March 27 Morning Edition

— As more Americans fail drug tests, employers turn to refugees – Dan Lieberman and Matt Gannon  (DIERSEN: Soon, if not already, pot pushers will turn refugees into stoners.)


— Roskam opens up about healthcare failure, future Republican agenda – TAHMAN BRADLEY


— After Midway deal, restaurateurs gave big to Rahm – Dan Mihalopoulos


— No more limits on campaign cash donations in governor’s race – Rick Pearson
— Trump shifts blame for health care collapse to far right – John Wagner (DIERSEN: Are you far-right?  Those who demonize, denigrate, and condemn me as being far-right promote dependency on government and on charity, LGBTQ activity, mass/illegal immigration, abortion, booze, pot, gambling and other vices, race and gender based preference giving, age discrimination, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, weakening of the First and Second Amendments, and even worse things.)
— New hire checklist – Emily Richett  (DIERSEN: New federal employees should be advised that they will be viciously demonized, viciously denigrated, and viciously condemned because they are federal employees, and especially if they are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran. New federal employees should be advised that they will be expected to help their superiors and supervisors get rid of their employees who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.  New federal employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran should be advised your career will be wasted and you will be gotten rid of if you do not make GS-13 ($94,610) by age 25, GS-14 ($111,801) by age 30, GS-15 ($131,508) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service ($161,900) by age 40.)
— BEYOND TRAGIC: Some of the youngest opioid victims are curious toddlers – AP–opioids-youngest-victims-20170323-story.html
— FRONT PAGE WITH BIG COLOR PICTURE: Skilled immigrants often struggle to put degrees, credentials to use in U.S. – Alison Bowen and Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz  (DIERSEN: Because of Democrats and because of RINOs, I have always struggled to put my “degrees, credentials to use.” I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 33.)
— TRAGIC: Dry no more: Kenilworth, one of last no-liquor holdouts, lifts sales ban – Kate Thayer and Kathy Routliffe
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps push Jews to unite with Muslims to get rid of Christians.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps insult Trump.
— FRONT PAGE: Wife of cop charged in Laquan McDonald killing says sheriff yanked job offer – Christy Gutowski  (DIERSEN: Have you ever had a job offer withdrawn that you had accepted?  In 1971, Oldsmobile withdrew a job offer that I have accepted saying that Oldsmobile had just agreed to stop hiring Whites to settle an EEOC complaint. That withdrawal directly resulted in my accepting a job offer from IRS.)




— Congresspeople, please set politics aside on judicial and Justice nominees – GREG HINZ  (DIERSEN: Democrats only want those who can and will defend and advance the Democrat Party platform.)


— Many older adults worse off under GOP health plan – Dean Olsen (DIERSEN: How much of a problem has health care insurance been for you?  For me, it has not been a problem because I had Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) insurance when I was a federal employee and my wife and I continue to have FEHB insurance because I am federal retiree.  We pay $5,763 a year and the federal government pays $17,288 a year for our health, dental, and vision insurance.  I addition, we are both covered my Medicare. Together, we pay $2,731 a year for that.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Kevin Beeson says he was happy but not surprised Friday when Republican congressmen indefinitely postponed a vote on the American Health Care Act. “They don’t have an adequate plan,” said Beeson, 53, an unemployed former instructor at the University of Illinois Springfield. Beeson, who has Type 2 diabetes, said he values his Health Alliance insurance policy, which he obtained through Illinois’ health insurance exchange with federal subsidies to reduce the monthly premium to $116.)


— $999 million out, $90 million in: Chicago pension funds see the abyss, shrug it off


— VIDEO CLIP: Citizen Kelly cuts the ribbon on LCN TV Networks


— Legislative pay an easy target for opinion writers – Dan McCaleb




— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Pot pushers crow over their success in pushing pot.  If you promote pot in Illinois, you promote the destruction of Illinois.  If you want to destroy a country, you encourage its citizens to smoke pot.
— Sen. Bill Brady hit with fake news robocall


— With Trump’s Executive Orders Held Up In Court Over 8,400 Refugees Have Come To The U.S. – Alex Pfeiffer  (DIERSEN: Democrats shout at these refugees and at everyone else that Republicans are haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.  Democrats turn refugees into “good little Democrats” just like Democrat teachers in America turn their students into “good little Democrats.”)
— Private Contractors Force Feed Refugees To States That Quit The Program – Jim Simpson


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Hamutal Bernstein from the Urban Institute promotes bringing refugees to America.  Democrats shout at these refugees and at everyone else that Republicans are haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.  Democrats turn refugees into “good little Democrats” just like Democrat teachers in America turn their students into “good little Democrats.”


— Brands Try to Blacklist Breitbart, but Ads Slip Through Anyway – SAPNA MAHESHWARI  (DIERSEN: Who/what do you blacklist? The many individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that blacklist me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails, are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in for a long time.  The aforesaid blacklisters do not return my phone calls and do not want me to know what they are doing, but many of them do read my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails for opposition research.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps glorify and praise the Weekly Standard.
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Why Trump Needs a Strong I.R.S. – DENNIS J. VENTRY Jr. (DIERSEN: I worked for IRS for almost 9 years, and the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $79,563-$90,173. I worked for GAO on audits of IRS for three years at the GS-13 Step 1-3 levels, currently $94,610-$100,917.  Democrats and RINOs have always wasted my knowledge of IRS.)
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Can Democrats Win Back Catholics? – Thomas Groome  (DIERSEN: The Democrat Party platform is extremely anti-Catholic, but then again, it is extremely anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— G.O.P., Once Unified Against Obama, Struggles for Consensus Under Trump – JEREMY W. PETERS  (DIERSEN: Anti-conservatives want Trump to dump conservatives.)
— Trump Puts a Presidential-Size Spotlight on His Brand – ERIC LIPTON and NOAH WEILAND (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes were beyond furious when I used my positions as TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member, Milton Township Republican Central Committee (MTRCC) webmaster, Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member, and American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member to encourage people to read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes hate GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails, the Republican Party platform, the Illinois Republican Party platform, and/or the MTRCC resolution against video gambling.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps paint Trump as being Nixon.)


— Natasha Korecki is on spring break which means I’ll be your Playbook reporter all week. – Mark Guarino  (DIERSEN: Your GOPUSA Illinois Editor does not take spring breaks.  He has put together and sent out a GOPUSA ILLINOIS email each and every morning since 2004 and each and every evening too since 2015.  Those emails a) have included links to almost 260,000 articles and information on many upcoming events and b) have NOT included any advertising.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Conservative media struggles with new prominence under Trump.”


— Nearly 1 out of every 3 days he has been president, Trump has visited a Trump property – Philip Bump


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: White House Opens Door to Democrats in Wake of Health-Bill Failure  Move signals Trump administration is fed up with many factions in House Republican conference – SIOBHAN HUGHES  (DIERSEN: Which faction controls your Republican township/ward party organization?  Which faction controls your Republican county party organization?  Which faction controls the Illinois Republican Party (IRP)?  I have always been a member of the faction that wants to defend and advance the Republican Party platform, the IRP platform, and the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling.  The aforesaid faction has almost never been in control of the Milton Township Republican Central Committee, the DuPage County Republican Central Committee, or the IRP.)
— How to Find Ideas for ‘Second Acts’ After Retiring – GLENN RUFFENACH  (DIERSEN: If you are retired, what is your second act?  For me, since 2000, it has been serving as your GOPUSA Illinois Editor.  So far, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and Illinois have succeeded in stopping me from getting a paid job that would be commensurate with my education, work experience, professional certifications, and professional license.)
— The Key to Financial Discipline? It May be as Simple as Taking a Class  Study suggests students who took a basic financial-education course exhibited lower levels of impulsive behavior – SIMON CONSTABLE (DIERSEN: Most, if not virtually all of the operatives and the dupes who work for my critics/opponents lack “the ability to delay gratification.” Most have saved little or nothing for their retirement.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: It is well-known that successful investing requires patience and the ability to delay gratification. The question has long been: Can such discipline be taught? A recent study suggests it can. Researchers at Utah State University found that students who completed a basic financial-education course were more willing to wait for a bigger financial payout than those who didn’t. Put another way, those who took the class exhibited lower levels of impulsive behavior. “We see evidence that we can teach people self-control,” says William DeHart, a graduate student at Utah State University and one of the authors of the study, which appeared in PLOS ONE, a scientific journal published by the Public Library of Science, in July 2016.)
— Study Shows One Way to Extend Working Years  Research shows people who switch jobs in their 50s are more likely to be working at 65 – Lisa Ward  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes falsely hint/imply/argue/shout that I switched careers in 1980 when I transferred from IRS to GAO.  Much of what I did for IRS for almost 9 years is very similar to what I did for GAO for almost 18 years – investigating, fact gathering, interviewing, summarizing and analyzing data, making recommendations, report writing, etc.)
— Would You Rather Have $1 Million or $5,000 Monthly in Retirement?  The answer will tell you whether you suffer an ‘illusion of poverty’ or an ‘illusion of wealth’ – SHLOMO BENARTZI and HAL E. HERSHFIELD  (DIERSEN: According to Schwab, my $4,239/month Civil Service Retirement System pension is worth about $500,000.)
— One CEO Got Paid $46 Million in a Month, but the Rest of the Year Is a Mystery  Johnson Controls took advantage of SEC loophole in pay-disclosure regulations – THEO FRANCIS (DIERSEN: Are/were you accused of being overpaid?  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always accused me of being overpaid. In my defense, I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 33.)
— Gorsuch’s Foes Embarrass the Senate – Orrin G. Hatch  (DIERSEN: One could argue that when a mayor of a municipality in DuPage County, and especially the mayor of the county seat, publicly insults one of his constituents, that mayor embarrasses a) his municipality, b) every resident in his municipality, c) every municipality in his township, d) every resident in his township, e) every municipality in DuPage County, f) every resident in DuPage County, and g) every elected official who represents all or any part of DuPage County.  Does the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference have a Code of Ethics?)
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Decline in Homeownership Hits Economy – Laura Kusisto  (DIERSEN: Do you promote homeownership? I always have. I bought a new town home in University Park in 1972 when I was 24 years old.  I bought a studio condo in the Outer Drive East (ODE) building in downtown Chicago in 1974.  I bought a one bedroom condo in the ODE building in 1976.  My wife and I bought 1017 East Harrison in Wheaton in 1978.  My wife and I had 915 Cove Court built in Wheaton in 1984.)


— Chicago nabs dozens in ‘Traveling Vice Lords’ gang linked to coke, meth and heroin – Aamer Madhani
— As Sears falters, shadow darkens over American malls – Aamer Madhani  (DIERSEN: River Oaks Center in Calumet City is featured.)
— FRONT PAGE WITH COLOR GRAPHIC: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps glorify and praise illegals.


— Medical marijuana bill in South Carolina bolstered by conservatives – AP  (DIERSEN: To push pot is to be anti-religious, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, and anti-American.)


— Trump now blames conservative Republicans for healthcare failure – Shelby Lin Erdman  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about “Republican” activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who blame conservatives like me for all of their problems, for all of your problems, for all of my problems, and for all of everyone’s problems.  They talk and act like they are Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, or RINOs.)


— Members of Congress have extra benefit on health insurance – Mary Love


— Trump’s AHCA Blame Game Shifts to GOP Targets – Chas Danner (DIERSEN: I should write a book about “Republican” activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who blame conservatives like me for all of their problems, for all of your problems, for all of my problems, and for all of everyone’s problems.  They talk and act like they are Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, or RINOs.)


— The Legislators Working to Thwart the Will of Voters – DAVID A. GRAHAM  (DIERSEN: According to Democrats and RINOs, the “will of voters” is to get rid of those individuals, organizations, governments, and countries that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)

March 25 Evening Edition

— Trump Supporter’s Husband Faces Deportation


— 18 Chicago city workers topped $100K in OT in 2016 – Fran Spielman and Mick Dumke
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats always want Republicans to pay more taxes.
— Security, parking, garbage irk Ivanka Trump’s DC neighbors – AP


— Violence erupts at pro-Trump rally in Huntington Beach – Cindy Carcamo and Ben Brazil
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Violence erupted at a Make America Great Again rally in Huntington Beach on Saturday when an anti-Trump protester allegedly doused the female organizer of the event with pepper spray and was immediately set upon by a group of Trump supporters. After spraying the march organizer, the man, wearing a black mask, was tackled by a group of flag-waving Trump supporters, who started punching and kicking him, according to witnesses at the scene.)
— Former Evanston city worker alleges millions in undeposited cash, checks – Genevieve Bookwalter
— Will you have enough? Only 18% very confident about their retirement savings – Gail MarksJarvis  (DIERSEN: Are the operatives and the dupes who work for your critics/opponents “confident about their retirement savings?”  All the operatives and the dupes who work for my critics/opponents appear to have severe financial, health, and/or other problems. They talk and act like they will do just about anything for money.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats always want Republicans to pay more taxes.
— Yes, Illinois has a budget problem, but legalizing marijuana won’t fix it – Stephen Petersen, Downers Grove
(FROM THE LETTER:  Do state Sen. Heather Steans and state Rep. Kelly Cassidy have no shame? The thought of legalizing marijuana for the purpose of raising revenue from the manufacture and sale of marijuana is yet one more example of stealing from the futures of our children to pay for lawmakers’ pet projects today. I have two children in high school and one in middle school. They are good kids, get good grades, and are active in scouts and the community. I hear stories from them of what some of the other students are up to at Downers Grove North. I read about the heroin epidemic and grieve for the families that have recently lost children. My children tell me they just say no, and I believe them. But I also know what I was up to when I was in high school, and there but by the grace of God go I. I know that Illinois has a budget problem and have been told by Democrats for many years that there is literally nowhere to cut. I have also seen with my own eyes much of the graft in city and state contracting. The Democrats’ positioning is that there are no options but to raise taxes. These lawmakers want to raise taxes through drug use, and I find that despicable. For whatever reason, there has been no grand bargain on expanded gambling for expanded revenue, and that’s got to hurt. Prostitution is still illegal in Illinois, however not rare. My heart goes out to the young ladies and their families whose revenue potentials will be eyed next. Democratic leadership has already spent more money for today than our kids and grandkids could possibly pay back in their lifetimes, so that must make the politicians proud. Their idea of promoting and taxing drug use is a good one to keep money flowing in, but bodes poorly for future generations. By the time the bill comes due these two legislators will be living on their fat, taxpayer-provided pensions, so what do they care? What if there are no public taxpayers left in Illinois to pay it? Steans and Cassidy must think carefully about what they’re doing. And in the meantime, try not to string out the kids for their comfort.)
— Group disappointed to have no ‘impact’ on Roskam’s health care views – Linda Girardi
— Schneider credits public engagement for Trumpcare defeat – Luke Hammill  (DIERSEN: What do you say “Republicans” who paint themselves as being anti-Trump?  Trump has promised to defend and advance the Republican Party platform.)
— New Naperville policy forces Day of Prayer event out of council chambers – Erin Hegarty
— OUTSTANDING: Indoor shooting range, gun store planned for Naperville site – Erin Hegarty


— The Mendoza line on legislators pay – Editorial


— What if money, name and connections aren’t enough to take on Rauner? – RICH MILLER  (DIERSEN: Will the anti-Rauners engage in negative campaigning?  I should write a book about “Republican” activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who since 2000 have worked harder against me than they have ever worked against any Democrat.  The aforesaid talk and act like they are Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, or RINOs.)
— Illinois’ stack of unpaid medical bills now reaches $3.5 billion – BRIGID SWEENEY


— Emboldened Democrats look ahead to next fight – ASHLEY KILLOUGH  (DIERSEN: How hard are anti-Trumps working in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois to get rid of individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time?)


— DISGUSTING: Colorado weighs strategy for guarding against pot crackdown – AP  (DIERSEN: If you promote pot, you are NOT a Republican. If you got elected to or appointed to a government or to a political position as a Republican, and you promote pot, you should immediately resign so that you can be replaced with a Republican.  If you promote pot, you are a Democrat, a Libertarian, or a Green.  You are anti-Republican, anti-conservative, anti-religious, and anti-American.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Colorado is considering an unusual strategy to protect its nascent marijuana industry from a potential federal crackdown, even at the expense of hundreds of millions of dollars in tax collections. A bill pending in the Legislature would allow pot growers and retailers to reclassify their recreational pot as medical pot if a change in federal law or enforcement occurs. It’s the boldest attempt yet by a U.S. marijuana state to avoid federal intervention in its weed market. The bill would allow Colorado’s 500 or so licensed recreational pot growers to instantly reclassify their weed. A switch would cost the state more than $100 million a year because Colorado taxes medical pot much more lightly than recreational weed – 2.9 percent versus 17.9 percent. The measure says licensed growers could immediately become medical licensees “based on a business need due to a change in local, state or federal law or enforcement policy.” The change wouldn’t take recreational marijuana off the books, but it wouldn’t entirely safeguard it either. What it could do is help growers protect their inventory in case federal authorities start seizing recreational pot. The provision is getting a lot of attention in the marijuana industry following recent comments from members of President Donald Trump’s administration. White House spokesman Sean Spicer has said there’s a “big difference” between medical and recreational pot. Sponsors of the bill call it a possible exit strategy for the new pot industry. It’s hard to say how many businesses would be affected, or if medical pot would flood the market, because some businesses hold licenses to both grow and sell marijuana in Colorado. The state had about 827,000 marijuana plants growing in the retail system in June, the latest available data. More than half were for the recreational market. “If there is a change in federal law, then I think all of our businesses want to stay in business somehow. They’ve made major investments,” said Sen. Tim Neville, a suburban Denver Republican who sponsored the bill. If federal authorities start seizing recreational pot, Colorado’s recreational marijuana entrepreneurs “need to be able to convert that product into the medical side so they can sell it,” Neville said. His bill passed a committee in the Republican Senate 4-1 last week.)


— Senators seek visitor logs from White House, Mar-a-Lago – AP  (DIERSEN: I should the seek the visitor logs for all those activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, and political consultants, etc. in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who work the hardest against me.  They talk and act like they have been promised lots of money, a new car, a new home, a sweetheart job, a sweetheart contract, favorable legislation, and much more if they succeed in stopping me from sending out GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.  Just kidding, but not completely.)


— Lawmakers Relieved to Know They Will Get Paychecks – TONY ARNOLD  (DIERSEN: When has your income dropped and by how much in today’s dollars?  In 1997, my income in today’s dollars, dropped $72,135 (59%), from $122,991 down to $50,856, when my Democrat GAO superiors succeed in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer.”  In 1980, my income in today’s dollars, dropped $18,847 (21%), from $90,173 down to $71,326, when my Democrat GAO superiors succeed in forcing me to take downgrade from GS-12 Step 5 to GS-9 Step 10 to transfer from IRS to GAO.)


— Elgin incumbent decries new teachers’ contract – Glenn Minnis


— Anti-abortion group voices outrage over House bill – Glenn Minnis


— National Guard Not Needed In Downtown Naperville


— Iroquois County Board Member threatens Watchdog with violence – John Kraft


— POLL RESULTS SHOW ONLY 1/3 OF ILLINOISANS SAY THEY’VE BEEN AFFECTED BY THE BUDGET IMPASSE – Hilary Gowins  (DIERSEN: Many, if not most, if not virtually all of my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes depend on the State of Illinois for income and/or for assistance of some kind. They despise if not hate federal employees and federal retirees.)




— GOP cave on Obamacare repeal is the biggest broken promise in political history – PHILIP KLEIN


— De Blasio blames ‘dynamic of hatred’ created by Trump for racist murder – Rick Moran  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, hate-filled anti-Trumps promote hatred against Trump and against Trump’s supporters.  For their self-defense, how soon will Trump supporters buy more firearms and more ammunition?)


— Are We the Next Europe? – Pam Jablonski


— Trump was misled by Paul Ryan on health care bill, says Newt Gingrich – Carlos Garcia


— At What Age Do Millennials Consider Themselves Adults? The Answer Will Stun You. – AARON BANDLER  (DIERSEN: At what age were you an adult, that is, at what age did you start paying all your own bills?  For me, it was age 21 in 1970, when I started working for Firestone Stores in Chicago Heights.  I paid not only all my own bills, I helped pay my mother’s and brother’s bills. My father had died suddenly in October of 1969 and I had applied for and I eventually got a financial hardship draft deferment.  I was able to buy a new town home in University Park when I was 24 in 1972.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A new report has found that millennials don’t consider themselves adults until they reach the age of 30. Yes, you read that correctly. According to The Wrap, research compiled by David Poltrack, CBS’ chief research officer and their ratings expert, as well as Nielsen Catalina Solutions, found that millennials consider themselves adults at age 30 because that’s when they typically are completely responsible for themselves – they no longer reside with their parents and pay entirely for their own bills.)
— ‘Dear White People’ Posters Appear on Campus Ripping White Students – ELLIOTT HAMILTON  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps are anti-White.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Some of the signs, which were shared exclusively with Campus Reform, contained racially-charged language that peddled prejudiced and racist views toward white people. For example, one sign read, “Dear white people, there is no such thing as being ‘colorblind.’ You are perpetuating racism and white supremacy.” Another sign read, “Dear white people, black people can’t be racist. Prejudice, yes, but not racist. Racism describes a system of disadvantage based on race. Black people can’t be racist since we don’t stand to benefit from such a system.” Another sign peddled white stereotypes while insinuating all white people place black people in a box: “Dear white people, are you tired of your hum drum, Wonderbread existence of accidental racism and wishing you could sip on Henny out yo crunk cup without a bitch giving you the side-eye? Course you are.”)


— For Democrats, no clear leader – JONATHAN EASLEY  (DIERSEN: Who leads conservatives in Illinois, in your county, in your township/ward, in your municipality, and in your precinct?  What have they done during the last week, month, and year that shows their opposition to promotion of dependency on government and on charity, LGBTQ activity, abortion, illegal/mass immigration, booze, pot, gambling, and other vices, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, further erosion of the First and Second Amendments, etc.?)


— Trump Becomes Ensnared in Fiery G.O.P. Civil War – GLENN THRUSH and MAGGIE HABERMAN  (DIERSEN: I am on the losing side of that civil war.  I am on the side that supports the Republican Party platform, the Illinois Republican Party platform, and the Milton Township Republican Party Central Committee resolution against video gambling.  The other side talks, writes, and acts like they are Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, or RINOs who are hell bent on destroying the Republican party in Milton Township, in DuPage County, in Illinois, and in America.)


— Ivanka Trump’s Secret Service detail roiling her D.C. neighbors – Paul Schwartzman and Peter Jamison

March 25 Morning Edition

— Demonstrators Do Victory Lap Outside Trump Tower After Health Plan Stalls  (DIERSEN: One should expect that anti-Trumps will oppose everything that Trump wants.  Anti-Diersens oppose everything that Diersen wants. Diersen wants Republicans to be elected who can and will defend and advance the Republican Party platform, the Illinois Republican Party platform, and the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling.  Diersen wants to stop the promotion of dependency on government and on charity, LGBTQ activity, abortion, illegal/mass immigration, booze, pot, gambling, and other vices, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, further erosion of the First and Second Amendments, etc.)


— Illinois health care advocates cheer GOP bill’s demise, worry about future – Lisa Schencker (DIERSEN: How much of a problem has health care insurance been for you?  For me, it has not been a problem because I had Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) insurance when I was a federal employee and my wife and I continue to have FEHB insurance because I am federal retiree.  We pay $5,763 a year and the federal government pays $17,288 a year for our health, dental, and vision insurance.  I addition, we are both covered my Medicare. Together, we pay $2,731 a year for that.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump blames Dems, but Obamacare now his problem.”
— Partisan games make America the biggest loser – Linda Chavez  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and Democrat plants, Libertarians and Libertarian plants, Greens and Green plants, and RINOs viciously demonize, viciously denigrate, and viciously condemn Republicans as being haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps glorify and praise foreign countries and their citizens.  Soon, if not already, anti-Trumps will get rid of you if you do not glorify and praise foreign countries and their citizens.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats always want Republicans to pay more taxes.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote dependency on government.
— Ex-North Chicago cop Ramtin Sabet sues, says he was harassed, then fired, for being Muslim – Duaa Eldeib  (DIERSEN: In Sabet v. North Chicago, Democrats and RINOs will side with Sabet against North Chicago just like Democrats and RINOs sided with GAO in Diersen v. GAO.)


— Bobby McNeily: Candidate Profile  Wheaton City Council West District
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Mundelein discourages Hispanics from learning to speak, read, and write English.
— Let Roskam, Ryan find own insurance – Mike Malone, Glen Ellyn (DIERSEN: Federal employees and federal retirees are eligible to participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits program. Has Malone applied to be a federal employee?  Many millions have not and will not seek a job with the federal government a) because the pay and benefits are terrible, b) because the advancement opportunities are terrible, c) because they lack required education, work experience, professional certifications, and/or professional licenses, d) because they cannot pass an employment examination, e) because they cannot pass a background investigation, f) because they cannot pass a physical examination, g) because they cannot take the demonization, denigration, and condemnation that comes with being a federal employee or federal retiree, and/or h) because they are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran and they know that the federal government discriminates against its employees who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
— Muslim women try to embody Khadija, Ayesha – Mariam Sadiqa Qaderi, Lisle


— Durbin: Democrats are ready to change health care – Derek Beigh  (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Change to favor who?  ANSWER: Democrats  QUESTION: Change to punish who?  ANSWER: Republicans.)


— Local Leaders and Residents React To Potential Marijuana Legislation  Illinois Lawmakers Propose Making Recreational Marijuana Legal – Gregory Cormie
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “it’s something that get’s discussed every year and it’s a chance for people to debate the issue, look at the pro’s and con’s,” said Senator Dave Syverson. “I wouldn’t think it’s going to move at all this year,” he added. Syverson is against the implementation of the bill. He says the risks of recreational marijuana outweigh the benefits. “We have a substantial increase in driving under the influence,” said Syverson. “In fact a couple of states have said they have been giving out more tickets for people driving under the influence of marijuana than the influence of alcohol,” he added.)


— TRAGIC: Effort Underway to Legalize All Pot – Greg Bishop
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Anita Bedell, executive director of Illinois Church Action on Alcohol & Addiction Problems, said, “Just because something brings in revenue doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. They’re not considering the harm, they’re not considering costs.” Proponents also say it will spur on jobs. Bedell said, “So has gambling, so has other things … there’s always going to be money in some things, but this is not a good way to have money for Illinois, and it would just cause more harm and cause more damage.” Illinois Family Institute’s David Smith opposes legalization and said there would still be a black market. “The guy on the street that’s selling the pot doesn’t have to have the brick and mortar and the overhead and the employees and the insurance, and the workman’s comp,” Smith said. Smith also dismissed proponents who say illegal marijuana is a criminal justice issue because, he said, there are a very small number of inmates in the system for drug possession only. The Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police said they oppose the bill because of the traffic safety concerns.)


— Davis: ‘Disappointed’ in many GOP colleagues for not backing health care bill


— 2017 Election Questionnaire: College of DuPage Board of Trustees candidate Christine M. Fenne


— Moving from Grand Bargain to small bargain: will the Republican base cheerlead for Governor Rauner again? When?




— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON ILLINOIS TIGHTENS: Almost 90 percent of Illinois counties losing population.  Population loss means that Illinois could lose two representatives in the U.S. House next reordering of Congress in 2020. – Cole Lauterbach


— POT GROWERS WIN RIGHT TO INFLUENCE POLITICS IN ILLINOIS  (DIERSEN: In Illinois, if you promote pot, you promote the further destruction of Illinois.  Further, in Illinois, if you take money from pot promoters, you too promote the further destruction of Illinois.)


— Now Kaepernick’s a Victim?


— Top Eight Fake News Lies Against Trump by Democrats and their Media Lapdogs Since Inauguration Day – Warner Todd Huston


— Freedom Caucus drives dagger into heart of young Trump presidency – Elizabeth Peek


— Trump Haters Call for Presidential Assassination – DEROY MURDOCK  (DIERSEN: Who are the leading Trump haters in Illinois, in your county, in your township/ward, in your municipality, and in your precinct?  Who are they operatives for?  Who are they dupes for?)


— Toronto Schools to Cease Field Trips to U.S. – CRAIG S. SMITH  (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps shout at Canada that America is full of haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.)
— Tracing His Roots, Georgetown Employee Learns University Sold His Ancestor – AUDRA D.S. BURCH  (DIERSEN: How bad are your demographics?  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes stress that my ancestors have been in America since the 1840s.  In my defense, I stress that all of my ancestors have always stayed in northeast Illinois.)
— I Loved My Grandmother. But She Was a Nazi. – JESSICA SHATTUCK  (DIERSEN: How bad are your demographics?  Because of my terrible demographics, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued that I have always been a Nazi. In my defense, a) while all my ancestors immigrated from what is now Germany, they all immigrated during the 1840s and 1850s, b) my grandfather on my father’s side fought the Germans in WWI, c) my uncles on my mother’s side fought the Germans in WWII, and d) my father would have fought the Germans in WWII if he had not been 4-F.)
— How to Log Off of Facebook Forever, With All Its Perks and Pitfalls – CHRISTOPHER MELEMA
— FRONT PAGE WITH COLOR PICTURE: College Is the Goal. The Problem? Getting There. – ANEMONA HARTOCOLLIS  (DIERSEN: How easy was it for you to be accepted by a college?  UIC accepted me in 1966, NIU in 1969, Loyola in 1972, DePaul in 1976, Roosevelt in 1980, and IIT in 1992. According to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes, the aforesaid was easy for me a) because I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, my parents were filthy rich, and I Have always been privileged, b) because I was born a White, c) because I was born a male, d) because I have good health, e) because I avoided the draft, and f) because the aforesaid colleges are not Ivy League.)
— They Adopted Refugee  Families for 12 Months. Then Came ‘Month 13.’  Everyday Canadians spent a year embracing Syrians in the world’s most personal resettlement program. Letting them go might be the biggest test yet. – JODI KANTOR and CATRIN EINHORN  (DIERSEN: In America, individuals, organizations, companies, governments that promote refugees promote hatred of individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— FRONT PAGE: Google’s YouTube Has Continued Showing Brands’ Ads With Racist and Other Objectionable Videos  PepsiCo, Wal-Mart, Dish Network say they are suspending Google non-search ads – JACK NICAS  (DIERSEN: There have been no ads in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails and and there never will be. He who pays the piper calls the tunes.)
— High Anxiety Over Health-Care Reform  ObamaCare proved to be a catastrophic victory. The Republican plan had the makings of another one. – Peggy Noonan
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats want immigrants who will vote for Democrats. RINOs want immigrants who will work for less money.


— A New Report Proves Just How Unaffordable Colleges Are For Most Americans – Kim Clark


— How much less would you have accomplished if you had been a stoner? – Dave Diersen
(THE ARTICLE: Virtually all of my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes talk and act like they want to smoke pot legally, like they do smoke pot, and/or like they did smoke pot. Stoners want to drag everyone down with them.  To discredit me, they hint/imply/argue/shout that I am lazy and stupid.  I ask them this: If I had been a stoner, would I have been able to accomplish the following?
— Put together and send out a GOPUSA ILLINOIS email a) each and every morning since 2004 and b) each and every evening too since 2015?
— Survive as a Republican Precinct Committeeman since 1999?
— Serve on the 2008 Illinois Republican Party Platform and Resolutions Committee?
— Survive as a TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman 2005-2012?
— Survive as a Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee member 2003-2011?
— Survive as the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster 2008-2010 and 2000-2004?
— Survive as an Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee member 2003-2007?
— Survive as an American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board member 2001-2004?
— Get hired by GAO in 1980 and survive until 1997?
— Get promoted by GAO in 1986?
— Serve on the Executive Committee of the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter 1983-1996?
— Get hired by IRS in 1971 and survive until 1980?
— Get promoted by IRS in 1972, 1973, and 1974?
— Get a job offer from Oldsmobile in 1971?
— Get hired by Firestone Stores in 1970?
— Get hired by the Post Office and survive until 1969?
— Earn a master’s degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997?
— Earn a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980?
— Earn an MBA from Loyola in 1976?
— Earn a bachelor’s degree in management from NIU in 1970?
— Earn a diploma from Crete-Monee High School in 1966?
— Become a Forensic Accountant in 1997?
— Become a Certified Financial Services Auditor in 1996?
— Become a Certified Government Financial Manager in 1994?
— Become a Certified Fraud Examiner in 1990?
— Become a licensed CPA in 1981?
— Pass the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981?
— Pass the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979?
— Get married in 1978?
— Have 915 Cove Court built in Wheaton in 1984?
— Buy 1017 East Harrison in Wheaton in 1978?
— Buy a studio condo in the Outer Drive East building in downtown Chicago in 1974 and a one bedroom condo in that building in 1976?
— Buy a new town home in University Park in 1972?
— Buy many new cars since 1966, a collector car in 1989, and a collector car in 1994?

— Save lots of money for my retirement?)

March 22 Evening Edition

— ILLINOIS LAWMAKERS INTRODUCE BILL TO LEGALIZE RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA FOR ADULTS  (DIERSEN: If you push pot in Illinois, you push the further destruction of Illinois.)


— Chicago lawmakers introduce bills calling for marijuana legalization, taxation  (DIERSEN: If you push pot in Illinois, you push the further destruction of Illinois.)


— Illinois Lawmakers consider ending marijuana prohibition – Courtney Cruse  (DIERSEN: Which individuals, organizations, companies, and governments in Illinois are leading the opposition against SB 316 and HB 2353?  Please ask them to phone me at 630-653-0462.  I am considering asking the Milton Township Republican Central Committee (MTRCC) to pass a resolution against the legalization of marijuana for recreational use similar to MTRCC’s 2009 resolution against video gambling.  I would ask all of the Republicans who represent all or part of Milton Township to endorse the resolution including U.S. Representative Roskam; Governor Rauner; Lt. Governor Sanguinetti; Illinois Senators Connelly and Nybo; Illinois Representatives Breen and Ives; DuPage County officials Berlin, Bucholz, Cantore, Cronin, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Elliott, Grant, Grogan, Henry, Hinds, Jorgensen, Kachiroubas, Larsen, Murphy, Noonan, Redick, Ruscitti, Whelan, Wiley, Zaruba, and Zay; Milton Township officials Falbo, Heidorn, Hinkle, Keller, LeVan, Molitor, Muehlfelt, and Nathwani; and all the MTRCC members.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE:  Illinois lawmakers are considering a plan to regulate and tax legal marijuana use for adults. Legislation introduced in the House and Senate Wednesday would allow adults 21 and older to purchase marijuana legally from a business licensed by the state. The Senate bill, SB 316, is sponsored by Senate Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Heather Steans (D-Chicago), while the House version, HB 2353, was presented by Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago). “Marijuana prohibition is a quagmire that creates far more problems than it prevents,” Cassidy said. “Several states have adopted sensible alternatives to prohibition, and it is time for Illinois to develop its own exit strategy.” Each bill would make it legal to possess, grow, and purchase limited amounts of marijuana. The state would license and regulate businesses to cultivate, process, test, and sell marijuana to adults, and it would create and enforce strict health and safety regulations, such as testing and labeling requirements and restrictions on marketing. “Right now, all the money being spent on marijuana is going into the pockets of criminals and cartels,” Steans said. “In a regulated system, the money would go into the cash registers of licensed, taxpaying businesses. It would generate hundreds of millions of dollars per year in new revenue for our state.”  The bills propose taxing marijuana at a rate of $50 per ounce at the wholesale level, and retail sales would be subject to the state’s standard 6.25% sales tax. Based on current usage rates and the market price of marijuana being sold for adults’ use in Colorado, the Marijuana Policy Project estimates regulated marijuana sales could generate between $349 million and $699 million per year in new revenue for Illinois.)


— Bruce Rauner: Terror Attack In Illinois ‘Just A Matter Of Time’


— Trump to Deliver Commencement Address at Liberty University  President George H.W. Bush was the last president to deliver the Virginia-based university’s keynote address in 1990  (DIERSEN: What were you doing in 1990?  I worked for GAO on audits federal financial industry regulators.)
— Labor Nominee Says He Won’t Let Politics Influence Hiring  Senate Democrats want to know how he would enforce worker protections in an agency the president wants cut by 20 percent – Laurie Kellman  (DIERSEN: My Democrat superiors in the federal government always promoted patronage and political affiliation discrimination. Because I have always been a Republican, were it not for federal civil service protections, a) the Post Office would NOT have hired me in 1966 or let me work there for almost 3 years, b) IRS would NOT have hired me in 1971 or let me work there for almost 9 years, c) IRS would NOT have promoted me in 1972, 1973, or 1974, d) GAO would NOT have hired me in 1980 or let me work there for almost 18 years, and d) GAO would NOT have promoted me in 1986.)


— Illinois lawmakers propose legalizing recreational marijuana – Robert McCoppin  (DIERSEN: If you push pot in Illinois, you push the further destruction of Illinois.)
— Most Illinois House Republicans follow party on health care – Katherine Skiba
— GOP health care plan, facing conservative revolt, lacks the votes for House passage – Mike Debonis, Juliet Eilperin, David Weigel
— Chicago Public Schools chief fires back at Gov. Rauner – Juan Perez Jr.
— Aurora mayoral candidates announce more endorsements – Steve Lord
— Chicago lawyer fights Army veteran’s deportation order – Manya Brachear Pashman  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted a) that instead of me, the Post Office should have hired a veteran in 1966, b) that the Post Office should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a veteran could have my job, c) that instead of me, IRS should have hired a veteran in 1971, d) that instead of me, IRS should have promoted veterans in 1972, 1973, and 1974, e) that instead of me, GAO should have hired a veteran in 1980, f) that instead of me, GAO should have promoted a veteran in 1986, and g) that GAO should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a veteran could have my job and my preferred corner office.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Obamacare replacement bill could harm disabled Illinoisans.”
— Neil Gorsuch earns his Supreme Court seat – Editorial


— GOP briefing leaves Trump ‘somewhat’ vindicated, Dems outraged – Julie Pace and Deb Riechmann
—  Reince Priebus Getting Trumped? – Michael


— Hultgren questions GOP health plan hours before crucial vote – Randall Hultgren
— Endorsement: Yes to merge Lisle, Naperville township road districts
— Rauner wants to replace prison guards in watchtowers with cameras – AP
— Police: Schaumburg man posted anti-Semitic fliers at University of Chicago – Katie Smith
— TRAGIC: Why video gambling will likely remain legal in St. Charles regardless of April election – James Fuller
— IMRF: Simple resolution could end pensions for elected DuPage forest officials – Robert Sanchez  (DIERSEN: I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years.  My knowing that I was earning credits toward a Civil Service Retirement System pension helped me withstand tremendous efforts by my Democrat superiors to waste my career and to get rid of me.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Forest preserve commissioners are paid $50,000 a year; the president is paid $75,000. The elected officials also are eligible to receive medical and dental insurance through the district. Commissioner Tim Whelan is questioning whether it’s a good idea to end the practice of offering pensions. He said the pension is an incentive for commissioners “to put in the time to benefit the taxpayers.” Whelan is one of five commissioners enrolled in IMRF. The others are Redick, Marsha Murphy, Linda Painter and Al Murphy. Redick, Painter and Marsha Murphy already are eligible for an IMRF pension — and will receive it regardless of whether the district does away with the perk. Whelan and Al Murphy are not yet vested.)
— District 200 asking voters for funds for improvements – Jeff Schuler  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes would hint/imply/argue/shout that I should support the tax increase because I am UNDERSERVEDLY FILTHY RICH a) because my Civil Service Retirement System pension and federal health insurance subsidy are far too generous, b) because my wife and I gave up trying to have children, we did not adopt, and we did not become foster parents, c) because the federal government grossly overpaid me, d) because I avoided the draft, e) because I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and I have always been privileged, f) because my parents had enough money to send me to a parochial grade school, g) because my ancestors have in America since the 1840s, h) because I was born a White male, i) because I do not give money to a church, j) because etc.)
— Why two lines on Naperville property taxes will decrease – Marie Wilson
— Ethics accusation in Geneva mayor race goes to court – Susan Sarkauskas


— New shots at Ryancare from Hultgren, Rauner – GREG HINZ
— Here’s what’s at stake for Chicago under Trump’s budget – GREG HINZ


— Republicans rebelling against health care risk Trump’s wrath – AP  (DIERSEN: What have you rebelled against?  I have always rebelled against the promotion of dependency on government and on charity, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, booze, pot, gambling, and other vices, LGBTQ activity, abortion, illegal/mass immigration, erosion of the First and Second Amendments, and other bad things.  Consequently, I have always incurred the wrath of those individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that promote the aforesaid bad things.)


— Frerichs Wants “Clarity” on Medical Marijuana from Trump Administration – JEFF BOSSERT


— Trump to deliver Liberty University commencement address  Trump spoke at university in January 2016 – DAN MERICA
— Anti-Trumps say “Grieving father: ‘I don’t play Trump songs anymore’  Man says he feels betrayed by new health care bill.”


— Potheads rejoice: Illinois lawmakers move to legalize recreational weed – Lee V. Gaines  (DIERSEN: Virtually all of my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes talk and act like a) they smoke pot and/or b) they want to smoke pot legally.)


— 8 Arrested At Downtown Protest Against Trump’s Proposed HUD Cuts
— IL Lawmakers Introduce Bills To Legalize Marijuana Sales To Adults – STEPHEN GOSSETT  (DIERSEN: If you push pot in Illinois, you push the further destruction of Illinois.)


— Recent Votes at Naperville City Council Meeting
— District 203 Abates Tax Levy


— Ives honors hero to homeless veterans Robert Adams – Hoang Tran


— COD tuition freeze leaves room for anxiety – Lucas Koprowski
— College of DuPage board of trustees places a freeze on tuition for the third straight year – Vandy Manyeh


— The yearn to return to 1950s-era culture – Jennifer Harper (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps talk, write, and act like they hate the 1950s and like they hate all those Whites and men like me who were alive during the 1950s.)


— Trump Admin Makes Fight Against Sanctuary Cities Personal, Releases List ‘Naming and Shaming’ Them – PARKER LEE


— Trump Slams His Own Supreme Court Nominee: ‘I’ll Criticize Judges’ – Jeffrey Rodack


— Illegal Aliens Found Carrying Half Ton of Pot into U.S. – BOB PRICE


— Naperville Makes Effort to Educate On Crime Victim Rights – Allison Thibault
— Chelsea Clinton To Receive Lifetime Impact Award For Some Reason – CHUCK ROSS  (DIERSEN: Were you born with a silver spoon in your mouth?  Have you always been privileged?  I should write a book about those who hint/imply/argue/shout that I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and that I have always been privileged.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Clinton’s other achievements include being born to one of the most skilled politicians in American history, growing up in the White House, landing a $600,000 contract with MSNBC, marrying a hedge fund millionaire, and tweeting constantly about President Trump.)


— HIGH SCHOOL ‘MUSLIM PRAYER ROOM’ CHALLENGED  Texas attorney general takes notice but ACLU ‘nowhere to be found’ – LEO HOHMANN


— Federal staffers panicked by conservative media attacks  A spate of stories in Breitbart and other outlets have singled out individual career employees, questioning their loyalty to Trump. – NAHAL TOOSI and ANDREW RESTUCCIA


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Leanna Powell blasts those who are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors, etc.


— Trump: Most people don’t know President Lincoln was a Republican – John Wagner
— Secret Service asked for $60 million extra for Trump-era travel and protection, documents show – Drew Harwell and Amy Brittain


— AT&T Pulling Ads From Google Over ‘Hate’ Videos  Latest company to act over concerns ads were placed on YouTube videos supporting terrorism – JACK NICAS


— Inside The Wealthy Family That Has Been Funding Steve Bannon’s Plan For Years  (DIERSEN: Where did your money come from? My money came from what I earned doing yard work and delivering newspapers 1962-1964, washing dishes 1964-1966, cleaning golf shoes, chipping slag, and pumping gasoline in 1966, delivering mail 1966-1969, working on an automobile assembly line and working as a security guard in 1970, selling tires, automotive services, and major appliances 1970-1971, pumping gasoline 1971-1972, collecting delinquent taxes 1971-1980, and auditing federal agencies 1980-1997.)


— Understanding risks as Congress, President review feds’ pay, benefits – Randy Silvey
— Why some lawmakers are making recruitment calls to get new talent into the VA – Nicole Ogrysko  (DIERSEN: GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job. IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job. The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.)


— Human resources problems causing hiring, retention headaches for VA – Leo Shane III  (DIERSEN: GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job. IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job. The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.)

March 20 Morning Edition

— Rauner vs. Mendoza latest front in political battle at Capitol – Monique Garcia
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Rauners promote Pawar.
— Smart moves to avoid college debt burden – Steve Rosen (DIERSEN: Where did the money come from to pay for your college expenses?  I paid for my bachelor’s degree and for my three master’s degrees with money that earned doing yard work, delivering newspapers, washing dishes, cleaning golf shoes, chipping slag, pumping gasoline, delivering mail, working on an automobile assemble line, working as a security guard, selling tires, automotive services, and major appliances, collecting delinquent taxes, and auditing federal agencies.)
— CHICAGO TRIBUNE ARTICLE TITLE: Play your part to get promoted – Jeff Pruit  (DIERSEN: Notwithstanding the fact that I am a White male, the federal government would have promoted me into its Senior Executive Service, currently $161,900, long before I was 40 years old a) if I had been a Democrat, b) if I had been a veteran, and c) if I had helped my superiors and supervisors get rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
— More Kane County Forest Preserve borrowing unwise – Christopher J. Lauzen, Kane County Board Chairman
— Don’t even think about ‘updating’ the Constitution – David A. Super  (DIERSEN: Individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors WANT TO UPDATE THE CONSTITUTION TO GET RID OF INDIVIDUALS, ORGANIZATIONS, COMPANIES, AND COUNTRIES THAT ARE Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Illinois parolees: Often undereducated, unemployed — and soon back behind bars – Ron Berler  (DIERSEN: How many parolees would take the bad jobs that I did? I did yard work, delivered newspapers, washed dishes, cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, pumped gasoline, delivered mail, worked on an automobile assemble line, worked as a security guard, sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances, collected delinquent taxes, and audited federal agencies.)
— Lessons about race, learned from my father – DAHLEEN GLANTON  (DIERSEN: How long have your ancestors been in America?  Ever-increasingly, if you are a Republican, the longer that your ancestors have been in America, the more that Democrats call you a hater, a racist, a sexist, a bigot, and even worse things.  Ever-increasingly, if you are a Republican, Democrats shout that the longer that your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents, and the rest ancestors have been in America, the more that you have benefited from their discrimination against minorities, against females, and against recent immigrants.)


— Workshops help teachers cope with students’ immigration fears – Andrea Salcedo  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly anti-Trumps treasonously a) glorify and praise those who are in America illegally, b) encourage people to come to America illegally, c) encourage people to stay in America illegally, and d) encourage people to bring other people to America illegally.  As everyone knows, illegals are the future of the Democrat Party.)
— Agreement reached in Chance the Rapper child support case – Stefano Esposito


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: In a front page top of fold editorial with a big color picture unethically made to look like a new article, anti-Trumps promote Islam big time.  Ever-increasingly, the anti-Trumps in the 11 Illinois counties that voted for Clinton make it more and more and more clear that if you do not promote Islam, they will get rid of you.)
— Is there hope for state budget deal? Several suburban lawmakers say no – Kerry Lester


— Ken Griffin tops list of Illinois billionaires
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps and anti-Republicans say “No one in Illinois thinks the GOP health bill is a good idea.”


— DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps crow about their success in uniting Jews with Muslims against Trump, that is, against those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton),and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.
— Hoping we get someone in Springfield to turn around – Editorial


— Crete trustees plan annual memorial day parade – Lhalie Castillo


— The Barbarism of Feminism – Laurie Higgins


— ‘Affirmative right to immigrate’ made up by U.S. courts  (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who agrees with “affirmative right to immigrate?” ANSWER: Those who are anti-Trump, anti-Trump supporters, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Trump’s Budget Targets the Do-Nothings  (DIERSEN: Do-Nothings would never take the bad jobs that I did. I did yard work, delivered newspapers, washed dishes, cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, pumped gasoline, delivered mail, worked on an automobile assemble line, worked as a security guard, sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances, collected delinquent taxes, and audited federal agencies.)


— Fearful Mexicans scrap Cinco de Mayo – Cheryl K. Chumley  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always a) sided with foreign countries, and especially with Mexico, against America, b) sided with citizens of foreign countries, and especially with citizens of Mexico, against citizens of America, and c) hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I am a racist because I support America’s immigration laws, the immigration plank in the Republican Party platform, and the immigration plank in the Illinois Republican Party platform.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes either a) have never been harmed by illegal immigration or b) benefit directly from it.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A Cinco de Mayo celebration called El Carnaval de Puebla, held each year in Philadelphia, has just been suddenly canceled — and in short order, it’s due to President Donald Trump. Why? The normal and usual Mexican holiday participants are worried they might get deported. This is a good thing. For years, under Barack Obama, the law-abiding of the nation have watched with a wintry mix of outrage and disbelief as the nation’s illegals stood at podiums — public podiums, immigration officials be hanged — to shed tears for their entitlement rights, and demand the mean ol’ Republicans who want to deport them get in the amnesty line. Jose Antonio Vargas was probably the worse-case scenario of a face-slapping to America’s border control laws. Remember Vargas? He was the guy who penned a long-winded heart-puller in New York Times Magazine entitled, “My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant.” Was he arrested? No. Shortly after writing another piece about the plight of the illegals — to include his personal struggles in a country like America with borders — Team Obama announced the halting of deportation of those age 30 and under who met certain DREAM Act circumstances. Vargas was also the guy who called his illegal self an American — that he just didn’t “have the right papers.” Right. But he was hardly the only illegal in America, under the Obama administration, to boldly go forth as an illegal — to demand equal rights to citizens. Thousands of others took part in public events, outright outing their illegal statuses, outright casting deportation concerns to the wind. And why wouldn’t they? Obama had an open door policy at the border — an open door policy that led him, in the days before the last presidential election, to pretty much encourage those without voting rights to, well, get to the ballot boxes and vote, anyway. His message: Because who’s going to deport them?  When asked in late 2016 by a member of the media if undocumented citizens, dreamers — “I call them citizens” — got in the election game and voted, would immigration officials then know their location and deport them, Obama’s response: “Not true. And the reason is first of all when you vote you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating.” Go on, Obama egged. Vote. Nobody’s checking — not in my administration, anyway. Well, new administration. And now illegals across the nation seem to be getting the message that the new sheriff in the White House isn’t so blind to the borders. Typically, up to 15,000 gather in South Philadelphia each year for the Cinco de Mayo celebration. But this year? Different story, it seems. In recent times, Trump’s border control officials have arrested or detained hundreds of illegals. Why just within the last few days, 248 were detained in Pennsylvania, Delaware and West Virginia during a mass federal raid that lasted about two weeks. As such, illegals everywhere are starting to think: Hey, maybe we ought not strut about as if we’re citizens any longer. Good idea. “The group of six organizers decided to cancel unanimously,” said Edgar Ramirez, one of the Cinco de Mayo organizers, to a local NBC affiliate about the fate of the event. “Everyone is offended by the actions of ICE. They did not feel comfortable holding the event.” Ramirez’s comments were meant to be critical — were meant to demonstrate just how Trump’s crackdowns were causing undue chaos in the illegal community. But sorry, no sympathy here. For the law-abiding in America, Ramirez’s announcement is just yet another feel-good moment for the election of Trump — another chance to breathe a collective sigh of relief that the adults are back in charge and order, justice and law once again count.)


— Trump Approval Rating Drops To 40 Percent In Latest Gallup Poll – Kaitlan Collins  (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who drives approval ratings up or down in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, in Illinois, and in America?  ANSWER: Those who have the most religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.  That is why so many glorify and praise, pander to, give money to, serve as operatives for, and serve as dupes for those who have the most religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.)


— Fifth Democrat (State Senator Daniel Biss) Announces Bid to Topple Illinois Republican Governor Bruce Rauner – Warner Todd Huston


— Secret Service agent who said she wouldn’t ‘take a bullet’ for Trump has finally learned her fate – Chris Enloe (DIERSEN: While I was a federal employee I opposed political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination, but I nevertheless always complied with my superiors’ orders to give preference to my coworkers and subordinates who were Democrat, minority, female, younger, and/or veteran.)


— Is The Democratic Party Going Extinct?  Today’s Democratic Party is hollowing itself out to progressive ideology—and leaving moderate and historically liberal voters behind. – Dominic Lynch  (DIERSEN: To vote for Democrats is to shout that you are anti-Trump, anti-Trump supporters, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than your ancestors.)


— Today’s Mean Comedians: Influenced by Letterman?  By contrast, the great Johnny Carson was never nasty — comics in 2017 could learn so much from him – Lawrence Meyers


– DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “immigrants commit less crime than US-born citizens.”  To be in America illegally is to commit a crime.  Most illegals are in sanctuary cities and in welcoming cities where police are forced to give them preference, that is, to not arrest them when they commit crimes.


— No Crackdown on Illegal Employers – Editorial (DIERSEN: Needless-to-say, Trump should immediately require all employers in America to use E-Verify a) before hiring any new employees and b) to verify that all their current employees are legal.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: President Trump began his campaign assailing immigrants as ruthless lawbreakers who steal American jobs with impunity. To halt them, he has vowed to build a wall along the border with Mexico, hire thousands of new immigration agents, ramp up immigrant detention and subject visa applicants to even more rigorous vetting. His administration has been largely silent, however, about the strongest magnet that has drawn millions of immigrants, legal and not, to the United States for generations: jobs. American employers continue to assume relatively little risk by hiring undocumented immigrants to perform menial, backbreaking work, often for little pay. Meanwhile, as Mr. Trump’s deportation crackdown accelerates, families are being ripped apart, and communities of hard-working immigrants with deep roots in this country are gripped by fear and uncertainty. As long as employers remain off the hook, a border wall and an expanded dragnet can only make temporary dents in the flows of undocumented immigrants.)


— Trump’s crackdown focuses on people in the U.S. illegally – but not on the businesses that hire them – Cindy Carcamo  (DIERSEN: Needless-to-say, Trump should immediately require all employers in America to use E-Verify a) before hiring any new employees and b) to verify that all their current employees are legal.)


— HARDCOPY EDITORIAL TITLE: Nine questions for Judge Gorsuch  (DIERSEN: Nine questions for anyone who claims to be religious, conservative, and/or Republican: What have you done that shows that you oppose the promotion of 1.) dependency on government and on charity, 2.) LGBTQ activity, 3.) abortion, 4.) mass immigration and illegal immigration, 5.) diminution of the First and Second Amendments, 6.) booze, pot, gambling, and other vices, 7.) reverse discrimination and age discrimination, 8) patronage and political affiliation discrimination, and 9.) Islam.)
— Trump budget cuts bankroll new waste: James Bovard – James Bovard  (DIERSEN: Democrats run the federal government.  Agencies will use Trump budget cuts to get rid of their employees who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
— FRONT PAGE: The happiest country on Earth: The winner is … – Jessica Durando  (DIERSEN: QUESTION: In your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, in Illinois, in America, and in the world, who focuses on making everyone unhappy? ANSWER: Those who are anti-Trump, anti-Trump supporters, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Anonymous sources a First Amendment right – Ryan Curtis  (DIERSEN: Who slanders you and how do they justify it?  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes slander me and they justify it by citing anonymous sources.)


— Illinois Universities Feel the Brunt of State’s Fiscal Woes  Schools are taking drastic steps as funding from Springfield dries up – MELISSA KORN
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps glorify and praise Mexico and its citizens. Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps talk, write, and act like they are paid agents for Mexico. Constructively, Mexico have been war with America for many decades.  The proof is that Mexico has sent many millions of its citizens into America illegally, it has kept many millions of its citizens in America illegally, and it has sent many mountains of illegal drugs into America illegally.
— Democrats Turn Against Israel – ANDREW STEIN and  DOUGLAS SCHOEN
— Should College Students Be Required to Take a Course in Personal Finance? (DIERSEN: When you were in your teens, in your 20s, in your 30s, in your 40s, in your 50s, and in your 60s, what percent of your income did you a) spend on immediate pleasures, b) spent on tuition, and c) save for your retirement?  I have always spend less for immediate pleasures, spent more for tuition, and saved more for my retirement.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I could do that a) because I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, b) because I have always been privileged, c) because I have had good health, d) because I avoided the draft, e) because I have always been overpaid, and f) because my wife and I gave up trying to have children, we did not adopt, and we did not become foster parents.)
— How to Raise Your Child to Be a Philanthropist  Experts advise to start talking to children about philanthropy when they’re young and continue to have those discussions as they grow – VERONICA DAGHER  (DIERSEN: How much money do/did your parents have?  To demonize me, to denigrate me, and to condemn me as having always being filthy rich, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always demonized, denigrated, and condemned my parents, my grandparents, my great grandparents, and the rest of my ancestors as having been filthy rich.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly anti-Trumps treasonously a) glorify and praise those who are in America illegally, b) encourage people to come to America illegally, c) encourage people to stay in America illegally, and d) encourage people to bring other people to America illegally.  As everyone knows, illegals are the future of the Democrat Party.)


— No Sympathy for the Hillbilly  Democrats need to stop trying to feel everyone’s pain, and hold on to their own anger. – Frank Rich


— Agency programs under threat in the Trump budget – Carten Cordell (DIERSEN: Agencies are run by Democrats. I predict that instead of cutting programs, agencies will get rid of their employees who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— Why Bernie Is the Most Popular Politician in America  Sanders’ message about the ravages of runaway inequality hit home because it is true. – Les Leopold  (DIERSEN: What would your superiors say that they did to fight inequality?  My Democrat GAO superiors would stress that they forced me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old, did not promote me beyond GS-13, kept me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for GAO, and forced me to take an $18,847 pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980.  My Democrat IRS superiors would stress that they did not promote me beyond GS-12, that they disallowed my education deductions, and that they disallowed my partial day per diem claims.  My Democrat Post Office superiors would stress that they forced me resign in 1969 and disallowed my sick leave requests.  My aforesaid Democrat superiors would stress that the aforesaid adverse actions that they took against me directly benefited their employees who were poor, and especially their poor employees who were Democrat, minority, female, younger, and/or veteran.)

March 19 Morning Edition

— Chicago business owner says she has to close her business because she is a Trump supporter  (DIERSEN: Should Trump supporters start wearing body cameras to better document how rude, nasty, insulting, threatening, etc. that anti-Trumps are?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The owners of a longtime Ravenswood musical instrument store say they are shutting down and leaving Chicago because they are Trump supporters. Worlds of Music Chicago co-owner Suzzane Monk shared her frustration in a letter to Crain’s Chicago Business: “From the constant protests blocking roads and businesses, to the attacks on Trump supporters, to the verbal and online bullying going on every day across this city, Chicago, you have made it quite clear that Trump supporters are not welcome. When my fellow Chicagoans praised the riot at UIC that shut down the Chicago Trump rally I attended, I was angry and ashamed. Since I am not one to be silent, I have been bullied. My husband and our music store, Worlds of Music Chicago, are still being bullied. Sadly, my story is not unique. Other Chicago Trump supporters are experiencing the same hate, bullying and intimidation. If you need any further evidence of Trump supporters being unwelcome, you need merely turn on the local news, pick up a local paper or read your alderman’s latest newsletter bashing and misrepresenting our president.” Monk said the store, located at 4161 N. Damen, will close at the end of April. Her letter to Crain’s follows an unsuccessful GoFundMe campaign titled “Save Music Store From Trump Haters.” That campaign had a goal of $30,000, but as of March 18, had only raised $5,955.)
— Cops: Owner sold marijuana wax at Brookfield garden shop


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: As everyone knows full well, “welcoming city” is code for a city that is anti-Trump, anti-Trump supporters, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.
— Americans spent millions on political sign-making materials in January – Matthew Townsend and Jeff Green  (DIERSEN: What percent of those signs expressed hatred of Trump, Trump supporters, Protestants, conservatives, Republicans, Americans, Whites, males, older people, rich people, gun owners, German Americans, draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time – 98%, 99%, 100%?)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Most young Americans see Trump as illegitimate president.”
— Schneider says he’ll fight Trump’s budget during North Chicago town hall – Luke Hammill
— America’s assimilation problem: (Dis)united we stumble – Ed Feulner  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasing, anti-Trumps make it clear that they do not want immigrants to assimilate.  Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps make it clear that they despise if not hate individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Beyond tragically, ever-increasing, non-Republicans, that is, Democrats and Democrat plants, Libertarians and Libertarian plants, Greens and Green plants, and RINOs, oppose efforts to discourage illegal drug use.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: In an editorial unethically made to look like a news article, anti-Trumps glorify and praise refugees.–trump-travel-ban-a-refugees-journey-20170316-story.html


— CPS families, teachers cite pressure to take PARCC test – Lauren FitzPatrick  (DIERSEN: What tests have you taken and passed?  I passed the Certified Internal Auditor test on my first attempt in 1981. I passed the CPA test on my first attempt in 1979.  I passed all the tests necessary to earn a master’s degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997, a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, an MBA from Loyola in 1976, a bachelor’s degree in management from NIU in 1970, and a diploma from Crete-Monee High School in 1966.  I passed the Federal Service Entrance Examination in 1970 that led to my becoming an IRS employee in 1971.  I passed the Post Office employment test in 1966 that led to my becoming a Post Office employee in 1966.)


— Paris Orly Airport attacker wanted to kill, die for Allah – AP
— Endorsements: Barbier, Scalzo for Wheaton City Council
— Tips for defusing heated political debates in the workplace – Tom Fox  (DIERSEN: Democrats run the federal government.  I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years.  I should write a book about all the times that my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates asked me questions to confirm that I was a conservative Republican and that I opposed patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, booze, smoking, pot, gambling, diminution of the First and Second Amendments and that I had been baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran, that I was 100% Gernan national origin, that my ancestors had been in America since the 1840s, that my wife had a good job, that we had given up trying to have children, that we did not adopt, and that we did not become foster parents, that we were saving as much money as we could for our retirement, etc.  They used my responses to demonize me, to denigrate me, and to condemn me as someone a) who should pay the price of Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion, b) who should have his career wasted, and c) who should be gotten rid of. Government is nasty.  Politics is nasty. Democrats are nasty. Democrats are disciples of Saul Alinsky who believe that their end justifies their means.)
— Study: You need 86 applicants to hire that one right person – Gene Marks  (DIERSEN: GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.  IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.  The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job. Many millions have not and will not seek a job with the federal government a) because the pay and benefits are terrible, b) because the advancement opportunities are terrible, c) because they lack required education, work experience, professional certifications, and/or professional licenses, d) because they cannot pass an employment examination, e) because they cannot pass a background investigation, f) because they cannot pass a physical examination, g) because they cannot take the demonization, denigration, and condemnation that comes with being a federal employee or federal retiree, and/or h) because they are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran and they know that the federal government discriminates against its employees who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: In an editorial unethically made to look like a news article, anti-Trumps glorify and praise refugees.


— What’s Neil Gorsuch’s religion? It’s complicated  Supreme Court nominee defends religious rights – DANIEL BURKE (DIERSEN: What religion are you?  I was baptized, raised, and conformed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran (MSL). I should write a book about churchgoers in Wheaton, in Gen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage Country, and in Illinois who demonize, denigrate, and condemn MSLs as being “too conservative.” They promote a) booze, pot, gambling, and other vices, b) LGBTQ activity, c) abortion, d) illegal/mass immigration to fill their pews, e) race based preference giving, f) gender based preference giving, g) age discrimination, h) patronage and nepotism, i) political affiliation discrimination, j) dependence on government, k) dependency of charity, l) hatred of Trump hatred of Trump’s supporters, and/or m) other terrible things. They all are extremely judgmental and they all have condemned me to Hell.  They all hint/imply/argue/shout that they manipulate/dominate all the churches in Wheaton and that they could/would easily stop any church in Wheaton from accepting me.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Eventually, the conversation turned to Gorsuch’s own religious background. He was raised Catholic, but now worships with his wife and two daughters at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Boulder, Colorado. Like the city, the congregation is politically liberal. It bars guns from its campus and installed solar panels; it condemns harsh rhetoric about Muslims and welcomes gays and lesbians. And its rector, the Rev. Susan Springer, attended the Women’s March in Denver, though not as a form of protest but as a sign of support for “the dignity of every human being.” Springer says St. John’s is carrying out the covenant Episcopalians recite during baptisms: to strive for justice and peace among all people. Her congregation, she added, includes liberals, conservatives and all political points in between. “What binds us together as one body is a curiosity and longing to encounter and know God,” she wrote in an email to CNN, “a willingness to explore our own interior selves, and a desire to leave the world in some small way better for our having been in it.”)
— Trump’s words come back to haunt in court  Two judges have blocked Trump’s new travel ban – LAURA JARRETT  (DIERSEN: Should I start wearing a body camera to better document insults, threats, etc. that my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes make against me?)


— Good government a taxpayer right – Andy Shaw  (DIERSEN: What have you done to promote good government?  GAO promotes good government.  I worked for GAO for almost 18 years, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $94,610-$122,991. I worked on audits of federal financial industry regulators for almost 9 years, on audits of IRS for 3 years, and on audits of many other federal agencies for almost 6 years.)
— Sun needs to shine in government year-round – Editorial
— Democrats oppose, Republicans talk of tweaking Trump budget – Bernard Schoenburg
— Gray, Gates vie for LLCC trustee seat – Bernard Schoenburg


— Republican attacks targeting Carol Ammons – Tom Kacich


— Talking about hate speech – Deborah Gertz Husar (DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps promote hatred of individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Civil lawsuit accuses Peoples National Bank and its leaders of racketeering, fraud – MOLLY PARKER


— No budget fix proposal gets majority in state poll  (DIERSEN: Democrats always want Republicans to pay more taxes.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Highland Park Patch blasts Highland Park City Council candidate for stating in campaign literature that his degree was in economics instead of agricultural economics.  As more and more and more rude, nasty, insulting, and threatening Democrats move into my precinct to take advantage of the safety and prosperity that Republicans have created there, when I deliver campaign literature in my precinct, I should wear a body camera to better document their rude, nasty, insulting, threatening behavior.


— PRINCIPAL RECRUITS STUDENTS FOR SECRET ‘GAY’ CLUB  ‘We’re keeping it on the down low’ so parents can’t stop kids from attending – BOB UNRUH (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats encourage children to engage in LGBTQ activity.  That should bar Democrats from being anywhere near children.)


— CNN poll: 90% support path to citizenship for illegals who have a job, speak English. (DIERSEN: Every job that an illegal has is a job that an American citizen does not have.  Pro-illegals hint/imply/argue/shout that all the jobs that illegals have are bad jobs that American citizens will not take.  What bad jobs have you had?  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes demonize, denigrate, and condemn all the jobs that I had as being bad jobs that they would never take. I did yard work, delivered newspapers, washed dishes, cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, pumped gasoline, delivered mail, worked on an automobile assemble line, worked as a security guard, sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances, collected delinquent taxes, and audited federal agencies.  Virtually all of the operatives and the dupes who work for my critics/opponents have severe financial, health, and/or other problems and/or have “no visible means of support.”  They all appear to be “judgment proof.”)


— It’s Not College Kids Creating Chaos To Resist Trump, ‘They’re Professionals’ – GINNI THOMAS


— 11 Times The Anti-Bible Democrats Cited The Bible To Defend Their Big Government Programs – AARON BANDLER


— Ryan: Health care bill must do more for older people – IAN KULLGREN  (DIERSEN: How old are you?  I am 68.)


— ALL OF THE COVER OF THE MAGAZINRE: The New Party of No  How a president and a protest movement transformed the Democrats. – CHARLES HOMANS
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Picking a Suburb to Call Home – Vivian Marino  (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Why do people who hate Protestants, who hate conservatives, and/or who hate Republicans move into or stay in my precinct, Wheaton, Milton Township, DuPage County? ANSWER: They want to take advantage of the prosperity and safety that Protestants, conservatives, and/or Republicans have created there.  They see that many of those in Wheaton, in Milton Township, and in DuPage County who have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout are Democrats and Democrat plants, Libertarians and Libertarian plants, Greens and Green plants, or RINOs who are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: When You’re Older than the Boss – When the Boss Is Half Your Age – JOANNE KAUFMAN  (DIERSEN: During my last 4 years at GAO, my boss was younger than me, and for the 4 years before that, my boss’s boss was younger than me.)
— Going From Marginalized to Welcomed in the Workplace – CLAIRE MARTIN  (DIERSEN: Who marginalizes you?  I should write a book about those in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, in Illinois who a) have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout and who a) marginalize those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate and b) have their operatives and their dupes marginalize those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate.)
— Trump, Working-Class Zero – Maureen Dowd  (DIERSEN: Are/were you a member of the working class?  I was 1964-1997.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have an extremely low opinion of working class people.)
— What My Red State Sees in Me – KARAN MAHAJAN  (DIERSEN: How bad are your demographics?  Ever-increasingly, individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors VICIOUSLY DEMONIZE, VICIOUSLY DENEGRATE, AND VICIOUSLY CONDEMN individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— The Horror of Smug Liberals – Frank Bruni  (DIERSEN: Virtually all the liberals that I have encountered have been smug, rude, nasty, insulting, threatening, etc.)
— How Liberal Colleges Breed Conservative Firebrands  Life on the defensive can curdle into reactionary politics. – Marin Cogan (DIERSEN: I should write a book about smug, rude, nasty, insulting, and/or threatening liberals in my precinct, in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois.  They have done much to motivate me to defend and advance conservative principles.)
— The False Feminism of ‘Fearless Girl’ – GINIA BELLAFANTE  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps focus on making women hate men.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps crow over their success in flooding Republican town halls with rude, nasty, insulting, and threatening anti-Trumps.


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps blame everything that is bad on Trump and on Trump’s supporters.  One should compare and contrast how anti-Trumps treat Trump supporters with how Hitler treated the Jews.)


— Outrage at Donald Trump Nazi billboard with ‘dollar sign Swastikas’ in downtown Phoenix – KAILEEN GAUL  (DIERSEN: How soon, if not already, will the anti-Trumps in your municipality call for your municipality to officially declare itself to be “Welcoming,” that is, that your municipality HATES individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time?)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote Islam. Islam is more like a political party or a country without borders than a religion. Ever-increasingly, Democrats hint/imply/argue/shout that they will get rid of all non-Muslims in America.

March 16 Evening Edition

— Illinois Lottery Launches Instant Ticket To Help Find Multiple Sclerosis Cure – Mike Krauser
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The Illinois Lottery has announced the latest version of a scratch-off game to benefit researchers seeking a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. “Go out and buy a ticket and let’s cure MS,” said the state’s Public Health Director, Dr. Nirav Shah at the kickoff event for the “MS Project” instant game at UIC. WBBM’s Mike Krauser reports. “In recent years, there are promising new hopes on the horizon,Dr. Shah said. “The tide is very clearly turning with respect to MS therapies and that makes the research that this ticket supports all the more important right now.” Lieutenant Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti, who has lived with MS for 10 years, said she was diagnosed after a fall on ice and calls herself an MS warrior. “My husband told me that I better get busy living or get busy dying,” Sanguinetti said. “I chose to live and I chose to fight.” She urged people to support the cause and said she firmly believes there will be a cure in her lifetime. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disabling neurological disease that disrupts the flow of information between the brain and the body. More than 20,000 people are living with MS in Illinois, according to the Illinois Lottery MS Project website. People with MS fight symptoms like fatigue, walking difficulties, blurred vision, dizziness and vertigo, numbness, weakness and many more. Women are two to three times more likely to be diagnosed with MS than men are. Illinois Lottery Director Greg Smith said 100 percent of the proceeds from the instant scratch ticket funds research. The Illinois Lottery has raised more than $8 million for MS research so far with the instant ticket. Doctor Douglas Feinstein has been working on MS research at the University of Illinois at Chicago for 20 years. “It’s getting more and more difficult to obtain research funding and this is another opportunity,” Dr. Feinstein said. (chart) He too said there are promising therapies that are being worked on at UIC and elsewhere. The ticket can be purchased for $3 where Illinois Lottery instant scratch-off tickets are sold. Ticket buyers could win up to $50,000. The Illinois Lottery also helps other causes with instant tickets, such as breast cancer with the ‘Ticket for the Cure,’ Special Olympics with the ‘Special Olympics Ticket,’ and HIV/AIDS prevention with the ‘Red Ribbon Cash’ ticket.)


— Rauner Aide Beth Purvis Seeks Chicago Schools’ Support for Pension Plan
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps glorify and praise refugees.


— State lawmakers’ paychecks shouldn’t move to the front of the line, judge says – Kim Geiger
— Emanuel’s short-term budget solutions will cost $1 billion in interest – Peter Matuszak
— On further review, Illinois’ new license plates even worse – Blair Kamin
— How a bait-and-switch bill would make Illinois taxpayers fund abortions – Anna Paprocki
— Illinois experts say Republican health care plan could cost state $40 billion – Haley BeMiller
— State’s EDGE tax-credit deals with Amazon, other firms now viewable online – Ally Marotti
— Race for Aurora mayor part personality contest – Denise Crosby
— College of DuPage board hopeful accused of forging nominating petitions – Bill Bird
— These are the 19 agencies Trump would stop funding entirely – Kelly Parker, Dan Watson
— Illinois regional universities toil through state budget standoff – Dawn Rhodes
— Unemployment rises in most of state outside of Chicago – Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz
— River Forest opts out of Cook County minimum wage, sick leave rules – Steve Schering
— For St. Patrick’s Day: Who’s the modern version of Irish immigrants? – Heidi Stevens  (DIERSEN: According to my DNA report, I am 11% Irish.)
— If basic education is a ‘right,’ why not basic health care? – Eric Zorn  (DIERSEN: Why not also housing, food, clothing, transportation, etc., etc., etc.?
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “The lasting damage of Trump’s campaign rhetoric.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps glorify and praise immigrants.


— Unfair we can vote out Rauner — but not Madigan  If term limits can’t be enacted to boot Madigan, then maybe it’s time to make the speaker a state-wide elected position. – Scot Sinclair, Third Lake
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats hint/imply/argue/shout that Jesus is anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Booze is a vice. To promote booze is to promote vice.
— Students, teachers protest cuts at NEIU – Stefano Esposito
— Woman accused of forging petitions for DuPage college board seat – Tom Schuba
— CPD’s Eddie Johnson gives AG Jeff Sessions an earful – Michael Sneed


— Lisle woman charged with forging petitions to get on College of DuPage ballot
— McDonald’s blames anti-Trump tweet on compromised account – AP
— Mundelein High may eliminate class rank, valedictorians – Russell Lissau  (DIERSEN: What was your class rank?  I just barely made it into the top 20% of my Crete-Monee High School Class of 1966. Government is nasty.  Politics is nasty.  Of course, if I sought a government office or a political office, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes would use my class rank against me.)


— Caterpillar lawyers up, hires former U.S. attorney general
— Trump budget could hit Argonne, Fermilab – STEVEN R. STRAHLER


— Chicago police leader meets with attorney general Sessions on crime – AP


— Secret Service agents face investigation over protection of Trump grandchild  Agents accused of taking photographs of child – JEFF ZELENY


— Approval ratings are no big deal – Editorial


— Rauner on the ropes – Editorial  (DIERSEN: Are/were you “on the ropes?”  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always painted me as being “on the ropes.”)


— Search is ongoing for N. Illinois US attorney


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-rump Jim Hightower says that Trump is mentally ill.  Sooner or later, if not already, anti-Trumps will say that everyone who supports Trump is mentally ill.  My Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government hinted/implied/argued/shouted that Republicans were mentally ill.




— Lisle Woman Charged With Forging Petitions For Seat On COD Board  She has been accused of submitting two photocopied pages of signatures – Patrick Martin


— Lisle woman charged with forging signatures to run as COD board candidate  Rafath Waheed charged with forgery, perjury


— Lang dominant figure in north suburban politics – Russ Stewart


— Soaring property taxes are the campaign issue in Aurora– but mayoral hopeful Rick Guzman made 19 late payments himself


— Ramey supports Tamburello for Wayne Township Highway Commissioner – Ruth de Jauregui


— Illini Republican bake sale has flawed reasoning – Tatiana Rodriguez  (DIERSEN: Of course, Rodriguez would support my Democrat superiors in the federal government who used Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion to justify their wasting my career and forcing me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)


— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON ILLINOIS TIGHTENS: Poll: 82 percent say Illinois is on wrong track


— Illinois could lose $40 billion in federal Medicaid support – AP


— House Conservatives Back Trump’s Border Wall Request – Kelsey Harkness


— Tillerson: ‘I’m Confident’ Budget Cuts Will Make State Dept. ‘Much More Efficient’ – Christian Datoc  (DIERSEN: The budget cuts that GAO suffered during the 1980s and 1990s did NOT make the agency more efficient. The Democrats who ran the agency used the cuts to get rid of employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
— Paul: McCain Makes ‘Strong Case For Term Limits’ — ‘Past His Prime… Unhinged’ – Christian Datoc




— Americans for Truth About Homosexuality: LGBT Push for ‘Equality’ is ‘Satanic’ – Michael W. Chapman  (DIERSEN: While I served as the TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairman 2005-2012, those in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who promote LGBTQ activity were beyond furious that I not only let LaBarbera attend TAPROOT meetings, that I asked him to speak at TAPROOT meetings. Those LGBTQ promoters who want to destroy LaBarbera want to destroy me too.)


— Illinois attempts to change reality in the name of ‘compassion’
— Illegal alien, twice deported, allowed to remain another year
— Media Kiss Brass as America’s Enemies Grow Stronger
— Ben Carson talks up public housing in visit to Detroit high school  (DIERSEN: Have you ever lived in public housing? My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes paint me as having always been filthy rich because I have never lived in public housing.)


— The Price of Privilege  A proposal has been making its way through the social justice sewer system to have white people pay a 5% privilege tax. – Daniel Greenfield  (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps would want members of the following groups to pay at least a 5% privilege tax for each of the following 13 groups that they are a member of: Trump supporter, Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, non-poor, gun owner, German American, draft avoider (except Bill Clinton), and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.  That means I would have to pay at least a 65% privilege tax.)


— European Nations Are ‘Reeling from the Effects of Unassimilated Muslims in Their Midst’ – JOHN HAYWARD
— Hawaii Obama Judge Rules Muslim Imam Has Special Constitutional Rights to Bring Anyone from Terror Countries into America – Robert Barnes
— Google Adds Tool to Flag ‘Offensive’ Search Results – BREITBART TECH  (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who is easily offended? ANSWER: Those who are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— McDonald’s tweets to Trump: ‘You are actually a disgusting excuse of a President’ – PAULINA FIROZI


— In Trump’s blueprint to reorder the federal government, echoes of Reagan ’81 – Dan Balz  (DIERSEN: What were you doing in 1981?  I worked for the Democrats who ran GAO’s Chicago office.  They were furious that Reagan won and they took their anger out on me.)
— Spicer says Trump ‘stands by’ unproven allegation that Obama ordered wiretapping of Trump Tower – Philip Rucker
— White House endorses plan to remove 30,000 FAA workers from federal payroll – Ashley Halsey III
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps make it clear that they are anti-White and anti-America.)–and-some-very-happy-white-nationalists/2017/03/15/7b0bfcea-09c7-11e7-a15f-a58d4a988474_story.html
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps ask “Why is the Trump presidency such a rolling disaster?.”
— Are you a liberal or a conservative? That may depend on where you live. – Alexa Tullett and Matthew Feinberg


— OUTSTANDING: Trump takes aim at sanctuary cities with a proposal to cut more than $200 million in local funds – Brian Bennett
— The U.S. hit its debt limit again. Now Treasury is maneuvering to avoid a default until Congress acts – Jim Puzzanghera

March 16 Morning Edition

— Roskam Predicts Passage of Health Care Law – Paris Schutz

— Rauner Wants Power to Chop State Budget, But Won’t Say What He’d Cut – Amanda Vinicky  (DIERSEN: Rauner should cut everything in the state budget that promotes a) dependency on government, b) dependency on charity, c) destruction of the traditional family, that is, LGBTQ activity, d) abortion, e) illegal immigration, f) booze, pot, gambling, and other vices, g) erosion of the First and Second Amendments, h) race based preference giving, i) gender based pretence giving, j) age discrimination, k) patronage, l) political affiliation discrimination, and m) hatred of those who are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Poll: Voters Not Happy With Rauner, Madigan or Other State Leaders – Amanda Vinicky  (DIERSEN: What are your name ID, disapproval, approval, and aren’t sure ratings in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois?  Those who want to a) drive my name ID down, b) drive my disapproval rating up, c) drive my approval rating down, and d) drive my aren’t sure rating up succeeded in ending a) my TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois chairmanship in 2012, b) my Wheaton Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee membership in 2011, c) my service as the Milton Township Republican Central Committee webmaster in 2010 and 2004, d) my Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee membership in 2007, and e) my American Association of Political Consultants Midwest Chapter board membership in 2004. My critics/opponents in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois crow that their operatives and their dupes can and will destroy any individual, any organization, any company, or any government that might support me. What do say to my critics/opponents, to their operatives, to their dupes, and to those who cower to the aforesaid?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno’s disapproval is 26 percent, approval is 27 percent and 45 percent aren’t sure. House Republican Leader Jim Durkin’s disapproval is 36 percent, approval is 31 percent and 29 percent aren’t sure.)
— Governor Piles on with Pension Plan as CPS Fix – Amanda Vinicky
— Illinois Eyes Expanded Trade With Cuba – Alex Ruppenthal  (DIERSDEN: QUESTION: What does Cuba want in exchange for expanding trade with Illinois?  ANSWER: Get rid of those individuals, organizations, companies, and governments in Illinois that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. The Democrats and RINOs who run Illinois not only have no problem with getting rid of the aforesaid, they are doing everything that they can to get rid of the aforesaid.)


— State Congress members weigh ACA repeal, feedback – Katherine Skiba
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promise that if elected, a) they will use government to take more and more and more money away from Republicans and b) they will give that money to Democrats.)


— Illinois House legislators debate spending $1.5M for web translator – Tina Sfondeles  (DIERSEN: Those individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that would support this bill shout that they are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.  The aforesaid do everything that they can to discourage immigrants from learning, speaking, reading, and writing English.)


— As Wheeling village president runs again, financial woes resurface – Chacour Koop
— Glen Ellyn school officials, referendum campaign under fire after email release – Kerry Lester
— My DNA makes St. Patrick’s Day celebration go flat – Burt Constables  (DIERSEN: According to my DNA report, I am 11% Irish.)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH BIG COLOR PICTURE AND MAP: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, in front page top of fold editorials unethically made to look like news articles, anti-Trumps glorify and praise immigrants.
— FRONT PAGE WITH COLOR PICTURE: Ever-increasingly, in front page editorials unethically made to look like news articles, anti-Christians, anti-conservatives, and anti-Republicans promote LGBTQ activity.


— Wanna live in a dorm? – ALBY GALLUN  (DIERSEN: What did you live in while you earned your bachelor’s degree?  I lived in the University Plaza Dormitory ( in DeKalb for three semesters 1969-1970 and in Lincolnshire West Apartments ( in DeKalb during the summer of 1970. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes use that to paint me as having always been filthy rich.)


— Shimkus waiting for guidance to select U.S. attorneys, others – Bernard Schoenburg


— UI launches financial-aid program targeting Illinois residents – Julie Wurth (DIERSEN: Where did the money come from to pay for your bachelor’s degree?  Thanks to my outstanding parents who provided me with room and board in their home in Crete while attended UIC 1966-1968, weekends during my first semester at NIU in 1969, and the summer of 1969, I was able to pay for my college expenses and graduate from NIU debt-free and owning a 1969 Dodge Charger SE with money that I earned a) cleaning golf shoes, chipping slag, and pumping gasoline during the summer of 1966, b) delivering mail 1966-1969, and c) working on an automobile assembly line and as a security guard during 1970.)


— TRAGIC: Automatic voter registration moves to Illinois Senate floor – AP


— Trump rails against court ruling blocking travel ban  Ruling ‘unprecedented judicial overreach,’ he says – JEREMY DIAMOND


— Bruce Rauner’s Approval Numbers Are In Freefall  His latest numbers are brutal, even compared to last year. Any silver lining for him? Madigan’s even more unpopular. – WHET MOSER  (DIERSEN: What are your approval numbers in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois?  From what I see, those who have the most religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois can have a tremendous impact on your approval numbers.  Most people, if not virtually all people, base their opinions of people on what those who have the most clout say about them and treat them, especially what the say about them and how they treat them in public. For example, if the mayor of a municipality treats someone rudely during his state of the city address, many people, if not virtually all people in that municipality will then treat that person rudely. For example, if a township trustee treats someone rudely during his speech at a political meeting, many members, if not virtually all the members of that political organization will then treat that member rudely. For example, if a member of the Illinois Center Right Coalition Steering Committee treats someone rudely during that organization’s annual conventions, many members, if not virtually all the members of that organization will then treat that member rudely.  Who treats you rudely?  I should write a book about those in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who have treated me rudely since 2000. They would love it. They know that my policy has been to forgive those who trespass against me.  They have taken advantage of that policy and they are gambling that I will not abandon that policy.)


— Rosemont, Orland Park mayoral pay ranks among tops in the… world?


— Cook County government employees paid double the state average, reform group says – Dawn Geske


— Lisle Woman Accused of Forging Petitions for Seat on COD Board of Trustees
— Employment Opportunity: 18th Judicial Circuit Court  Title: Court Interpreter (Spanish)


— WalletHub: Illinoisans pay highest state, local taxes in country
— School funding reform proposal called ‘central planning on steroids’


— Illinois Policy Institute among groups opposing “dark money” reform bill


— Va. voter rolls reveal more illegals helped Hillary


— Obama Is Ranked Twelfth Best President? Please. – Justin Coffey  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who claim to be religious, conservative, and/or Republican, but who talk and act like they prefer Democrats like Obama over Republicans like Trump. The aforesaid talk and act like they are Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, or RINOs. The aforesaid should not be allowed to seek or hold any kind of government or political office as a Republican.)
— Trump Says He Found Out He Was Being ‘Wiretapped’ After Reading New York Times Article – Kaitlan Collins  (DIERSEN: How strongly do your critics/opponents want to destroy you?  Are they motivated enough to wiretap you?)


— Trump’s taxes: Another exploding cigar for the left – Monica Showalter




— New York About to Eliminate Test Meant to See if Teachers Can Read Because RAAAACISM! – Warner Todd Huston


— Trump Will Need Democratic Cooperation to Replace US Attorneys  Judiciary Committee process, plus scarce floor time, could leave career lawyers in charge – Niels Lesniewski


— CBO report: 24 million fewer insured by 2026 under GOP health care bill – MJ Lee and Tami Luhby  (DIERSEN: Because I am a federal retiree, my wife and I have subsidized health care insurance (we pay 25% and the federal government pays 75%) for life. Of course, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always been beyond furious about that. My non-Democrat critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois have not and will not seek a job with the federal government a) because the pay and benefits are terrible, b) because the advancement opportunities are terrible, c) because they lack required education, work experience, professional certifications, and/or professional licenses, d) because they cannot pass an employment examination, e) because they cannot pass a background investigation, f) because they cannot pass a physical examination, g) because they cannot take the demonization, denigration, and condemnation that comes with being a federal employee or federal retiree, and/or h) because they are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran and they know that the federal government discriminates against its employees who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.  Further, my non-Democrat critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes lack what it takes to be a wage earner for any length of time. I was a wage earner 1964-1997.)


— Protesting at Lunchtime: Defying Trump Becomes a Washington, D.C. Lifestyle – KATIE ROGERS  (DIERSEN: What percent of those in Washington D.C. are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors?)
— Trump, Easing Emissions Rule, Vows to Expand Auto Jobs – BILL VLASIC  (DIERSEN: What do you say to anti-Trumps who are full of hatred against a) General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler, b) vehicles made by General Motors, Ford, or Chrysler, c) people who own/owned vehicles made by General Motors, Ford or Chrysler, d) unions, and/or e) past and present union members?  One or more of the aforesaid is true about virtually all my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes.  They stress a) that all the vehicles that I own/owned were made by General Motors, Ford, or Chrysler and b) that I was a union member for almost 12 years.)
— Legalizing Discrimination in Europe – Editorial  (DIERSEN: Democrats run America. How soon, if not already, will the Democrats who run America require all women to wear head scarves?  How soon, if not already, will the Democrats who run America require everyone in America to be a Muslim?)
— Why I’m Moving Home – J. D. VANCE (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who wants you to move back to your home town? ANSWER: For me, it is those in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, and in DuPage county who are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors and/or those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid.  The aforesaid stress that I have only lived in Wheaton only since 1978, that I have never attended any schools in Wheaton, that I have never been a member of any church in Wheaton, that I have never worked in Wheaton, that I have never sent any children to schools in Wheaton, that I have never owned any dogs, etc.)


— What Trump cut in his budget  Trump federal budget 2018: Massive cuts to the arts, science and the poor – Kim Soffen and Denise Lu  (DIERSEN: What about the legislative branch budget?  What about GAO’s budget? What does Trump think of GAO? GAO has had tremendous success in wasting the careers of and getting rid of its employees who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— Wall Street bonuses rise 1% to average $138,210 – Joseph Spector  (DIERSEN: What do you say to those who shout that government employees are overpaid?
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The average salary, including bonuses, was $388,000 in 2015, the latest data available.)
— How ‘nobody’ Pulitzer-winning reporter got Trump’s tax return – David Andreatta
— Trump sends mixed message on marijuana, but pot industry pushes ahead – Trevor Hughes  (DIERSEN: If you push pot in America, you push the destruction of America.)
— 58 tech firms sign brief against new Trump travel ban – Elizabeth Weise  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, tech firms make it clear that they are anti-American and anti-White.)
— GM announces 900 jobs as Trump visits Detroit – Brent Snavely  (DIERSEN: What do you say to anti-Trumps who are full of hatred against a) General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler, b) vehicles made by General Motors, Ford, or Chrysler, c) people who own/owned vehicles made by General Motors, Ford or Chrysler, d) unions, and/or e) past and present union members?  One or more of the aforesaid is true about virtually all my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes. They stress a) that all the vehicles that I own/owned were made by General Motors, Ford, or Chrysler and b) that I was a union member for almost 12 years.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: An anti-Trump demonizes, denigrates, and condemns Trump and Trump’s supporters.


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps shout that cheap labor is one of their top priorities.
— Trump’s Auto Stimulus Act  Rolling back Obama’s mileage standards would help auto workers. Editorial


— 58% of high-performance employees say they need more quiet work spaces – William Belk  (DIERSEN: When GAO moved into new space in the new 200 West Adams building in the Loop in 1990, my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinate were beyond furious that I got an office, and not only that, a preferred corner office.  They stressed that I would not have gotten an office if I had not been promoted in to GS-13 in 1986 and that I would not have gotten a preferred corner office if the almost 9 years that I had worked for IRS and the almost 3 years that I had worked for the Post Office did not count for seniority purposes.)


— Lawmakers announce bills to curb ‘illegal alien invasion’ – Jim Hook


— Business of News: Fake News is a Golden Opportunity For Journalists – Tim Gallagher  (DIERSEN: Since 2000, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always demonized, denigrated, and condemned my qualifications to serve as your GOPUSA Illinois Editor. They belittle and badmouth the experience that I gained working as an analyst for GAO 1980-1997, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $94,610-$122,991.  Much of GAO analysts do is very similar to what journalists do.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Fake news is the best thing that has ever happened to real journalism. I mean the kind of journalism that requires serious work. If you’ve ever spoken to a high school class or a civic group, then you know that the average citizen knows as much about gathering and reporting news as they know about brain surgery. The public does not understand how reporters and editors sift through potential stories, make decisions about what to cover (with disinterest for the partisan viewpoints), and then begin the process of accumulating information, discarding some of it, challenging “proof” that sources offer, and finally choosing the words that will tell the story. The public knows nothing of the editing process—how a good editor can approach a news article submitted by a reporter with skepticism. How—finally—a copy editor reads the article one more time and summarizes the 800 words into six-to-10 words that fit in the headline space.)


— How To Become A Highly Paid Freelance Consultant – Abdullahi Muhammed  (DIERSEN: Are you a freelance consultant?  I have been a freelance consultant since 1998.  What has harmed your success as a freelance consultant?  For me, it has been the words and actions of my critics/opponents in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois.  They demonize, denigrate, and condemn the experience that I gained a) working for GAO 1980-1997, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $94,610-$122,991, b) working for IRS 1971-1980, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $79,563-$90,173, c) becoming a licensed CPA in 1981, d) passing the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, e) passing the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, f) becoming a Forensic Accountant in 1997, Certified Financial Services Auditor in 1996, Certified Government Financial Manager in 1994, and Certified Fraud Examiner in 1990, and g) earning a master’s degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997, a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, an MBA from Loyola in 1976, and a bachelor’s degree in management from NIU in 1970.  Many of those who demonize, denigrate, and condemn my experience the most were defendants in lawsuits that I filed. Should I sue them again?)


— More Than 40% of Americans Are Wrong About Their Retirement Preparedness. Are You Among Them? – Walter Updegrave  (DIERSEN: Sadly, virtually all of the operatives and virtually all of the dupes who work for my critics/opponents have severe financial, health, and/or other problems. Have my critics/opponents promised to take care of them in their retirement?)


— Wary federal workforce hunkers down for Trump budget – Carten Cordell


— Trump’s Budget Proposes Significant Cuts to Federal Agencies – Ian Smith (DIERSEN: What about the legislative branch budget?  What about GAO’s budget? What does Trump think of GAO? GAO has had tremendous success in wasting the careers of and getting rid of its employees who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)

March 9 Morning Edition

— Kankakee County Sheriff’s Trump And Obama Meme Sparks Outrage – Bernie Tafoya


— LAURA BUSH APPEARS WITH RAHM, RAUNER AT HOLOCAUST MUSEUM AWARDS  (DIERSEN: Trump supporters are pro-Israel, so it must be anti-Trumps who hate Jews.  Republicans are pro-Israel, so it must be anti-Republicans who hate Jews. Protestants are pro-Israel, so it must be anti-Protestants who hate Jews. Citizens of America are pro-Israel, so it must be illegals and refugees who hate Jews.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Former first lady Laura Bush spoke out against hate in Chicago Wednesday nights at the Illinois Holocaust Museum’s Humanitarian Awards dinner downtown. The evening raised funds for the educational mission of the museum, which is based in northwest suburban Skokie. “All we know we have is the time we have right now, so take advantage of your life as it is and walk on a beach every chance you get,” Bush said. Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Governor Bruce Rauner both spoke at the event. The governor urged all residents to speak out against hate and outlined a series of objectives aimed.)


— Rauner compares state government to last-place 2013 Cubs – Haley BeMiller)
— Negative stories about Cubs owner Joe Ricketts disappear from website he bought – Kim Janssen
— Chicago man freed from prison, given $25 million. He spent his second chance rebuilding his old gang – Jason Meisner
— Skokie Village Board approve change to human relations code supporting immigrant rights – Mike Isaacs  (DIERSEN: As everyone knows, “Welcoming City” is code for “Sanctuary City,” that is, it is code for a city that says individuals, organizations, and companies that are members of the following groups are NOT WELCOME: Trump supporters, Protestants, conservatives, Republicans, Americans, Whites, males, older people, rich people, gun owners, German Americans, draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Conservative group leaders meet with Trump, who hints that GOP ACA fix could drift further right – David Weigel, Sean Sullivan  (DIERSEN: What are the conservative groups in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois and who leads them? Conservative groups promote the rule of law (no illegal immigration), individual responsibility (no promotion of booze, pot, gambling, or other vices), the traditional family (no promotion of LGBTQ activity), right to life (no promotion of abortion), equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving and no age discrimination), the First and Second Amendments, etc.  Conservative groups promote the Republican Party platform, the Illinois Republican Party platform, and the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling.  Anti-conservatives, Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, and RINOs in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois crow over their success in destroying TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois in 2012.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Leaders of the Club for Growth, the Heritage Foundation, Heritage Action for America, Americans for Prosperity, Tea Party Patriots, and FreedomWorks all participated in the meeting, joined by White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, chief strategist Stephen Bannon, senior adviser Kellyanne Conway and legislative affairs director Marc Short. And after the meeting, Trump’s social media manager tweeted out a black-and-white photo of the meeting.)
— Comptroller Mendoza is no independent voice – Kristen McQueary
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Girl statute faces down bull in push for diversity – Jena McGregor  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps encourage women to hate men.)
— Women across country skip work, join ‘Day Without a Woman’ protest – AP (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps encourage women to hate men.)
— On ‘A Day Without a Woman,’ Chicago activists and businesses show their solidarity – Angie Leventis Lourgos (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps encourage women to hate men.)
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Rauner rallies officials to combat (anti-Semitic) hate crimes – Elyssa Cherney  (DIERSEN: Trump supporters are pro-Israel, so it must be anti-Trumps who hate Jews.  Republicans are pro-Israel, so it must be anti-Republicans who hate Jews. Protestants are pro-Israel, so it must be anti-Protestants who hate Jews. Citizens of America are pro-Israel, so it must be illegals and refugees who hate Jews.)


— Does GOP use of Elgin Township offices run afoul of ethics ordinance? – Kerry Lester
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Concerning Trump’s claim that Obama wiretapped his communications, anti-Trump Kerry Lester gets Roskam to say “I’ve seen no evidence of what President Trump is talking about.”
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Permission to speak freely – Georgie Anne Geyer  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents have always made it clear that if I said or did anything without their permission, they would have their operatives and their dupes destroy me.  I should write a book about my critics/opponents in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois.  They have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.  They pride themselves in having their operatives and their dupes destroy individuals, destroy organizations, destroy companies, destroy governments, etc.)
— A grim look at future of ever-expanding government – George Will
— Endorsements: Ericksen, Hanlon, Mathieson and Paulsen for Wheaton Warrenville Unit District 200


— The 5 most profitable places (Avondale, Forest Park, Sauganash, Wheaton, and Wilmette) to flip a house – DENNIS RODKIN


— Democrats Call Rauner’s Conspiracy Theory ‘Delusional Babble’ – Amanda Vinicky


— Quiet Shift In Deportation Centers Alarms Local Attorneys, Families – Odette Yousef


— Rauner talks up higher ed, but has cut funding – Bernard Schoenburg  (DIERSEN: Democrats always argue for higher taxes and for bigger government spending. Constructively, if not literally, Democrats argue for socialism, if for not communism.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Rauners put all their eggs in the Chance the Rapper basket. Anti-Rauners glorify and praise Chance the Rapper.  Will the anti-Rauners get Chance the Rapper to run against Rauner in 2018?  Its seems that members of the following groups support Chance the Rapper: anti-Rauner, anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.


— Illinois To Provide $1M For Migrant Student Summer Programs  (DIERSEN: Of course, this encourages people to bring children to Illinois illegally.)


— Lawmakers try to consolidate local governments – Debby Hernandez


— As Cat turns uglier, what does Peoria look like? – Phil Luciano


— Biss ‘Connects Dots’ Between Rauner, Trump  State Senator Introduces Budget Fix Proposal, Continues To Hint At Run For Governor – TOM ROBB (DIERSEN: But wait, the public record is full of Rauner demonizing, denigrating, and condemning Trump.)


— Trump on charm offensive with former rivals – AP  (DIERSEN: Who are your “rivals” and are they “on a charm offensive” against you?  My “rivals” have never started any kind of “charm offensive” against me. They continue to blame me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails for all of their problems, for all of your problems, for all of my problems, and for all of everyone’s problems. They continue to demonize me, to denigrate me, and to condemn me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails. They continue to hint/imply/argue/shout that I am a racist, a sexist, a bigot, and even worse things. They continue to stress that I am a Trump supporter, that I was baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran, and that I am conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older (68), non-poor, a gun owner, 100% German American, draft avoider, and that my ancestors have been in America since the 1840s. They continue to stress that I was a federal employee for almost 30 years, that the federal government wasted my career and forced me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old, that I have been a federal retiree for more than 19 years, that my Civil Service Retirement System pension is $50,856/year), that my wife and I have subsidized health, dental, and vision insurance for life (that subsidy is currently $17,288/year), that my wife and I are childless and petless, that we have lived in Wheaton only since 1978, that we never attended any schools in Wheaton, and that I am not a member of any church.  What negatives do your “rivals” use against you?)


— Gov. Rauner and Rep. Shimkus Have Different Views of Obamacare Replacement – BRAD PALMER


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Skokie City Council Finalizes Immigrant Rights Measures  Skokie affirms human rights of immigrants with multi-part “comprehensive immigrants’ rights action.”  Democrats crow over their success using Jews to promote Islam.  How soon will Islam be the official religion of Skokie?)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Rauner doesn’t think the GOP’s Obamacare replacement plan will work in Illinois.” Rauner runs the Illinois Republican Party (IRP). Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps love Rauner.  How soon, if not already, will the anti-Trumps call for Rauner to banish all Trump supporters from the IRP?  How soon, if not already, will the anti-Trumps call for Rauner to banish all Republicans from the IRP?


— In Glen Ellyn, a school district asks taxpayers for more money. Out of thin air.


— Illinois Issues: What The Governor Isn’t Saying  Gov. Bruce Rauner has little to say to journalists, and that’s not just a problem for reporters.- KEVIN MCDERMOTT  (DIERSEN: Overwhelmingly, “journalists” and “reporters” talk, act, and write like they are operatives or dupes for the Democrat Party. Voter backlash against that is a major reason why Trump won and why Clinton lost.)




— Femosquitos and “A Day Without a Woman” – Laurie Higgins




— Democrats mount fierce opposition to GOP health care plan  Committees refuse to delay markups, turn back Democratic attacks – Stephen Dinan and Tom Howell Jr.


— How Taxpayers Fund Anti-Trump Protests
— A Day Without American Tech Workers
— White House condemns escalating anti-Semitic threats across U.S. (DIERSEN: Republicans are pro-Israel, so non-Republicans must be making these threats. Protestants are pro-Israel, so non-Protestants must be making these threats. Citizens of America are pro-Israel, so illegals and refugees must be making these threats.)




— A Day Without Whiny Women in America  Unlike those ‘striking’ today, responsible women are winners, not whiners — leaders, not followers — and they show up for work – Nina May


— President Trump: Remember The Snake – George Rasley


— ‘Day Without a Woman’ ignores real problems, focuses on invented grievances – Glenn Beck
— Thank God my wife is too mature and responsible for this ‘Day Without A Woman’ silliness – Matt Walsh


— First Women’s Day Was Organized by Socialists  Women’s March organizer: ‘Any feminism that doesn’t challenge capitalism feels, by definition, inadequate’ – Elizabeth Harrington
— Here’s Who Will Benefit Most From the GOP Replacement Plan for Obamacare  Act strips ACA’s employer mandate making it easier to hire employees and drive down costs – Ali Meyer
— Here is definitive proof that reporters are the laziest people on the planet – Matthew Walther


— It’s critical to think locally about resistance – Edwin Yohnka, Director of Communications and Public Policy at the ACLU of Illinois  (DIERSEN: As everyone knows, “Welcoming City” is code for “Sanctuary City,” that is, it is code for a city that says individuals, organizations, and companies that are members of the following groups are NOT WELCOME: Trump supporters, Protestants, conservatives, Republicans, Americans, Whites, males, older people, rich people, gun owners, German Americans, draft avoiders (except Bill Clinton), and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Since the election, ACLU staff have heard one question more than any other: what can I do to protect fundamental freedoms threatened by policies from Washington? Our collective answer largely has been the same – stay informed, stay connected to groups like the ACLU and stay active. People are paying attention and making their voices heard. We hear reports every week about events being planned and executed across the state. People have been gathering and protesting each week in Bloomington-Normal and Evanston, using their voices to affect change in Peoria and Springfield. We see the wave of activism spreading from Rockford to Carbondale, touching everywhere in between. It is critical to recall that many of the issues we are facing at the state and federal level also are playing out at the local level. And, because there are so many of these issues happening locally throughout the state, we rely on members and activists to get involved and stay vigilant. And, there is so much happening at the local level that deserves your attention. Many communities are considering resolutions or ordinances that designate the municipality as a “welcoming city.” Oak Park adopted one of the best such resolutions earlier this year. And, in the western part of Illinois, nearly 100 residents showed up at Galena’s City Council meeting just last week to support an effort to advance a welcoming city resolution. Perhaps this is something that you and others in your local community can initiate. Even if you never get to a successful local vote, it sparks discussion and debate about important and critical issues. Another local activity is to find out what role your municipal police force will play in immigration enforcement. Local matters here as well. Last month, at a League of Women’s Voters forum in Naperville, the community’s police chief made clear that his officers do not assist ICE in immigration enforcement actions. If your community does not have a current policy, they might feel compelled to adopt a non-participation program based on a group of residents raising the question. Local activity also is going to matter is in the area of protecting students who are transgender, and their ability to use the appropriate restroom and locker room – consistent with their gender identity. This will be a key issue in the school board elections in at least two suburban school districts – U46 and D211 – in the ballot set for Tuesday, April 4th. If you live in these school districts – or any other – find out what the candidates think about these issues; a few votes will decide local school board races. We all need to stay tuned to the policies coming from Washington and Springfield. Often, however, the most direct action we can take is on the local level. We must not miss that opportunity to speak out and be heard. There are many people in your community waiting to hear from you about these issues – keep speaking out!)


— Durbin: Trump’s Twitter usage ‘destroying’ credibility of office of the President – Eugene Scott (DIERSEN: Mayors destroy their credibility when they publicly insult people, for example, when they publicly insult people at chamber of commerce events.  Mayors destroy their credibility when they threaten people, for example, when they threaten people at fundraisers.)


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps falsely say “Options for Sanctuary in U.S. Dwindle.”
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: More Work for Less Pay – PATRICIA COHEN  (DIERSEN: What do you say to those who shout that government workers are overpaid, but they never shout that private sector workers are underpaid?  Virtually none of my critics/opponents, their operatives, or their dupes hint/imply/argue/shout that private sector employees are underpaid.)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: A Girl Stands Firm on Wall Street – Gail Collins (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps encourage women to hate men.)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: ‘Day Without a Woman’ Protest Tests a Movement’s Staying Power – SUSAN CHIRA, RACHEL ABRAMS and KATIE ROGERS  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps encourage women to hate men.)


— San Francisco asks federal judge to block Trump order penalizing ‘sanctuary’ cities – Maura Dolan  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats put foreign countries and their citizens ahead of America and ahead of its citizens.  Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps want to be viewed as being anti-American.)


— The Hoosier Jobs Experiment  Indiana tries to certify skills rather than a college degree. – Editorial  (DIERSEN: Because it frustrated their efforts to paint me as being lazy and stupid, my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government were furious when I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 33.)
— FRONT PAGE: Stocks Have Tripled Since Crisis, but Low Rates Are Still Squeezing Savers  Some retirees opt for higher-risk investment strategies to make sure they are OK for their remaining years – CORRIE DRIEBUSCH and AARON KURILOFF  (DIERSEN: Inflation continues to far exceed interest rates and COLAs.)


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: ‘A Day Without a Woman’: Strikes, rallies, political action – Doug Stanglin  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps encourage women to hate men.)


— Sen. Jeff Flake’s bill would let Border Patrol waive lie-detector tests for some recruits  Under Arizona senator’s bill, job applicants with law-enforcement or military experience would not need to take polygraph. – Dan Nowicki and Daniel González  (DIERSEN: Could you pass a lie-detector test?  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes paint themselves as being extremely efficient and extremely effective liers.)

March 7 Morning Edition

— It’s do-over duty in Springfield: Rauner and the GOP must repair or replace the broken compromise – Editorial
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Charities eager for Caterpiller’s arrival – Robert Reed  (DIERSEN: Because Democrats run Cook County and especially Chicago, if Caterpiller moves to Cook County and especially to Chicago, it will come under tremendous pressure from Democrats who have tremendous religious, government, political, and/or financial clout to give lots of money to charities that promote dependency on charities, dependency on government, LGBTQ activity, abortion, illegal immigration, mass immigration, vices including booze, pot, and gambling, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, abolition of the First and Second Amendments, and even worse things. Caterpiller may very will be forced to get rid of all its non-Democrat employees and especially its non-Democrat employees who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. Caterpiller may very will be forced to viciously condemn not only Trump and his supporters, but to viciously condemn all non-Democrats.)
— Is the American elite really elite? – Victor Davis Hanson  (DIERSEN: Who are the elites in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois?  Elites have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout. Those who work against me the hardest hint/imply/argue/shout that they are operatives or dupes for the elites in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.  From what I see, elites focus on destroying those individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that they cannot manipulate/dominate.)


— Chance the Rapper’s charity includes two Rahm Emanuel allies – Lauren FitzPatrick, Fran Spielman, Dan Mihalopoulos and Andy Grimm
— ALL OF THE FRONT PAGE: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps stress that a White male “Synagogue hate crime suspect” . . . “graduated from Hinsdale Central High School in 2003 and went on to the University of Iowa. He later received a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul University.”  My nastier critics/opponents, their nastier operatives, and their nastier dupes will stress that I “received a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul University” in 1980.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Pot pushers push medical pot. Pot pushers hint/imply/argue/shout that because pot is a medicine, it must be good for you. Pot pushers want everyone in America to be a stoner, that is, pot pushers want to destroy America.


— What Trump’s immigration policies could cost Chicago – Christina Le Beau  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps a) glorify and praise citizens of foreign countries and b) demonize, denigrate, and condemn citizens of America. That is a big reason why Trump won and why Clinton lost. How soon, if not already, will anti-Trump individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries post signs that say members of the following groups are NOT WANTED: Trump supporter, Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for long time?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: But immigration analysts say the economic benefits of curbing immigration are overblown. Economists, in general, have found immigration adds more to the economy than it takes away. That means that in cities like Chicago, where population declines and workforce shortages are offset by immigrants, policies advocated by the new administration not only aren’t likely to help—they could actually hurt.)


— Are reporters informing the public well enough amidst state’s financial crisis? – Amanda Robert (DIERSEN: Diersen has been sending GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails out since 2000, every morning since 2004, and also every evening since 2015. Virtually every one of those emails has included a link to at least one article about the “state’s financial crisis.”  But sadly, my critics/opponents in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout, and they have made it very clear that they will have their operatives and their dupes viciously destroy anyone who reads the emails or encourages others to read the emails. Ives and I are both members of the Milton Township Republican Central Committee (MTRCC), but sadly, few MTRCC members read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails, and many of them read the emails only to get information to harm me.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Ives says that when she tries to inform the public through town hall meetings, less than a dozen people show up. “I have three town halls scheduled this month and if I am lucky, maybe 100 people will show up even after having sent media alerts out, posting on Facebook and e-mail, and sending out district-wide robo calls,” she said. Ives explains that most people are too busy, or have given in to the idea that “nothing will change” or “all politicians are corrupt.” “I find most people have little understanding of the issues that created our budget crisis, the possible solutions and their implications, and the truth that Illinois is way outside the norm in terms of financial stability compared to other states,” Ives said. “To steal from an old saying, you can offer the information, but people can still refuse to take it in.” In a state like Illinois, with its history of complicated financial struggles and political battles, what is the responsibility of media that is supposed to serve as watchdog? Are reporters telling all of the stories that need to be told, monitoring the conduct of government officials and alerting citizens when they have acted irresponsibly or improperly? Diana Rickert, vice president of communications at the Illinois Policy Institute, who previously worked as a journalist, contends that most citizens are aware of the culture of corruption and political machines. They realize that they pay immense property taxes and face massive public pension debt, now up to $130 billion in their state. She says the media should not be complicit in the financial crisis or give public officials a free pass, particularly as Illinois saw record outmigration in the past year and lost more than 1 million people in the past decade. “The very best journalists are skeptical of government and question everything they say, and journalists owe it to their readers to do this,” Rickert said. “Journalists should not be a publicity arm for local, state or federal government, or trade tough stories for access.” Stephanie Craft, an associate professor of journalism at the University of Illinois, points out that the financial situation in Illinois serves as an example of polarization that is occurring across the country. She says the media has the responsibility of identifying things the public should know, and then getting public officials, business leaders or others in power to talk about them. She says that role becomes more crucial when “you have two sides that are dug in,” like Illinois party leaders over the state’s budget. “If they aren’t talking to each other, it makes it tricky for journalists, but also more of a priority for them to step in and try to get information from those sides that might be harder to get otherwise,” Craft said. “I feel like, as a citizen of Illinois, not only are the two sides not talking to each other, but they’re not talking to anyone. “If there weren’t journalists pressing for answers, there would just be a whole lot of silence.” Craft adds that citizens, as well as public officials, share in that responsibility. Citizens need to seek out a variety of sources of information and demand a certain level of performance from the media and public officials, she says, while public officials need to consider the importance of the media and not see its work as something negative. She contends that the current level of trust in several different institutions, especially the media, is low. She says that puts reporters in a difficult position, because while they are trying to obtain information and present it in an understandable way, they are also fighting criticism about how they do their jobs. Craft also says that when facing a public that may not trust them, reporters should consider being more explicit about their sources and methods. For example, she says, they should mention the people they tried to interview, even if they didn’t talk to them, and the parts of the story they don’t know, but are still trying to figure out. “I think more of that might help, as a byproduct, educate people about the journalism news gathering process and help them understand better the news that they’re reading,” Craft said. Craft adds that even in the current environment, where more people can quickly participate in creating and sharing the news through cell phone photos and video, and social media, reporters should appreciate that they are the only group committing a significant amount of time and resources to uncovering and disseminating information. “There is a role that an institutional kind of press can play in being that entity that can try to hold those in power to account in a way that is harder, not impossible, but harder for a general mass of online people to do,” she said.)


— Rauner, Mendoza feud reaches St. Clair County court – Doug Finke


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, universities give preference to citizens of foreign countries, that is, ever-increasingly, universities discriminate against citizens of America.


— Poll: Americans divided on admitting refugees – AP  (DIERSEN: Democrats want refugees because they vote for Democrats and because they want cheap labor.  RINOs want refugees because they want cheap labor.)




— Women’s Strike: Chicago’s Weekly Trump Protest Will Show Support For Wednesday’s Global Event  Organizers for “Resist Trump Tuesday” have planned their demonstration to be a lead-in to “A Day Without a Woman” protest. – Joe Vince  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps focus on making women hate men.)


— Prank Signs Advertising ‘Future Internment Camp’ Pop Up At Chicago Sites – STEPHEN GOSSETT (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps a) glorify and praise citizens of foreign countries and b) demonize, denigrate, and condemn citizens of America. That is a big reason why Trump won and why Clinton lost. How soon, if not already, will anti-Trump individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries post signs that say members of the following groups are NOT WANTED: Trump supporter, Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for long time?)


— Illini Republicans’ affirmative-action bake sale cooks up controversy – Ben Zigterman (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, if you do not shout that minorities and women should get preference, that is, that Whites and men should be discriminated against, Democrats, Democrat plants, and RINOs viciously demonize you, viciously denigrate you, and viciously condemn you as being a racist, a sexist, and even worse things.)


— Illini Republicans new logo continues debate over the Chief likeness – Jessica Bursztynsky


— College Republicans Travel to CPAC  According to attendees, the convention was noticeably more unified than last year’s. – Lauren Pankin (DIERSEN: If I had been active in Republican politics while I was in high school, the Post Office would not have offered me a job in 1966. If I had been active in Republican politics while I was in college, IRS would not have offered me a job in 1971 and GAO would not have offered me a job in 1980.)


— Which county governments have highest and lowest average salaries?


— INTEREST ON ILLINOIS’ PENSION DEBT IS $9.1B PER YEAR  A golden rule of finance is this: Debt that can’t be paid won’t be paid. – Michael Lucci


— Mendoza: “Rauner is trying to drive our State into bankruptcy”
— Playing with fire . . . Remember, it was Gov. Rauner who reached out to Chance with that congratulatory tweet on Grammy night. It was Rauner who agreed to a sitdown with the guy. It was Rauner who exchanged private phone numbers with him last Friday and then talked again to Chance over the weekend. This wasn’t some scheme hatched at the Grammy’s to entrap the governor. The governor did this on his own.


— CAN POLITICIANS SAVE THE WELFARE STATE BY URGING – OR EVEN SUBSIDIZING – MORE BABY-MAKING? – Kent Kellar  (DIERSEN: My wife and I have paid the marriage penalty ( big time ever since we got married in 1978.)


— Facebook Labels ConservativeHQ “Malicious” Blocks Pro-Trump Content  (DIERSEN: If my critics/opponents succeed in stopping me from sending out GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails, who will come to my defense?  My critics/opponents in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout, and they have made it very clear that they will have their operatives and their dupes viciously destroy anyone who reads the emails or encourages others to read the emails.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: It is no secret that the Wall Street – Washington – Silicon Valley Axis hates Donald Trump and the millions of “deplorable” Americans who elected him to stop the globalist destruction of our country and to end the PC culture that liberals use to enforce their worldview on the rest of America. We have long shared the view of then-Senator Jeff Sessions that “prominent amnesty advocates, including [Facebook CEO] Mark Zuckerberg and top Obama administration officials, have argued that amnesty is a civil right. Mr. Zuckerberg’s motivation is not elusive. He heads a lobbying group representing many of his industry’s wealthiest CEOs, and their companies wish to extract generous guest-worker programs from Congress. Similar efforts are underway from other CEOs seeking new workers for everything from manufacturing to construction to restaurant jobs. Presumably, Mr. Zuckerberg believes it is more advantageous to frame the group’s lobbying as a civil-rights crusade than as a corporate crusade for lower-cost foreign labor.” So, it should surprise no one that California’s Far Left tech oligarchs have begun to surreptitiously use their control of social media platforms and media to undermine support for President Trump and his agenda by blocking pro-Trump content to starve conservative online media outlets of viewers and advertising dollars. Our problems with Facebook censorship began when we made attacking globalism a major editorial effort in the final crucial weeks before the election and we suddenly discovered that our pro-Trump or anti-Hillary Clinton articles posted to Facebook were being taken down or the links were being disabled. The message “Warning: This Message Contains Blocked Content. Your message couldn’t be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive” would pop up when CHQ readers tried to post or distribute CHQ content through Facebook. Inquiries to Facebook produced the excuse that “community objections” were to blame and after a lag of hours or days the links would be restored. In responses that sounded like they were written by Lois Lerner, we were assured that the problem had nothing to do with ConservativeHQ’s name or the conservative content of our articles, but the problem continued to grow. After much back-and-forth, the next excuse offered was that ConservativeHQ’s landing page had too many ads and redirects, and that we should “Avoid ad creative that baits people to click on it, such as overly cropped ad images or ad copy that may be shocking or sexual.”  This was patent nonsense.)


— The Obama Administration engaged in eight years of political payback and heavy-handed bullying that specifically targeted their “political enemies.”  (DIERSEN: Who considers you to be their enemy?  Activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. should be required a) to identify who their enemies are and b) to provide the evidence on which they base their hatred of their enemies.)


— Why It’s ‘Devastatingly Selfish’ For Strikers To Hijack International Women’s Day  Women’s strikers’ decision to hijack this day shows just how far out of touch they are with the more serious problems facing hundreds of millions of women worldwide. – Kelsey Harkness


— The Beltway Conspiracy to Break Trump – PATRICK BUCHANAN


— Left-leaning groups are sending a stern message to Democrats who consider backing President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court: Do it and risk a primary challenge in 2018. – ALEXANDER BOLTON (DIERSEN: My “Republican” critics/opponents have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois.  They are really Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, or RINOs. They have always made it clear that they will have their operatives and their dupes vicious destroy anyone who supports me.)
— Americans divided on removing individual mandate: poll – MALLORY SHELBOURNE  (DIERSEN: Sadly, virtually all the operatives and all the dupes who work for my critics/opponents have severe financial, health, and/or other problems. I certainly hope that my critics/opponents provide their operatives and their dupes with free healthcare insurance.  Sadly, as my critics/opponents know full well, people who have severe financial, health, and/or other problems are far more likely to be willing do anything to get money, including doing things that are unfair, outrageous, rude, crude, disgusting, revolting, despicable, unethical, immoral, illegal, and even worse things.)
— Trump: Reports of White House infighting are ‘fake news’ – JONATHAN EASLEY


— Obama Leaves Office And Gun Sales Collapse – Mike Weisser (DIERSEN: Those who voted for Obama make it clear that they want to get rid of those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for long time.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps promote Islam. Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps talk and act like they will get rid of you if you do not become a Muslim.
— The Hard Truth About Refugees  Refugees bring with them problems that liberals would do well to recognize. Failing to do so opens the political door to right-wing xenophobes. – JAMES TRAUB  (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps a) glorify and praise refugees and b) demonize, denigrate, and condemn those who are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for long time.)
— Since Trump, Quiet Upstate Road Becomes a Busy Exit From U.S. – RICK ROJAS  (DIERSEN: Who wants to leave America?  ANSWER: Those who are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Sean Spicer Meets the Press. No Cameras Allowed, Again. – MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUM  (DIERSEN: I should wear a body camera to better document insults, threats, etc. against me by my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes count on me to continue my policy of forgiving those who trespass against me.)
— White Supremacists Step Up Recruiting on Campus – TAMARA BEST  (DIERSEN: If you are White, ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs make it clear that they will get rid of you if you do not demonize, denigrate, and condemn Whites.  That is a big reason why Trump won and Clinton lost.)


— Facebook begins flagging ‘disputed’ (fake) news – Jessica Guynn  (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes demonize, denigrate, and condemn all the articles linked to in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails as being fake.)
— Some secrets should be leaked – Gabriel Schoenfeld  (DIERSEN: Of course, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes want all the skeletons in their closets to be kept secret.)
— Hitler’s bad trip: Was Nazi Germany amped up on drugs? – Matt McCarthy  (DIERSEN: Those who want to destroy America want Americans to be “amped up on drugs.”)
— Women teachers strike causes D.C. suburb to call off school Wednesday – Heidi M Przybyla–alexandria-trumps-backyard/98816126/
— FRONT PAGE WITH COLOR GRAPHIC: Your odds of facing an IRS audit are 1-in-143 – Kevin McCoy  (DIERSEN: I worked for IRS 1971-1980 and I worked for GAO on audits of IRS 1986-1988.)–143/98808612/
— Supreme Court: Racism can upend jury verdicts – Richard Wolf (DIERSEN: Anti-Whites shout a) that all Whites are racist and b) that minorities can never be racist.)


— Can Ronna Romney McDaniel unite a fractured Republican Party? – KATIE GLUECK  (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps want McDaniel to banish from the Republican Party those who are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and those whose ancestors have been in America for long time.)


— To fight anti-“sanctuary” bill, Democrats may highlight “sanctuary industries” – JULIÁN AGUILAR  (DIERSEN: How many sanctuary industries operate in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois?  How much money do politicians in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois take from these industries to not enforce immigration laws, that is, to screw Americans?)


— Illinois Is Prepared—for Zombies  The state readies for an undead apocalypse while its financial situation grows worse. – GERALD SKONING
— What Employees Want – Lori Goler and Juliet de Baubigny  (DIERSEN: While I worked for GAO 1980-1997, my Democrat superiors hinted/implied/argued/shouted that GAO employees who were Democrat, minority, female, younger, and/or veteran wanted GAO to get rid of its employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, a) anti-Whites glorify and praise minorities, b) anti-men glorify and praise women, and c) anti-Americans glorify and praise citizens of foreign countries.
— Supreme Court Says Jury Secrecy Not Guaranteed If Racial Bias Exists – JESS BRAVIN  (DIERSEN: Anti-Whites shout a) that all Whites are racist and b) that minorities can never be racist.)
— FRONT PAGE: Facebook, Rushing Into Live Video, Wasn’t Ready for Its Dark Side  Nearly a year after Facebook Live’s rollout, the company is wrestling with how to censor violent live streaming; two months in ‘lockdown’ – DEEPA SEETHARAMAN


— Here’s What a Day Without Women Will Actually Look Like – Madeline Farber (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps focus on making women hate men.)


— Be Bold For Change: Tackling Sexism Head On This International Women’s Day – Margie Warrell (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps focus on making women hate men.)


— What Does It Take to be a Thrift Savings Plan Millionaire? – Lyn Alden (DIERSEN: While I worked for IRS 1971-1980 and for GAO 1980-1997, my Democrat superiors a) knew how much my Civil Service Retirement System pension would be, b) knew when my wife and I paid off our mortgage, c) knew how much money we had saved for our retirement, and d) knew much more about our finances. They used that information to paint us as being filthy rich DINKs (dual income, no kids). My Democrat superiors were moral relativists who believed that their end justifies their means.  They used their knowledge of our wealth a) to justify their wasting my career and b) to justify their forcing me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Thanks to the slow but steady march of inflation year after year, a million dollars isn’t what it used to be. Still, it’s a target that few people achieve in their lifetimes, and it can go a long way to a comfortable retirement. FedSmith regularly keeps track of the number of TSP millionaires, federal employees that have accumulated more than $1 million in their TSP account. The number fluctuates each year, having grown from about 200 in early 2012 to well past 3,000 today, thanks to the eight-year bull market we’ve all enjoyed. But what does it take to get to that level? For starters, here’s a chart that shows how much wealth you can build based on your monthly saving amount (vertical axis) and annualized rate of return (horizontal axis) in 25 years: . . . The chart is inflation-adjusted to 2.5% per year. Values over $1 million are highlighted in green. This chart applies broadly to a variety of investment types, but when looking specifically at the TSP, there are two main constraints: Assuming a buy-and-hold strategy, TSP rates of return are limited, roughly, by the maximum rate of return of the C fund, S fund, and I fund, the three equity funds available for investment. This caps TSP long-term returns at around 10% per year or less, based on historical performance of the best of these indices. This will be lower for a more balanced portfolio that includes some fixed-income investments with the G fund or F fund. You can only contribute up to $18,000 per year, with another 5% from agency-matching. If you earn $120,000 per year, for example, the maximum you can save per year in your TSP is $24,000, or $2,000 per month on that chart. Depending on how the markets perform over the next two and a half decades, it may be possible for federal employees that max out their TSP contributions each and every year to hit a million in inflation-adjusted value (or about $1.8 million in face value) during that timeline. For most federal investors, however, it will take longer than that. John Bogle, the founder of Vanguard, currently expects about 4% annual returns over the next 10 years from the US stock market, due to the high valuations of the market currently. A report in 2016 by McKinsey & Company estimates 4-6.5% annual returns for US markets over the next 20 years. Nobody can know for sure what returns will be going forward, but due to how highly valued the markets are currently (based on metrics like the Shiller PE ratio), the chance of reaching or exceeding the historical 9-10% rate of return is arguably not very likely going forward. Here are three examples for how a TSP account may grow over a federal career:)


— New poll shows Illinois’ Republican governor winning just 32 percent of the vote – David Nir


— Outrage as Ben Carson calls slaves ‘immigrants’ – AFP