September 17 Morning Edition

— Trump, Ivanka heading to town for fundraisers – Michell Sneed  (DIERSEN: Far too often, political news of interest to Illinois Republicans is a) first given to the Democrat news media, b) then reported by the Democrat news media, c) then included in a GOPUSA ILLINOIS email, and d) then read by Illinois Republicans.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Ivanka Trump is on the way. The Donald isn’t . . . yet. “It’s hush, but father and daughter are coming at the end of the month,” a top Republican source said. “They aren’t on the campaign trail. No press. It’s private fundraisers,” the source added. “Trump’s poll numbers are soaring and he’s got to focus on the swing states — and Illinois is so blue it’s almost frozen,” the source said. Sneed hears Ivanka, one of her father’s top advisers, has scheduled three fundraisers at the end of September. Two downstate. One in Chicago. “There is huge interest now. People sense now is the time to get on board,” the source said. With his numbers rising in the polls, Trump abruptly canceled his Bolingbrook luncheon appearance Monday to hit Florida. “I get it,” said Bolingbrook Mayor Roger Claar, a huge Trump supporter who has already postponed the Trumpster’s luncheon twice: now reset for Sept. 28. “He needs to put his attention on the swing states. But I’ll tell you what,” said Claar. “Tickets for the luncheon are selling. Originally set for only 100 people, now 300-350 are anticipated. “People who couldn’t make time on their calendars before now have calendars dates available. It’s great. People who were expecting to come and now can’t are really disappointed.”  Sneed hears rumbles DuPage County Board Chairman Dan Cronin may be attending. Psst, word is Trump’s jet will fly into Chicago. Does that mean he will drive from the city to Bolingbrook? Stay tuned.)


— Trump frees Republicans from rigid litmus tests – Bloomberg
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, if you protest the Pledge of Allegiance, Democrats and RINOs will a) paint you as favorably as they can and b) paint those who oppose your protesting as negatively as they can.)
— Amid jeers, Chicago State pays president $600,000 to leave, names interim leader – Dawn Rhodes  (DIERSEN: Ultimately, that $600,000 comes from the taxpayers.  To get rid of me, in today’s dollars, so far, the Democrats who ran GAO in 1997 have gotten the Civil Service Retirement System to pay me $963,680 ($50,720 X 19 years).)
— OUTSTANDING: More towns seek curbs on gambling – Mike Nolan
— OUTSTANDING: Court ruling gives boost to Hometown video gambling plans – Mike Nolan
— BEYOND TRAGIC: Video gambling spending, losses on rise – Mike Nolan  (DIERSEN: Video gambling is a vice.  Individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that promote video gambling promote vice.  Questions to ask video gamblers include a) how much time do you spend video gambling per day, per week, per month, and per year, b) how much money do you typically lose per day, per week, per month, and per year, c) can you afford the lose the time and money that you do gambling, d) where does the money come from that you gamble away, and e) how much have you saved for your retirement?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: What is being spent at video gambling machines, and what is being lost, grew during the first eight months of this year compared with the same period last year, according to figures compiled by the state gaming board. Some of the increase is due to more establishments offering gambling now compared with a year ago. Here is a breakdown for selected communities in the south and southwest suburbs showing amounts spent at the machines for the period of January through August of this year and a comparison to the same eight-month period in 2015: In Alsip, $11.1 million was spent this year through August, and $3 million lost, compared with $7.8 million spent during the first eight months of last year and losses of $2.1 million. At Bridgeview gambling terminals, $8.2 million was spent during the first eight months of this year, and $2.1 million lost, compared with spending of $6.7 million a year earlier and losses of $1.8 million. Chicago Ridge video gambling spending totaled $12.1 million through August of this year, with losses to gamblers of $3.2 million, compared with the same period in 2015 when $11.7 million was spent and $3.1 million lost. In Crestwood, $14.5 million was spent in the first eight months of this year, with losses of $3.7 million, compared with a year earlier when $11.4 million was spent at gambling machines and losses totaled $3 million. At establishments in Homer Glen, $6.3 million was spent on video gambling through August of this year, with losses of $1.7 million, compared with $4.7 million spent last year and losses of $1.3 million. Lemont video gambling spending was $8.3 million during the first eight months of this year, with losses of $2 million, while spending for the same period last year was $5.6 million and losses totaled $1.4 million. In Midlothian, $9 million was spent during the first eight months of this year, with losses of $2.3 million, compared with $7.3 million spent for the same period in 2015 and losses totaling $2 million. At video gambling terminals in Mokena, $10.7 million was spent through August of this year, with losses of $2.8 million, compared with spending of $8.7 million for the same period of last year and losses totaling $2.2 million. In Oak Forest, video gambling spending totaled $13.3 million during the first eight months of this year, with losses of $3.4 million, compared with $12.3 million spent during the same period last year and losses of $3.2 million. At establishments in Oak Lawn, spending on video gambling totaled $27.1 million through August of this year, with losses of $7.1 million, compared with spending during the same period last year of $22.1 million and losses of $6 million. In Tinley Park, spending on video gambling totaled $10.6 million through the first eight months of this year, with losses of $2.9 million, compared with $8.1 million spent during the same period a year earlier and losses of $2.2 million.)


— Q and A with outgoing Rolling Meadows Mayor Tom Rooney – Melissa Silverberg


— Former State Rep. Ron Sandack Sent Alleged Extortion Money to Philippines – Paris Schutz


— OUTSTANDING: DeKalb City Council Puts Brakes On Video Gambling Licenses – JESSIE SCHLACKS


— Barickman, Rose move up in GOP Senate leadership – Dan Petrella


— Gov. Bruce Rauner: Illinois legislature must pass redistricting this fall


— Matt Murphy: Lawmaker To Lobbyist – JORDAN ABUDAYYEH  (DIERSEN: What do you lobby for?  I lobby for the Republican Party platform, the Illinois Republican Party platform, and the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling.)


— Rauner administration: Lottery program shows ‘merit pay’ works – Dan Petrella  (DIERSEN: My Democrat GAO superiors used merit pay to favor their employees who were Democrat, minority, female, and/or younger, that is, to discriminate against their employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or older.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The state has paid more than $631,000 in bonuses over the past two years to dozens of Illinois Lottery employees for meeting sales targets and other goals. Introducing programs like this, which reward workers financially based on certain measures of job performance, throughout state government has been a priority for Gov. Bruce Rauner’s administration in stalled contract talks with a union representing 38,000 state workers. The administration wants to do away with guaranteed annual raises in favor what it calls “merit pay,” but the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 31 has opposed those proposals because, among other reasons, it sees opportunities for favoritism. Wages are one of the major sticking points in the negotiations, which were halted in January when the Rauner administration moved to have an impasse declared. An administrative law judge recommended earlier this month that the Illinois Labor Relations Board order the administration and AFSCME back to the bargaining table. The Rauner administration says the Lottery program, which was introduced in 2011 under the administration of then-Gov. Pat Quinn, is evidence that merit pay works.)


— State Rep. Sandack’s mistake? Resigning over a sexual peccadillo – Jeff Berkowitz  (DIERSEN: Diersen disagrees.  Those who have sexual peccadilloes subject themselves to blackmail. Therefore, people with sexual peccadilloes should not seek or hold any kind of government or political office.  Activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, their operatives, and their dupes who have sexual peccadilloes have always worked against me.  They see the day a) when Democrats will bring them down by splashing their sexual peccadilloes all over their television stations, newspapers, radio stations, websites, etc. and b) when I will include links to the aforesaid in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.  Sooner or later, people with sexual peccadilloes bring themselves down and bring everyone around them down.)




— Ron Sandack – Ownership Appreciated – Kirk Allen


— London Mayor Sadiq Khan and the ties to Farrakhan he’d rather forget
— Chicago: Woman shot shielding family from mob of thugs, daughter also hit
— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON AMERICA TIGHTENS: Schools Crack down on ‘USA, USA’ Chant, Ban Flags  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats make it clear that they are anti-American.)


— DR. CARSON’S MIS-DIAGNOSIS ON ELIGIBILITY  Joseph Farah shows how ‘drive-by media’ hoodwinked Trump supporter.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: I have about as much respect for Dr. Ben Carson as I do for any prominent person in the world today. I’ve interviewed him extensively and found almost no area of disagreement with his views. I respected the campaign he ran for the presidency this year and was disappointed that he didn’t get more support. But, his advice to Donald Trump to apologize for questioning whether Barack Obama was constitutionally eligible for the office of the presidency was just plain wrong.)


— CNN Says Trump Bashing the Media Is ‘Like’ Saddam Hussein Destroying Democracy – WARNER TODD HUSTON
— Media Reacts as Trump Calls Hillary to Lead by Example, Disarm Bodyguards – AWR HAWKINS


— The Imploding Leftist Establishment – Bruce Walker


— Pence: Documents reveal Clinton’s ‘pay-to-play’ operation at State – T. BECKET ADAMS!


— Clinton camp: GOP leaders should denounce ‘disturbing behavior’ from Trump – Evelyn Rupert


— No, Clinton didn’t start the birther thing. Andy Martin did. Despite what Trump says, the 2008 Clinton campaign and the candidate herself never trafficked in the rumors. – Kyle Cheney


— Clinton leads Trump as Americans shrug off her pneumonia scare: Reuters/Ipsos poll  (DIERSEN: Many believe that pneumonia is the least of Clinton’s health problems.)


— Clinton: ‘You don’t talk about ISIS with a big grin on your face’ – Seema Mehta


— Made in the USA? Not these cars – Nathan Bomey  (DIERSEN: One would expect that the more anti-union and/or the more anti-American that you are, the more likely that you will buy one of these cars.)


— Former Illinois Rep. Ron Sandack resigned after ‘inappropriate’ online relationship and extortion scheme – JESSICA SCHLADEBECK


— At Miami Rally, Donald Trump Veers Off Script to Criticize Hillary Clinton on Guns – ARIAN CAMPO-FLORES
— U.S. Household Wealth Rises to Record  Higher home prices and rising stock market help send total net worth to $89.1 trillion – JOSH ZUMBRUN  (DIERSEN: What is your net worth?  How did you get it?  I got my net worth by doing yard work, delivering newspapers, washing dishes, cleaning golf shoes, chipping slag, pumping gasoline, delivering mail, working on an automobile assembly line, working as a security guard, selling tires, automotive services, and major appliances, collecting delinquent taxes, auditing federal agencies, and collecting a Civil Service Retirement System pension and Social Security.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Compared to Trump, Goldwater Was a Sensible Moderate.”


— Memoir tells how undocumented immigrant Julissa Arce became Wall Street executive – Lucia Benavides  (DIERSEN: How do you compare to Arce?  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes would use Arce to condemn me as being a complete failure, a racist, a sexist, a bigot, and worse things.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Not many women make it to Wall Street. Few do who are Hispanic — and undocumented. But Julissa Arce did just that. In her new book, “My (Underground) American Dream: My True Story as an Undocumented Immigrant Who Became a Wall Street Executive,” Arce, 33, recounts the story of how she challenged the stereotype of the undocumented immigrant by graduating from the University of Texas with honors, immediately securing a job at Goldman Sachs and eventually becoming an executive at Merrill Lynch. “Since the age of 14, I had learned to live an alternate reality, an imagined reality in which my immigration status didn’t matter,” writes Arce in the prologue of her memoir, which was released Sept. 13.)

September 14 Morning Edition

— If Hillary Clinton falls ill, will Bill be boss? – John Kass
— Nervous Democrats fret about Clinton’s stumbles as race tightens – Bloomberg
— Clinton tries to blunt fallout from not disclosing pneumonia – AP–campaign-2016-20160913-story.html
— Voters have a right to know about nominees’ health – Jules Witcover–tms–poltodayctnyq-a20160914-20160914-column.html
— Clinton risks swing state backlash with ‘deplorables’ remark – Bloomberg
— Congress asks colleges how endowments help reduce tuition – Bloomberg
— Trump child care plan breaks with conservative orthodoxy  (DIERSEN: Did your father make enough money that your mother could stay home and raise you?  My father did.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always falsely hinted/implied/argued/shouted that my outstanding father made lots of money.  He worked in the office of a chemical plant and almost always worked second jobs (including playing music, delivering eggs, and fast-food worker) to pay the family’s bills. He fought type 1 diabetes from age 14. He was the first of his ancestors to earn a high school diploma.  He never attended college. He did not buy a new car until he was 45 years old in 1967 and it was a bottom of the line 2-door Chevy with almost no options.)


— ALL OF THE FRONT PAGE: Union Station falling down on commuters’ heads – Neil Steinberg  (DIERSEN: Do/did you use Union Station?  I did 1992-1997 while I worked for GAO, took graduate evening and weekend courses at IIT, and my wife worked at MacNeal Hospital in Berwyn.)


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH BIG COLOR PICTURE AND GRAPHIC: Suburban schools’ legal bills cost taxpayers $11.5 million last year – Jake Griffin  (FROM THE ARTICLE: Elgin Area Dist. U-46 paid $1,877,408.14, Naperville Unit Dist. 203 paid $390,383.12.)
— Attorney general: Lisle board violated open meetings act – Robert Sanchez


— Why you’ll be paying more for teacher pensions – Bill Bergman


— Chicago Homeless Count At Ten-year Low – Odette Yousef  (DIERSEN: Where is Chicago sending these people to, that is, where is Chicago dumping them?)


— Trump is ‘not slim and trim,’ Reid says  ‘He brags about fast food every day’ – CNN  (DIERSEN: Are you “slim and trim?”  I am not. I spend 10+ hours each and every day putting out GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)


— Democrats fear their Senate takeover chances dimming – AP


— Independent Maps coalition regrouping after final court defeat – Dan Petrella


— Trump’s Illinois race donations top other 2016 candidates – AP


— Law should help deserving felons get jobs  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/argued that those who were more “deserving” than me, that is, Democrats, minorities, females, younger people, poor people, and veterans, should have given the jobs and promotions that I had.  I point out that my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always demonized, denigrated, and condemned the jobs that I have had as being “bad” jobs that only failed losers would hold.)


— Rauner Gives Speech Supporting Law Enforcement – BRENDAN CULLERTON


— Peek Inside Donald Trump’s Childhood Home – ABC Radio  (DIERSEN: What is your childhood home like? How much is your childhood home worth?  I lived with my parents in an apartment above a hardware store at the northeast corner of Main and Exchange in Crete 1948-1954; the building was torn down in 1966. I lived with my parents and brother at 1286 Wood Street in Crete 1954-1969 and with my mother and brother there 1969-1972 after my father died in 1969.  According to Zillow (, it is worth $119,437. My bother continues the live there. My grandfather on my father’s side had the home built in 1926 on land that his grandfather bought in 1864.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always viciously demonized me, viciously denigrated me, and viciously condemned me as having been born with a silver spoon in my mouth and as having always been privileged.)


— 7 Moms Angered Over Abandoned Baby Organize Ceremony to Help Community ‘Heal’  Many of the moms struggled with infertility or miscarriages and would have “gladly taken” the baby found dead in a backpack last month. – Amie Schaenzer


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: 2:42-MINUTE video on Dan Goodwin and the DuPage County Airport


— Can Governor Rauner turn around IL with no concrete, realistic plans to do so? – Jeff Berkowitz


— County Board Member IMRF Update – Cal Skinner
— Web Site Appears


— Rep. Litesa Wallace (D-Rockford) Encourages High School Football Players To Continue Protesting National Anthem


— PODCAST: U-46 Barn Burning Board Meeting




— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Kirk wants the following to vote for him: those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.
— Munger wants Mendoza to give up a pension  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes are furious a) that while I worked part-time for the Post Office 1966-1969 and attended UIC and NIU full-time, I earned both Social Security and Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) credits and that while I worked part-time for Firestone Stores and full-time for IRS 1971-1972, I earned both Social Security and CSRS credits.)


— Rollins: Plenty Of People Across The Country Will Proudly Wear The Label “I’m One Of The Deplorables” – Ian Schwartz  (DIERSEN: According to the Democrats and to the RINOs, you are deplorable if you are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owner, and/or if your ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Tim Kaine defends ‘deplorables’ comment: ‘You’ve got to call that out’ – Ben Wolfgang  (DIERSEN: If pressed like Pence was, I wonder how many of my deplorable critics/opponents, their deplorable operatives, and their deplorable dupes would publicly call me deplorable.)


— The Medical Cover-Up Surrounding Hillary Clinton


— CNN’s Deplorable Smear of Pence – Brent Bozell and Tim Graham  (DIERSEN: If pressed like Pence was, I wonder how many of my deplorable critics/opponents, their deplorable operatives, and their deplorable dupes would publicly call me deplorable.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The CNN screen graphic at 6 pm on September 12 was blunt: “PENCE REFUSES TO CALL DAVID DUKE ‘DEPLORABLE.’” Mike Pence had granted Wolf Blitzer a 30-minute interview, and what he received in return was a reckless leftist smear.  Let’s be clear about this interview. Blitzer offered 39 hostile questions or interjections about Trump’s tax returns, medical records, charities, and offensive remarks before asking a single question about policy. In the middle of this contentious exchange, Blitzer arrived at Hillary Clinton’s gaffe calling Trump backers a “basket of deplorables.” Blitzer obnoxiously underlined that some Trump backers were truly deplorable: “David Duke, for example, some other white nationalists, who would fit into that category of deplorables. Right?”  Pence protested, “I’m not really sure why the media keeps dropping David Duke’s name. Donald Trump has denounced David Duke repeatedly. We don’t want his support, and we don’t want the support of people who think like him.” Blitzer pushed back: “Would you call him a deplorable? You would call him that?” Pence replied: “I’m not in the name-calling business, Wolf.” CNN ignored that denouncement of Duke and his backers. It was spiked in favor of a cheap National Enquirer-style “Pence Won’t Deplore Duke” headline. It’s the kind of gotcha journalism that has the public disgusted with the press.)


— (Democrats and RINOs) Force American Communities to Educate Almost 4 Million Foreign Students – KATIE MCHUGH  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs a) glorify and praise foreign countries and their citizens and b) demonize, denigrate, and condemn America and its citizens.)


— Catholic Diocese: Big Penalties for Players Who Don’t Show ‘Appropriate Respect’ During National Anthem – Dave Urbanski


— Reid Says Illegal Alien Is ‘More of a Nevadan by Far’ Than U.S. Sen. Heck – Susan Jones  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats make it clear that they are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Hillary Clinton deserves electoral oblivion in November – Arnold Cusmariu


— Taxpayer-funded treatment could render ‘transgender’ 8-year-olds sterile for life – Ben Johnson


— The Left Is Weaponizing Sports – DAVID FRENCH


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Clinton hits the mark with ‘deplorables’ comment.”  Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps make it clear that if Clinton is elected, they will get rid of deplorables, that is, individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries that are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.


— Clinton campaign delivers ‘pneumonia’ talking points to surrogates – Annie Karni
— Clinton trouncing Trump among Latino voters in battleground states – Nick Gass  (DIERSEN: Democrats run America. Democrats have always a) demonized, denigrated, and condemned Republicans and b) promised to use government to give Latinos preference.)


— Clinton’s ‘deplorables’ gaffe spawns line of merchandise – SARAH WESTWOOD


— Why ‘deplorables’ spat is here to stay – Stephen Collinson  (DIERSEN: Who hints/implies/argues/shouts that you are deplorable? I am proud to say that the following have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I am deplorable: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Icahn says Trump better for U.S. economy than Clinton – Michael Flaherty


— Political Risk for All in Trump-Clinton ‘Deplorables’ Debate  A war of words over Donald Trump’s ‘deplorables’ is intensifying as Republicans and Democrats fight for political points over Hillary Clinton’s claim that many of the New York billionaire’s supporters are racist, sexist and homophobic.


— Spat over which US airlines fly government workers intensifies – Reuters  (DIERSEN: While I worked for GAO 1980-1997, and especially during the 1980s, audit assignments, and to a lesser extent, training, required me to fly often.)


— For Every 10 U.S. Adults, Six Vote and Four Don’t. What Separates Them? – ALICIA PARLAPIANO and ADAM PEARCE  (DIERSEN: What percent of the many millions who are in America illegally use their false identifications to vote for Democrats?)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The richer, older and more educated you are, the more likely you are to vote. . .Among voters with little education, African-Americans are 1.7 times more likely to vote than whites. . .Upper Midwesterners are model voters, while Hawaii residents regularly stay home.)
— Mike Pence Is Rebuffed as He Tries to Rally G.O.P. Leaders Over ‘Deplorables’ – JONATHAN MARTIN and ALEXANDER BURNS (DIERSEN: RINOs are closer to Democrats than they are to Republicans.)
— Not Yet Talking About the Poor – Editorial  (DIERSEN: My deplorable critic/opponents, their deplorable operatives, and their deplorable dupes have always painted themselves as being champions for the poor. They have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted a) that instead of me, the Post Office should have hired a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, and/or a poor veteran in 1966, b) that the Post Office should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, a poor younger person, and/or a poor veteran could have my job, c) that instead of me, IRS should have hired a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, a poor younger person, and/or a poor veteran in 1971, d) that instead of me, IRS should have promoted a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, a poor younger person, and/or a poor veteran in 1972, 1973, and 1974, e) that instead of me, GAO should have hired a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, a poor younger person, and/or a poor veteran in 1980, f) that instead of me, GAO should have promoted a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, a poor younger person, and/or a poor veteran in 1986, and g) that GAO should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, a poor younger person, and/or a poor veteran could have my job and my preferred corner office.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps downplay Clinton’s health problems.
— Why Not a College Degree in Sports? – Roger Pielke Jr.  (DIERSEN: My Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that the undergraduate and courses that I took a) were not job-related, b) did not help me carry out my job duties, c) were taken by me to get a job in the private sector, and d) were a distraction.  To keep their jobs and to get promoted, my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government focused on getting rid of federal employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: HARDCOPY HEADLINE: Incomes in U.S. are up sharply; poor gain most – BINYAMIN APPELBAUM  (DIERSEN: My deplorable critic/opponents, their deplorable operatives, and their deplorable dupes have always painted themselves as being champions for the poor. They have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted a) that instead of me, the Post Office should have hired a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, and/or a poor veteran in 1966, b) that the Post Office should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, a poor younger person, and/or a poor veteran could have my job, c) that instead of me, IRS should have hired a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, a poor younger person, and/or a poor veteran in 1971, d) that instead of me, IRS should have promoted a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, a poor younger person, and/or a poor veteran in 1972, 1973, and 1974, e) that instead of me, GAO should have hired a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, a poor younger person, and/or a poor veteran in 1980, f) that instead of me, GAO should have promoted a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, a poor younger person, and/or a poor veteran in 1986, and g) that GAO should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, a poor younger person, and/or a poor veteran could have my job and my preferred corner office.)


— How saying someone is part of the ‘basket of deplorables’ became as bad as being deplorable – Janell Ross  (DIERSEN: If pressed like Pence was, I wonder how many of my deplorable critics/opponents, their deplorable operatives, and their deplorable dupes would publicly call me deplorable.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Clinton and her supporters demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trump and his supporters.
— ‘I’m not going to certify sin’: Social Security worker refuses to watch LGBT training video – Ben Guarino  (DIERSEN: Democrats run the federal government. The Democrats who run the federal government will get rid of you if you do not promote the Democrat Party platform.)


— Clinton Tries Using ‘Deplorables’ to Her Advantage (DIERSEN: If pressed like Pence was, I wonder how many of my deplorable critics/opponents, their deplorable operatives, and their deplorable dupes would publicly call me deplorable.)
— The Trump Plan Will Help Working Mothers – IVANKA TRUMP (DIERSEN: Did your father make enough money that your mother could stay home and raise you?  My father did.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always falsely hinted/implied/argued/shouted that my outstanding father made lots of money.  He worked in the office of a chemical plant and almost always worked second jobs (including playing music, delivering eggs, and fast-food worker) to pay the family’s bills. He fought type 1 diabetes from age 14. He was the first of his ancestors to earn a high school diploma.  He never attended college. He did not buy a new car until he was 45 years old in 1967 and it was a bottom of the line 2-door Chevy with almost no options.)
— America Gets a Raise, Finally – Editorial  (DIERSEN: Are/were you overpaid?  My critics/opponents have always demonized me, denigrated me, and condemned me as being overpaid.  In my defense, I earned a) a job-related bachelor’s degree when I was 21 and job-related master’s degrees when I was 27, 31, and 48, b) job-related professional certifications when I was 30, 32, 41, 45, 47, and 48, and c) a job-related professional license when I was 33.)


— Proposed public school textbook called anti-Hispanic – John C. Moritz  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs demonize you, denigrate you, and condemn you as being a racist and even worse things if you do anything other than glorify and praise Hispanics.)


— Some Quick, easy steps to tell if you’re a deplorable – Howie Carr
(FROM THE ARTICLE: In case you’ve been wondering which side you’re on, you may be a deplorable if you stand for the National Anthem. Or if you know all the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, especially, “under God.” Or if when you go to Market Basket, you tend to buy generic products, because you’re using your own money, not an EBT card. You may be a deplorable if you just got your car inspected. If you’re deployable, you’re definitely deplorable. If you wake before noon, if you call Islamic terrorists Islamic terrorists, if you don’t have an Obamaphone and you don’t believe that global warming is “settled science” — can you say deplorable? You may be deplorable if your passport, driver’s license and credit cards are all in the same name. Saying Merry Christmas — Deplorable with a capital D! You may be a deplorable if you wouldn’t mind showing some ID at the local precinct before you vote. You are most assuredly a deplorable if you have more than one job. You may be a deplorable if you’ve never used Western Union to wire welfare cash south of the border. You may be a deplorable if all of your children have the same last name — and it’s your last name. Or if while watching the second Monday night NFL game you were less irritated by the streaker than you were by all the fawning coverage of Colin Kaepernick on the pre-game show. You may be a deplorable if you resent training your H1-B replacement. Or the fact that the Earned Income Tax Credit is NOT earned. Nothing says deplorable like the National Rifle Association. If you liked your doctor and wanted to keep your doctor, if you wear pants rather than pajamas when you leave the house, if you were passed over for the job even though you got a 95 on the civil-service test — you know what you are. You may be a deplorable if you don’t think you should have to press one for English. If you lost your security clearance and your job for mishandling classified information, you are deplorable. You may be a deplorable if you identify as a member of the gender in which you were born. Or if you drained your 401(k) or took out a second mortgage on your house to pay for your kid’s tuition at UMass while the illegal alien down the hall goes on the arm. Or if you believe that good fences make good neighbors. You’re most definitely a deplorable if you have an American flag flying in your front yard. Or if you’ve never windsurfed with John Kerry on Nantucket, or stood in line with Sen. Warren at your local “cheese shop.” You are a deplorable if you believe All Lives Matter. If you’ve never needed a “safe space,” or heeded a “trigger warning” — deplorable. If you’ve gone to the store and ordered a “Proud to be Deplorable” T-shirt — yes, you know very well what you are.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Clinton and her supporters demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trump and his supporters.


— Trump delivers red meat rally in Clive – Brianne Pfannenstiel and William Petroski


— Federal employees on the fence about retirement plans following election – Nicole Ogrysko  (DIERSEN: Democrats run the federal government.  Of course, needless-to-say, if I was still a federal employee, my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates would kill me figuratively, if not literally, if Trump won.)


— Democrats aren’t worried about Hillary Clinton’s health, but most other voters feel she may not be physically up to the job.
— Most Still Say There’s No Freedom of Speech (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, under the Democrats and under the RINOs, you have to be anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors to get an education, to get a job, to get etc.)

September 13 Evening Edition

— Illinois Democrats React to Clinton’s Recent Pneumonia Diagnosis  Illinois Democrats hosted an event in front of Trump Tower in an effort to promote voter registration, although attention quickly shifted to the health of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. – Tom Schuba and Mary Ann Ahern




— Our long history of political name-calling – Cal Thomas  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, anti-Trumps hint/imply/argue/shout that members of the following groups are deplorable racists, deplorable sexists, deplorable bigots, and even worse things: Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owner, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Trump’s campaign says he’s given ‘tens of millions’ to charity, but offers no details and no proof – David A. Fahrenthold  (DIERSEN: Should everyone be required to put in the public record detailed information on all the money that they have given to charities each year for the last 10 years, during the last 20 years, during the last 30 years, during the last 40 years, and during the last 50+ years?)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps hint/imply/argue/shout a) that everyone is sexist and b) that because he is a man, if Trump had the same health problems that Clinton has, no one would care.


— Illinois GOP launches ad attack on Speaker Madigan – Tina Sfondeles


— Rauner policies hit during rally held by clergy, union – AP (DIERSEN: Democrats run Illinois, but nevertheless, Democrats blame Republicans for all the problems that Illinois has.)
—  College of DuPage will hold an “Educational and Career Planning” opportunity for individuals adversely affected by the recent ITT Tech closing  (DIERSEN: What is/was your career plan?  When I graduated from NIU in 1970 when I was 21 years old, its was to get increasingly responsible jobs in the automotive industry.  But that all ended abruptly in early 1971.  While I was working for Firestone in its Chicago Heights store, I accepted a verbal job offer from Oldsmobile.  But when I gave the store manager my 2-week notice, he abruptly fired me.  Then, Oldsmobile withdrew its job offer saying that it had just agreed to stop hiring Whites to settle an EEOC complaint.  Then, unemployed that I was, I accepted a job offer from IRS to be a GS-7 (currently $43,915/year) Revenue Officer.)


— Rauner policies hit during rally pushing liberal views on labor, wages, poverty, education – Dean Olsen  (DIERSEN: Democrats run Illinois, but nevertheless, Democrats blame Republicans for all the problems that Illinois has.)


— Trump says Clinton’s “deplorables” remark is disqualifying – AP  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about “Republican” activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who treat me like I am one of Trump’s deplorables.)
— Records show Rauner spends big money in upcoming elections – Michelle Madaras


— Halpin supports millionaire surcharge to solve Illinois budget shortfall  Democratic General Assembly candidate says new taxes and spending cuts needed – Jim Niedelman  (DIERSEN: Illinois Democrats would love to impose a surcharge on Illinois Republicans, and especially on Illinois Republicans who are Protestant, conservative, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)
— Election extremely important for the direction of Illinois  State races for General Assembly priority for Governor Rauner’s agenda – Jim Niedelman


— GOP antes up in state races – AP  (DIERSEN: What have you anted up?  Since 2000, I have anted up GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails free of charge and without any advertising.  Since 2004, they have gone out each and every morning, and since 2015, each and every evening too.  They have included links to over 244,650 articles and information on many upcoming events.  What do you say to Democrat plants, to Libertarian plants, to Green plants, and to RINOs who read the emails for opposition research and a) do not return my phone calls, b) do not want anyone to first learn of anything by reading the emails, c) do not want me to know about their events or other activities, d) do not want me to promote their events or other activities, e) do not want me to attend their events, f) do not want me to report on their events or other activities, and g) treat me like I am one of Trump’s deplorables?)


— GOP Assembly candidate McCombie calls for lawmaker accountability


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats promote the Democrat Party platform. They hint/imply/argue/shout that Jesus is a liberal Democrat who hates those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.  They hint/imply/argue/shout that Jesus promotes class warfare, dependency on government, LBGTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, race and gender based preference giving, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, political affiliation discrimination, vices including pot, booze, and gambling, abolition of the First and Second Amendments, and even worse things.)


— Rauner gives $100K to Indiana governor candidate – Dan Carden


— Judge Posner: From a constitutionalist Reagan appointee to a legal realist, filling in many Constitutional gaps – Jeff Berkowitz (DIERSEN: In 1996, I argued a lawsuit before Judge Posner.  SEE: David J. Diersen v. Chicago Car Exchange, Inc., 110 F.3d 481 (7th Cir. 1997), cert. denied, 118 S.Ct. 178 (1997) ( The lawsuit involved the Federal Odometer Act (FOA), the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) authority to grant exemptions from the FOA, and the sufficiency of material facts that would make a dealer suspicious of a car’s mileage. On September 16, 1996, I presented oral arguments to Chief Judge Posner and Circuit Court Judges Coffey and Kanne.  On March 31, 1997, the Appellate Court ruled that DOT’s exemption for old cars was invalid.)


— Fired Social Security whistleblower gets no help from federal whistleblower protector – M.D. Kittle


— Pre-order Voter Guides TODAY! – Kathy Valente




— Hillary Clinton’s contempt for everyday Americans – Cal Thomas  (DIERSEN: Who has contempt for you?  The following have contempt for me: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— GAO: Obamacare exchanges still vulnerable to fraud  Investigators able to sneak fake enrollees by safeguards – Tom Howell Jr.


— DNC to Hold Emergency Meeting After Hillary Collapse – Robert Gehl


— BLACK LIVES MATTER SELLS BLACK SLAVES TO THE LEFT  BLM wasn’t offering black liberation. It was exploiting black people for the Left. – Daniel Greenfield


— What Would Happen if Clinton Dropped Out of the Race for President? – Kate Scanlon


— Ex-DNC Chair Calls for Clear Rules to Pick Hillary Successor If Needed – Greg Richter
— O’Reilly: ‘Despicable’ for Hillary to Brand Trump Backers ‘Racist’ – Greg Richter (DIERSEN: Who brands you as being racist?  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I am a racist, a sexist, a bigot, and even worse things because I support the equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) plank in the Republican Party platform.)
— Immigration Windfall: Another $10M for Voter Registration – Tom Fitton
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Months after the Obama administration spent $19 million to register new immigrant voters that will likely support Democrats in November, it’s dedicating an additional $10 million in a final push as the presidential election approaches. The money is distributed by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the Homeland Security agency that oversees lawful immigration, to organizations that help enhance pathways to naturalization by offering immigrants free citizenship instruction, English, U.S. history, and civics courses. Officially, they’re known as “citizenship integration grants.”  Since 2009 USCIS has doled out $63 million in these grants to prepare more than 156,000 resident immigrants in dozens of states for U.S. citizenship, according to the agency’s figures. Besides the free classes, Uncle Sam also offers immigrants free “naturalization legal services,” the latest USCIS grant announcement states. “Recipient organizations serve both traditional immigrant destinations and new immigrant getaway cities in 21 states,” the USCIS document reads. The latest $10 million investment will prepare approximately 25,000 residents from more than 50 countries, according to the agency. More than a dozen states — including California, New York, Florida, Washington, and Ohio — with large resident immigrant populations are being targeted as well as cities with huge immigrant populations such as Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, and Washington D.C.)
— Theodore the Great: How Trump Channels Teddy Roosevelt – Daniel Ruddy


— The brilliance of Hillary Clinton’s ‘deplorables’ – BYRON YORK  (DIERSEN: Who calls you deplorable?  I should write a book about “Republican” activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who treat me like I am one of Trump’s deplorables.)


— Priebus: ‘Reasonable’ to question Clinton camp about health

— Duke praises Pence for declining to call him ‘deplorable’ – Lisa Hagen  (DIERSEN: Who calls you deplorable?  I should write a book about “Republican” activists, candidates, elected officials, party leaders, major donors, political consultants, etc. in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois who treat me like I am one of Trump’s deplorables.)
— Clinton didn’t think pneumonia diagnosis ‘would be that big a deal’ – Jessie Hellmann
— Clinton’s reluctance to drink water causing tension with her staff – Caitlin Yilek


— Clinton on pneumonia: ‘I just didn’t think it was going to be that big a deal’ – Cristiano Lima


— Trump brings “non-deplorable” people on stage to assail Clinton


— Hillary Clinton’s Health Scare: 9 Unanswered Questions – ALEX SEITZ-WALD, MONICA ALBA, ANDREA MITCHELL, KRISTEN WELKER and KASIE HUNT


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats and RINOs always side with IRS against Republicans.
— Full Disclosure on Candidates’ Health – Editorial
— The Avalanche of Distrust – David Brooks
— DIERSENSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, the National Collegiate Athletic Association promotes LGBTQ activity.
— Can Teenage Defiance Be Manipulated for Good? – Amanda Ripley  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats use education in America to turn people against those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— Hillary’s media is torching its standards to cover the election – Michael Goodwin


— The hidden history of presidential disease, sickness and secrecy – Joel Achenbach and Lillian Cunningham


— Court disputes over voting laws often divide justices along party lines – David G. Savage
— FRONT PAGE WHITH COLOR PHOTO IN THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: Health episode raises new doubts and brings up old concerns about Clinton. That’s why it’s so damaging – Mark Z. Barabak


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “College Republican groups struggle with Trump endorsement.”


— Why press needs access to candidates – Rem Rieder (DIERSEN: What do you say to Democrat plants, to Libertarian plants, to Green plants, and to RINOs who read GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails for opposition research and a) do not return my phone calls, b) do not want anyone to first learn of anything by reading the emails, c) do not want me to know about their events or other activities, d) do not want me to promote their events or other activities, e) do not want me to attend their events, f) do not want me to report on their events or other activities, and g) treat me like I am one of Trump’s deplorables?)
— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH BIG COLOR PICTURE: DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps crow over their success in demonizing, denigrating, and condemning Trump and Trump’s supporters.


— Clinton’s Medical Mistrust  Her record of deception calls for an independent review of her health. – Editorial
— Coddled on Campus  Students who say they’re ‘triggered’ by Mark Twain are appropriating—to borrow their term—language formerly applied to PTSD victims. – JONATHAN MARKS


— Hillary Clinton has ‘low opinion’ of American people: Donald Trump  Trump alleged that Clinton spoke with hatred in her heart for these working class Americans  (DIERSEN: Are/were you a “working class American?”  I was 1964-1997.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes despise if not hate working class Americans like I was 1964-1997. They stress the adverse actions a) that my Democrat GAO superiors took against me including forcing me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old, not promoting me beyond GS-13, keeping me off audits of IRS for all but 3 of the almost 18 years that I worked for GAO, and forcing me to take an $18,459 pay cut in today’s dollars to transfer from IRS to GAO in 1980, b) that my Democrat IRS superiors took against me including not promoting me beyond GS-12, disallowing my education deductions, and disallowing my partial day per diem claims, and c) that my Democrat Post Office superiors took against me including forcing me resign in 1969 and disallowing my sick leave requests.)


— Want to Know How Trump’s Doing? Just Look at Mexico’s Peso – Eric Martin
— That Scandal on Your Résumé Will Cost You—Even if It Isn’t Yours  If you’re coming from a tainted company, you may get dinged on pay. Here’s how to minimize the damage. – Suzanne Woolley  (DIERSEN: What do potential employers think of the employers that you do/did work for?  From what I see, virtually all employers despise if not hate my former employer, the federal government.  From what I see, the longer that you worked for the federal government, the more that potential employers despise if not hate you.  I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years – almost 3 for the Post Office 1966-1969, almost 9 for IRS 1971-1980, and almost 18 for GAO 1980-1997.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: You could get dinged on compensation, or even knocked out of  contention for a job, by a corporate scandal you had nothing to do with. The Enrons and Worldcoms and Wells Fargos hurt the careers of innocent bystanders. It’s a nasty and persistent reputational ripple effect that can be incredibly hard, and sometimes impossible, to counteract. Wells Fargo & Co., where bank employees tried to meet quotas and earn bonuses by opening sham accounts for customers without their knowledge, is the scandal of the hour. And it is executives in financial services firms that suffer the most from guilt by association, an article in the September Harvard Business Review suggests. Initial compensation at these executives’ next job is about 10 percent lower than for that their untainted counterparts, the authors found. Across industries, job functions, levels of seniority, and regions, executives with such companies on their résumés took a cut of 4 percent in total compensation. Women were dinged 7 percent to men’s 3 percent.)
— BEYOND TRAGIC: Cannabis Industry Expected to Be Worth $50 Billion by 2026 – Jennifer Kaplan (DIERSEN: If you want to destroy individuals, destroy organizations, destroy companies, destroy governments, and/or destroy countries, you encourage them to smoke pot.  For many decades, to destroy America, Mexico has encouraged Americans to smoke Mexican pot.)


— To Protect Children, It’s Okay To Stigmatize Addicts – Sally Satel


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Democrats and RINOs favor anything that encourages people a) to come to America illegally, b) to stay in America illegally, and c) to bring others to America illegally.

September 12 Morning Edition

— Elections matter beyond the horse races – Andy Shaw
— Parthenon facing about $475,000 in federal, state tax claims – Dan Mihalopoulos  (DIERSEN: I worked for IRS’s Collection Division 1971-1980 and I worked for GAO on audits of IRS 1986-1988.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The more than $380,000 due to the federal government was almost all for employee withholding taxes that should have been paid for 2014 and 2015, records show. The restaurant had 45 employees at the time it closed, said Parthenon founder and owner Christos Liakouras. The state also alleged that the restaurant owed a variety of unpaid taxes, including withholding income tax and a food and beverage tax that goes to the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority. Liakouras said he expected he and his daughter and partner in the restaurant, Joanna Liakouras, would meet with their lawyer and with the feds to arrange for a payment plan. “We are going to go meet with the IRS, and I think they will get all their money, slowly but surely,” said Liakouras, 80.)


— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Can we disconnect? – John Brandon  (DIERSEN: I should write a book about those a) who focus on discouraging me from putting out GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails and b) who focus on discouraging everyone from reading those emails.)
— Gender equity on Wall Street still a long way off – Jill Schlesinger  (DIERSEN: Wall Street should bring in Charles Bowsher.  During the 1980s and 1990s, Bowsher had great success in getting rid of GAO’s employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— LESTER: Rauner jumps into 27th  After initially staying out of the process of selecting a replacement for departing GOP state Sen. Matt Murphy, the governor’s office and its allies have jumped into the fray. They held interviews for the six candidates Friday in Chicago. Among those questioning the candidates were the governor, chief political strategist Mike Zolnierowicz, John Tillman of the Illinois Policy Institute and Senate GOP Leader Christine Radogno. Local party leaders are scheduled to meet on Thursday to formally select a replacement. Palatine Township Republican Committeeman Aaron Del Mar of Palatine, state Rep. David Harris of Arlington Heights, state Rep. Tom Morrison of Palatine, Palatine Township Supervisor Sharon Langlotz-Johnson, Arlington Heights Trustee Joe Farwell and Rolling Meadows Mayor Tom Rooney are seeking the appointment.
— LESTER: Murphy’s new job  What led Murphy, of Palatine, to leave the legislature and take a post at Mac Strategies Group, a public affairs firm headed by Des Plaines native Ryan McLaughlin? McLaughlin tells me he’d been thinking for some time about expanding the firm and describes a longtime friendship with Murphy. “I mentioned my interest in taking my firm to the next level by offering a lobbying practice beyond our communications and public affairs services and he mentioned his growing obligations to his family,” McLaughlin says. “As we talked more, it made all the sense in the world to join forces. It’s a natural and perfect fit.” Murphy previously has said that with four children, two of them in college, he needed more income than his $84,000 state pay ­– $67,000 base pay plus leadership stipends, with paychecks sometimes delayed by the state’s budget impasse. Mac Strategies has not disclosed Murphy’s new pay. McLaughlin says Murphy will work as a legislative and regulatory lobbyist with state and federal clients. He’ll also provide advice on communications and public affairs strategies. Murphy’s first day is Friday.
— FRONT PAGE WITH THREE COLOR PHOTOS: Why 3 DuPage County mayors aren’t running for re-election – Jessica Cilella


— Two candidates hope to be the first elected McHenry County Board chairman – KEVIN P. CRAVER


— Gov. Rauner Declares 9/11 As Patriot Day In Illinois


— TRAGIC: Illinois Gambling Industry Booming — Greg Bishop  (DIERSEN: One reason why I have more money than those who serve as operatives or dupes for my critics/opponents is that during my lifetime, I spent virtually nothing on gambling, booze, or other vices.)
— Illinois Struggling To Pay For Public Schools – Benjamin Yount (DIERSEN: How much have you paid in real estate taxes?  I have paid real estate taxes every year since 1972 and my wife and I every year since 1984, but we have never sent any children to public grade schools or high schools. Our parents paid lots of real estate taxes for many decades, but I attended public schools only 4 years (Crete-Monee High School 1962-1966) and my wife never attended a public school.)


— Jim Edgar shares how to negotiate with Mike Madigan – Chris Kaergard and Nick Vlahos


— Pneumonia diagnosis fuels questions about Clinton’s health – AP
— Clinton recovering after health episode, cancels Calif. trip – AP
— Trump blasts Clinton ‘deplorables’ comment – AP


— Pneumonia diagnosis fuels questions about Clinton’s health – AP


— Bustos in Gladstone: Trump, Rauner ‘cut from the same cloth’  More than 100 people feasted on catfish and chicken during Henderson County Democrats’ 62ndannual event. – ELIZABETH MEYER  (DIERSEN: What cloth were you cut from, that is, what are your demographics?  Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs demonize, denigrate, and condemn those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Senator Kirk on U. S. ground troops, Hillary, Cong. Duckworth, ransom and much more – Jeff Berkowitz


— DePaul is taking charge of state collegiate politics – Brenden Moore


— ILLINOIS MAN’S REFUSAL TO WATCH LGBT VIDEO COULD COST HIM HIS LIVELIHOOD  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, I support Hall.  Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes will use Hall to paint me as being a religious/conservative/Republican hypocrite because I attended many such anti-religious, anti-conservative, and/or anti-Republican training sessions while I worked for IRS 1971-1980 and for GAO 1980-1997.  In my defense, I spoke out against political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination.  In 1988, when I was 40 years old, I became the only active member in GAO’s Chicago office in a class action lawsuit that charged GAO with reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation.  After the Democrats who ran GAO in 1997 succeeded in forcing me to retire when I was 49 years old, I filed a lawsuit against GAO. SEE:
— FIVE MYTHS ABOUT ECONOMIC INEQUALITY IN AMERICA  (DIERSEN: Do you have more money than your parents do/did?  My wife and I have lots more income and net worth than our parents did.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes hint/imply/argue/shout that is a) because I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and because I have always been privileged, b) because I avoided the draft, c) because the federal government grossly overpaid me, d) because my wife and I gave up trying to have children, we did not adopt, and we did not become foster parents, and e) because my federal retirement pension and health/dental/vision insurance subsidy are too generous.)


— Hillary takes hateful rhetoric to a new level
— Clinton can’t hide latest health episode
— The Terrible Legacy of 9/11
— Chicago: Woman shot to death during vigil for earlier slaying


— Clinton and the ‘Deplorables’: Her Comments About Trump Voters—Her Fellow Americans—Show Why She Could Lose (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs a) glorify and praise foreign countries and their citizens and b) demonize, denigrate, and condemn America and its citizens.)


— DISGUSTING: See the New Way Some NFL Players Are Now Protesting During National Anthem – Jason Howerton  (DIERSEN: What opinion do protesting NFL players have of you?  They would have an extremely low opinion of me because I am conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, non-poor, a gun owner, my ancestors have been in America since the 1840s, I avoided the draft, I was baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran, I only buy American-nameplate cars, etc.)


— Hillary’s Deplorables Remark A Dog Whistle To The Leftwing Elite – George Rasley


— 9/11 Hero Todd Beamer’s Son is All Grown Up Now and He’s Playing Football at Wheaton College – PAULA BOLYARD


— I’m Deplorable and I’m Proud – Jack Cashill  (DIERSEN: Who demonizes, denigrates, and condemns you as being deplorable?  I am very proud to say that the following demonize, denigrate, and condemn me as being deplorable: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors. I should write a book about the aforesaid Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, and RINOs in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois.)


— Trump on Clinton’s health: ‘Something’s going on’ – Rebecca Savransky
— Clinton cancels campaign trip to California
— Trump Jr. and top supporter share White nationalist image on social media – Paulina Firozi


— Press rips Clinton campaign’s handling of health incident  Why didn’t they just say she had pneumonia? – Gabriel Debenedetti
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps demonize, denigrate, and condemn Whites who are not rich.
— Trump Is Pat Buchanan With Better Timing – Jeff Greenfield


— Polls: Trump’s chances of winning election rising


— Hillary Clinton cancels fundraising trip following pneumonia diagnosis and stumble at 9/11 memorial’s-doctor-reveals-pneumonia-diagnosis/7834690


— Trump Wants Border Wall, but Britain Is Building One in France – ALASTAIR JAMIESON
— Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago has an idea that every kid who graduates from high school spends the next three months in some sort of national service. – DAVID BROOKS  (DIERSEN: I spent far more than “three months in some sort of national service.” I spent almost 30 years – almost 3 years in the Post Office, almost 9 years in IRS, and almost 18 years in GAO.  My wife spent 2 years in the FBI.)


— A politically unwise, but not untrue, statement. – Charles Blow  (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps, that is, Clinton supporters, are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Real-Time Election Day Projections May Upend News Tradition – NICK CORASANITIS


— Trump’s many attacks on Clinton’s health
— Hillary Clinton was wrong: Donald Trump’s voters are not ‘irredeemable’  Democrats should be reaching out to working-class whites and helping them past racial resentment, not offending them. – Sally Kohn  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs make it clear that they are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Want to apply for a job with the federal government? USAJOBS overhaul seeks to make it easier. – Eric Yoder  (DIERSEN: Democrats run the federal government.  Applicants should be advised that “only Democrats need apply” and that Democrat applicants who are minority, female, younger, and/or veteran will be given lots of preference. Further, that you are much more likely to be hired if you promote Hillary Clinton, dependency on government, LGBTQ activity, abortion, mass/illegal immigration, political affiliation discrimination like Jim Thompson and Jim Edgar do, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, pot, booze, gambling, and other vices, abolition of the Second Amendment, and the rest of the Democrat Party platform.  Your chances of being hired are much greater if you promise to help your superiors get rid of their employees who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)


— Trump says he just took a physical, will release results shortly – Paul Singer
— Wisconsin: Turning out the base vital for Clinton, Trump – Craig Gilbert
— TRAGIC: An athlete becomes a legal marijuana grower – Matt L. Stephens and Kelly Lyell
— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON AMERICA TIGHTENS: Some hungry teens turn to crime, sex for food – Ryan W. Miller
— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON AMERICA TIGHTENS: 15 years after 9/11, lost unity – Editorial
— 15 years later, let’s respect our flag: As the 9/11 anniversary approaches, attacking our national symbols is not productive. It gets attention, but the wrong kind. – James S. Robbins


— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON CHICAGO TIGHTENS: The Black Body Count Rises as Chicago Police Step Back  In 2016 nearly 3,000 people have been shot in the city, an average of one victim every two hours. – HEATHER MAC DONALD
— Clinton and the ‘Deplorables’  Her comments about Trump voters—her fellow Americans—show why she could lose. – Editorial
— Honesty and Presidential Health  Trump and Clinton should both be held to the McCain medical standard. – Editorial
— Clinton and Trump: Healthy Enough to Serve?  Candidates over the age of 70 or with a medical history should release their health records for private viewing by a few reporters. – MARC SIEGEL
— HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE: Live below your means – ASHLEIGH J. BROOKER  (DIERSEN: One reason why my wife and I have more money is that we have lived below our means. But now my wife and I are spending more than our income because my Democrat superiors in the federal government wasted my career and forced me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)
— The More Cash People Have, the Happier They Are  Happiness may not be about how much overall wealth you have, but how much cash you have on hand – ANDREW BLACKMAN  (DIERSEN: My wife and I are spending more than our income because my Democrat superiors in the federal government wasted my career and forced me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)
— How to Get More Pleasure Out of Retirement Spending – SHLOMO BENARTZI (DIERSEN: My wife and I are spending more than our income because my Democrat superiors in the federal government wasted my career and forced me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)
— Does It Pay to Start at Community College? Maybe  Many students want to cut the cost of a four-year college education by going to community college first. Here’s how to do it right. – JILLIAN BERMAN  (DIERSEN: While I was in high school, I decided to earn/save more money so that I could attend UIC instead of Prairie State (


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs a) glorify and praise foreign countries and their citizens and b) demonize, denigrate, and condemn America and its citizens.


— Clinton pays her fair share — what about Trump? – Regina Brennan Waterford Lane, Dubuque  (DIERSEN: Have you paid your fair share?  Should everyone be required to put in the public record how much federal income tax they paid a) during each of the last 10 years, b) in total during the last 20 years, c) in total during the last 30 years, d) in total during the last 40 years, and e) in total during their lifetime?)


— With backing of wealthy governor, Illinois GOP spending big  Illinois Republicans are vastly outspending Democrats in fall legislative races for the first time in recent history with the help of their wealthy governor – AP
(FROM THE ARTICLE: For the first time in recent history, Illinois Republicans are vastly outspending Democrats in fall legislative races with the help of a wealthy governor determined to curtail a traditionally blue political landscape that has thwarted his agenda for two years. The more than $13 million the GOP’s main campaign committee has disbursed to House and Senate candidates so far — nearly all of it coming from Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner — dwarfs what either party has been able to spend sometimes in entire election cycles. And the Illinois Republican Party Committee still has $3 million from Rauner in the bank. “This is a new ballgame and we’re taking it very seriously,” said Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie, the Democrats’ House leader. Infusions of cash from the former venture capitalist demonstrates how much — and how easily — he’s willing to invest in pursuit of his goal to give his party greater influence in the state Legislature. The November results could determine the fate of Rauner’s proposals to weaken unions, pass business-friendly laws, impose term limits, and change the way legislative districts are drawn for years to come. They also will decide who has control of crafting a full state budget, which Illinois hasn’t had for over a year because Rauner wants Democrats to give him what he wants in exchange for raising taxes to help with a deficit that exceeds $5 billion. Rauner was elected in 2014 as a political newcomer promising to shake up the Democrats’ regime, but they’ve had supermajorities to block all his major proposals. His entry into politics and the spending power he brought with him has allowed Republicans to compete in more races — and a lot earlier than past years when Democrats’ financial resources were superior. Democrats have controlled both chambers of the Legislature since 2003 and have the nation’s longest-tenured state House speaker, Michael Madigan, who has held that post for all but two years since 1983. When Rauner was elected, he became the first Republican in 12 years in Illinois, a Democratic stronghold that hasn’t backed a Republican for president since 1988. Before Rauner, the Illinois Republican Party Committee spent $3.4 million on races in 2012. The Democratic Party of Illinois, meanwhile, spent $6.7 million. Both parties distribute money to candidates through several other committees so those totals don’t tell the entire story, but they’re indicative of each party’s past spending prowess, according to campaign disclosures The Associated Press analyzed dating back to 2006 from the Illinois State Board of Elections. “There’s never been a time in recent history where House Republicans have outspent House Democrats. It’s been a considerable disadvantage,” said Rep. Jim Durkin, the GOP’s House leader. Breaking the Democrats’ supermajorities in either chamber won’t be easy because the party enjoys advantages of 71-47 in the House and 39-20 in the Senate. But Durkin said Rauner’s money “for the first time in many years gives us a fighting chance.” Rauner has repeatedly declined to comment on the legislative races or his involvement in them. On the Democrats’ side, their party committees have been less active than the Republicans’ this year. The Democratic Party of Illinois and the Democratic Majority — two of the party’s biggest committees — have contributed a combined $1.6 million to candidates so far. But the Democrats’ candidates have individually amassed robust campaign funds. Democratic Rep. John Bradley, for instance, has $647,160 at his disposal for his closely watched race against Dave Severin in southern Illinois. That’s what makes Rauner’s money so significant in a state where Democrats tend to be more successful fundraisers. The majority of Severin’s $300,000 in campaign cash has come from the House Republican Organization committee, which is receiving large deposits from the Illinois Republican Party to funnel to candidates. Republican Rep. Michael McAuliffe, who Democrats are targeting in the Chicago suburbs, has also benefited from Rauner’s funding. The House Republican Organization has contributed nearly $1 million to his campaign. Television ads supporting McAuliffe have been airing since August, earlier than when either party usually hits the air waves. McAuliffe’s ads have even played outside his district. In the past, Republicans would’ve been reluctant to spend money in August when voters are less engaged. They just couldn’t afford it. In 2012, for example, the Republicans’ two major party committees spent just over $2 million combined from July 1 through Sept. 30. “Some of this spending has nothing to do with the election. It has to do with Rauner flexing his muscle,” said David Yepsen, director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. That display of financial force can influence who Democrats choose as their gubernatorial candidate next time because they’ll want someone who can self-fund or raise massive amounts of cash, Yepsen said. “Democrats, if they survive, they’re going to know they’ve been in a fight,” he said.)


— The Trump Files: Donald Has Been Inflating His Net Worth for 40 Years  It’s not a recent phenomenon. – MAX J. ROSENTHAL  (DIERSEN: In 1978, when I was 29 years old, Money Magazine reported my net worth to be $53,950 as of December 31, 1977.  ASSETS: $60,000 Outer Drive East (ODE) condo, $26,000 University Park town home, $7,393 Civil Service Retirement System contributions, $6,333 bank accounts, $6,000 1972 Corvette, $3,000 personal possessions, $2,777 accrued vacation pay, $1,155 Commonwealth Edison shares, and $300 1962 Chevy BelAir.  LIABILIRIES: $38,795 ODE condo mortgage and $19,380 University Park town home mortgage.  My Democrat IRS and GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates used the aforesaid to viciously demonize, denigrate, and condemn me as being a filthy rich draft dodger. At the end of 1977, my GS-12 Step 4 IRS salary was $24,070. Today, GS-12 Step 4 salary is $85,689.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasing, anti-Trumps demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trump supporters as being “both racist and economically frustrated.” Ever-increasing, anti-Trumps hint/imply/argue/shout that if you are an economically frustrated White male, it is because you are a racist.  Notwithstanding the fact that I am a non-veteran White male, the federal government would have promoted me into its Senior Executive Service long before I was 40 years old if I had become a Democrat and if I had helped my superiors get rid of their employees who were Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)

September 11 Morning Edition

— DISGUSTING: 812 MARIJUANA PLANTS FOUND IN WOODED AREA IN BEECHER  (DIERSEN: If you promote pot, you shout that you are anti-religious, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, and anti-American.)


— Parents of Naperville Marine killed in Iraq reflect on politics, impact of 9/11 attacks – Genevieve Bookwalter
— Retired Naperville firefighter Chuck Wehrli shares experience from 9/11, tries to dispel doubts – Genevieve Bookwalter
— Wells Fargo settlement over phony accounts raises questions about oversight – Renae Merle and Jonnelle Marte  (DIERSEN: GAO oversees federal banking regulators.  I worked for GAO for on audits of federal banking regulators for 7 years.)
— Trump’s charity runs on few of his own dollars; tax records show his last gift in 2008 – David A. Fahrenthold
— Foxx won’t ID legal clients, says no conflict if elected state’s attorney – Bill Ruthhart and John Byrne
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, if you do not promote Mexico and its citizens, Democrats and RINOs call you a racist, a sexist, a bigot, and even worse things. How soon, if not already, will the Democrats and RINOs get rid of you if you do not speak, read, and write Spanish?
— Ask yourself: Is post-9/11 America a nation changed? – John Kass (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, under the Democrats and under the RINOs, America is more and more and more anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Will County may drop pension benefit – Susan DeMar Lafferty  (DIERSEN: Are you paying into a pension system or are you getting a pension?  If yes, ever-increasingly, those who are not paying into a pension system or are not getting a pension demonize you, denigrate you, and condemn you.  In my defense, I paid into the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) 7% of all the salary that the Post Office paid me 1966-1969, that IRS paid me 1971-1980, and that GAO paid me 1980-1997.  I might still me paying 7% of my GAO salary into the CSRS if my Democrat GAO superiors had not succeeded in forcing me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Will County officials are considering a plan in which they may opt out of their participation in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, in the wake of a new law that bans newly elected board members from the state pension program. Members of the county board’s executive committee voted to recommend a resolution eliminating the IMRF pension for all county board members, effective Nov. 30. It’s expected to be voted on by the full board at its Sept. 15 meeting. “People should not be coming here to get a pension,” said board member Mike Fricilone, who made the motion to drop the pension benefit, saying Will County should take the lead on this issue. Currently, county officials reported that 17 of the county’s 26 board members participate in the IMRF pension program and the county pays 11.6 percent of a member’s annual salary of $23,000 into the IMRF. Members pay 4.5 percent of their paychecks, according to the IMRF.)
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs a) glorify and praise Islam and b) demonize, denigrate, and condemn those who do not glorify and praise Islam.


— The four races to watch in Illinois on Election Day – GREG HINZ


— State’s bills continue to pile up; health providers may ask state workers to pay more – Dean Olsen


— Illinois Democrats mull Bustos for governor


— No price to pay for bad behavior  Political insiders will continue to try to game the system until they are forced to pay a high price for their misconduct. – Editorial
— Rauner contract talks on hold – Jim Dey


— Attorney General Lisa Madigan releases updated information for veterans  (DIERSEN: Are you a veteran?  Because I avoided the draft, my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government always hinted/implied/argued/shouted a) that instead of me, the Post Office should have hired a veteran in 1966, b) that the Post Office should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a veteran could have my job, c) that instead of me, IRS should have hired a veteran in 1971, d) that instead of me, IRS should have promoted veterans in 1972, 1973, and 1974, e) that instead of me, GAO should have hired a veteran in 1980, f) that instead of me, GAO should have promoted a veteran in 1986, and g) that GAO should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a veteran could have my job and my preferred corner office.)


— Most Americans Don’t Support Extreme Position of Pro-Choice Politicians – Mary Anne Hackett


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Canada wants to send its burn-out stoners in the United States.


— Kaine thinks Catholic Church will change stance on gay marriage – AP  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs make it clear that they will get rid of you if you do not promote LGBTQ activity.)


— Democratic VP Candidate Tim Kaine On Gun Control: “I can’t think of an issue I’d rather be aligned with than this”


— Pence Responds to Clinton’s ‘Basket of Deplorables’ Remark: ‘They Are Americans and They Deserve Your Respect’ – Kate Scanlon  (DIERSEN: Who hints/implies/argues/shouts that you are deplorable?  I am extremely proud that the following hint/imply/argue/shout that I am deplorable: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— U.S. Navy Sailor Sits and Holds Up Fist During National Anthem, Gets Hit With Instant Karma – Jason Howerton  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promote hatred of America.)


— PARTISAN POLITICS: THE ‘NEW’ CHURCH  Carl Jackson sees party ‘morality’ replacing biblical truth  (DIERSEN: What do you say to those who are a member of a church, who attend church services, and/or who give money to a church who focus on a) promoting LGBTQ activity, b) promoting abortion, c) promoting mass/illegal immigration, d) promoting pot, booze, gambling, and other vices, e) promoting race and age based preference giving, f) promoting age discrimination, g) promoting abolition of the Second Amendment, h) promoting dependency on government, i) promoting the rest of the anti-religious Democrat Party platform, j) promoting destruction of those who they cannot manipulate/dominate, and k) promoting destruction of those who do not pander to them?)


— New Hillary Ad Features Romney, Sasse, Graham Attacking Trump – Cathy Burke (DIERSEN: I should write a book about Democrat plants, Libertarian plants, Green plants, and RINOs in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois.  They focus on destroying Republicans like me.)
— Impeach IRS’ Koskinen – George Will


— If Trump Supporters Are A “Basket of Deplorables”, Then Hillary’s A ‘Basket Case’ – D.W. Wilber
— TRAGIC: American Legion: The DEA Should Reclassify Marijuana To Help Treat PTSD – Christine Rousselle  (DIERSEN: If you promote pot, you shout that you are anti-religious, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, and anti-American.)


— Clinton leaves 9/11 ceremony early – Kyle Balluck
— UNDER THE DEMOCRATS AND UNDER THE RINOS: 15 years later, Americans feel more vulnerable to terrorism – Julian Hattem  (DIERSEN: Democrats and RINOs talk and act like they believe that if America lets Muslims take over America, Muslim terrorists will not destroy America.)


— Clinton abruptly departs 9/11 memorial service after feeling ‘overheated’ – Gabriel Debenedetti
— Why Clinton isn’t sweating ‘deplorables’  A public debate about the true size of Donald Trump’s ‘alt-right’ base doesn’t bother Team Hillary one bit. – Annie Karni  (DIERSEN: Those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors view members of the following groups to be deplorable: Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Trump takes aim at Clinton’s lead among women  The GOP nominee fields an all-female team to boost his appeal in moderate Ohio. – Katie Glueck


— OUTSTANDING: Mexicans march against president’s proposal to allow gay marriage – Natalie Schachar and Lizbeth Diaz


— Tim Kaine Predicts Catholic Church Will Change Views on Same-Sex Marriage – KAILANI KOENIG (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs make it clear that they will get rid of you if you do not promote LGBTQ activity.)


— Tim Kaine: Donald Trump Is ‘No Friend’ of LGBT Community – JESSICA HOPPER (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs make it clear that they will get rid of you if you do not promote LGBT activity.)


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Putin, Admired by Donald Trump, Emphasizes Strength as Virtue – ANDREW HIGGINS (DIERSEN: Members of the following groups do not want America to be strong: anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— What Should You Choose: Time or Money? – HAL E. HERSHFIELD and CASSIE MOGILNER HOLMES  (DIERSEN: What could you have done in the past that would have resulted in your having more money today?  Notwithstanding the fact that I am non-veteran White male, as a federal employee, I would have lots more money today a) if I had become a Democrat and b) if I had focused on helping my superiors and supervisors get rid of their employees who were Republican, and especially those who were White, male, and/or non-veteran.)
— The Truth About ‘False Balance’ – Liz Spayd  (DIERSEN: QUESTION: Who dominates the news media in America?  ANSWER: Those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.
— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON AMERICA TIGHTENS: Murder Rates Rose in a Quarter of the Nation’s 100 Largest Cities – HAEYOUN PARK and JOSH KATZ
— The Incalculable Value of a Good Boss – ADAM BRYANT  (DIERSEN: All during the almost 30 years that I worked for the federal government in the Chicago area, my bosses were under tremendous pressure from Democrat politicians a) to hire, retain, and promote Democrats, and especially Democrats who were minority, female, and/or younger and b) to make way for them by getting rid their employees who were Republican, and especially Republicans like me who were White, male, older, and/or non-veteran.)
— How to Become a C.E.O.? The Quickest Path Is a Winding One  New evidence shows that a mix of skills, especially technology skills, counts more than simply long experience in one specialty. – Neil Irwin
— Was the E.R.A.’s Defeat Really a Loss for Feminism? – Joanna Grossman


— Republicans pounce upon Clinton ‘deplorables’ remark. She apologizes. Sort of. – Seema Mehta  (DIERSEN: Which individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and countries think that you are deplorable?  I am proud to say that the following think that I am deplorable: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— Clinton falls ill during 9/11 memorial service in New York – Abby Phillip
— Clinton holds lead over Trump in new poll, but warning signs emerge – Scott Clement and Dan Balz (DIERSEN: From what I see, those who support Clinton have a very low opinion of those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— Enrollments surge at historically black colleges amid rise in racial tensions – Valerie Strauss


— Pence vouches for Trump’s anti-abortion views – Maureen Groppe  (DIERSEN: What do you say to those who claim to be religious, conservative, and/or Republican, but who focus on destroying those like me who support the Republican Party’s right to life plank?  I should write a book about the aforesaid in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois.)


— To Hispanic voters: Don’t trade your vote for free stuff – Claudia Steels, Des Moines  (DIERSEN: Democrats have always a) promised to use government to give preference to Democrats, that is, to discriminate against Republicans, b) promised to use government to give preference to minorities, that is, to discriminate against Whites, c) promised to use government to give preference to women, that is, to discriminate against men, d) promised to use government to give preference to younger people, that is, to discriminate against older people, e) promised to use government to give preference to those who have less money, that is, to discriminate against those who have more money, f) promised to use government to give preference to immigrants, that is, to discriminate against those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time, g) promised to use government to give preference to veterans, that is, to discriminate against non-veterans, and h) promised to use government to give preference to etc., that is, to discriminate against etc.)


— TRAGIC: In Colorado, veterans find mission in marijuana industry – Julie Turkewitz (DIERSEN: If you promote pot, you shout that you are anti-religious, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, and anti-American.)


— You’re how old? We’ll be in touch … A destructive obsession with youth pushes older people aside and diminishes our society – Ashton Applewhite  (DIERSEN: How old are you?  I soon will be 68 years old. Non-veteran White males who are seeking a job with the federal government should be advised that with only rare exceptions, a) the longer that you are a federal employee, the less likely that private sector employers will hire you, b) your career will be wasted and you will be gotten rid of if you do not make GS-13 ($92,632) by age 25, GS-14 ($109,463) by age 30, GS-15 ($128,759) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service ($160,300) by age 40, c) you will be expected to help your superiors and supervisors get rid of their employees who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran, and d) virtually everyone despises if not hates federal employees, former federal employees, and federal retirees.)


— Jim Crow hiring in Philly’s top companies – Michael Coard (DIERSEN: GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.  IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.  The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.)


— Federal employee willing to get FIRED rather than watch LGBT diversity video!  (DIERSEN: In 1997, when I was 49 years old, my Democrat GAO superiors succeeded in forcing me to take their early retirement “offer.” They had hinted that they might let me work until I was eligible for regular retirement in 2003 if I happily agreed to be demoted.  My Democrat GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates vehemently disapproved of my opposition to a) promoting LGBTQ activity, b) promoting abortion, c) promoting mass/illegal immigration, d) promoting pot, booze, gambling, and other vices, e) promoting race and age based preference giving, f) promoting age discrimination, g) promoting abolition of the Second Amendment, h) promoting dependency on government, and i) promoting the rest of the Democrat Party platform.)


— Why are women still waiting to achieve full equality with men? – Brett Debritz (DIERSEN: GAO hired me in 1980 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, younger person, or veteran who would take the job.  IRS hired me in 1971 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.  The Post Office hired me in 1966 because it could not find a qualified Democrat, minority, female, or veteran who would take the job.)


— BEYOND TRAGIC: More U.S. adults smoke pot as fewer people see risks – REUTERS  (DIERSEN: If you promote pot, you shout that you are anti-religious, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, and anti-American.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Canada wants to send its burn-out stoners in the United States.


— IS CUBA READY TO COPE WITH AMERICAN TOURISTS? – PHILIP SHERWELL  (DIERSEN: It seems to me that members of the following groups would want to go to Cuba: those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Kaine promotes LGBT activity. Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs make it clear that they will get rid of you if you do not promote LGBT activity.


— Don’t force police to retire at 60 – Editorial (DIERSEN: How old are you?  I soon will be 68 years old. Non-veteran White males who are seeking a job with the federal government should be advised that with only rare exceptions, a) the longer that you are a federal employee, the less likely that private sector employers will hire you, b) your career will be wasted and you will be gotten rid of if you do not make GS-13 ($92,632) by age 25, GS-14 ($109,463) by age 30, GS-15 ($128,759) by age 35, and Senior Executive Service ($160,300) by age 40, c) you will be expected to help your superiors and supervisors get rid of their employees who are Republican, White, male, older, and/or non-veteran, and d) virtually everyone despises if not hates federal employees, former federal employees, and federal retirees.)


— Trump warns GOP over specter of Hillary Clinton presidency: ‘This will be the last election that the Republicans have a chance of winning’  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats make it clear that if Clinton wins, Democrats will get rid of those who are Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.)


— ‘It was a definite statement … that gambling can kill’  The gruesome suicide of Peter Williams was a shocking reminder of the human cost of gambling – but experts say casinos do little to help the addicts who fill their coffers.…-that-gambling-can-kill

September 10 Evening Edition

— Donald Trump at Phyllis Schlafly’s Funeral: A Movement Has Lost Its Hero, Our Country Has Lost a Warrior – JULIA HAHN


— America lost a great patriot – Chuck Baldwin


— Trump attends Schlafly funeral, says conservative icon ‘there for me’ – AP

— Clinton says she regrets calling Trump supporters ‘deplorables’


— Trump honors Phyllis Schlafly at funeral – Nikita Vladimirov

— Clinton: It was wrong to call half of Trump supporters ‘deplorable’ – Harper Neidig
— Trump, Clinton battle over media bias – Jonathan Easley


— Trump honors ‘true patriot’ Phyllis Schlafly at her funeral – Rebecca Morin

— Clinton partially walks back ‘deplorables’ comment


— Trump Honors ‘Great Patriot,’ Conservative Icon Phyllis Schlafly – ALEXANDRA JAFFE


— Trump calls Schlafly a ‘fierce and tireless warrior’

— Clinton says she regrets labeling ‘half’ of Trump supporters ‘deplorable’ – Abby Phillip and Jose A. DelReal


— Donald Trump Praises Phyllis Schlafly as a Conservative ‘Hero’ at Her Funeral – THOMAS KAPLAN
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “The Bitch America Needs.”


— Donald Trump eulogizes conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly – Eric DuVall


— Trump: Schlafly would want us to ‘keep up the fight’ – David Jackson



— Trump tells mourners at Schlafly funeral to ‘keep up the fight’ – AP


    — Trump, others cite Phyllis Schlafly’s patriotism, faith – Joseph Kenny


    — Mourners, passersby and Donald Trump remember Phyllis Schlafly – JENNY SIMEONE & RACHEL LIPPMANN


— 6th Congressional District Congressman Peter Roskam hosted an outstanding breakfast for Republican Precinct Committeemen Saturday morning, September 10, 2016, at the Wheaton Bowl Banquet Hall.  He provided an outstanding update on current government/political issues and fielded many questions.  The many attendees included Roger Bohn, Lori Carlson, Lynn Crane, Sal Falbo, Jay Fisher, Mike Fortner, Amy Grant, Jay Gribauskas, Marty Keller, Liz Martinez, Ron Menna, Bert Minor, Mary Rash, B.J. Slinger, Ron Smith, and Dave Tornga. – Dave Diersen


— BLACK CAUCUS BLOCKS $3 BILLION O’HARE DEAL – Charles Thomas$3-billion-ohare-deal/1505666/


— Illinois Ranked #31 in Voter Turnout  The Wall Street Journal says Illinois has had a 63 percent voter turnout rate over the past four elections.


— Duckworth Speaks Out At Clinton Rally – Bob Roberts


— Markham mayor’s $1M in donations relies on vendors – AP


— Clinton regrets calling half of Trump supporters ‘basket of deplorables’
— Couple’s firing for anti-Trump alphabet book a boon to crowdfunding – Karen Berkowitz  (DIERSEN: While I worked for the federal government for almost 30 years, I did not put out any anti-Democrat alphabet books.  But I did speak out against political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination.  In 1988, when I was 40 years old, I became the only active member in GAO’s Chicago office in a class action lawsuit that charged GAO with reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation.  After the Democrats who ran GAO in 1997 succeeded in forcing me to retire when I was 49 years old, I filed a lawsuit against GAO. SEE:
— Can exercise offset alcohol’s damaging effects?  (DIERSEN: My not drinking alcohol is one reason why neither health problems nor any other kind of problems has stopped me from putting out a GOPUSA ILLINOIS email each and every morning since 2004 and each and every evening since 2015.)
— Sexual harassment victims need male allies – Rex Huppke  (DIERSEN: My Democrat IRS and GAO superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates who were minority, female, and/or younger did not support my claims of political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation. They hinted/implied/argued/shouted that IRS and GAO should get rid of its employees who were Republican, White, male, and/or older.)
— Police chase death, wrongful conviction, cop overtime suits may cost city $2.7M – Hal Dardick


— Clinton: ‘Deplorables’ comment was ‘grossly generalistic’ – AP
— New African American museum, from slavery to Barack Obama – Lynn Sweet


— 15 years after September 11 attacks – Editorial  (DIERSEN: I had the honor of organizing Wheaton’s 2004 and 2005 September 11 ceremonies.)


— Not much top-of-ticket talk in backyards – MARK PICKERING


— BEYOND TRAGIC: Drug users take advantage of public libraries – AP


— Federal Employee, David Hall, 42, would rather get fired than watch diversity video – Tracy Crane  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, I support Hall.  Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes will use Hall to paint me as being a religious/conservative/Republican hypocrite because I attended many such training sessions while I worked for IRS 1971-1980 and for GAO 1980-1997 that were anti-religious, anti-conservative, and/or anti-Republican.  In my defense, I spoke out against political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination.  In 1988, when I was 40 years old, I became the only active member in GAO’s Chicago office in a class action lawsuit that charged GAO with reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation.  After the Democrats who ran GAO in 1997 succeeded in forcing me to retire when I was 49 years old, I filed a lawsuit against GAO. SEE:
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A Social Security Administration employee who believes he shouldn’t have to watch a workplace diversity video about the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, because it violates his religious beliefs, fears he may lose his job because of it. David Hall, 42, of Tolono has worked for the federal agency for 14 years, based in the Champaign office as an area systems coordinator, an information technology position. In late April, Hall said, employees nationwide received an email from the agency about a 17-minute LGBT diversity and inclusion training video that they were told to watch at their work stations. Employees were required to certify that they had seen the video. Hall said he is a Christian — “not anti-anyone or anything,” but “for God, for Jesus” — and believes the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin. So, he didn’t watch it. His supervisor gave him direct orders to do so — first on June 2, then again on June 24. Again, Hall refused both times. As a result, an official reprimand was placed in his file — the first he has ever received, he says — and he was suspended without pay for two days, Aug. 15-16. Part of his problem, he said, is that viewing the video is mandatory, something he doesn’t remember the agency doing with other training videos in the past. So, he asked his supervisors for a religious accommodation to abstain from the training, which was denied. After his suspension, Hall returned to work on Aug. 17. He said his supervisor has explained he will receive further discipline, possibly a longer suspension without pay, if he does not complete the video. Hall said he eventually expects he will lose his job over his refusal to do so. “I think this is an issue they are prepared to go to the mat with, but I’m not going to give up my faith or compromise my beliefs just to go along and get along. I don’t believe God wants me to do that,” Hall said. Responding to questions from The News-Gazette on Wednesday, Doug Nguyen, communications director for the SSA’s Chicago region, wrote in an emailed statement that “in support of an inclusive work environment, as well as exemplary customer service, the Social Security Administration recently announced a diversity and inclusion training on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community to our employees. “This mandatory video training reminds our employees of their responsibility, as representatives of the agency, to provide the highest levels of service to our customers,” Nguyen went on to say. “The training includes a brief session on tips for increasing cultural awareness in a diverse and inclusive environment. We are unable to comment on specific personnel matters.” Because of what he described as deeply held religious beliefs, Hall said he cannot bring himself to comply. He said he believes the Constitution grants him certain rights and religious freedoms, just as it grants certain rights to others. Hall said he supports the rights of the LGBT community to support its position, too, and not asking those who work for the federal government to change their views or lose their jobs. “I’m not judging the LGBT community … But I believe tolerance is a two-way street,” Hall said. “Unfortunately, I believe they’re wrong. But neither of us should lose our jobs or livelihood for our beliefs. “For me, I know I’m not a martyr or a bigot. I’m not asking for anyone’s approval or forgiveness; I’m simply trying to live out my life, my faith and be obedient to the will of God.” Hall said he has prayed about this issue and talked it over with friends and family, including his wife and three kids. With a family to support, a mortgage, car payment and health insurance through his job, Hall said he is taking a risk making this stand. And he said he doesn’t anticipate his supervisors changing their course, eventually leading to him losing his job. “This is something I want to fight and expose,” Hall said, “to give other Christians the courage of their convictions. I can’t tell you how many I’ve worked with that have told me, ‘Dave, we agree with you 100 percent. I wish I had the courage to do that.’ But they’re scared. … Their fears are being realized through me.” Hall said Jason Craddock, a private Chicago attorney, is advising him. Craddock also recently represented the owner of Ford County’s Timber Creek Bed and Breakfast, who objected to hosting same-sex weddings for religious reasons. Earlier this year, the B&B near Paxton that turned down a same-sex couple’s request to hold a civil-union ceremony there in 2011 was ordered by an administrative law judge to pay $30,000 in damages to the couple and $50,000 to their attorneys and to stop violating the Illinois Human Rights Act by denying couples access to the facility based on their sexual orientation. Craddock said he and Hall are still looking at options on how to proceed with the SSA. He said there are many previous cases involving Christians objecting to participating in activities they consider to be sinful, and they are persecuted in the workplace as a result. “Unfortunately, it’s happening more frequently as time goes on,” Craddock said.)


— Clinton: ‘Deplorables’ comment was “grossly generalistic”


— D.C. speculators have Cheri Bustos running for Illinois governor in 2018 – Chuck Sweeny


— DuPage County Election Commission Encourages Early Registration


— Clinton: Yeah, I’m Sorry I Said That Half Of Trump Supporters Were Deplorable…Sort Of – Matt Vespa


— Never forget 9/11…and who did it and why
— Liberal tolerance runs out when the homeless get too close
— Lindsey Graham: It makes me want to move to Canada


— Trump: The U.S. Will Become ‘Another Venezuela’ if Clinton Wins in November – Tre Goins-Phillips


— Pence says Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment disrespectful  “Hillary Clinton’s low opinion of the people that support this campaign should be denounced in the strongest possible terms,” says Republican Vice Presidential nominee Mike Pence, after Hillary Clinton made comments about Trump’s supporters.


— Federal employee David Hall, 42, willing to get fired rather than watch LGBT diversity video: ‘This is something I want to fight and expose’ – Laura Bult (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, I support Hall.  Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes will use Hall to paint me as being a religious/conservative/Republican hypocrite because I attended many such training sessions while I worked for IRS 1971-1980 and for GAO 1980-1997 that were anti-religious, anti-conservative, and/or anti-Republican.  In my defense, I spoke out against political affiliation discrimination, reverse discrimination, and age discrimination.  In 1988, when I was 40 years old, I became the only active member in GAO’s Chicago office in a class action lawsuit that charged GAO with reverse discrimination, age discrimination, and retaliation.  After the Democrats who ran GAO in 1997 succeeded in forcing me to retire when I was 49 years old, I filed a lawsuit against GAO. SEE:
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A federal employee would rather lose his job at an Illinois Social Security Administration office than view a mandatory workplace diversity video about LGBT inclusion. David Hall, 42, told the News-Gazette that the prejudiced protest over the video is because “I don’t believe God wants me to do that.” Hall said that SSA employees nationwide received an email in late April informing them that watching the 17-minute LGBT diversity video was a requirement and that supervisors would have to certify that everyone had seen it. Hall stubbornly refused, citing his religious opposition to homosexuality. “They wanted me to certify that I had completed the training,” Hall told WCIA. “I’m not going to certify sin.” Hall’s supervisor gave him two direct orders to watch the diversity video, once on June 2 and again on June 24, but he held his ground. Because of his refusal, Hall was suspended without pay from Aug. 15-16 and now is prepared to lose his job for his senseless stand. Hall has hired an attorney and requested a religious accommodation to opt-out of watching the video, but has been denied. “This is something I want to fight and expose,” Hall said, “to give other Christians the courage of their convictions. I can’t tell you how many I’ve worked with that have told me, ‘Dave, we agree with you 100 percent. I wish I had the courage to do that.’ But they’re scared. … Their fears are being realized through me.”” Hall said. In a statement provided to the News-Gazette, communications director for the SSA’s Chicago region, Doug Nguyen, said that the mandatory diversity video was “in support of an inclusive work environment, as well as exemplary customer service.” Hall hired Jason Craddock, a private Chicago attorney who represented a Bed and Breakfast owner who turned down a same-sex couple’s request to hold a civil-union ceremony at their site in 2011. An administrative law judge ordered the owners pay $30,000 in damages to the couple and $50,00 to their attorneys for violating the Illinois Human Rights Act.)


— Losing our job mobility – John Hood


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Dismayed ‘Values’ Voters, Fearful of Clinton, Learn to Live With Trump  The Supreme Court has become a powerful unifying force for a nominee many Christian conservatives distrust.”


— Mike Pence Once Called Putin’s Treatment Of Journalists “Deeply Troubling” “I would say that the rising tide of violence against journalists in Russia since the advent of the Presidency of Mr. Putin is deeply troubling and ought to be troubling to anyone who cherishes the notion of a free and independent press,” he said in 2007. – Christopher Massie and Andrew Kaczynski

September 9 Morning Edition

— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Rauners say “Team Rauner tries to rebrand November message.”
— AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S STRANGLEHOLD ON CHICAGO, ON COOK COUNTY, ON ILLINOIS, AND ON AMERICA TIGHTENS: We left Chicago, just in time – Steve Zimmerman  (DIERSEN: I left Chicago not only once, but twice — in 1971 when my 1969 Dodge Charger SE was stolen there and in 1978 when I got married.)


— ALL OF THE FRONT PAGE: Bears encourage players to stand for national anthem – Patrick Finley


— American intervention has been one disaster after another – Georgie Anne Geyer
— Law judge’s ruling in state employee contract dispute has implications for arbitration debate – Editorial


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Republicans ask “Is DuPage County over?”
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Behind the small story of a one-notch downgrade in DuPage County’s credit rating is a bigger story of demographic and economic change. The cut by Fitch Ratings, which put DuPage’s debt at AA+, down from AAA, marked the first time in decades that the county hasn’t held top honors from all three of its rating agencies. County officials were quick to pooh-pooh the decision, which won’t have much fiscal impact. “DuPage County’s finances haven’t changed,” Chief Financial Officer Paul Rafac says in a statement, noting that the downgrade reflects new ratings criteria that put more weight on a government entity’s ability to raise tax revenues unilaterally. As a nonhome-rule entity in Illinois, DuPage has little power to hike tax rates without approval from Springfield or voters. That hasn’t been a problem for DuPage until now. Tax revenues rose naturally for decades following World War II as middle-class migration from the city brought new residents with disposable incomes. Subdivisions sprouted in former cornfields. Shopping centers sprang up along county byways. Corporations joined the influx, carving out bucolic headquarters campuses like McDonald’s Oak Brook complex. As population grew, so did the tax base. Sales tax collections surged, easing pressure on residential property taxes, which DuPage County hasn’t raised in eight years. Driving the virtuous fiscal cycle was one essential force: growth. But DuPage County’s population rose less than 1 percent from 2012 to 2015, and relatively little open land for development remains. “It’s a different landscape than it was 20 years ago,” says John Carpenter, CEO of economic development agency Choose DuPage. Meanwhile, young workers are spurning suburbia in favor of city neighborhoods their grandparents fled. Some businesses are following; most notably for DuPage, McDonald’s is abandoning its circa 1988 headquarters for a new home in the West Loop. THE COMPANY YOU KEEP Another worrisome trend for DuPage, which relies on sales taxes for 54 percent of its general fund revenue, is the migration of shoppers away from brick-and-mortar retailers to online merchants. “While sales tax revenue has grown between 4 and 5 percent annually over the past several years, it has slowed to only 1 percent growth in (fiscal year) 2016, leading the county to change its growth assumptions going forward to only 2 percent growth,” Fitch writes in explaining its downgrade. Of course, DuPage is far from alone. Postwar suburbs around the country are facing the challenges that come with slowing growth. And no fiscal crisis looms for DuPage—its finances are in much better shape than Chicago’s and the state’s. But as any CEO can tell you, things get tight when revenue plateaus. County and local officials in DuPage will face harder choices as they try to maintain services, fund capital projects and hold the line on taxes. For DuPage, keeping the no-property-tax-hike streak intact will become more difficult with each passing year. In an interview, CFO Rafac says DuPage has avoided a property tax increase by controlling expenses as revenues flatten. “I believe we will be able to continue to do that,” he adds. New revenue sources would make the job easier. That’s one reason DuPage has such high hopes for the proposed western access point at O’Hare International Airport. County planners foresee a flowering of restaurants, hotels and other businesses if the project goes forward as planned. “Bensenville will look a lot like Rosemont does today,” Carpenter predicts. Given the uncertainty surrounding western access, DuPage homeowners should hope the county has a Plan B.)


— Trump grants interview to Russia-backed TV network – AP


— Madison County treasurer questioning county board members’ hours – Kelsey Landis (DIERSEN: What do you do with your time?  I spend 10+ hours each and very day putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out.  That is 70+ hours a week, 300+ hours a month, 3,650 hours a year, and 36,500 hours a decade.)


— Rauner Administration leads national panel on the future of driverless cars (DIERSEN: I oppose driverless cars.)


— State GOP lashes out at Dems for silence as ‘machine’ blocks fair-maps measure – Ruth de Jauregui


— The Newest Amenity In Real Estate? Lead-Free Pipes – Patty Wetli  (DIERSEN: How much lead have you ingested during your lifetime?)


— Illinois’ Institutionalized Corruption: How Auditor General Frank Mautino Could Walk For His Misdeeds




— Munger hit deemed “false”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps ask “Will Trump sink Dold?”


— OUTSTANDING: Values voters stand up and speak out – Jennifer Harper
(FROM THE ARTICLE: It is a determined and significant event: The Values Voter Summit is now underway in the nation’s capital, drawing some 2,500 socially conservative activists with much on their minds. Some big names are part of it. Donald Trump and running mate Gov. Mike Pence will both appear — along with 70 other concerned, high-profile folk. They include everyone from actors Jon Voight and Kirk Cameron to Sens. Tim Scott, Tom Cotton and James Lankford. Other high-profile attendees include Allen West, Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, Oliver North, Bill Bennett, Laura Ingraham and Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle. Also on the list: Reps. Diane Black, Marsha Blackburn, Jim Bridenstine, John Fleming, Louie Gohmert, Jim Jordan, Gov. Mike Bevin, and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus. C-SPAN is covering the big doings. There’s a certain urgency in the air at the event, organized by the Family Research Council and now in its 11th year. And no wonder. This political landscape is a dynamic one. Some estimates now place the potential “evangelical voting bloc” at 60 million people, though media coverage often emphasizes how many of these voters sat out the last two elections for one reason or another. Values, however, continue to play a role. A new Washington Post poll of 72,000 registered voters in all 50 states found that 72 percent agree that “America today reflects their values less than it has in the past.” Gallup also found that 60 percent of Republican voters pine for a “conservative president, 32 percent favor a moderate and 6 percent a liberal. Almost a quarter of Democrats — 21 percent — preferred a conservative as well, 36 percent favor a liberal, 40 percent a moderate. Meanwhile, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, whose group is the event’s principal driving force, will conduct a news conference Saturday to underscore the group’s mission and reveal plans for a “Values Bus Tour” which will visit 20 states by election day. The riders intend to mobilize local voters to support “bedrock values” like religious freedom, national security and the sanctity of life. And it is quite the ride. On the first leg of the journey, the bus will stop in all 100 counties in the state of North Carolina.)
— Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton step out of character as tight race enters home stretch – Seth McLaughlin and S.A. Miller
— Visa security loophole exploited by 9/11 attackers still open 15 years later – Stephen Dinan


— Lawsuit: Girls exposed to transgender twerking & grinding in locker room – Todd Starnes


— Lindsey Graham: It makes me want to move to Canada  (DIERSEN: Anti-Americans love that kind of talk.)


— Black Democratic Lawmakers Don’t See Sexism In the Justice System – Alex Pfeiffer  (DIERSEN: Democrats are extremely divisive. Democrats focus on turning minorities and females against Whites and against males.)
— Trans Student Twerks In Girls’ Bathroom, Parents File Lawsuit – Amber Randall
— Hillary Clinton: Men Bullied Me While I Was Taking The LSAT – Kaitlan Collins  (DIERSEN: Government is nasty.  Politics is nasty.  If you are not a veteran, if you seek a government office or a political office, you might very well be asked to explain why are not a veteran.  If you avoided the draft like I did with student and financial hardship draft deferments 1966-1971, sooner or later, your critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes will call you a patriotic hypocrite, a coward, and worse things.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Hillary Clinton said she was harassed by a group of men who feared being drafted while she was taking a law school admissions test. The Democratic presidential nominee relayed the story to Humans of New York — a blog featuring interviews done on the streets of New York — Wednesday. “I was taking a law school admissions test in a big classroom at Harvard,” Clinton said. “My friend and I were some of the only women in the room.” “I was feeling nervous. I was a senior in college. I wasn’t sure how well I’d do. And while we’re waiting for the exam to start, a group of men began to yell things like: ‘You don’t need to be here.’ And ‘There’s plenty else you can do.’ It turned into a real ‘pile on.’”  “One of them even said: ‘If you take my spot, I’ll get drafted, and I’ll go to Vietnam, and I’ll die.’ And they weren’t kidding around. It was intense. It got very personal. But I couldn’t respond. I couldn’t afford to get distracted because I didn’t want to mess up the test. So I just kept looking down, hoping that the proctor would walk in the room.” “I know that I can be perceived as aloof or cold or unemotional,” she added. “But I had to learn as a young woman to control my emotions. And that’s a hard path to walk.” “Because you need to protect yourself, you need to keep steady, but at the same time you don’t want to seem ‘walled off.’ And sometimes I think I come across more in the ‘walled off’ arena. And if I create that perception, then I take responsibility. I don’t view myself as cold or unemotional. And neither do my friends. And neither does my family. But if that sometimes is the perception I create, then I can’t blame people for thinking that.” When Clinton recalled the story to New York Magazine in May, she said “that level of visceral… fear, anxiety, insecurity plays a role” in how America regards ambitious women. “Unpacking this, understanding it, is for writers like you,” Clinton said at the time. “I’m just trying to cope with it. Deal with it. Live through it.”)
— Georgetown Slave Descendants Want A BILLION Dollar Reconciliation Fund – Blake Neff  (DIERSEN: How much have you benefited from slavery?  My critic/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I have benefited tremendously from slavery because my ancestors have been in America since the 1840s, because I am White, because I am male, because I was baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran, because I am conservative, because I am Republican, because I am old (67), because I am healthy, because I am not poor, because I own guns, because etc.)
— Feds Spend Millions Fighting FOIA Lawsuits, GAO Finds – Kathryn Watson


— Clinton Does First Press Conference in 278 Days, Gets Zero Questions About Email Scandal – Leigh Munsil
— Gary Johnson Addresses His ‘Aleppo’ Gaffe: ‘I Have to Get Smarter’ – Kate Scanlon  (DIERSEN: Pot is very destructive.)


— ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT MOOD COULD SPUR REVIVAL OF TERM LIMITS  (DIERSEN: Are you a member of the establishment?  What do you say to my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who demonize, denigrate, and condemn me as being a member of the establishment?)
— VA CONTINUES TO FAIL VETERANS – Kent Kellar  (DIERSEN: Are you a draft dodger?  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes hint/imply/argue/shout that if I had not avoided the draft, I would care much more about veteran issues.)


— Pushback Against ‘Safe Spaces’  It’s begun, and it’s overdue. – MARK HEMINGWAY  (DIERSEN: Since 2002 when I succeeded in moving Milton Township Republican Central Committee meetings to the Wheaton Bowl Banquet Hall, it has been a “safe place” for my nasty, troubled, failed, and vicious critics/opponents, their nasty, troubled, failed, and vicious operatives, and their nasty, troubled, failed, and vicious dupes to lash out at me, to discredit me, to intimidate me, to brow-beat me, to belittle me, to bully me, to reprimand me, to chastise me, to harass me, to punish me, to insult me, to slander me, and to threaten me. How should I react to that?  Should I wear a body camera there to document their bad behavior?  Just kidding, but not completely.)
— Affluent Society  The friends, and enemies, of American prosperity. – JAY WEISER


— Donald Trump Faces Revived Pay-to-Play Scrutiny Over Florida AG Donation – Natalie Johnson  (DIERSEN: I should write an article about “Republicans” who pander to the Democrat news media and do not want me to know about, promote, attend, or report on their events and other activities.  The article would include examples in which they barred me from their events saying that they were “closed to media” but that they would not stop me if I paid to get in.  These “Republicans” focus on destroying individuals, organizations, companies, governments, etc. that they cannot manipulate/dominate.)


— Hillary Clinton Explains To Humans Of New York How Women Guard Themselves Against Sexism (DIERSEN: Are you a woman?  Government is nasty.  Politics is nasty.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes are nasty.  They have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I am a sexist because I support the equal opportunity (no race or gender based preference giving) plank in the Republican Party platform. Of course, needless-to-say, women who reject that plank work extremely hard against me.)


— GOP insiders: Maybe Trump can win  A growing number of Republicans think he can defeat Hillary Clinton. But they worry his campaign’s ground game is a disaster. – Steven Shepard
— Facebook co-founder donates $20 million to defeat Trump – Kristen East  (DIERSEN: How much religious, government, political, and/or financial clout do your critics/opponents have?  My critics/opponents in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.  Their nasty, troubled, failed, and/or vicious operatives and dupes talk and act like they have been promised and/or given lots of money, a new home, a new car, a sweetheart job, a sweetheart contract, favorable legislation, and/or lots more if they a) succeed in getting me to stop putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out and/or b) succeed in stopping everyone from reading GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)


— Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz commits $20M to help beat Trump – Teddy Schleifer (DIERSEN: How much religious, government, political, and/or financial clout do your critics/opponents have?  My critics/opponents in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.  Their nasty, troubled, failed, and/or vicious operatives and dupes talk and act like they have been promised and/or given lots of money, a new home, a new car, a sweetheart job, a sweetheart contract, favorable legislation, and/or lots more if they a) succeed in getting me to stop putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out and/or b) succeed in stopping everyone from reading GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)


— TRAGIC: Veterans Back on Patrol, This Time to Protect Marijuana – JULIE TURKEWITZ


— How social media helps young people — especially minorities and the poor — get politically engaged – Matthew D. Luttig and Cathy J. Cohen  (DIERSEN: What do your critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes focus on?  Mine focus on a) discouraging me from putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out and b) discouraging everyone from reading the emails.  They crow over their success in discouraging my fellow Republican Precinct Committeemen in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois from reading the emails.)
— Republicans warn that Trump’s critique of Clinton’s ‘look’ fuels accusations of sexism – Matea Gold and Jenna Johnson  (DIERSEN: If/when your critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes attack your health, your strength, your stamina, your vigor, your etc., how would you respond?  I would stress that neither health nor any other kind of problem has stopped me from putting together and sending out a GOPUSA ILLINOIS email each and every morning since 2004 and each and every evening since 2015.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Donald Trump claims that Hillary Clinton lacks “the strength or the stamina” to run the country. He questioned in a tweet this week why the media was not covering a coughing fit she had at a rally in Cleveland. His party’s chairman scolded her for not smiling enough. And Trump insisted that the former senator and secretary of state does not resemble a commander in chief: “I just don’t think she has a presidential look.” The escalating attacks by Trump and his allies on Clinton’s vigor and appearance are providing new fodder for critics who say the real estate developer is trafficking in sexist stereotypes and fueling false Internet rumors in attempts to undermine her image with voters. Many Republican strategists warn that the approach is perilous for a GOP nominee who already has low standing among women across the political spectrum, saying his jabs could resonate in a negative way for those who have encountered similar put-downs from men in their own lives. For women who “have had to put up with inappropriate suggestions about their appearance or stamina, it probably doesn’t sit really well when they come out of the mouth of a presidential candidate,” said GOP pollster Whit Ayres, who is not supporting Trump.)
— Why the world’s Muslim population is growing so very, very quickly – Jon Emont  (DIERSEN: Islam is more like a political party or a country without borders than a religion.  Obviously, its goal is world domination.)


— Atoning for slavery is not simple or cheap – Ross K. Baker  (DIERSEN: How much have you benefited from slavery?  My critic/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I have benefited tremendously from slavery because my ancestors have been in America since the 1840s, because I am White, because I am male, because I was baptized, raised, and confirmed as a Missouri Synod Lutheran, because I am conservative, because I am Republican, because I am old (67), because I am healthy, because I am not poor, because I own guns, because etc.)


— Phyllis Schlafly was a champion for women – Sandy Rios


— How Donald Trump destroyed the anti-amnesty movement – Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Poisoning the Working Class  Donald Trump is a false idol for working-class whites no longer living the American Dream.” Are/were you a working-class White who is no longer living the American Dream?  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always demonized me, denigrated me, and condemned me as being a failed, but grossly overpaid, working class White.  They stress that I never earned more than $120,427/year in today’s dollars.


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Hunt for Holiday Workers Heats Up, Giving Wages a Boost  Retailers, delivery firms and logistics companies plan to step up recruiting, hire earlier – LAURA  STEVENS and LORETTA CHAO  (DIERSEN: The Park Forest Post Office hired me in November of 1966 as a temporary part-time employee for the Christmas rush.)
— Trump Pushes to Repeal Little-Used Ban on Church Endorsements  GOP nominee targets issue that resonates with religious conservatives –  BETH REINHARD and  RICHARD RUBIN  (DIERSEN: Virtually all my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois are a member of a church, attend church services, and/or give money to a church.  They are extremely judgmental, nasty, vicious, and even worse things.  They have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that they are far superior to those like me who are not a member of a church, who do not attend church services, and/or who do not give money to a church. They talk and act like GOD has directed them to destroy those like me who do not pander to them.


— Facebook’s Co-Founder Just Pledged $20 Million to Defeat Donald Trump – Ian Mount  (DIERSEN: How much religious, government, political, and/or financial clout do your critics/opponents have?  My critics/opponents in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage Couty, and in Illinois have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.  Their nasty, troubled, failed, and/or vicious operatives and dupes talk and act like they have been promised and/or given lots of money, a new home, a new car, a sweetheart job, a sweetheart contract, favorable legislation, and/or lots more if they a) succeed in getting me to stop putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out and/or b) succeed in stopping everyone from reading GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails.)


It’s Tough Being Over 40 in Silicon Valley Older workers are trying lawsuits, classes, makeovers—even surgery—to keep working. – Carol Hymowitz and Robert Burnson  (DIERSEN: It’s tough being over 40 in the federal government, and especially if you are Republican, White, male, non-veteran, and/or not in the Senior Executive Service.)
— Carson Says Trump Doesn’t Need to Apologize for Putin Praise – Betsy Fischer Martin and Tammy Haddad  (DIERSEN: My critics/opponents in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois have lots of religious, government, political, and/or financial clout.  They have made it very clear that they can and that they will viciously destroy any individual, any organization, any company, any government, any etc. that might praise me for anything.)
— Your Tattoo Might Have Printer Ink or Car Paint in It – Bradley Joseph Saacks


— Childhood home of Donald Trump to be sold at auction – AP  (DIERSEN: How much is your childhood home worth?  I lived with my parents in an apartment above a hardware store at the northeast corner of Main and Exchange in Crete 1948-1954; the building was torn down in 1966. I lived with my parents and brother at 1286 Wood Street in Crete 1954-1969 and with my mother and brother there 1969-1972 after my father died in 1969.  According to Zillow, it is worth $119,517.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The childhood home in New York City of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is set to be auctioned and the opening bid is $849,000. Newsday reports the Queens home, which is listed on Trump’s birth certificate, will be auctioned on Oct. 19 at the Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan. The 3,600-square-foot Tudor has five bedrooms, a fully furnished basement and a two-car garage. It had been listed in July for $1.65 million. The owners say they put it up for auction because they want to see what it’s worth. Open house events are planned for Sept. 25, Oct. 6 and Oct. 16. Auction participants must bring a bank or certified check for $90,000 to the auction. Auction officials say a reserve price hasn’t been disclosed but has been set.)


— Is Trump hiding unsavory secrets about his finances? – Dana Milbank (DIERSEN: How did you get your money? I got my money by doing yard work, delivering newspapers, washing dishes, cleaning golf shoes, chipping slag, pumping gasoline, delivering mail, working on an automobile assembly line, working as a security guard, selling tires, automotive services, and major appliances, collecting delinquent taxes, auditing federal agencies, and collecting a Civil Service Retirement System pension and Social Security.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “15 Years of Donald Trump’s 9/11 Lies, Insults, and Slights.”


— People try to steal Army veteran’s Trump sign  (DIERSEN: How vicious are the anti-Trumps in Illinois, in your county, in your township/ward, in your municipality, and in your precinct?)


— Jolt of support: Bellingham man adds electricity to Trump signs – ERIC MANDEL


— Many Question Whether Americans Remember 9/11  (DIERSEN: An American flag has flown at 915 Cove Court in Wheaton each and every day since September 11, 2001.)

September 8 Evening Edition

— Aldermen Call For Up to 1,000 New Cops  Some Chicago aldermen are calling for up to 1,000 additional Chicago police officers to combat the headline-grabbing violence currently rocking the city, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. – Tom Schuba


— $5K REWARD OFFERED FOR INFORMATION ABOUT BABY FOUND IN WHEATON$5k-reward-offered-for-information-about-baby-found-in-wheaton/1504123/


— Chicago’s blues won’t arrest Green Party’s Stein on N.D. warrant – Tina Sfondeles
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump adds ‘spiller of state secrets’ to his resume.”


— Election officials push back on Trump’s “rigged” allegations – AP (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats?)–campaign-2016-election-confidence-20160908-story.html
— Latino population growth in Chicago, U.S. slowing, study says – Grace Wong and Nereida Moreno
— Illinois public universities have fluctuating enrollment after difficult year – Dawn Rhodes and Kate Thayer
— A federal solution to Chicago’s public pension mess – Ed Bachrach
— Wall Street on alert to danger of donating to Trump-Pence ticket – Bloomberg
— Pence sees Trump as fitting heir to Reagan mantle – AP–campaign-2016-pence-20160908-story.html
— Naperville Township clarifies legal bill – Genevieve Bookwalter


— TRAGIC: Naperville could clear downtown Walgreens to sell alcohol – Marie Wilson
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The Walgreens in downtown Naperville isn’t allowed to sell alcohol because of concerns about drinking-related crime in the area, but the city appears on track to relax the rule.)


— University of Illinois president gets $100,000 bonus – AP
— A fix for the culture wars – CASS R. SUNSTEIN


— Election officials push back on Trump’s “rigged” allegations – AP (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats?)


— DuPage County Sheriff’s Office offers $5,000 reward to help locate mother of baby  Newborn girl found in backpack Aug. 15 near Wheaton


— STARBUCKS CEO ENDORSES HILLARY, STEAMS TRUMP’S “BIGOTRY, HATE, DIVISIVENESS” (DIERSEN: How soon, if not already, will Starbucks a) refuse to hire non-Democrats, b) fire its non-Democrat employees, and c) refuse to sell anything to non-Democrats?)
— TRUMP RELEASES FOUR SCHOOL CHOICE OPTIONS FOR POVERTY-STRICKEN CHILDREN  (DIERSEN: Because my father made enough money that he could afford to sent me to Trinity Lutheran Grade School in Crete 1953-1961 and then to Hope Lutheran Grade School in Park Forest 1961-1962 to stay with the Missouri Synod, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always viciously demonized me, denigrated me, and condemned me as being someone who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and who has always been privileged.)


— AUGUST 26, 2016 FLASHBACK: IRS doesn’t tell 1M taxpayers that illegals stole their Social Security numbers – Stephen Dinan  (DIERSEN: How many of the many millions who are in America illegally will use their false and stolen identifications to vote for Clinton and for the other Democrats?)


— BEYOND OUTRAGEOUS: McCain’s views on immigration depend on the language being used
(FROM THE ARTICLE:  Arizona Sen. John McCain’s Spanish- and English-language websites differ on what they say about the Republican’s views on immigration and homeland security. McCain’s English-language campaign website touts his work to boost border security and “reform our broken immigration system,” and the Spanish-language site promotes the 80-year-old senator’s teaming with Democrats to “work on a humane migratory reform that is sensitive to the needs of the immigrant community.” The sites differ in other ways as well, with an endorsement on the Spanish-language site by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and an endorsement by the American Conservative Union on the English-language site. The Spanish-language site was launched by campaign on Tuesday, a week after his Republican primary victory. McCain campaign spokeswoman Lorna Romero said the websites were “never intended to be identical.”)


— Clinton Foundation Deceived IRS On Tax Exemption From The Start – Mark Tapscott


— Democrats have been very successful in building themselves a natural base of new voters, who will be loyal to the party that gives them many free benefits. – Chad Groening  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats promise voters that if elected, they will use government a) to take money, jobs, opportunities, etc. away from Republicans and b) to give that money, those jobs, etc. to Democrats.)


— BEYOND OUTRAGEOUS: Caterpillar Hires H-1B Foreign Graduates, Fires 300 American Professionals – NEIL MUNRO6


— New Class War  What America’s ruling elite fears about the 2016 election – DANIEL MCCARTHY (DIERSEN: What do members of the ruling elite in your municipality, in your township/ward, in your county, and in Illinois think of you?  Those who paint themselves as being operatives or dupes for members of the ruling elite in Wheaton, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois hint/imply/argue/shout a) that they blame me for all of their problems, for all of your problems, for all of my problems, and for all of everyone’s problems and b) that they want to get rid of me.)


— Reporter asks Clinton if she’s ‘treated differently’ in race ‘because you’re a woman’ – EDDIE SCARRY  (DIERSEN: To give preference to one group is to discriminate against another group.  Since the 1960s, many laws have been passed that require everyone to give preference to women, that is, to discriminate against men.)


— The Hill’s 50 Most Beautiful list for 2016


— Threat of Strike Looms Over Start of Chicago School Year – AP
— Hillary Clinton Does Not Rule Out Sexism in 2016 Race – LIZ KREUTZ  (DIERSEN: To give preference to one group is to discriminate against another group.  Since the 1960s, many laws have been passed that require everyone to give preference to women, that is, to discriminate against men.)


— Donald Trump ending press ‘blacklist’ – Brian Stelter  (DIERSEN: Who blacklists you?  Those who blacklist me a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and/or anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.  Many blacklist me because I refuse to carry out their blacklist orders.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Donald Trump is ending a practice most journalists think he never should have started: his “blacklisting” of news outlets. Effective on Thursday, the Trump campaign says it will approve requests for press credentials from The Washington Post, BuzzFeed, Politico, and other news organizations that were previously blocked by Trump. A campaign spokeswoman confirmed the change on Wednesday. Trump provided a cheeky statement to CNN about the restoration of credentials: “I figure they can’t treat me any worse!” Leaders of some of the affected newsrooms were glad to hear of the change, but said it shouldn’t have been necessary at all. “Access to a major party’s presidential campaign events shouldn’t be a favor to be granted or withheld,” Politico editor Susan Glasser said. “It is important to remember that this was an absurd policy to begin with and a dangerous precedent for any campaign to have set,” Huffington Post senior politics editor Sam Stein said. Several Trump aides, including campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, had been lobbying behind the scenes for a loosening of the restrictions against the Post and other news organizations. Trump’s running mate Mike Pence said five weeks ago that he was looking into the issue. The so-called “blacklist” took hold last year, when the campaign denied press credential requests from The Huffington Post and the Des Moines Register. The Daily Beast, BuzzFeed and Politico’s credential requests were also rejected by the campaign. At various points Univision has also been blocked. Related: Here are the media outlets banned by Trump seemingly formalized the bans last June when he announced that he had revoked the Post’s credentials. In August he threatened to add The New York Times to the list, but did not follow through. In most cases, reporters from the offending outlets were still able to attend Trump rallies as members of the general public, but without the access and privileges that press credentials provide. Some journalists took it as a badge of honor. But the rejection of individual news outlets was troubling, some press freedom advocates said, because of possible chilling effects and precedents. Recognizing the media controversy, and perhaps relishing it, Trump said in June that if elected president, he would not ban news outlets from the White House press briefing room. Lately, the bans were getting harder to enforce. A new print “pool” covering Trump was established at the end of August, and it included several blacklisted outlets. The three print pool chairs — Time magazine’s Zeke Miller and The New York Times’s Maggie Haberman and Ashley Parker — argued that candidates shouldn’t be able to pick the members of the pool rotation, a source with knowledge of the matter said. Related: On Mexico trip, Trump leaves press stranded Separately, news outlets have also been pressing for greater access to Trump, citing the Clinton campaign’s decision to let some reporters travel on Clinton’s plane. Even with this week’s change, Trump is likely to continue attacking the media. His 15-month-long campaign has doubled as a campaign against the media. He routinely depicts news outlets and individual journalists as opponents.)


— House Republicans Who Favor Immigration Overhaul Face Potential Losses – EMMARIE HUETTEMAN


— Voting restrictions echo Jim Crow laws, Hillary Clinton says – Chris Megerian  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats hint/imply/argue/shout a) that if you are not a Democrat, you are a racist, sexist, bigot, and even worse things and b) that if you are not a Democrat, Democrats will get rid of you.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Democrats rally around Clinton and paint Trump as unfit for office.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Trump flunks the commander-in-chief test.”  What tests have you passed?  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always been furious a) that I passed the CPA examination on my first attempt in 1979, b) that I passed the Certified Internal Auditor examination on my first attempt in 1981, and c) that I passed all the test necessary to earn a job-related bachelor’s degree in 1970 and job-related masters degrees in 1976, 1980, and 1997.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “The Trump strategy for success? Fire everyone.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Republicans say “Trump and Priebus’s sexism show the challenges Clinton will face — even if she wins.”–even-if-she-wins/2016/09/08/c561c82c-7603-11e6-b786-19d0cb1ed06c_story.html


— GAO Reports on IRS Guidance Procedures


— How Phyllis Schlafly led America to Donald Trump – DONALD T. CRITCHLOW


— Age Discrimination and Lost Income Are Hurting Older Workers – Reuters
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Age discrimination is illegal under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967. The law prohibits treating job applicants or employees who are over age 40 less favorably because of age. (The law applies to employers with 20 or more workers.) But most of the complaints filed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission focus on age-bias terminations rather than hiring – simply because hiring discrimination is so difficult to prove. Yet two-thirds of older workers believe age discrimination occurs in the workplace, according to a 2013 survey by AARP. Older job seekers need much more time to find a job than older workers – 36 weeks in 2015, compared with 26 weeks for younger workers, SCEPA data shows. The evidence on discrimination A recent study by economists at the University of California at Irvine and Tulane University found strong evidence of age discrimination in hiring, particularly for older women. The researchers sent out 40,000 dummy job applications that included signals on the job-seekers’ ages, and then monitored the response rates. They measured callback rates for various occupations; workers age 49-51 applying for administrative positions had a callback rate 29 percent lower than younger workers, and it was 47 percent lower for workers over age 64. Other studies suggest that the long-term jobless rate for women over age 55 is several percentage points higher than it is for men. But older men are struggling too – especially white males with less education. This shows up in government numbers on job tenure, according to Teresa Ghilarducci, a labor economist and SCEPA’s director. From 2012 to 2014, median job tenure with a current employer for white males age 55 and older with less education (high school or less) decreased to 16.7 years from 17.7 years, while job tenure for all other groups rose. “The people who are losing the most are white, high school-educated men,” she said.)


— Democrats Agree Candidate Health Important But Not Hillary’s

September 8 Morning Edition

— CTU to take new strike authorization vote — but hasn’t set date – Lauren FitzPatrick


— Matt Lauer gets pummeled online over his questions at Commander-in-Chief forum
— Officials seek to try teen as adult in kidnapping of Wheaton College student – Clifford Ward
— Trump Tower condo lists for $12.7 million – Bob Goldsborough


— David Harris, others left out of meeting on replacing Matt Murphy – Kerry Lester
— Money drop  Wheaton native Dan Proft’s Illinois Liberty Principles PAC got a $1 million check from billionaire hedge fund manager Ken Griffin of Chicago this week, bringing the group’s cash on hand to around $5 million. Proft emerged as a key player in the spring primaries, spending millions on candidates aligned with GOP Gov. Bruce Rauner’s agenda. Watch for more in the weeks to come. – Kerry Lester


— Rauner adds a potential $56 million string to lottery deal – GREG HINZ


— Rauner tries to fix a bad financial deal Blagojevich-era interest rate swaps cost the state tens of millions – Judith Crown  (DIERSEN: What do you know about interest rate swaps?  GAO audits federal financial industry regulators.  I worked for GAO on audits that involved interest rate swaps 1990-1997.  I earned a masters degree in financial markets and trading from IIT in 1997.  In 1997, I knew as much as any GAO employee about interest rate swaps.)


— Court completes Legislature’s job – Editorial


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Obama says “Americans will reject Trump’s ‘wacky’ ideas.”  Ever-increasingly, Democrats make it more clear that they are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.


— New Election Complaint Expected Against GOP Senator Opposed By Rauner – AMANDA VINICKY


— What Are You Called To Do? – Tim Hetzner (DIERSEN: What are you called to do?  My church-going critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes talk and act like their are a) called to stop me from putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out and b) called to stop everyone from reading those emails.)


— Illinois Trial Lawyers Association a big donor to state politicians




— The legacy media meltdown over Donald Trump  Panicked and muddled, anti-Trump forces ignore Americans’ concerns – Tammy Bruce


— Donald Trump breathes life into GOP, resurrects Party of Lincoln – Doug Ibendahl
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Two blocks from where I live in Chicago, history was made 156 years ago this past May. The southeast corner of what is now Lake Street and Wacker Drive in the Loop was the site of the Republican National Convention which nominated Abraham Lincoln for President. The Republican Party was just six years old in 1860 and Chicago business leaders had hastily constructed an all-wooden structure to attract what was only the second Republican National Convention. Known as the Wigwam, the building was always intended to be temporary, and from all accounts it sounds like it was a bit of a firetrap. But it served its purpose well that year when well over 10,000 delegates and spectators crammed the facility to the rafters. Lincoln himself did not travel to Chicago and instead remained in Springfield where he anxiously monitored reports from his operatives via telegraph. Back then it was considered bad form for any potential nominee to be present at the convention. Lincoln eventually secured the nomination on the third ballot. In Lincoln’s time there was nothing resembling the state-by-state primary system we have today. Back then the good-old-boys procured delegates in the smoke-filled rooms. After the convention the Wigwam saw other uses but it soon fell into disrepair. Fire did finally claim the structure in 1867 (four years prior to the Great Chicago Fire). The only hint remaining of the Wigwam and what happened there is a plaque along the sidewalk in front of a modern office tower at 191 N. Wacker Drive, installed when the location was designated a Chicago Landmark in 2002. We all know what happened after that 1860 convention. Lincoln went on to become one of, if not our greatest President. He freed the slaves, won the Civil War, and saved the Union. Grateful African-Americans made the Republican Party their home for generations. And across the country, GOP organizations at all levels still strap themselves to Lincoln’s mantle at every opportunity. Here in his home-state the annual Lincoln Day Dinner is often the only fundraising event a county Republican organization has. So we all know about the lip service. But how is the Party of Lincoln actually doing in the Land of Lincoln when it comes to preserving the leader’s legacy? Judging by all of the empirical evidence, not so well. The GOP’s good-old-boys of today would make the good-old-boys back in the Wigwam blush. It’s hardly news that black voters these days have rewarded the GOP with paltry support every Election Day. Hispanic participation in the Illinois GOP isn’t much better. And let’s face it, participation in the Republican Party by white Illinoisans hasn’t exactly been anything to brag about either.  So what does Donald Trump have to do with all of this? A lot. In our lifetime we have never had a Republican nominee who so gets it about the rigged system. And Mr. Trump is addressing the problem on two levels. Trump has masterfully attacked the rigged system within both major political parties, and even better, he does a wonderful job exposing the rigged elements within our global economic system. He hits both themes at pretty much every one of his huge rallies. Some say Trump is not a free trader. In truth Trump does believe in free trade, but it has to be fair trade. Overly complex trade agreements entered into by weak U.S. representatives who got bamboozled at the negotiating table have delivered deals which are disadvantageous to the average American. Trade resulting from these bad deals is neither fair nor free. Donald Trump literally wrote the book on negotiation. Granted, as President he won’t have the luxury of being able to sit at every negotiating table. But hiring is another arena where Trump excels. He’ll bring on the best people and replace the pushovers with tough, seasoned professionals. It’s all about bringing back jobs and getting America working again. Donald Trump is a builder and he knows how to inspire. From a speech in June: “Americans are the people that tamed the West, that dug out the Panama Canal, that sent satellites across the solar system, that built the great dams and so much more. Then we really started thinking small. Something happened. Something happened to our mentality. We started thinking small. We stopped believing in what America could do, and became reliant on other countries, other people and other institutions. We lost our sense of purpose and daring. But that’s not who we are.”  Trump wants to keep building big things, and that’s a message that resonates with African-Americans and Hispanics as much as with anyone else. He’s been refreshingly honest about how his life up to now has been about accumulating wealth for himself and his family. Now at 70 years of age he wants to devote his skill set to helping all Americans climb the economic ladder. Every election cycle Republican candidates talk about reaching out to minority communities – but that’s all it’s been, talk. In Mr. Trump we finally have a standard-bearer who can back-up the rhetoric with a decades-long record of creating thousands of real jobs for men and women of all races and creeds. On the opposite bank of the Chicago River and just half-a-dozen blocks away from the site of Lincoln’s nomination is Trump International Hotel and Tower. The second tallest building in the City, it’s also considerably safer and more permanent than the old Wigwam. The betterment which a Trump Administration will bring to the lives of all Americans left behind and taken-for-granted by the politicians of both parties can be just as strong and permanent. And in four years Mr. Lincoln might just recognize that party of freedom, opportunity, and inclusiveness which he helped found.)
— Clinton campaign warns media to tread carefully – Amie Parnes (DIERSEN: Who warns you?  The following warn me: those who a) reject planks in the Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, b) reject planks in the Illinois Republican Party platform and work against those like me who support those planks, c) reject the Milton Township Republican Central Committee resolution against video gambling and work against those like me who support that resolution, d) focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate, e) were defendants in lawsuits that I have filed, f) are operatives for the aforesaid, and/or g) are dupes for the aforesaid and those who are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.)
— House GOP hoping a ‘disciplined’ Trump can win – Cristina Marcos and Mike Lillis  (DIERSEN: Are you disciplined?  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted that I have always been undisciplined.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes focus on destroying those like me who they cannot manipulate/dominate.)
— Clinton: ISIS praying for Trump to win – Jesse Byrnes


— IRS Impeachment Debate Latest Example of House GOP Infighting  Rank-and-file shows influence when the conference lacks consensus to act – Lindsey McPherson


— RNC chief critique: Clinton didn’t smile during national security forum – Daniella Diaz  (DIERSEN: How often do you smile?  My nasty, troubled, failed, and/or vicious critics/opponents, their nasty, troubled, failed, and/or vicious operatives, and their nasty, troubled, failed, and/or vicious dupes demonize me, denigrate me, and condemn me for not smiling enough.  They want me to be happy that they don’t work harder against me than they do.)


— Kremlin Declines to Comment on Donald Trump’s Latest Praise of Vladimir Putin – PATRICK REEVELL


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH TWO COLOR PICTURES: HARDCOPY ARTICLE TITLE IN THE DAILY HERALD: Candidates defend their judgment  Trump, Clinton face tough questions about commanding – John Wagner, Jose A. DelReal and Anne Gearan  (DIERSEN: Who questions your judgment? My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always questioned my judgment.  They hint/imply/argue/shout that everything that I have done and everything that I have not done a) has caused all the problems that they have had, that you have had, that I have had, and that everyone has had, b) is causing all the problems that they are having, that you are having, that I am having, and that everyone is having, and c) will cause all the problems that they will have, that you will have, that I will have, and that everyone will have.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “The Black Eyes in Donald Trump’s Life. Over his seven decades he’s left a trail of victims.”  (DIERSEN: Who are your victims?  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes would cite a) those who GAO did not promote to GS-13 in 1986, b) those who GAO did not hire in 1980, c) those who IRS did not promote in 1974, 1973, and 1972, d) those who IRS did not hire in 1971, and e) those who the Post Office did not hire in 1966.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes would especially stress those of the aforesaid who are minority, female, younger than me, and/or veterans.  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes would also stress all the Republican candidates in Illinois who suffered defeats since 2000.)
— Release Your Medical Records? First, You Must Collect Them – Margot Sanger-Katz


— Gambling idiot blows $1 million on lottery tickets, loses everything  Adam Osmond was a convenience store owner in Connecticut who suffered from a compulsive gambling addiction that cost him thousands of dollars each week, his business and his family. Osmond was ordered by a Connecticut court to pay the sum of lotto tickets he printed at his store, but after seven years, a second judge found the penalty to be illegal. Osmond eventually discovered running and is now an avid runner who helps other recovering gambling addicts.


— Donald Has 60 Days to Close the Deal  He acted presidential in Mexico and Detroit. Can he keep it up? – Karl Rove


— Libertarians Have Radical Plans for Your Money—and May Sway the Election – Larry Light  (DIERSEN: Do you oppose pot?  Because I have always opposed pot, Libertarians and Libertarian plants in Wheaton, in Glen Ellyn, in Milton Township, in DuPage County, and in Illinois have always worked against me.)


— Diversity — History’s Pathway To Chaos – Victor Davis Hanson  (DIERSEN: To promote diversity is to promote discrimination.  To promote diversity is a) to promote giving preference to those who are minority, female, and/or younger, and therefore b) to promote discrimination against those who are White, male, and/or older. Because I have always opposed such discrimination, individuals, organizations, companies, governments, and counties that promote diversity have always worked against me.)
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Emphasizing diversity has been the pitfall, not the strength, of nations throughout history.  The Roman Empire worked as long as Iberians, Greeks, Jews, Gauls and myriad other African, Asian and European communities spoke Latin, cherished habeas corpus and saw being Roman as preferable to identifying with their own particular tribe. By the fifth century, diversity had won out but would soon prove a fatal liability. Rome disintegrated when it became unable to assimilate new influxes of northern European tribes. Newcomers had no intention of giving up their Gothic, Hunnish or Vandal identities. The propaganda of history’s multicultural empires — the Ottoman, the Russian, the Austro-Hungarian, the British and the Soviet — was never the strength of their diversity. To avoid chaos, their governments bragged about the religious, ideological or royal advantages of unity, not diversity. Nor did more modern quagmires like Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Rwanda or Yugoslavia boast that they were “diverse.” Instead, their strongman leaders naturally claimed that they shared an all-encompassing commonality. When such coerced harmony failed, these nations suffered the even worse consequences of diversity, as tribes and sects turned murderously upon each other. For some reason, contemporary America believes that it can reject its uniquely successful melting pot to embrace a historically dangerous and discredited salad-bowl separatism. Is there any evidence from the past that institutionalizing sects and ethnic grievances would ensure a nation’s security, prosperity and freedom? America’s melting pot is history’s sole exception of E pluribus unum inclusivity: a successful multiracial society bound by a common culture, language and values. But this is a historic aberration with a future that is now in doubt. Some students attending California’s Claremont College openly demand roommates of the same race. Racially segregated “safe spaces” are fixtures on college campuses. We speak casually of bloc voting on the basis of skin color — as if a lockstep Asian, Latino, black or white vote is a good thing. We are reverting to the nihilism of the old Confederacy. The South’s “one-drop rule” has often been copied to assure employers or universities that one qualifies as a minority. Some public figures have sought to play up or invent diversity advantages. Sometimes, as in the cases of Elizabeth Warren, Rachel Dolezal and Ward Churchill, the result is farce. Given our racial fixations, we may soon have to undergo computer scans of our skin colors to rank competing claims of grievance. How does one mete out the relative reparations for various atrocities of the past, such as slavery, the Holocaust, the American Indian wars, the Asian or Catholic exclusion laws, indentured servitude, or the mid-18th-century belief that the Irish were not quite human? Sanctuary cities, in the manner of 1850s Richmond or Charleston invoking nullification, now openly declare themselves immune from federal law. Does that defiance ensure every city the right to ignore whatever federal laws it finds inconvenient, from the filing of 1040s to voting laws. The diversity industry hinges on U.S. citizens still envisioning a shrinking white population as the “majority.” Yet “white” is now not always easily definable, given intermarriage and constructed identities. In California, those who check “white” on Orwellian racial boxes are now a minority. Will white Californians soon nightmarishly declare themselves aggrieved minorities and thus demand affirmative action, encourage Viking-like names such as Ragnar or Odin, insert umlauts and diereses into their names to hype their European bona fides, seek segregated European-American dorms and set up “Caucasian Studies” programs at universities? Women now graduate from college at a higher rate than men. Will there be a male effort to ensure affirmative action for college admissions and graduation rates? If the white vote reaches 70% for a particular candidate, is that really such a good thing, as it was considered to be when President Obama was praised for capturing 95% of the black vote? It is time to step back from the apartheid brink. Even onetime diversity advocate Oprah Winfrey has had second thoughts about the lack of commonality in America. She recently vowed to quit using the word “diversity” and now prefers “inclusion.” A Latino-American undergraduate who is a student of Shakespeare is not “culturally appropriating” anyone’s white-European legacy, but instead seeking transcendence of ideas and a common humanity. Asian-Americans are not “overrepresented” at premier campuses. Their high-profile presence should be praised as a model, not punished as aberrant by number-crunching bureaucrats. African-Americans who excel in physics and engineering are not “acting white” but finding the proper pathways for their natural talents. Being one-half Southeast Asian or three-quarters white is not the touchstone to one’s essence and is irrelevant to one’s character and conduct. No one is impinging on anyone’s culture when blacks dye their hair blond, or when blondes prefer to wear cornrow braids. Campuses desperately need unity czars, not diversity czars. Otherwise, we will end up as 50 separate and rival nations — just like other failed states in history whose diverse tribes and races destroyed themselves in a Hobbesian dog-eat-dog war with one another.)
— The Republican Turncoats – STEPHEN MOORE

September 5 Morning Edition

— Rauner will walk in Naperville’s Labor Day parade Monday, September 5, 2016.  Other Republicans in the parade include Janice Anderson, Judge Liam Brennan, Matt Carlyle, Michael Connelly, Jay Fisher, Jim Healy, Jeanne Ives, Chris Kachiroubas, Tonia Khouri, Kerry Malm, Burt Minor, David Olsen, Rachel Ossyra, Peter Roskam, Carl Schultz, and Grant Wehrli. – Dave Diersen


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Republicans say “Labor Day is what we make of it.”
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Take west suburban Naperville, where the parade to be held Monday morning is officially billed as the “Last Fling,” as though the day’s purpose is to have one last celebration before summer comes to an end. The day is officially being sponsored in that community by a Kia auto dealership and is honoring the local park district as its grand marshal, although among its participants will be Gov. Bruce Rauner – not exactly the kind of politico with any interest in building up a favorable impression among organized labor interests. The atmosphere in Naperville is likely to be different than what will take place in Calumet City – which usually has an end-of-summer parade that gives a bit of tribute to organized labor. IT’S NOT THE kind of place that Rauner would choose to be in – likely because he knows the locals would boo and heckle him mercilessly if he were to show his face. Which is probably why Lt. Gov. Evelyn Sanguinetti will be the official state participant in that parade – I suspect her presence will be undetected because most of the locals won’t have a clue who she is or what she looks like!)


— Governor Rauner says he is voting for Trump. – Jeff Berkowitz


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Republicans say “Rauner’s big bet makes Labor Day campaign kickoff thing of the past.”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps ask “Can Democrats ride an anti-Trump wave to retake the House and Senate?”
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “6 things we know heading into the final months of the presidential race.”
— Stress test – Ilya Pozin  (DIERSEN: What do your critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes do to promote your stress? Things that my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes do include a) discouraging me from putting GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails together and sending them out, b) discouraging everyone from reading those emails, and c) discouraging Republicans from helping support Wheaton’s Independence Day fireworks and parades.)




— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Rauners say “Gov. Bruce Rauner’s agenda has been stymied in first 2 years” and ask “would it work anyway?”
— DeKalb County unemployment rate falls
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps demonize, denigrate, and condemn Trup and Trump’s supporters. Anti-Trumps are anti-Protestant, anti-conservative, anti-Republican, anti-American, anti-White, anti-male, anti-older people, anti-rich people, anti-gun owners, and/or anti-those whose ancestors have been in America longer than their ancestors.


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Rauner Michael Carrigan says “This Labor Day, working families say no to Rauner’s agenda.”  Government is nasty. Politics is nasty.  What are your connections with unions?  Virtually all my critics/opponents in government and in politics, their operatives, and their dupes are vehemently anti-union, if not union haters. They stress that I was a union member for almost 12 years, that unions helped me win grievances against the Post Office and IRS, that I might still be a GAO employee if GAO had been unionized in 1997, and that I have only bought cars that were built by union members.


— Man charged with theft at video gambling site – Rob Stroud


— Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump courting Ohio voters on Labor Day – AP (DIERSEN: A mere 16 years ago, Bush and Cheney walked in Naperville’s Labor Day parade.)


— Giuliani on Trump Immigration Speech: Big Opening for Law-Abiding Illegals – Cathy Burke (DIERSEN: By definition, you break the law if you come to America illegally, if you stay in America illegally, and/or if you bring others to America illegally.)


— TRUMP AND PUTTING AMERICA FIRST  The real significance of Trump’s immigration speech and his meeting with President Nieto. – Michael Cutler (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs put foreign countries, and especially Mexico, ahead of America.)


— How to Be a Liberal – Matt Patterson
— Hey #NeverTrumps: This Could Be Your Last Relevant Election – Brian C. Joondeph  (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps are more than happy to live the rest of their lives under Democrat domination.  They look forward to a) promoting dependency on government, b) promoting LGBTQ activity, c) promoting abortion, d) promoting mass/illegal immigration, e) promoting race and gender based preference giving, f) promoting age discrimination, g) promoting pot, booze, gambling, and other vices, h) promoting abolishment of the Second Amendment, and i) promoting other planks in the Democrat Party platform.)


— Woman Caught on Video Trying to Steal Man’s Front Yard Trump Sign — but Karma Is Swift – Jason Howerton  (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps are moral relativists who believe that their end justifies their means.  Anti-Trumps are disciples of Saul Alinsky.)


— Trump tells black congregation he wants to fix ‘many wrongs’ – JILL COLVIN and COREY WILLIAMS  (DIERSEN: Which “wrongs” do your critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes want Trump to “fix?”  My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes would stress a) the Post Office hiring me in 1966 instead of a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, or a poor veteran, b) IRS hiring me in 1971 instead of a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, or a poor veteran, c) IRS promoting me in 1972, 1973, and 1974 instead of poor Democrats, poor minorities, poor females, or poor veterans, d) GAO hiring me in 1980 instead of a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, a poor younger person, or a poor veteran, e) GAO promoting me in 1986 instead of a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, a poor younger person, or a poor veteran, and f) GAO not forcing me to retire sooner than it did so that a poor Democrat, a poor minority, a poor female, a poor younger person, or a poor veteran could have my job and my preferred corner office.  Just kidding, but not completely.)–many-wrongs-.html


— FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD: Young Blacks Voice Skepticism on Hillary Clinton, Worrying Democrats – JONATHAN MARTIN
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs side with Muslims and against infidels.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Ever-increasingly, Democrats and RINOs a) side with people who come to America illegally, with people who stay in America illegally, and with people who bring other people into America illegally and b) side with anti-Americans against Americans.
— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “Donald Trump Does Detroit.”
— Yes, the News Can Survive the Newspaper – Jim Rutenberg  (DIERSEN: Ever-increasingly, newspapers serve as arms of the Democrat Party.)


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say that Trump has “problems with suburban voters.”


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say that Pence is “Trump’s evangelist, emissary, and explainer in chief.”


— Bill Clinton to march with unions in Labor Day parade in Detroit – Kathleen Gray


— Unions ready to fight Trump over rank-and-file voters – Keith Laing and Jonathan Oosting  (DIERSEN: Government is nasty. Politics is nasty.  What are your connections with unions?  Virtually all my critics/opponents in government and in politics, their operatives, and their dupes are vehemently anti-union, if not union haters. They stress that I was a union member for almost 12 years, that unions helped me win grievances against the Post Office and IRS, that I might still be a GAO employee if GAO had been unionized in 1997, and that I have only bought cars that were built by union members.)


— Are you free to speak? Why the First Amendment probably won’t be much help in the workplace – Russell Hubbard  (DIERSEN: To justify their wasting my career and to justify their forcing me to retire in 1997 when I was 49 years old, my Democrat superiors, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates in the federal government frequently asked me questions to confirm that I a) opposed promoting dependency on government, b) opposed promoting LGBTQ activity, c) opposed promoting abortion, d) opposed promoting mass/illegal immigration, e) opposed promoting race and gender based preference giving, f) opposed promoting age discrimination, g) opposed promoting pot, booze, gambling, and other vices, h) opposed promoting abolishment of the Second Amendment, and i) opposed promoting other planks in the Democrat Party platform.)


— Patricia Arquette brings ‘Equal’ pay, rights to forefront – Patrick Ryan  (DIERSEN: What does Arquette think of you?  Of course, needless-to-say, she would agree with my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes who have always viciously demonized me, viciously denigrated me, and viciously condemned me as being a male who was overpaid and whose pension and other retirement benefits are far too generous. My critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes have always hinted/implied/argued/shouted at women that a) that instead of me, the Post Office should have hired a poor woman in 1966, b) that the Post Office should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a poor woman could have my job, c) that instead of me, IRS should have hired a poor woman in 1971, d) that instead of me, IRS should have promoted poor women in 1972, 1973, and 1974, e) that instead of me, GAO should have hired a poor woman in 1980, f) that instead of me, GAO should have promoted a poor woman in 1986, and g) that GAO should gotten rid of me much sooner than it did so that a poor woman could have my job and have my preferred corner office.)
— Chancellor Merkel’s party suffers loss in home state over migrant policy – Angela Waters
(FROM THE ARTICLE: The vote came as Merkel’s party is losing favor with voters. Only 45% of Germans backed the chancellor, according to a recent poll by German broadcaster ARD. “Germany needs to get tougher on rape. It’s horrible that the Afghani refugees could do that to a girl and still walk up to her on the street,” Wolfram Burow, 57, who works in property management, said about a suspect on trial for rape in Cologne’s mass New Year’s Eve attacks. “Angela Merkel’s ‘we can manage it’ policy is nonsense,” he added. “She’s not doing anything except creating chaos for us to deal with. I voted for the SPD to see if they could do something to stop it.”)
— Labor Day a time for family, friends – and some history on how it started – Susan Miller


— DIERSEN HEADLINE: Anti-Trumps say “TRUMP WILL PAY A HIGH PRICE FOR HIS BROMANCE WITH PUTIN.”  Putin has a much higher opinion of members of the following groups than Democrats and RINOs have: Protestant, conservative, Republican, American, White, male, older, rich, gun owners, and/or those whose ancestors have been in America for a long time.


— Clinton in the final stretch: winning over anti-Trump contingent may be best play – Dan Roberts  (DIERSEN: Anti-Trumps are more than happy to live the rest of their lives under Democrat domination.  They look forward to a) promoting dependency on government, b) promoting LGBTQ activity, c) promoting abortion, d) promoting mass/illegal immigration, e) promoting race and gender based preference giving, f) promoting age discrimination, g) promoting pot, booze, gambling, and other vices, h) promoting abolishment of the Second Amendment, and i) promoting other planks in the Democrat Party platform.)


— Mustang conquers the world  A globetrotting hit, from Europe to Mideast to Australia – Nick Bunkley  (DIERSEN: Of course, needless-to-say, my critics/opponents, their operatives, and their dupes demonize me, denigrate me, and condemn me for buying a new 2016 Ford Mustang.  They stress that it was built by union members.)