jailed for reports from Wuhan, with top US diplomat Mike Pompeo accusing Beijing of covering up COVID-19. Zhang Zhan, a former lawyer in custody since May, was Monday handed four years in prison over her early online accounts that provided a rare unvarnished glimpse of the city where the mysterious respiratory illness was first detected a year ago. Pompeo in a statement called on China to “release her immediately and unconditionally.” “The Chinese Communist Party has shown once again it will do whatever it takes to silence those who question the party’s official line, even regarding crucial public health information,” outgoing President Donald Trump’s secretary of state said. Zhang’s reports challenged Beijing’s official narrative that the government valiantly defeated the virus, questioning hospital capacity and access to virus testing in the early days and showing aggression on the part of Chinese authorities to her filming on her phone. The 37-year-old was sentenced by a Shanghai court for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble.” Pompeo is an outspoken critic of Beijing who has attacked China over its role in the origins of the pandemic, which has claimed more than 1.7 million lives worldwide.)

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters glorify and praise BLM.

December 27 Morning Edition

— Chicago weekend gun violence leaves 14 shot, 4 killed across city
— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON ILLINOIS TIGHTENS: Population of Illinois 2020: Indiana gains nearly 24K new Hoosiers while IL loses nearly 80K, census data show. Illinois suffered 2nd biggest loss nationwide after New York
— 6 shot, 3 killed in apparent random shooting at Don Carter Lanes bowling alley in Rockford, IL

— Democrats mum on support for Mike Madigan — because self-preservation comes first. – Rich Miller
(DIERSEN: Far too many members of political organizations glorify, praise, pander to, serve as operatives for, serve as dupes for, and/or give money to leaders who they believe have the most clout.)

— The best time to be alive is now – Editorial
(DIERSEN: UIC admitted me in 1966 when I was 17, but because of my demographics, if I was 17 today, I doubt that UIC would admit me today. NIU admitted me in 1969 when I was 20, but because of my demographics, if I was 20 today, I doubt that NIU would admit me today. Loyola admitted me in 1972 when I was 23, but because of my demographics, if I was 23 today, I doubt that Loyola would admit me today. DePaul admitted me in 1976 when I was 27, but because of my demographics, if I was 27 today, I doubt that DePaul would admit me today. IIT admitted me in 1992 when I was 43, but because of my demographics, if I was 43 today, I doubt that IIT would admit me today. The Post Office hired me in 1966 when I was 18, but because of my demographics, if I was 18 today, I doubt that the Post Office would hire me today. Firestone Stores hired me in 1970 when I was 21, but because of my demographics, if I was 21 today, I doubt that Firestone Stores would hire me today. General Motors offered me a job 1971 when I was 22, but because of my demographics, if I was 18 today, I doubt that General Motors would hire me today. IRS hired me in 1971 when I was 22, but because of my demographics, if I was 22 today, I doubt that IRS would hire me today. GAO hired me in 1980 when I was 31, but because of my demographics, if I was 31 today, I doubt that GAO would hire me today. Ever-increasingly, everyone is required/forced to give more preference to those who are minority, female, LGBTQ, younger, and/or veteran. In addition, ever-increasingly, the following demographics are disfavored: conservative, Republican, American, non-poor, gun owner, Protestant, German American, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)

— Financial carnage will be legacy of government’s management – Tom Roeser
— Condoleezza Rice keynote speaker for Barrington event open to all via Zoom – Elena Ferrarin

— Power to the people: Recall would let citizens hold corrupt politicians accountable – State Sen. Jason Barickman and State Rep. Mark Batinick

— Democrats silent on Madigan vote – Rich Miller

— DuPage County COVID-19 case numbers drop as 175 infections reported Saturday, 3 deaths – Joshua Welge

— Glencoe Church Leads Hard Conversation About Race – MONIQUE PARSONS

— More guns seized along Mag Mile as cops continue to confiscate at least 1 a day near famed retail corridor

— Chicago! A City of Big Shoulders or a Ship of Fools /Social Justice or a Cuckoo’s Nest?/Lawbreakers and Victims – BOB ANGONE

— State Rep.-Elect Suzanne Ness County Board Resignation Effective January 8
— Deadline for Filing Referenda Petitions Monday, January 4

— Mitt Romney’s unabashed hatred of Trump blinds him to reality of president’s popularity. Romney seems more comfortable breaking bread with leftist CNN journalists than grassroots Republicans. – David Limbaugh
— Trump accuses McConnell, others in GOP of failing to fight for him. Trump suggested McConnell and Senate Republicans haven’t worked hard enough to assure him a second term. – Dom Calicchio

— New Hampshire Residents Threatened For Supporting President Trump – JOE MULLINS

— Trump Urges GOP Senators to ‘Step Up and Fight for the Presidency’ – JANITA KAN

— Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.): Trump will be ‘remembered for chaos and misery and erratic behavior’ if he lets COVID relief expire – ZACK BUDRYK
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “Nothing becomes Donald Trump’s presidency like his leaving it.”

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “Former Bush Official Lashes GOP For Supporting ‘Delusional’ And ‘Unhinged’ Trump. Republicans are patiently playing “political Candyland” as they “continue to coddle and help encourage Donald Trump’s delusion,” complains Elise Jordan.”

— Girl Scouts rebuke Boy Scouts in escalating recruitment war – LARRY NEUMEISTER

— Democrats promise Biden-era abortion showdown over Hyde Amendment. The decades-old measure, named after an Illinois GOP lawmaker, limits the use of federal funds. – Sahil Kapur
(DIERSEN: To vote for Democrats is to promote abortion.)

— ‘Vodka in Your Coffee Cup’: When Pandemic Drinking Goes Too Far. Some women are seeking to regain control over their alcohol habits after months of laissez-faire consumption. – Alix Strauss

— Northwestern professor Alec Klein: ‘Unfounded #MeToo accusations destroyed my life’ – Dana Kennedy
(DIERSEN: What unfounded accusations have harmed you? In 1974, when I was 25 years old, my Democrat IRS superiors hinted/implied/argued/shouted that my travel vouchers were fraudulent, and in 1978, they hinted/implied/argued/shouted that my education deductions were fraudulent.)

— A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater asks “What to Watch for in 2021: Will the Trumps Haunt Us Forever?”

— Diversity Recruiter: Google Fired Me Because I Called It Out on ‘Racist Bullshit’ – Danika Fears
(DIERSEN: Christina Curley would be proud of my Democrat superiors in the federal government. They had great success in getting rid of their employees who were Republican, and especially those who were conservative, White, male, older, non-poor, heterosexual, married, gun owners, Protestant, German American, draft avoiders, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Atlantic City Mayor Says Highest Bidder Can Blow Up Trump’s Old Casino – Jamie Ross
(DIERSEN: Mayors have tremendous power to help or harm residents in their municipalities. Overwhelmingly, the residents of municipalities a) glorify and praise those who the mayor glorifies and praises and b) demonize, denigrate, and condemn those who the mayor demonizes, denigrates, and condemns. What are the demographics on those in your municipality who your mayor a) glorifies and praises and b) demonizes, denigrates, and condemns?)

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “Kinzinger Slams Donald Trump For Throwing ‘Tempter Tantrum’ Over Election Results.”
(DIERSEN: Which hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-haters will seek to lead the Illinois Republican Party: Adam Kinzinger, Joe Walsh, Pat Brady? How strongly will they promise to get rid of the 2,446,891 who voted for Trump in Illinois, the 193,611 who voted for Trump in DuPage County, the 20,080 who voted for Trump in Milton Township, and the157 who voted for Trump in my precinct?)

— Justice Department Applauds Passage of the Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act
(DIERSEN: My Democrat GAO superiors retaliated against me because I was an active member in a class action lawsuit that charged them with reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation. They did not promote me beyond GS-13, they threw me off audits of IRS, they gave me unfair performance expectations and appraisals, they always ranked me in the bottom half of my coworkers for pay-for-performance purposes, and they forced me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old. Previously, because I complained about discrimination, they got rid of my mentor in 1987, they kept me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for GAO, and they forced me to take a $20,157 (21%) pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980.)

— 3 tips for finding a new job in 2021
(DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government, I charged my Democrat superiors with political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation. If I had not done that, they would have promoted me into their Senior Executive Service long before I was 40 years old. I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: DON’T TELL THEM WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR Never, ever say something just because you think the interviewer wants to hear it. Be honest about résumé gaps—hiring managers understand that layoffs happen. Be honest about what you know and what you don’t know—they already accepted your résumé based on your skills and experience. Now is the time to talk up that experience, not lie or embellish it.)

(DIERSEN: In retrospect, with benefit of hindsight, I should have gotten restraining orders against all the defendants in the lawsuits that I filed. I should write a book about all the adverse actions that defendants in lawsuits that I have filed have taken against me.)

— Voters Think China’s Influence Will Grow Under Biden

— JANUARY 23, 2017 FLASHBACK: Making Life-Changing Decisions – Shahram Heshmat Ph.D
. (DIERSEN: Some of my life-changing decisions are below. Of course, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always been extremely critical of all the decisions that I have made.)

— To get student draft deferments 1966-1970 and a financial hardship draft deferment 1970-1971. My outstanding father died suddenly in 1969 when he was 47 and I was 21. My outstanding mother had never attended high school and had never worked outside of the home. My brother was attending high school.

— To always have a job. I did yard work and delivered newspapers 1962-1964; washed dishes 1964-1966; cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline in 1966; delivered mail 1966-1969; worked on an automobile assembly line and as a security guard in 1970; sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances 1970-1971; pumped gasoline 1971-1972; collected delinquent taxes 1971-1980; and audited federal agencies 1980-1997. I passed the Post Office employment examination in 1966. I passed the Federal Service Entrance Examination in 1970. I took a $20,157 (21%) pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980. My Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old. The adverse actions that they had taken against me stopped me from finding a job appropriate for someone with my education, work experience, professional certifications, and professional license.

— To be a union member while I worked for the Post Office 1966-1969 and for IRS 1971-1980.

— To accept a job offer from Oldsmobile. In 1971, Oldsmobile withdrew a job offer that I had accepted saying that Oldsmobile had just agreed to stop hiring Whites to settle an EEOC complaint. That directly resulted in a) Firestone Stores firing me and b) my accepting a job offer from IRS.

— To claim sick leave in 1968 and 1969 while I worked for the Post Office and to file grievances when those claims were denied, to claim partial-day per-diem while I worked for IRS 1973-1974 and to file a grievance when that claim was denied, and to deduct my educational expenses 1972-1981 and 1992-1997 and to go to Small Claims Tax Court when my 1974-1977 deductions were denied.

— To get a job-related bachelor’s degree. I took college preparatory courses at Crete-Monee High School, got into the upper 20% of my 1966 graduating class, got a score of 24 on the ACT, earned/saved enough money washing dishes for the minimum wage to buy a new car in 1966 to commute to/from classes at UIC from my parents’ home in Crete.

— To qualify myself for better paying jobs. I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree in management from NIU when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees in business, accounting, and finance from Loyola, DePaul, and IIT when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30 (CPA) , 32 (Certified Internal Auditor), 41 (Certified Fraud Examiner), 45 (certified Government Financial Manager), 47 (Certified Financial Services Auditor), and 48 (Forensic Accountant), and c) a job-related professional license (CPA) when I was 32. I passed the CPA and Certified Internal Auditor examinations on my first attempt. I grandfathered into the other certifications.

— To not pay rent. I bought a new town home in University Park in 1972, a studio condo in downtown Chicago in 1974, and a one bedroom condo in downtown Chicago in 1976. My wife and I bought a home in Wheaton in 1978 and we had one built in Wheaton in 1984. I walked to work at IRS and to graduate business and accounting courses 1974-1978. I recently bought a 20-foot by 40-foot unit at Iron Gate Motor Condos in Naperville.

— To be the subject of a Money Magazine One Person’s Finances article in 1978. Money Magazine a) foisted negative government employee stereo types on me and painted my education deductions as being improper.

— To get married. I got married in 1978. My wife and I gave up trying to have children, we did not adopt, and we did not become foster parents.

— To save for retirement.

— To buy cars. I bought a 1958 Chevy BelAir in 1964, 1966 Pontiac Tempest Sprint in 1966, 1968 Oldsmobile 442 in 1967, 1969 Dodge Charger SE in 1968, 1972 Chevy Corvette in 1971, 1962 Chevy BelAir in 1971, 1974 Dodge Dart in 1973, 1978 Chevy Chevette in 1978, 1978 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royale in 1978, 1962 Chevy Impala SS in 1989, 1990 Ford Thunderbird LX in 1989, 1993 Ford Thunderbird in 1993, 1968 Dodge Charger R/T 1n 1994, 1996 Ford Thunderbird LX in 1995, 1997 Chevy Cavalier in 1996, 2005 Chevy Corvette in 2005, 2003 Chevy Cavalier LS in 2010, 2013 Dodge Charger R/T Max in 2012, 2016 Ford Mustang in 2016, and 2019 Ford Escape Titanium in 2019. I continue to own the 1972 Corvette, 1996 Thunderbird, 2003 Cavalier, 2005 Corvette, 2013 Charger, Mustang, and Escape.

— To be a gun owner and to not hide that fact.

— To be conservative and to not hide that fact. I have never used pot and I never will. I have never been and never will be a smoker, drinker, or gambler.

— To be a Republican and to not hide that fact.

— To not hide the fact that I was born in 1948, that I was baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran, that I am 100% German national origin, that my ancestors have been in America since 1844, that I avoided the draft, that I lived in Crete 1948-1972, and that I have lived in Wheaton since 1978.

— To complain to my Democrat superiors in the federal government about political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation.

— To became an active member of a class action lawsuit in 1988 when I was 40 years old that charged my Democrat GAO superiors with reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation.

— To file various lawsuits.

— To become a Republican Precinct Committeeman in 1999, GOPUSA Illinois Editor in 2000, Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO) webmaster in 2000 and 2008, American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member in 2001, Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member and Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member in 2003, and TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman in 2005. In 2004, I unsuccessfully ran for MTRO Treasurer.

— To support Republican candidates in primaries and caucuses who can and will defend and advance the Republican Party platform.

— To support Republican candidates who win primary elections or caucuses.

— To promote the traditional marriage/family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, Second Amendment, and equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in the Republican Party platform.

— To oppose the promotion of dependency on government, dependency on charity, LGBTQ, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, abolition of the First and Second Amendment, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination.

— To not be used, manipulated, or dominated by anyone. To not be anyone’s operative or dupe.

December 26 Morning Edition

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters say “Despite Smooth Election, GOP Leaders Seek Vote Restrictions.”

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats blame Republicans for unemployment benefits running out.
— Foster Parents Needed As COVID-19 Pandemic Strains Families – Jim Williams
— OCTOBER 7, 2015 FLASHBACK: Auto Enthusiasts Get Swanky Car Condos In Naperville
(DIERSEN: A 12’ X 18′ Horizontal Auditorium American Flag will hang 20′ high on the back wall of the 20’ X 40′ Iron Gate Motor Condo in Naperville that I recently bought. My red 2013 Dodge Charger R/T Max and my red 1996 Ford Thunderbird LX will be stored there. The ceiling is White and the walls are blue.)

— JULY 31, 2020 FLASHBACK: Largest indoor car mural located in Naperville basement garage – SUZANNE BAKER
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The world’s largest indoor automobile mural is located in the basement garage beneath one the buildings in the Iron Gate Motor Condos in Naperville. The 10,000-square-foot mural titled “Auto-mobility On the Shoulders of Giants” not only is a brief journey through history but depicts the iconic cars of the world and the men who built them. The idea for the grand mural came from Iron Gate developer and founder Tom Burgess, who wanted something to fill the empty concrete walls in the storage garage under the 5 O’Clock Tower, aptly named because the clock always is set to 5 o’clock. Instead of dull gray, Burgess said he wanted to create a colorful and lasting piece for future owners to understand the passion behind the construction of Iron Gate.)
— JANUARY 6, 2017 FLASHBACK: Car condo complex lets auto fanatics mingle, entertain, store collections in luxury – SUZANNE BAKER
— OCTOBER 14, 2015 FLASHBACK: Luxury car condos double as ultimate man caves – PAMELA DITTMER MCKUEN
— OCTOBER 10, 2015 FLASHBACK: Comfy car condos in Naperville a cozy place for owners, too – GARY GIBULA

— 2021 Mustang Mach-E electric SUV is everything most of us could ask for. The sleek, five-seat newcomer successfully transfers the magic of the Mustang to the vehicle that launches Ford’s transition to electric power. – Mark Phelan
(DIERSEN: I own a 2016 Mustang.)

— APRIL 28, 2014 FLASHBACK: Burgess aims for a car in every condo unit

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “Be aware of where you get your news.”

— DuPage County COVID-19 case numbers decrease as 245 new infections reported Friday, 8 deaths – Joshua Welge

— AUGUST 19, 2020 FLASHBACK: World’s Largest Car Mural at Iron Gate Motor Condos

— APRIL 21, 2014 FLASHBACK: Motoring condos coming to Naperville

— Foster goes to head of line for vaccine
— Casten goes to head of line for vaccine

— Was Nashville Explosion Inspired by James Patterson Novel?
— McHenry County’s Report on Consolidating Townships with County Government – Full Report
— Spate of Unemployment Fraud Reports in Huntley
— GOP Holds Meat Raffle Drawing
— Steve Reick Reports
— McConchie’s Christmas Greeting
— McHenry County’s Valley Hi Nursing Home Coping with Coronavirus, One Death after Nine Months of None
— Dave Chapman Explains Why He Is Not Running for Algonquin Township Supervisor

— Trump tweet rant rips Congress, Senate Republicans, Supreme Court, Justice Department – S.A. Miller

— Jonah Goldberg, a useful idiot for the left – Peter Skurkiss (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, Independent plants, and RINOs in the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization will use Trump’s problems to drive Republicans out of the aforesaid organizations.)

— Vulturous Charles Koch Re-Emerges to Oppose Trump’s GOP Influence – Gavin Wax

— Sen. Rand Paul: Governors Should Never Have Been Allowed to Become ‘Dictators’ – MASOOMA HAQ

— Trump criticizes Senate Republicans ahead of election results vote, urges a ‘fight’ – TAL AXELROD

— Anti-Facebook agitators see their moment under Biden. Joe Biden has said he’s no fan of Facebook. Now he has an opportunity to show it as he assumes landmark policy and legal battles against the company. – STEVEN OVERLY
(DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and RINOs work together to get Facebook to do more to get rid of those who voted for Trump once and for all. 2,446,891 voted for Trump in Illinois. 193,611 voted for Trump in DuPage County. 20,080 voted for Trump in Milton Township. 157 voted for Trump in my precinct.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The Trump era opened the floodgates for Facebook detractors, who accused the world’s largest social network of silencing conservatives on one side, and abetting disinformation about the U.S. election on the other. Now, under Biden, the company’s critics see a prime opportunity to finally tame Facebook — for the sake of election integrity, privacy and fair play in the digital era. Democrats widely accuse Facebook leaders of permitting misinformation to appease Trump and his Republican allies. Biden’s campaign representatives have also lambasted Facebook for choosing not to remove Trump’s misleading claims from their pages and for broadly halting political advertising in the days immediately before and after the Nov. 3 election.)

— JANUARY 27, 2015 FLASHBACK: DIERSEN HEADLINE: A car-hater says “The myth of the American love affair with cars.” Overwhelmingly, my critics/opponents, their operatives and their dupes hate cars. They see cars as being things that voters use to flee Democrat cities. They see cars as being things that those who have more money than they have buy. I should write a book about my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who were furious when I bought a 1958 Chevy BelAir in 1964, 1966 Pontiac Tempest Sprint in 1966, 1968 Oldsmobile 442 in 1967, 1969 Dodge Charger SE in 1968, 1972 Chevy Corvette in 1971, 1962 Chevy BelAir in 1971, 1974 Dodge Dart in 1973, 1978 Chevy Chevette in 1978, 1978 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royale in 1978, 1962 Chevy Impala SS in 1989, 1990 Ford Thunderbird LX in 1989, 1993 Ford Thunderbird in 1993, 1968 Dodge Charger R/T 1n 1994, 1996 Ford Thunderbird LX in 1995, 1997 Chevy Cavalier 1996, 2005 Chevy Corvette in 2005, 2003 Chevy Cavalier LS in 2010, 2013 Dodge Charger R/T Max in 2012, 2016 Ford Mustang in 2016, and 2019 Ford Escape Titanium in 2019.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “America’s ICE detention centers need to be abolished.”
— When do our personal interests and opinions go too far? – DERINGULER
(DIERSEN: What are your personal interests? My personal interests include American-nameplate cars, and especially Dodge Chargers, Chevy Corvettes, Ford Thunderbirds, and Ford Mustangs.)

— Pope Francis, in Christmas Day Speech, Calls for Equitable Distribution of Covid-19 Vaccines – Francis X. Rocca
— Why We Can’t Stop Longing for the Good Old Days. Neurology and nostalgia help explain why people have always worried that the world is going downhill. – Johan Norberg
(DIERSEN: When were your Good Old Days? My Good Old Days include 1972, 1973, and 1974 when my GAO mentor promoted me to GS-9 (currently $58,672/year), GS-11 (currently $70,987/year), and GS-12 (currently $85,084/year). But then, my Democrat IRS superiors got rid of my mentor and everything went downhill from there. My Good Old Days include 1986, 1987, and 1988 when my GAO mentor got me assigned to audits of IRS and promoted me to GS-13 (currently $101,176/year). But then, my Democrat GAO superiors got rid of my mentor and everything went downhill from there. My Good Old Days include 1970 when I earned a bachelor’s degree in management from NIU, 1976 when I earned an MBA from Loyola, 1980 when I earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul, and 1997 when I earned a master’s degree in financial markets and trading from IIT. My Good Old Days include 1979 when I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt and 1981 when I passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt and became a licensed CPA. My Good Old Days include 1972, 1974, and 1976 when I bought real estate and 1978 and 1984 when my wife and I bought real estate. My Good Old Days include 1966, 1967, 1968, 1971, etc. when I bought news cars and 1989 and 1994 when bought collector cars. My Good Old Days include every day since I got married in 1978.)
— MARCH 3, 2016 FLASHBACK: Storage Units, Now With Space to Cook, Relax and Entertain Traditional industrial park-style storage facilities are giving way to customized spaces with kitchens, reclaimed wood and stylish seating areas. – Candace Jackson
(DIERSEN: I recently bought the 20′ X 40′ unit that served as Mr. Garrison’s indoor basketball court.)

— Look to the future with healthy optimism – Mark A. Mahoney
(DIERSEN: Government is nasty. Politics is nasty. What makes it hard for you to be optimistic about the future? For me, it is the ever-increasing success that Democrats and Democrat plants, Libertarians and Libertarian plants, Greens and Green plants, Independents and Independent plants, and RINOs are having in driving Republicans out of the Milton Township Republican Organization, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Illinois Republican Party, Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois. The more planks in the Republican Party platform that you support, the harder that they work to drive you out. The more of the following that you are, the harder that they work to drive you out: Trump supporter, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, heterosexual, married, non-poor, non-veteran, gun owner, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time.)

— A Closer Look at the ‘Good Old Days’ – Kevin Williams
(DIERSEN: According to Democrats, the Good Old Days were good only for White males. I should write a book about minorities and females who IRS and GAO promoted over me who had less work experience, less education, and/or fewer professional certifications/licenses than I had. In 1971, Oldsmobile withdrew a job offer that I had accepted saying that Oldsmobile had just agreed to stop hiring Whites to settle an EEOC complaint. That directly resulted in a) Firestone Stores firing me and b) my accepting a job offer from IRS.)

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, Independent plants, and RINOs in the Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Milton Township Republican Organization will use Trump’s problems to drive Republicans out of the aforesaid organizations.

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “Trump stain likely to dog officials’ post-administration job prospects.” The federal government should advise its potential new hires that people hate past, present, and future federal employees and that the longer that you are a federal employee, the more that people will hate you.

December 25 Morning Edition

— These are the 23 states raising the minimum wage in 2021
(DIERSEN: What is your minimum wage story? I washed dishes for the minimum wage in the basement of the S.S. Kresges in Chicago Heights part-time during my junior and senior years at Crete-Monee High School and full-time during the summer in between. With the money that I earned, I a bought a new 1966 Pontiac Tempest Sprint in May of 1966 to commute to/from classes at UIC from my parents’ home in Crete.)

— New Rash Of Robberies, Carjackings Reported In Lincoln Park, Lakeview
(DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats hint/imply/argue/shout that Black crime is caused by Republican discrimination against Blacks.)

— VERY SAD: Concordia University Chicago lays off 51, closes 15 programs – AP

— Daily COVID-19 cases in DuPage County rise as 413 new infections reported Thursday, 8 deaths – Joshua Welge

— ‘Trusted Messengers, Trusted Messages’: How To Overcome Vaccine Hesitancy – FRAN KRITZ
(DIERSEN: Government is nasty. Politics is nasty. Who focuses on making others distrust you? I should write a book about those who focus on making others distrust me. I would focus on those who have worked the hardest since 2000 to make others distrust me because I included links in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails to articles that they do not like. I would focus on those who have been Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct since 2000, their major donors, their political consultants, their campaign managers, their campaign staff, and their campaign volunteers. I would focus on past and present leaders of the Milton Township Republican Organization, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Illinois Republican Party, Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, Illinois, TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Center Right Coalition, American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter, etc.)
— The Weighty Side Of Political Criticism – SEAN CRAWFORD
(DIERSEN: From what I see, the more of the following that you are, the more that you are criticized: law enforcement officer, Trump supporter, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, heterosexual, married, overweight, non-poor, gun owner, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, federal employee/retiree, non-veteran, draft avoider, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time.)

— Inexcusable: COVID vaccine line-jumpers include Senator Duckworth and at least five House members from Illinois – Mark Glennon

— COVID 19 Relief? 5593 pages of pork spending like none other! – KIRK ALLEN & JOHN KRAFT

— Biden Was Once Against Abortion, But Now He’s For It – JONNA MARCAIDA CALAGUI

— ‘Does Congress Know That This Is How Communism Starts?’: Trump Condemns Big Tech Policing of Free Speech – JANITA KAN
(DIERSEN: My critics/opponents want the following to police me and to police my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails: Google, Facebook, Milton Township Republican Organization (MTRO), DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Illinois Republican Party, Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois. I should write a book about the adverse actions that the aforesaid have taken against me since 2000. I am no longer a TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member, MTRO webmaster, Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member, American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member, etc.)

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, if you do not promote LGBTQ, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, RINOs, and other hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-haters call you a White supremacist, Nazi, KKK member, rater, racist, sexist, bigot and even worse things who should be gotten rid of once and for all.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “GOP seeks to avoid messy Trump fight over Electoral College.” Which hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-haters will seek to lead the Illinois Republican Party: Adam Kinzinger, Joe Walsh, Pat Brady? How strongly will they promise to get rid of the 2,446,891 who voted for Trump in Illinois, the 193,611 who voted for Trump in DuPage County, the 20,080 who voted for Trump in Milton Township, and the157 who voted for Trump in my precinct?

— A judge rules that a Black defendant shouldn’t have to stand trial in a courtroom decorated with portraits of mostly White judges – Harmeet Kaur and Alec Snyder
(DIERSEN: How bad are your demographics? From what I see, under the Democrats and under the RINOs, ever-increasingly, the more of the following that you are, the more that you are demonized, denigrated, and condemned: White, male, older, non-poor, present/past law enforcement officer, Trump supporter, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, gun owner, non-veteran, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time.)

— What Does Biden Owe to Black Voters and Their Communities? – Astead W. Herndon
(DIERSEN: Democrats have declared a Second Civil War on Republicans. Democrats see Blacks as being their soldiers in their army to destroy Republicans once and for all.)
— The Surprising Places in New York City Where Trump’s Support Grew. Joseph R. Biden Jr. won President Trump’s hometown handily. But a deeper look at election data suggests a surge in support for the president in some districts. – Sarah Maslin Nir
(DIERSEN: What are the voting trends in your precinct, your municipal district, your municipality, your township, your county district, and your county? Everyone wants to live where they are in the majority or will be in the majority in terms of political affixation, race, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, length of time their ancestors have been in America, etc. I should write a book about the demographics of those who have bought homes in my precinct, in Wheaton’s West District, in Wheaton, in Milton Township, in DuPage County’s 4th District, and in DuPage County during the last 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 years.)
— Allegiance Flag Supply
(DIERSEN: An American Flag has flown continuously at my home in Wheaton since September 11, 2001. A 12’ X 18′ Horizontal Auditorium American Flag will hang 20′ high on the back wall of the 20’ X 40′ Iron Gate Motor Condo in Naperville that I recently bought.)
— For Millions of Jobless, Christmas Is a Season to Endure, Not Celebrate. Even with the prospect of new federal aid, many Americans face a holiday of tough choices, trying to celebrate while dealing with pressing needs. – Nelson D. Schwartz and Gillian Friedman
— Why China Turned Against Jack Ma. The Alibaba chief paid for pushing back against Beijing. But the shift in attitude also speaks to a growing wealth gap and diminished opportunities for the young. – Li Yuan
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats paint Christ as being anti-law enforcement, anti-Trump, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-non-poor people, anti-married people, anti-heterosexual, anti-gun owners, anti-Protestant, anti-Italian American, anti-German American, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.

— U.S. will require negative coronavirus test for all airline passengers from U.K. – Michael Laris
(DIERSEN: How soon a) will employers require negative COVID tests from their employees, b) will organizations require negative COVID tests from their members, c) will businesses require negative COVID tests from their customers, and d) will municipalities, townships, counties, states, and countries require negative COVID tests from their residents?)

— Government program tapped to pay for COVID-19 vaccine injuries rarely sides with consumers – Ken Alltucker
(DIERSEN: What if organizations that you are a member of require their members to be vaccinated and then those members are injured by those vaccinations?)
— US to require negative COVID-19 test for air passengers traveling from UK – Charles Ventura
(DIERSEN: How soon a) will employers require negative COVID tests from their employees, b) will organizations require negative COVID tests from their members, c) will businesses require negative COVID tests from their customers, and d) will municipalities, townships, counties, states, and countries require negative COVID tests from their residents?)

— Chinese Stocks Have Banner Year, Gaining Nearly $5 Trillion. Surge aided by country’s rapid recovery from Covid-19, string of initial public offerings, rally in shares of consumer and technology companies – Quentin Webb
— Christmases Past and Future. The suspension of a beloved tradition reminds us of the courage that secured the blessings of liberty. – James Freeman
(DIERSEN: My favorite Christmas memories are from the 1950s and 1960s.)
— Covid Threw People’s Finances Into Disarray: ‘It Doesn’t Look Pretty’
(DIERSEN: What has lessened the negative financial impact of COVID-19 on you? For my wife and I, it includes our being retired and not having dependents.)
— Japan to Phase Out Gasoline-Powered Cars – Peter Landers and Chieko Tsuneoka
(DIERSEN: How soon will Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and RINOs succeed in phasing out gasoline-powered cars in America? I should write a book about my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who despise/hate American-nameplate cars and those who own/owned American nameplate cars.)
— Trump Lawyers Get Little Backup From Their Firms or Universities – Gabriel T. Rubin
(DIERSEN: Do the organizations that you are/were a member of and the employers that you work/worked for support what you do politically? I get little or no support for what I do as a GOPUSA Illinois Editor from the Milton Township Republican Organization, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, and Illinois Republican Party. I get no support from my former employers: GAO, IRS, Firestone Stores, Post Office, etc. I get no support from the universities that earned degrees from: IIT, DePaul, Loyola, and NIU. According to the aforesaid, I am “too conservative.”)

— Trump slams Twitter for ‘stifling free speech,’ reiterates call to end Section 230. Sen. Graham tweets Trump will sign COVID-19 bill if Congress gets rid of Section 230. – Lucas Manfredi
(DIERSEN: My critics/opponents want to abolish Section 230 so that they can sue me for including links in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails to articles that they do not like. Of course, my critics/opponents have always been able to sue the authors of those articles, but they never have. Because Section 230 stops them from suing me, they take adverse actions against me. I should write a book about the adverse actions that my critic/opponents have taken against me since 2000. I am no longer a TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member, Milton Township Republican Organization webmaster, Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member, American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member, etc.)

— Time Running Out for FCC to Take Up Trump Attack on Social Media – Todd Shields
(DIERSEN: My critics/opponents want to abolish Section 230 so that they can sue me for including links in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails to articles that they do not like. Of course, my critics/opponents have always been able to sue the authors of those articles, but they never have. Because Section 230 stops them from suing me, they take adverse actions against me. I should write a book about the adverse actions that my critic/opponents have taken against me since 2000. I am no longer a TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member, Milton Township Republican Organization webmaster, Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member, American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member, etc.)

— Congress May Tear Apart A Law That Launched The Internet – BRIAN DEAGON
(DIERSEN: My critics/opponents want to abolish Section 230 so that they can sue me for including links in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails to articles that they do not like. Of course, my critics/opponents have always been able to sue the authors of those articles, but they never have. Because Section 230 stops them from suing me, they take adverse actions against me. I should write a book about the adverse actions that my critic/opponents have taken against me since 2000. I am no longer a TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member, Milton Township Republican Organization webmaster, Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member, American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member, etc.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A law considered by some to be “the 26 words that created the internet,” Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, now sits in the crosshairs of a Congress that is upset over its broad protections for web behemoths. Its fate could have a massive impact on the internet’s future and tech stocks in particular. The law guards web publishers from liability over third-party content. But both Republicans and Democrats seek sweeping changes to Section 230 in hopes they can rein in web giants like Amazon (AMZN), Facebook (FB), Twitter (TWTR), Microsoft (MSFT) and Alphabet (GOOGL)-owned Google. As Facebook and others increasingly take down content they deem inaccurate or objectionable, lawmakers also wonder whether the protections afforded by Section 230 are too broad for tech stocks. They want to hold social media and other web companies more responsible in managing their content.)

— Here’s The Most Shared News Post On Facebook In 2020 – Joe Walsh
(DIERSEN: I should post a report on which articles linked to in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails have been clicked on the most during the last week, last month, last year, last 5 years, last 10 years, etc.)

— Stimulus Check Update as House Republicans Block $2,000 Plan, Trump Golfs – KHALEDA RAHMAN

— DeSantis spokesman deletes account after tweeting about coronavirus victims – Steven Lemongello and Mario Ariza
(DIERSEN: I should write a book about the following and those who they let serve as their spokesmen: Milton Township Republican Organization, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Illinois Republican Party, Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, Illinois, TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Center Right Coalition, American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter.)

— A retired San Luis Obispo firefighter once accused of sending racist and threatening notes to his ethnic minority neighbors is now suing other neighbors who identified him as the likely sender to police detectives. – MATT FOUNTAIN
(DIERSEN: Being called a racist in America today is like being called a Jew in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s.)

— Thankful for another day – Keimarion Davis
(DIERSEN: Among the many things that I am most thankful for are my outstanding Missouri Synod Lutheran parents in Crete who put me on track a) to earn a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48; job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48; and a job-related professional license when I was 32; b) to buy real estate when I was 24, 25, 27, 29, 35, and 72; c) to buy new cars when I was 16, 17. 19, 20, 23, etc.; and d) to buy collector cars when I was 40 and 45.)

— LGBTQ advocates sue Trump administration over strict, new asylum rules – Salvador Rivera
(DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, if you do not promote LGBTQ, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, RINOs, and other hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-haters call you a White supremacist, Nazi, KKK member, rater, racist, sexist, bigot and even worse things who should be gotten rid of once and for all. LGBTQ advocates, their operatives, and their dupes have always worked very hard against me. I should write a book about them. Better yet, I should sue them.)

— Louisiana State University faculty debates adding diversity class to graduation requirements
(DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, to promote diversity is to promote hatred against those who are law enforcement officers, Trump supporters, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, heterosexual, married, non-poor, gun owners, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, draft avoiders (except Joe Biden and Bill Clinton), and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)

— JUNE 29, 2017 FLASHBACK: Here’s how Facebook determines what hate speech looks like
(DIERSEN: From what I see, the more of the following that you are, the more “fair game” that you are/were: law enforcement officer, Trump supporter, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, overweight, heterosexual, married, non-poor, non-veteran, gun owner, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, federal employee/retiree, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time. The more of the aforesaid that you are, the more that the Southern Poverty Law Center, and therefore, Facebook and Google, promote hatred against you.)

— Christmas Memories: Bringing much-needed joy during this Christmas Season – JOSH STEVENS
(DIERSEN: My favorite Christmas memories are from the 1950s and 1960s.)

— Best electoral advantage is party, not incumbency, new study underscores – Shawn Griffiths
(DIERSEN: What do you say to RINO candidates who hint/imply/argue/shout that they are anti-conservative to get elected? Everyone in Illinois, in DuPage County, in Milton Township, and in Wheaton sees how such RINO candidates, their RINO political consultants, their RINO major donors, their RINO campaign managers, their RINO campaign staff members, and their RINO campaign volunteers treat me and treat my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)

— 7 Ways to Handle Overly-Critical or Judgmental People – Brittany Risher
(DIERSEN: I should write a book about those who have demonized me, denigrated me, and condemned me the most. I would focus on those who blame me for their problems, who blame me for your problems, who blame me for my problems, and who blame me for everyone’s problems. I would focus on those who have lots of religious, government, political clout in Wheaton, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois. I would focus on present and past leaders of Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, Illinois, Milton Township Republican Organization, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Illinois Republican Party, TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Center Right Coalition, and American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter.)

— What does equality mean? – Harper Grey LLP
(DIERSEN: In America, protected groups include those who are minority, female, younger, LGBTQ, disabled, veteran, citizens of foreign countries, non-Trump supporters, non-Christians, non-Protestants, non-Italian Americans, non-German Americans, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, Independent, RINO, moderate, liberal, low-income, those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time, and those who lack education, lack job skills, lack job experience, have financial problems, and/or have health problems.)

— What Employers Need To Know: EEOC Serves Up COVID-19 Vaccine Guidance – Janie Schulman and Prabhjyot Singh
(DIERSEN: From what I see, employers and organizations will get rid of their employees and their members who fail/refuse to be vaccinated, but not their employees and not their members who are members of protected groups. Protected groups include those who are minority, female, younger, LGBTQ, disabled, veteran, citizens of foreign countries, non-Trump supporters, non-Christians, non-Protestants, non-Italian Americans, non-German Americans, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, Independent, RINO, moderate, liberal, low-income, those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time, and those who lack education, lack job skills, lack job experience, have financial problems, and/or have health problems.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The statutory Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) requirements do not appear to address a private employer’s ability to mandate the vaccine, and EEOC has not stated that the FDA’s statements on this topic impact an employer’s right under the ADA to mandate the vaccine; but EEOC’s inclusion of this topic in the New Guidance at least raises the question as to how EEOC, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), or the courts might respond to an employer that takes adverse action against an employee who objects to taking a vaccine because it is authorized only under an EUA.)

— Employers beware: When employee transfers could be subject to ‘adverse actions.’ There is a risk of liability under anti-discrimination and anti-retaliation statutes when transferring employees to other positions. – Michael W. Mitchell and Edward Roche
(DIERSEN: In 1997, my Democrat GAO superiors hinted that they might not force me to take their early retirement “offer” if I agreed to be transferred out of GAO’s group that audited federal financial industry regulators, the group that I had worked in since 1990. I had completed the requirements for a master’s degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997. I had become a Certified Financial Services Auditor in 1996.)

— Seventy percent of Republicans want Trump BACK in the White House in 2024 – Jessica Kwong
(DIERSEN: Which hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-haters will seek to lead the Illinois Republican Party: Adam Kinzinger, Joe Walsh, Pat Brady? How strongly will they promise to get rid of the 2,446,891 who voted for Trump in Illinois, the 193,611 who voted for Trump in DuPage County, the 20,080 who voted for Trump in Milton Township, and the157 who voted for Trump in my precinct?)

December 24 Evening Edition

— Republicans block $2,000 COVID-19 relief checks despite Trump demand. Democrats who also favor $2,000 checks will all but dare Republicans to break with Trump, calling up his proposal for a Christmas Eve vote. – AP
— Chicago COVID vaccine map shows how many have gotten vaccinated by zip code
— Illinois COVID-19 Update: IL reports 7,037 cases, 96 coronavirus deaths. Illinois leads nation in distributing COVID-19 vaccines, Pritzker says. – Michelle Gallardo

— United Airlines to Require Travelers From UK to Show Negative Test When Flying to Chicago. According to the airline, anyone traveling from London Heathrow to Chicago, Newark, Washington Dulles and San Francisco must show proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours of their departure starting on Monday
. (DIERSEN: How soon a) will employers require negative COVID tests from their employees, b) will organizations require negative COVID tests from their members, c) will businesses require negative COVID tests from their customers, and d) will municipalities, townships, counties, states, and countries require negative COVID tests from their residents?)

— 7,037 new cases of COVID reported in Illinois, including 96 deaths
— Republicans block $2,000 virus checks despite Trump demand – AP

— GOP rejects $2,000 stimulus checks; deal stalled – Raquel Martin

— ‘Move to Michigan’ offer lures people from Chicago area – Andy Dahn
(DIERSEN: Government is nasty. Politics is nasty. What makes it hard for you to be optimistic about the future? For me, it is the ever-increasing invasion of hypocritical hate-filled Republican-hating Republican-haters who hypocritically move in to DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton to hypocritically take advantage of the prosperity and safety that Republicans created there. I should write a book about such hypocritical hate-filled Republican-hating hypocritical home buyers in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton.)

— Dark days: Experts fear the holidays will fuel the deadly COVID-19 outbreak across the US – AP
— American Airlines sending recall letters to furloughed workers, even though stimulus not signed yet – KYLE ARNOLD
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats have declared war on Republicans. Democrats illegally encourage citizens of foreign countries a) to illegally come to America illegally, b) to illegally stay in America illegally, and c) to illegally bring others to America illegally. Democrats illegally see citizens of foreign countries as being their illegal soldiers in their illegal army to get rid of Republicans once and for all.

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “Trump may kick and scream leaving the White House, but he’ll take his voters with him. He will have just one agenda over the next four years — to remain politically relevant and possible win election again.”

— Senator: Lawmakers should set an example for all Americans by getting vaccinated – Sarah Doiron and Morgan Wright
(DIERSEN: How much pressure will there be on Republican Precinct Committeemen/Captains to get vaccinated to set an example for the Republican voters in their precinct?)

— DISGUSTING, TRAGIC: Sunnyside Naperville, The City’s Third Cannabis Dispensary, Opens

— Pritzker says it will take time to reverse accelerated population decline – Greg Bishop
(DIERSEN: Pritzker focuses on driving out of Illinois people who are Trump supporters, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, heterosexual, married, non-poor, gun owners, Christian, Protestant, Italian American, German American, draft avoiders, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)

— “Illinois officials didn’t target those most at risk, but targeted restaurants and small businesses with shutdowns. It’s been a colossal mistake.” – Ted Dabrowski

— Fauci says he’s been intentionally moving goal posts on herd immunity estimates – Jessica Chasmar

— Are ‘Never Trumpers’ The Future Of The GOP? – Patrick J. Buchanan
(DIERSEN: Which hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-haters will seek to lead the Illinois Republican Party: Adam Kinzinger, Joe Walsh, Pat Brady? How strongly will they promise to get rid of the 2,446,891 who voted for Trump in Illinois, the 193,611 who voted for Trump in DuPage County, the 20,080 who voted for Trump in Milton Township, and the157 who voted for Trump in my precinct?)
— Identity Politics Based On Skin Color Leave Some Democrats Unhappy With Harris’ Senate Replacement
— Preelection Suppression Of Hunter Biden Story Breaks Beltway Journalism – John Kass
(DIERSEN: My critics/opponents punish me if I do not suppress negative stories about them, about their operatives, and about their dupes. I should write a book a) about my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes, b) about the stories about them that I did not suppress, and c) about how they punished me for my not suppressing those stories. I would focus on those who have been Republican candidates on ballots in my precinct since 2000, their political consultants, their major donors, their campaign managers, their campaign staff members, and their campaign volunteers.)
— Tenn. Campus Opens Arms To Unqualified Anti-Semite Al Sharpton

— NYT: Fauci admits to deceiving the public about herd immunity because he wanted more people to get vaccinated Fauci apparently thinks it’s appropriate to deceive the public for their own good – Leon Wolf

— 78% Of Republicans Believe Presidential Election Was Fraudulent – JORDAN LANCASTER
(DIERSEN: What do you say to RINO candidates who hint/imply/argue/shout that they are anti-conservative to get elected? Everyone in Illinois, in DuPage County, in Milton Township, and in Wheaton sees how such RINO candidates, their RINO political consultants, their RINO major donors, their RINO campaign managers, their RINO campaign staff members, and their RINO campaign volunteers treat me and treat my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters say “50% Of Americans Say History Will Judge Trump As A Failure.” Government is nasty. Politics is nasty. Who paints you as being failed? I should write a book about those who paint me as being a failed Republican Precinct Committeeman, failed GOPUSA Illinois Editor, failed TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, failed Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member, failed Milton Township Republican Organization webmaster, failed Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member, failed American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member, failed GAO employee, failed IRS employee, failed Firestone Stores employee, failed Post Office employee, etc.

— Pelosi to Bring $2,000 Direct Payments to Vote on Monday – MASOOMA HAQ

— House GOP rejects unanimous consent on $2,000 direct payments – NAOMI JAGODA AND JULIEGRACE BRUFKE
— Trump’s final weeks create chaos for Congress – BRETT SAMUELS
— Congress served its own interests rather than ours with the relief bill – KRISTIN TATE

— Netherlands to require negative COVID tests from air passengers
(DIERSEN: How soon a) will employers require negative COVID tests from their employees, b) will organizations require negative COVID tests from their members, c) will businesses require negative COVID tests from their customers, and d) will municipalities, townships, counties, states, and countries require negative COVID tests from their residents?)

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “On Working With Congress, Biden Predicts Success Where Predecessors Failed. The president-elect insisted that his skills and his history would enable him to secure bipartisan support for bold initiatives.” How many RINOs will join with Democrats to harm Republicans?

— Gavin Newsom has given Republicans’ recall campaign against him a fighting chance – Dan Morain
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Speculation focuses on San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, a Republican who voted for Trump, and wealthy attorney John Cox, the Illinois transplant Newsom clobbered in 2018 and who has so far put $50,000 into the recall effort.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters say “Trump gives America chaos for Christmas.””
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: A hate-filled Trump-hating Trump-hater says “Trump is trashing the government on his way out. Biden is confident he can fix it.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters say “The Trump administration wants to take credit for a covid vaccine. Trump supporters are undermining it. Trump has been notably quiet while his allies push misinformation and conspiracies about the vaccine.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hate-filled Trump-hating Trump haters say “Families on brink of eviction, hunger describe nightmare Christmas as $900 billion relief bill hangs in limbo. About 14 million Americans will lose unemployment aid on Saturday after President Trump and Congress were unable to reach a deal.”
— Pence under pressure as the final step nears in formalizing Biden’s win – Colby Itkowitz and Josh Dawsey

— Trump Warns Republicans Who Didn’t Back Election Fraud Claims: ‘I Will NEVER FORGET!’ – JEFFERY MARTIN

— Best places to live in the Midwest – Abby Monteil
(DIERSEN: Naperville is #19. Wheaton is #73.)

— 70% Of Republicans Would Support Trump In 2024, Survey Says – Tommy Beer
(DIERSEN: If/when leaders of Republican organizations in Illinois, in your county, and/or your township/ward get orders to purge their organizations of Trump supporters, what will they do?)

— 6 Reasons to Look for a New Job in the New Year – Claire Adams
(DIERSEN: Democrats a) run the federal government and b) create toxic work environments to get rid of their employees who are Republican, and especially those who are White, male, older, non-veteran, conservative, non-poor, gun owners, Protestant, German American, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. I should write a book about the toxic work environments that Republicans who worked in the Chicago area for GAO 1980-1997, for IRS 1971-1980, and for the Post Office 1966-1969 had to suffer.)

(FROM THE ARTICLE: 2. A toxic work environment High-stress jobs often lead to toxic company cultures where people don’t behave with the appropriate amount of respect and collaboration. Even if your current paycheck is great and you see yourself evolving at your company, if you spend your days dreading Mondays and avoiding your colleagues, you should consider looking for an employer that fosters collaboration, transparency, and healthy work relationships at the office—even if that office is at home.)