July 18 Morning Edition

— NOTABLE ILLINOIS REPUBLICANS TO SKIP CONVENTION; SECURITY BEEFED UP  (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps glorify and praise anti-Trumps.  Anti-Trumps are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Many notable Illinois Republicans are skipping this year’s GOP convention this week, including Gov. Bruce Rauner who has treated Trump comments as toxic and opted to steer clear.  In addition to Rauner, other missing GOPs will be former Gov. Jim Edgar, U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Illinois, Comptroller Leslie Munger and North Shore Congressman Bob Dold. Kirk is even running an ad trumpeting his anti-Trumpness, which states “Mark Kirk bucked his party to say Donald Trump is not fit to be commander in chief.” Northwest suburban Rep. Peter Roskam may be the highest profile Illinois Republican who is attending the convention. Cook County Commissioner Tim Schneider will chair the state’s delegation, while other’s such as Congressman Adam Kinzinger and former gubernatorial candidate Kirk Dillard have said they’ll be in Cleveland for some meetings, but may not even set foot on the convention floor. “Very few elected officials or prominent Republicans are attending the convention, with good reason: Donald Trump,” said Pat Brady, former Illinois GOP party chairman. “Seven in 10 suburban voters disapprove of him. Why would you want to be seen with him? That to me is the damage he’s done to the Republican party.” State Rep. Mike Fortner, R-West Chicago, said he’s most interested in is party unity. He concedes that Trump wasn’t his first choice. He was Marco Rubio support, however, Fortner said there’s no chance he’d skip the convention in protest. “The convention is a good chance to see our different parts going to come together, I hope they do and that’s one reason I’m going to be a part of that,” Fortner said. In an unusual move, Trump volunteers were asking delegates to sign a pledge that they will vote for Trump on nomination night. On Monday, Trump’s wife, Melania Trump, and Willie Robertson, star of the “Duck Dynasty” show will be speaking. Monday’s theme will be “Make America Safe Again,” and focus on national security and immigration. Two former Republican presidents, two of the most recent GOP nominees and most of Trumps’ former opponents are skipping the convention as well. However, organizers said it’s not about the establishment, it’s about the grassroots supporters.)


— Illinois Delegation Puts On United Front On Eve Of GOP Convention – Rob Johnson


— Illinois republicans prepare for the RNC (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps glorify and praise anti-Trumps.  Anti-Trumps are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— IL GOP Chair: Illinois in ‘Lockstep’ with Trump – Paris Schutz
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The head of Illinois’ Republican Party sought to downplay any division that might exist among the rank and file over the nomination of Donald Trump. Chairman Tim Schneider riled up the crowd of Illinois delegates at a delegation breakfast Monday morning in Cleveland, vowing that Illinois would work to elect Donald Trump in November, and that, counter to reports of division among the ranks, the state is “in lockstep” with Trump. “Donald Trump has tapped into something that has resonated with millions of new voters across our country,” Schneider said. “We are absolutely unified behind Donald Trump,” said Trump Illinois co-chair Demetra Demonte. “There is no fracture. The leadership of the party, the people of Illinois are totally united.” But despite the rah-rah atmosphere of Monday’s event, high-profile congressmen have distanced themselves from the nominee, and top party officials including Gov. Bruce Rauner and U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk are avoiding the convention all together. It has drawn the ire of Trump delegates, many of whom are first-time attendees at the convention and new to the political process. “I’m disappointed,” said alternate Trump delegate James Ignatowski, a first-time delegate from Chicago. “It’d be nice for Governor Rauner and Mark Kirk to be here. Show the Democrats we’re united. Show it to Madigan and Cullerton.” Schneider and other state GOP officials drew rousing cheers when they insisted the state party was solidly behind Trump. The Illinois leadership aimed to bridge the divide between more established members of the party and newer entrants. “We need to work together. We’re not your enemy, were your friend,” Schneider said. Ignatowski says he was drawn to Trump and compelled to get involved in politics because of his disdain for Chicago politicians, and because of Trump’s hard line on ending illegal immigration and cracking down on undocumented immigrants. “People should come here legally. Let’s keep the illegals out of the country,” he said. “Trump truthfully cares about Americans,” Ignatowski said. “He spent his own money, while others spent millions against him.” Through many delegates say they have been attracted to Trump from the beginning, others have needed some persuading. “I’m coming around, I’m really coming around,” said Judy Diekelman, an at-large delegate, who, by rule must cast her vote for Trump. “I’m very happy with his VP pick. We have a big tent, and we have to look at all opinions.” Political conventions are typically a celebration of the party, but the events in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where three officers were killed in an ambush on Sunday, have cast a shadow over this year’s event. Illinois State Representative John Cabello, a former police officer from Rockford, urged the delegation to be vigilant in the wake of heightened security around the convention center. “When you’re going to and from the convention, please be aware of your surroundings,” Cabello said. “If a criminal sees you paying attention, you will less likely be a victim of crime. If you see something out of the ordinary, please report it.” The delegation will next visit with Ohio Gov. John Kasich at a dinner reception before the convention begins in earnest Monday evening.)


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Stopgap budget failing to erase damage of state impasse – Monique Garcia  (DIERSEN: Republicans want spending cuts.  Democrats want tax increases.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Looks like this party is having trouble getting started.”
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Likability is great, but co-workers who deliver are the most valuable – John Brandon  (DIERSEN: To get promoted beyond GS-12 at IRS or beyond GS-13 at GAO, you have to a) help your Democrat superiors give preference to their employees who are Democrat, minority, female, and/or younger and b) help your Democrat superiors make way for them by getting rid of their employees who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
— Pakistani model’s brother says he killed her for ‘honor’ – AP


— Trump delegates and GOP regulars: An arranged marriage – Lynn Sweet
— Illinois delegation at GOP convention gets security warning – Tina Sfondeles
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The Illinois Trump campaign co-chair warned about state delegates what they should do if confronted by any potentially violent situations as the Republican convention kicks off on Monday. The co-chair, State Rep. John Cabello, a Rockford police detective currently on leave, commented at an Illinois Republican Party breakfast for Illinoisans at the convention. “Look people in the eyes. Make sure they know that you are watching what’s going on,” Cabello, R-Machesney Park said. “Pay attention. If you see something, please report it right away.”  The opening session will be gaveled to order a day after three police officers were shot and killed in Baton Rouge, La., and just weeks after police shootings in Dallas. There is a massive law enforcement presence — in uniform and undercover — at all political conventions, with forces beefed up as tens of thousands are here in advance of Donald Trump accepting the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday. The Illinois GOP party starts each convention day with a breakfast, notable on Monday for who was not there — Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner and Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Ill. Still, Cabello and Illinois Republican Party Chair Tim Schneider said Illinoisans are united in wanting to defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton. At past conventions, these morning sessions have been used to rally the troops for the Illinois ticket. No speaker mentioned Kirk by name. As for any divides among Republicans who are not backing Trump because of his divisive rhetoric, Cabello stressed that the Illinois Republican Party is working with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Cabello said that the “No Trump” and “Dump Trump” movement had totally fizzled. “I can guarantee it is iron clad that nothing, nothing is going to stop Donald Trump from being our nominee,” he said to applause. “We have all locked arms. We are all ready to make sure that crooked Hillary is not the next president of the United States,” Cabello said. The daily breakfast marked the first time all Illinois delegates — at-large, alternate at-large and elected delegates were meeting. Included among that group is 17-year-old Karl Miller, of west suburban Downers Grove, the youngest Illinois delegate, an at-large alternate. Most in the room were first-time convention goers, including Schneider, and most of the elected delegates. “Are you ready to take back the White House in 2016,” Schneider said to cheers, while touting that Donald Trump’s campaign has resonated with “millions and millions of new voters.” “We need to work together. All of us together. The Illinois Republican Party, we’re not your enemy. We’re your friend,” Schneider said. For all the talk of unity around Trump, the Illinois delegation on Monday afternoon is meeting with former GOP 2016 presidential contender Ohio Gov. John Kasich. Kasich is not backing Trump and is unlikely even to attend the convention.)
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Cheering FOIA success and facing obstacles – Andy Shaw


— Former candidate Kasich meeting with Illinois delegates as convention opens – Mike Riopell
(FROM THE ARTICLE: John Kasich’s planned visit with the Illinois delegation today at the Republican National Convention comes as something of a consolation prize to both the former candidate and some of the delegates. Kasich is one of the few candidates with elected delegates in the Illinois group, having fared better than presumptive nominee Donald Trump in the state’s March primary among voters in some parts of the Chicago area. Among his primary backers in the Illinois delegation: state Rep. David Harris of Arlington Heights, former Cook County GOP Chairman Aaron Del Mar of Palatine and former state party Chairman Pat Brady of St. Charles. Del Mar wasn’t elected but was chosen later as part of the state’s group of at-large delegates who are committed to vote for Trump because of his primary victory in Illinois. Brady had been at the front of the push to upend Trump’s nomination, but the rules changes that could have made that possible failed last week. Kasich didn’t get the main stage speaking role other former Trump rivals did. Dr. Ben Carson and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will speak Tuesday on the main stage. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who spent time in the suburbs before the March primary, is set to speak on the main stage Wednesday. Tonight’s lineup features potential first lady Melania Trump, the first of numerous Trumps speaking this week, and takes a Benghazi focus with “Lone Survivor” co-author Marcus Luttrell, as well as speeches from Benghazi survivors and the mother of Sean Smith, who was killed in the attack.)
— Youngest Republican delegate Carl Miller gets convention for his 18th birthday – Mike Riopell (DIERSEN: I had the honor of sitting next to Miller and speaking with him at some length during the Illinois Republican Party State Convention in Peoria on Saturday, May 21, 2016.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: If the election were held today, Republican convention delegate Carl Miller of Downers Grove couldn’t vote in it. Lucky for him, he turns 18 on Friday, a day after Donald Trump is set to accept the Republican nomination for president. Miller will be there to see it. “I couldn’t ask for a better birthday present,” he said. After grabbing headlines last year for his bid to meet as many presidential candidates as he could, Miller was picked by the state Republican Party as an alternate statewide delegate to the Cleveland convention. On Sunday, he was driving there with his grandfather. As the youngest Illinois delegate, does he have some particular role to play? “It’s a humbling experience,” Miller said. “I really want to do this so I can serve the party and more importantly serve our country and advance the conservative principles I believe in.” Miller left for Cleveland Saturday on a road trip that is more presidential than most. The Ohio stops included: The Warren G. Harding home in Marion, the James Garfield home in Mentor and Garfield’s grave. And they hoped to hit up a William McKinley site in Canton Sunday if there was time. “It really enhances the experience to learn the history,” Miller said. Trump wasn’t Miller’s first choice — he’s a fan of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz — but he’ll vote for Trump in November. “I want to share this experience with as many voters as I can,” he said. “I want to defeat the Democrats in November more than anything.” PICTURE CAPTION: Texas Sen. Ted Cruz gets a picture taken in March with Carl Miller of Downers Grove at Abbington Banquets in Glen Ellyn. Miller will serve as the youngest Republican delegate at the party convention this week in Cleveland.)
— Two crises lawmakers still haven’t addressed – David From
— FRONT PAGE WITH COLOR PHOTO OF BERLIN: Now some in DuPage can join military to avoid prosecution – Justin Kmitch  (DIERSEN: Government is nasty.  Politics is nasty.  Anti-Trumps are nasty.  Sooner or later, if you are a Republican, but you did not enlist, or far worse yet, if you were eligible for the draft like Trump and I were, but you avoided the draft like Trump and I did, anti-Trumps will viciously demonize you, viciously denigrate you, and viciously condemn you are being a patriotic hypocrite.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps and anti-Rauners say “Hear What Rauner Is Doing Instead Of Attending The RNC Convention.”


— Republican National Convention Gets Underway Amid Fallout from Baton Rouge – Paris Schutz


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Illinois Delegates At Republican National Convention, Where Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “GOP Convention Notable For Illinois Absences, Nature of Candidate.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Presidential Race Spurs Illinois Immigrants to Apply For Citizenship.”


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Illinois GOP Mixed on Convention.”


— Trump delegate Linda Lucchese from Park Ridge says Illinois no-shows to convention are week  Rauner, Munger, Kirk among those not attending – AP


— Top Illinois Republicans are no-shows in Cleveland – AP  (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps glorify and praise anti-Trumps.  Anti-Trumps are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Illinois Group Insurance Premiums Could Double Retroactively Pending Outcome of Labor Dispute – ILLINOIS PUBLIC RADIO & SARAH MUELLER


— Enrollees Of Failed Illinois Insurance Co-Op Face High Costs – AP


— Pro-Family Campaign Kickoff…Family-Pac Boat Cruise July 25 – Paul Caprio


— Kinzinger: “Hands Down, Right Move” For Senate To Bring In More Muslim Immigrants


— Black Lives Matter, the Chicago Urban League, and Suffering Children – Laurie Higgins


— Hostile media poised to blast GOP convention, Media Research Center says – Jennifer Harper  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents side with the “hostile media” against me and against my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “Here’s a safe prediction about this week’s Republican National Convention: TV reporters will paint the GOP as too conservative, hostile to women, anathema to blacks, and an all-around turn-off to voters,” says Rich Noyes, research director for the Media Research Center. “And that’s not just because the ever-controversial Donald Trump is set to be nominated as the party’s presidential candidate.” Actually, this is a tradition. Broadcasters have been framing the Republican Party and its candidates as rigid, judgmental and ultra-conservative for years, says Mr. Noyes, and he ought to know. The conservative press watchdog has documented liberal rants against the Grand Old Party since 1988, with correspondents acting as “Democratic surrogates, lecturing Republican officials and delegates about how they are too far to the right and intolerant,” the analyst notes. “It does not matter to the media whether the nominee is a conservative like Ronald Reagan, or a moderate like John McCain. The networks read from virtually the same script each year,” Mr. Noyes continues, adding that his organization again will track the bias and share the now familiar findings. “So if you watch one of the liberal networks this week and think you’re hearing an echo of previous slams of the GOP — you probably are,” advises Mr. Noyes. “No man will ever bring out of the presidency the reputation that carries him into it.”)


— Trump Launches Pre-Convention Tweetstorm Against Clinton, Warren and CNN – Carly Hoilman
— Cleveland Police Prepare for Anarchists, Separatists and Anti-Trump Protesters at RNC – Carly Hoilman


— Baton Rouge cop-killer in Nation of Islam


— Republican Senator Jeff Flake: The GOP MUST Purge Trump Supporters – Scott Greer
— Baton Rouge Shooter Gavin Eugene Long Was Nation Of Islam Member, Railed Against ‘Crackers’ On YouTube Channel – Chuck Ross


— Pollster McLaughlin: Trump Will Win Because He Gives Change Americans Seek – Brian Freeman  (DIERSEN: Those who want to get rid of those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors will vote for Clinton.)
— ABC/WashPost Poll: Clinton Losing Ground Among Women
— Obama Bashes Gingrich on Muslim Comments: It’s ‘Repugnant’


— Milwaukee officer shot in patrol car
— The willing suspension of disbelief will destroy America
— Islam at War with a Delusional, Suicidal West – Matt Barber


— Ten companies with starting wages over $10.50 – Bailey Bischoff  (DIERSEN: I doubt that any of these ten companies would hire me because of one or more of the following reasons: a) I am not a Democrat, b) I do not promote LGBTQ activity, c) I do not promote abortion, d) I do not promote mass/illegal immigration, e) I do not promote booze, pot, gambling, or other vices, f) I do not promote race or gender based preference giving, g) I do not promote political affiliation discrimination, h) I do not promote age discrimination, i) I do not promote abolition of the Second Amendment, j) I am not an anti-Trump, k) I am White, l) I am male, m) I am old (67), n) I am not poor, o) I was baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran, p) I am conservative, q) I am Republican, r) I am American, s) I am a gun owner, t) I am 100% German national origin, u) all my ancestors immigrated to America during the 1840s and 1850s, v) my Democrat GAO superiors took adverse actions against me including forcing me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old, not promoting me beyond GS-13, keeping me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for GAO, and forcing me to take an $18,459 pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980, w) my Democrat IRS superiors took adverse actions against me including not promoting me beyond GS-12, disallowing my education deductions, and disallowing my partial day per diem claims, x) my Democrat Post Office superiors took adverse actions against me including forcing me resign in 1969 and disallowing my sick leave requests, and y) I avoided the draft with student and financial hardship draft deferments.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump Flounders As the Stakes Get Bigger.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Why Trump’s ‘Pivot’ Is Fake And Laughably Late At That  It’s a little late for him to start acting presidential.”
— The Nation’s Largest Progressive Gathering Disappoints Many  This year’s Netroots Nation felt like one long lightbulb joke. – Eliot Nelson
— In Ohio (And Elsewhere), Trump Appeals To The Past  In swing counties in a swing state, they like Trump and Mike Pence. But it is an America that is fading. Can it put Trump over the top? – Howard Fieneman  (DIERSEN: What do your critics/opponents think of the past?  My critics/opponents demonize, denigrate, and condemn the past.  They hint/imply/argue/shout that the older that you are (I am 67), the more that you have benefited from your parents’, your grandparents’, your great grand parents’, and the rest of your ancestors’ discrimination against minorities and against women.)


— The United States of Trump?  In the battlegrounds of 2016, it’s Obama’s country versus The Donald’s. – Michael Grunwald  (DIERSEN: When push comes to shove, my critics/opponents who claim to be religious, conservative, and/or Republican side with the Democrats against me.  My critics/opponents are moral relativists who believe that their end justifies their means.  They are disciples of Saul Alinsky.)
— Boomer Bust  Clinton and Trump are two of the oldest presidential candidates ever. When will the Me Generation loosen its grip on American politics? – Todd S. Purdum  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those who promote age discrimination.  All my critics/opponents have always promoted age discrimination.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “RNC Is Donald Trump’s Show, but GOP Cracks Remain.”
— Founder of Latinas For Trump: Latinos Will ‘Put Him Over the Top’ – SUZANNE GAMBOA  (DIERSEN: What demographic groups are you a member of?  Will members of those groups put Trump “over the top?” If yes, anti-Trumps will demonize, denigrate, and condemn those groups.)
— Scrambling, Planners of the Republican Convention Put ‘Showbiz’ Off to the Wings – JONATHAN MARTIN and JEREMY W. PETERS


— How the Shooting of Police  Officers in Baton Rouge Unfolded – LARRY BUCHANAN, JOE BURGESS and FORD FESSENDEN
— Donald Trump and Mike Pence: One Ticket, Two Worldviews – STEVE EDER and THOMAS KAPLAN
— Republican Convention Will Push Limits of a Candidate and the News Media – Jim Rutenberg
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: The more conservative that you are, the more that anti-conservatives demonize you, denigrate you, and condemn you.


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors ask “Will the GOP convention be a celebration of anger and exclusion?”
— The Democrats’ demographic firewall is under attack – Carol Anderson  (DIERSEN: Those who vote for Democrats or RINOs are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— ALL OF THE FRONT PAGE: Trump Nation: Supporters see themselves in Republican nominee – Rick Hampson  (DIERSEN: How many demographics do you share with Trump?  Trump and I are conservative, Republican, American, White, German national origin, Protestant, male, married, college graduates, older, rich, gun owners, draft avoiders, healthy, and our ancestors have been in America for a long time. Because of the aforesaid, anti-Trumps viciously demonize me, viciously denigrate me, and viciously condemn me.)
— Tech turns its back on Trump — except for a few – Jon Swartz and Allana Akhtar
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Why ‘real’ politicians loathe Donald Trump and Boris Johnson – Michael Wolff  (DIERSEN: Who loathes you? The following loathe me: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Trump can beat Clinton if GOP unites – Anthony Scaramucci
— GOP convention is already a failure: Job one is to unify the party around a nominee. That will #NeverHappen with Donald Trump. – Jonah Goldberg


— Mike Pence Brings Conservative Bona Fides to Donald Trump Ticket  In Indiana, the governor has pursued fiscal and social policies that endear him to the right – NICK TIMIRAOS
— Trump Touts Pence’s Economic Record, Dismisses Policy Differences  Mr. Trump said he believes selection of Indiana governor could unite the party – NICK TIMIRAOS
— The Ballot Box to the Caliphate  The Brotherhood’s ultimate goal is establishing a global Islamic state. This is similar to what ISIS claims it has achieved, if not identical. – ERIC TRAGER  (DIERSEN: How soon will the majority of voters in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, in Illinois, and in American will vote for “the Caliphate?)
— How to Save Public Pensions, No Federal Bailout Needed  It isn’t unprecedented for the feds to spur local pension reform. Kennedy and Reagan both did. – ED BACHRACH


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Whites say “Black Lives Matter is not about racial supremacy.”


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say voters are “Waking up to Donald Trump’s moral narcissism.”


— Women pose nude to send a message to the Republican Convention – Zach Toombs


— Worst Case Scenario: Proposed Cuts to Federal Pay and Benefits – Ralph Smith  (DIERSEN: Virtually all federal employees are Democrats.  If I was still a federal employee, my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates would kill me figuratively if not literally.)


— When federal bureaucracy tops the charts – Editorial  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents side with my Democrat superiors in the federal government. My critics/opponents agree with all the adverse actions a) that my Democrat GAO superiors took against me including forcing me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old, not promoting me beyond GS-13, keeping me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for GAO, and forcing me to take an $18,459 pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980, b) that my Democrat IRS superiors took against me including not promoting me beyond GS-12, disallowing my education deductions, and disallowing my partial day per diem claims, and c) that my Democrat Post Office superiors toke against me including forcing me resign in 1969 and disallowing my sick leave requests.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The federal bureaucracy gets a black eye from the public for the officiousness and red tape that are sometimes part of dealing with it. Think of the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Internal Revenue Service and the Transportation Safety Administration. The bureaucracy also comes under frequent fire from elected leaders in Congress, usually conservatives, who complain about its expense and lack of accountability. But there is one group that is unmatched in its admiration for federal workers — the bureaucracy itself. According to ratings given to federal workers in their employee reviews, an unbelievable 99 percent are doing at least a good job. Unbelievable is right. Nevertheless, according to data collected by the Government Accountability Office, 33.1 percent of federal employees were given an “outstanding” rating, while 27.4 percent exceed “fully successful,” and 38.8 percent of federal employees were viewed merely as “fully successful.” Of the minuscule remainder, 0.3 percent qualified as “minimally successful,” and 0.1 percent as “unacceptable.” Presumably, that microscopic group of “unacceptables” are the federal employees who are sent home with pay because of job-related problems. Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla., was highly critical of the rating system’s shortcomings, as might be expected, since he is chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. “Apparently the federal bureaucrats grading one another think virtually everyone who works for the government is doing a fantastic job,” Rep. Miller said. “But given the dysfunction we’ve seen throughout the federal government over the last several years, that can’t possibly be true.” He added, “While most federal employees are dedicated and competent, everyone knows the government’s personnel system is rigged to protect those who can’t or won’t do their jobs.” Certainly, this report is evidence of that. The GAO recommended that agencies and their employees recognize “that a rating of ‘fully successful’ is already a high bar and should be valued and rewarded and that ‘outstanding’ is a difficult level to achieve.” Or should be. The rating system also relates to job promotions and compensation. That compounds the outrage and demands reform. If the civil service isn’t willing to dump the rating system as an utter fraud, then Congress should take on the job. Based on these ratings, the federal bureaucracy scores higher on the scale of excellence than Ivory Soap, which is only 99 and 44/100ths percent pure. And that just won’t wash.)


— Illinois health insurer announces liquidation as Obamacare co-ops collapse – Kristina Betinis


— GOP Chair Reince Priebus Says Having Straight Parents Is the “Best Scenario” for Children – Marie Solis


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Individuals, organizations, governments, and countries that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors WORK WITH EACH OTHER TO GET RID OF INDIVIDUALS, ORGANIZATIONS, COMPANIES, GOVERNMENTS, AND COUNTRIES THAT ARE Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps present “141 Things Donald Trump Has Said and Done That Make Him Unfit to Be President.”


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Let the madness begin: All signs point to four days of complete insanity.”


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “The Republican Party Blew It.”


— How candidates fare among faith groups – Jon Perr  (DIERSEN: Government is nasty.  Politics is nasty.  Those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors are nasty.  What do your critics/opponents say about your faith? My nasty critics/opponents who are a member of a church, who attend church services, and/or who give money to a church viciously demonize me, viciously denigrate me, and viciously condemn me as being a religious hypocrite because put GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and send them out on Sunday mornings instead of attending church services.  I should write a book about my aforesaid nasty critics/opponents in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois and how they a) promote booze, gambling, and other vices and b) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate.)


— RNC chair: Trump planning tour to woo Latino voters, believes convention will be turning point  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, anti-Trumps want Trump to “woo” citizens of Mexico in America legally or illegally by doing much more than just promising to give them more preference than Clinton does.  Anti-Trumps want Trump to promise a) to legalize pot in America to further booster Mexico’s economy and to further destroy America, b) to force everyone to speak, read, and write Spanish, c) give southwest America back to Mexico, and d) then to give all of what is left of America to Mexico.)

July 17 Evening Edition



— ‘Trumpocalypse’ descends on Cleveland – LAURA WASHINGTON
— The circus is in town, and that town is Cleveland – Neil Steinberg


— Republicans release list of convention speakers
— Convention to show GOP’s love-hate for Trump – AP
— ‘You can’t be neutral’: Demonstrators march against discrimination – Lee V. Gaines  (DIERSEN: In 1978, when we got married, my wife and I bought 1017 East Harrison in Wheaton.  My Democrat IRS and GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates hinted/implied/argued/shouted that everyone in Wheaton was a racist.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Speaking to a group of more than 100 demonstrators Saturday night, a 71-year-old Oak Park resident, who said she marched in the Civil Rights movement decades ago, said it’s “absolutely ridiculous” that individuals must continue to take a stand against racism and discrimination in their communities. . .The march, which began at Oak Park River Forest High School and ended on Madison Street outside the Forest Park Music Fest, was led by OPRF teacher Anthony Clark. Clark said he organized the demonstration to raise awareness of racism and discrimination in Chicago’s suburban communities.)
— Baton Rouge police shooting updates: Gunman identified, described as ‘black separatist’
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Divided Republicans ponder their after-Trump.”
— For “blue-collar billionaire” Donald Trump, money’s an asset – AP
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A handful of vacation homes. A car elevator for his four-car garage. A wife whose hobbies included show horses. When Mitt Romney ran for president four years ago, his estimated $250 million fortune was quickly turned into a liability by Democrats, who painted the former Bain Capital chief as out of touch with Americans still struggling to recover from the Great Recession. Four years later, Donald Trump’s much-bigger pile of money is a central character of his campaign. And far from seeing it as a liability, the candidate flaunts it. “I’m the most successful person ever to run for president,” the billionaire businessman has bragged, noting that he’s “really rich.” On the stump, he vows to “make our country rich again.”)
— Woman egged at Trump’s San Jose rally is hailed at GOP convention – Seema Mehta  (DIERSEN: If/when an anti-Trump hits you with an egg, how will you react?)


— Rauner still needs Trump, despite differences  This even though governor is skipping Cleveland convention – Bruce Rauner
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “GOP convention aims to make Trump likable.”
— Divided America: To some, Trump is a desperate survival bid – AP
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Cleveland, a fractured city, an apt place for GOP convention.”


— Chicago biz tired of the Chicago Way – Editorial


— Louisiana police shootings add new convention concerns – AP


— Depression hit hard in many areas of Illinois, including Q-C – Tom Emery


— Survey: Public-university administrator pay up 4.3% in fiscal 2015 – Julie Wurth


— State’s new court for tax protests has Chicago office but none downstate — in violation of law – CASEY BISCHEL
— Top Illinois Republicans are no-shows in Cleveland – AP  (DIERSEN: In my opinion, the higher the office in the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) that you hold, the greater your obligation is every 4 years to become a delegate and to attend the Republican Party’s national convention.  As a Republican Precinct Committeeman, I hold the lowest office. Those above me are a) members of Republican township/ward/county party organization committees, b) chairmen of Republican township/ward/county party organization committees, c) officers of Republican township/ward/county party organization committees, d) State Central Committee Members, e) the IRP officers, f) the IRP National Committeeman, and g) the IRP National Committeewoman.  Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes do not want me to hold a higher office.  They stress that even though I have been an elected Republican Precinct Committeeman since 2000 in Milton Township, I do not hold a higher office.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: When the Republican Party launches its quadrennial celebration in Cleveland this week to anoint its nominee for president, some prominent party faithful from Illinois won’t be there. First-term U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk is out-front with his reason — he doesn’t like the presumptive nominee, businessman Donald Trump, calling him “too bigoted and racist” for the job. But other top leaders, including Gov. Bruce Rauner, are joining Republicans from around the country in ditching the convention without saying why. Many face tough re-election races in November and are trying to distance themselves from the contentious name at the top of the ticket. “I will be traveling the state of Illinois, meeting with community leaders, business leaders and some legislators and signing some of the most important legislation that got passed this spring,” Rauner said last week after declining to answer reporters’ questions about the convention or the presidential race, in general. Trump has been criticized for disparaging remarks about immigrants, Muslims, women, and critics in and out of his party. Trump supporters have been critical of those who have ducked out on Cleveland. “It’s a sign of weakness,” Linda Lucchese, a Trump delegate from Park Ridge, said of them. “They’re not very strong, not many politicians are. Trump does think, he does make decisions, he has been successful. … He has a strong personality and they fear that.” Among the other prominent Republican no-shows from Illinois will be Comptroller Leslie Munger, who indicated more than a month ago that her focus would be on the state’s financial crisis as the end of one fiscal year without a budget agreement was nearing and a second about to begin. But lawmakers and Rauner have since approved a partial-year spending plan to stave off the budget bickering between Democrats and Republicans in the Statehouse at least until after the November election. The Land of Lincoln will be well-represented by well-known GOP faces, however. State Party Chairman Tim Schneider will attend as a national committee member. Two former party chairmen are delegates, along with sitting state legislators who are delegates or alternates. Many who won’t make the trip clearly have their eyes on November. Kirk, who faces a popular Democratic congresswoman, Tammy Duckworth, announced last month that he wouldn’t support Trump, saying he doesn’t have the proper presidential temperament. Munger, who was appointed to the post by Rauner after the death of Judy Baar Topinka, is up against Democratic Chicago City Clerk Susana Mendoza. Rauner isn’t on this year’s ballot, but his never-ending fight with the Democrats who control the Legislature has gotten so big it has implications for the 2018 election for governor. Another prominent Republican who won’t be attending the convention is Regional Transportation Authority Chairman Kirk Dillard, a former state senator and two-time gubernatorial candidate, most recently in 2014 when he finished runner-up in the primary to Rauner. He declined to say why he’s not going. U.S. Rep. Robert Dold, from Chicago’s suburbs, is staying in his district to campaign; he has said he will not endorse Trump. While some might question the backbone of a politician who ditches the convention and won’t say why, Nick Kachiroubas, a political scientist at DePaul University, said the no-shows are making a “major statement” by not attending while trying to “be respectful” of the process. “If you truly feel you can’t support a candidate, your non-attendance says a lot more, maybe, than verbally not supporting him,” Kachiroubas said. “But does it speak to party unity? Absolutely not.”)


— Local delegates, ISU group headed to Republican convention – Derek Beigh


— Fairy Tales Will Obscure Grim Reality of Stopgap Budget – Rich Miller


— DuPage Unity in Diversity Memorial


— La Harpe Councilman: Unpatriotic and Un-American to want torn flag replaced – John Kraft


— Mike Pence bucked Republican establishment on rise to conservative stardom – Stephen Dinan  (DIERSEN: Who are the conservative stars in Illinois, in your county, in your township/ward, and in your municipality?)


— Three Police Officers Killed by Multiple Attackers in Baton Rouge


— TOP 8 SIMILARITIES BETWEEN TRUMP AND REAGAN – Chuck Norris sees striking parallels between The Donald and The Gipper


— Nice Terror Attack Cut Short by Civilian Who Jumped into Truck – AWR HAWKINS


— Trump on Baton Rouge shooting: ‘We demand law and order’ – SARAH WESTWOOD


— Vulnerable Senate Republicans outpolling Trump  But Democrats note that it’s still early, and they expect Trump to drag down the GOP — and their candidates to start pulling ahead — in September. – Burgess Everett and Kevin Robillard  (FROM THE ARTICLE: In Democratic strategists’ view, every Republican — except for Trump-opposing Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois — now owns Trump’s policies and all of his rhetorical baggage.)


— Trump fires back at Warren: She ‘must prove she is not a fraud’ – Rebecca Savransky
— Comparing Trump to Hitler says a lot more about the accuser than the accused – Bill Ozanick  (DIERSEN: How soon, if not already, will the anti-Trumps in Illinois, in your county, in your township/ward, in your municipality, and in your precinct say that you are Hitler if you do not join them in demonizing, denigrating, and condemning Trump and Trump’s supporters?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: After my article entitled, “Likening Trump to Hitler: a dangerous comparison” was published two weeks ago, I was astounded by the amount of readers who felt I’d failed to demonstrate exactly why Donald Trump is not Adolf Hitler. I believe this alleged failure to prove a negative was the corollary of a limited word count and imagination; I never imagined so many people would need to be convinced that Trump is not Hitler. For starters, Hitler announced his 25-point Program in 1920 which promulgated that only those with German blood could be citizens, not Jews. Nearly three years later, and a decade before he even became Chancellor of Germany, Hitler began dictating Mein Kampf from his prison cell. He was in prison for staging a failed takeover of the government in Bavaria – known as the Beer Hall Putsch – where four police officers and sixteen Nazis were killed. Murder and armed revolution do not appear to be Trump’s modus operandi. But back to Mein Kampf, where Hitler outlined his racial theories and rambled on ad nauseam about the Jews being categorically evil and the need for them to be exterminated. So much for the claim that “no one knew Hitler was Hitler until he became Hitler!” As historian Eberhard Jäckl rightly stated, “Perhaps never in history did a ruler write down before he came to power what he was to do afterwards as precisely as Adolf Hitler.” Hitler’s ‘Final Solution’ (1941-1945) was not unpredictable. Some may agree that Trump isn’t Hitler, but still whine that the resemblances are frightening; this is nonsense. While Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the U.S. is absolutely un-American and deserving of censure, trying to prevent ISIS operatives from entering the U.S. (who are trying to pose as refugees) cannot be compared to Hitler’s ideas and decrees. There is not a modicum of evidence to suggest Trump would immediately call for a boycott of all Muslim businesses and bar Muslims from holding civil service, university, and state positions (like Hitler did with the Jews) if he were to be elected. The mere existence of the “Jewish race” was what acutely troubled Hitler, while Trump has never even hinted at having a problem with those of a “Muslim race”. While I disagree with the rhetoric Trump uses when discussing immigration, he is plainly distressed with the large numbers of Hispanics and Latinos who have entered the U.S. illegally (as was President Clinton); he has never implied that he has a problem with the mere existence of their race. If he did, one in four Hispanic registered voters would probably not support Trump. However, I do realize that facts often don’t matter to the social justice warriors who desperately want to feel that they are just as valiant as those who stood up to the real Hitler. It’s axiomatic that the ultimate goal of those who compare Trump to Hitler (even if they know it to be untrue) is to frighten and cajole others into not voting for Trump, yet this tactic almost always has the opposite effect. I’ve personally witnessed a friend who was doing rather well in attempting to persuade another to not vote for Trump, hitting on all the right points (his capriciousness, ignorance of geopolitics, etc.), but the moment she made the Hitler comparison, the discussion was abruptly derailed. This charge reliably destroys any meaningful discussions that may have otherwise occurred. Considering there is plenty to criticize when it comes to Trump, as there is with Clinton (both scored historic unfavorable ratings earlier this year), it is baffling why so many still feel the need to make the Hitler comparison. Trump is unquestionably unpresidential (this is the man who mocked a disabled reporter), but he’s nothing like Hitler. I encourage everyone to challenge and condemn the immoral and unfeasible ideas that Trump has, such as the proposal to deport 11 million undocumented migrants, but comparing Trump to Hitler is not only inaccurate, ineffective, dishonest, and dangerous, it also trivializes the tragedy of the Holocaust in the name of scoring political points. Indeed, comparing Trump to Hitler says a lot more about the accuser than the accused. If you truly want to convince someone else to not vote for Trump, while maintaining your intellectual honesty and ostensible acumen, you really need to stop comparing Trump to Hitler.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “GOP lawmakers skip Cleveland for fly-fishing, farming and haircuts  Other members of Congress are attending out of a sense of duty to the party rather than affection for Trump.”


— In First Joint Interview, Mike Pence Aims to Be Trump-Interpreter – CANDACE SMITH


— Donald Trump Shifts on Muslim Ban, Calls for ‘Extreme Vetting’ – ALI VITALI


— G.O.P. Convention Will Test Limits of Trump’s Media Blacklist – SYDNEY EMBER  (DIERSEN: Who blacklists you? I am proud to say that the following blacklist me: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and/or those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.  Sadly, if not tragically, far too many of the aforesaid live in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois.  Those who blacklist me blacklist many millions of people.)
— Ignoring Donald Trump, Republican Senators Orbit Their Own Worlds – TRIP GABRIEL


— Priebus: Trump to launch Hispanic engagement tour after convention – Elise Viebeck


— Republican Convention to Kick Off With Many Party Stalwarts Absent  Excuses range from entertaining to predictable, just as Donald Trump looks to cast himself as a unifier – JULIAN ROUTH and  MICHELLE HACKMAN


— Legislation Introduced to Facilitate the Removal Process of Federal Employees – Ian Smith  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents agree with all the adverse actions a) that my Democrat GAO superiors took against me including forcing me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old, not promoting me beyond GS-13, keeping me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for GAO, and forcing me to take an $18,459 pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980, b) that my Democrat IRS superiors took against me including not promoting me beyond GS-12, disallowing my education deductions, and disallowing my partial day per diem claims, and c) that my Democrat Post Office superiors toke against me including forcing me resign in 1969 and disallowing my sick leave requests.)

July 17 Morning Edition

— After controversy, Joe Walsh expands his radio platform – Robert Feder
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “For Donald Trump to become president, the difficult road begins at the Republican convention.”
— Security evident as Cleveland gets ready for Republican National Convention
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: It’s midsummer, interns, Time for self-appraisal – Rex Huppke  (DIERSEN: Were you an intern?  I was not.  I worked full-time for the Park Forest Post Office during the summers of 1967, 1968, and 1969.)
— Some financial firms tackle diversity gap head-on, say they can’t afford not to – Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz  (DIERSEN: In 1971, Oldsmobile tackled its diversity gap head-on.  In 1971, I accepted a job offer from Oldsmobile. But then, Oldsmobile withdrew its offer saying that it had just agreed to stop hiring Whites to settle an EEOC complaint.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Natasha Granholm was a student at Robert Morris College when she got an unlikely foot in the door at PricewaterhouseCoopers.  The accounting giant, which didn’t typically recruit at Robert Morris, had asked the school for help finding candidates to fill copy room positions, and Granholm, a top accounting student, was encouraged to apply. She told the interviewer she’d prefer a job that used her accounting skills. Her moxie paid off. When she returned home to Aurora that evening, she found a package, delivered by a courier, with an offer for a full-time client internship at PwC.)
— Trump: ‘Pence was my first choice’ – Melanie Mason  (DIERSEN: I was not GAO’s first choice, IRS’s first choice, or the Post Office’s first choice.  GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.  IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.  The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.)
— Black Republican Sen. Tim Scott tackles police ‘trust gap’ – Clarence Page


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH COLOR PHOTOS OF ANTHONY ANDERSON, BOB BEDNAR, MARK FRATELLA, AND TIM SCHEIDER: ANTI-TRUMP HARDCOPY HEADLINE: Hardly a united front  State delegates head to Cleveland divided on Trump as nominee  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, if you got elected or appointed to a government office or a political office as a Republican, and you are not going to help elect Trump/Pence, you should immediately resign.  Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform.  Trump and Pence have stated that they can and that they will defend and advance the Republican Party platform.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Some Illinois Trump delegates, for example, don’t think the state party is doing enough to help and promote the nominee. Ideological divisions showed themselves at the state convention in Peoria earlier this year, when an attempt to change the party’s platform regarding same-sex marriage was soundly defeated. Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider of Bartlett says he’s working to promote unity. The public rebukes of Trump by, in particular, former state party chairman Pat Brady of St. Charles have irked delegates like Bednar who think Brady has been working against the will of Republican primary voters. Since before the primary, Schneider has said the party would back Trump if he won Illinois. Now, as the GOP’s premier event is about to begin, Schneider says he hopes some of the Trump delegates who are first-timers to a convention and politics will help bolster a state party that gained serious momentum last election with Gov. Bruce Rauner’s victory. “We can add them to our ranks,” he said. Schneider wants the convention to be a “launchpad” toward a big effort to re-elect Republican U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk of Highland Park and gain seats in the Illinois General Assembly in a state that has trended toward Democrats in presidential years. . .Trump’s delegates are largely unknown to most Illinois voters and the convention could give them a stage and a voice, if they want it. Not all are going, though. One of the most vocal Trump delegates in a group that hasn’t talked much to reporters is Anthony Anderson, who won a spot from the west and south suburban 11th Congressional District. He said late last week he’s decided not to go, upset by what he perceives to be a lack of focus on Trump by party stalwarts in Illinois. “They’re doing everything they can to basically undermine the whole process,” Anderson said. Like Bednar, Anderson’s ire largely focused on Brady, a Kasich delegate involved in the ultimately doomed effort to try to remove Trump at the convention.)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH COLOR PHOTO OF RIOPELL: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps crow: “Illinois out of the limelight for GOP convention speakers.”  Anti-Trumps are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.
— DuPage forest commissioners act like slumlords – Ken Kosirog, Glen Ellyn


— Local GOP delegates say Trump is in, protesters could be trouble – BOB OKON  (DIERSEN: As everyone knows, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes side with Jack McInerney.  McInerney and his supporters have an extremely low opinion of me.  They blame me for the problems that TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois had and they are overjoyed a) that I am no longer the TAPROOT chairman and b) that TAPROOT is dead.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “I think the support for Trump is growing,” said Bolingbrook Mayor Roger Claar, an at-large delegate who supports Trump. The convention runs Monday through Thursday in Cleveland. Claar said he can’t imagine any other candidate getting the unanimous support that would be needed to replace Trump after his wins in the primary elections. “I think Trump’s going to get in on the first ballot,” Claar said. “I hope it’s exciting, but I don’t want to see a floor fight.” Jack McInerney, a Trump delegate from Will County, said he expects to see more trouble outside the convention hall than inside. Noting news reports that the New Black Panther Party plans to conduct armed protests in Cleveland, McInerney said, “As long as I make it into the convention alive, I should be OK.” McInerney also said he believes Republican support for Trump is surging. “There will be a few outliers screaming from the sidelines,” he said. “But I think 95 percent of the party will come out of that convention united, and that will grow.”)


— Some GOP state lawmakers skipping convention – Dan Petrella  (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps glorify and praise those who do not attend the convention: Anti-Trumps are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Lowdown on campaign funds for local races – Tom Kacich
— State must expand economy – Editorial  (DIERSEN: Democrats run Illinois. Democrats focus on driving individuals, organizations, and companies out of Illinois that are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Republicans vary on convention trip – DAN PETRELLA
— Panel needs to ace this school test – Editorial


— Trump campaign names staffers to help Pence – AP
— It’s a little premature to dismiss tax hikes as unacceptable – Doug Finke


— Rauner: America ‘at war with Islamic terrorists’ – Dan Petrella


— Local GOP delegates say Trump is in, protesters could be trouble – BOB OKON


— Ginsburg steps in it over Trump comments – Editorial  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois. They blame me for all of their problems, for all of your problems, for all of my problems, and for all of everyone’s problems.  They know full-well that if they slander me, I will sue them.  Because of that, they have their operatives and their dupes slander me.  Their operatives and their dupes have permission, if not encouragement, to slander me in the Wheaton Bowl Banquet Hall.)


— Racine County delegates prepared to back Trump – MARK SCHAAF


— At first official event, Pence, Trump set sights on Clinton, vow to restore prosperity, safety to America  (DIERSEN: What do you say to those who are filled with hatred of Republicans, but who hypocritically move to and/or stay in Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Milton Township, and DuPage County to take advantage of the prosperity and safety that Republicans have created there?)


— Reeling from Falling Polls, Paul Ryan Floods District with Mailers on Border Security After Funding Every Obama Open Borders Initiative – JULIA HAHN1


— Dozens of GOP lawmakers staying away from Trump’s convention – Cristina Marcos  (DIERSEN: The following love GOP lawmakers who stay away from Trump’s convention: those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Anti-Trump delegates plot convention havoc – Evelyn Rupert  (DIERSEN: What havoc do the anti-Trumps plan in your municipality, in your township, in your county, and in Illinois?)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps predict ‘riotous conditions’ at convention.


— Trump panic drives progressives toward Clinton  At Netroots Nation, there was little love for Hillary but plenty of concern about the need to defeat the presumptive GOP nominee. – Benjamin Oreskes
— The Executive Mr. Trump  The surprising truth about Trump as a boss—from the people he’s hired, fired and micromanaged. – Michael Kruse
— Donald Trump’s One Unbreakable Policy: Skip the Details  In a head-to-head matchup with the ultimate wonk, Trump is betting voters will prefer his bravado to Clinton’s position papers. – Michael Grunwald


— Clinton Beats Trump Among Latinos 76 Percent to 14 Percent – CARRIE DANN  (DIERSEN: What percent of Latinos who support Clinton are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors?)
— Poll: Clinton Keeps 5-Point Lead Over Trump Heading Into Conventions – MARK MURRAY


— Three Police Officers Killed and Several Wounded in Baton Rouge Shooting – MIKE McPHATE
— FRONT PAGE: How Mike Pence Became a Conservative Hero: Unwavering Opposition to Abortion – MONICA DAVEY and MICHAEL BARBARO
— We’re Helping Deport Kids to Die – Nicholas Kristof  (DIERSEN: Democrats and RINOs encourage foreign countries to bring kids to America illegally.  Democrats and RINOs encourage kids to come to America illegally.)
— Don’t Vote for Me, I’m Not Worthy  That’s what George Washington said. Imagine a modern presidential candidate saying that. – JULIE MILLER
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Those who promote Sariah law are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-female, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.
— Professors, Stop Opining About Trump – STANLEY FISH
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: The Slave Trader’s Portrait – SUSAN FALES-HILL  (DIERSEN: Democrats and RINOs hint/imply/argue/shout that if you are a Republican, the longer that your ancestors have been in America, a) the more that you have benefited from their discrimination against minorities and against women and b) the more that you should pay the price of Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion.  All my ancestors immigrated to American during the 1840s and 1850s.  In my defense, all my ancestors immigrated to northeast Illinois, my father was the first of my ancestors to earn a high school diploma, and my mother never attended high school.)
— Attack in France Fuels Anti-Immigrant Parties on Europe’s Right – ALISON SMALE and STEPHEN CASTLE
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps see “Ominous Signs as Republicans Gather to Chart Their Future.”


— Mike Pence integrates longtime advisers with Trump campaign – Philip Rucker and Matea Gold
— Anti-Trump delegates consider several attempts to upend convention – Ed O’Keefe
— Outsiders in politics: not the greatest success rate – Gillian Brockell (DIERSEN: If you are not a political insider, do you want to be one?  Are you willing to pay the price?  I am not.)


— In a time of tumult, Trump and Clinton compete to be seen as the better leader – Cathleen Decker


— Vandal throws rock through pro-Trump family’s window – Melkorka Licea  (DIERSEN: What hate crimes do the anti-Trumps plan to commit in Illinois, in your county, in your township/ward, in your municipality, and in your precinct?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A vandal launched a 6-inch rock through a Brooklyn family’s front door for posting pro-Trump signs in the window, the family says. “The glass was piled up so high that when I tried to open the door it wouldn’t budge,” Joshua Ramos, 45, of the June 25 attack at his Gowanus home. A Trump sign he had taped behind the unlocked glass door was on the ground, ripped in half. The door will cost $2,400 to replace, he said. “I feel violated and like I don’t live in a free country anymore,” the father of two told The Post. He said he called police. “I said I wanted to report a hate crime, but they told me, ‘It’s not a hate crime. It’s vandalism,'” he recalled. But the Republican is sure it had to do with his support for Trump. “I feel like some guy in the neighborhood got drunk, got upset and just did it,” he said. Ramos, who has two other Trump signs in his living-room windows, said he now feels unwelcome in his mostly liberal ‘hood. “I keep to myself and don’t talk to anyone around here,” he said. “I can’t say ‘Merry Christmas,’ and my kids can’t say the Pledge of Allegiance. The political correctness is just too much. I don’t feel safe anymore, certainly not after this.”)


— Trump taps populist fervor to secure GOP presidential nomination over traditional Republicans: ‘The people have spoken — the bastards’ – Cameron Joseph  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about “Republican” activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who despise if not hate conservatives like me, that is, who despise if not hate the base of the Republican Party. They talk and act like they are Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, or RINOs. They focus on destroying the Milton Township Republican Central Committee, the DuPage County Republican Central Committee, the Illinois Republican Party, and the Republican Party.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “GOP figures who rallied around Trump will face a harsh reckoning.”


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “GOP fights over party message ahead of Cleveland convention.”


— As Trump won, media coverage turned sharply negative – Byron York


— Diversity training called ineffective  Hiring of some groups actually declines, says study of 830 US firms – JENA MCGREGOR  (DIERSEN: How many diversity training classes have you attended?  I attended many such classes because while I worked for IRS 1971-1980 and for GAO 1980-1997, the Democrats who ran those agencies required all their employees to attend.  According to diversity training, the more of the following that are true about you, the more racist that you are: Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, German or British national origin, male, older, rich, gun owner, and/or your ancestors have been in America for a long time.  Of course, needless-to-say, those who promote diversity training, that is, those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-German and British national origin, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors, want to get rid of those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, German or British national origin, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or your those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Companies have tried everything to boost the stubbornly anemic numbers of women and minorities in management roles or in certain industries, such as tech or finance. They’re making candidates’ resumes blind to race and gender. Setting up partnerships with historically black colleges. Releasing demographic data in an exercise of public accountability – and humility. But perhaps the most common and seemingly elementary tactic – compulsory diversity training aimed at helping people’s biases or preventing discriminatory behavior – appears to actually do more harm than good. In the cover story of the latest issue of the Harvard Business Review, sociologists from Harvard and Tel Aviv universities explore the counterintuitive idea that some of the most common tools for improving diversity – one of which is mandatory training – are not just ineffective. They could be detrimental to improving the number of women and minorities in the managerial ranks. Making people attend diversity training may seem to make sense, said one of the study’s co-authors, Alexandra Kalev, in an interview: “But it doesn’t work. For decades, diversity management programs flourished with no evidence whatsoever about their effects and their success.” The article is based on a series of research papers by Kalev and Harvard’s Frank Dobbin that studied nearly 830 U.S. companies. It describes how, five years after implementing compulsory diversity training for managers, companies actually saw declines in the numbers of some demographic groups – African-American women and Asian-American men and women – and no improvement among white women and other minorities. “If someone is supposed to sit there, psychologically they will be grumpy,” she said. “They will not want to engage. This is what we do as human beings – we resist control.” The authors point to a range of past social science studies that have shown that efforts to reduce prejudice can backfire. The pair also say that when diversity training is just focused on a certain group – like managers or one where there’s been a bias problem – it can also have worse results. “When diversity training focuses only on managers it has this legalistic undertone,” Kalev said. “You are the decision makers, therefore you have to go through driving school.” The researchers also found that other tactics often aimed at helping with diversity, such as skill tests to help prevent bias in the hiring process or grievance systems where employees can log complaints, also led to declines in the number of women and minorities in the companies’ workforces over time. Managers don’t like being told whom they want to hire, so they often distribute tests selectively, while grievance systems can make managers feel threatened and retaliate, Kalev said. “We understand why they need to be there,” Kalev said of such tools. “But we think companies need to be way more reflective about what these (practices) do for their workforce.” The researchers used a statistical analysis to examine the effect that a range of diversity efforts had on each company’s makeup over time, examining both detailed surveys and data on the demographics of their workforce. By isolating factors such as broader industry diversity figures, organizational culture, or the presence of a union or an affirmative action plan, they believe their research shows that some diversity tools actually hurt or help the number of women and minorities in the ranks, rather than merely being linked with each other. Of course, diversity training programs can vary widely – from being forced to watch outdated 1980s VHS tapes about sexual harassment to attending sophisticated new “unconscious bias” training programs. And Kalev said their research has shown that training programs that focus on multiculturalism and the business case for diversity – rather than the legalistic reasons behind why it’s being offered – have a less negative effect. Still, she says, “even the most fascinating diversity training will be way more efficient if the crowd is sitting there voluntarily.”)


— The Republicans Who Are Staying Home From Trump’s Convention  Excuses include “I’ve got to mow my lawn” and “I’ve got to really do my hair that week.” – MICHELLE COTTLE (DIERSEN: If you are a Republican, not an anti-Trump, and you are not attending the convention, what are your excuses?  My excuses include a) time: my self-commitment to spend 10+ hours each and every day putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out and b) cost: increasingly, because of my federal Democrat superiors’ success in wasting my career and forcing me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old, my Civil Service Retirement System pension is dramatically reduced, and therefore, my wife and I are increasingly using our non-retirement savings to pay our bills.  My critics/opponents side with my Democrat superiors in the federal government.)


— ‘We’re different people. I understand that:’ Donald Trump says he hasn’t asked Mike Pence to say ‘Crooked Hillary’ during the duo’s awkward first television interview – LIAM QUINN

July 14 Morning Edition

— FROM THE ARTICLE: Tim Schneider, the current Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, responded to Brady’s comments, writing: “Former Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady’s comments do not reflect the views or opinions of the current leadership of the Illinois Republican Party. Through the results of the March Primary, Illinois Republicans made their voices heard and believe that Donald Trump is best suited to take on Hillary Clinton and her decades of corruption, deceit, and liberal politics. The Illinois Republican Party is fully committed to supporting the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.”




— Clinton Ahead or Even in Midwest Battlegrounds  The two candidates are tied at 39 percent each in Ohio


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors WANT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY PLATFORM TO PROMOTE LGBTQ ACTIVITY, ABORTION, MASS/ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, POT, GAMBLING, RACE AND GENDER BASED PREFERENCE GIVING, ABOLITION OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT, AND OTHER TERRIBLE THINGS, AND IF NOT THAT, SAY NOTHING ABOUT THE AFORESAID.)
— Hillary Clinton calls on Americans to reject ‘divisive’ Trump candidacy – Michael A. Memoli (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats focus on dividing those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors AGAINST THOSE WHO ARE Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Duckworth ad rips Kirk for embellishing military record – Rick Pearson
— State: No unemployment benefits without posting resume – Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz  (DIERSEN: What are the top reasons why employers would not offer you a job?  For me, they are a) the adverse actions that my Democrat GAO superiors took against me including forcing me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old, not promoting me beyond GS-13, keeping me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for GAO, and forcing me to take an $18,459 pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980, b) the adverse actions that my Democrat IRS superiors took against me including not promoting me beyond GS-12, disallowing my education deductions, and disallowing my partial day per diem claims, and c) the adverse actions that my Democrat Post Office superiors took against me including forcing me resign in 1969 and disallowing my sick leave requests.  Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois side with my Democrat GAO, IRS, and Post Office superiors against me.)


— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON CHICAGO, ON COOK COUNTY, ON ILLINOIS, AND ON AMERICA TIGHTENS: Segregation still haunts CPS – Natalie Y. Moore, reporter for WBEZ and author of “The South Side: A Portrait of Chicago and American Segregation.”


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: The Daily Herald promotes Reboot Illinois and Politifact.  What if the Daily Herald promoted GOPUSA ILLINOIS?  Ever-increasingly, those who try to compete with GOPUSA ILLINOIS spend more and more and more money and/or force those who visit their websites and/or read their emails to look at more and more and more nasty advertising.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, the Dail Herald shows that it exists to promote LGBTQ activity and the rest of the Democrat Party platform.


— Political analyst Chris Robling on Black Lives Matter protests: “All they are interested in is racial division” – PETER ZIMMERMAN


— Democrats like tone of Clinton’s address – Bernard Schoenburg  (DIERSEN: AP reports that Clinton said that Trump is dangerous, divisive, and fear-mongering. Democrats are disciples of Saul Alinsky.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats use “Nuns on the Bus” to promote Clinton and the Democrat Party platform.


— “Pay Now Illinois” Coalition Files Lawsuit


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Clinton slams Trump in Springfield
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Clinton slammed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for sending what she calls an ugly message to America, referring to Trump’s promises to ban Muslims and deport eleven million illegal immigrants. “Imagine if he did not just have Twitter or cable news to go after his critics and opponents, but also the IRS or the military for that matter,” Clinton said. Clinton’s comments come as new polling data from Quinnipiac University shows Trump with the lead in key swing states, gaining ground thanks to voters who increasingly view Clinton as untrustworthy.)


— Per-mile road tax crashes in Illinois; but moves ahead in California – Dennis Byrne  (DIERSEN: Would a per-mile road tax benefit you?  I own six cars (1972 Chevy Corvette, 1996 Ford Thunderbird LX, 2003 Chevy Cavalier LS, 2005 Chevy Corvette, 2013 Dodge Charger R/T Max, and 2016 Ford Mustang), but I drive them extremely few miles because I spend 10+ hours each and every day putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out.)


— Tell Gov. Rauner to ‘VETO’ the Muslim American Advisory Council – Steve Balich


— RNC speaker list includes Donald Trump’s wife and children, Benghazi survivors – David Sherfinski
— House votes to expand ‘conscience’ protections for those opposed to abortion – Stephen Dinan (DIERSEN: What to you say to “Republican” party leaders in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois, their operatives, and their dupes who focus on destroying those like me who support the right-to-life plank in the Illinois Republican Party platform and in the Republican Party platform?  Should I write a book about the aforesaid?)


— Ebony Magazine Editor: Hate Crimes Can’t Be Committed Against White People, Cops – Steve Guest


— CHRISTIAN YOUTH CHOIR LIKENED TO NAZIS, ISIS  ‘This church ticks every box on the Ugly Religious Fundamentalism checklist’ – BOB UNRUH  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois are fully aware that the more of the following that apply to you, the easier it is for them to liken you to Nazis: conservative, Republican, White, male, older, German national origin, Lutheran, rich, gun owner, and ancestors in America for a long time.  If you were me, how would you react to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who liken me to Nazis?)


— Trump’s ‘law-and-order’ gamble – Mike Lillis  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats hint/imply/argue/shout that they will have minorities riot and destroy America if Trump is elected.)


— Conservatives split on Trump’s running mate – Mark Preston  (DIERSEN: Who leads the conservatives in Illinois, in your congressional district, in your county, in your township/ward, and in your municipality?  I should write a book about those who lead the anti-conservatives in Illinois, in Congressional District 6, in DuPage County, in Milton Township, and in Wheaton. By definition, leaders have religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.)


— Center Stage at GOP Convention: Dump Trump Vs Party Leaders – AP


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Donald Trump may spell doom for vulnerable GOP senators.”


— Republican Officials Brace for Chaos at Convention – JEREMY W. PETERS
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats demonize, denigrate, and condemn Whites as being racists.
— How Excessive Executive Pay Hurts Shareholders – Editorial


— RNC members still don’t know what Donald Trump has planned for the convention – Rebecca Sinderbrand
— Why highways have become the center of civil rights protest – Emily Badger


— GOP Group Promotes a Platform That Avoids Hot-Button Issues  Group aims to replace 60-page document with a statement of principles that leaves out Donald Trump’s position on trade, gay marriage issue – REID J. EPSTEIN  (DIERSEN: Democrats and Democrat plants, Libertarians and Libertarian plants, Greens and Green plants, and RINOs WANT EVERYTHING TO BE LEFT OUT OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY PLATFORM.  Democrats and Democrat plants, Libertarians and Libertarian plants, Greens and Green plants, and RINOs WANT TO DESTROY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.)
— Trump Calls on Ginsburg to Resign From Supreme Court  Presumptive GOP presidential nominee says ‘her mind is shot,’ after she criticized his candidacy – BRENT KENDALL
— Settlement of Syrian Refugees in the U.S. Accelerates  After a slow start, Obama administration’s annual goal of 10,000 arrivals is within reach – MIRIAM JORDAN
— LOW INTEREST RATES: Sorry, You’re Just Going To Have to Save More Money – JASON ZWEIG
— In Advanced Economies, Two-Thirds of Population Have Seen Incomes Stagnate, Study Shows  Report underscores damage done by financial crisis to economic advancement for half a billion people – JOSH ZUMBRUN


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: By her words, Clinton calls for anti-Whites to protest against Trump.
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: With days to go, GOP convention struggles with $6 million shortfall – Fredreka Schouten
— Trump, Clinton both threaten Freedom of the Press – Carol E. Lee and Jeff Mason  (DIERSEN: What do your critics/opponents do?  My critics/opponents focus on a) stopping me from putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out and b) stopping everyone from reading those emails. My critics/opponents a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and/or are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— HARDCOPY EDITORIAL TITLE: Ginsburg’s bus league remarks hurt court credibility – Editorial
— Police brace for days of protests in Cleveland – Trevor Hughes


— GAO report criticizes Energy Department’s handling of whistleblower complaints – LINDSAY WISE AND SAMMY FRETWELL (DIERSEN: My Democrat superiors in the federal government retaliated against me for blowing the whistle on political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination.  Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents side with my Democrat superiors in the federal government.)


— Some Trump RNC Delegates Surprised About Paying Their Own Way To Cleveland – LAUREN CHOOLJIAN


— Federal Retirees Need To Tighten Belts While Current Employees Expect To See Pay Increases – Michael Wald  (DIERSEN: As time goes on, the negative impact of my Democrat GAO superiors’ success in wasting my career and forcing me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old INCREASES.)

July 13 Evening Edition



— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON CHICAGO, ON COOK COUNTY, ON ILLINOIS, AND ON AMERICA TIGHTENS: Chicago Corruption at Center of New Walking Tour in the City  Blago and George Ryan, Rosty and Mel, and rogues like Hinky Dink Kenna and Bathhouse John Coughlin– they’re all there – Phil Rogers


— White Woman Walks In Black Neighborhood: I’m Sorry Black America – Audrina Bigos


— Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump turning ‘Party of Lincoln’ into ‘Party of Trump’ – Monique Garcia
— Donald Trump polling stronger with evangelicals than Mitt Romney four years ago; Trump seeks $10 million from former aide in disclosure case; Trump huddles with top VP candidates in Indiana; Hillary Clinton: The party of Lincoln is becoming the ‘party of Trump;’ Clinton attacks Trump for making shooting deaths ‘all about him’
— Another school funding task force? Gov. Rauner, waste of time. – Kristen McQueary
— House Republicans want auditor general removed, but Rauner mum – Kim Geiger


— Republicans file request for state auditor general’s removal – AP
— Trump puts Chicago lunch guests on the spot – Michael Sneed
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Rauner Signs Order Requiring Illinois To Give preference to Businesses Owned by Minorities, Women, and Disabled (DIERSEN: Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform.  Rauner ran as a Republican and got elected as a Republican. If you get elected as a Republican, you obligate yourself to defend and advance the Republican Party platform.  The Republican Party platform calls for equal opportunity, that is, it opposes race and gender based preference giving.  Rauner should prosecute individuals, organizations, companies, and governments that discriminate based on race, gender, etc.)
— Chicago urges protected status for Ecuadorean immigrants – Fran Spielman


— Clinton in Springfield: Trump is ‘dangerous,’ ‘divisive,’ ‘fear-mongering’ – AP  (DIERSEN: With Clinton saying this today, what will she and her spokespersons say about Trump as November 8 approaches?  Should Trump and his supporters start preparing now for anti-Trumps to harm them?)
— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON CHICAGO TIGHTENS: Let’s do this now and reduce Chicago’s homeless population – MARK ANGELINI


— Challenge to Lake County coroner’s candidacy upheld by electoral board – Mick Zawislak
— Carpentersville man on probation for marijuana conviction faces new marijuana trafficking charges – Harry Hitzeman


— Trump Delegates Sound Off on Republican Convention – Paris Schutz


— Illinois GOP reaffirms support for Trump – TONY ARNOLD
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The Illinois Republican Party seems to be changing its tone about Donald Trump’s candidacy – at least a little bit. When the Illinois Republican Party appointed delegates to the national convention – they picked some people who have been vocal in opposing Donald Trump’s candidacy. Governor Bruce Rauner won’t talk about Trump – or the presidential campaign. And other top Illinois Republicans are skipping the convention – and have said they won’t support Trump. These actions led some Trump delegates like Anthony Anderson to say they’re also skipping the conventions, out of protest. ANDERSON: I realize Illinois is a blue state, but for Pete’s sake, they’re not even lifting a finger. In response – the state Republican Party released an unusually direct statement (LINK?) supporting Donald Trump…and highlighting the party’s connections to the Trump campaign.)


— Rauner Signs Order To Boost Minority, Female Businesses (DIERSEN: Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform.  Rauner ran as a Republican and got elected as a Republican. If you get elected as a Republican, you obligate yourself to defend and advance the Republican Party platform.  The Republican Party platform calls for equal opportunity, that is, it opposes race and gender based preference giving. Rauner should prosecute individuals, organizations, companies, and governments that discriminate based on race, gender, etc.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Minority- and female-owned businesses could have an easier time getting state contracts under an executive order signed by Governor Bruce Rauner. The initiative could include the creation of more “sheltered markets,” where certain state requests for bids are set aside for businesses owned by women, minorities or persons with disabilities. Rauner says those groups often have less opportunity to fully participate in the state economy.)


— Ginsburg’s public Trump critique raises ethical quandaries – AP


— GOP lawmakers file resolution to remove Mautino amidst state, federal investigations – John Breslin


— Would Ruth Bader Ginsburg have to recuse herself if Donald Trump wins?  Comments cause political firestorm – CNN


— Legislators call for auditor general’s resignation at Chicago gathering  15 lawmakers sponsor resolution for Mautino’s removal – RACHEL RODGERS


— DuPage County board, sheriff begin FY2017 budget talks 1 year after public fight – NATHAN LURZ


— Democrats, allies rally against Trump in Loop – Brenden Moore


— Unlikely alliances form in opposing Hillary Clinton in Springfield


— General Assembly – Adults are in the room – Kirk Allen
(FROM THE ARTICLE: This morning, several legislators held a press conference in Chicago calling for the removal of the Illinois Auditor General.  They filed a House Joint Resolution to initiate the process. “Auditor General Mautino is not able to perform his duties with the trust and confidence that Illinoisans deserve,” Rep. Kay said. “If he will not do the right thing on his own and step aside, we have a responsibility as the people’s elected representatives to hold him accountable,” Add Rep. Ives  The people of Illinois are witnessing first-hand what Benjamin Franklin’s answer to that famous question of  “what kind of government did you give us”, really means.  “A republic if you can keep it.”  This, ladies and gentlemen, is how you keep it!  Action by responsible people elected and entrusted to take action based on the best interest of the state, not themselves. We thank each and every one of them for doing the right thing!)
— Auditor General Frank Mautino facing House Joint Resolution for his removal. – Kirk Allen


— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON ILLINOIS TIGHTENS: ILLINOIS IS LOSING PRIME WORKING-AGE ADULTS  BLS data show that Illinois had a net loss of 354,000 adults over the last decade from its prime working-age adult population (ages 25 to 54), with 290,000 of that loss attributable to migration rather than mortality. This is a troubling sign that indicates a weak economy – and the loss of adult taxpayers and their children. – Michael Lucci (DIERSEN: The Democrats who run Illinois focus on driving Republicans out of Illinois, and especially those who are Protestant, conservative, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time because they are more likely to stay Republican.)


— Rauner Acts to Give Preferences to Minority, Women & Disabled-Owned Businesses – Cal Skinner  (DIERSEN: Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform.  Rauner ran as a Republican and got elected as a Republican. If you get elected as a Republican, you obligate yourself to defend and advance the Republican Party platform.  The Republican Party platform calls for equal opportunity, that is, it opposes race and gender based preference giving.  Rauner should prosecute individuals, organizations, companies, and governments that discriminate based on race, gender, etc.)




— TREASON: Former state GOP chairman Pat Brady: Trump can’t win, Hillary better alternative


— Chicago Muslims Outraged by Anti-ISIS Cartoon in Local Paper – Jim Hoft


— Sharia: Illinois To Create Official State Government Muslim Council  (DIERSEN: From the West Suburban Patriots: VETO Illinois – SB574 (Muslim Advisory Council)  FOLKS, YOU HAVE TO CALL Governor Bruce Rauner’s office: (217) 782-0244  or (312) 814-2121 and give your opinion on this bill  You can also email him at:
gov.goca@illinois.gov  Here’s a letter one of our patriots wrote to the Governor: Please Veto SB 574  Article One, Section three of the Illinois constitution contains a clause that says NO PREFERENCE SHALL BE GIVEN BY LAW TO ANY RELIGION. I would argue all day long the creation of a muslim advisory council gives preference to Islam and therefore violates the Illinois constitution; since one can only be a muslim if he/she is an practitioner of Islam.  The muslim advisory council could easily be called Islamic American advisory council, because the religion of Islam is where muslim guidance will come from, Islamic doctrine and shariah  ARTICLE 1, SECTION 3. RELIGIOUS FREEDOM  The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination, shall forever be guaranteed, and no person shall be denied any civil or political right, privilege or capacity, on account of his religious opinions; but the liberty of conscience hereby secured shall not be construed to dispense with oaths or affirmations, excuse acts of licentiousness, or justify practices inconsistent with the peace or safety of the State. No person shall be required to attend or support any ministry or place of worship against his consent, nor shall any preference be given by law to any religious denomination or mode of worship. ~ (Source: Illinois Constitution.)  If the state proposed advisory council was called the Christian American advisory council Act, the screams from the left would be deafening. Gov Rauner, there is a very sound reason why no other state has such a muslim advisory council, it’s because such a law violates every “separation of church and state” type clauses contained in every state constitution…. just as it will be contrary to the one enshrined within the Illinois constitution.  Respecting the Illinois constitution isn’t optional…  Mr Governor, it’s your duty to VETO SB 574, the “muslim American Advisory council Act ”, you must uphold the rule of law!)


— Dallas Police Chief Tells Politicians ‘Step Up’  (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican?  Too what extend do Republican officials in Illinois, in your county, in your township/ward, in your municipality, and in your precinct “step up” for the traditional family, right to life, immigration, and the other planks in Illinois Republican Party platform?  Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform.)
— Will Hillary Ditch Black Lives Matter? – Patrick J. Buchanan
— Ryan’s request to cut off Clinton intel briefings denied
— ‘Never Trump’ continues to wage delegate battle


— Anti-Trumpers Turn Their Lonely Eyes to John Kasich
— Hillary’s Race Speech Ripped to Shreds


— HANNITY SMACKS GRETCHEN CARLSON IN FOX NEWS SEX CASE ‘So why did you stay after such ‘harassment’ asking for more airtime?’  (DIERSEN: Hannity sides with Fox News against Carlson.  My critics/opponents side with my critics/opponents against me.)


— Obama Mentions Himself 45 Times During Memorial Speech For Dallas Officers – Peter Hasson


— Black Lives Matter Mob Threatens Fox News Reporter – NEIL MUNRO
— Anniversary of Sandra Bland’s Death Raises Tension Amid War on Cops – LANA SHADWICK


— Hume: To Obama, Racism in America ‘Has a White Face, Never a Black Face’ – Leah Barkoukis  (DIERSEN: Anti-Whites love Hume.)
— The Future for the Real American Dreamers – Allen West


— Hillary Clinton Warns: Trump Could Use Military, IRS To Punish Critics and Opponents – Ian Schwartz  (DIERSEN: Democrats run the federal government.  I should write a book about how the Democrats who run the federal government use the federal government “to punish critics and opponents.”)


— Cultural Marxists Employ Terror Tactics, Violence to Intimidate Trump Supporters  (DIERSEN: Who are the cultural marxists in Illinois, in your county, in your township/ward, in your municipality, and in your precinct?)


— RNC Chair: Trump’s White, Male VP Frontrunners Are Diverse! – KRISTIN SALAKY  (DIERSEN: How bad are your demographics?  My demographics are terrible.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes take every opportunity that they can to remind those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors that I am Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, old (67), rich, a gun owner, that my ancestors have been in America since the 1840s, that I am 100% German national origin, that I was baptized, raised and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran, that I am a retired federal employee, that I avoided the draft, that etc.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: With Donald Trump’s reported vice presidential prospects all white men, RNC chair Reince Priebus wants people to focus on another type of diversity: the diversity of experience. In an interview Wednesday, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer questioned Priebus about previous comments he made hoping Trump’s veep hopefuls would be “diverse.” When Blitzer asked him if he was disappointed that no people of color or women made the cut, Priebus said that is not what diversity means to Trump. “Well, I know that all of those things are on the table and I think it also comes down to who he thinks is most compatible, and who would be best for our country,” Priebus said. “There is also diversity of experience, and sometimes something that would be beneficial that I think he is also looking at. He has been pretty clear that having experience in matters in both governing in Washington and your state as an executive, he talked about foreign policy experience as another issue to be thought about and discussed. So diversity from Donald Trump as an outsider, a successful businessman, is these choices that he is looking at.” Blitzer followed up to see if this was the type of diversity Priebus had in mind when he made his comments and Priebus doubled down on the comments. “Look, for each presidential candidate, the diversity that you seek in the spot that you’re, you know, the vice presidential spot can be a lot of things,” he said. “It can be all of the above, experience, gender, race, that is an important ingredient.” Trump’s veep finalists reportedly include New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R). Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA), one of the only women discussed, took herself out of the running earlier this month.)


— RNC races to stamp out anti-Trump rebellion  Reince Priebus loyalists try to stop delegates who want to rip nomination away on national TV. – Alex Isenstadt, Kyle Cheney and Shane Goldmacher
— Clinton on Trump: Even ‘the killing of people is somehow all about him’ – Nolan D. McCaskill


— Clinton goes back on the attack against Trump – Rebecca Savransky
— Black Lives Matter needs some tough love from Obama – Gregory J. Wallance


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats say that non-Democrats are haters.


— Lawmakers move to block flights to Cuba – FRANCO ORDONEZ


— For Whites Sensing Decline, Donald Trump Unleashes Words of Resistance – NICHOLAS CONFESSORE  (DIERSEN: Because minorities overwhelmingly vote for Democrats, Democrats focus on getting rid of Whites.  If you want to get rid of Whites, that is, if you are a racist, vote for Democrats.)


— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON AMERICA TIGHTENS: Clinton lambastes Trump as unfit to lead a country dealing with race, violence – John Wagner


— Republican Dissidents to Challenge Platform as Anti-Gay on Convention Floor  Group aims to replace 60-page document with a short statement of principles that also leaves out Donald Trump’s position on trade – REID J. EPSTEIN  ((DIERSEN: Democrats and Democrat plants, Libertarians and Libertarian plants, Greens and Green plants, and RINOs always want to destroy the Republican Party by making its platform more like the Democrat Party platform, the Libertarian Party platform, and the Green Party platform.)
— Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Locked in Tight Race in Ohio and Iowa, Polls Find  Democratic candidate holds 9-point lead in Pennsylvania – LAURA MECKLER


— Republican Party Chairman Calls for Unity Behind Donald Trump  “Let’s not lose sight of the stakes of this election,” he told the RNC’s 168 members. – John McCormick and Mark Niquette


— How saving too much can make your retirement less satisfying  Being overly frugal and having no fun dulls the Golden Years – Chuck Jaffe


— RNC counsel: Without rule change, pledged GOP delegates must vote for Donald Trump – Jim Galloway


— As a Gay Republican, I Cannot Defend the GOP Platform – James Richardson  (DIERSEN: Promoting LGBTQ activity is the top priority for LGBTQ individuals, LGBTQ organizations, LGBTQ companies, LGBTQ governments, and LGBTQ countries.)


— What 3 Women Leading the RNC Think About Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton  The thirtysomething women explain why they stand behind Donald Trump. – Prachi Gupta


— Unity at the Republican convention? Forget about it – Jamie Weinstein


— Official Republican platform will include Trump’s border wall with Mexico – GEOFF EARLE


— Group Plans to Audit the IRS – MICHAEL COHN  (DIERSEN: I worked for IRS for almost 9 years. I worked for GAO on audits of IRS for 3 years.)


— Grant Thornton hires GAO veteran Linda Miller to strengthen Public Sector Fraud Risk Assessment team  (DIERSEN: I worked for GAO for almost 18 years 1980-1997, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 level (currently $92,632-$120,427).  I became a CPA in 1979, a Certified Internal Auditor in 1981, a licensed CPA in 1982, a Certified Fraud Examiner in 1990, a Certified Government Financial Manager in 1994, a Certified Financial Services Auditor in 1996, and a Forensic Accountant in 1997.)
(FROM THE PRESS RELEASE: Linda S. Miller has joined Grant Thornton LLP as a director in its Public Sector Fraud Risk Assessment practice. Miller, a veteran of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), will serve public-sector clients seeking to assess and reduce the risk of fraud. “We’re pleased to welcome Linda to Grant Thornton’s Fraud Risk Assessment team,” said Carlos Otal, national managing partner of Grant Thornton’s Public Sector. “Linda’s GAO experience and thorough understanding of strategies for preventing, detecting and responding to fraud will be a tremendous asset to our government clients.” Miller was assistant director of Forensic Audits and Investigative Service at the GAO for the past 10 years. She led the development of A Framework for Managing Fraud Risks in Federal Programs, the first-ever guidance for federal program managers to help them proactively manage fraud risk and prevent the occurrence of fraud. Miller’s efforts led to the recent passage of the Fraud Reduction and Data Analytics Act of 2015, which requires federal agencies to take steps to reduce fraud and establish better internal controls. In addition to her tenure at the GAO, Miller has served as adjunct professor at George Washington University’s Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration since 2013. She was a member of the U.S. Olympic Women’s Rowing Team from 1996 to 2000, competing in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. Miller received a bachelor’s degree from George Washington University and a master’s degree in public policy from the university’s Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration.)

July 4 Evening Edition

— Republicans who participated in Wheaton’s outstanding Independence Day Parade this morning included: U.S. Senator Mark Kirk; Governor Bruce Rauner, First Lady Diana Rauner, and Lieutenant Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti; State Senator Mike Connelly and State Representative Jeanne Ives; State Representative Peter Breen; DuPage County Board candidate Tim Elliott, DuPage County Board members Grant Eckhoff and Amy Grant, and DuPage County Forest Preserve Commissioner Tim Whelan; and the Milton Township Republican Central Committee.  Please thank those who helped promote/sponsor the parade and the fireworks yesterday evening: Bob Berlin, Peter Breen, Liam Brennan, Fred Bucholz, Mike Connelly, Tim Elliott, Amy Grant, Gwen Henry, Jeanne Ives, Richard Jorgensen, Chris Kachiroubas, Mark Kirk, Brian Krajewski, Bob Lyon, Deanne Mazzochi, James Mendrick, Chris Nybo, Peter Roskam, Darlene Ruscitti, Phil Suess, Tim Whelan, and Jim Zay. – Dave Diersen


— Thousands turn out for Wheaton 4th of July parade – Mike Lowe
(INCLUDES VIDEO CLIP: FROM THE ARTICLE: WHEATON, Ill. — Governor Bruce Rauner and Senator Mark Kirk were among those taking part in today’s Fourth of July parade in west suburban Wheaton. Thousands of spectators dressed in red, white and blue lined Main Street to the see the parade. The Governor kicked off the festivities, leading the parade and wishing the state a happy Independence Day. “This is a day to celebrate America’s freedom, our democracy, our foundation born 200 years ago,” Rauner told the crowd. “We’re the greatest nation on earth. We’re the beacon of hope and justice for the entire world because of our focus on individual liberty.” Despite the contentious political atmosphere in Illinois and in the Presidential campaign, most people in Wheaton seemed to leave politics behind for the day to celebrate what brings us all together. They watched as bands, floats and politicians marched along the parade route in a traditional celebration of America’s independence. The Wheaton parade has more than 50 entries and hundreds of participants. It’s one of the largest Fourth of July parades in the Chicago area.)


— July Fourth marked with celebrations across the area – Mike Lowe
(INCLUDES VIDEO CLIP: FROM THE ARTICLE: The race for the U.S. senate is one of the closest in the country and today it was being fought along parade routes from Wheaton to Wilmette. Republican Mark Kirk hopes his resilience will resonate with the voters.  While Democrat Tammy Duckworth was making the case that she will fight for the middle class. But many say in this contentious political year, they wanted to set politics aside and have some fun.)


(INCLUDES VIDEO CLIP: FROM THE ARTICLE: Politicking at parades is as American as apple pie. From Illinois’ Governor Bruce Rauner to senate contenders, politicians marched in parades across the area.  But this year, in this state, some politicians are receiving a slightly different reception. If Illinois lawmakers anticipating a happy homecoming after finally coming up with a partial budget, they were mistaken. In Republican-rich Wheaton, one guy yelled at Governor Bruce Rauner to balance the state’s budget. “Balance the budget! Balance the budget!” yelled Buzz Ruttenberg at the governor. “I blame everyone, but he is the leader and when the ship is sinking you look to the captain,” said Ruttenberg when asked who he blamed for the Illinois budget crisis. ABC7 Eyewitness News spoke with a Wheaton resident who was trying to deliver a message to the governor via a sign saying, “No budget; no votes.” “I think he saw it. I don’t think he wants to make eye contact with me,” said the sign holder. The governor wasn’t much into straying from the script today. “Do you hear from people as you march about what’s going on in Springfield about the budget?” ABC7 Eyewitness News reporter Ben Bradley asked the governor. “No, today we celebrate the independence of America,” said Rauner. Nationally, Hillary Clinton had several supporters marching in Wheaton’s parade, but next to no one showed up on Donald Trump’s behalf, despite the fact the county is overwhelmingly Republican. Then again, the state’s GOP senator has said he won’t vote for Trump. “You were the first to come out and say Trump is unfit. Does that mean you’re voting for Hillary Clinton?” Bradley asked Illinois Republican Sen. Mark Kirk. “No, David Petraeus is who I’d like to write-in. I think he’s better qualified. We need someone who will be the best commander-in-chief we’ve ever had,” said Sen. Kirk. In Oak Park, Kirk’s Democratic opponent says the independent streak doesn’t scratch the surface. “I’ve been working hard for the people of Illinois and he has not. You’re talking about a guy who goes with the corporate interests against the interests of everyday people,” said Democratic Rep. Tammy Duckworth, who is running against Kirk for the U.S. Senate. The incumbent Kirk is the underdog in that senate race. The latest polling shows Tammy Duckworth continuing to lead, although there is a lot of time before November.)


— U.S. Senate Contenders Duckworth, Kirk Hit July 4th Parades – Roseanne Tellez
(INCLUDES VIDEO CLIP: FROM THE ARTICLE: There was no shortage of politicians along parade routes on July 4th, including U.S. Senate candidates Mark Kirk and Tammy Duckworth. CBS 2’s Roseanne Tellez reports. Amidst the marching bands and flag-waving onlookers, politicians were out in force, walking and working the crowd at July 4th parades. Incumbent Sen. Mark Kirk is fighting off a challenge from Rep. Tammy Duckworth. Monday’s parades offered a rare opportunity to ask both candidates about their campaigns. Kirk stuck with the theme of independence. “I’m much more independent of my party than she is,” the Republican said in Wheaton. “She just does what (her) party says.” Duckworth, a Democrat, focused on her service to the nation. “This is an important day for me. My family has served in uniform since the Revolution,” she said in Skokie. The contest between Kirk and Duckworth is considered the nation’s top Senate race to watch. It could decide the balance of power in that chamber.)


— WHEATON PARADE PHOTO CAPTIONS: Gov. Bruce Rauner waves to the crowd along Main Street during the Fourth of July parade in Wheaton. Luke Moo of Wheaton, center, salutes Gov. Bruce Rauner during the Fourth of July parade in Wheaton. Hugo Montenegro of Downers Grove marches down Main Street on behalf of the West suburban Patriots during the Fourth of July parade in Wheaton. Hugo Montenegro of Downers Grove marches down Main Street on behalf of the West suburban Patriots encouraging people to “Wake Up” during the Fourth of July parade in Wheaton. Thousands of people attended the Fourth of July parade in Wheaton. U.S. Senator Mark Kirk waves to the crowd during the Fourth of July parade in Wheaton. Bernie Hurley, left, walks with Lt. Gov. Evelyn Sanguinetti, right, during the Fourth of July parade in Wheaton. Andy Bodine, center, and his English Mastiff’s Thor and Zina watch the Fourth of July parade in Wheaton. U.S. Senator Mark Kirk, left, greets Gov. Bruce Rauner, right, before the Fourth of July parade in Wheaton. Bernie Hurley, left, walks down Main Street with Lt. Gov. Evelyn Sanguinetti, right, during the Fourth of July parade in Wheaton.


— Tab for Chicago police reform: $1.4 million and counting – Andy Grimm


— Obama to tell foe-to-friend story at Hillary Clinton event –


— Congressman LaHood, Jil Tracy offer budget views


— The budget that isn’t – Editorial


— Illinois’ public school funding issues are unacceptable, Skillicorn says


— House Republican Organization says Bradley, Phelps and Forby do Madigan’s bidding


— Rauner needs to say absolutely no to unfair State Employee contract – Steve Balich


— July 4th Fireworks: Watch Berkowitz w/Legal revolution leader Judge Posner – Jeff Berkowitz


— Another slap in the face to traditional marriage – Susan Caroll


— Republican majority is key to preserving Supreme Court  4-4 Obama amnesty split underscores need for GOP congressional control –  Jenny Beth Martin


— Study: Voting early trims turnout, mailing ballots boosts  Demographics, interest in election determine participation – Stephen Dinan


— Maine’s Unpretentious First Lady Takes a Real Job  (DIERSEN: What unpretentious real jobs have you had?  I audited federal agencies 1980-1997, collected delinquent federal taxes 1971-1980, pumped gasoline 1971-1972, sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances 1970-1971, worked as a security guard and on an automobile assembly line in 1970, delivered mail 1966-1969, cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline in 1966, washed dished 1964-1966, etc.)
— 4th of July Zombies – Americans Don’t Know Why We Celebrate Fourth of July!
— No expiration date on America’s fight against tyranny
— Tim Tebow still hated by the left
— Cruz: Obama’s ‘willful blindness’ is dangerous


— Some Republicans Pushing For More Pro-Israel Platform – Brian Freeman


— Clinton To Ride on Air Force One — Trump Wants to Know Who’s Footing the Bill – Tre Goins-Phillips


— Associated Press Hides Democrats’ Hatred of African Americans – Autry J.  Pruitt


— A Problem In The World? Just Blame ‘Whiteness’ – Scott Greer  (DIERSEN: What do you say to Whites who pander to anti-Whites by demonizing, denigrating, and condemning Whites?)


— Diversity of House GOP at risk in 2016 election – Cristina Marcos  (DIERSEN: How bad are you demographics?  My demographics are terrible: conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older (67), non-poor, gun owner, baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran, 100% German national origin, and ancestors have been in America since the 1840s.)


— Endangered GOP senator Mark Kirk: Dumping Trump is paying off – Rosa Flores
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Mark Kirk, one of the most vulnerable Senate Republicans in the country, is betting that he can survive a tough election season by taking on Donald Trump. The Illinois senator became the first Republican last month to release an anti-Trump television ad, which said his party’s presumptive nominee “is not fit to be commander in chief.” The 32-second spot, running in the Chicago market, outlines Kirk’s efforts to present himself to voters in his liberal-leaning state as more moderate than his fellow Republicans in Washington. “Mark was the first Republican to support a vote on President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee,” the television commercial says. Kirk is one of a handful of endangered Republican senators up for re-election this November who are grappling with Trump’s controversial candidacy. At times, Kirk seems more focused on Trump than his Democratic opponent, Rep. Tammy Duckworth, going so far as reversing his support for Trump last month. Kirk’s success could determine whether the GOP keeps its majority status in the Senate. Kirk’s opposition to Trump kicked into high gear last month amid the controversy over the presumptive GOP nominee’s racially charged criticism of a federal judge. “I find Donald Trump’s belief that an American-born judge of Mexican descent is incapable of fairly presiding over his case is not only dead wrong, it is un-American,” Kirk said at the time. Trump later issued a statement saying that his comments were “misconstrued” by the media. A few weeks into his dump Trump strategy, Kirk says bucking the top of his ticket is paying off. “It’s helped because I’m a very independent voice for Illinois,” he told CNN, adding that his strategy helps “make sure that people know that I always put Illinois first.” A Kirk campaign official tells CNN that there has been an uptick in donor and volunteer interest since the senator distanced himself from Trump. His Democratic opponent Rep. Tammy Duckworth, who was quick to capitalize on Kirk’s about face on Trump, maintains that Kirk still equals Trump. “Mark Kirk is (using) the exact kind of rhetoric as Donald Trump and he just needs to own it and stop lying about it,” Duckworth told CNN. When asked if he could win in November without supporting the top of his ticket, Kirk told CNN, “I have always run way ahead of my ticket.”)


— Elite Republicans tried to ignore them. Now they’re shaping Donald Trump’s immigration policy – Noah Bierman and Brian Bennett


— The Strategic Thinking Behind Trump, Clinton VP Picks  A five-point guide to the quadrennial running-mate guessing game – GERALD F. SEIB
— Donald Trump’s Complex Business Ties Could Set a New Precedent  Conflict-of-interest question would loom large if the Republican is elected – MONICA LANGLEY
— How Will Trump Handle His Business Empire if Elected?


— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON AMERICA TIGHTENS: Extremely Proud to Be an American? Fewer People Say They Are


— Independence Day Still Ranks High For Americans