May 13 Morning Edition

— Gurnee removed from Southern Poverty Law Center hate map: ‘There was no evidence’ – Jim Newton (DIERSEN: Sooner or later, if not already, if your group does not promote LGBTQ activity, the Southern Poverty Law Center will call it a hate group.)
— Split over plan to expand food stamp work requirements: ‘A good thing’ or ‘a recipe for disaster’ – Greg Trotter and Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz (DIERSEN: What about requiring food stamp recipients to take “bad” jobs? To justify their calling me a “bad” person, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always called all the jobs that I have had “bad” jobs. I did yard work and delivered newspapers 1962-1964; washed dishes 1964-1966; cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline in 1966; delivered mail 1966-1969; worked on an automobile assembly line and as a security guard in 1970; sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances 1970-1971; pumped gasoline 1971-1972; collected delinquent taxes 1971-1980; and audited federal agencies 1980-1997.)
— The growing gender gap that gets little notice: Homebuying – Kenneth R. Harney (DIERSEN: I bought a new town home in University Park in September of 1972 when I was 24 years old. The down payment came from money that I had saved a) working for IRS for the previous 15 months, b) working part-time for the Firestone Store in Chicago Heights for the previous 18 months, and c) working for Firestone full-time for 7 months before that.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: It’s the gender gap you don’t hear so much about: Single women are buying homes and condos at what may be more than twice the rate of single males, and the trend appears to be accelerating. Consider: Single women accounted for 18 percent of all home purchases last year compared with just 7 percent by single males, according to survey data from the National Association of Realtors. This makes single women the second largest segment in the entire home-purchase marketplace, behind married couples.)
— Unemployment rate for Chicago’s black youth improves – Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted a) that instead of me, the Post Office should have hired a Black in 1966, b) that the Post Office should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a Black could have my job, c) that instead of me, IRS should have hired a Black in 1971, d) that instead of me, IRS should have promoted Blacks in 1972, 1973, and 1974, e) that instead of me, GAO should have hired a Black in 1980, f) that instead of me, GAO should have promoted a Black in 1986, and g) that GAO should have gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a Black could have my job and my preferred corner office.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps encourage citizens of foreign countries to seek asylum in America.
— Madigan the meddler should allow an independent #MeToo investigation – Editorial


— More financial loss as mail delivery slumps – Hope Yen


— More Americans expect to work until 70; there are benefits – AP (DIERSEN: The federal government forces its employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who do not make Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200/year) to retire as soon as they are eligible. For me, that would have been when I was 55 years old in 2003. But my Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The RMD is the minimum amount that the IRS says you must draw from retirement accounts each year once you reach age 70 ½. This approach, dubbed the “Spend Safely in Retirement Strategy,” in effect “pensionizes” common retirement accounts like a 401(k) or IRA. It will not compensate for inadequate savings but it will help squeeze as much income as possible from existing sources. To make it work, some retirees may have to significantly lower their living expenses. Vernon said it’s a straightforward way for middle-income workers with between $100,000 and $1 million in savings to generate a stream of lifetime income. He estimates this group represents as many as half of all workers age 55 and older. And workers need some help as most will not consult a financial planner and few calculate how much they’ll need. “You can’t just tumble into retirement, you have to be thoughtful about it,” he said. Americans typically retire at age 63 and start collecting Social Security between age 62 to 64, according to research from The New School. But waiting pays off.)


— McHenry Township trustees vote to slash elected officials’ pay Health benefits, pensions set to remain the same – ED KOMENDA (DIERSEN: When did you start earning $100,000-a-year in to today’s dollars? I did in 1988 when I was 40 years old. By then, I had worked for GAO for almost 9 years, I had worked for IRS for almost 9 years, I had become a licensed CPA in 1981, I had passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, I had earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, I had passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, and I had earned an MBA from Loyola in 1976.)


— Retired military leaders call for more child care, education funding – Brenden Moore (DIERSEN: I became a member of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association ( long before my Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old. NARFE’s mission is “To support legislation beneficial to current and potential federal annuitants and to oppose legislation contrary to their interests. To promote the general welfare of current and potential federal annuitants by advising them with respect to their rights under retirement laws and regulations. To cooperate with other organizations and associations in furtherance of these objectives.” Needless-to-say, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes are anti-NARFE.)


— Bicentennial: Walgreens, America’s pharmacist, got its start in Illinois – Christopher Placek
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In 1919, Walgreen had 20 stores, which a decade later grew to 525. Company historians have attributed Walgreens tremendous growth in the 1920s to the popularity of the malted milkshake, invented by soda jerk Ivar “Pop” Coulson in 1922. Coulson added vanilla ice cream to the common malted milk drink, which consisted of milk, chocolate syrup and malt powder. Daniel Okrent, in his book “Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition,” suggests the store also benefited from alcohol sales during that time because pharmacies were allowed to sell booze for medicinal purposes.)


— Look out: Solving pension woes will flatten taxpayers – Jim Dey (DIERSEN: The future looks bleaker and bleaker and bleaker for those who are in line to get a government pension or are getting a government pension. The bigger the government pension that you are in line to get or are getting, the more that you will be viciously demonized, viciously denigrated, and viciously condemned by those who hate government employees and by those who hate government retirees.)


— Illinois lawmakers need to back their education ideas with cash – Editorial
— Halpin, Anderson want to keep border businesses in Illinois – SARAH HAYDEN


— Gov. Bruce Rauner chats with diners at Downers Grove Omega


    — More Americans expect to work until 70; there are benefits – AP (DIERSEN: The federal government forces its employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who do not make Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200/year) to retire as soon as they are eligible. For me, that would have been when I was 55 years old in 2003. But my Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)


— Paul Ryan warns ‘blue wave’ could wipe out Trump accomplishments – AP


— A Little Rebellion Is a Good Thing? – Paul Jacob


— GOP pollster: Republican brand ‘is not doing well right now’ – MAX GREENWOOD


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats want felons to vote. What percent of criminals vote for Democrats – 98%, 99%, 100%?)
— How the Online Left Fuels the Right – Michelle Goldberg
— Liberals, You’re Not as Smart as You Think You Are – Gerard Alexander


— How John Kelly’s family history compares with the immigrants he wants to keep from entering – Philip Bump (DIERSEN: If there had been as many immigrants in the 1960s as there are today, they would have gotten the jobs that I had. I did yard work and delivered newspapers 1962-1964; washed dishes 1964-1966; cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline in 1966; and delivered mail 1966-1969. If there had been as many immigrants in the 1970s as there are today, they would have gotten the jobs that I had. I worked on an automobile assembly line and as a security guard in 1970; sold tires, automotive services, and major appliances 1970-1971; pumped gasoline 1971-1972; and collected delinquent taxes 1971-1980. If had been as many immigrants in the 1980s and 1990s as there are today, they would have gotten the jobs that I had. I audited federal agencies 1980-1997.)


— Here’s why it’s better to own a home than to rent – Maurie Backman (DIERSEN: Government should encourage marriage and home ownership. Roskam should increase the $10,000 SALT cap to $20,000 for married filing jointly.)
— How does the average American spend their paycheck? See how you compare – Matthew Frankel (DIERSEN: The Diersens have always spent far less on “immediate pleasures” than others who share their demographics do.)


— Term limits: The rebirth of a bad idea – J. DAVID WOODARD
— The thrills and worries of first-time home buyers in the Charleston area – Jim Parker (DIERSEN: I bought a new town home in University Park in September of 1972 when I was 24 years old. The down payment came from money that I had saved a) working for IRS for the previous 15 months, b) working part-time for the Firestone Store in Chicago Heights for the previous 18 months, and c) working for Firestone full-time for 7 months before that.)—-people-purchasing-homes/article_0759ae70-5460-11e8-bdcb-5f13bcf0ebc4.html


— Sharing tax returns a private decision – Editorial


— How not to run out of money in retirement – Liz Weston (DIERSEN: The federal government forces its employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who do not make Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200/year) to retire as soon as they are eligible. For me, that would have been when I was 55 years old in 2003. But my Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer” in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)


— Libertarian Party targets legal pot – Tris DeRoma (DIERSEN: If you promote pot, you shout that you really are a Libertarian.)


— What Does A Pensionless Future Mean For Age Discrimination? – Elizabeth Bauer (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always promoted age discrimination.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Not long ago, Pro Publica reported on the extensive age discrimination that seemed to be (that is, without legal determination of such) taking place at IBM in the course of their Reduction in Force exercise. ProPublica estimates that in the past five years alone, IBM has eliminated more than 20,000 American employees ages 40 and over, about 60 percent of its estimated total U.S. job cuts during those years. In making these cuts, IBM has flouted or outflanked U.S. laws and regulations intended to protect later-career workers from age discrimination, according to a ProPublica review of internal company documents, legal filings and public records, as well as information provided via interviews and questionnaires filled out by more than 1,000 former IBM employees. The entire report is distressing and makes for very sobering reading. Documents the ProPublica reporters obtained describe internal decisions to replace older Boomer-aged workers with younger ones viewed as better able to meet the company’s agenda, all while using gambits to reduce their risk of age-discrimination lawsuits. At the same time, readers who have watched the history of retirement plans will recall that IBM was a pioneer in the move away from traditional pension plans. In 1999, the company froze accruals in its traditional pension plan and moved to a cash balance pension plan for new accruals (that is, a hybrid plan which functions like a 401(k) plan with semi-guaranteed returns), in 2005, it switched to a 401(k) plan for new employees, and in 2008 it froze its cash balance and moved all employees to a 401(k) plan for all future accruals.)


— Why “Managing Up” is a Win-Win for Everyone – Melissa Lamson (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, my superiors were always under tremendous pressure from Democrat politicians a) to hire, retain, and promote young Democrat minorities and young Democrat females and b) make way for them by getting rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran who had not made GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40. I refused to become a Democrat. My Democrat superiors would say that I refused to help them meet their Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion quotas, goals, and targets, that is, that I refused to help them get rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Managing up is a term that refers to the tactics you use to build a strong relationship with your boss, make their job easier, and even develop relationships with the people they may report to. “Managing up, or building smooth, productive relationships with higher-ups, requires understanding and adapting to your boss’s communication and decision-making style,” writes Sue Shellenbarger, in a Wall Street Journal article. “Many people are promoted because of the quality of their work. But as newly minted managers aim to rise in the ranks, assuming their work will speak for itself becomes increasingly hazardous to their careers.” Managing up means getting to know your direct manager as a person and understanding their goals and communication styles and preferences. Remember, the boss-employee relationship is a two-way street. Take the time to figure how you can proactively build a productive relationship with the person you report to.)
— Amazon Is Paying Its Employees $12,000 to Train for a Job at Another Company. And It’s Brilliant The forward-thinking company helps employees forward their dream careers–even if it means it’s not at Amazon. – Scott Mautz (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, extremely few of my superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates took job related courses. They hinted/implied/argued/shouted that the undergraduate and graduate courses that I took a) were not job-related, b) did not help me carry out my job duties, c) were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, and d) were a distraction. To keep their jobs and to get promoted, my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government focused on getting rid of federal employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— People don’t save enough for retirement because they live longer than they think they will, research finds Those in their 50s and 60s underestimate chances of survival to age 75 by around 20 percentage points and to 85 by five to 10 percentage points, study finds – Ben Chapman (DIERSEN: What is your life expectancy? According to the Social Security Administration (, I have 15.7 years left to live. What do you plan on doing with the rest of your life? I plan on spending 10+ hours each and every day for the rest of my life putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out each and every day. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes plan on spending the rest of their lives a) trying to stop me from sending the emails out and b) trying to stop everyone from reading them.)

May 10 Evening Edition

— Pro-Choice Advocates Want Written Pledge From Gubernatorial Candidates – DAISY CONTRERAS  (DIERSEN: Illinois Republicans want a written pledge from Rauner that he will defend and advance all the planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform.)


— Supporters line Elkhart streets ahead of Trump, Pence appearance at rally – Craig Wall


— President Trump Set to Hold Indiana Rally


— CPD: More than 100 ‘high-powered assault rifles’ removed from Chicago streets – MARCELLA RAYMOND


— The president just made America safer – John Bolton (DIERSEN: I remember speaking with Bolton at the Illinois Republican Party’s February 5, 2011 fundraiser at the Hilton in Chicago. I remember hearing him speak at several CPACs.)
— Split over plan to expand food stamp work requirements: ‘A good thing’ or ‘a recipe for disaster’ – Greg Trotter and Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz
— Illinois lawmakers weigh ban on all formulas of synthetic pot after deaths – Monique Garcia
— On his 200th birthday, wouldn’t Karl Marx be surprised? – Editorial (DIERSEN: What would Marx think of you? What would Marx think of me? Would he agree with my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who hint/imply/argue/shout a) that I owe everything that I have (education, financial assets, pension, real estate, automobiles, etc.) to my parents’, my grandparents’, my great grandparents’, and the rest of my ancestors’ discrimination against minorities and against women and b) that because of the aforesaid, I should pay the price of Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion?)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: If write something against tradition, those who are anti-tradition will publish it.


— Asian Americans turn angst for Trump into political activism – AP
— Blame the sexual revolution for abuse committed by men today – Mona Charen
— The ‘Dreamers’ Trump would deport are greatest asset of the restaurant industry – Cisely Simpson (DIERSEN: Did you work in the restaurant industry? I did. I washed dishes for the minimum wage in the basement of the S.S. Kresges in Chicago Heights while I was a junior and senior at Crete-Monee High School 1964-1966. In all likelihood, if there had been as many illegal immigrants back then as there are now, an illegal immigrant would have had that job instead of me. I used the money that I earned from that job to buy a new 1966 Pontiac Tempest Sprint that I used to commute to/from classes at UIC from parents’ home in Crete.)


— Retirement of DuPage’s chief investigator leads to shake-up in state’s attorney’s office – Justin Kmitch
— Asian Americans turn angst for Trump into political activism – AP


— Chicago Police Seize 100th Assault Weapon This Year – Matt Masterson


— The Democratic Machine’s New Monarch How J.B. Pritzker’s bottomless pockets could spell business as usual in state politics – EDWARD MCCLELLAND


— What Illinois could learn from its neighbor to the north about pensions – JUSTIN FOX


— Lincoln library foundation says it may have to sell artifacts to pay debt – Doug Finke


— Term limits? Dead. Fair maps? Dead. Higher taxes? Thriving. – Editorial


— Rauner, Harold refuse to be drawn into ERA debate
— Sheriff won’t enforce any new laws “that infringe on Second Amendment rights”


— 2.2 Million Fewer People on Food Stamps Under Donald Trump – KATHERINE RODRIGUEZ


— As Trump Delivers Jobs, Biden & Sanders Talk Inequality – HUNT LAWRENCE AND DANIEL J. FLYNN


— Mark Meadows to seek GAO audit of Mueller investigation – Susan Ferrechio


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: According to an anti-White, if politicians want the anti-White vote, they will have to work for it.


— Lawmakers inquire about ‘troubling’ removal of SBA’s LGBTQ resources  More than a year after content was removed, there are still no resources on the Small Business Administration’s “LGBT Outreach” page. – Brooke Sopelsa (DIERSEN: What about heterosexual resources?)


— Trump’s aides defend pay freeze and retirement cuts, but raise questions – Joe Davidson


— Republican John Cox regrets not voting for Donald Trump – ANGELA HART


— Court Rules on Forced Retirement Standards (DIERSEN: Outrageously, I was denied my 7th Amendment rights in Diersen v GAO.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A recent federal appeals court decision could make it easier for federal retirees to succeed in a claim that they were forced into retirement, by holding that the evidence they cite in support of their argument should be viewed as a whole. The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit noted that federal retirements (and resignations) are presumed to be voluntary, but that presumption can be overcome if the employee proves that he or she “had no realistic alternative but to resign or retire, and the employee’s resignation or retirement was the result of improper acts by the agency.” That should be determined by examining “the surrounding circumstances to test the ability of the employee to exercise free choice.” The court sent back to the MSPB a case in which a retiree argued that his retirement was involuntary, saying that the MSPB improperly viewed his evidence as a series of separate developments, none of which it found was sufficient to support that claim. The court cited the employee’s evidence that he was afraid to meet personally with certain supervisors after “multiple instances of hostility” from them, his request to be transferred away from them, and the worsening of a health problem. The court said that they should have been considered “as a series of escalating incidents” and viewing them “collectively, rather than dismissing them one by one, as the Board did, we find that a person in like circumstances could reasonably feel unable to exercise free choice and compelled to retire.”)
— Guidance Sent on Recording Resignations ahead of Possible Discipline (DIERSEN: Outrageously, I was denied my 7th Amendment rights in Diersen v GAO.)

(FROM THE ARTICLE: OPM has told agencies to record in the official personnel file of an employee who resigns during an investigation that could lead to disciplinary the results of that investigation if the agency concludes that action would have been warranted. The guidance carries out a 2016 change in law resulting from concerns that by resigning, those employees could later return to the government without consequences because their personnel records would not reflect it. That same law also required agencies to review those records when considering hiring a former federal employee. OPM’s memo says that before putting that information in an individual’s official personnel file, an agency must provide notice of the adverse finding and an opportunity to respond and receive a final agency decision. That could be appealed to the MSPB. “While the statute prescribes the process for making the required permanent notation, an agency may use its own discretion for determining the format for making the notation. Agencies may wish to consult with their legal counsel,” OPM said. The guidance includes a sample for documenting the notation, and further recommends that agencies place the document and any supporting materials on the permanent side of the employee’s OPF, subject to removal if the employee prevails in an appeal at the MSPB.)

May 10 Morning Edition

— The Illinois State Board of Elections is scheduled to certify the Illinois Republican Party State Central Committee election results at 3:00 PM today. – Dave Diersen


— Ives: “We’ve got a fight going on” – Mark Maxwell (DIERSEN: Who in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois represents Republicans, that is, who represents those who support the traditional family, right to life, immigration, and the rest of the planks in Illinois Republican Party (IRP) platform? Those who reject the aforesaid planks voted for Rauner in the March 20, 2018 Republican primary. However, political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform. What if Rauner promised that from now on, he would defend and advance all the planks in the IRP platform?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “They want all controversy to go away, which would make sense from their standpoint,” Ives said with an air of defiance. “They are trying to pretend like there is a unified party and the truth is that they have dismissed the conservative voters who came out in droves to vote for me in the primary. They essentially want to have what looks like a unified party and not any controversy, but the truth is that we will not, our voices will be heard one way or the other.” . . . The Illinois Republican Party, which currently receives most of its funding from Rauner, is poised to declare an initial — if not premature — victory on Thursday when the Illinois State Board of Elections “certifies” the election results from the State Central Committee contest. Sources close to the party and the Rauner campaign predict the final results will secure enough votes to guarantee a re-election victory for Chairman Schneider. However, according to Matt Dietrich, a spokesman for the State Board of Elections, the certification process is more of a formality and bears no actual legal weight. “If there is a dispute within the Republican party about the conduct of the county conventions, that will have to be litigated in court. We have nothing to do with rules and procedures within the parties,” Dietrich said in an email. Shaw argues Thursday’s announcement party will make little difference in the outcome of his race, and says a judge will make the final determination. He says the party, even as a private entity, is “heavily regulated by the Illinois state election code.” . . . If Ives gets her way, party unity will have to wait for a judge’s gavel. “I think it is going to be up to the courts to determine this in the end,” she said. “From what we were told, there was some inappropriate voting going on.” “I don’t think that [Rose] will be certified as the winner of the 15th,” Shaw said. “It’s not totally clear who gets to make that decision. I do not agree that he is the winner of the 15th.” Party bylaws provide very few specifics to determine the election process of the chair and its members. Winchester hired corporate attorney Steve Boulton to challenge the voting procedures. Boulton works for Peraica and Associates, a firm with longstanding ties to conservative radio talk show host and political schemer Dan Proft. Peraica and Proft, both strident tea party conservatives who have long yearned for a smaller state government, are hardly strangers to losing elections and then swiftly protesting the results. Neither Proft nor Winchester returned messages seeking a comment for this story, but both are working to thwart Rose’s victory and elect Shaw to the party chair position. While he may stand to benefit from Proft’s behind-the-scenes machinations, Shaw sought to distance himself from the provocative radio host on Wednesday, choosing rather to embrace an embattled governor — and the party’s top donor — in pursuit of his own narrow election win. “I don’t really know Dan that well,” Shaw claimed. “I know he’s a radio personality. I’ve seen him at a few events.” Operatives aligned with Rauner and Schneider have privately suggested Proft and Ives are backing Shaw’s candidacy to settle a political score from a bitter primary. “If I’m such a big fan of Dan Proft, why did I have choice words with him?” Shaw said, referring to a December shouting match between the two men at a Republican event. “He came in and gave a speech and I thought unfairly criticized precinct organizing efforts,” Shaw said. “I got up and questioned his credentials to have a position like that.” Sources close to Ives believe Rauner’s general election loss to billionaire Democrat J.B. Pritzker is inevitable. They are seeking a statewide reset at the party level, which includes a plan to purge Rauner’s allies from the controls over the upcoming four-year term and realign the party closer to the nationalist themes from President Trump’s 2016 campaign. . . “As long as they want to paint a rosy picture, I’d ask them to keep thinking that way because they’re in for a surprise in November,” Shaw predicted. “Bruce Rauner is a fighter. I predict Bruce Rauner gets re-elected governor and I’m going to be there standing by his side as his chairman. He’s my governor and he’s going to be my governor another four years.”)
— VIDEO: Ives gears up for fight over control of ILGOP


— Tim Schneider Faces Challenge For State Party Leadership Post Mark Shaw Backed By Ives, McSweeney; Schneider Backed By Rauner, GOP Leaders – Tom Robb
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Schneider said he has the support of Ryan Higgins, 8th District state central committeeman and Schaumburg Township committeeman, and Sean Morrison, 6th District state central committeeman, Cook County GOP chairman and a fellow Cook County commissioner. Locally, some state central committeemen in the Northwest suburbs are playing it closer to the vest. “I know them both and hold them both in high regard,” Rosemont resident Jack Dorgan, 5th Congressional District state central committeeman and former Illinois GOP chairman, told the Journal. “Mark’s a good guy and Tim’s been a good leader.” Dorgan would not say who he would vote for. Dorgan said Republican leaders need to focus on the governor’s race and look ahead to redistricting after the 2020 U.S. Census. The party in power in Springfield after the Census will have control over drawing state and federal legislative district boundaries. The Journal was unable to reach Char Foss-Eggemann, 9th District state central committeeman and Maine Township Republican committeeman. Several who know Foss-Eggemann say she is on the fence over who to support. She was appointed to the Illinois Human Rights Commission in May 2017 by Rauner.)


— The Circular Firing Squad goes to the mattresses
— Once again, it’s all or nothing for Gov. Rauner


— The Milton Township Republican Central Committee held an outstanding meeting Wednesday evening, May 9, 2018, at the Wheaton Bowl Banquet Hall. The many speakers included Darlene Senger and Jay Kinzler. Meeting attendees included Almiron, Carlson, Caruso, Cherry, Cooper, Crane, Eckhoff, Elliott, Falbo, Fitzpatrick, Grant, Keller, A. & C. LeVan, Lofgren, MacKay, McCluskey, McGowen, Mollitor, Monino, Muehlfelt, A. Murphy, Nathwani, Rash, Romano, Ryan, Thomas, Wehling, Wiley, and Wilson. – Dave Diersen


— Rauner Urges Democrats’ Agreement on Revenue Estimate for Budget – John O’Connor
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Emerging earlier from the same meeting, Senate President John Cullerton said there’s “a general understanding about how much money we have coming in” while he obliquely mentioned a “gap that needs to be closed” without specifics. The Chicago Democrat downplayed Republicans’ call for a revenue estimate. “I wouldn’t be hung up on that,” Cullerton said. “That gets into somewhat of a ‘gotcha’ game and a political fight. That’s not what’s holding us up.” The Legislature’s bipartisan financial analyst, the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability, estimated in February that state revenue — more than half from income taxes, but also sales taxes, transfers from other state sources and federal grants — would be $37.964 billion in the 2019 fiscal year. The Governor’s Office of Management and Budget’s estimate was $37.865 billion, $99 million less. Most of that money is already spoken for, because of obligated state spending for Medicaid, pensions, and other programs.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Republicans want Rauner to get Republicans to support the Equal Rights Amendment
— Flower and gifting business FTD to move HQ from Downers Grove to Chicago – Corilyn Shropshire
— Bill Brady wants McCann complaint dismissed – Monique Garcia
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Attorneys for Brady countered in court documents filed Wednesday that he has “legislative immunity” to make decisions about how staff and resources are distributed within his caucus. They argued the lawsuit “opens the door for a federal court to engage in extraordinary micromanaging of the internal affairs of elected state legislators.”)
— Mayors’ coalition fights cuts in local share of tax revenue – Rick Pearson
— Sen. Duckworth, 12 Dems call for Nicholson to apologize for comments about veterans – AP (DIERSEN: Democrats and Democrat plants, Libertarians and Libertarian plants, Greens and Green plants, and RINOs routinely hint/imply/argue/shout that Republicans have mental problems.)


— Rauner’s own administration critical of Legionnaires’ notification: documents – Dave McKinney and Tony Arnold
— FRONT PAGE WITH VERY BIG PICTURE: McCarthy fires back at Lightfoot for saying he never should have been hired – Fran Spielman (DIERSEN: Because I have always been a Republican, were it not for federal civil service protections, a) the Post Office would NOT have hired me in 1966 or let me work there for almost 3 years, b) IRS would NOT have hired me in 1971 or let me work there for almost 9 years, c) IRS would NOT have promoted me in 1972, 1973, or 1974, d) GAO would NOT have hired me in 1980 or let me work there for almost 18 years, and e) GAO would NOT have promoted me in 1986.)


— FRONT PAGE: After election night debacle, DuPage officials cut ties with voting machine vendor – Robert Sanchez
— The power of the press – and its limits – Jim Slusher (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, a) if news can be spun to promote the Democrat, Libertarian, and/or Green party platforms, the press promotes it and b) if news promotes the Republican Party platform, the press buries it.)—and-its-limits
— Schools are right to teach dangers of vaping – Editorial


— Democrats: Rauner needs to introduce cost-saving bills – Doug Finke
— Clark alleges conflict; Bourne calls foul – Bernard Schoenburg
— University of Illinois graduating first class of online MBAs – AP (DIERSEN: While I worked for IRS as a Revenue Officer, I completed 16 graduate business courses at Loyola and earned an MBA from Loyola in 1976. Back then, IRS encouraged its Revenue Officers to take graduate business, accounting, and law courses, but IRS did not provide any reimbursement for tuition or books. I paid for the courses with my IRS salary and deducted the tuition and books. My Democrat IRS superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates hinted/implied/argued/shouted that the courses as well as and the graduate accounting courses that I had taken at DePaul a) were not job-related, b) did not help me carry out my job duties, c) were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, and d) were a distraction. In 1978, Money Magazine and IRS disallowed my education deductions. They would not have done that if I had been a Democrat, a minority, a female, or a veteran.)


— McHenry County Board gives letter to Rauner opposing McSweeney’s township consolidation bill 21 of 24 County Board members against measure – ED KOMENDA


— Democrats say Rauner is stalling new state budget


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: University of Illinois professors demonize, denigrate, and condemn “right-wing groups and publications such as Turning Point USA and the Campus Reform website.”


— All talk, no action; politicians fail to put end to gerrymandering – Editorial (DIERSEN: If you are an elected official, you should assume that your critics/opponents are always trying to gerrymander you out of office. I should write a book about my critics/opponents who in 2015 gerrymandered my DuPage County Milton Township Precinct 9 to gerrymander me out of office. They drew me into Ives’ precinct.)


— 7th Annual Latino Unity Day – Nikki McGee (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs work to unify Latinos against Republicans. Democrats and RINOs work especially hard to unify Latinos against Republicans who are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, White, male, older, non-poor, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— McSweeney Speaks Out on Rauner’s Meeting With Evertsen


— Lincoln Day Dinner 2018 SPECIAL GUEST Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush
(FROM THE ANNOUNCEMENT: Wednesday, June 6, 2018, 6:00 – 9:00pm, Marriott Hotel, Oak Brook)


— Chicago Fed’s Answer For Illinois Pension Crisis Is A Statewide Property Tax! – Mark Glennon
— “Nobody is winning; everybody is losing” Wirepoints testifies before the House Committee on Cities and Villages – Video


— Former Utah lawmaker has no further comment on Preckwinkle’s remark about self-employment – Karen Kidd (DIERSEN: Overwhelmingly, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes are either self-employed or unemployed. Overwhelmingly, they belittle, badmouth, demonize, denigrate, and/or condemn wage earners. I was a lowly wage earner 1964-1997.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In that brief exchange, Preckwinkle reportedly told Liljenquist that she was opposed to self-employment because it gave people false hope that they could support themselves.)


— Ives foretells bleak bankruptcy future for Illinois municipalities – Angela Underwood


— DuPage Township embroiled in financial, legal battles – W.J. Kennedy




— National Review Online Demagogue Taunts Conservatives – Laurie Higgins


— Sarah Sanders Goes Off On Reporter Who Asked About Pulling The Press Credentials For ‘Fake News’ – Benny Johnson (DIERSEN: Should I write a book about those who falsely claim to be conservative and/or Republican who have worked the hardest since 2000 to get everyone to pull my GOPUSA press credentials?)


— Is your state covering for lazy slackers? A new report highlights abuse of work requirement waivers for food stamps. – Chris Woodward


— TRAGIC: With great ‘Pride,’ 23 Major League Baseball teams to host pro-homosexual nights – Calvin Freiburger


— Trump says will go forward with border wall plans in California


— Trump is trying to strong-arm the news media – Callum Borchers (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those in Illinois who claim to be conservative and/or Republican, but who request/demand that others a) do not include on their press advisory or press release lists, b) do not tell Diersen anything, and c) do not return Diersen’s phone calls. I should also write a book about those in Illinois who claim to be conservative and/or Republican, but who succumb/agree to those requests/demands. The aforesaid glorify and praise, pander to, give news scoops to, return phone calls from, and/or give money a) to my competitors who claim to be conservative and/or Republican and/or b) to Rich Miller and to the rest of the Democrat news media in Illinois.)
— The White House Correspondents’ Association gets a spine – Erik Wemple (DIERSEN: Should I get a spine? Should I write a book about those who have worked the hardest since 2000 a) to destroy me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails, b) to destroy those who fail/refuse to destroy me, and c) to destroy those who read my emails?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: This time, the WHCA followed with a statement from President Margaret Talev: “Some may excuse the president’s inflammatory rhetoric about the media, but just because the president does not like news coverage does not make it fake. A free press must be able to report on the good, the bad, the momentous and the mundane, without fear or favor. And a president preventing a free and independent press from covering the workings of our republic would be an unconscionable assault on the First Amendment.” Strong verbs, simple sentences, a constitutional reference and an unmistakable message: Have we heard anything so fiery from the WHCA during the Trump presidency? It doesn’t appear that way.)


— The Unresolved IRS Scandal Congress should take tax collectors out of the business of regulating political activity. – Bradley A. Smith
— Brewers’ Dry Patch: Americans Turn From Beer to Harder Drinks AB InBev’s volumes fall in U.S.; Molson Coors and Heineken face weakness, too – Saabira Chaudhuri and Nick Kostov (DIERSEN: Overwhelmingly, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes a) drink lots of booze, b) want to drink even more booze, and/or c) want others to drink lots of booze.)
— Discontent Among Female Execs at Visa Leads to CEO Meeting Female executives at card giant are concerned about advancement opportunities – AnnaMaria Andriotis (DIERSEN: My Democrat superiors in the federal government talked and acted like their employees who were Democrat, minority, female, and/or younger had demanded that they use Affirmative Action, Diversity, Inclusion to get rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Kim seeks a promise from the United States that its military will not invade North Korea. When will Trump seek a promise from Mexico and from all the other countries of the world that their militaries will not invade the United States? Already, ever-increasingly, Mexico and all the other countries of the world are illegally sending more and more and more of their citizens into the United States illegally.)


— Data Points to Wide Gap in Asylum Approval Rates at Nation’s Immigration Courts – Stephen Stock, Rachel Witte and Jeremy Carroll (DIERSEN: What if Democrats who want flee the crime and poverty in Democrat areas had to officially file asylum requests and get those requests approved by Republicans before they could move to Republican areas? What do you say to Democrats who flee the crime and poverty in Democrat areas and move to Republican areas, but who continue to demonize, denigrate, and condemn Republicans? These asylum seekers blame Republicans for the crime and poverty in Democrat areas.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: From 2016 through the first part of 2018, immigration courts in Los Angeles and San Francisco consistently ranked in the nation’s top 15 courts when it comes to the number of asylum requests granted. Phoenix, Philadelphia, San Antonio, New York and Boston were also in the top 15 each year. Court data show each of those courts grants asylum requests more than 50 percent of the time. On the opposite end of the spectrum, U.S. immigration courts that are vastly less likely to approve asylum petitions include Atlanta, Lumpkin, Georgia, Charlotte, Dallas and Houston. In some of those courts, asylum is granted around 20 percent of the time. In other jurisdictions, like the court in Lumpkin, judges grant asylum only 10 percent of the time.)


— Recognizing the Federal Workforce

(FROM THE ARTICLE: The most vital resource at any federal agency is its workforce. During Public Service Recognition Week, we’re celebrating the contributions of federal employees. This year is especially noteworthy because it’s the 40th anniversary of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, which established the basis for our modern federal workforce, including the creation of the Office of Personnel Management. Today’s WatchBlog continues our tradition of celebrating federal employees.)

May 9 Morning Edition

— Officials Create ‘Sanctuary’ Counties To Protect Gun Owners From New Laws In Rural Illinois – CNN


— Civic Federation blasts Rauner budget proposal as ‘precariously balanced’ – Tina Sfondeles


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: An anti-Trump says “5 myths about U.S.-Mexico border”
— Record job openings equal unemployed for 1st time in nearly 2 decades – AP (DIERSEN: From what I see, in Illinois, ever-increasingly, employers only want to hire those who are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Now hiring for a 1-day position  Consequences hit home as the gig economy hits retail (DIERSEN: Since 1966, my critics/opponents, their operatives, their operatives and their dupes have been furious that I survived my Democrat superiors’ efforts to get rid of me a) for almost 3 years at the Post Office, b) for almost 9 years at IRS, and c) for almost 18 years at GAO and that because of the aforesaid, I have a $51,864/year Civil Service Retirement System pension and an $18,000/year federal health, dental, and vision insurance subsidy for life. Many, if not most of my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes a) have never worked for the same employer very long or b) have never been employed. Very few of them are in line to get a pension, are getting a pension, or are getting a health insurance subsidy.)
— The Democrats’ frightening embrace of socialism – Ed Rogers


— Will Lake County Board enter the gun control debate? – Lee Filas (DIERSEN: Which of your county board members support the Second Amendment and which do not? Needless-to-say, county board members who got elected as Republicans, but do not support the Second Amendment, should immediately resign.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Lake County Board members could soon find themselves in a debate whether to place support behind gun control regulations or whether to send a letter to state legislators declaring the county a “sanctuary” against stricter gun laws. Thomas Quigley, of Round Lake Beach, and military veteran Ceasar Soto, of Waukegan, appeared Tuesday before the Lake County Board to speak out against a previous statement made by District 11 county board member Paul Frank about a possible ban of automatic weapons. Quigley requested board members immediately declare Lake County “a sanctuary county for all gun owners,” then told “the gun grabbers on the board to read the U.S. Constitution and study history; all governmental tyranny begins with gun confiscation.” Quigley and Soto spoke up because of statements made during the closing moments of the March 13 county board meeting where Frank, a Democrat from Highland Park, hinted it could be time the board enters the debate on the national gun issue.)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH BIG COLOR GRAPHIC: Students are paying more to community colleges while enrollment drops – Jake Griffin
— Itasca resident Gavanes appointed to fill DuPage board vacancy – Robert Sanchez
— Mormon Church breaks all ties with Boy Scouts, ending 100-year relationship – Samantha Schmidt (DIERSEN: It certainly looks like the “Scouts BSA” will focus on encouraging children to engage in LGBTQ activity.)


— Our lawless downtown is threatening our city’s economy – JOE CAHILL (DIERSEN: How many years did you live, work, or take college courses in downtown Chicago? I lived in downtown Chicago part-time 1974-1976 and full-time 1976-1978, I worked there in 1971 and then 1973-1997, and I took college courses there 1972-1980 and 1992-1997 (and 1966-1968, 1971, and 1981-1983 if you count UIC as being downtown).)


— Civic Federation says it can’t support Rauner’s budget – Doug Finke


— ‘This is our year’: Prtizker urges Illinois Democrats to pull together – DEREK BEIGH (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, it appears that those Illinois Republican Party (IRP) leaders who reject the traditional family, right to life, immigration, and other planks in the IRP platform do NOT want Illinois Republicans to pull together.)


— Locals upset with DuPage Township board


— Hennepin murder suspect’s gambling debt brought up as possible motive – Gary L. Smith


— Equal Rights Amendment supporters demand action from lawmakers – Emily Manley


— Gambling debts alleged as homicide motive


— Sen. Duckworth: Ending Iran deal reckless (DIERSEN: Obviously, the Democrats have selected Duckworth to be their top person to belittle, to badmouth, to demonize, to denigrate, to condemn, to insult, to slander, and/or to libel individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time, those who do not have children, those who are not disabled, etc. Democrats stress that Duckworth is a Democrat, liberal, minority, female, relatively young, mother, veteran, disabled, severely injured in combat, non-Protestant, some of her ancestors have not been in America for a long time, non-rich, etc.)
— Pritzker backs term limits for legislative leaders, not for elected offices


— Governor Rauner may Be Odd man Out In State Budget Talks (DIERSEN: Obviously, conservatives, that is, Republicans, have been the “odd man out” in Illinois Republican politics since at least the 1970s. Anti-conservatives, that is, anti-Republicans, have dominated the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) since at least the 1970s. They have allowed IRP platforms to have some conservative planks, including traditional family, right to life, immigration, and Second Amendment planks, but they ignore, belittle, badmouth, demonize, denigrate, condemn, insult, slander, and/or libel those planks and those who support those planks. Obviously, since at least the 1970s, those who have dominated the IRP want to destroy the IRP and destroy those individuals, organizations, companies, and governments that support the IRP platform. Of course, those who have dominated the IRP since at least the 1970s oppose direct election of IRP State Central Committee members.)


— Illinois House committee passionately debates Equal Rights Amendment – Greg Bishop


— 99.9 Percent Of Evanston Lives Within Walking Distance To A Park Nearly all Evanston residents can easily walk to a high-quality park, according to data released last week. – Jonah Meadows (DIERSEN: The Prairie Path Park ( is in my DuPage County Milton Township Precinct 9 in Wheaton.)


— Watch Berkowitz model w BGA’s CEO Greising how Gov. Rauner & JB Pritzker could debate issues


— LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION: SWIMMING UPSTREAM – Clifford Thies (DIERSEN: The Democrat Party wants Democrats, and especially Democrats who are minority, female, and/or younger, to participate in the labor force, that is, the Democrat Party does not what Republicans, and especially Republicans who are White, male, and/or older, to participate in the labor force.)


— “This crisis directly affects people’s lives, but it’s been hidden from them” – Ted Dabrowski on Illinois Rising with Dan Proft – Video


— Ives fights for school debt transparency bill – Angela Underwood


— Republican state House candidate Gordon “Jay” Kinzler recommends 401(k) and benefit adjustments for Harvey pension crisis – Karen Kidd


— House bill to create female-based council raises questions from GOP lawmakers – Angela Underwood
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Speaking of sex, what about the male gender, asked Rep. Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton). She said a state created group should not be based on sex segregation and cited major media to prove her point. The Atlantic shows boys dominate in high school drop outs and learning disabilities, and the Washington Post revealed boys in America continue to fall behind girls in academics, according to Ives. Ives questioned the bill’s legality as far as the Equal Rights Amendment is concerned and noted as a mother of boys and a girl, the notion to form a group for one gender is ridiculous. “I think we should emphasize both of our children’s sexes, both men and women as well,” Ives said. HB5544 passed 64-24 and moved to the Senate.)


— Watchdog group: Dozens of cities need municipal bankruptcy because of unfunded state mandates – Greg Bishop
— Rauner calls budget process ‘frustratingly slow’ less than month before deadline – Cole Lauterbach


— Rauner hosts Madigan, other leaders in budget talks – Mark Maxwell
— Women rally for equality – Raquel Martin (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats shout at women that Republicans have caused all the problems that women have had, are having, and will have. What percent of the women in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township, in your county, in Illinois, in America, and in the world have the Democrats succeeded in turning into Republican-haters?)


— Rauner’s “post election” comment disputed by Dems
— Is a revenue estimate the new “Turnaround Agenda”?




— Companies Are Distancing From Gun Owners — But Warren Buffett Refuses to Let Politics Run His Business – JENNI FINK


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, since the Civil War, Democrats shout at minorities that Republicans have caused, are causing, and will forever cause all the problems that minorities have. Ever-increasingly, Democrats use Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Inclusion to harm Republicans, and especially to harm Republicans who are White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.


— The U.S. and China: More Alike Than We’d Like? – Thomas L. Friedman
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In Washington these days it is not uncommon for people to be invited to a dinner or a public gathering and think to themselves: “I hope none of them will be there.” And the them people are talking about is not someone of a different faith or race — which would be awful enough — but it’s someone just from a different political party. In other words, in both Beijing and Washington, self-censorship, and biting one’s tongue, is more rife than ever — but for different reasons. In Beijing it’s so you won’t get arrested. In Washington it’s so you won’t get into a fight. In both cases, though, the net results are fewer people talking truth across ideological lines. At the same time, in China today, if you’re a Communist Party official or senior bureaucrat, you have to toe the ruling party’s line or you could be quickly purged or imprisoned. In America today, if you’re a Republican Party congressman or senator, you, too, have to toe the ruling party’s line or you could be quickly purged or primaried — or get a tweet in the back from the president. But there is one difference: In China’s ruling Communist Party, it’s never safe to criticize the president. In America’s ruling Republican Party, you can criticize the president, or vote your conscience, if you’re dying, retiring or whispering.)


— Illinois police: Keep pot illegal — or we’ll kill the dog – Radley Balko (DIERSEN: If pot is legalized in Illinois, far more pot will be sold illegally in Illinois, mainly to children.)


— Why It’s a Good Time to Look for a Job The number of unfilled jobs at U.S. employers rose to a record high in March – Eric Morath (DIERSEN: From what I see, in Illinois, ever-increasingly, employers only want to hire those who are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Opportunity Knocks Job openings nearly matched the number of job seekers in March. – Editorial (DIERSEN: From what I see, in Illinois, ever-increasingly, employers only want to hire those who are anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— DISGUSTING, TRAGIC: More U.S. Workers Test Positive for Certain Illicit Drugs – Lauren Weber
— The Bias Response Team Is Watching A lawsuit challenging the University of Michigan’s speech police may serve as a nationwide model. – Jillian Kay Melchior


— Amazon employees are outraged by their company’s opposition to a plan to add more diversity to its board “We don’t need more effort, we need COURAGE.” Jason Del Rey (DIERSEN: How successful would Amazon have been if it had operated like the federal government? The federal government gives tremendous preference to its employees who are Democrat, and especially to those who are minority and/or female and b) wastes the careers of and gets rid of its employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran if they do not make GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40.)


— What Kind of Democrat Can Win Over Suburban America? (DIERSEN: Democrats would answer: Democrats who can get rid of individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older people, rich people, gun owners, German Americans, draft avoiders, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Trump Proposals Would Cost Federal Employees, Retirees above $143 Billion (DIERSEN: If I was a “single issue” person like many of my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes are, I would be a Democrat.)


— Injured federal employees are at higher risk of opioid addiction – Jessie Bur

May 8 Evening Edition

— McSweeney: Gov. Bruce Rauner should apologize for meeting with ‘known extremist’ Diane Evertsen David McSweeney attacks governor for meeting with ‘known extremist’ Diane Evertsen – ED KOMENDA  (DIERSEN: Why did Rauner meet privately with the leaders of the McHenry County Republican Party? What if Rauner met privately with the leaders of your Republican county party organization and/or with the leaders of your Republican township/ward party organization? In the 2002 Illinois Republican gubernatorial primary, Corrine Wood called Jim Ryan an extremist.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A state lawmaker is lambasting Gov. Bruce Rauner after Illinois’ top leader met with members of the McHenry County Republican Party over the weekend in private. Rauner spent part of his Saturday at an invitation-only roundtable at the McHenry County GOP’s Crystal Lake headquarters – an event featuring a Who’s Who of party insiders, including: McHenry County Sheriff Bill Prim, McHenry County State’s Attorney Patrick Kenneally and McHenry County Board Member Jim Kearns. But State Rep. David McSweeney, R-Barrington Hills, took issue with someone else in attendance at the Saturday meet-up: McHenry County’s new chairwoman, Diane Evertsen, who at one time served as president of the Minutemen Midwest – an organization the Southern Poverty Law Center designated a “nativist extremist” group. “The governor should apologize for meeting with a known extremist,” said McSweeney, who heard about the meeting after it happened. McSweeney pointed to Evertsen’s association with Minutemen Midwest, which the SPLC named several times on its annual list of nativist extremist groups between 2007 and 2010. The Alabama-based civil rights nonprofit defines nativist extremist groups as organizations that go beyond mere advocacy to personally confront suspected undocumented immigrants or those who hire or help them. McSweeney said a simple Google search reveals the views of the group Evertsen chaired. The legislator characterized those views as “disgraceful.” Minutemen Midwest had a website – – but it has been taken down since its launch. While the site is dead, some of the material published there is recoverable with the internet archive known as the “Wayback Machine,” McSweeney said. McSweeney highlighted an article published on the website written by William H. Calhoun titled “Illegal Immigration: Third-World Invasion” – a piece suggesting the U.S. is under threat by immigrants of different “blood.”​ “Invaders from the Orient, Asia, Africa, Central and South America are invading the first world, and they are intent only upon conquest,” the article said. “With the exception of a very small upper class of pure European blood, most Mexicans are either Amerindian or Mestizo (mostly Amerindian with a few drops of Spaniard or African blood). They are not Western; genealogically they are Asiatic; and they despise the West.” The article appalled McSweeney, he said. “It’s probably the most extreme article that I’ve read in a long time,” McSweeney said. “It’s disgusting.” Evertsen, a 73-year-old Harvard grandmother who once served on the McHenry County Board and now serves on McHenry County College’s board of trustees, could not be reached for comment. The Northwest Herald also reached out to Gov. Rauner’s campaign communications director for comment, but campaign officials weren’t immediately available Tuesday. About 20 people attended the Saturday gathering, according to sources invited to the event.)


— Grads, including senior citizens, put perseverance on display at commencements – Maudlyne Ihejirika
— Golden arches new headquarters most ‘un-McDonald’s like’ – Lee Bey
— Are legal pot backers blowing smoke? Report finds limited green in grass revenue – Tina Sfondeles (DIERSEN: If you promote pot, you promote destruction.)


— Rauner, Democrats say they don’t want another budget war but face deficit despite tax hike – Monique Garcia
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, in Illinois, anti-Trumps are the MAJORITY and Trump supporters are the MINORITY. Ever increasingly, anti-Trumps demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trump supporters.
— Women’s voices are largely missing from newspaper letters to the editor – Heidi Stevens
— Emanuel responds to ‘bully’ characterization, says he will focus on problem-solving, not personalities – John Byrne
— More legislative lip service, but no fair map amendment – Editorial
— Orland officials delay vote on video gambling – Mike Nolan
— How Speaker Madigan elbows aside Illinois taxpayers – Keith Wheeler


— Every person in Illinois owes $11,000 for pensions, with no fix in sight – Bloomberg
— Demoted Wheaton cop files sex discrimination lawsuit – Katlyn Smith
— Misguided demands for teaching history – Mary Plunkett, Wheaton
(FROM THE LETTER: Are you kidding me, Springfield? The state of Illinois is imploding at a frightening rate, and you’re focused on passing a bill that forces our schools to teach LGBT history? (Paid for by our outrageous property taxes, by the way.) This bill (SB3249) also requires schools to teach about the illegal deportation of Mexicans during the Great Depression and labor union contributions to our economy. And children will not be permitted to graduate eighth grade if they don’t receive this instruction. Holy political agenda, Democrats! But, perhaps you are sincerely interested in teaching our children an accurate and nondiscriminatory account of our history. If this is true, you must necessarily include a unit on the societal benefits that Catholics have contributed toward Illinois’ schools, hospitals and charities. The impact is quite significant. I would encourage anyone reading this to demand that your particular group be recognized in a mandatory history unit as well. After everyone feels good about being recognized, there might be a few minutes left in the school day for reading, writing and arithmetic.)


— Gov. Rauner: Pick up the pace on budget talks – Doug Finke
— VERY SAD: Supporters rally at Capitol in support of ERA – Maximilian Kwiatkowski


— TRAGIC: Normal, Illinois, passes ordinance making community a ‘Welcoming City’ for immigrants – DEREK BEIGH (DIERSEN: As everyone knows, to be a “Welcoming City” is to be a city a) that encourages people to come to America illegally, to stay in America illegally, and to bring others to America illegally and b) that is anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-draft avoiders, anti-German Americans, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Senate Debating Votes from Jail (DIERSEN: What percent of criminals vote for Democrats – 98%, 99%, 100%?)


— House Back in Session for Home Stretch


— Progressive tax ‘totally wrong for Illinois,’ Ives says – Glenn Minnis


— Bills could add millions to billion-dollar pension debt, GOP representatives warn – Angela Underwood


— LaHood promotes tax cuts, ‘merit based’ immigration – Mark Maxwell (DIERSEN: How much “merit” do you have? According to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois, I am “meritless.”)


— Legislative leaders and governor meet, still no agreement on revenue estimate – Greg Bishop


— After saying he’s “unifying” the GOP, Gov. Rauner says he’s not putting much thought into the task
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Rep. David McSweeney@1980reagan: We need a solid conservative to lead the IL GOP, not an inept insider completely controlled by Governor Rauner!)


— Study: Donald Trump’s Polls Improve Despite 90% Negative Media Coverage – KATHERINE RODRIGUEZ


— Tell the uninformed what President Trump has accomplished (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents only want people know about what they accomplished.)
— Orrin Hatch calls John McCain’s decision not to invite Trump to his funeral ‘ridiculous’
— California has the 5th largest economy in the world yet leads the nation in poverty and homelessness


— McCain’s Funeral Guest List Doesn’t Define Him – JIM GERAGHTY (DIERSEN: Who does not want you to attend their funeral? I should make a list of those who do not me to attend their funeral. They blame me for their problems. They blame me for your problems. They blame me for my problems. They blame me for everyone’s problems.)


— Labor Dept to let teens work longer hours in hazardous jobs: report – MORGAN GSTALTER (DIERSEN: How hazardous were the jobs that you had when you were a teen? I did yard work and delivered newspapers 1962-1964; washed dishes 1964-1966; cleaned golf shoes, chipped slag, and pumped gasoline in 1966; and delivered mail 1966-1969.)


— House Appropriators Vote to End Perk for Former Speakers Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi both back ending office space, funding for former speakers
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Government Accountability Office: The watchdog agency would be funded at $579 million, the same as the fiscal 2018 enacted level.)


— It’s Time for a New Discussion of Marijuana’s Risks You may reasonably decide the benefits outweigh the harms, but you should know about those potential harms. – Aaron E. Carroll
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: An anti-Trump demonizes, denigrates, and condemns Trump supporters as being racists.


— Companies Trying to Deal With Discrimination Face Backlash Critics of diversity efforts say programs unfairly exclude other people – Kelsey Gee and Lauren Weber (DIERSEN: To promote diversity is to discriminate against those who are White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Companies trying to rectify a legacy of discrimination are finding that some tactics are backfiring and sparking new grievances. The Wing, a women’s shared-office space and networking club, has drawn such ire. Its no-men-allowed membership policy for collaboration spaces in trendy New York neighborhoods is designed to attract like-minded women professionals who want to encourage and invest in one another. The Wing recently opened a Washington, D.C., location and there is a wait list for a future office in Los Angeles, the company says. In March, the New York City Human Rights Commission launched an investigation into the Wing’s practices, which include workshops on political organization and panels reserved for members featuring celebrities and U.S. legislators. Seth Hoy, a spokesman for the New York commission, confirmed the agency’s probe and declined to comment on it further. He says the agency works to ensure that businesses comply with laws prohibiting gender discrimination. The inquiry is one of the latest examples of how female-only initiatives and other diversity efforts are drawing objections from those who feel left out or challenge the idea that people in historically underrepresented groups need targeted resources to help them accelerate in their careers and are raising concerns that the programs unfairly exclude other people.)


— American teens are hooked on iPhones, new survey shows – Leo Sun


— Good old days not good for everyone – KARRIS GOLDEN (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, members of the following groups viciously demonize, viciously denigrate, and viciously condemn the GOOD OLD DAYS: anti-Trump, anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-patriotic, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, anti-German Americans, anti-draft avoiders, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Ford Mustang Tops List Of The Five Most Desired Dream Cars In The US – AARON BRZOZOWSKI


— OPM Celebrates Public Service Recognition Week 2018 (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those who ever-increasingly a) demonize, denigrate, and condemn and b) promote hatred against government employees and government retirees, and especially against federal employees and federal retirees.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Each year, during the first full week of May, our Nation comes together to celebrate the men and women who serve our country as Federal, state, county, and local government employees. For 34 years, we’ve taken this time to honor the people who work diligently to promote safety, security and quality of service for the American public. Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) is a time to promote and share stories of excellence in public service with you, the Nation we serve. Every day a Federal employee is impacting your life in some way. Whether it’s telling you not to eat lettuce because of an E.coli outbreak, scanning your luggage at the airport, or preparing an exhibit at your favorite Smithsonian museum, it’s affecting your life in a positive manner.)


— Bullshit jobs: Why they exist and why you might have one And why this professor thinks we need a revolution. – Sean Illing (DIERSEN: Of course, according to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes, all the jobs that I have had were bullshit jobs.)


— Distressed patient speaks out after emotional support dog banned from Felixstowe surgery – Amy Gibbons


— The law on dogs barking – and why it could land their owner in hot water Many will be left frightened by activity, noise and lights outside – James Rodger


— What the law says about dog barking and how to avoid getting in big trouble Here’s some guidance for dog owners on how to stay the right side of the law – Nigel SlaterTom Pilgrim

May 8 Morning Edition

— Ives, McSweeney endorse Shaw for GOP chairman – Glenn Minnis (DIERSEN: Questions for your Illinois Republican Party (IRP) State Central Committee (SCC) member:


– What are the times, locations, and agendas of the May 19 IRP SCC and Illinois Republican County Chairman’s Association meetings in Springfield?
– Do the agendas include public comment periods, and if so, how long and how many minutes will each speaker be limited to?
– What is the status of potential Winchester litigation against the IRP?
– If the 15th Congressional District (CD) IRP SCC position is still in dispute on May 19, will the vote for IRP chairman be postponed or will the vote be taken without the 12.1% 15th CD weighted vote?
– Do you agree with those who believe that if Rose casts the 15th CD weighted vote, Schneider will be reelected and if the vote is taken without the 15th CD weighted vote, or if Winchester casts it, Shaw will be elected?
– In the past, especially in 2005 and 2013, many have sought the IRP chairman position. Why are only two seeking the position now?
– Will the IRP allow Ives to speak in favor of Shaw at the May 19 IRP SCC meeting?
– Who does Schneider want the IRP Executive Director to be? Who does Shaw want the IRP Executive Director to be?
– Would it be correct to say that you will only vote for an IRP chairman candidate who can and will defend and advance all the planks in the Republican Party platform and the IRP platform, including their traditional family, right to life, and immigration planks?
– What is your weighted vote and which IRP chairman candidate are you going to vote for and why?
– How many chairs will the IRP set up for observers at the IRP SCC meeting: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500+?
– Who has asked you to nominate them to serve as your deputy?
– Who has asked you to appoint them to the 2020 IRP State Convention Platform and Resolutions Committee?)


(FROM THE ARTICLE: During an interview with CLTV’s Paul Lisnek on Monday, state Rep. Jeanne Ives went on a tear against Gov. Bruce Rauner and Tim Schneider, the Illinois Republican Party chairman the governor is backing. Ives, who narrowly lost to Rauner in the March primary, is supporting Schneider’s opponent Mark Shaw in a heated fight over the GOP throne. Among the reasons Ives is backing Shaw: she blames Schneider for the Nazi candidate running as a Republican in Illinois’ 3rd congressional district. “So he’s alienating the base by propping up Schneider again, and Schneider has failed. Look we have 37 state reps, Democrats, unopposed in this coming up election. It is the party chairman’s responsibility to find opponents. We have an avowed Nazi sitting as a Republican in a congressional race, and that’s wrong too. And then on top of it, the entire emphasis from Tim Schneider and Rauner et al over the last campaign cycle is simply to get Rauner elected, and so much of what they did in terms of data collection and everything else did not support our state reps. We need a whole new vision for our party, and a whole new way to attract voters.” And then there’s this exchange. Ouch: Lisnek: “If polls look close come November and it looks like Pritzker could pull it out, would that be enough of a scare for you to look at your supporters and say it’s ok, vote Rauner?” Ives: “I can’t predict what the future’s going to look like, umm, in a few months, so we’ll just see what’s going on.”)


— Illinois Cleared for New Mental Health, Addiction Pilot Programs – Amanda Vinicky
(FROM THE ARTICLE: As is the question over who will be the party’s next leader. Rauner’s hand-selected chairman, Cook County Commissioner Tim Schneider, faces a challenge from Lake County GOP Chairman Mark Shaw, who has won the endorsement of state Rep. Jeanne Ives, who narrowly lost the gubernatorial nomination to Rauner. Ives in a statement said Schneider’s “tenure has been an unmitigated disgrace” and lauds Shaw’s credentials as a “common sense conservative.” Rauner on Monday said Schneider is a “great chairman” and that he supports his re-election by the Republican State Central Committee on May 19. But the governor said, “I also don’t spend any time really thinking about that.” Rauner pushed back against the suggestion that the intra-party divide is a reflection of his own leadership. “Going back as far as I know, and I’ve lived in Illinois my whole life … there have been fights and disagreement and challenges many times over the years. It’s … part of the process,” Rauner said.)


— Spoiler Alert! Equal Rights Amendment fight following script from earlier ERA – Mark Brown
— Does Lori Lightfoot have a path to victory in crowded race for mayor? – Fran Spielman (DIERSEN: What victory do you seek? Do you have a path to that victory? The victory that my critics/opponents have sought since 2000 has been to stop me from putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out. They have not had a path to victory. They do not have a path to victory. They will never have a path to victory.)


— Debate over decades-old Equal Rights Amendment will continue in Illinois this month – Bill Lukitsch
— Trump hotel in Chicago sued for alleged ADA violations – Robert Channick


— How to spot fake products online – Jason Knowles and Ann Pistone (DIERSEN: What about fake news? According to my critics/opponents, all news is fake except for the news that they put out or bless.)


— Illinois counties declare ‘sanctuary’ status for gun owners – AP


— Illinois is running in place – Editorial
— Separating politics, policy in progressive-tax plan – Jim Dey


    — Some candidates aren’t bought and sold by big money – John Keck, Troy (DIERSEN: If you are/were a candidate in Illinois running as a Republican who needs/needed money, did/would you take money from individuals, from organizations, and/or from companies that wanted you to dump the traditional family, right to life, immigration, Second Amendment, or other planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform? Political parties exist to help elect candidates who can and will defend and advance their platform.)


— As SIU Carbondale lost its party school rap, did enrollment suffer? – K. JANIS ESCH


— Likely 2020 Democratic Candidates Want To Guarantee A Job To Every American – DANIELLE KURTZLEBEN (DIERSEN: Will the guaranteed job be a “good” job, that is, one that has a salary, benefits, promotional opportunities, etc. appropriate for one’s a) work experience, b) education, c) professional certifications, d) professional license, e) etc.?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: “What’s different about the job guarantee is that it is universal and it’s permanent. So it’s an option that would exist not only in times of massive unemployment but it also would exist in times where the unemployment rate is lower,” Darity said. “But we still have large numbers of bad jobs. It’s not just an emergency.” . . . “The idea is that we would then drive bad jobs out of existence,” said Darity, “because no one would be obligated to take those jobs since they would have a superior option.”)


— Beyond Harvey: Many Illinois municipalities running out of options – Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner


— Northwest Indiana officials campaign for Illinoisans to move across the border – Scot Bertram


— Ives: “You don’t blame-shift when you had 13 deaths”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Illinois Republicans learn from Illinois Democrats that “Four leaders to meet with Gov. Rauner today.”
— Editorial board slammed for calling Mendoza a “lapdog” (DIERSEN: For who/what would your critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes say that you are a lapdog for? They would say that I am a lapdog for the Republican Party platform, the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) platform, and the Milton Township Republican Central Committee (MTRCC) resolution against video gambling. All my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and/or the IRP platform and/or b) reject the MTRCC resolution against video gambling. Rather than try to change/dump the aforesaid, they focus on destroying me and my GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)


— Trump to demand Congress cut $15B in spending ‘rescission’ package – Stephen Dinan
— White House bashes report that first lady and president sleep apart – Dave Boyer


— John McCain has the right to despise Donald Trump – Scott Jennings (DIERSEN: Who despises you and why? I should write a book about those who despise me and why they despise me.)


— U.S. Markets Regulator Considers Buyouts, Extension of Hiring Freeze Stuck with a flat budget, CFTC also asks other government agencies for help with its work – Gabriel T. Rubin (DIERSEN: What pressures were your employers under? While I worked for GAO 1980-1997, the agency was almost always under hiring and/or promotion freezes. It suffered very large budget cuts during the mid-1990s. Further, it was always under tremendous pressure from Democrat politicians to hire, to retain, and to promote young Democrat minorities and young Democrat females.)


— Every Illinoisan Owes $11,000 for Pensions With No Fix in Sight – Elizabeth Campbell


— OPM is out to cut retirement benefits – Jessie Bur (DIERSEN: Starting in 1966, when I was 18 years old, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have been furious that I was earning credits toward a Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) pension. Since 1993, when I was 45 years, old, they have been furious that I had the option to take early retirement. Since 1997, when I was 49 years old, they have been especially furious that I started getting a CSRS pension. Few of my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes a) are earning credits toward a pension or b) are getting a pension; they are filled with envy and hatred.)

May 7 Evening Edition

— Rauner backs his hand-picked Republican Party chairman for re-election as leadership battle brews – Kim Geiger (DIERSEN: Since 2000, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have opposed my using GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails to draw attention to Illinois Republican Party (IRP) issues and Illinois Republican County Chairman’s Association (IRCCA) issues. They especially oppose my drawing attention to IRP State Central Committee (SCC) and IRCCA elections, meetings, votes, etc. They want the IRP SCC and the IRCCA to operate under the radar and in smoke-filled back rooms. They do not want Illinois Republicans to know the time, location, or agenda of the May 19 SCC and IRCCA meetings in Springfield. They do not want Illinois Republicans to know about a) potential litigation against the IRP, b) who all the IRP chairman candidates are (what about dark horse candidates?), c) if Ives will be allowed to speak in favor of Shaw at the May 19 IRP SCC meeting, d) how many chairs will be set up for observers at the IRP SCC meeting (100, 200, 300, 400, 500+?), e) who IRP SCC members have nominated to serve as their deputies, f) etc.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: On Monday, Rauner tried to make light of the party leadership issue, saying: “I really don’t spend much time thinking about it.” When pressed on whom he would support as chairman, the governor reiterated his backing of Schneider, saying he has been effectively running the Illinois GOP since 2014. “I support Tim Schneider, I put him in place,” Rauner said. . .Rauner said Monday that he’s not paying attention to the infighting within the party, pointing out that “there have been fights and disagreements and challenges many times over the years. It’s part of the process.”)
— Morrison talks tax deductions, redistricting at town hall – Steve Sadin (DIERSEN: Roskam should increase the $10,000 SALT cap to $20,000 for married filing jointly.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: When the Internal Revenue Code was amended Dec. 22 limiting state and local tax deductions to $10,000, it meant Illinois residents who pay more than $10,000 in state income tax and local property tax could no longer deduct the entire amount, according to Morrison. “We have so many people in my district who rely on the state and local tax deduction,” said Morrison, who is the chief senate sponsor of the bill. Less than three weeks after the federal tax overhaul became law, state Rep. Jonathan Carroll (D-Northbrook) introduced his SALT Deduction Act Jan. 11. He said the law would create an Illinois Education Excellence Fund. When people pay their state and local taxes, Carroll said the money will go into the fund. They will then get a tax credit they can use as a charitable donation restoring the full deduction they have had in the past. Similar action is under consideration in other states. “The new (federal) law was a punch in the gut to a lot of folks,” Carroll said in a separate interview. “This will keep them from being double taxed.” Morrison said using the charitable deduction as part of taxpayers’ planning is completely voluntary. It is her hope it will be passed by the Senate and sent to Gov. Bruce Rauner’s desk before the current legislative session is set to end May 31.)
— Rauner’s only shot? Fight the graduated income tax argument – Kristen McQueary
— Evanston may consider city service cuts, eliminations as FY19 deficit could top $9M – Genevieve Bookwalter
— Limiting golden parachutes in Illinois – Editorial (DIERSEN: What do you say to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who paint my Civil Service Retirement System pension as being a golden parachute? They hint/imply/argue/shout that because I am a privileged non-veteran White male and because I did not make GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40, a) IRS should have fired me in 1973 when I did not make GS-13, b) IRS should have fired me in 1978 when I did not make GS-14, c) GAO should have fired me in 1983 when I did not make GS-15, and d) GAO should have fired me in 1988 when I did not make Senior Executive Service.)
— For blacks and Latinos, record low unemployment – Editorial


— Ives’ endorsed Mark Shaw worse than Rauner on illegal immigration


— Rauner calls federal approval of mental health money a historic health victory – Tina Sfondeles
— Illinois to use $2B in Medicaid funds for pilot programs – AP
— Trump’s ‘new deal for blacks’ was dealt from the bottom of the deck – Jesse Jackson (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted a) that instead of me, the Post Office should have hired a Black in 1966, b) that the Post Office should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a Black could have my job, c) that instead of me, IRS should have hired a Black in 1971, d) that instead of me, IRS should have promoted Blacks in 1972, 1973, and 1974, e) that instead of me, GAO should have hired a Black in 1980, f) that instead of me, GAO should have promoted a Black in 1986, and g) that GAO should have gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a Black could have my job and my preferred corner office. I should write a book about my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who make it clear that they believe a) that all government employees are lazy, stupid, and even worse things, b) that minorities and females are inferior and therefore need preferential treatment, c) that government is the “employer of last resort,” and therefore, d) that all government employees should be minorities and/or females.) 
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The big problem, however, is that most of the jobs are simply lousy. Virtually all of the new jobs aren’t secure — they are part-time, short-term contract jobs, with variable hours, few benefits and low wages. Not surprisingly, African Americans are more likely to be caught in these kinds of jobs than whites are.)


— Roskam rival attacks on taxes – GREG HINZ (DIERSEN: Roskam should increase the $10,000 SALT cap to $20,000 for married filing jointly.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Among other specifics, Casten is calling for full restoration of the federal deduction for state and local taxes, commonly known as SALT, which the new tax law caps at a maximum of $10,000 per year. The Downers Grove businessman also wants to restore the previous top rate for millionaires, reverse the cut in rates on pass-through income and eliminate the cap on taxes for Social Security to better preserve that program.)
— Rauner wins Medicaid flexibility under Trump – KRISTEN SCHORSCH


— Feds approve Illinois’ plan to help opioid crisis – Craig Wall
— Oliver North set to become the next NRA president – AP
— Poodle attacked by dog who jumped out of truck in Addison – Leah Hope
— Gov. Rauner visits ATF agent shot in face in Back of the Yards – John Garcia


— DHS To Prosecute All Illegal Border Crossings, Potentially Separating Families


— GOP lawmakers question tax implications of creating urban agriculture zones – Angela Underwood




— Should the state establish a minimum wage for public school teachers? (DIERSEN: Should there be a minimum wage for those who have a) a job-related bachelor’s degree, b) 1, 2, 3 job-related master’s degrees, c) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 job-related professional certifications, d) a job-related professional license, and/or e) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30+ years of job-related work experience?)
— Awkward moments


— GOP Candidate For CA Governor John Cox Blasts Dems on Immigration


— Get married in sanctuary court to avoid deportation
— Bitter McCain: I want Obama at my funeral, but not Trump


— California School Mural Depicts Aztec Warrior Holding Trump’s Severed Head, Heart – JOEL B. POLLAK (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps want Mexico and its citizens, many millions of whom are in America legally or illegally, to officially declare war on America.)


— ‘Heinous and violent’: MS-13’s appeal to girls grows as gang becomes ‘Americanized’ – Michael E. Miller and Justin


— Trump Administration to Step Up Prosecution of Border-Crossing Parents Policy would separate adults from their children to deter crossings – Laura Meckler (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and future Democrats use children as cannon fodder.)


— OPM Proposes Changes to Bring Federal Benefits Closer to Private Sector – Ralph R. Smith (DIERSEN: Starting in 1966, when I was 18 years old, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have been furious that I was earning credits toward a Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) pension. Since 1993, when I was 45 years old, they have been furious that I had the option to take early retirement. Since 1997, when I was 49 years old, they have been especially furious that I started getting a CSRS pension. Few of my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes a) are earning credits toward a pension or b) are getting a pension; they are filled with envy and hatred.)


— OPM Proposes Legislation to Cut Retirement Benefits for Current and Former Feds – Erich Wagner (DIERSEN: Starting in 1966, when I was 18 years old, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have been furious that I was earning credits toward a Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) pension. Since 1993, when I was 45 years, old, they have been furious that I had the option to take early retirement. Since 1997, when I was 49 years old, they have been especially furious that I started getting a CSRS pension. Few of my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes a) are earning credits toward a pension or b) are getting a pension; they are filled with envy and hatred.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: DISGUSTING, TRAGIC: Pot pushers push pot big time.

May 5 Evening Edition

— $100k-a-year Chicago tree trimmers – BGA (DIERSEN: When did you start earning $100,000-a-year in to today’s dollars? I did in 1988 when I was 40 years old. By then, I had worked for GAO for almost 9 years, I had worked for IRS for almost 9 years, I had become a licensed CPA in 1981, I had passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, I had earned a master’s degree in accounting from DePaul in 1980, I had passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, and I had earned an MBA from Loyola in 1976.)$100k-a-year-chicago-tree-trimmers/3429335/


— Illinois Nightclub Institutes Criminal Background Checks at Door


— Trump promotes ‘America First’ in Ohio ahead of primaries – AP


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Those who encourage people to come to America illegally, to stay in America illegally, and to bring others to America illegally rally in Aurora.


— Illinois legislators snub voters on fair maps again – Editorial
— Trump suggests US ‘close up’ to stop immigrants – AP


— Illinois’ dilemma: Billions in capital needs, but prospects dim for funding plan – Doug Finke
— Legionnaires’ outbreaks prompt bills to mandate faster notifications – Maximilian Kwiatkowski


— Sorry, no amendments this year – Doug Finke


— Neighboring towns subsidize Bradley – David Giuliani


— Iowa Bans Most Abortions As Governor Signs ‘Heartbeat’ Bill – SASHA INGBER


— Immigrant workers protest on May Day, insist policy change – Savannah Eadens


— Flashback: Kelly exposes Rauner’s sanctuary state bill


— JANUARY 2005 FLASHBACK: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Report on the January 15, 2005 Illinois Republican Party chairman election. (DIERSEN: I attended this event and I organized a candidate forum in the hotel the evening before the election.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: During Chicago Left in Review’s episode a week before the Republican State Central Committee (“SCC”) election of a new Republican State GOP Chairman in Springfield on January 15, 2005 and during its shows that followed over the last two weeks after the election—the host and his panel chose to ignore the event. Not a mention– nothing, nada, zero, zip. The event attracted about 500 Republican activists, operatives, party functionaries, office holders and wannabees– including more than 150 County, Ward and Township Committeemen; State GOP Chairman candidates Andy McKenna, Jr., Steve McGlynn, Jim Oberweis, John Cox and Jim Nalepa. Andy McKenna, Jr., who is known for his father’s and perhaps his own fundraising prowess and business contacts and who ran in the Republican U. S. Senate Primary in 2004, garnering 14% and a 4th out of 7 candidates finish, won the State GOP chairmanship vote, primarily because of the backing of the Illinois Republican Party Finance Committee, i.e., in large part the Chicago Metropolitan Republican Business Interests and Donors. McGlynn, who had campaigned vigorously for the position, withdrew prior to the vote when he saw he could not get a majority of the SCC weighted vote. Nalepa, who drew acclaim and cheers from the assembled for his stirring speech, came in a very distant second to McKenna– who, in addition to the aforementioned money interests, had the New Republican Establishment behind him– Lahood-Kirk, for sure, and most likely Cross. Of course, the New Republican Establishment and money interests go together like ham and cheese.)


— Local Illinois Pension Funding Woes Raise Credit Concerns


— 39% of colleges have 0 Republican professors – Michael F. Haverluck


— JANUARY 2005 FLASHBACK: DIERSEN HEADLINE: John Gizzi report on the January 15, 2005 Illinois Republican Party chairman election. (DIERSEN: I attended this event and I organized a candidate forum in the hotel the evening before the election.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: McKenna Takes ‘The Titanic’ There really was no surprise when the State Central Committee of the Illinois Republican Party met in Springfield January (15) to elect a new party chairman. Although more than 500 county party leaders, GOP activists, and reporters jammed the Renaissance Hotel, the chairmanship was being decided by just the 19 SCC members–all of whom had weighted votes–in executive session. Thus, while Chicago businessman and onetime GOP U.S. House hopeful Jim Nalepa held the crowd spellbound with his presentation and his call for beginning the meeting with the under-attack Pledge of Allegiance, the SCC gave 86% of its votes to rival Andy McKenna, Jr. and made him chairman. (Two other contenders, state Vice Chairman Steve McGlynn and Cook County GOP Chairman Gary Skoien, withdrew before the vote). The chief executive officer of the Schwarz Paper Co. and third-place finisher in the Republican Senate primary last year, McKenna is considered a strong conservative who makes no bones about his pro-life stance. His position is in sharp contrast to that of the outgoing chairman (and lone GOPer in statewide office), Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, long criticized by party conservatives. A successful businessman and proven fund-raiser (he raised more than $2 million for his Senate bid), McKenna is also light years removed from the old statehouse gang of Republicans who are presently targets of corruption probes. Asked by reporters about how the Illinois GOP–which lost both a Senate and U.S. House seat last fall as well as the state’s electoral votes–could withstand the racketeering trial of former Republican Gov. (1998-2002) George Ryan, the chairman-elect replied: “The people in the Ryan trial are not part of this party.” Although many conservatives praised McKenna as a fresh leader, others were critical of his failure so far to denounce the Democratic machine of Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley or to hint that he would fire any of the Topinka staff at state party headquarters. Many conservatives do not like the selective, back-room mechanism for choosing a chairman, convinced that had a new state convention been called with delegates more representative of the party grass-roots, Nalepa and his magnetic speaking style would have carried the day. Jack Roeser, head of the conservative Renew Illinois group, led a delegation to Springfield to demand that the SCC refuse to elect a chairman and that a new convention be called for this task. Prior to the vote, Roeser hinted to me that he and his allies on the right might well pursue a change of the party rules to permit such a convention and a vote on party officers–especially on Roeser’s longtime arch-enemy, Republican National Committeeman Robert Kjellander. As for Nalepa, Chicago political strategist Bill Pascoe told me that Nalepa’s remarks “wowed the crowd” and that his “moving around the room with a microphone, Elizabeth Dole-style, was visually riveting.” Pascoe noted that the former U.S. Army ranger was unrecognized by most Republicans two months ago. “But after this campaign for chairman,” he added, “there are a number of leading Republicans trying to figure out how to put Jim Nalepa to good use for a party in desperate need of new leadership.” Hinting strongly that the runner-up would yet have his day in the sun, Illinois political blogger par excellence Jeff Berkowitz concluded: “Andy McKenna, Jr., was elected this afternoon. … Jim Nalepa, who won the hearts and minds of many in the one hour or so public portion of the Republican State Central Committee meeting, came in second. …”)


— Younger lawmakers ignite new push for term limits – MELANIE ZANONA (DIERSEN: Term limits are similar to “up-or-out.” Were you faced with “up-or-out?” Non-veteran White male federal employees are “out” if they do not make GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40.)


— Trump Turns to Outsiders, Not White House Staff, for Key Advice – Michael C. Bender and Peter Nicholas


— Sure, Unemployment Went Down – Because More People Left The Workforce, Erik Sherman

May 1 Evening Edition

— Doctors trying to save leg of Woodlawn dog attack victim – Ravi Baichwal
— 5 of Michelle Wolf’s most controversial jokes at White House correspondents’ dinner – MEGHAN KENEALLY


— Long Lines for CityKey as Mayor Faces Critics Who Say It’s Part of Re-Election Campaign The first 100,000 applicants were set to receive the card for free


— Feds Start Processing Central American Asylum-Seekers In ‘Caravan’


— Kanye West says 400 years of slavery was a choice for African-Americans


— Pritzker: “When a teacher takes a job, they’re not being overpaid”


— Cinco de Mayo parade canceled amid dispute between alderman, community group – Lauren Chval
— Schools win more funding, but state budget makes losers of municipalities – Ted Slowik
— U.S. protesters target Trump, immigration, midterms in May Day demonstrations – AP
— Violence, arrests punctuate defiant May Day rallies across the globe – AP
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: An anti-Trump says “President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far.”
— Conservatives may be misreading Kanye West and his pro-Trump tweets – Dahleen Glanton
— Rebuild veterans home plagued by Legionnaires’ disease, Rauner task force says – Bill Lukitsch


— Rauner task force urges rebuilding Quincy vet home, email suggests blame shift – Tina Sfondeles
— May Day rally at Haymarket Monument promotes rights for workers, immigrants – Matthew Hendrickson
— Organizer blames alderman for cancellation of Cinco de Mayo parade – Mitchell Armentrout
— Sin taxes? Illinois wouldn’t know what to do without them – Phil Kadner
— ACLU sounds the alarm about bill allowing use of drones to monitor protesters – Fran Spielman (DIERSEN: Are/were you a protestor? What have you protested? I have protested patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation. I have filed administrative complaints, arbitration demands, and lawsuits that have charged the aforesaid as well as fraud and breach of contract. I have protested the promotion of dependency on government, dependency on charity, LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, abolition of the First and Second Amendments, and other terrible things.)
— White House defends seizure of Trump’s medical records – AP


— If you preach about the poor, you don’t have a prayer in Washington – Dana Milbank (DIERSEN: What do you do for the poor? My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes harass me and everyone else to do more the poor. They paint themselves as being Robin Hood.)

— Facebook accidentally asked its users if posts contained hate speech – Abby Ohlheiser (DIERSEN: According to Democrats, anything that promotes the Republican Party platform is hate speech.)
— Wheaton Park District wants to build disc golf course on forest land – Robert Sanchez
— Palatine Township supervisor, highway boss spar over appointments – Bob Susnjara
— Lisle High student charged with threatening classmates
— Rising pension costs play role in teacher protests across US – AP
— Metra’s new shop will crank out more refurbished railcars for riders – Marni Pyke


— Top Rauner Aide Darlene Senger Suggested Blaming Duckworth For Legionnaires’ Deaths – Dave McKinney, Tony Arnold (DIERSEN: Democrats stress that Duckworth is a female, a minority, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel who was severely injured in combat, a disabled person, a mother of two, and a U.S. Senator.)
— Rauner Urges $245M Fix To Troubled Quincy Vets’ Home – Dave McKinney, Tony Arnold


— Righter Helps Sponsor Bill to Prohibit Lawmaker Pay Raises


— Rich dudes rejoice: The ‘Fair Tax’ is all but dead in Illinois – Ben Joravsky (DIERSEN: Who wants you to pay more taxes? I should write a book about those who want me to pay more taxes. They have always hinted/implied/argued that the federal government grossly overpaid me, that my federal employee benefits were much too generous, and that my federal pension and federal health, dental, and vision insurance benefits are much too generous. They stress that I avoided the draft, that I married someone who has always had income, and that we gave up trying to have children, we did not adopt, and we did not become foster parents.)


— BetterGov- Rauner and his VW package sets off lawmakers


— One year ago, Tiffany Thrasher was murdered by an illegal immigrant


— Kathy Griffin emboldened to rescind apology for severed head photo (DIERSEN: What are the anti-Trumps in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois emboldened to do?)


— DOJ Files Charges Against 11 Alleged ‘Caravan Migrants’ for Illegal Entry to U.S. – BOB PRICE
— Pope Francis Calls On Nations to ‘Ban All Weapons’ – THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D. (DIERSEN: Those who want to kill people do not want them to have weapons to defend themselves with.)


— DOJ Cracks Down on Illegal Caravan With Federal Charges – Katie Pavlich


— Meghan McCain — Many People Think The Media Hates ‘The People In The Middle Of The Country’ – Justin Caruso


— SURPRISE! UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS GO TO BAT FOR CONSERVATIVES Argue Constitution doesn’t allow excess fees for speaking about 1 political perspective – BOB UNRUH


— Politicizing Courts Imperils Judiciary – Richard A. Arenberg (DIERSEN: Anyone who reads all the documents in Diersen v. GAO will conclude that Amy J. St. Eve, Patrick Fitzgerald, and GAO have no problem with, if not favor, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation for complaining about the aforesaid. Anyone who reads all the documents in the lawsuit will conclude that the aforesaid have no problem with, if not favor, “up or out” for federal employees who are Republican, White, male, and/or non-veteran, that is, to waste the careers of the aforesaid and to get rid of them if they do not make GS-13 (currently $96,403) by age 25, GS-14 (currently $113,920) by age 30, GS-15 (currently $134,000) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service (currently $164,200) by age 40.)


— What Republicans’ Food-Stamp Bill and Democrats’ Job-Guarantee Plan Have in Common – ROBERT VERBRUGGEN (DIERSEN: According to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes, the federal government is the “employer of last resort.” So therefore, by definition, all federal employees and all federal retirees are stupid, lazy, and even worse things. In my defense, I became a federal employee in 1971 because Oldsmobile withdrew a job offer that I had accepted saying that Oldsmobile had just agreed to stop hiring Whites to settle an EEOC complaint.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The most striking difference is the level of compensation they would provide. Under the House GOP plan, someone without a job would need to spend 20–25 hours a week in a training program to get food stamps, which are worth maybe $200 a month — meaning people could be putting in time at $2 an hour, math that even some conservatives blanch at. (That had better be some really valuable job training.) By contrast, as Adam Ozimek notes at Forbes, liberals want a job guarantee that doesn’t just make the government the employer of last resort, but also exerts a tremendous amount of pressure on private-sector companies — which would be forced to compete with “guaranteed” employment. Some plans would pay $15 an hour or so; 41 million people across the country, about a quarter of the labor force, currently work for less than that.)


— Ingraham: Comedian Michelle Wolf’s Rant Proves Press Is ‘Brimming With Hatred’ for Trump


— White House Correspondents Association dinner will turn Americans tired of the hate to Trump’s side – MATT SCHLAPP


— Bornstein claims Trump dictated the glowing health letter – Alex Marquardt and Lawrence Crook III
— May Day protesters demand better rights for workers – Sheena McKenzie and Sarah Tilotta


— Why International Workers’ Day Isn’t a Big Deal in the U.S. – CHRIS MORRIS

May 1 Morning Edition

— Durbin says federal money is available for Quincy home, as Rauner report could come soon


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, the Chicago Sun-Times focuses on driving out of Chicago, out of Cook County, and out of Illinois those individuals, organizations, and companies that are Trump supporters, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, German American, draft avoiders, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.


— Police: Guns, ammo taken from Vernon Hills teen who wore white supremacist shirt at college – Christopher Hacker


— New Report Recommends Graduated Income Tax for Illinois – Paris Schutz


— Republicans getting even – Editorial (DIERSEN: From this editorial: “One of the rules of politics is that double-crossers shouldn’t expect favors from those they double-cross.” I should write a book about those who have taken major adverse actions against me since 2000. They include activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consults, etc. in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout and who falsely claim to be religious, conservative, and/or Republican.)
(FROM THE EDITORIAL: One of the rules of politics is that double-crossers shouldn’t expect favors from those they double-cross. A couple weeks ago, Republican state Sen. Sam McCann announced his third-party candidacy in the gubernatorial campaign, joining incumbent Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner and Democrat J.B. Pritzker. McCann, a nominal Republican who’s long feuded with Rauner and his fellow Republican legislators, has no chance to win the race. But running as the candidate of what he calls the Conservative Party, McCann has a great chance of drawing votes at the expense of Rauner and to the benefit of Pritzker. To say that Republicans were chagrined by McCann’s decision is to put it mildly. If Democrats take back the governor’s office in November — current polling indicates they will — the GOP will look back to McCann’s announcement of candidacy and label it one more nail in Rauner’s political coffin. Further, to say that Democrats were pleased with McCann’s decision also is to put it mildly. In fact, they were delighted. Pritzker immediately welcomed McCann to the race. The multi-billionaire Chicago businessman is clearly operating under the maxim that the “enemy (McCann) of my enemy (Rauner) is my friend,” to the point that he was positively glowing from this exercise in self-interest. That political circumstance — and the hard feelings it generated — have now led to another controversy. McCann’s unhappy colleagues decided to take him at, if not his word, his action that he’s abandoned them. So they’ve abandoned him. State Sen. Bill Brady contends that McCann resigned from the GOP Senate caucus. Consequently, the GOP is no longer providing services to McCann that it provides to members of the GOP caucus. That includes assistance in writing legislation, communications with constituents, keeping track of bills as they wind their ways through the legislative process and providing photographers to take pictures of visitors to the legislator’s office. McCann is now complaining about this act of retaliation, noting that there was no staff photographer to record his recent visit with “a group of Girl Scouts.” McCann asserts that denying him, among other things, pictures with his Girl Scout visitors is “totally unconstitutional.” “I think the taxpayers need to know that … currently, in the 50th District, you are enduring taxation without representation,” he said. McCann not only is complaining about his treatment, he’s threatening to file a lawsuit over it. His legal theory — interesting, but not necessarily persuasive — is that even though he’s a self-described candidate for governor representing the Conservative Party, he’s also a Republican member of the Illinois Senate legally entitled to support services both parties typically provide to members.)


— Durbin “disappointed” with handling of Legionnaires’ disease outbreak – Gabe Pishghadamian


— WHERE DOES PROPERTY TAX MONEY GO? THIS YEAR, 68.6% GOES TO SCHOOLS (DIERSEN: According to your assessor, what is your home worth, how much is your 2017 property tax bill, and what does your property tax money go to? According to my assessor, my home at 915 Cove Court in Wheaton is worth $474,200. According to Zillow, my home is worth $474,533. My 2017 property tax bill is $10,913 (approximately 2.3% of market value) with a $6,000 residential exemption and a $5,000 senior exemption. The property tax goes as follows:


— $7,177 (66%) School District 200
— $1,416 (13%) City of Wheaton
— $1,046 (10%) Wheaton Park District
— $358 (3%) College of DuPage
— $177 (2%) DuPage Forest Preserve
— $163 (1%) School District 200 Pension Fund
— $155 (1%) County of DuPage
— $104 (1%) Milton Township Roads
— $82 (1%) Wheaton Park District Pension Fund
— $66 (1%) Milton Township
— $169 (2%) 7 other taxing bodies


I should write a book about those who hint/imply/argue/shout a) that 915 Cove Court in Wheaton is worth far more than what it is assessed at and b) that I should be paying much higher property taxes; they want to curry favor with the home’s builder and the aforesaid taxing bodies. My wife and I have paid property taxes in Wheaton, in Milton Township, and DuPage County since 1978. However, we have never attended any schools in DuPage County, we have never sent any children to schools in DuPage County, and our use of Wheaton Park District facilities has always been very limited.)


— DuPage County creates task force to combat drug crisis


— BGA’s David Greising and Berkowitz model ten Rauner-Pritzker Gubernatorial Race discussions


— Stormy’s Chicago show to feature Rahm on stage—kinda – Ben Joravsky


— Undocumented Residents Eligible for New Chicago City ID (DIERSEN: To vote for Democrats or for RINOs is to encourage people to come to America illegally, to stay in America illegally, and to bring others to America illegally.)


— Madigan re-election as state Democratic leader should serve as wake-up call, Caulkins says – Glenn Minnis


— State Rep. Jerry Costello, D-Smithton, signed on as chief co-sponsor to House Resolution 891 on April 27. The resolution was filed in March by state Rep. David McSweeney, R-Barrington Hills, and states that Illinois should not scrap its constitutionally protected flat income tax.
— Don’t get mad, get even (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always known that my policy has been to “forgive those who trespass against me” instead of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” or the “Chicago way.”)


— First Central American caravan members admitted at San Ysidro Port of Entry (DIERSEN: Will Democrats shout at asylum seekers, like they shout at everyone else, that Republicans are White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, even worse things who should be gotten rid of. How successful will Democrats be in getting asylum seekers to help Democrats to get rid of Republicans once and for all?)
— Turning the tables? CNN calls conservatives ‘snowflakes’ for their outrage over ‘comedy’ routine
— Blood, syringes, feces: Caltrans workers seek protections for clearing homeless camps (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats blame Republicans for homelessness.)


— Trump: No apology for travel ban Muslim comments – S.A. Miller and Stephen Dinan (DIERSEN: What do your critics/opponents want you to apologize for? My critics/opponents have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois. They want me to apologize for a) causing all of their problems, b) causing all of your problems, c) causing all of my problems, and d) causing all of everyone’s problems. They especially want me to apologize for causing all the defeats that Republicans have suffered in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois since 2000.)


— The Migrant Caravan Is An Attempted Invasion — Here’s What You Need To Know About It – STEPHANIE HAMILL (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats side with those who want to invade America and those who are invading America. Ever-increasing, Democrats make it clear that if/when there is an armed invasion of America, they will help/join the invaders.)


— Democrats are taking minorities for granted – Michael Barone (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats shout at minorities and at everyone else that Republicans are White supremacists, Nazis, KKK members, haters, racists, sexists, bigots, and even worse things. Ever-increasingly, Democrats shout at minorities and at everyone else that Republicans have caused, are causing, and will forever cause all the problems that minorities and everyone else has had, are having, and will have. Ever-increasingly, Democrats shout at minorities and at everyone else that they should hate, demonize, denigrate, condemn, and get rid of Republicans.)


— ICE Director Homan: Migrant Caravan Is an ‘Attack on the Sovereignty of This Nation’
Says many do not have legitimate asylum claim.
— Rubio ‘100% wrong’ to suggest GOP tax law doesn’t help American workers, experts say – Brittany De Lea (DIERSEN: Are/were you a worker? I was a lowly worker 1962-1997. I should write a book about my critics/opponents in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who belittle, badmouth, despise, demonize, denigrate, condemn, if not hate lowly workers like I was 1962-1997.)


— Trump allies want to turn midterms into ‘impeachment referendum’ – NIALL STANAGE (DIERSEN: What percent of the voters in your precinct, in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois want Trump to be impeached? Only 137 in my precinct voted for Trump while 211 voted for Clinton.)


— Who’s to blame for Michelle Wolf? – MICHAEL GRAHAM (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents blame me for all the adverse actions that they have taken against me. I should write a book about my critics/opponents.)


— ‘There’s No Reason to Apologize’ for Muslim Ban Remarks, Trump Says – Adam Liptak (DIERSEN: What do your critics/opponents want you to apologize for? My critics/opponents have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois. They want me to apologize for a) causing all of their problems, b) causing all of your problems, c) causing all of my problems, and d) causing all of everyone’s problems. They especially want me to apologize for causing all the defeats that Republicans have suffered in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois since 2000.)
— How’s That Tax Cut Working Out? Workers won’t see significant gains, soon, if ever – Paul Krugman (DIERSEN: Are/were you a worker? I was a lowly worker 1962-1997. I should write a book about my critics/opponents in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who belittle, badmouth, despise, demonize, denigrate, condemn, if not hate lowly workers like I was 1962-1997.)


— Comparing federal, private-sector benefits – Eric Yoder (DIERSEN: I should write a book about my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes WHO HAVE NEVER SOUGHT A FEDERAL JOB AND NEVER WOULD SEEK A FEDERAL JOB a) because federal pay and benefits are terrible, b) because advancement opportunities in the federal government are terrible, c) because they lack required education, work experience, professional certifications, and/or professional licenses, d) because they cannot pass an employment examination, e) because they cannot pass a background investigation, f) because they cannot pass a physical examination, g) because they cannot take the demonization, denigration, and condemnation that comes with being a federal employee or federal retiree, and/or h) because they are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran and they know that the federal government discriminates against the aforesaid.)


— Pence arrives in California to tour border barrier while, just 100 miles west, migrants seek asylum – ANDREA CASTILLO and HAILEY BRANSON-POTTS


— How Bad Is the Labor Shortage? Cities Will Pay You to Move There Towns with unfilled jobs are handing out money, student-debt relief and home-purchase assistance to lure potential employees–one by one – David Harrison and Shayndi Raice
— ‘Americans and the Holocaust’ Review: What We Could Have Done A nuanced look at America’s efforts to stop the Holocaust—or lack thereof—shows why little about this subject is simple. – Edward Rothstein (DIERSEN: In my defense, my grandfather on my father’s side fought the Germans in WWI, my uncles on my mother’s side fought the Germans in WWII, and my father would have fought the Germans in WWII if he had not been 4-F. Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps a) paint Trump as being Hitler, b) Republicans as being Nazis, and c) illegals as being Jews.)


— Job Guarantee: A Liberal Idea That Conservatives May Embrace – Jeffrey Dorfman (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who belittle, badmouth, despise, demonize, denigrate, condemn, hate, and focus on destroying past, present, and future federal employees. They hint/imply/argue/shout that if you were, are, or might become a federal employee, you are lazy, stupid, and far worse things.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Forget universal health care; that universal basic income, small potatoes. The progressive wing of the Democrat Party is suddenly going all in on a federal job guarantee. Leading a parade of presidential hopefuls, Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Bernie Sanders (S-VT) are eagerly pushing a new federal entitlement program: jobs for anyone. These jobs would offer perhaps $30,000 per year in pay ($15 per hour) and come with full benefits (hello, (near) universal health care). Yet, while the idea starts from the far left, conservatives may soon back this idea because liberals haven’t thought it all the way through. A job guarantee program is really the ultimate work requirement for welfare recipients. The idea of a job guarantee is simple. If you would like a job, the federal government will stand ready to offer you one, with reasonable pay (about double the federal minimum wage) and benefits. Details of whether the job would be near where you live, how skills would be matched between job and worker, and whether the output of these jobs would be needed or have any value at all are still to be decided. However, lack of specifics might not stop this idea, once conservatives see it in the right light.)


— Lower wages, student loan debt: Here’s why it’s harder for Millennials to build wealth – Susan Tompor (DIERSEN: In today’s dollars, how much were you earning when you were young? In today’s dollars, I earned $45,703 when I was 22, $55,905 when I was 23, $67,638 when I was 24, $81,071 when I was 25, $83,773 when I was 26, $86,476 when I was 27, $89,178 when I was 28 and 29, and $91,880 when I was 30. In my defense, I earned a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 in 1970, a job-related master’s degree when I was 27, and a job-related professional certification when I was 30.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: What do anti-Whites use to blame lynchings on you, on your parents, on your grandparents, on your great grandparents, and on the rest of your ancestors? They stress a) that I am White, b) that I am a male, c) that I am 100% German American, d) that I am 69 years old, e) that I was baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran, f) that my ancestors have been in America since 1844, g) that I am conservative, h) that I am Republican, i) that am not poor, and j) that I am a gun owner.)


— Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein and Reince Priebus talk about American dream at Leon Panetta Lecture Series – James Herrera (DIERSEN: Are you doing better now financially than your father was doing at your age? I am. What do your critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes attribute that to? Mine hint/imply/argue/shout that I am doing better now a) because I was born a White male, b) because I have benefited tremendously from my parents’, grandparents’, great grandparents’, and the rest of my ancestors’’ discrimination against minorities and against females, c) because my parents were filthy rich, d) because I have always had good health, e) because I avoided the draft, f) because the federal government grossly overpaid me, g) because I married someone who has income, h) because we gave up trying to have children, we did not adopt, and we did not become foster parents, i) because my Civil Service Retirement System pension and federal health, dental, and vision insurance subsidies are much too generous, j) because etc.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: On the topic of the American dream and its availability to U.S. citizens, Priebus believes that “in regards to the economy, opportunities and international relations — things people are concerned with — I think that things are better today than a year and a half ago, but it’s still too early.” Panetta said the jury is still out because much depends on the policies currently being put in place and what their impacts will be, including the tax bill and if in fact it will trickle down to be able to help workers by providing jobs. The Panetta Institute has been polling CSU Monterey Bay students since the Barack Obama administration and has found young people are increasingly concerned they will not be able to enjoy the American dream or have the same type of life their parents had. Much of the concern is centered around the economy, education and job market — a lot of issues that concern many young adults today. “The fundamental question is will this president or future ones be able to provide the opportunities needed in order to succeed?” said Panetta.)


— Journalists who brought down Nixon speak in Monterey – Joe Szydlowski (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those who have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who focus on a) BRINGING DOWN those who they cannot manipulate/dominate, b) BRINGING DOWN those who have sued them, c) BRINGING DOWN those who have demographics that they disapprove of including Trump supporter, Protestant, conservative, patriotic, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owner, German American, draft avoider, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time, and d) BRINGING DOWN those who fail/refuse to promote dependency on government, dependency on charity, LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, abolition of the First and Second Amendments, booze, gambling, pot, and other vices, patronage, political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, retaliation, and other terrible things.)


— Newsrooms are Forming Unions to Create Better Pay, Better Benefits and Better Journalism – Sharon Knolle (DIERSEN: I was a union member for almost 12 years. If GAO had been unionized in 1997, I might still be a GAO employee. Overwhelmingly, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes a) want cheap labor and b) hate unions, hate former union members, hate current union members, and hate future members.)