— Diersen asks the Milton Township Republican Central Committee (MTRCC) to
host a candidate forum for the Republican Wheaton West District City Council
candidates at its 7:00 PM Wednesday August 14, 2019 meeting at the Holiday Inn
in Carol Stream, or alternatively, during the following 2 weeks.
The Republican candidates are Edward Ahern, Jeffery Antonelli,
Angela Blatner, Dave Diersen, Nancy Harding, Mark Kmiecik, and Robert McNeily.
Diersen asks MTRCC to provide relevant information about the aforesaid
candidates to its members who represent Republican voters in Wheaton’s West
District. Those MTRCC members are Joseph Caruso, Dave Diersen, Thomas Elsner,
Arthur Grant, Ralph Hinkle, Marty Keller, John Kocinski, Robert Krzyzewski,
Michael Hinsdale, Jae Kwon, Robert Larsen, Connor McCarthy, Robert McNeily,
Ronald Menna, Elizabeth Tatro, James Ryan, Mark Thomas, and Herbert Wehling.
The goal of the candidate forum and providing information on the
candidates is to help the aforesaid Wheaton West District MTRCC members recommend
the best possible candidate to be appointed to fill the Wheaton West District
City Council vacancy.
Many Republican candidates, elected officials, and party leaders
routinely attend MTRCC meetings. I hope that the following will attend MTRCC’s
August 14 meeting: a) 6th Congressional District candidates Jeanne Ives and
Evelyn Sanguinetti; b) DuPage County Recorder candidates Ron Almiron and
Babette Holder; c) Wheaton’s mayor and City Council members; d) Illinois
officials including Amy Grant; e) DuPage County officials including Robert
Berlin, Fred Bucholz, Daniel Cronin, Pete DiCianni, Grant Eckhoff, Timothy
Elliott, Robert Grogan, Gwen Henry, Richard Jorgensen, Christopher Kachiroubas,
Robert Larsen, Paula McGowen, James Mendrick, Al Murphy, Sean Noonan, Jeffrey
Redick, Darlene Ruscitti, Timothy Whelan, and Jim Zay; f) Milton Township
officials including Sal Falbo, Chris Heidorn, Gail Hinkle, Marty Keller, Chris
LeVan, Gary Muehlfelt, David Molitor, John Monino, and Yada Nathwani; g)
Wheaton Park District officials including Michael Benard; h) School District
200 officials; and i) College of DuPage officials including Annette Corrigan,
Christine Fenne, Heidi Holan, and Frank Napolitano.
Further, I ask MTRCC to brief its members at the meeting on
actions being taken to ban the sale of pot in DuPage County’s unincorporated
areas and in Wheaton, Carol Stream, Glendale Heights, Lombard, Downers Grove,
Naperville, Warrenville, West Chicago, and the rest of the 38 municipalities in
DuPage County. – Dave Diersen
Commission hereby provides notice that a public hearing will be conducted to
consider the following petition: The petitioner, the Village of Lombard, is
requesting text amendments to the following Section of Village Code, and other
relevant sections for clarity: 1.Amend Section 155.412(B) of the Village Code
to add “Cannabis Dispensing Facility operated in strict compliance with
State law applicable thereto” to the list of permitted uses in the O
Office District…
— How a top chicken company cut off black farmers, one by one A USDA
investigator found Park Ridge-based Koch Foods violated a law governing meat
companies’ business practices. But the Trump administration has cut back
enforcing the law, and Koch hasn’t faced any penalty. – ISAAC ARNSDORF
— $20 million in state funding available for 2020 Census (DIERSEN: Illinois
Democrats and Illinois RINOs a) illegally encourage citizens of foreign
countries to illegally come to Illinois illegally and b) encourage those
illegals to be counted in the census. How many illegals have Democrats and
RINOs put in your neighborhood, in your precinct, in your municipality, in your
township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois?)
— MARCH 26, 2017 FLASHBACK: Lynn Robbins For Wheaton City
Council, West District: Patch Candidate Profile She is a construction project manager running
for Wheaton City Council, West District – Patrick Martin
— Europe Poised to Put Warning Labels on Jewish-Made Products Legal decision
reminiscent of Holocaust-era boycotts of Jews – Adam Kredo (DIERSEN: Who
boycotts you? I should write a book about individuals, organizations,
companies, and governments in my neighborhood, in my precinct, in Wheaton’s
West District, in Wheaton, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in
Illinois who boycott me. They disapprove, despise, if not hate my demographics:
Trump supporter, Protestant (baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri
Synod Lutheran), conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male,
old (born in 1948), non-poor, gun owner, German American, federal retiree,
draft avoider, and my ancestors have been in America since 1844.)
— May the SoulCycle Boycott Make Democracy Better – Editorial (DIERSEN: Who
boycotts you? I should write a book about individuals, organizations,
companies, and governments in my neighborhood, in my precinct, in Wheaton’s
West District, in Wheaton, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in
Illinois who boycott me. They disapprove, despise, if not hate my demographics:
Trump supporter, Protestant (baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri
Synod Lutheran), conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male,
old (born in 1948), non-poor, gun owner, German American, federal retiree,
draft avoider, and my ancestors have been in America since 1844.)
— Slavery Reparations Draws 2020 Democrats as Race Rises as Issue – Jarrell
Dillard (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who hints/implies/argues/shouts the most that
others should pay reparations? ANSWER: Those who are anti-Trump,
anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican,
anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people,
anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those
whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Can Journalism Be Saved From the Tech Giants? A leading House Democrat has a
plan. – Grace Gedye (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, the “tech giants”
are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic,
anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people,
anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders,
and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— 71% of IrishCentral readers say President Trump is inciting hatred in
America. (DIERSEN: What percent of the following groups “say President
Trump is inciting hatred in America:” those who are Trump supporters,
Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older,
non-poor, gun owners, German American, and those whose ancestors have been in
America for a long time?)
— Democrats use Iowa event to attack Trump, not one another – AP (DIERSEN: If
a candidate forum was held for Wheaton West District candidates, which
candidates would attack me? They would be the candidates who a) want pot to be
sold in Wheaton, b) oppose any kind of zoning changes on Roosevelt Road, c)
reject planks in the Republican Party platform and/or the Illinois Republican
Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, d)
reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against
video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, e)
focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, f)
represent defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, and/or g) are operatives or
dupes for the aforesaid.)
— JUNE 22, 2018 FLASHBACK: The News-Press will vet candidates, dissect issues
but stop endorsing – Tom Hayden (DIERSEN: How deeply will the Daily Herald,
Suburban Life, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, etc. vet (questionnaires,
background checks and interviews) the 10 candidates to be appointed to fill the
Wheaton City Council West District vacancy? Will the aforesaid newspapers a)
conduct candidate forums and/or b) endorse one of those 10 candidates? What
endorsement criteria will they use?) (FROM THE ARTICLE: Two
weeks ago, the News-Press asked the community to weigh in on our process of
endorsing political candidates. The question was: To endorse or not to endorse?
The feedback was voluminous and passionate. Thirty-eight people wrote to say we
should stop endorsing candidates in various city, county, state and federal
races and 35 said we should continue. A common theme in most of the responses
was an appreciation for our diligence in vetting the candidates through
questionnaires, background checks and interviews. They wanted the information
to help them decide on whom should get their vote. We agree the most important
part of what we do — and we do it better than most — is going in-depth with the
candidates on the issues. Getting specific answers to and solutions for some of
our most critical issues, like water quality and the environment, affordable
and attainable housing, the mental health and opioid crisis, how to improve
education and build new schools, mean the most to people. That same information
also was vital for us in endorsing candidates.)
— Questions to ask candidates who want to fill Wheaton’s West District City
Council vacancy – Dave Diersen
Why do you wish to be considered for an appointment to fill this
vacancy, please elaborate?
In your opinion, what are the three most important issues that
Wheaton needs to address in the next 2 years and how should those issues be
addressed, please elaborate?
What is your political affiliation, that is, what was the most
recent primary ballot that you cast – Republican
or Democrat, and what other actions have you taken that evidence your political
affiliation, please elaborate?
If you are appointed to fill the vacancy, would vote for or
against banning the sale of pot in Wheaton, please elaborate?
If you are appointed to fill the vacancy, would vote for or
against requiring employers in Wheaton to use E-Verify, please elaborate?
If you are appointed to fill the vacancy, would vote for or
against measures that promote dependency on government, please elaborate?
If you are appointed to fill the vacancy, would vote for or
against measures that promote dependency on charity, please elaborate?
If you are appointed to fill the vacancy, would vote for or
against measures that promote LGBTQ activity, please elaborate?
If you are appointed to fill the vacancy, would vote for or
against measures that promote abortion, please elaborate?
If you are appointed to fill the vacancy, would vote for or
against measures that promote mass/illegal immigration, please elaborate?
If you are appointed to fill the vacancy, would vote for or
against measures that promote vices including booze, gambling, and pot, please
If you are appointed to fill the vacancy, would vote for or
against measures that promote diminishment of First Amendment rights, please
If you are appointed to fill the vacancy, would vote for or
against measures that promote diminishment of Second Amendment rights, please
If you are appointed to fill the vacancy, would vote for or
against measures that promote patronage, please elaborate?
If you are appointed to fill the vacancy, would vote for or
against measures that promote political affiliation discrimination, please
If you are appointed to fill the vacancy, would vote for or
against measures that promote reverse discrimination, please elaborate?
If you are appointed to fill the vacancy, would vote for or
against measures that promote age discrimination, please elaborate?
What is your position on Wheaton’s East Roosevelt Road Corridor
Market Study/Comprehensive Plan Amendment, please elaborate?
How long have you lived in Wheaton’s West District, in Wheaton, in
Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois?
Since you have lived in Wheaton’s West District, in Wheaton, in
Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois, what you done that demonstrates
that you want the aforesaid to be prosperous and safe, please elaborate?
What is your work experience and how would it help you serve on
the City Council, please elaborate?
What is your education and how would it help you serve on the City
Council, please elaborate?
What are your professional certifications and licenses and how
would they help you serve on the City Council, please elaborate?
What professional associations are you a member of and how would
those memberships help you serve on the City Council, please elaborate?
If asked who would provide you with references, please elaborate?
How would you characterize your relationships with the following:
a) Wheaton’s mayor, City Council members, City Attorney, City Manager,
Assistant City Manager, City Clerk, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, City Planner,
City Engineer, etc.; b) Illinois officials including Amy Grant; c) DuPage
County officials including Robert Berlin, Fred Bucholz, Daniel Cronin, Pete
DiCaianni, Grant Eckhoff, Timothy Elliott, Robert Grogan, Gwen Henry, Richard
Jorgensen, Christopher Kachiroubas, Jean Kaczmarek, Robert Larsen, Paula
McGowen, James Mendrick, Al Murphy, Sean Noonan, Jeffrey Redick, Darlene
Ruscitti, Timothy Whelan, and Jim Zay; d) Milton Township officials including
Sal Falbo, Chris Heidorn, Gail Hinkle, Marty Keller, Chris LeVan, Gary
Muehlfelt, David Molitor, John Monino, and Yada Nathwani; e) Wheaton Park
District officials including Michael Benard; f) School District 200 officials;
g) College of DuPage officials including Annette Corrigan, Christine Fenne,
Heidi Holan, and Frank Napolitano, please elaborate?
Do the aforesaid take/return your phone calls, please elaborate?
How would you characterize your relationships with West District
Precinct Committeemen including Joseph Caruso, Dave Diersen, Arthur Grant,
Ralph Hinkle, Marty Keller, Robert Krzyzewski, Robert Larsen, Robert McNeily,
Ronald Menna, Elizabeth Tatro, Mark Thomas, and Herbert Wehling, please
Do the aforesaid take/return your phone calls, please elaborate?
Have you ever been elected to or appointed to a government and
political office, and if so, please elaborate?
Have you ever been arrested, and if so, please elaborate?
Have you ever pled guilty to crime or been convicted of a crime,
and if so, please elaborate?
Do you have any health problems that might impact your service on
the City Council, and if so, please elaborate?
Do you have any financial problems that might impact your service
on the City Council, and if so, please elaborate?
Approximately, how much time per week do you have available to
devote to City Council duties?
Have you been a plaintiff or defendant in any litigation, and if
so, please elaborate?
Have you ever been delinquent with any type of taxes, and if so,
please elaborate?
Would you have any financial or other type of conflict of interest
if you served on the City Council, and if so, please elaborate?
Have you ever filed bankruptcy, and if so, please elaborate?
Have you ever been fired, forced to resign, or forced to retire
from a job, and if so, please elaborate?
Have you ever done anything that submits you to blackmail, and if
so, please elaborate?
What demonstrates that if appointed, you will not be manipulated
or dominated, for example, that you are financially secure, please elaborate?
The following are typical city council functions (
What experience do you have doing each of the following, please elaborate?
Review and approve the annual budget;
Establish long- and short-term objectives and priorities;
Oversee performance of the local public employees;
Oversee effectiveness of programs;
Establish tax rates;
Enter into legal contracts;
Borrow funds;
Pass ordinances and resolutions;
Modify the city’s charter;
Regulate land use through zoning laws;
Regulate business activity through licensing and regulations;
Regulate public health and safety;
Exercise the power of eminent domain;
Communicate policies and programs to residents;
Respond to constituent needs and complaints; and
Represent the community to other levels of government.
— 10 want West District seat on Wheaton City Council – Katlyn Smith (DIERSEN:
I urge everyone who is interested in this, and especially Wheaton’s West
District residents, to a) find out everything that they can about the 10
candidates, b) analyze that information, c) determine who they believe the top
1, 2, or 3 candidates should be, and d) email their recommendation to Wheaton’s
City Council at
along with their reasons for their recommendation. I hope that in the days
ahead, the Daily Herald provides much more information about the 10 candidates.
I hope that the Daily Herald a) asks the 10 candidates to complete a detailed
questionnaire and b) publishes the responses to that questionnaire. Wheaton
West District residents should have the right to know not only the applicants’
names, but a) how long they have lived in the city and in the district, b)
their political affiliation, c) why they want to be appointed to fill the
vacancy, d) what they believe the most important issues are that the city needs
to address, e) what their opinion is on how those issues could be addressed, f)
will they vote for or against selling pot in Wheaton, g) what their work
experience is, h) what their education is, i) what professional certifications
and licenses are, and j) what experience do they have carrying out typical city
council functions: Review and approve the annual budget; Establish long- and
short-term objectives and priorities; Oversee performance of the local public
employees; Oversee effectiveness of programs; Establish tax rates; Enter into
legal contracts; Borrow funds; Pass ordinances and resolutions; Modify the
city’s charter; Regulate land use through zoning laws; Regulate business
activity through licensing and regulations; Regulate public health and safety;
Exercise the power of eminent domain; Communicate policies and programs to
residents; Respond to constituent needs and complaints; and Represent the
community to other levels of government. (SEE: ) (FROM THE ARTICLE:
Wheaton City Council members have their pick of 10 applicants seeking to fill a
vacant seat representing the West District. The group of candidates vying for a
2-year appointment to the council includes some familiar names in DuPage County
politics. The applicants are: Nancy Harding, Edward Ahern, Jeffrey Antonelli,
Robert McNeily, Lynn Robbins, Mark Kmiecik, Angela Blatner, David Diersen,
Khizar Jafri and Krista Selvey. Diersen is the founder of the daily newsletter McNeily lost his bid for the West District seat in 2016
against incumbent Todd Scalzo. According to his LinkedIn page, he is the
Midwest regional manager of Turning Point USA, a conservative group founded by
Wheeling High School alum Charlie Kirk for college and high school students.
Robbins, a former Illinois Park and Recreation Association board member, also
ran unsuccessfully against Scalzo for the West District seat in 2016. Kmiecik
finished third in another three-way race for the seat in 2009. Jafri, a finance
and accounting consultant, lost to Tim Elliott for a District 4 spot on the
DuPage County Board in 2016. The Democrat was seeking his first elected office
at the time. Four council members represent Wheaton’s four voting districts,
while two members and the mayor are elected at-large. The seat became vacant in
July when Scalzo, an attorney, stepped down after 10 years. The council is set
to vote on appointing his successor in September. Council members recently
filled another empty 2-year council seat. The North District seat became vacant
in May when Phil Suess was sworn in as Wheaton’s first new mayor in 12 years.
The council named Christopher Zaruba to the post on July 1 from a field of 13
— Religious hypocrisy – Mary Plunkett, Wheaton
— Twitter reposts McConnell threat video after appeal – AP
— Time to tidy up the state Senate—before the feds do it Senate President John
Cullerton ought to take a page out of Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s book and make
ethics rules a priority in his chamber lest things go south in his tenure’s
sunset years. – GREG HINZ
— Illinois municipalities seek clarifications on recreational marijuana
state organization representing local units of government is asking leaders in
the General Assembly to make clarifying changes to the recreational marijuana
law before it takes effect Jan. 1. Brad Cole, executive director of the
Illinois Municipal League, said the 1,298 cities, villages and towns in the
state need guidance on four aspects of the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act,
signed into law by Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker in late June. There is
confusion, he said, about how law enforcers will know a person who is growing
cannabis in their home is doing so legally as a prescribed medical marijuana
user. Municipalities also are uncertain how they may regulate the drug. Cole is
asking legislators to write what is known as a trailer bill, a companion
measure that clarifies a statute. The idea has bipartisan support. Sen. Heather
Steans, D-Chicago, one of the statute’s framers and her chamber’s sponsor, said
it’s likely that a trailer bill will happen. Republican Sen. Jason Barickman,
from Bloomington, said he thinks his colleagues spent “a lot of time on the
legislative language,” and any subsequent bill should be consistent with the
goals of the original negotiations. “I understand and support the idea of a
trailer bill to make clarifications that the various stakeholders have brought
forward. I think it’s very likely we’ll see one for multiple reasons, and we
may see it as early as this fall,” he said. “I anticipate hearing from many
stakeholders about clarifications they would like to see. By and large, that’s
what the IML is seeking here.” In a letter to lawmakers, Cole highlighted four
points the league’s members would like the General Assembly to address. Each
one, he said, was mentioned in his testimony before a panel of legislators in
late May before the recreational marijuana bill became law. “These are common
sense issues” to determine what is legal and what is no, Cole said. The new law
allows those who have a medical marijuana card to grow no more than five plants
in their home without needing to be a licensed cultivation center or craft
grower. The League’s concern, Cole wrote in his letter, is the lack of
“registration or notification requirements to municipalities or their police
departments” about which residences can legally grow cannabis plants. “We’re
saying, we need to know,” he said. “How do we know if these are five legal
plants or five illegal plants?” Steans said the idea of “a registry had been
raised,” but some interest groups expressed concerns it might be a civil rights
violation. She added local governing bodies would know if the plants were legal
by asking whether their owner had a medical marijuana card. Barickman said the
issue is one with “wildly different” viewpoints. “I think you’re going to have
those in law enforcement presumably asking for some type of registry, and I
think you’re going to have others adverse to that,” he said. Also in question
is a provision in the law dictating how governing bodies can regulate
recreational marijuana. “No unit of local government … may prohibit home
cultivation or unreasonably prohibit use of cannabis authorized by this Act,”
according to the law. Cole, in his letter, wrote that “unreasonably” is not
defined, so towns and municipalities might be exposed to “unknown litigation as
they attempt to protect the health, safety and well-being of their citizens.”
The League is asking the General Assembly to clarify the word’s meaning. And it
is seeking guidance on two regulations dictating how funds are distributed and
may be spent by local governments. Money directed into one account, for
example, now has rules for how it may be spent. “This is restricted money being
put into an unrestricted disbursement fund,” thus creating accounting confusion
for local officials, Cole said. Department of Revenue Director David Harris was
copied on the Municipal League letter. In an emailed statement, a spokesperson
said the department “is working to ensure successful implementation and rollout
of the Cannabis Regulation and Taxation Act and works with all stakeholders to
that end.” “I think what’s happening right now is the multiple stakeholders are
doing a deeper review of the law now that it’s been set, and they’re raising
some questions that I think we can address through a trailer bill, providing
some clarity,” Barickman said. Steans added the recreational marijuana statute
created large policy changes and “lots of different viewpoints” need to be
considered. In an emailed statement, Jordan Abudayyeh, Pritzker’s press
secretary, seemed to indicate the governor is open to a trailer bill. The
administration, she said, “is focused on ensuring the successful
implementation” of the law. “Multiple state agencies are engaged in these
efforts as we move forward creating one of the most equity centric industries
in the country,” Abudayyeh said. “The Pritzker administration stands ready and
willing to continue working to ensure Illinois has a cannabis industry that other
states can look to as a model for equity and success.”)
— Your Baby Boomer Report Card What grade has a generation earned? An A+? A
C-? – David Brooks (DIERSEN: If you are a baby boomer, how well do you fit the
stereotypes? How well do you believe I fit the stereotypes?)
— FAA investigating whether ‘unqualified’ Chicago firefighters were allowed to
operate special airport rigs at O’Hare, Midway – PETER NICKEAS (DIERSEN: GAO
audits IRS. I transferred from IRS to GAO in 1980 when I was 31 years old.
While I worked for GAO for almost 18 years after having worked for IRS for
almost 9 years, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels,
currently $82,579-$93,592, my GAO superiors a) refused to assign me to audits
of IRS for all but 3 of those almost 18 years and b) routinely assigned other staff
to audits of IRS who had no knowledge of or interest in IRS, who did not want
to be assigned to audits of IRS, who had far less work experience that I had,
who did not have a degree in accounting like I had, who had not passed the CPA
examination like I had done, who had not passed the Certified Internal Auditor
examination like I had done, who had not become a licensed CPA, Certified Fraud
Examiner, Certified Government Financial Manager, Certified Financial Services
Auditor, or Forensic Accountant like I had done, etc. Instead of me, my
Democrat GAO superiors assigned to audits of IRS their employees who were
Democrat, minority, female, younger than me, disabled, and/or veteran.)
— CBS 2 Investigates: Old Computers Causing Big Problems For Illinois State
Offices – Dorothy Tucker (DIERSEN: While I worked for GAO during the 1990s,
before GAO provided its GS-13 staff with individual computer systems, I bought
several computer systems with my own money and used them in my office.)
— FRONT PAGE HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: How good or bad are the most, least
satisfying jobs? – Burt Constable (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal
government for almost 30 years, it was very difficult for my superiors to hire
and retain qualified Democrats, minorities, females, younger people, and
veterans for the jobs that I had. They viewed the jobs that I had as being bad
jobs. GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat,
minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job. IRS hired
me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or
veteran who would take the job. The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it
could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would
take the job.)
— Emails, texts show playful exchanges between Rich Miller, Pritzker staff
over Confederate Railroad cancellation – Greg Bishop (DIERSEN: He who pays the
piper calls the tunes. Dave Diersen, your GOPUSA Illinois Editor since 2000,
has not sought or received any money and will not seek or accept any money a)
from the State of Illinois, DuPage County, Milton Township, Glen Ellyn,
Wheaton, or any other government entity or b) from the Illinois Republican
Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Milton Township Republican
Central Committee, or any other political organization for what I do as your
GOPUSA ILLINOIS Editor. He who pays the piper calls the tunes. Who has more
clout in Illinois, Pritzker or Miller?) (FROM THE ARTICLE: An
Illinois politics blogger who receives tens of thousands of dollars from state
government agencies wouldn’t comment on whether his post about Confederate
Railroad and subsequent texts to the governor’s staff had anything to do with
the abrupt cancellation of the band’s performance at the DuQuoin State Fair.
Rich Miller writes the Capitol Fax blog, a subscription-based newsletter and
website. In fiscal year 2018, Miller received $35,736 from state government. He
received $34,791 in fiscal year 2019. So far for the fiscal year that started
July 1, he’s received $1,500, according to the latest public records. Most of
the payments to Miller were line items of $500 from various state agencies
throughout the year, including the General Assembly. Miller sells both
subscriptions to and advertisements on Capitol Fax. The Center Square obtained
text messages and emails to and from Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s office through the
Freedom of Information Act. Those messages show on June 17, the same day Miller
posted a blog questioning the band’s scheduled performance, Miller sent a text
to the governor’s deputy press secretary, Emily Bittner.)
— Kankakee defending FOIA lawsuit for denying public records – JOHN KRAFT
(DIERSEN: What if I submitted FOIA requests to the City of Wheaton, Milton
Township, DuPage County, Illinois, and other government entities that ask for
all email and other documents that mention me? My critics/opponents, their
operatives, and their dupes talk and/or act like they have sent many defamatory
and libelous emails concerning me to the aforesaid.)
— Cory Booker goes to church to call out Americans as racists: ‘White
supremacy has always been a problem’ (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats
promote hatred of Whites.)
— White nationalist argument in mass shootings doesn’t stand up
— Making it up: Dan Rather tells media to stop reporting what Trump says and
report ‘what he really means’ (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote
hatred of Trump.)
— Media mask slips off, reveals militant activists pretending to be
journalists (DIERSEN: According to my critics/opponents, because I state that I
am conservative and that I am Republican, a) I cannot claim to be a journalist
and b) I am not a journalist.)
— ‘National White Male Lobotomy Day’ coming to your town – Jeffrey A. Rendall
(DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote hatred against White males, and
especially against White males who are Trump supporters, Protestant,
conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, older, rich, gun owners, German
American, draft avoiders, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a
long time.)
— ‘Things Are Getting Dangerously Crazy On The Left’ – Tucker Carlson
— Donald Trump Jr. Compares Castro’s List To Alleged Dayton Shooter’s Kill
List – WILLIAM DAVIS (DIERSEN: Whose kill lists are you on? I should write a
book about those who have me on their kill lists. They have lots of religious,
government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in
Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois. They blame me for their
problems, for your problems, for my problems, and for everyone’s problems. They
a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and/or the Illinois
Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those
planks, b) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution
against video gambling and work against those like me who support that
resolution, c) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot
manipulate/dominate, d) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, and/or
e) are operatives or dupes for the aforesaid. They want to a) stop me from
putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out and b) stop
everyone from reading those emails. They did not want me to have any input on
who was appointed to fill Wheaton’s North District City Council vacancy. They
do not want me to have any input on who will be appointed to fill Wheaton’s
West District City Council vacancy.)
— Anti-Trump Mob Harasses Woman In MAGA Hat — Call Her Terrorist – DAVID
KRAYDEN, OTTAWA (DIERSEN: In your neighborhood, in your precinct, in your
municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois, a) how
strongly do Trump-haters hate Trump-supporters and b) how viciously would they
attack anyone who wore a MAGA hat in your neighborhood, in your precinct, in
your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in
— Trump sues over California law forcing candidates to turn over tax returns –
Ariane de Vogue (DIERSEN: Democrats are not only nasty, they are vicious. I
should write a book about how back in 1978, the Democrats who ran Money
Magazine and my Democrat IRS superiors used my tax returns to paint me as being
a tax cheat. They painted my education deductions as being improper. They
hinted/implied/argued/shouted that the graduate business courses that I took at
Loyola 1972-1976 and the graduate accounting courses that I had taken at DePaul
since 1976 a) were not job-related, b) did not help me carry out my job duties,
c) were taken by me to qualify me for a “new trade or business,” d) were taken
by me to get a job in the private sector, and e) were a distraction.)
— Trump Visits Grieving Cities as Gun-Control Debate Boils Democrats pressed
for action, while Trump blasted those who said his language helped sow
division, violence – Alex Leary, Catherine Lucey, and Kris Maher
— Home DNA Tests Can Disrupt Family Dynamics. Here’s How More people are
taking home DNA tests to learn about their background. For some, the results
can be not only unexpected, but can radically change their lives. – Amy Dockser
Marcus (DIERSEN: Who hates German Americans the most in your neighborhood, in
your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and
in Illinois? Government is nasty. Politics is nasty. Democrats and Democrat
plants, Libertarians and Libertarian plants, Greens and Green plants, and RINOs
are nasty. I should write a book about a) how my Democrat superiors,
supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government used and b)
how my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes in Wheaton, Glen
Ellyn, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois use my 100% German national
origin against me. They constantly foisted/foist negative German stereotypes on
me. I would focus on those who are German American, but who demonize,
denigrate, and condemn me to curry favor with those who hate German Americans.
They paint themselves as being “good” German Americans who go around
destroying “bad” Germans like me. In my defense, I stress that they
all my ancestors immigrated way back during the 1840s and 1850s, that my
grandfather on my father’s side fought the Germans during WWI, that my uncles
on my mother’s side fought the Germans during WWII, and that if he had not been
4-F, my father would have fought the Germans during WWII. If DNA information
had been available back when I worked for the federal government, I would have
stressed that. According to, my ancestry is 33% Europe
West, 28% Scandinavia, 24% Great Britain, 11% Ireland, 2% Europe East, 1%
Finland/Northwest Russia, and 1% Italy/Greece.)
— Salt Lake City District 4 council candidate disqualified for failing to
report campaign finance information – Taylor Stevens (DIERSEN: Are you a
Wheaton resident? Do you live in Wheaton’s West District? What do you know
about the ten who have filed to be appointed to fill Wheaton’s West District
City Council vacancy? QUESTION: What would my critics/opponents, their
operatives, and their dupes hint/imply/argue/shout that disqualifies me to
represent Wheaton’s West District? ANSWER: They would stress my demographics
and hint/imply/argue/shout that in Wheaton’s West District, those who share my
demographics are ever-increasingly dying or being driven out. They would stress
that those who are invading Wheaton’s West District are ever-increasingly
anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican,
anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people,
anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those
whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. They would stress that
the invaders want dependency on government, dependency on charity, LGBTQ
activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, booze, gambling, pot, and other
vices, abolition of the First and Second Amendments, patronage, political
affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination,
retaliation, and even worse things.)
— Lemoore fills two vacancies on City Council – Daniel Gligich (DIERSEN: Are
you a Wheaton resident? Do you live in Wheaton’s West District? What do you
know about the ten who have filed to be appointed to fill Wheaton’s West
District City Council vacancy?)
— West Haven council candidates zero in on city’s growth, how to manage it –
TIM VANDENACK (DIERSEN: Are you a Wheaton resident? Do you live in Wheaton’s
West District? What do you know about the ten who have filed to be appointed to
fill Wheaton’s West District City Council vacancy?) (FROM THE ARTICLE: Eight
candidates are running for three seats on the West Haven City Council and
growth in the rapidly expanding city and how to manage it are two key focuses.
Two incumbents are among the candidates, Lacy Richards and Stephanie Carlson.
The other hopefuls are Nina Morse, Carrie Call, Rob Higginson, David Smith,
Russell Erickson and Kim Dixon. Primary voting via mail is underway while
in-person voting is set for Aug. 13. That balloting will narrow the list of
candidates to the top six vote getters. Then they, like the primary winners in
the other city council and mayoral races around Weber County, face off in the
Nov. 5 general election. Meantime, here’s some info on the West Haven
candidates, pulling from statements they supplied to the Utah Lieutenant
Governor’s Office and the Standard-Examiner as well as their own campaign
— Cape Girardeau City Council Chooses From Ward 3 Hopefuls Aiming To Fill Seat
Vacancy – CLAYTON HESTER (DIERSEN: Are you a Wheaton resident? Do you live in
Wheaton’s West District? What do you know about the ten who have filed to be
appointed to fill Wheaton’s West District City Council vacancy?) (FROM THE ARTICLE: Before
a meeting on Monday, ten Cape Girardeau residents were angling to fill a ward 3
vacancy on the city council. That number has now been whittled down to three
applicants: Tom Roy, Nate Thomas, and Christina Mershon. Roy, a medical
practice manager at SoutheastHEALTH, is an alumni of Southeast Missouri State
University, and has called Cape Girardeau home for the last 19 years. “[I]
don’t have any special interests, don’t have any special agendas,” he said.
“Just hoping the skills I’ve accumulated over the last 30 years can help.” He
also described himself as a “big proponent of the parks,” and voiced interest
in tightening up rules for landlords – particularly those who rent to college
students. Thomas, a physical therapist at St. Francis Hospital, said although
he isn’t a Cape Girardeau native, he and his family are now “deeply rooted and
integrated” in the city. “Perhaps I would say my strongest attribute I would
bring the council is my background in government relations,” Thomas said. Not
only has he worked with Congress and multiple committees, but he’s also worked
with various government agencies. The third candidate, Christina Mershon, said
she offers a “diverse” skill set developed in her position as director of
continuing education at Southeast Missouri State University. Mershon said that,
while improvements are being made on Town Plaza and other select areas across
town, there are still “major problems that need to be recognized.” “Last week,
guys, we had a shooting there. It kind of concerns me that no one is mentioning
violence and some of the systemic problems. That’s heavy on my brain and my
heart,” she said. “Because while we go forward and we’re really making strides,
we’ve got to figure out what’s going on in the underpinning to address that stuff.”
She likened the potential to run to a “dating situation” – she might not run
for the ward seat after her time as replacement would expire. She wants to see
how well the position works for her. Ward 3 was made available when the former
representative Victor Gunn resigned on July 8th.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Warren and O’Rourke promote hatred
against Whites.
— How Amazon Stacks the Deck Against Workers Fighting to Keep Their Jobs Under
Amazon management, workers deemed to be underperforming face Sisyphean
performance improvement plans and peer juries of “Amabots.” – Casey Coombs
(DIERSEN: While I worked for GAO 1980-1997, to keep their jobs, my superiors,
supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates had to get rid of their superiors, supervisors,
coworkers, and subordinates who were Republican, White, male, and/or
non-veteran who had not made GS-13 (currently $98,198) by age 25, GS-14
(currently $116,040) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $136,495) by age 35, and
Senior Executive Service (currently $165,500) by age 40.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats use “White
supremacists” to promote hatred against Republicans, and especially
against Republicans who are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative,
patriotic, White, male, older, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and
those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.
— Ten have applied to be appointed to fill Wheaton’s West District City
Council vacancy. If your representative on your city council resigned, what
would you want the process to fill the vacancy to include? I want the city to
issue a press release each time it receives an application to fill a vacancy.
Those press releases should not only disclose the applicant’s name, but the
completed application, resume, and all the documents that were submitted.
Residents should have the right to know not only the applicants’ names, but a)
how long they have lived in the city and in the district, b) why they want to
be appointed to fill the vacancy, c) what they believe the most important
issues are that the city needs to address, d) what their opinion is on how
those issues could be addressed, e) what their work experience is, f) what their
education is, g) what professional certifications and licenses are, and h) what
experience do they have carrying out typical city council functions: Review and
approve the annual budget; Establish long- and short-term objectives and
priorities; Oversee performance of the local public employees; Oversee
effectiveness of programs; Establish tax rates; Enter into legal contracts;
Borrow funds; Pass ordinances and resolutions; Modify the city’s charter;
Regulate land use through zoning laws; Regulate business activity through
licensing and regulations; Regulate public health and safety; Exercise the
power of eminent domain; Communicate policies and programs to residents;
Respond to constituent needs and complaints; and Represent the community to
other levels of government. (SEE:
There should be at least one well-publicized candidate forum before an
appointment is made. Because aforesaid has not happened, and apparently will
not happen, for Wheaton’s West District City Council vacancy, yesterday, I
filed my application, and today, I filed a Freedom of Information Act request
for all the documents that applicants have filed. Needless-to-say, I want to
know if the candidates would vote for or against banning the sale of pot in
Wheaton. – Dave Diersen
committee starts discussion on allowing or banning recreational pot sales in
unincorporated areas – ALICIA FABBRE (DIERSEN: At DuPage County’s last board
meeting, I called for DuPage County to be the first country in Illinois to ban
the sale of pot. I will continue to do that at future board meetings. Please
join me.) (FROM THE ARTICLE:
Committee members will continue discussion of the issue on Aug. 20 and could
bring a recommendation to the full county board as early as the board’s Sept.
10 meeting. Currently, DuPage County zoning follows state law for medical
marijuana facilities. Under those rules, cannabis cultivation centers must be
located at least 2,500 feet from schools, group homes and residential areas and
dispensaries cannot be closer than 1,000 feet to the same sites. If the same
standards were used, there likely would be no place to locate a dispensary or
cultivation center in any area under the county’s jurisdiction, said Sam
Tornatore, who heads the board’s development committee. “If we decided to
mirror current zoning, then essentially it’s game over,” said Tornatore, a
Roselle Republican. He and others noted the county would have to adopt less
restrictive rules than those for medical marijuana in order to allow
dispensaries or cultivation centers in unincorporated areas. State law leaves
it to municipalities and counties to decide if they want to put any
restrictions in place for recreational marijuana businesses, officials said.
“The notion of granting easier access to recreational marijuana than to medical
marijuana makes no sense,” said board member Robert Larsen, a Wheaton
— Days after giving up on a recount for reelection, former Lake County Sheriff
Mark Curran to seek GOP nomination for U.S. Senate – RICK PEARSON (DIERSEN: On
July 5, 2003, a mere 16 years ago, all five announced Republican U.S. Senate
candidates (John Cox, Chirinjeev Kathuria, Andy McKenna, Jim Oberweis, and Jack
Ryan) attended a picnic that I arranged in the Prairie Path Park in my precinct
for voters in my precinct, Jeanne Ives’ precinct to the east, and Debra Olson’s
precinct to the west. The 200 attendees included Randy Hultgren.) (FROM THE ARTICLE:
Curran, who said he is scheduling his announcement for Aug. 15, Republican Day
at the Illinois State Fair, would become the highest profile name to enter the
March 2020 GOP primary contest. So far, four people have filed candidacy
statements with the Federal Election Commission — none with more than $1,500 in
the bank as of June 30.)
— Weaponizing the dead of El Paso and Dayton – John Kass
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: What did you do to afford better housing? I earned a) a
job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s
degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications
when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional
license when I was 32.
— Champaign County State’s Attorney Julia Rietz: When cannabis becomes legal,
‘it is not a free-for-all’ – Tim Mitchell (DIERSEN: The more available that pot
becomes, the more pot that will be consumed. The more pot that is consumed, a)
the more that you will have to deal with stoners and b) the more that you will
be negatively impacted by stoners. From what I see, the more pot that someone
uses, the more nasty that they become. I should write a book about them.)
— Last downstate governor rebukes secessionist legislators – Mark Maxwell
(DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Edgar sides with those who are
anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic,
anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people,
anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders,
and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.
Ever-increasingly the aforesaid glorify and praise Edgar.)
— Google Leftists Condemn CPAC as ‘Circus Platform for Hate’ in Leaked
Discussion – ALLUM BOKHARI (DIERSEN: What does Google think of you? From what I
see, Google a) wants to stop me from putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together
and sending them out and b) wants to stop everyone from reading GOPUSA ILLINOIS
emails. Of course, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes side
with Google.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats want to fill America with people who vote for
Democrats. Overwhelmingly, those who vote for Democrats a) need/want massive
government assistance, b) have serious financial, health, and/or other
problems, c) lack education, and/or d) lack job skills. Overwhelmingly, the
aforesaid are a) citizens of Mexico and of other foreign countries, b)
minorities, c) females, and/or younger.
— Biden leads Democrats as minorities favor most electable candidate vs Trump:
Reuters/Ipsos poll – Chris Kahn (DIERSEN: According to Democrats, Libertarians,
Greens, and RINOs, the more of the following that you are, the less electable
that you are: Trump supporter, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican,
American, White, male, older, rich, gun owner, German American, draft avoider,
federal employee, former federal employee, federal retiree, childless,
pet-less, American nameplate car owner, and if your ancestors have been in
America for a long time.)
— ‘This is a target list’: Joaquin Castro facing backlash for tweeting the
names of Texas Trump donors – Rebecca Morin (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly,
Trump-haters a) promote violence against Trump and against Trump’s supporters
and b) encourage Trump supporters to buy more firearms and to buy more
ammunition for their self-defense.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats divide a) minorities from
Whites, b) women from men, c) younger people from older people, d)
non-Protestants from Protestants, those who have less money from those who have
more money, non-German Americans from German Americans, those whose ancestors
have not been in America for a long time from those whose ancestors have not
been in America for a long time, etc.).
— Beggs and Wendle in lead for Spokane City Council president; Fagan lags –
Kip Hill and Adam Shanks (FROM THE ARTICLE: The
race for City Council president pitted two sitting members of the council
against Wendle, who despite her lack of resume in city politics was able to
raise substantial campaign funds. Beggs, an attorney with a background in
social justice who has represented the South Hill on the council since 2016,
raced to an early lead with 10,718 votes. Wendle finished the night in second
place with 9,349 votes. Mike Fagan, who has earned a reputation as the
council’s most conservative member, sought a promotion after two terms
representing the northeast district but trailed Beggs and Wendle with 8,093.
More ballots will be counted on Wednesday. The race also featured Phillip
Tyler, former president of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP, who has been
dogged by accusations of abuse by multiple ex-wives. He came in a distant
fourth. Beggs said he was confident heading into Tuesday’s election that he
would come out on top.)
— Fox, Stewart lead in Vancouver City Council race Both likely headed to general election;
Paulsen leads in Position 2 contest – Calley Hair (FROM THE ARTICLE: Fox’s
resume includes six years in the U.S. Army, a stint at an affordable housing
nonprofit and 14 years as a city planner in Camas.)
— Medvigy leads in Clark County Council race Incumbent councilor gets nearly
59% of vote; Cortes has almost 42% – Jake Thomas (FROM THE ARTICLE:
Medvigy has only lived in Clark County since 2016. But equipped with a resume
that includes stints as a California Superior Court judge, prosecutor and U.S.
Army general, he was appointed in January to fill the District 4 vacancy on the
Clark County Council. During his time representing the predominantly rural
district, Medvigy has taken conservative positions on taxes and spending. Under
the county charter, only residents of that district will vote in that race.)
— For the presidential race, ‘electability’ could decide who wins and who
loses – Emily Gersema (DIERSEN: According to Democrats, Libertarians, Greens,
and RINOs, the more of the following that you are, the less electable that you
are: Trump supporter, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican,
American, White, male, older, rich, gun owner, German American, draft avoider,
federal employee, former federal employee, federal retiree, childless,
pet-less, American nameplate car owner, and if your ancestors have been in
America for a long time.)
— Donald Trump and Fox News Promote the Great Replacement Theory – Nancy
LeTourneau (DIERSEN: Democrats want to fill America with people who vote for
Democrats. Overwhelmingly, those who vote for Democrats a) need/want massive government
assistance b) have serious financial, health, and/or other problems, c) lack
education, and/or d) lack job skills. Overwhelmingly, the aforesaid are a)
citizens of Mexico and of other foreign countries, b) minorities, c) females,
and/or younger.)
— Agencies Cautioned against Profiling Employees (DIERSEN: From what I see,
ever-increasingly, under the Democrats and under the RINOs, the following
demographics are viewed negatively: Trump supporter, Protestant, conservative,
patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owner, German
American, draft avoider, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a
long time.)
— How to improve federal diversity analysis (DIERSEN: While I worked for the
federal government for almost 30 years, my superiors were always under
tremendous pressure from Democrat politicians a) to hire, to retain, and to
promote young Democrat minorities and young Democrat females and b) to make way
for them by getting rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male,
and/or non-veteran who had not made GS-13 (currently $98,198) by age 25, GS-14
(currently $116,040) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $136,495) by age 35, and
Senior Executive Service (currently $165,500) by age 40.)
— How to Age-Proof Your Resume – Iswari Nallisamy (DIERSEN: Anyone looking at
my resume that I provided Wheaton along with my application to be appointed to
fill its West District City Council vacancy will surmise that I was born in
1948, that is, that I am 70 years old.)
— Pot Prohibition in Illinois Will Persist, Even After It’s Legal – Amanda
Vinicky (DIERSEN: Why does the media focus on the pot issue in Naperville, but
not in Wheaton?) (FROM THE ARTICLE: “We
have a great, safe community here in Naperville. We’ve got a great brand. It’s
a very family oriented place,” Naperville City Councilman Kevin Coyne said.
“And a lot of the experts in this arena have raised a lot of concerns that are
very troubling. That if you allow retail sale of marijuana you simply expand
marijuana use, that leads to teenage delinquencies, car accidents, a host of
other social problem that I don’t want to see come to Naperville an certainly
don’t want to be the guinea pig testing whether these concerns prove out or
— Ivanka Trump catches Mayor Lightfoot’s ire after violent weekend
“That’s the danger of trying to govern via tweet,” Chicago’s mayor
said after the president’s daughter and White House adviser called out Chicago
on social media. Another target of the mayor’s criticism: Cook County’s
judicial system. – A.D. QUIG
— Trump remains underwater in Midwest battleground states New polling data
finds the president may have picked up a little, but more survey respondents in
Wisconsin and Michigan disapprove than approve of the job he’s doing. And he
remains very unpopular in Illinois. – GREG HINZ (DIERSEN: From what I see, the
more of the following that you are, the harder that Democrats, Libertarians,
Greens, and RINOs work to make you unpopular: Trump supporter, Protestant,
conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun
owner, German American, draft avoider, and if your ancestors have been in
America for a long time.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats use the language of those who
hate those who are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic,
Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American,
draft avoiders, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.
— The NRA Has Long Urged Americans To Arm Themselves Against An Immigrant
Invasion – Jessica Schulberg (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs
illegally encourage citizens of foreign countries to illegally come to America
illegally and to illegally stay in America illegally.)
— President Trump: ‘Hate has no place in America’ (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly,
Trump haters promote hatred against individuals, against organizations, against
companies, against governments, and against countries that are Trump
supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White,
male, older, non-poor, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and those
whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— At its Monday August 5, 2019 meeting, Wheaton’s City Council unanimously passed
a resolution setting August 26 as the public hearing date concerning a draft
zoning ordinance amendment that would prohibit cannabis business establishments
in Wheaton. B.J. Slinger and I spoke in favor of banning the sale of pot in
Wheaton. Roosevelt Road rezoning study critic Elizabeth Hain spoke in favor of
selling pot in Wheaton. Roosevelt Road rezoning study critic Martha Bradley
called for Wheaton to hold off on taking action on the study until the West
District vacancy is filled. So far, 31 have requested applications to be
appointed to fill the West District vacancy, 4 completed applications have been
received, and one incomplete application has been received. 5:00 PM today,
Tuesday, August 6, 2019, is the deadline for filing an application. I am
disappointed a) that the 5 applicants have not publicly announced their
candidacy and b) that Wheaton has not released their names. If appointed, will
they vote for or against selling pot in Wheaton? Because of the aforesaid uncertainty,
I will be filing by 5:00 PM. – Dave Diersen
— OUTSTANDING: Vernon Hills teen’s anti-marijuana stance helps her win
national title – Eileen O. Daday (DIERSEN: Who speaks out against pot in your
neighborhood, in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in
your county, and in Illinois?) (FROM THE ARTICLE:
During her reign as president her senior year, the Catalyst Club lobbied in
Springfield and before the Buffalo Grove village board, among others, against
the use of recreational marijuana. “As president, my focus was internal,
making sure that we were strong as a group,” Dora says. “A drug-free
coalition isn’t the most popular group in the school, so I wanted to make sure
everyone knew why we were making the choices that we were making, and that we
could communicate that to the rest of the school.”)
— Adult bookstore takes legal action to overturn DuPage regulations – Robert
— Biden: Trump ‘using the language’ of ‘white nationalists’ (DIERSEN:
Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote hatred against not only Trump, but against
anyone who does not share their hatred of Trump. Ever-increasingly, Democrats
want Republicans to accept responsibility for gun violence and to apologize for
gun violence.) (FROM THE ARTICLE:
“Look at the way he talks about Muslims. Look at the way he talks about
immigrants. Look at the way he talks about people of color,” Biden told
CNN. “He talks about them almost in subhuman terms.” That, Biden
said, coaxes white supremacists from the shadows of American society.
“This is pure and simple white nationalist terrorism,” Biden said,
adding that he supports his support for adopting a federal domestic terrorism
law, a move that could give the Justice Department more avenues to investigate
and prosecute certain acts. Trump on Monday called on the nation to condemn
white nationalism, but he didn’t apologize for his incendiary rhetoric on race,
from referring to illegal immigration as an “invasion” to his recent
Twitter attacks on black members of Congress.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats promote violent video games.
— ‘Do Something!’: Calls For Action After Mass Shootings In El Paso And Dayton
announcement came in a late afternoon news conference in which officials
released the names of the El Paso shooting victims. They range in age from 15
to 90. There are 22 victims — 12 are male and 10 are female. Thirteen are
listed as U.S. citizens, seven are Mexican and one is German. According to the
list provided by the police, one person is ‘undetermined.’ Mexican authorities
also say the number of Mexican victims is eight. El Paso Police Chief Greg
Allen said the suspect in Saturday’s shooting purchased his gun — a 7.62
caliber rifle — legally “near his hometown in Allen” [Texas] and
drove 10 to 11 hours to El Paso. He said the suspect has been cooperative with
investigators, adding, “He volunteered most of the evidence that we’re
able to utilize at this time.” Allen said the suspect “appears to be
in a state of shock and confusion.” Mayor Margo, a Republican,
acknowledged some of the tensions surrounding the planned visit by Trump.)
— Guns Are Not the Ultimate Cause of Mass Killings
— Is Marriage Bad for Your Social Life? – Micah Clark (DIERSEN:
Ever-increasingly, the following do not want to associate with me: those who
are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic,
anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people,
anti-non-poor people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft
avoiders, anti-federal employees, anti-federal retirees, anti-those who are
childless, anti-those who do not own dogs, anti-those who own American
nameplate vehicles, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for
a long time.)
— Isolation and Social Media Combine to Radicalize Violent Offenders Social
media is increasingly playing a role, especially among lone actors like the
ones responsible for El Paso and Dayton shootings – Daniela Hernandez and Parmy
Olson (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Trump-haters isolate, demonize, denigrate,
and condemn those who are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative,
patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, gun owners, German American,
draft avoiders, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long
— Gun-Rights Lobby Faces Challenges on and Off the Hill Turmoil at the NRA and
spending by gun-control groups have changed the political equation, but not
enough to produce big legislative changes – Natalie Andrews and Mark Maremont
(DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Trump-haters isolate, demonize, denigrate, and
condemn gun owners.)
IT AWAY. (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those who hint/imply/argue/shout
that because I am a Republican Precinct Committeeman, the officers of the
Milton Township Republican Central Committee, DuPage County Republican Central
Committee, and the Illinois Republican Party can/should punish me if I do
something that they do not like. One should note that the aforesaid do not
encourage Republican Precinct Committeemen/Captains in Milton Township, DuPage
County, and Illinois to read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails. One should note the
adverse actions that the aforesaid have taken against me.)
— Press association challenges suspension of White House reporter – BIANCA
QUILANTAN (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those who have suspended my
GOPUSA press credentials since 2000. I would focus on a) those who claim to be
religious, conservative, and or Republican and b) those who have lots of
religious, government, political, and or financial clout in Wheaton, in Glen
Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois. They include
activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, and
political consultants. They talk and/or act like they are Democrat plants,
Libertarian plants, Green plants, or RINOs. They blame me and my GOPUSA
ILLINOIS emails for all of their problems, your problems, my problems, and
everyone’s problems. They focus on destroying those like me who they cannot
manipulate or dominate.)
— Trump condemns ‘racist hate’ and white supremacy but does not acknowledge
his own rhetoric – Maegan Vazquez (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats
demonize, denigrate, and condemn all Republicans as being White supremacists,
Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things who
should be gotten rid of once and for all.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats demonize, denigrate, and
condemn Trump and his supporters as being White supremacists, Nazis, KKK
members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things who should be
gotten rid of once and for all.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats demonize, denigrate, and
condemn Trump and his supporters as being White supremacists, Nazis, KKK
members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things who should be
gotten rid of once and for all.