December 26 Morning Edition

— Abuse claims of Human Services residents up, reviews slower – AP
— How solid local journalism delivered in Chicago in 2017 – Madeleine Doubek (DIERSEN: Many in Illinois first learn of what investigative journalists deliver by reading GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Those are just some of the gifts we got this year from the investigative journalists at the Better Government Association where I work.)


— Generation Grumpy is frustrated – Editorial (DIERSEN: What did you do during your “prime earning years” age 45-54? When I was 49 years old in 1997, my Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer.” My ending salary in today’s dollars was $122,991. My Civil Service Retirement System pension is only $50,856.)
(FROM THE EDITORIAL: Look around. At year’s end markets are up, this nation’s rate of economic growth is rising and paychecks are about to get bigger. Americans 45 to 54 years old see all of this, sure. But they also have economic war stories to mull. In their adult lives they’ve experienced a remarkable mix of boom and bust, pleasure and pain. Yes, their income and net worth have grown, but this group also has endured several recessions and stock market crashes, plus the upheaval of globalization and the arrival of the internet. Now they’re in prime earning years, with retirement on the horizon, unhappy with their economic state of being. They are grumpy, in fact. “Let’s call them the Grumpy Middle,” data analysis reporter Robert Gebeloff writes in The New York Times. “They are unhappier than previous generations. And they’ve been this way for years.” This rings true. We know some fine people in their 50s still shaking off the effects of the 2007-09 Great Recession. The value of their homes declined, their retirement accounts went backward and they took pay cuts or missed out on better raises. They are worried because they need to make up for those lost years before they’re handed gold (or maybe tin?) watches.)
— Lessons learned from coming out at work (DIERSEN: From what I see as those who promote LGBTQ activity take over the world, if you do not promote LGBTQ activity, those who promote LGBTQ activity, their operatives, and their dupes will get rid of you.)
— 4 myths about safe spaces at NU and other campuses – Morton Schapiro (DIERSEN: Those who promote safe places are filled with hatred of individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Stocking full of coal: Illinois shrinkage poses major problems – Austin Berg
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: An anti-Trump says “As the year ends, the moral authority of the presidency is in tatters.”
— FRONT PAGE: You can’t overstate power of information – Editorial (DIERSEN: Since 2000, according to my critics/opponents, everything in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails has been “fake news.” According to my critics/opponents, the only government and political news and commentary that is not fake is that which they publish.)
— PAGE 6: The heart of the threat facing free press The ongoing dangerous assault on the media demands constant, staunch response – Editorial (DIERSEN: Since 2000, according to my critics/opponents, everything in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails has been “fake news.” According to my critics/opponents, the only government and political news and commentary that is not fake is that which they publish.)


— State Rep. Avery Bourne, R-Raymond, and Aaron DeGroot, communications director for the Illinois Republican Party, took to Twitter on Christmas Day to announce some personal news. “We’re getting married!,” Bourne tweeted.
— Ex-administrators fault management in nursing home closure fallout – Dean Olsen
— Promises made, promises kept – Darin LaHood (DIERSEN: Government should encourage homeownership and paying for job-related education. The tax bill discourages homeownership and paying for job-related education. QUESTION: Who wants itemized deductions to be cut if not eliminated? ANSWER: Those who do not itemize. Overwhelmingly, those who do not itemize a) are younger, b) are not married, c) are not homeowners, d) do not pay lots of state income tax, e) do not have high medical and dental expenses, f) do not give lots of money to 501(c)(3) organizations, and/or g) do not pay for job-related education. I itemized 1972-1977 and my wife and I have itemized since we got married in 1978. I have have been a homeowner since 1972 and my wife and I since 1978. I paid state income tax 1964-1997 and my wife 1966-2017. Increasingly, our medical and dental expenses have increased. We have always given money to 501(c)(3) organizations. I deducted job-related my job-related education expenses 1972-1983 and 1992-1997.)


— ‘Trust us’ policies no way to combat corruption – Editorial


— Illinois Gets Tougher On Hate Crimes – RACHEL OTWELL (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps encourage hate crimes against those who are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Illinois Agencies Will Have To Disclose All Their Bills – BRIAN MACKEY


— No, Chicago Reader, Mount Greenwood is one of Chicago’s best – not worst – neighborhoods – William J. Kelly (DIERSEN: I should write a book about vile, mean-spirited, intolerant, and bigoted people in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who attack, demonize, denigrate, and condemn my hometown Crete.)


— Kelly Responds to Chicago Reader’s Attack on Mount Greenwood (DIERSEN: I should write a book about vile, mean-spirited, intolerant, and bigoted people in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who attack, demonize, denigrate, and condemn my hometown Crete.)


— Universities fear a violent 2018 – KIMBERLY HEFLING (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps want to get rid of Trump supporters.)


— DAILY HERALD HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: ‘Words can build up or tear down’ Trumps hear homily on power of speech – Kayla Epstein (DIERSEN: I should write a book about religious, government, political, and financial “leaders” in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who use abuse their elected or appointed positions to tear down those like me a) who they cannot manipulate/dominate, b) who do not glorify and praise them, c) who do not pander to them, d) who do not serve as one of their operatives or dupes, and/or e) who do not give them money.)


— The Uncharitable Charities The philanthropy lobby wins big but still trashes tax reform. – Editorial (DIERSEN: Starting next year, for joint filers, if their itemized deductions other than charitable contributions do not exceed $24,000, they will be discouraged from making charitable contributions.)


— The 5 Tightest Gubernatorial Races to Watch in 2018 – John A. Tures (DIERSEN: Will Rauner use Ives to paint himself as being a “good” Republican, that is, a Republican who rejects the traditional family, right to life, immigration, and many other planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Illinois: The Land of Lincoln has a Republican governor, but perhaps not for long. Not only has he attracted several tough Democratic opponents, but he also faces some primary opponents who could either oust him or drain his support. Bruce Rauner, a former businessman who defeated Democratic Governor Pat Quinn four years ago, has struggled to make in-roads the way the GOP has in state houses in Maryland and Massachusetts. He has feuded frequently with the state legislature, as well as members of his own party. He faces TV producer and media strategist William Kelly, as well as State Representatives Jeanne Ives and Richard Morthland, in the GOP primary. Should Rauner survive, he’ll face a strong Democratic opponent; the only question is who it will be. Will it be the son of Robert F. Kennedy, businessman and University of Illinois Trustee Chris Kennedy? Or Hyatt heir J. B. Pritzker? Or perhaps Dan Biss, a veteran of the state legislature and the college classroom? Or will Bob Daiber, the Madison County Superintendent of Schools, prevail against them all? While the state’s Democratic leanings and Rauner’s approval ratings should help the Democrats, a nasty primary could cost the party unless they find a way to unite around the nominee.)


— Make 2018 the Year to Improve Your Employees’ Experience – William Craig (DIERSEN: What did your superiors do to damage your employee experience? My Democrat GAO superiors forced me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old, always ranked me in the bottom half of my coworkers for pay-for-performance purposes, did not promote me beyond GS-13, kept me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for GAO, and forced me to take an $18,847 pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980. My Democrat IRS superiors did not promote me beyond GS-12, disallowed my education deductions in 1978, and disallowed my partial day per diem claims in 1974. My Democrat Post Office superiors forced me resign in 1969 and disallowed my sick leave requests in 1969 and 1968.)

December 24 Morning Edition

— Ives’ candidacy a thorn in Rauner’s side – Tom Kacich


— Judge partially lifts Trump administration ban on refugees – AP


— Trump criticizes FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe as he plans retirement – AP (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, my Democrat superiors always wanted to replace me with a Democrat, and especially with a Democrat who was minority, female, and/or younger. Because I have always been a Republican, were it not for federal civil service protections, a) the Post Office would NOT have hired me in 1966 or let me work there for almost 3 years, b) IRS would NOT have hired me in 1971 or let me work there for almost 9 years, c) IRS would NOT have promoted me in 1972, 1973, or 1974, d) GAO would NOT have hired me in 1980 or let me work there for almost 18 years, and e) GAO would NOT have promoted me in 1986.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: McCabe plans to retire in about 90 days, when he becomes fully eligible for pension benefits, The Washington Post reported Saturday, citing people familiar with the situation. Trump and his Republican allies have made it clear that they want McCabe out of the FBI. But McCabe is a civil service employee who cannot be fired without clear evidence of wrongdoing.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: In an all-of-the-front page editorial unethically made to look like a news article, anti-Trumps glorify and praise a) those who come to America illegally, b) those who stay in America illegally, and c) those who bring others to America illegally.)


— Mexico’s leftist presidential front-runner Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador puts country first, resists Trump comparison – AP (DIERSEN: Constructively, Mexico has declared war on America. If elected, will Obrador a) stop Mexico from sending many millions of its citizens into America illegally; b) bring back to Mexico its many millions of citizens who are in America illegally, and c) stop Mexico from sending many mountains of illegal drugs into America illegally?)


— Answers must be provided in Quincy Veterans Home outbreaks – Editorial


— Thumbs-down to obstacles to letting the public decide size of their government – Editorial
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Thumbs-down: To state Rep. Steve Reick, R-Woodstock. Reick has filed a bill in Springfield that would make it harder for residents to decide the size and scope of their local government. Reick’s proposal, House Bill 4190, would require township trustees to pay an independent contractor for a cost study before they could ask voters about whether to eliminate township road districts. Reick apparently thinks that an independent contractor needs to give the OK before residents can have a voice in shaping their government. That’s nonsense. This proposal is a transparent attempt to make it more difficult to pare down township government, likely at the behest of officials who work in township government and their political allies. Here’s the truth: Those Illinoisans who haven’t already fled this state are tired of paying high property taxes to support the most units of local government of any state in the nation. We need officials to remove the roadblocks and allow us to decide how many people govern us, and what they are paid to do it. Voters will not approve a ballot initiative that they do not believe will benefit them.)


— Illinois drops to No. 6 among most populous states – Chris Coates


— Minooka village levy to increase for funding pension plans – KRIS STADALSKY


— Illinois Republican congressmen differ on national concealed carry reciprocity – Greg Bishop


— Coalition Letter Urges Trump Administration to Resist Courts on “Transgenders” in Military – John Biver


— Amnesty: GOP ‘Gang of 33’ Silent on Required Tax Increases, Budget Cuts – NEIL MUNRO


— Liberal or Conservative? Where you shop reveals how you vote – DANTE CHINNI


— Life, Death and Taxes in Inequality City – Ginia Bellafante


— Protesters head to Chuck Schumer’s house to blast failure on Dream Act – DALE W. EISINGER and RICH SCHAPIRO


— Democrats aim to turn tax plan into cudgel in 2018 midterms – AP
— Most federal employees in D.C.-Baltimore area to receive 2.3 percent raise in January – Eric Yoder
— Washington careerists work to undermine Trump’s agenda – Christopher Flavelle and Benjamin Bain (DIERSEN: Because I have always opposed political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination, a) my Democrat GAO superiors forced me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old, always ranked me in the bottom half of my coworkers for pay-for-performance purposes, did not promote me beyond GS-13, kept me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for GAO, and forced me to take an $18,847 pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980; b) my Democrat IRS superiors did not promote me beyond GS-12, disallowed my education deductions in 1978, and disallowed my partial day per diem claims in 1974; and c) my Democrat Post Office superiors forced me resign in 1969 and disallowed my sick leave requests in 1969 and 1968.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In the long run, career staff can face consequences for resisting presidential policy. While it’s hard to outright fire a civil servant, congressional Republicans in January gave themselves the ability to reduce the annual pay for any individual federal employee to $1. An administration can also punish bureaucrats through punitive reassignments, designed to make them quit. Joel Clement, a senior policy manager at the Department of Interior, was moved to the accounting office in June — retaliation, he alleged, for speaking out about the risks of climate change.)


— The Insane Amount of Money Millionaires Say They Need to be Happy – KRISTEN BAHLER (DIERSEN: What is the main reason why you have less money than you have now? For me, it was my Democrat superiors who wasted my career and forced me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)


— 3 Money Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Retirement If you make this mistake, you face almost a 60% chance of running out of cash during retirement. – Christy Bieber

(FROM THE ARTICLE: 3. Retiring too early Because of historically low bond rates and Americans’ longer life spans, many longstanding ideas about retirement — like the assumption that you can withdraw 4% or more from your retirement accounts each year without running out of money — no longer apply. In fact, in 2013 researchers from The American College and Morningstar found that a senior following the 4% rule stood a 57% chance of running out of cash when returns were calculated based on current rates. Retiree spending falls into predictable patterns. Retirees spend more during early retirement, when they’re healthy enough to travel and indulge their hobbies. They spend less during the middle of retirement as their health declines and energy wane, and in the late stage of retirement they spend more as costly health issues arise. This means that if you exhaust your savings, you’re likely to be short on cash at a time when you’re too old to work. To avoid this predicament, it’s imperative you accurately calculate how much you’ll need for retirement and how much you can safely withdraw without putting your future at risk. If your projected withdrawals don’t provide enough money to cover your expected costs, think about working longer or lowering your costs of living.)

December 20 Morning Edition

— FRONT PAGE WITH COLOR PHOTO: Rauner lays out how second term will be different, blames Emanuel for first-term failures – Rick Pearson and Bill Ruthhart
— Rauner on messaging woes: ‘Very, very difficult’ to explain complex issues to 12.5 million people (DIERSEN: It would be great if Rauner would read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails. Reading GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails helps you keep up to date with Illinois government and political news and commentary that is put out by television stations, newspapers, radio stations, political organizations, activists, etc. GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails go out each and every morning and each and every evening; their format allows for quick reading, they contain no advertising, and they are free.)
— FRONT PAGE: Strategist Christopher Robling touted volunteer work for College of DuPage while chairwoman secretly paid his son’s tuition to Georgetown – Stacy St. Clair and Christy Gutowski
(FROM THE ARTICLE: When former College of DuPage board Chairwoman Kathy Hamilton ordered the school to hire her political strategist as a special assistant to the president, she and the strategist repeatedly described him as a volunteer and promised he would donate his salary to charity. But here’s what they didn’t disclose: He was getting money all along. Newly filed court documents show Hamilton was secretly paying the college tuition of strategist Christopher Robling’s son while Robling was employed at the state’s largest community college — payment that experts say may run counter to the state’s ethics and election laws. The private payment became public as part of Hamilton’s divorce case in DuPage County, where she and her estranged husband, John, have been battling over a $45 million estate for more than a year, according to court records. The divorce case explains Hamilton’s departure from the college’s board of trustees for “personal reasons” just months after she became its chairwoman, and it also contains allegations she used marital assets to, among other things, help pay for Robling’s son to attend Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. The exact amount wasn’t included in the court documents, but sources say she paid Georgetown about $20,000 between June 2015 and November 2015. During that six-month period Robling served as special assistant to then-college President Joseph Collins, earning and then donating roughly the same amount that Hamilton paid to Georgetown. This wasn’t an unusual arrangement for the Hamiltons, their divorce case shows. The couple paid one year of American University tuition for John Hamilton’s assistant’s daughter, according to records. Robling, who owns a strategic communications firm and serves as a political commentator on local television and radio, acknowledged the money paid to Georgetown during a recent deposition. “I am an alum of Georgetown and he happens to attend Georgetown and I’m very proud of that,” Robling said in the deposition. In portions of the deposition filed as part of the divorce case, Robling declined to say whether he paid taxes on the tuition paid to Georgetown or whether it was considered a gift. Though John Hamilton refers to Robling as his wife’s “paramour” in court filings, Robling declined to answer questions about his personal relationship with Kathy Hamilton during his deposition. Attorney Aldo Botti, who represents both Kathy Hamilton and Robling in the divorce proceedings, says the allegation is false and meant to embarrass Kathy Hamilton. Both Hamilton and Robling declined interview requests through Botti. “She’s a woman of integrity who’s going through a very difficult divorce and who is seeking her fair share of the marital estate,” Botti said. “She’s been through a lot.” One day after the Tribune asked Botti about Hamilton’s tuition arrangement with Robling, Hamilton petitioned the court to seal her divorce file. DuPage County Judge Neal Cerne refused the request, siding with the Tribune after it intervened and asked that the case remain open for public viewing. The divorce proceeding is scheduled to go to trial Wednesday. Before Robling worked for COD, Hamilton personally paid him $2,500 a month between August 2014 and June 2015 for crisis management and to protect her political image, according to Robling’s deposition.)
— The risk of speaking up – Alexandra Olson (DIERSEN: If I had never spoken out against political affiliation discrimination, against reverse discrimination, or against age discrimination, the federal government would have promoted me into its Senior Executive Service long before I was 40 years old in 1988 notwithstanding the fact that I am Republican, White, male, and non-veteran.)


— Gov. Rauner wages war with … WBEZ? – Tina Sfondeles (DIERSEN: GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are put together from a Republican perspective. That is why Democrats and Democrats, Libertarians and Libertarian plants, Greens and Green plants, and RINOs do not like them.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Gov. Bruce Rauner on Tuesday accused Chicago public radio station WBEZ of discontinuing an “Ask the Governor” segment with him because “it’s really more of a Democrat station” — a charge the station is adamantly denying. The remarks were made during a Chicago Tribune editorial board meeting. Columnist Eric Zorn tweeted that the governor complained to the board that WBEZ discontinued the segment for political reasons. “Some of the powers that be didn’t want me goin’ on there, it’s really more of a Democrat station,” the governor said, per Zorn’s tweet. That accusation didn’t gel well for the public radio station, which offers extensive local and national political coverage. “WBEZ and Governor Rauner’s team agreed that the ‘Ask the Governor’ segment would have a limited run and end by Labor Day, as it would not be fair to gubernatorial candidates of all parties to allow the governor an hour of airtime each month during the election campaign,” Goli Sheikholeslami, WBEZ’s president and CEO, said in a statement. “WBEZ is committed to providing voters with fair coverage of all candidates, and we look forward to having Governor Rauner join us for our upcoming GOP primary candidate forum in 2018.”)
— Chicago area households may likely lose under GOP tax plan – Lynn Sweet


— Former DuPage sheriff’s supervisor being investigated in wake of firing – Justin Kmitch
— GOP tax bill would usher in a bleak future – Fareed Zakaria
— Vernon Township harassment probe shows need for outsider’s credibility – Editorial


— ‘Implicit racial bias’ training is coming to your school, for better or worse – MARK GLENNON
— GOP House hopeful Shah admits to taking improper tax breaks – GREG HINZ


— Rauner administration to appeal AFSCME step pay ruling – Doug Finke (DIERSEN: Have you gotten step increases? My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always been beyond furious that I got step increases and COLAs while I worked for the federal government. They have also always been beyond furious a) that the Post Office hired me in 1966 and let me work there for almost 3 years, b) that IRS hired me in 1971 and let me work there for almost 9 years, c) that IRS promoted me in 1972, 1973, and 1974, d) that GAO hired me in 1980 and let me work there for almost 18 years, and e) that GAO promoted me in 1986.)


— Request period open for voting by mail in Illinois Primary – Carol Vorel


— Local governments challenged by underfunded pension plans; Ives calls for amending constitution – Ann Maher


— Ives makes campaign stop – Greg Olson


— Representative Jeanne Ives hosts meet and greet in Jacksonville


— Ives Wants State Pension Changes – BRIAN MACKEY


— 3 Trump Judicial Nominees Withdraw, Raising Some Questions About Vetting – NINA TOTENBERG (DIERSEN: Who vettes Republican candidates in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois? Are they a) the officers of your township/ward Republican party organization, b) the officers of your Republican county party organization, c) your representative on the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) State Central Committee, d) the IRP offices, and/or e) those who have the most religious, government, political, and/or financial clout? Because Rauner dominates everything that is Republican in Illinois, one could paint Rauner as being responsible for vetting all Republican candidates in Illinois.)


— Representative Jeanne Ives hosts meet and greet in Jacksonville


— Congressional candidate’s views shaped by his religious faith, sees tax bill as morally ‘awful’ – Howard Packowitz


— Dist. 218 Knew Employee Was An Alleged ‘Peeping Tom:’ LAWSUIT New lawsuit claims Dist. 218 had received earlier complaints about an employee being an alleged locker room peeper before his 2015 arrest. – Lorraine Swanson


— Thousands of black students leave Chicago for other segregated districts – Kalyn Belsha (DIERSEN: Democrats run Illinois and they especially Cook County and Chicago. Democrats used to promote integration, but now they promote segregation.)


— Rauner appointee to Illinois board accused of racial slurs, ethics violations – Emily Hoerner and Jeanne Kuang


— Chicago’s Pension And Debt Load Worse Than Puerto Rico’s, And A New Moody’s Report Zaps Chicago – Mark Glennon
— Squeezed out, fed up: Property tax hikes from Wilmette to Danville threaten Illinois’ tax base – Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner


— Rauner loses big in Palatine straw poll – W.J. Kennedy (DIERSEN: In your township/ward and county, which candidates would win straw polls in the following races: a) Rauner/Sanguinetti v. Ives/Morthland and b) Harold v. Grasso? In DuPage County, which candidates would win straw polls in the following races: a) Diganvker v. Jhingan, b) Stella v. Vlakancic, c) Minor v. Grant v. Byrne v. Augustynowicz, d) Kinzler v. Orozco, e) Zito v. Khouri, f) Mendrick v. Bibbiano, g) Tornatore v. DeMichele v. Fichtner v. Gavanes, h) Hart v. Abbott v. Tully v. Broline, i) McGowen v. Almiron v. Eckhoff v. Zaruba v. Tatro v. Chinchilla, j) Wiley v. Zay v. McQuade, k) Russo v. MacKay, l) Illinois Republican Party State Central Committee candidates, m) etc.?)


— Wheaton Chamber of Commerce to honor members’ efforts at Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon – C. M. Schmidlkofer (DIERSEN: What do those who dominate your Chamber of Commerce think of you? Sadly, those who dominate the Wheaton Chamber of Commerce have an extremely low opinion a) of me, b) of my conservatism, c) of my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails, d) of my opposition to video gambling, and e) of what I do each year to promote Wheaton’s Independence Day parades. They blame me for their problems. They blame me for your problems. They blame me for my problems. They blame me for everyone’s problems. They blame me for the Wheaton Chamber of Commerce’s problems. They blame me for Wheaton’s problems. In 2011, they abolished the chamber’s Government Affairs Committee to get rid of me, the committee’s senior member.)


— Rauner’s “betrayal” could be costing him endorsements from Illinois congressmen – W.J. Kennedy


— STATE LAWMAKER PLANS TO INTRODUCE TOWNSHIP CONSOLIDATION BILL State Rep. David McSweeney, R-Barrington Hills, is working on the framework for a bill that would dramatically improve taxpayers’ ability to eliminate township governments, of which Illinois has about 1,400. – Joe Kaiser


— Views differ on importance of Cook County’s non-binding pot legalization question – Greg Bishop (DIERSEN: If you promote pot, you promote destruction.)


— Illinois Prisoner Review Board Member – Use of racial slur found in member records – JOHN KRAFT


— THE UNBEARABLE WEIGHT OF THE IRS (DIERSEN: IRS does what politicians tell it to do. If you do not like what IRS does, you should be mad at the politicians who tell IRS what to do. Did you vote for politicians who told IRS to do things that you do not like?)


— Rauner: “We had the possibility of a transformation for the state with the crisis that we had”
— Rauner now says his second term will be successful because the courts will let him bypass Madigan


— Half of Americans Think Their Taxes Will Go Up Under GOP Plan, Poll Shows


— It’s Time For Jeff Sessions To Bring Hate Crime Charges Against Chicago’s Facebook Live Torture Suspects – William J. Kelly


— Immigration: E-Verify A Must For American Workers – JOHN WALKER

— Dear Cosmopolitan: Your evil sexual advice is literally destroying countless women


— A fractured GOP unified to pass a landmark tax plan: Here’s how it came together – Phil Mattingly and Lauren Fox
— GOP borrows ‘Obamacare’ playbook to defend tax bill: You’ll like it once you see it – Stephen Collinson


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH THREE BIG COLOR PICTURES: How Tough Is It to Change a Culture of Harassment? Ask Women at Ford Decades after the company tried to tackle sexual misconduct at two Chicago plants, continued abuse raises questions about the possibility of change.  – SUSAN CHIRA and CATRIN EINHORN


— With this tax bill, the GOP has finally killed family-friendly conservatism – Jonathan Coppage
— Federal agency reports show ‘continuum of harm’ from workplace sexual misconduct – Joe Davidson (DIERSEN: I saw no sexual misconduct while I worked for the Post Office 1966-1969, IRS 1971-1980, and GAO 1980-1997. What I did see was that my Democrat superiors and supervisors always gave preference to their employees who were Democrat, and especially to their employees who were female, minority, and/or younger, that is, I saw that they discriminated against their employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— What the Tax Bill Does to Homeowners The Republican tax-code overhaul would reduce or eliminate some of the benefits of homeownership that Americans have come to expect. – Christina Rexrode (DIERSEN: Government should encourage homeownership. I have been a homeowner since I was 24 years old in 1972, and my wife and I have been homeowners since we got married in 1978. Government should encourage homeownership.)
— Tax Reform Means Your Paycheck Will Grow – Paul Ryan (DIERSEN: What do growing paychecks mean for you? Growing paychecks mean nothing for me because the last time I got a paycheck was in 1997 when I was 49 years old. My $50,856/year Civil Service Retirement System pension is only 41% of what my $122,991 GAO salary was in 1997 in today’s dollars.)
— Republican Tax Bill Has Grown More Unpopular, Poll Shows Overall, 41% of Americans in the survey said the tax plan was a bad idea, up from 35% in October. – Janet Hook
— Sexual-Harassment Training Gets a Revamp – Sue Shellenbarger (DIERSEN: Employees who take such training will be even more anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Why You’ll Need More Retirement Savings Than You Think (and What to Do About it) If retirement savings will be your main source of retirement income, you’ll need to have way more than the typical saver manages. – Wendy Connick (DIERSEN: Where you live in retirement is extremely important. If you live in DuPage County, the cost of living is very high.)

December 19 Morning Edition

— What you need to know about Rauner’s ‘Top 10’ accomplishments list (DIERSEN: What will your top 10 accomplishments list for 2017 include? Mine will include putting together and sending out a GOPUSA ILLINOIS email each and every morning and each and every evening.)
— Twitter suspends white nationalists as it enforces new rules – AP (DIERSEN: How soon will Twitter suspend the following groups: Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German Americans, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time?)–twitter-abuse-enforcement-20171218-story.html


— Jump into the fight, Illinois, to keep the internet free and open to all Americans – Editorial (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents do not want the internet or any other form of communication to be “free and open to all Americans.” My critics/opponents are moral relativists who believe that their end justifies their means. They want to manipulate/dominate all forms of communication including GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails. They focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate.)


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: With deduction changes, should you pay next property taxes now? – Jake Griffin
— We’re intrigued by Ives’ unit district proposal – Editorial
— ‘Simplified’ tax reform has plenty to offer ‘regulatory parasites’ – Catherine Rampell
— St. Charles wants to require massage employees to report sexual misconduct – James Fuller


— Twitter suspends white nationalists as it enforces new rules on ‘hateful’ content (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes want everything that they cannot manipulate/dominate to be shut down.)


— Tobacco mogul stokes Raoul’s bid for Illinois AG – GREG HINZ


— Illinois lawmakers fear low Medicaid-provider rates could doom plan – AP


— Illinois Republicans Ready To Pass Tax Reform – Greg Bishop


— Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches 55% now oppose GOP tax bill – JENNIFER AGIESTA
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Two-thirds see the bill as doing more to benefit the wealthy than the middle class (66%, vs. 27% who say it’ll do more to benefit the middle class) and almost four in 10 (37%) say that if the bill becomes law, their own family will be worse off. That’s grown five points since early November. Just 21% say they’ll be better off if the bill becomes law. President Donald Trump, the bill’s salesperson-in-chief, lands at an overall 35% approval rating in this poll, his worst mark yet in CNN polling by one point. Trump’s approval ratings continue to be the lowest for any modern president at this point in his presidency. As of December of their first year in office, all first-time elected presidents back to Eisenhower have approval ratings of 49% or higher except for Trump. More than six in 10 (63%) see the tax bill as leaving the President and his family better off. Just 5% think it harms the Trump clan. And disapproval of the President’s handling of taxes has risen six points in the last month, to 57%. Almost three-quarters, 73%, say the President should release his tax returns for public review, about the same share that said so as his inauguration approached in January.)


— Oswego GOP County Leader Takes On Kinzinger Oswego Republican James Marter is running in the primaries against a three-term incumbent from the 16th congressional district. – Caitlin Ketel


— Ives says Illinois taxpayer flight a result of Rauner’s broken promises – Glenn Minnis (DIERSEN: Who wants those who share your demographics to leave your precinct, your municipality, your township/ward, your county, and Illinois? I should write a book about “leaders” who have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Milton Township, DuPage County, and in Illinois who want those who share my demographics to leave. These “leaders” are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors and/or they a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and/or the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, c) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, d) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, and/or e) are operatives or dupes for the aforesaid. If they do not want you to leave, it means that they are manipulating you or dominating you.)


— GOP lawmakers heading to court to block bill that funds abortions – Caitlin Nordahl


— Rauner echoes Trump complaining about “fake news”


— Women in America: Once Protected and Honored, Now Objectified – Tami Jackson


— Senate Republicans deny buying votes for tax bill – David Sherfinski


— Trump: ‘We Cannot Secure Our Nation If We Do Not Secure Our Borders’ – PAM KEY
— Illegal Aliens Arrested in Push for Christmas Amnesty – PENNY STARR


— Facebook admitted the site is bad for your mental health. Here’s what they recommend. – Aaron Colen (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes a) want you to know only what they want you to know and b) have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that reading GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails is bad for your health.)


— Tax bill whacks liberal big cities ‘This is the screw-New Jersey bill,’ the mayor of Piscataway said. – AARON LORENZO


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Have You Ever Felt Sorry for the I.R.S.? Now Might Be the Time – Patricia Cohen (DIERSEN: How much do you know about IRS? I know a lot about IRS because I worked for IRS for almost 9 years, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $79,563-$90,173 and I worked for GAO on audits of IRS for 3 years at the GS-13 Step 1-3 levels, currently $94,610-$100,917. However, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always viciously demonized, denigrated, condemned, and wasted my knowledge of IRS. I should write a book about my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: After years of upbraiding and even threatening to abolish the Internal Revenue Service, Republicans must now depend on the agency to carry out their signature legislative accomplishment: a comprehensive revision of the tax code. The task is monumental. While processing tens of millions of tax returns for 2017 under the current rules, the I.R.S. would also have to figure out how to interpret and explain a new system and put it into practice. “Beware,” said John A. Koskinen, who retired last month as I.R.S. commissioner. “If the budget keeps being cut and the agency keeps being given more things to do, the I.R.S. is simply not going to work.” Either the information technology will fail, forcing the filing and refund systems to collapse, he warned, or enforcement and audits will become so scarce that fewer people will be inclined to pay the taxes they owe. The House and Senate were expected to vote on the $1.5 trillion tax overhaul as soon as Tuesday. Vice President Mike Pence planned to preside over the vote and, if needed, break a tie and pass the bill.)
— Tax Cuts Benefit the Ultra Rich, but Not the Merely Rich – Andrew Ross Sorkin
— Republican Tax Cuts Would Lift Some Industries More Than Others – Jim Tankersley and Ben Casselman


— Evanston, Illinois: Teacher Segregation ‘Staff that identifies as individuals of color will meet in Room 226.’
— The Google-Facebook Duopoly Threatens Diversity of Thought A political website pulled an article after Google’s AdSense team threatened to withdraw advertising. – Mark Epstein (DIERSEN: He who pays the piper calls the tunes. Since 2000, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have been beyond furious that I have enough time and money that I do not have to ask any individual, any organization, any company, any government, or any country to give me money to put out GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)
— Middle Class to Get 23% of Tax Cuts for Individuals Under GOP Bill Benefits mostly peter out after a decade, joint committee on taxation finds – Siobhan Hughes and Shayndi Raice
— Higher Education Bill Could Heat Up Competition for Adult Students Focus on shorter programs, competency-based offerings is seen providing more options for older students – Melissa Korn and Douglas Belkin (DIERSEN: I was 23 when I started taking graduate business courses at Loyola. I was 27 when I started taking graduate accounting courses at DePaul. I was 43 when I started taking graduate finance courses at IIT. Because I took only one course at a time, it took me 4 years to graduate from Loyola, 4 years to graduate from DePaul, and 5 years to graduate from IIT.)


— Trump Asks ‘How’s Your 401(k)?’ But Most Voters Don’t Have One New campaign slogan celebrates growth of stock market Only 45 percent of private-sector workers have 401(k) plans – Toluse Olorunnipa (DIERSEN: To be able to save for your retirement, you have to qualify yourself for better paying jobs. What have you done to qualify yourself for better paying jobs? I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: President Donald Trump is trying out a new campaign slogan: “How’s your 401(k) doing?” The answer for more than half of Americans is that they don’t have one. Trump has tested out the line this month at a fundraiser, a campaign rally and in a White House meeting, predicting that the rising U.S. stock market will help him win re-election. But only about 45 percent of private-sector workers participate in any employer-sponsored retirement plan, and the lower-income workers in Trump’s political base are the least likely to hold money in such an account, according to the Government Accountability Office. Trump mentions the stock market almost daily in tweets or public remarks, taking direct credit for record highs by the Dow Jones Industrial Average and other indexes. But only about 14 percent of U.S. families directly own stocks, an asset class dominated by the country’s top earners, according to the Federal Reserve. Meanwhile, the president has also rolled back efforts to expand retirement savings options to more middle-class and low-income workers. For a president propelled into office in no small part by resentment that a broad swath of the country has been left behind while an entrenched establishment prospers, continual references to the stock market and 401(k) accounts risk alienating his supporters, said Austan Goolsbee, a former chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers under President Barack Obama. How America’s Inequality Machine Is Firing the Dow Into Orbit “As a political slogan, ‘how is your 401(k) doing?’ suggests he’s most interested in the one-third of people who have a 401(k),” said Goolsbee, who teaches economics at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. “The more you highlight how great that group of financial winners is doing, you at least run the risk of angering and irritating the very people who revolted against what they perceived as the financial and political elites in the first place.” White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said Trump’s statements reflect “a strong economy” that is “good news for everyone.” “For the Americans that don’t have the opportunity to invest in a 401(k) plan or who choose not to, the Trump agenda of lower taxes, higher wages, and better jobs allows them to save more on their own, and potentially have a better chance of finding a job in the future that provides those benefits,” Walters added in an emailed statement. . .‘Privileged Few’ “And, by the way, how are your 401(k)s doing?” Trump said during a Dec. 8 rally in Pensacola, Florida, where median household income is about $46,000. “ Not too bad, right?” The line was met with light applause. “I’m not sure he understands that only a fraction of the population has 401(k)s,” said Alicia Munnell, director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. “So he just may not realize that he’s speaking to the privileged few.” Only a third of people contribute anything to their retirement accounts, according to a Census study released this year. Among workers in the bottom half of the income scale, less than 25 percent participate in a retirement program, according to the GAO.)


— Minimum wage hikes: 18 states, 20 cities to lift pay floors Jan. 1 – Paul Davidson


— 6 things agencies did to improve employee engagement this year – Nicole Ogrysko (DIERSEN: QUESTION: What demonstrates employee engagement? ANSWER: Earning job-related college degrees, professional certifications, and professional licenses. I worked for the Post Office 1966-1969, IRS 1971-1980, and GAO 1980-1997. I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32. However, my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that the undergraduate and graduate courses that I took a) were not job-related, b) did not help me carry out my job duties, c) were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, and d) were a distraction. To keep their jobs and to get promoted, my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government focused on getting rid of federal employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)

December 17 Morning Edition

— Ethics, redemption become issues in Will County clerk race – Ted Slowik
(FROM THE ARTICLE: I wondered this week how Lauren Staley-Ferry’s admission and apology for a felony forgery charge she faced 15 years ago in Arizona would affect her candidacy for Will County clerk. Staley-Ferry, 39, of Joliet, is one of two candidates running in the March 20 Democratic primary for county clerk. The other is Denise Mushro-Rumchak, 59, of Crest Hill.)
— I got kicked out of diversity training – Joanne Cleaver (DIERSEN: Democrats use Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion to get rid of Republicans, and especially to get rid of Republicans who are White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— Are Taxpayers Footing The Bill For Patriotic Tributes At College Games? – Monica Eng (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps are anti-patriotic.)


— Illinois Has Highest Pension Liability In Nation – Greg Bishop


— TRAGIC: Quincy City Council considers raising cap on video gaming terminals – Doug Wilson


— POLL: As Chicago contemplates pot legalization, Decatur officials still skeptical – JAYLYN COOK


— At campaign stop, Pritzker tells Southern Illinois Democratic Women he’s ‘ready to resist’ – K. JANIS ESCH (DIERSEN: Ever-increasing, Pritzker makes it clear that if he is elected, he will drive out of Illinois all the individuals, organizations, and companies that are a member of one or more of the following groups: Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German Americans, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: During a campaign-stop luncheon hosted by the Southern Illinois Democratic Women on Saturday afternoon, Democratic gubernatorial hopeful J.B. Pritzker billed himself as a feminist ally and a proud member of the anti-Trump resistance. Pritzker, a billionaire investor and entrepreneur, told a crowd of 250 people at the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 318 that he was “ready to listen … ready to resist and ready for the fight ahead.” After his speech, Pritzker moderated a panel discussion featuring female leaders. His running-mate, Juliana Stratton, state representative of the 5th District, noted in her introductory remarks that Pritzker was the first candidate in the race to choose a woman for the lieutenant governor position. “This is a partnership, and together, we’re going to put Springfield back on the side of women and families,” she said. In 2016, Stratton said, Illinois women made an average of $41,327, compared to the average for men of $52,161. She said equal pay for equal work will be a top priority for Pritzker’s administration. Pritzker spoke about his disappointment after the 2016 election, when Donald Trump won the presidency in a stunning upset over Hillary Clinton. “I was sad for our country, I was sad for the direction that it would take us in and for what it meant about and for our values. I was sad that my daughter witnessed a misogynistic, racist man defeating a deeply qualified woman for president,” Pritzker said.)


— Can Rauner Really Take Out Madigan? – Rich Miller


— Ives outscores Rauner in tax group’s policy survey – W.J. Kennedy


— If Congress Doesn’t Act Soon To Save Dreamers, It Might Not Save Them At All Immigration reform advocates want legal status for undocumented young people as part of a government spending bill. – Elise Foley


— Pope Francis says journalists commit ‘sins of communication’ – Teri Webster (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes will hint/imply/argue/shout that the Pope is talking about me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Pope Francis weighed in on the issue of freedom of the press as he delivered a sermon to a group of journalists Saturday about “the sins of communication,” NPR News reported. Who was there? The Pope made his comments to members of the Italian Periodical Press Union and the Italian Federation of Catholic Weeklies, reports state. According to the Pope, journalism is a field “dominated by the anxiety of speed” and is driven by sensationalism. Reliable information, he said, is at a premium. Pope Francis also spoke about the perils of disinformation and slander, NPR reported. What did Pope Francis say? “You shouldn’t fall into the ‘sins of communication:’ disinformation, or giving just one side, calumny that is sensationalized, or defamation, looking for things that are old news and have been dealt with and bringing them to light today,” he said. Pope Francis added: “We must not fall prey to the ‘sins of communication’: disinformation that is, giving just one side of the argument, slander, which is sensationalistic, or defamation, looking for outdated and old things, and bringing them to light today. They are very grave sins, which damage the heart of the journalist and harm people.” The world can expect to hear similar sermons from the pope in the future. Pope Francis plans to make “fake news and journalism for peace,” the topic of his 2017 World Communications Day speech. The pope has waded into media issues in the past, as well. NPR reported last year that the pope told “journalists and media consumers” that an interest in dredging up scandals is similar to “the sickness of coprophilia,” which is an abnormal interest in feces “that can include elements of sexual arousal.”)


— The Tax Bill That Inequality Created – Editorial
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Many Want Nothing to Do With the ‘R’ Word A growing number of older Americans continue to work for a variety of reasons. – Claudia Dreifus (DIERSEN: According to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes, what I do 10+ hours each and every day putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out is NOT work. They hint/imply/argue/shout that because no one pays me for what I do as your GOPUSA Illinois Editor, that because I send the emails out free of charge, and that because the emails contain no advertising, what I do as your GOPUSA Illinois Editor is worthless.)
— Bringing Down Our Monsters – Maureen Dowd (DIERSEN: The more of the following that you are, the harder that anti-Trumps work to destroy you: Trump supporter, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owner, German American, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Are You Old? Infirm? Then Kindly Disappear – FRANK BRUNI (DIERSEN: If you work for the federal government and you are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran, the federal government wants you to disappear if you do not make GS-13 (currently $94,610) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $111,801) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $131,508) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $161,900) by age 40.)


— Trump labor adviser’s plan for cutting federal compensation, potentially even paid holidays – Joe Davidson (DIERSEN: Many millions have not and will not seek a job with the federal government a) because the pay and benefits are terrible, b) because the advancement opportunities are terrible, c) because they lack required education, work experience, professional certifications, and/or professional licenses, d) because they cannot pass an employment examination, e) because they cannot pass a background investigation, f) because they cannot pass a physical examination, g) because they cannot take the demonization, denigration, and condemnation that comes with being a federal employee or federal retiree, and/or h) because they are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran and they know that the federal government discriminates against the aforesaid.)

December 16 Morning Edition

— Conservative GOP support for pot legalization could tip scale – MARK BROWN (DIERSEN: If you promote pot, you are not conservative or Republican. You are Libertarian, Democrat, or Green. If you promote pot, you promote destruction.)


— Food stamp benefits disrupted for thousands as state launches new eligibility system – Greg Trotter
— There’s a difference between giving thanks and getting played – Austin Berg


— 22 months into talks, still no deal in West Chicago District 94 – Katlyn Smith


— Cutting bureaucratic bloat in Ill. – BGA (DIERSEN: Are/were you a government employee? Ever since 1966, when I was 18 years old and started working part-time for the Park Forest Post Office, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always demonized me, denigrated me, and condemned me as being bureaucratic bloat.)
— Some CTA workers get free parking in paid Blue Line lot – Jason Knowles and Ann Pistone (DIERSEN: In 1973, my 1962 Chevy BelAir was stolen while I was working at IRS’s office at 63rd and Halsted in Chicago.)


— As Chicago contemplates pot legalization, Decatur officials still skeptical – JAYLYN COOK (DIERSEN: If you promote pot, you promote destruction.)


— Duckworth: ‘I do have some real concerns’ with GOP tax plan – Tom Kacich (DIERSEN: What about the housing market crash that taking away itemized deductions will cause?)


— Windy City guides Illinois politics – David Giuliani


— Republicans on McHenry Township Board Make Next Term’s Posts Voluntary–No Salary
— Discussion of November Referendum to Put McHenry Township Road District Under Township Board Set for January Meeting
— Illinois Leaks Claiming “Corruption and Fraud” at Algonquin Township Road District
— Algonquin Township Loses 2014 Property Tax Protest Case, Excessive Taxation Found
— The Algonquin Township Street Sweeper That Ended Up in Island Lake
— Algonquin Township Has Calm Meeting, Property Taxes Cut 5%
— North West Herald Missed Big News–the 5% Tax Levy Cut–at Algonquin Township Meeting
— McHenry County Residents Can Prepay Property Tax Bills
— Roskam on Income Tax Reform Conference Committee Report
— Lakewood’s Serwatka Censured by 5-1 Vote, 10% Tax Levy Cut Consideration Postponed Until Monday
— Anonymous Web Site Criticizes Mary McClellan’s Ethics (McClellan Is Running for Judge)


— Rauner appeals court ruling that employees owed step increases (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always been beyond furious that I got step increases and COLAs while I worked for the federal government. They have also always been beyond furious a) that the Post Office hired me in 1966 and let me work there for almost 3 years, b) that IRS hired me in 1971 and let me work there for almost 9 years, c) that IRS promoted me in 1972, 1973, and 1974, d) that GAO hired me in 1980 and let me work there for almost 18 years, and e) that GAO promoted me in 1986.)


— CBO: Legalizing ‘Dreamers’ Would Cost US Nearly $26B Over 10 Years – Wanda Carruthers (DIERSEN: Of course, anti-Trumps want Trump supporters to pay that $26B.)


— ‘Christ’ Purged from Christmas and the Left Rejoices – Douglas MacKinnon


— Trump’s tax plan: Why many middle-class Republicans support it UNDERSTANDING MOTIVATIONS While some Trump voters see the bill as a betrayal of his populist campaign promises, more than two-thirds of GOP voters say they support it – even if it may not help them personally. – Christa Case Bryant  (DIERSEN: What about the housing market crash that taking away itemized deductions will cause?)


— Progressives hunt down one of the last conservative Democrats Chicago-based Congressman Dan Lipinski has never before been targeted with so much political firepower. – NATASHA KORECKI
— Jeff Sessions Isn’t Giving up on Weed. He’s Doubling Down. Congressional dysfunction may do what the pot-hating attorney general hasn’t managed to do all year: Remove protections for the booming legal weed industry. – JAMES HIGDON (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes talk and/or act like a) they smoke pot, b) they want to smoke pot legally, c) they want to make lots of money selling pot legally, and/or d) they want government to take in lots of revenue from taxing pot. If you are any of the aforesaid, you are not conservative or Republican, you are Libertarian, Democrat, or Green.)


— A Middle-Class Tax Cut? Americans Aren’t Buying It – Ben Casselman and Jim Tankersley
— Charities’ Fear Under Tax Bill: Less Money to Help the Needy – Ann Carrns
— Facebook Conceded It Might Make You Feel Bad. Here’s How to Interpret That. – Farhad Manjoo
— E.P.A. Contractor Has Spent Past Year Scouring the Agency for Anti-Trump Officials – Eric Lipton and Lisa Friedman (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always promoted patronage. Because I have always been a Republican, were it not for federal civil service protections, a) the Post Office would NOT have hired me in 1966 or let me work there for almost 3 years, b) IRS would NOT have hired me in 1971 or let me work there for almost 9 years, c) IRS would NOT have promoted me in 1972, 1973, or 1974, d) GAO would NOT have hired me in 1980 or let me work there for almost 18 years, and e) GAO would NOT have promoted me in 1986.)


— Law School Is Hot Again as Politics Piques Interest The number of people applying to law school has risen 12%, in the first significant boost in years – Sara Randazzo
— Facebook Acknowledges Some Social-Media Use Is Harmful Rare admission follows criticism by former executives of Facebook’s imprint on the world – Deepa Seetharaman


— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Growing wealth gap will lead to retirement crisis – Peter Dunn


— If Your Are A Federal Employee You Risk Being Purged If Not Loyal To Trump/GOP Policies. (DIERSEN: Democrats run the federal government. Those Democrats use Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion to not hire, to not retain, to not promote, and to get rid of Republicans, and especially Republicans who are White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)

December 14 Evening Edition

— Community Groups File Suit Against Assessor’s Office Over Allegations of Racial Bias – James Neveau
— Lisa Madigan Joins Group of Officials Opposing Net Neutrality Rollback – James Neveau


— Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin Suggests U.N. Send Troops To Fight ‘Quiet Genocide’ Of Gun Violence In Chicago


— DISGUSTING, TRAGIC, ILLEGAL, AND EVEN WORSE THINGS: Emanuel on Thursday unveiled an example of the municipal ID card he wants to offer to people in this country illegally and others as part of his stand against President Donald Trump’s immigration policies – John Byrne
— Lawsuit targets Berrios over biased residential assessments in Cook County – Jason Grotto and Hal Dardick
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: An anti-Trump says “How the 2018 election could end the nightmare of Trump.”
— Survey finds 42 percent of women report discrimination at work – Jena McGregor
— Evanston District 202 board takes a swipe at transparency – Editorial
— House to vote on spending bill that Senate won’t pass, rekindling shutdown showdown – Mike Debonis and Ed O’Keefe


— What’s in GOP tax accord: Big cuts for business, wealthy – AP
— Vernon Twp. board: Assessor shouldn’t be investigating harassment claims – Doug T. Graham
— AUGUST 11, 2005 FLASHBACK: Milton Twp. Assessor, Accuser Reach Settlement – James Fuller (DIERSEN: Have you been charged with sexual harassment? Because I refused to take sides in Carol Scholl v. Jim Gumm, those who continue to side with Scholl a) continue to demonize me, denigrate me, and condemn me and b) continue to hint/imply/argue/shout that I am a White supremacist, Nazi, KKK member, hater, racist, sexist, bigot, and even worse things.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The woman who once accused Milton Township Assessor Jim Gumm of sexually harassing her agreed to settle a lawsuit Wednesday that could have made her liable for up to $1 million in damages. The settlement all but ends a legal battle that began with former township employee Carol Scholl accusing Gumm of sexual harassment. The township eventually settled that claim. Gumm then fired Scholl, and she filed a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for improper dismissal. Gumm soon filed his own lawsuit against several township officials and employees, including Scholl, claiming a clandestine effort to smear his name and have him booted from office.)


— Rubio a ‘no’ on tax bill unless he gets child tax credit Floor vote on bill possible next week – LAUREN FOX (DIERSEN: They all should be a big ‘no’ unless all itemized deductions and the personal exemption are kept.)


— Durbin Fears ‘Mistakes’ In Rushed Republican Tax Bill – RYAN DENHAM


— Governor candidate William Kelly speaks out on his decision to run as Independent


— Character counts in Alabama, but still not in Chicago and Illinois – Dennis Byrne


— Ives Leads the Charge on Property Tax Reform – Steve Balich


— McSweeney joins Ives in calling for investigation into resignation of Rauner’s top lawyer – Caitlin Nordahl


— After financial crash, Illinois property taxes rise despite drop in home value – Cole Lauterbach (DIERSEN: High property taxes depress home values.)


— Pritzker apologizes for language he used to describe American Muslims Council in 1998


— Loyola Muslims bemoan Catholic university’s Christmas bias, unequal ‘public festivity’
— Time to Understand: Accusations Are Not Convictions


— Poll: Majority of Americans Continue to Believe Amnesty Encourages More Illegal Immigration – JOHN BINDER


— The Government’s Gender Hiring Gap Politicians who hypocritically criticize the private sector for gender gaps should first examine their own staffs. – Caroline Camden Lewis (DIERSEN: Lewis should write an article about what GAO did during the 1980s and 1990s a) to hire, retain, and promote young Democrat women and young Democrat minorities and b) to make way for them by wasting the careers of and by getting rid of GAO employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who had not made GS-13 (currently $94,610) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $111,801) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $131,508) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $161,900) by age 40.)


— The FCC repealed its Obama-era net neutrality rules on Thursday, a step critics warn will upend the internet by allowing cable companies to control where their customers can go online. – MARGARET HARDING MCGILL


— F.C.C. Repeals Net Neutrality Rules Internet providers will have more power over the web, allowing them to favor certain sites. – Cecilia Kang


— The FCC just voted to repeal its net neutrality rules, in a sweeping act of deregulation FCC repeals net neutrality rules, allowing Internet providers to speed up, slow down or block service for apps and websites – Brian Fung


— Fear compromises health, well-being of immigrant families, survey finds – Anna Gorman (DIERSEN: Who has wanted you to be fearful? While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, my Democrat superiors always wanted me to fear that they would take stronger adverse actions against me. Were it not for federal civil service protections, a) the Post Office would NOT have hired me in 1966 or let me work there for almost 3 years, b) IRS would NOT have hired me in 1971 or let me work there for almost 9 years, c) IRS would NOT have promoted me in 1972, 1973, or 1974, d) GAO would NOT have hired me in 1980 or let me work there for almost 18 years, and e) GAO would NOT have promoted me in 1986. Adverse actions that my Democrat GAO superiors took against me included forcing me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old, always ranking me in the bottom half of my coworkers for pay-for-performance purposes, not promoting me beyond GS-13, keeping me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for GAO, and forcing me to take an $18,847 pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980. Adverse actions that my Democrat IRS superiors took against me included not promoting me beyond GS-12, disallowing my education deductions in 1978, and disallowing my partial day per diem claims in 1974. Adverse actions that my Democrat Post Office superiors took against me included forcing me resign in 1969 and disallowing my sick leave requests in 1969 and 1968.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Most Call for Trump’s Resignation If Sex Allegations Are True.”

December 13 Morning Edition

— DuPage Election Commission merger question OK’d for spring ballot – Gary Gibula (DIERSEN: What has disappointed you the most about the DuPage County Election Commission (DCEC). For me, it has been DCEC’s a) failure/refusal to do more to remove deadwood from the voting rolls and b) failure/refusal to deal directly with elected precinct committeemen concerning proposed changes to their polling place and to their precinct lines.)
— DISGUSTING, TRAGIC: Question about legalizing marijuana could go on Cook County ballots – Hal Dardick (DIERSEN: If you promote pot, you promote destruction.)
— Illinoisans want Trump sexual misconduct investigation – Katherine Skiba
— Illinois’ home health care industry rife with fraud, tainted by unscrupulous physicians – Michael J. Berens
— Making way for transgender troops – Editorial (DIERSEN: While I worked for the Democrats who ran the federal government 1966-1969 and 1971-1997, they made way for young Democrat minorities and for young Democrat females by wasting the careers of and by getting rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran. Democrats use Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion to get rid of Republicans, and especially to get rid of Republicans who are White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
— A cooking fire at a homeless encampment sparked a wildfire last week that destroyed six homes in the Bel Air neighborhood of Los Angeles, authorities said Tuesday, while the fifth-largest wildfire in California history burning northwest of the city kept expanding and kept thousands out of their homes. – AP
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Those who are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors march in Naperville.


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH BIG COLOR PICTURE AND GRAPHIC: Why four small Lake County suburbs spent thousands at the Illinois Municipal League conference in Chicago – Jake Griffin
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: If you vote against the Second Amendment, those who will never vote for a Republican love you.
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Adjunct faculty, Elmhurst College at odds over union vote – Marie Wilson


— List of Top 200 Pension Earners Shows Potential for Big Payouts – Paris Schutz


— Protesters Disrupt Meeting, Call For Palos Trustee To Quit Over ‘Racist’ Comments – Linda Lutton


— Time to get rid of township government – Editorial


— Kendall GOP chief James Marter to challenge Kinzinger in 16th District No requirement for residency in congressional district, only in state – TONY SCOTT (DIERSEN: How long have you lived in Illinois, in your county, in your township/ward, in your municipality, and in your precinct. I have lived in Illinois since 1948, in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton since 1978, and in my precinct since 1984.)


— Government for the insiders – Editorial


— Candidates set for March Primaries – Andrew Feather


— “Top integrity” demanded, says guv (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents do not demand integrity. They demand blind loyalty. They do everything that they can to punish and destroy those individuals, those organizations, those companies, those governments, and those countries that they cannot manipulate/dominate.)


— USA Today bashes Trump as ‘not fit to clean the toilets’ in Obama’s presidential library Editorial board reacts to Trump’s Gillibrand tweet – CHRIS CILLIZZA


— HUD’s new Midwest director Joseph Galvan was forced out as chairman of Illinois’ housing finance agency – MOLLY PARKER


— Republicans oppose tax provision hitting graduate students (DIERSEN: What about proposed tax provisions that hit homeowners, hit people who have high medical and dental expenses, and hit those who pay for job-related graduate courses?)


— Results of Lottery Drawing for Simultaneous Filing 2018 General Primary Election

— Fitch Ratings: Illinois debt burden highest in nation – Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner
— Major attention to Illinois emigration data from Wall Street Journal but nothing in Illinois press. What gives? – Mark Glennon


— Ives running mate says Rauner sold state ‘a bill of goods’ – Glenn Minnis


— Ives slams Rauner during appearance on southern Illinois radio show – Caitlin Nordahl (DIERSEN: Who slams you and why? I should write a book about those who slam me and why they do it.)
— Illinois lost 86,000 people, $4.75 billion to other states in 2015-16, Illinois Policy Institute says – Caitlin Nordahl


— Occupational Licensing Craziness (DIERSEN: I became a licensed CPA in 1981. I had worked for GAO for more than a year, I had passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, I had earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, I had passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, I had earned an MBA from Loyola in 1976, and I had worked for IRS 1971-1980, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $79,653-$90,173.)


— Rauner on Murashko: ‘A gentleman resigned’ Video shows state employee on Rauner campaign turf – Mark Maxwell


— AG says Illinois taxpayers to begin paying for elective abortions Jan. 1 – Greg Bishop


— Ethics complaint filed against Murashko, Deputy Governor Childress probed
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: If you seek a government office or a political office, sooner or later, your critics/opponents will draw attention big time to assessed valuation reductions that you sought/obtained. There is a lot in the public record about my success during the 1980s and 1990s in getting a small reduction of the assessed valuation of my home at 915 Cove Court in Wheaton.)


— Sex Vigilantes Trash Due Process



— Washington Post reporters barred from Roy Moore election night party – Nicole Darrah


— Rep. Peter King (R-NY) Says Steve Bannon Doesn’t Belong in Politics: ‘He Looks Like a Disheveled Drunk’ – JOSH BILLINSON


— Trump Congratulates Democrat Doug Jones on ‘Hard-Fought Victory’; Says He Knew Moore Couldn’t Win – Susan Jones


— Illinois residents still fleeing state in record numbers – Rick Moran
— Leftists: Establishing a Religion – Tom Trinko


— Are Americans losing faith in the U.S. justice system? – Printus LeBlanc (DIERSEN: How bad are your demographics? Ever-increasingly, the more of the following that you are, the more likely that you will lose in court: Trump supporter, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, non-poor, non-veteran, gun owner, German American, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time. The more of the aforesaid that you are, the more likely that summary judgment will be granted against you. The more of the aforesaid that you are, the worst that your “jury appeal” is.)


— The media today: The loss of net neutrality threatens local journalism – Mathew Ingram


— Jones wins Alabama Senate seat for Dems – BEN KAMISAR AND LISA HAGEN


— Four Reasons Why The Republican Tax Bill is a Disaster for Latinos – Hector E. Sanchez Barba


— Alabama earthquake: Democrat Jones wins Republican Roy Moore is defeated in a huge blow for President Donald Trump and his former strategist Steve Bannon. – DANIEL STRAUSS


— Alabama election: Doug Jones scores stunning win, but Moore won’t concede – Eric Bradner


— FRONT PAGE: ‘Fake News,’ Trump’s Obsession, Is Now a Cudgel for Strongmen – Steven Erlanger (DIERSEN: Who are the strongmen in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois? I should write a book about past and present strongmen, their operatives, and their dupes in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois.)
— Tax Plan’s Biggest Cuts Could Be in Living Standards – Eduardo Porter (DIERSEN: What has cut your living standards? For me, since 1997 when I was 49 years old, it has been my Democrat GAO superiors’ success in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer.” My pension is only 41% of my ending salary in today’s dollars. Previously, they always ranked me in the bottom half of my coworkers for pay-for-performance purposes, did not promote me beyond GS-13, kept me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for GAO, and forced me to take an $18,847 pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980. Before that, my Democrat IRS superiors did not promote me beyond GS-12, disallowed my education deductions in 1978, and disallowed my partial day per diem claims in 1974. Before that, my Democrat Post Office superiors forced me resign in 1969 and disallowed my sick leave requests in 1969 and 1968.)
— Once a Long Shot, Democrat Doug Jones Wins Alabama Senate Race – Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, female anti-Trumps viciously demonize men, viciously denigrate men, and viciously condemn men. Ever-increasingly, female anti-Trumps make it clear that they want to get rid of men once and for all.)


— Doug Jones declared victor in Alabama race for Senate; Roy Moore may seek recount – Sean Sullivan, David Weigel and Michael Scherer
— Alabama presented the demographic nightmare that’s been looming for the Republican Party – Philip Bump (DIERSEN: Those who want Republicans to lose want Republicans to pander to those who are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Illinois Drives People Away The taxpayer migration continues from the Land of Ever Higher Taxes. – Editorial
— Democrat Doug Jones Wins Alabama Senate Seat, AP Calls Upset victory in Alabama shrinks GOP Senate majority – Janet Hook and Joshua Jamerson
— When It’s Illegal to Ask, ‘How Much Do You Make?’ – Gerald Skoning (DIERSEN: If you are/were a government employee, your salary is public record. From the beginning of time, government employees have been viciously demonized, viciously denigrated, and viciously condemned as being overpaid by those who would never seek or take a government job because they view the salaries as being too low. In my defense, I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Republicans say “Doug Jones’s Victory Shows Why Democrats Must Compete Everywhere.”


— Never mind the sex scandals: Roy Moore is a son of the Confederacy Controversial Alabama U.S. Senate candidate has extensive ties to white nationalists and Christian supremacists – MATTHEW SHEFFIELD (DIERSEN: Have you or any of your ancestors ever lived in one of the Confederate states? Ever-increasingly, if you, or any of your ancestors have ever lived in one of the Confederate states, anti-Trumps demonize, denigrate, and condemn you as being a White supremacist, Nazi, KKK member, hater, racist, sexist, bigot, and even worse things. I have lived in Illinois since 1948, in DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton since 1978, and in my precinct since 1984. All my ancestors have lived in northeast Illinois since the 1840s and 1850s.)


— Who are the poor Americans? – Jay Shambaugh

December 11 Morning Edition

— Governor Rauner calls for Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios to resign – Craig Wall


— Rauner Calls on Berrios to Resign as Cook County Assessor


— Congressional hopeful Ramirez-Rosa blasts ‘corporate Democrats’ – Rick Pearson
— Why 50-year-olds should be eligible for Medicare – Faye Flam
— Cake case is about gay intolerance — but isn’t the same as racial intolerance – Dahleen Glanton (DIERSEN: Under the anti-Trumps, ever-increasingly, individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries do not tolerate those who are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: In a front page top of fold editorial unethically made to look like a news article, Associated Press uses Alabama Senator Richard Shelby to demonize, denigrate, and condemn Moore.
— ‘Evil’ tax cuts? Nope, it’s blue-state panic – Heather Wilhelm
— 401(k) on cusp of 40 – Sandra Block


— How an eleventh-hour border shift kept the suburbs in Illinois – Mick Zawislak (DIERSEN: All my ancestors immigrated to northeast Illinois from what is now Germany during the 1840s and 1850s. They would have immigrated to Wisconsin if Illinois had been a slave state.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Pope’s move provided the groundwork for Chicago to become Illinois’ economic juggernaut and literally turned state politics upside-down as the area grew. But it also had the national implication of ensuring Illinois would be a free state at a time of percolating political unrest over slavery.)
— Price hikes push health insurance shoppers into hard choices – AP
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: In a front page top of fold editorial unethically made to look like a news article, Associated Press uses Alabama Senator Richard Shelby to demonize, denigrate, and condemn Moore.

— DuPage center becoming driving force behind Mexican cultural programs – Robert Sanchez (DIERSEN: Do you fight against assimilation? Those who fight against assimilation have always fought against me.)


— Where harassment hits hardest – CLAIRE BUSHEY


— Durbin urges ACA signup as deadline nears – Jason Nevel (DIERSEN: How much do you pay for health, dental, and vision insurance? My critics/opponents stress a) that my wife and I pay only $5,763/year for $23,051/year worth of health, dental, and vision insurance and b) that the federal government pays $17,288/year because I am a federal retiree. Many millions have not and will not seek a job with the federal government a) because the pay and benefits are terrible, b) because the advancement opportunities are terrible, c) because they lack required education, work experience, professional certifications, and/or professional licenses, d) because they cannot pass an employment examination, e) because they cannot pass a background investigation, f) because they cannot pass a physical examination, g) because they cannot take the demonization, denigration, and condemnation that comes with being a federal employee or federal retiree, and/or h) because they are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran and they know that the federal government discriminates against the aforesaid.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Pot pushers push pot. If you push pot, you push destruction.


— Pritzker brings pro-union message to Galesburg – Talbot Fisher (DIERSEN: What is your attitude toward unions and past, present, and future union members? I was a union member for almost 12 years 1966-1969 and 1971-1980. GAO did not unionize until 2007. If GAO had been unionized in 1997, I might still be a GAO employee.)




— Senators call for Trump’s resignation over sexual assault allegations Booker, Merkley cite Franken’s resignation – AILEEN GRAEF


— No, JB Pritzker did not release more tax information than Bruce Rauner – Matt Dietrich


— Welcome to Murashko Memo Monday. – Natasha Korecki
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Capitol Fax’s Friday release had Rauner’s primary opponent state Rep. Jeanne Ives applying pressure: “I am calling on Governor Rauner to answer a simple question: Was Dennis Murashko fired because he told Bruce Rauner that the Governor couldn’t use public resources for political work?”)


— Mandatory ‘Implicit Bias’ Training For Illinois Teachers Quietly Became Illinois Law – Mark Glennon (DIERSEN: Of course, this training will make students more anti-Trump, more anti-Protestant, more anti-conservative, more anti-patriotic, more anti-Republican, more anti-American, more anti-White, more anti-male, more anti-older people, more anti-rich people, more anti-gun owners, more anti-German Americans, and/or more anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: But the obvious question is whether this will become another self-defeating chapter of identity politics — champions of “equity” inflaming the racial divisions they claim to oppose. Specifically, will the training be done by the likes of the National Seed Project, PEG (the Pacific Education Group) and their supporters? They’re already training teachers in many Illinois schools. For some background on the divisiveness and catastrophic failure they can bring, see the City Journal article on their work in St. Paul. Some of the controversy they brought to one Illinois district is discussed in an Evanston Roundtable article. Another article discusses use of federal Title 1 money, which is for helping students in poor districts, to send four school board members to a PEG conference in Baltimore “to engage in deepened conversations about the systematic racism and its impact on opportunity and achievement for all students. Becoming conscious of inadvertent bias may seem to have obvious value, but you need to ask further whether it results in discriminatory behavior. That is, do most of us overcome any implicit bias we have by conscious, egalitarian efforts? The Chronicle of Higher Education discussed that question earlier this year:)


— Poor outcomes Spreading white poverty and failing schools – James Krohe Jr.


— Fake news: a symptom of the post-truth era – Elizabeth Lynch and Mitch Combs (DIERSEN: According to my critics/opponents, the only news that is not fake is news that they put out. They want to stop me from sending out GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails and stop everyone from reading those emails. But failing that, they “punish” me a) for my not getting their permission before including links to articles in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails and b) for my not getting their permission before I include my comments in the emails. To “punish” me, they keep off their press advisory and press release lists. They do not want me to a) know about their events or other activities, b) promote their events or other activities, c) attend their events, or d) report on their events or other activities. These “punishers” glorify and praise, pander to, give news scoops to, and/or give money to Rich Miller and the rest of the Democrat news media in Illinois.)


— THORNER: IVES DRUMBEAT BEGINS TO RESOUND AMONG IL CONSERVATIVES (DIERSEN: The Ives campaign hosted an outstanding kickoff party at the Wheaton Bowl Banquet Hall Sunday afternoon, December 10, 2017. Tom Morrison and Chris Cleveland spoke very highly of her. The 250+ attendees included Denise Cattoni, Lori Carlson, Sal Falbo, Richard Furstenau, Amy Grant, Heidi Holan, Babette Holder, Bob Krzyzewski, Chris Lauzen, Chris LeVan, Paula McGowen, Gary Muehlfelt, Thommen Poozhikunnel, Jan Shaw, and Herb Wehling.)
— ILLINOIS PUBLIC SCHOOL PERSONNEL TO BE TRAINED IN DETECTING RACIAL BIAS (DIERSEN: Of course, this training will make students more anti-Trump, more anti-Protestant, more anti-conservative, more anti-patriotic, more anti-Republican, more anti-American, more anti-White, more anti-male, more anti-older people, more anti-rich people, more anti-gun owners, more anti-German Americans, and/or more anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Berrios campaign responds by calling on Rauner to resign***Rauner, Democrats lash out at Berrios
— Rauner hammered over “I am not in charge” claim
— Pritzker tax claim rated “False”


— The NFL loves leftist causes a lot more than it loves its fans (DIERSEN: Obviously, the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) loves its major donors a lot more than it loves Illinois Republicans. Ever-increasingly, those major donors, and therefore the IRP, make it clear that they want the IRP to dump those in Illinois who support the traditional family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, and many other planks in the Republican Party platform and the IRP platform.)
— Will Alabama voters nullify the biased media?


— Durbin Drops Amnesty-or-Shutdown Threat, Pushes Amnesty-WIth-Cameras Plan – NEIL MUNRO


— NFL stadium tickets plummet to unimaginable prices — see just how bad the protest damage is – Chris Enloe
— College Republicans kicked out of on-campus coffee shop for wearing ‘MAGA’ hats – Chris Enloe


— On Friday, Republican Iowa Rep. Steve King, Congress’ foremost immigration hawk, tweeted out, “Diversity is not our strength. Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, ‘Mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one.’” – SCOTT GREER (DIERSEN: To promote diversity is to get rid of individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German Americans, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Kaepernick’s Protest for….Workplace Democracy? – Tim Libretti (DIERSEN: Democrats run the federal government. Were it not for federal Civil Service protections, those Democrats would not hire, retain, or promote any Republicans. Because I have always been a Republican, were it not for federal Civil Service protections, a) the Post Office would NOT have hired me in 1966 or let me work there for almost 3 years, b) IRS would NOT have hired me in 1971 or let me work there for almost 9 years, c) IRS would NOT have promoted me in 1972, 1973, or 1974, d) GAO would NOT have hired me in 1980 or let me work there for almost 18 years, and e) GAO would NOT have promoted me in 1986. The Democrats who run the Post Office, IRS, and GAO hired me because they could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the jobs.)


— Leave the Johnson Amendment Alone – Ellen P. Aprill (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, “religious leaders” act as operatives or as dupes for the Democrat Party, the Libertarian Party, and/or the Green Party. Ever-increasingly, they promote dependency on government, dependency on charity, LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, race and gender based preference giving, age discrimination, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, abolition of the First and Second Amendments, and even worse things.)
— Trump Wants Washington Post Reporter Fired Over Misleading Tweet – Zach Johnk (DIERSEN: Who wants you to be fired? The following want me to be fired as a GOPUSA Illinois Editor and as a Republican Precinct Committeeman and they succeeded in getting me fired as a TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member, Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster, Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member, American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member, GAO employee, etc.: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and/or the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, c) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, d) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, and/or e) are operatives or dupes for the aforesaid and/or are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Net Neutrality’s Holes in Europe May Offer Peek at Future in U.S. – Liz Alderman and Amie Tsang


— ‘Very, very scary’: 8.8 million Americans face big tax hike if Republicans scrap the medical deduction – Heather Long (DIERSEN: What were your medical and dental expenses last year? If the medical and dental deduction is not kept, a) my 87-year-old aunt who has Alzheimer’s will have to pay a lot more federal income tax; her medical and dental expenses last year were $78,213 and b) the Diersens will have to pay a lot more federal income tax; our medical and dental expenses last year were $21,433.)


— Even for the Very Rich, More Money Brings Happiness But a study also shows that happiness depends on where the wealth comes from. Those who earned their wealth reported significantly greater happiness than those who primarily inherited or married into it, according to the authors’ study. – Grant E. Donnelly and Michael Norton (DIERSEN: Where did your wealth come from? My wealth came a) from money that I earned when I did yard work and delivered newspapers 1962-1964; washed dishes 1964-1966; cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline in 1966; delivered mail 1966-1969; worked on an automobile assembly line and as a security guard in 1970; sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances 1970-1971; pumped gasoline 1971-1972; collected delinquent taxes 1971-1980; and audited federal agencies 1980-1997; b) my Civil Service Retirement System pension since 1997, and c) Social Security since 2010. My wife’s wealth comes from money that she has earned working since 1966.)
— More Local Programs Help Students Pay for College The ‘free-college’ idea may be on the back burner on the national level, but states and cities are boosting efforts – Jillian Berman (DIERSEN: Where did the money come from to pay for your undergraduate expenses? For me, to pay for my expenses at UIC 1966-1968 and at NIU 1969-1970, it was money that earned doing yard work and delivering newspapers 1962-1964; washing dishes 1964-1966; cleaning golf shoes, chipping slag, and pumping gasoline in 1966; delivering mail 1966-1969; and working on an automobile assembly line and as a security guard in 1970. Money that I earned doing the aforesaid jobs also enabled me to buy a 1958 Chevy BelAir in 1964, a new 1966 Pontiac Tempest Sprint in 1966, a new 1968 Oldsmobile 442 in 1997, and a new 1969 Dodge Charger SE in 1968.)
— Why Most New Retirees Need Time to Grieve Even people who are prepared for life after work inevitably suffer withdrawal pains – Glenn Ruffenach (DIERSEN: I have suffered withdrawal pains since 1997, and I will continue to suffer withdrawal pains the rest of my life. When my Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old, a) I had just completed the requirements for a job-related master’s degree, b) I had worked for GAO for almost 18 years, c) I had earned job-related professional certifications in 1997, 1996, 1994, 1990, 1981, and 1979; d) I had earned a job-related professional license in 1981; e) I had earned job-related master’s degrees in 1980 and 1976; f) I had worked for an agency that GAO audits for almost 9 years; and g) I had earned a job-related bachelor’s degree in 1970.)
— The Secret to Getting Workers to Save More for Retirement   If we make it easy for people to do the right thing, more of them will reach their goals. The retirement-saving autopilots developed by Shlomo Benartzi and Richard Thaler were designed to help individuals overcome a lack of willpower and inertia when it comes to saving. – Shlomo Benartzi and Richard H. Thaler (DIERSEN: My wife and I have saved a lot of money for our retirement. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes hint/imply/argue/shout that we were able to do that a) because I was born with silver spoon in our mouth and I have always been privileged, b) because I avoided the draft, c) because the federal government grossly overpaid me, d) because I itemized my deductions 1972-1977 and my wife and I have itemized our deductions since 1978, e) because my wife and I gave up trying to have children, we did not adopt, and we did not become foster parents, f) because my Civil Service Retirement System pension and federal health, dental, and vision insurance subsidies are much too generous, and g) because I do not give lots of money to a church life they do.)
— The First Women in Tech Didn’t Leave—Men Pushed Them Out In computing’s early years, when it was considered women’s work, all six programmers of America’s first digital computer, Eniac, were women – Christopher Mims (DIERSEN: Women who worked for the Post Office 1966-1969, for IRS 1971-1980, and for GAO 1980-1997 were not pushed out. To meet Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion quotas, goals, and targets, they were given preferential treatment.)


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Poll: GOP tax bill favors wealthy Most say overhaul won’t help them or economy – Susan Page (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, those who itemize their deductions are demonized, denigrated, and condemned as being wealthy tax dodgers and even worse things. Those who itemize their deductions pay lots of a) mortgage interest, b) real estate taxes, c) state income taxes, d) medical and dental expenses, e) 501(c)(3) contributions, and/or f) tuition and books for job-related graduate courses.)
— Tax cuts the GOP will regret – Editorial
— GOP tax bill is good for middle-class Americans – F.H. Buckley
— Who are the 3 women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct in Megyn Kelly interview? – Mary Bowerman (DIERSEN: I predict that soon, if not already, Kelly’s top priority will be get Trump to resign.)




— GOP’s Taxing Question: Will Middle-Class Folks Notice Their Cut? Americans didn’t notice similar measure in 2009, poll showed Republicans seek ‘more middle-income tax relief,’ Roskam says – Sahil Kapur (DIERSEN: From what I see, the less federal income tax that you have paid because you have itemized your deductions, the more federal income tax that you will pay in now.)


— Tax the rich, not the sick rounds up reports from demonstrations that brought protesters into the streets and onto the campuses to protest the Republican tax heist. (DIERSEN: What were your medical and dental expenses last year? If the medical and dental deduction is not kept, a) my 87-year-old aunt who has Alzheimer’s will have to pay a lot more federal income tax; her medical and dental expenses last year were $78,213 and b) the Diersens will have to pay a lot more federal income tax; our medical and dental expenses last year were $21,433.)


— One-in-Three Republicans Say GOP Should Block Roy Moore If Elected (DIERSEN: What percent of those who say that they are Republicans are really Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, etc.?)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Voters Less Concerned That Providing Citizenship Path Will Lead to More Illegal Immigration.”

December 9 Morning Edition

— FRONT PAGE WITH BIG COLOR PICTURE: Angry worshipers lash out against Trump across Muslim world – AP (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps want America to dump Israel and to dump Jewish people.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Large crowds of worshippers across the Muslim world staged anti-U.S. marches Friday, some stomping on posters of Donald Trump or burning American flags in the largest outpouring of anger yet at the U.S. president’s recognition of bitterly contested Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. In the holy city itself, prayers at Islam’s third-holiest site dispersed largely without incident, but Palestinians clashed with Israeli troops in several dozen West Bank hotspots and on the border with the Gaza Strip.)
— How the GOP tax cut could take money away from most Americans – Heather Long
— Wages remain mostly stagnant despite unemployment hitting new lows – Danielle Paquette
— Supreme Court will review case alleging partisan gerrymanding from Maryland – Robert Barnes
— DISGUSTING: Veterinarians seek permission to research pot meds for pets – AP–marijuana-pet-medicine-20171207-story.html
— Rep. John Lewis: Trump is an ‘insult’ to civil rights event – AP (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps encourage minorities to hate Whites.)–trump-mississippi-20171207-story.html
— Analysts miffed by lack of pay hikes for workers as unemployment rate continues to dip – Danielle Paquette (DIERSEN: What pay hikes have you gotten? Since 1966, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have been beyond furious that my pay increased every year that I worked for the federal government 1966-1969 and 1971-1997 because of step increases, COLAs, and/or promotions except 1980 when I took an $18,847 (21%) pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always accused me of being overpaid. In my defense, I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32.)


— Trump says country ‘cannot afford’ Roy Moore loss in Alabama – AP


— Kane County Republicans pick Ken Shepro as new leader – James Fuller


— Call to clean up ‘hellish viaducts’ disrupts homeless community – Ravi Baichwal


— We must break stigmas about careers in skilled trades – Nick Stafford (DIERSEN: What about breaking the stigma of being a lawn mower, newspaper boy, dish washer, golf shoe cleaner, slag chipper, gasoline pumper, mailman, automobile assembly line worker, security guard, tire, automotive services, and major appliance salesman, tax collector, and auditor? I did yard work and delivered newspapers 1962-1964; washed dishes 1964-1966; cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline in 1966; delivered mail 1966-1969; worked on an automobile assembly line and as a security guard in 1970; sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances 1970-1971; pumped gasoline 1971-1972; collected delinquent taxes 1971-1980; and audited federal agencies 1980-1997. Because the aforesaid jobs are so strongly stigmatized, it was extremely difficult for my superiors to get younger people, minorities, females, and veterans to take them.)


— UI releases statement pledging free speech for all – Julie Wurth (DIERSEN: Yes, but if you say anything positive about members of Group B, members of Group A will kill you figuratively if not literally. Members of Group A are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors and members of Group B are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German Americans, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Iowa 4th District Republican Rep. Steve King: ‘Mixing cultures’ leads to lower quality life – Bret Hayworth (DIERSEN: Those who promote Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion have always worked very hard against me a) because I have always supported the equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) plank in the Republican Party platform and b) because I have always opposed age discrimination.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Iowa 4th District Rep. Steve King on Friday twice declared that diversity is not an American strength and endorsed a European leader’s view that “mixing cultures” leads to a lower quality of life. In a tweet, King linked to a Voice of Europe story that quoted Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban as saying, ‘Mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one.'” King, a conservative Republican and leading critic of U.S. immigration policies, followed with a second tweet, “Assimilation has become a dirty word to the multiculturalist Left. Assimilation, not diversity, is our American strength.” The social media posts were King’s latest take on the cultural shifts happening in Europe and how they intersect with U.S. culture. The Kiron Republican has long contended that immigrant groups are best served by blending in strongly, or assimilating, into American culture. It was a topic he raised again in March, during the time after he tweeted about culture again.)


— Spread the swamp? Trump administration wants to move government offices out of Washington – Evan Halper (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, people hate past, present, and future federal employees. How strongly do you hate past, present, and future federal employees?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Amid the talk of draining swamps, restoring political might to blue-collar America and turning off the spigot of taxpayer cash that showers Washington, a familiar battle cry is ricocheting through this city: Move the bureaucrats out. It has the ring of a Trumpian fantasy. Dislodge arms of the federal government from Washington and reattach them in faraway places, spreading the wealth generated by these well-paid agency workforces and forcing senior bureaucrats to face the people they affect. But the idea has established populist roots that spread across party lines, and they are reemerging at this unique political moment.)


— How politicians use religion to promote goals – Scott Reeder (DIERSEN: What do you say to politicians who hint/imply/argue/shout that Jesus is a liberal Democrat/Libertarian/Green who promotes dependency on government, dependency on charity, LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, race and gender based preference giving, age discrimination, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, abolition of the First and Second Amendments, and even worse things?)


— White House lacks ‘top political operative’ ahead of 2018 elections – ABC Radio (DIERSEN: Who are the top political operatives in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois? Who do they promote? Who do they destroy?)


— Starlets Smile for Amnesty in Elite’s Stealth Campaign for Cheap Labor – NEIL MUNRO (DIERSEN: All my critics/opponents, all their operatives, and all their dupes want cheap labor.)


— NFL Tickets Fall to an Incredible $4 Apiece – CALEB HULL


— The Scoundrel Theory of American Politics The idea that a candidate’s character doesn’t matter is pervasive and pernicious. – Greg Weiner (DIERSEN: How much do you know about the character of the Republicans who represent you and/or who want to represent you in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois? I know a tremendous amount about the character of Republicans who represent me and/or who want to represent me in Wheaton, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois. I should write a book about them. How they, their operatives, and their dupes treat me is extremely revealing.)
— Under New Tax Plan, the Cost of Aging Could Rise – Ron Lieber (DIERSEN: Last year, my aunt had $78,213 in medical and dental expenses, and $74,050 of that was deductible. Last year, my wife and I had $21,433 in medical and dental expenses, and $13,859 of that was deductible.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In the coming days, a small group of Republicans will meet in Washington to try to settle a simple question: Should their revised tax bill eliminate a deduction for medical expenses and take away thousands of dollars each year from many people who are sick and, often, old? The two competing tax bills that will form the basis of an attempt at compromise over the coming weeks, one from the House of Representatives and one from the Senate, answer the question differently. The Senate bill would keep a deduction for medical expenses intact. The House bill would kill it off entirely. The more money that people had to spend this year, the more they would lose next year if the House prevails and the deduction disappears.)
— Tax Changes Are Coming Next Year, but You Can Plan for Them Now – Paul Sullivan
— Liberal Activists to Democrats: Protect Young Immigrants or Shut Down Government – Yamiche Alcindor and Thomas Kaplan (DIERSEN: All my critics/opponents, all their operatives, and all their dupes want cheap labor.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Liberals promote liberalism.
— How Some States Are Helping First-Time Home Buyers – Ann Carrns (DIERSEN: What helped you buy your first home? The following helped me buy my first home, a new town home in University Park in September of 1972 when I was 24 years old: a) my working for IRS since June of 1971 and earning $54,864/year in today’s dollars, b) my having 49 months of federal seniority (15 IRS and 34 Post Office), c) my working part-time for the Firestone Store in Chicago Heights, d) my not having any debts, e) my owning a 1972 Corvette and a 1962 Chevy BelAir, f) my having earned a bachelor’s degree in management from NIU in August of 1970, g) my taking graduate business courses at Loyola, and h) my not being draft bait.)
— For Female Lobbyists, Harassment Often Accompanies Access – Trip Gabriel and Julie Bosman
— Lost in Translation? Pope Ponders an Update to Lord’s Prayer – Elisabetta Povoledo, Laurie Goodstein and Alan Cowell (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes focus on leading people into temptation. They promote dependency on government, dependency on charity, LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, race and gender based preference giving, age discrimination, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, abolition of the First and Second Amendment, and even worse things. They crow that I am no longer a TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member, Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster, Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member, American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member, GAO employee, etc.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: It has been a question of theological debate and liturgical interpretation for years, and now Pope Francis has joined the discussion: Does the Lord’s Prayer, Christendom’s resonant petition to the Almighty, need an update? In a new television interview, Pope Francis said the common rendering of one line in the prayer — “lead us not into temptation” — was “not a good translation” from ancient texts. “Do not let us fall into temptation,” he suggested, might be better because God does not lead people into temptation; Satan does. “A father doesn’t do that,” the pope said. “He helps you get up right away. What induces into temptation is Satan.” In essence, the pope said, the prayer, from the Book of Matthew, is asking God, “When Satan leads us into temptation, You please, give me a hand.”)


— 2018 Ford Mustang: Best sports car buy in town? – Charles Fleming


— Ready to Retire? Here’s a Pre-Flight Checklist Three questions to help you determine if you’re on the right track – Anne Tergesen (DIERSEN: Have you saved enough to retire? Using this formula, I need at least $1,137,725 to retire. 80% of my $122,991 ending salary in today’s dollars is $98,393. Subtract my $50,856 pension and my $2,028 Social Security and you get $45,509. Dividing $45,509 by 4% is $1,137,725 and by 3% is $1,516,967.)

(FROM THE ARTICLE: 1. Have I saved enough? With some simple math, it’s possible to assess retirement readiness without resorting to online calculators that produce “dramatically different results,” says Wade Pfau, a professor of retirement income at the American College of Financial Services in Bryn Mawr, Pa. The first step is to go to the Social Security website to get an estimate of how much income you will receive. This tells you what your monthly payout is likely to be if you claim benefits at 62, 70 and full retirement age, which is 66 for those born between 1943 and 1954. (The benefit will be lower if you claim before full retirement age and higher if you claim after.) Also, ask current and past employers for an estimate of any pension you are eligible to receive. If you suspect you may have left a pension behind at a previous employer that’s defunct or changed its name, free help is available from sources including the Labor Department and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. Then figure out your retirement spending needs, including taxes and premiums for Medicare Parts B and D, which cover doctor visits and prescription drugs, respectively. If you aren’t sure what you might spend, use the 80% rule. It assumes that retirees can get by on about 80% of what they earned while working because they no longer need to commute or save for retirement and frequently wind up in a lower tax bracket. Using the rule, a couple with a $100,000 annual income would need a retirement income of $80,000. The next step is to deduct from that $80,000 your expected Social Security and pension benefits, plus guaranteed income from any annuities you have. If you are entitled to $35,000 a year in Social Security but nothing from a pension or annuity, for example, you would need savings to supply the remaining $45,000. Mr. Pfau suggests dividing that $45,000 by 4%, which represents the 4% “safe” inflation-adjusted withdrawal rate that historically has ensured U.S. retirees a high probability of never running out of money. The result, $1.125 million, is the amount you will need. (With stocks at records and bond yields low, Mr. Pfau says it may be safer to use a 3% withdrawal rate.)