October 29 Morning Edition

— Are we afraid to put up election signs? – Karen Schlabach, Glen Ellyn  (DIERSEN: If you do not display a Clinton/Kaine sign in your front yard, does that mean that you have already voted for Trump/Pence or that will vote for Trump/Pence?)
(FROM THE LETTER: Here it is, less than 30 days until the most contentious presidential campaign that I can remember, yet driving through the Glen Ellyn and Wheaton areas I have seen just one election sign and that was for Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine. I personally think this election is so negative that no one wants to have a sign in their yard declaring which candidate they choose. I believe they are afraid of a brick or worse, being thrown through their window. Good thing the election booths are private.)
— Trump is our last line of defense – Nancy J. Thorner, Lake Bluff
(FROM THE LETTER: The shameless “Borking” of Trump has become nonstop since he became the Republican presidential nominee, fostered by print media and TV networks which have unabashedly joined forces with the Democratic Party. Trump, not of the establishment, would shake up the status quo and the power and money that flows to those who support the globalist agenda of the rich and powerful working behind the scenes to control this nation’s destiny. How will Hillary’s call for (1) open borders as a portal through which flow murderers, drugs, drug lords, cartels, and hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants and (2) extending a welcome mat to thousands of un-vetted Syrians for whom we could query our database until the cows come home and yet find nothing if no records exist?  Keep Americans safe? Hillary can’t even define who the enemy is, and she supports the Iran Nuclear deal travesty. Spineless establishment Republicans created the Trump movement, giving Obama the upper hand to leave this nation with a $20 trillion-plus unsustainable debt and a dismal economy. Obama is on track to be the only U.S. president in history who fails to deliver a single year of GDP 3 percent-plus economic growth, his, a dismal overall 1.55 percent rate. Hillary’s announcement to raise taxes on the rich will cripple business expansion, a job creator, and stifle GDP growth. Trump is the last line of defense against a continuation of Obama’s failed policies through a Hillary administration. Hillary’s Supreme Court appointees would render the Second Amendment (gun rights) meaningless and imperil religious liberty. Trump desires to help this country and is committed to secure our freedom and restore our nation’s greatness, militarily and economically.)
— Once worried about drones, Naperville now sees benefits – Marie Wilson


— DuPage County coroner discusses ‘heavy weight’ of job, running unopposed – Gary Gibula
— Walsh seeks fourth term as Will County executive – Susan DeMar Lafferty
— Naperville Newcomer of the Month: Carolyn Klein  (DIERSEN: How long have you lived in your municipality?  I have lived in Wheaton since 1978 when I was 29 years old.  Government is nasty.  Politics is nasty.  Religion is nasty.  I should write a book about those in Wheaton who continue to viciously demonize me, viciously denigrate me, and viciously condemn me as being a newcomer.  They stress that unlike me, their parents, their grandparents, their great grandparents, etc. grew up in Wheaton, that they grew up in Wheaton, that they attended grade schools and high schools in Wheaton, that they are members of churches in Wheaton, that they attend services in Wheaton churches, that they give money to churches in Wheaton, that they raised their children in Wheaton, etc.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trump.


— Final exam: Officials test voting equipment ahead of Nov. 8 election  K. JANIS ESCH  (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)


— Why Chicagoans are seeing so many TV ads in state races – RICH MILLER


— Home Prices Lose Value in Illinois – Cole Lauterbach


— Election campaign tame compared to the debacle of 1968 – Chuck Sweeny  (DIERSEN: What were you doing in November of 1968?  I was a full-time UIC student and a part-time Park Forest Post Office employee.  I lived with my parents and brother in Crete and I drove a 1968 Oldsmobile 442.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: So, as crazy as this year’s campaign seems, I’m not afraid the country will crack up. In 1968, as a student about to enter the University of Illinois Chicago, I really did fear for what would happen to the U.S.A. Both the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Democratic presidential candidate Robert Kennedy had been assassinated that spring; there were riots in many cities; 500,000 U.S. troops were in Vietnam; college campuses were in turmoil and people like me wondered, “Can anybody here operate this place?” Chicago’s reputation as a political convention location was ruined. Between 1860 and 1968, Chicago hosted 14 Republican and 10 Democratic presidential nominating conventions. Since 1968, the Republicans have not been back. Democrats did come back finally, but not until 1996. I covered that and let me tell you, Mayor Richard M. Daley, son of Richard J. Daley, must have sent all his cops to charm school. They were the friendliest folks in uniform since Captain Kangaroo.)


— Spineless lawmakers at core of budget problem – Jim Nowlan


— Budget crisis shadow darkens more doors  The state’s ongoing budget crisis casts its shadow on Sauk Valley Community College and the Lee-Ogle Transportation System. The number of people personally affected by Illinois’ financial woes seems destined to increase. – Editorial


— Money fuels Skoog-Long race – David Giuliani
— Taxes, age issues in 75th District state rep race – David Giuliani
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Shugart has made Welter’s youth an issue in the campaign. At 49, she is nearly double his age. She contends life experience makes for better lawmakers. “Surviving through adversity builds character, knowledge and the ability to understand people,” she said. Welter countered his age was no problem, especially given his experience in government. He said Shugart’s criticism was “discouraging” for young people. “It doesn’t matter how old you are. When I came prepared, people started listening to me. You don’t get to be Grundy County chairman, the youngest in the state at the time, without building coalitions. I had Democrats and Republicans support me.”)


— Auditor Dispute In Champaign County – HUNTER MCKEE  (DIERSEN: I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979 and I became a licensed CPA in 1981.  My license (#065012844) has been inactive since 2000.  Since 2000, I have focused on Illinois Republican politics.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: George Danos, who is running for Champaign County Auditor, had some comments to say about his opponent and current auditor, John Farney. He suggests that Farney violated an Illinois Public Act by falsely stating his chief deputy auditor was a certified accountant. He said that this violates the Illinois law by not having an active license with the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. Farney called these allegations false and said his chief deputy auditor is highly qualified. “I really find it disappointing and disturbing that my opponent is dragging her good name through the mud,” said Farney. “I find it appalling that he would expose one of his employees to professional risk, she is under the discipline of the profession we share, he’s not an accountant and shows no such risk,” explains Danos. But Danos also included that Farney does have a comprehensive financial report where he incorrectly puts the designation CPA.)


— SUCCESS in Naperville  (DIERSEN: Are you successful?  Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always shouted that I have never been successful. They stress that I was a federal employee for almost 30 years, and that for a non-veteran White male federal employee like me to be successful, you must make GS-13 (currently $92,632) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $109,463) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $128,759) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $160,300) by age 40.  They shout that because federal employees are stupid and lazy, my not making GS-13 until I was 38 and my being forced to retire when I was 49 proves that I am extremely stupid and lazy.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A group of six African-American professionals in fields ranging from government to medicine to entertainment spoke to a group of Jefferson Junior High students as part of their first SUCCESS Career Day. Assistant Principal Jeremy Christian praised the event. “It helped to really give them a visual of what it’s like to be successful,” he said. “A lot of times African-American students, especially in Naperville, they don’t have something that’s positive to look to because they don’t see anyone that looks like them, so our goal today was to offer them alternatives, giving them some tangible people or tangible things to look at, processes and systems where they can kind of mimic their pathway to their future.” SUCCESS, which stands for “School Using Coordinated Community Efforts to Strengthen Students,” focuses on empowering black and other minority students to achieve greatness. This was the first SUCCESS event at Jefferson, which has around 70 black students out of their nearly 900 total, a sense of minority that panelists addressed.)
— Naperville Could See Changes in Property Taxes


— Lt. Governor Sanguinetti and Sen. Rose visit campus – Gillian Dunlop


— Eyewitness Details of Huntley Voting Machine Malfunction
— Voting Advice
— Want to Get Started in a Race You Can Win?


— Steve Skidmore, Crawford Co. Coroner Candidate, Lied About Arrest Record – John Kraft


— State Dept Told ‘Friendly’ AP Reporters About Missing Hillary Emails Before Congress  (DIERSEN: Should I write a book about Democrat plant, Libertarian plant, Green plant, and RINO activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Milton Township, DuPage County, and Illinois who pander to Rich Miller and to the rest of the Democrat news media in Illinois and a) who do not want me to know about their events and their other activities, b) who do not want me to promote their events and their other activities, c) who do not want me to attend their events, and/or d) who do not want me to report on their events and their other activities?)
— Fisher-Price apologizes to mom disgusted by ‘girl’ toys  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote gender confusion.)
— Opening a floodgate of asylum seekers
— Victims: Gays Claim Philly’s Gayborhood is Racist


— Trump says he’s put $10M into campaign, knocks lack of ‘leadership support’


— Poll: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in a statistical tie – Chris Enloe


— Donald Trump Reacts to Hillary Clinton’s FBI News Conference: ‘Another Clinton Lie’ – ALEX SWOYER


— The High-Tech Lynching Of Donald Trump – Jeff Crouere


— Will Trump be the GOP’s ‘wrecking ball’? – SUSAN FERRECHIO


— National poll: Clinton leads Trump by 2 points – Steven Shepard
— Trump accuses Clinton of politicizing FBI investigation – Ben Schreckinger  (DIERSEN: Political affiliation discrimination is rampant in the federal government.  How many Obama-appointed federal employees see themselves being dumped by Clinton?  If I had been a Democrat, my Democrat GAO superiors would not have forced me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old, they would have promoted me beyond GS-13, they would have assigned me to audits of IRS, and they would not have forced me to take an $18,459 pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980.  My Democrat IRS superiors would have promoted me beyond GS-12, they would not have disallowed my education deductions, and they would not have disallowed my partial day per diem claims.  My Democrat Post Office superiors would not have forced me resign in 1969 and they would not have disallowed my sick leave requests.)


— RNC: New FBI review of Clinton emails ‘stunning development’ – Julian Hattem
— Trump gives $10 million to campaign – Harper Neidig
— Trump: Powerful message more important than flawed messenger – Cain Pence


— NRCC Ad Trashing Donald Trump Hurts Paul Ryan, Conservatives Say  Even if it isn’t the speaker’s fault. – Matt Fuller


— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Older Voters Carry Clout But Don’t Like Choices – LIZETTE ALVAREZ  (DIERSEN: How old are you?  I am 68.  Should I write a book about activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois WHO PROMOTE AGE DISCRIMINATION?)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trump.


— Teachers Union Head Brings Political Clout to Bear for Hillary Clinton  National Education Association chief Lily Eskelsen García takes campaign to defeat Republican nominee Donald Trump personally – BRODY MULLINS and MELANIE TROTTMAN  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrat teachers focus on cranking out “good little Democrats” who are filled with hatred of individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, non-veterans, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— The Big Winners and Losers in America’s Social Security System  Low earners often get more from Social Security benefits than they pay in, while high earners get less. One-income couples also fare better – LAURA SAUNDERS  (DIERSEN: My Social Security is dramatically reduced because I get a Civil Service Retirement System pension.)
— Hillary Clinton’s Forgotten Career: Corporate Lawyer  For 15 years she defended big companies for the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas, a chapter all but excised from her official story – LAURA MECKLER and  PETER NICHOLAS  (DIERSEN: What do you excise from your official story? I excise nothing.  I worked for GAO 1980-1997 and at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels 1986-1997, currently $92,632-$120,427.  I worked for IRS 1971-1980 and at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels 1974-1980, currently $77,899-$88,286.)


— FBI’s new Clinton investigation could upend presidential race – ANITA KUMAR, DAVID GOLDSTEIN AND DAVID LIGHTMAN


— Hillary Clinton lead over Donald Trump continues to shrink, down to just 2 points – Meg Wagner


— A Woman Was Arrested for Voter Fraud. It Was a Donald Trump Supporter  She was afraid her first ballot for would be changed to a vote for Hillary Clinton – Mahita Gajanan  (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Police in Des Moines, Iowa, arrested a woman on suspicion of voting twice in the general election. Terri Lynn Rote, a registered Republican, is accused of submitting ballot at two different early voting stations, the Des Moines Register reports. Rote told Iowa Public Radio that she was afraid her first ballot for Donald Trump would be changed to a vote for Hillary Clinton. “I wasn’t planning on doing it twice, it was spur of the moment,” she said. “The polls are rigged.” Polls being “rigged” has become a common refrain in Trump’s campaign, as the Republican nominee has repeatedly insisted that voter fraud is common. “Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day,” Trump tweeted on Oct. 17. “Why do Republican leaders deny what is going on? So naive!” Rote was arrested Thursday on a first-degree election misconduct charge, which is a Class D felony. She was released Friday on a $5,000 bond.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trump and Trump’s supporters.


— Want to Attract a Millennial Worker? Give ‘Em a Gift Card  Perks work. – Kristen Bahler (DIERSEN: Did your employers reimburse their employees for tuition for job-related courses?  My employers did not except for some small token amounts by GAO.  My Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates used that to justify their not taking job-related courses.  Instead, they focused on destroying employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
— New Federal Rules Could Make It Easier to Escape Your Student Loans – Kim Clark


— Mark Kirk’s birther-style racist attack on Tammy Duckworth was nothing new from the GOP – Laura Clawson (DIERSEN: What about Kirk’s attacks on Trump?)
— Mark Kirk’s slur of Tammy Duckworth – oh, so Republican – Charles Ray  (DIERSEN: What about Kirk’s slurs on Trump?)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Republicans always shout a) that Republicans discourage Democrats from voting and b) that everyone who does not vote would have voted for Democrats.


— Hey Lefties: Hillary is Not Your Friend – Ted Rall  (DIERSEN: Hillary hints/implies/argues/shouts at lefties that she will use the federal government to get rid of individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, non-veterans, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)

October 28 Morning Edition

— Kirk Campaign Responds to Racially-Charged Debate Comment  Sen. Mark Kirk’s campaign issued a statement Friday in response to a racially-charged comment the senator made about Rep. Tammy Duckworth’s parents at Thursday’s debate. – Tom Schuba
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Sen. Mark Kirk’s campaign issued a statement Friday in response to a racially-charged comment the senator made about Rep. Tammy Duckworth’s parents at Thursday’s debate. “Senator Kirk has consistently called Rep. Duckworth a war hero and honors her family’s service to this country,” Kirk spokeswoman Eleni Demertzis said in a statement. “But that’s not what this debate was about. Rep. Duckworth lied about her legal troubles, was unable to defend her failures at the VA and then falsely attacked Senator Kirk over his record on supporting gay rights.” At Thursday’s debate, which was hosted at the University of Illinois Springfield’s Sangamon Auditorium, Kirk mocked Duckworth’s family history of military service after the congresswoman said her family has “served this nation in uniform going back to the Revolution.” “I had forgotten your parents came all the way from Thailand to serve George Washington,” Kirk responded. Duckworth, who lost both legs piloting a Black Hawk helicopter over Iraq in 2004, was born in Bangkok to a Thai mother of Chinese descent. Her father was a U.S. Army veteran. Kirk’s comment was met with silence in the auditorium and thunderous condemnation on social media. “That remark made by [Mark Kirk] about [Tammy Duckworth’s] ancestry is about the lowest thing I’ve seen in a debate,” Capitol Fax’s Rich Miller said in a tweet. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway also took the opportunity to slam Kirk, who has disavowed Trump and taken out ads distancing himself from the divisive billionaire. “The same Mark Kirk that unendorsed his party’s presidential candidate and called him out in paid ads,” Conway tweeted Thursday. “Gotcha. Good luck.”)


— FRONT PAGE: More aggressive Kirk goes after Duckworth in second debate, questions her family’s heritage – Rick Pearson and Monique Garcia (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)
— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON ILLINOIS TIGHTENS: Rauner Republicans face challenges turning Madigan attacks into results – Monique Garcia
— $116K-a-year Chicago alderman apologizes for crying poor on Cubs playoff tickets – John Byrne  (DIERSEN: What income and what net worth do you need to legitimately say that you are poor?  The cost of living varies dramatically between states, counties, townships/wards, municipalities, and precincts.)
— Half of Illinois’ metro areas posted unemployment increases in September – Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats who claim to speak for Blacks say that Blacks will forever blame Republicans for all the problems that Blacks have had, are having, and will have.


— Kirk hits Duckworth on honesty — and family military service – Tina Sfondeles  (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)
— U.S. Elections won’t be rigged – Editorial (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH COLOR PHOTOS OF KIRK AND DUCKWORTH: HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Kirk takes on Duckworth’s family history  Democratic committee calls for apology after heated debate in Senate race – AP (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)
— 14th Congressional District candidates not fans of Mexican border wall – James Fuller


— Kirk goes after Duckworth’s family background in testy debate – AP  (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— Senate debate: Mark Kirk’s comment about Tammy Duckworth’s family riles Democrats – Doug Finke  (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— Number of Registered Voters in Illinois Exceeds 8 Million – Reuben Unrau (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)


— Endorsement: Serious Duckworth is what Illinois deserves


— McHenry County police react to international IRS scam bust – JORDYN REILAND


— ‘Rigged Election’ in Central Illinois?  (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)


— Donald Trump Promises to Work on ‘Our Ghettos’ – ABC News


— Trump hits ‘corrupt’ Hillary Clinton; Mrs. Obama hugs her – AP


    — Kirk derides Duckworth’s ethnic, military heritage in Senate debate in Illinois  (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— Good vs. Blackburn: U.S. Army Vet Hopes to Unseat Two-Term Will County Auditor  Republican Gary Good wants to take the reins from Kevin “Duffy” Blackburn, who has been Will County Auditor since 2008. – Carrie Frillman  (DIERSEN: I audited federal agencies for GAO for almost 18 years, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels, currently $92,632-$120,427. I worked for IRS for almost 9 years, the last 5 1/2 years at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $77,899-$88,286.  I passed the CPA examination and the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt.  I am a licensed CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Government Financial Manager, Certified Financial Services Auditor, and Forensic Accountant.  I have master’s degrees in business, accounting, and finance and a bachelor’s degree in management. I served on the Executive Committee of the Association of Government Accountants Chicago Chapter for 12 years.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Good is a retired U.S. Army Blackhawk pilot and strategist who holds a bachelor of science degree in information technology and a University of Illinois master’s degree. He owns Straterations, Inc., a coaching and consulting business based where he lives in Shorewood. In his campaign to become Will County Auditor, he cites specific Army experience that will benefit taxpayers. In a Daily Herald questionnaire, he said he wrote the branch’s business management strategy at The Pentagon for the accountability, streamlining and efficiency of $30 billion in annual business operations. “Auditing is about leadership,” he says, on his campaign website. “Leaders look beyond numbers and computer screens. They stand the line to challenge the status quo, seek what is right, and serve those around them. For my entire life, that is what I have done, regardless of title.” He promises transparency, a take charge approach to digging into county processes and decision-making and to serve as a watch dog for local fraud, waste and abuse.)


— Legislators Take Aim at Discriminatory Practices at the IRS – Monte Larrick  (DIERSEN: Who do you know that has worked for IRS?  I worked for IRS’s collection Division for almost 9 years, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels, currently $77,899-$88,286.  Who do you know that has worked for GAO on audits of IRS?  I worked for GAO on audits of IRS’s Criminal Investigation Division for 3 years at the GS-13 Step 1-3 levels, currently $92,632-$98,809.)


— Poll: Clinton Leads Trump 53 Points Among Latinos – Ellyn Fortino  (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Republicans say “Unprecedented spending a threat to voting rights, unions in Illinois.”




— Kirk v. Duckworth: The reviews are in… and they’re lousy


— Media Bias Is One Thing; Complicity Is Another
— $50M of corruption for Bill Clinton
— Mormon and gay: Church now says you can be both
— Overdosing mom found unconscious with baby in car ‘the new norm’


— Trump Has Been Lying for Weeks About Money to His Campaign – JOSH MARSHALL


— Sen. Kirk questions opponent’s family history in testy Illinois debate  (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)
— Trump, GOP seize on new Clinton cash revelations to revive ‘pay-to-play’ charge


— New Republican ad for GOP Rep. Bob Dold: He denounced Trump ages ago, you know  (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who glorifies and praises you if you denounce Trump?  ANSWER: Individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-non-veterans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Mark Levin blames Megyn Kelly for Trump’s ‘vicious’ personal attacks: ‘She set the stage’ – Jon Street  (DIERSEN: Who “sets the stage,” that is, who determines who is favored and who is disfavored, in the organizations that you are a member of?)
— Math professor caught on video getting political during class: ‘I’m not gonna tell you who to vote for, but…’ – Dave Urbanski


— Why all Americans should hope for a truce in the GOP’s civil war – MARIO LOYOLA  (DIERSEN: Democrats run America. The less power that Republicans have, the more difficult that it is for Democrats to blame Republicans for America’s problems.)


— Republican committee makes ad praising Dold for standing up to Trump – Mark Abadi  (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who glorifies and praises you if you “stand up” to Trump?  ANSWER: Individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-non-veterans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Kirk’s Latest Controversy Begs the Question: Is the Stroke to Blame?  Republican senator made sarcastic remark about Duckworth’s ethnic heritage during debate – Alex Roarty  (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— Trump looms over Cubs World Series  The team’s owners are top donors to the GOP nominee, and they’re working to tamp down criticism for blurring the line. – Kenneth P. Vogel and Daniel Strauss
— Trump: ‘We should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump’ – Nolan D. McCaskill


— GOP Senator Makes Distasteful Remark About His War-Hero Opponent’s Ancestry – Elise Foley (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— Kirk questions military history of Duckworth’s family – Daniella Diaz (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— Mark Kirk riles Senate race with racially charged remark – Steve Benen  (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— GOP Ill. Sen. questions opponent’s American heritage – EMILY SCHULTHEIS (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— Illinois Senator Draws Fire for Racially Charged Attack on Opponent’s Family – ALEXANDRA JAFFE and TRACI G. LEE (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— GOP Sen. Mocks Bi-Racial Opponent’s U.S. Heritage in Illinois Senate Debate – J.J. GALLAGHER (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— Women won’t earn as much as men for 170 years  (DIERSEN: If had not been denied my 7th Amendment rights in Diersen v. GAO, I would have provided a jury with many examples of GAO paying my female coworkers and my female subordinates more than it paid me – female coworkers and female subordinates who had less work experience, less education, fewer professional certifications, and/or fewer professional licenses.)


— More Wretched News for Newspapers as Advertising Woes Drive Anxiety – SYDNEY EMBER  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, newspapers serve as arms of the Democrat Party.)
— Abandoning Donald Trump and, for Some Women, the G.O.P., Too – TRIP GABRIEL (DIERSEN: The Democrat Party has always promised to give preference to women, that is, to discriminate against men.)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Some Donald Trump Voters Warn of Revolution if Hillary Clinton Wins – ASHLEY PARKER and NICK CORASANITI  (DIERSEN: Clinton voters hint/imply/argue/shout that if Clinton wins, they will get rid of those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE IN THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: A fight for women’s mandate – Cathleen Decker  (DIERSEN: Democrats always promise women that Democrats will give preference to women, that is, that Democrats will discriminate against men.)
— Trump falls far short of his boast of putting $100 million into his own campaign – AP  (DIERSEN: What do you put your time and your money into?  I put 10+ hours a day, 70+ hours a week, 300+ hours a month, 3,650+ hours a year, and 36,500+ hours a decade and many thousands of dollars into putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and send them out free of charge and without any advertising.)


— Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk Draws Fire for Sarcastic Comment to Tammy Duckworth – SIOBHAN HUGHES  (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)
— Obama’s Blacklist Is Barred – Editorial  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have thousands if not millions of individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries on their blacklists.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes blacklist me because I refuse to carry out their blacklist orders.)
— The Cold Clinton Reality  Why isn’t the IRS investigating the Clinton Foundation? – Editorial


— Mark Kirk under fire for comments about Tammy Duckworth’s Thai heritage – Aamer Madhani (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH A VERY BIG COLOR PICTURE OF POT: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, USA TODAY pushes pot in America, that is, ever-increasingly, USA TODAY pushes the downfall of America.
Memo shows Bill Clinton’s wealth was tied to Clinton Foundation
Eliza Collins , USA
— Memo shows Bill Clinton’s wealth was tied to Clinton Foundation – Eliza Collins  (DIERSEN: Where did your net worth come from?  For me, it was money that I earned working for GAO 1980-1997, IRS 1971-1980, Firestone Stores 1970-1972, University Plaza Dormitory and Chrysler in 1970, the Post Office 1966-1969, John’s Sinclair and Thrall Car and Flossmoor Country Club in 1966, and S.S. Kresges 1964-1966.)
— Trump tramples hallowed ground at Gettysburg – Paul Brandus


— GOP ad praises Republican for criticizing Trump – AP  (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who glorifies and praises you if you criticize Trump?  ANSWER: Individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-non-veterans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Obama urging minorities to ‘kill the whites,’ upstate GOP Assembly hopeful says – GLENN BLAIN
— Illinois Republican senator ridicules Asian-American opponent because of her race – CHRIS SOMMERFELDT   (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— Most Donald Trump supporters doubt election legitimacy, AP-GfK poll finds – AP  (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)


— Life without lattes? Test-drive your retiree budget  Most retirees — but not all — see household spending drop the first years in retirement. But the reductions might only be 5.5% to 12.5% in the early years compared with pre-retirement spending. – Susan Tompor  (DIERSEN: The Diersens’ retirement budget is dramatically less because my Democrat superiors in the federal government wasted my career and forced me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)


— Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk Mocks Rival’s Asian Heritage in Debate – Tessa Berenson (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— ‘Your Parents Came All The Way From Thailand’: Kirk Wrongly Hits Opponent On Heritage – Jessica Taylor (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— GOP Sen. Mark Kirk lobbed painfully awkward attack at rival’s Asian heritage in debate  (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— Will Donald Trump’s Failure Take Out Reince Priebus?  The Republican National Committee chairman has done his best to keep Trump on the rails over the course of the election. But for Priebus the light at the end of the tunnel could be an oncoming train. – Tim Mak


— Federal hiring of employees with disabilities exceeds goals, says OPM – Tony Ware (DIERSEN: While I worked for GAO in its Chicago office 1980-1997, at one time or another, my Democrat superiors assigned me to supervise all the office’s employees who had disabilities.)


— Republican singles out Asian heritage of Iraq veteran rival   (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— ‘I’d forgotten your parents came all the way from Thailand to serve George Washington’: Shocking moment Senator makes racially-charged attack on amputee Iraq war vet opponent Tammy Duckworth during debate – DAVE BURKE (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— Illinois Senator Tries to Zing Tammy Duckworth in Debate, Looks Like a Racist Jerk Instead – Elliot Hannon (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— Mark Kirk hits Tammy Duckworth over Thai heritage in Illinois Senate debate  “I had forgotten that your parents came all the way from Thailand to serve George Washington.” – MATT ROZSA  (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, if Kirk was a conservative, Democrat news media reporting of this and Democrat news media condemnation of this would be far stronger.)


— Voters See An Even More Divided America Ahead  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, under the Democrats and under the RINOs, those individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time SIDE WITH EACH OTHER AGAINST THOSE INDIVIDUALS, ORGANIZATIONS, COMPANIES, GOVERNMENTS, AND COUNTRIES THAT ARE Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)

October 26 Morning Edition

— Munger, Mendoza battle over campaign ties, pensions — and Trump – Tina Sfondeles

— Trump’s ‘nasty woman’ insult a gift for Clinton – Lynn Sweet  (DIERSEN: What if Clinton had said that Trump was a “nasty man?”)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD IN THE USA TODAY: Trump: Litigator  and Chief? – Nick Penzenstadler  (DIERSEN: Should I write a book about all the lawsuits that I have filed?)


— Comptroller candidates point fingers about political backers in testy debate – Hal Dardick and Monique Garcia
— Pair of aldermen play hooky for road trip to Cleveland – Hal Dardick
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrat teachers crow about their success in a) glorifying and praising Clinton and b) demonizing, denigrating, and condemning Trump.
— DuPage OKs payments for insurance, consultants – Gary Gibula  (DIERSEN: Are you a consultant, that is, do you offer consulting services? I have since 1997.  What obstacles does your consulting business face?  Since 1997, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois have viciously demonized, viciously denigrated, and viciously condemned my qualifications and ability to provide consulting services.  They dismiss/belittle my work experience, professional certifications, professional license, and education.  My critics/opponents have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.  My critics/opponents focus on destroying individuals, organizations, companies, and governments that they cannot manipulate/dominate.)
— Naperville predicts similar tax levy as economy picks up – Genevieve Bookwalter
— Local youths to be ‘homeless’ for a night to raise funds, awareness – Erin Hegarty  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who paint themselves as being GOD-LIKE and who blame homelessness of those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, non-veteran, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— On locker-room talk and implicit sexism – Janet Burroway
— How ‘SNL’ exposed the common thread of voter paranoia – Clarence Page
— Couples desperate for children turn to crowdfunding fertility – Bloomberg  (DIERSEN: My Democrat GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates viciously demonized, denigrated, and condemned my wife and I because we gave up trying to have children, because we did not adopt, and because we did not become foster parents.  They would not have done that if I had been a Democrat, a minority, a female, or a veteran.)


— Comptroller candidates claim independence from party leaders – Jake Griffin  (DIERSEN: Are you an operative or a dupe for those who have the most religious, government, political, and/or financial clout?  I have never been.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always viciously demonized me, viciously denigrated me, and viciously condemned me because I have never been an operative or a dupe for those who dominate the Milton Township Republican Central Committee, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Illinois Republican Party, TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Center Right Coalition, American Association of Political Consultants, GAO, IRS, etc.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always pandered to whoever has the most clout.)
— Where do Trump and Clinton stand on making your commute better? – Marni Pyke  (DIERSEN: Are/were you a commuter?  I was 1964-1997.  I drove to work 1964-1974, I walked to work 1974-1978, and I rode a train to work 1978-1997.)
— Foster, Khouri take different stances on national security, guns – Jessica Cilella
— 58th District Illinois House candidates agree pensions, term limits need to be addressed – Mick Zawislak
— Rauner deal pushes off bond issue problem until after 2018 governor election – BGA
— Caucuses anything but democratic – Mark Kmiecik, Wheaton


— Think Clinton vs. Trump is bitter? Think again – GREG HINZ


— Forum: Illinois Comptroller Candidates – Nick Blumberg


— Trump brand loses luster with affluent – AP  (DIERSEN: When are you affluent? Is it when your annual income exceeds $500,000, $750,000, $1,000,000+?  Is it when your net worth exceeds $10,000,000, $25,000,000, $50,000,000+?  But according to my failed critics/opponents, their failed operatives, and their failed dupes, you are affluent as soon as you have enough money to buy a new car like I did when I was 17, to pay for your college expenses to earn a bachelor’s degree like I did when I was 21, to buy real estate like I did when I was 24, to buy a collector car like I did when I was 40, etc.)
— Politics Trumps Policy in U.S. Senate Race – BRIAN MACKEY
— Local Democrats outspending Republican challengers by big margins – Anna Giles
— Trump, GOP look to ‘Obamacare’ report as comeback lifeline – AP


— 13th Congressional Candidates Meet In Springfield


— Republicans in Tight Races More Likely to Abandon Donald Trump – ABC News


— Springfield veteran honored for volunteer work – John Reynolds  (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, my nasty troubled failed vicious critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always viciously demonized, viciously denigrated, and viciously condemned all the volunteer work that I have done for Republican candidates, GOPUSA, Milton Township Republican Central Committee, DuPage County Republican Central Committee, Illinois Republican Party, TAPROOT Republicans of Illinois, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Center Right Coalition, American Association of Political Consultants, American Association of Government Accountants, Illinois CPA Society, etc.  I should write a book about my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes.  They are extremely disgusting.)
— Davis, Wicklund debate marijuana legalization – Doug Finke  (DIERSEN: If you promote pot in Illinois, you promote the further destruction of Illinois.)


— Busing students a huge expense for school districts – Nicole Lafond  (DIERSEN: Did you ride a bus to school?  The only time that I did was 1961-1962 when I lived with my parents in Crete and attended Hope Lutheran Grade School in Park Forest.  Otherwise, I walked to school at Trinity Lutheran in Crete 1953-1961 and Crete-Monee High School 1962-1966.)


— Trump campaign manager: We are vetting people for Trump’s cabinet  Kellyanne Conway is confident Trump will win – CNN  (DIERSEN: What might encourage Trump to offer you a job in his administration?  I argue that for me, it would include my having worked for GAO for almost 18 years, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels (currently $92,632-$120,427), my having worked for IRS for almost 9 years, the last 5 1/2 years at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels (currently $77,899-$88,286), my having six job-related professional certifications, my having a job-related professional license, my having three job-related graduate degrees, my having a job-related bachelor’s degree, etc.)
— Trump on whether election will be stolen: ‘Ask Obama’ 2008 video surfaces – CNN


— Here’s how Gov. Rauner’s salary compares to his peers – Craig M. Douglas  (DIERSEN: What is your salary?  The less that your salary is, the more that my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes demonize you, denigrate you, and condemn you as being a loser.  The more that your salary is, the more that my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes demonize you, denigrate you, and condemn you as being overpaid.  Because I am not paid anything to serve as your GOPUSA Illinois Editor, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes demonize me, denigrate me, and condemn me as being a loser.  Because GAO paid me $120,427 in today’s dollars in 1997 when I was 49 years old, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes demonize me, denigrate me, and condemn me as having been overpaid.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Public payroll data from all 50 states indicates that the average U.S. governor earns $137,415 per year in salary, with variances ranging from a low of $70,000 to a high of just under $200,000 per year. By those measures, the average governor’s pay is nothing to slouch at — especially when considering that the median household income in the United States hovers around $52,000 per year. However, it does pale in comparison to the eight-figure paydays that are increasingly common among private-sector CEOs, many of whom oversee far-smaller budgets and workforces relative to the typical state governor. Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner, who has been in office since January 2015 and oversees an annual state budget of $38.6 billion, is expected to earn $177,412 this year, which puts him at No. 5 among the 50 state governors. His pay is at 129 percent of the national average. But it must be noted that Rauner forgoes an annual salary from the state.)


— Hillary Clinton Wins — With Illinois Kids  Scholastic’s presidential poll put Hillary Clinton on top with kids in both the country and in Illinois. – Joseph Hosey  (DIERSEN: Democrat teachers crow about their success in a) glorifying and praising Clinton and b) demonizing, denigrating, and condemning Trump.)


— New DuPage County Associate Judge Appointed After Months of Deliberation  Brian Jacobs is filling the vacancy created by Karen Wilson. – Anicka Slachta


— Prairie Ridge Teacher on Paid Leave After Showing Pro-Clinton Video to Class  William Walker makes $119,000 per year and was outside the school this week protesting the district’s move to boot him from the classroom. – Amie Rowland


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Republicans demonize, denigrate, and condemn Republicans.


— Think a vote for Trump is a vote against the machine? Think again. The GOP nominee has been tight with Chicago Dems for a long time. – Ben Joravsky  (DIERSEN: What have you been tight with for a long time? For me, it has been the Republican Party platform.)


— State GOP sets up voter-fraud hotline after Kankakee allegations


— In just three years, Bruce Rauner upended Dems’ control of campaign finance


— INFORMED AMERICANS CAN PULL US BACK FROM PRECIPICE – Ben Kinchlow (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes do not want anyone to be informed, and they especially do not want me to inform anyone about anything.)


— Newt Gingrich Goes Ballistic at Megyn Kelly Over Trump ‘Sexual Predator’ Claim –  Greg Richter  (DIERSEN: It seems that ever-increasingly, Kelly wants to be viewed as being anti-male.  If Clinton wins, will Clinton offer Kelly a cabinet position?)


— Angry Newt Gingrich Loses It on the Air With Megyn Kelly: ‘You Are Fascinated With Sex!’ – JASON HOWERTON


— Whether It’s John McCain, Mitt Romney or Donald Trump, Democrats Always Run ‘War on Women’ Campaign – JOHN HAYWARD  (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, my critics/opponent, their operatives, and their dupes have always shouted that I discriminate against women.)


— Berkeley protesters form human chain to stop white students from getting to class – Bradford Richardson
— Sanctuary city illegal immigrant sparks $61M fire in national forest – Stephen Dinan


— Anti-Trump Violence Sweeps the Nation  Media pays little attention to escalating attacks, thousands of threats against Trump supporters – Matthew Vadum


— Berkeley students barricade bridge, force whites to cross creek – Anthony Gockowski
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Students at the University of California, Berkeley held a violent protest on campus Friday to demand additional segregated “spaces of color” for non-white students. The demonstration began at a key bridge on campus, where the protesters made a human chain to prevent white people from crossing, instead directing them to “go around” by trudging across the stream. Later, the activists turned their ire against an on-campus store leased to a private company, posting a fake “eviction notice” on the building threatening that “community action will continue to escalate” if the space is not vacated immediately.)


— TREASONOUS: Colin Powell says he’s voting for Hillary Clinton – Brent Griffiths


— Federal employees shun Trump, give big money to Clinton – Jonathan Swan  (DIERSEN: If I was still a federal employee, because of their hatred of Trump and because of their hatred of my demographics, my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworker, and subordinates would have killed me by now figuratively, if not literally.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Federal government employees are opening their wallets to help Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump on Nov. 8. Of the roughly $2 million that federal workers from 14 agencies spent on presidential politics by the end of September, about $1.9 million, or 95 percent, went to the Democratic nominee’s campaign, according to an analysis by The Hill. Employees at all the agencies analyzed, without exception, are sending their campaign contributions overwhelmingly to Clinton over her Republican counterpart. Several agencies, such as the State Department, which Clinton once led, saw more than 99 percent of contributions going to Clinton. Employees of the Department of Justice, which investigated Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of State, gave Clinton 97 percent of their donations. Trump received $8,756 from DOJ employees compared with $286,797 for Clinton. From IRS employees, Clinton received 94 percent of donations. Federal government employees overwhelmingly backed Clinton’s presidential campaign no matter which agency The Hill analyzed using Federal Election Commission data covering donors giving more than $200. Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller said these donation patterns are more evidence of the “rigged system” favoring establishment candidates like Clinton over outsiders like Trump. The Trump campaign has been citing lopsided media donations to Clinton — though there’s no evidence they’re coming from reporters covering Trump — as further evidence that the game is fixed. But David Schultz, a Hamline University Professor of Political Science, said government employees have historically favored Democratic candidates over Republicans both in their voting habits and political contributions made in their personal time. Under the Hatch Act, federal government employees are banned from engaging in political activities, including making campaign contributions, during work hours. “Government employees are, on balance, more moderate or more liberal as opposed to the general population,” Schultz said. “Not across the board, but in general.” Government employees are “more likely to believe in government as opposed to, let’s say, a privatization program,” he added, “programs that we would view as hostile to government.” Republicans typically campaign on promises to slash government payrolls, which helps explain why recent GOP presidential candidates have received the smaller share of donations from government workers. Yet while Republicans usually do worse than Democrats, Trump appears to be doing especially poorly in fundraising from government employees. The 2012 GOP presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, received 14 percent of donations from the same group of agencies surveyed for Trump. Trump received just 5 percent. Romney got close to $300,000 more from these same departments’ employees than Trump has four years later. Comparisons to previous presidential candidates are of limited value, since they took public funding for their general election campaigns. Trump might have had a chance to do better than Romney. He discarded much of Republican orthodoxy during his primary campaign, which could have led some federal employees to believe that he’d be more amenable to big government. He vowed, for example, to leave massive social welfare programs virtually untouched. But Trump also constantly attacked federal institutions. During his primary campaign, he described the federal government as a corrupt, bloated body run by “very, very, stupid people.” Trump vowed “tremendous cutting” of the government in an interview with The Wall Street Journal in January and singled out the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency as agencies he’d slash dramatically if not outright eliminate. Agency employees have likely taken note of Trump’s hostile rhetoric. In the Department of Education’s case, that included Trump’s pledges to hand over control to the states and to fight tooth and nail against Common Core standards. From Department of Education employees this cycle, Trump received three donations totaling $220. Clinton received 724 donations for more than $74,000. In all, she received 99.7 percent of donations from employees of the department. Donations from the State Department, which Clinton ran from 2009 to 2013, were even more slanted in her favor. State Department employees gave Trump 39 donations, for $4,652. Over the same time period, they gave their former boss 2,518 donations, for $425,525. Throughout his campaign, Trump has portrayed himself as a strongman who would toughen up America’s defenses — both militarily and at the border — and who would take care of veterans. It’s probably no coincidence, therefore, that Trump performed best in donations among employees of three agencies: Defense, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs. But even employees of these more Trump-friendly agencies have overwhelmingly contributed to Clinton’s campaign. From Defense employees, Trump received 341 donations for $43,575. Clinton got 2,392 donations for $225,560, giving her 84 percent of the money. From Homeland Security employees, Clinton got 90 percent of the donations, and from Veterans Affairs she took 88 percent. Romney performed significantly better than Trump with employees at all three agencies, receiving, for example, $98,153 from Defense employees, which amounted 21 percent of donations. During the Republican primaries, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said, “Let’s create a little bit of a recession in Washington, D.C., so that we can have economic prosperity outside of Washington.” Fear of such plans might be the truest explanation of these uniformly lopsided donations. Schultz, the Hamline professor, said “self-preservation”— particularly for workers engaged in public sector unions — probably motivates their political giving. “This means support for their jobs,” he said. “Clinton, for the most part, is going to be probably a continuation of more or less what Obama is.” Federal government employees, he said, are likely “more willing to give to somebody who would be more predictable in terms of supporting their livelihood, their jobs, as opposed to somebody who might be less predictable.”)


— Donald Trump, Defending ‘Rigged’ Election Talk, Calls President Obama ‘a Phony’ – ADAM KELSEY


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH BIG COLOR PICTURE: What Drives Donald Trump? – Michael Barbaro  (DIERSEN: What drives you? Defending and advancing the Republican Party platform, the Illinois Republican Party platform, and the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling drives me.  Opposition to the aforesaid documents drives my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes.)
— Voters Fear Their Ballot Won’t Count, Poll Shows – GIOVANNI RUSSONELLO (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors PROMOTE ISLAM.)
— Hillary Clinton’s Resounding Mandate – Frank Bruni  (DIERSEN: Individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors SHOUT THAT CLINTON’S MANDATE IS TO GET RID OF INDIVIDUALS, ORGANIZATIONS, COMPANIES, GOVERNMENTS, AND COUNTRIS THAT ARE Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— If Immigration Can’t Be Stopped, Maybe It Can Be Managed – Eduardo Porter  (DIERSEN: If there had been more immigration during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, the bad jobs that I got washing dishes, cleaning golf shoes, chipping slag, pumping gasoline, delivering mail, working on an automobile assembly line, working as a security guard, selling tires, automotive services, and major appliances, collecting delinquent taxes, and auditing federal agencies would have been given to immigrants instead of to me.)
— College Is the Goal. Will These Three Teenagers Get There? – ANEMONA HARTOCOLLIS (DIERSEN: Who thinks/thought that you are/were not “college material?”  I should write a book about those who thought that I was not “college material.”  They stressed that neither of my parents attended college, that except for my father, none of my ancestors had earned a high school diploma, and that my mother had never attended high school.)


— Managing Driving’s Many Distractions  Technology in cars draws more drivers’ eyes off the road – ANNE MARIE CHAKER


— College Prices Hit New Record Highs in 2016 – Kim Clark  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes stress that college expenses were much lower when I earned my master’s degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997, my master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, my MBA from Loyola in 1976, and my bachelor’s degree in management from NIU in 1970.)


— FRONT PAGE: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-men demonize, denigrate, and condemn men.
— Congress could never control Trump – John J. Pitney Jr.
— The perpetual death of the GOP – Brett McGinness
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Evangelicals demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trump.


— What’s More Distracting Than A Noisy Co-Worker? Turns Out, Not Much – Yuki Noguchi  (DIERSEN: When GAO moved into new space in the new 200 West Adams building in downtown Chicago in 1990, I got a quiet office instead of a noisy cube because I had been promoted in 1986 and I got a preferred office because I had earned almost 12 years of federal seniority before I transferred to GAO in 1980.  Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, and without question, my envy-filled GAO coworkers were furious about that.)


— Vote “no” on the CPS-CTU concessions contract!


— Hillary’s Climate of Hate – Michelle Malkin
— The Ruling Class – John Stossel  (DIERSEN: What do the members of the ruling class in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois think of you?  Do they expect you to pander to them?  Do they expect you to give them money?  Do they expect you to serve as one of their operatives or as one of their dupes?  Who do they glorify and praise?  Who do they demonize, denigrate, and condemn?)

October 18 Morning Edition

— Should I a) limit GOPUSA ILLINOIS email subscriptions and b) password protect
www.gopillinois.com? – Dave Diersen
(THE ARTICLE: GOPUSA ILLINOIS email subscriptions are worth at least $1,000 a year.  The only legitimate reason to read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails is to get information a) to defend and advance the Republican Party platform, the Illinois Republican Party platform, and the Milton Township Central Committee (MTRCC) resolution against video gambling and b) to help elect and reelect Republican candidates who can and will defend and advance the aforesaid.  Far too many read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails to get information to defeat Republican candidates who support a) the traditional family, right to life, immigration, illegal drugs, equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving), Second Amendment, and/or other planks and b) the MTRCC resolution.  Far too many read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails to get information to get rid of those who they cannot manipulate/dominate.  The aforesaid GOPUSA ILLINOIS email readers blame me for their problems, blame me for your problems, blame me for my problems, and blame me for everyone’s problems.  They viciously demonize, denigrate, and condemn my motives and my judgment.  What are the pros and cons if I would a) limit GOPUSA ILLINOIS email subscriptions and b) password protect www.gopillinois.com?)


— Video appears to show lobbyist admitting Dems responsible for inciting violence at Trump rallies – Mike Flannery
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A local attorney who supports Trump was infuriated by what he saw on that videotape and claims it may violate federal law. “Think how cynical these people are to actually pay people – They’re paying their thugs, their goons,” said Doug Ibendahl. “And putting them into these Trump events to do their dirty work.” The conservative video purports to show several boasting they helped provoke the violence at UIC last March that forced Donald Trump to cancel a big rally.  Creamer’s cohorts considered it a victory that Trump was widely condemned for the uproar.)


— Rep. Dold Talks Trump, National Security in Exclusive Interview  Rep. Bob Dold is locked in a tight race with Democrat Brad Schneider, who the congressman unseated in 2014. – Tom Schuba


— ALL OF THE FRONT PAGE: Bean-bag video woman says using n-word ‘wrong,’ but no hate crime – ANDY GRIMM and JORDAN OWEN
— Trump and Giuliani: Both wrong on vote fraud – Lynn Sweet  (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)
— Chicago to hold another police exam in 2017 to start hiring surge – Fran Spielman  (DIERSEN: What examinations have you passed to get jobs?  I passed the a) Post Office employment examination in 1966, b) the Federal Service Entrance Examination in 1970, and c) the CPA examination in 1979.  Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, without question, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes hint/imply/argue/shout that those examinations were rigged in favor of those share my demographics: Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, non-poor, gun owner, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time. But wait, most, if not virtually all of the many who failed the examinations that I passed share most, if not virtually all of my demographics.)


— Women voters to Trump: We’re going to take you down – Dahleen Glanton  (DIERSEN: Democrats have always shouted at women and at everyone else that Republicans have caused, are causing, and will forever cause all the problems that women and everyone else has had, is having, and will have.  Democrats shout at women and at everyone else that Republicans are racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.  Ever-increasingly, Democrats hint/imply/argue/shout that if Clinton is elected, Democrats will get rid of those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Rauner calls idea that he’s heartless ‘baloney’ – Kim Geiger  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about church-goers in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois a) who paint themselves as being GOD’s representative in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois and b) who demonize, denigrate, and condemn members of the following groups as being heartless: Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Illinois business: Let’s make a Cuba trade deal – Robert Reed  (DIERSEN: Democrats and Democrat plants, Libertarians and Libertarian plants, Greens and Green plants, and RINOs always want to empower individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are anti-Republican.)
— The danger of Trump’s rigged election talk – Rex Huppke  (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD IN THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: ‘Rigged’ charge creates bind for election chiefs – Noah Bierman and Michael Memoli  (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)


— Endorsement: Kachiroubas for DuPage circuit court clerk
— Endorsement: Bucholz for DuPage recorder of deeds
— Endorsement: Whelan in DuPage County Forest Preserve Dist. 4


— LaHood, Rodriguez say election isn’t rigged – Doug Finke  (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)


— Sen. Durbin: ‘They haven’t left much ground to be called common’ – Tom Kacich  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote dependency on government, LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, pot and other destructive drugs, race and gender based preference giving, age discrimination, political affiliation discrimination, abolition of the First and Second Amendments, gambling, booze, and other vices, and even worse things.  Ever-increasingly, Democrats make it clear that they want to get rid of those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Rodriguez, LaHood tout bipartisan House goals in debate – Dan Petrella  (DIERSEN: Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform.  In Illinois, if you are not going to defend and advance the Illinois Republican Party platform, you should not seek or hold any kind of government office or political office as a Republican.)


— Aaron Schock among sponsors of new Habitat for Humanity build in Elmwood – Chris Kaergard  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always viciously demonized, denigrated, and condemned me and everyone else for not doing enough to help those in need.  What have you done for those who are in need?  Since 2000, I have provided GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails to anyone who wants them free of charge and without any advertising.  Since 2004, GOPUSA ILLINOIS email subscriptions have been worth at least $1,000 a year.  Since at least 1971, I have paid federal income tax each and every year.  Since 1978, my wife and I have paid the “marriage penalty” big time each and every year.)


— Rubio Dismisses Trump’s Claims About Rigged Election (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)


— Roskam Walks Away After Facing Repeated Questions About Trump – Tony Arnold (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)


— FLASHBACK: Rauner starts Gov. campaign in Peoria, endorsed by Cat CEO


— ‘Decimated’ services for traumatized Chicago students to get federal funding – Kalyn Belsha  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always shouted that I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and that I have always been privileged because my parents sent me to a) Trinity Lutheran Grade School in Crete 1953-1961, b) Hope Lutheran Grade School in Park Forest to stay with the Missouri Synod 1961-1962, and c) Crete-Monee High School 1962-1966.)


— Where Republicans Live in Chicago – WHET MOSER  (DIERSEN: Where do Republicans live in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois?  What do you say to those who hate Republicans, but who move into or stay in Republican areas to hypocritically take advantage of the prosperity and safety that Republican principles bring forth?)


— Dodgers’ Adrian Gonzalez Refused To Stay At Chicago’s Trump Hotel With Team – STEPHEN GOSSETT  (DIERSEN: To boycott Trump is to promote those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Referendum Questions in Naperville


— Illinois Will Continue to Have Uncompetitive Elections without Independent Maps – Carl Wicklander


— The Left’s War On Students – Patrick Hughes (DIERSEN: When were you a student?  I was a part-time student 1992-1997 and 1971-1984 and a full-time student 1953-1970.)


— Support the Free Speech Fairness Act – John Biver


— BIGA: MORE ELECTION DISPUTES COULD ERUPT AFTER NOV 8TH. IT’S HAPPENED BEFORE. (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)


— Republicans play “follow the Rauner” on Trump  (DIERSEN: Your GOPUSA Illinois Editor Dave Diersen does NOT play “follow the Rauner.” Diersen is a Republican who follows the Republican Party platform, the Illinois Republican Party platform, and the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling.  Diersen has always supported all the Republican candidates in general elections.)


— Donald Trump’s Invisible Shackles – Michael Barone  (DIERSEN: Who tries to shackle you?  The following have always tried to shackle me: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Donald Trump’s Kamikaze Mission – Fr. Marcel Guarnizo


— UNDERCOVER VIDEO: DEMOCRATS CAUSED VIOLENCE AT TRUMP RALLIES  “Conflict engagement” means paying leftist agitators, the homeless and the mentally ill, to cause melees at Trump rallies. – Matthew Vadum
— THE ENEMIES WITHIN  A new documentary by Trevor Loudon exposes the subversion of our own government. – Mark Tapson


— Donald Trump’s ‘Rigged Election’ Claims Raise Historical Alarms – ZACHARY ROTH


— What Our Sons Are Learning From Donald Trump – Claire Cain Miller  (DIERSEN: What have our “sons” learned from Bill Clinton?  What have our “daughters” learned from Hillary Clinton?)
— Shameful Silence on Donald Trump’s Lies About Vote-Rigging – Editorial  (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)
— The Big Companies That Avoid Taxes – David Leonhardt  (DIERSEN: What tax loopholes have your critics/opponents, their operatives, or their dupes accused you of taking?  Money Magazine and my Democrat IRS and GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates hinted/implied/argued/shouted that the graduate business courses that took at Loyola 1972-1976, the graduate accounting courses that I took at DePaul 1976-1980, and the graduate finance courses that I took at IIT 1992-1997 were NOT deductible because they a) were not job-related, b) did not help me carry out my job duties, c) were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, and d) were a distraction. To keep their jobs and to get promoted, my Democrat IRS and GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates focused on getting rid of federal employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— Racial profiling, by a computer? Police facial-ID tech raises civil rights concerns. – Craig Timberg  (DIERSEN: Democrats run America.  Democrats run the federal government. Democrats profile members of the following groups very negatively: Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— As Voters Tune Out, Worries Grow About Turnout  African-Americans and young voters show marked declines in interest, a potential problem for Hillary Clinton – AARON ZITNER  (DIERSEN: What are the following doing to increase Republican turnout: your Republican Precinct Committeeman/Captain, the officers of your Republican township/ward party organization, the officers of your Republican county party organization, your representative on the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) State Central Committee, the IRP officers, and the IRP National Committeeman and National Committeewoman?)
— Trump’s ‘Rigged’ Election—and Bernie’s  Donald is wrong, but where do you think he got the idea? – Editorial  (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats in the November 8, 2016 election?)
— The Cheap Moralizing of Never Trump  Trump voters get that the elite contempt for their man is a proxy contempt for them. – WILLIAM MCGURN  (DIERSEN: Who has contempt for you?  I am proud to say that the following have contempt for me: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Yale Believes In Free Speech—and So Do I  We can work to make campuses more inclusive, while at the same time upholding free expression. – PETER SALOVEY (DIERSEN: Who wants to end your First Amendment rights?  The following want to end my First Amendment rights: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE: Public Service Calls; Few CFOs Hear- Maxwell Murphy  (DIERSEN: I became a Certified Government Financial Manager 22 years ago in 1994.)


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Will Millennials vote? Poll finds record support for Clinton, but enthusiasm ebbing – Susan Page and Karina Shedrofsky
— Trump: Maybe Ryan doesn’t want me to win so he can run in 2020 – Eliza Collins  (DIERSEN: Democrats have always shouted at women and at everyone else that Republicans have caused, are causing, and will forever cause all the problems that women and everyone else has had, is having, and will have.  Democrats shout at women and at everyone else that Republicans are racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.  Ever-increasingly, Democrats hint/imply/argue/shout that if Clinton is elected, Democrats will get rid of those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Trump’s misogyny platform: The Donald put women’s place in society on the ballot. He’s not going to like how the vote turns out. – Kirsten Powers
— Kids pick Clinton over Trump in nationwide mock election – Greg Toppo  (DIERSEN: Democrats have always shouted at younger people and at everyone else that Republicans have caused, are causing, and will forever cause all the problems that younger people and everyone else has had, is having, and will have.  Democrats shout at younger people and at everyone else that Republicans are racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things.  Ever-increasingly, Democrats hint/imply/argue/shout that if Clinton is elected, Democrats will get rid of those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— After Trump loses: An ominous American future imagined – Damon Linker  (DIERSEN: (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, and RINOs make it clear that they want to get rid of those individuals, organizations, governments, and countries that are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Chicago teachers prove Rahm has the money – Lee Sustar and Alan Maass


— National Archives Explores Revolutionary Movements: Black Power and Black Lives Matter  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted a) that instead of me, the Post Office should have hired a Black in 1966, b) that the Post Office should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a Black could have my job, c) that instead of me, IRS should have hired a Black in 1971, d) that instead of me, IRS should have promoted Blacks in 1972, 1973, and 1974, e) that instead of me, GAO should have hired a Black in 1980, f) that instead of me, GAO should have promoted a Black in 1986, and g) that GAO should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a Black could have my job and my preferred corner office.)
(FROM THE PRESS RELEASE: Moderated by journalist & author A’Lelia Bundles. Panelists include Congressman Bobby Rush (D-IL), co-founder of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party; Ericka Brown-Abram, author of Black Panther Princess and the daughter of former chair of the Black Panther Party, Elaine Brown; Alicia Garza, co-founder, Black Lives Matter; Jakobi Williams, associate professor of history at Indiana University-Bloomington and author of From the Bullet to the Ballot; and Princess Black, activist and historian. An open reception follows where audience members and panelists may continue the discussion amidst historically significant records relating to social movements in America. Presented in partnership with Say It Loud!, the National Archives African American Employee Affinity Group. Fifty years ago, Stokely Carmichael first publicly uttered the phrase “Black Power” at a rally during the March Against Fear in Mississippi. Four months later, the Black Panther Party was founded in Oakland, California kicking off the movement to secure empowerment and improve the standing of black people in the United States. Today, Black Lives Matter has become a movement advocating for dignity, justice, and respect in the wake of social and judicial tragedies occurring in America.)


— Most Say Media, Not Russians, Tilting the Election  (DIERSEN: In America, the media has always titled elections toward Democrats and toward RINOs.  Because of that, everyone should blame the media for all of America’s past, present, and future problems.)

October 15 Morning Edition

— Metra proposes raising fares by an average of 5.8 percent — $11.75 for monthly passes – Mary Wisniewski
— GM invests millions in Mexico as Ford absorbs blows from Trump – Bloomberg  (DIERSEN: How would Mexico treat a non-Hispanic American citizen who went into Mexico illegally to get a job working for an American company there?)
— Will County concerned about being a ‘dumping ground’ – Susan DeMar Lafferty


— Trump put stop to aides’ bid to research his personal past – Michael Sneed  (DIERSEN: Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, as everyone knows, that if you run as a Christian, as a conservative, and/or as a Republican, sooner or later, Democrats will take anything in your “personal past” that they can spin as being is being anti-Christian, anti-conservative, and/or anti-Republican and splash it all over their television stations, their newspapers, their radio stations, their websites, their etc. to paint you as being a Christian hypocrite, a conservative hypocrite, as a Republican hypocrite, and/or as an etc.-hypocrite.  What do you say to those who paint me as being a Christian hypocrite because I put GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together on Sunday mornings instead of attending Christian church services?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: It’s true. It’s so Donald. It’s totally shocking. In the wake of a report Donald Trump rebuffed attempts by top political aides to research his personal past, Sneed is told Trump personally told them he had “no appetite for a deep dive” into his personal life. “We knew he had this playboy image, but we thought much of his behavior had been covered in the New York tabloid papers due to his divorces from Ivana and Marla Maples,” said a top Trump source familiar with the inner workings of the early stages of the Trump campaign, who requested anonymity. “Besides, it was the beginning of the campaign and we thought for the primary at least we had enough information. Who knew we’d get this far,” said the source, who verified that Trump’s top campaign brass in the early part of his campaign requested a typical vetting examination for people seeking office. “He [Trump] was not interested in such a background evaluation. We were much more focused on his past and present stances on health care and abortion,” added the source. Now fighting a groundswell of female complaints of past Trump behavior and sexual assault, the free media Trump relied on in the past is now working against him. It’s his female critics who have now seized the free TV podium.)
— In hacked WikiLeaks email, Clinton urged to cut off Rahm Emanuel – Lynn Sweet  (DIERSEN: Who urges others to cut you off?  The following urge others to cut me off: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Dold, Schneider agree mental health, substance abuse treatment are priorities – Russell Lissau  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats, Libertarians, and  RINOs want everyone to be stoners.)
— Foster, Khouri debate government’s role in education – Jessica Cilella  (DIERSEN: Democrats run virtually all education in America. Ever-increasingly, those Democrats focus on cranking out “good little Democrats” who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Round Lake Park wants more cash for police pensions – Bob Susnjara  (DIERSEN: The more video gambling that a village has, the more police that village needs, and the more tax revenue that it needs for police pensions.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Village records show in the last financial year, which ended April 30, the state sent about $1.7 million to Round Lake Park as its share of taxes including motor fuel, income and video gambling. Murar said losing any of the state revenue to the pension fund would hurt daily operations. “We’re a small community, a small budget, small operating (expenses),” he said. “It would be very detrimental to the village and those services we provide to the citizens.” No opponents to the ballot question have publicly surfaced. Murar said supporters soon will start knocking on doors as part of a public information campaign.)


— Madigan movie to make small-screen debut – Dan Petrella


— Ex-Illinois youth prison to reopen as ‘life skills’ facility – AP


— Madigan movie to be shown on Decatur TV today – DAN PETRELLA
— Panel promotes putting ex-offenders back to work – THERESA CHURCHILL (DIERSEN: Who paints you to be an “offender?”  The following paint me as being an offender and even worse things: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Durbin hopeful GOP can find footing after election – Adam Studzinski  (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican precinct committeeman/captain?  If Clinton wins, who will the Democrats and the RINOs put in to run a) your township/ward Republican party, b) your county Republican party, and the Illinois Republican Party?  Of course, needless-to-say, the aforesaid will immediately get rid of those who did not demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trump.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Despite the fact he’s a Democrat, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) hopes to see the Republican party find its footing once the election is over. Durbin said he has respect for the GOP, but some of the divisive comments made during the election process so far have “unleashed a force in American politics” he’s never seen. “I’m counting on good, mainstream, conservative Republicans to step up for the good of the country to say, we’ll sit down – and Democrats do the exactly same thing, and say the election has to be behind us. We’ll stand by the president, whoever that may be,” said Durbin. “And we try to find common ground to solve the problems that face this country.” Durbin gave credit to Republicans who have begun backing off their support of Donald Trump. “The recent revelation of what he said to this Billy Bush fellow 11 years ago was the end of it for most,” said Durbin. “And now Paul Ryan, who is nominally the highest ranking Republican in America, has said he will no longer defend the Republican presidential candidate. “I didn’t think I’d live to see the day.” Durbin spoke to students this week on Illinois Wesleyan University’s campus.)


— Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington launches ‘love’ campaign to counter election rhetoric  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about “church members” in government and/or in politics in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who use their “church membership” to destroy a) those who they disapprove of, b) those who are not a member of their church, c) those who they cannot manipulate/dominate, d) those who refuse to serve as their operatives or as their dupes, and d) those who do not give them money.)


— Donald Trump Dismantles Teleprompter at North Carolina Rally


— Poll: Illinois voters prize environment over economic growth


— National Poll: Clinton Leads by 7 Points as Trump Faces Grope Claims
— Trump Lashes Out at Accusers, Says Allegations Are All Lies


— Jails serve as way stations for mentally ill – AP


— Postal Service Not Delivering on Pension Promises – BRIAN MCNICOLL


— Poll shows America divided by color and age on respect for the national anthem  (DIERSEN: Democrats focus on dividing those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors AGAINST THOSE WHO ARE Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Buying Votes: Hillary proposes doubling the child tax credit with taxpayer money
— San Antonio cops face discipline for wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ hats in Twitter video
— Hundreds of Seattle teachers to wear ‘Black Lives Matter’ shirts in class
— Who’s Behind ‘Shock and Awe’ Against Trump?
— ACLU, Human Rights Watch calls for legalization of all personal drug use  (DIERSEN: To promote “legalization of all personal drug use” in America is to promote the destruction of America.)
— The Media-Clinton Collusion Exposed




— Donald Trump chased by new problems after more women make accusations  (DIERSEN: If you demonize, denigrate, or condemn Trump, the following will love you: those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Trump accuses Clinton and media of trying to ‘poison the minds’ of voters  (DIERSEN: How do you treat your accusers?  So far, because my policy has been to forgive those who trespass against me, I have forgiven them.  My accusers are emboldened because they know that I have the aforesaid policy.  Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, I reserve my right to abandon the aforesaid policy.)


— Handguns Are the New Home Security – JULIE TURKEWITZ and TROY GRIGGS  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, those who break into people’s homes should expect to leave in a body bag.)
— In New York City, Hundreds Become U.S. Citizens Just in Time to Vote – LIZ ROBBINS  (DIERSEN: Democrats run America.  Democrats run the federal government.  Democrats shout at new citizens that Republicans have caused, are causing, and will cause all the problems that new citizens have had, are having, and will have.  Democrats paint Republicans far worse than Hitler painted the Jews.)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Donald Trump Assails His Accusers as Liars, and Unattractive – ALEXANDER BURNS and NICK CORASANITI
— Donald Trump’s Barrage of Heated Rhetoric Has Little Precedent – JONATHAN MARTIN
— Burning Down the House – Timothy Egan
— How Dictatorships Are Born – Roger Cohen  (DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats make it clear that if Clinton is elected, Democrats will use the federal government to get rid of those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Donald Trump isn’t going to like this new report about his campaign’s impact on his businesses – Ana Swanson  (DIERSEN: What impact have your demographics (including your political affiliation, your gender, your race, your age, your religion, your national origin, your being a veteran or not, your health, your financial condition, your marital status, your having dependents or not, how long your ancestors have been in America, etc.) had on your life so far?)
— Can Donald Trump be saved by the bell? – Colbert I. King


— Donald Trump Fends Off New Sexual Misconduct Claims, Calling Allegations a Conspiracy  Republican candidate says ‘this whole thing is one big fix’ – REID J. EPSTEIN
— America’s Decadent Leadership Class  Putin doesn’t respect them, and they don’t like half the American people. – PEGGY NOONAN  (DIERSEN: Who looks down on you?  I should write a book about those who have religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who look down on me.  They have their operatives and their dupes destroy those like me who refuse to serve as their operatives and their dupes.)
— Trump and the Emasculated Voter  There’s only one way to protect the nation from Hillary Clinton, and that is to vote for Donald Trump. – DAVID GELERNTER
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Since when has the American public endorsed affirmative action? Yet it’s a major factor in the lives of every student and many workers. Since when did we decide that men and women are interchangeable in hand-to-hand combat on the front lines? Why do we insist on women in combat but not in the NFL? Because we take football seriously. That’s no joke; it’s the sad truth. Did we invite the federal bureaucracy to take charge of school bathrooms? I guess I missed that meeting. The schools are corrupt and the universities rotten to the core, and everyone has known it since the 1980s. But the Democrats are owned by the teachers unions, and Republicans have made only small-scale corrections to a system that needs to be ripped out and carefully disposed of, like poison ivy.)
— The Tax Breaks Available to Donald Trump—And You  Owners of rental real estate have long enjoyed a number of tax benefits – LAURA SAUNDERS  (DIERSEN: What “tax beaks” have you taken advantage of?  I deducted what I paid to earn job-related master’s degrees in 1976, 1980, and 1997.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always viciously demonized me, viciously denigrated me, and viciously condemned me for doing that.  They hint/imply/argue/shout that the courses a) were not job-related, b) did not help me carry out my job duties, c) were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, and d) were a distraction.)


— Donald Trump Mocks Accusers, Calls Them Unattractive and Liars – AP  (DIERSEN: How do you treat your accusers?  So far, because my policy has been to forgive those who trespass against me, I have forgiven them.  My accusers are emboldened because they know that I have the aforesaid policy.  Of course, obviously, needless-to-say, I reserve my right to abandon the aforesaid policy.)


— Trump suing the New York Times could open the door for even more scandal  Donald Trump might sue the New York Times. The Times might just want that to happen. – JASON ABBRUZZESE (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes should be aware that I have filed many lawsuits.)


— How Rudy Giuliani became Trump’s attack dog – Paul Schwartzman and Ben Terris  (DIERSEN: Who serves as attack dogs for your critics/opponents?  The attack dogs that my critics/opponents have are pathetic losers.  I should write a book about them.)


— Group Home Operator to Pay $7.2Million in Wrongful-Death Case – AP


— Democrats Are Getting Close To Retaking The Senate – Dan Payne


— Despite week of damage, observers worry Trump still on solid ground – Charles D. Ellison


— Pope sends US church message with cardinal choices – AP  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, the Catholic Church acts like it is an arm of the anti-Christian, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, and anti-American Democrat Party.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Pope Francis named 17 new cardinals on Oct. 9, adding like-minded prelates from dioceses big and small to the club who will elect the next pope. Three were Americans in a clear signal to the conservative U.S. church hierarchy that Francis wants moderate pastors at the helm of the U.S. church. The U.S. appointments also sent a more subtle political message, weeks before the U.S. election, with the surprise pick of Indianapolis Archbishop Joseph Tobin. Tobin has openly opposed efforts by Indiana Gov. Michael Pence, now Donald Trump’s running mate, to bar Syrian refugees from being resettled in the state. A U.S. federal appeals court recently used stinging language in a ruling that will prevent the Republican vice presidential candidate from barring refugee resettlement in Indiana for now. Francis has made the plight of refugees one of the hallmarks of his papacy, even bringing a dozen Syrian refugees home with him from Lesbos, Greece. He has asserted that anyone who wants to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border to keep out migrants — as Trump has proposed — is “not Christian.” “You can find a political message” in the Tobin appointment, said Massimo Faggioli, a Villanova University expert on the Vatican.)


— National save for retirement week
http://davediersen.blogspot.com and http://capitalfax.blogspot.com
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Congress has dedicated the third week of October as National Save for Retirement Week. Clearly, the government feels the need to urge people to do a better job of preparing for retirement. Are you doing all you can?  Many of your peers aren’t – or at least they think they aren’t. In a recent survey conducted by Bankrate.com, respondents reported that “not saving for retirement early enough” was their biggest financial regret. Other evidence seems to show they have good cause for remorse: 52 percent of households 55 and older haven’t saved anything for retirement, according to a report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office, although half of this group reported having a pension.)


— Illinois CPA Society seeks minority college students for ‘Mary T. Washington’ internship program – SEAN MCCABE  (DIERSEN: My Democrat IRS superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates were furious that I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979; it frustrated their efforts to paint me as being stupid and lazy.  Few of them had attempted to pass the examination, even fewer eventually passed it, and very few passed it on their first attempt.  My Democrat GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates were furious that I passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981; it frustrated their efforts to paint me as being stupid and lazy.  Few of them had attempted to pass the examination, even fewer eventually passed it, and very few passed it on their first attempt.)


— Life after Trump: Republicans brace for betrayal and civil war after 2016  At least three factions prepare to fight for the party, divided amid Donald Trump’s accusations of corruption and his appeals to fading demographics – David Smith and Ben Jacobs (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican precinct committeeman/captain?  If Clinton wins, who will the Democrats and the RINOs put in to run a) your township/ward Republican party, b) your county Republican party, and the Illinois Republican Party?  Of course, needless-to-say, the aforesaid will immediately get rid of those who did not demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trump.)

October 11 Morning Edition

— Rauner slams Trump for remarks captured on video – AP  (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican?  If the Democrat news media asked Rauner to slam you, what would Rauner say?)


— Obama Describes Trump As Insecure During Duckworth Fundraiser  (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican?  If the Democrat news media asked Obama to describe you, what would Obama say?)


— Lake County state’s attorney debate focuses on history of wrongful convictions – Emily K. Coleman
— Kirk gets animal cruelty group backing against Duckworth – Rick Pearson
— At second debate, Trump at odds with everyone – Dana Milbank
— Donald Trump’s vile candidacy is chemotherapy for the GOP – George Will  (DIERSEN: If you do not demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trump, George Will wants to get rid of you.)
— Millennial traits shape economy  Millennials aren’t big spenders or risk takers, and that’s going to reshape the economy – Don Lee  (DIERSEN: What did you spend your money on when you were under 35?  For me, it was college expenses, new cars, real estate, etc. What risks did you take when you were under 35?  For me, it was seeking and accepting draft deferments; earning a job-related bachelor’s degree and two job-related master’s degrees; passing the CPA examination and the Certified Internal Auditor examination; becoming a licensed CPA; not becoming a Democrat; accepting job offers from Firestone Stores, Oldsmobile, IRS, and GAO; getting married; etc.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: They’re known for bouncing around jobs, delaying marriage and holing up in their parents’ basements. Dubbed recently as the “children of the Great Recession” by Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, millennials are the best educated and most diverse population of young people in U.S. history. They are also perhaps the most coddled, some would say spoiled. As they emerge this year as the United States’ largest demographic group — some 75 million strong — millennials are taking up the mantle as the most impactful generation since the baby boomers. Their influence has started slowly, due largely to the economic instability that has left many struggling to find good-paying jobs and saddled with staggering student loan debt. But millennials — adults under 35 — are certain to shape the economy for decades to come. And their coming of age in the midst of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression has bred distinct traits that could pose special challenges for the nation’s future growth and prosperity. For starters, millennials are not big spenders, at least not in the traditional sense. Millennials tend to prefer experiences over buying things and accumulating stuff. To them, an impressive selfie capturing a memorable moment is, in some sense, as enviable as a new car or fancy watch was to their parents.)
— Donald Trump fired Illinois native Maria Kanellis for ‘locker room’ talk – Tracy Swartz
— At stake: The Constitution – Cal Thomas
— Trump’s biggest debate lie was calling sexual assault ‘locker room talk’ – Rex Huppke


— Election day voter registration limits gone, but why wait – Mark Brown


— FRONT PAGE: Suburban Republicans in Congress weigh words on Trump carefully – Kerry Lester and Robert Sanchez
— In split, Ryan stumping for House GOP but not for Trump – AP
— Endorsements: Whelan in DuPage County Forest Preserve Dist. 4
— Endorsements: Elliott in DuPage County Board Dist. 4
— Endorsements: Grasso, Krajewski in DuPage County Board Dist. 3
— Endorsement: Russell for Kane County coroner
— 6th Congressional District candidates differ on fighting ISIS – Robert Sanchez
— Rolling Meadows pastor James MacDonald on Trump’s own evangelical council denounces him – Sarah Pulliam Bailey  (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican?  If the Democrat news media asked MacDonald to denounce you, what would MacDonald say?)


— Durbin likens Trump to ‘banana republic’ leader  (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican?  If the Democrat news media asked Durbin to liken you to someone bad, what would Durbin say?)


— Who’s losing on legal gambling? Looks like those who can least afford it – Editorial  (DIERSEN: Gambling is a vice.  If you promote gambling, you promote vice.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: During the first eight months of the year, gamblers dropped $18.9 million into video poker machines in the city of Kankakee.  Daily Journal senior reporter Lee Provost recently reported on video poker totals in his weekly business column. The numbers were sobering — and staggering. In Kankakee, $4.3 million was “lost” in the machines. Ask yourself this. Who can afford to lose $4.3 million? The totals wagered from Kankakee add up to roughly all the totals from Aroma Park, $811,751; Bradley, $8.5 million; Bourbonnais, $1.8 million; Manteno, $6.3 million; and Momence, $2 million — combined. Here’s what this tells you. A disproportionate number of the terminals, or the wagers, or both, are coming from middle class and lower middle class areas. Does it make sense that Kankakee’s wagers are 10 times those of Bourbonnais? When video gambling was legalized, the initial thought seemed to be to help out small restaurants and taverns. Instead, what has happened is the creation of mini-professional storefronts that have rows of machines. A discussion of Aroma Park’s experience indicated that is where the money is flowing now. One mainstream Aroma Park restaurant no longer operates its machines. In addition, one local mayor quoted indicated that she had not seen many cars in front of one wagering establishment. Translation: It might be that a small number of people are losing a lot of money. Moreover, the amounts wagered are escalating rapidly — up by a third or more in half a dozen communities. Now, we would not want to be Carry Nation with the ax, crusading against demon rum. It would be impossible to go back to no gambling. But a wide range of studies estimates that somewhere from 1 to 2 percent of the population can be classified as being “problem gamblers.” These are people who don’t know when to stop, and show up to follow a bad day with another long session to get even. So, in the pile of proceeds being raked in by the state, we ask a question: Is enough money being set aside to help those who will need help? Much like cigarette taxes, the government seems to need and relish the money. Unlike tobacco, are we warning people enough?)


— Rauner, Madigan Approval Ratings Low


— Kirk Says Republicans Nominated the Wrong Guy for President – TONY ARNOLD  (DIERSEN: Given the likelihood of Kirk’s defeat, one could say that about the U.S. Senate seat too.)


— Illinois governor slams Trump for remarks captured on video – AP  (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican?  If the Democrat news media asked Rauner to slam you, what would Rauner say?)


— Rauner, Kirk Criticize Trump For Language – TONY ARNOLD  (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican?  If the Democrat news media asked Rauner and Kirk to criticize you, what would they say?)


— Rauner and Kirk Slam Trump for Comments on Women  (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican?  If the Democrat news media asked Rauner and Kirk to slam you, what would they say?)


— Illinois campaign sign rules and shenanigans – Michelle Madaras
— Tensions flare as Republicans clash over Trump – AP


— Gov. Rauner Speaks Out About Trump’s Comments in 2005  (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican?  If the Democrat news media asked Rauner to speak out against you, what would Rauner say?)


— Illinois Politicians Bustos, Durbin, and Gutierrez Get Close-Up View of Presidential Debate – AMANDA VINICKY


— Marwig and McAuliff: State lawmaker race holds high stakes for students – Terrie Albano


    — Illinois governor slams Trump for remarks captured on video – AP  (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican?  If the Democrat news media asked Rauner to slam you, what would Rauner say?)


— 2.51 percent of people in Medinah receive food stamps


— DuPage Public Guardian / County Board Member Donald Puchalski Seeks AG Opinion – John Kraft


— InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Causes Uproar By Affirming Scripture – Laurie Higgins


— “The Chicago Tribune Editorial Board has no Republicans”
— Kirk says Trump could cost Republicans both the Senate and the House
— Rauner finally speaks out against Trump, but won’t say if he still supports him  (DIERSEN: Are you a Republican?  If the Democrat news media asked Rauner to speak out against you, what would Rauner say?)
— Republicans sticking with the Madigan “issue”
— Anti-Rauner TV ad launched by new federal super PAC


— Clinton’s vow to push Supreme Court left galvanizes conservatives wary of Trump –  S.A. Miller  (DIERSEN: Clinton makes it clear that she would use the U.S. Supreme Court to get rid of those individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Muslims march in Dearborn  (DIERSEN: Islam is more like a political party or a country without borders than a religion.)
— Media Bias Makes Him Stronger – Cliff Kincaid
— It Wasn’t a Town Hall Meeting, It Was a Town Hall Ambush
— In Chicago the carnage rolls on


— Speaker Ryan: Every man for himself, forget Trump – J. Marsolo  (DIERSEN: How soon, if not already, will Ryan call for the dissolution of the Republican Party, for the creation of a “Paul Ryan Party?”)
— Trump and the Surrender Caucus of the GOP – Jared E. Peterson


— When Things Fall Apart – WILLIAM MURCHISON


— Reince Priebus not Leaving Trump’s Side – Cathy Burke


— DHS: By the Way, We Barely Stopped Half of Illegal Border Crossings Last Year – Guy Benson


— Clinton Email Scandal: Hillary’s Hypocrisy And Media’s Bias Revealed – Editorial


— Trump unleashes tweetstorm on Ryan, widening GOP divide


— Inside Ryan’s decision to (almost) dump Trump  The speaker might still fully rescind his endorsement before Nov. 8, sources told POLITICO. – Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan


— For G.O.P. Candidates, Renouncing Donald Trump Carries Dire Risks – MAGGIE HABERMANO  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, those “Republican” activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, fundraisers, etc. who renounce Trump, plan on using a Trump defeat to drive out of the Republican Party those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Were He Seeking Any Other Job, Trump Would Be Flagged by H.R. – Andrew Ross Sorkin  (DIERSEN: Many millions have not and will not seek a job with the federal government a) because the pay and benefits are terrible, b) because the advancement opportunities are terrible, c) because they lack required education, work experience, professional certifications, and/or professional licenses, d) because they cannot pass an employment examination, e) because they cannot pass a background investigation, f) because they cannot pass a physical examination, g) because they cannot take the demonization, denigration, and condemnation that comes with being a federal employee or federal retiree, and/or h) because they are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran and they know that the federal government discriminates against its employees who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Donald Trump describes himself as a businessman. And he says he wants to run the government more like a business. But would any business hire Mr. Trump? It isn’t a trivial question. Given the Republican presidential nominee’s vulgar boasts about sexually assaulting women and trying to coerce a woman to commit adultery with him — among other things — it is hard to believe he could get past the human resources department of a Fortune 500 company. Over the last decade, much of corporate America has put in place strict policies to deal with sexual harassment and other offensive behavior, trying to make amends for an abhorrent history of letting such conduct go unchecked (remember “Mad Men”?). Hiring procedures at large companies, particularly for senior positions, include extensive background checks, which typically include interviewing former colleagues and combing through articles, court records and, yes, social media. Thousands of employees have been fired or pushed out for using far less repugnant language than Mr. Trump’s words about how he gropes women. Walmart, the nation’s largest employer, with some 2.2 million employees, has explicit policies, for example, that prohibit “sexually explicit language, off-color jokes, remarks about a person’s body” as well as “using slurs or negative stereotyping,” “verbal kidding, teasing or joking” and “intimidating acts, such as bullying or threatening.” By those definitions, it is not clear if Mr. Trump would qualify to be hired as a janitor, let alone a senior executive. A spokesman for Walmart, asked whether Mr. Trump’s comments would disqualify him from employment there, said: “We’ve got a policy of not entertaining hypotheticals.” Mr. Trump has apologized for his language, which he described as “locker room talk.” But he used the language while on the job; he was recorded on a live microphone while working to promote “The Apprentice,” his popular reality show.)
— Trump’s Threat to Jail Clinton Erodes Democracy, Experts Say – MAX FISHER and AMANDA TAUB  (DIERSEN: Constructively, Clinton promises, if elected, to use the federal government to give those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors WHAT THEY WANT.)
— Donald Trump’s Sad, Lonely Life – David Brooks
— Count Trump Among the Takers – BRYCE COVERT  (DIERSEN: Are you a taker?  Should everyone be required to publicly disclose how much federal income tax that they have paid in each of the last 10, 20, 30, 40, 50+ years?  Since 1978, my wife and I have paid more federal income tax because we pay the marriage penalty.  SEE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_penalty)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Because Donald J. Trump hasn’t released his tax returns, we don’t know exactly what portion of his fortune he has sent the federal government. But in the second presidential debate, he confirmed that there were a number of years where he paid nothing at all. A week ago, The Times published his partial state tax returns from 1995 that show a substantial business loss that could have allowed him to avoid paying income taxes for nearly two decades. When asked by the moderator Anderson Cooper whether he indeed used the loss to get out of a tax bill, Mr. Trump replied, “Of course I do.”  But rather than attempt to convince the American people that he had paid his fair share of taxes, Mr. Trump has vociferously defended the virtue of his ways, even arguing that paying nothing makes him fit to be president. “That makes me smart,” he retorted when presented with the idea during the first presidential debate. He told the Fox host Bill O’Reilly two days later, “A lot of people say, ‘That’s the kind of thinking that I want running this nation.’ ” He’s now calling it “brilliant.” Mr. Trump’s assertion that people should pay as little as they can in taxes — because, as he told Mr. O’Reilly, the government will “waste the money” — fits with quite an old conservative ideology. The government is bloated, inefficient and trampling on freedoms, the thinking goes; therefore, it deserves as little of our tax money to prop it up as possible. It’s no coincidence that Mr. Trump proposed a tax cut during the primary that was unprecedented, costing the government about double the revenue as would have been lost to Mitt Romney’s plan.)


— Clinton sees new opportunities to woo Republicans in Trump’s troubles – John Wagner and Anne Gearan
— Video fallout: Republican lawmakers abandon Trump – AP


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Lewd Trump tape hurts vulnerable GOP senators, puts Senate control at risk – Erin Kelly
— Trump defections leave ruby-red Utah more uncertain – David DeMille
— GOP deserves to go down with Trump. Republicans had many chances to fix this. It’s rank hypocrisy to bail and ask for a do-over. –  Gabriel Schoenfeld


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: GOP Feuds Over Support for Donald Trump  Republicans openly bickered Monday as they found themselves at risk of losing the presidency, the Senate and maybe even the House – JANET HOOK and REID J. EPSTEIN
— Rebuff of Donald Trump Puts Paul Ryan in a Bind  House speaker draws outrage after he says he won’t campaign for the nominee – SIOBHAN HUGHES and KRISTINA PETERSON
— Donald Trump Is Starting to Look Like an Independent Candidate  If the GOP nominee wins the election, he would have to generate a lot of popular support around the country to make up for lost party loyalty in Washington. – GERALD F. SEIB
— Trump, Reality and the GOP  A Pelosi House is becoming a real election possibility. – Editorial
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, WSJ promotes Democrats.


— Texas Republicans are sticking with Donald Trump after the debate – Asher Price and Jonathan Tilove


— Arizona Republican Party chair splits with McCain on Trump – AP


— Hillary Clinton urges voters to resist cynicism during Detroit campaign stop – Sabrina Siddiqui  (DIERSEN: Constructively, Clinton promises, if elected, to use the federal government to give those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors WHAT THEY WANT.)
— Trump marches on amid spiraling disaster of Republican party desertion – Ed Pilkington and Lauren Gambino
— Paul Ryan deserts Trump campaign but won’t formally drop endorsement – Dan Roberts, Sabrina Siddiqui, and Ben Jacobs


— More Voters Waiting Until Election Day To Cast Ballots

October 5 Morning Edition

— New Poll Shows Clinton, Duckworth With Big Leads in Illinois  Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Tammy Duckworth have opened up big leads in Illinois, according to a new poll released Tuesday. – Tom Schuba
— Comptroller Munger Talks Relationship with Rauner, Campaign  In an exclusive interview with Ward Room, the comptroller touched on her relationship with Rauner, the campaign and her vision for the future of the state. – Tom Schuba


— Sex Abuse Survivor Scott Cross Urges Lawmakers To Change State Statues On Child Sex Abuse – Lisa Fielding
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Scott Cross made headlines when he testified that former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert abused him when he was a wrestler at Yorkville High School in the late 1970’s. He says sometimes it takes a lifetime for survivors to come forward. “I understand that the average age that an individual is willing to come forward is roughly 42 years of age. Our current state stops at age 38. It is unbelievably hard to step forward and confront a person of power and trust in somebody that you idolized and respect,” said Cross, who is now 54. He is also the brother of former Republican statehouse leader Tom Cross.)


— Did Hillary and Bill pave the way for The Donald? – John Kass
— Emanuel, Mendoza try for two-fer on mentoring money – Hal Dardick  (DIERSEN: What happened to your mentors?  My Democrat IRS superiors got rid of my IRS mentor who promoted me in 1972, 1973, and 1974. My Democrat GAO superiors got rid of my GAO mentor who hired me in 1980, who got me assigned to audits of IRS in 1986, and who promoted me in 1986.)
— Chicago casino back in play? Why you shouldn’t bet on it – Robert Reed  (DIERSEN: Gambling is a vice.  If you promote gambling, you promote vice.)
— Some MBA programs are receiving fewer applications. Here’s why. – Ally Marotti  (DIERSEN: Do you have an MBA?  In 1971, IRS hired me as a GS-7 (currently $43,915) Revenue Officer.  Back then, IRS encouraged its Revenue Officers to take graduate courses in business, accounting, and law.  In 1972, I started taking graduate business courses at Loyola, I deducted the courses, and earned an MBA in 1976. However, it became increasing clear that my Democrat IRS superiors wanted to replace me with someone who was a Democrat, a minority, a female, younger than me, and/or a veteran. In keeping with that, in 1978, my Democrat IRS superiors disallowed all the aforesaid courses. They hinted/implied/argued/shouted that the courses a) were not job-related, b) did not help me carry out my job duties, c) were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, d) qualified me for a new trade or business, and e) were a distraction.  I took IRS to Tax Court and I won, the court allowed all my graduate business courses.  However, the court disallowed the graduate accounting courses that I had taken at DePaul 1976-1978 by accepting my Democrat IRS superiors’ argument that those courses qualified me for a new trade or business.)
— Quick wit of Paul Green recalled with laughter, tears – Kim Janssen


— Vice presidential hopefuls trade jabs — about Clinton and Trump – Tina Sfondeles


— Endorsement: Olsen in House Dist. 81
— Endorsement: Breen for House District 48
— Endorsement: Jesiel in House District 61
— Endorsement: Reicks for House District 63
— FRONT PAGE: How much municipal executives’ cars are costing suburban taxpayers – Jake Griffin  (DIERSEN: Do/did your employer(s) pay you to dive your car(s)?  If I sought a government office or a political office, my critic/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes would stress that the Park Forest Post Office paid me to deliver mail with my 1966 Pontiac Tempest Sprint, my 1968 Oldsmobile 442, and my 1969 Dodge Charger SE and that IRS paid me to collect delinquent taxes with my 1962 Chevy BelAir.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps hint/imply/argue/shout that Rauner is an anti-Trump.  Of course, needless-to-say, Democrats hint/imply/argue/shout that if you are an anti-Trump, you are a Democrat or a RINO.)
— Local officials, residents voice frustrations over gambling growth  Home-rule cities better equipped to limit gambling – PAM EGGEMEIER


— Illinois comptroller candidates to participate in TV debate October 25


— Endorsement: Illinois Senate District 26: Dan McConchie
— Endorsement: Illinois Senate District 32: Pam Althoff


— Voters urged to return Frese to House – Editorial


— Batavia Mayor Schielke forecasts tough 2017  State budget woes could affect local funding – Mark Foster


— Eric Trump: Father has paid a ‘tremendous amount of tax’  ‘Listen, when the audit is over, my father will release’ his tax returns – CNN (DIERSEN: Should everyone involved in journalism, government, politics, etc. be required to publicly disclose how much federal income tax that they paid during each of the last 10, 20, 30, 40, 50+ years?  Democrats always want Republicans to pay more federal income tax.  To make me pay more federal income tax, the Democrats who ran Money Magazine and IRS disallowed by education deductions in 1978.  They hinted/implied/argued/shouted that the graduate business and accounting courses that I took a) were not job-related, b) did not help me carry out my job duties, c) were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, and d) were a distraction.)


— Candidate Q&As: 101st Illinois House District – Tom Kacich


— Dennis Hastert Abuse Victim Shares His Story – JORDAN ABUDAYYEH/FO
— Rauner Administration Renegotiates ‘Toxic’ Interest Rate Swap Deals – JORDAN ABUDAYYEH


— Downers Grove D-99 boasts higher ACT scores, AP and honors enrollment – NATHAN LURZ (DIERSEN: When you were in high school, who thought that you were “college material?” Very few thought that I was “college material” a) because I washed dishes for the minimum wage during my Junior and Senior years in high school, b) because my father never attended college and was the first of his ancestors to earn a high school diploma, and c) because my mother never attended high school. Nevertheless, UIC accepted me in 1966 a) because I had taken college preparatory courses, because I was in the upper 20% of my class, and because my ACT score was 24.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: To promote pot in America is to promote the destruction of America.


— Mayor’s Gun Violence Solution Met with Skepticism by Students and Faculty – Elizabeth Czapski


— Springfield’s race hits COD – Vandy Manyeh
— Audit reveals 19 points for improvement for College of DuPage – Bridget Kingston  (DIERSEN: What do you know about performance auditing? I worked for GAO doing performance audits for almost 18 years, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 levels (currently $92,632-$120,427).  I passed the CPA and Certified Internal Auditor examinations on my first attempt.  I am a licensed CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Government Financial Manager, Certified Financial Services Auditor, and Forensic Accountant.  I worked for IRS for almost 9 years, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 levels (currently $77,899-$88,286).  I have a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The Illinois Auditor General released its performance audit on College of DuPage on Wednesday Sept. 28, offering 19 recommendations for the Board of Trustees to improve oversight, operations and transparency. The college agrees with all 19 points. The report examined whether the college fulfilled its responsibilities during fiscal years 2011 through 2014, revealing that the board of trustees was not evaluating former President Robert Breuder’s performance annually, as is required by policy. Lack of oversight and approval of financial investments, contracts and budget transfers also raised questions.)




— VP Debate: Kaine Comes Off as First-Rate Jerk
— Communists Mobilize for Hillary Clinton
— Dead voters and other horror stories  (DIERSEN: Wheaton Cemetery (http://www.wheatoncemetery.org/) and St. Michael Cemetery (https://www.facebook.com/pages/St-Michael-Cemetery/117332434952418) are both in my precinct.)


— IGNORE THE ANKLE-BITERS – Kent Kellar  (DIERSEN: Who are the lead ankle-biters in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois?)


— Pence: ‘We Have a Deportation Force. It’s Called Immigration and Customs Enforcement’ – Susan Jones


— Kaine Rattles Off List Of Seemingly Everyone Trump Owes An Apology To – MATT SHUHAM  (DIERSEN: Who do your critic/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes want you to apologize to?  Of course, needless-to-say, my critic/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes want me to apologize to them, to you, and to everyone else.)
— Pence Defends Trump’s Insults By Bringing Up ‘Basket Of Deplorables’
— Trump Team Debate Takeaway: Pence Is Proof That Trump Has Good Judgment – LAUREN FOX


— BEYOND OUTRAGEOUS: Libertarian Gary Johnson gets the most backing of Harvard Republican Club members


— Immigration makes its first appearance in the VP debate – W. JAMES ANTLE III
— Kaine claims Trump wants to deport 16 million illegal aliens – ANNA GIARITELLI


— RNC’s Priebus declares Trump ‘a role model’ – Brent Griffiths (DIERSEN: In your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois, who do those who have the most religious, government, political, and/or financial clout declare to be role models?)


— RNC: Kaine interrupted over 70 times – Peter Schroeder


— Tim Kaine Rips Donald Trump For Avoiding Taxes  Trump claims the move was smart. “I guess that makes the rest of us stupid,” Kaine said. – Ben Walsh
— As Donald Trump Tweets Insults, Mike Pence Says Hillary Clinton Has An ‘Insult-Driven’ Campaign  Has he seen what Trump has said? – Paige Lavender


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Those who are anti-Black and/or anti-Republican demonize, denigrate, and condemn Black Republicans.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats shout that non-Democrats are racists.  Ever-increasingly, Democrats shout that if Clinton is elected, Democrats will get rid of non-Democrats.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trump.


— ARTICLE TITLE IN THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: How Facebook could swing the election – Caitlin Dewey  (DIERSEN: What do you say to those who talk and act like Facebook IS the internet?  From what I see, those who dominate Facebook are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Pence Defends Donald Trump’s Use of Tax Code  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes side with IRS’s disallowance of my education deductions.)
— Fact-Checking Family Folklore With DNA Tests  Americans are digging up surprises about their immigrant ancestors using DNA testing and online genealogy research – CAMERON MCWHIRTER  (DIERSEN: What is your national origin?  During the 1840s and 1850s, all my ancestors immigrated to northeast Illinois from what is now Germany.  Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always used that against me. In my defense, I stress that my grandfather on my father’s side fought the Germans during WWI, that my uncles on my mother’s side fought the Germans during WWII, and that my father would have fought the Germans during WWII if he had not been 4-F.  Further, according to http://dna.ancestry.com, my ancestry is 33% Europe West, 28% Scandinavia, 24% Great Britain, 11% Ireland, 2% Europe East, 1% Finland/Northwest Russia, and 1% Italy/Greece.)


— Trump Calls Tax Avoidance ‘Smart’ But Most Americans Call It ‘Unpatriotic’ – Reuters  (DIERSEN: What tax avoidance steps have you taken?  Money Magazine and my Democrat IRS and GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates hinted/implied/argued/shouted that the graduate business courses that took at Loyola 1972-1976, the graduate accounting courses that I took at DePaul 1976-1980, and the graduate finance courses that I took at IIT 1992-1997 were NOT deductible because they a) were not job-related, b) did not help me carry out my job duties, c) were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, and d) were a distraction. To keep their jobs and to get promoted, my Democrat IRS and GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates focused on getting rid of federal employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— Kaine Resembles ‘Evil Crook’ From Batman Movies, Trump Retweets


— Black Burdens, White Wages, and the Persistence of Economic Inequality  A new report finds that the racial wage gap has widened since 1979. – SHAUN OSSEI-OWUSU  (DIERSEN: What have you done that harms Blacks?  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted a) that instead of me, the Post Office should have hired a Black in 1966, b) that the Post Office should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a Black could have my job, c) that instead of me, IRS should have hired a Black in 1971, d) that instead of me, IRS should have promoted Blacks in 1972, 1973, and 1974, e) that instead of me, GAO should have hired a Black in 1980, f) that instead of me, GAO should have promoted a Black in 1986, and g) that GAO should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a Black could have my job and my preferred corner office.)

October 1 Evening Edition

— President Obama Hosts Early Illinois Supporters at White House Party – Mary Ann Ahern
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The guest list for Friday night’s party included former Senate President Emil Jones, who was considered instrumental in Obama’s rise from the state senate to the U.S. Senate, along with former Republican State Senator Kirk Dillard. Back in 2007, Dillard was featured in a television ad campaign for Obama, highlighting the then-junior senator’s support from both parties. That same ad later played a negative role in Dillard’s failed GOP primary campaign for governor.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump Overshadows His own Economic Message.”


— Rauner-Madigan money trees sprouting millions – Mick Dumke and Tina Sfondeles  (DIERSEN: What do you give to Republican organizations, to Republican activists, to Republican candidates, to Republican elected officials, to Republican party leaders, to Republican major donors, and to Republican political consultants?  I have given the aforesaid GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails free of charge and without any advertising since 2000. Those emails have gone out every morning since 2004 and each and every evening since 2015 and they have included links to more than 246,400 articles.)
— Obama hosted “thank-you” reception Friday for old Illinois pals – Lynn Sweet
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Among the attendees: former Senate President Emil Jones, who gave a green state senator a boost early in his career; Dan Shoman, who managed Obama’s 2000 House race and advised his Senate bid; state Senate President John Cullerton; state Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie; former state Sen. Kirk Dillard; state Sen. Jacqueline Collins; state Sen. Mattie Hunter; state Rep. Will Davis; Audra Wilson, who worked on Obama’s Senate campaign; former state Rep. Julie Hamos; activist Marilyn Katz and Rep. Jan Schakowsky.  And more: State Sen. Omar Aquino, state Sen. James Clayborne, state Sen. William Haine, state Sen. Don Harmon, state Sen. Emil Jones III, state Sen. Iris Martinez and state Sen. Chris Nybo, the lone Republican, who boosted Obama when he made what turned out to be a failed bid for Congress.)
— Some Chicagoans just couldn’t wait to vote for president – Mark Brown  (DIERSEN: Those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors will vote for Clinton.)
— Ivanka not happy with campaign manager’s approach – Michael Sneed


— Republicans fear Trump is playing into Clinton’s hands by lashing out on infidelity – Mark Z. Barabak and Michael Finnegan
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps ask “Is Donald Trump funny anymore?” ‘Saturday Night Live’ weighs its take on The Donald.
— Liberal arts grads struggle with underemployment, study says – Gail MarksJarvis (DIERSEN: If my undergraduate degree had not been job-related, a) Firestone Stores would not have offered me a job in 1970 and b) Oldsmobile and IRS would not have offered me jobs in 1971. If my graduate degree and professional certification had not been job-related, GAO would not have offered me a job in 1980.)


— There’s no escape, Illinois: It’s time to pay for those pensions – GREG HINZ


— Kirk, Duckworth raise big money from special interests – Chuck Neubauer and Sandy Bergo  (DIERSEN: He who pays the piper calls the tunes.  Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes are furious a) that I have the time and that I have the money necessary to put out GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails twice each and every day free of charge and without any advertising and b) that I do not have to ask anyone for money.)


— Did you watch the debate Monday? Gov. Bruce Rauner didn’t – Doug Fink  (DIERSEN: Those Republican activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Illinois who do not read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails rely on those who do read the emails to keep up to date on Illinois government and political news and commentary.)


— Ivanka Trump debuts in television ad for her father  Trump trying to win over female voters – CNN


— Local numbers provide context on income issue – Steve Vogel  (DIERSEN: How financially diverse is your county, your township/ward, your municipality, and your precinct?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: According to the Economic Policy Institute, a left-leaning Washington think tank, the average 1 percenter family in McLean County earned $679,124 three years ago (the latest data available), while the remaining 99 percent earned an average of $51,440. That means a 1 percenter here makes about 13 times more than the rest of us earn, on average. That ratio puts McLean County pretty much in the middle of a ranking of the nation’s 3,064 counties. Somewhat comforting, I think, especially in the context of some other EPI data. For instance, McLean County’s 1 percenters take in 11.8 percent of the income earned here. That compares with 26 percent in Lake County — the high water mark in Illinois — and the national average of 20.1 percent. The latter two numbers are stunners. A local figure that may trouble egalitarians more is that 41 percent of McLean County’s moolah is made by the top 10 percent of earners. Another way to say that: 10 percent of local households take in 41 cents of every dollar earned here. Yet it’s 57 cents in Lake County, and about 48 cents in all of Illinois and the entire nation. Again, striking numbers. Do you aspire to be a 1 percenter in McLean County? Your family would have to earn at least $365,000 to make the cut — about $24,000 less than the national average. The best (and fresher) news comes from the U.S. Census Bureau. Last year, it says, nearly 5,700 McLean County residents climbed out of poverty. Unfortunately 19,116 McLean County residents are still classified as poor. That’s 11.5 percent of our population — a big number, to be sure, but 3.4 percentage points better than two years ago.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: An anti-Trump says “An outrageous double standard.”


— Yet Another Offense in School District U-46 – Laurie Higgins


— RNC Slams ‘Low-Life Journalists’  GOP fundraising appeal highlights historic anti-Trump bias in the media – Jim Stinson  (DIERSEN: I am biased in favor of the Republican Party platform, the Illinois Republican Party platform, and the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling. Virtually all the journalists in America are biased in favor of the Democrat Party platform, but they unethically refuse to admit that.)


— This law saved two million babies from abortion. Democrats want it gone. – DUSTIN SIGGINS


— After Chelsea Bombing, NYC Launches Efforts To Silence ‘Negative Rhetoric’ About Islam – Peter Hasson  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats make it clear that they will get rid of you if you do not promote Islam.)


— FEC Dems lay groundwork to ban Fox, WSJ political coverage – PAUL BEDARD


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Race tailspins into gutter.”


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Can Trump Create Millions of Jobs? Don’t Bet On It.”


— Trump finally hits the big-money jackpot – Teddy Schleifer


— GAO criticizes Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program’s “weak” compliance evaluations – Daniel L. Russell Jr.  (DIERSEN: While I worked for GAO during the early 1980s, I worked on an audit of OFCCP.)


— Worse Than It Looks: The True Burden and Risks of Federal Employee Pension Plans – William B.P Robson and Alexandre Laurin  (DIERSEN: To get rid of me, in today’s dollars, so far, the Democrats who ran GAO in 1997 have gotten the Civil Service Retirement System to pay me $963,680 ($50,720 X 19 years).)


— DHS Confirms Hackers Targeted Election Systems in 20 States – David Z. Morris


— Competency-Based Hiring: 10 Signals The Shift Is Happening – Ryan Craig (DIERSEN: GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.  IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.  The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.  GAO would not have hired me a) if I had not passed the CPA examination on my first attempt and b) if I had not earned an MBA.  IRS would not have hired me a) if I had not passed the Federal Service Entrance Examination and b) if I had not earned a bachelor’s degree in management.  The Post Office would not have hired me a) if I had not passed its employment examination and b) if I had not earned a high school diploma.)


— Serve your country while earning valuable career skills. – Megan Leonhardt (DIERSEN: I was a federal employee for almost 30 years; almost 3 years working for the Post Office 1966-1969, almost 9 years working for IRS 1971-1980, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 level (currently $77,899-$88,286), and almost 18 years working for GAO 1980-1997, the last 11 of which at the GS-13 Step 1-10 level (currently $92,632-$120,427).  Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois viciously demonize, viciously denigrate, and viciously condemn the skills that acquired working for the federal government.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Hillary Clinton wants you to serve your country. The Democratic presidential candidate proposed a new program on Friday aimed at expanding national service volunteer opportunities–for young Americans in particular. Clinton’s National Service Reserve would allow Americans pitch in with ongoing service projects addressing the addiction epidemic or helping the homeless, or perhaps to help provide emergency relief in national disasters and situations such as the water crisis in Flint, Mich. Clinton plans to work with corporations and universities to ensure “reservists” get paid time off to volunteer or, in the case of students, college credit.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: To promote pot in America is to promote the destruction of America.


— ‘He was a complete gentleman!’ Beauty queen defends Donald Trump  Former Miss USA contestant explains why she’s voting for the entrepreneur. – Danielle Harewood

September 28 Evening Edition

— Trump opponents, supporters clash outside Bolingbrook fundraiser – Frank Vaisvilas and Alicia Fabbre (DIERSEN: Those who spoke very highly of Trump at this outstanding event included Roger Claar and Rudy Giuliani.  The 300+ attendees included John Cabello, Brad Cole, Dan Cronin, Demetra DeMonte, Kirk Dillard, Ron Gidwitz, Dan Hampton, David MacNeil, Richard Porter, Todd Ricketts, Skip Saviano, Tim Schneider, Mickey Straub, and Dave Tornga.)
(FROM AN EARLIER VERSION OF THE ARTICLE: David John Diersen, editor for gopillinois.com, said Rudy Giuliani made a surprise appearance.  He said Trump made many jokes and his winning Illinois is “in the realm of possibilities.” Attendee Joshua Naponiello, who’s a volunteer with the DuPage County GOP, said Trump gave a speech with talking points that included reducing regulation, reducing taxes for businesses and the middle class and repealing Obamacare. He said one of Trump’s guests included a representative of the Pakistani Islamic community and an Islamic prayer was given and everyone prayed along. Some of Trump’s supporters also showed up early, including Garry Slabaugh of Romeoville. He said he is excited the candidate he supported since the beginning of the primaries was virtually in his backyard. “I heard about (the fundraiser) last night, and I could hardly sleep,” Slabaugh said. “My wife wishes she was off today so she could be here.” He said he and his wife attended the Trump rally at UIC on March 11 that was canceled amid security concerns. “People were pounding our van and called us racist and they didn’t even know us,” Slabaugh said. “I hope it’s not like that today.” He said he’s not a racist and supports Trump because “he’s tells the truth.” “I don’t like the way things are going,” Slabaugh said. “I don’t want more of the same.” Police staged all demonstrators, supporters and media in a field across the street from the clubhouse not allowing anyone uninvited into the private event in which donors paid up to $250,000.)
— Trump in Chicago: Clinton ‘grossly incompetent’ – Rick Pearson
— Friend of man gunned down near Millennium Park: ‘I’m ready to boycott the city of Chicago’ – Katherine Rosenberg-Douglas
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Donald Trump’s deep-rooted racism.”  Anti-Trumps are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.
— Audit details lax leadership at College of DuPage, offers 19 recommendations – Erin Chan Ding
— Big crowds don’t always translate into big votes – Chris Cillizza


— Trump pumps up the room in Bolingbrook fundraiser – Michael Sneed
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Hey! Hey!  It was a Trump love fest. Pull up a luncheon chair. Donald Trump, who has dinged Chicago for our murder rate, denounced the Cubs last year for being poorly run by owners who opposed his campaign, and expressed concern for the Chicago Bears going forward — was all banter, burble and bubble at a private luncheon in Bolingbrook on Wednesday. “I love Chicago. I am an investor here. It’s a great city,” chirped Trump, who left the Bolingbrook Golf Club fund-raiser organized by savvy Bolingbrook Mayor Roger Claar with $1.5 million bucks in his political pocket. “It was a huge blowout,” a luncheon source said. Trump, who took no questions from the 350 plus donors dining on cold salmon salad and Claar’s favorite yellow pudding, played it mellow while pitching podium bon mots to the audience in the Ronald Reagan room. Todd Ricketts, a co-owner of the Cubs who is CEO of the conservative Ending Spending Super PAC, was in attendance. In a shout-out to Ricketts, Trump yelled: “I want to commend the Ricketts family on their business plan and how they rebuilt the Chicago Cubs in a few short years!”  Ricketts shouted back:” It’s gonna be a great year because YOU are going to win the presidency AND THE CUBS ARE GOING TO WIN THE WORLD SERIES!”  (Trump’s praise for the Cubs followed disclosures Wednesday morning Joe Ricketts was doing a turnaround, endorsing Trump and donating $1 million to elect him.) The room erupted into applause. Trump was now on a roll. Tossing a huge shoutout to retired Hall of Fame football defensive tackle Dan Hampton, whom he mistakenly called “Dave,” Trump praised Hampton and asked him to join him on stage. “My daughter Ivanka always reminds me I am a BIG guy,” said Trump, who reportedly weighs 267 pounds. “So I just want to show my children there are guys bigger than me. And I want you to tell coach [Mike] Ditka how much I love the guy and appreciate his support and friendship.”  Then Trump told Hampton he “wished you’d suit up because the Bears need you.”  Trump also volunteered to lend Hampton his knees. “I have great knees and if you want to borrow them. I’d be more than happy to do so,” Trump said. Trump then gave a big shout-out to WeatherTech CEO David MacNeil, commending him for manufacturing his product in America. MacNeil shouted back: “And I employ 1,100 people here in Bolingbrook.” Trump, however, saved the knife for Republican U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk, who has refused to endorse Trump. The source claimed Trump stated: “It is one thing not to endorse me, but it another thing to use me in ads for yourself against me. Guys like Kirk who are behind in the polls can’t figure out why guys like me are ahead in the polls.” Trump, who told the crowd his campaign raised $18 million since his televised debate two days ago, singled Kirk out several times for disdain, the source added. Trump also praised Claar, who organized the event. Overseeing a diverse community, Claar’s event had a Muslim deliver the invocation, an African-American as master of ceremonies, and an African-American woman sing the national anthem, according to the source.)
— Trump makes unannounced stop at Polish National Alliance in Chicago before suburban fundraisers
— CTU’s House of Delegates votes to set a strike date of Oct. 11; CPS CEO says a strike can still be averted
— Rauner, legislative panel have $2.4-billion deficit disagreement


— Demonstrators protest as Trump visits Bolingbrook – Marni Pyke
— Trump in Chicago: I’ll be ‘true friend to Poland
— Auditor: College of DuPage needs to improve oversight, operations – Robert Sanchez
— GOP incumbent state representative Michael McAuliffe spends big to keep seat – Christopher Placek
— Lauzen alleges ‘political retaliation’ – James Fuller
— Time to make COD the bright star of DuPage again – Tom Cullerton


— Donald Trump was in the Chicago area Wednesday to raise money and meet with the Polish American Congress Wednesday morning. – Ben Bradley and Laura Podesta


— Donald Trump, in Chicago for Surprise Event, Attacks Hillary Clinton For Failing D.C. Bar Exam  Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump spoke at Chicago’s Polish National Alliance Wednesday morning, faulting his opponent, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, for failing the bar exam in Washington D.C. – Tom Schuba  (DIERSEN: My Democrat IRS superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates were furious that I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979; it frustrated their efforts to paint me as being stupid and lazy.  Few of them had attempted to pass the examination, even fewer eventually passed it, and very few passed it on their first attempt.  My Democrat GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates were furious that I passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981; it frustrated their efforts to paint me as being stupid and lazy.  Few of them had attempted to pass the examination, even fewer eventually passed it, and very few passed it on their first attempt.)
— Trump Campaign Denies He’s Sick After Chicago Speech Fuels Further Questions About His Health


— Donald Trump Greeted By Cheers And Jeers During Chicago-Area Visit – Derrick Blakley


— Trump pops up to prop up Chicago’s Polish community


— Sen. Brady: Limiting same day voter registration will curb fraud


— Illinois GOP Chairman: I Choose Rude Over Wrong – Tony Arnold


— Governor Mum On Trump’s “War-Torn” Chicago Characterization – AMANDA VINICKY


— Trump angry at allies conceding he lost debate  Source: Message was ‘not subtle’ – CNN


— Trump In Chicago: I’ll Be ‘Greatest President For Jobs God Ever Created’ – Heather Cherone


— Despite harsh reviews, Trump resists new debate approach – AP


— Protesters, supporters gather in Bolingbrook as fundraiser held for Donald Trump – MIKE MALLORY


    — Do whites and men have too much power? – Scott Clement and Emily Guskin  (DIERSEN: How much power do you have?  Power is religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.)
    (FROM THE ARTICLE: It’s no secret that race and gender issues have been front-and-center in this year’s presidential contest, and a new Washington Post-ABC News poll shines a new light on a central part of this dynamic: views of the power of whites and men. White men fueled Trump’s overall support in the poll, with likely voters in this demographic favoring him by a whopping 40-point margin, compared with a nearly tied contest among white women (46-44) and Clinton’s 50-point lead among all non-white voters (69-19). The Post-ABC poll also asked whether men, women, whites and racial and ethnic minorities have “too much,” “too little” or “about the right amount” of influence in the country. Just more than four in 10 registered voters say each of women and minorities have too little influence, while far fewer say either has too much sway. Looking at whites and men, nearly four in 10 voters say men have too much influence in the country, while one-third says the same about whites. Putting those questions together, voters split evenly, with 48 percent saying whites or men have too much influence, while 48 percent say neither group does. The Post-ABC poll found responses to this question are closely connected with support for Clinton and Trump. Trump’s support is 36 points higher among voters who say whites have “about the right amount” or “too little” influence in America, compared with those who say whites have too much influence (53 percent to 17 percent). Trump’s support is also 27 percentage points higher among voters who reject the idea that men have “too much” influence, compared with those who do. Put together, Trump leads Clinton by a 57-28 margin among voters who say neither whites nor men have too much influence, while he trails Clinton by 52 points among voters who say both whites and men have too much influence (14-66). Fascinatingly, the impact of these attitudes is largest among voters who belong to the two historically advantaged demographics. Whites voters who say their racial group has too much influence prefer Clinton by a 38-point margin over Trump (61-23), while those who say their influence is about right or insufficient favor Trump by a 40-point margin (63-23). Likewise, male voters who say men are too influential favor Clinton by 25 points (52-27) while those who feel men are not too powerful prefer Trump by a 44-point margin (59-25). Political divisions over gender and race are far from new, and the poll also finds big partisan splits on these questions – an indication that they predate Clinton and Trump’s candidacies. Democrats are about twice as likely to say men have too much influence as Republicans and three times as likely to say whites have too much sway. But it is also likely that heated rhetoric over police shootings of black men, racism, sexism and immigration have helped solidify partisan divisions on issues of race and gender.)


— Audit makes 19 recommendations to College of DuPage  COD officials address audit results – ERIC SCHELKOPF


— Donald Trump’s Bolingbrook Fundraiser Brings Out Supporters, Opponents  “We don’t see race. We see right and wrong. What Donald Trump represents is wrong,” said one protester. – Scott Viau


— College of DuPage Audit Cites 19 Areas for Improvement  The audit found that the COD Board of Trustees “could improve their fiduciary oversight of the college’s operations in several areas.” – Amie Rowland




— GOP chairman says Rauner criticism “drives me crazy”
— Edgar, Kennedy take turns whacking Rauner, Trump


— Trump says Clinton White House will be for sale, urges voters to ‘follow the money’ – Seth McLaughlin


— GOP seeks ‘big tent’ but who props it up? – Charlie Butts


— TRAGIC: Americans Are Saving Less Than Ever – Steve Rhode


— Trump Campaign Quietly Shouts About Clinton Sex Scandals – BENJY SARLIN and ALEX SEITZ-WALD


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps on “Parsing What Makes a Trump Supporter Tick.”


— Federal employee health premiums to rise 6.2 percent on average – Eric Yoder


— Clinton Would Be Wise to Denounce Howard Dean – Jonathan Bernstein


— OUTRAGEOUS: 6.2% Average Health Insurance Increase for Federal Employees – Ralph R. Smith

September 23 Morning Edition

— State Sen. Napoleon Harris Fights Off Muggers, Helps Catch Murder Suspects – Bernie Tafoya and Charlie De Mar
— Illinois Closing Several Emissions-Testing Sites; Long Lines Next? – Dana Kozlov


— VERY SAD: DuPage Election Commission won’t speed up returns for November – Chuck Fieldman
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Mark Kirk, Tammy Duckworth 9/11 stories embellish their roles – Jeff Coen and Rick Pearson  (DIERSEN: What were you doing on September 11, 2001?  I was delivering press release kits for then State Representative Randy Hultgren.)
— Experts: Education, enforcement are key to fighting heroin in DuPage – Gary Gibula


— Sandack resigned after explicit video sent to others
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Former Republican state Rep. Ron Sandack, once a top ally of Gov. Bruce Rauner, resigned from the Illinois Legislature after several people viewed a sexually graphic video featuring the former lawmaker that was temporarily posted to Facebook, Politico is reporting. Politico, citing anonymous sources, reports that the “encounter” with the woman was recorded and posted to Sandack’s social media accounts with several of his contacts tagged in the video. Sandack previously has said he was extorted via Facebook and Skype by a woman who lured him “to engage in inappropriate online conversations.” Once Republicans learned of the video and its surfacing, a top state operative urged Sandack to resign, Politico reports. Sandack issued a statement to Politico denying he was asked to resign but didn’t address questions about the existence of the video or whether it was distributed to others. Reached Friday morning, a Sandack spokesman told the Chicago Sun-Times that Sandack would have no further comment. Last week, Sandack said he was extorted by a woman who lured him “to engage in inappropriate online conversations.” His admission came after Downers Grove police released new details about the bizarre episode in 34 pages of reports that conclude they can’t seek criminal charges in the case because the apparent perpetrator or perpetrators live in the Philippines. The police reports — much of them redacted — paint a picture of a middle-aged man sucked into a scheme that began with him communicating with a young woman online and ended with him feeling compelled to send her money and seeing a fake Facebook account set up in his name. The Sun-Times and other news outlets have asked the Illinois attorney general’s office to review whether those redactions are legal under the state’s Freedom of Information Act. The attorney general’s office is reviewing those requests. Whether the fake Facebook account contained potentially embarrassing information is unclear. Large portions of the police documents remain redacted. Sandack wired money to the Philippines because he felt threatened, according to police, who classified the case as “extortion.” In his statement last week, Sandack — who became Rauner’s most vocal ally in the Illinois House — said the woman lured him in. “This past July, I was the target of an international crime ring focusing on high-profile individuals luring them to engage in inappropriate online conversations with the intent of extortion,” Sandack said then. “I took their bait and fell for it hook, line and sinker. “Poor decisions on my part enabled me to be a victim and, as a responsible citizen, I reported it and have been working with the police.” Sandack, 52, who as a state lawmaker was very active on social media, abruptly resigned from the Legislature on July 24. He is a former Downers Grove mayor.)
— Clout bus contractor charged with hiding CPS payments from IRS – Dan Mihalopoulos  (DIERSEN: I worked for GAO on audits of IRS’s Criminal Investigation Division 1986-1988 while I was at the GS-13 Step 1-3 level (currently $92,632-$98,809).)


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Gale v. Grogan: DuPage County auditor candidates spar over qualifications – Robert Sanchez  (DIERSEN: Gale stresses her independence.  How independent you?  I have a $50,720/year Civil Service Retirement System pension for life, $16,854/year federal health, dental, and vision insurance subsidies for life, and $2,015/year Social Security for life.  My wife works in Riverside, Zillow says our home is worth $494,661, we have no debts, we own six cars, we have no dependents, we have no pets, and we have substantial retirement savings. Grogan stresses his qualifications. What qualifications do you have?  I audited federal agencies for GAO for almost 18 years, the last 11 years of which at the GS-13 level (currently $92,632-$120,427). I worked for IRS for almost 9 years, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 level (currently $77,899-$88,286). I passed the CPA and Certified Internal Auditor examinations on my first attempt.  I am a licensed CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Government Financial Manager, Certified Financial Services Auditor, and Forensic Accountant.  I have master’s degrees in financial markets and trading, accounting, and business.)
— Cook County should eliminate unincorporated areas – Doug T. Graham
— Tollway gets one western bypass victory, but railroad land spat remains – Marni PYKE
— Fireworks at tollway over fence contract – Marni Pyke
— Harper’s ‘Promise’ is worth students’, parents’ efforts – Editorial  (DIERSEN: How much “community service” have you done?  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I don’t do enough “community service.”)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: But the stats from the program’s first year showed that failing to complete a minimal community service requirement accounted for nearly half the eliminations. That’s sad for two reasons — the lost tuition opportunity, of course, but also the lost benefit of good deeds in our communities.)


— Blue Cross parent shifting IT jobs overseas – J. Duncan Moore, Jr. (DIERSEN: Sending jobs to foreign countries harms many Americans just like immigration, affirmative action, diversity, and inclusion harms many Americans, and especially Americans who are White, male, and/or older.  The more that you have been harmed by jobs being sent to foreign countries, immigration, affirmative action, diversity, and/or inclusion, the more likely that you support Trump.  Ever-increasingly, Democrats make it clear that they are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Rahm Avoids Criticizing ‘Absentee Fathers’ In Anti-Violence Speech – Ted Cox  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that because my father and mother raised me, I was born with a spoon in my mouth and I have always been privileged. They hint/imply/argue/shout that because my father and mother raised me, I should be held to much higher standards and I should pay the price of Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion.)


— Clinton ad shows girls as Trump insults women – CNN  (DIERSEN: Trump should run more ads of Clinton insulting those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Trial Court Tosses Law Viewed As Quinn’s Parting Gift To Trial Lawyers – AMANDA VINICKY


— Trump Says Clinton Shares Responsibility for Charlotte Unrest


— The Latest: Trump offers plan to cut college tuition – AP  (DIERSEN: How much college tuition have you paid?  I paid lots of college tuition a) earning a master’s degree in financial markets and trading at IIT in 1997, b) earning a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, c) earning an MBA from Loyola in 1976, d) earning a bachelor’s degree in management from NIU in 1970, and e) attending UIC 1966-1968.)


— Poll Shows Tightening Race In Illinois, Candidates Not Liked – JORDAN ABUDAYYEH (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who drives peoples’ favorable and unfavorable ratings up and down in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois?  ANSWER: Of course, needless-to-say, it is those who have the most religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.  I should write a book about a) those who have/had lots of clout in Wheaton, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois and b) those whose favorable and unfavorable ratings they have driven up and down.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Most respondents view the presidential candidates as unfavorable.  But Clinton comes out with less of a gap between her favorable and unfavorable ratings than Trump.)


— Sun-Times brings back columnist Phil Kadner  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, as long as Democrats run IRS and GAO, neither IRS nor GAO will bring me back.  Of course, needless-to-say, as long as long as my critics/opponents have religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois, no one will bring me back. My critics/opponents have made it very clear that they can and that they will have their operatives and their dupes viciously destroy any individual, organization, company, or government that supports me.)






— Today’s number: $105,733  The median salary for nearly 18,000 teachers employed by CPS as of June was $78,169, plus $27,564 in benefits.


— ‘Deplorables’ by a different name: Obama says Trump fueled by fearful, resentful voters – Dave Boyer  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats make it clear that they are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Rasmussen: Trump Leads Clinton Nationally By 5 Points – Mark Swanson


— WHERE IS THE CONSERVATIVE EVANGELICAL VOICE IN TODAY’S CULTURAL TSUNAMI? – Rev. Thomas Littleton  (DIERSEN: It seems like the Democrat Party’s conquest of religion is almost complete.)


— No, They’re Not ‘Protesters.’ They’re Terrorists. – Matt Walsh


— House passes bill limiting IRS seizure of bank accounts – JOSEPH LAWLER (DIERSEN: I worked for IRS’s Collection Division 1971-1980, the last 5 1/2 years of which at the GS-12 Step 1-5 level (currently $77,899-$88,286).  I worked for GAO on audits of IRS 1986-1988 at the GS-13 level Step 1-3 (currently $92,632-$98,809).)


— GAO: 40 percent of federal buildings in earthquake areas – Lydia Wheeler (DIERSEN: I worked in federal buildings a) in downtown Chicago in 1971 and 1973-1997, b) at 63rd and Halsted in Chicago in 1973, c) in Harvey 1972-1973, d) in Joliet 1973-1974, and e) in Park Forest 1966-1969.)


— How a video led to the downfall of rising Republican star Ron Sandack – Natasha Korecki
(FROM THE ARTICLE: According to sources who spoke to POLITICO on the condition of anonymity, when Republicans learned that a video had surfaced, a top state operative urged Sandack to resign. The series of events threatened to become a political nightmare for Republicans, who are desperately trying to gain seats in November in a Legislature where the party remains a super-minority. The potential for political exposure was especially true for Rauner, who had repeatedly tapped the vocal Sandack as a surrogate in public battles on and off the House floor. Sandack initially rejected the idea of an outright resignation, two Republican sources said. He felt strongly about his public career, and while he admitted he messed up he was also a victim of a crime. In a statement to POLITICO, Sandack adamantly disputed the idea that anyone else urged him to step down. “The information that Politico has is unequivocally false as No one suggested that I resign, much less pressured me to do so, it was solely my decision,” Sandack said in a statement relayed by an associate.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Republicans say “A big step backward for the GOP’s African-American outreach.”


— JPMorgan May Face New Scrutiny in China Hiring Case – BEN PROTESS and ALEXANDRA STEVENSONS  (DIERSEN: How much clout do/did your parents have in getting you a job, getting you promoted, etc.?  My outstanding father died suddenly in 1969 when he was 45 and I was 21.  He had fought type 1 diabetes from age 14, was the first of his ancestors to earn a high school diploma, never attended college, worked in the office of a chemical plant, and almost always worked second jobs (playing music, delivering eggs, fast food worker, etc.) to pay the family’s bills.  My outstanding mother never attended high school.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The Fed and O.C.C. investigations stem from the bank’s efforts to hire the children of China’s ruling elite — and in some cases link those jobs or internships to securing business with Chinese government-run companies. But unlike the S.E.C. and federal prosecutors, the banking regulators are not focused on the bribery aspect of the case, but rather a breakdown in controls and practices that allowed the improper hiring to take place.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump Won’t Save the Rust Belt.”
— FRONT PAGE WITH COLOR PICTURE OF TRUMP: Anti-Trumps say “Trump’s Crime Policies Might Hit Minorities Harder.”


— GOP congressman: North Carolina protesters ‘hate white people’ – Amber Phillips  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote hatred of Whites.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: QUESTION: Who promotes mass immigration?  ANSWER: Those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.
— A Dangerous Rush to Impeach John Koskinen  First, the House must prove that the IRS commissioner acted in deliberate bad faith. – JOHN CONYERS
— The Democrats’ Methodist Moment  Young Hillary Rodham saw the church’s social concerns shift from alcohol and gambling to sexism and racism. – KENNETH L. WOODWARD  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, the anti-religious Democrat Party increases its domination of religion in America.  Ever-increasingly, religious leaders talk and act like they are spokespersons for the Democrat Party.)


— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Trump questions moderator bias ahead of debate – David Jackson  (DIERSEN: I am bias in favor of the Republican Party platform.  What do you say to those who are bias in favor of the Democrat Party platform, the Libertarian Party platform, or the Green Party platform BUT FALSELY DENY IT?)


— Chelsea Clinton lashes out at GOP ‘hate speech’ at MSU – Curt Smith  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats shout that members of the following groups are haters: Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote Islam.  How soon, if not already, will Democrats declare Islam to be America’s national religion?  Islam is more like a political party or a country without borders than a religion.


— Why Millennials Don’t Like Clinton—And What She Can Do About It – DAVID ATKINS  (DIERSEN: To get the Millennial vote, will Clinton promise to get rid of the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, and Generation X, that is, will she promise to promote age discrimination big time?)


— After 15 years of war, America’s military has about had it with ‘nation building’ – Andrew Tilghman


— Legal Discrimination? 6 Surprising Reasons You Can Be Fired – Megan Elliott  (DIERSEN: Democrats run the federal government.  Political affiliation discrimination is rampant in the federal government.  Notwithstanding the fact that I am a non-veteran White male, if I had been a Democrat, the federal government would have promoted me into its Senior Executive Service long before I was 40 years old. GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.  IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.  The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: 1. Political activity and beliefs  You might want to think twice before you tell everyone at work what you really think of Donald Trump. “[M]ost employees in America working for private employers do not have any legal protection against discrimination on the basis of political affiliation or activity,” Workplace Fairness explained. In the majority of states (California and New York are the big exceptions), companies are free to hire and fire people because of their political activities. Employers are allowed to encourage employees to vote a certain way, may prohibit them from wearing or displaying political paraphernalia in the office, and can even fire you for blogging about political matters on your own time.)