August 13 Morning Edition

— Lake County fourth in state in concealed carry licenses – Megan Jones
— Education level emerges as sharp dividing line in Clinton-Trump race – Bloomberg
(FROM THE ARTICLE: There are many demographic fault lines emerging in this year’s presidential campaign, but few are deeper than the division among likely voters based on educational attainment. Those with the least number of years of education are far more likely to support Donald Trump, while those who have had the most schooling are much more likely to back Hillary Clinton, according to a Bloomberg Politics national poll released this week. “The presence or absence of a college degree is more predictive of the vote in this election than we’ve seen in past elections,” said pollster J. Ann Selzer, who oversees many political surveys for Bloomberg Politics. Another trend may also be developing in the campaign that could pose a threat to Clinton: apathy among potential voters under age 35.)
— Rubio to pastors: Love LGBTs and accept them into church – AP  (DIERSEN: Individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that promote LGBT activity focus on destroying individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that do not promote LGBT activity.  Because I do not promote LGBT activity, individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that promote LGBT activity, their operatives, and their dupes have always worked against me.)–senate-2016-rubio-20160812-story.html
— Donald Trump’s Facebook page is losing its edge over Hillary Clinton’s  (DIERSEN: What do you say to individuals, to organizations, to companies, to governments, and to countries that increasingly talk and act like FACEBOOK IS THE INTERNET?)


— Kirk vs. Duckworth race could decide which party holds U.S. Senate – KEVIN P. CRAVER


— Jack Franks, Lake County Board chairman pledge to use government consolidation power – KEVIN P. CRAVER


— Moving Toward Equalization of the Tolls – Cal Skinner


— How does the GOP think it’s going to win down-ballot, if it can’t win the presidency? – Kelly Riddell


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: The anti-Trump Rolling Stone says “More Than 100 ‘High-Profile’ Republicans Refuse to Support Trump.”


— High School with Hillary – Kelleigh Nelson


— DIERSEN GEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “RNC Wants to Pull the Plug on Funding Trump’s Campaign.”


— Clinton Can’t Win in November – Michael Hammond


— 2012 PENTAGON REPORT WARNED OBAMA WAS CREATING ISIS  Predicted current policies would lead to Islamic state in Syria – Art Moore
— WARNING ISSUED OVER COMPUTER HACKS THAT CAN INJURE MOTORISTS  Activists urge resurrection of California case about ‘connected’ cars – BOB UNRUH
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A team of privacy experts is urging a California appeals court to resurrect a case spotlighting the hacking of computers in cars, warning breaches could result not only in stolen identity but physical injury. “‘Connected vehicles’ expose American drivers to the risks of data breach, auto theft, and physical injury,” the Electronic Privacy Information Center asserted in a friend-of-the-court brief to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. They, and others, are asking that a lawsuit out of San Francisco be restored. The case, Helene Cahen v. Toyota, focuses on the electronic monitoring and Internet connectivity built into cars. A trial judge dismissed the case for lack of standing, but the brief contends the ruling should be reversed. And it’s no longer just about privacy, it’s about public safety, too, the brief argues. “The internal computer systems for these vehicles are subject to hacking, unbounded data collection, and broad-scale cyber attack,” the brief explains. “Despite this extraordinary risk, car manufacturers are expanding the reach of networked vehicles that enable third party access to driver data and vehicle operational systems. “The plaintiffs in this case seek the opportunity to present legal claims stemming from the defendants’ sale of vehicles that place them at risk. That should be allowed to proceed.” WND reported a year ago when two U.S. senators proposed the SPY Car Act of 2015 to create privacy standards for computer systems that control today’s generation of electronics-heavy vehicles. The proposal came just as a contributor reported hackers who set him up in a new vehicle were able to take over its controls while he was driving at 70 mph. “As the two hackers remotely toyed with the air-conditioning, radio and windshield wipers, I mentally congratulated myself on my courage under pressure,” wrote Andy Greenberg at Wired in an article headlined “Hackers remotely kill a Jeep on the highway.” In the 2015 article, he reported, suddenly his vehicle slowed to a crawl, an 18-wheeler =approached from behind and “the experiment had ceased to be fun,” he wrote. Privacy advocates have warned since 2011 about in-car tracking and other computer devices. Marc Rotenberg of the Electronic Privacy Information Center wrote then that data from embedded “black boxes” in vehicles could provide unwanted information to state agencies. Later, the systems were upgraded, connecting vehicles to the Internet. Greenberg explained that the industry’s Uconnect is prompting questions. It’s an Internet-connected computer feature in hundreds of thousands of Fiat Chrysler cars, SUVs and trucks that controls the vehicles’ entertainment and navigation, enables phone calls and provides a Wi-Fi hot spot. Greenberg noted the cell connection also “lets anyone who knows the car’s IP address gain access from anywhere in the country.” The hackers with whom he was working, he said, have “only tested their full set of physical hacks, including targeting transmission and braking systems, on a Jeep Cherokee, though they believe that most of their attacks could be tweaked to work on any Chrysler vehicle with the vulnerable Uconnect head unit.” EPIC already has written extensively about the “Internet of Things,” explaining how various technologies communicate with each other through systems such as IPv6, RFID, Wi-Fi and GPS in appliances, smartphones, wearable computers and other devices. “The ubiquity of connected devices would enable [the] collection of data about sensitive behavior patterns, which could be used in unauthorized ways or by unauthorized individuals,” EPIC said. With “340 trillion” Internet Protocol addresses available, there’s no problem with assigning each vehicle one, the article explained. The new brief argues that some of these issues need to be adjudicated so that American consumers know what they’re getting into. In dismissing the case, the court “underestimated the substantial risk to public safety of connected cars and misconstrued the plaintiffs’ invasion of privacy claim. Whether or not the court ultimately agrees with the allegations presented, they are clearly sufficient to establish Article III standing,” the brief argues. Additionally, the “court’s conclusion is also wrong because it fundamentally misunderstands the security vulnerabilities created by connected cars,” EPIC writes. “Cars today are dependent on extraordinarily complex onboard computer systems. According to the Government Accountability Office, the typical modern high-end car contains over 100 million lines of code – substantially more than a Boeing 787 passenger airline[r], which contains 6.5 million lines of code, or an F-22 U.S. Air Force jet fighter, which contains 1.7 million lines. … As these vehicles have become more complex, the potential for software errors and related vulnerabilities correspondingly rise.” However, the brief notes, “car manufacturers have failed to take adequate steps to address these vulnerabilities.” Since first appearing in the 1970s, “electronic control units” in cars “have grown in complexity, replacing or controlling many mechanical functions. The typical modern vehicle now relies on computerization for almost everything from ‘engine management to steering, braking, climate control, navigation, [and] infotainment,’” the brief says. By now, everything, “engine management system, brake controller, airbags, seatbelt pretensioners, door locks, gauge cluster, sound system, seat controls, communications systems and telematics units are all interconnected.” In short, that means “window switches have a potential path of communication to the brake controller, the entertainment system has a channel to communicate through to the vehicle’s airbags, and so on.” There also is no “authentication” system, “allowing anyone with access to the system, authorized or not, to control vehicle components,” it explains, with access available through Bluetooth or GPS. As a result, millions of cars on the road ‘are vulnerable and pose a serious security risk to their occupants and to others.” The warning followed: “Wide-scale malicious automobile hacking is no longer theoretical. The lower court failed to appreciate the nature and immediacy of the problem when it concluded that the threat is ‘speculative.’ Although a full-scale remote car hijacking is certainly a serious risk to car owners and others …. Hijacking is not the only risk… Connected cars leave consumers open to car theft, data theft, and other forms of attack as well. These attacks are not speculative; many customers have already suffered due to vulnerable car systems.” Ransomware attacks and electronic disabling are just a few of the problems that already have been reported.“Connected vehicles raise significant public safety concerns that the courts cannot ignore. One company has already recalled 1.4 million vehicles because of the risk of remote hacking,” the brief says. And some 20 states regulate the collection and use of driver data. “But wide scale malicious automobile hacking is certainly imminent, if not already occurring,” EPIC says. Earlier this year, WND columnist Craige McMillan warned: “Let’s face it: Hacking these vehicles isn’t a possibility; it’s a certainty. It might be a kid spoofing you, trying to make you crash. Maybe a gang that’s going to reprogram your destination and part out both you and your vehicle. Heck, they could even operate from overseas via your onboard Internet. “Professional criminal gangs already orchestrate crashes on freeways and busy streets to bilk insurance companies; why wouldn’t they turn to hacking as well? A skilled team of such experts could probably hack you right up into a semi tractor trailer, bolt the door and take you and the vehicle anywhere they wanted.” His concern was for the fully computerized, self-driving vehicles. “Somehow, self-driving cars just don’t seem very well thought out to me. The penalty for not thinking this out before we do it is going to be very large, indeed.”)


— Clinton goes negative with Trump – Niall Stanage  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who claim to be Republican, but who have worked harder against me than they have ever worked against any Democrat, against any Libertarian, or against any Green. From what I see, they are really Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, or RINOs.  They are moral relativists who believe that their end justifies their means. They are disciples of Saull Alinsky. They are involved in government and/or politics to make money for themselves, to promote LGBTQ activity, to promote abortion, to promote mass/illegal immigration, to promote race and gender based preference giving, to promote age discrimination, to promote pot, booze, and other vices, to abolish the First and Second Amendments, to get rid of those who do not give them money, to get rid of those who refuse to serve as one of their operatives/dupes, to get rid of those who have sued them, etc.  Increasingly, the aforesaid, their operatives, and their dupes treat the Wheaton Bowl Banquet Hall as being one of their “safe places.”)


— Clinton happily yields national spotlight to Trump, avoids its glare – Amanda Becker


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Republicans Tell RNC Chairman Reince Priebus To De-Fund Trump.”


— Donald Trump’s Other Campaign Foe: The ‘Lowest Form of Life’ News Media – ALEXANDER BURNS and NICK CORASANITI  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois WHO BLAME ME FOR THEIR PROBLEMS, WHO BLAME ME FOR YOUR PROBLEMS, WHO BLAME ME FOR MY PROBLEMS, AND WHO BLAME ME FOR EVERYONE’S PROBLEMS.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: NYT promotes pot in America big time.  If you promote pot in America, you want to destroy America.


— If Donald Trump ever cleans up his act, Hillary Clinton could have a problem – Callum Borchers
— Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.): Trump-led losses might give conservatives ‘leverage’ – David Weigel (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trump as being a conservative.)


— Priebus: Don’t sweat Trump’s bad press – Daniel Halper
— Trump: The only way I can lose Pennsylvania is if ‘they cheat’  (DIERSEN: Democrats are moral relativists who believe that their end justifies their means.  Democrats are disciples of Saul Alinsky.)


— How Rich Candidates Try To Appeal To Working Voters – SARAH MCCAMMON


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti- Trumps say “Warning of election fraud, Trump sparks fear that his backers may intimidate minority voters.”  How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Democrats?)


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Trump Running Mate Mike Pence Tries to Get Republicans on Board  As GOP nominee inflames tensions, vice-presidential pick reaches out to party stalwarts – REID J. EPSTEIN
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: How Elites Forsake Their Countrymen- Peggy Noonan  (DIERSEN: Who are the elites in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois?  How much religious, government, political, and/or financial clout do they have?  What do they think of you?  Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents hint/imply/argue/shout at the elites in Wheaton, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois that me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails have caused all their problems, are causing all their problems, and will forever cause all their problems.)
— Tattoo That Knows When You’re Drunk  New electronic sensors that can read your blood-alcohol level could help limit drunk driving or tell bartenders when it’s time to cut you off – DANIEL AKST  (DIERSEN: If you are involved in government and/or in politics, you should not drink booze.)
— Good News for M.B.A. Students: Tuition Is Now More Deductible  A specialized tax court’s decision seen as a win for M.B.A. students – LAURA SAUNDERS  (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that the courses that I took were a) not job-related, b) did not help me carry out my job duties, c) were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, and d) were a distraction.  They would not have done that if I had been a Democrat, minority, female, younger, or a veteran.)
— Donald Trump’s Poll Numbers Move Markets—in Mexico  Peso has zigged as U.S. presidential candidate’s standing with voters has zagged; skeptics say link is ‘nebulous’ – ANTHONY HARRUP  (DIERSEN: Democrats and RINOs a) glorify and praise Mexico and its citizens, millions of whom are in America illegally and b) demonize, denigrate, and condemn America and its citizens.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps ask “Could the RNC Turn Its Back on Donald Trump?”  Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, and RINOs turn their back on you if you refuse to join them in promoting LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, race and gender based preference giving, age discrimination, pot, booze, and other vices, the abolishment of the First and Second Amendments, etc.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Angry white men love Trump, and here’s why.” – Kai Ryssdal
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Many blue-collar white Americans are upset at the state of this country. Our society and economy has rapidly changed over the past few decades, and they’ve watched their way of life crumble. Their jobs are gone and they can no longer afford to send their kids to college. At the same time, their “silent majority” is disappearing as the American populous rapidly becomes more diverse, and the people who were once disenfranchised minorities are granted a leg up. The men who bought into the American Dream are now frustrated that the social contract they felt entitled too has been broken and that they have been forgotten. And in the midst of this anger, they’ve latched onto someone they feel can make it all right again: Donald J. Trump)

August 12 Evening Edition



— Duckworth Told Colbert She’d Be ‘Fine’ With a Border Wall in 2014  During a 2014 interview with Stephen Colbert, Rep. Tammy Duckworth said she would be “fine” with a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico. – Tom Schuba


— Rauner vetoes automatic voter registration bill – Rick Pearson
— Kane Co. Cougars host Political Corruption Night Thursday – Mike Danahey


— Rauner vetoes automatic voter registration bill – Tina Sfondeles


— Rauner vetoes automatic voter registration – AP
— Matt Murphy announces his Senate resignation – Mike Riopell
— Mundelein trustees at odds over critical Facebook posts – Russell Lissau  (DIERSEN: How do you react when activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, their operatives, and their dupes insult/slander/threaten you in public?  So far, my policy has been to forgive those who trespass against me, but I am reconsidering that.)
— Illinois Millennials deserve a better deal than Social Security – David Barnes  (DIERSEN: All during the almost 30 years that I worked for the federal government, my earning credits toward a Civil Service Retirement System pension helped me deal with the vicious efforts of my Democrat superiors, Democrat supervisors, Democrat coworkers, and Democrat subordinates to waste my career and to get rid of me.)
— Group making push to preserve McKee House near Glen Ellyn – Robert Sanchez


— The Clintons’ tax return: What they made, what they paid – Bloomberg  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about how my Democrat superiors, Democrat supervisors, Democrat coworkers, and Democrat subordinates in the federal government demonized, denigrated, and condemned me and then my wife and me as being selfish filthy rich DINKs (dual income, no kids). They hinted/implied/argued/shouted that we would be poor if I had not avoided the draft or if we had children.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her husband, former president Bill Clinton, earned adjusted gross income of $10.6 million in 2015 and paid $3.6 million in federal income taxes, according to a tax return her campaign released today as it sought to draw a contrast with her Republican rival, Donald Trump. The couple paid an effective tax rate of 34.2 percent and donated 9.8 percent of their adjusted gross income to charity—including a $1 million gift to the Clinton Family Foundation—according to the return. Today’s release adds to eight years of returns that Hillary Clinton’s campaign made public last year. “All told, the Clintons have made their tax returns public for every year dating back to 1977,” according to a campaign news release. In releasing the return, along with 10 years of tax information for her running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, Clinton’s campaign once again tried to create a contrast between her and Trump over transparency in their personal finances.)
— Why Rauner is pushing term limits so hard – RICH MILLER (DIERSEN: What do your critics/opponent push the hardest?  My critics/opponents push LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, pot, booze, gambling, race and gender based preference giving, age discrimination, abolition of the Second Amendment, destruction of those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, destruction of those like me who have sued them, etc.)
— BEYOND OUTRAGEOUS: Attorney general: The state doesn’t need to honor contracts – STEVEN R. STRAHLER


— After verbal missteps, Trump blames others – AP


— Area legislators speak at pro-life breakfast  Aug. 6 event sponsored by Illinois Citizens for Life – ERIC SCHELKOPF
— New College of DuPage president to speak at Illinois State Fair  Ann Rondeau to give keynote address as part of fair’s Veterans Day


— Fake Newspapers Misleading Will, DuPage County Residents: State Senator  Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant is asking all candidates to sever communications with the papers. – Scott Viau  (DIERSEN: When will Scott Viau write an article about newspapers, television stations, radio stations, websites, etc. that deny that they are arms of Democrat Party but act like they are arms of the Democrat Party?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Newspapers distributed recently in Will and DuPage counties are actually political mailings funded by radio show host Dan Proft and Gov. Bruce Rauner. According to 49th District State Sen. Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant, who issued a news release warning residents, Proft and Rauner fund the papers through the Liberty Principles PAC. Proft is chairman and treasurer of the Illinois Liberty Principles PAC. Proft, who hosts a radio show on AM 560 with Amy Jacobson, has long been a behind-the-scenes guy in Republican politics, working on Senate campaigns for Jack Ryan and Alan Keyes, gubernatorial campaigns for Patrick O’Malley and Steven Rauschenberger, and for several Republican municipal officials. Proft ran for governor himself in the 2010 GOP primary. The papers, as listed by the Illinois Press Association, are Chambana Sun, DuPage Policy Journal, East Central Reporter, Kankakee Times, Lake County Gazette, McHenry Times, Metro East Sun, North Cook News, Rock Island Today, Sangamon Sun, SW Illinois News, West Central Reporter and West Cook News. Not included in the IPA’s list is the Will County Gazette, but its website is nearly identical in layout and design to the other papers’ websites. It also lists the same publisher, Locality Labs. The IPA issued a statement saying the papers are not members of the association, nor are they eligible for inclusion: Obviously, the IPA respects the First Amendment protections of freedom of speech and freedom of the press which allows each of us the right to speak freely, and publish newspapers or newsletters if we wish. While imitation is the highest form of flattery, the IPA cautions readers to become as news literate as possible; that is, to try to determine the source behind the news and information they receive and to question the legitimacy, integrity and intent of both the source and the message. “I echo the IPA’s warning that everyone who receives these publications seriously question their integrity,” said Bertino-Tarrant in a news release. “This is not about the First Amendment, this is about a super PAC going to extreme lengths to mislead people in order to push a political agenda.” The network of fake papers were found by the Illinois State Board of Elections to be in violation of the Campaign Disclosure Act for not including “paid for” attributions and in violation of Illinois law that prohibits Independent Expenditure PACs from colluding with candidates for the newspapers’ interviews with single-party candidates, Bertino-Tarrant said. “Despite the Board’s rulings, the fake papers continue to conduct interviews with candidates and multiple print editions of the papers, including The Will County Gazette and DuPage Policy Journal, fail to list a ‘paid for,’” she said. Locality Labs is reportedly run by Brian Timpone, who did not return a phone message seeking information on the newspapers. Emails sent to the Will County Gazette and the DuPage Policy Journal were not returned. The websites do not list a phone number. Timpone previously ran Journatic, which was fired by the Chicago Tribune for plagiarism and using fake bylines, according to Crain’s Chicago Business. Will County Republican State Senate Candidate Michelle Smith has appeared in the Will County Gazette and the DuPage Policy Journal numerous times, according to Bertino-Tarrant. Smith’s campaign spokesman, Jack DeMeulenaere, said it’s important to reach out directly to voters. “Which is why our campaign conducts interviews with a variety of news organizations and citizens groups, in compliance with election laws,” he said in an email to Patch. Bertino-Tarrant is asking all candidates to sever any communications with the papers. “Voters deserve integrity with their news, not political propaganda masquerading as news,” she said in a news release.)


— A comprehensive review of the most absurd benefits in the AFSCME collective bargaining agreement – Mailee Smith


— Malia Obama making news as party girl  (DIERSEN: Were you a party girl/boy?  I was not. What did you do when you were 18 years old?  During 1966 and 1967, I was a full-time UIC student.  I pumped gasoline part-time for John’s Sinclair in South Chicago Heights, then I delivered mail part-time for the Park Forest Post Office, and then I worked full-time for the Post Office during the summer of 1967.  I drove a 1966 Pontiac Tempest Sprint that I had bought new with money that I had saved washing dishes for the minimum wage in the basement of the S.S. Kresges in Chicago Heights 1964-1966.  I lived with my parents and brother in Crete.  If I had not sought and obtained a student draft deferment, in all likelihood, I would have been drafted.)
— Media bias could wind up helping Trump


— Journalism’s double standard  Major media go rogue in siding with Clinton against Trump – Joseph A. Morris
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Every time a David Duke or some other marginal Klan-connected or neo-Nazi lowlife crawls out from under a rock and gratuitously endorses Donald Trump (or anyone else, particularly a Republican or a conservative), the mainstream media call breathless attention to the news. They further demand that Mr. Trump or the other endorsee renounce the unsolicited and unwanted endorsement.  It’s a brilliant stratagem by the media. There is an inexhaustible supply of otherwise ignored extremists who rise to the bait: Endorsing Donald Trump or a respectable Republican or conservative is the one sure way for a bigot or an extremist to get a minute’s worth of air time and six inches of ink. It also has the effect of tainting the supposedly supported candidate by association and advances the meme that Mr. Trump, the Republican Party or the conservative movement somehow makes it safe for racists, anti-Semites and bigots of all stripes to strut their stuff among decent people. But when the father of the homosexual-hating jihadi who killed 49 people at a nightclub in Orlando showed up at a Clinton rally, applauded the Democratic presidential nominee and her campaign, the media played it quite differently. Hillary Clinton responded to questions not by repudiating the endorsement or the father’s suggestion that it was actually unnecessary for his son to kill the gays he targeted because Allah himself would have taken care of them in due time, but by saying merely that the campaign neither invited him nor knew he would be at the rally. Somehow, that was deemed an adequate response. And now, a left-wing David Duke of the most extreme variety has endorsed Mrs. Clinton. Yet it has neither raised the hackles of the media nor resulted in demands that her campaign explain or denounce the endorsement. Her endorser is no less a figure than the chairman of the Communist Party of the United States.)


— Trump’s Candidacy Has Ripped Apart Yale’s College Republicans – Blake Neff


— Reince Priebus Introduces Trump at Pa. Rally to Show GOP Unity – Todd Beamon
— Clinton Campaign Borrows Trump Line to Bash Him – Jason Devaney


— Priebus on Trump: ‘Don’t believe the garbage you read’ – Nolan D. McCaskill


— Why Trump’s Base Differs From The Typical Republican Crowd


— ‘Homosexuality contrary to God’s purpose’: Christian pastors fight Illinois ban on conversion therapy for LGBT minors – ARIEL ZILBER

August 11 Morning Edition

— Top Illinois GOP donor William Kunkler: Hopes Trump is ‘humiliated’ on Election Day – Rick Pearson  (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps are counting on Trump to lose big time in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, in Illinois, and in America.  Of course, anti-Trumps are already making plans to a) first get rid of Trump supporters in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, in Illinois, and in America and b) then get rid of all those in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, in Illinois, and in America who do not share their hatred of Trump.  If you are a member any of the following groups and you are not shouting your hated of Trump, the anti-Trumps will get rid of you: Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or your whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.  If you are of German national origin and/or if you are a draft dodger, you are in especially big trouble.  Anti-Trumps are moral relativists who believe that their end justifies their means.  Anti-Trumps are disciples of Saul Alinsky. If/when the anti-Trumps come to destroy you, what will you do?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A veteran Republican campaign donor who’s pushing for immigration reform says he hopes “Trump and his supporters are humiliated” on Election Day. William Kunkler, a private equity executive who backed Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s unsuccessful bid for the Republican presidential nomination, said he wasn’t voting for the GOP nominee and expected Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton would become president and move quickly to push immigration changes. “Republicans will be licking their wounds after the effects of Trump leading the ticket and should be willing to deal with (Clinton) on sensible reform,” Kunkler, co-chair of the Illinois Business Immigration Council, said at a panel hosted by the group and, the immigration advocacy organization founded by Facebook Chairman Mark Zuckerberg. Kunkler — who backed and helped bundle campaign cash for previous GOP nominees including Arizona Sen. John McCain and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney — was one of the few speakers to openly mention Trump by name to an audience at the tech incubator TechNexus in the Lyric Opera building. From the launch of his campaign in June of last year, Trump has vowed to build a wall on the Mexican border, called some immigrants from Mexico “criminals” and “rapists,” proposed to ban Muslims from immigrating and later expanded his plan to include immigrants from counties engaged in supporting terrorism. Calling Trump’s rhetoric “ugly and hateful,” Kunkler noted “the number of Latinos registered to vote has increased substantially (from 2012), and the turnout of this group is expected to be much higher to fight back against Trump. I support that fight and hope Trump and his supporters are humiliated at the polls.” John Rowe, former chairman of Exelon Corp. and another co-chair of the business council, said he found this election season “especially challenging for those of us who generally vote Republican.” Along with belief in “moderate taxes (and) individual responsibility,” Rowe said like-minded Republicans “also believe in people.” “We have an opportunity as a country to continue to make this melting pot work. It’s a challenge. We have no alternative but to make it work,” he said. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, who represents the Miami area, appeared on a panel with Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk, North Shore Rep. Robert Dold and state Senate GOP leader Christine Radogno. The Florida congressman said he was optimistic a comprehensive reform plan that addressed border security and people in this country illegally could be accomplished. Kirk and Dold have said they do not support Trump, while Diaz-Balart has said he will vote for the GOP nominee. “Eventually the (critical) noise has to settle, the window of opportunity will open — it doesn’t have to open much — and it requires the extremes to kind of just shut the hell up,” Diaz-Balart said. “I’m convinced that noise, which is a lot of noise, is a small part of our country.” Radogno said the “red meat” being fed low-information voters about immigrants and immigration needs to be replaced with education. “I think that one of the worst things that we can do, and we see that going on right now and we see it in both parties, is making immigration a political issue, and what we do is feed people’s lack of information, the misinformation that they have. I think if people are educated, they understand … that immigration makes sense from an economic perspective, from a business perspective.”)
— Who’s financing the fight against fair legislative maps? – Editorial  (DIERSEN: Who are your critics/opponents?  How much religious, government, political, and/or financial clout do they have? How much money and other things of value do they promise/give their operatives and their dupes to destroy you?  Operatives and dupes for my critics/opponents talk and act like they been promised lots of money, a new home, a new car, a sweetheart job, a sweetheart contract, favorable legislation, and lots more if they succeed in destroying me.)
— Trump compares Clinton to Blagojevich, accuses her of ‘pay to play’
— Vincent Persico, teacher, state legislator, lobbyist, dies at 67 – Bob Goldsborough
— See this, ‘honey’? ABA now says lawyers shouldn’t discriminate, harass – Phil Rosenthal


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump ‘joke’ was beyond reckless.”
— Don’t let digital campaign tools undermine democracy – Dick Simpson and Betty O’Shaughnessy
— SNEED: Sneed is told Ken Griffin, the state’s richest man — who happens to also be a Republican and a huge donor to GOPer Gov. Bruce Rauner’s coffers — has yet to donate any money to Trump’s presidential campaign.
— SNEED: Malia’s timing? Hmmm. The web was burning up with a RadarOnline report Wednesday first daughter Malia Obama, 18, was snapped smoking what looked like pot while twerking away at Lollapalooza in Chicago on Sunday, July 31. But hang on. Here’s a timeline: Longtime pal/attorney Brendan O’Connor left Sneed a phone message that Sunday to report he had just spotted Malia and her girlfriends at Lollapalooza at 4 p.m.; observed them for about 45 minutes; noted the retinue of Secret Service agents; and was stunned by Malia’s impressive composure. “Let me tell you, the Obamas would be very proud of the classy way Malia was handling herself,” O’Connor’s phone message stated. “I did not engage with them, but I was only 20 feet away,” O’Connor told Sneed on Wednesday, shortly after the alleged pot story broke. “Malia was sitting on the lawn with six girlfriends like normal kids, no VIP treatment. No guys in tow. All very respectful, and all behaving better than the average idiots attending the concerts. The Secret Service had a perimeter around her. And no one appeared to be drinking or smoking. They had walked around to see the group Years & Years and the singer Halsey.” Less than an hour later, RadarOnline claimed, Malia was tagged by a witness inhaling what smelled like pot passed to her by some guy while watching the Bryson Tiller concert. “I’d be very surprised,” said O’Connor. “The Secret Service may have been wearing casual shirts and summer shorts, but they were out in full force.” Well, hey.


— DuPage panel backs plan to use lobbying firms – Robert Sanchez  (DIERSEN: What do you lobby for?  I lobby for the Republican Party platform, the Illinois Republican Party platform, and the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling.  Of course, needless-to-say, those who reject all or part of the aforesaid work against me.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, the Daily Herald promotes Islam.


— What happens when women want promotions? See Hillary Clinton – EMILIA DIMENCO  (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, my superiors were always under tremendous pressure from Democrat politicians to hire, to retain, and to promote women.  If one of my Democrat female coworkers threatened to quit, and especially if she was a minority and/or younger, my superiors would bend the rules to keep her, if not break the rules to keep her.  To make way for women, my Democrat superiors in the federal government wasted the careers of and got rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— GOP Central Committeeman Floreth ‘100 percent’ with Trump – Bernard Schoenburg
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: SJ-R promotes 50 anti-Trump national security experts. What are you an expert on?  On what do you base that claim?


— Disgraced ex-congressman Mark Foley sits behind Trump at rally  Foley sent sexually explicit texts to underage teen boys – CNN  (DIERSEN: Are you an activist, candidate, elected official, party leader, major donor, political consultant, etc.?  Do you have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout?  Who do you want to sit behind you at your rallies?  Who do you NOT want to sit behind you at your rallies?)
— Donald Trump accuses Hillary Clinton of ‘pay-for-play’  New Clinton emails released – CNN


— Monee Residents Call For Mayor Farquhar To Step Down  Residents call for Monee mayor to resign after he is charged with felony aggravated battery – Chris Russell And Karen Haave


— Illinois Issues: A Crash Course In Economics  Campus communities in the state feel the consequences of drastic higher education cuts. – HANNAH MEISEL


— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON ILLINOIS AND ON AMERICA TIGHTENS: Report shows state won’t survive 2nd recession – Kelsey Gibbs


— Pastors File Federal Lawsuit Against Illinois – Laurie Higgins


— Democrat Strickland cheered timing of Scalia’s death as audience clapped  (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican?  How loudly will the Democrats, Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Greens, Green plants, and RINOs cheer and clap when you die?)
— Did an email help ‘our friend’ hang by neck?
— WikiLeaks offers $20K reward in shooting death of DNC staffer


— A Republican “Surrender” To Hillary? – George Rasley  (DIERSEN: RINOs are much closer to Democrats than they are to Republicans.)


— Group of Pitzer College Students Refuse to Live With Whites: ‘Don’t See How This Is Racist’ – Kate Scanlon


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Triumps say “Gloom sets in for GOP.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Triumps say “RNC chairman warned Trump to change campaign.” – Rebecca Savransky


— Trump Likes The Kurds. They’d Like An Apology.  (DIERSEN: I hereby again take back all the apologies that I have ever made, including the one that I made yesterday.  If my accusers give me their accusations against me in writing, I might reconsider.)


— Clinton, in Mormon pitch, compares Trump to religious persecutors – Dan Merica (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, if you do not promote Islam, Democrats and RINOs demonize you, denigrate you, and condemn you.)


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: One Ally Remains Firmly Behind Donald Trump: The N.R.A. – NICK CORASANITI and ALEXANDER BURNS
— FRONT PAGE: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats, Democrat plants, Libertarians, Libertarian plants, Greens, Green plants, and RINOs make it clear that they want to destroy America by turning everyone in America into a stoner.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats blame Baltimore’s police for Baltimore’s problems.
— Modest to Majestic: A Look at Hillary and Bill Clinton’s Homes Over the Years – AMY CHOZICKAU
— Stress Over Family Finances Propelled Hillary Clinton Into Corporate World – AMY CHOZICK  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents would stress that my wife has been employed since 1966, and were it not for her income, a) I might not have taken an $18,459 (21%) pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980 when I was 31 years old and b) I might not have succumbed to my Democrat GAO superiors’ pressure to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Yes, the Republican Party could leave Donald Trump high and dry to save itself.”
— OUTSTANDING: U.S. will affirm its prohibition on medical marijuana – Lenny Bernstein


— Malia Obama appears to be smoking pot at Lollapalooza – Natalie Musumeci


— Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Target Each Other’s Vulnerabilities  The GOP nominee questions his rival’s ethics and honesty while Mrs. Clinton stokes doubts about Trump’s temperament – BETH REINHARD and PETER NICHOLAS (DIERSEN: What are your vulnerabilities?  My vulnerabilities include the following: I am conservative, Republican, American, White, male, old (67), non-poor, a gun owner, all my ancestors immigrated to northeast Illinois during the 1840s and 1850s, I was baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran, I avoided the draft, my wife and I gave up trying to have children, we did not adopt, and we did not become foster parents, I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years and I have been federal retiree for almost 19 years, and I refuse to promote dependency on government, LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, abolition of the Second Amendment, race and gender based preference giving, age discrimination, or vices including pot, booze, or gambling.)


— This piling on must stop  News media fixate on Mr. Trump’s comments instead of fairly covering Clinton’s damaging actions. – Jeff Sessions
— Under fire, Trump always blames media – Rem Rieder  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes blame me for all the defeats that Republicans have suffered in Illinois since 2000. My critics/opponents a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and/or are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump has destroyed principled opposition to amnesty.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Hey, Trump Republicans  If you care for your party or your country, why are you still riding this runaway train?”


FOX 19
— Hamilton County GOP in Ohio endorses Trump – Steve Beynon (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican Precinct Committeeman/Captain?  At your next township, ward, and/or county party organization meeting, if you made a motion calling for the organization to endorse Trump/Pence, who would second that motion, what would you say in support of that motion, what would others say in support of that motion, what would others say in opposition to that motion, and would the motion pass or fail and by how much?  At the August 17, 2016 Illinois Republican Party (IRP) State Central Committee (SCC) meeting in Springfield, will your representative on the IRP SCC make a motion calling for the IRP SCC to endorse Trump/Pence?  If not, why not?)


— Creating safe places, one house at a time –  Geri Corey  (DIERSEN: Not that I need or want any kind of “safe place,” but the Wheaton Bowl Banquet Hall has certainly not been a “safe place” for me.  I should write a book about nasty, troubled, failed, and/or vicious people who since 2002 have bullied me, scolded me, berated me, intimidated me, browbeated me, demonized me, denigrated me, condemned me, and threatened me in the Wheaton Bowl Banquet Hall. The aforesaid a) talk and act like they have the authorization if not encouragement of those who own/operate the Wheaton Bowl and b) know that my policy has always been to forgive those who trespass against me and they are counting on me to keep that policy.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps as “Will Trump energize the Latino vote?” Ever-increasingly, Democrats shout at Latinos that Republicans have caused all the problems that Latinos have, are causing all the problems that Latinos have, and will forever cause all the problems that Latinos have.  If Clinton wins, what actions will she have Latinos take against Republicans?  Of course, she will have Latinos boycott Republicans, but what stronger actions will she have them take?)


— Donald Trump Says He’s OK With Losing the Election – Alexandra Mondalek  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, if/when Trump loses, anti-Trumps will first destroy Trump’s supporters and then they will destroy those who do not hate Trump.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: On Thursday while calling in to CNBC’s “Squawk Box” morning show, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said he’s “ok” with losing the election. “All I do is tell the truth, and if at the end of 90 days I’ve fallen short because I’m somewhat politically correct, even though I’m supposed to be the smart one, and even though I’m supposed to have a lot of good ideas, it’s ok, you know, I go back to a, a very good way of life. It’s not what I’m looking to do I think we’re going to have a victory, but we’ll see.” The most recent Real Clear Politics poll shows Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump by almost eight points, echoing Trump’s implication: He may very well lose. Of course, the poll numbers follow a series of gaffes the GOP nominee has made in the last few weeks, including making off-kilter comments on sexual harassment and insulting a Gold Star military family. Consistent with his past behavior, Trump hasn’t apologized for the political missteps, either. So, what would Trump do after the election? He could go back to managing his real estate business, though he’s not hurting for work (even though Trump-branded businesses have suffered.) He’s currently worth about $4.5 billion — or $10 billion, according to him.)
— Anita Hill Says Women Still Face an Uphill Battle Fighting Sexual Harassment at Work – Martha C. White  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, under the Democrats and under the RINOs, a) if you are male, the older that you are, the more that you are presumed to be a sexist and b) if you are White, the older that you are, the more that you are presumed to be a racist.)


— White House Watch: Clinton 43%, Trump 40%, Johnson 8%, Stein 2%
— Most Want to See Clinton, Trump Tax Returns, Medical Records  (DIERSEN: What is strongest thing that you can say about your health?  For me, it is that health problems have not stopped me from putting together and sending out a GOPUSA ILLINOIS email each and every morning since 2004 and also each and every evening since 2015.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Hillary’s New Deal: How a Clinton Presidency Could Transform America.  While Trump’s rise wrecks the GOP, Clinton’s success marks the resilience of the Democratic center.” – Sean Wilentz

August 5 Evening Edition



— State Rep. Says He Drives Uber Due to State Budget Woes  State Rep. Jaime Andrade Jr. started driving for Uber in June to supplement his income as Illinois’ budget woes continue to delay paychecks for elected officials. – Tom Schuba  (DIERSEN: Do/did you work a second job?  I worked part-time for the Firestone Store in Chicago Heights 1971-1972 while I worked for IRS in its downtown Chicago office in 1971 and in its Harvey office in 1972.)
— Nearly 1,000 CPS Teachers, Staff to Receive Layoff Notices


— Waiting On State Paycheck Spurs Lawmaker To Become Uber Driver


— Sandack police report “had nothing to do with” legislative duties – Chris Fusco and Tina Sfondeles
— Anti-abortion centers, doctor sue Rauner over ‘conscience’ law – Tina Sfondeles
— Rauner nixes debt collectors going after delinquent taxes – Tina Sfondeles


— Rauner signs bill that requires teaching teens how to handle being stopped by police – Monique Garcia
— Kirk: Good police-community relations ‘beyond my Senate office capability’ – Rick Pearson
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps ask “Can Donald Trump pass the fitness threshold?”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Sorry, GOP: Trump just isn’t going to ‘pivot'”
— Protesters disrupt police superintendent
— Monee mayor charged with battery against ump at youth baseball game – Erin Gallagher
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps ask “Is Donald Trump testing his exit strategy?”
— CPS will continue to rely on borrowing as it prepares to release 2017 budgets – Juan Perez Jr.


— New roads boss replaces longtime Maine Township official – Christopher Placek
— Former modeling agent says he got Melania Trump’s visa – AP
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “McCain sticks by Trump despite myriad reasons not to.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Pence brushes off GOP concerns about Trump campaign.”


— Rauner signs law expanding voter access for 17-year-olds – AP (DIERSEN: Aside from attending school, what did you do when you were 17 years old?  My critics/opponents would stress that I washed dishes, cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline.)


— Is Illinois the next state to deal with ‘voter suppression?’ – RICH MILLER  (DIERSEN: Who does not want you to vote?  The following do not want me to vote: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— CPS lays off nearly 500 teachers, another 500 staff – STEVEN R. STRAHLER


— Rockford nonprofit pregnancy center in lawsuit against Gov. Bruce Rauner – Adam Poulisse


— Rauner vetoes bill on UI student trustee criteria – Tom Kacich


— Illinois Shrinking Special Funds – Greg Bishop


— Rauner signs Jack Franks bill giving McHenry, Lake counties gov’t consolidation powers – KEVIN P. CRAVER


— New state law reins in business-travel reimbursements for civil servants  (DIERSEN: During the 1970s, IRS purposely made its definition of a “commuting area” vague so that IRS could use that definition a) to reward its employees who were Democrat, minority, female, and/or veteran and b) to punish its employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran.  SEE:


— Trump floats Ivanka for Cabinet, prompting Clinton jab  Clinton references Mitt Romney in tweet – David Wright
— Clinton admits she may have ‘short circuited’ answers on email controversy  Clinton: Trump doesn’t represent who we are – CNN


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, pot pushers push pot.


— David Olsen Becomes State Representative


— Judge Blocks Bid to Knock GOP Pol from Nov. Ballot – LISA KLEIN


— Illinois Forces Doctors, Medical Facilities to Promote Abortion; Pregnancy Centers File Suit in Response


— Rauner signs Bill amending the Open Meetings Act – John Kraft


— Rauner sends another $5 million to ILGOP


— Rauner sued over new “Right of Conscience” law
— Rauner ad promotes online term limits petition
— Rauner urged to stop playing politics with term limits  (DIERSEN: Who wants to term limit you?  The following want me to term limit me: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.  The aforesaid succeeded in ending my term as a) TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, b) Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member, c) Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster, d) Illinois center Right Coalition Steering Committee member, e) American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member, f) GAO employee, g) etc.)
— Governors State downgraded to junk status, ISU also hit
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Kirks ask “What the what? Kirk is totally confused on the facts.”
— Ousted SEIU official claims racial discrimination


— WHY WASHINGTON POST HAS NO CREDIBILITY  Matt Barber drubs writer for ‘shoddy journalism, intentional deceit’


— Paul Ryan strikes out at challenger; promises to continue criticizing Trump  (DIERSEN: Who strikes out at you?  Who criticizes you? The following strike out at me and criticize me: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Nuts to those who willfully put political correctness above all


— Oregon GOP Chairman to Priebus: Crack Down on Party’s Trump Bashers – Cathy Burke  (DIERSEN: Who are the leading “Republican” Trump bashers in Illinois, in your county, in your township/ward, in your municipality, and in your precinct?  What have they done and what will they do to punish Republicans because they do not bash Trump?  Should I write an article about how “Republican” Trump bashers have punished me and are punishing me because I do not bash Trump?)
— Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk Facing Uphill Re-Election Battle – Todd Beamon  (DIERSEN: Of course, anti-Trumps tell Kirk that the more that he bashes Trump and bashes Trump’s supporters, the more votes that he will get.)




— Gov’t Deciding Whether ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ Shirts and Hats Are Workplace Harassment


— Minnesota Democrat Congressman Keith Ellison Wants Anyone But Straight White Men To Apply For Internships – Peter Hasson (DIERSEN: GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.  IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.  The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.)
— Seattle City Gov Sponsoring ‘White Fragility’ Workshops – Peter Hasson


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Electoral map expands for Clinton, shrinks for Trump.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump endorses Ryan after week of tension.”


— Donald Trump endorses Paul Ryan – Tyler Pager and Cristiano Lima  (DIERSEN: Who has not and/or will not endorse you?  If I sought a government office or a political office, the following would not endorse me: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Clinton, Trump claim: first president since 1993 who hasn’t smoked pot – ROB HOTAKAINEN  (DIERSEN: Those promote pot and other destructive drugs, booze, gambling, promiscuity, and other vices have always worked against me.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: While President Barack Obama has never hid his penchant for pot during his younger days in Hawaii, Americans soon will elect a president who claims never to have touched marijuana. Republican Donald Trump boasts that he has never smoked a joint or a cigarette or even had a drop of alcohol. Democrat Hillary Clinton was adamant on CNN when asked whether she had ever taken a toke, replying that she never had and never would: “Absolutely not.” Despite their personal views, both of the major presidential candidates have pledged to allow the states to regulate marijuana, following the lead that Obama set in 2013. That would be welcome news for Washington state, Colorado, Oregon and Alaska, where voters have approved recreational marijuana, along with the 26 states that allow the drug to be used for medical reasons. But legalization backers still have one nagging question: Can you believe either Clinton or Trump?)


— Trump endorses Paul Ryan – Dana Bash, Jim Acosta and Eric Bradner


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti Trumps say “Trump-campaign chief admits conflict in ranks.”


— What colors give your car the best resale value? – JERRY EDGERTON  (DIERSEN: All the new cars that I have bought since 1989 have been red – 2016 Ford Mustang, 2013 Dodge Charger, 2005 Chevy Corvette, 1997 Chevy Cavalier, 1996 Ford Thunderbird LX, 1993 Ford Thunderbird, and 1990 Ford Thunderbird LX.)


— Donald Trump Endorses Paul Ryan in Bid to Heal G.O.P. Rift – NICK CORASANITI
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: On the Docket: Curbing Harassment in Court- Elizabeth Olson
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump’s Enablers Will Finally Have to Take a Stand.”
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Donald Trump Risks Alienating Military Communities in Swing States.”


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump endorses House Speaker Paul Ryan after refusing to do so days earlier.”


— Clinton wooing a new group of voters: Republicans – AP


— FRONT PAGE: Terrorist Suspects in Europe Got Welfare Benefits While Plotting Attacks  Some of those involved in Paris and Brussels attacks were collecting unemployment in Belgium – MARK MAREMONT and VALENTINA POP


— Clinton calls on Americans to reject Trump’s “ugly impulses.”  Democrats are nasty.  They are moral relativists who believe that their end justifies their means. They are disciples of Saul Alinsky.  RINOs are far more critical of Republicans than they are critical of Democrats.  Many, if not most, if not virtually all RINOs are really Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, or Green plants.


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Drip, Drip, Drip” and ask “How long can Republican leaders cling to Donald Trump’s traveling circus?”


— Agency leadership, job satisfaction matter in feds’ decisions to retire – Nicole Ogrysko  (DIERSEN: During August and September of 1997, when I was 48 years old, my Democrat GAO superiors made it clear that they would kill me figuratively, if not literally, if I did not take their early retirement “offer” by the end of September. They hinted that they might let me work another 6 years until I would be eligible for regular retirement, but only if I happily agreed to be demoted figuratively, if not literally. SEE:  Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents side with my Democrat GAO superiors.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Age matters, but federal employees’ overall job satisfaction and experience with their agency’s leadership also could be important as an aging federal workforce makes retirement plans. “The two things that really seemed to make a difference, where the agency could have some impact on employee decisions, was the overall leadership of the agency and the person’s attachment to their particular job,” said Dr. Greg Lewis, co-author of a new federal retirement report and a public management and policy professor at Georgia State University. Lewis and co-author David Pitts examined federal personnel records for employees ages 50 and older and analyzed feedback from the 2012 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. They used that data to determine what other factors — besides employees’ ages — might factor into their decisions to retire from the civil service. They looked at responses to six questions on the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey that evaluated a person’s satisfaction with agency leadership, supervisors, recognition and rewards, experience with co-workers, opportunities for advancement and pay, as well as overall job satisfaction.)

August 3 Morning Edition

— Trump’s Purple Heart Draws Rebuke From Illinois Vets – Charlie De Mar
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Tuesday showed off a Purple Heart he received from a supporter, just days after feuding with the parents of a U.S. soldier killed in action. “I always wanted to get the Purple Heart,” he said at a campaign stop Tuesday. “This was much easier, but I tell you it was such an honor.” The Purple Heart is given to soldiers who are wounded in combat and many veterans are upset the Trump accepted it, especially after he received five deferments to avoid the Vietnam War. Thomas Kapsalis received a Purple Heart in World War II, after he was wounded in the Battle of the Bulge. His leg was nearly blown off and he still has shrapnel in his body. “All hell broke loose, airplanes coming and bombing us, and I was up on the front lines,” he told CBS 2’s Charlie De Mar. He was held captive for five months and was awarded the Purple Heart for his bravery and sacrifice. When he enlisted, he said, he was “afraid to even shoot my rifle.” “You cannot get the Purple Heart unless you shed blood,” Kapsalis said. Trump’s remarks are not sitting well with him. “I don’t understand why he’s saying that,” Kapsalis said. Illinois congresswoman Tammy Duckworth posted a photo on Twitter of her with her Purple Heart, with a message directed at Donald Trump.)


— Child care agency looks past state subsidies to survive – Mark Brown  (DIERSEN: What percent of those in Illinois, in your county, in your township/ward, in your municipality, and in your precinct depend on state subsidies to survive?  Under the Democrats and under the RINOs, the aforesaid percentages will only increase.)
— Without clout, judge says no appeal in boring job – Dan Mihalopoulos  (DIERSEN: What do you do and how boring is it?  I spend 10+ hours each and every day putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out.  What I do is not boring at all, but it is extremely stressful. I am constantly reminded of how individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors ARE INCREASINGLY SUCCESSFUL IN GETTING RID OF THOSE WHO ARE Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.  I am constantly reminded of the successes that those who promote dependency on government; LGBTQ activity; abortion; mass/illegal immigration; abolition of the First and Second Amendments; pot, promiscuity, booze, gambling and other vices; political affiliation discrimination; reverse discrimination; age discrimination; etc. are having.)
— With cops turning down OT, groups mobilize residents on Labor Day – Angie Stewart  (DIERSEN: How much crime and what kind of crime do you anticipate will be committed over the Labor Day weekend in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois?  Who do you anticipate will commit those crimes?  Why do you think they will commit those crimes?)
— High-profile conservative Ben Shapiro banned at DePaul – Stefano Esposito and Mitch Dudek (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, DePaul does things that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.  I earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980. How soon, if not already, will DePaul rescind it?)


— Rauner panel to meet on school funding formula – Monique Garcia  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, Democrats want to a) take more tax dollars away from Republican areas and b) give those tax dollars to Democrat areas.)
— Chicago to test for lead in water on higher-risk streets – Michael Hawthorne (DIERSEN: How old are you?  How much lead did you ingest when you were young and during the last 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, 50 years, 60 years, etc.?)
— Donald Trump spokeswoman blames Obama for 2004 Muslim soldier’s death  (DIERSEN: Are you involved in government and/or in politics?  Who are your spokespersons?  Do they read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails?)


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH GRAPHICS: Taxpayers cover $4 million in teachers’ college costs – Jake Griffin  (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, except for some small tuition reimbursements, I used my time and my money to earn a job-related bachelor’s degree, three job-related master’s degrees, and two job-related professional certifications. My Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that the courses a) were not job-related, b) did not help me carry out my job duties, c) were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, and d) were a distraction.  They would not have done that if I had been a Democrat, a minority, a female, or a veteran.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Taxpayers in 70 suburban school districts paid more than $4 million last year to send 3,085 teachers back to college. The tuition reimbursement programs are meant to attract and keep teachers. But they do more than that. Since teachers’ salaries are commonly tied to their education levels, taxpayers essentially are paying to help teachers make more money. And since salaries are the biggest driver of teacher pension costs, those taxpayer-funded classes are also helping increase pension obligations. Tuition reimbursement for teachers came to nearly a half-million dollars in both Palatine-Schaumburg High School District 211 and Northwest Suburban High School District 214. Other school districts spent far less, and some, like Elgin Area School District U-46 and Naperville Unit District 203, have no tuition coverage for teachers and spent nothing. That’s according to school district financial records obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests.)


— Nick Provenzano resigns from McHenry County Board to work for Hultgren – KEVIN P. CRAVER


— Rauner signs bill altering health care ‘right of conscience’ law – Dean Olsen (DIERSEN: Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform.  In Illinois, if you are not going to defend and advance the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) platform, you should not seek or hold any kind of government or political office as a Republican.  The Illinois Democrat Party (IDP) platform promotes abortion.  The IRP platform discourages abortion.  One could argue that if you sign bills that promote the IDP platform, you are a Democrat.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Opponents of the bill included the Illinois Family Institute, which said the changes in the more than 40-year-old law — recognized previously as one of the broadest in the country — will reduce religious freedom. “It is going to force pro-life doctors and nurses to violate their conscience,” David E. Smith, executive director of the not-for-profit institute, said Tuesday. However, Brigid Leahy, Planned Parenthood’s director of public policy, said: “This is not a violation of religious freedom. The whole purpose of this is to prevent harm. Religious rights should not be allowed to cause harm to another person.” Smith said the Tinley Park-based institute was “extremely disappointed” in Rauner. “We thought he was for smaller government and individual rights,” Smith said. “Instead, he chose to side with the Democrats and tyrannical government.” Asked to respond, Rauner spokesman Andrew Flach said in an email, without elaborating, that Rauner “has never pushed a social agenda and remains committed to government, economic and education reforms that can turn around Illinois.”)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Sex advocates glorify and praise Rauner. According to this article, Rauner spokesman Andrew Flach said, “Gov. Rauner has never pushed a social agenda.”  If you sign bills that push the Democrat Party’s social agenda, you are not a Republican.)


— Republicans push for term limits, district map reform at Minooka event  Durkin wants Madigan to allow vote on constitutional amendments – MIKE MALLORY


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps promote anti-Trumps.


— Term limits, Gov. Rauner? – Editorial


— The Latest: Trump campaign raises $80 million – AP


— Khan to Trump: ‘Put that Purple Heart back’  Trump received draft deferment due to bone spurs in heels – CNN  (DIERSEN: How soon, if not already, will the anti-Trumps shout that I am an unpatriotic cowardly draft dodger because I sought and obtained a) student draft deferments 1966-1970 and b) a financial hardship draft deferment 1970-1971?)


— Oak Park approves a minimum wage proposal  Ordinance falls short of demands for $15 village-wide minimum wage – Timothy Inklebarger  (DIERSEN: I worked for far less than $15/hour in today’s dollars until I was 18 years old.  I would not have gotten the job that did pay $15/hour in today’s dollars if I had not had a high school diploma, had not passed an employment examination, had not passed a physical examination, had not had a drivers license and a good driving record, had not passed a truck driving test, had not passed a background check, had not had a car that I could/would use to make deliveries from, and if I had not been available to work all Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, and holidays.)–minimum-wage-proposal/


— Teen’s Parents Sue High-School Locker Room Peeper and School Administrators  A federal lawsuit alleges Dist. 218 administrators were aware of other complaints about the employee prior to the locker-room incident. – Lorraine Swanson


— Student group seeks faculty support after conservative speaker ban – Jackson Danbeck, Rachel Hinton  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, DePaul does things that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.  I earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980. How soon, if not already, will DePaul rescind it?)


— Using the Illinois Municipal League to Justify Illegal and Improper Activity – John Kraft


— Top Cops Praise Rauner; Homeschooling Up 50%; Durkin Pushes Term Limits


— Gill challenges signature barrier to ballot  Independent candidates face unfair burden, lawsuit claims – Patrick Yeagle,-lawsuit-claims.html


— War on Taxpayers: AFSCME Threatens to Strike – Pat Hughes




— Rauner appointees are 75 percent white, 75 percent male, but no data to compare to Quinn
— Yard signs don’t vote, but they’re here to stay


— What Do Abortion, Gov. Bruce Rauner And Donald Trump Have In Common?


— Report: Top GOP Officials ‘Actively Exploring’ How To Replace Trump If He Drops Out – ALEX PFEIFFER


— Platforms Offer a Stark Choice – Phyllis Schlafly


— No freedom of speech for conservative speakers at DePaul University  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, DePaul does things that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.  I earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980. How soon, if not already, will DePaul rescind it?)
— Not All US Muslim Soldiers Are Equal – Michelle Malkin


— Rauner signs bill forcing pro-life doctors to promote abortion – Bradford Richardson  (DIERSEN: Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform.  In Illinois, if you are not going to defend and advance the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) platform, you should not seek or hold any kind of government or political office as a Republican.  The Illinois Democrat Party (IDP) platform promotes abortion.  The IRP platform discourages abortion.  One could argue that if you sign bills that promote the IDP platform, you are a Democrat.)


— ‘Racist Out!’: Watch How ‘Black and Brown’ Activists Forcibly Remove Trump Supporter From NYC Park – Kate Scanlon
— Planned Parenthood Excoriated Over Response to Trump ‘Kicking Out’ Crying Baby – Kate Scanlon


— Fears grow as military pulled into presidential politics – Kristina Wong
— Duckworth hits Trump over Purple Heart – Ben Kamisar


— Anti-Trump Republicans caught in quandary  Even as a few move to Hillary’s camp, many remain reluctant to help a Democrat, but lack a clear idea of what to do instead. – Kyle Cheney  (DIERSEN: Who are the “anti-Trump Republicans” in Illinois, in your county, in your township/ward, in your municipality, and in your precinct?  How far will they go to get rid of Republicans who support Trump?)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps promote anti-Trumps.


— RNC Chairman Priebus ‘Apoplectic’ Over Trump’s Refusal to Endorse Ryan – KATY TUR  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about “Republican” candidates in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who I have helped elect who not only refuse to endorse me for anything, but who a) blame me for their problems, b) blame me for your problems, c) blame me for my problems, and d) blame me for everyone’s problems. Many, if not most, if not virtually all of the aforesaid read my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails to get information to use against me.  The aforesaid either did nothing to help me keep the following positions or they helped my critics/opponents get rid of me: TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member, Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster, Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member, and American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board of directors member.)


— Donald Trump Steps Up Criticism of Khans and G.O.P. Leaders – ALEXANDER BURNS


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Paul Ryan’s Trump dilemma has gotten much, much worse.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Donald Trump’s Washington Post interview should make Republicans panic.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Donald Trump has wasted half of the general election with nothing to show for it.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “there has never a better chance to cut Trump loose.”
— Trump on how women should deal with harassment: It’s ‘up to the individual’ – Katie Zezima and Philip Rucker (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, virtually all my superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates were Democrats. While I worked for the Post Office, I was able to deal with their harassment for almost 3 years. While I worked for IRS, I was able to deal with their harassment for almost 9 years. While I worked for GAO, I was able to deal with their harassment for almost 18 years.)–and-draw-fire/2016/08/02/9814549e-58c5-11e6-9aee-8075993d73a2_story.html


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say Trump campaign insiders say “Trump getting “nuttier and nuttier.”


— Gold Star mom to Trump: ‘How would he feel if he lost his child?’ – Hamed Aleaziz  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats divert attention away from those who kill American soldiers.  Beyond overwhelmingly, those who kill American soldiers say that they do it to advance Islam.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump candidacy only deepens difficulties for Collins, other Republican women.”


— Trump Withholds Ryan, McCain Backing as Payback Roils GOP – Billy House


— IRS Increases ‘Marriage Penalty,’ Unmarried Cohabitants To Get Twice The Mortgage Interest Deduction – Tony Nitti


— Election 2016: How Leaders Can Keep Employees Focused on Work, Not Politics – Mary C. Kelly and Peter B. Stark (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, employers who are Democrat focus on a) not hiring, retaining, or promoting Republicans and b) getting rid of their employees who are Republican.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: As the Presidential election heats up, employees are spending more time watching the news, checking their social media accounts and hanging out by the water cooler discussing the candidates – all at the expense of lost productivity and possibly igniting personnel conflicts that will simmer long after the votes are cast. “This election year is running high on emotion, ugly rhetoric, and polarization. Unfortunately, some of the angst associated with the issues of the election are creeping into the workplace. People are angry. Angry people are less productive. What does a great leader do?” asks Mary C. Kelly, PhD., co-author of the new leadership book, “Why Leaders Fail.” She and co-author, Peter B. Stark created a list of five guidelines for leaders who want to succeed: 1. Raise the bar and set expectations for performance. Employees who have a lot of time to talk about politics do not have enough to do. Make it clear to your teams that what we do is important, and we need everyone to focus on doing their job to succeed. 2. Demand a culture of respect. Make sure everyone knows that there will always be differences of opinions, but in the workplace we will always have a culture of respect. You don’t have to like other people’s opinions, but you do have to respect the fact that they are entitled to opinions that are different from yours. You may not like someone’s politics, but that doesn’t mean you get to disrespect them. 3. Remind employees of uniting factors. Ultimately what unites us is a desire to work, provide for our families, and make a difference in the world. We all want to be successful, support others, and be a positive role model in the community. Remind people that at work, we need to stay focused on what unites us: the mission, vision and goals of the company. 4. Agree to disagree. Leaders know not everyone is going to agree on every decision or every issue, and that is true in the workplace as well as politics Allow people the freedom to respectfully discuss, but make sure the diatribe remains thoughtful, civil, and respectful. 5. Limit distractions. Most of our clients in the business world have one thing in common. They complain they have way too much to do and not enough time to get all their work done. We cannot waste time with distraction. Leaders can help limit distractions by holding people accountable for the on-time achievement of their goals. Emotions are running high this year because voters perceive that their leaders have failed them. In their 2016 book, “Why Leaders Fail and the 7 Prescriptions for Success” the authors analyze why good people, when promoted, hired or elected, so often fail. One of the top failures happens when leaders lose the trust of the people they are supposed to lead. “Trust is hard to earn and easy to lose,” said Stark, CEO of Peter Barron Stark Companies says. “And it can happen when leaders often are not paying attention to what matters to their people.” Another failure is when leaders try so hard to be popular that they allow their need to be l­­iked to interfere or even dictate their decision. “We all want to be liked on some level,” agrees Kelly, CEO of Productive Leaders, “but relying on popularity to run an organization guarantees failure.” Good leadership is difficult and it can be tough, especially when the employees are worried about outside influences. Leaders have to stay focused so their people stay focused. Leadership means making decisions that are right for the organization and its people.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Sex Advocates Praise Rauner For Signing Bills


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps promote anti-Trumps.


— Vancouver slaps 15% tax on foreign house buyers in effort to cool market  Canadian authorities have taken action to tackle the affordability crisis in British Columbia’s biggest city where a detached home now costs C$1.56m – Ashifa Kassam

July 28 Morning Edition





— Feds indict woman who gave West Side alderman check for nearly $5,000 – Hal Dardick


— Cullerton Focused on November Election, Growing Supermajority



— Annual parade kicks off DuPage County Fair’s 5-day run – Cassie Buchman



— Obama boosts Clinton: Carry her like you carried me – AP  (DIERSEN: Who carries you?  My critics/opponents have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage  County, and in Illinois.  They have made it very clear that they will have their operatives and their dupes destroy any individual, organization, company, or government that supports me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)

— Can Amazon convince thousands to work at its warehouses? – MICAH MAIDENBERG (DIERSEN: GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.  IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.  The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.)



— Mike Pence: Donald Trump to bring conservative leadership to White House – Bill Glauber and Hannah Schwarz  (DIERSEN: Have the following invited Pence to speak in Illinois: Kirk, Rauner, Sanguinnetti, Munger, Schneider, Durkin, Radogno, your representative on the Illinois Republican State Central Committee, the chairman of your Republican county party organization, the chairman of your Republican township/ward party organization, etc.?  If not, why not?  Of course, needless-to-say, if I was still the chairman of TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, I would have invited Pence to speak at a TAPROOT event.  Of course, needless-to-say, if you got elected or appointed to a government or political office as a Republican, and you are not going to help elect Trump/Pence, you should immediately resign.)

(FROM THE ARTICLE: Making his first solo appearance of the national campaign, Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence swooped into Wisconsin’s GOP heartland to assure supporters that presidential candidate Donald Trump will bring conservative leadership to the White House. “Having the opportunity to know this good man, I truly believe this builder, this patriot, this fighter is going to make America great again,” Pence said. The Indiana governor joked that he was a “B-List Republican celebrity.” But as a social and fiscal conservative, he was dispatched to a part of Wisconsin that decisively rejected Trump during the April primary but which is key to Republican hopes of winning the state in the fall.)


— Report: Illinois lawmakers’ pay twice as high than in neighboring states



— Schimpf angry at tossed Independent Maps initiative  (DIERSEN: What are you angry at?  I am angry at those who a) work against planks in the Republican Party platform and/or the Republican Party platform and/or b) the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling.)



— Rep. Adam Kinzinger Stopping in Rockford for Opioid Roundtable  Congressman will discuss a bill passed through the House dealing with addiction. – CNN  (DIERSEN: What do you say those who promote smoking, booze, gambling, illegal drugs, and other vices?  I am proud that the aforesaid vice-promoters work against me.)



— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, and/or anti-American promote booze.



— Raunner Apologizes to Chicago Teachers’ Union Over Email Remarks – April Leachman  (DIERSEN: I hereby withdraw all my apologies. If you want me apologize for something, put your accusations in writing and give them to me.)



— Challenges to sensible voter ID laws threaten confidence in the elections – Editorial  (DIERSEN: Those who are in America illegally use false identifications.  How many millions of them use those false identifications to vote for Democrats?)

(FROM THE EDITORIAL: Party conventions, first of the Republicans in Cleveland and this week of the Democrats in Philadelphia, first and foremost are about whose name goes on the top of the ballot. Before any votes are cast on Nov. 8, though, questions must be settled about identification rules determining who gets to cast a ballot. Voter identification laws, popularly called ID laws, have proliferated. Proponents say they prevent voter fraud. Opponents argue that the laws prevent minority voters from casting a ballot. Judges have been overturning them. In an age when hackers halfway around the world steal millions of identification records in the blink of an eye, the idea that no one should have to show who he says he is so he can vote, is silly.)



— Ex-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani Slams Democratic Party: ‘They’re Living in a Fantasy World’ – Kaitlyn Schallhorn

— Reid: Intel Agencies Should Give Trump ‘Fake’ Briefings Because He’s ‘Dangerous’ – Tre Goins-Phillips

— O’Reilly Condemns ‘Smear Merchants’ for ‘Dishonest’ Reports About His ‘Well Fed’ Slaves Remarks – Tre Goins-Phillips



— DNC Speaker Shouts Her Abortion and the Crowd Cheers – JOHN MCCORMACK



— Duckworth Suit Settlement Rejected, Case to Move Forward  Suit stemming from days in state government could be revived as issue in Senate race – Eric Garcia   (DIERSEN: In 1998, in Diersen v. Ford Motor Company and Packey Webb Ford, just before the trial was to start, I accepted the defendants’ settlement offer to a) fix the defects in my 1996 Thunderbird LX, b) give me $6,000, and c) give my attorney $6,000.)

— Kaine Chooses To Play Attack Dog in Convention Speech – Lindsey McPherson  (DIERSEN: Who are the leading attack dogs in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois?  Who do they serve as operatives or as dupes for?)



— Bloomberg offers scathing indictment of Trump – Peter Schroeder  (DIERSEN: If you sought a government office or a political office, who would offer a scathing indictment of you?  The following would offer a scathing indictment of me: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)



— Obama to Trump: America is already great – Stephen Collinson (DIERSEN: Under the Democrats and under the RINOs, America is ever-increasingly anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)



— Watch: Biden calls Trump’s professed commitment to the middle class ‘a bunch of malarkey’ (DIERSEN: Democrats and RINOs are committed to getting rid of Republicans, and especially Republicans who are Protestant, conservative, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)



— What’s missing from DNC protests? Talk of Trump – Kevin Johnson and Aamer Madhani



— Bernie supporters scarf down beans ahead of ‘fart-in’ protest – Daniel Halper and Chris Perez



— Who brags best about their state? Republicans or Democrats? – Brent Johnson and Jonathan D. Salant  (DIERSEN: Democrats and RINOs can brag about their success in driving the following out of Illinois: individuals, organizations, and companies that are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)



— Bloomberg vs. Trump: Will the Real Billionaire Tycoon Please Stand Up? – Ian Salisbury



— America does not feel ‘great’ to millions of Americans: Trump (DIERSEN: Under the Democrats and under the RINOs, America is ever-increasingly anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


NOTE: This email is less comprehensive because in computer/Internet difficulties.  The evening edition will include links to articles that otherwise would be in this email.   

July 27 Morning Edition

— Rauner finally talks about Sandack, but keeps mostly mum


— DuPage GOP and Will GOP Chairmen to interview H81 applicants
(FROM THE ANNOUNCEMENT: DuPage GOP Chairman Brian Krajewski and Will GOP Chairman Kathy Havel will hold interviews of applicants wishing to serve the remainder of State Representative Ron Sandack’s term and take the Republican ballot position for the 81st Legislative District. Applicants interested in filling the vacancies are encouraged to submit resumes to In-person interviews with the chairmen of the DuPage GOP and Will GOP will be scheduled with those who submit their names by Friday, July 29, 2016 by 7pm. Interviews will occur this Saturday, July 30, 2016 and are closed to the public. All those who apply must be residents of House District 81 and meet the other qualifications as prescribed by the Constitution of the State of Illinois.)


— DuPage, Will GOPs accepting applicants for Ron Sandack’s seat – NATHAN LURZ


— Mike Madigan: Democrats not involved in Ron Sandack cyber attacks – Tina Sfondeles and Chris Fusco  (DIERSEN: According to this article, Rauner said Tuesday “I heard about it yesterday morning.”  If Rauner read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails, he would have learned about it Sunday evening at about 9:15 PM when the GOPUSA ILLINOIS Special Edition hit subscribers’ inboxes.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: He’s known for his political brinksmanship, but House Speaker Mike Madigan said Wednesday he has no idea why Republican state Rep. Ronald L. Sandack — a top ally of Madigan’s nemesis, Gov. Bruce Rauner — abruptly resigned over the weekend. Asked Wednesday morning at a Democratic National Convention breakfast whether Democrats had any role in the cyber attacks that Sandack had cited in resigning, the Southwest Side Democrat replied “No. . . . I’ll let Sandack speak to what his problem is. I don’t know anything about it.” Sandack had been facing a challenge from Democrat Greg Hose in the November election — a race that might now be more winnable for Democrats with the much better-known Sandack off the ballot. “Again, I’d leave it up to Sandack to explain his problems,” Madigan said. Sandack issued a statement to the Capitol Fax political blog on Sunday saying that “cyber security issues” forced him to re-evaluate his “continued public service” and that he was resigning immediately. . .After declining to comment about Sandack on Monday, Rauner said Tuesday that he had no advance warning that Sandack had planned to resign. The governor’s statement only raised more intrigue about Sandack’s decision, as Sandack was one of Rauner’s most vocal advocates in the Legislature. “I really can’t comment much on Mr. Sandack’s situation,” Rauner told reporters after an event in downstate Auburn. “I heard about it yesterday morning, the same time I think most of you did. I’m not sure what all is going on there.”)
— Emanuel tries to counter perception of diminished national power – Fran Spielman  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents continue to boast of their religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois.  They continue to boast that their operatives and their dupes can destroy any individual, any organization, any company, or any government that they want to.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Republicans glorify and praise Clinton and her days in Park Ridge.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats shout that those who do not vote for Democrats are haters.
— Each Illinois legislator costs us an average of $100,000 a year


— Illinois Republicans move to get two Kirk opponents knocked off ballot – Rick Pearson
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Mindful of the adage that every vote counts, Illinois Republicans are trying to knock off the ballot two candidates seeking the U.S. Senate seat now held by first-term GOP Sen. Mark Kirk. Objections were filed this month against perennial candidate Chad Koppie of Gilberts and Eric Conklin of Le Roy. Koppie is running under the Constitution Party banner while Conklin filed as an independent. The objections were filed by Michael Bigger, the Republican state central committeeman for the 18th Congressional District and Stark County Republican chairman. He was appointed last fall by Gov. Bruce Rauner to be a member of the Illinois Human Rights Commission.)
— DNC protesters’ motives are suspect. Want dialogue? Remove the duct tape. – Clarence Page  (DIERSEN: From what I see, protestors are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors and THEY WANT TO ELECT CANDIDATES WHO CAN AND WILL USE GOVERNMENT TO TAKE MONEY AND OPPORTUNITIES AWAY FROM THOSE WHO ARE Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors and TO GIVE THAT MONEY AND THOSE OPPORTUNITIES TO THOSE WHO ARE anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Why the mainstream media smear that Trump is a racist won’t sick – Jonah Goldberg–tms–jgoldbrgctnjg-a20160727-20160727-column.html
— DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps promote Michelle Obama.
— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON CHICAGO TIGHTENS: Homicide rate surging for black Chicagoans, report finds – Dan Hinkel
— Hillary Thought Police and the Bernie kids – John Kass
— Did Bill Clinton just tell Toni Preckwinkle that Chicago is hers? – John Kass
— D204 pushing for election day changes to keep schools safe – Suzanne Baker  (DIERSEN: How dangerous are the voters in your precinct?)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: In a front page top of fold editorial unethically made to look like a news article, the Daily Herald calls for pay and benefits for Illinois legislators to be dramatically reduced.  The editorial stresses that Radogno received $129,247 in salary, stipends, health benefits, per diem and travel, and pension costs.  If the Daily Herald were to publish an editorial calling for federal pay and benefits to be dramatically cut, it might stress that 1997 in today’s dollars, GAO paid me $120,427 in salary plus benefits.)
— Meet the new Hillary Clinton, different from the old one? – AP
— When mini-investigations result in big reforms – Editorial
— It’s her party now: Democrats’ handoff to Hillary Clinton – AP  (DIERSEN: What are your demographics?  From what I see, Clinton despises, if not hates those who share my demographics.  My critics/opponents a) despise, if not hate Trump and b) support, if not glorify and praise Clinton.)
— Glass ceiling shattered – AP  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about women in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who focus on destroying me because I support the right to life and equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in the Republican Party platform.  These women blame me for their problems, for your problems, for my problems, and for everyone’s problems.  These women are involved in government and/or in politics to get rid of men, and especially men who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “We just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet,” a smiling Clinton declared as she made a surprise appearance on video at night’s end, to the roar of delegates. “This is really your victory,” she said, predicting that many more women will be nominated for president — and elected. Clinton’s long political resume – secretary of state, senator, first lady – has sometimes obscured the historic nature of her candidacy. Her supporters noted that Clinton’s achievement came nearly a century after women gained the right to vote in 1920. Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski nominated Clinton, saying she was acting on behalf of “all women who have broken down barriers for others.” Mikulski was the first Democratic woman to be elected to the Senate in her own right.)
— DuPage County Fair begins 5-day run in Wheaton today – Robert Sanchez
— Wheaton council debates creating new liquor license for fairground events – Jessica Cilella  (DIERSEN: Since I moved to Wheaton in 1878, those who drink lots of booze, those who want to drink lots more booze, and/or those who want everyone else to drink lots more booze have always worked against me.)


— Illinois Elections Will Likely Be Very, Very Expensive – Dan Weissmann


— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON CHICAGO TIGHTENS: Black Chicagoans 18 Times More Likely To Be Killed Than White Ones – Tanveer Ali


— Most Senate donors from outside Illinois – Tom Kacich


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors say that “Extremists flock to Trump’s banner.”


— Third Parties Gaining Interest This Election Cycle – LINDSEY HESS
— Aaron Schock Makes Appearance in Peoria Over Weekend – CNN


— Chris Kennedy Bickers With Press As He Considers Run For Illinois Governor – Tony Arnold  (DIERSEN: Who bickers with you?  The following bicker with me: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— DNC Gets Talk Of Governor’s Race Going – JORDAN ABUDAYYEH


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: What do you say to politicians in Illinois who claim to be Republican, but who a) glorify and praise the Democrat Rich Miller and his Democrat Capitol Fax and b) demonize, denigrate Republican Dave Diersen and his Republican GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails? Such “Republicans” a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In a statement given to news outlet Capitol Fax, Sandack cited “cybersecurity issues” as a driver of his decision, though has not responded to requests for comment from Suburban Life. Sandack was known as a prolific user of social media, but recently deleted both his Twitter and Facebook accounts.)


— What happens when an activist accuses a Tribune reporter of being a police spy – Michael Miner  (DIERSEN: Those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors ACCUSE ME OF BEING A SPY FOR THOSE WHO ARE Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.


— DNC Interim Chair Donna Brazile: Don’t Let “White Boys” Win…  (DIERSEN: How soon will the Democrat Party officially banish White males?  To hold a government office or a political office as a Democrat, you have to demonize, denigrate, and condemn Whites as being racists and men as being sexists.)


— Media Chooses to Belittle Gov. Rauner Instead of Empowering Readers – Brittany Clingen


— The cost of Illinois’ lawmakers – John Klingner, Ted Dabrowski


— Milo Yiannopoulis and Conservative Desperation – Laurie Higgins


— KAINE PROMISES BILL TO LEGALIZE ILLEGALS IN ‘1ST 100 DAYS’  Says Republicans ‘are going to have to work together to find a solution’  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs make it clear that they are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Billionaire LGBT Activist Partnering with Christians to Reach Millennials


— WikiLeaks Reveals Media Collusion (DIERSEN: What do you say to Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, and RINOs who falsely claim to be Republican?  In Illinois, in DuPage County, in Milton Township, in Glen Ellyn, and Wheaton, if you are an activist, candidate, elected official, party leader, major donor, political consultant, etc. who wants to shout that you really are a Democrat plant, a Libertarian plant, a Green plant, or a RINO, you give your news scoops to Democrat Rich Miller and his Capitol Fax rather than to Dave Diersen and his GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)
— Democrats finally add Old Glory to convention stage on second day


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps use David Duke demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trump.  Anti-Trumps are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.  Are you an anti-Trump?


— Priebus: Hillary Is ‘Most Disliked’ Dem Nominee Ever – Joe Crowe  (DIERSEN: Who says that you are disliked?  The following say that I am disliked: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Trump Reveals His ‘Not Very Republican’ Position on the Minimum Wage – Tre Goins-Phillips
— More Division at the DNC: Texas Breakfast Devolves into Clinton-vs.-Sanders Shouting Match – Leigh Munsil


— DNC ‘Interfaith’ Prayer Space Has No Sign Of Any Religion Except Islam – Rachel Stoltzfoos  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs make it clear that they will get rid of you if you do not promote Islam.  Democrats and RINOs have surrendered America, and therefore, and the rest of the world, to Islam.)
— Conservative Reporter Arrested By The Clintons In 1993 Makes The Case For Trump – William J. Kelly
— Dem Delegate Admits: ‘Common Sense Gun Control’ Is Just Code For Repealing Second Amendment – Christian Datoc


— Democrats break silence on Islamic State from convention stage – Donovan Harrell
— Video: Rep. Alan Grayson threatens to have POLITICO reporter arrested  The congressman was asked about accusations of domestic abuse. – Louis Nelson


— Threat to Legacy Gives Obama Powerful Motive to Stump for Hillary Clinton – MICHAEL D. SHEAR  (DIERSEN: QUESTION: What is Obama’s legacy?  ANSWER: Individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors HAVE EVEN GREATER POWER OVER THOSE WHO ARE Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hillary Clinton vows to close the wage gap for females.  (DIERSEN: That would mean a pay cut for many of my female Democrat IRS and GAO coworkers.  IRS and GAO paid many of my female Democrat coworkers more than me even though they had less relevant work experience, less job-related education, fewer job-related professional certifications, and/or fewer job-related professional licenses.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Michelle Obama is the Democrats’ best weapon against Donald Trump.”  Because she is a Black woman and because he is a White male, she can slander and libel him as being a racist, a sexist, a bigot and even worse things.  Democrats and RINOs a) allow if not encourage minorities to slander and to libel Whites and b) allow if not encourage women to slander and to libel men.)


— How do Americans feel about Black Lives Matter? – Priya Krishnakumar


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Hillary Clinton’s Historic Moment Divides Generations of Women  Presidential candidacy reflects hard-fought gains in gender equality so widespread that some women see little urgency in crashing another barrier – COLLEEN MCCAIN NELSON and JANET ADAMY  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about women in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who focus on destroying me because I support the right to life and equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) planks in the Republican Party platform.  These women blame me for their problems, for your problems, for my problems, and for everyone’s problems.  Theses women are involved in government and/or in politics to get rid of men, and especially men who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: If you are a Republican, the longer that your ancestors have been in America, the more that Democrats demonize you, denigrate you, and condemn you as being a racist, a sexist, a bigot and even worse things.
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Job-Hopping Is Losing Its Stigma – JOANN S. LUBLIN  (DIERSEN: Since you graduated from college, how often have you changed jobs? In 1971, I changed from Firestone Stores to IRS, and in 1980, I changed from IRS to GAO.  My Democrat IRS superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates were furious a) that carried over almost 3 years of full-time federal seniority that I gained working part-time for the Park Forest Post Office 1966-1969 while attended UIC and then NIU and b) that I carried over lots of unused sick days.  My Democrat GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates were furious a) that carried over almost 12 years of federal seniority that I gained working for IRS and for the Post Office and b) that I carried over lots of unused sick days and vacation days.  The aforesaid was one reason why GAO forced me to take an $18,459 pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO.)
— U.S. Jobless Picture Offers Room for Interpretation  Gauges used to measure unemployment vary in how they define who is out of work – JOSH ZUMBRUN  (DIERSEN: Are/were you out of work?  I have been out of work since 1997.  I should write a book about the reasons that my critics/opponents who have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois would give for my having been out of work since 1997.)


— BEYOND DISGUSTING: Marijuana lobby finds welcome vibe at the Democratic National Convention – Fredreka Schouten  (DIERSEN: Individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that promote pot are operatives or dupes for individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that want to destroy America. Are you an operative or a dupe for those who want to destroy America?)


— Trump protesters unveil “Wall of Shame” outside Doral fundraiser – ALEX DAUGHERTY AND KYRA GURNEY


— Liberals should practice the tolerance they preach – NICK REDONDO, Friendship
(FROM THE LETTER: I never realized that as a conservative Republican, Christian, white male and veteran what a horrible hate-filled racist, xenophobic, misogynist and all-around horrible person I am. Thanks to Rob Rogers’ July 21 cartoon and Oren Spiegler’s July 21 letter (“Republicans Should Regret Their Nominee Choice”), I now know that Republicans are racists, bigots and intolerant. I now realize how tolerant liberals are. I could definitely feel the love. To a liberal, compassion is when the government forcibly takes someone’s hard-earned money to give to someone else who didn’t earn it so that the government can create a culture of dependency and rob people of the joy of being self-reliant and free to determine their own future — thus stealing that person’s dignity. And that is what a liberal calls compassion? To a conservative, compassion is giving of one’s self, time, heart and money to help our fellow man. Gentlemen, please don’t pretend to know what is in my heart. I wonder if they have ever really been exposed to the disaster created by liberal government social programs. Please don’t try to clear your conscience by diminishing others who hold a different opinion and experience than yours. Practice tolerance!)


— What To Expect From Donald Trump’s Reddit Visit – Fernando Alfonso III


— Democrats playing race card – again – CRYSTAL WRIGHT—again
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Democrats promised that their coronation, I mean convention nomination, of Hillary Clinton was going to be an uplifting affair. Yet watching the first night of the Democrat National Convention felt like it was 1964 all over again. While Michelle Obama declared in her speech “when they aim low, we aim high,” Democrats pulled the entire deck of ugly race cards all night long. Then like now, Democrats stoked racial division to win votes and political power in America over the last half century. The only difference was then there was a white Democrat president. In 2016, we have a black Democrat president. Listening to Sen. Cory Booker yell that it was time for Americans “to rise up,” one wouldn’t think we had elected a black leader almost eight years ago. The night’s theme was how racially divided America has become — curiously, under the first black president. Between the boos yelled by Bernie Sanders supporters, it felt like riots might erupt at any minute on the convention floor as Sen. Elizabeth Warren ranted that Donald Trump was campaigning to divide America based on race, religion and gender. “But ask yourself this. When white workers in Ohio are pitted against black workers in North Carolina, or Latino workers in Florida, who really benefits?” Warren said. Democrats benefit from identity politics, not Republicans. It’s the classic playbook that Barack Obama used. In 2008 and 2012, Obama played the race card and won with historic levels of black voter turnout. And he’s used race throughout his entire presidency as a political weapon. So there’s no surprise that according to the Washington Post, more than 6 in 10 adults say race relations in the U.S. are bad. That’s 63% compared with 48% earlier this year. It’s probably not helpful when you have the first Black president of America praising black lives and blasting blue (police officer) and white lives. But blacks who voted for Obama at rates approaching nearly 100% have been left with nothing but higher unemployment, crime and less prosperity than whites. So, it was no surprise that Michelle Obama gave a fantastic speech Monday at the DNC in Philadelphia, stoking the rage of racial division that swept her husband into office. “I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves. And I watch my daughters, two beautiful, intelligent, black young women, playing with their dogs on the White House lawn. And because of Hillary Clinton, my daughters — and all our sons and daughters — now take for granted that a woman can be president of the United States.” Curiously, Michelle didn’t mention that while her black daughters were on the White House lawn playing, her husband was inside plotting ways to exploit race to win battles. He blamed his inability to negotiate and cut deals with a GOP Congress on his race and rushed to defend black men killed by cops before the facts were in. In addition to making amends with Hillary in Philadelphia, Michelle should have praised her husband for being an example to her daughters and kids everywhere that blacks are truly equal. But talk of equality does drive Democrats to the polls today. White president Lyndon B. Johnson and black president Obama are both Democrats who capitalized on race to win. And to borrow from Michelle’s words, “that is the kind of president that Hillary Clinton will be.”)


— Another Chance for Feds to Say How They Really Feel About How They Are Being Treated – Charles S. Clark  (DIERSEN HEADLINE: While I worked for GAO 1980-1997, my Democrat superiors and supervisors hinted/implied/argued shouted that their employees who were Democrat, minority, female, younger, and/or veteran wanted GAO to get rid of its employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The Merit Systems Protection Board on Tuesday announced that it is inviting federal employees and managers to begin completing the latest of its surveys on issues such as whether workers are being treated fairly, and recruitment and retention. The Web-based Merit Principles Survey will go out to 25 major agencies and departments, and 120,000 employees will be invited to complete it over the next four weeks. It is narrower in scope, smaller in sampling size and less frequent than the Office of Personnel Management’s annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. Voluntary and confidential, the MSPB questionnaire focuses on merit system principles and human resources policy and practice, the MSPB said in a release. The 2016 version of the statutorily required survey will inquire about “employee engagement, fair treatment and nondiscrimination, recruitment and retention, sexual and non-sexual harassment, HR services and addressing poor performance,” the board said. MSPB asked employee unions to encourage participation. To minimize burdens, MSPB will administer three versions of the questionnaire, each focused on a portion of the larger topics. Results and subsequent recommendations will go to “the president, Congress, and other federal decision-makers to promote merit-based and effective human resources policies and practices,” the board announced. A 2013 version of the survey found that more than a quarter of federal employees believed their supervisors demonstrated favoritism.)


— 2016 Merit Principles Survey on its way to federal employees – Sam Ufret (DIERSEN HEADLINE: While I worked for GAO 1980-1997, my Democrat superiors and supervisors hinted/implied/argued shouted that their employees who were Democrat, minority, female, younger, and/or veteran wanted GAO to get rid of its employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)

July 26 Evening Edition

— Outstanding fundraiser for DuPage County Board Member Brian Krajewski at Carlucci’s Restaurant in Downers Grove Tuesday evening July 26, 2016.  DuPage County Board Chairman Dan Cronin spoke very highly of Krajewski. The 150+ attendees included Illinois officials and candidates Patti Bellock, Heidi Holan, and Chris Nybo; DuPage County officials and candidates Janice Anderson, Richard Blass, John Curran, Pete DiCianni, Tim Elloitt, Gary Grasso, Bob Grogan, Tonia Khouri, Paula McGowen, James Mendrick, Sean Noonan, Dave Olsen, Don Puchalski, Karyn Romano, and Sam Tornatore; Township officials Kathy Abbate, Greg Boltz, Tony Cuzzone, John Dombroski, Marty Keller, John Morrissey, Rachel Ossyra, and Deanna Wilkins; Municipal officials Noreen Ligino and Martin Tully; Judges Liam Brennan, Dan Guerin, Ann Jorgensen, Bob Kleeman, Tim McJoynt, and Patrick O’Shea; and Party leaders Matt Carlyle and Burt Minor. Event sponsors included Bellock, Claar, Curran, Holan, O’Shea, Puchalski, and Romano. – Dave Diersen


— The Sandack mystery continues – Chuck Goudie, Barb Markoff and Ross Weidner
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In a heavily blacked-out police report provided to the I-Team by Downers Grove police, Republican state Rep. Ronald L. Sandack made an allegation on July 14 of “an Internet scam.” Ten days later Sandack announced he was resigning from his elected position, claiming he was suffering the effects of “cyber security issues.” Neither Sandack at the time he quit, nor the suburban police report obtained Tuesday afternoon, offer any clarity as to what actually happened-or why it was serious enough to warrant resignation. Sandack has not responded to our numerous requests for information. A person who answered the front door at his home today said that the ex-legislator was at work. He is a partner at a downtown Chicago law firm and has not been available there. Sandack said in a cryptic statement on Sunday that he was forced to re-evaluate his “continued public service” due to the threat. The mostly-redacted police report does put the date of the “Internet scam” as July 7, a full week before Sandack actually reported whatever it was to police. There is no explanation why it took one week to report something serious enough to eventually cause his resignation. Oddly, Mr. Sandack was a voracious social media communicator until the cyber threat occurred-said to have been fake accounts set-up in his name (or his family members.) Currently, his Facebook and Twitter pages are down and there is no trace of whatever bogus accounts may have been established. Downers Grove police have apparently assigned at detectives to look into the allegation, according to the report. However, police officials have offered no additional details, clarity or assistance to help the public understand what may have occurred, whether there is any kind of public threat or the status of the investigation.)


— GOP State Rep. Ron Sandack reported ‘Internet scam’ to cops – Chris Fusco
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Republican state Rep. Ronald L. Sandack, a top of ally of Gov. Bruce Rauner, went to the police department in his hometown to report an “Internet scam” earlier this month — but a report about the incident reveals little about what led Sandack to abruptly resign his seat from the Illinois House over the weekend. Sandack issued a statement to the political blog Capitol Fax on Sunday saying that “cyber security issues” forced him to re-evaluate his “continued public service.” But the police report released Tuesday afternoon by the Downers Grove Police Department offers no details about what might have happened to Sandack as virtually the entire narrative is blacked out. Sandack didn’t immediately return a telephone call seeking comment. More to come on this developing story.)
— Emanuel accepts Rauner apology for insult to teachers, principals – Fran Spielman


— Decision on Sandack’s replacement still days away – Robert Sanchez
(FROM THE ARTICLE: DuPage GOP leaders will have the biggest say in choosing his replacement, but the Will County Republican Central Committee must be consulted because a small number of precincts in the 81st District are in that county. Krajewski said he’s scheduled to meet Saturday morning with Havel. In the meantime, he’s asking other Republicans interested in the position to send him their resume. “We’ve got to see who the candidates are,” Krajewski said. Depending on the number of applicants, a decision could come Saturday or Sunday, he said. On Monday, Krajewski said David S. Olsen is the leading candidate to replace Sandack. Olsen, 27, of Downers Grove, serves as vice chairman of the College of DuPage board of trustees, as a Downers Grove village commissioner and as vice chairman of the Downers Grove Township Republican Organization. He has expressed interest in the House seat in the past. . .If he’s chosen as Sandack’s successor, one decision Olsen needs to make is whether he will resign from the Downers Grove village council or from COD board. “That’s something that has to be discussed with my mayor, Mayor (Martin) Tully, and with (COD board) Chairman Deanne Mazzochi, and with Brian Krajewski and others,” Olsen said. “I think it’s premature to speculate on what I would do.” He said his main goal is to do “the right thing” for residents in Downers Grove, COD’s district and the 81st District.)
— Redacted report sheds little light on Sandack resignation – Mike Riopell and Justin Kmitch
— Convention could start 2018 Dem race for governor – Mike Riopell


— Online impostors are real. But is Ron Sandack’s story? – Eric Zorn
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Something doesn’t quite add up in the “official” story of why Illinois House Republican floor leader Ron Sandack abruptly resigned over the weekend. The scrappy Downers Grove pol said in a brief statement that “cybersecurity issues” prompted him to “re-evaluate” his political career and immediately step down in order to (stop me if you’ve heard this before) spend more time with his family. Reportedly, the cybersecurity issue in question was that spoofers had created fake Facebook and Twitter accounts in his name, thus threatening to damage his reputation. That’s certainly an unpleasant development if true. And the claim is plausible. Social media have yet to solve the impostor problem, as I was reminded just the other day when I got a Facebook friend request that appeared to be from another Chicago newspaper columnist with whom I was already connected. The request not only used his name but also a photo of him swiped from his real page. Online impostors don’t target just pols, pundits and other well-known figures. I routinely get Facebook friend requests from those who have either assumed others’ identities or simply invented personas, often of scantily clad women, in what seems to be a desperate and feeble attempt to peddle cheap sunglasses or other consumer goods.)
— Heavily redacted police report offers few details on Sandack resignation – Joe Mahr and Monique Garcia
— Union leader Terry O’Sullivan calls Rauner a ‘jackass,’ vows to ‘take him out’ in 2018 – Kim Geiger
— Kennedy rips Rauner, ducks questions on whether he’ll run for governor – Bill Ruthhart
— Emanuel to Rauner: Apology accepted, but ‘champion’ Chicago kids – Hal Dardick
— BREYOND DIGUSTING: Smoke pot with your kids, Richard Branson tells Chicago business audience – Kim Janssen


— Chris Kennedy Slams Rauner, Dodges Questions About Gubernatorial Run  Businessman Chris Kennedy stoked further speculation about a possible gubernatorial run after slamming Gov. Bruce Rauner during a breakfast at the Democratic National Convention Tuesday.


— As Clinton claims nomination, protests continue


— Rauner calls Illinois’ political system rigged, calls for amendments on term limits and remapping – Stephen Elliott


— Durbin won’t rule out challenging Rauner for Governor – John Dempsey


— Rahm Accepts Rauner’s CPS Apology, But Calls On Gov. To ‘Turn The Page’ – Ted Cox


— Divide Among Illinois Democrats On Display During First Night Of DNC – Tony Arnold, Lauren Chooljian


— Schimpf stresses term limits compared to Simon’s leniency


    — If Michelle Obama ran for office, Illinois Democrats would roll the ‘red carpet’ out for her – Chris Cillizza


— BEYOND TRAGIC: Trump’s LGBTQ-Friendly GOP Elevates Homosexual Businessman Peter Thiel – Media Hype for ‘Gay Republicans’ Overshadows Conservative Platform  Fox News, media, Republican social liberals cheer on LGBTQ agenda in Cleveland – Peter LaBarbera


— Auditor General Frank Mautino ignores State Board of Elections – Rep. Ives issues press release – Kirk Allen


— The Family PAC Cruise – Cal Skinner




— Rauner is gearing up
— Convention delegates are “not normal” party members
— Mautino misses deadline


— The Hillary-Alinsky-Lucifer Connection – PAUL KENGOR


— ISIS Was Not Mentioned Once in 61 DNC Speeches on Day 1


— Hollywood Relies On ‘Hitler Card’ In Bid To Stop Trump – Christian Toto
— Limbaugh: Democrats Are ‘Baby Butchers,’ ‘Sharia Muslims’ – Steve Guest
— No Visible American Flags Present At The Democrat Convention – ALEX PFEIFFER


— Boos and booze: Sanders struggles to control supporters – Jonathan Easley and Jordain Carney
— GOP hits Democrats for not mentioning ISIS on convention’s first day – Jesse Byrnes
— Priebus on Dem email leaks: ‘This is just the beginning’ – Jesse Byrnes


— Insourcing: American Lose Jobs to H-1B Visa Workers – Judy Frankel


— DNC Shows Off Diversity Through Speakers, Bathrooms


— Bernie Supporters Mangle The Democratic Party’s Message Of Unity, But It Makes For Good Ratings – Brett Edkins (DIERSEN: Democrats and RINOs are united against those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)

July 25 Morning Edition

— Sandack’s bombshell resignation – Natasha Korecki
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The abrupt resignation of state Rep. Ron Sandack — an outspoken member of the legislature who was Gov. Bruce Rauner’s reliable attack dog on the House floor — was stirring all kinds of talk late Sunday. As Republican floor leader, Sandack was the governor’s point person in the House, arguing strenuously for the governor’s office (and generally against Democratic Speaker Mike Madigan) on individual bills. Sandack resigned on Sunday following what he described as a series of cyberattacks on his Twitter and Facebook accounts, which involved the creation of new accounts under the guise of his own persona.  “I have always recognized there is no greater privilege than being a father and husband. My duties in Springfield [have] meant missing a lot of events in the lives of my children. I am no longer willing to miss important family events.” Story and Sandack’s full statement here:  In a text to Politico Illinois last night, Sandack said his resignation was effective Monday and that the cybersecurity issues gave him pause over his legislative life: “my family welfare is paramount.” He did not respond when asked whether that meant he feared for his family’s safety. Sandack would not talk by phone. SO … why are so many people having trouble believing him? Here’s a few reasons we want to hear more (anything?) from Republican leaders today: 1. Something seems off with the equation. (High-profile statehouse Republican) + (close to most powerful Republicans in state) + (social media accounts hacked into) = immediately resigns? 2. Crickets. The governor, Illinois House Republicans, others in leadership, said a big nada on Sunday at the news of the loss of a top lieutenant. No statements released by leaders. No response from a governor’s spokeswoman when asked for reaction late Sunday. No answer from several Republican party and legislative leaders (with the exception of House Republican forwarding a copy of Sandack’s statement.) That won’t hold today though. 3. Timing. Sandack took down his own social media accounts last week, which prompted all kinds of speculation. He said on Sunday the cyber hacking/harassment started around July 4. He resigned days after taking down his accounts. Days earlier, the Illinois House Victory Fund had spent $10,300 in printing costs for his campaign.  4. Sandack has long been an outspoken, incredibly accessible guy — except on the day he resigned. Instead, his announcement was carefully crafted. It was first made available in a relatively safe venue — the Capitol Fax newsletter. The writeup (which is password protected or we’d include a link) describes Sandack working to take down two fake accounts on Twitter and 10 on Facebook, which purported to behave as Sandack accounts. In the midst of this, Sandack says he experiences a moment of clarity, realizing he doesn’t want to miss any more of his kids’ events. What was missing from the CapFax piece was any description as to what actually happened on these fake accounts. Had they actually posted content pretending to be Sandack? Were they threatening? Embarrassing? The piece said Sandack filed a police report. Beside Sandack, the other person quoted in the CapFax writeup was a recent Rauner appointee, John Bambenek, who talked about how unusual and dangerous it was to have such an open attack against a public official. He also talked about the difficulty of prosecuting computer crimes. (Incidentally, on Sunday, Bambanek on Twitter said this about a higher-profile cyber incident: Sandack appeared on the Daily Show on a segment about Illinois’ pitiful budget woes. Watch:—illinois-s-budget-impasse Sandack leaves with nearly $130,000 in his campaign account, according to the most recent election filing. He was up for reelection in November. Last night, state Rep. Tom Demmer said of Sandack on Twitter: “An excellent legislator and a great guy. We’ll miss him in the House.” Gov. Rauner is in Chicago today, and will no doubt be asked to weigh in on this one.)
— Priebus on DNC leak: ‘The Russians didn’t write the emails’ – Nick Gass
— Bedlam erupts as Wasserman Schultz speaks to Florida delegates – Nick Gass and Daniel Strauss
— Mook suggests Russians leaked DNC emails to help Trump – Jeremy Herb


— GOP state lawmaker resigns abruptly, cites cyber security issues – Mike Riopell
— Mayor, Council allies play games to get him his way – Andy Shaw
— Madigan on Durbin bid for governor: ‘We talked about it’ – Tina Sfondeles




— Suburban lawmaker Ron Sandack abruptly resigns, citing hacked social media accounts – Monique Garcia
— Twitter opens up verified accounts to everyone; here’s how to get yours – Hayley Tsukayama  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, few if any of my critics/opponents, their operatives, or their dupes could/would get a verified Twitter account.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: According to Twitter’s help center, a verified account applicant must have: A verified phone number  A confirmed email address  A bio A profile photo A birthday (for accounts that are not company, brand, or organization accounts)  A website Tweets set as public in Tweet privacy settings  You may also be asked for a copy of a government-issued ID, to further confirm you are who you say you are. In other words, if you were planning on keeping anything about your identity hidden from Twitter, this is not a move you should make.)
— Wikileaks DNC emails show former U. of I. chairman tried to get back into Democrats’ good graces – Bill Ruthhart
— FRONT PAGE WITH COLOR PICTURE: From behind bars, Hastert fights victim’s lawsuit – Christy Gutowski  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, if you have ever done anything that subjects you to blackmail, you should not seek or hold any kind of government or political office.)
— Offbeat and overlooked ways to save money for college – Steve Rosen  (DIERSEN: What did you do to save money for college?  I did yard work, delivered newspapers, washed dishes, cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, pumped gasoline, delivered mail, worked on an automobile assembly line, worked as a security guard, etc.)–tms–kidmoneyctnsr-a20160711-20160711-story.html
— Working past age 65 has many benefits – Jill Schlesinger  (DIERSEN: The older that I get, the more furious that I get at my Democrat superiors and supervisors in the federal government who wasted my career and forced me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)
— Can America afford to have a ceremonial president? – Jonah Goldberg–tms–jgoldbrgctnjg-a20160722-20160722-column.html
— Sex offenders sue, saying registry laws keep them from church, living with family – Robert McCoppin  (DIERSEN: What do you say to those who bring sex offenders to America, to Illinois, to your county, to your township/ward, to your municipality, and/or to your precinct?)


— A closer look at people who volunteer – HandsOn Suburban Chicago  (DIERSEN: What volunteer work do you do?  I spend 10+ hours each and every day putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out.  How should I react to those in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who viciously demonize, denigrate, and condemn me and what I do?)


— A CATHOLIC REFORMATION  As the Archdiocese of Chicago prepares to close or combine churches, even parishes like St. John of the Cross in affluent Western Springs will feel the pain. How so? Imagine multiple-couple weddings. – BRIGID SWEENEY (DIERSEN: Democrats want Catholics to address their problems by promoting Democrats, dependency on government, LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, pot, booze, gambling, abolition of the Second Amendment, demonization, denigration, and condemnation of Republicans, of non-Catholics, of etc.)


— Rauner working with police on easing marijuana penalties – AP  (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who wants marijuana penalties to be eased?  ANSWER: Individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors. If asked if marijuana penalties should be higher for those involved in education, how would Rauner respond?  What about those involved in government and/or in politics?)


— Trump bounces into the lead  Trump’s favorability also rising – CNN


— Clinton says there is an unfair ‘Hillary standard’ on trust and honesty  Clinton and Kaine have first joint interview – CNN  (DIERSEN: Democrats and RINOs are moral relativists who believe that their end (getting rid of all Republicans) justifies their means.  RINOs are much closer to Democrats than they are to Republicans.)


— Stolen Valor Now A Petty Offense In Illinois – Greg Bishop


— Politicians perfectly happy with status quo – Editorial


— Sandack Stunner: Ill. Rep. from Downers Grove resigns from Statehouse


— DuPage County: Letter On Compensation of Elected Officials (Part 3) – John Kraft


— Marijuana Has the IRS Seeing a Different Type of Green


— Rep. Ron Sandack Resigns Suddenly


— RAUNER POISED TO SIGN MARIJUANA BILL  (DIERSEN: If you want to destroy Illinois, you promote pot in Illinois.)


— The “communications platform” stirs controversy  (DIERSEN: As everyone knows, GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are put together by and paid for by Dave Diersen.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Residents received the Illinois Valley Times in their mailboxes this week. Despite its local name, the new publication has no presence here. Its parent organization, which is largely funded by Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner, is based in Chicago. One of its writers lives in New York. The newspaper includes no mailing address or phone number and gives readers no information about who runs it, though it provides an email address and Twitter account. . .As the story goes on to report, this is one of Dan Proft’s newspapers published by Liberty Principles PAC. And then there’s this story… The Illinois Press Association isn’t sure it really is a newspaper — they think it might be a political advertisement and are interested in finding out who’s behind it. Don Craven, general counsel for the Illinois Press Association, said throughout the campaign season he was alerted to a series of publications crafted to look like newspapers. These would seem to have all come from the same source: The website for the Illinois Valley Times includes links to 13 sister publications such as “Rock Island Today” and the “Sangamon Sun.”)


— Reince Priebus: Wouldn’t be surprised if Hillary Clinton personally knew about DNC issues – David Sherfinski


— The NBA is the National Bullying Association  (DIERSEN: How soon, if not already, will the NBA get rid of you if you do not promote LGBTQ activity?)
— Kaine panders to Latino voters in intro speech  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs make it clear that they will get rid of you if you do not pander to Latinos.)


— Priebus Blames Cable News for Division: ‘It Is a Profit Center to Divide People, to Divide Politics, to Divide Parties’ – TRENT BAKER  (DIERSEN: What do you do with your time and with your money?  What do my critics/opponents say my evil motives are for putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and for sending them out?)


— Trump: People Think Ailes Is Going to Run My Campaign
— Trump: New Muslim Ban Plan an ‘Expansion’


— Clinton Made VP Finalists Turn Over Every Social Media Password for Each Member of Family and More – Jason Howerton
— Clinton on Security Failures in Benghazi: ‘It Was Not My Ball to Carry’ – Jason Howerton


— Democrats pressure Wasserman Schultz to abandon convention role – Amie Parnes


— Donald Trump bounces into the lead – Jennifer Agiesta


— Democrats in disarray on eve of convention to nominate Clinton – JOHN WHITESIDES


— More Damned Emails – Charles M. Blow  (DIERSEN: My Democrat superiors in the federal government were smart enough not to NOT put in their emails that Democrat politicians had ordered them to get rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran to make way for their newly hired young Democrat employees who were minority and/or female.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats hint/imply/argue/shout that they are soft on crime.  What percent of those who commit crimes are Democrats?)


— ARTICLE IN THE July 25, 2016 Daily Herald: A quarter of Americans worry about running out of money in retirement – Rodney Brooks


— Liberal Democrats to Play Major Role at Convention’s Opening Night  Bernie Sanders to call for party unity and champion progressive issues –  PETER NICHOLAS and COLLEEN MCCAIN NELSON
— Wharton Grad Trump Fails Economics  Technology, not free trade, explains the loss of most middle-class jobs. – MARY ANASTASIA O’GRADY  (DIERSEN: What about Political Affiliation Discrimination (PAD), Affirmative Action (AA), Diversity, Inclusion, and Veterans Preference (VP)?  Because of PAD, AA, Diversity, Inclusion, and VP, many millions of Republican White male non-veterans are unemployed or underemployed.  If I had been a Democrat, a minority, a female, or a veteran, I not only might very well still be working for the federal government, the federal government would have promoted me into its Senior Executive Service long before I was 40 years old in 1988.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps compare Trump negatively to P.T. Barnum.


— Schultz Jeered as Convention Democrats Face Their Own Unity Problem  Supporters of Bernie Sanders have flooded into Philadelphia. – Michael C. Bender


— Stocks could predict who wins White House – Adam Shell  (DIERSEN: Democrats run the federal government.  Of course, needless-to-say, the Democrats who run the federal government will drive the stock market up to elect Clinton.)
— GOP unity? Trump takes aim against Kasich, Cruz – David M Jackson
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats shout that non-Democrats are racists, bigots, or even worse things.
— Roger Ailes’ exit may help all sexual harassment victims – Charisse Jones  (DIERSEN: Government is nasty.  Politics is nasty.  Democrats are nasty.  Because I am a healthy non-veteran White male Republican who complained about political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination, my Democrat IRS and GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I discriminated against, if not harassed, my subordinates who were disabled, Democrat, minority, female, younger, and/or veteran. Virtually all of my IRS and GAO subordinates were disabled, Democrat, minority, female, younger, and/or veteran. None of them ever filed any kind of complaint against me.  I always followed my Democrat superiors’ orders to give preference to my subordinates who were disabled, Democrat, minority, female, younger, and/or veteran.)
— Clinton’s history of hiring women includes mentoring, office crib – Heidi M. Przybyla  (DIERSEN: During my last 4 years at GAO, my immediate supervisor was a woman, and for the 4 years before that, she was my immediate supervisor’s boss. To her credit, she was a) uncomfortable having to help waste my career and b) uncomfortable having to help force me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old.  But never-the-less, she did help waste my career and help force me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old.  To turn her against me, my Democrat GAO superiors stressed to her a) that I was a 100% German Missouri Synod Lutheran and that she was Jewish, b) that my ancestors had been in America much longer than her ancestors, c) that I was older than she was, c) that I am a male and that she is a female, d) that I lived in Wheaton and that she lived in Chicago, e) that I am a conservative Republican and that she is a liberal Democrat, f) that I owned American nameplate cars and that she owned foreign nameplate cars, g) that she had been divorced and I had not, h) that she had children to raise and that I did not, i) etc.)


— Donald Trump Team Woos Bernie Sanders Supporters at Democratic Convention – Charlotte Alter


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: The following want “Latinos to swing Arizona:” those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.


— Voters Remain Wary of Political News They’re Getting  (DIERSEN: Unlike so many of my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes, Diersen fully discloses his background including his sources and amounts of income, education, work experience, professional certifications, professional license, phone number, email address, home address, biography, photo, age, etc.)
— Users Strongly Reject Censorship on Facebook, Twitter  (DIERSEN: Who want to censor you?  The following want to censor me: individuals, organizations, companies, governments, countries, etc. that a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and/or that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)

July 21 Morning Edition

— Teen Delegate Carl Miller To Get Special RNC Birthday Gift – AMANDA VINICKY
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A high-school senior from Downers Grove already has a notable life experience to brag about when he starts applying to college: the 17-year-old is part of Illinois’ delegation to the Republican National Convention. Three generations of his family are in Cleveland for the RNC. Carl Miller is a senior at Timothy Christian, a private school in suburban Lemont. He’s into meteorology love the weather; I like to storm chase,” Carl says. According to his grandpa, who can’t help but brag, Carl is also on the academic scholastic team, got a high-scoring 34 on the ACT college entrance exam, and he’s number one in his class. Also, he’s a political junkie; or maybe “2016 presidential candidate groupie” is the better term for it. “We’ve traveled all over the Midwest to meet all the candidates,” says his grandfather, Arthur Siml. He’s exaggerating, slightly. To clarify: grandfather and grandson traveled all over the Midwest to meet all of the Republican candidates. It began, Arthur says, with Carl’s trip to the Iowa State Fair. “He came back, he was very excited because he met some of the politicians, including his least favorite: Hillary. And had a picture. I said: Carl if you really want to meet these people, we’ll have to do some research and some planning,” he said. And boy, did they. They got tickets for the GOP primary debate in Milwaukee from Ohio Gov. John Kasich, and for the debate in South Carolina from Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. “And then we traveled Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana, and Illinois. And we’d just go to the things. But we didn’t want — we wanted to be sure to meet the candidates. So we’d make big signs, and we’d always meet them when they’d go to their car, so that you could meet them one-on-one when they’re alone waiting for their staff to catch up,” Arthur said. “And it was quite interesting because you don’t meet them when there’s a thousand people there. You do meet them when they isolate themselves back at their vehicle. And so we’d go to even $1000 a plate dinners, and we’d just wait. And the people were very kind – sometimes they’d put us in the reception line, even though we couldn’t afford it.”  Arthur says it’s been an adventure. “At my age – 75 – I’d watch it on TV, but the opportunity to do it with my grandson was just memorable,” he says. These two didn’t just travel to political rallies and fundraisers. They worked it. They’d schmooze with candidates’ drivers, who’d help with access, or show campaign staff a scrapbook of their election-year travels. Plus, they’d have big, bright flashing signs. At some point, Carl upped his involvement, and he signed on with the Republican candidate he liked most of all. “And so I joined the Ted Cruz campaign as a volunteer in three states: Iowa, Illinois, my home state, and Wisconsin. And I got an internship for the campaign in Indiana. And then I got on board with my township organization. So through the Downers Grove Township Republicans, I became a precinct committeeman,” Carl says. That’s how he became a candidate in his own right, for a spot as a delegate to the Republican National Convention. At the state convention in Peoria in May, Illinois Republicans voted to make Carl an alternate delegate. Alternates can go on the convention floor, so he was there and for the roll call when Illinois officially awarded its delegates, and helped to give Trump the nomination. Carl says that’s been his favorite, or most significant part anyway, of the experience so far. Here’s been in Cleveland all week with his dad Rob Miller, who is also a “strong, conservative Republican,” and with his grandpa, Arthur, who is also a Republican. Carl isn’t sure what the future has in store, beyond a desire to study law and political science. “I want to serve my country as best as I can, I want to advance the principles I believe in” he says. “I’m passionate about the constitution, about the rule of law. About the founding principles – the Judeau Christian values – that build this country.” Values like limited government. “James Madison put if perfectly in The Federalist Papers when he said: ‘If men were angels, no government would be necessary. And if angels governed men, then no restrictions on government would be necessary.’ But the constitution balances that idea by creating three, coequal branches of government, that check each other and balance each other so as to limit the power and preclude a tyranny from developing.” All of this from a kid who, at 17, is too young to actually cast a vote for President, for a very short while longer. Illinois has a law that lets 17 year-olds vote in the primary if they’re going to be 18 by the time the general election rolls around. Carl was able to take advantage of that  (and so he voted for Cruz in the primary):  he’ll ring in his 18th birthday on Friday, as his time as an alternate delegate to the Republican National Convention is coming to a close. “And I couldn’t ask for a better birthday present,” he says. Carl says he’ll be casting a vote for Donald Trump.)


— VIDEO: July 20, 2016 – Full Show
(FROM THE POSTING: Our panel this week includes Jason DeSanto, a political communications expert and senior lecturer at Northwestern University School of Law; Kirk Dillard, the former DuPage County GOP Chairman and Illinois state senator; and Doug Ibendahl, an attorney and former general counsel to the Illinois Republican Party who is a Trump supporter.)
— A Look Ahead at the Illinois Delegation’s Final Day at Convention – Paris Schutz
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The Illinois Delegation is back at it for one last breakfast on Thursday morning. Scheduled to appear before the assembled delegates are Tony Iosco, who is a representative of the Trump campaign, and Ned Ryun, who founded a group called American Majority. The group bills itself as a nonpartisan group that trains grassroots activists and has been involved in the Tea Party movement. What remains to be seen is who will stick around to witness the speeches. Thursday’s theme is “make America one again.” Headlining speakers, according to the official convention program, include RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump. Many of the elected officials who have been in Cleveland throughout the week have intimated they would not stick around for Thursday’s final day and hear Republican nominee Donald Trump formally give his acceptance speech.)
— Illinois Delegates Erupt in Anger Over Cruz Speech – Paris Schutz
— Photos: RNC Convention 2016, Day 3 – Evan Garcia
— Former IL GOP Chair Pat Brady: Trump ‘Not Fit to be Commander-in-Chief’ (DIERSEN: What do you say to those who a) have supported Pat Brady, b) who are supporting Pat Brady, and/or c) who will continue to support Pat Brady? Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform.  Trump has promised to defend and advance the Republican Party platform and he is the Republican Party’s presidential candidate.)




— Chicago Trump delegate expelled from RNC after using N-word – Mike Flannery


— Cruz won’t vote Hillary, decision not to endorse Trump ‘personal’ – Tina Sfondeles
— ALL OF THE FRONT PAGE: Ted Cruz snubs Donald Trump: ‘Vote your conscience’ – Tina Sfondeles
— Dr. Ben Carson misses opportunity to inspire – Mary Mitchell
(FROM THE ARTICLE: But Carson took the cake when the devout Christian associated Clinton’s admiration for Chicago community organizer Saul Alinsky with the devil. “He wrote a book called ‘Rules for Radicals.’ On the dedication page, it acknowledges Lucifer, the original radical who gained his own kingdom,” Carson told the fired-up crowd. “Are we willing to elect someone as president who has as [her] role model somebody who acknowledges Lucifer?”)
— Keep up the fight for the power of your vote – Editorial
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “After Cleveland, how can Caitlyn Jenner be a Republican?”
— SNEED: Absent, without leave . . . Sneed is told Gov. Bruce Rauner, who detests Trump, may be a no-show here — but he is monitoring what’s going on. “He’s been calling,” an Illinois delegate who asked not to be identified said. “He can’t stand Trump. He doesn’t like the way he does business.” The kicker: Sneed is told there is now $15.2 million in the “Citizens for Rauner” fund — and not a penny will go to Trump. It’s state funds.


— Illinois Republicans handed hangover cure at convention – Monique Garcia  (DIERSEN: What do you say to those who get involved in government and/or politics a) to have an excuse to drink booze and/or b) to encourage everyone to drink more booze?  The aforesaid in Wheaton and in Glen Ellyn work very hard against me.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The crowd grows thinner each morning as the Illinois delegation gathers for breakfast at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, the result of long days and even longer nights featuring parties and receptions with plenty of food and booze. The light crowd at Wednesday’s gathering to hear remarks from U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa of California did not go unnoticed by organizers, who the night before handed out Pedialyte to night owls as they returned to the delegation hotel. The drink is most commonly used to restore hydration, but also is used as a way to ease a hangover. “I am surprised how many people made it to breakfast. That’s good, there’s been a few late nights out here,” remarked U.S. Rep. John Shimkus of Illinois. Shimkus went on to highlight the various media appearances of Illinois delegates before offering a word of caution. “The nation knows that Illinois is in town, just make sure it’s for the right reasons,” he said jokingly. “We don’t want the chairman pulling anybody out of jail later on.”)
— Illinois Republicans remove Trump delegate with ‘whitepride’ social media handle – Rick Pearson
— Independent Map Amendment: Another constitutional smackdown for the people of Illinois – Editorial
— Ban-the-box laws may worsen racial bias against black job candidates, study says – Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz (DIERSEN: GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.  IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.  The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.)
— Protesters chain themselves together in front of Chicago police station – Lolly Bowean


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH BIG COLOR PICTURE: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Cruz’s speech overshadows Pence’s at GOP convention.”
— Kirk faces tough re-election challenge as he skips Cleveland – Mike Riopell
— Rep. David Harris marks 40 years since Reagan RNC fight – Mike Riopell
(FROM THE ARTICLE: For state Rep. David Harris of Arlington Heights, the 2016 Republican National Convention marks 40 years since his first one. That 1976 convention was hotly contested, and Harris explained in March his role in helping wrangle delegates on behalf of Ronald Reagan, who eventually lost the nomination to Gerald Ford. Harris met his wife, Michelle, on that campaign, and she’s with him in Cleveland this week. How have conventions changed over the years? For one, a lot of Trump delegates are new to the political process, which could bring more GOP voters on board. “The convention is meant to bring the party faithful together and have them drink the Kool aid and get them fired up,” Harris said. “A couple of differences here are that, No. 1, a lot of those folks in the convention hall aren’t the party faithful,” he said. Plus, he thought the staging was more intimate, at least in the nights before Trump’s big speech. “The delegates were close to the podium, much closer than what I’ve seen,” Harris said. “You could literally walk up to the edge of the stage.” Harris, a former leader of the Illinois National Guard, was elected to go to the convention in the March primary as a delegate for Ohio Gov. John Kasich. Even though some delegates like him weren’t sent to vote for Trump, the roll call Tuesday to nominate Trump was drama-free because he had plenty of delegates to spare. “I don’t know how many more of these I’ll get to go to,” Harris said. “This is my sixth. It might be my last. It’s been quite a journey through the Republican years.”)
— Little sympathy for black shooting victims at GOP convention – AP
— Tollway seeking to increase hiring of minority contractors – Marni Pyke  (DIERSEN: The Republican Party platform calls for equal opportunity, that is, it opposes race and gender based preference giving. Ultimately, employment is zero-sum. Every job or promotion that a Democrat, a minority, a female, a younger person, and/or a veteran gets is a job or promotion that a Republican, a White, a male, an older person, and/or a non-veteran does not get. GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.  IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.  The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Facing a shortfall in minority contractors, Illinois tollway directors Wednesday took steps to increase participation by businesses owned by women, Hispanics, blacks and Asians in its $12 billion road-building program. Diversity and Inclusion Committee members endorsed plans to offer mentoring and training to encourage minority businesses. The agency is also looking at ways to offer incentives to get big construction companies to hire more minority-owned subcontractors.)
— O’Hare plan includes hope for western access – Editorial


— Lingle urges Trump support at GOP convention – Bernard Schoenburg


— Senator Rose Comments On RNC – JORDAN ABUDAYYEH


— Rauner Answers Questions About Not Attending RNC  (DIERSEN: The following do not want Rauner to support Trump: individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Southern Illinois delegate Gloria Campos travels to Cleveland for convention – Anna Giles


— Cruz Defiantly Defends Decision to Snub Trump – J. Clark  (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes would defiantly defend their decision to snub me.  Many of them would cite an article that I included a link to in a GOPUSA ILLINOIS email.)
— Christie calls Cruz speech ‘awful’ and ‘selfish’  Cruz more concerned with 2020 than 2016, Christie says – CMNN


— Who is funding group challenging redistricting? – AP


— Illinois delegates enjoy anti-Clinton speeches, but also want pro-Trump talk at convention – MAUREEN O’REILLY


— New University of Illinois chancellor to start by listening – AP  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, the following will shout at him: those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Presidential hopeful Clinton takes jab at governor Rauner – Kelsey Gibbs


— Khouri recognized by Republican Congressional Committee for high standards of achievement


— Democrats Chose Ray Flavin to Challenge Pat Kenneally for State’s Attorney – Cal Skinner




— IL Trump delegates defend the negativity
— Poll: Voters prefer union and government workers over tanking Rauner
— LIVE COVERAGE *** Republican National Convention


— Not Invited: Adelsons Bar Cruz From Donor Suite After He Refused To Endorse Trump – Matt Vespa  (DIERSEN: What do you say to those who read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails to get information to destroy me and to destroy individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors? The aforesaid can always unsubscribe, but should I cancel their subscriptions?)
— You’re Fired: Trump May Seek New Law Making It Easier to Clear Gov’t of Obama Appointees – Leah Barkoukis (DIERSEN: Have you ever been fired?  While I worked for GAO 1980-1997 in its Chicago office, the Democrats who ran GAO routinely gave the managers of that office lists of employees in that office who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran that they were to fire.  Of course, needless-to-say, I was always on all those lists.  They would have succeeded in firing me much sooner than they did if I had not taken the following job-related actions: a) completed the requirements for a masters degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, b) passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, c) became a licensed CPA in 1982, Certified Fraud Examiner in 1990, Certified Government Financial Manager in 1994, Certified Financial Services Auditor in 1996, and Forensic Accountant in 1997, and d) completed the requirements for a masters degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997.)
— White House Not Planning to Punish Castro For Promoting Hillary While Serving as HUD Secretary – O’Brien Cortney


— One Of Hillary Clinton’s DNC Delegates Literally Tried To Murder Someone, But Media Are Silent  When will media start focusing on the Democrat gun crime epidemic? – Bre Payton


— Clinton Fires Back With This Brutal Video After Christie ‘Indicted’ Her During GOP Convention Speech – Tre Goins-Phillips
— Montel Williams Implores Christians to Accept LGBT Community: ‘We Are All Equal In the Eyes of the Lord’ – Kaitlyn Schallhorn (DIERSEN: Individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that promote LGBT activity focus on destroying individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that do not promote LGBT activity.)
— For Our Kids, Trump Is Less A Gamble Than Clinton – Brad Schaeffer


— Cruz gets booed after he declines to endorse Trump during convention speech – Nolan D. McCaskill


— Cruz torpedoes Trump’s convention – Alexander Bolton (DIERSEN: The following are overjoyed: those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— No Trump endorsement from Cruz, who says ‘vote your conscience’ – Peter Schroeder  (DIERSEN: Clinton and her supporters are overjoyed.)
— Cruz aides made late push for Trump endorsement – Jonathan Swan


— The ‘Pledge’ That Saddled Republicans With Trump  Scared of a third-party run, the GOP instead wound up with Trump as nominee. – S.V. Date


— Ted Cruz rules out voting for Hillary Clinton – Katie Glueck
— MARCH 11, 2016 FLASHBACK: 1988: The Year Donald Lost His Mind  At the early peak of his success, he pulled the trigger on a manic series of deals that nearly brought him down. – Michael Kruse  (DIERSEN: What were you doing during 1988?  I worked for GAO on audits of IRS’s Criminal Investigation Division.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Three Nights of Unforced Errors.”


— Fireworks at GOP convention.
— Defiant Ted Cruz stands by refusal to endorse Trump after being booed during convention speech – Teddy Schleifer and Stephen Collinson


— The G.O.P.’s Surreal Diversity Show – Editorial  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats shout at minorities, at women, at young people, and at everyone else that Republicans are racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.  How soon, if not already, will Republicans be able to go to court and a) get restraining orders against Democrats and b) sue Democrats for slander and for libel?)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Donald Trump’s Convention Is a Low-Energy Show So Far.”


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Sooner or later, all of the following will demonize, denigrate, and condemn the Republican Party platform: individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.


— GOP convention to watchdog groups: No thanks – ANITA KUMAR  (DIERSEN: Have you worked for watchdog groups?  I have.  I worked for GAO for almost 18 years, the last 11 year of which at the GS-13 level (currently $92,632-$120,427) and I worked for IRS for almost 9 years, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 level (currently $77,899-$88,286).)


— Despite Boos, Ted Cruz Won’t Endorse Donald Trump  Texas senator gives a fiery speech at Republican convention, but only with a bland exhortation to vote – REID J. EPSTEIN  (DIERSEN: If/when Cruz formally calls for his supporters to formally boycott Trump supporters, what will you do?  What do you say to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who demonize me, who denigrate me, and who condemn me as being a Trump supporter?)
— Kasich Not Backing Down on Boycott of Home-State GOP Convention  Ohio governor says he objects to nominee Trump’s stands on immigration and trade, among others – PATRICK O’CONNOR and  REID J. EPSTEIN  (DIERSEN: If/when Kasich formally calls for his supporters to formally boycott Trump supporters, what will you do?  What do you say to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who demonize me, who denigrate me, and who condemn me as being a Trump supporter?)
— Pence Offers Upbeat Outlook on Rocky Night at GOP Convention  Ted Cruz refuses to endorse Donald Trump, but speakers unite in rally against Clinton – PATRICK O’CONNOR and KRISTINA PETERSON
— FRONT PAGE WITH COLOR PHOTO OF TRUMP: How the 1990s Became Donald Trump’s Personal Crucible  The businessman’s ‘terrible, horrible’ stretch of personal and financial troubles more than two decades ago helped forge the traits that propelled him to the Republican nomination – BETH REINHARD and  PETER GRANT  (DIERSEN: What did you do during the 1990s?  I worked for GAO until 1997 when my Democrat superiors succeeded in forcing me to retire when I was 49 years old.  I became a Certified Fraud Examiner in 1990, a Certified Government Financial Manager in 1994, a Certified Financial Services Auditor in 1996, and a Forensic Accountant in 1997.  I completed the requirements for a master’s degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997.
— Don’t Waste Your Time, Donald  If Trump campaigns in California and New York, as he says he will, then it’s all over. – Karl Rove
— Indiana Growth Model  The Daniels-Pence record is a lesson in conservative reform. – Editorial
— Twitter Permanently Bans Blogger Milo Yiannopoulos on Abusive-Content Grounds  The unusual move comes after actress Leslie Jones sparred with the conservative blogger and received racially abusive tweets from many users – YOREE KOH
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Winners vs. Losers: Zero-Sum View Prevails – Greg Ip  (DIERSEN: The Republican Party platform calls for equal opportunity, that is, it opposes race and gender based preference giving. Federal employment is zero-sum. Every job or promotion that a Democrat, a minority, a female, a younger person, and/or a veteran gets is a job or promotion that a Republican, a White, a male, an older person, and/or a non-veteran does not get. GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.  IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.  The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Republicans say “the GOP Is the Party of Fear.”  Ever-increasingly, Democrats hint/imply/argue/shout that they will get rid of those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Republicans say “In Cleveland, Sea of White Reflects Republican Party’s Election Math Problem.” (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats shout at minorities, at women, at young people, and at everyone else that Republicans are racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.  How soon, if not already, will Republicans be able to go to court and a) get restraining orders against Democrats and b) sue Democrats for slander and for libel?)
— Ted Cruz Says He Won’t Support Donald Trump For Attacks on His Wife and Father – Katie Reilly  (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes would defiantly defend their decision to attack me.  Many of them would cite an article that I included a link to in a GOPUSA ILLINOIS email.)


— Wake Up Call: Facing IRS Probe, Facebook Hires Baker McKenzie
— Why Doesn’t Your Company Want You to Put More in Your 401(k)?  They welcomed automatic enrollment and contribution increases a decade ago. Not any more. – Ben Steverman  (DIERSEN: My Democrat GAO superiors were moral relativists who believed that their end (hiring, retaining, and promoting young Democrat minorities and young Democrat females) justified their means (wasting the careers of and getting rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran). One of their justifications for wasting my career and for getting rid of me was that my wife had a good job, that we had no dependents, and that we had saved for our retirement.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A better retirement plan also offers long-term benefits that are hard to quantify, Adams says. Workers who aren’t prepared for retirement are going to be more stressed and they’re going to end up working longer than they—and thus, often, their employers—would prefer.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: The more that you oppose illegal immigration, the more that Democrats and RINOs hate you.


— Mike Pence: ‘I’m a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican — in that order’ – Catherine Garcia  (DIERSEN: Government is nasty. Politics is nasty.  Democrats and Democrat plants are nasty.  Libertarians and Libertarian plants are nasty.  Greens and Green plants are nasty.  RINOs are nasty.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes are nasty. If I said what Pence said, they would shout even louder from the pulpit in the Wheaton Bowl Banquet Hall that I am a religious hypocrite because I put GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and send them out on Sunday mornings instead of attending church services.  Many, if not most of my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes promote booze, gambling, and other vices.)–that-order


— Ted Cruz Steals the Show  It was supposed to big Indiana Governor Mike Pence’s big night—but all eyes were on the unrepentant Texas senator, instead. – DAVID A. GRAHAM


— Republican Platform Calls for Cutting Federal Workers’ Pay and Benefits – Ian Smith  (DIERSEN: If I was still working for the federal government, my Democrat superiors, Democrat supervisors, Democrat coworkers, and Democrat subordinates would kill me figuratively if not literally.)


— Trump Campaign Says Donald Would Loosen Civil Service Laws to Root Out Feds Loyal to Obama – Eric Katz   (DIERSEN: Have you ever been rooted out?  While I worked for GAO 1980-1997 in its Chicago office, the Democrats who ran GAO routinely gave the managers of that office lists of employees in that office who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran that they were to root out.  Of course, needless-to-say, I was always on those root out lists.  They would have succeeded in rooting me out much sooner than they did if I had not taken the following job-related actions: a) completed the requirements for a masters degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, b) passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, c) became a licensed CPA in 1982, Certified Fraud Examiner in 1990, Certified Government Financial Manager in 1994, Certified Financial Services Auditor in 1996, and Forensic Accountant in 1997, and d) completed the requirements for a masters degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Calls for violence, repression and war dominate day three of Republican Convention.”


— Voters Expect Reporters To Help Clinton Over Trump  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents expect me to help them, to help their operatives, and to help their dupes.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes blame me for their problems, blame me for your problems, blame me for my problems, and blame me for everyone’s problems.  My critics/opponents blame me for all losses that Republicans have suffered in Illinois since 2000.  What do you say to my critics/opponents, to their operatives, and to their dupes?)