April 3 Morning Edition

— Deerfield Village Board unanimously votes to ban some semi-automatic weapons – Eric Horng
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Opponents of the ban said it makes Deerfield less safe. “You are the bureaucrats that Thomas Jefferson warned us about,” said Deerfield resident Dan Cox. The new law goes into effect on June 13. Residents who do not remove the banned weapons from their homes by that date face a fine of $1,000 per day.)
— After Easter shooting, Hyde Park neighbors say violent crime is on the rise – Cate Cauguiran
— Feds charge 3 as rat poison-laced drugs take toll in Chicago – Chuck Goudie and Christine Tressel and Barb Markoff


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: In a front page editorial with a big color picture unethically made to look like a news article, Democrats promote LGBTQ activity, that is, Democrats promote the destruction of the traditional family.
— Illinois lawmakers to discuss sports betting today – Bill Lukitsch (DIERSEN: Gambling is a vice. If you promote gambling, you promote destruction.)
— Trump heats up rhetoric on border, immigration as some supporters grow impatient – David Nakamura
— Pentagon can’t transfer funding to Trump’s border wall, Democratic senators say – Seung Min Kim (DIERSEN: The military’s highest priority is to stop invasion. For many decades, treasonous Democrats and treasonous RINOs have successfully encouraged Mexico and other foreign countries to invade America. Trump was elected to stop that invasion.)
— Synthetic pot leaves 2 dead, dozens hospitalized in Illinois; 3 arrested in Chicago – Elvia Malagon and Tony Briscoe
— Main bank for Illinois’ medical marijuana industry is pulling out, leaving some operators to deal in cash – Ally Marotti (DIERSEN: If you promote pot, you promote destruction.)
— Maine Township attorney resigns, citing ‘disagreement and controversy’ on divided board – Jennifer Johnson
— The nation’s biggest conservative broadcaster is putting words in its anchors’ mouths. Critics blame the FCC. – Brian Fung (DIERSEN: He who pays the piper calls the tunes. No one pays me, so no one calls my tunes. No one puts words in my mouth.)


— Hold fast against the assault on Dr. King’s legacy – Jesse Jackson (DIERSEN: Because I have always supported the equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) plank in the Republican Party platform, my Democrat superiors in the federal government blamed me for the problems that they had hiring, retaining, and promoting young Democrat minorities and young Democrat females.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats make it clear that they want to abolish the Second Amendment.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps blame fake news for Trump’s winning the 2016 election. According to my critics/opponents, all news is fake except for news that they put out or bless.


— The Midwest loses if immigrants are too scared to complete the census – ROB PARAL AND SARA MCELMURRY (DIERSEN: What percent of “immigrants” who live in the Midwest are in America illegally? The percentage must be extremely high.)


— Who will pay for paid family leave? – George Will (DIERSEN: Of course, the answer is those who do not have children. I should write book about those who have demonized, denigrated, and condemned me the most because my wife and I gave up trying to have children, because we did not adopt, and because we did not become foster parents. Of course, they not only want Roskam to keep the marriage penalty for those who itemize, they want Roskam to increase the marriage penalty.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The recent bipartisan budget agreement, which indicates that 10-digit deficits are acceptable to both parties even when the economy is robust, indicates government’s future. So does government’s pregnancy, which was announced nine months ago by this tweet from Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.: “In America, no family should be forced to put off having children due to economic insecurity.” The phrase “due to economic insecurity” is a way to avoid saying “until they can afford them.” Evidently it is now retrograde to expect family planning to involve families making plans that fit their resources. Which brings us to the approaching birth of a new entitlement: paid family leave after the birth or adoption of a child. This arrival will coincide with gargantuan deficits produced primarily by existing entitlements.)


— Union pay ruling could cost taxpayers $400 million – Cole Lauterbach (DIERSEN: I got many step increases while I worked for the federal government 1966-1969 and 1971-1997. Step increases recognize the work experience that you gain. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always viciously demonized, viciously denigrated, and viciously condemned the work experience that I gained working for the Post Office 1966-1969, for IRS 1971-1980, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $81,071-$91,880, and for GAO 1980-1997, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $96,403-$125,325. What opinion does Rauner and his supporters have of the work experience that you have? Based on their words and their actions, Rauner and his supporters have an extremely low opinion of the work experience that I have.)


— Rauner’s office launches email newsletter (DIERSEN: I should write a book about the many newsletters that have come and gone since I started sending out GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails in 2000.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Gov. Bruce Rauner’s campaign team has blanketed the airwaves with ads since announcing his re-election bid in October. But on the government operations side, Rauner’s team is looking to reach Illinois residents in a different way: through their email inbox. Rauner’s office on Friday announced the launch of a new email newsletter billed as a way for state residents to stay up to date on Illinois news, issues and events.)


— Algonquin Township Highway Department proposes $250,000 budget for legal fees


— Grant blames Madigan for dysfunction in Springfield – Glenn Minnis
— Khouri making property taxes, pension reform key issues in 49th District race – Glenn Minnis
— Smith vows to fix broken state in campaign to unseat Kifowit – Glenn Minnis


— When it comes to Illinois’ deficit, how bad is bad? – Kiannah Sepeda-Miller


— On DACA, Trump shifts from dealing with Democrats to damning them – W. James Antle III


— U.S. TAXPAYERS GIVE PLANNED PARENTHOOD CASH TO FUND ALL ABORTIONS GAO report cites hundreds of millions received by branches now under investigation – BOB UNRUH


— Fox News Stands By Ingraham, Slams ‘Agenda-Driven Intimidation Efforts’ – Peter Hasson
— DNC Official Tweets ‘Repeal The Second Amendment’ – Amber Athey


— Trump Doesn’t Have to Wait for Congress to Stop the Illegal Alien Caravan – Chris Reeves


— GOP Sen. Scott: Trump ‘Not a Racist’ but is ‘Racially Insensitive’ – BRIDGET JOHNSON


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats crow about their success in using teens as their operatives and as their dupes.


— Republican Women Running For Office Find Politics Is All About Trump – Lisa Belkin (DIERSEN: What if Trump had campaigned for Ives?)


— As Malaysia Moves to Ban ‘Fake News,’ Worries About Who Decides the Truth – Hannah Beech (DIERSEN: According to my critics/opponents, all news is fake except for the news that they put out or bless. Should I write a book about my critics/opponents who have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois?)?
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats demonize, denigrate, and condemn Republicans as being racists.
— ‘A Bit of Divine Justice’: Trump Vowed to Change Libel Law. But Not Like This. – Adam Liptak (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes hint/imply/argue/shout a) that I am a “public figure” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_figure) and b) that therefore, they can slander and libel me without worrying that I might sue them for slander or libel. But wait, those same critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes hint/imply/argue/shout a) that no one knowns who I am, b) that no one knows what I have done, c) that no one knows what I do, and d) that no one reads GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Trump Returns to a Hard Line on Immigrants – Julie Hirschfeld Davis
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats promote Democrats.


— Trump said Sinclair ‘is far superior to CNN.’ What we know about the conservative media giant. – Eli Rosenberg (DIERSEN: What do the Republicans who represent you in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois say about GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails?)
— Trump said ‘DACA is dead’ but his administration approved 55,000 applications just this year – Samantha Schmidt
— The hidden crisis on college campuses: 36 percent of students don’t have enough to eat – Caitlin Dewey (DIERSEN: Did you have enough to eat while you were a full-time college student? I had enough money not only to eat, a) but to buy a new 1968 Oldsmobile 442 in 1967, b) but to buy a new 1969 Dodge Charger SE in 1968, c) but to live in the University Plaza for three semesters 1969-1970, d) to live in Lincolnshire Apartments for the summer session in 1970, and e) but to graduate from NIU in August of 1970 debt-free and owning that 1969 Dodge Charger SE. I had enough money to do the aforesaid a) because my outstanding parents provided me with room and board while I attended UIC 1966-1968, weekends during my first semester at NIU in 1969, and the summer of 1969 and b) because I earned and saved money doing yard work and delivered newspapers 1962-1964; washing dishes 1964-1966; cleaning golf shoes, chipping slag, and pumping gasoline in 1966; delivering mail 1966-1969; and working on an automobile assembly line and as a security guard in 1970. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes hint/imply/argue/shout that I was able to do the aforesaid solely because I avoided the draft.)


— Jesse Jackson calls on big tech to redouble diversity efforts — and figure out what’s not working (DIERSEN: Should big tech bring in Charles Bowsher? During the 1980s and 1990s, Bowsher had great success in promoting diversity at GAO, that is, Bowsher had great success in getting rid of GAO employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who GAO had not promoted to GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40.)


— New Quotas for Immigration Judges as Trump Administration Seeks Faster Deportations Rules were laid out in a message sent Friday to immigration judges – Laura Meckler (DIERSEN: Were quotas imposed on your superiors? All during the almost 30 years that I worked for the federal government, Democrat politicians imposed quotas, goals, and targets on my superiors a) to hire, to retain, and to promote young Democrat minorities and young Democrat females and b) to make way for them by wasting the careers of and by getting rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
— Degree Inflation and Discrimination Could civil-rights laws and ‘disparate impact’ protect job applicants who haven’t finished college? – Frederick M. Hess and Grant Addison (DIERSEN: My Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I had an unfair advantage over Democrats who were minority, female, younger than me, and/or veteran because I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32.)


— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON ILLINOIS TIGHTENS: Western Illinois University Opens Food Bank for Students Western Illinois University has opened a food pantry after a student survey showed a large number of students skipping meals or going hungry. – AP




— Oversight and Accountability (DIERSEN: On what do you base your knowledge of IRS? I worked for IRS for almost 9 years, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $81,071-$91,880. I worked for GAO on audits of IRS for 3 years at the GS-13 Step 1-3 levels, currently $96,403-$102,830. I should write a book about those who have done the most to waste my knowledge of IRS.)

(FROM THE ARTICLE: As Chairman of the Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee, Peter has been leading the fight to reform the IRS and root out the mismanagement and abuse the troubled agency has inflicted upon hardworking taxpayers. When the IRS got caught abusing its power and unfairly targeting conservatives, Peter led the charge to investigate and hold the guilty parties accountable. When the agency tried to use gift taxes to target and diminish charitable donations to conservative groups, Peter passed a law to stop it – scoring a major legislative victory. He will continue to hold the IRS accountable and make sure these abuses never happen again. Peter has been a leading voice fighting to change the culture at the IRS. He wrote and passed into law the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, which protects taxpayers and their private information from IRS abuse. He forced the IRS to re-train every one of its employees and hang a copy in every one of its facilities. Through his oversight and accountability work, Peter exposed major abuses of power by the IRS. The agency used strong-arm tactics to seize the assets of law-abiding citizens and small businesses. He is now forcing the IRS to repay every dollar they took and is changing the rules so that it can’t happen again.)

April 2 Evening Edition

— Trump declares DACA ‘dead,’ calls for border legislation using ‘nuclear option’ – AP
— Type 2 Diabetes: Are You At Risk? – Dr. James Lengemann, Medical Director, Diabetes Services with Edward-Elmhurst Health (DIERSEN: My coming down with type 2 diabetes is a direct result of my spending so much time sitting at my computer putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out instead of exercising.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: As the years go by, Americans are getting heavier and less active. These factors are directly related to the increased prevalence of diabetes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 30 million American adults – nearly 10 percent – have been diagnosed with the disease. The majority of people diagnosed with the condition have type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes occurs when you produce insulin but your body’s cells are unable to use it as efficiently as they should. This leads to the pancreas producing extra insulin to get glucose to your cells but eventually sugar builds up in your blood instead. The main risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes include: Genetics – Your DNA can affect how your body makes insulin African-American, Native American, Asian-American or Hispanic ethnicity Being overweight or obese – a BMI over 25 (my BMI is 30), especially if you carry extra weight around your waist Inactivity Poor nutrition High blood pressure High cholesterol Even if you do not have any of the risk factors for diabetes, you could still develop the disease. In fact, we’re seeing diabetes at younger ages and in populations where it wasn’t prevalent in the past. Even if you’re not at high risk on paper, it’s important to get routine checkups with your primary care physician. He or she can evaluate your blood glucose level with a fasting blood sugar test.)


— Feds bust three for allegedly selling synthetic marijuana at West Side store


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, pot pushers use arguments that are outrageous, disgusting, and even worse things to push pot. Who will stand with me against pot? Virtually all my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes talk and/or act like a) they smoke pot, b) they want to smoke pot legally, c) they want to make lots on money selling pot, and/or d) they what governments to take in lots of tax revenue from the sale pot.
— Lawmakers shouldn’t compromise on keeping salary history private – Editorial (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, you are demonized, denigrated, and condemned as being a White supremacist, Nazi, KKK member, hater, racist, sexist, bigot, and even worse things if you do not shout a) that minorities and females are underpaid and b) that government employees are overpaid. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always shouted that I was overpaid. In my defense, I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32.)
(FROM THE EDITORIAL: It’s a simple concept: Your current pay stub is your business when you apply for a new job. Asking applicants for a salary history helps to perpetuate wage discrimination and the gender pay gap, given women’s long history of unequal pay. Besides that, it’s a turnoff for job seekers across the board, who worry about killing their chances for an interview because they’re already making too much or too little. If an employer offers you a prestigious job that’s worth a big salary, they should pay you that salary regardless of past earnings. If you’re willing to take a pay cut because the job itself is more attractive, that’s a decision you should be able to freely make.)
— The more challengers line up to take on Emanuel for mayor, the better his odds – Laura Washington
— Republican Erika Harold breaks with Trump, Rauner on Census citizenship question – Mark Brown (DIERSEN: SEE: https://illinoisfamilyaction.org/2018/03/gop-candidates-for-attorney-general-gary-grasso-and-erika-harold/ FROM THE ARTICLE: After doing research and speaking personally to both candidates, we highly recommend voting for Gary Grasso. His legal experience, independence and willingness to engage with conservative grassroots activists speaks volumes. Unfortunately, Harold has avoided publicly answering questions from conservative organizations, including failing to respond to candidate surveys from pro-life organizations in the state. It is frustrating to observe her answer questions from liberal media sources but refuse to answer questions (and questionnaires) from pro-life and pro-family groups.)
— Sinclair bid to control WGN-TV on track as ‘fake stories’ video rocks internet (DIERSEN: According to my critics/opponents, all news is fake except for news that they put out or bless.)


— Illinois pork farmer on Chinese tariffs: ‘Our worst fears seem to be coming true’ – Greg Trotter


— The prospect for partisanship in local TV news – Editorial (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, the news media acts like it is anti-Trump.)
— Treasurer candidate Jim Dodge visits Palatine Township GOP Saturday
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats promote Democrats.


— Synthetic pot linked to Central Illinois death – CLAIRE HETTINGER


— Jason Leviskas, Consultant, Precinct Committeeman finds engagement in politics


— Primary uncharacteristically draws more Dems than GOP in Galesburg – Rebecca Susmarski


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps promote anti-Trumps.


— Local Worries Mount As Trump Administration Defangs Consumer Protection Agency – JUDITH VALENTE (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes side with businesses against consumers. They stress the lawsuits that I have filed to demonize, denigrate, and condemn me as being pro-consumer.)


— Class action suit accuses Rauner’s campaign of unlawful robocalls soliciting votes – Dan Churney


— Hildenbrand stresses need for GOP to unite behind Rauner – Glenn Minnis (DIERSEN: What does it mean “to unite behind Rauner?” Does it mean dumping those who support the traditional family, right to life, immigration, and/or the rest of the planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform?)




— Ives spokesperson says no talks yet with Rauner (DIERSEN: Rauner defeated Ives in the Republican primary by running against the traditional family, right to life, immigration, and other planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform. Maybe Rauner plans on defeating Pritzker in the general election by doing the same thing.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Day 13: Rauner and Ives Feud Moves into Second Month It’s no April Fool’s joke – Governor Bruce Rauner’s and state Representative Jeanne Ives’ GOP feud is moving into its second month. Thirteen days ago, Ives nearly knocked off the incumbent Rauner by running a primary campaign on his dishonesty and management failures. Now, the calendar turns to April and Rauner has still not spoken with Ives or earned the trust of her supporters. Last week, Ives demanded Rauner run ads apologizing for his dishonesty before she would endorse him. And Ives’ supporters do not sound like they are happy with Rauner’s minimal efforts of reconciliation. “The longer Bruce Rauner lets his feud with Jeanne Ives fester, the harder it will be to bring his divided party back together,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “With his rock-bottom approval ratings, Rauner’s already damaging his failing re-election campaign by allowing this battle to enter its second month.”)
— Rauner urged to move rightward, and whacked for doing so
— Having his cake and eating it without ever baking it


— Judge rules that immigrants in U.S. custody have constitutional right to abortion


— Donald Trump: ‘Our Country Is Being Stolen’ by Illegals – CHARLIE SPIERING
— Trump Declares ‘No More DACA Deal,’ Border-Crossers Want ‘In On’ Amnesty – JOHN BINDER
— Mark Zuckerberg Proposes Facebook ‘Supreme Court’ to Rule on ‘Hate Speech’ – LUCAS NOLAN (DIERSEN: According to my critics/opponents, everything is hate speech except for what they put out or bless.)
— Poll: 77 Percent Believe Traditional Media Guilty of Fake News – NATE CHURCH (DIERSEN: According to my critics/opponents, all news is fake except for news that they put out or bless.)


— Ingraham’s advertisers continue to bail — but the real story is who’s actually behind the boycott – Chris Enloe (DIERSEN: I should write a book about individuals, organizations, companies, and governments that boycott me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails and those individuals, organizations, companies, and governments that are behind the boycott. They a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and/or the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, c) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, d) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, and/or e) are operatives or dupes for the aforesaid and/or they are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: As with past Fox News advertiser boycotts, far-left media watchdog Media Matters — which was founded by longtime Clinton ally David Brock and is funded in part by George Soros — orchestrated the boycott and used the far-left’s grassroots to apply pressure on companies whose ads appear during Ingraham’s weekday program. Last Thursday, Media Matters published an article detailing which companies advertised on Ingraham’s show between March 19 and March 28, in addition to how many times an ad for each company appeared.)


— Shall We Crucify Laura Ingraham? – Craig Shirley


— Howard University Students Hold Building Hostage (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, it offered either no reimbursement for tuition for job-related college courses or just a token reimbursement. My superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government used that non-reimbursement policy to justify their not taking job-related college courses. Nevertheless, I spent a tremendous amount of my own time and my own money taking courses to earn a job-related bachelor’s degree in 1970, earning three job-related master’s degrees in 1976, 1980, and 1997, and earning two job-related professional certifications in 1979 and 1981.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Protesting Howard University students have occupied an administrative building on the college campus and have refused to leave unless their demands were met. The protests started when an anonymous blogger published an article alleging the misuse of tuition reimbursement funding for at least seven university employees, which was never made public last year.)


— Trump campaign employee sues to void nondisclosure agreement – REBECCA SAVRANSKY


— Five Democratic arguments that might resonate in the suburbs – Jennifer Rubin (DIERSEN: What do you say to Republican Party leaders in Illinois who talk and/or act like they want to win over the Democrat Party base a) by dumping the traditional family, right to life, immigration, and the rest of the planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and b) by dumping individuals, organizations, companies, and governments that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Democrats seem to be coming to the realization that their traditional base — single women, minorities, young voters, college-educated voters, urban dwellers — is perfectly compatible with other demographic cross-sections of America (e.g. married women, suburbanites, #NeverTrump Republicans). Moreover, occasional voters (e.g. millennials) can become spirited activists and off-year voters if given enough reason to turn out. There is no shortage of issues that can bring together all these voters. We’ll start with just five that might resonate in the suburbs, with college-educated women and with disaffected Republicans — and also, in some cases, might help turn out traditional Democratic constituents.)
— Trump administration, seeking to speed deportations, to impose quotas on immigration judges – Nick Miroff (DIERSEN: Were quotas imposed on your superiors? All during the almost 30 years that I worked for the federal government, Democrat politicians imposed quotas, goals, and targets on my superiors a) to hire, to retain, and to promote young Democrat minorities and young Democrat females and b) to make way for them by wasting the careers of and by getting rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— U.S. Judge in Chicago: Jury Pay Raise Could Improve Diversity The chief judge for U.S. District Court in Chicago says a pay raise for federal jurors in a bill signed by President Donald Trump could improve the jury diversity. – AP (DIERSEN: This presupposes that those who are minority, female, younger, and/or those whose ancestors have not been in America for a long time have less money than those who are White, male, older, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— WARREN BUFFETT’S SON HOWARD CRITICIZES TRUMP AND OBAMA FOR BORDER WALL, DRUG EPIDEMIC – BENJAMIN FEARNOW (DIERSEN: How much have you benefited from what your father did? My outstanding father died suddenly of heart failure in 1969 when he was 47 and I was 21. He fought type 1 diabetes from age 14, was the first of his ancestors to earn a high school diploma, worked in the office of a nasty chemical plant in Chicago Heights, almost always worked second jobs to pay the family’s bills, sent me and my brother to Trinity Lutheran Grade School in Crete and then Hope Lutheran Grade School in Park Forest to stay with the Missouri Synod, and did not buy a new car until he was 45 and it was a bottom of the line 2-door Chevy.)


— New York just became the first state to try to help people dodge a big change in the new GOP tax law — and it could backfire – Bob Bryan (DIERSEN: Roskam should increase the $10,000 SALT cap to $20,000 for married filing jointly. Government should encourage marriage and homeownership.)


— Lawmakers Want GAO to Take a Fresh Look at Time and Attendance Abuse – Ian Smith

April 1 Morning Edition

— What were you doing 40 years ago today? My wife Karen and I were getting married at her Catholic church in Chicago. We both worked in downtown Chicago. I had worked for IRS since 1971 and she had worked for the U.S. League of Savings Institutions since 1970. In today’s dollars, IRS paid me $89,178/year. We used her savings for the down payment to buy 1017 East Harrison in Wheaton and we used the profit from the sale of my one bedroom condo in the Outer Drive East building to buy a new 1978 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royale and a new 1978 Chevy Chevette. I soon sold my 1962 Chevy BelAir and I continued to store my 1972 Corvette in my mother’s garage in Crete. I took graduate accounting courses at DePaul’s downtown building and Karen soon started taking courses there toward a bachelor’s degree in finance. Because of Money Magazine’s February 1978 4-page article on us, IRS had disallowed all the graduate business courses that I had taken at Loyola and all the graduate accounting courses that I had taken at DePaul. Eventually, I won a split decision in Tax Court. The judge imposed a new rule that you cannot deduct accounting courses until you are qualified to take the CPA examination. I continued to rent out a town home in University Park that I had bought new in 1972.  I sold it in 1984 when we had 915 Cove Court built in Wheaton. – Dave Diersen


— For the Department of Veterans Affairs, a Trump toady – Steve Chapman (DIERSEN: Who/what are you a toady for? I am a toady for the Republican Party platform, the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) platform, and the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling. Will those who dominate the IRP work even harder in the future to water down, to emasculate, and to destroy the aforesaid documents? Will they succeed in electing IRP State Central Committee members on April 18, 2018 who will appoint members to the 2020 IRP State Convention Platform and Resolutions Committee who will water down, emasculate, and destroy the IRP platform?)
– Fact check: Trump administration departs from reality on wall, census, Amazon – AP (DIERSEN: What are your fact checking qualifications? While I worked for GAO 1980-1997, the last 11 years of which at GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $96,403-$125,325, I increasingly worked as a referencer, that is, as a fact checker. That work required assuring the accuracy and support for each and every word, number, table, graph, chart, conclusion, opinion, and recommendation in GAO reports. I worked for IRS 1971-1980, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $81,071-$91,880. My other fact checking qualifications include my becoming a Forensic Accountant in 1997, a Certified Fraud Examiner in 1990, a licensed CPA in 1981, a Certified Internal Auditor in 1981, and a CPA in 1979.)
— Republican candidate for 9th District state Senate stresses fiscal responsibility, help for foster kids – Genevieve Bookwalter (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those who, since the 1980s, have demonized me, denigrated me, and condemned me the most because my wife and I gave up trying to have children, because we did not adopt, and because we did not become foster parents. They viciously demonize us, denigrate us, and condemn us as being selfish rich DINKs (dual income, no kids). They glorify and praise themselves for having kids.)
— FRONT PAGE WITH PICTURE: Rage, riots and ruin Parts of Chicago’s West Side were destroyed after Martin Luther King Jr.’s death in 1968. Some haven’t recovered – Tony Briscoe and Ese Olumhense
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD IN NAPERVILLE SUN: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats promote diversity. Democrats would NOT promote diversity if the majority of minorities, females, younger people, poor people, recent immigrants, non-Protestants, non-gun-owners, etc. voted for Republicans.


— Illinois should switch to a non-partisan primary ballot. – Editorial (DIERSEN: Democrats are morale relativists who believe that their end justifies their means. How many Democrats in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois a) cast Republican ballots in primary elections to do whatever damage that they can and b) vote for Democrats in general elections. Why did 105 in my precinct cast Republican primary ballots and voted for either Rauner/Sanguinetti or Ives/Morthland, but in the uncontested races, only 81 voted for Helland, only 81 voted for Senger, only 80 voted for Dodge, only 87 voted for Roskam, only 84 voted for Connelly, only 78 voted for Ruscitti, only 81 voted for Cronin, only 80 voted for Hinds, only 84 voted for Henry, only 75 voted for Cantore, only 76 voted for Wilson, only 75 voted for Mackay, and only 77 voted for me. Maybe 21 to 30 of those who cast Republican primary ballots in my precinct are Democrats.)


— Rauner, state need to move ahead on workers’ raises – Editorial
— Trump needs to name top prosecutor for Central Illinois – Editorial


— Chamber’s diversity and inclusion sessions start May 2 – Steve Eighinger (DIERSEN: To promote diversity and inclusion is to get rid of those who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— Galesburg Democratic vote increases in 2018 primary – Rebecca Susmarski


— Trump tariffs threaten Midwest, Q-C farmers – Editorial


— What A Booming Economy Means For The Midterms – ASMA KHALID (DIERSEN: Because the economy is booming under Trump, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, and RINOs a) will belittle/badmouth that and b) will promote dependency on government, dependency on charity, LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, abolition of the First and Second Amendments, booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, retaliation, and even worse things.)


— Will the #NeverAgain actually have an impact? – Andrew Feather (DIERSEN: What impact does #NeverAgain want? From what I see, #NeverAgain wants to get rid of individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— David Hogg would’ve made a good brownshirt – Cheryl K. Chumley
— Trump says The Washington Post should register as ‘lobbyist’ – Dave Boyer
— Trump blasts Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown for pardoning illegal immigrants – Dave Boyer


— Ann Coulter: ‘Former Trumpers Should Put the Fear of God’ in Trump as Border Wall Remains Unbuilt – JOHN BINDER
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Weeks ago, Trump set off a firestorm among his base of supporters when he signed off on House Speaker Paul Ryan’s omnibus spending bill that does not include a single provision from the president’s 70-point list of pro-American immigration reforms. Those reforms include building a wall along the southern border, ending chain migration (which would cut legal immigration in half), mandating E-Verify to ban employers from hiring illegal aliens, and ending the “Catch and Release” program that releases illegal aliens into the interior of the country. At the time, Coulter blasted Trump, saying “in one generation,” the U.S. would become South Africa.)


— Hogg’s tantrum boycott about to crash headlong into a bigger one – Monica Showalter (DIERSEN: Who boycotts you and why? I should write a book about the individuals, organizations, companies, and governments that boycott me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails. They blame me for their problems, for your problems, for my problems, and for everyone’s problems.)
— America Not to Blame for Mexico’s Problems – John Massoud


— 20 Questions You’re Not Supposed to Ask in 2018 America – John Hawkins


— In France, ‘Diversity’ Claims Two More Innocent Lives – MICHAEL WALSH


— “Conservative” Gov. Kasich Praises Anti-gun March; Gets Liberal-NeoCon Boost for 2020 White House Bid – William F. Jasper


— Brother of Parkland shooting victim disagrees with David Hogg, says he was snubbed from March for our Lives – Katie Leach


— Social media users criticize White House interns lack of diversity – JACQUELINE THOMSEN (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps shout at young people and at everyone else that Republicans are White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.)


— Roseanne Barr strikes back against criticism: ‘Diversity of opinion is part of diversity’ – JENNIFER KLINE


— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Marriage between elites widens class gap, researchers say Upper-income students marry at higher rates than their lower-income peers. – Kevin Carey (DIERSEN: Since 1978, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have been furious that I got married and that I am still married 40 years later. They paint me as being someone who no one would marry or stay married to. Many, if not most, of my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes a) have never been married, b) are divorced, c) have serious marital problems, and/or d) have spouses who have little or no income or assets.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, you are viciously demonized, viciously denigrated, and viciously condemned as being a racist if you do not glorify and praise minorities, pander to minorities, serve as an operative or a dupe for minorities, and/or give money to minorities.


— Trump says ‘no more’ DACA deal and threatens to ‘stop’ NAFTA if Mexico does not better secure border – Philip Rucker (DIERSEN: What if America declared war on Mexico and a) sent many millions of American citizens into Mexico illegally, b) kept many millions of American citizens in Mexico illegally, and c) sent many mountains of illegal drugs into Mexico illegally?)


— Pope quoted as saying there’s no hell – Brian Dowling (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always talked and acted like there is no hell. My churchgoing critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always talked and acted like being a member of a church, attending church services, and/or giving money to a church gives them license to sin.)
— Study: Bias in jobs with highest pay White-to-black ratio ‘wide’ – AP (DIERSEN: If I had not been denied my 7th Amendment rights in Diersen v. GAO, I would have provided a jury with many examples in which GAO paid its employees who were minority and/or female not only more for the same work, but more for lesser work, including one example in which GAO paid one of my subordinates who was a minority, a female, and a veteran more than it paid me. She had less job-related work experience, less job-related education, no professional certifications, and no professional licenses. I had almost 18 years experience working for GAO, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $96,403-$125,325; almost 9 years experience working for IRS, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $81,071-$91,880; three job-related master’s degrees; six job-related professional certifications, and a job-related professional license.)


— Integration now and forever – David Brooks (DIERSEN: Democrats used to promote integration, but now they promote segregation. Democrats want members of Group A to become the voting majorities in precincts, in municipalities, in townships/wards, in counties, in states, and in America so that they have enough voting power to get rid of members of Group B once and for all. Members of Group A are anti-Trump supporters, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time and members of Group B are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Four tips for creating a diverse workforce – Wilford H. Stone (DIERSEN: To promote diversity is to get rid of those who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— We all must fight realities of racism – ESTHER J. CEPEDA (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps shout at young people and at everyone else that Republicans are White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.)


— Hogg’s Advertising Boycott Is Not Suppressing Ingraham’s Free Speech – Fruzsina Eordogh (DIERSEN: Who boycotts you and why? I should write a book about the individuals, organizations, companies, and governments that boycott me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails. They blame me for their problems, for your problems, for my problems, and for everyone’s problems.)


— How Facebook Helps Shady Advertisers Pollute the Internet “They go out and find the morons for me.” – Zeke Faux (DIERSEN: GOPUSA ILLINOIS does not seek, nor will it accept, any kind of advertising. He who pays the piper calls the tunes. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes hint/imply/argue/shout that the more advertising that is on a website or an email, the more legitimate and credible that website or email is.)
— Why pay equality is still out of reach – CLAIRE SUDDATH, DAVID HELLIER, LUCY MEAKIN, STEPHEN MORRIS, SUZI RING, AND JANET PASKIN (DIERSEN: The Illinois Equal Pay Act requires men and women to be paid the same for similar work. If I had not been denied my 7th Amendment rights in Diersen v. GAO, I would have provided a jury with many examples in which GAO paid its female employees not only more for the same work, but more for lesser work, including one example in which GAO paid one of my subordinates who was a female, a minority, and a veteran more than it paid me. She had less job-related work experience, less job-related education, no professional certifications, and no professional licenses. I had almost 18 years experience working for GAO, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $96,403-$125,325; almost 9 years experience working for IRS, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $81,071-$91,880; three job-related master’s degrees; six job-related professional certifications, and a job-related professional license.)


— Voters See Reporters As More Anti-Trump These Days


— IRS Collected $3.4 Trillion in 2017, Gave Out $437 Billion in Refunds – ISAAC M. O’BANNON (DIERSEN: I worked for IRS for almost 9 years and I worked for GAO on audits of IRS for 3 years.)


— 50 years later, echoes of 1968 resonate in U.S. (DIERSEN: What were you doing in 1968? I was a full-time student at UIC and a part-time employee for the Park Forest Post Office. I lived with my parents and brother in Crete. I sold my 1968 Oldsmobile 442 and bought a new 1969 Dodge Charger SE. I saved money for college expenses.)


— Company gender pay gap reporting is already helping, and will continue to help tackle inequalities The historical evidence, such as Northern Ireland’s attempt to reduce the gap between Catholic and Protestant employment, suggests that when it comes to various dimensions of equality in the workplace, some information is better than no information – Ben Chu (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those who have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton and/or in Glen Ellyn who discriminate against those who are not a member of their church.)

March 31 Evening Edition

— BGA: Proposed shift of public school pension costs – Stacey Baca
— Bail set at $1 million for man charged in Oak Brook carjacking


— University of South Florida offers workshop on adulting for stressed millennials


— Person dies in Illinois after using fake marijuana


— Man carrying $10 million in U.S. currency arrested at Tijuana airport – Sandra Dibble
— Elburn talking tax increase vote for parks – Susan Sarkauskas


— Officials warn of fatal case of synthetic marijuana use


— Extra. Extra. Illinois roads not good – Doug Finke


— Police: Suburban Apartments shooting gang-related – CHRISTOPHER HEIMERMAN


— Illinois Medicaid managed care switch kicks in Sunday – AP


— Questions dog Illinois Medicaid managed-care switch – AP


— Chicago receives $6.7M to help people living with HIV/AIDS – AP


— Death Of An Individual Who Used Synthetic Cannabinoids


— Tiffany Thrasher was murdered one year ago on Easter Sunday
(FROM THE ARTICLE: This is the one year anniversary of the Easter rape and murder of Tiffany Thrasher. I stepped aside for Jeanne Ives because I believed she would speak for Tiffany. Obviously, I was wrong. This week, I will be making an announcement regarding my independent campaign for Governor and, yes, there will be justice for Tiffany.)


— Frank Vala unqualified for office of Springfield Airport Authority Commissioner – JOHN KRAFT (DIERSEN: What did you do to qualify yourself for better paying jobs? I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32. GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job. IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job. The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.)


— Senator Chuck Weaver, R-Peoria, targets lawmaker pensions in effort to build political will on statewide pension reform – Greg Bishop
— Most Illinois metros gain jobs, see unemployment decline – Cole Lauterbach


— Does the Pope Believe in Hell? – Patrick J. Buchanan


— Bob Goodlatte talks ‘deep state’: ‘This is about a small number of people, we don’t know exactly how many’ – Steven Nelson (DIERSEN: My Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government painted me as being a member of the Republican deep state who frustrated their efforts to hire, to retain, and to promote Democrats, and especially Democrats who were minority, female, and/or younger.)


— DOJ unit leader demoted, accused of sexism, favoritism – Veronica Stracqualursi


— Trump blasts Amazon — but his campaign used it regularly for office supplies – KATHRYN WATSON


— Democrats see path to House majority that cuts through the suburbs – EMILY GOODIN
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Sean Casten, who won the Democratic primary in November to take on longtime GOP Rep. Peter Roskam in Illinois’ 6th Congressional District in suburban Chicago, acknowledged he is liberal on some issues and centrist on others. “There are issues like choice issues that I’m as far left as they come. There are issues like markets and national security where I’m pretty centrist. Whatever the letter is after my name is what it is,” Casten, a clean-energy executive, told ABC News. Like Houlahan in Pennsylvania and Casten in Illinois, other Democrats like Susie Lee running in suburban Las Vegas, Elissa Slotkin vying for a congressional seat outside Lansing, Michigan, and Dean Phillips in the Minneapolis suburbs are expected to need Republican voters to cross over and vote for them if they want victory in November. As Casten said of his primary campaign, “We were running a campaign to expand and reach out to the whole electorate.” He beat two Democratic women who were favored by party members. Illinois has an open primary system. “If there is ever a time to steal players and put them on your team, this is the time. This is the same strategy we’ll use in the general,” he said. And neither Casten nor Houlahan would commit to voting for Nancy Pelosi for speaker, but they also didn’t rule it out. Both said they would need to think about who got their vote and consider all the candidates for the position.)


— At the Justice Dept.’s Death Penalty Unit, Accusations of Favoritism, Gender Bias and Unwanted Groping – Katie Benner
— Laura Ingraham Takes a Week Off as Advertisers Drop Her Show – Jeffery C. Mays
— U.S. Says It Can Pay for 100 Miles of Wall on 2,000-Mile Border – Ron Nixon

March 30 Morning Edition

— Who speaks for you? Who speaks for those who voted for Rauner/Sanguinetti? Who speaks for those who voted for Ives/Morthland? Who speaks for the Illinois Republican Party (IRP)? According to the City Club of Chicago  SEE: https://www.cityclub-chicago.org/event/2/1298/the-future-of-the-republican-party-in-illinois
, Pat Brady speaks for the 360,000 who voted for Rauner/Sanguinetti and Dan Proft speaks for the 340,000 who voted for Ives/Morthland. IRP Chairman Tim Schneider, IRP National Committeeman Richard Porter, and IRP National Committeewoman Demetra DeMonte speak for the IRP. Who speaks for those like me who support the traditional family, right to life, immigration, Second Amendment, and the rest of the planks in the IRP platform? – Dave Diersen


— Gov. Rauner expecting to add another title: Grandpa – Bill Lukitsch
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Robberies spike in the Loop, other downtown areas in 2018 – Jeremy Gorner (DIERSEN: Have you ever lived, worked, and/or took classes in Chicago? I lived in Chicago in 1971 and then 1974-1978. I worked in Chicago in 1971 and then 1973-1997. I took classes in Chicago 1966-1968, 1971-1983, and 1992-1997.)
— Marijuana-friendly states want meeting with Sessions – AP (DIERSEN: If you promote pot, you promote destruction.)


— Conservatism goes AWOL in Washington – Mona Charen


— Return sales tax-collection overage to local agencies – Editorial


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Pot promoters promote pot. If you promote pot, you promote destruction.
— Dear downstate Illinois: Please soak Chicago – THOMAS GEOGHEGAN


— Rauner and the TRUST Act (DIERSEN: Republicans do not do anything that encourages people to come to America illegally, to stay in America illegally, or to bring others to America illegally.)


— Now Trump is targeting the paper on which your news is printed. Here’s why that’s alarming. – Editorial (DIERSEN: I pay many thousands of dollars each year for home delivery of the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Daily Herald, Naperville Sun, Wheaton Leader, USA Today, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Crain’s Chicago Business, etc.)


— With the primary behind us, how often will we see Rauner and Pritzker downstate? – JOSEPH BUSTOS


— Concealed carry instructor and longtime firearm handler weigh in on gun control proposals – CHRISTOPHER HEIMERMAN


— Wheaton names former councilman Richard Gerig ‘outstanding citizen’ 95-year-old continues to keep active at Windsor Park retirement community – ERIC SCHELKOPF


— Audit Dings Rauner Administration For Lost Property, Vacant Appointments – BRIAN MACKEY


— Rodney Davis Stands Firm For Second Amendment – CHARLIE SCHLENKER (DIERSEN: What do you stand firm for? I stand firm for a) all the planks in the Republican Party platform and in the Illinois Republican Party platform and b) the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes reject some, most, or all of the aforesaid.)


— Two Graphs Show Why the Chicago Area Is Losing Population Chicagoland’s been adding relatively high earners for the past decade—and while its poor and middle-class population leaves. – WHET MOSER


— State Central Committeeman Races Gearing Up Bob Grogan Looking for Support in 6th Congressional District – Chris Yaeger


— Batinick says Exelon bailout bill had many problems – Marian Johns


— CASTEN RESPONDS (DIERSEN: Will Casten call for Roskam to increase the $10,000 SALT cap to $20,000 for married filing jointly? Government should encourage marriage and homeownership.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Sean Casten, Democratic nominee for Congress challenging incumbent Peter Roskam in the 6th District, refuses to define Roskam’s claims this week involving a property tax deduction as “a success.” Roskam’s office received word from the U.S. Treasury Department that suggested Illinois taxpayer who filed before Jan. 1 can deduct their property taxes. Casten called a foul, asking, “Does Roskam think we’re going to forget that he was largely responsible for hitting us with this unfair tax hike in the first place?” He writes: “Hard-working homeowners throughout our district were counting on that property tax deduction, and Roskam sold them out in favor of the wealthy special interests that fund his campaign. Instead of writing self-serving letters to the Treasury Department, Roskam should try doing the job he was elected to do — working on behalf of the people who live right here in the 6th District.”)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Also on Thursday, Roskam released a statement that blasted Casten for not saying whether he agrees or not with a tax plan proposed by Congressional Democrats if they win the majority in the midterm elections. Democrats are proposing a repeal of major pieces of President Trump’s tax reform legislation. Their plan would raise taxes on corporations and high-income households in order to pay for a $1 trillion infrastructure package. “The thousands of families who have received meaningful tax relief this year deserve to know whether Sean Casten fully supports his party’s efforts to raise tax rates and fully reinstate the Alternative Minimum Tax,” said Roskam for Congress spokesman Veronica Vera. “Now that his party has committed to increasing taxes on families and small businesses, Sean Casten has a responsibility to Sixth District voters to be honest about his intentions to raise their taxes.”)


— Ingraham apologizes; Hogg says not enough (DIERSEN: What applications have you made that were rejected? After 1974, my Democrat IRS superiors rejected all my applications for GS-13 positions. Between 1980 and 1985 and after 1988, my Democrat GAO superiors rejected all my applications to be assigned to audits of IRS. After 1986, my Democrat GAO superiors rejected all my applications for GS-14 positions.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The backlash began earlier in the week, when Ingraham made fun of Hogg, who has been a vocal activist after the Feb. 14 shooting that claimed 17 lives, for being rejected from four universities in the University of California school system. She tweeted a story by the Daily Wire addressing the rejections, adding on Twitter, “David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA…totally predictable given acceptance rates.)” Hogg, who has a 4.2 GPA, was accepted by Florida Atlantic University, Cal Poly and Cal State San Marcos. The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School senior was in the school when shooter Nikolas Cruz opened fire, killing 14 students and three faculty members.)


— California Sheriff Rejects “Sanctuary” Law, Makes Information on Illegals Public – JOE GOMEZ (DIERSEN: Needless-to-say, DuPage County Sheriff John Zaruba should do this immediately. Federal law trumps state law.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The Orange County Sheriff’s Department has announced that it will begin publishing a list of criminal aliens who are inmates in the county jail, as part of its existing “Who’s in Jail,” online database. The information made public will also include when criminal aliens are released from jail, a move that comes in direct retaliation to the state’s “sanctuary” laws which prohibit cooperation between police and federal immigration officials. “This is in response to SB-54 limiting our ability to communicate with federal authorities and our concern that criminals are being released to the street when there’s another avenue to safeguard the community by handing them over (to ICE for potential deportation),” Orange County Undersheriff Don Barnes said. California’s “sanctuary law” has recently encountered resistance to this dangerous policy from multiple communities in California. Most notably, the City Council in Los Alamitos voted last week on an ordinance to exempt the city from state law over concerns that it is unconstitutional. The Yorba Linda City Council agreed to file an amicus brief to a lawsuit filed by the Department of Justice against California. The Orange County Board of Supervisors are also expected to consider a range of possible actions against the state law as well. Open borders groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have been actively working to prevent cities in California from opposing the states “sanctuary” laws.)
— “Progressives” are Campaigning to Abolish Immigration Enforcement. Here’s What They Would Get – SPENCER RALEY


— Democrats Fear Illegal Aliens Losing Elected Representation After 2020 Census – JOHN BINDER (DIERSEN: Of course, Democrats what to fill all the states, counties, township/wards, municipalities, and precincts in America with illegals and then demand that elected officials “represent” those illegals.)


— ‘Should We Be Able To Vote In Mexico?’ — Tucker Takes On Supporter Of Illegal Immigrants Voting In U.S. – Justin Caruso (DIERSEN: What if America illegally sent many millions of its citizens illegally into Mexico illegally? What if America illegally kept many millions of its citizens illegally in Mexico illegally? What if America illegally sent many mountains of illegal drugs illegally into Mexico illegally?)


— Cabinet Member Allegedly Downplays Diversity, Meets with Adversity CNN controversy swirls as interior secretary continues to face blowback over statements that seemed to favor merit-based hiring – Michele Blood (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always a) opposed merit-based hiring, retention, and promotion and b) promoted patronage. Because I have always been a Republican, were it not for federal civil service protections, a) the Post Office would NOT have hired me in 1966 or let me work there for almost 3 years, b) IRS would NOT have hired me in 1971 or let me work there for almost 9 years, c) IRS would NOT have promoted me in 1972, 1973, or 1974, d) GAO would NOT have hired me in 1980 or let me work there for almost 18 years, and e) GAO would NOT have promoted me in 1986.)


— GOP tax message hits a snag – NAOMI JAGODA AND NIV ELIS
— Trump prizes loyalty over experience in Cabinet – NIALL STANAGE (DIERSEN: Who demands blind loyalty? My critics/opponents demand blind loyalty. They have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois. They have their operatives and their dupes destroy those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate.)


— Federal workers spill on life in Trump’s Washington From marital strife to high anxiety, civil servants reveal how the Trump administration has changed agency life. – ANDREW RESTUCCIA (DIERSEN: Do you know anyone who is or was a federal employee? I should write a book about the a) almost 3 years that I worked for the Democrats who ran the Park Forest Post office 1966-1969, b) almost 9 years that I worked for the Democrats who ran IRS in Chicago 1971-1980, and c) the almost 18 years that I worked for the Democrats who ran GAO in Chicago 1980-1997. When Republicans got elected, my Democrat superiors worked even harder to get rid of me.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: One Health and Human Services employee swore off online dating after potential suitors repeatedly got upset that he worked for the Trump administration. An Education Department fellow eagerly returned to teaching after listening to Betsy DeVos bash public schools. And one Environmental Protection Agency official said staffers are distraught at having to personally dismantle regulations they spent years crafting. This is Donald Trump’s government 14 months into his presidency. Interviews with nearly three dozen current and recently departed workers across the ideological spectrum and across the federal bureaucracy — from the State Department to the Interior Department — show that Trump’s presidency has fundamentally altered the lives of government workers in ways big and small. Trump’s frequent attacks on the “deep state” have engendered deep distrust between career and political employees, pushing many long-time civil servants toward the exits and raising the possibility of a government-wide brain drain. And while some workers, such as Border Patrol agents, are feeling newly empowered under Trump, morale at other agencies is so low that some employees said they were suffering from increased anxiety and depression that has complicated their personal relationships and even led to heavier drinking. Several career employees said they were keeping their heads down and ignoring possible avenues for promotions because they have little interest in being subjected to the political infighting that has taken hold in many agencies. “It’s the worst administration and I’ve dealt with all of them from Ronald Reagan all the way forward,” said Jeffrey David Cox, the national president of the American Federation of Government Employees, the country’s largest federal employee union. “The worst with morale of employees. The worst with constantly wanting to take away rights and benefits. And the worst in trying to starve the agencies of resources.”)


— Parkland Activist Got Some College Rejections. He’ll Major in ‘Changing the World’ – Audra D. S. Burch (DIERSEN: In retrospect, with benefit of hindsight, what would your undergraduate major have been? For me, it would have been accounting. I did not major in accounting because I thought I could never pass the CPA examination. However, almost 9 years after I graduated with a degree in management, I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt. I credit my having taken the Becker CPA review course, my taking graduate accounting courses at DePaul, my taking graduate business courses at Loyola, and my having worked for IRS for almost 8 years.)


— Trump’s pick to head veterans department faces skepticism over his experience – Lisa Rein, Seung Min Kim, Emily Wax-Thibodeaux and Josh Dawsey (DIERSEN: What work experience do you have? I worked for the federal government 1966-1969 and 1971-1997. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always viciously demonized, viciously denigrated, and viciously condemned the work experience that I gained working for the Post Office 1966-1969, for IRS 1971-1980, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $81,071-$91,880, and for GAO 1980-1997, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $96,403-$125,325. What opinion do those who dominate your municipality, your township/ward, your county, and Illinois have of the work experience that you have? Based on their words and their actions, those who dominate Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois have an extremely low opinion of the work experience that I have.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats crow over their success in using people as their operatives and as their dupes.


— John Bolton to Exit Politics Ahead of White House Job Future national security adviser must end political groups that bear his name, leave conservative nonprofit chairmanship, officials say – Julie Bykowicz (DIERSEN: If I had been active in Republican politics while I attended Crete-Monee High School 1962-1966, the Post Office would NOT have hired me in 1966. If I had been active in Republican politics while I attended UIC 1966-1968 or NIU 1969-1970, IRS would NOT have hired me in 1971. If I had been active in Republican politics while I attended Loyola 1972-1976 or DePaul 1976-1980, GAO would NOT have hired me in 1980.)


— From Diversity To Inclusion: Three Strategies To Become An Employer Of Choice – Stacey Gordon (DIERSEN: To attract and retain Democrats, minorities, females, younger people, and veterans, GAO could stress how it treats its employees who share my demographics, that is, how it wastes the careers of and gets rid of its employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who GAO does not promote to GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, to GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, to GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and to Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40.)


— John Cox Praises Orange County Supervisors for Courageously Standing up to Attorney General Xavier Becerra (DIERSEN: Do those who run your county oppose sanctuary state policies?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: California – Republican gubernatorial candidate John Cox praised the Orange County Board of Supervisors’ for supporting the rule of law and opposing Governor Jerry Brown and Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom’s devastating Sanctuary State policy. “I applaud the Orange County Supervisors who have courageously stood up to California Attorney General Xavier Becerra illegal actions,” said Cox. “They have made clear their intent to obey federal immigration law and uphold their oaths to the Constitution”. “I am thrilled to see communities like Escondido in my home county of San Diego and our San Diego County Board of Supervisors potentially following suit,” Cox said.)


— The Final Surrender of Anti-Trump Conservatism – Jonathan Chait


— Can Democrats Flip Crucial Governors’ Seats? In the 36 gubernatorial races this fall, all but 10 of the states are currently led by Republicans. – LOUIS JACOBSON
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner (R) Even before the March 20 primary, Rauner was vulnerable, thanks in part to an ongoing battle with the Democratic-controlled legislature, which kept the state without a full budget for more than two years, as well as from a conservative backlash over his decision to sign a bill providing state funding for abortions for low-income women. On primary day, he barely edged out socially conservative challenger Jeanne Ives. Meanwhile, J.B. Pritzker, a multibillionaire and the brother of the former Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, easily defeated Chris Kennedy, a businessman and the son of Robert F. Kennedy, and progressive state Sen. Daniel Biss. The contest between Rauner and Pritzker is expected to get ugly, as Rauner has already been spending money on TV ads attacking Pritzker, linking him to impeached and jailed former Gov. Rod Blagojevich. But in a Democratic state in a Democratic year and with an unpopular Republican governor who has lost faith on the right, this is Pritzker’s race to lose.)

March 29 Morning Edition

— Chicago area teachers receive gun training, free of charge


— Pritzker Downsizes Campaign Staff After Primary Victory – Mary Ann Ahern
— Woman Carjacked Outside Oakbrook Center Mall


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats use Miguel Perez to argue that U.S. citizenship should be easier to get for those who were brought to America illegally and/or who served in the military.


— Trump sending state senator Kyle McCarter to Kenya – Monique Garcia
— Roskam says feds OK property tax early birds
— Emanuel wants signs about smoking dangers posted outside tobacco stores – John Byrne
— Clout of young voters uncertain; A real force or a fad? – AP
— Joe Biden regrets talking about fighting Trump – AP
— Leaving Illinois won’t be an easy choice — but it might be the only one. – Steve Bail, Lake Forest (DIERSEN: Who wants you to leave Illinois? I should write a book about those who want me to leave Illinois. They a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and/or the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, c) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, d) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, and/or e) are operatives or dupes for the aforesaid and/or they are anti-Trump supporters, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Facebook to simplify user privacy settings – Elizabeth Dwoskin (DIERSEN: If you want privacy, government and politics is not for you.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: An anti-Evangelical says “Evangelical support of Trump has helped pornography enter the cultural mainstream.”
— Yes, white ‘privilege’ is still the problem – Dahleen Glanton (DIERSEN: In 1971, when I was 22 years old, Oldsmobile withdrew a job offer that I had accepted saying that Oldsmobile had just agreed to stop hiring Whites to settle an EEOC complaint. All during the almost 30 years that I worked for the federal government, my superiors were under tremendous pressure from Democrat politicians to hire, to retain, and to promote Democrats, and especially Democrats who were minority, female, and/or younger. If you are a non-veteran White male federal employee, the federal government wastes your career and gets rid of you if you do not make GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40.)


— Political consultant Alaina Hampton wants inspector general, Ethics Board to look at Ald. Quinn – Fran Spielman
— In campaigns, women highlight gender in pitch to voters – AP (DIERSEN: What if candidates highlighted in their campaigns that they a) could and would defend and advance all the planks in the Republican Party platform if elected, including the traditional family, right to life, immigration, and Second Amendment planks, b) are Republican, c) are conservative, d) are male, e) are White, f) are older, g) are German-American, h) are Protestant, i) are wealthy, j) are gun owners, k) have ancestors who have been in America for a long time, l) are former union members, m) are retired federal employees, and/or n) are American nameplate car owners?)
— Melania, as a role model for women, should leave the jerk – S. E. Cupp (DIERSEN: Did/would Cupp say that about Hillary.
— McDonald’s expands worker tuition benefits, citing tax law – AP (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, its tuition benefits were either nonexistent or token. My superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates used that to justify their not taking job-related courses. I earned a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48. Beyond outrageously, my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates hinted/implied/argued/shouted that the undergraduate and graduate courses that I took a) were not job-related, b) did not help me carry out my job duties, c) were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, and d) were a distraction. They would not have done that if I had been a Democrat, a minority, a female, or a veteran.)


— McSweeney proposes gun seizure, tougher sentencing legislation – Chacour Koop
— Facebook revamps privacy settings menu in response to outcry – Gerrit De Vynck (DIERSEN: Government is nasty. Politics is nasty. If you want privacy for yourself, you should not seek or hold any kind of government or political office. If you have ever done anything that subjects you to blackmail or to prosecution, you should not seek or hold any kind of government or political office. In government and in politics, your critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes will find out everything about you, including everything that you did or did not do, and then use that information to destroy you.)
— Split vote as DuPage approves spending for tourism bureau – Robert Sanchez
— This time, we can hold lawmakers accountable on ‘fair maps’ – Editorial
— Time for more towns to join Tobacco 21 movement – Editorial


— Walmart pulls Cosmopolitan from checkout aisles after pressure from anti-porn group – Amy B. Wang
— Davis says he sees many people, but has no open town hall plans – Bernard Schoenburg


— Much riding on rollout of Illinois Automatic Voter Registration – Editorial (DIERSEN: Why don’t registered voters vote? Of the 504 registered voters in my precinct, 301 (60%) did not vote in the March 20, 2018 primary election. At least 20 of those 301 no longer live in the precinct.)


— Sen. Syverson pushing legislation to stop robo-calls


— Illinois public health official warns against fake weed after users suffer severe bleeding


— Voters in 19th Ward support Pritzker, Ives – Kyle Garmes


— U of I Sues For Depiction Of Chief + ‘Make Illinois Great Again’ – RACHEL OTWELL


— University outreach program addresses student veteran challenges – GEORGE VASSILATOS (DIERSEN: Are you a veteran? I am not. If I sought any kind of government or political office, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes would stress that I am not a veteran, and far worse, I sought and obtained student draft deferments 1966-1970 and a financial hardship draft deferment 1970-1971.)


— OEIG responded to ethics complaint on Illinois Governor Rauner – KIRK ALLEN


— Homosexuality Has Become Holy Grail to the Left — LaBarbera on HBO’s John Oliver’s Bunny Book Attack on Pence – Peter LaBarbera


— U.S. facing ‘epidemic of fatherlessness’


— Review: ‘What’s Up, Deplorable?’ Roseanne Barr’s Rebooted Sitcom Embraces Trump’s America – REBECCA MANSOUR


— California Dem Candidate Inflated Resume to Portray Herself as State Dept. ‘Policy Maker’ – Cameron Cawthorne (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who should pay the price of Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion? ANSWER: Only those who have parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc. who were policy makers. My parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc. were NOT policy makers.)


— Trump called Roseanne Barr to congratulate her on show reboot Barr plays a Trump supporter on the revival of “Roseanne,” which returned to the air this week. – Adam Edelman


— Democrats’ perception of Walmart shifts from negative to positive – Tamanna Desai


— Democrats setting aside differences as U.S. elections approach – Ivan Couronne (DIERSEN: In Illinois, will Republicans put aside differences to defeat the Democrats in November? Will those Republicans who won in the primary, but who reject the traditional family, right to life, immigration, and other planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform reach out to Republicans who lost in the primary, but support those planks?)


— Blame political operatives, not social media for privacy breaches – Edward Stringham


— Why Are States So Strapped for Cash? There Are Two Big Reasons The proportion of state and local tax revenues dedicated to Medicaid and public pensions is the highest since the 1960s – Cezary Podkul and Heather Gillers
— The IRS Is Auditing a Lot Fewer Americans Percentage of individual tax audits falls to lowest level since 2002 – Laura Saunders
— In Many States, Students at Public Universities Foot Biggest Part of the Bill State funding cuts mean students in a majority of states are paying more in tuition than the government does – Douglas Belkin


— As Trump And Congress Fail Dreamers, Canada Might Be An Option For Some – Andy J. Semotiuk


— The Financial Pros and Cons of Getting Married Later in Life When you start a relationship later in life, does it make sense to marry or move in together? Answer: It’s complicated. – SANDRA BLOCK (DIERSEN: My wife and I have been paying the marriage penalty big time since we got married in 1978. Government should encourage marriage and homeownership. Roskam should increase the $10,000 SALT cap to $20,000 for married filing jointly.)


— New York is first of high-tax states ready to do end-around Trump code N.Y. readies 1st end-around of Trump tax code – Joseph Spector and Jon Campbell (DIERSEN: Government should encourage marriage and homeownership. Roskam should increase the $10,000 SALT cap to $20,000 for married filing jointly.)


— Researchers call for action against fake news – Doug LeDuc (DIERSEN: According to my critics/opponents, all news is fake except for the news that they put out or bless.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A professor at Indiana University’s School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering co-authored an essay for the journal “Science” calling for a coordinated investigation into the forces behind fake news. Filippo Menczer is a member of IU’s Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research. His co-authors for the paper included researchers at high-profile organizations such as Microsoft, Harvard, MIT and Yale. They said companies with platforms used by massive audiences to produce and consume information, such as Facebook, Google and Twitter, have an “ethical and social responsibility transcending market forces” to contribute to scientific research on fake news. The paper was published in the academic journal a little more than a week after 13 Russians were indicted for involvement in a “troll farm” operation that spread false information connected with the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Menczer is founder of the IU Observatory on Social Media, which provides tools for identifying automated social media accounts and analyzing how misinformation spreads across social networks. Estimates in the paper put the number of automated “bots” at 60 million on Facebook and up to 48 million on Twitter. The Twitter estimate was based on a study Menczer and colleagues had conducted recently. “The spreaders of fake news are using increasingly sophisticated methods,” Menczer said in a statement about the essay. “If we don’t have enough quantifiable information about the problem, we’ll never be able to design interventions that work. This paper is really a call to groups across the globe – academics, journalists and private industry – to work together to attack this problem.” The paper proposes changes to algorithms the authors say increasingly control online access to information as well as high school courses designed to help students recognize illegitimate news sources. “The challenge is there are so many vulnerabilities we don’t yet understand and so many different pieces that can break or be gamed or manipulated when it comes to fake news,” Menczer said. “It’s such a complex problem that it must be attacked from every angle.” “What we want to convey most is that fake news is a real problem, it’s a tough problem, and it’s a problem that requires serious research to solve.”)

— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON CHICAGO TIGHTENS: Chicago’s Awful Divide Americans are flocking to big cities to find good jobs—opportunities that remain disproportionately out of reach for the poorest residents already living there. – ALANA SEMUELS (DIERSEN: Have you worked in Chicago? I worked for IRS in Chicago in 1971 and then 1973-1980. I worked for GAO in Chicago 1980-1997.)


— Qualifications for Political Strategists – Michael Mageean
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A political strategist, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, is a senior political consultant who designs and directs election campaigns for politicians. Most employers require a bachelor’s degree in communications, journalism, English or business or even a master’s degree. But at a strategist’s level you’ll need qualifications gained from at least 10 years delivering results in the field in areas like managing the media and fundraising during campaigns. Strategic Thinker A senior consultant needs to be a strategic thinker to effectively solve problems based on past experience using analogical reasoning. Other approaches like deductive reasoning or simple trial and error might not be possible in a fast-moving electoral contest where the story is changing by the hour. This is why a strategist needs a voluminous knowledge of previous elections. Media Master A political strategist will have to be a master at handling the media in order to get his message out to the electorate. Using the media is about timing and presentation. He needs to know how journalists think and how a newsroom schedule works. An election strategist must also be proficient in organizing events like fundraising dinners. These provide campaign funds and are also media events where the candidate delivers speeches and sound bites for broadcast. Master of the Political Message A political strategist has to have a whole communications package to electrify voters. The strategist needs to create a persona and media image for his client that appeals to as many voters as possible. Once he’s crafted the image he’ll have to stage photo opportunities and media events so he can display it to the electorate. A strategist needs to work with the candidate on speeches and answers to questions so the right message will be communicated on the campaign trail and in front of the TV cameras. Extensive and High-Quality Contacts Success comes and goes for a senior political consultant, but what he has to consistently maintain is a high-quality network of contacts. If he has these he will always be in demand because he can secure funding for his clients and introductions to powerful patrons and backers. He is a gatekeeper to powerful supporters and must also act as a cogent persuader to convince them to get behind his client.)


— Become a Political Consultant: Step-by-Step Career Guide

(FROM THE ARTICLE: Political consultants work on election campaigns for political candidates. They may help candidates develop media strategies, explain their platforms to the public, create advertisements, respond to opponents or engage in fundraising. Other consultants may work in research or polling. In the former type of job, they investigate the major issues in a campaign or a candidate’s opponent, while in the latter they ask the public how they feel about a candidate. This information can then be used to develop a candidate’s election campaign strategy. Some of these consultants’ job tasks overlap with those of political scientists, who are similar to consultants. Political consultants work full-time, though they often put in overtime hours to meet deadlines or deal with crises. The job can be stressful, but it pays a salary that is much higher than the national average. Though there is strong competition for these jobs, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the field will grow at a faster-than-average rate over the coming decade.)

March 28 Morning Edition

— Illinois Gaming Board, Liquor Commission Officials Axed – Mary Ann Ahern


— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON CHICAGO TIGHTENS: Chicagoan at Illinois gun hearing: ‘Blood is spilling in the streets every day’ – Mike Flannery


— DuPage County Board blasts election commission for ‘stunning’ voting machine snafu – Gary Gibula
— DISGUSTING, TRAGIC: What’s in a name: Gender-neutral baby names are on the rise – AP (DIERSEN: When these babies grow up, will they sue their troubled LGBTQ parents?)
— McCarthy’s top campaign donor: Lawyer with checkered past – Bill Ruthhart (DIERSEN: He who pays the piper calls the tunes.)
— So Facebook is scouring your data. So what? – Eric Zorn (DIERSEN: Government is nasty. Politics is nasty. If you are involved in government and/or politics, your critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes will use everything that they can find out about you against you. For example, if you are a Trump supporter, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owner, German American, draft avoider, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time, they will stress the aforesaid to those who are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. For example, if you are a former union member, federal retiree, childless, dog-less, and/or American nameplate car owner, they will stress the aforesaid to those who are anti-union, anti-federal retiree, anti-DINKs (dual income, no kids), anti-non-dog owners, anti-General Motors, anti-Ford, and/or anti-Chrysler.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “As Trump fiddles with truth, his trust burns.”


— #MeToo, gender pay gap to be front and center at 24th Annual Black Women’s Expo – Maudlyne Ihejirika (DIERSEN: In 1995, as part of their plan to get rid of me, my Democrat GAO superiors assigned me supervise one of their employees a) who they paid more than me, b) who had less education, less work experience, and no professional certifications or licenses, c) who was older than me, Black, female, and a veteran, and d) who they wanted to get rid of.)
— Important Announcement, Gov. Rauner! Please Read Immediately – Mark Brown


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH BIG COLOR GRAPHIC: State’s fee on local sales taxes generating $50 million more than expected – Jake Griffin
— After previous defeats, redistricting reformers start lobbying legislators – Christopher Placek (DIERSEN: Bad politicians gerrymander political districts a) to reward those who glorify and praise them, who pander to them, who serve as their operatives or dupes, and/or who give them money and b) to punish those who do not do the aforesaid. I should write a book about those bad politicians who gerrymandered my DuPage County Milton Township Precinct 9 in Wheaton in 2015.)
— Here’s how to download all your data from Facebook — it might be a wake-up call – Abby Ohlheiser (DIERSEN: Government is nasty. Politics is nasty. If you are involved in government and/or politics, your critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes will use everything that they can find out about you against you. For example, if you are a Trump supporter, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owner, German American, draft avoider, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time, they will stress the aforesaid to those who are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. For example, if you are a former union member, federal retiree, childless, dog-less, and/or American nameplate car owner, they will stress the aforesaid to those who are anti-union, anti-federal retiree, anti-DINKs (dual income, no kids), anti-non-dog owners, anti-General Motors, anti-Ford, and/or anti-Chrysler.)
— Why Kane County might need to raise property taxes to cover union contracts – James Fuller
— DuPage County Election Commission needs to take charge – Stan Zegel (DIERSEN: In 2015, I asked the DCEC to stop the gerrymandering of my Milton Township Precinct 9 in Wheaton, and since then, T have repeatedly asked the DCEC to directly notify elected precinct committeemen in timely manner when changes are proposed to their polling places or precinct borders.)
— Polling places at schools can be lesson in civics – Editorial


— Illinois can’t afford these mistakes – Editorial
— Illinois Policy Institute: Sensible plan exists for making teacher pension costs more manageable


— For some candidates, primary wasn’t only thing they lost – Tom Kacich


— Davis, LaHood back work requirement for food stamps – Derek Beigh
— Davis says tuition waiver bill ‘about fairness’ – Lenore Sobota (DIERSEN: Where did the money come from to pay for your graduate degree(s)? For me, the money for the job-related graduate business courses that I took at Loyola 1972-1976 came from my taxable Firestone Stores and IRS salaries. The money for the job-related graduate accounting courses that I took at DePaul 1976-1980 came from my taxable IRS and GAO salaries. The money for the job-related graduate finance courses that I took at IIT 1992-1997 came from my taxable GAO salary. Of course, since 1972, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have demonized me, denigrated me, and condemned me for my deducting the aforesaid courses.)


— Illinois Fiscal story a real downer – Editorial


— Caulkins: “There’s no time to waste” – Steve Hoffman


— Panic buttons may be coming to Illinois schools – Amanda Henderson


— House Democrats Hope To Keep Gun Dealer Licensing Measure Afloat – SAM DUNKLAU (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes want those like me who send out emails concerning government and/or political issues to be licensed. Of course, they want to dictate the licensing requirements. Of course, I would fail to meet those licensing requirements. I do not have a degree in journalism. No one pays me to put GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and send them out. No one pays me to receive the emails. The emails contain no advertising or pictures. I do not falsely claim to be nonpartisan. The Illinois Republican Party, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Milton Township Republican Central Committee (MTRCC), and many who paint themselves as being religious, conservative, and/or Republican leaders to not endorse the emails or promote the emails. Individuals, organizations, companies, and governments that have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois refuse to keep diersen@aol.com on their press advisory and press release lists and do everything that they can a) to stop me from sending the emails out and b) to stop everyone from reading the emails. Extremely few individuals, organizations, companies, governments, etc. come to my defense. I am no longer a TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member, MTRCC webmaster, Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member, American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member, GAO employee, etc. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes blame me for their problems, blame me for your problems, blame me for my problems, and blame me for everyone’s problems.)


— Rauner’s Uphill Climb To A Second Term – CHARLES N. WHEELER III (DIERSEN: Does Rauner really want Ives a) to vote for him, b) to endorse him, c) to campaign for him, and/or to otherwise help elect him? Government is nasty. Politics is nasty. I should write a book about “conservative” and “Republican” candidates who really do/did not want me a) to vote for them, b) to endorse them, c) to campaign for them, and/or d) to otherwise help elect them. Officially they say that I am “too conservative,” but unofficially, under the table, they stress my demographics and hint/imply/argue/shout that I am a White supremacist, Nazi, KKK member, hater, racist, sexist, bigot, and even worse thigs. Should I sue them? My critics/opponents, their operatives blame me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails for all defeats that Republicans have suffered in Illinois since 2000, but especially defeats that Republican statewide candidates, DuPage countywide candidates, DuPage County District 4 candidates, Milton Township candidates, and Wheaton candidates have suffered.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In contrast, Ives has yet to make up with the governor, and the hard feelings are clear. “I’m a Republican. I’ll vote for him, but I will not endorse him,” the Daily Herald reported. “I will not campaign for him… Maybe if he takes out a million-dollar ad buy and admits he lied about me, maybe we’ll talk.” When WBEZ reporter Dave McKinney asked Ives a few days after the primary who would be a better governor, Rauner or Pritzker, Ives took 40 seconds– an eternity in radioland– to finally say “Rauner.”)


— Census to include controversial question on citizenship status (DIERSEN: Democrats shout at illegals that Republicans are White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, hater, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.)


— Rauner to run to the ‘right?’ – Gregory Tejeda (DIERSEN: Obviously, Rauner’s advisors a) want him to officially dump the traditional family, right to life, immigration, and the rest of the planks in the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) platform; b) want him to officially dump all individuals, all organizations, all companies, and all governments that support the IRP platform; and c) want him to officially destroy the IRP.)


— Campaign spending: Rauner raised $75.5M ahead of primary victory


— Budget deficit grew 52% in final year of Rauner budget impasse (DIERSEN: What budget deficits have you had to deal with? In 1980, my wife and I had to deal with a $19,403/year (26%) pay cut in today’s dollars because my Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in forcing me to take to transfer from IRS to GAO. Since 1997, we have had to deal with a $73,462/year (59%) pay cut in today’s dollars because my Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer.”)
— Rauner’s primary performance weakest by an Illinois GOP governor in 90 years
— Analysts rate Rauner’s reelection chances as slim (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes shout at Rauner that Dave Diersen and his GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails a) have caused all of Rauner’s problems, b) are causing all of Rauner’s problems, and c) will forever cause all of Rauner’s problems.)


— Sexuality Propaganda: From Drip Drip Drip to Downpour – Laurie Higgins


— California county sheriff makes inmates’ release dates public to assist ICE – AG threatens arrest (DIERSEN: If Zaruba did this in DuPage County, would Lisa Madigan threaten him with arrest?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Resistance to California’s new sanctuary city laws grew this week as Orange County voted to join a federal lawsuit trying to block the laws, and the county’s sheriff said she will post information on every inmate’s release so the Homeland Security Department can see if there is anyone it wants to deport. The Who’s in Jail database could provide a model for other law enforcement agencies chafing under SB54, the law that took effect this year prohibiting police or sheriffs from informing federal agencies when illegal immigrants are to be released. By posting the entire list of inmates and release times, the department says, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement can get the information without the sheriff’s office having to communicate specifically.)


— Democrats Want To Repeal The First And Second Amendments – George Rasley




— How The Left Turned Tech Giants Into Their Speech Police – Peter Hasson (DIERSEN: Who leads the “speech police” in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois? According to the “speech police,” the only news that is not fake is the news that they put out or bless.)


— America Is Doomed If Social Conservatives Are Done Fighting – Frank Cannon (DIERSEN: Who takes the lead in demonizing, denigrating, and condemning social conservatives in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois. I should write a book about those in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who claim to be conservative and/or Republican, but who take the lead in demonizing, denigrating, and condemning social conservatives like me.)


— GOP donors fret about Democrat wave – JONATHAN EASLEY (DIERSEN: Are you a GOP donor? My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes stress that I give little or no money to the Milton Township Republican Central Committee, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Illinois Republican Party, Republican activists, Republican candidates, Republican elected officials, Republican etc. In my defense, I send out a GOPUSA ILLINOIS email each and every morning and each and every evening. Those emails are free or charge and contain no advertising. GOPUSA ILLINOIS email subscriptions are worth at least $1,000/year.)


— Blue and Purple States Set to Lose Clout Under Trump Census Move Allocation of congressional seats would be affected for a decade – David Hawkings (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats shout at legal and illegal immigrants that Republicans are White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.)


— A record number of women are running for office. How are they faring so far? – Chuck Todd, Mark Murray, Carrie Dann and Andrew Rafferty
(FROM THE ARTICLE: No Republican women were on the primary ballot for an Illinois House seat, although GOP gubernatorial challenger Jeanne Ives lost a closer-than-expected contest against incumbent Bruce Rauner.)


— White House census stance makes immigrants’ fears worse – MARYALICE PARKS and EMILY GOODIN (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats shout at legal and illegal immigrants that Republicans are White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.)


— An unheard-of problem: The President can’t find a lawyer – Katelyn Polantz (DIERSEN: I should write a book about lawyers who agree to represent clients only if they agree to file lawsuits, but then dump those clients when defendants refuse to offer to settle.)


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: At Least Twelve States to Sue Trump Administration Over Census Citizenship Question – Michael Wines and Emily Baumgaertner (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats side with foreign countries and with their citizens against America and against its citizens.)
— How Mark Zuckerberg Can Save Facebook — and Us – Thomas Friedman


— Trump privately presses for military to pay for border wall – Josh Dawsey and Mike DeBonis (DIERSEN: The military’s most important obligation is to stop countries from invading America. For many decades, with help from many treasonous traitors in America, Mexico has been invading America. Constructively, Mexico had declared war on America a) by its sending many millions of its citizens into America illegally, b) by its keeping many millions of its citizens in America illegally, and c) by its sending many mountains of illegal drugs into America illegally.)


— Orange County supervisors vote to fight California ‘sanctuary’ laws – Cindy Carcamo (DIERSEN: When will DuPage County, Milton Township, Wheaton, etc. vote a) to fight Illinois sanctuary laws and b) require E-verify for all hiring and retention decisions?)


— California Faces Pushback From Towns on Sanctuary State Law A handful of jurisdictions are siding with administration in challenging state’s adversarial role on immigration – Alicia A. Caldwell and Ian Lovett (DIERSEN: When will DuPage County, Milton Township, Wheaton, etc. vote a) to fight Illinois sanctuary laws and b) require E-verify for all hiring and retention decisions?)

March 27 Evening Edition

— DuPage County officials reveal cause of delayed primary election results – Megan C. Hickey
— Gun safety advocates seek to override Rauner’s veto of gun dealer license measure – Craig Wall (DIERSEN: Did those who put an extremely high priority on the Second Amendment plank in the Illinois Republican Party platform vote for Rauner?)


— Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens Calls For Repeal Of 2nd Amendment


— Kennedy, Rauner and marijuana get Park Ridge voter support during primary election – Jennifer Johnson (DIERSEN: How many votes did each of the Republican candidates get in your precinct? How many registered voters are there in your precinct? How many of them and what percent a) cast a Republican ballot, b) cast a Democrat ballot, and c) did not vote? Has your Republican Precinct Committeeman/Captain provided that information to the Republican voters in your precinct?)
— General election in 9th Congressional District pits first-time candidate against veteran lawmaker – Karen Ann Cullotta
— Southland leaders seek exemptions from new prevailing wage requirements – Ted Slowik (DIERSEN: What is the prevailing wage for those who have education, work experience, professional certifications, and professional licenses comparable to what you have? In today’s dollars, in 1997, when I was 49 years old, GAO paid me $125,325/year or $60.25/hour. I had almost 18 years of experience working for GAO and almost 9 years of experience working for IRS. I had earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30 (CPA), 32 (Certified Internal Auditor), 41 (Certified Fraud Examiner), 45 (certified Government Financial Manager), 47 (Certified Financial Services Auditor), and 48 (Forensic Accountant), and c) a job-related professional license (licensed CPA) when I was 32.)
— Bans on bump stocks, body armor move forward in Chicago – Hal Dardick, Bill Lukitsch
— Loyola’s legacy: Rejecting racial preference in pursuit of excellence – John Kass (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes a) would stress that the federal employees a) who hired me in 1966, 1971, and 1980 and b) who promoted me in 1972, 1973, 1974, and 1986 were White males and b) hint/imply/argue/shout that if I had been a minority or a female, they would not have hired me or promoted me. But wait, all those who hired me and promoted me were under tremendous pressure to hire and promote minorities and females. But wait, my Democrat superiors got rid of the a) IRS manager who promoted me in 1972, 1973, and 1974 and b) the GAO manager who hired me in 1980 and promoted me in 1986.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: That season, George Ireland, the Catholic school’s legendary coach, rejected racial preference in sport. He defied the unwritten rule that limited the number of black players on a court. Instead he started his best players in the pursuit of excellence. Four were black. One was white.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats say “Census question on citizenship is bad news for Illinois.” What percent of those who live in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois are NOT citizens of America?
— Working people in Illinois deserve a fairer state income tax – Editorial (DIERSEN: Democrats want individuals, organizations, and companies that are members of the following groups to pay more taxes: Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German Americans, draft avoiders, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Madigan to break bread with only committeeman to break ranks on party leadership – Tina Sfondeles (DIERSEN: What congressional district do you live in? Who do you want to represent you on the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) State Central Committee (SCC)? Who do you want to be the next IRP chairman? Who do you want to represent you on the 2020 IRP Platform & Resolutions Committee? What weighted vote will your next representative on the IRP SCC have, that is, what percent of the approximate 700,000 Republican primary ballots cast statewide were cast in your congressional district?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Mike Madigan has a lunch date next week with an unexpected guest: the lone progressive candidate to win a Democratic state central committeeman post last week. And that newly elected party leader has no plans to vote for Madigan for chairman of the Democratic party, the position the powerful House speaker has held since 1998.)
— Trump accusers in denial about #MeToo movement – MARY MITCHELL


— DuPage County officials: Faulty cards not tested before election night – Robert Sanchez
(FROM THE ARTICLE: On Tuesday, county board members blasted the commission for not testing the ender cards. “You didn’t test everything,” board member James Healy said. “That’s the problem. I hope that from now on, every single piece of paper in the box will be tested.” County board member Don Puchalski said this has been the third election cycle where the commission has had problems. “This was such an important election …” he said. “We should have done better than this.” The most recent blunder came as county board Chairman Dan Cronin is pushing for a state law change to merge the election commission with the county clerk’s office. He has supported that concept for years, but the legislature has been reluctant to give the county permission to do it.)
— McKee House group, Elmhurst Art Museum receive Landmarks Illinois preservation grants – Katlyn Smith


— Lisa Madigan sues to block Trump census move – GREG HINZ (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats side with illegals against citizens of America.)


— Illinois Lawmakers May Override Rauner On Gun Bill – Dave Dahl


— Top state health department aide campaigned for GOP during Legionnaires’ crisis – AP


— Davis, LaHood split on $1.3 trillion federal spending plan – Bernard Schoenburg


— DISGUSTING, TRAGIC: California ‘pot resort’ asking people to toke up privately – AP


— McHenry County school employees take gun class in preparation for Trump proposal to arm


    — Is this what democracy looks like? – Mike Wiley


— Rep. Davis: Too Soon to Judge Tax Reform – CHRISTINE HERMAN (DIERSEN: It is NOT too soon to increase the $10,000 SALT cap to $20,000 for married filing jointly.)


— Rauner’s Uphill Climb To A Second Term – KATIE BUCK (DIERSEN: Who voted for Rauner in the primary? It must be those who reject the traditional family, right to life, immigration, and many other planks in the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) platform. In light of that, how will Rauner respond to those who advise him a) to officially dump the traditional family, right to life, immigration, and many other planks in the IRP platform and b) to officially dump all those individuals, organizations, companies, and governments that support the aforesaid planks?)


— Court: State worker union to get automatic pay hikes (step increases) despite Rauner freeze (DIERSEN: I got many step increases while I worked for the federal government 1966-1969 and 1971-1997. Step increases recognize the work experience that you gain. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always viciously demonized, viciously denigrated, and viciously condemned the work experience that I gained working for the Post Office 1966-1969, for IRS 1971-1980, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $81,071-$91,880, and for GAO 1980-1997, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $96,403-$125,325. What opinion does Rauner and his supporters have of the work experience that you have? Based on their words and their actions, Rauner and his supporters have an extremely low opinion of the work experience that I have.)


— Democrats, Republicans Both Willing To Compromise Morals For Party Line, One Scholar Says (DIERSEN: To be a Democrat, you have to be anti-Trump supporters, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— IDPH Issues Warning About Synthetic Cannabinoids 6 cases of severe bleeding report using synthetic cannabinoids


— PRESS RELEASE: A special board meeting of the DuPage County Election Commission will be held on Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at 4:00 PM. The meeting will be held in room 3500-A of the Jack T. Knuepfer building, 421 N. Country Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois.


— Voters chose business as usual, Skillicorn says – Robert Hadley
— Skillicorn blames Rauner for state’s shrinking net worth – Glenn Minnis


— State’s sinking net worth a product of fiscal mismanagement, Ives says – Glenn Minnis
— Steps can be taken to fix Illinois’ tanking net worth, Oberweis says – Robert Davis


— Mitt Romney Runs as Immigration Hawk: ‘DACA Kids Shouldn’t All Be Allowed to Stay Legally’ – CHARLIE SPIERING


— The ‘waste, fraud, and abuse’ of university foundations


— Mitt Romney says Dreamers must ‘do more to justify’ legal status – Thomas Burr (DIERSEN: From what I see, Dreamers agree with the Democrats that Republicans are White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things who should be gotten rid of.)


— Kilmer bill helps federal workers who started in temporary role – Julianne Stanford (DIERSEN: I started working for the federal government as a part-time temporary employee in 1966. My Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government were beyond furious when I got almost 3 years of full-time Civil Service credit when I paid the Civil Service Retirement System 7% of the salary (plus interest) that the Park Forest Post Office paid me while I was a part-time employee there 1966-1969.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: But when he started to plan for retirement, he learned the years that he worked as a temporary employee didn’t count toward it because of a change in the federal system that went into effect the year he was hired at the shipyard. Under the new system, employees who transitioned into full-time positions could no longer retroactively contribute to their retirements for the time they worked as temporary employees, although they had been able to do so under the previous system. As a result, Hodge is now witnessing other employees retire who were hired at the shipyard as permanent employees after he started there. He must either work longer or retire early by the government’s standards with penalties to his benefits. “It’s hard to keep a good attitude, but as a manager I do it,” Hodge said. “We’re starting to see more people leave and it’s very frustrating.” After seeking out other avenues for assistance without result, Hodge and a few other shipyard workers sought help from U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer. After learning about the complexities of Hodge’s case, Kilmer said he saw an opportunity to right what he says is a wrong.)


— Why agencies’ firing problems are also their hiring problems – Nicole Ogrysko (DIERSEN: Because I have always supported the equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) plank in the Republican Party platform, because I have always opposed patronage and political affiliation discrimination, and because I have always opposed age discrimination, my Democrat superiors in the federal government always blamed me for their problems hiring and retaining young Democrat minorities and young Democrat females.)


— Prospects Unclear for Trump’s $1 Billion Performance Fund – Erich Wagner (DIERSEN: Democrats run the federal government. Democrats use budget cuts to get rid of their employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who Democrats did not promote to GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40.)

(FROM THE ARTICLE: The omission of one White House management proposal from the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill for fiscal 2018, approved by Congress and signed by President Trump last week, could serve as a bellwether for the administration’s plans to transform the federal workforce. The spending package includes a number of provisions that specifically prohibit agency leaders from enacting plans to downsize or reshape their organizations without consulting Congress. And totally absent from the more-than 2,000-page document was the White House’s proposed $1 billion inter-agency performance fund, which the White House wanted to enact this fiscal year. That fund would be used by agencies for designing programs like performance-based pay and to pay bonuses for individual high performers across government.)

March 27 Morning Edition

— 6 Days of Silence: Rauner and Ives Won’t Talk… But Maybe They Text? (DIERSEN: What is Rauner’s response to this?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: It’s been six days since Governor Bruce Rauner was thoroughly embarrassed by state Representative Jeanne Ives, who earned 48% of the Republican primary vote. Despite Rauner’s obvious need to patch things up with his primary opponent, the two have not spoken since the election. In fact, Ives spent most of last week trashing the wounded governor even more. Rauner said he has not spoken with Ives, but maybe he tried to reach her via text. It probably went something like this: . . . “Bruce Rauner’s lies and betrayals divided the Republican Party so badly that his primary opponent refuses to speak with him,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Rauner’s failed leadership turned away Democrats and Independents, and now 48% of Republican voters. With no accomplishments and no supporters, Rauner truly is the most vulnerable incumbent in the nation.”)


— Rich Miller, Natasha Korecki, and other political reporters and journalists are on vacation. If my wife and I were to take a vacation, something we have not done since the 1990s, who would you want to fill in for me, how much money would they demand, and how much money should I pay them? To put out GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails each and every morning and each and every evening like I do, applicants would have to agree to:


– spend 10+ hours each and every day putting the emails together and sending them out,

– be able to digest very quickly many hundreds of Google news alerts and many other article leads that come in 24 hours a day,

– be able to visit many relevant websites very quickly and find relevant articles that are often buried in those websites very quickly,

– skim the most recent edition of the hardcopies of the following publications for relevant articles very quickly before sending the emails out: Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Daily Herald, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today, Naperville Sun, Wheaton Leader, Crain’s Chicago Business, and other publications,

– work without a proofreader unless they pay for one with their own money,

– have tremendous knowledge of past and present Republican primary elections, general elections, governments, politics, activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Illinois,

– having attended all the Illinois GOP state conventions as a delegate at least since 2000,

– have always supported all the planks in the Republican Party platform, the Illinois Republican Party platform, and the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling,

– have no skeletons in their closets, that is, that they have never done anything that subjects them to blackmail or prosecution,

– be able to deal with my nasty, rude, cruel, mean, vicious critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who have always and will always blame GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails for all their problems, for all of your problems, for all of my problems, and for all of everyone’s problems,

– be able to deal with my nasty, rude, cruel, mean, vicious critics/opponents who will threaten to destroy you unless you carry out their blacklist orders and their other orders,

– have excellent health and exceptional ability to deal with lots of stress,

– college degree in journalism or equivalent work experience, for example, having worked for GAO for almost 18 years, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $96,403-$125,325,

– lots of high level fact checking experience, for example, the experience that I gained working for GAO for almost 18 years, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $96,403-$125,325,

– be approved for the job by GOPUSA’s Bobby Eberle (http://www.gopusa.com/bobby-eberle/),

– etc.


The aforesaid assumes that the applicant would live in my home while my wife and I would be on vacation and that he/she would use my computer equipment and software, internet access, Constant Contact account, WordPress website, newspaper and other publican subscriptions, etc. or have equivalent alternative resources.


How much money would applicants for the job demand – $1,000/day, $2,000/day, $3,000/day, $4,000/day, $5,000+/day? – Dave Diersen



— Cook County sues Facebook, Cambridge Analytica; AG Madigan sends letter to Mark Zuckerberg (DIERSEN: Facebook is a Democrat website. What information does Facebook have about you that your critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes use against you? Facebook has the following information about me that my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes use against me: Trump supporter, Protestant (baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran), conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, old (born in 1948), non-poor, gun owner, 100% German national origin, draft avoider, litigious (filed lawsuits during the 1980s and 1990s), my ancestors have been in America since 1844, former union member, federal retiree, homeowner, married, childless, pet-less, American-nameplate car owner, etc.)
— 11-year-old Naomi Wadler honors black female victims of gun violence during March for Our Lives – Danny Clemens (DIERSEN: What are your demographics? How often are those who share your demographics victims of gun violence? How often do those who share your demographics commit gun violence?)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats blame Republicans for gun violence. Democrats crow about their success in getting young people to serve as their operatives and as their dupes.


— Stormy Daniels’ lawyer saw ‘soft underbelly of politics’ while working for Rahm Emanuel – Manuel Roig-Franzia (DIERSEN: Who sees the soft underbelly of politics in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois?)
— March for Our Lives a start in closing the gap between the privileged and the underprivileged – Dahleen Glanton (DIERSEN: Are/were you privileged? Do you agree with those who demonize me, who denigrate me, and who condemn me as having always been privileged, and therefore, as being someone who should pay the price of Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion?)


— Dan Webb declines Trump’s offer to join legal team – Sam Charles
— Arnold R. Hirsch dies; analyzed Chicago segregation in influential book – Maureen O’Donnell
— 146,000 Chicago adults identify as LGBTQ: city study – Tanveer Ali (DIERSEN: Individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that promote LGBTQ focus on destroying those that do not promote LGBTQ.)


— Orange County considers fighting state’s ‘sanctuary’ law – AP (DIERSEN: Needless-to-say, the Republicans who run DuPage County should fight Illinois’ sanctuary law. Needless-to-say, the Republicans who run DuPage County should a) sue Illinois, Rauner, Sanguinetti, and all the legislators who voted for Illinois’ sanctuary law and b) require all employees in DuPage County to check E-Verify before they hire or retain employees.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Leaders of Orange County, California, planned Tuesday to consider fighting a state law aimed at protecting immigrants from stepped-up deportations under the Trump administration. The backlash to the state’s so-called sanctuary law comes a week after the small city of Los Alamitos in Orange County voted to opt out of the policy. The all-Republican supervisors of the Southern California county of 3.2 million people were expected to discuss passing a resolution in support of Los Alamitos and whether to join the U.S. government’s lawsuit over the law, which bars police in many cases from turning over suspects to federal immigration agents for deportation. “This legislation prevents law enforcement from removing criminals from our community and is a threat to public safety,” said Supervisor Shawn Nelson, who has proposed joining the lawsuit by President Donald Trump’s administration or filing a new one. Orange County, which is home to Disneyland and wealthy beach communities where many people vacation, has a five-member board of supervisors, and all are Republican. While Republicans still outnumber Democrats in the county, Democrats have gained significant ground in recent years, and Hillary Clinton won more votes than Trump in Orange County in the 2016 presidential election. California, a liberal state that is home to more than 10 million immigrants, passed its sanctuary law last year to limit local police collaboration with U.S. immigration authorities.)
— GOP-led states back Trump in California ‘sanctuary’ lawsuit – AP
— FRONT PAGE: Will security-conscious schools elect to opt out as polling places? – Eric Peterson (DIERSEN: How inconvenient and/or hard to find is the polling place for the voters in your precinct?)
— Cook County sues Facebook as FTC investigates company’s privacy practices – AP
— Glenbard High School District 87 programs support students emotional needs (DIERSEN: Who/what supported your emotional needs when you were in high school? For me, it was a) my outstanding parents, grandparents, and relatives in Crete and Grant Park and b) Hope Lutheran Church in Park Forest.)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH BIG COLOR PICTURE: “I’m thinking, ‘Gee, is 85 supposed to be old?’ Runner, veteran is getting faster – Burt Constable (DIERSEN: All my critics/opponents, all their operatives, and all their dupes promote age discrimination either a) because they despise/hate those who are older than they are, b) because they pander to those who despise/hate those who are older than they are, and/or c) because they are paid to destroy those who are older than they are.)
— A porn star, a president and credibility 0 Michael Gerson (DIERSEN: Needless-to-say, if you have ever done anything that subjects you to blackmail or to prosecution, you should not seek or hold any kind of government of political office.)


— Why some Americans are risking it and skipping health insurance – Bloomberg (DIERSEN: Knowing that federal retirees and their spouses get subsidized health, dental, and vision insurance for life helped me endure tremendous efforts by my Democrat superiors in the federal government to get rid of me and to get rid of those who share my demographics.)


— Green Party had, lost coveted statewide ballot access – Maximilian Kwiatkowski (DIERSEN: How soon will the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) lose statewide ballot access? Ever-increasingly, the IRP talks and acts like it wants to dump individuals, dump organizations, dump companies, and dump governments that support the traditional family, right to life, immigration, and other planks in the IRP platform. Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform. Those who want the IRP to dump its platform and to dump those who support its platform voted for Rauner. Those who want the IRP to lose statewide ballot access voted for Rauner.)
— Exercise Science program gains popularity at UIS – David Blanchette (DIERSEN: What exercise did you get while you earned your undergraduate degree? I got lots of exercise delivering mail part-time for the Park Forest Post Office.)


— County steps up lobbying after state cuts – Derek Beigh (DIERSEN: What are your demographics? Who lobbies for those who share your demographics?)


— Illinois must begin leveling election playing field – Editorial


— Basco drops out of DuPage County Board race amid family ‘crisis’


— Kane Co. Sheriff Did Not Violate Ethics Ordinance: Ethics Adviser The complaint was filed in connection with Donald Kramer’s campaign activities. – Amie Rowland


— Annual report: Which school districts in Illinois are in the worst financial shape?


— Taxes are going up for some after Illinois’ primary – Benjamin Yount (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who wants others to pay more taxes? ANSWER: Those who have tremendous financial, health, and/or other problems. Those who pay little or no taxes. Those who have little or no income or net worth. Those who are undeservedly filthy rich. Those who are and/or those who pander to those who are anti-Trump supporters, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— DOJ to offer grants for panic buttons in schools – Cole Lauterbach


— The $1.3 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill: President Trump will Hear Conservatives, Unlike Governor Rauner – John Biver


— VIDEO: Tucker Carlson, Floyd Brown Slam Facebook for ‘Ideological Warfare’ Against Conservatives – Peter LaBarbera


— Chicago’s deal with ACLU, Black Lives Matter changes political calculus for police reform
— Gun sales surge in response to gun control threat
— March for Our Lives organizers inflate crowd size by 400 percent


— PRESIDENT TRUMP AND THE GOP CAN’T AFFORD TO IGNORE BLACK, BLUE-COLLAR WORKERS – Raynard Jackson (DIERSEN: What are your demographics? What do you say to those who hint/imply/argue/shout that Trump and the GOP are dumping those who are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, poor, non-poor, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time?)


— Sociologist: Less Than 10 Percent Of March For Our Lives Participants Were Children – JOE SIMONSON
— What Legislation Does The March For Our Lives Actually Want? We Asked – It’s Terrifying – Benny Johnson
— Megyn Kelly Draws Comparisons Between Herself And Stormy Daniels – Christian Datoc


— School board settles lawsuit alleging cult indoctrination – AP


— School district ‘justifies’ Islamic terrorist group teaching kids – Michael F. Haverluck


— Conservative students cheer ‘academic balance’ bill after school shuts down their club – CHRISTIAN MONTOYA


— OUTSTANDING: 2020 Census to include citizenship question – AVERY ANAPOL AND BRETT SAMUELS


— Supreme Court takes on Democrats and Republicans over one-sided maps – Richard Wolf (DIERSEN: Bad politicians gerrymander political districts a) to reward those who glorify and praise them, who pander to them, who serve as their operatives or dupes, and/or who give them money and b) to punish those who do not do the aforesaid.)


— How to Dig Into the ‘Deep State’ The bureaucracy’s lack of accountability should concern all Americans, regardless of Trump. – J.T. Young (DIERSEN: My Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworker, and subordinates in the federal government always treated me like was a member of the Republican “deep state.” They used that to justify their wasting my career and getting rid of me.)


— Private Equity? It’s More Like Pirate Equity LBO sponsors will come under much-needed scrutiny as more of their debt-laden deals fall into bankruptcy and job losses mount. – Jared Dillian (DIERSEN: Where did your money come from? My money came from what I earned when I did yard work and delivered newspapers 1962-1964; washed dishes 1964-1966; cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline in 1966; delivered mail 1966-1969; worked on an automobile assembly line and as a security guard in 1970; sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances 1970-1971; pumped gasoline 1971-1972; collected delinquent taxes 1971-1980; audited federal agencies 1980-1997 and from my collecting a Civil Service Retirement System pension since 1997 (currently $51,864/year) and Social Security since 2010 (currently $2,064/year).)


— How one AP veteran, John O’Connor, exposes corruption in Illinois – Jackie Spinner


— CBS’ Stormy Sitdown Has ’60 Minutes’ at Decade High, Topping 22 Million Viewers – Michael O’Connel

March 26 Evening Edition

— Chicago Public Schools’ huge pension debt just got $1 billion deeper, new estimates show – Juan Perez Jr. (DIERSEN: Since 1997, if I was still working for GAO, in today’s dollars, I would have paid $179,841 into the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) instead of the CSRS paying me $1,063,212.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats say “Suburban voters angry with Trump threaten GOP control of the U.S. House.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats use Miguel Perez Jr. to promote mass/illegal immigration.
— Wall Street’s average bonus in 2017? Three times what most US households made all year. – Renae Merle


— Why should you have to tell an election judge you’re a Democrat or Republican? – Madeleine Doubek (DIERSEN: In your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, in Illinois, and in America, what percent cast Republican ballots in primary elections but then vote for Democrats in general elections? 105 cast Republican ballots in my DuPage County Milton Township Precinct 9 in Wheaton, but in the uncontested races, only 81 voted for Helland, only 81 voted for Senger, only 80 voted for Dodge, only 87 voted for Roskam, only 84 voted for Connelly, only 78 voted for Ruscitti, only 81 voted for Cronin, only 80 voted for Hinds, only 84 voted for Henry, only 75 voted for Cantore, only 76 voted for Wilson, only 75 voted for Mackay, and only 77 voted for me. Maybe 21 to 30 of those who cast Republican primary ballots were Democrats.)

— Illinois’ next governor will have to deliver the goods on education funding – MarySue Barrett, President, Metropolitan Planning Council.
— Aldermen demand that IDOT clean up cesspool along Dan Ryan Expressway – Fran Spielman (DIERSEN: Have you driven the Dan Ryan? I did 1966-1968 from my parents’ home in Crete to/from classes at UIC. I drove a 1966 Pontiac Tempest Sprint 1966-1967 and a 1968 Oldsmobile 442 during 1968.)
— We need to revive King’s campaign against poverty – Jesse Jackson


— Wall Street’s average bonus in 2017? 3 times what most U.S. households made all year. – Renae Merle (DIERSEN: In today’s dollars, I was earning $125,325/year in 1997 when I was 49 years old. Are/were you accused of being overpaid? My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always accused me of being overpaid. In my defense, I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 32.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Wall Street bonuses are climbing toward record highs again, according to government data released Monday showing that in 2017, the average bonus payout reached $184,220. That is an 17 percent increase compared to the previous year and the closest Wall Street has come in more than a decade to its all-time high of $191,360, according to the New York State Comptroller. That follows an 15 percent increase in 2016, when the average bonus was about $157,660. . .The government figures also continue to reflect how much more Wall Street executives earn compared to the rest of the private sector. Including bonuses, the average Wall Street salary was $375,200 in 2016, the most recent year available, five times higher than in the rest of the private sector, with an average of $74,800, according to the Comptroller’s office. In New York City, about 25 percent of the industry’s employees took home more than $250,000, compared with 2 percent in the rest of the city’s workforce, the report said.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Pot promoters promote pot. If you promote pot, you promote destruction.


— Sen. Brady seeks bipartisan solutions to gun violence, urges GOP unity against Pritzker – Howard Packowitz


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats blame Republicans for gun violence. Democrats crow about their success in using people as their operatives and their dupes.


— Rauner victim of disorganized thinking, GOP political analyst Chris Robling says – W.J. Kennedy
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Gov. Bruce Rauner startled many of the Republican faithful late last week when he insisted he still has no social agenda as he heads into his general election race against Democrat J.B. Pritzker. “I do not have a social agenda,” Rauner said after an appearance at Ace Sign Co. in Springfield. “You’ve never ever seen me, or heard me, or watched me advocate on social issues. I’ve never done it.” Chris Robling, a Republican political analyst, said that Rauner’s comments are indicative of delusional thinking. “Sounds like he has dissociative disorder,” Robling said. “He keeps talking like that and he’s going to have the people in white smocks with all kinds of letters after their names coming after him.” In his first term, Rauner signed bills that show that he harbored a social agenda, even as he never campaigned on one. He signed HB 40, the taxpayer-funded abortion bill (a bill he promised he would not sign), and held a press conference afterward. The law provides unlimited state funds through Medicaid and state health insurance plans for elective abortions. Rauner also signed SB 31, the Trust Act, which makes Illinois a “sanctuary state” by preventing law enforcement from detaining anyone based solely on their immigration status. The law also limits the cooperation of local law enforcement with federal immigration officials. He also signed HB 1785, which allows individuals to switch genders on their birth certificates. And this year he sponsored and attended Equality Illinois’ fundraiser at the Hilton Chicago. Equality Illinois supports the LGBTQ community statewide. It was this social agenda, in fact, that nearly led to Rauner losing in the Republican primary election last week to state Rep. Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) whose campaign focused heavily on Rauner’s signatures on those same bills, characterizing his actions as a betrayal. “Rauner can pretend that he had — or has — no social agenda,” Ives said in an email, “but he will go down in history among Republicans for his signature on liberal social policy by signing off on taxpayer funding of abortion, expanding transgender initiatives and making Illinois a sanctuary state.” In the general election, Rauner needs the Ives voters. But Robling said that even some sort of agreement moving forward with Jeanne Ives won’t help him pull in those votes. “No one individual can save Bruce Rauner,” Robling said. “He can’t go back and undo his record.)


— Rauner win prompts Republican Hispanic group’s state chairman to step down – Glenn Minnis


— Reick advises Rauner to treat General Assembly as equal – Glenn Minnis


— The ERA Harms Our Unborn Children – Elise Bouc


— Research: Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Would Cost U.S. Taxpayers $2 Trillion – JOHN BINDER
— Zuckerberg ‘Fundamentally Uncomfortable’ Deciding what Counts as ‘Hate Speech’ – ALLUM BOKHARI (DIERSEN: Members of the following groups are extremely judgmental, they routinely determine what is and what is not hate speech: anti-Trump supporters, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Secondhand marijuana smoke may be worse than secondhand tobacco smoke, research shows – Jana J. Pruet


— Congress muddles on H-1B reform to the detriment of U.S. workers – DALE WILCOX
— Interior secretary questioned importance of diversity: report – MIRANDA GREEN (DIERSEN: Ever-increasing, everyone has to say that diversity, that is, getting rid of those who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran, is their top priority. How strongly do those who dominate your municipality, your township/ward, your county, and Illinois focus on promoting diversity?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke downplayed the importance of diversity in the workforce and at his department on multiple occasions, CNN reported Monday. Zinke made a number of off-the-cuff remarks that insinuated he did not prioritize diversity within the Interior Department, multiple senior administration sources told the network. The officials said that the secretary instead said multiple times that he valued finding the best people and most qualified applicants, regardless of their cultural or racial backgrounds. Interior Department spokeswoman Heather Swift denied that Zinke ever made the comments about diversity and denied the claims in the report.)


— Kentucky Democrats accuse GOP of ‘sexist, white-male agenda’ over budget negotiation’s makeup – Phillip M. Bailey and Morgan Watkins


— Military “Transgender” Ban


— Fiscal policy is ‘spinning out of control’: Ex-GAO head David Walker under Clinton and Bush – Michelle Fox


— California’s New Pot Laws Face Bumpy Rollout Critics cite cumbersome and costly regulations for operators – Nour Malas


— Federal employee turnover increases in Trump administration’s first year – Jory Heckman